ilostyou · 1 year
“if i had a dollar for every time i felt comfortable playing heartbreak girl as a 27yo man…i would have zero dollars” 😭😭😭😭
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wiiildflowerrr · 1 month
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@Calum5SOS, 15 August 2014
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edge-oftheworld · 2 months
heartbreak girl is for the bisexual girlies pining over their best friends
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missracheldare · 11 months
Heartbreak Girl by 5sos could be a lesbian wlw anthem if it was sang/covered by a girl and I will DIE ON THAT HILL
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akesdraws-blog · 2 years
🏔️Immovable Mountain🏔️
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Warnings: A little long, spelling mistakes and heartbreak
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"Fast as the wind, silent as the forest, rough and devastating as fire, motionless as a mountain.
Reference is made to chapter seven of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
I heard that little piece of literature a long time ago, it seemed a bit confusing at first, but that changed when I met them.
I was friends with Abril, we started out as work colleagues who soon became closer, and one day she introduced me to those unusual friends, even though she knew that the word "normal" was not in Abril's vocabulary, so I It wasn't that unexpected, but of course it took me by surprise.
But as I slowly became familiar with each of the turtles the more I adored them, especially him.
The leader of his team, I don't even know how it happened, but when I saw him it just took my breath away, those beautiful blue eyes, his discipline for everything, and gosh, the times I could see him train left me with my head in the clouds.
And I think maybe it was a little obvious with my attraction to Leonardo, because his brothers kept pestering me with little jokes, although it didn't bother me at all, but it did make my face change color.
And I always believed that love is not a game to just watch, so I took a risk.
I knew I couldn't just tell him, I had my own well-structured plan... Although I might have had a little help from his brothers.
-Operation make the leader fall in love without fear, take action-
-Seriously? Is that the name?-
- Ó abbreviated O.M.L.F.L.W.F.-
-Brother, I don't even know how to pronounce that-
It gave me encouragement to know that his brothers agreed with him trying to win Leo's heart, I even asked his teacher and father Splinter for his blessing, because I know how important he is to Leo.
S. -It doesn't bother me that such a good young woman wants to be with my son, you have my blessing-
Y/N. -Really?! Thank you very much Mr. Splinter!-
S. -However, I must warn you that Leonardo can be someone very difficult and nothing is guaranteed... he is like an immovable mountain-
Y/N. -I know, but I'm willing to try to take that "Immovable Mountain"-
S. -Then I wish you luck-
And with Splinter's blessing it could begin.
Step one: -Warm Greetings and a special nickname-
Every day that he went to visit them at the lair, Leonardo was always the first one he greeted, he almost always found him meditating on that pedestal, so sometimes the greetings were accompanied by a surprise hug from behind the enormous shell, although it was not surprising that for him leader was not an act of surprise, because he could hear my footsteps perfectly.
First attempt:
-Good morning Le!-
-My name is Leonardo-
Second try:
-Hello Leon!-
-It's Leonardo-
Third try:
-Hello Angry Baby!-
-I passed the infant stage a long time ago for you to call me that-
Fourth Tried:
-Good morning Kanmi!-
-Do you know what it means?-
-Of course!-
-Then don't say it again-
And so the first step failed, but I didn't want to give up yet.
Step Two: -Special Gifts-
Then there were some special gifts, I knew some of Leo's tastes, and in others his brothers helped me.
The first attempt was a book of Japanese poems, Leo had one that was already a bit worn, and although it took me too long to find the same author, I finally succeeded, getting it in a Japanese antiques store.
-Hello Leo! I have something special for you- I speak excitedly to take the book out of the backpack
-"The bird and the flower"- read the title without having any expression on his face
-You don't like it? I know it's not a new edition- before continuing to talk, you just saw how he returned to his meditation, closing his eyes -I understand, you can't interrupt the meditation... I'll leave it here- you finished speaking to let him the book aside.
°First attempt: Failed°
The Second Attempt was a type of Jasmin tea and dried cinnamon leaves, you had investigated that the combination of both resulted in a pleasant infusion that allowed you to have a restful sleep, in addition to which you had asked donnie for help to make sure it was not harmful for the turtles, and for your luck it was not.
-I'm in the middle of something Y / N, what do you need?-Leonardo spoke while he paused his reading of that old book
-Did you hear me?- you asked and you only saw how he nodded his head -Well, I know you like tea, so I brought you one that will help you sleep well- you finished speaking to take out a glass jar that contained the herbs from the tea.
