lutraviolet · 8 months
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hands of fate 🌊🌙🔥🌹
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gambit-phelbeez · 9 months
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doodle after tody :)
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redyrmes · 7 months
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crowfather but i have never finishes art curse
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thesnakesstuff · 10 months
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Anyone but him...
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marz-likes-palaces · 18 days
fuck. is ocean overlord just. gillion tidestrider??? cuz like. okay. i can totally imagine gillion playing fortnite yknow? fuck
anyways, fun fact: the first episode of riptide came out the very same day that phil gave charlie a tour of his hardcore world. which is so crazy to me. like. fuck. the same day. the very same day. wow
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swords-of-a-soilder · 3 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 14
Your Hallow Bones
Missa Sinfonia took a deep breath of the fresh air as he prepared to leave. He of course stood in capybara island, where he had accepted by the others as family.
However he intended to return to his own family, as it had been an week since he last saw them. Before he made his way across the bridge he would be interrupted the sweetest capybara.
Missa give them the nicest pet he could offer him, while he said his goodbyes. Before he had the option to leave, the capybara pushed it's head into Missa chest meeting him with puppy eyes.
"Aw please don't do that, you guys know I want to stay but I have to visit my other family as well."Missa pleaded, "I'll be back before you know it."
The capybara hung his head in sadness, to which Missa gave them a final pat as he said his goodbyes.
He then made his way to the Waystone, teleporting on top the wall. He took a moment to observe the newly built shrine in there front yard, built with a mixture of quartz and prissmarie brisk
In that center of the structure was a empty slot that seem to be for offerings.
He made a mental note to ask Phil about such as he open the front door then dropped his bag Inside. While inside he noticed Phil through the window, seated in the fountain outside mumbling to himself.
Somewhat confused at Phil's odd behavior he made his way to the fountain, observing Phil with concern. "Philza are you ok?"
Phil immediately upon becoming awear of Missa existence jump to his feet forcing him in a wet embrace. "I missed you!" He mumbled into Missa rob.
Missa awkwardly pet Phil's back in an attempt to comfort, "I missed you too.. what's with the shrine in the front?"
Phil pull out of the hug meeting Missa with a anxious gaze, "right I need to explain that to you."
He then dragged Missa to the front, as he attempt to explain further, as a result he explaination was brief confusion mess; Missa understood perfectly.
"Ay dio mios." Missa expressed as he process the information. "Me casé con un Dios, si molesto a la Diosa seguramente me golpeará!"
"Missa, she's a pacifist, she would never do that." Phil reassured, "besides..Rose would have love you."
"Hm.. you think so?"
"I know so." Missa hummed in respond to Phil's reassurance, "she.. someone left me a message." Phil informed as he passed of a fold sheet of paper.
Missa unfold the sheet to be met with a curdly draw map, with a red X quite so distance away. "You think it's from her?"
Phil bit the inside of his cheeks, as his eyes darted to the ground. "If you had ask me that 20,000 years ago, I could tell you without doubt." Phil shifted on his feet, "I don't know anymore, anytime I get these messages I just feel anxious."
Missa watch with a mixed expression, he certainly wasn't gonna let Phil do it alone, but he was worried they could be walking into a trap. "Philza, I'll go with you no matter what, I just want to be sure you think it's a wise decision."
"I don't.. but I don't know what else to do." Philza confessed meeting Missa's eye contact.
'.. okay, let's go then."
"Are you frigging kidding me?" Badboyhalo inquired as he stood by Forever's side; they were banished to the medbay so Cellbit could keep an eye on Forever, mainly to watch for withdrawal symptoms.
"I just an anger at you are." Cellbit informed.
"You seem pretty relax to me." Bad teased
"I had time to calm down."
"Jesus what was Cucurucho thinking giving him pills, I swear it's his one fits all solution!" Bad complained "you think at most they'd call him for a schedule injection instead of handing him pills."
