biffybobs · 2 years
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👀 Across the road from their house, Bunty makes an intriguing discovery and meets a new friend.
“Hello. I’m Walter. I like your necklace.”
“Oh, thanks! I, erm... I like your...”
Don’t say it, don’t say it...
“I like your hat!”
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morelikeravenbore · 10 months
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
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Hello and welcome to my blog! I go by Aura, I'm a wannabe author, and I'm obsessed with Sebastian Sallow and my sassy French Ravenclaw bebe Aurélie Collins. Thanks for stopping by!
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Ongoing long fic | Sebastian Sallow x Aurélie Collins
Seventh year, post-canon/canon-divergent, no gameplay retelling, eventual romance.
tropes: slooooow burn romance, idiots in love, mutual pining, hurt comfort, suppressed powers, villain arc.
Dual POV between Sebastian and Aurélie #sebaura
CW: [rated mature, no smut.] The story explores themes of grief, loss and trauma. Mentions of murder, family loss, mild violence and sexual references.
"If Aurélie Collins had to choose one word to best describe herself, she supposed it would be, to put it as delicately as she could: "completely and utterly overwhelmed." Granted, that was four words, not one, but as she trudged down yet another unfamiliar corridor, she was simply relieved she could string together a coherent sentence at all; after the last few months of hell she'd endured, Aurélie wasn't her usual eloquent self, to say the least."
🦋 tags: #aurelie collins #sebaura #how to make a villain #morelikeravenbore writes
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✨ Spicy One-Shots
Sebastian Sallow x unnamed female. Mostly Sebastian's POV. Triggers and content warnings on each post. All characters are 18+. Minors dni, please and thank you.
✨ Fluffy One-Shots
Sebastian x Aurélie headcanons. Fandom friendship crossovers. Discord writing events. General cuteness.
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✨ Sebastian
Screenshots (coming soon)
🔞 Spicy alphabet | nsfw
🍭 Fluffy alphabet | sfw
💕 Sebastian x Aurélie headcanons | sfw
✨ Requested
🍭 Ominis Gaunt headcanons | sfw
Alphabets coming soon maybe lol
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🦋 Aurélie Collins
Screen shots
Art & commissions
Aurélie's alphabet | sfw Five facts: part one | part two Ravenclaw pride
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linnetagain · 3 months
Hi! I’m not sure if you’re comfortable answering questions about your fics here so please feel free to ignore this if you’re not.
I’m a russian queer who left a comment under chapter 3 of The Season and I’m super qurious why you decided to make Астарион :), Cazador and Halsin russian. In Good Men and Monsters you mention that Astarion has been called upyr, does he have Eastern European background in that universe as well?
I’m completely enamoured with and fascinated by your works and wait for new updates religiously. Thank you so much for sharing them with us, you’re a солнышко! 🖤
Hello friend!! I am slow to answer but happy to! I can't promise I'll be very eloquent or be able to provide a satisfying answer but I'll do my best.
First of all, I haven't specified Astarion's background in Good Men and I likely won't, so if you want to read him as Eastern European please do! I can absolutely see how it fits. In the context of that discussion it's the concept of Vampirism and the folklore surrounding it that is focused on Eastern Europe rather than he himself. I am absolutely not going to touch some of Stoker's vampiric lore because he was a xenophobic Victorian man (the boxes of dirt... goddamn, Stoker, what the fuck - the grave dirt of course is relevant in Good Men but it's 'the soil the vampire was buried in' not 'fifty boxes of soil from his homeland'). I could write a whole essay on the symbolism of the outsider as a threat and the crossover of the ostracized sections of Victorian society in Dracula (non-english, lower class, homosexual, the list goes on and fucking on) but this is already a long reply so I'll spare you and look at Season.
There are a couple of reasons that it fits, for me, and a lot of it is to do with the Russian history of competitive ice skating. Writing a modern AU Astarion who wasn't a vampire meant I knew I needed to find another way to have that aspect of his character where his life hasn't been his own, where it's been shaped by other people for their own purposes, and even as an adult and being 'free' to make his own choices, he's living with the legacy of who they made him, and working to be more than that. Competitive sport definitely has that aspect already, unfortunately, and ice skating even more so.
I also never wanted him to be the only Russian, because then of course you're risking tokenizing him. Cazador made sense for obvious reasons, but Halsin too. I considered him because he's the other high elf companion, but also because in game he's the one with a history of war. Transferring him to a modern day context was harder than a lot of the other characters, but I wanted him to have that similar ground with Astarion that he has in game, even if they never address it. Unintentionally, it means that in Season he and Astarion have very different experiences of their culture and identity, especially in context of the diaspora, which is something I really enjoy exploring.
Of course that then raises the question of the current geopolitical state of Russia and the wider Slavic regions. Having real world issues as a basis for plot is always somewhat fraught, but it's also something very close to my heart and that I want to write about. I also didn't want to make them all British to avoid any of that difficulty, that would be both unrealistic and uninteresting.
I think the ultimate reason is that fiction, even fanfiction, is our way of processing and reflecting on and exploring our world. It's less obvious in fantasy settings, but it's still very much there. The ultimate reason I choose to do anything is because it's interesting - and usually, in a real world context, that means it's fraught and complicated. I want to write about things that matter, to me and to anyone who might read it, and I want to do it in a way that means anyone reading from a different context might feel seen.
The reason I started writing in the first place, however many years ago, is that I didn't see any asexual rep in fiction and I knew that if I needed it, someone else needed it too. I do the same now. I have queer Russian friends who feel like the world has moved on from what's going on in Russia at the moment, or that all Russian people are being treated like they MUST agree with what the Russian government are doing. The nuance of the situation and their identity is erased by oversimplification. I suppose part of writing this is just me wanting to do anything I can to combat that. It's not much, but I hope it's something, to know that you're seen and still being thought about, and people still care.
Writing characters who have dealt with miscarriage, drug abuse, xenophobia, chronic pain, emotional neglect and all those kinds of things is because I have feelings about these subjects, I want to discuss them, I want to explore what it means to live through something like that and how it affects you as a person. Fiction is a space to do that, and to invite people into those conversations that we wouldn't have otherwise. Art has always been a starting point, and it's always been at the forefront of social and political change. I don't write fanfic thinking it's going to change the world, obviously, but I do write it with the intention of treating real life situations with the respect and consideration they deserve, rather than just using them for drama or brushing over them because it's a difficult thing to talk about.
I know that Season is a love story. That's the ultimate goal, and I presume that's why people are still reading. But it's also, to me, a story about what it means to be queer in our world today. What that looks like, how far we've come and how far we still have left to go. I want to give people a story that is real, in that sense. That takes in all the fucking awful shit that can come with being queer and out and open, and still have hope and a happy ending. It's not easy, and I don't ever want to pretend that it is. But fiction also gives us a place where we can imagine what a happy ending might look like, in a world that doesn't provide them as often as we'd like.
So. Sorry for the essay as a response, but. I suppose I made Astarion Russian because it made sense for his character, but also because I want to write with hope, and not manufacturing false hope by turning away from the world as it is. I want to write all the awful, difficult, horrible things, and believe that happiness and hope are possible anyway, despite, and including them. We don't live in an ideal world. Sometimes I want to cave to despair and think that things will never be better. I write because I don't want to believe that's true.
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oscconfessions · 6 months
hi i'm the original author of the inanimate insanity x bible crossover and my friend showed me the continuation of its lore...its very fun to see its legacy live on! here's a fun fact: as the tags say, i was rewatching iii with my friends and i can't remember which episode but mephone flung his arms in the air and i said something along the lines of "woah he's being crucified". also i wrote a shitpost where four and x broke up because x thought their relationship went against the word of god. happy writing!
holy shit hello. you're awesome !! thank you for your writing it has entertained quite a lot of people -🫒
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3pirouette · 20 days
Fic: Winter's Children (1/1) (Part of the Nobody's Baby Universe)
Title: Winter’s Children
By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Distribution: Read HERE on AO3 Anyone else please ask first :) 
Part SEVEN of the Nobody's Baby Universe (Click for all stories)
Story Summary: Mandy’s parentage is finally revealed. A story set over 3 decades, with a glimpse into the SHIELD legacy of the Rogers family. 
Posted for Steggy Week 2024, Day 3, AU’s and Crossovers, because the Nobody’s Babu Universe is my personal favorite AU I’ve ever written for them. 
A/N: So, the science in here is gonna sound a little more 90’s criminal drama than late 70’s… but we’re just going to pretend SHIELD was that far ahead, ok? Ok. 
August 1955
The knock on the front door startled Steve, enough that his grip slipped and James’ foot kicked out, landing square in his dirty diaper and smearing the contents across the changing table. He groaned, and wrestled the one-year-old for control. “Mandy!” he called, “Can you see who is at the door?” He heard the patter of her feet run past the nursery and bound down the stairs as he tried to hold his son down and grab a cloth to clean him at the same time, the boy giggling away. The afterthought hit him quickly, “Don’t open it!”
He was on edge. He’d slept alone last night: Peggy was on a stakeout that was important enough to keep her hands twisting and her eye twitching all week. He felt nothing but dread at the sound of the door, but had little choice but to continue to try to fight his small son for control and rid him of his dirty diaper. 
Mandy let out a happy squeal. “It’s Uncle Jarvis and Aunt Ana!” He heard her jump close to the stairs. “I can see that it’s just them from the front window. Can I let them in?”
Steve sighed. Even if he wanted her to wait, he was in no shape to go down there himself. Surely, at ten, she was old enough to know friends from strangers. James had managed to make a mess of the both of them, and he could sorely use another pair of hands. “Yes, please.”
He listened carefully to the happy greetings as he pulled another cloth from the changing table, shaking his head. “How did you do this, James? It’s everywhere!” The boy cooed at him, and Steve could only smile, despite the sinking feeling. 
“Hello?” Jarvis called, his footfalls up the stairs soft and quiet. 
“In the nursery!” Steve called back. It took only seconds for Jarvis to pop his head into the room. “You’re right on time, I’m in dire need of reinforcements.”
The butler’s eyes bulged wide. “Yes, quite so.” Without another word, Jarvis stepped in, grabbing a towel from the closet in the hall and wetting it, handing it to Steve. “How in the world did the young master manage that?”
Steve shook his head, wiping the smeared excrement from James’ legs. “I’m guessing it’s some combination of the strained peas and yogurt.” Steve got him clean enough for the moment, and hastily diapered him. “Definitely a bath tonight.” James giggled as Steve tucked him into a new romper. “Can you…” Steve pointed at the boy then back at his own filth covered arms. 
“Oh, yes,” Jarvis nodded quickly and lifted James from the table, holding him as Steve took the wet towel and cleaned his own arms as well before tossing it aside with the diaper that needed to be cleaned. “Peg’s gonna kill me. Keeps saying I forgot how to change a diaper.”
Steve’s stomach dropped a bit at the way Jarvis’s face fell. His heart skipped a beat and he felt like his lungs were squeezed tight. “What happened?”
Jarvis sighed, ushering Steve to the bathroom and watching as he soaped up and down his arms in the sink. “I’m afraid Mrs. Rogers is quite stubborn.” Jarvis only tilted his head at the look of fake incredulity Steve shots him. “She got into quite the tussle last night, but declined any sort of interventions, despite the fact that three of her team are still in the hospital as we speak. 
Steve’s head perked up. “Hospital?”
Jarvis held up a hand. “She fared much better, I’m happy to report. She’s at the mansion now, resting.” Steve pushed past the man, leaving him calling down the hall after him. “Despite protests, Ana and I felt it best you go see her. We’ll mind the children.”
He paused only to change his shirt, shove his boots on his feet, and drop a kiss on each of his children’s heads before he was racing out of the garage on his motorcycle. 
The fifteen-minute drive felt like hours. He was seething in anger and scared as hell by the time he skidded to a stop at the front door. He marched up the stairs, ready to bang on the door, and quickly stumbled past it into the foyer when it was opened before he could even touch it. 
He caught himself before he fell, hands on his knees. “I suppose I should thank them,” Peggy’s soft voice rang out, “but they did go behind my back.”
He stood and turned to her, his face falling when he saw the swelling that held one eye shut and the purple bruising around it. “Peg…”
Peggy ducked under his hand when he went to reach for her. “No, Steve. I don’t want to hear it. I’m fine.”
