fear-is-truth · 2 days
⟢. 𝓢𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑻𝑺 — peter maximoff
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𝜗𝜚 tags ; mature content﹒mdni﹒fem!reader﹒p in v
kinktober day three : aphrodisiacs
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you’re standing in the kitchen, sorting through the groceries when you hear a familiar noise—like rapid munching. turning around, you catch sight of your boyfriend lying sprawled on the couch, stuffing his face with a box of what looked like chocolates. your stomach drops when you realise exactly what box it was.
“oh my god, please tell me you didn’t eat all of those!” you rush over, eyes wide as you snatched the empty box from his hands. he blinks up at you, a bit of chocolate smeared at the corner of his mouth.
“uh, yeah? you just had them lying around, and i was hungry… sorry.” he swallowed. mouth agape, you simply stare at him.
“…peter, these weren’t regular chocolates. my friend gave these to me as a gag gift for april fool’s—they’re aphrodisiacs!”
it takes a second for his brain to process the new information, eyes slowly widening as he looks from the empty box to you, then back to the box.
“hold on… you mean those kinds of chocolates? oh. oh shiiiiiit.”
you drop your face into your hands with a groan. “yes, peter. and you just ate the entire box. like… the whole dang thing.”
he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, looking a tiny bit sheepish.
“erm… what happens now? ‘cause, not gonna lie, i don’t feel any different.”
he looks like he was trying very hard to hold back a laugh, but it didn’t last.
“soooo…your best friend bought you sexy chocolates as a prank? that’s what we’re dealing with here?”
you huff, plopping down next to him. “yes, okay? she thought it would be funny. i wasn’t actually planning on eating them.”
“well, now i’ve eaten them. what are we gonna do about it?”
you rolled your eyes, poking him in the chest. “we? you’re the one who scarfed down a whole box of aphrodisiacs. this is a you problem now.”
peter wiggled his eyebrows, trying to look sexy and seductive.
“oh, i don’t know… it might be an us problem real soon.”
“ugh f-fuck.. keep going, keep going… yowza—yeah baby right there, sweet pussy’s gunna give me brain damage…” he babbles, head thrown back against the backrest of the couch.
“peter… shut up…” you moan, rolling your hips down onto him, watching the entire length of his cock disappear into your pussy like a magic trick. the pink tip of his tongue pokes out of his mouth in an commendable attempt to stay silent. you lean down, capturing his tongue between your lips and start sucking, which coaxes strangled moan from him.
“mghmm—c-can’t get enough of you,”
peter slurs between your joined lips, hand shoving under your shirt to play at your breasts. relishing in the delicious stretch of his cock, you arch your back and wiggle your hips, and it’s that exact moment that you feel a him twitch inside you.
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subscribers: @marchsfreakshow @strawb3rrystar @juliamaximoff @jdnymos @songbird-garden @hangmanscoming @pinterestwhore145 @n0tonlin3 @tojis-ball-sack @xkaisxjazzxsingerx @mooniehoneyrey @jazz-berry @evanbabybear @evanpetersbf @oceanblvd111 @oneandonlyizabelle @fanfic-boys @enchantedruin @doctorreid187 @xrag-dollx
 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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buntanteen · 1 day
svt fic recs list <3 - jeonghan birthday edition - sfw & nsfw ver.
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summary: in honour of jeonghan's birthday, 29 fic recs for his 29th! :3 sfw & nsfw hannie reader insert fics:)
contains: 18+ nsfw (mdni!!) majority is afab reader
✩ svt writing & fic rec masterlist ✩
✩ sfw section✩
❥ seventeen as boyfriends: jeonghan edition - @fairyhaos
❥ DATING JEONGHAN INCLUDES…. - @svtswhorehouse
❥ BOYFRIEND JEONGHAN WHO… - @mangocustard16
❥ seventeen members as love tropes: yoon jeonghan (fake dating) - @ssentimentals
aww he's so nervouss and sillyyy
❥ how jeonghan loves you slowly - @pepperonidk
*sobs in my hands* THIS IS SO SWEET?!?
❥ yours - @aubaee
❥ 5:05am - @xiaominghao
*screeches in soft hours with hannie*
❥ 22:17 - @lvlystars
❥ enchanted - @hansslut
this is the cutestttt shit and i just know that hannie would actually be happy about this irl. i'm planning on getting a lil pet rock too to keep me company heh
❥ sick leave - @cxffecoupx
i cACKLED at him blaming reader for being sick like??? ofc hannie would do that i shouldn't even be surprised kjfbgkdj
❥ my hairstylist - @seuonji
LEMME STYLE HANNIE'S HAIR PT.2!! this was so cute~
❥ date w jeonghan in paris - @etherealyoungk
i would love a lil outside overseas date with jeonghan so muchh 🥺
❥ [10:02pm] - @mangocustard16
needing just someone's presence after a long day sounds so niceee. sleepy hannie sounds adorable
❥ jeonghan when you don't enjoy your birthday - @lovingseventeen
as someone who doesn't actively celebrate my own birthday, i really related to this. i love how hannie was finding different reasons to gift give dkfjgbdjk
❥ home is wherever you are - @mangocustard16
*sniffles* i miss him so much :,)
✩ nsfw section ✩
❥ best friend jeonghan - @mountainficss
going from such a confident lil teasing shit to all shy pliant lil thing?? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL MEEEE??
❥ big dick jeonghan - @wannabelife
i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i- when wuh huhkfbckj
❥ soft dom! jeonghan - @hannieehaee
*screams into the abyss*
❥ sub jeonghan - @mountainficss
fuck he'd sound so pretty all desperate like that, wouldn't he?
❥ tease jeonghan - @mountainficss
i think i'd combust or implode if jeonghan teased me cuz holy shit ifhbkjk
❥ MEANIE! JEONGHAN - @svtswhorehouse
*gets on me knees* PLEASE JUST ONE CHANCE DUDE
❥ boyfriend jeonghan headcanons (sfw and nsfw) - @wifeyoozi
...yep that's exactly him
❥ jeonghan jerking off to you - @mountainficss
he'd look and sound so pretty if this happened jbigkkvfnkjbs
❥ jeonghan & mirrors - @cherrybr4t
*screams into the void pt.2*
❥ with a bow - @jjunberry
when he when uwhjgkfdbk whenjfdbd
❥ come right back - @keij0h
i really need hannie to come help me um *ahem* relax kjdfgb
❥ bite - @hannieehaee
the flirty teasing?? the confidence?? the yoon jeonghan scheming?? i loved it!!
❥ sub jeonghan + dry humping - @mountainficss
completely obsessed with how desperate jeonghan felt in this
❥ boyfriend!jeonghan headcanons (sfw & nsfw) - @buntanteen
yep, i'm recommending my own fic jdkbgdkfj i hope people enjoy it :3
ames note: happiest of birthdays to our dear lovely hannie!! i love you so much, i didn't realise how much comfort you would give me this year. your lil sound effects and mannerisms have stolen my heart. thank you my dearest for being you and for being our island of serenity. i hope everyone was able to celebrate jeonghan's birthday well! <3 ς(.-‿-)
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kysslasher · 2 days
KINKTOBER DAY 3:: Mr.officer— choso kamo
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WARNING:: police officer!choso x reader, oral (f!receiving) doggystyle, slight power play, spanking, bribing.
SUMMARY:: speeding to the reception of your sisters wedding and getting pulled over was not in your plans, but offering to do anything to get out of a ticket with the fine officer who pulled you over was a last ditch effort.
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It was scorching outside. Choso could feel the heat come in waves making him sweat so much that stray hears across his forehead began sticking to his skin. The tight uniform that covered his body added an extra layer of weight and heat that made the rookie honestly think he would suffer from heat stroke.
He sighs as he rests against the hood of his car, the odd sensation of warm drips down to his eyebrow making him reach up and drag his fingers against his brow bone collecting the sweat on his fingers making him sigh. The small family cars that roll through the deserted long streets that connect give him no joy as he holds out the radar each time the sound of wind whipping and tires against the asphalt meets his ears.
Choso is bored, incredibly bored to the point he almost wanted to get in his own car and speed just so he can pretend he got even the slightest bit of action on his shift. But just as he blinks a few times as the stale air makes his eyes water a car speeds down the road making Choso lift the radar and see it is way over the speed limit, Choso let's put a large puff of air as he turns to get back in his cruiser.
His lights flash as the siren above him wailed and demanded the car to stop.As he pulls out of the dirt path on the side of the road he speeds up hoping whoever was driving the mini silver Nissan wouldn't turn the situation into a chase.
As he pulls out of the dirt path on the side of the road he speeds up hoping whoever was driving the mini silver Nissan wouldn't turn the situation into a chase. As he gets closer the car begins to slow down and pull off to the side, Choso feels like he hit the lottery for his first day when he steps out of his car and walks up to the window. Not entirely sure what he was expecting but it wasn't this.
A pretty girl dolled up to the tens, expensive looking jewelry, thin strapped dress that hugged you so perfectly that it made your cleavage more noticeable.
As the window gets rolled down you have a glare strongly aimed towards Choso. "You were speeding" he says plainly making you sigh "I have places to be so can you just give me the ticket so I can go?" You roll your eyes hoping the reception of your sister's wedding hasn't started.
We're you drunk? Choso can't believe the unnecessary attitude. "Are you headed somewhere because of an emergency?" Choso asks hoping that explains why your in a bad mood and why you're speeding. He would let you off with a warning and no ticket because he doesn't want to step on any toes especially when you're rushing but what falls out of your mouth makes Choso look almost flabbergasted.
"I have a wedding reception to get to and l'd much rather be speeding towards a bar than sitting here in my car still" You explain flatly making Choso's eyebrows shoot together like magnets and metal.You had to be drunk. Choso told himself; because what sober person would ever let that fly out of their mouths to a cop? Just you? "Ma'am can you step out of the car?" He asks his tone sweet as if he were a retail worker dealing with a stubborn customer.
But regardless you do it anyways, Choso asks you gently to stand against the hood before he looks inside your car a bag in the back seat which was expected to be a gift so he pops open your glove looking for license and registration, what he didn't mean to come across was the pink flask that fell out littered in gems and hello kitty stickers. He just huffs out a laugh before picking it up off the carpet flooring and looks at you holding it up shaking it to the sound of liquid still inside. "You do realize driving with open alcohol is a fourth degree misdemeanor?" He asks; watching as your eyebrows shoot up almost to your hairline.
"Listen officer...?" You trail off leaning in close to him to look at the shining gold badge "Kamo" he pipes up before you can speak "officer Kamo. I haven't drunk that at all since I've been on the road. I'm 100% sober. I swear" your voice shakes. "Sweetheart, I don't know how many fines you are going to wrap up by the end of this meeting but it just seem to be all kinds of a handful" he almost laughed at the change in expression "I'll do anything, I swear I can take a breathalyzer or walk in a straight line. You name it and I swear I can do it" you plead and Choso almost feels bad for you.