"I really don't think Cucurucho understood the intensity of what he did." Cellbit add
"And you, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Bad explain turning his attention back to Forever, "don't you ever scare me like that again, I don't care if you respawn, I rather you not die!"
"You were worried about me?.. that's sweet of you Badboy."
"Wh..of course I was!"
"Why, surly you can get flowers elsewhere?" Even if he meant it as a joke, which Bad wasn't sure of, it hurt with a Intensity he couldn't stand.
He knew he joked with Forever a lot about the flowers, but it was clearly a joke. As a direct result of said pain, he gripped Forever by the collar, getting in his face.
"Do you seriously think I only care about the Flowers?!"
Forever gasp Bad's hand in attempt to lossen his grip, he couldn't understand Bad's anger, as much a he could remember it's always been about flowers. "Is it not..?"
"I care about you, w-we care about you! Get that throw your thick skull!" Bad snapped back
"Um Bad, I'm sorry Forever is exhausted.. please.." Cellbit interrupted, sensing the tension was a bit too thick
Bad share one last annoyed glance at Forever before accepting defeat. He released Forever with a a sigh then exist the room.
"Cellbo.." Forever started, "please could I just go home and rest?"
"I'm not letting you go home until I confirm the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms." Cellbit insisted, "I've learn my lesson from last time."
"This..this happened before?" Forever inquired, you figured something like this wouldn't be something he forgot.
"What do you mean, what's going with you?" Cellbit inquired.
"I.. it's like you said I'm very tired." Forever debated, he lied down on the bed closing his eyes.
Cellbit watched Forever with tired eyes as the taller gentleman crawl into the medical bed, he seem to immediately pass out.
Cellbit made his way to couch in the corner where he sat, melting in the cushions. His mind was going a million mile an hour just being in Forever's presence.
Why did he ask if this happen before, surly he didn't forget the happy pills situation, and why was he so rude to Bad?
Was he lossing his memory? The thought terrified Cellbit. If the infection got into his brain, even if he could or rather when he cures him, would his memory be restored?
How much did he forget, was the infection targeting spefic memories? Cellbit was too exhausted to circulate these thoughts in his head any longer, as he found himself dozed off In the soften of the couch cushions.
Cellbit would have the grace of a dreamless sleep, unlike Forever whom was whisked away to dream land.
Forever would find himself in a field of flowers, the sweet smell filling his nose. Truly if Forever was awear he was dreaming, he would see the irony.
However he true concern was the pink tint to the sky, as well as the lovely tune dancing on the wind, a tune he had heard before.
The environment itself gave a sense of peace, an unexplainable feeling of belonging, that this was meant to happen.
As the tune grew louder it became clear to Forever he wasn't hearing music, but rather a woman's hymns. He try to push himself up but felt paralyzed at the attempt.
The tune was growing closer, filling Forever's soul with a wave of peace and understand. Forever took a deep breath and he closed his eyes then open then to discover he was still in the med bay.
His eyes dart around observing Cellbit passed out on the couch. Forever pushed himself upwards in the bed as he made his way to the couch, shaking Cellbit awake.
Cellbit jumped awake as he tired to pull himself together, distributed to be forced awake.
Upon noticing it was Forever who woke him, Cellbit quickly calm down before inquiring for a reason.
"Desculpa Cellbo, por favor. eu preciso de falar com voce." Forever explain
Cellbit's hmm in respond as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "O que rolou?"
Forever dug through his pockets then offered an small resalable bag containing two pills, Cellbit took the bag with so hesitations.
His eyebrows knit as he became aware of the type of medicine he was looking at. "You had more?" Cellbit inquired.
"I made sure to keep two on me, just in case."
"in case of what?" Cellbit snapped
".. Cellbo I..I don't think I'm a gonna make it past this week." Forever confessed.
Cellbit's expression shift, the color leaving his body at Forever's bold words. "W..what are you even talking about?"
"I can hear the mother of Death, singing to me go..and I think it's a one way journey."