His mouth formed a tight line, his hands on his hips and the ire that had fled from him when he stumbled into the house rose back up. “Fine? You could have broken bones!” He took a deep breath and followed her when she closed the door and moved into one of the lounges. “Hell, you could have had brain damage.”
“You and I both know that with enough time I’ll be just fine.” She flopped onto a couch and reached out to the side table behind her, pulling a bag of ice back up over her bruise. 
“Whatever you picked up from James is going away. You have to be more—”
“It was him,” she interrupted with a whisper. “The Winter Soldier.”
Her words halted the start of the familiar fight they’d been having and he sank down on the couch next to her. “You’re sure?”
“Metal arm and all,” she sighed out, moving the ice over her eye. “It’s how I got this. Stopped Thompson from getting two to the head, but caught his backhand.”
Steve sighed, lifting her feet into his lap and started running his hand over her shin. “That’s why you were so…”
“I suspected,” she answered the question he hadn’t asked. “I thought perhaps it would be him. I didn’t expect us to get so close, though.”
His head fell, his words soft. “I’m going with you next time.”
She sat up, ice falling to her lap, her own tone leaving no room for argument. “We’ve had this fight already, Steve. You or me. Never both.” She took a deep breath, the eye that wasn’t swollen shut clouding over, “I won’t risk those children living without the both of us, you hear me? Not after what I saw last night.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” he quickly mumbled, picking up the ice from her lap. “I just hate seeing you like this. Feeling helpless.” He held it up to her eye, waiting until she took it before moving his hand away. “I guess I’m not adjusting as quickly as I’d like.”
“To what?” she laughed lightly. “You went from being a super soldier, thwarting death at every turn, to a house husband that occasionally goes on missions while I galivant around the world as head of a secret intelligence agency.” She chuckled, the ice sloshing in the bag with her movement. “Sounds like it could be a real prime time smash comedy, eh?” She reached out for his hand and sighed happily when he took it, growing more serious. “I think it’s harder than either of us thought to make this happen. Especially now with James. Neither of us went back into the field until years after we got Mandy. This is all new, we may have to reassess.” 
Steve nodded, but didn’t speak. After a long stretch of quiet he couldn’t hold the question inside. “What about the Winter Soldier?”
“He did some damage, that’s for sure.” She shook her head, the ice rattling in the bag, “All of us together there were six bullet wounds, a handful of broken ribs, a broken leg, and one ghastly eye. And he got his target, so we failed there.” She shook her head, pulling the ice off before sitting up. “It’s been three years since we’ve had a lead. He’s back in the wind for who knows how long.”
Steve let his hand ghost over her purpled jaw. “Did you see his face?”
She shook her head and leaned into his touch, wincing but pressing into his hand, anyway. “He wears some kind of mask, covers almost all of his face.” She chucked sadly. “I think I’ll need one of those.”
Steve shook his head, letting his thumb run over the darkest of the bruises under her eye. “You should have gone to the hospital.”
“And what?” Peggy leaned back, letting his hand fall to her shoulder. “How was I supposed to explain how quickly I was healing to them?” She pulled the ice back over her eye, a shiver running through her. “No, best to stay here, avoid scaring the children for a day or so.”
Steve’s lip quirked up. “You think the Jarvis’ would mind looking after the kids if I stayed a while?”
“Mind?” Peggy blew threw her teeth, then winced when the movement sent a shock up the side of her jaw. “Mr. Jarvis is so completely done with my antics that he stopped talking to me, and Ana hasn’t stopped talking to me about James since I arrived. I think that they’ll be disappointed if you don’t stay.” 
Steve hummed happily, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Peggy’s hairline. “Well, then I’ll just have to stay for a bit.”
He held her for a long, quiet moment, the only sound in the large mansion the ticking of the grandfather clock in the hall and the tinkling of the ice shifting with each breath Peggy took. 
“I know… I know you can’t promise me anything,” Steve whispered, raking his fingers through her hair, “but just say you’ll try, ok?”
Her voice was soft, sensing the seriousness of his words. “Try what, my darling?”
“Try to be careful?” He asked, his voice breaking just slightly. “Try to stay safe. Try to come back.” 
Peggy dropped the bag of ice, shifting in his arms to straddle his lap. She cradled his cheeks in her hands, eyes taking in the bags under his eyes, the tight strain at their corners, the way the muscles in his jaw twitched, all full of stress and fear. “The day…” She paused, took a deep breath, and started again, letting the emotion fuel her but not stop her, “The day I don’t come back to you or our children is the day that God himself has stopped me.” She caressed his cheek gently. “Nothing short of that would ever keep me away from you.”
Steve couldn’t keep the tears from forming in his eyes. “I know, Peg, but these people… the Winter Soldier…” He sighed, pressing his cheek against her good one, “The Devil works hard, Peg.”
She pressed a gentle kiss to the edge of his jaw by her lips. “Yes, my love, but I work harder.”
July 1971
The humid summer air of New Jersey gave Peggy migraines. Had she been able to stay in the SHIELD bunker, like she’d planned for the day, her temple wouldn’t be pounding, but she’d been required to be up on the surface a handful of times, and bouncing between hot and humid and the naturally chilly underground, she was nearly seeing double.  
She slammed the file she was reading shut, looking up and finding Rose already opening the door. “Blissful, just the woman I wanted to see.” Peggy closed her eyes and sighed, the promise of home all the nearer. “I’m taking an early day, can you call a car for me?”
Rose, who was usually worried beyond measure that something was wrong or happy that Peggy was taking time for herself, was uncharacteristically neither. Instead, her eyes wrinkled and her mouth pinched shut. “I’m sorry, Director Carter, but I think you need to stay just a little bit longer today.”
Peggy ground her teeth tight, knowing Rose wouldn’t even utter those words unless she was sure it was something that needed her attention. “Please tell me it isn’t another ‘diplomatic misunderstanding’ between Howard and some female dignitary?”
Rose shook her head sharply, “No, but Doctor Mills would like to see you. He says it’s urgent.”
Peggy cleared her desk and nodded. “Very well, send him in.”
Franklin Mills was their top research and development scientist, and the only one of their team, aside from Howard and Pym, who had nearly top-level clearance. The man was quiet and reserved and never, ever, came up to Peggy’s office himself unless it was of the direst importance. 
He slipped in quietly past Rose once she waved him in, his bald head glinting in the light as he looked at the floor. He was nervous, and that made Peggy worry. “Franklin, to what do I owe the pleasure?” She tried to keep her tone light as she folded her hands on her desk, but the man was nearly trembling before her. 
“D-Director Carter,” he very rarely stuttered, and it sent Peggy’s heart pounding. “We’ve been working on extracting the DNA from the sample our team discovered at the attempted UN assassination.” 
Peggy nodded, waiting as calmly as she could. It was a thwarted assassination attempt. The target, a dignitary from Germany, managed with only a punctured lung and was expected to recover fairly well. The assassin slipped through their fingers, leaving only a dime sized spot of blood and one agent in intensive care. 
There were whispers that it was him: the Winter Soldier. 
Publicly, she told her agents to focus on the concrete evidence and stop whispering rumors. Privately, she knew first hand that experiments to enhance soldiers hadn’t died with Erskine. Not only was Mandy proof, they’d raided three abandoned Red Room facilities after the war that remained classified. 
The Winter Soldier: a man who had more speed, strength, and agility than any other save her husband, was a very real possibility, and she and Steve were determined to stop him. 
She tried to smile to calm the man, but couldn’t. “I’m well aware. Have you found something?”
He slid a small handful of papers over to her. “I haven’t- These are the initial print outs. Nothing’s been saved and no one else has seen them, I swear.”
Peggy looked at the graphs, the numbers and words making little sense. She looked up, laying her hands on the pages. “Franklin, you know very well I have no idea what I’m looking at.”
He swallowed, hard. “We were able to get a viable sample, and we ran it through our database. I didn’t expect anything, because we don’t have a lot of people in there yet but…” 
“But?” She was getting impatient now. 
“The Wint—" he stopped himself and restarted, “The assassin and your daughter are a familial match. I ran them twice.” He threw up his hands, ranting quickly. “It- it doesn’t match Captain Rogers, either, I’m afraid to say. The assassin… or your daughter.”
Peggy’s hands spayed out over the data as she took a shaky breath. Mills was still stuttering before her and she stopped him by holding up her hand. “Sit, Franklin.”
She opened her mouth, looking the poor man in the eyes, then closed it again. She almost laughed at the absurdity of it all: the man thought he’d lose his job, or worse, for thinking he’d discovered that she’d been unfaithful. Mandy was an agent with SHIELD, had barely been in the organization long enough to be known all that well except it was well known that she was Peggy and Steve’s daughter. It had been a double-edged sword for the girl from day one, but she’d slowly and surely been proving herself to those around her. 
It was the only reason Mandy’s DNA was in their ever-growing database. 
She looked back up at him, face as plain as she could make it. “Remind me of your clearance level, Doctor Mills.”
He didn’t stutter, and she was proud of him for that. “One B, Ma’am.”
She nodded. “What I’m about to divulge is considered top level classified information, do you understand?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he nodded swiftly. 
“If I hear anything about this, I will know it was you who let it out and I will see you prosecuted as per SHIELD’s regulations regarding classified information, is that clear?”
The man swallowed thickly, “Yes.”
She sighed, pulling open her drawer and taking out a small gilded double frame. She held it out to him. “Agent Rogers, Mandy… my daughter,” she tripped over her tongue a few times, the pounding in her skull and the pounding of her heart making it hard to focus, “was adopted. Captain Rogers and I, along with the Howling Commandos, found her in a HYDRA science base.”
The man’s eyes widened as she slid over the frame, opening it to reveal two of their earliest family pictures. The one on the left of the frame had been a picture Morita had gifted them with the first time he made it back from the front. He’d snapped it when they hadn’t been looking mere hours after they’d gotten back to the base. Peggy was holding a still tiny and unnamed Mandy tight in her arms, Steve, shield on his back, was standing across from them, and both were looking down at the baby in what could only be described as frightened wonder. The second had been posed, a picture Howard snapped the day the three of them moved into their house with Steve holding Mandy and with an arm around Peggy, standing on the front steps. Mills looked up then back to the pictures. 
“It’s not quite as scandalous as you may have imagined, but I’m sure you can see why we don’t discuss it often.” Peggy pulled the pictures back and snapped the case shut, sliding it back in her desk drawer. “Mandy’s parentage has always been unknown to us, though we’ve had our suspicions along the way.”
“Is she…?” He didn’t finish, the question had slipped out and he covered his mouth with his hand. 
She didn’t answer, but leaned forward, instead. “As your director, I’m asking you to keep this ‘eyes only’ and off the record. As your friend, I’m asking you to understand why.”
Mills nodded, still looking slightly confused and upset. He always was a bit squirrely about working for an agency that dealt in espionage. He expected to be told to do unethical things at every corner, and was always spoiling for a fight that wasn’t there. Sometimes, Peggy thought he didn’t realize that he was working for the good guys.  
“Franklin,” Peggy sighed, pressing her fingers to the bridge of her nose, “I’m not asking you to destroy anything or hide anything. Keep the samples in there. Just, don’t tell anyone about the match, yes?” 
Somewhat placated, the man nodded and stood. He reached out and shuffled his papers back into his hands. Peggy thought about keeping them for a moment, but knew Howard could pull up the information if she needed it, and Mills would feel much better if he left with it. 
He slipped out the door, and she put her head in her hands. 
She’d barely had time for a breath before the door opened again. “Your car is topside whenever you’re ready,” Rose whispered. 
Peggy looked up, focus swimming at moving her head too quickly. “You are a godsend, Rose.” Peggy stood slowly, grabbing her purse and briefcase before moving towards the door. “What am I going to do when that shoulder of yours heals and you’re back out in the field?” 
Rose rolled her shoulder carefully, wincing lightly as they moved through the bull pen to the elevators. “It’ll be a few more weeks yet, I think. That bullet did a number on me. But by then I’ll have found you a good replacement, and then I’ll be back out there babysitting the boys.”
Peggy laughed then drew in a quick breath at the sharp pain it had sent moving though her skull. 
Rose waved off whatever reply Peggy had started, ushering her into the elevator. 
Rose was already on the phone before the elevator hit the surface.
Steve met her at the door with a shot of whisky and two pain relievers, handing them over and taking her briefcase and purse as she entered the house. 
Peggy swallowed the pills dry then chased them with the whisky, gulping it all down in one shot. “Rose?” she asked, voice coarse from the liquid burning its way down the back of her throat. 