-He will help us after the patrol- he finished saying to go back to his reading -You can leave it on the kitchen table- he said the last thing while he turned the page.
Y/N. -Oh, yes, of course... Everyone will like it for sure- you said the last thing, a little disconcerted to leave the jar in the kitchen.
°Second Attempt: Failed°
The Third Attempt was a scented candle, it was a suggestion from the boys, and I wasn't looking for a specific one, I was looking for one that Leo liked and I found it, a candle with the scent of green tea, and the boys told me that they would also look for one smelling like melon, I had no idea why that specific smell, and honestly I was a little scared this time, I mean, it's normal after your previous attempts failed colossally.
-Hi Leo!- You spoke loudly but you couldn't see him anywhere
-I'm sorry Y/N, the boys left unexpectedly at the police station- April spoke from the sofa while eating a couple of peas with wasabi -Have you brought anything else for Leo?- I ask mischievously
-I understand, duty is duty- upon hearing that question you blushed, you were too obvious with your intentions -Something like that, can you give it to him this time?- you asked taking out the pair of candles and giving them to the redhead
-Seriously? I mean, there's no problem but... You don't want to wait for it?-I ask while he took the candles and smelled them lightly with a smile
-I must get home earlier, you know how the streets are later and the heroes are not on duty- you said amused to say goodbye with a smile as you left
-Melon, it smells like her- she said with a smile
°Third Attempt: ??°
Honestly on the third try you didn't want a total rejection like the last few times, you just texted the guys to tell them you were home, you got a reply from everyone except Leo, just those horrible “seen” moths.
You were considering abandoning the plan, if it weren't for the boys, the brothers always helped you keep your spirits up, you had become a very close friend to them like April, and something told you that the boys wanted you as a future sister-in-law
-We still have two more steps, remember?-
-Yes, it cannot fail-
-Do you still want to do it?-
-Well... A warrior doesn't give up without a fight, right?-
-That's how it is spoken!-
After Steps One and Two failed, we were now going to Step Three “Attentions”.
The next one wasn't that difficult, since it was something you started doing in the beginning, something simple like cleaning the bonsai shelf a bit, aka "Leo's babies", you cleaned the remains of candle wax that were on the shelf, pedestal where he always meditated, and now you were going to the dojo, although there wasn't much to do since Leo always kept it impeccable.
-Not the floors, neither were the weapons, was there ever a pinch of dust here?- You stared at the dojo trying to find something to clean and after getting closer to the weapons to see them, noticing that the leather on the handle was quite worn - Could you help me with this-
It only took you 5 minutes to go to the store to buy new straps, and you started with Raph's which was a maroon red leather, then you went through Mikey's nunchucks in which you used an orange leather with some small prints of smiley faces, then it was Donnie's that was the least worn since he often used the modified one that he always carried, and finally Leo's katanas, you could see how these were the most worn, you could tell how much I train with them, you came to think how many times he stayed up late to perfect his technique, until it was perfect, you began to remove the worn leather from one of the katanas to put the new leather on it electric blue like the color of his eyes.
-I hope he likes it- you murmured with a smile to take the other katana and be able to start removing the leather carefully
-What do you think you're doing?! - I shout loudly as he entered the dojo
You admitted that seeing Leo suddenly enter the dojo surprised you a lot, and even more so because you saw him agitated, it seemed that he had finished fighting with destroyer again.
But before I could ask if he was alright, he rushed over to take the katana from you.
-Who told you that you could take my things?-He kept his weapon behind him
-I sent them a message to see if they agreed, what's the problem?- you just got up while dropping the excess leather
-And did you see that I answered?- I ask with a serious tone
-Well... No, but I thought - you just started backing up instinctively
-Well, stop believing, a ninja's weapon is sacred and only the bearer of it can manipulate it!-He raised his voice while advancing at the same time that you backed down
-I just wanted to do something special for you- you had no idea why you felt that way, it was as if you were being intimidated by a huge predator
As you backed away and Leonardo got closer, you didn't notice that it was as if he was leading you to the exit until you only saw the entrance to one side of you, you didn't imagine one day feeling that way when facing Leo like that.
-I appreciate the attention you have, but I only put up with it for my brothers, I know they like you- I rubbed his forehead annoyed while he backed up a bit as if thinking
-I love them too, and I'm grateful to them, but everything I do has been for you- you couldn't keep quiet anymore, if you had to be direct you would be
-Well, I don't want anything from you!-I speak loudly when he turned to see you and hit the side of your head with force
You could hear how the blow on the wall resounded like a cold echo throughout the dojo, your body trembled from that cold and cruel look with which the leader saw you, there was not a single hint of those compassionate eyes and full of tenderness from those who fell madly in love, now you saw eyes that simply generated fear.