"We're they more pills in the bag that you took?" Cellbit inquired
"No no, I know I sound crazy, but.. I'm telling you I can feel it. I don't remember much as late, it feels this thing has gotten in my brain."
That unfortunately confirmed Cellbit's theory, but even then it's seem pointless to give up so quickly. He could save Forever he was sure of it, maybe his memory would suffer but they could new memories couldn't they?
"Cellbo, I just want to say goodbye, because I not sure I'll get the chance." Forever explained, It seemed cowardly to Cellbit.
"you're giving up too soon, even if you die, you'll respawn. People don't die on this island, not the adults at least." He mumbled the last part to himself.
"Cellbit, my memories are gone, my body is badly damag-"
"So your memories are a bit fuzzy, It's fine, start over!" Cellbit interupped, "it's not the end of your existence!"
"You're not listening to me Cellbit." Forever plead
Cellbit pushed himself out the couch, making his way to the exist. "I don't need to listen because it's not going to happen!"
Forever sat back down on the bed, then sighed in frustration. Perhaps this was just his way of coping, denial is a stage of grief afterall however it was fustarting to deal with it.
"Cellbo, I love you. " Forever stated, though he meant it as a friend he didn't need to explain that much to Cellbit.
Cellbit hold his grasp on the door frame as he meet Forever's eye contact. "Yeah, I love you too.. you're going to respawn."
"..Sure."Forever ended with a smile
Missa observed every little detail of the path they took, the sudden Increase in the crow population, the odly dead silence minus the caws of the crows
The environment itself felt dead, all flowers were wither, tress bear of any leaves, the podsoil ground crumbled with each step.
The crows seem to be looking directly at him, it gave him a dreadful feeling. "Philza, I'm not sure about this." Missa acknowledged.
"We're just a step away." Phil informed, "..if you really think we should turn back .."
"No, it's fine.." Missa backtracked. "We're already here, too late to turn back."
Phil observed Missa with a little concerned, he truly didn't want to turn back, but he also didn't want Missa to be uncomfortable.
Missa had a point, it was a bit late to turn back. Phil took a deep breath and processed forward soon walking onto a mixture of marble and grass floor.
They seem to had step into a garden of sorts, the grass was the most alive plant, and it was a dark shade of green. It seemed the crows lived here, as most the population was seated all around, mostly in trees.
"This is actually very pretty." Missa started desperate to break the silence.
Phil approached a large tree, dead like the others, it had an broken down platform on top of it. "This.. this is my domain.."
"You built this?" Missa inquired, "it's very nice, I'm sure it's a lot more beautiful when the flowers are.." Missa cut himself off to observe the large fountain statue in the center of the garden.
It was a gaint woman, wearing a puffy dress. She seemed to have Roses also designed in her hair, she looked..a lot like Phil.
Was this Rose, the entity that bought his husband into existence? He felt compelled to thank her, yet felt it would fall on dead ears.
His train of thought would be interrupted by a rouge crow, whom consistently caw at him for attention.
Finally he turned his attention to the crow, whom proceed to drag Missa by his collar to the back of the statue. Once he was there Missa's eyes widen at the site, the back of the structure was pulsing with black vines of which seemed to dig into the grass part of the ground.
Missa had a feeling this was the reason the environment was dying, he was getting a bad feeling about this.
Before he had the option to warn Phil, the sudden loud caw of many crows grabbed his attention. He ran to the sound to find Phil being engulf slowly by these same vines, he stood completely still.
Missa in a state of panick attempt to pull the vines off Phil, pleading for Phil to snap out his unmovable state. When this didn't work, he attempted to pull Phil free directly however that wasn't working either.
So again the same crow demand Missa's attention, to which he listen. The crow lead him back to the statue, picking at its base.
Missa not sure what else to do, took the crows hint as he grabbed a isolated log before approaching the statue.
"Perdóneme, Senora Rose!" He plead, Missa then slammed the log into the statue. Once it crumbled apart, it exposed an unnerving structure.