"Anything?" He asks and Choso hadn't realized the change in tone until you step closer to him pulling at top of your dress that looks to be suffocating your boobs. "Anything you want" puts more confidence into your statement. How could you back down now after you said it? You've never had sex with an officer before to get out of a ticket, maybe a little flirting but with the way things were looking for you, your best bet was to suck him off or even go all the way.
"I don't think you mean that" he shakes his head as his hands tug at the collar of his vest with a smug expression. "Are you trying to say something Mr.officer?" You ask him as your eyes glaze over the banter was one thing but the dark glint in his eyes made your stomach churn. "If you think I am, you can come out with it" his eyes trail over your face for any hints of hesitation but he's met with none.
"Sir, isn't it against your code to take bribery from a suspect?" You ask your tone sweet as honey as your head tilts to the side, you play up the ditzy role just a tad "isn't it illegal to bribe officers?" He asks back tilting his head back at you. "Well if it is, shouldn't you be putting me in cuffs right about now?" You hold out your wrists with a sickeningly sweet smile that makes Choso huff at your bravery. Only grabbing your wrists and turning you around, pressing your hips to your hood as pressing to your lower bag guiding you down makes you gasp at the feeling of him pressed against your ass.
"I think you need a routine pat down before I put you in the back of my car" he says slowly before pulling away pressing his hands to your hips and patting down one of your legs the feeling of his hands on your warm skin sets you a flame. His hands on your bare inner thigh almost brushing against your panties makes your back arch. "Aren't you a little excited to be getting put in the back of a cop car?" He asks "if it weren't for the circumstances I don't think I would be" you mumbled back "and what circumstances would that be?" He asks as he moves to your other leg " its the part where you put me in cuffs and fuck me in the back of your cop car that makes me excited" you say as Choso finally stands at full height.
"Yeah?" He asks as the sound of his clinking cuffs meets your ears that has your body responding to him so pliant. "Mhm" the cuffs snap around your wrist making you smile. “Mr.officer, am I in trouble?” You asked teasingly “you’ve got the cuffs and everything, I think it’s time to put you where the criminals go” he says his voice like gravel, his words sharp and filled with lust.
He roughs up your shoulders a bit before pulling you along to his car. Opening the back door before pressing you chest-down to the backseat; you can feel his growing hard on against your ass making you perk up with a smirk “Mr.officer is this a part of the routine arrest?” You tease, you can hear the groan rumbling from his chest “just for you, you're the special kind of criminal, and I have to perform a strip search on you” you say as his rough hands grip your ass through your dress. “How could I hide anything from you sir? How did you know I was hiding something under here?” You ask spreading your thighs wider, grinding against him.
“You are a really dirty girl, did you know that?” He asks making you giggle before looking over your shoulder “I’ve been very bad Mr.Officer- and I think I need to be punished” you say- your words filled with amusement. “Oh I know” he chuckled as he pulls up the fabric of your dress he playfully scoffs at the black lace G-string snapping the pinkie sized string on your hip letting it snap against your hip which earns a yelp. “Are you hiding anything behind this miss?” He asks making you giggle and nod, your lips were practically being bitten raw.
“Can I take a look?” He spoke up, rubbing his hand against your ass. You could feel your heart beating in your throat as he kissed your lower back,pulling your panties off; hanging from your ankle he lifted your legs over the seat like they were nothing and kissing your inner thighs.
"You're being such a tease" you whisper you could feel the warmth of his breath fan across your pussy that had almost made your thighs snap shut. "Just doing my job" he mumbled as his tongue pressed flat against your pussy earning a breathy moan as he dragged it from your entrance to your clit loving the sweet sound of your moans.
"Oh fuck" you whispered as he presses his thumb against your clit and continuing to lick and kiss everything he possibly can. You moan as your hand reaches for the back of his head pushing him against your pussy.
Groaning against you sent vibrations all over as you let out a small giggle that broke into a moan feeling the harsh pad of his thumb rub against your clit while his tongue worked to push inside you. Pushing your thighs against your chest and pushing them together you became more aware of every touch, lick, and kiss he gave to you.
The sounds you make are music to his ears. He presses his nose on your clit, inhaling your scent deeply before his tongue dives inside your waiting pussy. You pull onto his hair, writhing against his face. "Feels so good mr." you moan.
You could feel his lips curve against your pussy sending shivers down your spine. The wet muscle repetitively enters you, eager to gather your juices. It feels like heaven, stomach tightening with each second.
Pulling away his thumb Choso flattens his tongue against you licking from your entrance to your clit again, kissing it he sucks harshly on the bud with no regard as you moan his name mindlessly.
"Oh my god" you manage to whimper out you tug at his hair as he groaned, your eyes shut as you "please use your fingers" you moan neediness dripping from your tone. His hand moving from your plush thigh, his thumb rubbing harsh circles on your clit he pulled away licking your clit once more his middle and ring fingers make way to your entrance.
Pushing in slowly you groan at the penetration, easing your tight walls around his thick fingers as he pushes them deeper you feel the cool metal of his rings all the way at the knuckles of his fingers as it grounds you from the euphoric feeling.
Pulling his head he looks up at you as your head presses against the seat to get any view from him; with your juices on his swollen lips and on his chin his fingers begin to move opening your eyes you look down at him feeling his gaze as he watches you react gasping as the feeling you grind down against his fingers "you like that? Hm?" He says as he licks your essence off of his lips.
His hair now disheveled as his cheeks were blooming with a soft blush, you nod eagerly "yeah? You want me to go faster for you?" He coos feeling you clench around him at the sound of his dirty words, you clench harder "yes please" you say losing your mind on his fingers as you absentmindedly grind down on them.
Without a single falter in his movements his fingers began to rub against the gummy part of your walls at a faster rate as the sound of your sopping pussy getting pounded by his fingers made you squeal.
"Feels so good" you cry out hoping to god he wouldn't stop the rewarding pace he had set. Your hips involuntarily buck against his fingers as his assault of pleasure on your pussy consumed you whole.
"I'm close" you whine as the sloshing sound and the sound of you and Choso's mixed heavy breathing had been the only thing you could hear "yeah, you gonna cum all over my fingers?" He asks teasingly as his tongue licks a long stripe against your clit that had the feeling in the pit of your stomach churning in anticipation for your orgasm.
"Yes, wanna cum just for you" you whine under your breath as he pushes and pulls his fingers in and out of you faster watching you come closer and closer to the edge waiting for him to catch you. He sucks and licks your clit harshly making you let out a loud moan as you cum all over his fingers.
"So good" he hummed as he fucks you through your high slowing down as he kisses your clit that's now sensitive making you writhed under him. "Doing so good for me" he giggled as he pulled away from you kissing your thighs as if he was rewarding you.
You let out a small giggle that turned into a choked whine when his long fingers pulled out of you. With no hesitation he sucked on his fingers licking off any essence and cum you had left on his digits. “Please fuck me” you moan, if he was only bulging through the pants before he is definitely a move ment away from breaking his zipper. “Yeah? You gonna be good?” He asks making you nod quickly, so desperate to have him filling you up.
The sticky sensation of spit and cum dripping down your pussy and thighs makes you clench around nothing. You can hear him pulling his pants past his thighs; you arch your back urning for the feeling his skin on yours, his hand reaches the middle of your back pressing you down, the tip of his cock rubs against your clit making your body jolt but he continues regardless as he pushes himself inside you slowly.
Your hands clutch tightly into a fist at the stretch he fucks into you, easing you down to his base making you shiver. Choso watches you grind your hips against him slowly as he bottoms out inside you, the feeling being all too good for his liking.
"It's so big" you groan as your hands press against his abdomen lightly bracing yourself to start moving. The soft thudding of your thighs meeting against yours sends goosebumps all over your skin. Choso couldn't possibly keep his hands to himself as he finds the straps of your dress pulling them down revealing more of your skin.
"No bra?" He groaned watching as your bare chest bounced with every movement you made which had you smiling with your lip caught between your teeth. "You're so big" you slur seeing how good he filled you up to the brim your arms wrap around his neck your foreheads pressed together as you watch him begin to slowly move. Choso couldn't get enough of the sight as his cock disappeared inside your Pussy.
His cock buried deep inside you that you moan and dig crescent shaped dents into his skin. set a pace for bouncing in his lap. The feeling of your velvety walls tightening around making him choke back a moan.
"Oh- god" you whisper shakily. His hands holding onto your hips guiding a pace, the soft sound of skin slapping with your small moans reverberated through the car.
You looked so good with your chest bouncing and your hair all messy. You looked good with a small sheen of sweat on your skin and your makeup smeared, he was addicted to the sight.
He slowly thrusts into you letting you get used to his size not realizing you were beginning to bounce yourself on his lap desperate to feel pleasure. His pace practically teases you and shows you how desperate you really are from your small moans whimpers.
Choso; eager to let his load off inside you, holds your thighs stopping you from bouncing any longer and begins to thrust his hips up into you. The feeling of his tip pushing at your cervix.
His hips pushing into you as your thighs and ass jiggle at the repetitive thrusts "oh my god!" You moan as you feel him pounding in a certain part of your walls. You tighten around him as your essence forms a white ring around the base of his dick.
"Just like that" you babble mindlessly as his stomach churns at the words spewing out. "Yeah? Want me to fill you up with my cum?" he groans as the knot in your stomach begins to tighten and Choso's death grip on the fat of your thighs almost sends you over the edge if it wasn't for how hard he was pounding you.
he placed his hand on your ass, kneading the flesh harshly as whimpers left his lips at the feeling of your walls closing around him. "Just like that, yes, please please please!!" You beg, feeling yourself getting closer and closer as he punctuates his thrusts. You pull his hair, again and again, harder and you can't help but become more aroused from the sounds he lets fall from his lips.
Sitting up completely Choso doesn't hesitate to kiss against your warm skin, from the valley between your breast to sucking on your nipples, the warmth of his mouth has you utterly out of it while you fuck yourself on his cock begging for some sort of release. The sloppy sounds make your head spin, your hand trailing from his hair to between the both of you.
Rubbing your clit in hopes that this would send you closer to your orgasm. "Fuck- oh fuck" he moaned against your chest as you clench around him as he felt absolutely pussy drunk with you on top of him. Choso could barely comprehend a thing as he stops you all together.
"Get up" he said breathlessly as you pushed yourself off of his lap, you slowly started to crawl back into the passenger seat thinking even the sex was a complete bust. But the feeling of his hands on your waist keeps you from moving. "Bend over into the seat" he says moving out of your way as you feel a smirk on your pretty lips.
With your back arched and your face pushed against the headrest you knew that you were done for, Choso pushing inside you again and without a care in the world thrusts into you at the same pace he was going before.
"Harder- please" you moan out as the windows begin to fog over, Choso begins to buck his hips into you at a faster pace as the slick sound of your pussy and precum mix loudly along with the patterning of your thighs slapping against his. You feel ecstasy at the way he made you feel so full.
His large hands onto your spine as making your chest push into the seat, not that you minded at all. Choso from behind absolutely loses his mind as his fingers card through his brown locks. Fucking into you with harsh and sharp thrusts that have your toes curling. Your ass bouncing against his lap has him tossing his head back leaving a stinging sensation in both of your thighs.
you begin to bounce and grind against him to meet his hips. It felt like he was in your stomach and you didn't mind at all, your hands the seat tighter as he used his other hand to wrap around your throat pulling your back against his chest.
