#HD led screen
ledcoms · 15 days
P1 25mm indoor HD fixed LED display module disassembly
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eagerledscreen · 4 months
Top Trends in Front Service LED Screen Technology
Technology is constantly evolving, and the field of LED screen is no exception. Front service LED screen have revolutionized the way we display information and capture attention. These screens are not only visually stunning but also offer convenience and flexibility in terms of maintenance and installation.
In this blog, we will explore the latest trends of 2024 of front service LED screens that are shaping the industry.
Seamless Integration
One of the key trends in front service LED screen technology is seamless integration with various digital platform. LED screens can now be easily connected to smartphones, tablets, and other devices, enabling businesses to display dynamic content and engage with their audience in real-time.
Enhanced durability
These screens are now built to withstand harsh weather conditions, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations. With improved durability, businesses can confidently invest in front service LED screen and expect a longer lifespan, reducing the need of frequent replacements.
Customization option
These are becoming increasingly customizable, allowing businesses to create unique and captivating displays. Whether it’s adjusting the screen size, shape, or resolution, LED technology offers endless possibilities for customization, ensuring that businesses can effectively communicates their message to their targated audience.
Energy Efficiency
Sustainability is a growing concern in today’s world, and LED screens are addressing this issue by becoming more energy-efficient. With advancement in LED technology, front service screen now consume less power while delivering brighter and more vibrant visuals.
Easy maintenance
Unlike traditional LED screens, front service LED screens are designed for easy maintenance and repair. With front access panels, technicians can quickly access the internal components of the screen, minimizing downtime and reducing maintenance costs. Front service LED screen technology offering businesses new opportunities to engage with their audience and deliver captivating content. As we move forward, expect to see even more innovation in this field, making front service LED screens an indispensable tool for businesses across various industries.
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meiyadled · 2 years
Meiyad P1.9 HD Pixel Pitch LED Display Brightness: 2500cd/㎡ Refresh Rate: 7680Hz Grayscale: 14bit Scan Mode: 30S
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xylophonetangerine · 2 months
Just found the proprietary composite video input adapter for my TV and replaced the three lead composite + sound output from my original Wii -> SCART -> awful composite to HDMI signal converter with horrible upscaling with just Wii composite output -> TV analogue input + whatever terrible signal processing and upscaling the TV has built in. Of course the image still looks very soft and murky and composite-y and lacking in contrast but at least there's significantly less digital artifacting and video rot and the latency is probably lower but I can't quantify that.
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mylaptopspares · 9 months
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Buy Lapgrade Laptop Screen 14.0 Led Paper 40 Pin Online - My Laptop Spares
You can conveniently purchase the Lapgrade Laptop Screen 14.0 LED with a 40-pin connector online from My Laptop Spares. Upgrade your laptop display with ease.
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onumen · 1 year
EP200 & EP225 Foldable LED Screen
ONUMEN Sailing Series EP200 and EP225
Embark on a journey of wonder with ONUMEN Sailing!
5-minute quick installation of our LED flexible screen by 1 person in only 3 steps!
Multi-scene foldable LED applications in all kinds of enterprises and institutions!
The smartest choice for LED foldable screens of all sizes!
Contact us for more information about foldable LED screen price!
EP200 & EP225 Foldable
LED Screen Video Show
EP200 & EP225
Thin Flexible Led Screen Highlights
The thin flexible LED screen offers a 5-minute quick installation process that can be easily completed by one person in only 3 simple steps.                                                       
The thin LED screen also features a one-touch remote control that enables automatic lifting and lowering.                                                                                                 
The thin flexible LED display is portable and easy to store, making it an ideal choice for events that require quick setup and teardown.                                             
The design of this thin LED display enables easy transportation and installation at a cost-effective foldable LED display price.                                              
The LED video wall has a fast installation process, resulting in a seamless display for your event.                                                                                                                    
The all-in-one design of the flexible LED screen display eliminates the need for truss and counterweights, simplifying the installation process even further.   
The rollable led screen has the ability to display clear and bright images from every angle, positioning it in direct competition with the 360 degree LED screen market.                 
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watthifi · 2 years
Designed for your home theatre or living room with VPL-VW590 provides an immersive home theatre experience with stunning detail and rich, faithful colour that make you feel as though you’re right in the middle of the action.
