saltedcaramelchaos · 4 months
does anyone want to hear about my jrwi/tma au 👉👈
It's Prime Defenders focused- William Wisp has just been promoted to head archivist after the previous one, his good friend Ashe Winters, mysteriously disappeared. He and archival assistants Vyncent and Dakota try to figure out what happened to Ashe, while still doing their jobs... but there's lots of supernatural obstacles from other campaigns in the way, and maybe even a few secrets among the staff. Guess they'll just have to... roll with it...
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aquickstart · 9 months
I simply must tell you that you’re doing more effective marketing for Saltburn than any ad or preview ever could I’m fully about to go see it just to understand your hype
PLSSS this is the SINGLE best thing you can say to me about any of my hyperfixations. i am so so glad. so glad so happy. i genuinely hope you enjoy this freaky beautiful genius piece of a cinematic masterpiece. i truly genuinely do
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the-brucest-fan · 4 months
“Meeting Shadow” ⚫🔵🟡🔴
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Instead of the traditional Sketch Dump, this time I chose to draw a full mini comic about how Team Sonic's first encounter with Shadow could be.
This was also an excuse to feature one of Ben Schwartz' catchphrases “Hachi Machi”. I remember reading somewhere that he had been wanting to feature that in one of the Sonic movies, since he had said that phrase as Randy Cunningham and ROTTMNT Leonardo when voicing them. Also, try to picture that scene of Sonic in slow motion, hehehe 😜
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merakiui · 11 months
No part of you will go to waste, he'll cook you thoroughly and cherish every single bite. After all, a way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and you're certainly going that way. Then once you're fully digested, you'll become parts of his flesh, the blood that runs through his veins. The both of you will never be apart again <333
(I was also thinking of another route where he'll just shrink you down, chewing and poking at you playfully with his tongue, before swallowing you whole, keeping you safe in his tummy forever. I don't know what's the line that separates cannibalism and vore, aren't they sort of the same?)
Anyway, Yandere Jade who thinks with his stomach expresses his love thru cannibalism(❁´◡`❁)
HE IS SO.......... WWAAAAAAAA OTL my favorite murder eel who can shock my heart anytime he wants. I want to write a lot about the concept of monstrous love and the different types of hunger and how they apply to Jade with his big appetite (for both food and perhaps even love). There's a lot to explore!!!! He's such an enigma!!! I wonder if he's ever considered doing mukbang.... OMG,,,,,, mukbang on the dark web, but it's just Jade eating a spread of various human parts he's prepared. Scary... ;;;;; or maybe you're right there with him and he's making you join him even though you don't want to. :( terrible eel!!!!
While I don't write for vore and so this may be incorrect, my understanding is that cannibalism and vore are both different in their own respects. The similarity is that there's a focus on consumption, but the difference is that there's more brutality in cannibalism, as well as a focus on the build-up to inevitable feasting. Likely torture aspects, how the person is killed and later prepared, and so on. More gore and perhaps even violence; it's messy. The end result, in most cases, is death if [insert character here] has killed you and is cooking and eating you in parts. With vore, I think there's more emphasis on the relationship or dynamic between predator and prey and how there's not usually gore involved (although I'm sure there could be), merely just the act of being swallowed alive and whole and then being kept in the predator's stomach, whether to be digested or not.
HOWEVER!!!!! The idea of being shrunken down to a small size...... macro/micro with Jade........ being a smol fairy who the twins capture and put in a jar and......... :) Jade holding you up by your wings, pinching them in two fingers, and dangling you over a bubbling cauldron or the batter for a cake he's baking and acting as if he might drop you in............. he's the worst. >:( but Floyd with a little fairy darling is cute because I think he'd put you in a dollhouse and watch you sleep because you're so cute and he has to restrain himself from just,,,, crushing you in his fist because the cuteness aggression has him in a chokehold. >_<
Aaaaaa I love the idea of yan!Jade always thinking with his stomach even when it comes to love. He's hungry for your heart in more ways than one. To use my blog's catchphrase, he's after your heart. <3 hehehe!!!