"Aw look at you, all fucked out. What would your friends think about me bending you over in my car and fucking you like a slut hm?" He asks as his grip around your throat tightens, you couldn't even gather your words as he hits a spot that has you breathing shakily and your moans are even more louder.
"Right here? Does it feel good here?" He asks as he drags his cock against that same spot again and again "yeah, it feels so fucking good officer" you moan as your eyes roll back. The feeling of his sweet lips on your skin as you feel like you're in heaven.
Your thighs are practically shaking at the feeling, pleasure practically taking over your body as Choso pounds you into his front seat without a single care in the world. Pushing your face against the seat while he becomes sloppy and rougher with every passing second you could feel the pressure in the pit of your stomach growing and waiting to be released.
"I can't take it" you moan as you shake your head "I'm gonna cum" you whimper as you feel warm tears slide down your cheeks. "I think you can baby, you wanna cum so bad right? So take what I give you" he orders sweetly in a faux tone. His thrusts are non stop and you can't help but let the pleasure envelope you.
"Oh fuck" you gasp as the feeling of release comes closer "cum for me. I know you can" he coos at you while pulling your hips into his harder than before tipping you over the edge as your walls clench around him sporadically earning a guttural moan ripping through his throat.
"I'm close, where do you want it?" He asks as he continues to fuck into you "inside. Please cum inside me" you whimpered before you felt the pressure in your stomach let loose "I got you, you're okay" he praised as his fingers rubbed down your spine leaving goosebumps up and down your body.
A few more thrusts slow and deep have your toes curling and sending Choso into an orgasm struck daze. "Fuck you feel so good" he groans as his hands rub against the red warm skin of your ass. Leaning of you and kissing up your spine as you both bask in your pre orgasm clarity.
You sit up as you realize your cuffs are still latched around your wrists, the jangling caught the ears of choso as he pulls up his pants and unlocking them he watches you fix yourself up before he opens the front seat door grabbing a notepad. “Do you want to maybe write your number down in case you ever need any help?” He asks which makes you smile as you take the pen from his hand writing it down and giving it back.
Looking over at the side of the road you had finally come down to earth “shit- I need to go, this was great but I still need to make it to my sisters reception” you panic as you rush into your car and starting it up you shoot your head out of the window “call me!” You pipe up once more before finally pulling off.
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ylangelegy · 2 days
⋆.˚ childhood best friend ♡︎ bang chan.
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── .✦ the one where bang chan learns what 'home' means. #우리의_찬란한_청춘_방찬에게 #BrightestStarBangChan
✰ gn!reader, idol!chan, fluff!!!, angst 🙁, childhood best friends, long distance friendship, homesickness, hurt/comfort, ambiguous romance [pining/crushes], open ending. end notes included! ❤︎ all sfw. intentional lowercase. wc: 1,800+
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🧸 childhood best friend chan who moves in next door, who came from seoul to sydney and was scared he wouldn't meet anyone his age.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who is the only one to attend your birthday party. he flashes you a grin and tries to cheer you up by saying, "that just means more cake for us!"
🧸 childhood best friend chan who introduces himself as christopher— but you can call him chris, he says hastily. he knows his full name is too long. you assure him no, it's okay, you'll call him christopher. he rewards you with another one of his signature dimpled smiles. the first of many.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who spends most of his summers with you. his next door neighbor, his new best friend. he tries to teach you how to play soccer. you burn songs you think he'll like on to CDs. the two of you learn to bike down your street. see? you both still have the scars to prove it.
🧸 childhood best friend chan whose fondest memories with you are set in beaches. you're both still too young to surf, so you kill your time trying to outswim each other. it's a tender rotation of portraits— hands sticky with fruit-flavored ice cream, sand in your slippers, the smell of sunscreen.
🧸 childhood best friend chan slash guitar teacher. you spend one too many evenings out on his porch with his beat-up acoustic guitar. as his fingers gently guide yours over the strings, you consider romance. but for only a moment. because you'd rather have him like this than risk not having him at all.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who sticks to your side at school. everyone thinks you're dating; the two of you give up on correcting peers. chan doesn't quite understand why he's so happy to have people assume, and why he's even happier to have you acquiesce.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who tells you, first, about what he plans to do. "it's just an audition," he tells you, but you already know. you already know what he's destined for, who he's going to be, as early as then.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who practices his bruno mars audition song with you over and over and over again until you forget what the original version sounds like. nowadays, whenever you hear just the way you are, it's only ever in the voice of thirteen-year-old christopher.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who calls you up excitedly, who only says two words. "i'm in," he breathes, and there's so many things you can say in that moment. of course you are, and i never doubted you, and you're leaving me?, but instead you settle on, "i'm proud of you."
🧸 childhood best friend chan who doesn't cry at the family dinner. doesn't cry at the airport. he laughs when you tear up, teases that you're being silly. think of it as summer camp, he tells you, and when he hugs you goodbye, his hands shake just a teensy bit.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who cries on the plane— because at least, there, no one who loves him will see.
🧸 childhood best friend chan slash trainee who keeps in touch. he texts a lot in those first couple of years. you'd like this café. these cherry blossoms look really good. dance practice today was tiring. you learn to read between the lines; he is saying i miss you, but he cannot say the words themselves, because then it becomes real.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who never misses a birthday, whether its yours or someone in your family's. shipping fees are too stressful and so he perfects the art of long-distance gift-giving. here, an 8tracks playlist. here, a digital flipbook. here, a video of him singing your favorite song.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who gets busy, who gets frustrated, who watches dozens of trainees debut before him. you try your darnedest to sympathize but there is only so much that you can know about this industry, about his lifestyle.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who never blames you. how could he? he made his choice. but still. but still. there are days, weeks, months, where he forces himself to keep his distance. because this is a whole other kind of hurting— saying goodbye and knowing that the door is still left open a crack.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who watches your life in pictures, in the squares of instagram photos, the tagged posts on facebook. you graduate high school, and then uni. you work part-time jobs. you finally learn how to surf. and he is proud, and he is hurt, and he is yours, still, in ways that neither of you can comprehend.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who, after being distant for what feels like forever, extends an olive branch in the form of a follow request. finstas are only just becoming a thing in his part of the world. every trainee has one. the first person he thinks to follow is you.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who starts reacting to your stories, who replies every so often. your haircut looks nice and how's your mum? and wow, that part of town has changed a lot. it's all so stilted, all so polite, but he's trying, he's trying, he's trying. he needs you to see that.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who finally calls you one evening to tell you everything. you are horrified by what he's gone through, by all the times he's been passed over, but chan reassures you. even as you apologize, again and again, for not knowing.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who tells you, "i chose this. i want to keep choosing it. but—" a beat. then, softly, the words he's held himself back from saying. "i just miss you, that's all."
🧸 childhood best friend chan who slots right back in to your life. he's still plenty busy. at least now he knows that you're always just one message away, that you'll appreciate his updates of i met another aussie today or there's a new day6 song or i can finally stop dieting.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who excitedly tells you about 3racha. about his genius lyricist j.one and his killer rapper spearb. his own moniker is plain and simple, he says with a laugh. cb97. but it's him, it's his, it's a start.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who sends you the first demo of a song he's genuinely happy to have produced. your heart is in my hands, he jokes in the e-mail subject line. j.one is good. so is spearb. but chan, cb97, your christopher, who sings "i'd like to start off this speech with a 'thank you' to everyone that helped little chris to grow up"? he's everything.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who tells you in vague terms that he might not be reachable for some time. there's a lot of things he wants to tell you, wants to divulge. there are other people on the line, now, though, and so he holds back. you understand. you tell him you'll wait. he is so, so grateful.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who is introduced as the leader of JYPE's newest boy group. he is not christopher or chris. he is chan, now. bang chan. you watch the survival show with his family. you give them a handwritten letter for him, when they go to visit him in south korea. you see him become everything he said he would be.
🧸 childhood best friend chan whose hair is two-toned dirty blonde and aqua blue when he debuts with hellevator. you buy his photocard. you still have it up in your room; it makes him cringe, but he is secretly pleased that you cared enough to do such a small thing.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who bears the weight of impossible expectations. leader, producer, idol. son, brother. friend. he is so many things all at once. they say he is too much. they say he is not enough. he doesn't know who to listen to.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who blames himself for things that are beyond his control. for 2019. for 2020. for 2021. for— there isn't a year where chan isn't blaming himself for something, really.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who finds comfort in the smallest of things. a noisy dorm with seven other boys. the thrill of turning a note in to a living, breathing song. you. your little updates. you. your easy responses. you. your unwavering support. you, you, you.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who wonders often sometimes what it would have been like if he stayed.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who can see it so, so clearly. the college you would have both gone to. working at the record store; busking in the mall. summers of surf and sun. your fingers fitting in to the spaces between his.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who thinks he would have been happy with that life. happier than right now?... he's not sure. all he knows is that he would have been happy. the two of you could have been so happy.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who often sometimes feel like his youth was taken from him. his teenage years were spent as a trainee; his early twenties were spent fighting for every scrap. he doesn't regret the choices he made. he doesn't want to. he can't.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who doesn't tell you any of this. a part of him doesn't have to. you know just how much he gave up. you know just how much he gained. you know why there are certain encores that make him cry, why there are songs he can't bear to perform live. why it's always so hard for him to name 'home' nowadays—
🧸 childhood best friend chan who wants to believe that 'home' means sydney. who, to make things easier, says 'home' is seoul. who will sometimes say that 'home' is STAY, 'home' is stray kids. who knows, deep down, that home is a three-letter word of y-o-u.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who, when he makes his way back to sydney, is scared shitless. he's been gone for so long. it's an endless litany of 'what if's. what if berry doesn't recognize him anymore. what if all his favorite restaurants have shut down. what if you realize you don't like the person he's become. what if, what if.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who is only partially reassured when he realizes there's still a spot for him at the dinner table, when his old friends don't treat him any differently, when the path to the park still feels familiar.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who realizes that all of his worries are unfounded when you greet him with "long time no see, christopher." not chan. not chris. christopher.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who smiles the same way that he had when he first met you. all bright eyes and dimples.
🧸 childhood best friend chan who holds out his hand, waiting to see if you'll take it.
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✰ i think a lot about a line in The Myth of Sisyphus, where it goes something along the lines of "one must imagine sisyphus happy." in some way, this is me #coping (lol). one must imagine bang chan happy. because maaan, does he deserve it. happy birthday, chris.
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Brothers on Your Anniversary!