“Yup,” he nodded, closing the door behind her and dropping her bags on the side table. He dropped a kiss on her forehead and wrapped his arms around her as she melted against him. “She said you didn’t look too good.”
Peggy let herself snuggle into his embrace, eyes closing as he took the whisky tumbler from her and set it on the table beside them. “Look, feel… take your pick. It was a beastly day.”
He hummed and kissed her hair. “What can I do?”
“Migraine first, international espionage second,” she mumbled. 
“Migraine?” he sighed, shifting and lifting her from her feet and carrying her up the stairs. “I wouldn’t have led with whisky.” 
“Swhy I didn’t tell ya,” she slurred, more from exhaustion taking over than any effect the alcohol had on her, leaning against him. She felt drained, having fought to get through most of the day and she could feel how little energy there was left to give. Steve set her gently on their bed, then moved around the room, lowering the shades to block out the evening sun. 
She kicked her shoes off and slipped out of her jacket, tossing it over the side of the bed as Steve slipped out. He came back just in time to watch her pull her bra out through the arm hole of her tank top, his eyebrows raised as he held out the glass of water to her. “Nobody but us here, Peg.” He sat on the edge of the bed and handed her the glass, waiting until she drank the whole thing. “I’ve seen it all before.”
She laughed through her nose, laying back on the bed and shimmying out of her skirt and stockings. “Just want to be comfortable.” 
He eyed her, looking up and down as she snuggled onto the bed, in just her underwear and sleeveless silk bouse, hair mussed. He kissed her forehead and ran a hand over her hip. “Oh, if you didn’t have a migraine…” the lust was put on, and elicited the smile he was hoping for. 
He stood, stepping in the bathroom and coming back with a damp washcloth. “Should I or do you want to do it?” He held it out to her, waiting as she blinked up at him, confused. “I don’t want to listen to you complaining about mascara stains on laundry day.” 
She had so little energy left that she simply closed her eyes and lifted her head to him. 
Steve’s hand gently pulled the cloth across her skin, taking the make-up with it. “Wow, it’s a bad one, huh?”
She hummed. “I’m wiped,” she murmured as he took off her lipstick. 
He bent and kissed her lips gently, swiping the cloth over her face once more for good measure as he sat up. “Good thing I’m home today.”
Peggy shifted, finding a good spot on her pillow. “Oh, I’m sure the front entrance tile would feel nearly as nice right now if you weren’t.”
“That’s what I was afraid of.” He smoothed back her hair as he gestured towards the little air conditioning unit they had installed in their window for the summer. “Want me to turn the AC on?” 
She hummed a positive. 
“Sleep?” he asked, standing. 
“Wake me for dinner.” She reached out a blind hand. 
He took it, tangling their fingers together for a moment. “I’ll see what you’re looking like.”
She forced her eyes opened, pinning him with a serious gaze. “No, wake me. We have important things to discuss.”
He sighed heavily. “That the ‘international espionage’ part of all this?”
She nodded. “It can’t wait. If I could think straight at all we’d do that first.”
He knelt, looking her in the eyes, dead serious. “Are you or the kids in danger?”
Her severity softened, “Not any more than usual. But it is serious.”
He squeezed her hand then stood. “Alright. But you’re getting at least three hours sleep. I know you were up all night last night.”
“Two.” He started to admonish her, then she held up a hand, “And I’ll sleep the whole night tonight, I promise.”
He sighed, then leaned over and kissed her temple one last time. “Deal.” He flicked the light switch, waiting and watching for just a minute as Peggy settled, her breathing evening out before he shut the door. 
Peggy didn’t look much better two hours later seated at the kitchen table, a cold wash cloth round her neck and her hands wrapped around a mug of tea, but once she managed to get the incident with Franklin out, Steve understood her urgency. 
He slid the toast in front of her as he sat, mouth pressed tight. “It’s an answer.”
“Sure is,” Peggy mumbled, picking up one of the slices and playing at the end with her fingernail. “I don’t think she’ll like it.”
Steve barked out a laugh, leaning back against the chair. “Dislike would be an understatement.” He looked up just in time to see Peggy bite into the dry toast and watched her chew slowly and swallow cautiously. “We have to tell her,” he nearly whispered.
She nodded, taking another small bite and chasing it with tea. “No way around it.”
“You think she’ll call Howard?”
Peggy looked up to him and raised her brows, rolling her eyes. “I think she’ll call Brezhnev. Have you met our daughter?”
His cheek quirked up, the smile half sad and half full of pride. “I have, and if she thought it would do any good she’d march right over to the Kremlin and knock on the doors.”
Peggy tossed her toast back on the plate and leaned back with a sigh, pulling the cloth from around her neck and twisting it in her hands. “She’ll be devastated.” She shook her head and looked up at Steve through heavy lashes. “She’s always hoped…”
He reached out and stilled her busy fingers. “We all knew what the possibilities were.”
“It still hurt,” Peggy admitted softly, “to have the undeniable truth in front of me. To know that once and for all she wasn’t ours.”
“She’s ours in every way that counts.” He was adamant in his declaration. 
Peggy stood, dropping the cloth on the table as she pushed herself into Steve’s lap, his arms wrapping around her instinctively as she laid her head on his shoulder. His fingers slowly moved into her hair, massaging little circles over her skull. She let her body sink into his for long moments, content in the solidity that was her husband, her right partner, her confidant in all of this. “Sometimes,” she finally whispered, barely loud enough to hear, “I liked to think that maybe, just maybe they’d managed it. Managed to get some bits of us somehow, and that they’d figured out how to make those little bits into a person. She’s so much like us, Steve.”
He hummed in agreement, his voice low and quiet. “Stubborn. Pig-headed. Impulsive.”
She tried to swat at his arm, but the gesture lacked any real strength. “I’m not kidding.”
“Neither am I,” he replied, kissing her forehead quickly. “She’s managed the best and the worst of us. James, too.”
“Speaking of…” She lead, eyes closing as Steve’s fingers massaged some of the pain away. 
“Baseball practice.” He looked up to the clock, his fingers still massaging small circles. “Should be home soon. I promised I’d take him out and let him practice more with the car at night.”
“I can’t believe he’s driving already.” Peggy sighed. “As long as you’re still not letting him take the motorcycle.”
Steve hummed happily. “It’s looking like I’ll have to, soon. One more semester of A’s and he’ll have kept his part of the bargain.” He let his hand run over Peggy’s thigh soothingly. “He’s getting stronger. He’s having more trouble pulling his hits. He knocked three out of the park in practice yesterday. I’ll take him to Howards this weekend, see if we can help him even it out.”
“I hate asking him to hide it,” Peggy muttered. 
“He understands.” Steve squeezed her close. “But he’s got his sights set on SHIELD.”
”See? Pigheaded, just like the rest of us.”
After another long moment, Steve sighed. “How’s the head?”
“Still miserable.”
He leaned back and brushed the hair from her face. “Can you manage any more toast?”
She hummed a negative and snuggled against his neck. “Do we have any more ginger tea?”
He stood, lifting her in his arms. “I’ll check once you’re settled back in bed. I shouldn’t have woken you.”
“No, I asked you to, and this was too important to put off,” Peggy held tight as he navigated the stairs, though she knew he would never drop her. “We need to come up with a plan.”
Steve gently laid her in bed. “Oh, I think I’ve got one.” He helped her slip her robe off and tucked her in Just as they heard the back door open and slam closed, James calling out that he was home. “You get some more rest, I’ll take care of everything.”
Mandy looked across the desk, her jaw hanging. “Uncle Howard, you can’t be serious.”
“As a heart attack.” He shrugged and spun the folder around. “The DNA doesn’t lie. It may be new technology, but it’s sound.”
Mandy picked up the folder, studying it intently. She’d spent years of her life sitting at her Uncle Howard’s side, trying to learn everything he knew about her parentage, everything he knew about what she was capable of, until she was nearly as well versed in it as he was. “The Winter Soldier, the man that doesn’t exist, is my dad?”
He leaned back, folding his fingers behind his head. “Kinda creates more questions than it answers, huh?”
“You could say that again.” She sighed heavily, looking over the printouts again. “Mom…”
“What about her?” He leaned forward again, elbows on his desk. 
“I mean, I guess….”
“She’s always known, kid, that you weren’t hers. She and Steve always knew exactly where you came from.” He reached across the desk and pushed the file down and away from her face. “If you’re thinking for one second that this will change the way they feel about you…”
She let the folder fall to her lap, her head hanging. “I was so scared they’d hate me when I first found out….”
“Yeah, I remember. But it won’t change a damn thing, and you know that.” He stood and rounded his desk, leaning on the edge and pointed to the pages she was studying. “This? This doesn’t mean a damn thing. It’s just DNA.” 
Mandy smiled up to him. It was something he’d said to her many times before when her search for answers started to overwhelm her. Her Uncle Howard, for all his faults sometimes, knew exactly how to make her feel better about all of this by breaking it down into simple, non-emotional science. “How can I tell them? I don’t-”
Howard smiled down at her, knowing Steve knew his daughter, even if she wasn’t biologically his, better than anyone. “I can tell them, if you want.”
Peggy set the phone down, turning back to her husband on the other end of the couch. “Howard said it went well. Went right as you expected, really.”
Steve put down his book, rubbing his face. “She likes the science part of it, and no one knows it better than Howard.” He held out his arms. “She’ll act a little odd for a few days, then she’ll be right back to normal once she processes all of it.”
“Howard said we should act a little worried, a little shocked. She’ll want to talk, I’m sure.” Peggy snuggled into his embrace, eyes focused on the television where the news droned on in the background. “You know, Steve, we did promise no more lies.”
“It’s not a lie. It’s just… a fib about the order of when we found out.” His hand fell to her back, running over it soothingly. He could feel the way she stiffened, even though she didn’t say anything. “She was gonna take it about as well as a bull in a china shop from us and you know that.”
“I do,” Peggy finally conceded. “And I suppose we did keep up about Santa and the Easter Bunny for far too long.”
“James was little.”
Peggy looked up at him, eyebrows knitting. “You are far too comfortable with these little fibs.”
“I’m just a little shit from Brooklyn. Had to use little fibs all the time.” He smiled down at her. “Did you forget that I lied to the US Army five times?”
Peggy laughed, laying back on his shoulder. “I do tend to forget that, actually.” She rubbed his chest, smiling. “You are just a little shit from Brooklyn, aren’t you?”
“You love me for it.”
September 1985
”Mandy, watch out, that arm’s mechanical!”
She ducked, sliding under the car and pulling her gun from her holster. “You think I didn’t notice?”
James huffed into his comm, hiding at the corner of the building. “I gotta get you home in one piece, if Mom finds out-“
“Oh, she already knows,” Steve sighed into his own comm, his voice crackling into his children’s ears. “We’re two blocks away with back up, you think you can hold him?”
“Cavalry’s running a little slow today, Pops?” Mandy laughed, trying to catch her breath as she kept the Winter Soldier in her eyeline. 
The comms crackled. “Very funny. You know what it took to get your mother to let me out?”
“We could use a sniper up on fifth,” James cut through the banter, a bullet flying past his position. “And a damn army,” he sighed. “Rest of the team’s gonna need a medic. He had a rocket launcher, flipped three cars. Better get clean up mobilized, too.” 
“Language,” Mandy bit out tightly, slinking around the car to stay hidden as the figure in black and silver moved confidently through the street. 
“Good man,” Steve replied to his son, not missing a beat before relaying the order to set up snipers and get the other teams mobilized. “You’ve got a good tactical eye, James.”
“Like Mom,” he muttered, dropping and crawling into the street. “And Mandy’s just as pigheaded as you both,” he muttered, cursing as he watched his sister stand up and away from the shelter of the overturned car, taking aim at the Winter Soldier. “Get back under cover, Mandy!”
“I’ve got him,” she whispered, taking aim. 
Time stood still as James watched her fire. They were both strong and fast, just like their father, but they also both knew the truth: the man in front of them was just as strong, just as fast, and had decades of training and experience over them. 
And he was Mandy’s biological father. 
It made her stupid. James knew it made her stupid. She took risks she never would have on any other op when the Winter Soldier was involved, she did things she’d never sanction any other agent doing, all in the name of stopping him, all in the name of keeping the man who sired her from hurting another person. 
It was almost as if she felt like it was a penance for a crime she never committed. He knew the knowledge of where she was found haunted her in ways she never shared with anyone but him. It was a secret she thought she’d kept tightly hidden, especially from her parents.
