spacedustmantis · 1 year
🙃🍪🦋teehee :3
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
mirrors are green. you can see this when you look into two mirrors facing each other
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
homemade glazed christmas cookie (specifically the ones with the sugar hearts on them)
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
silly, gay, troubled
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aphro-dyke-siac · 10 months
what if we cuddled so close that our breathing synced and we fell asleep with steady heartbeats and peaceful minds... warm skin touching warm skin and complete content
Maybe then we'd have to wake up next to each other with the sun streaming in through the blinds and soft kisses pressed to sleepy eyelids, and we'd stay in bed and snuggle in closer for as long as we could before we had to get up to go make breakfast and dance around the kitchen together
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yunogf · 2 years
https://twitter.com/snowyyuno/status/1576935530729992192?s=46&t=c8gYknVuiqcJUK8EkcDxuQ hehe 🥰
(btw every time i see a particularly interesting jaehyun tweet im like . i must show this to liz . 😭)
sophie i have the Worst crush on him like it is so bad 😩😩twirling my hair giggling kicking my feet watching his big goofy heavy-handed ass create a path of destruction between him &everyone/thing around him to win a game that has no importance outside of itself 🤩
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osargis · 2 years
what color scheme should i do for my 4th wedding? what u say is happening boss 🫡.
hmm i wanna say red because i'm biased and at desi weddings, red is the traditional colour but i think green would also suit you... it compliments you i think but that might just be because it's the colour i associate you with
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neolxzr · 2 years
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mikas favorite activity is coming home on other peoples banners
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spittingspite · 10 months
making up anon hate and tumblr discourse in your ask box
Making up cool and snarky comebacks and "ummm ACTUALLY" answers to your anon hate and tumblr discourse in the answer
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finifugality · 1 year
❛  every  time  i  close  my  eyes ,  it’s  the  same  nightmare .  ❜ @pulchralilium
Roused from his sleep by a sense of wrongness, his hand is moving to the side of the bed where he keeps the first blade before he opens his eyes. Something pins his arm down, though, and for a brief, terrible second he nearly wrenches it up with all his might to rid himself of the weight. The scent hits him first, naturally floral in a way nothing in Edge could ever replicate - he knows, he'd spent a few years desperately searching. Then came the memories. He was in Aerith's bed, in her room, in her old house just between Edge and the ruins of Midgar. They were safe, they were comfortable. Yet something had still woken him, and as Aerith makes another soft noise he realizes what it was. Of course, he thinks. They hadn't managed to go longer than three nights without a nightmare between them, no matter how exhausted they managed to make themselves. "Aeri." He calls out softly, "Aerith." His tone stays low and level, coaxing her into wakefulness like one would try to draw a wild chocobo to them. After she wakes with a start, there's a moment of silence between them, Cloud allowing her to find her footing once more. Her words come when she's ready, a gentle admission that he wishes he knew how to fix. A soft hum is given to let her know he had heard, by now he knew that she would take it as him thinking and give him the time he needed. (Sometimes she granted him more patience than he deserved.) Even before they had both taken trips in the Lifestream, before they had both felt the point of Masamune, nightmares had been far too common. Piercing green eyes, sick with Mako and madness. The crackling of flames. The feel of water lapping at his waist. "It doesn't get easier when the nightmares change every night." Was that helpful? It probably wasn't. Cloud shifts, moving them into a position that was slowly becoming more comfortable, more natural. Her head rests against his chest, both of his arms wrapped tight around her now. Here they could feel each other's breathing, hear their heartbeats, and know they were both alive despite it all. Absently he start to play with the ends of her long hair, twirling strands around his fingers. It's as soft as he'd once spent many nights imagining. "Do you... want to talk about it?" Staring up at the ceiling he winces, hoping that didn't come out sounding as unsure as he felt. At least it was only the two of them here, laying in her bed instead of at the bar where sound travelled too easily. Tifa could handle this conversation better, though, could be comforting and say all the right things. He knows from experience how great she can be after a nightmare. But Aerith is here with him, is opening up to him, so he needs to try. What would Tifa say? We're not back there anymore, let the past go, he's not here, you're you and no one else. Okay well, that last part probably wasn't so applicable to Aerith.
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sapsolace · 8 months
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obsessed w these boneheads as of late :]
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soranker · 1 year
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some guy i saw at the funky bar...........
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soosoosoup · 3 months
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Chord Striker Au by @thatbennybee
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obsob · 1 year
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despite, despite, despite!!
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n0ahsferatu · 8 months
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pov you are a locked chest or perhaps someone bleeding to death
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lemonerix · 1 month
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hetadoodles :P
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dearabsolutelynoone · 9 months
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Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey for ‘Bridgerton’ Season 3
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mjulmjul · 11 months
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Give me that little kiss, give me your hand / I know you have a little life in you yet
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kimtaegis · 8 months
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– You had tough days? – I did whenever you weren't around.
for @aprylynn 💕 cr. namuspromised, appletape, onsam for BTS
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