nonsensemonkey · 6 months
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easily my favorite character in the entire movie. she was literally on her hot girl shit. saved the day. then got my dream ending tbh. paty forever! i can't believe she invited sex, purple and bestfriend supporting roles. wow, queen 💜
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miley1442111 · 4 months
saving me- s.reid
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a/n: fem reader, but as always imagine what you like :)
summary: spencer has to save you before it's too late.
pairing: spencer reid x fem bau! reader
warnings: general cm topics, sexual assault, hostage situation, drugging, the team don't know about you and spencer, injuries, reader gets injured, reader is allergic to opioids, drugs, alergic reaction, knives, guns, reader begs to be killed, spencer shoots someone. (i think that's it, tell me if i missed anything :))
Another migraine. Another fucking migraine. 
Your life was truly a joke. 
You sat beside Emily in the car, eyes heavy with pain as you profusely rubbed them, the sunlight from the sky beside you far too bright. 
“Y/l/n? Any ideas?” Morgan asked, kicking you softly under the table.
“The unsub will probably be extremely interested in the investigation but they probably won’t bring themselves into it. We’ll end up seeking them out,” you rattled off. 
“Are you alright?” Prentiss whispered. 
“Fine,” you lied. “Just tired eyes.” 
Spencer’s eyes were on you from the second you’d spoken about your ‘tired eyes’. He was meant to be working up a geological profile, but his focus was completely on you. ‘Tired eyes’, you’d been wearing glasses or contacts all week, you’d been drinking enough liquids, you’d been eating, he assumed you’d slept, you'd been busy most of the week and sleeping at your own apartment instead of his. 
What could cause ‘tired eyes’?
“Reid!” Seaver all but shouted in his ear. 
“Y-yeah? Yes?” He answered, eyes focusing on the map again. 
“Is Y/l/n here?” Rossi asked. 
“W-what? No. I thought she went with Hotch and Prentiss,” he hesitated. 
“She told them she was with us,” Rossi sighed. “So then where is she?”
“I-I don’t know,” Spencer admitted. “I’ll call her.”
Rossi held up your cell phone and Spencer’s stomach dropped.
“Shit,” he cursed.
“Shit is right,” Rossi nodded. 
It had been 24 hours, you were officially a missing person. You had no idea where you were, someone must’ve drugged you. That hadn’t been a regular migraine. Your head thumped with pain as you struggled against the duct tape around your hands and feet. 
“You’re one beautiful girl, aren’t you?” You could hear the smirk in his voice, feel the way he was watching you. 
You tried to scream but the duct tape around your mouth made it difficult.
“I’m going to enjoy this,” he came closer, into the light. You could see his face. He was a white male, between the ages of 35-40, dad-build, and a sick smirk. 
You didn’t fight back, you couldn’t. You didn’t even notice the camera in the corner. You didn’t know that this was being recorded, or live-streamed directly to Penelope. Penelope, who showed it to the team. To your boyfriend. 
They were watching the worst moment of your life unfold. 
And you had no idea. 
“Guys,” Penelope squeaked. “This j-just came through,” she showed them her laptop and looked away, tears clouding her vision. 
“Is that-” Derek started
“Y/n,” Aaron finished for him. 
“What about her? Did you find her?” Spencer asked, staring at the group from behind Penelope. “Is she ok?”
The team’s eyes were glued to the screen as Spencer stood there, demanding an answer. 
“Guys what?!” he shouted. “Someone answer me!”
“Come here,” Seaver sighed. Spencer stood beside her and watched in horror as the unsub hurt you. 
“We have to find her,” he stated. “Now.”
“Please, please just kill me,” you begged. He’d taken the tape off a while ago. “Please kill me.”
“I’m not a necrophiliac,” he laughed in your face. “I like my girls alive.”
“Fuck you,” you sobbed. Blood, dirt, tears, and sweat coating your skin. “Fuck you!”
“I’m actively trying to fuck you,” he laughed again. You hated him. You hated this. You hated everything.  
“Just kill me,” you sobbed. “Please!”
He hit you on the head and you went out again. 
“FBI!” Morgan’s voice rang out through the warehouse. Spencer was hot on his heels, walking ahead of him and ignoring proper protocol. “Reid!” He ran after him. 
“FBI! Put the knife down!” Spencer shouted at the unsub holding a knife to your throat. Something had gone wrong. He scanned the room quickly. 
“I-I didn’t mean to- I was just-” The unsub stepped away, dropping the knife. “She wasn’t meant to die.”
Die. Dead. You were dead.
Spencer fired his gun without a second thought. He ran over to you and checked your pulse, there but barely. 
“Hotch I need an ambulance!” He shouted. “Y/n, baby, I need you to wake up,” he begged. “Please, please, wake up, I need you Y/n. Please.” 
“Spencer-” Prentiss started but Spencer silenced her with his own words. 
“We’re dating. We have been for a year and a half, don’t you dare tell me to ‘step away’,” he sighed. 
The paramedics rushed in, starting you on an IV. 
“She’s allergic to opioids,” Spencer rattled off. “She can’t have any opioids.”
“Spencer,” Hotch sighed. “She’s had some already,” Hotch pointed to the vials in the corner of the room and the rusty needle beside them. 
“So when were you planning on telling us?” Derek sighed as they all sat in the waiting room.
“I don’t know, soon-maybe?”
“A year and a half is a long time,” Emily smiled. “Congratulations.”
Spencer nodded.
“Dr. Reid?” The nurse asked. Spencer shot up and out of his seat. 
“Ms. Y/l/n is stable but she is severely hurt. Physically and... mentally. She endured hours of sexual assault and her body and mind reflect that. I suggest someone non-threatening to see her first. Maybe a woman?”
Spencer gulped and nodded. “Emily?”
“Yeah of course,” she nodded, walking behind the nurse as he led her to your room.
You wanted Spencer. You needed him.
Emily walked in and tears filled your eyes. “Where’s Spencer? Is he ok?”
“He’s fine, they just thought that you’d want someone non-threatening to come in and see you first-” Emily explained. 
“Can you go grab Spencer please?” you sniffled. She smiled and nodded, then left the room. 
“Spencer?” Emily called into the hall. “She wants you.”
Spencer had never walked faster in his life. 
There you were. Bruises and scratches littering your body and face. Your beautiful face. Your beautiful smile and teary eyes.
“Come here, please,” you whispered. Spencer sat at your side, your hand in his. “Thank you.”
He chuckled sadly. “For what?”
“Saving me. All the time,” you smiled softly.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
Can you do a Bucky x hydra oc fic
They were engaged in the forties but out of the blue hydra agents kidnapped her and conditioned her to be a winter soldier with powers like Wanda but her powers are purple
Years go by the avengers break into a hydra base and run into y/n Bucky recognizes her immediately however y/n doesn’t both soldiers go head to head until Bucky sedates her and then brings her back to the tower.
Weeks go by with Bucky trying to get her to remember one day he loses his tags she comes across it and suddenly she gets her memory back and runs through the facility looking for him and tells him that she remembers him and them and tells him she still wants to marry him and it ends in smut
Found My Way Back To You » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Fiancée/Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Fiancée/Enhanced!Female Reader
Summary: You and Bucky were engaged in the 1940s and finds you’re alive and he gets you back to the Avengers Compound safe and sound and does everything he can to get you to remember him and you eventually find your way back to him.
Warnings: Fluff, little bit of Angst, Smut ending (18+), language, HYDRA, flashbacks, crying, kissing, hickeys, unprotected sex, praise kink, Bucky’s dog tags, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
A/N #2: The reader is another Winter Soldier and she has powers like Wanda. Flashbacks are in italic text.
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIFS ARE NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You woke up to the sound of movement. You got out of bed to check it out. You opened the bedroom door and stepped out in the hallway, cautiously walking towards the living room. You poked your head around the corner to see men dressed in black looking for something. You quickly went back to your bedroom and hid in the closet and put your hand over your mouth. They must’ve heard you somehow, because they made their way to your bedroom and broke down the door. They looked around the room and under the bed. One of the men stopped in front of the closet door and pressed his ear against it, hearing the sound of whimpers. He opened it and pulled you out of the closet. You kicked and screamed, doing everything you could to get away from them. You yelped when a needle pricked your neck. Within a few seconds, your eyes fluttered shut and your body went limp.
A few hours later, you woke up strapped to a chair in what it seems to be some kind of lab. One of the guards noticed and alerted everyone else in Russian. A man approached you and crouched down in front of you.
“Welcome to HYDRA.” The man said in Russian. “You’re going to be our newest experiment.” He says.
Before you could kick, scream, or protest, a scientist put an IV in your arm that had some kind of blue liquid in it. That’s when all of the pain began.
Bucky walked up and down the hallways of the HYDRA base with his gun held in front of him and checking every corner and room. He thought everything was clear, but he was wrong. He got caught off guard and thrown into a wall. He groaned and stood up, reaching for his gun.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” You say.
Bucky froze in place. He knows that voice. It’s a voice from someone he was very close to in the 1940s. He hasn’t heard that voice in years. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him. He turned around slowly so he can see the person. His eyes went wide and his breath hitched in his throat. He couldn’t believe what- who he was seeing. His fiancée from the 1940s is standing a few feet away from him.
“Y/N?” Bucky asks.
“I don’t know who the hell Y/N is.” You slightly tilted your head. “What I do know is that you’re not supposed to be here, Soldat.” You say.
Bucky’s heart broke in a million pieces and he cringed when you called him Soldat. He hasn’t been called that in a while.
“Y/N, please…” He pleads. “It’s me. Bucky. Your Bucky.” He says.
Bucky stepped forward, getting closer to you, which was probably a mistake cause that got him thrown against the wall again. Bucky groans and stood up.
“Alright, doll…” Bucky sighs. “You want to fight, we’ll fight.” He says.
Bucky watched a purple ball of light glow in your hand and your eyes glowing purple. He knew this wasn’t going to end well, but he might as well give it his all.
You threw the purple energy blasts at him. He dodged every one of them and got closer to you as he did so. He managed to grab one of your wrists, which probably wasn’t a smart thing for him to do cause he got blasted through a door into a room. Bucky groaned and looked around, trying to gather his surroundings.
“You should just give up now, Soldat.” You walked in the room. “Just face it, you’re not as strong as you used to be, even with the metal arm.” You say.
“I’m not giving up.” Bucky stood up. “I’m just getting started.” He says.
Bucky seen something from the corner of his eye. He glanced over at the table and seen a syringe filled a sedative. That’s when an idea popped into his head. Bucky is going to attempt to pin you down and inject you with the sedative.
Bucky approached you, dodging your blasts each time. When he finally got to you, he tackled you to the floor. You didn’t let that stop you. You put up a fight. He wrapped his vibranium arm around you, pinning your arms down to your sides. He stood up with you squirming in his arms.
“Let me go!” You demanded, trying to squirm out of his strong grip.
Bucky ignored your pleads to let you go. His right hand took the cap off of the needle of the syringe and picked it up.
“I’m sorry, doll.” He apologizes before injecting you with the sedative.
A yelp left your lips when the needle pricked your arm. After a few seconds, your eyes fluttered shut and your body went limp in Bucky’s arms.
Bucky threw the syringe somewhere in the room and eased you down to the floor. He moved your hair from your face to get a good look at you. He felt his eyes tear up as he looked at you.
“What did they do to you, my sweet doll?” Bucky asks in a whisper, his voice cracking.
Bucky picked you up bridal style and carried you to the quinjet. He was met by Steve and Natasha at where they came in the base.
“What took you so- who’s that?” Natasha asks when she seen you in Bucky’s arms.
“I’ll explain later.” Bucky says.
Steve got a good look at your face when Bucky laid you down somewhere comfortable in the quinjet. He immediately knew who you are.
“Is this Y/N?” Steve asks Bucky.
“Yes.” Bucky answers, not taking his eyes off of you.
“What- how-” Steve couldn’t figure out what question he wanted to ask first.
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.” Bucky says.
When everyone got back to the compound, Bucky’s first priority was you. He got you cleaned up and put comfortable clothes on you that Natasha and Wanda provided for you. Then Bucky sat next to his bed and waited for you to wake up.
You woke up after a couple hours. You looked around the unfamiliar room, trying to gather your surroundings. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you tried to figure out where you are.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” Bucky says softly.
You turned your head and seen Bucky sitting in a chair next to the bed.
“Who are you and where am I?” You asked.
“I’m Bucky, your fiancée. You’re in the Avengers Compound.” Bucky answers.
“No.” You shook your head. “I don’t have a fiancée.” You threw the blankets off of you and got out of bed. “You’re the Winter Soldier and you drugged me and brought me to whatever this place is.” You say, looking around the room.
“What- no.” He stood up from the chair. “I’m not the Winter Soldier anymore.” He tells you. “I didn’t drug you. I just sedated you so I can get you out of there.” He explains softly.
Bucky slowly approached you so he didn’t scare you. You walked backwards till your back hit the wall behind you.
“Doll, I’m not going to hurt you.” He assures softly.
“Don’t come any closer!” Your eyes glowed purple. “Get away from me!” You shouted.
“Ok, ok.” He puts his hands up in surrender. “I’ll give you some space.” He says.
Bucky left his room to give you the space you needed. He sighed loudly as he entered the lounge room where all of the Avengers are.
“Does she remember you?” Steve asks Bucky.
“No.” Bucky sat down on the couch and ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s like I never existed to her.” He says.
Steve put a comforting hand on Bucky’s shoulder.
“Who is that girl?” Natasha asks.
“My fiancée.” Bucky answers.
Everyone in the room had surprised looks on their faces, except Steve. He already knew about you since you two are friends and grew up in the same time period as him and Bucky.
Bucky spent the day trying to figure out how to get you to remember him. He didn’t want to overwhelm you, but he wants you to know that he’s your fiancée. He was in the conference room and was supposed to be filling out paperwork from the mission he saved you from, but he was too lost in his thoughts. He didn’t even hear Steve and Natasha walk in the room.
“Bucky…” Steve says, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“What?” Bucky asks, looking up at him and Natasha.
“Me and Steve were doing some research on your fiancée and found something you might want to see.” Natasha says, handing Bucky the tablet she had in her hands.
Bucky took the tablet from her and read the information on you they had found on you. WINTER SOLDIER 2.0 EXPERIMENT was in bold, black, italic, capital letters.
“They were trying to make her a Winter Soldier.” Bucky says out loud, looking at Steve and Natasha.
“Keep reading.” Steve tells him.
Bucky kept reading and came across a note.
1945- Subject was found in her home in Brooklyn, New York. She will be the next experiment to be tested be a Winter Soldier.
Something about that note set Bucky off. He dropped the tablet on the table with and ran his fingers through his hair with teary eyes.
“No, no, no.” Bucky whispers to himself as a couple tears rolled down his cheeks. “This can’t be true.” He says, not wanting to believe it.
Bucky stood up from his seat and went to find you. He didn’t have to look long and hard. You were in the same room you were in when he brought you to the compound, his bedroom.
You jumped at the sound of the door opening and closing. Your eyes glowed purple and a purple ball of light glowed in your hand to defend yourself if it’s danger.
“Hey, hey.” Bucky coos softly. “It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you.” He assures. “I just want to talk if that’s ok with you.” He says.
You stared at him for a few silent seconds before agreeing to talk to him. Bucky sat on his bed and patted the spot next to him. You hesitated before sitting down.
“I’m going to tell you something, but I don’t want you to freak out, ok?” He says.
You nodded, waiting for him to continue.
“I’m Bucky, your fiancée. Your name is Y/N.” He starts. “We were in a relationship in the 1940s, but our time together got cut short because of something that happened to me when I was in the Army in 1945.” He explains.
You sat there, listening to him, but everything he’s saying doesn’t ring a bell to you.
“Does any of that sound familiar?” He asks.
“No.” You answered.
“Try thinking about it. It’ll come to you.” He says.
Bucky put his right hand on top of one of your hands. You jerked it away and moved further up the bed as a force of habit.
“Sorry.” You mumbled. “I do that when people touch me.” You say.
“You have nothing to apologize for. I get it.” He says understandingly.
You two sat in silence with at least a foot of distance in between the two of you for a few minutes.
“Why are you trying to get me to remember things I don’t remember?” You asked.
“We have history together.” He says.
“But I don’t know you.” You say.
You saying that felt like someone ripped Bucky’s heart out of his chest and crushed it in their bare hands. Bucky let out a shaky breath before standing up and left his room, giving you time to yourself.