Product Details:
Projection Technology   : SXRD
HDMI    : 2
Dimensions (W x H x D) in cm      : 49.6 x 20.5 x 46.4
Resolution          : 4K
Price: ₹ 800,000
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amazonprodacr · 2 years
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nova--michael · 28 days
How the My Little Pony Fandom ruined my mental health (long rant(/essay?))
TW: sexual themes, gore, trauma, self harm, suicidality
I will go in-depth in alot of sensitive topics, please proceed with caution
I got into My Little Pony when Season 2 aired. In 2011, I was 7 at the time, 2nd grade. English isn't my first language, I didn't even know other languages were a thing. That is until I got access to the internet. We had a family computer that I used basically daily. I mostly drew on MSPaint and played Animal Jam. I was a happy little girl at the time. Eventually, I discovered YouTube. Which became my new obsession. I consumed content like an addict. And eventually, I stumbled upon My Little Pony, where people uploaded whole episodes. The first episode I watched was "Fall Weather Friends", S1 E13. I was hooked instantly. Bright colorful Ponies! It reminded me of the Fillys I collected. So I consumed more. Was able to find a playlist with all episodes in order. The only thing is, they were in English, which I didn't understand. But I didn't care. I wanted my magical colorful ponies! So I watched it and had an overwhelmingly fun time. It was "Bridle Gossip" S1 E9 where the language just...clicked for me. I can't explain it, but it felt like I suddenly could understand almost every word and my English knowledge expanded from there. Which was a yay for me, because now I could watch my colorful Pony cartoon and actually understand what they were saying. It gave me a big heads up when we started learning English a year later in 3rd grade. I never learned English in that class, knowledge wise I already knew what I needed and was very far ahead of everyone. All thanks to My Little Pony.
But I think it is also the start of when everything went downhill for me.
I explicitly remember holding paper in front of the screen to trace the Mane 6's outfits from the episode "Suited for Success" S1 E14 with a pencil. The show made me really get into art. I drew My Little Pony left and right, and it eventually led me to DeviantArt, which I still have fond memories of. I found out that people made original characters. So I did so too. One of my first ever character was "Starshine" which I still love dearly and sketch when I'm bored. But this also led me down the Brony Fandom rabbit hole. Once I realized people made their own My Little Pony content it was over. I literally obsessed over fan content. I consumed everything that the Fandom could offer. And when I mean everything, I mean Everything.
I don't know what the first gore or nsfw content I consumed, I really do not remember. But it was ultimately this content that shaped me or....better say traumatized me that still affects me to this day.
Just like many people in the Fandom, I found out what "Cupcakes" is. A creepy, gore fanfiction that was about Pinkie Pie dismembering Rainbow Dash and turning her into Cupcakes. One of the many fan content I consumed but I remember this being one of the first experiences I had with gore. I watched the original video from ocarinaplaya. I was, I had no idea what gore was. But it was MLP, so I watched it. And this was the first straw that altered my brain. It was like a car crash, i couldn't look away. The way Pinkie tortured and cut up Rainbow Dash. And I consumed more. Smile HD, Cupcakes SFM, My Little Paradox, Pony.MOV, Lil Miss Rarity, My Little Amnesia, Elements of Insanity (that I still unironically love to this day), and so much more. You name it, I watched it. Things like Elements of Insanity and Cupcakes SFM all led me down the SFM rabbit hole. SFM = Source Filmmaker. When I see SFM models of the MLP characters now, I swear I get flashbacks. Because through SFM I found sensual MLP content. Of course, not all of SFM was sexual or gore. Some masterpieces like Doors, Fluttershys Dream, The Walk, Remembrance, Nightmare Night, all are so good.
But of course with SFM came very...sensual MLP content. Ponies kissing or Making out or even going as far as almost having sex. And something changed in my brain. I started to...actively search out these videos. Rarijack, TwiDash - Hearts and Hooves Day, Appledash, those freaking Fart and Vore videos. I watched it all. I don't know what I felt at the time, I don't remember or more so I don't want to remember. All I know is that I started to seek them out. Like actively searching for it. Which also led me to non sfm sensual content. Twilight Sparkle Pantsu, Friendship is Benefits, Concerning Pegasi, Fluttershy gets BEEPBEEPED in the Maze and infamous Banned from Equestria.