-Oh... I understand... I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding- you only forced a smile
-What's wrong? Is everything okay?- the redhead quickly entered the dojo to see them both
-We heard the blow from the living room, what's wrong?- the black-haired man came behind -or is it just me, or can the tension be seen right now?- I speak a little funny to try to alleviate the moment
-I think I'm not feeling well... Can you take me home?- you spoke to see April who understood immediately
A. -Casey, can you take her to your car?- he asked the black-haired man, who just nodded as he took you out of the place -Leo... I know his patrol was very tense this time, but you don't have to take it out on everyone- it was the only thing the redhead said to leave
Casey and April took you home, they both knew something was wrong with you but you still insist that everything was fine, but they could see through that bitter smile you had on your face, but despite everything and with a lot of insistence just you managed to get April to go home, and Casey stayed to take care of you, you gave her some sheets since it didn't look like she was going to leave soon, while you told her that you would go to sleep a little earlier and you locked yourself in your room.
-Y/N, are you okay?-
-Why did you leave like that? You didn't even greet us! 😭-
-Shut up mikey, April told us that you felt bad, how do you feel flea?-
-Do you need me to contact a doctor near your location?-
-I'm fine guys, I'll get some sleep, thanks for worrying-chat.
Seeing the boys' concern made me feel a little good, but I didn't like lying to them, when I turned off the phone I couldn't take it anymore, tears started to come out of my eyes and that smile that I tried so hard to maintain broke like a smile mask falling to pieces, he could only remember that look from the leader.
-Hey little girl, are you okay?- He spoke from the other side of the door -I heard you whimpering, your apartment gets very quiet and it was impossible to hear you-
-Don't worry... I'm fine- you tried to speak as normal as possible
-Can you say it again... Without your voice shaking?- the serious but friendly voice of the black-haired man was heard
-I... I'm fine... I... I'm not fine- you couldn't control yourself anymore and you fell into tears
After a while Casey was in your room, sitting next to you patting you gently on the back while you were lying on your bed, you had already told him what had happened, the fact that he had listened to you left you calmer.
-Don't feel bad... I mean, they scared me too the first time I met them- I was trying to cheer you up
-It's not that- you tightened the sheet -It's just... I've never seen that look in Leo and it scares me to think that I'm the cause for him to have that look- once again the tears threatened to come out
-he was just stressed and suddenly exploded- he began to wish that it was April who had stayed instead of him
-I made it explode- you muttered as you buried your face in the pillow.
After what happened, you were absent from the lair for a while, you never thought that one day you would appreciate the overload of work that your boss gave you, it kept you busy and it was the perfect excuse, but you missed your favorite turtles a lot.
A few weeks passed without her going to see them, until once she finished all the work and being dragged by April, she was back in the sewers.
-Guys! Guess who I brought?- Abril spoke loudly to get everyone's attention
-Baby Angel!- Mikey yelled to quickly hug you while she lifted you up in the air -Don't abandon us again!- He whimpered while rubbing her cheek on your head
-Okay, okay... I won't go away for so long- you thought Mikey's attitude was adorable and then you saw Raph and Donnie -I already saw them! Where's my hug?- you spoke to them while you extended your arms
You soon had the three turtles hugging you, standing in the middle of a huge pile of shells, as April left them to go say hello to Splinter.
-Are you okay?- I ask in a low murmur
-Yes, I am- you answered in a similar murmur
-Calm down, with the last step you will surely make it- Mikey spoke excitedly but he only saw how you shook your head
-What's wrong? We only have one thing left to try- Raph intervened as he looked at her
-I understood some things, and it's best to stop with this- you snuggled into the arms of the three huge turtles -Maybe I'm not their sister-in-law... But what about a sister? I can still bother them like this- you spoke to show them a big smile
-Oh yes! I always wanted a sister!-
-You would be the least of all-
-That's obvious, she is a flea is perfect as the younger sister-
-Of course, I'll be the biggest huge baby Red!-
Soon they started a small fight, you were only able to free yourself when you proposed a night of video games, while they were getting ready you were able to go say hello to Splinter, and although you thanked him for the previous blessing, you also informed him that you would stop trying to be something else with Leo, although the idea Having a new daughter didn't bother him either, you were able to leave the dojo to go with the rest.