Over the next few weeks, Bucky does everything he can to get you to remember him. He showed you pictures of you and him together, but nothing still doesn’t ring a bell to you. It’s breaking Bucky’s heart even more. He gets so upset that he takes it out on the punching bags in the gym.
Meanwhile, you were wandering around the compound, but you kept getting lost. You were still trying to adjust to being there. You heard panting and grunting noises coming from the gym. You walked in the gym to see Bucky working out. Bucky seen you from the corner of his eye and looked over at you, stopping what he was doing.
“You ok?” Bucky asks as he approaches you.
“Yea. I was walking around and heard noises in here.” You say.
“I was just working out.” He tells you.
“Oh ok.” You say.
Bucky walked past you to go to his bedroom to take a shower. You were about to leave the gym, but you caught a glimpse of something shiny on the floor. You walked over to it and picked it up. It was a necklace. Not just any kind of necklace. It was Bucky’s Army dog tags.
When Bucky was getting dressed after his shower, he noticed something off. As he was looking in the mirror, he quickly noticed that his dog tags weren’t around his neck. The only time he takes them off is when he takes showers.
“No…” Bucky says to himself.
Bucky looked on the sink counter in the bathroom, in and on his dresser and nightstand, his bed, the pants he wore, his jacket pockets, but he couldn’t find them. Meanwhile, you were still looking at Bucky’s dog tags. You weren’t sure what it was, but something them was familiar. That’s when a familiar voice echoed in your head.
“The 107th, Sergeant James Barnes.” The voice says.
That’s when you recognized the name on the dog tags. Your memories started flowing back in your mind like a broken dam. Then you ran through the compound, looking for Bucky. You looked everywhere, but couldn’t find him. Finally, you went to the floor where his room is. You knocked on his bedroom door rapidly till he opened it.
“Now’s not really-” Bucky got interrupted.
“I found your dog tags.” You gave them to him. “I remember.” You tell him.
“You remember? Oh my god, doll! That’s amazing!” He exclaims happily.
Bucky stepped aside, allowing you to walk in his room. You took a seat on the edge of his bed. He sat down next to you.
“I want you to know that I never forgot about you.” He tells you. “You’ve been on my mind everyday. I never stopped loving you.” He says.
He lifted his right hand to gently caress your cheek and rubbed his thumb against your skin. You leaned into his touch and looked deep in his blue eyes.
“Bucky…” You almost whisper.
“What is it, doll?” He asks, his eyes never leaving yours.
“I still want to get married.” You tell him. “I want to marry you.” You say.
A smile grew on Bucky’s face. He leaned in and kissed you passionately. You melted against his lips. The last time you and Bucky kissed was when he left for the Army. It felt so good to have his lips on yours again. He pulled away, still looking deep in your eyes.
“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say those words.” Bucky says.
He kissed you again. This time, he gently laid you back on his bed and got on top of you, hovering over you. Your hands grasped onto his t-shirt, pulling him closer to you.
“I missed you.” You say against his lips.
“I missed you more.” He says softly.
Your hands found their way to the bottom of his t-shirt and tugged on it, indicating that you wanted him to take it off. Bucky quickly understood and sat up on his knees. He took his shirt off and threw it somewhere in the room.
For a moment, Bucky was worried that you were going to say something about his vibranium arm and his scars, but you didn’t. You seen both, but you didn’t want to ruin the moment by bringing it up.
Bucky’s hands found their way to the bottom of your shirt. He looked up at you for permission before going any further. You nodded your head yes, giving him the ok. He took your shirt off and preceded to do the same thing with your pants, but paused and waited for permission again. You gave him permission by lifting your hips. He slid your pants does your legs and dropped them on the floor.
You placed a hand on Bucky’s abdomen, gently pushing him back a little so you could sit up. You unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned and unzipped the zipper of his jeans while maintaining eye contact and biting your bottom lip. Bucky noticed that same innocent look you always have in your eyes when you two are about to have sex. He loves that look.
Bucky got off the bed to take his jeans off and then got on then bed, hovering over you. He leaned his head down to place soft kisses along your shoulders. His right hand found its way to your back. You arched your back so he could unclasp your bra, exposing your breasts to him.
“You’re still gorgeous as the day I met you.” Bucky says softly.
You couldn’t help but blush. His compliments always made you blush.
Bucky’s hands made their way to the waistband of your panties. He hooked his fingers on the waistband and pulled them down your legs, leaving you completely exposed to him. He was still in his boxers. Your hands roamed his perfectly sculpted body, stopping just above the waistband of his boxers. You hooked your fingers in the waistband and tugged on them. Bucky chuckled softly at your eagerness before taking them off.
You couldn’t help but look at his cock, gasping softly when you seen how big he is. You didn’t know he was that big. Partly due to the Super Soldier serum that enhanced his appearance and features.
Bucky gave you a soft kiss on your lips before lining his cock at your entrance. He slowly slid it in your pussy, halting his movements when he heard you gasp.
“Are you ok, babydoll?” Bucky asks softly.
“Mhmm, yea.” You hummed, nodding your head.
Bucky continues to slowly slide his cock inside of you. When he was fully inside of you, he gave you a moment to adjust to his size since it’s been a long time since you two have had sex.
“You can move.” You gave him permission. “Don’t hold back. I can take it.” You say.
Bucky gave you a soft smile and a kiss before he started thrusting. His thrusts were slow and loving. Even though you said not to hold back, he still wanted to take it easy on you. You two used to have a fun sex life before he left for the Army. This time is different. All Bucky wanted to do is make love to you.
You spread your legs wider to give Bucky more access. One of Bucky’s hands found its way to your thigh, giving it a rub before lifting your leg and placing it on his hip.
“James…” You moaned softly.
Your eyes fluttered shut and you tilted your head to the side. Bucky softly kissed along your neck. His teeth lightly grazed your skin, making you gasp softly. He bit down hard enough for a hickey. He did t once more before going back to focusing on your pleasure.
Bucky always took your pleasure seriously. He always wants you to feel good. To make it more loving and romantic, his hands found their way to yours and intertwined his fingers with yours. You looked up at him with a loving look on your face. Bucky had the same look on his face.
Bucky leaned his forehead against your shoulder, nuzzling his face against the crook of your neck. The stubble of his beard poked and scratched your skin. You can’t remember the last time Bucky had a beard or stubble, but you sure as hell know that you love it.
“I love you, babydoll.” Bucky breathes. “So fucking much.” He says.
“I love you too, James.” You moaned.
Your pussy fluttered around his cock when his cock hit your sweet spot. A loud moan of his name left your lips. Your moans encouraged him to thrust a little faster. Bucky loves it when you call him by his first name.
You turned your head just enough to kiss along his neck. Your teeth nipped on his skin hard enough for a hickey. Bucky moans at the feeling. He used to love it when you give him hickeys. He still loves it. It’s been so long that he almost forgot what it felt like.
Bucky’s right hand left your hand to rub your clit. Your hips bucked against his hand at the feeling. Your mouth fell open, breathy moans left your lips. You didn’t know how long you’re going to last with the way he’s rubbing your clit and the way he’s making love to you.
“James, I’m-” A moan left your lips before you could finish your sentence.
“Cum for me, doll. I’m close too.” Bucky says panting.
His name fell from your lips as you came. Bucky came not too long after you. His thrusts came to a slow stop. He gave you a passionate kiss before pulling out and laying down next to you. He pulled you close to him with his arms wrapped around you protectively and covered the two of you up with a blanket. You laid your head on his chest and played with his dog tags.
“I love you, doll.” Bucky whispers after a few minutes.
“I love you too, Bucky.” You say, smiling up at him.
“Just know, I’m going to give the wedding you’ve been dreaming about.” He says.
“You’re the best.” You smiled, leaning up to kiss his lips sweetly.
“I know I am.” He says, smiling against your lips.
-Bucky’s Doll
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vngelicc · 10 months
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⊹₊ ⋆ “i just been fantasizin', and we got a lotta time, baby, come throw the pipe, gotta know what it's like,”
TAGS — vaginal sex, unprotected sex, pussy eating, light degradation, slight dirty talk, jk’s possessive here, oc’s a cute bean, daddy kinks, some nipple play, public sex, unrealistic sex to me bc how tf did no one see???, pimp!jk, stripper!oc, oc needs to know, WAP WAP WAP, this is for my birthday babes, praise kink(?), happy birthday @hyunjinswifeee this is late sorry :((
WORD COUNT — 3.3 k
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Wanna know what it's like, baby, show me what it's like, I don't really got no type, I just wanna fuck all night,
The crowd becomes completely immersed in your smooth hip gyrations and body rolls, they holler and catcall while endless money falls at your feet. Tonight’s a special night, you figured why not spend it at work getting money rained on you. All you really had to do was dance because your oh so lovely boss prohibited you from being requested by the club patrons.
Speaking of your boss, he too was in the crowd just right above you in his private balcony. He was watching with those dark onyx eyes of his, filled with desire and hunger. Each time you looked up he was staring right back down. Jungkook looked so fucking good sprawled out like that over the velvet couch with one hand nursing a glass of whiskey, his hair wild and unkept. Just the display of dominance and power had you weak in the knees.
You bit your bottom lip and slowly ran your hands down your body before reaching back to grip the pole tightly and slowly walking around it. You wanted him to know that you were very much on the same page. The cheers from everyone spurred you on as you spun high on the pole with your head thrown back, the screams grew louder and the crowd wilder as they fought each other to get a better view.
I just been fantasizin', and we got a lotta time, baby, come throw the pipe, gotta know what it's like,
You hold your breath and slowly slide down as your eyes flicker back up to Jungkook who is now standing leaned over the balcony. He stares at you through half-lidded eyes, tongue poking the inside of his cheek and a lit cigar sitting in his hand. You decide to kick it up a notch. Just a tiny bit.
The lights suddenly go out and your shadow is illuminated by fuschia pink LED lights all around you. No one can see a thing but your silhouette as you reach behind you to unclip your bra. The club goers lose it as you dangle the item teasingly in the air before tossing it into the crowd wishing it was Jungkook you were throwing it at.
“More, more, more,” they chant as you move sensually. Luckily another bouncer comes to hand you another bra top to put on just before the lights around you snap back on.
You're exciting, boy, come find me, your eyes told me, "Girl, come ride me" fuck that feeling both us fighting, could he try me? Mmm, most likely,
You mouth along to the song while staring right at Jungkook, a tiny smile adorning your lips as you spin around once more on the pole. You don’t look over for the rest of the dance because you’re too nervous to face the outcome. This was the first time you’ve pulled a move other than looking at him and giving Jungkook “fuck me” eyes.
When the show ends you’re pulled to the side by a squealing Soyeon and a giggling Soojin. “Did you not fucking see the look he gave you when you did that?!” Soyeon gasps, “He literally looked so fuckin’ pissed—in a good way though—like he did that thing he does with his tongue and cheek and then he pulled one of his guys to the side!”
“He wants you for real.” Soojin smirks as she pokes your side, “Looks like the birthday girl is gonna get some dick tonight.” She coos in your ear while cupping your tits in her hands, “So what’s your plan, hmm?” She lays her chin over your shoulder, Soyeon nods too and waits for your response.
You contemplate for a second but quickly make up your mind, “I think you guys already know,” you lean back into Soojin with a playful little smile, “who wouldn’t?”
“True,” Soyeon nods, “but you have to tell us the details okay? You gotta tell me if that thing he’s carrying is like nine inches or something.” She looks pretty serious and you can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of your throat as you reply ‘then why don’t you find out?’ She gives you an almost offended look, “Girl that’s your man first of all, secondly I got my own.” She winks.
The three of you chat a little more until Namjoon, one of Jungkook’s closest bodyguards, comes through the door searching the room. When he makes eye contact with you he strides over with a friendly demeanor, “y/n, right?” He tilts his head a little to the side, “Jungkook’s asking for you, said if you could meet him up in the balcony?”
You nod in a heartbeat, “I’m just gonna clean up a little, ‘m a little sweaty ‘n stuff.” You softly reply as Soojin gets to quickly re-touching your makeup. He nods understandingly and murmurs a low “Come up when you’re ready.” After he leaves, Soojin and Soyeon slowly turn to you with little smirks on their faces and brushes in their hands.
When you reach the balcony you come across Jungkook sprawled out on the sofa with both arms stretched out. He looks a hot mess with the way his tie is hazardously tossed to the side and his white button-up sits messily undone over his chest. “Seems like we’ve finally met.” He hums.
“Hello Mr Jeon,” you softly greet like the polite little thing you are. Your eyes flicker down to the gold cross hanging over his chest, not missing the way his eyes flashed when you said ‘Mr Jeon’. It’s nerve wracking looking into his eyes because Jungkook always held eye-contact and you hated how he made you cower in delight, “I thought I wasn’t allowed to be requested by patrons.”
Jungkook chuckles quietly and brings the cigar up to his lips taking a long drag from it, “Oh? And does that include me too sweetheart?” A pleasant little shiver runs down your spine when the pet name rolls off his tongue so smoothly. You find yourself craving for more.
“I don’t know,” you softly say while inching closer, you come to a stop in front of him, “does my boss consider himself to be included..?” You teasingly run your finger over his shoulder and slowly lower yourself on his thigh, “Does he?” Jungkook’s nostrils flare as he blows the smoke to the side, dropping the cigar on to the ashtray below.
“You wanna give me a dance, is that it sweetheart?” Jungkook drawls out lazily. His eyes inch downwards as he admires the pretty little “outfit” you got on. It reminds him of the little show you put on out there.
Your breath hitches when he grabs the hanging garter string between two fingers and twirls it around in his hold. “...is a dance what you want?” You reply breathily.
Jungkook lays his hand flat on your thigh and strokes over it slowly, idly rubbing his hand up and down over the soft skin. “You offering me more sweetheart?” He licks his lips, “You gonna be a good girl and put on a show like out there—give me a private show just for little ol’ me?” He leans closer to you with his hot breath fanning over your chin and lips.
“Mm-mm,” you shake your head, “ ‘s not fair.”
He grins and noses along your jawline towards your slender neck, “Not fair? How so sweet girl?” He whispers as his thumb rubs soothing circles on your inner thigh, “Hm?” He blows in your ear causing goosebumps to form all over your body.
You tilt your head to look at him, “Because, it’s my birthday.” Your eyes drop down to his lips as you unconsciously lick your own, “Aren’t you gonna wish me happy birthday?” You whisper.
“Oh yeah?” Jungkook looks up at you in amusement as he leans closer, “Happy birthday sweetheart.”
Jungkook gently slips his lips against yours, barely moving as he inched his hand upward between your thighs. You’re so lost in the taste of him as you let your thighs fall open invitingly, and your hands came up to rest over his shoulders. Jungkook grunts under his breath, he moves his lips sensually over yours causing wet smacking noises to fill the space between you two. You softly whine as your lips become glossy and kissed raw from Jungkook’s little bites and harsh kisses.
“Why don’t you lay back, hm? Gonna show you what birthday girls get from me,” he presses a chaste kiss to your neck as he slowly guides you on your back, “there you go, just like that baby—yea..spread ‘em for me.” He watches you in pure delight over how well you’re following his instructions.
You stare up at him with a dazed look, “Do you give every birthday girl this?” You purse your lips in annoyance just thinking about all the other girls who have probably been under him like this.
Jungkook toys with the strap of your bra, “No, just ones that like to tease me on stage.” He smirks as he hooks his finger under the middle of the bra, he tugs it downward until both tits spill out from the cups, “Will you look at that..” He murmurs appreciatively when he sees your pretty pebbled nipples, “I wonder if you’re pretty everywhere else too.”
Your lips part to say something but Jungkook leans down to wrap his lips around one of your nipples. You sigh quietly and enjoy the feeling of his wet hot tongue circling and licking over your nipple. He moves his other hand to your other tit and gently wraps his hand around the doughy flesh. Jungkook pulls away and leaves a small trail of spit over your hard nub, as he rolls and kneads your tit in his other hand.
A surprised little “oh!” escapes your lips when he dives down to suck on the other nipple. “Mm–wait,” you throw your head back when his other hand dips low between your thighs, pressing two fingers over your drenched pussy. He teases your clit through your panties as he presses the soaked material against your slicked up cunt.
He hums to himself and pulls away to trail kisses down the middle of your body. His other hand slides down your side until he’s resting it against your hip where the waistband of your panties sits. “Been dreaming bout this day n night sweetheart, you don’t even know how fuckin’ crazy you drive me.” He hooks two fingers under the waistband, “You make it so hard for a man sometimes, you got me fiending like a dog for you.” He growls.