Remember I was a child. 9-10 at the time. And 99% of these videos didn't have any warnings. Nothing. And even if they had a warning 80% of those were joke warnings.
I consumed alot of My Little Pony porn and gore in my childhood. Unrestricted Internet access traumatized me to no end.
It was Banned from Equestria which had changed a lot for me. Because I found out that it was a game. An actual game you could play. And I sought it out. I played a lot of Pony games too, especially the ones on the very old Hasbro website. But Banned from Equestria was almost too easy to find. I found it on a website mainly for bad porn games. And it had a category that was purely for My Little Pony. I just went to search for it. I only needed to type "mlp porn games" and it was instantly there. 2 clicks is all that it took. Yes, the website is still up sadly. That website led me down another awful rabbit hole of My Little Pony porn games. Again, I was 10, I had no idea what porn was. Or sex. But it was this (and a separate event that happened in my family) that taught me what it was. And again, I searched for those things actively. And played those games religiously. By 10 years old I was a freaking porn addict. Not even gore (which I developed PTSD from), but Porn was the thing that caught my attention. I also learned what masturbation was thanks to that. And I did just that. I masturbated almost on the daily. Found my Mom's toys, stole them, and used them. Now, masturbation isn't a bad thing by any means. It's good to explore your body and what makes you feel good but I was just an innocent kid...
My parents never found out. My Mom eventually caught on I stole her toys but never did anything against it. Nor did she educate me. She let me do my thing. So I basically masturbated daily, sometimes more than once. What being horny was, was something I didn't even know. I only knew I wanted to do this because is saw my colorful ponies do it.
But these porn games made me spiral. I lost so much of my childhood innocence through this. I spend most of my childhood and early teen years (I started puberty when I was 9) by watching porn, playing porn, and the occasional gore. It has twisted what sex even was for me. The whole concept was ruined for me. To this day.
Throughout the next years, I learned more about porn, and went through many different rabbit holes. My Little Pony Porn, actual porn, Furry Porn, it didn't matter. If it was Porn, I consumed it.
I would also blame this addiction was the reason I became/am hypersexual.
And now, over 10 years later, what changed?
Nothing. I have grown so disgusted by Sex, it's why I'm AroAceflux now. I know. Hypersexuality and AroAce? Pick a struggle. But I'm serious. I consume a lot of Porn to this day. Masturbation had died down but it still happens occasionally. The people I follow on Patreon mainly do nsfw content. Hell, I was on Nsfw-twt a few years ago too.
Porn has ruined my whole mental state. It's scientifically proven that subjecting children to porn and gore at an early age can severely damage their development and I think I'm no exception.
My mental health has been very bad since 2016. I started to cut myself frequently and get suicidal. I still carry scars to this day and I do blame a lot on this addiction. I've been self-harm clean for about 3 years now. I was severely suicidal again in 2021 where I almost killed myself has it not been a friend calling the cops i still struggle with being suicidal to this day though, despite having finished therapy.
I also struggled with a lot of identity stuff at the time. I have it figured out now and am openly out as a trans man by a lot of people in my life. And I have an amazing support system now. But I never really had the opportunity to talk about THIS. How the My Little Pony Fandom ruined my mental health due to the content that was created, without any content warnings. I say I also developed my PTSD from this.
Obviously not just that, it was a lot of trauma family and school-wise wise that made me develop PTSD but I also will blame these types of MLP content for this as well.
Now, I love the Brony fandom. I still do. So many people I have met who are in this Fandom are so incredibly nice, but the awful stuff just stands out even more. This was an innocent kids show about colorful ponies and the magic of friendship. Many children with unrestricted internet access watched it. And watched this type of content. The Fandom should have been a lot more critical about the type of content that they post
I know I'm not the only person that was subjected to gore and porn. Many children from 2010-2017 were traumatized by this type of content. And I wouldn't be surprised if many also developed mental disorders because of it, whether it be Depression, PTSD, Hypersexuality, etc. Many of the young fans are scarred
And we still are
And we are still trying to heal as young adults
Hell, I'm turning 20 very soon, and I still struggle so hard with my mental health and the scars I got in my early childhood and early teen years.