But as you walked you saw Leonardo on that pedestal, meditating as always, still taking your breath away but you were ready to accept it, ready to accept something that wasn't going to happen.
-Good morning Leonardo- was the only thing you said to pass by his side
-Baby Angel, hurry up! - Mikey shouted from the living room
-Yes, hurry up for your defeat!-Raph spoke loudly while he had one of the controls in his hand
-Give me the control to make Baby Red swallow his words!- you spoke with a smile to go with the rest
Love is not a bystander game, you must learn to take the first step to try, but you must also learn to stop when necessary, otherwise you could damage your own heart later.
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These days have not been the happiest so to speak.
Have you seen the Pixar movie "Inside Out"?
It is as if now in my head who is in control is "Sadness"
So I needed to get this out of my mind, and you can't imagine how much I've cried imagining each scene while writing it.
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I was debating a lot on whether to add the tags or not, since this was more of a vent, but I liked the result.
Maybe later I'll do the version from Leo's perspective.
@post-apocalyptic-daydream . @turtle-babe83 . @turtlesmakemehappy . @dilucsflame33 . @thelaundrybitch . @scholastic-dragon . @leosgirl82 . @tmnt-tychou . @mackbunny . @happymoonangel .
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renchai · 9 months
heartbreak girl.
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01. killing as a form of affection
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synopsis; where haerin wakes up in a novel she read years ago as a character who has the same name as her. now, she enter the mc's best friend role, your resident 'mean' girl, jang haerin.
pairing; enhypen x oc; enhypen x named reader.
genre; smau, occasional written chapters, angst, fluff, mentions of jealousy and image issues
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taglist: @yuhjoeyuh @dainedelions @nyfwyeonjun
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mayblelayla · 10 months
Heartbreak Girl (Sam Golbach Imagine)
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This is based on the song Heartbreak Girl by 5SOS. I might write a second part but I'm not sure.
I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure? Heartbreak girl
You couldn't stop shaking as you looked down at your boyfriend's phone sitting on the couch next to you. he had just gotten up to go to the bathroom while you were watching a movie and left his phone on the couch.
Another text popped up on his phone
BABY: Can't wait to see you tonight and show you how much I missed you
You couldn't help but sit there in shock fearing when he would come back from the bathroom. But before you could even think about what to say you heard the bathroom door open down the hall and his footsteps come down the hallway. Tears were burning at the edge of your eyes as you looked up to meet his face. At that moment another text from that girl popped up on his phone catching his attention as well as yours. he looked back up at your face before trying to say something. Before he could say anything you were up from the couch and on your way to the door.
"Baby! Don't walk away from me-" He called after you as you pulled your shoes on in a hurry.
"Don't call me baby, Matthew," You said, your voice wavering as you were trying to keep your tears from falling. You reached up to grab your keys before slamming the door to his apartment behind you and running down the hallway to catch the elevator.
Once you had made it downstairs to the parking garage you pulled your phone out with shaky hands and clicked on Sam's number before holding your phone up to your ear shakily.
Sam was sitting on his couch editing one of his and Colby's recent videos when he felt his phone start to go off next to him. He looked down to see a call from Y/n, a picture of her in one of his hoodies smiling widely and holding her cat was displayed on his screen. He picked up the phone wondering why she would be calling this close to midnight when she had work in the morning.
"Y/N/N?" He asked, hearing sniffling coming from the other side of the phone call.
"Can I come over?" She asked him, to which he told her of course. Sam had no idea why she would want to come over at this time of night when she was supposed to be with her boyfriend.
"I'll be there in ten, see you soon." She said quietly. He could hear her start her car.
"See you soon." He said before she hung up.
He decided to put away his computer for the time being and clean up his room a bit. he pulled out a few extra fluffy blankets before pulling out her favorite sweatshirt of his. Setting everything on his bed he also turned his TV on, letting Y/F/S (your favorite show) play softly in the background waiting for the knock on his apartment door.
You walked up to Sam and Colby's apartment door, pulling your flannel tighter to your chest as the cold air drifted through the vents in the hallway. Your knock on the door was quickly followed by it swinging open to reveal the blonde-haired man with a soft smile on his face. Before Sam could say anything you crashed into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist. His arms wrapped around you tightly, and he kissed the top of your head.
He let one arm go to shut the door before pulling you back into an even tighter hug. He could hear soft sniffles coming from where you were pressed into his chest.
