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sock-ness-monster · 2 years
I am here once again to share breaking news in the world of fisheries science/marine biology
Currently everyone is going wild over a paper about goblin sharks that cited a photo which others have pointed out looks incredibly suspiciously similar to a goblin shark toy
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I've seen people calling it SharkGate already
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kaelio · 4 months
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These horses:
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evoldir · 1 month
Fwd: Course: Crete.ComputationalMolecularEvolution.May11-22
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Course: Crete.ComputationalMolecularEvolution.May11-22 > Date: 8 August 2024 at 06:11:42 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Dear Community, > > We are very happy to announce that the 15th summer school on Computational > Molecular Evolution funded by EMBO Practical Courses and organized by > Ziheng Yang, Alexis Stamatakis, Adam Leaché, and me, will take place > from May 11th – 22nd 2025 in HCMR Crete, Greece! > > Please visit the course web-site for further details: > https://ift.tt/5ZWA4aw > > Applications for our summer school will close on November 1st 2024. > Please feel free to circulate this message. > > Aglaia (Cilia) Antoniou > > > Dr. Antoniou Aglaia (Cilia) > Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC) > Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) > Gournes Pediados, P.O.Box 2214, 71003, Iraklio, Crete, Greece > Tel.: +30 2810 337826 > Fax: +30 2810 337820 > > > Cilia Antoniou
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annoyangle · 2 years
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Absolutely love this photo ❤️ . ▪️ The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment (HCMR) is a cavalry regiment of the British Army tasked primarily with ceremonial duties. . ▪️ Part of the Household Division, it is classed as a regiment of guards, & carries out mounted (& some dismounted) ceremonial duties on State & Royal occasions. . To find out more you can visit the @householdcavalrymuseum . . . (at Horse Guards Parade) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Wapehg2k6/?igshid=h1vqfoiwm0f2
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Thoughts on MM Anon "A span-ner in the Works"
04 June 2019 MM ANON: “A span-ner in the Works. A state of flux. Discretion is the better part…. this eleventh hour disruption. Lock and load no shrinking violet protest. The side-eye wolves protect a gathering storm in a tee-cup. A royal protocol of colour will dazzle all the faithful with a youthful introduction. These cogs Of practiced ribboned brief will guide a falling sword. ET JUSTITIA TRIUMPHET.” _________________________________
Hi again, Skippy, UK Unriddler here, Thank you for posting MM Anon’s riddle today and to Emsi for another brilliant deciphering. A couple of extra thoughts, which may play into the current decoding or be a new train of thought.  Speculation only (as always): I agree with another poster who suggested the careful punctuation of “Span-ner” leads us to more of an urban use:   SPAN: A derogatory, insulting term used to denote stupidity. Can be considered racist, as the term may apply to other races deemed inferior.  There is of course the more readily identifiable “The ‘throw a spanner in the works’ phrase meaning, as Emsi says, to jam the "cogs"  (also mentioned later in the riddle) of a working machine.  The riddle also mentions "Works” so I think Emsi is more accurate and that it is probably the works of the RF. _____
“state of flux” is generally taken to mean a changing situation needing new rules or direction to be established for progress. Could there be any reference to the United STATES?
“flux” has various meanings.   In Physics: The rate of flow of a fluid, radiant energy, or particles across a given area.   In Medicine: An abnormal discharge of blood or other matter from or within the body. _____
“this Eleventh hour disruption - Trooping the Colour begins at 11am.  I have attended TTC and have a number of friends in the HCMR who have been or will be on parade this weekend.  The family and mounted guard make their way from BP down The Mall and onto Horseguards shortly before the clock marks the start.    Is this a direct reference to this arrival or a more metaphorical 11th hour (last minute) issue?  We can be sure that the Monarchy will handle any occurrence with discretion… even if this means smiling and saying nothing. _____
"Lock and load"  from Urban dictionary: "When a female intentionally gets pregnant by her boyfriend, or a guy she wants, to make sure that the guy is a part of her life forever, usually via marriage.” The military / weapon use of the word may not be as relevant as maybe it seems at first glance.  I have seen much speculation (although not aware of any actual grounds for it) that MM “was pregnant when she married PH”.  It certainly would tie into a lot of the various speculation about the “baby”. _____
“Violet” -  while we are all aware of the “shrinking violet” being a shy person willing to recede into the background and not be noticed, this is hardly MM’s character.   “no shrinking violet protest” - if we put the two middles words into quotes, the meaning is clearer when coupled with the urban definition of lock and load. A deliberate act, nothing that can be excused, no matter how much the eyelashes are fluttered. The word “protest” also made me think of the suffrage movement, which is usually *and wrongly* identified as a feminist movement (suffrage was about young men getting the vote too). The colour of the Suffrage Movement? Violet! Check out https://www.nationalwomansparty.org/ website… bedecked in violet “for liberty and dignity”.