I should've spend those years so much differently
But I didn't and know I'm left to pick up the pieces.
I hope this shines some light on the cruel side of the Brony community, I recommend Raymundo2112's video "The SINS of Bronies", it goes also in-depth about the psychological effects of children being subjected to porn and gore
Please be careful what children consume on the internet.
I apologize for this length, I just wanted to talk about it
I'm open to any questions that may come up, and I'm sorry for my irl people who see this
Thank you for reading, it means alot
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kittick-art · 1 year
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Wahoo, time for another Animatic Deep Dive!
I did this on twitter after my jeanmarco animatic came out last year, and I wanted to do something similar for the Royai animatic! This post will include HD stills from the animatic, as well as some nerdy insight into some shot choices and such, bc I need an outlet to geek out about it. Everything is under the ‘keep reading’ break! :]
Ok to start off, I wanted to show some behind-the-scenes stuff, including my first thumbnails I drew in my sketchbook, as well as part of the shot sheet that kept me organized (and sane) throughout the animatic.
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Also, fun fact is that I'm primarily a 3D animator, so I used that knowledge to sculpt a rough version of Mustang's office for the final shot :]
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Ok so now for actual stills...starting with one of my FAVORITE sequences to draw, which I have dubbed 'the scrolling bit.'
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And a fun little composition tidbit about this sequence is that I tried to show the passage of time through Roy & Riza's placement in the shots. So in order, they progressively go from the right of the screen to the left. It was actually a really last-minute decision, bc originally I had two different shots (see below) which got scrapped in order to do that silly compositional thing. I think it was a worthy sacrifice because that drawing of Black Hayate on Mustang's head was just so fun to draw.
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OKAY, now I want to move onto my favorite part of any animatic, which is the pretentious stuff about 'character placement' and "the deeper meaning." Blah blah, all that art-school kind of stuff that you'd hear in some film analysis class.
It's not intentional whatsoever, but I realized after the animatic was finished that Hawkeye is almost always on Mustang's righthand side, other than a select few times when he's the one supporting her. Feel free to look into that if you'd like, but just know it was not intentional and isn't consistent 100% of the time.
What was intentional, however, were these 4 shots, and specifically the placement of Mustang & Hawkeye within them:
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These 2 sequences are meant to be direct parallels to each other, in everything including how Mustang turns to Hawkeye, and Hawkeye is already facing him. They were also my favorite shots to animate, especially with Riza coming out of her salute. Seeing them in the final animatic almost made me tear up, ngl. They're just so dang in love!
Finally, the last part that holds some artsy deeper meaning is a sequence I actually shared a long long time ago. I've dubbed it the 'spotlight section' bc idk how else to describe it.
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Back when I teased this sequence, I alluded to some "deeper meaning" behind the use of red in the tags. And while the use of red is a pivotal thing throughout the entire animatic, it's most important here. It starts on Hawkeye's back, then transfers to Mustang's glove, and finally goes back to Hawkeye as her blood. Basically what I was trying to get at was something about consequences, and where flame alchemy has led them. In some way or another, Riza's decision to show Roy her tattoo ended up leading to her own (near) demise. So the red was supposed to show that transfer of consequence, if that makes sense.
ANYWAYS. Enough of me rambling. Thank you for reading if you somehow made it this far. All the love on this animatic - even since I first started teasing it back in November - has been insane to me. I still feel like I can't wrap my head around it. I'll leave you all with one last sketch from when I first started making the animatic. Have a good night, everyone!
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tortue-blanche · 10 months
Информация о подготовке флэшмоба на концертах Depeche Mode в Foro Sol, Mexico.
Дорогие друзья, привет! Мне жаль, у меня совершенно нет времени делать интересные посты...
Я нашла информацию в группе Depeche Mode tour, которые сделали репост со страницы Руслана Крылова. Возможно, эта информация rкого-то заинтересует. Все в ожидании мексиканских горячих концертах! Звучит интригующе и волнующе!
"Концерты Depeche Mode в Мексике могут быть записаны для выпуска на DVD.
Приезд Depeche Mode в Мексику все ближе и ближе: билеты на три концерта в Foro Sol были полностью распроданы, а в ряде международных СМИ появилась информация о том, что голландский фотограф Антон Корбайн приедет сопровождать группу. Следующий DVD Depeche Mode будет записан именно здесь, в Мексике.