This blog honestly gives me so much life, thank you so much for reading and enjoying it! I hope you'll love this hc as much as I do <3
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Lucifer has been planning your anniversary like half a year in advance
Meaning, the guy is C O N F I D E N T
You might think he'd be the type to take you to a fancy restaurant and such but he will actually plan the date according to your specific preferences
Doesn't mean he won't get you a huge-ass bouquet with the rarest Devildom flowers
Is actually pretty nervous since it's his first ever anniversary in a relationship and he is a control freak and want it to be perfect for you
Will kiss your knuckles softly and will then twirl you around, effortlessly spinning you in a smooth dance
Gifts you an intricate and beautiful pendant with his love confession engraved on it
"I'm looking forward to the eternity with you by my side, my love"
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The day will be 10000000% dedicated to you
Shopping spree, any restaurant you want, any activity you wish to try - just say a word
Holding hands 24/7 everywhere, proudly showing you to literally EVERYONE
"Dat's right, dat's my baby and damn we hit 1 year together!"
Is so proud of you being near him that he almost tears up
Poor boy has never had a relationship and is now determined to keep you forever
At the end of the night, will blush heavily as he wraps his arms around your waist and leans in for a kiss
"I'm s-so happy we are t-together...Thanks for dealing with my dumb ass..."
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Decides to surprise you with a kick-ass 3-course dinner cooked entirely by him, obviously
Is EXTREMELY nervous but tries not to show it
Gets you a matching set of pjs and a super cute necklace
Proposes to watch some anime or movies and secretly hopes you'd say yes, because he doesn't feel like going out and wants to be just the two of you this evening
Holds your hand all the time
Plays with your hair lazily and grins
"Can't believe got a person like you to be my partner"
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Classic romance is his thing
Be sure he'll take you to a small and cozy but ridiculously expensive place
He'll insist you two dress up because "the occasion is so very special"
Out of all brothers, is most likely to propose on your anniversary
After dinner, will probably take you to the nearest park; champagne and blanket ready
(oops, a momentary cat distraction)
Showers you with affection and can't keep his hands and eyes off you
"Kitten, I'm honored to be loved by someone like you"
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Mhmmm an anniversary... so exciting!
Plans out a whole day dedicated just to you two
Spa, fancy dinner, shopping, massage - all included!
It's the first time ever for him to care so much about someone else and he is dedicated to make this day unforgettable
"I have a special something just for you"
"Honey, you have immense power over me and I surrender to you now and forever"
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He loves you so much that he actually wants to make it NOT about food
The things is, he has no idea what else to do... like... sports, maybe?
You notice how tensed he is and directly ask what's up
Reluctantly agrees to your offer to just eat somewhere and then cuddle home with snacks
"I tried to think of something unique because you deserve the best"
Wraps his hands around you and won't let go
Offers you head massage and just uses any excuse to touch you
"Y'know... You are my dearest person"
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An attic, stargazing, a bottle of wine, and amazing fruits and sweets - just how good does it sound?
Presents you with a photo album filled with your mutual photos; a sweet note going with every photo
"You made my life full of memories that I'd cherish forever"
Kisses you softly all the time and braids your hair delicately
Loves this moment of peace and happiness but is a teeny tiny bit worried you might have preferred something more outdoorsy
"Just stay with me always, okay?"
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viiper1 · 2 days
The perfect Date.
The ideal date they would plan for you.
Head canons
Mentioned: Armin, Jean, eren, Conny, Reiner
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Armin Arlert.
Would start off with a Picknick near a flower field.
Would make you a flower crown.
You’d watch the sunset together and do cloud gazing/star gazing (depending on how long you guys stayed)
Or Picknick at the beach
and if he thinks you’re the type of person to like or value that sort of thing he will give you cute seashells he found.
Afterwards you’d take a walk on the beach, walking barefoot in the sand during the sunset.
He’d probably take some pictures too to remember this date. For some reason he always takes the best pictures of you without even really trying.
And MIGHT gift you a self made memory book or a handwritten letter.
If it’s colder he’d take you ice skating
will teach you how to properly skate because you keep falling on your ass.
Don’t worry he’s catching you (most of the times)
Connie Springer.
Would take you to an arcade or a gaming center (and laugh at you every time you lose to him) would swear that you cheated when you win against at him more than once.
You two almost spend the whole day there completely forgetting about the time because you were having so much fun.
Or a amusement park/fun fair
he will try to encourage you if you’re scared to ride a ride
and even make fun of you a little bit “don’t tell me you’re scared, how cute” he teases
On the ride you’re BOTH screaming your asses off.
“You seemed scared…at your grown age…cute I guess” You made fun of him tease him back.
You two almost ride all the roller coasters
He tried to win you a plushie on claw machine but it takes him like 6 tries untill he gets one small plushy
“I swear these machines are rigged!” He says but then tries again on a different machine.
You make him ride the Ferris wheel with you at the end.
Jean Kirstein.
Drive in movie theater,
If you’re watching a scary movie it’s probably because he thought you’d snuggle into him in fear but then he’d be the one to claw on to you but he swears on his grandma that he isn’t scared.
Dinner date but he’s making dinner for you.
Idk why but I love the thought of Jean making dinner for his lover.
OR you’re both cooking together,
maybe even messing around and smearing a bit of flower on his face but he’d definitely get revenge for that one.
He’d have candles lit and the lights out, it would be super romantic.
Surprisingly the food doesn’t taste bad.
Afterwards if you’re not too tired, you both would point portraits of each other and he’s lowkey a good painter so he did a really nice job.
If you’re too tired you’d just snuggle in bed and watch a movie.
Eren Yeager.
Also Arcade or gaming center
it was supposed to be cute a first but it turns very competitive very fast
he doesn’t like to lose and if he does he’ll say he let you win on purpose.
You better watch out at laser tag he will not hold back just because you’re his gf.
Takes most games supper serious and you barely have a chance at winning.
Feels kinda bad afterwards so he buys you a plushy and roses at the store around the corner as a surprise.
Or a rooftop restaurant dinner/bar
the view was so beautiful, it felt unreal,
he was paying ofc
He bought you a bracelet with the initial “E” on it, and expects you to wear it everyday.
Will ask why you’re not wearing it if he doesn’t see it on your arms throughout the relationship/marriage.
Reiner Braun.
Romantic fancy dinner
He would 100% stand there with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and open the car door for you.
It’s a Very fancy restaurant but he didn’t tell you so you lowkey look like you wandered into the wrong building. He feels kinda bad afterwards when you tell him you feel out of place and underdressed.
You already KNOW he’s paying.
Or picnic and candle painting
He’d try his best to make a pretty candle but he’s not as good at it as you.
He puts them in the loving room but doesn’t really want to use the candles because he doesn’t want them to ‘disappear’
After you made him go on another candle painting date in hops that you get to burn at least one of the, now four, candles he still insists on not using them and suggests a different normal candle.
Ofc if you Insist on wanting to use one of the four, he’ll let you but he’s lowkey a bit sad to see them go since they reminded him of the date.
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Thank you for reading<3
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pix-writes · 3 days
Sooo may I request HCs of Ford’s reaction when their s/o passes a huge exam? Like the bar exam or other tests to become licensed in their field?
Oh, I love this ask, because you know Ford would actually be such a good partner when it comes to this side of your relationship, hear me out-
Because he knows what it's like to work at something really important for your career/education where perhaps no one outside of maybe some others doing similar courses, will truly know and understand how much effort and pressure it takes. Like, yeah, I know Ford has a ton of PhDs and perhaps didn't take as much time or effort as people generally do typically at university; yet at the same time he did work twice as hard and was probably doing at least two qualifications at a time, when people can struggle to just do one! It wasn't without effort, basically and Ford would definitely understand how much it means to you and how much effort you need/had to put in to get where you want to be!
Ford values his further education so much so he'd be incredibly supportive of his s/o who's doing the same. He'll be bringing you snacks and drinks throughout the day, checking up on you to see if you need any help, will help test you on your knowledge and will be effluent with his encouragement and praise that you're doing well! ❤️ He's practically better than your mentor 😅 if you need any proofreading done or to run something by someone, say no more, it's what he's good at, even if he didn't study the same field.
The only problem is it could become a little suffocating, because if you're struggling he'd want to help solve it and will end up planning your whole schedule to cram in as much as possible before your exam, which is done with good intentions, he wants you to pass to fulfill your goals and dreams, but it could be a little much if you're already feeling burnt out. You might have to insist that you have some more time to rest & reset because it's more about being less stressed than needing to remember information.
It's a lesson for him as well and he'll have to get it 😅 he maybe will be the one who pushes you, doesn't let you get away with procrastinating, but he'll be there to cuddle in the evening before running you a bath and to celebrate when you finally pass!
Ford will be so overjoyed to celebrate with you at the finish and he wants to make it special, it's a milestone! Will give you gifts, mostly practical but also something sentimental, and will want you to have some pictures to commemorate the day. If this is post-portal will definitely want the whole family to celebrate and take you out to dinner, the pines get you celebratory cakes (with one as backup if you didn't pass haha, but don't worry they had faith in you). You will definitely have a picture in your cap and gown in Mabel's scrapbook 💖
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anzulvr · 14 hours
What are somethings he does as a boyfriend 😋
Karma x Reader — Things he does as a boyfriend ୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 SORRY! As always very late :'(
— Gets you out of your comfort zone,
In the play E-Class did for the elementary school kids, he’s the one to suggest to everyone you play the lead. He convinces you by saying you can spend your day together.
Another example of this is going through with your assassination attempts. He is the first to volunteer himself to go along with your plan! Need a guy to swing from the rooftops? Get him a rope. Need someone to shoot? Give him the signal and he’s ready. Need horse tranquilizer? He knows a guy.
— Defends you when you’re wrong.
This one is very specific, I don’t think he’s the type to back out of an argument for anyone, it’s more like he’s defensive around people who criticize you. He just shoots out insults before you even have the time to react. Somehow he doesn't sound aggressive when doing it, comes out of his mouth way too naturally.
Terasaka for example: “How’d you miss that shot? Your aim is the worst I’ve seen.”
“Maybe [Name] can use you as a shooting target. Your heads big enough.”
— Can’t cook? He’s got you covered! His favorite dish is anything as long as he cooks it, with his parents often traveling he developed that skill really well over the years.
— He“buys” you the best gifts (he gets them in the weirdest ways.)
The same as the time he pulled out math equations when he was getting scammed by the stand owner at the festival until he got a console for free.
Half of his belongings come from his “Delinquent fishing” money, so most of the things he buys for you are probably from the same guys he terrorizes.
— An arcade gaming pro, anything you want he can win on the first try! If he can’t he will find a way to prove it’s rigged or faulty and get the manager to clear out the prize stock. He’s shameless.
It's October so Halloween Headcannons;
His favorite part of Halloween is going out of his way to scare people.
He’s going to go around scaring his classmates and making you participate. (Rio happily joins in.)
He'll put you up to trick someone else that way he can come behind you and scare you.
He makes you match costumes but they’re never cute. He has disturbing, taste. But who can say no to his offer???
— Competitive.
“Whoever gets a lower score on this exam has to buy the winner food!”
“Karma you’re only saying that cause you know I didn’t study.”
He buys you food if you lose anyway to cheer you up.
— Makes you his accomplice,
“[Name] Im a block away from your house, I need you to pour some hydrogen peroxide in a bucket”
“I am not helping you clean blood off your clothes again!"
“He hit me first! It’s my own mouth blood.”
“Ouch, you lost?”