You look down at him and slip your hands over his, “Then make me yours,” you breathily whisper, “ ‘s all yours,” you dreamily smile while hooking your thighs over his shoulders.
Jungkook all but tears your panties off with a loud riiip. He leaves open mouthed kisses trailing down until his mouth’s hovering over your pussy, he wastes no time in letting his tongue dip between your folds. He laps at your messy folds and lays his tongue flat against your clit as he flicks it back and forth teasingly. You quickly become a whimpering mess under him.
He uses his grip to bring your cunt closer to his face, his hands slip under your ass cheeks and he grips both cheeks in his palms. Your eyes flutter shut as you slip your hands into his hair, you wonder if anyone was watching right now. The balcony itself had a thick siding but the thought of them watching Jungkook and you sent delicious little tremors down your spine. “Mm–like that,” you whisper softly while lifting your hips more for him.
It feels like he’s making out with your pussy with the way he’s licking and sucking at your chubby folds, taking a lip into his mouth as he sucks on it teasingly before dipping back in to tease your clit. A choked up moan escapes when his tongue slips lower and pokes at your winking hole, “Please, please,” you tearfully whine, “want more.”
Jungkook leaves a gentle little smooch on your pussy before he goes back to business. His hot tongue slips right into you pushing past your tight rim. Your lips fall open in a small ‘o’ as you shudder, he’s flicking his tongue upwards against your g-spot repeatedly. You scramble to get a hold of him with your fingers tightening in his hair.
“Mmm,” you push his head against you and sigh when his nose accidentally bumps into your clit, “...daddy—” You cry out when the pleasure gets too much and you curl into yourself from the sensitivity.
Jungkook freezes under you, he pulls away and climbs over you with your legs falling from his shoulders. “What did you say?” His eyes narrow, they’re dark with hunger and lust. You look up at him through bleary eyes and giggle instead of answering. Jungkook wraps his hand around your throat, relishing in the moan that bubbles out of your throat, “Oh you like that don’t you baby?” He chuckles breathily, “Go on then, tell me what you just said now.” He squeezes gently and runs his thumb over your lips, it’s nothing too drastic but it serves as a reminder.
Your tongue darts out to run over your upper lip seductively, “Would you rather I called you sir? Or Mr Jeon?” You breathily giggle, “Does it turn you on laying me out here in the open for everyone to see?” You whisper as your lips wrap around his thumb, you suck with a low lewd moan.
Jungkook cusses under his breath, “Fuckin’ hell.. Nothing but a straight demon, look at you, jesus.” He bites his lip and pops his wet thumb out of your mouth, “They can look all they want but this pussy’s mine,” he cups your cunt with his free hand, “daddy’s gonna have you all dolled up with a little collar so people know who you belong to.” He smirks.
You mewl at the thought of him putting you in a collar as you eagerly paw at his slacks, “Please daddy,” you slur out, “ ‘m so wet for you. Aren’t you gonna be nice and give me what I want? Or do I have to find someone to do the job for you?” You grin deviously.
Jungkook’s cock is out within seconds after hearing that, he slaps the wet tip over your clit in soft taps. He listens to the wet squelching your cunt makes, it’s like music to his ears hearing how soaked you are. You let your legs slip open wider as he crowds you while slipping his cock between your folds. The tip catches on to your hole and prods at you, “Please,” you whine softly, “wan’ it in,” you buck your hips so more of his cock pops into you.
“Shit, relax for me baby.” He sighs as he slips his cock inch for inch slowly. His cock fits snug in your tight little cunt, you struggle a bit to house the rest of his cock inside of you but eventually he bottoms out with a small smack. “There you go,” he moans in bliss, “doin’ so good for me.”
You shudder at the praise and stare up at him with puppy eyes, “Don’t want it soft and nice daddy—want it fast n hard.” You hook your arms around his shoulders and bring him down for a sweet gentle peck, “You’ll give me what I want, right daddy?” You bat your lashes at him.
Jungkook groans shakily, “Fuck yes—I’ll give you everything you want baby.” He pumps his cock in and out of you, “Gonna have you dripping in diamonds.” He gasps as his hips roll forward with each time being a little more rougher than the last.
His movements cause you to lightly bounce in place under him, you can only moan and whimper as he drives his cock in and out of you. Your pussy hugs his cock tight when backstrokes making it a bit hard to fuck into you. He shoves his hand between the two of you and presses down on your clit with his thumb causing a loud cry to escape your lips.
“Harder..!” You rasp out and throw your head back. Jungkook wastes no time in diving in to bury his face between your shoulder and neck, leaving a mess of hickeys and love bites in his wake.
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he gasps, “ ‘s like this slutty little pussy was made for me.” He fucks into your rougher and makes sure to press in deep each time he bottoms out.
Your mouth falls open in a silent scream, you dig your nails into his shoulder and curl your legs around his waist tightly. “S-So good,” you gasp. His fat cock fills you up just nicely and rubs up against every sensitive spot inside your cunt. You can feel every throb and vein on his cock as he fucks away mindlessly.
Jungkook tilts his face to messily slot his lips against your own, he slams his hips upwards rather harshly. Each punishing thrust leaves you shaking and mewling for more, you weakly hold on to him for dear life and try not loosen your grip on him. He takes your bottom lip between his teeth and bites teasingly as a low whine escapes your lips.
“Fuck, you like that don’t you baby? Got myself a little painslut don’t I?” He purrs low while circling his hips and letting you feel every inch of his cock.
You hiss softly and hide your face in the soft cushioning of the couch, you’ve long blocked out the music in favor of focusing on two things: Jungkook and the wet noises your cunt made. You could feel dollops of slick run down your taint and between your ass cheeks. His cock was drenched in your wetness, everytime he pushed back in a loud squelch was followed shortly after.
“You gonna be a good girl and cum on this cock baby? Gonna make it nice n messy for me?” He huskily whispers, “C’mon baby, answer me.” He lightly slaps your cheek forcing you to look at him.
“Y-Yes,” you softly gasp, back arching when he strikes your g-spot repeatedly.
“Yes what?” He licks his lips.
“Yes daddy.” You whimper out. Jungkook captures your lips in a heated kiss and then proceeds to slam his cock in and out of your battered pussy.
You hug him tightly while messily kissing back as his cock slips in and out of your gaping cunt. He pulls out to the very tip before slamming back in and repeating the process over and over. Loud wet smacks are heard but you’re too cock drunk to see (or care) if anyone is looking. Before you even realize it, your cunt squeezes tightly around him and you cum with a loud cry. Your pussy absolutely gushes around him.
Jungkook groans low in his throat, he comes to a halt and simply grinds his cock into you. He feels more slick coat his cock until he’s covered in slick. He throbs at the sight of your trembling thighs and presses his cock in, letting his creamy cum fill your pussy up. You both slump into each other, he pants heavily and just lays there with his body covering your own.
“Got all night baby,” he murmurs in your ear while kissing the side of your head, “why don’t we get a little more comfortable in my bed, yeah?” He whispers.
You turn to press your lips to his, “Mmhm,” you pull away as a string of spit follows, “gonna give you a REAL show daddy.” You softly say.
Jungkook chuckles quietly, “I’m sure you are.”
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe @maddkitt @tvse @ohjeon @teteswtnr @jkslovey12 @kelsyx33 @milfpo1ice @sluttydidi @ztyur @beomgyuult @shescharlie @sweet-sourhotcoco @lalita-7 @hazzzelsdimension @p34rluv @kook-net @bonita0-0 @vmapy @dahliadaenerys @frieschan @lilyflowerguk @sayokodiary @babycandy111 @looneybleus @ash07128 @gyukookswhore
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seattlesellie · 1 year
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ellie x plushies obsessed reader hq’s
ellie beefing with plushies for 40 minutes straight
ellie fucks u with a plushie <3
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♡ first of all, dont get it wrong. ellie buys you the actual plushies she has this ongoing beef with. she straight up walks around town, probably dealing or some shit, and then she just sees a plushie that is so you from the window of a kids store, and she staright up runs to get it. jesses all like “where the f-….” and one second later, he sees her standing in line, holding a pink squishmallow ready to pull out her credit card. “sorry” she mouthes to him. “for my girl”
♡ as much as ellie loves to see your face light up when she comes home with a limited edition sanrio plushie, she loves trolling you even more. shed literally see a demonic looking plushie and get it for you, only to see how upset you get over it. shit makes her laugh so hard. shes all giggling like “wh- babe its pretty!! look at its eyes its like he sees through you- s’romantic actually”, she speaks, trying to hold her laughter. youre standing there, simply baffled, just staring at her. “ellie. that is a spongebob plushie and it looks deranged- and why is he missing a shoe?!” you question. she just huffs and says “i dont know” with a guilty look on her face. when you deadpan her she just says “i wanted to see what its feet look like” ¿¿¿ you shove her and she gets all offended and says “pfft… you dont get it” you tell her that monstrosity is not welcomed in your home and she ends up. sleeping with it. every night. ellie sleeps with a spongebob plushie (i hc ellie as being a spongebob lover btw i know shed be quoting him like hes kafka)
♡ one night, you walk to your room, the door is like half closed and you just keep hearing sounds of huffing and muffled breaths. you take a peak, and you literally see ellie flipping off and mouthing “fuck you” to all of your little plushies. youre standing there with this shocked expression, baffled to see your girlfriend pretending to punch the plushies and whispering at them to fuck off. you walk in, and ellie turns to look at you and she looks so guilty, like joel just caught her eating cookies at 3am. “ellie. what are you doing?” you question. she huffs, rolls her her eyes, “they were looking at me weird”
♡ youre naked together, cuddled up after getting your pussy destroyed, and ellie takes out two plushies from behind her. “this is you” she points at the pink ribboned plushie, “and this is me” she points at the black squishmallow. she takes both of them in her hands, bumps them together, and begins demonstrating her wonderful show. the black squishmallow is humping the pink one from the back. ellie pants heavily. “els.” you say, warning her. she gives you a sly look. “mmmhm ellie” she moans. “fuckkk ellie- so so good” youre so shocked, you cover your eyes under the blanket before you even think to grab them off her hands. “taking it so good” she says with a darth-vader like voice. “fuck me harder please” she mocks in a high pitched voice and starts moaning like a porn star. your cheeks are so hot you cant even move. “gonna cum- ellie lemme cum” shes screaming now, youre pretty sure your neighbors can hear. you start kicking her beneath the blanket, and that only makes it worse “ellieeeeee get me pregnant” she yells and moans louder and louder. youre basically assaulting her legs now, pushing her away, which leads her to finish her wonderful spectacle with a “best ive ever had ellie. best ive ever had” youre screaming and yelling at her for sexually harassing your dolls and shes laughing like a maniac, literal tears fall from her eyes. “ooooh-“ she wipes a tear. “that was so fucking funny” she speaks, holding her stomach wheezing. “not funny” you deadpan. “too funny. ahh- shouldve been a comedian” she says. she shouldnt.
♡ shes buried deep inside, your leg resting on her shoulder, tears falling from your eyes from how good, how intensely shes fucking you. a white creamy circle starts forming on her strap. “you crying?” she teases, squeezing your cheeks together forcefully. “mhm-mhm ellie” you whine, cunt flooded with pleasure, and pain, because its so big, and shes so fast. “cry some more” she commands, panting over you. “taking me so so good… my good girl” she coos, lost in the feeling of the harness bumping her clit, and her girl coming undone beneath her. “cant take it… too much!” you plead. shes circling your clit, so slow, just to torture you some more. her hand stops squeezing your tit, and theres a little surprise shes holding on to. “take it” she commands, and places the plushie on your chest, staring directly into your eyes. “hug it for me. gonna make it easier, fuck” she rambles, feeling her own orgasm coming closer and closer. “el- so- so” you cry out, mumbling incoherently and squeezing the doll so tight its eyes almost pop. “jesus christ- cute, so fucking- cute” she pants. her breathing gets heavier and heavier and shes pushing the strap inside even deeper, squeezing out your arousal. “god damn” she growls.
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ajortga · 5 months
opposites attract
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: people would call you and jenna the old married couple from across the street, you'd always argue. you hate each other so much, but you love each other even more.
word count: 2.1k+
warnings: alcohol, goofiness, hilarious imo
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based off request! (love you 🦦)
Jenna Ortega! x Reader!
"In every friend group, there are always two people arguing"
holy shit this dynamic is so cute, it's like wherein obvi J and R likes to argue a lot, whether it be going out w friends, in set, sleepovers, literally just everywhere all the time.. In the end obviously they get together 🙈 YOU CAN DO ABSOLUTELY WHATEVER W THE PLOT IF YOU'D LIKE.
Completely understand if the request isn't taken!! I LOVE YOUR WRITING SM, I LOVE YOU
It’s silent on set where Scream is being filmed. Silence would’ve filled your break room, that would be if you and Jenna weren’t damn yelling at each other over the littlest of things.
“You fucking cheated!” You accuse, pointing your finger at her as you go crazy and throw your Uno cards everywhere.
The tinier girl puts her hands up, putting one to her chest to pretend to be offended, “The Y/N is accusing me of cheating? When will I clearly won fair and square?”
That throws you off the edge, screaming into a pillow and kicking your feet, then throwing the pillow straight to her head. “I saw you looking at my cards dumbass!”
The atmosphere is chaotic as you two throw pillows at each other, one of them hits Melissa in the nose, “Hey!” She goes, throwing a pillow to Mason, which throws it to Jasmine.
Everyone is throwing their pillows at each other, screaming and laughing. Actually, not everyone is screaming, the only ones are you and Jenna.
“SINCE WHEN WAS THE SCENERY MY CARDS?” You yell, throwing the stuffed animal at her.
Jasmine nudges Melissa, who lets her pillow down and lets her friend whisper in her ear, “Who’s going to tell them that they’re flirting?” 
A cackle escapes the other actress, “She’s definitely always thinking Y/N is the beautiful scenery. In which she is, she’s like the days that have the best sunsets. She’s a sweetheart.”
That was true. Although Jenna won’t admit it. You were breathtaking. You were like the movie that everyone wants to watch again for the first time. Whose voice was a gentle lullaby that lulled those into a peaceful rest. A work of art, Jenna would say. A work of art she’d fucking hate, yet still buy it’s worth for billions of dollars more than they should be.
“Okay FINE! I peeked! I just saw that you had a yellow seven! That’s it!”
“Exactly!” You say, throwing the stuffed animal up and victory, “Nuh uh, you also said half-way through the game as a joke “I bet you have a blue four,” and I had a blue four!”
“FINE, but that was all!”
Mason rolls his eyes as he leans back into his chair, throwing a huge stuffed animal and making you collapse and go, “Hey!”
“They’re gonna get married one day, they’re like an old married couple,” He states, and everyone that hears agrees, except you two. You two are too caught up with arguing with each other, smacking pillows at each other.
“Sweet girl.”
“Gosh, well aren’t they oblivious?” Jasmine scoffs, “Their flirting and don't even know it, they’ll use that as an excuse for another argument again. Melissa watches, amused, and laughing in the background with a cackle. You two are hitting each other with any pillows you can find.
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liked by melissabarreram and 1,890,072 others
y/n_l/n this is very not an appreciation post for jenna, the first two i'm posting cause she told me not to but she cheated in uno and she's getting what she deserves! (someone save me from this mad woman)
#justicefory/n i hate you @jennaortega
melissabarreram: My babies #justicefory/n
liked by y/n_l/n
natalieortega1: Love you
↳ y/n_l/n: love u too!
crunchybaguette55: y/n is seriously blessing us with these photos
aliyah.ortega: nah why is jenna more flexible than me
liked by y/n_l/n
user839: watch jenna is gonna post something about her
jasminsavoy: lovebirds
liked by y/n_l/n
y/n'spersonalbag: SHE POSTED I'M EARLY
jennaortega: I hate you
↳ y/n_l/n: Ilyt
Melissa screams while the members of the cast begin to elevate up the roller coaster. 
“Oh god!” Mason shouts, while you two begin to lift off the floor from the free fall device.
“If the machine were to break and fall, would we bounce out of our seats or bang our head?” Jenna questions, looking down at her feet that are currently 100 to 150 feet off the ground.
You’re right next to her, yet you have to shout because of how loud the machine is, “Nuh uh! None of that stuff, if the machine were to break, then the starting point wouldn’t be as lifted and our feet would probably dislocate.” 
“Pfft, nonsense,” Jenna rolls her eyes, and you try kicking her but as you reach the top, it slowly begins to stop lifting up. 
“Guys!” Jasmine yells, looking down at the floor, she’s still holding her pretzel in her hand. The people below you now look like at least the size of a caterpillar. 