But on the subject of cannibalism, there's a Vocaloid song called The Last Supper in which Len is sick with a seemingly incurable disease and no food can seem to sate him; so Kaito and Gakupo feed him all kinds of foods in hopes of finding one that pleases his bottomless appetite, but eventually they run out of ingredients and so they offer themselves to Len. This concept but with a royal!darling and butler!tweels........... but then maybe they just feed you Azul instead. T_T he has eight tentacles; maybe he can spare one to help you overcome your insatiable hunger, but then maybe that ends with you getting attached to the taste of Zuzu. Maybe he was a prisoner in the palace dungeons......... hmhmhmmmm many thoughts. >:D
orz aaaaaaa forgive me for rambling about lots of things at once!!!!!!
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atomic-thomas · 4 months
(Fake ASMR Commission) Yandere Giantess Kidnaps You [REMAKE]
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*giant footstep sounds right out the gate until specified stopping point*
“Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum! How much longer are you able to run?”
“You know I’m just toying with you, right? I’m walking slowly on purpose. I can end this silly game whenever I want.”
“It’s a game to me. I find it quite entertaining to watch you try & flee, futile as it is. By all means… Continue running as fast as your little legs can carry you. It amuses me. Ahaha~”
“Aww, what’s the matter? Slowing down already? Tiring out so soon? But I was having so much fun.”
*footstep sounds stop*
“Pity… It appears that you’ve tripped over a tree branch. Such a shame. Now you lay there… Exhausted… And helpless. Now it’s my turn to strike.”
“Here comes my giant hand~ Hehe~”
“Now… To firmly wrap my fingers around you… And clench my fist shut.”
“You’re all mine now. Mine to do whatever I want with. What shall I do? Hmmm… Perhaps I could… Crush you~ Or maybe even… Eat you~ You’d probably taste delicious.”
“You really want me to just get it over with already. My, my… I didn’t think you’d be so eager to meet your fate. Very well. If you insist.”
“Mmm~” *kiss sound*
“Ahahahahahahahaha~! I wish you could see the look on your face right now! I’ve never seen such a stark expression of shock & confusion on anyone before.”
“Ahhhhh… Well, I suppose the jig is up now. I’ll just go ahead & say it.”
“All of that… Was a jest.”
“Hehehe~ You certainly look delighted to hear that. I never had any intention of hurting you. I would never do that to you.”
“I did all that because… It’s just fun acting like a storybook fairytale giant. With that poetic catchphrase & the menacing facade. Flaunting my incredible size & awesome strength.”
“But it was all just for show. A bravado. A spectacle. In reality… I’m actually quite the soft-hearted individual.”
“Don’t mince words, little one. Being soft-hearted doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m ‘Pure’-hearted. Despite everything… I have a confession to make.”
“There’s another reason why I did this.”
“My reason for picking you up is because… I’m kidnapping you now. Not exactly something a pure-hearted person would do.”
*giant footstep sounds continue until specified stopping point*
“I know that sounds alarming seeing that I just spared your life. But I shall explain where I’m taking you & what my plans are. I think it’ll be of great interest to you. So please remain calm & hear me out.”
“I’m very deeply in love with you.”
“Do I really have to justify myself? What do you want me to say? ‘Oh, darling~ I love you because X, Y & Z~! I’d go to any length to show you my dedication~! I’ll destroy anyone who does so little as breathe in your direction~!’ Or other such ridiculous Yandere stereotypes.”
“Yes… I am a Yandere. I’m well aware of that fact. Although… To be honest… I barely qualify. I’m more of a Soft Yandere.”
“Tell me, little one. What comes to mind when you think of Yanderes? Crazed obsessive girls who’ve driven themselves insane over their romantic interests & build shrines for them? Blood-stained knives? Black-mailing? Other such criminal activity?”
“Yeah, you see… None of those apply to me. I’d much rather not bring harm to others. It’s wrong. And it would also make me a huge target. I know better.”