Or maybe we just have a hint of what colour outfit someone will wear when the time comes to be seen? _____
“A royal protocol of colour will dazzle all the faithful with a youthful introduction"  well this has to be TTC, marking the Sovereign’s official birthday and "the faithful” are those who have stayed loyal to the Queen and her heirs… specifically (I think) the Cambridge’s who have had to weather quite a storm from the “Mendacious Saccharines” (see previous MM Anon) that has “fallen on deaf ears” (of the faithful and loyal).  And our reward?  To see ALL THREE Cambridge children at TTC. Prince Louis will make his first public appearance at Trooping. _____
“The side-eye wolves protect a gathering storm in a tee-cup.” -  To use or give something the “Side Eye” is expressing one’s criticism, disapproval, animosity, or scorn of varying levels of intensity towards another person.  Wolves are not common in heraldic terms, and the Royal family and the Establishment is more likely to be referred to as Lions or Leopards (or Unicorns in Scotland).   The Wolf is a symbol of guardianship, so perhaps this is the legal team for the Royals? There are many references to Wolves in contemporary forms… Little Red Riding Hood was duped by a Wolf who she thought was “nice”, Peter and the Wolf, etc.   However, the “Wolves” could refer to the legend of Romulus and Remus (brothers that were suckled by a she-wolf after their father, the King, cast them out) and eventually one of them was killed either by the other or the other’s supporters.  (Suggested reference: Nostradamus predictions on PH becoming King, just as the new fans hope) If the Romulus and Remus thread is taken further, the contest of Augury that was meant to decide which brother had the power between them (after the King died) refers to the “ex avibus” (latin, from birds) or “ex tripudiis” (latin, bird feeding dance) auspices (good or bad omens).  If a bird did not eat, uttered a cry, beat their wings or flew away, the omen was bad. The heraldic arms for MM features a bird beating its wings and with the head held aloft and moth open for crowing and the coronet around its neck (while the correct heraldic position for a non-royal marring a royal) is similar to old practices of preventing fishing birds from swallowing their catch (so the fishermen keepers could have it). Such symbolism seems a bit of a stretch but anything is possible. “tee-cup"  yes this could be a Golf reference but again, urban dictionary suggest another meaning: "Tee” - to kiss or make out with someone, same sex or not.  Could this be some threat of blackmail over long-lived questions of sexuality of some of the male royals? _____
“these cogs Of practicised ribboned brief” - COGS (Cost Of Goods Sold)… M’s Mirror?  _____
“ribboned brief” although this could refer to DNA strands or ribbons, it is likely to refer to Law and what is actually correctly called “legal tape” and there are more than one colour denoting the type of papers the bundle holds…  Pink for defence brief, White for Government work and Crown Prosecution Service, Red for the next stage (once it has been reviewed and advised by the Counsel), Green for conveyancing, land and property, Blue was for Wills and Probate and Black for insolvency and bankruptcies. _____
“will guide the falling sword” - the sword of Justice that is held in the right hand of Lady Justice (the balanced scales of justice in the other) that stands above the UK’s Central Criminal Court (the “Old Bailey”) in the City of London. (Not to be confused with the Royal Courts of Justice). In addition to phrases such as “falling on (your) own sword” and “live by the sword, die by the sword”, it is the “falling” that symbolises a decision made.  Often leading to death for treason etc, at the hand of the executioners sword.
The Crown Jewels of the UK include many swords used in the Coronation: the blunt Sword of Mercy (also known as Curtana), the Sword of Spiritual Justice, the Sword of Temporal Justice, the two-handed Sword of State and the Sword of Offering. _____
“ET JUSTITIA TRIUMPHET."  Once the decision is made (the sword falls) Justice will be triumphant.
Thank you so much!  Things to ponder indeed😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ _____
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Size does matter, if you are a submarine. I had the great joy, this summer, to be given a rundown of this beauty at the HCMR (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research), on the island of Crete, by the Director of the Department handling it. Everything is made to endure pressure. The weakest parts are the cable boxes; but they are filled with a special oil so that the water from the sea does not push against air, thus breaking it. These machines need to big large for a very simple reason: they must be able to push against things without themselves being pushed back. This is important during sample collection. They need to grab and yank, sometimes, and being hefty is a good thing. This contraption does research, whenever funding permits, and helps recover anything that falls into the water that the Government doesn’t want to be lost. I know there are small underwater drones coming out from different manufacturers. Any feedback on how they work? [It’s me in the picture, for size comparison; I’m about 172cm or 5 feet, 7.7 inches tall]. In Nannion, there are descriptions of somewhat more futuristic versions of such devices.