A rapid growing pitch black tree, pulsed like a beating heart. Missa observed the structure in horror, so shocked he would noticed the crow digging through his bag before it offered him a flint and steel from his invertory.
Missa accepted the item with some hesitation, he really didn't want to hurt Phil, but he had no ideas. He said a quick prayer as he lit the tree, to which it squealed like a pig as it flung back and forth.
Soon enough the fire spread the vines consuming Phil before the entire beast erupted finally releasing Philza.
Missa ran over to him, checking Phil to make sure he wasn't hurt. Thankful besides a few burnt feathers, he seemed fine.
The creature was render to ash, taking all the trees and plants with it. Missa released at sigh of relief, the supposed evil was Finally gone.
"Philza, are you ok?" Missa inquired.
Phil pulled himself together to observe the state of the garden, it pain him to see the plants completely gone but where it hurt the most was the stight of the statue, completely broken.
The likeness of his mother made from marble, scattered completely on the ground. "W.. why did you do this?" Phil asked turning his attention back to Missa.
"Y-you, I -I..I didn't know how else to save you, the crow-"
"The crow?!" Phil interupped, "you listened to the fucking bird?!"
"I-I didn't know w-what else to do!" Missa tried to explain as he slowly backed away, "I- I just wanted to help!"
"Help? Look what you've done!" Phil snapped.
Missa lips quavered as he buried his tears, he didn't know what else to say, he just wanted to keep Phil alive, he truly just wanted to help.
Phil sallowed his pride at the fear in his husband's face, reality crashing down on him. Phil couldn't stand the state he was stuck in.
Constant and sudden emotional outburst, paranoia, frequent stressfully experiences, he couldn't stand it, he wasn't use to feeling this much.
He hurt Missa as a result.. with his sallowed pride Phil feel into a constant stream of tears as he pulled Missa into a sudden embrace, soaking his clothes with his tears.
Missa, still on edge offered phil a few gentle pack on Phil's back, hoping to being some comfort to the old fool.
Late that night Missa would pack his things in silences Just inches away from Phil hugging a pillow in deep sleep, the pillow missa had replaced himself with so he could leave.
He threw the bag over his shoulder as he open the door, then made his quiet exist. Well it would be quiet if not for the crow's desire to keep him there.
For some reason the crows followed the all the way home, they even seemed to be able to track them after teleporting.
But this crow, the same crow who convince Missa to set the vines ablaze perch on top the fence surrounding the edge of the wall.
"What?" Missa inquired, "dont look at me like that, this is your fault you know."
The crow respond with a stern glare, successfully getting it's point across. "I'm just giving Phil some space, the last thing he needs right now is be forced to look at the man who ruined everything. " Missa debated
The crow didn't seem to like that answer, and instead puffed up it's chest and open it's beak. "Don't you dare!" Missa warned
The crow however remain fearless as it caw rapidly and loudly in a attempting to wake philza, which it absolutely did.
Phil watched Missa try to hush the crow with tired eyes, said crow was basically mocking Missa as he bounced around.
Phil step forward and pick the crow almost immediately shutting it up as a result. The crow quickly jumped to his shoulder as Phil turned his attention to Missa.
"Ah, Sorry Phil, I didn't mean to wake you. I was just gonna move down to the petting zoo. " Missa lied.
Phil observed Missa with a bit of Sadness then pulled him into a tight hug, partly to stop him from escaping. "Please don't leave."
Missa released a sigh as he accepted his fate, "I just make things worst Philza.." Missa complained, "there's no point in me staying around."
"Stop!" Phil command, he lossen his embraced to meet Missa's eye contact. "I'm sorry, it was so obviously a trap. Everything had been so crazy lately I wanted to believe it was true.."
"Oh, it's f..fine Philza." Missa dismissed
"No, it's not! You were just trying to help, you didn't deserve any of that." Phil insisted
"No Phil, I mean I forgive you.. it's ok." Missa double down.