“It’s kind of tall!” Melissa says, but she’s giggling.
“No damn shit!” You say, looking at the floor and preparing for your heart to fly out of your chest, “Hold my hand!” Jenna jokes while you roll her eyes at her.
When you stop at the top, the machine makes a loud “TCCHhhHH” noise, and you are all still. 
“I DON’T WANNA DIE,” Mikey and Devyn cry, screaming.
“We haven’t even gone down- YET!” Everyone starts screaming as the seats you’re in descends at fast speeds. You all scream, high pitched, wails, singing to get your mind off of whatever. Devyn and Jasmine flutter their eyes and do a peace sign when the camera flashes. 
You close your eyes, the machine goes back up, then down, you’re screaming, laughing as Mason’s sandal falls out, “No! My shoe!”
It hits the person operating the roller coaster.
Somehow, your hand finds Jenna’s as you cling onto it, she doesn’t let go, giggling with you as you two fall. It was a nice moment, the breeze in your hair with the sunset saying hello. Except you don’t know if the moment got better or was ruined because before you can appreciate it, Jasmine screams, louder than she had when everyone dropped.
“My pretzels!” She screams, falling out of her hand and flying into the air, the cinnamon pretzels falling and smacking you and Jenna in the face as you feel a flash in your face again, you pose just as it clicks.
“I WANNA GO HOME!” Mason wails, “Where the fuck is my shoe? MY SHOE!”
By the time you reach ground level, everyone’s hair is ruffled, eyes dazed as your legs shake when you leave the machine.
You’re still holding hands with Jenna as you almost collapse on each other, you feel dizzy, probably because the machine was damn spinning and a pretzel got smacked into your face.
"You okay?" she asks, looking at your dizzied form.
"Mmhm, are you okay?" you ask, the feeling of throwing up going away.
She nods, letting you cling onto her as she hugs you tight.
"You're so weak," she teases.
"Says the one who screamed more from a pretzel being thrown in her face than the actual ride."
She smacks you, but nonetheless, still holds you tight to her chest.
Mason looks at the floor, and claps, turning happy, “My sandal!”
Everyone is groaning, Melissa is snorting and looking sick while Devyn and Jasmine shove their hands through the little amount of pretzels left in their bag.
You’re not surprised when everyone busts out laughing, pointing at the pictures of you on the rollercoaster. The first one, Devyn and Jasmine were making peace signs while somehow being able to do the slightest pose, Mason’s shoe is flying and you can see his mouth wide open with one foot barefoot, Melissa is smiling with cotton candy in her mouth, and you and Jenna are screaming and clinging onto each other.
The next one gets more chaotic, with Jasmine and Devyn looking horrified, the whole picture has pretzels flying and hits Jenna and you square in the head. Yet, the frame only catches Jenna’s face being smacked while you’re posing with your hands and blowing a kiss.
You’re laughing so hard, everyone is buying the photos, you can’t stop laughing as Jenna screams from the horror.
“How did they only take a picture when the pretzel gets to me?" She groans.
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liked by jackchampion and 4,971,391 others
jennaortega i don't know how that little girl managed to hide all her bad photos on my phone but melissa took a photo of her falling asleep on my shoulder, i did not cheat! cancel!! @y/n_l/n
jasminsavoy: little? girl, you're the size of a strawberry.
↳ jennaortega: fuck you respectfully
y/n_l/n: NO i was sleeping because filming was so long
↳ jennaortega: yeah and you decided to sleep on my shoulder, do you know how heavy your head is?
↳ y/n_l/n: meanie
jennasorange: I love you Jenna please notice me
melissabarreram: Love!
natalieortega1: My girls
fruitrollupsa: omg someone confirm are they official
jackchampion: I saw you looking at y/n's cards
↳ jennaortega: no you didn't
↳ jackchampion: actually i did 🤓☝️
It was a little after sunset, where outside is painted a blue and purple sky.
“To a long day of maintaining our sanity for today’s long duration of filming!” Devyn says, raising her drink.
“To a long day of maintaining our sanity!” Everyone else cheers, you bring your drinks up and clank them with one another before downing it.
You liked it like this. Having parties every Friday with your scream cast. They were your family, most times you’d have sleepovers, play card games, video games, gossip. Silly photos were taken, and these polaroids were always hung on your wall of memories, Melissa holding her puppy while doing a bridge gymnastic pose, risking her skull from literally cracking.
You take the sip of beer in your hands, with a wide smile on your face. It’s nice knowing you have a group that you can easily fit in, you don’t have to think to speak, you can just do it freely.
A few minutes turn into an hour.
Melissa turns to you, pointing at you and smiling, "You're going to be the first one to get wasted, your cheeks are all pink."
"No their not!" You retaliate, a small slur to your words as you lean on the couch for balance.
"Right," Jasmine says, sarcastically as Jack and Mason are screaming at each other.
"Jack no! If you take that one off then the whole tower will fall! We can't lose!" Mason screams, the Jenga tower tilting.
You giggle.
You catch sight of Jenna and you throw your arms up, stumbling to her while slurring her name slightly, "Jennaaaa, where were youu?"
The brunette looks at you, confusion shown in her futures as she looks at your tiny self, looking up at her and tugging at the collar of her shirt. Your eyes sparkle.
"You're seriously already a little drunk?" She questions, amused as you groan and shake your head, "Noo, shut 'p. You're drunk tooo Jennifer. I literally am not drunk, I know waaht m doing."
"Right, right."
"Jennifer, kiss my forehead,"
"If you call me Jennifer one more time I swear to-"
Jenna rolls her eyes, hugging you and kissing your forehead, "Love you," she murmurs.
"I love you tooo."
She sits you down to the couch where you get the sight of Mason, Jack, Melissa, and Liana are battling each other in Jenga.
"I'm not drunk, I just drank a little, I'm perfectly fine," she states. You don't say anything, instead distract yourself with the large jacket draped over her, you tug it, "I'm cold, give me that."
Jenna looks down at you, trying to take off her jacket, "Hey! What if I'm cold too?"
"Can we share?"
Jenna sighs, rolling her eyes, "Come here," you nestle into her as the jacket plays as a blanket.
It's not enough to cover the two of you, so she throws it into her bag and grabs a large blanket and lays it on the floor. The hollers of the Jenga crew grow loud as the tower tumbles over because of Jack.
"OH YEAH, oops. I forgot." Jack says, putting his hands up in surrender.
The blanket is huge, it can fit at least 4 people.
"Hey Melissa, over here, let's turn into a burrito or something." The taller Latina that's non-occupied looks at you two, seeing the way you're already laying on the blanket, ready to be wrapped up.
You're squished in the middle as Melissa giggles and Jenna begins to roll over and wrap you 3 in the blanket.
"Oh my god," you three roll till the blanket space runs out, now you guys are cuddled, nestling into each other.
Cozy for sure, all of their arms are wrapped around you and each other as you close your eyes, getting comfortable.
"I hate you two," Jenna murmurs, both you and Melissa go "me too" before you two are silent.
"No you don't," you slur, "You love us."
"I don't, I love you guys," she giggles, and you and Melissa smile, hugging each other and letting the sound of music from the party echoing in your ears.
a/n: didn't know how to make them confess, so the ending is kind of suggested that they did? hopefully that's okay<3
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reareaotaku · 5 months
Save Me, Baby
Summary: Dick gains his first crush after saving a cute girl from the Penguin Pairings: Dick 'Richard' Grayson x Fem! Reader Tw: None Taglist: N/a Pt II: Watcher or Stalker? | Pt III: Death 2 Love
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When the alarm started going off in the Batcave, Dick was ecstatic. He had only gone on a few missions with his adoptive father, Bruce, but now was a chance to prove himself.
He was quick to get in the Batmobile, with his Robin suit already on. He smiles up at Batman, which causes Batman to groan, but allow it. The drive was smooth, not to quick, because it was just the penguin.
"It looks like he has hostages." Batman messes with his head unit.
Robin listens with eager ears as Batman continues to tell him what to do. Robin's eyes follow Batman's hands as the hologram shows the Penguin's hostage area.
Robin looked at the multiple hostages that were tied up. His attention was drawn to a huge croonie. He smirked, prepping his feet, before kicking in the glass and landing on the croonie. There's a cheer from the hostages, causing Robin to smirk to himself. He messes with each of the ropes, before finally untangling them all.
You were relieved to not have the ropes rubbing against your skin. Robin helped you up, before leading the others outside.
You accidentally tripped on a broken wood piece in the floor, which caused your foot to get stuck.
Robin heard you yell, before looking back and seeing you stuck. "Hey-Here," He grabs you, trying to pull you up, but your foot was really stuck.
You started to freak out when realizing it was now just you and him and everyone else was already out safely.
"Hey, deep breaths. Deep breaths. You'll be fine, Robin's word." He tells you when realizing you were freaking out.
You looked up at him, a little dazed. "You promise?"
"For a pretty girl like you? Of course."
There's a moment of silence, that is occupied by your goofy smiles, before a voice is heard.
"There he is boys- Get him!"
Robin's eyes widen as he finally pulls you out and drags you around, but not outside. It was too dangerous outside. He pulls you into a different dark room, before pulling you up some stairs. Though, when you reach the top, there was Mr. Penguin.
"You've got to be kidding me-" Robin pushes you behind him, as a way to protect you.
"Oh, it's the new Boy Wonder I've heard so much about..." Penguin's smile grows on his face.
You feel someone grab you from behind, causing you to yell. "HEY!"
Robin quickly turns around, "Hey, let her go!" But before he can help you, Penguin knocks Robin out from behind with his umbrella.
You woke up disorientated, before groaning when realizing your hands were tied together. Expect this time you were tied to someone else. You struggle against the ropes, which ends up waking up the other person.
"Uhhh- Where am I..?"
To answer his question, the Penguin steps out of the shadow, clanking his cane on the ground. "Oh, lookie what I got."
"Oh, no."
Though before to much could happen, Batman comes out from the shadows and begins to fight the Penguin- Or at least you assume he did, because you couldn't see him. Though, you heard the screams of the bad guys.
You finally do get a glimpse of him when he stands in front of you. He was just as menacing and scary as the media described. He looks past you and at Robin. You hear Robin groan and you can practically feel the shame and disappointment.
You're brought into the Batmobile and it was silent. You felt bad, because it was your fault that you and Robin got caught. You wanted to speak, but you were scared of Batman. Though, you decided to finally swallow your fear and speak up.
"Uh.... Mr. Ummm.. Batman- I just wanted to say, it's my fault we got caught. I uh, got- my um s- foot stuck... In the wood."
He doesn't respond, but it feels a little less tense than before. Robin then turns to you a slight smile on your face.
"Don't worry about him. Where do you live, so we can get you home."
Batman pulls up to your dinger apartment complex. You still felt awkward because no one was talking. You open the door, but not before saying one last thing.
"You know... Everyone else may hate you guys, but I'm really grateful. Thank you again for saving me." And then you close the door and go to your apartment.
"She's nice." Batman finally speaks.
"Cute too. Wish I would have got her number."
[Might make a part 2?]
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alloftheimagines · 14 days
joel miller | complications
masterlist | tag list
words: 2.9k warnings: 18+ | angst, near death experience, blood, reader has a traumatic birth w/complications, PTSD naturally, joel reminded of sarah's death, newbown baby (yes they can be spooky! but this one is cute and safe), (please just somebody take that poor man's pain away) (or not because then what would we write about?) (also he and ellie are a little estranged like in tlou2) prompt: I was thinking maybe Jackson! Joel era and pregnant reader and then she almost dies while giving birth to the baby! Gives room for a lot of drama and angst, and potential comfort right at the end for our favorite old man. tags: (i know it's been a while since I last posted so let me know if you want to be untagged) @sweetbabygirlsworld @m4tthewmurd0ck @domaniquessidehoe @spideysimpossiblegirl note: you can read this as pedro's joel if you so wish, but i am in my game!joel feels rn
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“I can’t do this, Joel.” Your face creased with pain as another contraction wracked through you. You’d known that labour would hurt, of course, but you hadn’t expected it to come on this quickly, and so strong. You hadn’t yet passed the eight-month mark, and you weren’t prepared. Not even a little. You hadn’t even sorted the nursery yet, or found a crib.
Joel held your hand on the floor of your living room, keeping you supported while you braced against the couch. He brushed the hair from your face, calm and unreadable as ever, but even you didn’t miss the way his fingers trembled against your skin. “You got this, baby girl. I know you can.”
“Don’t think you have much of a choice.” Your doctor, one of the few midwives in town, lifted her head. She sat at your feet, peeling off her gloves after your examination. “You’re fully dilated. This baby is coming right now.”
“There’s no time to get to the infirmary?” you questioned, voice rising in panic. The contractions had barely started an hour ago, and sure, you’d left it a little late before confessing that they were getting painful. Ellie had rushed out not fifteen minutes ago to call for your midwife’s help, and now…
Now, the baby was coming, and all you could think was that it wasn’t supposed to be like this. The pregnancy had been a shock to your system. You hadn’t even been sure that Joel would want to go through with it after everything he’d experienced before. But he’d held your hand through each ultrasound, felt your belly for the first kick, and even when you saw fear — dread, even — cross his features, you could easily reassure him that this time was different. This time, it was safe. You’d lived in Jackson for over a year now, and it was the security of the community that had made motherhood feel possible. 
The midwife shook her head. “I’m sorry. You need to start pushing on your next contraction.”
“Oh, god,” you whispered, teeth chattering as the weight of the situation hit you.
“Hey, look at me.” Joel tilted your chin gently. “It’s gonna be just fine, darlin’. You just breathe and push, okay? We’ll do the rest.” 
“Right, just breathe and push,” you muttered. “Of course, you forgot the part about shoving a small human out of my hoo-ha.” 
He smirked, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Oh, right. That little detail.”
“I kinda hate you right now.” Just as you said it, another contraction hit, and your head fell back as you moaned. 
“Push now if you feel like you should!” your midwife reminded. Then, to Ellie: “Go get some clean towels, hon. Lots of ‘em.”
In the doorway, Ellie looked grateful to be given a job and scampered off. 
You did as instructed, dipping your chin into your chest as you pushed, pushed, pushed. A scream ripped through you at the pain it brought, each moment worse than the last. 
“You’re doing so good, baby. So good. She’s gonna be here so soon,” Joel whispered, his grip around you the only thing keeping you tethered to the here and now. 
Dizziness consumed you as your contraction finally eased. “Is she okay?”
“I’m seeing the head.” The midwife beamed. “Just a few more pushes, okay?”
Somehow, you breathed, and you pushed, and you felt your way through the pain as your body broke and mended and then broke again. Joel kept his grip on your hand tight, reassuring, but you saw him bite his lip toward the end and knew that he might have been just as terrified as you. 
The final push finally came, and you sunk back as the newborn's cry rang out.
“She’s here. You did it,” Joel murmured, kissing your clammy temple. He laughed into your skin, the sound of joy and disbelief sending a shiver through you. You tried to lift your head, to see your daughter, but everything felt wrong. Heavy. It still hurt, and black spots dotted your vision. 
“Le’ me see her.” Your words were slurred, your voice far away.
The last thing you heard was Joel calling your name, his voice raw and broken — terrified. 
“What’s wrong with her?” he demanded. 
“She’s bleeding too heavily. I need to get her to the infirmary.”  The midwife shook her head, handing him the screaming newborn. His screaming newborn. It had taken months to quell the panic of becoming a father again — not that he had ever truly stopped. Sarah had lived in his heart all these years, and Ellie was his daughter, even if she hated him for what he did. 
He made the mistake of looking at you, and the sight of the blood made him sick. So much of it. There was so damn much of it. He’d seen a lot of people bleed out, but he couldn’t remember ever seeing this much. 
“Shit," he cursed.
He didn’t know when Ellie had returned, but she stood wan and she’ll shocked beside him now.
“Please, take her.” He shoved the baby into her arms before lowering back to his knees to grab your hand. “Don’t you dare do this to me, baby. Not now.” 
“Can you carry her to the infirmary?” the midwife asked desperately.
He didn’t think twice, slipping his arms under your limp body. 
“Joel! She’s gonna be alright, right?” Ellie stuttered, and he heard the panic in her voice, too, as she swayed the baby from side to side, swaddling her in blankets. You were the closest thing Ellie had to a mother. If either of them lost you…
He couldn’t even try to find an answer, as much as he wanted it to be yes.
He gritted his teeth, hauling you up on shaky legs. Thankfully, the infirmary was only a few blocks away, and nobody was there to slow him down so late at night. 