“I’m surprised that I was willing to go as far as kidnapping you. This hyperfixation I have towards you is hard to resist.”
“The reason I chose you instead of anyone else… Let alone a fellow giant… Is for the same reason why I love you.”
“There is no reason. It’s unconditional.”
“Do you finally realize the situation you’re in? A beautiful, powerful giantess has decided to dedicate her time & energy to you. And devote her entire life to loving you. Just because.”
“Okay, well… Fine. You got me. It’s not JUST because. I admittedly don’t like being lonely. I was just torn for so long as to whether or not I was willing to kidnap a human for my cause. And well… Here we are.”
“Yes… It IS selfish. I won’t defend my imperfect behavior. But then again… I wasn’t trying to be perfect anyway. And I don’t think you’d do that either. Most people probably wouldn’t.”
“So tell me… How do you feel about getting kidnapped now that you know all of this information?”
“Still unsure. Well… Since you are to be my partner for life… It’s out of love & respect that I should listen to your concerns. What are you worried about?”
“No… You’re not going to be my ‘Pet’. That would be so degrading. Imagine… Locking you in a cage… Feeding you unfulfilling crumbs of my food… And watching as you wallow in a prison of boredom for the rest of your life. You’d surely go mad. You deserve better.”
“I don’t want you to feel restricted or restrained in our relationship. I want you to feel free. To feel as if you were never kidnapped in the first place.”
“I want this relationship to feel normal… And equal.”
“You want that to… Don’t you? Do you understand now? We’ll be so much better off together. It’s mutually beneficial.”
“Just say that you love me… Please…”
“Haaaaahhhhhhh~ My heart feels like it’s fluttering! Thank You so much, darling.”
“Mmm~ *kiss sound*
“Oh! Yeah.. Haha… I still haven’t told you where we’re going. It’s just my home. Plain & simple.”
“Well… Maybe it’s not so plain & simple. I actually live in a hollowed out mountain. I didn’t feel like settling for a traditional giant home. They take up so much real estate. So I went for something more natural. And… Bonus… It has a clean waterfall in it. So I have a perpetual shower that’s active all the time. It’s great!”
“Well… Yes. I still need giant furniture & other various utilities. Can’t really survive without the essentials, you know?
“Anyway, we’ll be there soon. I know exactly what we should do when we arrive. You’re going to love it. And I know I will to.”
*footstep sounds stop*
*door opening & closing sound*
“Here we are. Quite spacious, isn’t it? This mountain is enormous. Perfect for a giantess such as myself. And the luminous mushrooms make for great natural lighting. It’s so cozy.”
“Speaking of cozy… Would you like to cuddle on the couch? Twas what I had in mind.”
“Well, obviously we can’t cuddle in the traditional sense due to our drastic size disparity. But that’s okay. I know just the thing.”
“I’ll lay down… Place you on my bosom… And cover you with my hands. You know what that means, right?”
“Indeed. You’re going to be in the softest, warmest & most loving embrace that you’ve ever experienced in your entire life. So let’s do it.”
“Alright… Now… To place you on my chest… And rest my hands over you.”
*heartbeat sound for the rest of the audio*
“There we go. Hahhhhh~ This is so nice.”
“You can hear my heartbeat, right? It must be booming for you. Mighty, yet soothing. Good for the mind, body & soul.”
“I’m going to brush your hair with my thumb now, okay? Just want to make sure that you aren’t surprised by it.”
*swedish fish kun or grennifer intensifies for the rest of the audio*
“No matter how small you are compared to me, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still a person. I promise to always show you utmost respect.”
“Of course you can venture out & do your own thing. I’m not your captor. I’m your partner. If you want to visit your friends & family then that’s perfectly alright. In fact… You should introduce me to them sometime.”
“Well… Yeah. They might be afraid & bewildered at the sight of me, but… You’ll put in a good word for me, right?”
“Hehe~ I knew you would.”