Phil took a deep breath, he didn't feel any better about his actions, but he didn't want to make Missa uncomfortable but pushing.
Instead he reinstated the hug, burying his head in the corks of his shoulder. "Please come back to bed."
Missa hummed in respond as he lead Phil back the bed, where he would fulfil Phil's requests.
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flairza · 9 months
"Greed comes with a heavy price, Philza."
Stimboard of Philza's QSMP lore with the Ender King <3
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antarctic-empires · 9 months
New Philza HCS4 lore dropped! Allergies do not exist because Rose said no :)
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beecryptic · 4 months
Touching the void
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as-de-spadas · 1 year
Watching Scar's season 4 POV and althought I enjoy more his current fast-paced editing and timelapses, there is something so undeniably endearing about his little expressions and inside jokes like Bob the Creeper Builder Inspector, Scar Mistake, Eric or Wow! You aren't supposed to be there! peaking through the cracks of his very little edited videos, or him offhandedly mentioning details about his IRL situation, like if there's an ant on his hand distracting him or his house trembling because of a helicopter flying above to look for someone in the mountains near from where he lives, or watching him obsess over every detail of a shop that took 5 episodes to build while talking in depth about his life experiences and feelings about Minecraft and art in general to the point when you can zone off and think about anything else but still feel accompanied by him rambling on the background :-)
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greaterspawnislands · 11 months
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being a crow in the phil tag genuinely feels like this right now what do you mean you guys don't know he's cracked with an elytra. anyways everyone go watch him surf the void so we can all remind him that he told us he'd do this in hardcore too once he hits five years.
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zolovana · 6 months
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All (known)Hardcore deitys Enderking, Rose, Ocean Overlord, Blaze Empress
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gambit-phelbeez · 8 months
gee i sure do hope nobodys gonna be parasocial and project onto qphil today
the ender king:
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rakkuntoast · 8 months
rose: got some straight gas. this strain is called “qsmp” you'll be zonked out of your gourd
Me: yeah whatever. i dont feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude i swear i just saw an eye creature with a snatched ass waist
my friend q!philza, pacing: the enderking is coming for me
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eevanta · 10 months
as someone obsessed with phils hardcore lore, this stream is quite literally a dream come true for me. the fact that not only were we right in assuming the first letter was from rose, the flower goddess, we also were right in assuming that the ender king was the one sending the second letter.
for ease of comprehension, everytime i use qphil, i will also be talking about hcphil!
i also find it fascinating that this suggests the ender king is alive. for those unaware, in the current time of phils hardcore world, the ender king has been defeated. you may be familiar with the endlantis project; the flooded end realm phil made. the whole reason endlantis exists is because it was how the ender king was defeated, the other 5 deities in the world redirected his attempt to merge all 3 realms together to an overworld ocean.
so the fact is seems the ender king is alive, and not only is alive, he is ACTIVELY looking to help qphil? we know the ender king is selfish and only does things with a motive to gain power, so, is the ender king looking to take over quesadilla island?
but even then, there holes in that theory, because the ender king isnt the only one to reach out from the hc deities. rose has too. albeit a lot kinder and gentler in making him realise his 'dreams' weren't dreams, she still reached out. so is the pattern to continue? is the blaze empress going to reach out? is the ocean overlord going to? it strangely seems as though the deities are united in this, even if the ender king has ulterior motives to do so.
its going to be really interesting to see how they incorporate the hardcore lore, its already been interesting seeing how the admin writing the letters interprets their personalities. i hope the ocean overlords letter is like 'hiya m8, sorry for this, sure this is baffling. but uhh i wanna help u man'
its also going to be interesting to see how they handle the black concrete. the qsmp uses black concrete as a way to represent the shadow virus, but hcs4 uses it to depict void; hence the nethervoid. we've already seen a difference in how it's affected qphil versus, say, qforever
anyways this is my roman empire i think
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skellyfrogs · 2 months
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my favorite lesbians <33
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