He couldn’t make sense of it. One minute, he’d been settling down for the night after a long patrol shift. The next, you were curled up in pain, claiming the baby was coming. 
“Stay with me,” he pleaded, fingers curling into your old sweater. His old sweater, if he was being particular, but you’d stolen it from him so long ago that it smelled completely of you now: soap and fresh air. Blood. 
He staggered into the infirmary with that smell still in his nostrils, dampness spreading across his hands, and he damn near passed out on the threshold. But he wouldn’t, couldn’t, leave you, even when flashes of him holding Sarah this exact way raced through his mind. Even when a broken sob stuck in his throat, because he was holding on, and you weren’t, and she wasn’t, and why did he always have to be the one to watch the life seep from them? To end the night with nothing but their blood on his hands?
He set you down on the first bed he came to, drawing the alarmed attention of the nurses, who had a moment ago been ready to dose off on their night shift. In such a small community, they weren’t often needed after dark.
Behind him, the midwife called out orders, wheeling you away into the surgery theatre. He watched you disappear into a white-walled room, a tiny thing that never would have sufficed in the old world. 
In the old world, you probably wouldn’t have given birth in a living room. In the old world, he wouldn’t be stiff with a fear he couldn’t control, frozen with memories that refused to ever leave him.
He spun around and felt unsettled to see Ellie cradling the baby, mouth agape with the same cluelessness he felt. His baby. His. He had to be a father now, but he didn’t know how when you weren’t here with him. He felt like that thing he was always losing in his dreams was finally gone for good. Ripped from him one last time.
He couldn’t look at the baby’s cherubic face. Couldn’t even look at Ellie.
He couldn’t remember why he’d been so relaxed just yesterday to think of the little life you’d both been impatiently waiting to begin. Couldn’t remember how he’d found the strength to sing a lullaby to your bump, laughing when a foot kicked his palm as though telling him to shut the hell up. 
What the fuck was he supposed to do now? She was so tiny and pink and new, wrapped in bloody blankets, and he…
“Go give her to one of the nurses,” he whispered. 
“Joel—” Ellie made to protest, but he couldn’t hear it. Wouldn't.
“Ellie,” he snapped. “Go give her to one of the damn nurses. I can’t.”
“Well, you don’t have a fucking choice, because she’s yours now.” Ellie shoved her into his hands without warning. He tensed with the new weight, bile rising in his stomach. No. No. No. Everything he held, he broke. 
But then the baby let out a gurgle, her feet kicking his palm just like the night before when she was still safe in your belly, and he couldn’t keep from looking down at her. Couldn’t keep from seeing you in all her innocent features. Eyes, nose, even the fine tuft of hair on her head. 
“I can clean her down and check she’s doing okay,” a nurse offered, and suddenly, he was reluctant to let her go. 
And then he remembered you, the blood, your motionless body after so long spent screaming, Ellie’s hatred, Tess, Sarah, and he was glad for somebody else to take care of her. The further away that kid was, the better. He was a fucking curse, and she…
He scraped a hand over his face, pacing over to the surgery room. He didn’t dare march in, no matter how badly he wanted to. 
“She’s going to be okay,” Ellie said from behind him gently. “She’s strong, and I’m sure shit like this happens all the time.” 
“I told her we’d be okay,” Joel rasped out, face crumpling finally. “I told her that it would turn out alright, that we could be… That we could make something good here.”
“And you will,” Ellie said. 
He shook his head. “I might as well have killed her my damn self.” He looked down at his bloodied hands as though they weren’t his. They shook more than they ever had before. 
“Stop it! She’s going to make it. She has to!” Ellie’s yell took him aback, piercing in such a quiet, echoey space. She jabbed a finger into Joel’s shoulder. “And you have to hold it together. I know it’s fucking hard, alright, but you don’t get to lose it now! You can’t blame yourself for everything that goes wrong in our lives, Joel! That’s not how it works!”
He swallowed down his own self-loathing, head bowed. “I can’t do it without her,” he whispered. 
The rawness in his voice must have been visceral, because Ellie paused, her eyes filling with tears. 
And then she hugged him, tight enough that he thought maybe she was trying to keep him in one piece. He let out a ragged breath and held her. And then he did what she asked. He tried to hold it together. 
You woke to whispers and gurgles and wondered for a moment if you were dreaming. Your lids were heavy, body distant, and you couldn’t quite remember where you were or who was supposed to be with you. 
Until you prised your eyes open and found IVs plugged into your veins. 
“There she is,” a voice said softly. 
You blinked, searching for the source, and found it in a bleary version of Joel. He sat in a chair beside your bed, a tiny baby in his arms. His smile was shaky, distorted, and you didn’t know why. Not until he leaned forward and brushed your hair from your face with his free arm.
“Thought you’d left me there for a second.” 
“Is she okay?” Your throat was hoarse. 
He nodded. “Right as rain. It’s you we were worried about.” 
You frowned, trying to remember. One minute, you were pushing as though your life depended on it, and then the next, you were just… gone. 
“You had a heavy bleed. Needed a transfusion,” Joel explained finally. “But they reckon you’re gonna be okay, thank god.” 
“But she’s okay?” You stared at the baby nestled against his chest, not quite sure how she was here. When had this being growing inside of you become a real, tangible thing? How much of her life had you already missed?
Joel sighed impatiently. “Yes, baby. She’s perfect. Takes after her mom in that department.”
He moved to perch beside you so that you could get a closer look. He was right, of course. She was a little smaller than most newborns, but she was perfect. Pink apple cheeks, wide eyes, tiny fingernails. Looking at her felt like everything had finally fallen into place. You tickled her chin and her lips twitched with something content. Something right.
“How’s it feel, being a daddy again?” you asked gently, looking up at him. 
“Right now, it feels like hell. You can’t go scaring me like that.” He wouldn’t look at you, frown set firmly on his daughter. “Thought I was gonna have a heart attack."
“I’m sorry.” You couldn’t imagine how scared he must have been. After everything, you’d finally thought that danger, terror, was a thing of the past. You’d done a great job of ruining that, even if it wasn’t on purpose. Joel had lost too much before to deal with all this, and you had no idea how you’d cope in his shoes. 
He chuckled. “You’re sorry.” Shook his head. “I ain’t trying to make you apologise for almost dying, darlin’. You don’t gotta worry about me.”
“We said we could do this right,” you whispered. “I promised you it’d be different.” 
“Yeah, well… feels like things’ll never be different for me.” 
You snapped your head up. “What’s that mean?” 
“Nothin’.” He sighed, kissing your temple, and yet still, he wouldn’t meet your eye. “How about you get some rest? I’ll keep the little missus company.” 
“Joel.” You cupped his jaw, pleading now. Everything felt so wrong. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Even though the proof was right in front of you, it was hard to believe your baby was happy and healthy after all the trauma you’d faced. “We’re not gonna start her life this way. Tell me what you mean.”
He placed the baby down in the crib beside your bed before pinching the bridge of his nose. “I keep having to plan a life where I’m alone again, and honestly, I don’t know how I’d do it if I had to. Not this time.”
“But you’re not alone. I’m right here.”
“But you weren’t. For a minute there, I thought…” His voice grew thick, and he shook his head. “Sarah’s gone. Ellie hates me. Why the hell did I think it’d be third time lucky? She’s not even a day old, and she almost lost her mom! And there was nothing I could do. There’s never anything I can do.”
Your heart ached for him. One day, you prayed he wouldn’t hold the responsibility of every single person he loved on his shoulders. Maybe he was right. Maybe you’d been foolish to go into this thinking it could be better. The world would never be safe, not even here in Jackson, and the pain he must live with every day sure as hell wouldn’t ease now he had another daughter to raise. 
You felt hollow at the thought that maybe he’d leave. You wouldn’t blame him, not really. You were scared, too. But you’d only found the strength to do this because you were together, and you’d survived the odds so far. If that stopped feeling true… what then?
Devastation must have been written all over your face, because he pursed his lips. “Don’t listen to me, baby. I shouldn’t be sayin’ all this. You’re barely out of the woods.” 
“I don’t think we can keep doing this if you don’t let some of that guilt and blame go, Joel,” you admitted. “I think your daughter is gonna need a man who doesn’t hate himself for every single thing that’s wrong in the world. You’re right. There was nothing you could have done to stop this from happening. It was my body, and things like this happened even before the outbreak. I can’t imagine how scared you were, love, but fuck, you can’t keep making it your fault. It isn’t. It never was, especially not with Sarah. And this baby? She isn't Sarah." 
He winced at her name, as he often still did. Collapsing back in his chair, he took your hand. Slowly, his lower lip began to wobble as he finally met your gaze. “I love you too much to lose you. And her… How the hell am I gonna do this?” 
“I can’t answer that,” you said. “We knew it wouldn’t be easy.”
He snorted. “Ain’t that the truth.” Then, he bowed his head to press a kiss to the back of your hand. “Gonna try to be better. I promise. I'll hold it together."
“You don’t need to be better, and you don't need to hold it together. You’re already a good man, and talking about all this is important - for both of us. And for her.” You squeezed his fingers tightly. “I love you so much.” You teared up as you looked at the baby dozing in her crib. “And god, I love her. Can you believe we made her?” 
He hummed. “What the hell are we gonna call her?” 
“And where the hell are we gonna put her?” you added, worrying at your lip. “We never even found a crib.”
He shrugged, teasing. “I’m sure we’ll find a corner somewhere.” He leaned forward, tracing circles along your arm. “We’ll make do. Between the four of us, we’ll find a way. I’ll cut the damn trees down and build us a place from scratch myself if I have to.”
You smiled, peace finally flooding your exhausted body. You saw Ellie standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed, and knew Joel was right. Your family was complete now. It would be a little broken at times, as all things were, but you’d do everything in your power to keep it whole. 
Even if it meant reminding Joel every damn day that he had to be gentle with himself.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
hi! i saw you were requesting more camp counselor!james x reader, and i was thinking maybe james and reader's groups are having a lake day and james is playfully rough housing with reader (like tackling them in the water, reader holding onto his meck while he swims with her, just fun playful manhandling!)
Thanks for requesting lovely!
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 759 words
“Fishies, fishies,” James calls, grinning ear to ear as he lies in wait in the chest-deep water, “come out and play!” 
You’re not ashamed of using some of your kids as human shields as you all advance cautiously forward. Having James be the shark in this game was a terrible idea, but he won the last round and you suppose rules and rules. All you and the kids have to do to avoid losing this round is get to the rock about twenty feet from the shore, but you have to get past James first. 
He lifts his arms above the water, waggling his fingers menacingly at the kids closest to him. A couple of the boys from his cabin are bold, swimming just within grabbing distance. James waits until a few kids have already made it past him before shouting, “Shark attack!” 
Mayhem erupts. You’re kicked by a couple of small feet as the campers around you take off, and you do the same, swimming for the safety zone. You see the kids nearest James go down with splashes and dramatic screams of defeat as he catches them. Then, his gaze narrows on you. 
His grin widens when you start swimming faster. He takes a couple of powerful strokes in your direction, but you’re almost past him, you think you can make it if you dive under—big hands latch onto your angles. You’re jerked backward, water going up your nose before you’re pulled flush against a warm chest. 
It takes you a second to realize you’re out of the water, but then James’ hand is lifting the wet hair from your face. His body shakes behind yours while you cough and sputter. 
“Oops,” he laughs, turning you around and continuing to push pieces of hair away from your eyes as you blow water out of your nose. “Sorry, lovely.” He says it so simply, like plain fact. Your heart stutters. 
It takes you another second to be able to speak. James really does look sorry then, ducking to see your face while you catch your breath. 
“You alright?” he asks. His hand finds your sun-warmed shoulder, rubbing. “I didn’t mean to be so rough with you.” 
“I’m fine,” you say, smiling giddily despite the lake water still streaming down your face. “Sorry, just, water got up my nose.” 
“I could tell.” There’s both amusement and sympathy in his smile. “I’d let you get revenge on me sometime, if it would make you feel better.” 
You think on this for a moment. “It would, actually,” you say before hooking your ankle behind both of his and giving his shoulders a hard shove. 
James’ mouth pops open in surprise as he goes down, and you’re already laughing when he comes back up but it worsens when you see him. His hair has all slicked back, revealing more forehead than you knew he had.
“Minx!” he accuses joyously. 
Before you can think to get away, he’s got his arms banded underneath your back and thighs and has pulled you to his chest again. 
“Hold your breath,” he warns you graciously. You inhale just before he dunks your head under the water. 
You wish you had it in you to be mad, but the way his fingers dig into your thighs is scrambling your brain waves, and James is impossible to be angry with in the first place. When you come back out of the water you’re still laughing, frenetic giggles that have him grinning down at you too. 
“Your hair!” you manage, reaching up a hand to attempt to comb some of it back down. 
It’s not that James has an unusually large forehead, just that you’ve never seen it, and for some reason the sight worsens your delirium. You don’t even try to get out of his hold, entirely focussed on righting his hair, already curling at the ends despite how waterlogged it is. James’ smile softens. 
“Thanks,” he says. You’re so close you can see your reflection in his eyes, the glint of the water behind you flashing in his pupils. 
It sobers you, and you stop, pulling your hand back to your chest like you’ve hurt it. James takes the cue to let you go. 
“Think twice before you try to water wrestle me again,” he teases, and you do your best to smile in response. 
The kids taunt James for only having turned three of you into sharks, having let the rest of the campers get by after he’d caught you. He admits to having gotten distracted.
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wittlesissyb4by · 4 months
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Why do we keep letting these pigs get off scott-free? They think they can come in, play with our hearts and our heads, then cut and run and do the same to some other poor girl! Hell, sometimes they’re doing it to multiple women at the same time!
Well, I say “no more”! No longer will we let these immature men run around and take advantage of women! It’s time we take a stand! Starting with little Benjamin here.
Benny tried to slip a little something in my drink at the club last week and thought I wouldn’t notice. Little did he know, I’d already been watching him, planning a little bit of payback after what he did to my friend Lauren. She cried for weeks over this guy.
So when Benny wasn’t looking, I did the ‘ole switcheroo, he was out like a light 2 hours later.
Ohh you should have seen Benny’s face when he woke up for the first time! His hands and feet were chained to his new crib, and he kicked his little legs when he saw (or felt) what he had on. Every flail of his body only made his fresh new diaper crinkle louder and louder. He whined and cried and screamed as much as his gag would allow. But Benny had no idea that was just the beginning.
He thought, he really thought he wasn’t going to have to use his diaper, that it was just there for funsies. The way he moaned and groaned as he clenched and tucked his legs, trying anything he could to quell the painful throbbing coming from his very full bladder. I told him to save himself the torment, that all he was doing was delaying the inevitable, but still he resisted. To his credit, he made it a whole ‘nother thirty minutes before he sighed in relief and flooded his diaper for the very first time. His whimpers and whines after were pathetically adorable.
He drank the bottle out of desperation. He was obviously starving, and I made it clear he would not get out of his (now *very* wet) diaper until he finished the whole thing. I wonder if he could taste the laxatives and hormones mixed within? No matter, he certainly seemed to notice the effects about an hour later when he started fussing and complaining about the cramps.
“Just get over it,” I spat back at him, something I’ve heard way too many men say when they learn a woman is on her period, “just don’t be such a bitch!”
When I tell you: the man cried. Like, full-on bawled like a baybee when he couldn’t hold it anymore and started shitting all over himself in that diaper. He continued to cry for the next 3 hours when I refused to change him. I made him sit and wallow in his own filth while he thought about his life choices.
Reluctantly, his diaper was eventually changed, but so was his outfit. His eyes were wide as saucers when i held up the pink onesie and frilly skirt, but they closed soon after once the drugs kicked in. He woke up halfway through me doing his make-up, and seemed less than thrilled when the wig was put on.
Now, one week later, he’s mostly silent in his crib. I’m not sure if it’s the cocktail of hormones in his system messing with his brain, or he has finally accepted that this isn’t all a dream, that this isn’t going to stop, and this is his new life now. Any attempts to run will just lead to the thousands of pictures I have of him ending up all across the internet. The livestreams of him pooping his pampers notwithstanding. He’s quite docile now. He knows to keep that pacifier in his mouth otherwise it will delay his diaper change by several hours. It only took him a few rashes to learn to comply.
Lauren is now on her way over to get a look at the so-called “Man” that broke her heart. I highly doubt she’ll feel any sort of anguish now. Knowing her, she’ll have even more fun with him than I have.