“I love you, darling~”
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the-uraniumverse · 1 month
i literally just discovered this blog today and it encouraged me to give shape to this idea :3
meet camille arkright, the most hardworking girl in town! born april 26th, taurus: the resilient nature. catchphrase: “all work, no play! … okay, a little bit of play!”
> she’s french-canadian, and lives with her grandfather who’s now quite old. he spends most of his time sleeping; camille only wakes him up to take his meds and eat dinners (when he can stomach it). as such, she’s had to work a lot of part-time jobs to keep them afloat, hence her title of “most hardworking girl in town.”
> since she’s always tired, she does quite poorly in school, which is why ocean so kindly “took her under her wings” so to speak. camille eventually joined the choir, and unfortunately rode the cyclone.
when she was still alive, camille loved the choir (and ocean herself despite her attitude) because it represented her only escape from her daily life; it was the first group she was really apart of in a long while. it made her life more bearable.
i imagine camille probably spent a lot of time around ocean and constance, but i think she really wanted to be closer to the others but didn’t quite know how to. she’s a little awkward in social situations!
on one hand, it’s really a shame that they all died, but on the other, it did gave her the opportunity to really connect with them…
> i think her song would be about what she’d do if she suddenly became extremely rich; if her hard work really paid off. she’d get a nice house, her grandfather could get perfect care, people would want her around more often… it’s those kind of dreams that allowed her to keep going no matter how tiring everything was.
and some random things i’ve thought of:
> would let ricky draw her fursona. in fact, camille would think about it long and hard about it and give him clear ideas on what she’d want.
> has always believed that mischa’s beloved was real and admired their relationship a lot. wondered if she’d ever find something like that. if she’d even have time…
> speaking of mischa, she also thinks he is very cool and awesome. might have a bit of a crush on him, though she’d probably be very hesitant to mention it for many reasons ghdks
> secretely loves seeing noel and ocean fight. it’s just really entertaining (´∀`*)
> constance taught her how to bake :)
i’m in the car right now so i can’t draw her but i’ll probably do more with her because >:3 i love what i came up with hehehe
and here’s a picrew:
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thank you for reading all my ramblings, and i’ll finish this up by telling you that this blog is really awesome and that i love seeing everyone’s ocs!!! :D
— paimon (they/them)
AWW the sweetest everrr 😭 i love her so much i see her getting along with a lot of the other ocs in the uraniumverse
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hideandgopeep · 3 months
6, 15, 27!
6. Age you get mistaken for: 26 (before getting metal braces, idk what people think now lmao).
15. Favorite movie: Spirited Away (I am a simple woman)
27. A description of the girl/boy I like: eh hehehe. He's quiet but can get silly, caring, superb sense of smell, over a foot taller than I am, blond hair, pretty green eyes, beard with a glorious mustache. His catchphrase is something like, "you only lose if you quit."
Thanks for asking, Anon!
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concrete-critters · 10 months
Ooc thoughts and update:
I was playing ahead a few moons, as you do, when LORN FUCKING DIED IN THE MIDDLE OF A CHARACTER ARC. She got fucking carried away by an eagle. Not to worry though, because upon consulting the ClanGen discord (Special thanks to Catchphrase there) I managed to revive Lorn. SHE LIVES. Yay. But in the process, a whole world of fucking with the code was opened to me. Im thinking of possibly changing the appearances of some upcoming future characters via modifying the code. Part of the appeal of clangen is sorta going off what sprites the game gives you. But i think i should be allowed to make some special looking cats. (and some noncats too! hehehe i have stuff planned.) But yeah, to give more of a peek behind the curtain, Concreteclan isnt exactly a traditional clan. Mechanically, Lorn is a leader and Indigo is a medicine cat (though i do dislike that term, and prefer her to be called a medic) and they dont really function like how a clan functions with patrols and such. If anything, theyre closer to a fusion between Warriorclan and Bloodclan to use canon examples. My hope is that this blog will be a semi-longterm project. I plan to maybe stop when we start to get into the thousands of moons or somewhere close to that. But i want it to be casual too, thats why instead of just making it a story-focused webcomic, im using clangen. I also like the fact its an ask blog as well, which gives a really fun level of dynamic storytelling with people here. Its very improvisational, not unlike a dnd campaign. So yeah, with that, Im Buddy, and thats Conk-crete babyeeee.