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ladynewyork2969 · 4 years
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at South Bronx https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSkN7-hCmR/?igshid=50o63kjzrc4y
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rancholamission · 4 years
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#RanchoLaMission #Flowers #Children #Nature #Innocence #LittleGirl #Beautiful #RLM (at Rancho La Mission) https://www.instagram.com/p/CENXc9-HCmr/?igshid=1ka854v55j6oq
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sciencespies · 5 years
Aegean volunteers battle to turn plastic waste tide
Aegean volunteers battle to turn plastic waste tide
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In its two years of operation, Aegean Rebreath has amassed 9,000 plastic water bottles, 3,6 tonnes of fishing net and 289 tyres
Dressed in her protective wetsuit and scuba gear, Antigone Kouteri jumps into the murky waters of Zakynthos harbour in search of plastics—and promptly snags her arm on a submerged object.
“It was a tyre,” offers her patrol mate Efthymis, coming up with a discarded beer bottle. “My treat!” he jibes.
The Ionian island of Zakynthos is one of Greece’s most pristine travel destinations, renowned for its azure waters and fabulous beaches, an environment clean enough to be a major Mediterranean nesting ground sought out by loggerhead sea turtles.
But even here, plastic pollution poses a grave threat to wildlife.
Kouteri is one of nearly a dozen volunteers from Aegean Rebreath, a Greek organisation formed in 2017 to protect Aegean biodiversity from waste.
Within three hours, the team has collected four tyres, two shopping carts, a street lamp, metal boxes, plastic bags, dozens of plastic bottles and several kilometres of fishing line.
“Marine litter is a global issue, so it is (present) in Greece. More than 70 percent of marine litter is plastic in Greece,” says Katerina Tsagari, a biologist at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research near Athens.
Tsagari says her team has found litter, most of it plastic, in about 75 percent of loggerhead sea turtles tested.
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WWF has reported that Greece produces 700,000 tonnes of plastic per year, of which 11,500 tonnes end up in the sea
Overall, they have found plastic ingestion in between 20 and 45 percent of the species tested, which include fish and mussels.
With a coastline of some 14,000 kilometres (8,500 miles), one of the longest in the southeastern Mediterranean, Greece attracts tens of millions of tourists every year.
It’s a regional problem. The Mediterranean, a partly closed sea, accumulates 570,000 tonnes of plastic annually from surrounding countries, according to the World Wildlife Fund.
WWF has reported that Greece produces 700,000 tonnes of plastic per year, or 68 kilos per capita. Out of that, 11,500 tonnes end up in the sea, it said.
‘Junkyard’ beneath the waves
“There is a junkyard beneath the blue waters,” says Violetta Walczyk, a Greek-Polish lawyer active with Aegean Rebreath.
On the Cycladic island of Andros, mounds of waste from a 2011 hilltop landfill collapse are still to be found in the sea below.
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A newly-wed couple looks at the rubbish collected from the sea by volunteers from Aegean Rebreath
In its two years of operation, Aegean Rebreath has amassed 9,000 plastic water bottles, 3,6 tonnes of fishing net and 289 tyres.
The government readily admits that nearly 40 tonnes of plastic waste end up in Greek seas every day.
It recently started a campaign to phase out single-use plastics such as cups and straws—no small feat in a country with a huge coffee-to-go market.
Speaking to AFP last month, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that marine protection was a “key priority” for a country so dependent on tourism.
Greece continues to pay millions of euros in fines to the European Commission concerning the operation of illegal landfills.
But recycling efforts are still basic. Greece last year eliminated free supermarket bags, long after other European countries.
“Recycling in Greece is a joke,” snorts George Sarelakos, the co-founder of Aegean Rebreath.
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Aegean Rebreath, a Greek organisation formed in 2017 to protect Aegean biodiversity from waste
“Every municipality has its own policy, there is no central strategy,” he told AFP.
George Triantafyllou, the HCMR’s head of research, says the institute is coordinating a European project, Claim, across 13 EU countries in addition to Tunisia and Lebanon to eliminate microplastics.