So this is a call to all women, it is high time we put these deadbeat little fuck bois in their place. Take back what is ours. Let’s fight the patriarchy and turn it into a true Matriarchy, one pathetic little pervert at a time!
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edwardslvrr · 6 months
OLD MONEY CODED 𐙚 carlos sainz
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౨ৎ carlos sainz x reader
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the one where carlos and his wife are the media’s favourite couple on the grid
taglist if you'd like to be added to my taglist, message me privately or comment on this post
warning this is all fake and just for fun, no hate to any of the people mentioned. Just a reminder that this is pure for entertainment хохо
main masterlist 𐙚 carlos masterlist
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౨ৎ f1fan twitter
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౨ৎ yourinstagram no location
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liked by carlossainz55 and 194.693 others
yourinstagram enjoying the winter break
view all 1936 comments
username why isn’t this my life
username valid question
username i love you two so much together!
username they’re just perfect for each other it’s actually painful
yourbestfriend weird, seems like my invite got lost
yourinstagram weird, seems like i didn’t send you one
username please yn just one chance
username hope carlos can fight fr
username man is obsessed w her, i think he will fight
౨ৎ yourinstagram posted on their stories
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౨ৎ f1fan twitter
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౨ৎ messages carlos/yn
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have you been posting thirst traps again?
yes, gotta give the people what they want
ah yes, and people want to see my back?
correction, your back muscles*
how did i even end up here
well you had an amazing best friend, fell in love, got on one knee, married her and now you’re here
and i don’t regret a thing
౨ৎ carlossainz55 no location
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liked by yourinstagram and 989.628 others
carlossainz55 enjoying the break, can’t wait to get back in the car! ❤️
view all 1937 comments
username what a thirst trap 😮‍💨
username fr said if yn can post thirst traps of me, i can just post them myself too
username what a good looking man, i am screaming
username yn can you fight?
yourinstagram yes and i will
username fair enough
username hottest couple tbf
username the way i’m giggling and kicking my feet over here
landonorris lost another driver to the shirtless picture 😔
username george russell who?
username now you
yourinstagram let him do this, he looks incredible and i’m happy
౨ৎ yourinstagram & carlossainz55 posted on their stories
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౨ৎ f1fan twitter
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taglist - @louvrepool @italyrryx @buendiabebeta @janeholt3 @privatemythss @lightdragonrayne @namgification @aquangxl @sammyam @americanbluebirdrb @nxrrislando
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ryescapades · 2 months
omg hai...... can i please request a loserumi (narumi) of him religiously admiring an idol!reader.. like he'd almost always show up to all her concerts and fan meetings to the point where his followers would always upload posts of him getting seen fanboying in public 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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— narumi gen, japan's strongest anti-kaiju combatant biggest fanboy ever.
characters: narumi gen (kaiju no.8) x idol fem!reader genre/warning: kinda headcanon format, none i think a/n: this is such a new concept to me so it took me a while to come up with something. thank you for the req anon! hopefully you don't mind me using kpop as the ref since i'm more versed in that compared to irl jp idols TT
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loser!narumi who undoubtedly has a stan account of you, his favourite artist across all social medias where he posts fancams, edits, merchs, etc.
loser!narumi who probably has a lot of customized/official jerseys with your name and birthday number printed on them. even sets his lockscreen with a picture of him wearing it or something.
loser!narumi who listens to your songs religiously and learns almost all of your choreographies. he's girlypop like that.
loser!narumi who has a 'y/n shrine' at home where he puts all of your albums, photocards, posters and prints that he got (also most likely he has a flag of your face on japan's logo hung in his bedroom. if you know that kpop idol on american flags, then you'd know what i mean).
loser!narumi who's your biggest defender and truther, he's never letting a hater of yours even breathe peacefully they gotta sleep with one eye open every night (he fights with them on twt and insta on a daily basis).
loser!narumi who definitely trash-talks Dispatch whenever you accidentally/mistakenly end up in a dating allegation.
loser!narumi who takes impromptu day offs from his captain duties in order to attend every single one of your concerts/fansign/cupsleeve events, especially when you're doing a tour in japan. he's in disguise, of course (japan would definitely riot if they see their cherished protector so much as mundanely breathe the outside air).
loser!narumi who still gets noticed by your other fans during said events. not like he tries that hard to hide himself anyway. not when he's loudly cheering along the fanchants during concerts, your lightstick held in his hand and he's screaming your name at the top of his lungs like his life depends on it (it does, he thinks).
loser!narumi who still pathetically denies the pictures of him posted on social media, saying he had a doppleganger or some shit (boy you ain't slick wtf that's clearly your ass squealing and dancing there).
loser!narumi who goes absolutely batshit crazy when you make eye contact with him or look directly at his camera when he's filming you or hold his hands and talk to him so sweetly during fansign events.
loser!narumi who giggles to himself, rolling around in bed, kicking his feet and shit whenever you reply to his comment during your live stream.
loser!narumi who always brings along a photocard of yours everywhere he goes, even during missions. "that one's for you, y/n!!!" *proceeds to kiss your photocard repeatedly* —narumi after killing a kaiju, probably.
loser!narumi who's a teensy bit delulu thinking one day he might be the one to have you, his dearest idol whom he loves so much <3
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©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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gigabyte-flare · 1 year
Tick Tock
Summary: It's Leon's 39th birthday and you're going to give him the perfect birthday present
Word Count: 1.2k
Pairing: yandere DI!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Actions depicted in this story are not condoned in real life. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: Sex (p in v), age gap (reader is over 20), implications of kidnapping, pet name (bunny), Stockholm Syndrome, implication of DUI (do NOT do this, it's bad), mentions of mensuration, overstimulation, dubcon, breeding kink, Daddy kink
A/N: This was inspired by this anon ask sent to @explorevenus that immediately implanted itself in my brain and wouldn't leave. And before anyone asks, yes I got the ok from Venus to write my version of this. I can't wait to see hers when she gets around to it!
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Leon pulls up in front of his apartment building on his motorcycle, the slight burn of alcohol in his veins after having had a few shots of whiskey after a long day at the D.S.O. office. He engages the bike’s kick stand with his foot before climbing off. He takes a glance at his watch, watching the second hand move for a moment before heading up the stoop leading up to the apartment complex entrance.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…
He pulls the door open, stepping inside and heading up the stairs, the sound of the door slamming shut echoing through the spacious stairwell. He proceeds up to the third floor, heading down the hall to his apartment; the last door on the left. He fishes his keys from his pants pocket, putting the key into the lock and turning it, opening the door and stepping inside. Once inside, he immediately takes off his blue leather jacket, hanging it off the coat rack just a few steps away from the front door. He looks up at the clock hanging in the small kitchen. He is acutely aware of the passage of time, the sound of the clock practically in his head.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…
He immediately turns towards the sound of your voice, seeing you stand in the threshold of the hallway leading to the bedroom. You are completely nude; Leon never saw a need for you to wear clothes; you’re not allowed to leave the apartment, after all. A couple of years ago, you would kick and scream and throw things at him in protest, ever since he brought you home, but eventually you came around, warmed up to him. Loved him.
“There’s my bunny,” Leon says, a smile spreading across his face as he walks over to you, placing his hands on your hips, “did you have a good day today?”
You nod, giving Leon your best puppy eyes, shifting on your feet as you put your hands behind your back, “missed you, Daddy…”
“Yeah? Daddy missed you too, bunny,” he replies, his delicate touch moving up your body, but then back down to settle onto your hips.
Leaning down, he buries his face in the crook of your neck, kissing, biting and leaving marks in his wake. He hears you softly moan, which brings a smile to his lips. Unlatching himself from you, he looks to you, his blue eyes hungry.
“Do you know what day it is, bunny?”
He watches you as you contemplate his question before you shake your head, “no… what day is it Daddy?”
His smile widens as he begins to coax you into the bedroom. He gently pushes you onto the bed so that you’re seated at the end. He begins to unbutton his shirt.
“It’s my 39th birthday. And I’ve thought of the perfect present you can give me.”
“What can I give you, Daddy?” you ask, squeezing your thighs together as you watch Leon undress.
He pulls off his shirt, revealing his toned torso and arms and he then begins to work on his belt and pants, “you’re going to give me a baby, bunny. We are not leaving this room until I’m confident that you are thoroughly bred.”
He hears your breath hitch and you squeeze your thighs even tighter as you twirl your hair with one of your index fingers, biting your bottom lip. He watches your eyes focus on his endowment as his pants and underwear fall to the floor, kicking them aside. He walks up to you, putting one of his knees up onto the bed. You shift yourself onto the bed more, laying your back onto the bed as Leon climbs on top of you. He grasps one of your legs, putting it onto his shoulder before doing the same with the other.
“You’re going to give me a baby before my 40th birthday, or so help me God…”
Leaning forward, he practically folds you in half into a mating press, letting out an animalistic growl as his lips latch onto one of your breasts, the other being kneaded in his large hand; his hips pistoning into your delicate form in desperation. All the while, the sound of the clock hanging on the bedroom wall reverberates in his ears.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…
Leon is acutely aware of the passage of time; he knows his window to get you to conceive a beautiful, healthy baby for him is dwindling with each passing moment, each passing day that he grows older. He’s dreamt of having a family of his own, to give his child the life that was ripped from him. And you are going to give it to him.
You were picked very carefully; in your 20s, down on your luck at a dead end job at the local cafe that Leon frequented prior to taking you home. Despite your initial protests, he pampered you, promised you that you’d never have to work a day in your life again; that you wouldn’t even have to lift a finger. All you had to do was love him and give him babies. Getting you to love him was the easy part. Getting you pregnant was the challenge. How many days and nights had he tried? But, with each new month, your cycle came. He couldn’t be angry at you, but damn did it piss him off that you still weren’t pregnant.
Tonight it’s going to be different. Releasing his mouth from your breast, he looks down at you, watching your body jolt with each powerful, deep thrust into your body. As he pushes deep, he rolls his hips up, causing his cock to push into your most sensitive spot, causing you to cry out each time. Your hands latch onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin, letting him know you are very close to the edge. He quickens his pace, placing his hands on either side of you to steady himself as he pounds ruthlessly into you.
“That’s it, precious bunny,” he growls, staring down at you, “cum for Daddy. You can do it.”
“Oh my go-- oh fuck! D-Daddy I-- Ah!” you cry, your nails digging further into his shoulders, your legs squeezing tight around his hips as you come.
With a few more aggressive thrusts, Leon also comes, moaning loudly as he does so, pushing himself deep inside you. He doesn’t pull out however and despite this, he leans back and watches as his seed leaks out around his softening cock. He takes a moment to catch his breath, his hand reaching down between your legs, gently rubbing your clit with his thumb, causing you to whimper. He loves the sounds you make for him, they never fail to make him hard again.
With that, he begins to move his hips once more; ignoring your soft pleas that it’s too much, that you’re too overstimulated. He is bound and determined to stay inside you until he is confident you’re pregnant with his child. It’s going to be a long night.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock…
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cameronluvr · 4 months
can i request rafe x jealous!girlfriend!reader ?
rafe has his friends over like kelce, topper, etc. & has been ignoring reader all day, even when she’s asking questions. so she’s fed up slowly, takes his phone & smashes it on the floor in front of all of his friends.
he’s screaming „wtf is your problem?!“ „oh so now i got your attention?!“ it ends it with a screaming match, kicking out his friend & reader domming rafe hehehe after being an ass all day he’s her bitch now🎀🤭
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HANDCUFFS — rafe cameron x fem reader
warnings: slight toxic!rafe, he’s ignorant as hell, arguing, insults, jealous!reader, reader using handcuffs on rafe, teasing, suggestive sex (no actual sex / smut), reader low-key just being a bad bitch, (idk if anymore, lmk if u see any i missed!)
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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“watch this, bro” you hear kelce say to rafe as he pulls up his phone to show him a video. you rolled your eyes sitting on the other side of rafe as they all laugh with each other, pretty much ignoring your presence.
“rafe” you say, trying to get his attention by tapping his arm. nothing. you hated when he was like this. whenever he was around his friends, it’s as if you became invisible. he never spoke to you, and if he did, it was always one or two words, before turning back to tell full blown stories to his friends.
“rafe…” you say again, this time shaking his arm. he turns his head to look at you, but not his body. “what?” he asks as the video kelce had up was still playing, and he and topper were still laughing over it. “i’m bored” you say quietly, not wanting to offend his friends or anything.
“well, go do somethin’ then.” he suggests. it’s not fair. it’s his house. you were there to see him, to spend time with him, not find your own things to do without him.
before you could answer, he had turned the other way to face his friends again, resuming watching the video on kelce’s phone. “nah, nah, bro. look at this i saw” rafe pulled out his phone now, clicking on an app and scrolling to find something funny to show his friends.
you were so bored, and so annoyed. music was playing, rafe, topper and kelce were laughing loudly and talking to each other, and you were just sat with your feet kicked up and arms across your chest, sulking to yourself.
every time rafe laughed, he couldn’t help but lean back and accidentally nudge you, and elbow you, but also couldn’t apologize a single time. he literally didn’t acknowledge you at all.
“rafe, please can you just talk to me?” you ask, softly and innocently as he ignores you yet again, sticking up his index finger motioning for you to wait a minute. you start to get really frustrated now, huffing and standing up.
“oh my god” you groan, anger taking over you as you stand in front of your boyfriend, reaching your hand down and snatching his phone out of his hand. “wh—” he begins to ask, not even finishing his sentence before you threw his phone down to the ground.
“yoooo,” “oh, shit”
kelce and topper say as rafe immediately stands up to face you, towering over you, in fact.
“what the fuck is your problem?”
“oh so now i got your attention?”
you and rafe start to argue, with his friends looking at each other not knowing what to do. they’ve witnessed hundreds of your arguments, but they never knew what to do. rafe was an unpredictable guy, and you were a feisty girl.
“what are you talking about?” rafe yells at you, picking up his smashed phone from the floor. “seriously? what am i talking about? you’ve been doing nothing but ignoring me this entire fucking time!” you scream at him, eyebrows furrowed with anger.
“ignoring you? don’t be so dramatic, y/n i was watching a fucking video” rafe argues like you’re being pathetic. “not just that, you’ve been ignoring me all day. i’m here, at your house, to see you, and you just sit here with your besties, giggling like girls” you mock, anger seriously taking over you now.
“quit being a fucking crazy bitch, y/n, god, you could’ve just spoken to me” rafe shouts, watching as your eyes widen at his audacity. is he for real right now? “i have been speaking to you!” you scream back at him. at this point, your faces are inches away from each others. it looked like it was about to turn physical, but topper and kelce got involved before it could.
“okay, okay, relax guys,” “chill,”
both boys direct you away from each other, but rafe is already embarrassed over the way you spoke about his friends, so he nudges them away. “guys, just— just go home. i’ll talk to you later.” rafe tells his friends, not even looking at them as his eyes are fixated on yours.
“you sure? i—” topper starts,
“top. i’m sure.” rafe cuts him off, looking away from you for a second to look at him. they give each other a nod, before topper and kelce walk away and head out.
“you have some serious fucking issues, woman” rafe scoffs at you, tossing his smashed phone aside. it’s not like it works anymore. “i have issues? and you don’t? fuck, someone needs to teach your ass a lesson” you angrily say to him, implying that he’s never been taught manners or respect.
“yeah, who? like you? cause you’d be a great teacher” rafe says very sarcastically, rolling his eyes at you. you think for a second before answering. “you know what, yeah. come on. i’m gonna teach you a lesson” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him with you.
“what?” he frowns, being pulled along by you as you walk up the stairs. “you’ll see.” you say, but he couldn’t tell if you were being serious, sarcastic or just messing around.
you reach rafe’s bedroom, where you open the door and pull him in. he shuts the door after him, and looks at you. “okay, what are y’gonna teach me, miss?” he sarcastically says, thinking you’re playing a joke.
“i’ll show you. sit down” you say, pointing to his bed. he frowns with confusion, but with a playful smirk on his face. he does as you say, walking over to his bed and sitting on it with his legs hanging off the side, facing toward you.
he watches your every move as you walk to his bedside table, opening a drawer and rummaging through it before finding the pair of handcuffs he hadn’t used on you in a while.
you pick them up, putting the cuff on your index finger and swirling it around before closing the drawer with your hip. “and what do you plan on doing with those?” he asks, chuckling but not expecting you to grab his wrists and push him down onto the bed, before instantly getting on top of him to straddle him.
“woah— wh—” he says, being cut off by the sound of the handcuffs opening and being placed around his wrist.