Учитывая это, фанаты уже готовятся сделать концерты группы впечатляющими и для них, и для нас, потому мексиканские фанаты, да и приезжие со всего мира на эти грандиозные шоу организуют различные сюрпризы через социальные сети, чтобы все devotee могли принять это к сведению и подготовиться к этим незабываемым датам.
Вот одни из флешмоб-задумок:
✔️Everything Counts
Для исполнения этой песни публике предлагается надеть белые перчатки и повторить движения, которые будут появляться на экранах Foro Sol.
✔️Ghosts Again
Здесь задача будет состоять в том, чтобы зрители надели маски с изображением мексиканских черепов, напечатанных на бумаге, или с лицом из гравюры «Катрина»
✔️World In My Eyes
Это один из самых эмоциональных моментов, поскольку выражается небольшая дань уважения покойному Эндрю Флетчеру. Здесь все присоединяются к этой дани, показав лицо Энди, напечатанное на листе бумаги.
✔️Enjoy The Silence
Когда начинается эта композиция, есть предложение положить бумажную оранжевую пленку (цвета Бархатца) перед фонариком мобильного телефона и помахать ею в ритм песни.
Чтобы эти акции были проведены успешно и эти концерты вошли в историю, сделайте репост этой информации друзьям и знакомым, которые планируют посетить концерты в Мексике. Таким образом предстоящие даты останутся в истории группы и фанатов совершенно незабываемые.
🩻Маски и фото Энди для скачивания здесь👇
MASCARAS Depeche Mode Fan Action MX.pdf - Google Диск
⭐Скачайте приложение, чтобы осветить экран телефона в оранжевом цвете 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧
Андроид 📱🟧👇
Приложения в Google Play – Screen Flashlight
iOS iPhone 📱🟧👇
Linterna LED HD en App Store (apple.com)
Особую благодарность графическому дизайнеру Эммануэлю ВГ за создание образа Fan Action Muchas! Спасибо большое! 🙏🙏"
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eagerledscreen · 9 months
New and Innovative HD LED Display Products and Technologies
Innovative products and technologies are pushing the limits of what is possible in visual communication as the world of HD LED displays continues to develop.The way we engage with information and entertainment is being improved by these Improvements which are transforming a number of businesses.
A few samples of recent and innovative HD LED display goods and technology:
OLED Displays:Unlike traditional LED displays, OLED panels emit their own light individually, resulting in true blacks and infinite contrast ratios. This technology is making its mark in the consumer electronics industry, with OLED TVs providing stunning visuals for home entertainment.
Transparent LED Displays: These displays allow for see-through visuals, making them ideal for retail environments, museums, and architectural installations. Innovative transparent LED technology enables content to interact seamlessly with physical surroundings, creating immersive and captivating experiences.
Flexible LED Displays: Flexible LED displays are revolutionizing the way we think about screens. These displays can be bent, curved, and shaped to fit a variety of unconventional spaces and applications. From curved LED TVs that wrap around walls to flexible LED panels for creative installations, this technology offers endless possibilities for unique and captivating displays.
8K Resolution Displays: The pursuit of higher resolution continues with 8K displays. With four times the pixel count of 4K displays, 8K offers incredibly sharp and detailed visuals. While 8K content is still emerging, these displays are future-proof investments for those seeking the ultimate in image clarity and realism.
Touchscreen Displays: Interactive touchscreen HD LED displays are transforming classrooms, boardrooms, and retail environments. These displays allow users to engage with content, making presentations more dynamic and learning experiences more immersive.
These new and innovative HD LED display products and technologies are redefining the standards for visual communication. Whether you're seeking breathtaking image quality, flexibility in design, or interactive capabilities, these advancements are paving the way for a more vibrant and engaging future in the world of displays.
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narwhalandchill · 3 months
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she really did that eh.