“No, just get the bucket.”
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Love and Mercy p.1 - Rick Grimes x reader
I know it's October.
But here's a little something on the group's first winter in Alexandria:
“What’re you doin’?”
Rick’s voice is heavy with sleep, quiet but enough to break the silence in the house as he shuffles closer to where you’re kneeling. You don’t need to see him to know he’s got that almost permanently etched frown on, the soft dip between his eyebrows. 
You tilt your head up in greeting, focused on your task, skillfully wrapping items with old newspapers you’d found on a run earlier that week. “Nothing,” you mumble, as if it were enough, your fingers pressing down on the paper with a sleepy determination. You hunch over them to shade from Rick’s view. “Go away.”
Rick hums, depositing himself onto the couch. “No. Missed you in bed. Don’t think I don’t know you’ve been sneaking away from me. I’m onto you.”
“You’re not onto shit,” you reply, hands splayed over your projects. 
“Hey,” he lilts, nudging your back with his knee. “What is it?”
There’s a soft noise you release at that, something like annoyance. “Can’t say. It’s not time yet.”
“Time for what?”
You groan, turning around to put your chin up on his knee, looking up at him. “Christmas.”
“You’re still on that?” Rick’s eye twitches a little.
It had been a few weeks ago when the cool air starting breezing through Alexandria. With Winter on the brink and the group relatively settled and sheltered for the first time in years, you’d off-handedly mentioned the season’s festivities. 
Rick hadn’t been too keen on it however. He was everything but settled into the new Alexandrian lifestyle you had found easy to slip into. On edge and restless, as if the universe would detect his comfort and throw it’s next disaster his way. He’d informed the rest of you all, with a hand poised on his belt and fingers itching for the Colt Python Deanna had stored away. Be ready, we can’t let our guard down. 
That may have been weeks ago, but Rick never truly looked comfortable here even now- though you’re not sure he ever did. So between his stubbornness, the fact that Judith hadn’t ever celebrated a holiday, and your proclivity to do first and ask for forgiveness later, you were set on doing something small for the kids at the very least. 
Something to finally look forward to. 
You had gone to Deanna first, telling her of your plans to bring some cheer for Carl and Jude. Her eyes sparkled in that way they seemed to do when she was inspired by something so normal- but she sadly revealed they really did not pack shiny wrapping paper in the community. You weren’t derailed however. 
Any time you were on the run, you tried grabbing things the family would’ve enjoyed that would be painfully human. Glenn laughed when you handed him a new baseball cap, Tara nodded appraisingly at the palm tree snow globe, shaking it around aggressively to see the tiny white flakes swim around. 
So, you had immediately pushed the few issues you’d found of Y: The Last Man for Carl inside your backpack. The stuffed lamb you came across would need to be cleaned and fluffed, but it had made the cut for Judith’s gift. 
Rick noticed when you started crumpling newspapers into your bag, though, raising an eyebrow. 
“Figured we could do something for the kids,” you had said, moving to the next aisle to get some actual supplies too. 
“For what?” Rick’s gruff voice intoned, a hint of a warning behind it. You weren’t quite sure why he even had an issue with the idea of a gift-giving celebration; it’s not like the rest of you haven’t passed items to each other before. 
Kneeling in front of him now, the soft sound of snow pattering down outside and the hum of one of Deanna’s heaters, you nose at his knee. 
“Baby, you gotta- can you relax?” you say a little exasperatedly. “I cannot believe this is even a conversation we need to have when we literally deal with the dead. Is this like, Christmas related trauma or something that I need to be aware of?”
Rick rolls his eyes. “No.”
“Then what’s your damage?”
He scratches his arm, looking at the gifts you’ve wrapped with a suddenly weary sigh. “No damage.”
You tilt your head up at him curiously, tapping his hand to pull him out. 
“I just don’t want…” he groans softly, looking down at you before tangling a hand in your hair. “I don’t want to give them hope so soon. We don’t know how well these walls are gonna hold up when a hoard comes by. We don’t know if this community will survive anything yet. I don’t want to give Carl and Judith this and then have to take it away again.”
When you continue to just stare at him impassively, he nods with a huff, leaning back further back into the couch. “I know, I know,” he waves his hand vaguely. “Trust me- I can hear myself too.”
“So you’re aware that you’re being… difficult?” You choose your words carefully. Rick must find it amusing at the very least because he smiles almost sheepishly. “They need to know there’s more to life than everything we’ve gone through. You’re not taking anything from them. You can give them these moments, the time to just be children.”
“I’d just… feel bad if anything happened. ” 
You hum, his baby blue eyes glazed over with some far away memory for a mere second before they focus back on you. “Everyone’s okay, Rick. We’re all okay here. You don’t need to be so on all the time anymore,” you drop a kiss on his knee. “You’ve done so much for us already. Just- slow down.”
He considers this, considers what you’re saying to him. “A day,” he concedes. “I can slow down for a day. Only tomorrow.”
You let out a startled laugh. “So you’re declaring Christmas to be tomorrow? You’re just choosing?”
“Yes,” he nods once, rubbing his jaw like it’s a hard decision to make. “You get your day, and then I want you with me to assess the barricades. I can’t do it alone.”
You nod easily. “I’ll need help on the decorations. We don’t have much,” you gesture at the crinkled paper and frail twine on the ground. “Don’t suppose we can cut a small tree down with your hatchet?”
“I’ll figure out your decorations, just-“ he beckons you forward, pulling you up easily to straddle his lap, “come here for now.” 
Title's from the Gazelle version of Love and Mercy that plays in the show!
part 2 is nsfw, with the full version on ao3.
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minjorii · 1 day
Maybe In A Different Age
Senku/fem reader
cw: angst no comfort (i tried) ik this fandom kinda dead lowkey but I wanted to write this cause its so senku coded. Senku's an idiot (unsuprisingly). Not very good writing.
wc: uhh i wrote this in my notes, around 1k probably
Byakuya brings two strangers into their house on a random thursday.
"Senku, this is a close friend and her daughter, I'm sure you guys will get along splendidly."
Five year old Senku is harshly blunt when he meets you for the first time, staring at him silently as if you've never seen a human before. He doesn't have anything to say and it seems neither do you, so he walks off, deciding he has better things to do. Promptly ignoring the sigh and apology the older man lets out.
"So I got this new idea and I'm going through the basic logistics and research right now, might need your help later."
"I'll go get us some snacks and something to do while you work on it then."
Six year old Senku watches you dissappear from his doorway, absentmindedly humming while you head to the very familiar kitchen. Your family has been apparently busy as of late so he forcibly sees your face more often. You usually just eat his food, do your work, and ask him (dumb) questions. You're a friend now, he supposes.
"Hey dum dum, Byakuya got me new equipment, so I have some new ideas. So listen up."
"Course Senku!"
Seven year old Senku grins, you're always willing to help him out for whatever reason you have (something weird probably, in his opinion). In return, he always tells you what he's working on and his labor demands. So per usual, he excitedly gets into the details of the next project that he plans on working you and Taiju to the bone for.
"Hey Senku?"
"I think I love you."
"Huh? You better not be catching feelings dum dum." He gives you a confused squint after hearing your words.
"Whatever you say." You hum
Eight year old Senku hears you say those three words for the first time, you don't say why and he doesn't know either. He thinks its rather idiotic, but he shrugs it off after you silently go back to reading. You've been picking up books more often as of late, not that he cares much.
"You're late for the test runs, Taiju and Yuzuriha already left."
"Sorry sorry! My teacher held me up a little later at practice today."
"Hm." His disappointed stare returns.
"Im sorry..? Love you?" You're sheepish with your response.
"How is that supposed to make up for anything? Now come help me carry this stuff"
"As you wish, princess Senku."
Nine year old Senku doesn't understand why you and Byakuya tell him that so often (or that stupid nickname sourced from his "feebleness"), but he moves on quickly to detail the results of the test and the numerous next steps. Much to his pleasure.
"Wake up stupid. You fell asleep." Senku (roughly) shakes you awake from your shoulders, poking at your face a few times.
"Huh? Oh sorry Senku, I guess I'm just tired."
"Well you're not gonna wanna miss this." He grins while looking up, expectant.
"Hm. Hey the moons pretty tonight yeah?"
"It looks the same as it always does. Is that poetry getting to you and making you sappy?"
You wait before responding, "Maybe."
Eleven year old Senku keeps you up on certain nights for his projects or for nights like these where there's a meteor shower. He thinks you should stop reading so much of those books that make you sound like Byakuya. You should also get more rest, he adds.
"Happy Valentines Day Senku!! Got you a gift, heh."
"Must I tell you again?" Senku turns to a usual sight, you waving a gift in front of his face as if he were a dog.
"I'm good I just wanted to remind you."
Twelve year old Senku doesn't see the point in meaningless feelings or holidays for said feelings. Nevertheless, he takes the homemade chocolate from you, skimming through the card which contents include exactly what he expected (a confession of sorts, again), and placing it to the side. Ignoring it in favor of the much more sensible chemicals in front of him. Like every year though, Senku keeps it. He doesn't know why.
"Taiju and Yuzuriha definitely have something going on don't you think?"
"And you're bringing this up why?"
You pause, you know why, but you know he wouldn't understand. "It's cute... wish I could have something like that you know?"
"...For the last time-"
"I know I know Senku, don't worry I'll try to bother you less."
Thirteen year old Senku doesn't see you as much anymore, mostly because of your practice that your mom wants you to perfect. You come over less nowadays, a shame (for his projects obviously), but your presence isn't any smaller of an intrusion at school. So much for bothering him less.
Around 21:00 is when he hears a familiar ringing of his doorbell. "It's late, why are you here?"
"Got out of training not too long ago and wanted to see you before I headed in."
"Your house isn't even remotely close to mine" A raised eyebrow is all you get in response to your grin.
"What does it matter when I'm already here, but gotta go before I get scolded. Goodnight Senku, Love you!"
"You know it's never gonna happen, as you know-"
"Yeah yeah, 10 billion percent illogical, I know, but I can't let my favorite person forget can I?" You flash another smile.
"As if I'd ever with how often you say it, now goodnight."
Fourteen year old Senku closes the door after you've cheerfully said your bye and faded from his sight enough. The lack of noise is strange, now that Byakuya has "ascended like an angel" (his words not Senkus) it's much quieter. The usual noise of a certain two people is absent more often than not. He let's the silence of the house sit in.
"Hey, can you get me something from the storage real quick? Need it soon but that bonehead forgot when he came up here babbling about confessing to Yuzuriha"
"Of course. I'd do anything for you. Always here. You know that Sen."
Fifteen year old Senku glances at your fleeting figure. The nickname is new, for sure. And he can't say he dislikes it, but the lack of a certain three words with your departure is strange. He brushes it off to your usual forgetfulness and peers out the window at Taiju and Yuzuriha. Thoughts preoccupied until a bright green light overtakes his vision and he can't do anything but think into the void.
So he counts.
And maybe every once in a while you pop into his head like you always do.
Three-thousand and something year old Senku wakes up to a world where theres a lack of civilization, a lack of his decency, and most importantly, a lack of you.