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jillie-boe-legweak · 8 months
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Hi guys It me Jillie
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I mostly draw my oc's but use tumblr for fandom purposes too so
I Like when there's boats, 19th century, snow, cannibalism, wild west, guns and men with sideburns I guess. If you want to introduce me to some media put on my asks I'll get into it immidietly.
I'm mostly into: THE TERROR OFC, Tom sawyer (books and the obsecure anime), Ravenous (1999), The good the bad and the ugly, Blood Meridian, There will be blood, papa louie games, The Beatles, Oasis, dungeon meshi and unfortunately Black Butler (I liked it since middle school I can't get over it sorry) these are the things I might make fanart and jokes abt if ur also into these lets be friends I need tumblr friends.
Other stuff I like: Louis Wain (that one cat illustrator, The Irish Rovers (folk band) and Snoopyyyyy
You can see my oc art in "ship to sunwhere" tag it is about a guy named Theodore and his brother Daniel trying to go to America to find their father who has fortune. I am most passionate about them and you can ask whatever in my asks and I'll answer. Keep in mind it is unnecessarily long and boring as I always say " They are doing whatever" that's like a catchphrase. We got family drama and poverty if you like it though.
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Abt me as an individual: I'm Kurdish-Turkish and yeah my name is not Jillie it is my online alias type thing. I am a boy so I use he/him. Also I am a teen. Currently studying for uni exam that's why I cant make much content 😫😫😫 and work on my hobbies I have many hobbies I am trying writing nowadays so I can write about my oc's hehehe
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mychlapci · 2 years
"hehehe it's reanimating time! heheh hahaha im gonna reanimate ya! hahaha hehe" - the famous catchphrase of Herbert West from the movie Herbert West, Re-animator (1985)
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aeoki · 1 year
Magic Lantern - Mysterious: Chapter 4
Location: NewDi Office Characters: Sora, Natsume & Tsumugi
< A few hours later. NewDi office. >
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Tsumugi: Ahaha! ☆
Natsume: …………
Tsumugi: I see~ This must mean that you’re still far more inexperienced than you thought you were, Natsume-kun.
You’ve been called the descendant of the “Five Oddballs” at school and it seems you’ve been walking around with confidence.
But in reality, you’re just a child who is a year apart from me and Sora-kun. You’re bound to make the same mistakes as you’re still lacking in experience and skills.
It happens to the best of us so I don’t blame you at all. I’m also not in any position to say this and that about you, and it’s impossible for humans to be the embodiment of “perfection”.
Although, I’m sure you and Sora-kun would insist that magic is all about turning the impossible into something possible.
That’s just a catchphrase~ No one has the ability to go against the laws of physics.
Natsume: ………… *Hits himself*
Tsumugi: !? What are you doing!? Don’t hurt yourself!
Sora: Master~ has been hitting himself nonstop for a while now! Sora also told him that no one wants him to do that to himself~
Tsumugi: We should be stopping him instead of just telling him not to do it! Come, Sora-kun, hold Natsume-kun’s legs down! I’ll restrain his arms using duct tape!
Natsume: Let me gO! We need to be punished for trampling over Sora’s feelinGS!
Tsumugi: If that’s the case, then I’m also at fault so you should hit me! I’m fine with it – I’ve always been like that so I’m used to it!
Natsume: What are you sayiNG? It won’t count as a punishment if I hit someone who’s fine with being hit, rigHT!? What are you, stupID? Besides, I wasn’t hitting you because I wanted to be punishED!
Tsumugi: What? Then why are you always so unreasonably violent towards me!?
Sora: It’s a way of expressing love? I thought Senpai also understood that.