“relax, i’m teaching you a lesson, aren’t i?” you say, putting his hands through the wooden bars of his headboard, before cuffing his other wrist to restrain him.
you’ve never done this to him before. but it’s safe to say he’s kind of enjoying it, so far…
he smirks, watching as you take your shirt off, pulling it off your head. your tits looked so perfect in your bra, the bra that matched your panties as you reveal them to him, pulling down your pants.
“fuck…” he moans under his breath, the sight of you is enough to turn any man on. “you like?” you ask, sitting up on his waist, straddling him as you grab your own boobs, feeling them as he stares. “of course i like” he nods.
“you gonna say sorry?” you ask out of nowhere.
“for what?” he asks, still thinking he isn’t in the wrong.
“for ignoring me. and being mean. are you sorry?” you ask, again, raising your eyebrows at him and giving him a stern look.
“yeah, yeah, ‘m sorry” he quickly nods, making you squint your eyes at him, wanting a better apology.
“i’m sorry, baby, i mean it” he tells you, looking into your eyes. “good.” you smirk, looking over at his restrained hands. god, he looks so hot. you should be in charge more often, boss him around for a change.
he doesn’t say anything, neither do you. he waits for you to make a move, however you just sit and smirk at him, loving it. “y’ forgive me, princess?” he asks.
“hmm. maybe.” you giggle, slowly leaning down so that your chest is touching his, putting your face into the crook of his neck. you begin kissing it, then kissing further down to his chest, then to his stomach.
you kiss all the way down to his waistline and hear him hum, feeling him getting so hard against you. your face is close to his dick, so you look up into his eyes and smirk before kissing his hard cock above his pants, hearing him say “fuckkk”.
by now, he’s fully hard, you’ve got him so turned on. you tease him a little more, suggesting that you’re going to suck his dick. but out of nowhere, you stop and slowly get back up. “n’aww, cute.” you giggle at him, at how horny he is.
“don’t stop” he pleads, trying to move his hands up but the handcuffs stopped him, watching as you smirk. “that’s your lesson, don’t be a dick, and you might get what you want next time.” you smile at him before getting up and off the bed.
“where y’goin’?” he asks, frowning at you. “away from you.” you smile again, very sarcastically. you pick up your clothes and put them back on. “now, sit there and think about what you’ve done.” you joke, walking over to the door to open it.
“y/n” he says,
“that’s what you get for being an ass,” you tell him as you walk out and shut the door behind you. hearing him shout your name on the other side made you giggle and put your hand over your mouth, walking to sarah’s room. you had your fun with rafe, now you’re just gonna leave him there until you feel like forgiving him. ☻
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this was such a good idea for a request, thank uuu!! i hope i wrote this to your liking, let me know what you think! rlly hope you guys enjoy this <3 ((sorry there’s no actual smut))
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
Walter to the Rescue
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Gif not mine it belongs to @alphinias
After a ride in the woods late at night you wind up getting lost and to the readers surprise Cole actually answers your call.
Tag list - @cognacdelights
Kicking my horse in the belly to go faster with the wind running through my hair that I left completely loose. This wasn’t the first time I had taken one of the Walter family's horses to clear my head from a day of high school. It all could be a lot especially when everyone in this town knows you have a close family relationship with the Walter kids. Because it only results in half the school thinking you're sleeping with some of them. “Woah boy. Easy now.”
My horse begins making some noise in protest hearing some thunder off in the distance. I knew that horses could get spooked easy but I wasn't too worried about it. Alex had taught me how to keep your cool on them. Looking around at the treeline the leaves have already begun changing colors making it really beautiful. “Ah!” I screamed suddenly when lighting hit the ground in front of me and that caused my horse to whine and throw me off its back.
“Ow! No wait…” I called out to my horse but he was already far off into the treeline. Running a hand through my hair I sighed seeing that the sky was getting darker meaning there was a storm coming. Digging inside my jacket pocket I drew out my phone dialing the house phone getting no answer. “Seriously a house full of that many people and nobody hears the phone!”
I guess I couldn't blame them for not answering. That house is always loud and crazy no matter what time of day. Plus now that Jackie from New York had moved in things got more complicated. Tapping my knees in thought I tried to decide who would answer my call. Alex was busy with Jackie, Parker was probably outside playing with Benny. Will was working tonight selling houses. Jordan, Nathan, Lee, Isaac and Danny didn't drive. So that left me in the hands of the most popular guy in town who was known for hooking up with multiple girls Cole. Lifting my head up to the sky I felt heavy rain coming down where I scrambled to my feet but collapsed when I felt a sharp pain in my left ankle. “Shit!...guess he's my only choice now.”
It wasn't that I hated the guy. I just hated the reputation he had made for himself. The rain came pouring down where I grunted, forcing myself to stand up. I hopped over to the treeline to get some coverage from the storm. The wind was picking up, shaking everything so I dialed his number. “Pick up, pick up.”
“What's going on, Y/n?” His voice came through the phone.
“Don't make fun of me but I'm lost.” I stated.
He chuckled at me. “How did little woodlen girl get lost?”
“Cole, I'm not in the mood for teasing right now.” I spat back.
The former star football player still was laughing on the other end. “I’m sorry I just can’t believe girl who hunts with her father managed to get lost on our property. I mean I never thought I’d see the day from someone like you.”
“Cole, I am currently stuck out in a storm and called you for help so can you take this seriously please!” I raised my voice pulling the hood of my jacket over my head shivering when the wind blew harshly against me.
Finally to my surprise he came to his senses responding back to me. “Alright I’ll come get you.” He hung up the call and I was forced to listen and watch the storm get worse for an hour or so.
Burying my face into my knees my body was shaking from the cold and the fact that my clothes were soaked head to toe. I heard a vehicle engine getting closer in my direction and it pulled to a stop showing me it was Cole’s truck he was usually working on in the barn. The drivers door flung opened and quickly shut where I saw someone running towards me with a jacket in their hands. “Cole?”
“One knight in shining armor, woodland girl.” He declared dropping down on a knee, draping the jacket over my shoulders.
I glared up into his green eyes seeing his blonde hair sticking to his forehead. “Can you please call me by my actual name for once?”
“Maybe someday. Come on let's get out of the cold before we both get frost bite.” He offered me his hands tugging me to stand.
“Argh!” I winced, dropping down on my other knee after my injured ankle.
Cole was quick on his reflectances sweeping me up bridal style into his muscular arms. “Looks like you needed a better horse riding teacher than Alex huh?”
“Let’s not talk about it right now.” I said feeling embarrassed enough as is. He helped me into the passenger seat and we drove home. He carried me upstairs and sat me down on the edge of his bed in his bedroom.
He searched around in the closet grabbing himself a change of clothes. Then he tossed me one of his blue tea shirts and some shorts. “Here I can help you if you need it.”
“Turn around first.” I instructed him, blushing since I haven't even kissed anyone before. He did as told giving me the chance to slip my wet shirt for his and shrugging off my jeans until I thought about getting the shorts on. I pulled them up as much as I could before getting his attention. “Cole, I can’t get them up without standing on my foot.”
He looks over his shoulder coming back to me moving his hands down to the left side telling me. “Lift your foot for me.” I lifted my foot and he shrugged it up then helping me sit back down on the bed so I could do the same to my right leg without his assistance.
“Thanks, Cole.” I whispered where he stands in front of me letting silence fill the room. I avoided his gaze, not sure of what to say until I shut my eyes to ask the question. “So did you have to skip a hookup with Erin to come rescue me?”
He tilted his head to the side. “Why would you care if I did. You have a crush on me or something, woodland girl?”
“Y/n, you know my name so use it.” I corrected him. “And even if I did, you don't have relationships. I wouldn't want to be another girl tricked by The Cole Effect.”
He raised a brow at my words. “Oh yeah. What makes you think you'd just be another girl I hook up with?”
“Like I said everyone at school knows you don't do real boyfriend girlfriend relationships. You do hook ups and my mother saw it before I did but I refuse to let my feelings for you lead me down that path since you can't possibly feel the same way about me as I do you.” I accidentally admitted without realizing it to him.
Cole stared blankly at me. “You don't think I feel the same?”
“If you did, you have a funny way of showing it.” Shrugging my shoulders I lowered my gaze down from his green orbs.
Cole simply replied then closed the gap between us. “Is this enough of an effort for ya.” He cupped my face in his hands, crashing his lips down onto mine.
I gasped in shock and awe that the famous Cole Walter was kissing me. He was kissing me, the girl that wasn’t popular like he was. The girl that was just a friend of the family but still no one special. “Cole…I’ve never….never done anything like this.” I mumbled tugging on his blonde locks deepening the kiss. He moaned gently pushing me down onto the mattress and he climbed over top of me never breaking the heated kiss until we needed air.
“I’m not doing this to just have a hook up with you, Y/n. I’m not good with commitment but I do actually care about you.” He breathed out holding himself up by his hands on either side of me, blonde hair falling in front of his eyes and his eyes were focused on me.
Raising one hand up I tangled my fingers into his hair asking the question that was eating away at me now. “So what does that make us now, Cole Walter?”
“We can take this slow and figure it out as we go along, Y/n Woodland Girl L/n.” He smiled leaning down kissing me gently this time. I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me enjoying the kisses we shared.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
I need to know in explicit detail the first time breg allowed this human to collect samples. Also need to know the embarrassing situations they are put in that their coworkers judge them
I honestly love this so much I'm kicking my feet and giggling ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
[Fem reader. I kind of rushed this. Doodle at the end.]
TW: Heavy themes of abuse (including mentions of noncon, death and captivity); Dubious consent moments.
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" Listen, we just need you to get in there. "
You blink. " ... This can't be serious. Is this a joke? "
The half-fiend woman, superior to you in professional rank, drags a hand across her blonde locks and grimaces. " Look, I know it sounds bad- "
" Of course it does! This was nowhere in the job description- "
Not that the job description was very uh, descriptive, anyway. But any straw will do, anything to cling to a modicum of your dignity as you get told what your next task will be.
She seems to switch through a few different corporate tactics to ease the blow. " Listen, please. We are short-staffed at the moment, and this has been affecting production a lot more than you can imagine. Specimen 197 is a big bread-winner here and we all know he's uncooperative with machinery, going as far as to ruin it constantly, which leads to more expenses- "
She's explaining this to you like you're a particularly slow toddler and you're not amused.
" We have also noted that M197 is clearly attached to you and a bond has been formed, which is why your presence is requested in certain situations, to reduce his stress levels during tasks. This... Is another one of those tasks. We just need you to get a few samples- " She points at the two canisters next to her. " And you can think of it as a way to improve your bond with the specimen even. "
" Ma'am, he's entering a rut. " You pause. " You want me to walk into a male breeder's cell while he's rutting and engage sexually with him? "
She gulps. " For- For strictly professional purposes- "
" I'm not doing this. "
" There's a significant monetary bonus if you manage to do it. "
A long, shameful, disgustingly filthy moment of silence unfolds where you internally debate how far you're willing to go for some much needed money.
Too far, apparently.
" ... I'll do it. "
" Great, that's wonderful, we- "
" No cameras in the room. "
She flinches. " But then how are we supposed to know if you're in danger? "
" No cameras, please. "
If you die you die. You don't want footage of you being possibly mauled by a breeder out there...
A begrudging glance is cast towards the canisters sitting innocently on the table.
Grabbing them, you prepare for the shitshow you signed yourself into.
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We have him tied up, the techs had informed you, it'll make things easier.
Just hearing them gives you headaches.
Yes, of course, because forcibly restraining the already volatile lifeform will make it cease being hostile. Logical.
A long-suffering sigh exits your lips when you input the code to open 197's cell. It's a code you know by heart now. If not from the regular standard visits, then from the hurried string of numbers your coworkers would scream at you over the radio before getting launched around by a monster several times their size and weight.
It's hard to forget something like that. There are just some faces you never see again.
As soon as the heavily reinforced door hisses open, you're greeted by an immediate build-up of a snarl. As scary as the sound was when you first heart it, and continues to be on an instinctual level, you understand now that it's mostly born out of fear.
Nothing good ever happens when 197 is cuffed and he's right to be frightened.
The moment you step into view and the door slams shut behind you however, he visibly seems to shift gear instantly.
Sitting on the rather uncomfortable tiled ground, specimen 197 has his ankles spread and cuffed to the ground, his wrists joined behind him and his neck nearly choked to the wall. A muzzle prevents the breeder's jaw from elongating as it tends to do when he's threatened. His tail is likewise restrained in two areas. Those cuffs are the best things modern technology can offer, you haven't heard of a single solid monster type that can shatter them. They're likely also tampered with by some more magically-inclined individuals, but you've never been one to dabble in that.
He exhibits the signs you'd expect from any male entering a rut. Excessive sweating, goosebumps, a faster breathing rate, tension, restlessness and a dilated, humid slit. His skin flickers from time to time, signals somewhere between aggression and courtship displays. You would never have associated heat cycles with torture before starting your work here, but seeing the way these monsters are chemically forced into hypersexual, unhealthily exacerbated heats has shown you just how cruelly this biological process can be exploited.
Sometimes they die. A hormonal, frenzied, artificially accelerated metabolism like this is powerful, but it's also very fragile, in a way. Either they're able to maintain their required ridiculous nutrient intake, find a way to preserve as much energy as possible, or simply panic and end up dying from a mixture of stress and lack of sustenance.
Another sigh escapes your lips, you try to clear your head by placing the canisters on the ground.
The breeder in question, who was once nearly pitch black in his effort to intimidate the perceived threat, is now snow white, having registered you as his favorite, the "nice one". 197 shrinks in himself, then begins a litany of keening whines interspersed with specific chirps.
It might be a plea for attention from an already hormone-fried brain, it might also just be a desperate request to be released from his binds.
You're no paragon of morality, but unlike your coworkers, you understand that building a bond with anyone requires depositing some trust in them. And, even if 197 is rutting, you can only continue to build a connection with him if he has a modicum of comfort in this situation. Which is why you steel yourself before moving closer to the specimen in question and inputting the specific combination to unlock all of his cuffs.
The process is timed, giving workers about five or so minutes to leave the cell before the cuffs drop and the monster is freed. It prevents casualties, naturally.
197 tries to thump his tail in appreciation when he realizes what you're doing, quietly rumbling and trying to lean into the small brushes of your fingers as you work.
" There big guy, just give it a second... " You take a few steps back while you wait.
It feels like a small eternity before the restraints begin falling off one by one. First the tail ones, then the muzzle, the neck, the wrists... And the ankles. On that last click, the breeder shrugs everything away and stretches as he stands.
You've studied these monsters and their mannerisms, he's not stretching just to soothe his joints, he's displaying. The exaggerated curve of that spine says it all, you know exactly what reaction he's after. Though, already riled up as he is, you don't think it's a good idea to respond.
In a second, he's closed the distance between the two of you, this near suffocating hovering over your front, hands and arms twitching with the urge to touch you. 197 is not good with boundaries, which was very surprising to you, considering he absolutely detests it when 99% of people touch him.
The 1% being you.
He waits, visibly pained, for the signal.
" You can touch me now. "
And like a sudden wave, 197 nearly crashes onto you, his comparatively massive pale body blanketing over yours as his arms cage your upper body, lifting it along with him. You squealed the first few times, now you know to stay mostly still and lean to the right so he can shove his face in the crook of your neck without bonking his head against yours. Painful.
He takes a couple deep, shameless inhales of your scent. And, if you had to guess, you're probably a bit sweaty from anxiety. Not that he seems to care, 197 actually appears to slow down a little, enjoying the closeness and now familiar odor you possess. His tail coils around your legs and you pat his back when the telltale chirps and trills of elation make it past his throat.
" Yeah, I missed you too buddy. Take a breather. "
This close to the male, you have absolutely no choice but to drown in his musk. 197 can't help it, he's ruttting after all, those pheromones have to come out. Fortunately, as a human, you're not affected by them, though some of your monster coworkers have to wear specific masks when they enter rutting breeder cells. To you, it's just vaguely unpleasant and heavy.
197 would usually give you a bit of room by now, but he doesn't seem interested in that, instead shifting you around so he can smell other parts of your figure, particularly your hair. Your face warms from his excessive body heat and the sensation of being corralled, your protests silenced when a long blue muscle dips to trail from the base of your neck to your jaw and up the side of your face. The movement is quick, and your attempt to reflexively lean away is met with a tighter grasp as he repeats it.
197 has a habit of dulling his teeth to look more humanoid for your comfort, but not today, in the state he is, he likely forgot that detail altogether. This unfortunately means that you feel the scrape of those pointed daggers every time he amorously samples your skin.