You would be useful right now, he supposes.
Three-thousand and something year old Senku spends his free time trying to find you and the rest of the "gang" (as you would say).
He finds Taiju, he finds Yuzuriha, he also finds a lion-punching maniac, but there's no sign of you.
He's ten billion percent sure you survived.
The concerned stare Yuzuriha gives him as they part is ignored.
(Physically) Sixteen year old Senku celebrates this birthday gazing into the sky from his new observatory. It reminds him of a lot of things, but he can't help but notice how empty it is, it's eerily quiet.
He doesn't like it.
Senku wishes you were here.
His first real birthday wish.
(Still) Sixteen year old Senku breaks when he hears his father's voice again for the first time in ages. It's not his voice that gets to Senku. He's heard it plenty enough in his lifetime. It's the mention of you.
"Just kidding! I know it's you on the other side of this Senku! And ____'s there with you right? Please tell me you're dating already or even better married so I can have grandchildren. Please please please Senku! Although you can't really tell me that but-"
Senku stops himself from showing vulnerability in front of the village, and he also stops himself from pausing the record right there and then. Opting to sigh and curse his dad out as a cover up, his fist lightly punching the table.
"Damn you old man."
The questions from the villagers about who you could be are forgotten in favor of an angelic voice. Senku's quick to tune it out. It reminds him of you.
(Mentally) Sixteen year old Senku sits by himself that night. It's been a long day. The constant repeat of a certain melody in the background, more work for the science kingdom, and a few questions about who you were. They stopped after a few radio silences from him, feelings are hard for the scientist after all.
It's cold.
He wishes you were here.
It's dark.
He wishes you were here.
It's lonely.
He wishes you were here.
The day he can always guarantee you're there has long passed. You should be here, is what his mind tells him. You owe him for the past 3000 years of missed birthdays after all.
It's funny, in his opinion. That you were probably most-definitely always there. And the one (multiple actually, 10 billion in his mind) time he looks for you, you're not there.
He doesn't think its funny.
"I'd do anything for you huh..."
Anything but keep your word.
He scoffs, but it's directed at himself. He would never blame you for this, or anything for that matter, he can't.
So he sits. And he stays. Like you would've wanted him too. He looks at the clear sky like you usually do. And he notes how the moon is pretty tonight. Just like you.
"I love you too."
He's 10 billion percent sure he does.
Thanks for reading, if you did :). Sorry for any errors not fully proofread. Senku is so right person wrong time coded when it comes to romance that i had to write this even if its lowkey bad
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em-mermaid · 3 days
“JOEL! YOU— where are you, you little,” Bdubs swears as he storms into Joel’s house. His boots thump loudly against the floor.
When he turns the corner into the storage room, Joel is there, grinning far too sweet for a criminal. “Hello, Bdubs. Fancy seeing you here.”
“You,” he hisses, crowding into Joel’s space, “killed them.”
Joel tilts his head, mocking the look of thinking before he answers. “Killed who?”
That bastard.
“The horsies! You’re a murderer!”
“Oh, do you mean the gift you left for me? Their screams are so relaxing don’t you think?”
Bdubs glares even more, hand going to the sword at his hip.
“What did you expect me to do,” Joel continues, ignoring the threat. “Make cute little houses for all of them? I’m not Etho.”
“That’s it.” He spits out. The sword rings out when Bdubs pulls it from its sheath. “You will pay for what you’ve done!”
Bdubs backs up and swings. The glint of the sword through the air and a splash of red across Joel’s chest.
“You really wanna play that game Bdubs?” “What was that for?”
Joel should be more hurt. Why is he advancing? Shouldn’t he have a sword?
Bdubs swings again, but in his panic he misses, the sword only catching the edge of Joel’s arm. And then Joel is in his space.
His hand shakes— no it doesn’t. He’s strong and has the advantage and Joel was caught off guard by his perfect plan. Definitely not the other way around. Nope.
Joel presses against the blade, until it is trapped between them. The blood is soaking into his shirt and a hand curls into his hair roughly.
“Oh I see,” Joel purrs. “Is Etho not giving you enough attention?”
“You’re one to talk.” His voice definitely doesn’t crack.
“Sure,” Joel grins sharply. His breath is warm against Bdubs’ face. “But, at least he reciprocates my pranks.”
The short kiss to his nose is over before Bdubs processes what Joel is doing. Heat rises to his cheeks and he watches in real time as Joel seems to take in every inch of his face. Eyes slowly devouring him between glances at his lips.
Bdubs pounces. Lips meet his own in a mess of tongues and teeth until the hand in his hair pulls.
Joel breaks away breathing heavily.
“How’s that for attention?”
“You fucker.”
Joel’s inventory explodes onto the floor.
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wraithdance · 2 hours
The Five Year Plan | Gaz x Reader
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Note: F!Reader, Readers nickname is 'Siggy', there will be no y/n use
Content warning: terrible grasp of british-isms, mention of sick parent (cancer), rich mom trope hehe, no Kyle in this one, but!! we are finally at the precipice of the shenanigans and he will be in every chapter here on! extra long as I am begging for forgiveness :')
Chapter Four (2/2): There's a Conspiracy Afoot
An hour before noon finds you outside of Aimee Montclair’s office shifting your weight from side to side.
Your knees crack a little still from the strain you put on them earlier in the morning. Truthfully, you’d love nothing more than to scuttle away to safety, but Estelle has already threatened to take back her gift to you for your upcoming birthday should your cowardice win out.
If she hadn’t dropped unsubtle hints of there being a slight chance she’d purchased something off your ‘sell your kidney for’ wish-list, you wouldn’t bother. 
(The wench knew you hated sensible gifts with a vehemence. No one liked socks or toasters upon becoming a year closer to death, no matter what they say.)
Still, you really hated coming to see Aimee. More than you hated squirrels or little inconveniences like getting crumbs in intimate crevices or staining your brand new white shirt.
(You are unfortunately prone to both.)
The chiffon blouse you wore to work today is no match for the lobby’s frigid temperatures of the top floor space. You’d been standing around for the better part of fifteen minutes just staring at the abstract photos and pristine gray decor, finding yourself slowly slipping into melancholy.
Who would purposely design such a large space to be so depressing?
You’d been thinking to yourself that you were right to change your furniture out, angry doorman be damned. Nothing good came out of monochrome.
Aimee's assistant clicks away at his keyboard, occasionally cutting his eyes at you from behind circular frames that are too small for his angular face. The wire spectacles cut into the bridge of his nose, deepening the lines already present from his scowl.
“You may have a seat, she’ll let me know when she’s ready for you.” The reedy voiced man says drolly.
When you startle at his sudden speech he waves his free hand towards the uninviting bench by Aimee’s office doors. His tone makes you feel like a pest, and there’s nothing more that you hate than feeling like a huge inconvenience for just existing.
When he huffs for the umpteenth time your eye twitches. 
In another setting you’d say something vitriolic about his nasty tone, but you do somewhat fear the wrath of your employer. So, you instead shuffle quietly to the pointed out bench with clenched fists at your side. 
Several more silent minutes go by when you can’t stand the quiet a second longer, lest you run screaming from the building. Plastering on a smile you shift on the hard chaise, that even the cushion of your ass is no match for, to bend forward and catch the eye of the assistant.
“Has she said anything yet?” you ask hopefully.
He rolls his eyes and gives you a noncommittal answer that mostly sounds like a negative. Unpersuaded, you try at least to make conversation.
“Has anyone ever told you, you look like a British Stanley Tucci?”
Aimee’s assistant stops fiddling with his phone to openly glare at you. “What?”
You try to smile wider hoping to disarm him but he glares deep enough for wrinkles to appear on his shiny bald head. Oh dear, he was much too young for that to be happening, maybe you should recommend your dermatologist's number…
“I asked if anyone told you that you look like a British Stanley Tu-”
He cuts you off before you can finish. “Aimee is ready for you now.”
You blink rapidly in confusion. “You just said she wasn’t available yet. Like literally less than 30 seconds ago, you didn’t even check anything, I saw you!”
Aimee’s assistant shrugs and tells you that you can go in before ignoring you for his desktop monitor. You can’t help the sneer that overtakes your face or the audible suck of your teeth. 
You had just been lying to be polite! 
There was no way Stanley Tucci could ever be compared to such a rude, sniveling little man in an awful tweed vest! With an angry pep to your step you utter out a snide thank you and swing open Aimee’s door with a little more force than necessary. 
Aimee looks up from her calendar with pursed lips that freezes you in your steps.
You stare at each other for several moments before Aimee’s thin brow quirks. She sets aside her pen and glasses to lean back in her seat, motioning you closer. 
“Close the door and have a seat, please.” 
Hesitantly, you do as she asks and inch to the proffered seat, perching as demurely on the edge as you can manage. One never knew when they needed to make a run for it and all. You smile as brightly as you can waiting for her to speak.
Aimee watches you with shrewd eyes and sighs. “I heard from my son regarding your choice to end the engagement.”
Your smile drops immediately and your face contorts into a scowl against your will. Leave it to Hugo Montclair to be such a bloody coward to cheat then lie to his mommy!
“What do you mean by my choice?!” you squawk indignantly.
You’re unable to stop yourself from opening your mouth to say awful things about her pride and joy, but Aimee lifts a hand up to stop you. Your jaw closes with an audible click but you’re sure steam is visibly coming out of your ears. 
Forget the doorman or Kyle, your ex fiance would be receiving the punch in the face he deserved, witnesses be damned! (Blue knew the procedures should you end up on the wrong side of the law after all.)
Despite the dark energy you’re channeling, Aimee continues on. 
“I’m aware of my son’s… dalliance with the Sinclair girl and I plan to have a discussion with his father to address it.”
“Oh?” Primly you sniff and roll your shoulder’s back as you attempt to hide your smirk.
The Montclair patriarch was a point of contention for Hugo, as his father was immeasurably scarier than his wife and far less doting of Hugo’s… laissez faire lifestyle. You wish you could be a fly on the wall when he learns of his son’s indiscretions, it would probably lead to the elder Frenchman's notorious temper. 
You’d been subjected to more than one ruined dinner party eating hor d'oeuvres and watching chaos reign down as the graying man shouted down the rooftops and threw furniture out of dissatisfaction.
You’re snickering under your breath evilly, it’s what the posh little cretin deserved! When Aimee frowns you plaster back on a smile.
“Thank you, Aimee. I was truly heartbroken about Hugo’s decision. It means a lot to me that you’ll speak to him about the harm he caused, truly.” placing a hand over your heart you give her your best doe eyed look. 
(it’s one you’d practiced in the mirror a few times to get the cafeteria lady who had a crush on you to give you an extra portion whenever you stopped by to see mum.)
Aimee leans farther back into her chair and taps her finger against the armrest, studying the hand you clasp over your bosom in thought.
 “Good, I want you to continue the engagement.”
A record scratches in your mind because surely you’ve misheard. You cock your head in her direction, clasping your hand behind your ear and squint. “Hm, I’m sorry ma’am, what was that?”