She fired, and it bounced off his left arm. 
The Winter Soldier froze. 
She fired again. 
He shuddered as it hit him in the shoulder. He turned. 
James would never forget the look of his eyes. He would never forget the way they narrowed, the dark black of the make-up around his eyes to cut down on the glare smudged to the side of his face, the way he could feel the man bare his teeth even though the bottom half of his face was covered with a mask. 
James would never forget the seconds he thought he’d watch his own sister die as the Soldier brought up his gun. 
And then a shield that he knew far too well flew in, knocking the gun to the ground. 
It was a flurry after that. 
James had seen his father in action, he’d seen him in training, but rarely, if ever, did Steve take point on missions. In theory, James knew he was impressive. 
He’d never seen him fight like this. 
It was like a well rehearsed ballet. Every punch was deflected, every kick avoided. His father and the Winter Soldier moved like one being, like they could anticipate how the other was thinking or like it had been pre-choreographed. When the soldier pulled out a knife, Steve dodged and avoided it, blocking with forearms and making the Soldier flip and drop it in a complicated series of moves that left James impressed and frightened. 
It was as if the Soldier had finally met his match, and he wasn't just deadly now, he was maniacal. James had heard stories, had seen him just barrel through men. This? This was entrancing. 
And then it was worrying, because when Mandy tossed their Dad his shield, the Soldier caught it in one hand instead, knowing exactly how to catch it, exactly how much reverb he had in the movement, and exactly how to wield it back to Steve that had him backing up and on his heels. 
The shield didn’t behave like normal metal did, it wasn’t easy to catch and move through space. James had taken months to learn how to catch and throw it under his father, and he still struggled. The Winter Soldier shouldn’t have been able to just master it like he had. 
“Dad…” James called out, nervous. Scared. 
For the first time, he didn’t think they actually had a chance. 
Steve’s voice rang out clear in his ear, even as he never stopped fighting, pinned against a truck. “Get your sister and go!”
”I am not leaving!” Mandy called out, rushing forward. James jumped to his feet, running after her and wrapping his arms around her just before she made it to the middle of the intersection where Steve was wrestling with the Soldier for control of his shield. “I can help!” She turned, gritting her teeth at her brother. “We can both help!”
James took a slow breath and then let go of her, stepping back and pulling his knife from his boot. He didn’t say anything, knowing it would be picked up by far too many people on comms, but just nodded. 
Without having to say when, they both moved forward. Mandy went low, James high, and they tackled the Soldier, giving their father enough time to get his shield on his arm and take a breath. 
If he was impressive one on one, the Winter Soldier was downright deadly as he took on all three of them. The youngest, James was the most inexperienced in the field, but he made up for it with his strength and speed and tactical understanding. None of that stopped the Soldier from picking him up by the neck and tossing him through the window of a bank across the street. 
Mandy was fast, though, and she swept his feet out from under him as he tried to turn back. They should have had him. 
They should have had him. 
But Steve and Mandy couldn’t help but look towards where James had been tossed to see if he was okay. The second it took them to look was enough for the Soldier to stand and rush Mandy, his metal hand wrapping around her neck and lifting her from her feet. 
Steve’s yell reverberated through the street at he rushed him, jumping on his back and wrapping his arms around the soldier’s neck, his eyes panicked as he looked at Mandy, her hands clawing at the metal one that held her feet off the ground, that was cutting off her breathing. 
And then, it was like the world stopped. 
The soldier loosened his grip just a little, and tipped his head, eyes blinking, not because of Steve, but because recognition was dawning in his eyes.  
It was just enough movement that it changed Steve’s grip, and the mask on the Soldier’s face tumbled to the ground. 
The Soldier set her down, a name croaking from his lips as she crumbled at his feet. “Rebecca?”
Steve jumped from his back as if he’d been burned. It was a voice he heard in his dreams and his worst nightmares. Suddenly, it all clicked into place: how he knew how to use the shield, how they were so well matched… and yet, it filled him with dread and gave him more questions than answers. 
He stumbled between the Soldier and his daughter, jaw slack. “Bucky?”
The Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes, looked up at Steve, sneering. “Who the hell is Bucky?” 
And then they were grappling again, fighting hand to hand as Steve pushed him farther and father away from Mandy, farther and farther away from his daughter… their daughter… even though he was more confused than he’d ever been. 
They fumbled, tripping back over the curb, and in an instant Bucky had a gun in his hand, holding Steve at bay. 
He stepped back slowly, bringing his metal hand up to steady his shooting hand. 
“Dad!” James called, and tossed Steve’s shield to him. He ducked behind it just as the Soldier fired off a round of shots, the sound of them bouncing off the vibranium deafening. 
When he looked up, the Winter Soldier was gone. 
James is crouched by Mandy, shielding her from the bullets that have stopped. 
SHIELD vans were slowly pulling up. 
But he’s gone. 
Bucky was gone. 
Steve slid down by his daughter, lifting her to sitting and looking over her neck, the angry bruises already forming. “You okay?” He patted down over her head and shoulders, looking for other injuries. “You hurt anywhere else?” He turned, shouting over his shoulder, “Get the medic!”
”Fine,” she croaked out, clearing her throat. “I’ll be fine.” Mandy pushed away from him and swiped angrily at the tears that had gathered in her eyes more from pain and lack of oxygen than for any real emotion, though she’s more than overwhelmed. “We almost had him.”
”Don’t care about that, just care about you,” He responded, breathless, pulling her back into a hug. He turned his head, looking over at his son. “How about you?” He reaches out a hand, squeezing his son’s shoulder, running his fingers over his cheek where the glass he went through left tiny cuts. “Need the medic?”
”Nah,” James shook his head, his own hand laying on Mandy’s back, trying to help her calm her breathing. “I’ve had worse.”
“You’re mother’s gonna kill me,” Steve muttered, helping Mandy stand as the SHIELD medic ran to meet them. 
“Damn right I am,” Peggy’s voice crackled in his ear. “Not a damn instruction was followed by any of you.”
Mandy sat heavily on the curb, trying to wave away the medic even as Steve insisted he check her out. ”We almost-“
“Don’t say another word, young lady,” Peggy’s voice admonished. “I’m letting Fury clean this mess up before I say something I’ll regret.”
Steve got his way, and Mandy let the medic start checking her over. “We’ll be back as soon as the medic clears Mandy, Peg.”
“Damn well better be,” she muttered before she could be heard handing the comm over to Fury. 
Steve pulled the earpiece out and tucked it in his pocket, his children followed suit, waiting for the medic to give Mandy a clean bill. 
“Dad?” James finally asked quietly. 
“Yeah, bud?” He rubbed his face, watching the streets as SHIELD’s clean up team got to work. 
James tried to keep his voice even, non-accusatory. “You knew him.”
”I knew him,” Steve affirmed. He felt his heart sink again now that he wasn’t running on adrenaline anymore. He shook his head. “I used to know him.”
James sighed, turning away. “So you gonna tell me who Bucky was?”
”Better question,” Mandy started, standing, her voice still rough as the medic stepped away, “is who is Rebecca.” She sniffed, turning and heading away from the destruction, her father and brother falling in step with her. “He saw my face and he stopped dead.”
“The Winter Soldier…” Steve took a deep breath and sighed, “His name was Bucky Barnes. Rebecca was his sister.”
“So she would be my aunt, since he’s my father,” Mandy whispered, looking at her boots. “I guess I look like her. 
“You do.” Steve stopped moving, waiting until he could look at both his children. “He was my best friend, and I thought he died on a mission that went bad.” He reached out a hand and set it on James’ shoulder. “He’s who you’re named after.”
“He was a commando?” His son asked, moving again to get them towards a transport that would take them back to base.
“He was the commando. He was the closest thing I had to a brother. Hell, he was my family.” Steve stopped, turning to where his friend, now foe, had disappeared. “And now, we gotta find a way to help him.”
”Help him?” Mandy asked, turning her Dad around. “You can’t be serious.”
Steve looked around, content they were far enough away from anyone else that they wouldn’t overhear. “That man? He’s not the Bucky I knew. The Bucky I knew would never have done any of the things ascribed to him.” He dropped his voice and leaned down to Mandy. “You were worried about the kind of person you came from, about the kind of person Hydra would use to make you. I can tell you, Mandy, there is no better man. Bucky… he was…” Steve shook his head, at a loss for words. “If it were reversed, he wouldn’t stop until he got me out, and I can’t do any less.” 
“We,” James corrected him. “We can’t do any less. Not for family.”
Steve nodded, and they moved forward again in quiet lock step, filing into the back of a van. 
It was a quiet ride until just before they made it back to headquarters when Mandy popped her head up. “We still have to tell Mom.”
“Mom knew Bucky, too.” Steve let out a slow breath, his voice hovering between angry father and disappointed superior officer. “But I’m sure we’ll only talk about that after we talk about how you disobeyed orders, Mandy.”
She sighed, her voice less ragged than it was. “She’s gonna be so mad. She’s going to court-martial me.”
“Nah,” James smiled as they stopped, “Can’t get court martialed in SHIELD.” He helped her down from the van. “They’ll just throw you in a pit in Alamogordo.”
“Stop teasing your sister,” Steve tossed out as he jumped down and walked past them, the kids falling into step behind him. “Your mother’s wrath is much worse than anything they could throw at you in Alamogordo.” He paused, seeing Peggy waiting for them just inside the doors, hands on hips, jaw tight with fury but eyes full of anxiety. “Ready?”
“For mom’s wrath?” James asked, rolling his shoulders back. “No. But we don’t have a choice, do we?”
She didn’t yell, didn’t even move from where she stood when they came in, she just pointed to the elevator. “Office, now!” She called out in a clipped voice. 
Steve could feel the fear pouring off of her, the adrenaline and the anger mingling to clog her throat with emotion. Once they were in the elevator, he reached out, twining his fingers with hers. 
She turned and looked at him, unshed tears shining in her eyes. He just squeezed her hand. 
Whatever came next, they were going to deal with it together. 
Just like they always did. 
Like a family. 
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ladylynse · 7 months
Secret Trio/Secret Quartet three sentence fics below the cut! For more like this, see my other three sentence fics/crossover three sentence fics, my tumblr fic masterpost, random WIP scenes and snippets, fic ideas, or find me on FFnet and the AO3! Also, take a peek at the fanart and fanfic I’ve been gifted.
If you like my work, you can consider buying me a coffee. (I write thank you snippets–which could be an expansion of a three sentence fic if you like!)