Dreamweavers hate her! Visiting emanator slices up local premium HD concert LED screen and doesnt even apologize! (she forgor)
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mylaptopspares · 9 months
Buy Lapgrade Laptop 14.0 inch Normal LED 40 Pin Screen N140BGE-L23
The Lapgrade Laptop 14.0 inch Normal LED 40 Pin Screen, specifically the N140BGE-L23 model, is a high-quality replacement screen offered by My Laptop Spares. This screen boasts a standard 14-inch size and is equipped with a 40-pin connector for seamless compatibility with a wide range of laptops. It promises crisp and vibrant visuals, making it an ideal choice for users looking to replace damaged or outdated screens. My Laptop Spares ensures top-notch product quality and compatibility, offering a reliable solution for screen replacement needs. Upgrade your laptop display with the N140BGE-L23 and enjoy a brighter, clearer computing experience.
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batmannotes · 8 months
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Blue Beetle 4K Ultra HD Review
Jaime Reyes (Xolo Maridueña) is a recent college graduate who returns home full of aspirations for his future, only to find that home is not as he left it. As he searches to find his purpose in the world, fate intervenes when Jaime unexpectedly finds himself in possession of an ancient relic of alien biotechnology: the Scarab. When the Scarab suddenly chooses Jaime to be its symbiotic host, he is bestowed with an incredible suit of armor capable of extraordinary and unpredictable powers, forever changing his destiny as he becomes the Superhero Blue Beetle. 
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Maridueña from the hit tv series Cobra Kai again plays a very likeable character here, the only problem is he's surrounded by a cast who are a lot less enjoyable. George Lopez portrays Rudy Reyes, Jaime’s uncle, an eccentric genius of the Reyes family, with a talented mind for technology and drives around in a souped-up Tacoma truck. Somehow, Jaime's uncle, although a technological genius, seems to have never been able to help the Reyes family get out of their financial troubles. Lopez is obviously in place to provide comic relief for this action flick, unfortunately most of his jokes miss the mark. Other members of the Reyes family include the equally annoying Milagro Reyes, Jaime’s sister and Nana, an 80-year-old female Rambo (eye roll). Susan Sarandon portrays a generic power-hungry villain who lends little to this film's plot, with a muscle-bound right-hand man who is the Blue Beetle's physical equal thanks to Sarandon's evil company and wallet.
There's also a force-fed love story between Jamie and Jenny Kord, the daughter of Ted Kord (whose extracurricular pursuits led to the eccentric genius’s mysterious disappearance, leaving his family to pick up the pieces). Jenny is forced to uncover the well-hidden secrets of the Kord family and fearlessly challenge their company, Kord Industries, to do what is right.
2160p transfer looks beautiful and the picture is especially nice during the action sequence in which the 4K source material really shines.
The Dolby Atmos mix is even better than the film's video. The sound is bombastic yet crisp.
Blue Beetle Generations - Divided into four short and self-explanatory sections, this multi-part promotional piece features interviews with key cast and crew members, behind-the-scenes footage, camera tests, and other items that explore the film's development, shooting, visual FX, costumes, characters, original score, production design, and more. Along with the other two extras, it's not tremendously detailed but very nicely produced with excellent cinematography, slick transition effects, and a 2.39:1 aspect ratio to match the film clips.
Origins (7:28)
Production Begins (16:12)
In Full Flight (9:03)
A Hero's World (13:24)
Scarab Vision (2 clips, 13:25 total) - Two separate scene breakdowns; the first ("Initiation") details Jamie's struggles to control his new superpowers, and the second ("Mastery") focuses on his final showdown.
Blue Beetle's Nana Knows Best (4:21) - A tribute to Jaime's surprisingly badass grandma.
I wanted to like this film, but the Blue Beetle is its own worst enemy. Although the visual effects and action sequences are up to par with silver screen blockbusters, the plot, dialogue, and character development are made for tv quality at best. 
Blue Beetle is available now at Amazon.
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watthifi · 2 years
Enjoy an epic viewing experience with the Epson EpiqVision Mini EF-12 Smart Streaming Laser Projector. Whether you’re binge-watching your favorite TV shows or hosting an outdoor movie night, the portable Epson EpiqVision EF-12 Streaming Laser Projector makes it easy to stream bright images from virtually anywhere in your home.
Product Details:
LCD: Full HD
Screen Size: 60” screen @ 1.33 m
Brightness: 1,000 lm / 500 lm
Projection Lens: No optical zoom / Focus: (Auto)
Price: ₹ 145,999
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