The project includes developing photocatalytic technology to accelerate the degradation of microplastics in seas and rivers, he notes.
The HCMR has also helped develop a floating litter-collection barrier that is currently deployed at the mouth of Kifissos river in Athens.
“I believe everybody should change habits. We don’t have to use plastics in our everyday life,” says George Triantaphyllidis.
Explore further
Researchers warn plastic pollution in Great Lakes growing concern to ecosystem
© 2019 AFP
Citation: Aegean volunteers battle to turn plastic waste tide (2019, December 1) retrieved 1 December 2019 from https://phys.org/news/2019-12-aegean-volunteers-plastic-tide.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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theultimatewedding · 5 years
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Wedding Wednesday!! . . . . . . . Venue : Hilton Los Angeles Airport DJ/MC Lighting @ultimate_dj @raymond.flores.95 @ultimatemusicdj Photographer @storyintime #bride #groom #weddingmotivation #motivation #weddingwednesday #weddinginspirasi #receptiondecor #weddingpros #engaged #justengaged #boystime #moveslikejagger #storyintime #theknotwedding #wedding #ultimateteam #ultimatedjs #ultimatedj #coordinatorontheroad #bridetobe #bridestories https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxgr8q-hCmr/?igshid=138uy2aj6299
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evoldir · 5 years
Fwd: Course: Crete.ComputationalMolEvol.May10-21.Reminder
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Course: Crete.ComputationalMolEvol.May10-21.Reminder > Date: 2 October 2019 at 09:41:29 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Dear Community, > > This is a reminder that the 12th summer school on Computational Molecular > Evolution organized by Ziheng Yang, Alexis Stamatakis, Adam Leaché, > and me, will take place from May 10 - 21 2020 in HCMR Crete, Greece again. > > Please visit the course web-site for further details: > > https://ift.tt/2NL17nO > > Applications are open until > 18th November 2019. > > Please feel free to circulate this message. > > Aglaia (Cilia) Antoniou > > > Dr. Antoniou Aglaia (Cilia) > Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC) > Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) > Gournes Pediados, P.O.Box 2214, 71003, Iraklio, Crete, Greece > Tel.: +30 2810 337826 > Fax: +30 2810 337820 > > > > > Cilia Antoniou > via IFTTT
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playonrosario-blog · 5 years
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🎶🎤💀VIERNES SANTO ABRIMOS LOS DOS LOCALES⚡🔥🎸 #ViernesSanto #ElMejorPrecio 🏠 Mitre 772 (Planta Alta) – Rosario. 🏠 San Martín 5030 – Rosario.. ☎ Hacenos YA tu pedido al 3413-484721 (Whatsapp-Personal). 🛵 Delivery dentro de Rosario en el día. 🌐 www.play-on.com.ar 🇦🇷 Envíos a todo el país (at Play-On Rosario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwb4ou-HCmR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1agrwfjefjig2
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The Household Cavalry . The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment (HCMR) is a cavalry regiment of the British Army tasked primarily with ceremonial duties. . Part of the Household Division, it is classed as a regiment of guards, & carries out mounted (& some dismounted) ceremonial duties on State & Royal occasions. . Household Cavalry Museum . The Household Cavalry Museum is a living Museum in the heart of Horse Guards, Whitehall, London. . It celebrates the history & accomplishments of The Household Cavalry offering a unique 'behind the scenes' look at the work that goes into the ceremonial & armoured reconnaissance role of HM The Queen's Mounted Bodyguard. . Read my blog to find out more about the Household Cavalry Museum.... . https://www.thebritishmonarchy.co.uk/post/household-cavalry-museum, blog link in the bio 👑 . The blog includes photos and videos. . #royalfamily #royal #royalty #windsorcastle  #buckinghampalace  #britishroyalfamily #royals #hermajesty #britishroyalty  #britishroyals #crown #britishmonarchy #PrinceHarry #DukeofSussex #Meghanmarkle #BluesandRoyals #Lifeguards #TrustedGuardians #godsavethequeen #windsor #RoyalHistory #HistoryFacts #British #London #Historic #thequeen #HouseholdCavaly #BritishArmy #Westminster . . Follow Our other accounts @Britishmonarchy @Royalshopuk @Queenelizabethiiuk (at Horse Guards Parade) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WfugcASLJ/?igshid=jse3dt0kxtk0
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jbk-creations-sc · 6 years
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#DEARSELF: Going back to #naturalhealing is one of the best decisions I've ever made. It helped before... It can do it again! (at Hopkins, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpFHYq-hCmr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19u8z715pgy4q
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