Adrien and Plagg (”watching idols”) Jake and Adrien (”painting” x2) Jake and Randy (“trapped”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (“rat”) Danny, Adrien, Randy, Jake (”Hide”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, Randy (”Jake, who is Rose?”) Jake and Danny (”TUE happened”) Marinette/Ladybug and Adrien/Chat Noir (”failed over and over again”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, Randy, Marinette (“redemption/corruption”, ”path of destruction”) Marinette, Jake, Danny, Randy, (Adrien) (”shoulder to cry on”) Adrien, Marinette, Danny, Randy, Jake (”Hello, Ladybug” x2) Danny, Adrien, Jake, (Randy) (”hey, guys, where’s ---?”) Adrien, Randy, Jake, Danny (”I-I can’t hear his heartbeat”) //death alt (more painful) version | follow up Marinette, Danny, (Adrien, Lila, Elliot) (”Lila and Elliot”, “liars”, ”two peas in a pod”) Lila and Elliot (”partners in crime”) Jake, Randy, Danny, Adrien (”power/mind swap”) Randy, Jake, Rose, (Danny, Adrien) (”meeting Rose post Hong Kong Longs”) | related Jake, Randy, (Danny, (Adrien)) (”80 word challenge”) Randy, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”ghost king au”, “ghosts vs magical creatures”) Danny, (Randy, First Ninja, (Adrien, Jake)) (”ghost king au”, “Danny helps Randy remain the Ninja”) Randy, (Danny, Jake) (”about being mind-wiped”) Jake, Danny (Randy, ((Adrien)) (”there’s no one left”) Jake, Randy, Adrien, (Danny) (”Danny tells them about Dani”) Randy and Marinette (”Ladybug mistakes one of the SQ for an akuma”) Marinette, Adrien, (Danny, Randy, Jake) (”SQ post ML reveal”) Adrien, Danny, (Randy, Jake, Plagg) (”temporary power swap”) Danny, Adrien, Randy, (Jake) (”identity reveal of Danny Phantom”) Susan, Jake, Jonathan, (Danny, Adrien, Randy) (”parents find out”) Adrien, Danny, (Randy, Jake) (”legacy”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, (Randy, Luka) (”snake”) Danny, (Jake, Randy, Adrien, Jack, Maddie) (”Fentons find out”, “angst with a happy ending”) Randy (”Randy remembers”) Adrien, Jake, Randy, (Danny) (”bee”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (”comic book”) Danny, Jake, (Randy, Adrien, Vlad) (”Uncle Vlad AU”) Danny, Randy, (Adrien, Jake) (”broken sky”)
Adrien, Danny, Randy, (Jake) (”siblings”) Jake and Adrien (”Rotwood”) Ladybug, Adrien, (Danny, Randy, Jake) (”reinforcements”) Randy, (Adrien, Jake, Danny) (”prophetic dream”) Randy, Danny, (Adrien, Jake, Ghostwriter) (”true friendship”) Jake, Plagg, (Adrien, Danny, Jake) (”that was you?”) Randy, Adrien, (Jake, Danny) (”frostbite”) Danny, Randy, Jake, Adrien (”first date help”) Adrien, Randy, (Danny, Jake) (”apocalypse”) Danny, Jake, (Adrien, Gramps, Haley, Fu Dog, Susan, Jonathan) (”escape from NYC) Randy, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”Stabby the roomba”) Randy, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”love square”) Jazz, (Haley, Howard) (”evil clones”) Adrien and Danny (”discovered”) Adrien, Randy, Danny, (Jake) (”war zone”) Jake, (Adrien, Randy, Danny) (”Miracle Queen”) Debbie, Theresa, (Adrien, Randy) (”cartwheel”) Heidi, Jake, (Howard, Randy, Danny, Adrien) (”busted”) now expanded  FF | AO3 Jake, Randy, (Danny, Adrien) (”nasty sauce”) Bunnyx (”Chat Blanc”) Jacques (”inspiration”) Danny, Plagg, Adrien, (Jake, Randy) (”Box Ghost”) Plagg, Danny, Randy, (Jake, Adrien) (”blood magic”) Gabriel and Desiree (”be careful what you wish for”) Adrien, Jake, Randy, Danny (”what are you?”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (”he treats us well”) Randy, Jake, (Danny, Adrien) (”mermaids”) Jake, (Randy, Danny, Adrien, Gregory) (”arrogance”) Ladybug/Marinette and Adrien (”confessions”) Marty, (Randy, Danny, Adrien, Jake) (”entire world”) Danny, (Randy, Adrien, Jake) (”fire”, “reveal”) Jake, Danny, (Randy, Adrien) (”grenade”) Jake, Danny, (Adrien, Randy) (”mercenary”) Randy, Debbie, (Danny, Adrien, Jake) (”Debbie/Randy”) Adrien, Jake, Danny, Randy (”new year”) Jake, Adrien, (Danny, Randy) (”fallout”) Danny, Adrien, Jake, (Randy) (”stargazing”)
Now on the AO3 Randy, Debbie, Adrien, (Danny, Jake) (”Kangham”, “hide”)
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hiii i was wondering if you knew of any everlark fics based on the show "supernatural"? i saw one in a everlarkficquestions masterlist but i was wondering if you knew of anymore, tysm!!!!!!
Hello Anon!
Unfortunately I only found one which may be the same as the one from everlarkfic questions.
Too Precious for this World-Wildharp (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Gale are siblings left to carry on their father’s legacy of hunting supernatural beings and protecting humanity from dangers unbeknownst to the general population. When Katniss is cursed there is only one man who can save her, Peeta Mellark, a kind, virginal baker who wants nothing to do with the beautiful hunter. A Supernatural/Hunger Games crossover
There are quite a few crossovers where the characters from supernatural are in the THG universe but apparently only one where Katniss and Peeta are in the Supernatural universe.
I'm sorry that I couldn't find any others!
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to shoot me an ask!
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marvelstars · 3 months
Hello! Hope this ask doesn't bother you!
I'm getting more into X-Men since 97'! I've been enjoying your posts greatly! Was wondering if you have any recommendations of comics (especially about Magneto? Or his kids)? But any X-Men comic that you enjoy I'll appreciate!!
Many thanks <3
-- @unfortunately-obsessed
Here are some comics you may check out
Magneto # 0 by Claremont and John Bolton
Magneto Testament by Greg Pak
Age of Apocalypse crossover
X-men Legacy if you enjoy Mike Carey and Rogue and Magneto relationship.
X-men #1(1991) Last Claremont & Jim Lee issue of his first run with Magneto.
House of M by Bendis and Coipel has a lot of Magneto and family drama.
X-men and Magneto resurrection by Al Ewing are awesome.
I enjoyed a lot his time on Avengers Academy and All New X-factor and recently Uncanny Avengers by Duggan.
Scarlet Witch Solo series vol.1 and vol.2
Avengers children´s crusade tell the story of her getting her children back and she comes back to the MU after House of M.
All New X-factor and the recent X-men by Duggan are good picks.
Hope you enjoy your reading.
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popculturebuffet · 6 months
More than Meets the Eye Retrospective: Dark Cybertron Part 1
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Hello all you happy autobots and welcome back to my long look at Transformers More Than Meets The Eye. When we last left I looked at the sister comic, Robots in Disguise.
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But a necessary one for Today's review: Dark Cybertron, a crossover between both books.
Dark Cybertron is the cumilation of a plot that had been slowly building in the background of Robots in Disguise while Bumblebee dithered, Prowl tried to install a dictatorship long before he got a bug in his brain telling him to keep going with that, and Starscream was awesome. Shockwave has been up to SOMETHING over the issues, working with his mentor Jhiaxus.
Chasing Jhiaxus in the best part of RiD was Optimus Prime, redubbing himself Orion Pax out of disgust with the legacy of the primes, alongside his friends Hardhead, Wheelie and Garnak, who soon found themselves chasing Jhiaxus. Mr J eventually lured them to a dead planet, where he and Waspinator, yes the boy himself, ignited a titan and made tracks for cybertron while leaving our heroes to their deaths as Shockwave held back Soundwave and his decepticons , igniting his final plan.
It's here that mystery plan comes to fruition as the lost lighters split up gang to help save the unvierse, while Bumblebee and his Cavlcade of Fuckups, and also Arcee try to stop the apocalypse and Starscream gets a new paint job as he tries to hold on for dear life to his throne with a big ole event.
This crossover's notable for a few reasons: it's the first proper event comic for the transfomers: While there had been previous event style arcs with All Hail Megatron and Chaos and crossovers with the IDW wide Infestation and the marvel crossover Transformers/New Avengers, which also means the new avengers and likely all of marvel exisit in this unvierse.
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But this is the first crossover between books within the line, something that would become a tradition as IDW liked money and Hasbro liked free advertising for whatever they were doing in the toys at the time, either threading in designs from their current lines or in the case of combiner wars and titans return, just straight up having IDW model their events to match the toyline. . This lead to the ambitious and failed Hasbro Universe with Revolution, and the universe even ends on one with Unicron.
Ironically though.. this is the ONLY one to loop in more than meets the eye. And thank Primus for that. Look i'm not anti-event comic, sometimes an event can be a total banger. For a recent example see Marvel's Judgement Day. But the big two tend to do events and crossovers EVERY damn year, not giving books a chance to rest or status quos to breathe for a bit. So having More than Meets the Eye sit that shit out is a fucking relief.
It's also from a practical standpoint as this crossover shows both creative teams had trouble meshing the two together: the narrative splits into four plot threads, one in the dead universe with Optimus, Rodimus and CO, one with the rest of the lost light , one with the cavlcade of fuckups and one with god emperor starscream. the latter two evnetually intersect and the two casts DO interact towards the end of the crossover.. but in the six issues i'm covering today the only ones to interact with the lost lighters are Starscream in a brief video call and Optimus in one of the main plots. It's clear that while the two writers liked each other.. they may not of known entirely how to make the two casts function together, and thus kept them to their corners.
The result isn't a bad story but a fractured one. I will say upfront I won't be able to judge the story as a whole till next time, but I needed to do it in two parts as it's a big boy and there's a lot to go over. So join me under the cut as darkness falls over cybertron, titans rise, and rodimus gets a new toy so stupid it will bite him in the ass for the rest of the comic. IT's Dark Cybertron and it's under the cut.
We open with Nova Prime's crew. Nova Prime was a prime who was seen as a great one.. but in reality was an supremacist piece of scrap who wanted to conquer all other forms of life. He will not be missed. Among him are our boy Cyclonus and Jhiaxus, who tells Shockwave to FINISH MY WORK.
In the present.. Shockwave almost has, having seeded ores aroudn the galaxy and experimenting on a titan, both the same one that declared Starscream chosen one and then vanished.. and that Waspinator just brought home. It starts screaming in terror and bleeding out it's eyes
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Elsewhere on Cybertron, Starscream woke up from a nap to find a few hours ago the sun rose.. and hasn't gone down. He also has a new all red everything paintjob, a familiar one
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As i've been told and found out.. this is Starscream's look from Transformers Armada, which I did watch when it was coming out but entirely forgot this is what Starscream looked like because my memory is quicksand and only few things escape it like X-men trivia.
It's.. not my faviorite. It's almost ENTIRELY red and whlie it does look better in later shots, it's just not as fun to look at as his classic look and while he'll keep this look for the windblade mini series, i'ts telling the artists reverted to his old standby as soon as they could. The Armada look isn't bad and looking at stills from teh anime it loks GREAT there.. but it's a bit too one note for the page, at least these pages.
Starscream decides to call the autobots for help.. not the ones he exiled, an I told you so from prowl is death in it's purest form, no OUR autobots.
For now though we cut back to Optimus. Since we last left him he and his crew are trying to escape.. and luckily run into some old friends
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I love this so much. Unsuprisingly Swerve made it his ring tone. Naturally Rodimus dove in anyway to save his old friend/boss/dad.
Rodimus shows his dad around, which really feels like a teenager accidently exposing his dad to all the stuff his dumbass friends do while trying to be respectible. The wind's taken out of his sails by Ultra Magnus who asks if Optimus is taking command with all the tact and grace he's known for.
Optimus isn't, he's only here for the guest spot , he's got his own leading roll to play in the other books, but he is happy to get the tour. .until Starscream calls. Screamer of course can't help but passively agressively brag about how he was elected in by popular demand after bumblbee fucked up hard
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Then asks Cyclonus for help since he knows the dead universe better than anyone. The Dead Universe is a parasite, a universe that should fucntion right but is instead both sentient and EVILLLL. And it's hungies.
Back on Cybertron, Team Fuckup is starring in horror and the Dinobots want to punch the fuck out of the sun. Bumblbee tells them to wait for it... and granted he's telling them not to punch a bright light on the horizon, something even prowl can tell is stupid which tells you something, but honestly after the last two years worth of comics, the bar for Bumlebee's competence is low.
He ends up being right as the necrotitan lands. Meanwhile Shockwave goes into a whole rant about hwo this is all ineveitible that has a bunch of vauge images and two optimus primes about ot throw hands for some reason. none of this is relevant to the rest of the crossover, it's a clear misdirect and it sure does exist. The real point is who he's talking to: Nova Prime and Galvatron, who somehow returned. Also Galvatron and Megatron are two seperate people in this continuity, happens a lot, moving on.
Onto chapter 2 and Team Fuckup's strategy is now suns out guns out.. though Bumblebee's redemption arc continues as when the Autobots want to punch the giant, Bumlebee tells them no and tells them to either get in line or fuck righ toff, which actually gets them to listen. Seems Bee got a spine with his new form and I like it. After 20 some issues of him listening to whoever yelled the loudest while ignoring the people he's supposed to be serving, this is nice. It's clear field command fits him better.
He does have a bit of an exestial crisis wondering if this is the titan that choose starscream and I THINk it is. I'm not sure. But either way it's here and i'ts big.
Back with Team Rodimus, Brainstorm tells Optimus the dead unvierse is alive and that's why going into the dead universe is tricky: it'll kill anything it senses shouldn't be there. Luckily he has a plan.. and a weird creepy parsite in a jar. It's also so fun seeing the straightlaced optimus interact with the lost lighters. So dang good seeing Chromedome resisit the urge to condescend to Optimus.