Aimee sighs and stands, circling around the ornate desk. You scramble as much as your weight back against the armchair when she stops to lean on her desk in front of you. She clasps her hands in front of her, the tennis bracelet worth more than your flat glints in the natural light.
“I encouraged you to pursue my son for a reason.” She gives you a knowing look that shuts you up before you could mention you had not pursued her son in the least. 
Hugo had just been aggressively thrusted onto you at every company party or assignment until you gave in. You hadn’t even been proposed to! Hugo had just shown up to work with an engagement ring the size of your forehead after a year. 
You’d been quietly reeling from shock (and some horror) as his mother watched on while he slid the shiny rock over your knuckles. You’d barely gotten your wits about you before she was asking for updates on your latest case.  
“I need someone who can keep my son in line and not run this firm into the ground when I step down. Despite your shortcomings and background, I still believe you are the best person for the job.” She waits for your uncontrollable range of expressions to settle before gesturing for you to speak your mind. 
“Sorry ma’am, uh a few teensy little questions; Are you saying you plan on me taking over when you leave? Actually, what exactly do you mean despite my shortcomings and background? And honestly it’s probably more important, but did Hugo not tell you that Maddie is pregnant?” 
You’re aware you sound a bit belligerent near the end and you know it’s a bit unbecoming but, seriously? 
Aimee’s expressions darkens in a way that makes your throat constrict. The older woman’s scowl could rival your mother’s. If she looked down her nose a bit more and started insulting your wardrobe in a thick accent you might curl up into a ball and cry.
“I’m very aware of the girl’s unfortunate condition, I plan to see to it that it’s dealt with. As for your other questions, you've worked for me for the last what? Four years, yes?”
You nod cautiously, still rolling around her comment ‘of dealing with Maddie’s condition.’ You’re concerned and in the midst of questioning her further when she lifts a hand once more with a sharp look.
“Siggy, I am aware you lied on your CV when you interviewed with us. About your attendance at Cambridge.”
A glacial chill dances down your spine like a cold knife, serrated and quick. You're straightening in the chair quickly and putting on your best poker face. “Respectfully ma’am, I don’t know what you’re talking about, I didn’t lie about attending Cambridge.”
Aimee chuckles, giving you a pitying look that says ‘silly girl.’ Frankly, it makes you a bit murderous.
“I never said that you didn’t attend, I know you did. I spoke to several of your professors before I hired you.” she waves her hand in the air “A Mr. Anyadike had nothing but excellent things to say about you.”
Your jaw clenches tight enough you can feel your molars squeak.
“Yes, he was my ethics and public law professor.” you grind your teeth, “ I’m sorry, he wasn’t on my references, is it usual to personally speak to all of your employees' educators or was that something you just did for me?”
She spears you with an unimpressed look, but you don’t back down, holding your own against her crystalline gaze. Eventually, Aimee sighs deeply, looking off to the floor to ceiling windows catty-corner from where you’re seated.
“I was impressed by your academic resume. Despite growing up in one of the worst council houses in Peckham, you still managed to make quite the name for yourself. I pulled some favors with a colleague and I sat in on a few of your mock trials. I knew you’d be a damn good lawyer with the right tools.” she pauses to look at you, you suppose expecting to see you preening at the compliment.
Maybe if several things about her statement hadn’t made you sick to your stomach, you would have the mind to perk up like a bloody peacock. 
You were not ashamed of where you'd grown up, but you’d taken painstaking measures to avoid the added prejudices of being from the ‘wrong’ neighborhood while in Uni. Your parents' split had devastated the already limited finances and for a while your mothers family had refused to provide any support. 
It’s why the decision to relocate you and your mother to housing she could maintain on her humble nursing budget was made, while your father went back to America to find guaranteed work.
You’d gone as far as to adopt the accent and speech habits of your upper echelon uni peers, so far from the lilt that gave away your first generation and South London origins. It helped with some of the ostracization in your undergrad and continued to determine the treatment you experienced in and out of court.
But how the hell could Aimee know about any of that?
As if hearing your spiraling thoughts Aimee continues, pacing slowly. “When you interviewed with us you said you’d completed your studies at Cambridge, but that wasn’t exactly true was it?” The question is rhetorical and she doesn’t wait for your reply.
“You took a leave of absence when your mother was diagnosed with cancer. Didn’t complete the degree until months after you started with us.” 
She gives you a look, daring you to lie. 
Your breathing is stuttered as you try to think straight, chest heaving in mounting panic and palms sweating. She was right. You had frantically taken the final courses needed for your degree well into your employment. 
At the time, you’d thought it was a blessing how flexible the hours were for the position. You were ecstatic that you would be able to finish the stupid Master of Law programme online. You’d taken the train back and forth from London for your final mock trials, using the time to study and work on litigation notes.
Aimee’s smug expression tells you she knew that already.
“If you were aware that I didn’t finish the course, why did you hire me?” you ask finally, with a shaky breath. Aimee scoffs. 
“Because you desperately needed the income to support the procedures not covered in your mother’s NHS treatment and I needed a protege willing to do whatever it took to win.” She says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
Like, you were ridiculous to feel blindsided by the fact the career you cried and wrote increasingly desperate manifestations for, happened because you were a means to an end willing to play dirty. 
Aimee, the viper she’d shown herself to be, does not seem to care for your emotional spiral though, not in the least bit. 
“You’re a slacker, Siggy and needlessly dramatic. But you’re a brilliant lawyer and if you spend the time you use to shirk your duties on important things, you can go far. So yes, to answer your first question, I am thinking of your future here and I’d like it if I could continue to do so. ” Aimee says, pushing the knife in deeper.
For once in your life you're silent. 
You realize you’re stuck in place, ripping into the sides of the chair with the sharp tips of your stiletto manicure as the reality of the situation slams into you like heavy pillars. You’d thought you were covering your arse, but that was obviously not the case. You’re scared to know just how much Aimee knew about you and just how she gained the information. 
Somehow through it all you can’t help but think this was all fucking Hugo’s fault.
While you sit stunned there’s a knock on Aimee’s door. She voices out a blase call to enter. Her assistant pops his head in letting her know her next appointment was waiting. Aimee nods and turns to you considering your stone form. She pats the fleshy upper portion of your arm and makes her way back behind her desk. 
“You may leave.” she looks up, “Think about what I said, Hugo and the girl should not be an issue for much longer and I can guarantee continuing the engagement will be worth your wild.”
You don’t reply, instead rising on wobbling legs. Numbly you shuffle to the door, barely cognizant of your surroundings, much less focused on the irritating look on Aimee’s assistant's face. Aimee calls your name and you turn.
“Keep what we talked about under wraps, will you? I expect to hear an answer from you soon.”
Her lithe form standing like a sentry behind her desk in her white pantsuit is the last thing you see before the door is closed in your face.
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Le Misa’s is far less crowded than you expected it to be on a sunny afternoon.
If you weren’t still reeling from your conversation with Aimee you think you’d be a little more concerned. You’re absently stirring the straw in your water cup waiting for Estelle to arrive after her meeting. 
Your eye had twitched earlier reading the odd text Vi sent you, vaguely stating she couldn’t make yet another hen session. You were a bit worried about her so you make a mental note to check in later.
Under your lashes you observe the woman across the table from you. Blue had arrived promptly at the time you’d discussed and had been peeved per usual at your tardiness (which really could exactly three minutes late count towards tardiness?)
She’d grumbled about having time to grade papers that you teased her for. Blue had still been incensed and taken up scrolling on her phone, ignoring you petulantly. 
With a sigh you try your best to capture her attention. “Blue dear, am I dramatic?”
She doesn’t look up. “Yes.”
Your mouth twists into a firm line unamused by the quick response from the younger south asian woman. 
“Rude! Why are you saying yes so quickly?”
Blue’s eyes meet yours across your usual table at Le Misa’s. She takes one long look at you and snorts before continuing to tap her straw against her water glass like a drum. You kick her under the table which earns you a dark scowl. You return it with one of your own, using your best friends forever telepathy to threaten her if she refused to answer you.
Blue rolls her eyes.
“I said yes because you are dramatic, my beautifully dramatic friend.”
The gasp of offense you let out is on the theatrical side. Blue still seems perfectly content to ignore you though, continuing to tap away as if she were performing one handed. 
You kiss your teeth. What a rude little thing! 
Lying in wait you snatch her impromptu drum stick with lightning quick reflexes. When she moves to take it back you twist to the side to keep it out of reach, close to your bosom. Blue looks considerate like she may very well attempt to wrestle you for it before she seems to change her mind.
She mumbles something about needing to burn her hands if she accidentally copped a feel that makes you frown. 
“What kind of friend are you, you were supposed to say no! Take it back.”
The criminally well dressed woman flaps her hands your way perusing whatever thing has her attention on her phone. “Well I didn’t and I don’t think you’re allowed to force my hand like that to change my mind.”
You stick your tongue at her childishly and she returns the gesture with equal amounts of flare.
“Take it back, there’s no way I’m dramatic!”
Blue sighs and uncrosses her legs to shift her form towards you. With softened eyes she reaches across the table to grasp your hands in hers. Then pinches the backs of them hard enough to make you yelp aloud, the sound garners the attention of the tables around you. 
“Siggy, my love I’ve known you since I was five. You are so needlessly dramatic and always have been. Do you not remember that time you asked me to give you your last rites because you thought you were dying of cholera?”
Still rubbing the flesh of your aching hands you hiss at her. “Yes you ninny! Because you didn’t tell me Micah Elliot's disgusting dog drank out of my fizzy drink when I wasn’t looking!”
Blue looks like she wants to argue but shrugs her shoulders as if to say ‘touche’.  
“Fine, I’ll give you that, but you are still dramatic! I mean you’re hellbent on having a child because your mother wants one from you. If that’s not dramatic, I don't know what is.” 
“Blue,” you start carefully, “I’m going to stab you with this fork, I said that out of a moment of frustration why would you bring that up!”
Blue gives you a look down her nose that you loathe because she’s not even wearing glasses so the effect isn’t the same, it’s just judgmental!
“Oh, don’t look at me like that you traitor, you’re being very cruel in my time of need.”
“Says the dramatic.” Blue mumbles under her breath.
You are about to boo the sister of your heart, (or commit a petty act of retaliation) when Estelle shows up harried and knocking into things with her gargantuan tote.
You wait for the chronically ultra late girl (and whatever body she carts around in her bag) to settle and give Blue a cheery greeting before asking her the same question.
“Stells,” you start with a saccharine smile, “am I dramatic?”
“Am I French?” She says dryly in return. Blue outright bursts into chuckles that she tries to cover with her hand.
You frown in confusion, “What? Yes you’re French what does-“
Estelle pretends to be preoccupied with the menu avoiding your eyes. It clicks only seconds after.
“Estelle! Don’t be rude, you know I’m terrible at discerning sarcasm!” 
Much like Blue, Estelle gives you a shrug in return and instead preoccupies herself with picking imperceptible lint off her blouse.
You clear your throat loudly, forcing the attention of your traitorous friends back on you with irritation.
“If I were to die you both would be very sorry for being cruel to me, you know.” 