"Y/N?" He called softly getting you to look at him, tears streaking down your face and your face a splotchy color.
"He-" you started but couldn't finish, putting your head back on Sam's chest. He pulled you away slightly and began to lead you to his room down the hallway from where you were standing. When his door opened you ran right to his bed curling up on the comfy blankets he had laid out. You felt the bed dip next to you, and Sam's hand ran up and down your back soothingly.
"What happened?" He asked, listening as you began to explain the text you said on Matthew's phone and how he didn't even say anything.
"He's no good for you Y/N," He said, bringing you into a hug.
"I-" you started before wiping tears away from your face with the sleeve of your flannel. "it just hurts so much," you said before flopping back onto his bed, your arms up by your head. He laid down on the bed next to you, his arms resting on his stomach.
"We were supposed to move in with each other next week, did he really think he could just cheat on me while we're living together?" You ranted not even paying attention to Sam's soft hums and grumbles about your boyfriend.
After you had let out a lot of what you were feeling he sat up and asked if you wanted any ice cream and you just nodded your head from where you were lying on his bed.
Sam got up from where he was on his bed and softly made his way to the kitchen where he saw Colby standing by the counter.
"Who's over?" Colby asked quietly, catching Sam's agitated face.
"Y/N, Matthew cheated on her," He said with a grumble, reaching to open the freezer and grab the carton of ice cream.
"Bor, you gotta tell her how you feel," But Sam just shook his head, reaching into the cabinet by Colby's head for a bowl.
"I wish she would just realize that he's no good for her and that I'd be so much better to her than he could ever be," he said scooping ice cream into the bowl on the counter.
"I feel like I'm just going in circles, and she'll never see the truth until it's gone," Sam said banging the drawer he just grabbed a spoon from.
"But I don't wanna ruin anything so I'm just gonna bite my tongue and enjoy what I have with her and try not to ruin it." He said throwing the spoon into the bowl filled with ice cream and then shoving the ice cream back into the freezer.
"It's not worth it to keep your feelings from her Sam" Colby said before walking back toward his room on the other side of the apartment.
"Thanks, Sam," You said as you stood by the door to his apartment, slipping your shoes back on.
You looked up and caught him looking down at you with sad eyes.
"What's wrong Sam," You asked, placing your hand on his shoulder., waiting for him to say something.
"I uh- never mind. Get home safe," he said pulling you into a short hug.
"Thanks for being such a great friend Sam," You said opening the door and stepping into the hallway. You turned to see him slime and wave before the door shut behind you.
What you couldn't hear as the door shut was Sam mumbling to himself.
" it's so frustrating He treats you so bad and I'm so good to you, it's not fair"
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ghost-of-you · 1 year
Okay, are they really playing don't stop but no no shame, no more, no fucking take my hand? What??
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sp-love · 1 year
🕯️ 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
🕯️manifesting heartbreak girl🕯️
🕯️ for atl 🕯️
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ilostyou · 10 months
heartbreak girl and you belong with me……let us discuss
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wiiildflowerrr · 1 year
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@Ashton5SOS, 27 March 2020
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querulous-queer · 1 year
5SOS playing Heartbreak Girl 2023
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I don’t care what the boys say. I love heartbreak girl.
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scarletsaturn · 1 year
just drank 1 (FUCKING ONE) alcoholic beverage and proceeded to bawl my eyes out to 5sos performing english love affair, heartbreak girl, WRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER, and VOODOO FUCKING DOLL on tour rn
i am clearly not doing well as they don’t announce new tour dates
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renchai · 1 year
heartbreak girl.
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inspired by reality check @yunverse
banner inspo: @faelyncore
synopsis; where haerin wakes up in a novel she read years ago as a character who has the same name as her. now, she enter the mc's best friend role, your resident 'mean' girl, jang haerin.
pairing; enhypen x oc; enhypen x named reader.
genre; smau, occasional written chapters, angst, fluff, mentions of jealousy and image issues.
status; soon to start
- chapters names may change with the time
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girls just wanna have fun!
blessed-cursed by the plot
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taglist. (send an ask or comment)
@yuhjoeyuh @dainedelions @nyfwyeonjun
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prequel; before reading the chapters
00. starting point (what the hell happened?)
01. killing as a form of affection
02. friends are made for this
03. long haired pretty girl
04. bye bye macarons
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plutotown · 1 year
hearing heartbreak girl live in the year 2023 was not what i expected last night
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