Back with Starscream he's doing what any sensible cybertronian would do in this situation: GET HIS GUN. Or a lot of them hidden in a closet Rattrap is telling him to come out of. Please everyone knows Starscream as pansexual as fuck. Rattrap urges caution.. which is like saying it's tuesday but still when Starscream is whiffing it you know it's .. also tuesday but also probably an issue.
Back on the lost light we get a great scene as Rodimus, Magnus and Optimus hit swerves. Magnus is curious if they should be having command discussions in a bar but Rodimus for once isn't snippy, which tells us deep shit is a comin: he simply wants to be by his men.. granted he regrets that when he finds Swerve taking photos but for once Swerve is also not as flip: it's three of the greatest autobots of all time, on the preciipce of SOMETHING happening, something they call feel.. that shared feeling of dread. Something's coming and it ain't good.
The trio get a text from brainstorm: He's ready. This being brainstorm the most he has is a palm thing that keeps the dead universe from killing you using the venom of a monster from there he keeps in a jar. Granted this is only because it's short notice.
So our heroes come up with a plan: split up. Rodimus, Optimus, Hardhead and Cyclonus (Since he has experince) will go into the dead universe to plug whatever stygian hole is leaking. Wheelie and Garnak will stay by in Optimus' ship to pick them up after. Meanwhile the Lost LIght will head after Jhiaxus. Magnus is doubtful he can lead.. but Rodimus perks him up, assuring him he can do this: he may of been thorugh a lot.. but this is his comfort zone: "You're chasing a war criminal and i'm leaping into the unknown"
Back on cybertron Starscream talks with Scoops, a cybertronian ratrap framed for him and who belivies in screamer's prophecy. And as it turns out Screamer REALLY shoudl've payed attention to what that prophecy was or asked or.. anything other than accept it as face value as it turns out he's pegged as a "false leader" one who will bring on the coming darkness... "The stars shall scream and the symbol of the uncreator shall become clear" and said symbol is.. not encouraging to screamer or us
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Anyways back to Shockwave: he's talking to Nova, and reveals the space bridge in the Necrotitan isn't working.. but luckily he has a backup plan: megatron.
We end the issue with two more cut tos: in the dead unvierse, Team Rodtimus fight some parasites hoping to snack on them since the signal their using reads "FOOD' to them and while they get away from them fine.. someone else notices. more on him soon. Back with Team Fuckup, the Calvary arrives: SOUNDWAVE BABY.
Part 3 begins with Starscream, whose assuring his adoring public.. only for a meteor to apparnetly land near the titan.
Speaking of shooting the Autobots wage a war to destroy the not so evil forces of Soundwave, only for the metor thing ot distract them too.
Before our next plot point let's talk about this series pacing as you might of noticed the last paragraph or two was just "this plot point, now this". And that's because the series likes to jump around, jump around, get up get up and get down. It has FOUR plots it's juggling and rarely do the issues just.. focus on one or two, especially early on. So each issue is bouncing around several subplots often for just two pages at a time. I don't mind a big story having to move around, but you have to let things settle for a minute. Let a plot point marinate a bit. I shouldn't feel rushed in a 12 issue crossover. 12 issues is a LOT for a story, again why this is a two parter. We do get some good character stuff like Bee growing a spine, a lot of it feels like a reahash. For instance did we need the starscrema going to get his gun scene? no we coudl've had rattrap suggest talking to scoops earlier. None of this is bad and some of the character stuff is necessary: Rodimus showing optimus around both moves the plot along with starscream's call and is objectively hilaroius. But a lot of it feels like thumb twiddling to get to the next plot point. We probably coudl've compacted most of team fuckups scenes into half an issue, if that. It feels like their cutting to each plot to make it seem important instead of carring how a story should progress. It feels like the writers took turns with scenes instead of truly colaberating on the crossover an das a result we just jump jump jump.
So we jump! Jump for the plot to our next point: the lost light where their being pushed off course... turns out Metroplex's thumb what got embedded in the ship after the annual is alive again.. and Getaway knows why: Tyrest, for all his madness, once said you can find a titan with a titan.. and figures Metroplex is trying to reunite with itself.
At the Necrotitan, Team Fuckup sadly gets back to buisness as usual.. arguing with each other. Fortuantely this time, Bumblebee.. is still a compitent leader. He's still on "wait for it" mode.. because they really CAN'T do anything and attacking a giant statue is a death warrant, and he's taken Team Soundwave's help as while they aren't on great terms, they have the same goal: Stop Shockwave. Prowl takes this with the grace, dignity and cool he's known for
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God it's good to hear ANYONE, especially Bumblebee, tell Prowl to "shut up for once". And Bee's not wrong. While wait and hope things go well was a TERRIBLE strategy when Bee was running the planet and all it did was get starscream on the throne and all of them exiled, in this case.. their facing a giant cybertronian with weird glowing eyes who they can't really understand. As we'll learn shortly titans function SORT'VE like regular transformers, but are so giant, massive and ancient their hard to parse. A small band of semi-reformed fuckups, an asshole, and a bunch of casette tapes and their player/dad isn't REMOTELY enough to stop that thing and interacting with it might just piss it off.
And sure enough Starscream seemingly prooves that hypothesis as he tries to manipulate it by talking to it.. only for it to explode into 2 or 3 pages of purple light. And This.. I like> it lets the MAGNITUDE of this thing's power play out, it's sudden, and it's shocking, and the effects afterwords aren't good as Arcee is out, the death wave having taken down their forces. once again Prowl won't shut the fuck up, wanting them to attack... and bee brushes him off essentially asking
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He points out the death wave, his words not mine, is heading towards the city and despite Starscream's efforts.. it goes off. Shooting the titan would've eithe rdone nothing or set this off SOONER. There is NOTHING they can do and that.. works for me. As douchey as Prowl's being which, par for the course and all that aside, you understand his want to do SOMETHIGN.. but their in a situation where all they can do is just sit, wait, and HOPE they can figure something out. Shockwave said it best as Starscream tried talking to the titan. "We were all too late from the beginning". Unlike the bulk of the comic thus far sitting and reacting is all they have. .because they don't know the full scope of what's going on here. WE as an audience don't know what the hell the necrotitan just did: I only have it's name thanks to the wiki.
The wave not only hurt the living.. but wakes the dead as Metalhawk is back, on the bad guy's side now.. and pisssssseeed. Starscream to his credit reacts more with "Oh goody another cherry on the shit sundae that is today." but he still gets stabbed and Metalhawk is taking Megatron, bye. While Scoops goes to help people, the citzens surround starscream, his star falling.
On the lost light thei rleft with a decision: follow Jhiaxus.. or follow the severed thumb. Ratchet dosen't wanna as he feels their back in the "autobots mainstream" again... but Brainstorm disagrees.. and Perciptor shockingly AGREES: an ancient god has asked them to come find him, and given the end of days is going on back at home, an ancient god could REALLY come in handy right now. Magnus agrees and they head to a planet full of blood red water. At least I hope it's water. THey go deep into planet danzig, and find a horde of microbots ready to tear them apart. These are the amonites from the 25th issue adn they aren't happy.
Closing out the issue Shockwave prepares to make Megatron into a spacebridge. It's very impressive and not at all healthy.
Chapter 4 begins back with the lost light and with good art for those portions again! Yeah while i've glossed over it because this is a LOT of comics to go over and i'm already behind, the art for the lost light sections of parts 2 and 3 is once again by James Raiz, who has a very sketcyhy lifeldian style.. and not bein ga fan of those styles in general, I like it even lest on the quippy, weird lost light. It dosen't fit at all and the lack of expresssion dosen't really work with characters who thrive on expression even when they got no mouths.
It also works as we get bits like Brainstorm trying to hop onto Perciptor's exposition and Magnus announcing himself as "duly apointed enforcer of the tyrest accord" before remembering "Oh yeah the horrifying events of the last arc right. Just an autobot now". I'ts a bit funny but also very sad. All it gets is the super combinining amonites blowing up their window.
Back on cybertron the mob turns on starscream, with Scoops rightfully calling him out for dooming them and pointing out the black mark on him as a sign.. whne really he just tried to schmooze an elder god of a robot, but semantics. poitn is time is running out for our faviorite boy.
Back on planet Danzig, Skids remembers the amonites and wonders why their pissed.. forgetting they you know, ended their forever war and one of them tried to kill thunderclash, something the lost light prevented. Take your pick.
With the Lost Light too big a target the crew decides to split up: they have a few water vechiles and half of the aquabots, so they should be fine, but they still need more... so Magnus gets an idea: they'll take the rodpod. Like the audience Getaway wonders "what the fuck is that" before we gaze on it in all ti's glory.. or as glorious as it is as for some reason we're suddenly back to raiz art.
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Yes the rodpod, which Magnus was worried about as naturally Rodimus loves this stupid fucking thing as mucha s I do. But Skids is banking on Rodimus' short attention span.
The important thing here, besides this very hilariously stupid thing happened in a major crossover and that's awesome, is Getaway's reaction. His disguist, his sheer confusion.. for now it just comes off as most people's reaction to this ego piece who aren't used to Rodimus shit by now. But true to roberts.. this bit is one of the MAIN REASONS why we still had to cover this crossover. It's not the only one but this one small character moment.. ends up changing the entire course of this entire comic and our heroes lives forever. Yes the RODPOD is so rediculous and breaks a man's brain so bad, it has deep lasting conseqeunces that will last to the finale of this comic. I love that more than words.
Our heroes take the rodpod out for a spin, and while Rung kills a guy, and it's awesome, our heroes blow up a giant super combined amonite as they apparently have no upper limit but no upper limit dosen't mean "can't blow up real good"
Back to the dead Universe where Optimus deals with some squabbling from the kids
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See this.. really shows the contrast between the two styles: the bickering over with Team Fuckup is annoying at times, bette rin this series but still annoying. The banter between the lost light on the other hand feels both more genuine and funnier. And I get the quippy style isn't for everyone: The MCU has gotten some fatigue fo rthat.. but I like a bit of back and forth. it shoudln't be the whole thing, and MTMTE succeeds largley because the characters are deeply made as well as deeply hilaroius, but a little humor helps. It breaks up the dark exesntial terror of everything to occasoinally have things like Rodimus' stupid headship he built for his own amusment or Optimus being about 5 mintues from turning this dead universe around so help me god.
Yet the questions he brings up .. arne't unfair as his next cuts deep: if Optimus had asked him to stay, would he have? And the answer.. is yes. Yet what cuts deeper.. is optimus response: He has the utmost faith in Rodimus and the progress he's made.. and it's clear form his silence he both regrets he's hardly made any and the choices he HAS made. He saved the world, something he rightfully rubbe din Hardhead's face as he was one of the many who nearly died thanks to Tyrest's attmepted genocide, but it's clear the thigns he's done weigh on rodimus: Would staying have helped? Could he have made a bette cybertron?
And the hard answer is.... no. Him staying wouldn't of been a good thing: he didn't want to be there, none of the bots who left really had ideas for a new better cybertron and MORE autobots wasn't going to fix a situation where autobots being there at all was causing tension with the nails. The sad truth is Bumblebee failed not because Rodimus left, but because he didn't have any plan other than "We want to retain power" , and with a throng of people crying for a better government and something NEW that was never going to happen.
The ironic thing is while Rodimus is on a quest for the old... his going out, exploring, doing daring due war or no war.. IS something new. He's letting his bots be who they are, having down time, movie nights, open bars. Sure he's also shoved some of them into very bad situations, the whole overlord mess was a waking nightmare and should never have happened and swerve shooting rung is ENTIRELY his fault. Rodimus, like Bee, often tries to lead like this is war time instead of a shaky peace. Yet despite also operating from that style.. he's casual enough and caring enough deep down that his bots.. get to have lives. Be who they want to be. He's not yelling tat them for daring to want to not shoot people or trying to create infastructure, he's just like "when I need you, do your fucking job bro". He may be embarassed around optimus.. but his letting his crew be people instead of weapons is better than Bee trying to lead like this is a war of attrition and not "what comes after" or Prowl acting like the war neve rended and a shiny new police state is better and not what caused the war in the first place.
OUr heroes soo seen Cyclonus is bleeding.. and soon have bigger issues as Nightbeat has arrived.