Your heartless friends groan in unison that starts you all bickering. Having enough of the teasing from the clucking hens you call your friends, you rap the table quickly to interrupt. You get accusations of being a rude harlot but at least they take the hint and quiet down some.
“Enough, let’s get this show on the road. I need to tell you what happened with Hugo. I swear the universe has it out for me!”
Blue huffs and quirks her mouth in disgust in the familiar way that's always made you a bit envious, you’ve yet to master the gesture, only managing to look like you were having a stroke.
“You mean the chihuahua?” Blue scoffs, “I’m dying to hear more about this farce of a wedding you insist on putting on. Have you even tried to get out of this like you said you would?”
You give her your best deadpan expression, whilst Estelle looks off like she’s thinking of floating away into the clouds to avoid the impeding argument.
“You haven’t been listening to the messages I sent in the group-chat have you?”
Blue doesn’t look even a little contrite. “Of course not, Siggy. You send multiple texts a day when I'm with students. I figured you’d tell me the next time you came over. What?”
Blue looks at the face you make and Estelle’s sinking into her chair.
“Hugo and I are not together any longer,” you drawl out flatly “and I think his mother just threatened my career to be honest.”
That gets a jolt of shock out of both ladies and normally you would feel like a queen holding court as you presented the shocking escapades of your life over tea.
But instead as you detail what was the last four days of your life and the questionable meeting from this morning you feel a bit ill.
Blue had threatened to slap Maddie for you which you thought was very kind considering she was such a goodie two shoes, but she'd gone quiet when you told her of Maddie's pregnancy.
Then quieter when you'd recapped the visit with your mother and Aimee's revelation. Estelle is the first to break her silence when you’ve finally finished recapping the entire bloody scenario.
“Babe, are you serious? Did she really say she’d fire you if you didn’t get back on with Hugo?”
Your snort is unladylike and whip quick, “She of course didn’t outright say it but she might as well have slapped down a marriage certificate for me to sign in her office. She told me not to say a single word but you know…”
“You’re terrible with secrets.” Estelle nods in understanding.
You scowl at her because yes, but that wasn’t what you were going to say.  Blue understands what you mean to say and sits back in her chair with crossed arms and eyes closed nearly in slits.
“It’s against your nature to be bullied or quiet about unfairness. What do you plan to do?” 
The air goes out of you as you sigh and glance around. You really needed a sweet before you even thought about considering your very limited options. Showing how well she knows you, Blue hums and stands from the table. 
“I’m going to pop into the inside to see if we can get some service.” 
Estelle blinks and looks around the space, before checking her watch with a furrowed brow. “You know what, it’s odd, they're usually on top of things whenever we pop by. We’ve been sitting here for at least twenty minutes.”
That gets your own lips pursed. It was actually very, very odd.
You take another look at the outdoor dining area and notice that there really was an unusually small amount of patrons for a day like today. The flowers within the trellis separating the outdoor seating from the street look limp and the complimentary pot of tea had been lukewarm when you received it earlier.
You hadn’t realized when you sat down but the cute swan shaped napkin that normally sat in the middle of your saucer was not present. It was easily the one feature of Le Misa’s that had given you constant entertainment over the many years, yet?
The napkin was just… flat. Not even stark white per the norm.
Estelle and Blue seem to take note of the same as you and wear similar expressions of concern. Blue excuses herself to go inside, skirting past empty tables and chairs.
Estelle hums and reaches for her menu. “Siggy, have you figured out what you want to do for your birthday?”
The groan you let out requires you to throw your head back to the sky and stamp your feet under the table in order to fully articulate the actual frustration you have. Estelle of course pays you no mind besides laughing at your distress.
“No, I haven’t thought any more about it. Hugo, curses to his name may he be plagued by locusts and what now, promised me tickets to a lounge show or a trip but we see how that’s gone.”
Estelle reaches over and squeezes your hand in support. “Don’t worry if you can’t think of anything we can always move up our annual hen night.”
That’s honestly what you were afraid of. You didn’t want to spend the day where you officially failed the checklist for your life by daring to grow older than the age deadline set since, to get uncomfortably sloshed. You knew yourself well enough to know a public crying fit would be inevitable. So giving Estelle a tight smile you are planning to frantically come up with some plans in the next three weeks before your birthday, that are hopefully not nearly as sad.
You’re about to thank her for her offer when Estelle’s surprised curse fills the air.
“What Stells, what is it? Did you forget to blink again? I think I have eye drops in my purse, one second.” Estelle shoots you a venomous look and swats at your hand when you reach for your bag. 
“No, that only happened one time!” she spits out a command for you to ‘laisse tomber’ when you go to remind her that it was at least three times. (Usually when she was ogling some future romantic prey she’s planning to sink her teeth into.)
Estelle shoves her menu into your face, “Look at the menu you absolute broomstick. They’ve crossed out the crepes!”
Your eyes cross a bit trying to see what she shows you, eventually you shove the laminated sheet away from you and pick up your own menu and squint.
You’re trailing your eyes across the brunch options to see that Estelle is right, the crepes and several other options are now crossed off. You’re flipping the menu to the back for the desserts to confirm the worst. 
“Estelle darling, I think I’m going to scream they-”
“They’ve discontinued the lavender cakes.” Blue appears to stand behind her chair with the disposition of a doctor with terrible news. Or the Grim Reaper.
“What?!” Your gasp of horror sucks out all of the breath available in your lung capacity. When you choke on your breath Estelle has to pat your back. 
“Careful Siggy, you know you’re not good at breathing and talking.” Blue snarks pettily, earning a glare from you and a muffled laugh from Estelle.
“Lucky you, I’m too preoccupied to dignify that with a response, you terror. Take a look at your menu, not only have half the cakes gone missing, so have at least a majority of the specials! It’s just like I said, someone in the universe wants me dead!”
Blue frowns too caught up in her own confusion to tell you not to be facetious. “We’ve been coming here since we were in secondary, the menu hasn’t changed once. Plus, I asked and we now have to go in for service because they’re short staffed apparently.”
Estelle tuts uninterestedly, “To be honest I didn’t really like the cakes very much and I guess it’s fine about the crepes, I’m always here for the bread-” Estelle cuts herself off when she squints at the menu once more.
 It’s not long before she’s cursing and flapping the menu in the air as if it were the throat of the culprit responsible.
You cross your arms across your chest and narrow your eyes in thought. 
“Exactly my French friend, there is a conspiracy afoot and we need to get to the bottom of it.”
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*laisse tomber - drop it/leave it alone
A/N: I have no excuse for the tardiness, the brain just was not braining sorry lmao. nonetheless next chapter we are finally in the thick of it. I'm so excited to hear the yelling and see the pitchforks! remember to feed your local pterodactyl by sharing your thoughts and reblogging on the reblog website!
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choccy-milky · 26 days
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sometimes you gotta lure your overly-studious ravenclaw gf into spending time with you 🥰 📚 ( from 'Every Teardrop is a Waterfall' by Kat_12739 on ao3, GO READ IT!!! the first story is about seb falling sick and still pushing himself/not admitting he's sick until he ends up in the hospital, the second story is about the birth of seb and clora's daughter and seb's reaction to clora almost dying in childbirth, and the third is about dealing with a fussy newborn lewis😭🥹THEY'RE SO GOOD AND SWEET AND SOMEWHAT SAD (not to mention beautifully written) so go check it out!!💖💖 )
#READ SO I CAN YAP TO SOMEONE ABOUT THEM🙏😩💘#the seb sickfic made me realize how much i needed barely functioning and sick seb (but him still trying to be tough)#theres also a part that cracked me up bc at one point seb is so sick he cant even see straight but he just thinks to himself:#eh its fine.... ill just ask ominis how HE functions without vision later🤷 LMFAO#so stubborn...JUST LET CLORA TAKE CARE OF YOU MFER🤺🤺🤺#defs gonna be drawing more from it especially sick seb LMAO but also seb having a tea party with celeste🥹🥹#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x oc#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian x mc#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#sebastian sallow fanfiction#hphl#choccyart#also i was never planning on writing anything about clora giving birth or abt the kids so to be able to read it WAS AMAZING#THERES A PART WHERE SEB IS HOLDING CELESTE AND CRYING AT CLORAS BEDSIDE THAT I NEED TO DRAW😭😭#LIKE SRSLY seb being conflicted and not even wanting to HOLD celeste bc he doesnt know if clora is alive or not... IT WAS SO SAD BUT GOOD#i honestly dont know what seb would do if clora died in childbirth tbh.......i could honestly see him resenting celeste#esp since she looks so much like clora😭😭#LETS JUST NOT THINK ABOUT IT!😃👍#(still thinking about it)#like this line in the fic: “Sebastian hesitated; if this was Clora’s last gift to him he wasn’t sure he wanted it.”#😭😭😭ITS SO GOOD UGHHHHH😭 TY AGAIN FOR WRITING THESE💖IM SO TOUCHEDDD💖💖
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ef-1 · 6 months
Sending this to you specifically because I feel like you understand it best and you never shy away from calling Daniel out. Not an apologist for rich men, every single one of them is fucked up and has done fucked up shit. Would never defend Daniel from things he deserves to be criticized for, but so much of the uhhh 'dialogue' right now is just hate wanking lol. There is this blog who genuinely made a post celebrating that she would have never been able to tag Daniel hate in the past because he was too popular and she willingly (?!) admitted she regularly searches him up to look for hate and 'smile' LMAO? We're not even doing the ole' moralising our hatred thing now? Allow it 😭
1. where are you fucking finding these people I just screamed.
2. That one derek pope lyric
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heytheredeann · 1 year
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Lettin' people down is my thing, baby
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amiharana · 2 years
good afternoon revalink shippers, today i'm thinking about how some of the dialogue options when asking the old man for the paraglider during the great plateau sequence are oddly pushy and rude, and how the paraglider has the same symbol as the one on revali's landing
there's no reason for link to be a little asshole when he just woke up, unless he also lost his ability for decorum and inhibition with his memories in the shrine of resurrection. but perhaps when he wakes up, the word "paraglider" is a keyword to link , one that resonates so deeply to him and he knows has to have it, it needs to be with him because... because... he doesn't know why! but it's supposed to be his and no one else should be touching it! and that's why some of link's dialogue options are so demanding.
regarding the paraglider symbol, you could easily say that it's just the symbol of the rito. but i logged into the game to have a look at all objects with the rito crest on it, and to my knowledge, pretty much anything with the crest on it only includes the body and not the wings like on revali's landing. unless i missed something, i'd like to propose the idea that revali added the wings to the crest to represent the achievement of creating his gale since canonically he's the only rito who can fly (by proper definition) due to his ability to harness updrafts.
if we designate the winged rito crest to be a symbol of revali in particular and consider its placement on the paraglider, we could say revali himself made the paraglider. i know it's already been said and used in fic like revali made it as a courting gift for link (ily btw if you have ever written or drawn this), but it's nice to use in-game evidence to explain it!
now if we could figure out why the old man had the paraglider on the great plateau... he couldn't have known that revali made it for link, could he?
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