Tsumugi: Well, I suppose I do understand more or less, but I had hoped he expressed it in a nicer way instead of through “violence”~
Whaa, don’t struggle so much, Natsume-kun!
Natsume: UgH~! UgH~!
Tsumugi: Please calm down! We’re in the office right now – People are staring at us!
You always put on such a cool front but for some reason, you can be a bit disgraceful at times of importance ♪
That’s why I can’t come to hate you – and I think it’s rather adorable…♪
Natsume: ……! ……! (Can’t move or talk because of the duct tape)
Tsumugi: *Phew* There we go. It’s been a while since we last had an explosion like this~ I thought you were rather calm recently, but it looks like I was imagining things. It reminds me of how things were two years ago.
Sora: U-Um, sorry! Is this Sora’s fault? Because Sora did something unnecessary…?
Tsumugi: Something unnecessary? From what I heard just before, I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong, though?
I saw a lovable Sora-kun who’s like a soft toy that comforts others… Natsume-kun probably couldn’t handle the guilt and went off the rails.
He’s a kind child at heart, hehehe ♪
Sora: Senpai is kind too! You’re always calm and composed no matter what the situation is and your “colour” doesn’t really change, so it’s kinda strange~?
Tsumugi: Hehe. That’s why I don’t really think I’m that kind. I’m quite desensitised to a lot of things. People do say the more pain one experiences, the kinder one can be to others, though.
I can’t really remember what pain is like, so I don’t think I can be kind to others just yet~
Sora: HaHa~? Is it something complicated?
Master~ always explains the complicated things, though…
Tsumugi: Hmm~ Maybe that’s why you’re not really used to thinking on your own. Maybe Natsume-kun has spoiled you a bit too much.
Sora: ……?
Tsumugi: Putting that aside, have you calmed down now, Natsume-kun? If you promise me you won’t act violently anymore, then I’ll undo the tape, okay~?
Natsume: …………
Sora: Master~ is giving off a complicated “colour”~
Tsumugi: I presume he’s thinking something like… I don’t want to do what he says, but I’ve got no choice but to obey right now.
Sora-kun, if you study human psychology, you’ll be able to tell what someone is thinking with a glance.
Sora: Sora is studying it right now! But it’s still difficult for Sora~
Tsumugi: Hehe. If you could really read minds, you’ll be superhuman. Perhaps it might be dangerous to believe in those sorts of fantasy things.
Sora: ………?
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cmdrburton · 1 year
Transformers for the fandom ask thing please! (you know I had to 💜)
aww heheh yeah 🥰💕 thank you!
I started with Earthspark and I'm now working my way through IDW2 so my answers will probably change later... but for now here's what they are
The first character I first fell in love with: Earthspark!Megatron. He's realistically cynical, got a cool entrance, has a dorky secret catchphrase with his human best bud, a hella awesome alt-mode (a VTOL tiltrotor!) and also... whatever he's got going on with Optimus. Plus he calls Twitch "little bird." 🥺💕
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Whirl. Full-time manic pixie dream war criminal.  
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: This is a tough one. I kinda like all the characters? I guess my answer would be... hm. Jazz? I haven't really come across him in any large roles yet, that's probably why.
The character I love that everyone else hates: I don't think I have an answer for this one! 😅 I'm sure every character I can think of has their own fans.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Probably Metalhawk. I don't dislike the poor guy, but... 😮‍💨 he really was one scrawny bird in a pit of snakes. Poor thing.
The character I would totally smooch: Rung. He would be kind about it, I think. 🙈
The character I’d want to be like: Not a single one of them 🙏😂
The character I’d slap: Dr Meridian (from Earthspark). No sense will enter him, unfortunately. He's quite beyond that.
A pairing that I love: Only one? Of my huge collection? Fine, Drift/Ratchet. But Ratchet has got to be an ornery atheist, and Drift an incense-and-auras kook. It's just more fun that way. (Bonus for Deadlock/Ratchet, of course.)