Back on cybertron Prowl sucks suprising no one wanting AGAIN to attack the giant robot that just wiped out hal fof them despite having no plan other than "shoot it REAL hard" Bee once again calls him out
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He brused Prowl's ego enough to actually get him to pause.. well huff like a child but Prowl does have soundwave scan the city, which picks up something bad: Megatron SCREAMING as Shockwave both turn shim into a bridge and tries to get him to join. He naturallyr efuses ESPECAILLY since the primes are involved, so instead of joining in the new world order.. he gets prime coming out of his chest.
We end the issue on Team Magnus as they find Metroplex.. and end up in his eye socket.. which is hollowed out. Which is impressive but horrifying. And also not very healthy.
Onto part 5, and Shockwave is helping his pawns out of a screaming megatron's chest
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When Team Fuckup arrives... Bumblebee has no idea what Shockwav'es doing but it end snow.
It dosen't though because Metalhawk is here, and Bumblbee's attempts to pull an "I know your in there somewhere fight", failed as Metalhawk is consumed by vengance and purple stuff. Skywarp attempts to just free megatron but his teleporting fails.
Prowl questions WHY Shockwave is helping nova.. not getting that maybe, just maybe the One Eyed Two Horned Grounded Purple Plotter whose already manuvered you all like chess pieces.. is using them as pawns for something much worse. Either way he gives Nova time to escape and his best buddy Waspinator time to bring him the staff Waspinator used to awaken the titan and summons it as if it were one of his x-men.. and has it crush them as if it were his juggernaught.
Back to the dead universe, let's talk about Nightbeat: Nightbeat is an autobot detective. During Nova Prime's previous plot, he had a thing installed in Nightbeat's head to turn the poor guy into his sleeper agent. Unfortunately for him he again picked a detective and one of the best at that so while he coudln't do much, Beat at least figured out he was being brainwashed and after shooting Hardhead had enough will to beg heardhead to shoot him.
So naturally his sudden return is a lot for everyone to process. As for how the shore he died on WAS connected to the dead unvierse, Optimus correctly guesses he got swept in with the tide. We get a sense of Nightbeat's personality too, as doing a simple look at Cyclonus tells him about Tailgate's near injury: he has facial scars, they were self inflicted, and they were patched recently. Cyclonus responds to this invasion of privacy mixed with genuine sympathy by trying to choke a bitch.
Back with team fuckup they TRY to count up their wounded.. but they hav ebigger issues: Megatron is craddling Ironhide crisis on infinite earth's style, before Galvatron rips him the fuck in half, starting his streak at one and declaring WHOS NEXT.. and somehow that's not their biggest issue as the titan is still active and shockwave is now in control.
Back in the dead universe, we find out how Nightbeat survivied: he was dead going through the portal and sense dead equals alive in this universe, he's spared. Sorta like how a healing spell usually hurts a zombie in an rpg just reversed.
At any rate he has some bad news for cyclonus: his hand generator thingy broke nad the Dead Universe has reclaimed him.. and he also has time to ominously say "your all home now" before triggering a giant force field around them. Turns out his death didn't undo his sleeper agent brain thing and Nova has come for them.
Before we move on to our final chapter for this batch, let's look at this cover. Which I rarely do for tim's sake but this one well
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It looks like Nova Prime is playing with his dolls again.
At any rate we're back with what's left of Team Fuckup: bumblbee' smissing while what's left is running from the titan. The Dinobots plan to lead it away.. but it was already going this way they just were running away from it and are only pulling a prometheus because their genuinely not fast enough to get out the side, especially with some of them carrying wounded.
Back with Team Magnus, they notice Metroplex is decaying... partly due to age as getting spare parts is hard for titans and partly due to the weird blood water all around Planet Danzig. Theya lso find that Metro's BRAIN is missing: he's still alive but without that he's clearly dying. Getaway notices something in the water and calls Swerve for help but h'es a bit busy getting his groove on
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They do however find a place to drydock. Back in the dead universe, Hardhead tells his friend he's going to rekill him while Optimus fakes a fight with rodimus to tell him there's a hidden barrier. While Hardhead tries to reach him Nova arrives.
Back on cybertron Starscream's no good horrible very bad day continues as he finds not only is his mark of shame spreading, but he's not the only one dying. After getting yelled at by his second tankor today he finds the titan heading right for him and the wounded
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Back on Planet Danzig, our heroes find some arrows in the dry dock.. but it takes them around in circles.. then an Amonite blows up the ship, leaving them stranded.
We end this issue and the first half of dark cybertron with Nova Prime megomanically gloating... Hardhead escapes to shut him up.. only for it not to go well> Turns out PRime is not only crazy strong, but he CRUSHES Hardheads fist in his hands and then watches the poor guy desintgrate. He has plans for those left though: he's taking them to see a new friend he's made: bumlbee whose the shiny new space bridge.
So that's where we end it? Can Team Fuckup somehow save cybertron? Did any of team magnus survivie? Can Optimus shut this dude the fuck up. Find out in april folks! Thanks for reading
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vii-is-free · 4 months
Leona plays Hogwarts Legacy: Charms Class, Part 1
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You know what I realized? It’s been a while since I complained about TTPD, which means it’s time for another Hogwarts Legacy review!
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🎶 Touch me while your girls play the quest with Sallow🎶
The boys can also play the quest Hello Poppets! I’ve been playing around with Crossover, trying to play the steam version on my iMac and it’s going….
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Yeah, terrible. I have 4 days of the trial left and as much as I want to mod and stuff, I can’t justify buying a subscription for crossover when the damn game keeps fucking glitching all the time. If there are any fellow Apple users who figured out how to run the game smoothlessly (I know this isn’t a word but I’m keeping it) and with the mods, please share *sob*
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But no matter! Potatoes Sallow is ready to greet us in the switch version. But let’s check out charms class first.
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Ive really been using this second play through to appreciate the little things they added in like Poppy admiring the butterflies (or is she trying to free them) 😭
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Also - I officially ship them. TELL ME THERES A SHIP FOR THEM
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And them (Omi sitting like that is so high school god I hate that song)
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And us. I love you, Blind Joe Alwyn. (We aren’t falling for Sebastian’s antics this time, remember Leona?! ‘MEMBER?!)
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And them again (Are you a Slytherin because you’re Ominis Gaunt? Or are you Ominis Gaunt because you’re a Slytherin sorry if it’s not my hatred of TTPD it’s gonna be Lobotomy Kaisen leaking into this review)
Stay tuned for part 2 where we talk about the real star of this quest!
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lunar-serpentinite · 7 months
Introductory Post
Hello ~ I'm Cloud and welcome to my blog !
My pronouns are they/them ! I don't really have hard no's for gendered terms used to refer to me .
I'm a '02-liner (meaning i was born in 2002) and from Southeast Asia . I am currently in uni studying Geology and I use my spare time to think about my hyperfixations <3
I'm neurodivergent and I usually vibe on my own but I'm open to chats ! I'm bad at replying though so don't be afraid to bump up messages
I've been on Tumblr since 2012 but this is the first time I have ever tried to be more active instead of keeping in the background .
Fuck JKR !!
Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, free everyone who has suffered and are currently suffering under a capitalistic, warmongering white supremacist society . Never stop talking about the genocides and human rights injustices currently happening around the world . Share, save, boycott, educate, donate when and if you can !
Current Fixations / Interests / Fandoms
Harry Potter (specifically the character himself, as well as Drarry)
MXTX Novels
Percy Jackson
Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail
(Especially for those who are particularly focused on Harry Potter canon and/or certain dynamics.)
In my headcanons and posts, I will stretch canon pretty thinly. I will rewrite and redo huge chunks of what we know as the Harry Potter canon. This includes huge changes in the history, the timeline, and the ethnicities of a lot of characters (read: majority of the characters we know in my AU are now BIPOC). Everything I am doing is purely for my own enjoyment and I just wanted to share the things I made with anyone who wanted to have a read.
I do not follow any Marauders fandom headcanons nor do I consider myself part of the fandom . This means my Lilys and Jameses will have vastly different friend groups than what you're used to if you're from the Marauders fandom .
If you're particular about dynamics, I am a fixed DMHP account . I don't post NSFW on this blog since I focus on worldbuilding and more SFW character building, but I'm just throwing this out there :3
Have a good day ! (My AUs under the cut)
Current AUs
Nandhini's Legacy - my main AU and the reason why I made this blog in the first place ! This is a Harry Potter AU where the Potter family are South Indian (specifically Tamil [James] and Telugu [Lily]) and the Black family are SWANA . New elements in the story include entirely new fancasts for the entire cast, the introduction of a Magical British Museum (the new primary antagonist besides Lord Voldemort), OC siblings for characters like Harry and Pansy, and several timeline changes .
Related Links : Families Masterlist, Fancast, Main Tag
pls ask me abt this au i have so much to say
Son of Hecate Harry AU - a PJO x HP crossover AU where Harry was born to Lily and James but with the additional blood from Hecate . In this AU he was taken away from the Dursleys by a satyr and raised in Camp Half-Blood . By the time he arrives at Hogwarts, Harry has already undergone one quest and is only at the institution because of another prophecy (not Trelawney's) . He is accompanied by fellow demigods and witches Yurika Haneda (Slytherin, Hermes) and Poppy Caxton (Hufflepuff, Athena)
My Mortal Companion - the AU in which post-War, Harry retains his title as Master of Death and believes his next destiny is to be the sole Unspeakable in the Death Room since he's the "only one who could do it" . Features Harry's relationships and dynamics with various psychopomps and death deities of diverse pantheons
Related Links : Main Tag
Favourite of the Fae Harry AU - an AU where Harry is highly favoured by the Fair Folk of Great Britain, but only in the way a human might highly favour what they deem a particularly cute pet . Includes tidbits of Harry being his mother's son because Lily was their previous favourite, and Harry having difficulties with socialising in the "proper" human way because he was used to the constant transactional socialising of the Fae
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hi hello welcome to ivys thoughts on jjk characters and their corresponding F1 teams i realized i have a lot of thoughts about it cause i sent krish like 5 messages in a row anyways. yulicechan on insta has really cool art as gojo and geto as ferrari and merc drivers respectively which is where the brainworms are coming from. *EDIT: ARANSMIND HAS REALLY COOL F1 JJK CROSSOVER ART TOO ESP RED BULL TOJI*
anyways, tl;dr this would be my grid:
red bull: gojo, toji
toro rosso: yuuta, yuuji
ferrari: sukuna, geto
mclaren: hakari, meimei
mercedes: kenjaku, ??
aston martin: nanami, nobara
alpine/renault: maki, mai
williams: megumi, ??
sauber: inumaki, ??
haas: ??, ??
very sorry this is unedited and i wrote this in 2 stints while at work. also i wanna say i know just enough about jjk and f1 to have Opinions but am still essentially going off of vibes. anyways. thoughts/explanations under the cut.
i kinda agree with gojo as a ferrari driver even disregarding the past like. decade. cause they’ve got so much power + pull regardless of if they’re at the top of the standings and also ferrari is The recognizable team the way gojo is The recognizable character HOWEVER i think he better fits the vibe of red bull especially since he’s like. Thee young prodigy (seb vibes). like they put this kid in a rocket ship. i can see him multi 21-ing someone. WHICH IS WHY i think toji would be his teammate. red bull has the vibe of being more willing to accept risk and bet on untraditional designs/drivers/etc which fits tojis no cursed energy thing cause as long as he wins nothing else matters. also the 2 as teammates is def rancid red bull vibes heart emoji.
i also think these 2 are most analogous to red bull cause gojos birth leads to the increased presence of curses, red bulls dominance caused the other teams to step up to an unpredictable degree etc etc. so short term presence in the grand scheme of things but Big big influence.
and then speaking of influence and presence sukuna would be ferrari. u can’t ever really count ferrari out and the threat of sukuna is always there,, lurking,, ( also the everybody is a ferrari fan. everyone (we, the fans) grudgingly fucks w sukuna) i think also the FIAs historical ties to ferrari 🤝 the author liking sukuna the most.
kenjaku would be ferrari or mercedes, both for influence/power/prestige reasons, i think he might be more analogous to mercedes cause even though they have a long term presence in formula one the current team is fairly new?? kenjaku too while being functionally immortal and one of Thee threats is also in this iteration a fairly new player even though he’s been influencing events throughout the set up of the story.
geto i think i see equally in mclaren and ferrari?? like the weight of the history of the team + some historical underhand-ness. i think ferrari has more pr training/makes sure their drivers + the team as a whole has more of an image so perhaps ferrari fits better.