" Alright okay, that's enough- "
You butt in when it feels like he's getting a bit too riled up too fast. It's not exactly counter-productive to your task, but letting him get more and more control over the situation will make it difficult to get the samples later. You can't wrangle a breeder in the throes of their rut, you have to do things before that critical stage.
However, the specimen isn't interested in listening to anything you have to say, responding instead to your tone with his own whine and starting to tug at your uniform. That does it. Thoroughly soaked in his drool, you grab onto the breeder's forearms hard.
" 197! " It's not a tone you like to use with any of the breeders here.
He eventually snaps out of his little trance, gulping, steadying himself before frowning and giving you the space you want.
In this barely minute-long episode, 197 has already kicked into high-gear. Breathing accelerated again, open-mouth panting, excessive drool production, somewhat puffed figure and the tips of his twin cocks already poking out of a pelvic pouch that can barely hold them back. He seems to shiver in his own overwhelming arousal, and though this species is known for having its eyes shielded behind a layer of skin on the face, you know he's fixed on you like a famished animal.
Although your cheeks are moments from setting aflame, this isn't exactly a new sight for you. 197 has gotten aroused in your vicinity several times, you've actually lost count. It'd be nonsensical of you to get irritated over such, given that these males are forced into hypersexuality by the concoctions introduced in their organisms. That paired with his fondness for you probably makes it hard for 197 to not get erections constantly. A hug can set him off, even simple closure paired with your scent is enough to do it.
Well. No time to waste.
While he's mildly disoriented, you grab one of the canisters and move towards a corner of the room with a seemingly randomly arranged pile of fabrics. This, as confusing as it may be to some, is a breeder's nest. And in this species of monsters, the males tend to be the ones who arrange spaces for coupling. 197 has expressed clear discontentment with the fabrics given to him during times of rut to fulfill his instinctual needs, but no one here is ever acting with the specimen's best interests in mind. Besides, he piped down when one of the techs had the bright idea of giving him a jacket you forgot in the workplace. It's right there in fact, the gray hue contrating with a mostly white and pale color scheme.
The nest itself is big, if it fits 197 then it definitely fits you too. And, knowing exactly what you're doing, you let him observe you take a step into it and sit down on the middle, empty canister beside you.
Oh boy.
You can practically hear the popcorn crackles in his brain.
The monster trills loudly, proudly, your supposed acceptance of what have amounted to months of unsubtle courtship from his part being finally rewarded. It's a dangerous moment, you're perfectly aware of such, but it's also necessary to get this over with.
197 drops to a creepily nimble crawl across the floor, rapidly posing over your seated form with blue-tinted cheeks and rabid need. Before you can get so much as a word in, he's dropping some of his weight on you, showering you in hasty licks and clumsy kisses again, this time unable to help himself from nipping at your clothes. The coverings visibly bother him, and the male growls quietly before his instincts tug at him again and he's trying to slot himself between your clothed legs. It takes some yelping, and fussy movement from his part, but you eventually rationalize that stressing him out can lead to a violent response right now.
Might as well let him get away with some embarrassing acts.
Hormone-muddled as he is, 197 has only enough of a mind to hold onto you and press two hot lengths against the front of your body. He's already full-mast, the heat and weight of those things dragging across you when he automatically moves his hips is utterly filthy. He groans, probably the first kind of decent friction he's been getting since he entered this phase of his cycle, the softness and smell of his favorite human getting the monster to leak already, lost in his desperate search for a modicum of relief. As gross and ridiculous as it is, at least he's not tugging at your clothes yet.
You can sense his frustration, the frantic way 197 mechanically bucks against you, the pressure he puts in every thrust, the way his claws puncture into your lab coat and he whines low, this noise that turns into a pleased sort of snarl. Overwhelmed, you shiver beneath his figure, glad there are no cameras to see you fluster and shamefully let a rutting monster grind at you.
You dare say you can get into this.
There's something so appealing about having a monster yearn for you so madly that he's driven to this senseless and primitive display, that even so much as humping you could have them blissed out. Your legs quake around his and you feel your pussy throb in response to the muted friction from his lightly barbed cocks. It's not the first time you've wondered about how it would feel... You've always been a monsterfucker at heart, and 197 is a brutally gorgeous specimen. He's always imploring for even a single touch from you, if you spread yourself out you have absolutely no doubt he would ram those alarming inches into you like a wild beast.
Yeah, maybe your coworkers would call you a sickfuck, but it's not like anyone who works here is moderately normal...
It's a secret. One that you're vaguely paranoid might not be so secret anymore, now that you've been entrusted with this.
In your horny little stupor, you make the critical mistake of forgetting that breeders quickly detect arousal in others. And you are probably making a wet spot in your pants as of now.
With a sudden snort of an inhale, he rises like a man possessed to start ripping at the sides of your lab coat, forcefully trying to rip it off even as he's unable to stop rocking his hips. He knows how to unbutton things just fine, but you bet he can't be fucked to think much in this state.
" Hey- Hey, easy, slow down. " You grab onto his wrists, being ignored.
Okay. Time to think this out while you still can. He's going to rip through your clothes if you let him, and that's not just needless damage, it'll put him in control. But being aggressive about getting him to stop isn't ideal with this type of monster, you need something that distracts him too much to realize he's not exactly holding the leash here. Eventually, an idea graces your mind, though it makes you grimace a little.
Already blazing with shame, you carefully edge a hand between you and, with some hesitation, grab one of the twin members pushed against you.
Instant reaction.
The monster halts, as desired, and looks at you almost oddly, but hopefully. The trick is not giving him enough time to think, so you quickly get a feel for what you're working with, and start stroking him generously.
It's not the frenzied, rushed jerking he inflicts on himself when his own libido becomes bothersome, the fisting of a large hand with little focus and care. You handle him as pleasurably as you can manage, using both hands on him and attentively reading his face. 197 pants openly again, glancing vapidly at your small hands while they work him and he fucks into the motions, strings of thick drool falling from his teeth.
" Good...? Yeah? " You ask, gulping.
He falters and gasps, trying to articulate something. " Please. " Gets dragged out, his dick pulsing in your grasp.
You don't quite know what he's begging for, but you assume he's enjoying himself. Watching the neglected length bob uselessly, you take the opportunity to remove your own lab coat, switching hands quickly when necessary. The shirt comes off too, leaving you in your bra and pants.
By the time you glance back at him, the breeder's skin has shifted entirely to black, and he's hypnotized by the new parts of your body revealed to him, the mounds on your chest breeder females don't have but that he somehow finds pleasing to the eye regardless.
You make a lifting motion, trying to get his attention. " Knees. Come on, knees. Let me show you something. "
It takes a hot second, but he computes the request and does as told out of genuine curiosity. You're about to show an already decidedly horny monster the wonders of oral sex, which is likely not the brightest of ideas, but no one's here to judge your poor decisions.
197's girths hover far too close to your face while he waits a tad impatiently. Studying the things you'll be pleasing soon, you nearly pale a couple shades, knowing it'll take some prayer not to end up hurting your jaw. The male has lived in captivity since the day he hatched, you've enjoyed showing him some of the nicer things in life from time to time, this is just another one of them.
Carefully grabbing onto the left one, you glance at 197 as you deliberately slip your tongue out, so he doesn't just assume you're going to try biting his genitals. He tenses, because of course he would, but you take your time, stopping the moment only his tip is inside your mouth. The breeder is a tad confused and quaking slightly with ambiguous anticipation.
Then you suck.
And it clicks instantly.
God, just this little of his length is already forcing you to open wider than you've ever had to with previous partners, still, you strain to take a few more inches down and focus on that part.
The male exhales tremulously, experiencing the feeling for the first time ever, you're certain. 197 has to straighten slightly as the first intense waves of pleasure course through him, and bless the big dorky monster, he has no idea what to do with himself or his arms. As your jaw adjusts, a tad uncomfortably, you start truly gouging how much of him you can handle. Not that much honestly, but it's to be expected. It's already more than enough to please him, if the increasingly louder growled trills are any indication.
Oh, you bet this is the closest thing to heaven for him. His favorite human, with a mouth warmer than he could have ever expected, lips much softer than any of his species', no apex predator teeth to get in the way, and a tongue that although flat and short, can still chase after those wonderfully sensitive spots.
He has exactly zero idea how to react beyond making bestial noises and drooling on his own chest like a vapid animal. The way his cock pulses in your mouth is a tad bothersome to the rhythm you're trying to keep, but you figure you don't have to show-off to someone who's never had oral before, he's already blown away.
Humorously, 197's hands land on your shoulders, and that's the only way he can apparently steady himself while he's sucked off. His spare cock oozes precum that smears onto your bare chest and you half-heartedly pump it when you pop off his other dick.
" Is this okay, hm? " Needless question, really.
The breeder doesn't even make an effort to reply, whining at the loss of friction and edging forward until both his members nudge against your cheek and lips, begging without words to have that bliss again.
Feeling vaguely in control, enough to be playful, you lean away from the one closest to you and take the right one into your mouth, sucking it as far in as you physically can before switching to the other one, all just so you can hear 197 gasp and grunt out moans. His desperation causes him to buck, and as you gag, a little lightbulb fizzles above his head.
Oh no.
The next time you try to pull away, his hands rise from your shoulders to the sides of your head. Each dark finger nearly curves over the perimeter of your skull, and you freeze instantly, not wanting him to tighten his grasp by any means. Everything is fine so long as he only holds onto your head this way, gently.
He's the one moving this time, apparently marveling at the sight of his length disappearing past your somewhat swollen, drooled lips. Except, as expected, he's going faster and deeper than you'd like, getting into it enough to trigger harsh flutters in the back of your throat. Your gagging and subsequent reflexive jerks are met with warning rumbles and one of his hands caging you in place by the back of head.
He learns fast, needless to say.
The more he drives into you, the less you can control your saliva, creating gross pops and slurps as you have little choice but to huff through your nose. Merciless, not even the odd cough around his dick will stop him now that he's nearing orgasm, or so you're willing to guess by his franticness.
Eventually, he makes the mistake of shoving his cock far enough that your jaw strains and your stomach flips, a grossly loud hurl being his response. The horrid noise finally jolts him to a still, giving you enough space to pull away and catch some much needed breath, controlling your belly before anything unfortunate happens.
" Fucking Hell! " You groan hoarsely, irritated. " You're hung like a horse, be careful... "
The rutting male's fried brain only understands that you sound wounded, a concerned chirp followed by soothing sloppy laps to your jaw being his response.
Not an ideal development at all, and yet, progress.
197 is usually very violent with the breeders they tired to pair him for mating. Which is to be expected, being the golden goose of the facility comes at a cost- The rush of hormones in his machine of a metabolism doesn't just contribute to more virility than his male peers, it also causes bursts of hyper aggression not easily controlled. And the only socialization this one usually gets is fights with other males who feel threatened by his presence, understand that they are being hurt by techs because they fail to live up to the standard 197 created, that they might be killed for such.
The females, likewise, fear him.
197 is bigger, louder, scarier. He has a reputation amongst the other breeders, and some of them were more likely to try fighting him off during their heats than accept getting sexual with him. This has led to 197 rejecting all breeders regardless of the context, which resulted in many of the paired females being immediately fatally attacked whenever a scheduled session was arranged. Sometimes he would simply slaughter them, other times he would actually instinctually attempt to mate, and end up ignoring cries of distress, nothing but rage and hormones in that brain causing him to end up killing them mid-coitus.
Shitshows, complete shitshows you've had the displeasure of partially witnessing in the past.
Which is why you're so incredibly shocked he stopped when he heard you nearly throw up. Then again, you're no breeder, and you like to think you've created as decent a connection with him as possible. It could be that.
When the monster thinks you've recovered enough, he attempts to get you to sit in the same position from before so things can resume, and if the way he's insistent on keeping a hold of your head is any indication, then he's learned he prefers to take control of this. And you won't be the fool that argues with him in this state.
After licking your lips a few times, hearing his impatient little huffs, you take one of those slicked cocks into your mouth again, letting him build the pace back up. On the one hand, you're glad you don't have to pretend to keep any composure, letting yourself drool as much as possible for the sake of making the process easier, and uncaring of the filthy noises that only seem to make his thighs quake. On the other, you need a solution so he doesn't just peirce past the back of your throat.
So, experimentally, the next time 197 pushes far enough to have your eyes rolling, you get a firm grasp of the base of his tail and tug.
The appendage lifts and his spine curves back in sudden shock. You doubt it's pain that has him straightening like a plank, after all, you know these beings can oftentimes carry their young by the tail, so if it can handle their body weight, then it can handle a yank from a human's hand. It's more so a sort of "freeze reaction", effective in getting the male to pull back even if he grunts in mild agitation.
It's only fair, in your eyes.
The moment you let go, 197 continues to fuck your face as he pleases, moaning and curving over you once more to find his own pleasure, until he drives in too much again and you repeat the gesture. Over and over, so he understands there are limits.
It seems to succeed in getting the message across. If he wants to keep getting sucked off by your hot little mouth, then he needs to be minimally considerate.
This goes on for a while, you're almost proud to feel him eventually actively hold back from going too far. Because that would halt the friction, and judging by the way his tongue lolls out in pleasure, 197 wants to come really bad.
He seems to have enjoyed your antics from before, because the male actively pulls out of your mouth with another lurid pop and positions his spare length against your lips, fucking into you a couple times before switching to the other one, doing this enough times that you honestly struggle to contain some laughter.
His throbbing increases and you know his peak approaches, quickly reaching beside you for the container as fingers race to open it. Your spare hand makes an extra effort to stroke the length 197 can't fit inside you and with as much vigor as possible, you complement his every motion.
The second you back away to breathe, strings of saliva still clinging from your lips to his dicks, offers the monster enough of a nasty view to trigger exactly what you need. 197 snarls at the top of his lungs, rapidly fisting both cocks before you. It's a decidedly disgustingly arousing display that has you staring heatedly, until the first rope of thick pearly cum lands on your cheek.
It jolts you into flustered movement, holding the canister up to the closest of his girths, you try to get as much as possible inside, unable to shield yourself from the rest of his load as it lands on your neck and tits, warm globs marking you in the throes of the specimen's ecstasy.
It's immensely relieving for him, the sighed, low and needy moans that rip out his throat evidence enough that 197 had been pent up for more than a while. And you... You're soaked in warm seed, observing his maddened jerking slow down.
This is your job now.
Personally collecting from the golden goose of the facility. All for a bonus.
Whatever, just don't think about it too much.
Giving into the guilty sense of pride you feel over making 197 stare at the ceiling in total bliss, you lean down to catch the trails dripping down those teal blue lengths, cleaning him. You don't have to, by any means, but you've already sunk so low today, what difference does it make if you let yourself go a little?
The specimen's legs tremble and he glances down at you with this utterly cum-drunk, infatuated smile. Dark, stained digits rise to comb through your hair in some kind of comforting gesture until you eventually pull away and allow the male to recover.
Now, two things.
You need to clean up somehow, you don't want his cum to dry on your skin.
There's also the matter of the second canister, you think while you grab one of the cloths in the breeder's nest to wipe your face and chest on. You probably won't be allowed to leave his cell until they're both full.
Reaching for the one already warm with 197's sample, you seal it tight, the small device in it emitting a faint green light and beeping quietly. The signal that one container has been filled is then sent to whichever tech is keeping track of this particularly... Unique task.
A pang of shame courses through you at the thought of one of your coworkers now knowing that you've made 197 orgasm.
Time to get the other one and hurry this up.
Unfortunately, as soon as you're about to set a foot outside of the nest, a huge black hand captures your leg, and you're possessively tugged back by a disgruntled breeder who barely gives you enough time to scream before he starts shredding the rest of your clothes...
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Hours have passed. You're sure of it.
As far as anyone's concerned, your work has been accomplished. Both canisters are practically overflowing with untainted samples, sitting in the corner of the room so that nothing happens to them.
You're naked, sticky and likely to bruise in some areas from 197's lack of strength mediation, but you did it.
At any moment now, coworkers of yours will enter 197's cell, and you know it's going to be a total wreck. Between his likely immediate aggression, the damage they'll cause him and your less than sightly state, it'll be unpleasant.
But you can't bring yourself to care.
Not when a tireless tongue continues to groom your already exhausted form and 197's meaty cock lazily fucks globs of his hot cum back into your puffed pussy while he trills soothingly. His breathing has steadied and his heartbeat slows.
Any moment now, he might fall asleep inside you, enjoying a sweet moment of bliss before you're taken away again.
It's almost cruel.
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