A pairing that I despise: None really. I just ignore the ones I don't like as much. 😌
again, thank you so much for asking!! <3
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shiki-stars · 8 months
Sailor Moon - Thoughts (S01EP23-EP27)
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01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
spoilers! regarding| nephrite's downfall
I think I'll try to do make and post these daily... instead of finishing a whole season because then it ends up being a lot I have to talk about at once.
This one is mostly justs random comments about whatever.
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Jan. 3
Is it just me or did they start amping up Rei's "aggressiveness"? Mainly getting very impatient and always trying to jump the gun with missions.
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Usagi telling Naru to not have a crush on Nephrite anymore then immediately dips had me tweaking. Girl please, offer Naru more emotional support.
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Usagi wishing upon a shooting star for Nephrite to "not be a bad guy" like GURL. Wish for your friend to wake up from being delulu and GET A GRIP.
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"Nephtire, stop doing eveil deeds. Naru believes in you." NO?????? WRONG WAY TO GO ABOUT THIS???
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"Sometimes, a girl can't stop loving, even if she knows better. She'll find a love she wants to believe in, no matter how painful it is. A girl always wants to believe that love conquers all." This would be such a good quote IF IT WASN'T TALKING ABOUT A 14 YEAR OLD AND THIS GROWN ASS MAN.
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Funny green blood. Can't tell if that's censorship or his actual blood color. The thing is, after this scene I paused and went on a ramble about whether of not the Shitennou were humans or monsters. I'll just. I'll just show the screenshot but keep in mind everything I say was a scrunch of words that I was flushing out of my head.
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"You're really mean, trying to interfere with two people in love!" EEUURURUGHGHE DON'T SAY THAT.
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Rei and Ami each have their own catchphrases now!!! Rei for sure, but I can't tell if that's actually Ami's catchphrase or just... a sentence.
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Nephrite's hand is as big as Naru's face do we not see the problem???
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Have to say, I wish they would stop spoiling the next episode with the montage and obvious titles TwT. I have more problems with the montage than the titles because the titles make it easier to find specific episodes, but the montages just spoil. It's obvious once an episode starts, who is important to the story and whatnot, it's easy to tell who's going to become a sailor soldier, but they way they literally spoil it the episode before is just TT.
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ALSO. I'm trying to figure out who's who for the color of the roses in the intro and there's two pinks??? (... Is it supposed to be Usagi and her... I accidentally spoiled myself heheh when searching up something about Usagi.)
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I didn't know the symbol for Jupiter was a "4" so I got real confused when I first saw this. Like Makoto being the fourth sailor soldier so she gets a four on her forehead, why didn't Ami and Rei get "2" and "3" respectively then LMAO.
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What do you mean "good-hearted humans" didn't the guy in the last episode literally chat every arcade place?
Oops I reached max amount of pictures. It's a sign for me to SHUT THE FUCK UP. I ramble and talk about too much stuff that does not matter. Will definitely be changing the way I do these posts.
Last comment: Ami and Ryo are cute. I take back my comment about Ami being a lesbian because this is a genuine healthy relationship.
01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
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Beige Stars - Divder @/saradika-graphics Purple Hearts - Divider @/cafekitsune Purple Heart Fairy Lights - Divider @/benkeibear
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crossover-enthusiast · 9 months
I think Shawn has like one tape in the original game, and I'll send a video that it's in—but you'll have to skip to 5:37 to see his tape alone.
I like to think just like how Andrew's carefree and childish attitude rubbed off on Wally, Wallys "I'm outta here!" catchphrase rubbed off on Andrew a little too lmao. /j
Also omg jacksepticeye I forgot he was in this game
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davidapringle · 2 years
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“Yeah….. I’m Deadpool “ HeHeHe #deadpool #marvel #robliefeld #stanlee #ryanreynolds #aviationgin #catchphrase 💀pool https://www.instagram.com/p/Co1EoMDrm5Mu7TE7WCjwhz_zaVKrycZVvzx2_80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kiyoowomi · 2 years
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