meimei mclaren?? but in the sense of like. money money money the way mclaren is kinda winning the sponsor game rn. also i can see her happily being a 2nd driver as long as she gets the big bucks. but i can Also see her as aston martin in the sense that they’ve been paying big bucks to poach personell from other teams which is both v smart And money centric which fits meimei (i’m ignoring her incest thing)
hakari mclaren as well, he’s very independent but also kinda burdened with being one of the strongest but not the same way yuuta is. i think he would be the young talent mclaren bets on (always bet on hakari lmao)
maki would be renault (not alpine) in the sense of being the underdog wildcard champion, young and upcoming. (would definitely say the alonso braking thing) However i can also see her as ferrari or mclaren due to legacy of her clan.
yuuta would be. in my mind. a red bull driver for Sure. so stick that boy in toro rosso/alpha tauri/vcarb. no only is he untraditional red bull vibes but he would Also be down to be like 3rd driver to gojos 1st driver championship contention.
for the same reasons i would stick yuuji in toro rosso/alpha tauri/vcarb also every team dynamic so far has been kinda awful. but yuuji and yuuta are the the most loyal of the students to gojo as well so being red bull b team makes sense, they have the potential to move up to red bull main team (yuuta gojo body swap) etc etc.
nanami to me is analogous to aston martin seb in the sense that he’s like 3 seconds from retirement but still set on developing a team and scoring podiums
nobara is pretty damn independent and also remarkably (compared to the other characters) unbeholden to the pressures of legacy/clan/being the strongest so u have to protect your peers from dying so perhaps Also aston martin?? i think she would be an underdog championship contender and for a hot minute last year thats where aston was at (as much as anyone could be championship contenders last year)
ok hear me out mai as the other renault driver, would equally cause rancid team vibes And help her sister towards the championship. i think it would also make sense towards her following maki into becoming a sorcerer, i think she would be talented enough and willing to put enough work into become a driver but wouldn’t really have championship ambitions even though outwardly she wants to win over maki.
megumi i would put either at williams or mercedes in the sense of being a mercedes young driver but getting experience at williams, Or he’s up against kenjaku in a sort of nico rosberg v schumacher kinda way. hm. i’m putting him in williams to suffer (mild hate to williams, i am unfortunately w williams fan)
sauber has been so under the radar in the last couple years that i don’t have many thoughts. i think they should have an experienced character and a younger character given the past couple of teammate pair ups. i think inumaki would be a sauber driver in the same vein as leclerc being at sauber essentially on hold for a ferrari seat. i don’t think he would end up at ferrari given he’s a supporting character but i think it would make sense given his unique power + big clan. for the other set ive got minimal thoughts so far. maybe hiraguma??
and then here’s my unfinished thoughts:
haas doesn’t have much of an established vibe yet given they’re so young?? i’m gonna characterize the team as young and willing to send it™️ to scrape and get points. in that vein i would say todo except i think it would be funny if todo was megumis teammate. idk power level wise i think todo might make sense as the other merc driver?? he both doesn’t care but also deeply cares about the team but only depending on who he’s paired with so really he would be the perfect second driver to yuuji but in the interim would not give a shit about supporting his teammate.
but beyond that???? no other thoughts at the moment
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nights-flying-fox · 1 year
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✨️ Hi hi hello, welcome!! I'm Nighty, and I reblog a lot of stuff*, sometimes draw and write too. Both fanart & oc art!! 💖
*if you don't want to see most of my reblogs block my queue tag: #a pie for you & a queue for me
💫 For more art: @nightsfoxart ♡ For more writing: @nightyslibrary 🐢 tmnt side account (still a wip): @eughboi
⚠️ pr*sh*p / neutral etc. DNI ‼️
🪐 My ko-fi page!!
🦊 Art Tag: nighty arty ▪︎ Writing Tag: nighty write -y ▪︎ random posts: nighty talky ▪︎ lists and such: nighty archive
|☆ | ◇ | ♡ |
Linktree for more social media ig
🌠 Portal Fam Server!! Click here to join!!
💜 AU Tags:
🐀 Animaniacs: Toons (Storks AU) • There's a Beast in There • Pirates AU
🐢 ROTTMNT: Dimension Hopper Leo AU MASTERPOST • Where You Belong (Separated AU) • Let's Grab a Slice Together • Hopelessly Surviving AU (Resurrected Leo AU) • A Turtle Like Me, A Turtle Like You Masterpost • GENERAL AU MASTERPOST
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🌟 Fandom Tags / Masterlist ⬇️
🪶 Some of the stuff that I find myself thinking about them 7/24: tmnt/rottmnt (rise leo is the blorbo), hazbin hotel (alastor & rosie friendship aaa), warrior cats (longtail, hollyleaf, hawkfrost my beloveds), kingdom hearts (khux & days), the legend of zelda (miphvali & botw zelink), linked universe (legend is fav), animaniacs, pokemon (unova ftw)...
tLoZ - Breath of the Wild
Art - Fics:
-Warmth (Zelink / One-shot) AO3
-Christmas Together (Multichapter Modern AU Xmas Fic / Ongoing / Includes Zelink and Miphvali) AO3 [currently on hiatus]
-Following the Silent Princess (Modern AU / includes Zelink and Miphvali / multichaptered ongoing) AO3 [currently on hiatus]
Zines: By Your Side Zelink Zine
tLoZ - Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Art | Fics:
-Mountain Walk (Miphvali / One-shot) AO3 | Chinease Translation (AO3)
-For You (Zelink / written for Fated: Through Time digital zine / one-shot) AO3
Art | Fics:
-Welcome Back, Doc (Space Jam: New Legacy crossover fic / multichaptered ongoing / Dad Bugs) AO3 [on hiatus but might finish it before the end of may <3 ]
-Years Ago, A Winter Night (Wakko's Wish fic / a lot of angst & hurt/comfort / multichapter & completed / XMas fic) AO3 | Playlist
-Happy Allergies Dot!! (one-shot / Dot centered) AO3
-Guilt Is Eating Him Up (one-shot / lots of angst & hurt/comfort / Wakko centered) AO3
-Toons (Storks AU / multichaptered ongoing / kinda on hiatus??) AO3
-There's a Beast in There (Beauty and the Beast AU but without any romance / multichaptered ongoing / *holds it gently* this one is my fav) AO3
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Art | Fics:
-A Friend Against Dark (Raph centered / fluff / pre-series / one-shot) AO3
-Finish the Tale, Ven, Please? (Where You Belong AU / fluff / one-shot) AO3 * tumblr
-finding your stellar association (for @/ashwii's Celestial AU / one-shot / fluff) AO3 * tumblr
-so I dive straight back in the ocean (hurt/comfort / post-movie / Leo centric / one-shot) AO3 * tumblr | playlist
-Little Talks with a Big Robot Turtle (for @/somerandomdudelmao's Cass Apocalyptic Series / Raph centric / fluff / one-shot) AO3 * tumblr
-Deep (Purple) Thoughts (and Realizations) (Donnie centered / post-movie / angst & hurt/comfort / multichaptered ongoing) AO3
-Last Resort (Mikey centric / bad future timeline / Let's Grab a Slice Together AU but you don't have to know about it to read it / angst (with a bit of comfort??) / one-shot ) AO3
Warrior Cats
-One Last Night (Leafpool x Hawkfrost / one-shot) AO3 | Turkish Translation
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levenllan23 · 1 month
Hello, Tumblr! I’m excited to share with you a sneak peek into my latest project: *Galactic Convergence*. This story is an epic fusion of the Star Wars universe and Mass Effect, blending the mysticism of the Force with the advanced biotics of the Mass Effect galaxy.
**🌌 The Premise:**
In the wake of the Reaper War, Earth has become a dying world, losing most of its core and facing a slow decline similar to Krypton. Humanity’s last hope is the *Starborn Ascendant*, a massive space station serving as their new home. As they journey through dark space towards a distant galaxy, they encounter ancient powers and enigmatic beings.
The main idea of the story
- **The Starborn**: Rare individuals who embody both biotic and Force energies, marked by a distinctive blue-white star glow when their shields falter. These beings represent a unique balance of power, with one being a master of biotics and the other a sage of the Force.
- **The Crucible’s Legacy**: The Crucible, a superweapon that once saved the galaxy, also left Earth in ruins and caused a cascade of damage through the mass relay network, forever altering the balance of power and connectivity across galaxies.
**🛰️ The Story:**
Join our protagonist, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who embarks on a five-year mission aboard the *Starborn Ascendant* at the request of Echo and the Bad Batch. Alongside old friends and new allies, Obi-Wan discovers the mysteries of the Starborn and their connection to an ancient prophecy.
**🎨 Cover Art Reveal:**
I’m thrilled to reveal the cover art for *Galactic Convergence*! ] This artwork captures the essence of our story, blending elements of both galaxies into a stunning visual.
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**🌠 What to Expect:**
- **Epic Space Adventures**: Explore the vast reaches of space and the intricate dynamics of two intertwined universes.
- **Rich World-Building**: Dive into the lore of both Star Wars and Mass Effect, discovering how they converge in this new narrative.
- **Deep Character Development**: Follow Obi-Wan and other key characters as they navigate their roles in this evolving saga.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you might have about *Galactic Convergence*. Stay tuned for more updates and insights into this thrilling crossover!
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muffin-snakes-art · 9 months
Blinks. Hi sorry I’ve been typing essays in your notes :< but all your Layton Kirby crossover stuff made me think back to my own which made me come up with a question. Would different ancient Kirby relics be tied together as figures or legacies in a similar fashion to the Azran Legacies? The Master Crown, the Dimension Mirror, ect? (And NOVA too, but could you imagine NOVA being Loosha?? Jdfhdh) Just out of curiosity I. So love this au so much it makes me really really happy :>
Hi hi hello I'm so happy you've been enjoying my au!! I really love reading everyone's tags ahhhh I'm so glad I'm not alone on this bc I've been insane about Layton since I was a kid. And now I get to combine my current insanity with my past one YIPPEE
I've been thinking SO MUCH about how to combine the Kirby relics to the legacies bc of this ask AHHH NOVA as Loosha sounds so fun and I'm already thinking about what the specter could look like hhhfg thank you
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mcximoffss · 4 months
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Hello hello,
Les beaux jours du mois de mai ont donné à la joueuse des envies de soleil mais aussi de faire honneur au mois de la franchise Star Wars. alors son nouvel écran de loading, et donc notre design, est inspiré du monde de Oasis Spring. Un beau désert et une chaleur étouffante, non sans rappeler la planète Tatooine.
De plus, une petite surprise vous attend il s'agit du festival des épices. Celui-ci débarque pour une durée indéterminée, suivant si beaucoup de monde y participe. Il s'agit d'une catégorie entièrement dédiée à l'événement, de quoi faire en sorte que les personnages puissent se rencontrer. Et oui, la Joueuse a eu la merveilleuse idée de faire venir tous ses personnages sur un même terrain, brillant non ? Alors n'hésitez pas à y participer. Et si vous n'avez pas d'idées pour lancer un rp, n'hésitez pas à en faire la demande au staff, qui vous trouvera un petit contexte et une personne avec qui entamer un sujet.
Les univers présents à ce jour sont les suivants : Anastasia, Disney, Hogwarts Legacy, Into the Badlands, Liv and Maddie, Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Hunger Games, Totally Spies et Veronica Mars.
ITS c'est toujours:
Guerre de voisinage à grande échelle qui tourne en concours les plus ridicules les uns que les autres, c'est ce que vous offre Into the Simverse. le moins que l'on puisse dire c'est que les townies des sims ne sont que moyennement heureux de voir débarquer dans leur petites vies tranquilles les personnages de vos univers préférés et ils le font savoir. Quelle team serez-vous, plutôt team sims ou team crossover. lLs personnages de vos séries, films, etc... préférés chercheront-ils à rentrer chez eux, savent-ils même qu'ils ne sont pas d'ici, à vous de voir, votre imagination est la limite.
Pas de minimum de mots requis par rp ; un certain nombre de triggers interdits au jeu ( liste à trouver dans le règlement ) ; administratrices à disposition pour toute question ; pleins d'endroit pour plus de possibilité de jeux (de nouveaux lieux ajouté à chaque nouveau monde ajouté dans les Sims4 — aussi rapidement que possible) ; Un recensement des membres actifs une fois tous les mois (peut fluctuer en fonction de de l'emploi du temps du staff) ; Un rp demandé par mois
Rejoignez nous : https://intothesimverse.forumactif.com/
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