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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years ago
so like you know this post
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I really enjoy george hearn’s version of ‘epiphany’ in sweeney todd 1982, I think he does a great job with emotion, but jung han ryu amps up the emotionality to INSANE levels. he’s wailing, he’s shrieking, he is throwing himself at the ground, there’s this moment where like. if you’re familiar with the lyrics at all, there’s a certain action that corresponds to a certain lyric that’s pretty astoundingly staged. for epiphany the timestamp is 1:15:05. but honestly watch the entire sequence from pretty women, the way this production builds to the climax of the song is REALLY something
oh my god someone uploaded korean sweeney todd 2007 to yt. listen to me. what you need to do is, if you're not going to watch the whole thing, at LEAST go to around an hour in and watch the sequence of pretty women to epiphany to a little priest, you HAVE to watch the entire 20ish minute sequence. then you need to click the link to act 2 and if you're not going to watch the whole thing AT LEAST go to around 15 minutes in to watch by the sea (this is actually my favorite performance of by the sea FOR REAL) and then skip to 52 minutes in and watch pretty women (reprise). you have to do this.
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gil-notskajla · 5 months ago
AUs were meant for independent fanworks by fans who cant coordinate and agree upon all details like a studio or singular author would. They weren't meant for corporations.
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eeveeafraid · 1 year ago
i love having relationship trauma
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juggalomary · 10 months ago
did yall miss me. i hope you did bc im returning with a bang. anyways here’s this. warnings: mcd, child abuse. up on ao3 within a few days
A new day, a new disaster, that’s what soap would say. He was always an optimist. Never heard saying anything about how they were likely going to die on suicide missions. Even though it was so valiantly obvious. He has to be watching from his overwatch position right now.
Ghost was glad to have him on his 6. They’d been switching places more often, soap on overwatch and sniping the people trying to end his life. He never called out to him about these people. Sometimes they’d just end up dead.
He always knows it was soap though, who else could do that so accurately. Soap was the best of the best. He’s not going to let ghost die. He’s not that selfish, never was.
Soap was the best of the best, most morally sound. He held his religion above many temptations. Infil was filled with chatter most of the time, except for soap, running his thumb over rosaries and whispering to a power long forgotten by the other men.
Exfil, a shell shocked soap would sit silently, or wail for not his mother, or ghost, but for someone, god maybe, to end his suffering. He was already going to hell, that’s what a priest told him at 15. He confessed and was told his punishment.
Never repeating that confession to anyone else, in fear of rejection. At 16 he carried his older cousin's casket in between the pews of that same church. He got home and told to man up. He turned 17 and enlisted.
That led to right now, soap covering his 6 and ghost shouting for help. A bullet lodged into his spine, blood gushing from the wound. His screams would’ve revealed his position if he cared anymore. There was no way he would get out of this. He just needed to get to a position he could radio to exfil from.
The enemy must’ve heard his screaming for Johnny, there was no response from soaps end. He must’ve been comprised.
The thundering footsteps we’re getting louder needed to move.
He pulled his hands above his head, chin resting on the ground. Looking up from under his eyebrows he saw about 20 meters until cover.
Pushing his arm to unbend he grabbed for purchase on the grass. He needed to pull himself forward to get to cover. His legs proving useless he grabbed a handful of grass and pulls. It rips.
He keeps trying to pull himself forward, but with every futile grasp comes a handfull of dirt and roots. The footsteps grow louder. He can’t die like this.
He screams in pain and frustration. Johnny is comprised, he’s comprised. It’s a solo mission, he needs to call exfil there’s no price here to scoop his useless self off the floor. He could cry. He won’t cry.
He grabbed a rock and pulled himself forward a foot. That’s okay, he’ll to cover soon. He’ll stay awake, he’ll stay strong. He will not cry.
Another idea comes to mind. He pulls 2 knives from his kit and stabs one into the dirt to use as a sort of handle.
One foot at a time he drags himself to the tree line. Sitting up to access his radio he leans on a tree.
He calls laswell. He needs exfil. He needs to leave. He’s losing blood, but he can’t feel it, he’ll pull through.
His eggs were twisted in horrible ways, he didn’t feel that pain, but he also couldn’t move them. He’ll be okay, he can just rest his eyes for a few minutes. His eyes were far to tired.
Nothing from soap. Nothing from laswell, there’s no point in staying awake, he’ll wake up to the radio transmission.
His eyes fall open again.
“-nom, SIMON! COME IN!” A young woman was on the other side of his radio.
“Mom? Mom I’m scared, I don’t want you to leave me here with him again.” It seemed he was crying.
“Simon who’s there, I’m coming, we need to know where you are.”
“Mommy I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I’m in the woods mom. Please don’t let him find me. He had a bat mom.” Drearily weeping through the radio was not something that elete SAS lieutenants do. But his mom was back, he missed her so much.
She tried her damn best, especially since he was stuck with his bummy ass father. She tended to his wounds whenever she was sober. She took beatings for him when he was too young to know he’s a man and he should be taking it. She wiped his tears whenever he came crying. Somehow it wasn’t enough.
He still had his tooth knocked out, he still was given drugs before he realized what they were. He still had to see that sex worker die. He still has to kiss that snake.
Haven forgotten about that snake until right now the hissing in his ear was not of any relief. It should’ve, it would mean his radio was working. His hands were too heavy to really hit the button to turn it on though.
Tears were not allowed though. The snake was in his ear, not biting his lip, his mom was talking to him. And Johnny would be back soon.
“Ghost, Simon, do you copy.”
“Mom I’m not alone anymore”
Crunching could he heard, a dark figure approaching him. He had a pistol. He shot the gun, but the bullet shot right next to his ear. He let himself relax, foolishly.
The man in front of him was his father, but his face was skewed. One part of it was his father, and the other half was of price. The side with price reached out and told him to calm down and stay awake. Then price was gone and it was just his father.
He was screaming, not Simon, Simon would recognize who was screaming and it wasn’t himself. A blow landed on his head, he saw it but didn’t feel it. His father was standing there, his mouth was moving but he wasn’t saying anything. Then he hissed like a snake. Mouth open he saw the snake that bit him all those years ago, he started screaming for real this time.
The snaked closed is mouth and then said something in Spainish. This man was none other than a cackling manual roba. Scalpel in one hand he laughed. The scar on his ribs flared up as he was called every insult under the sun. He was told to not fear as, it would feel so nice soon.
Turning his head out of the grasp roba has on his face he was met with Vernon’s rotting skeletal face. There was dirt in his eyes, ears, mouth, nose. He was buried.
“Mom? Save me.”
“Ghost who’s with you right now.”
He opens his eyes, praying he can see at the end of this all. Scratched corneas would end his career, and his career is all that he had left.
In front of him, soap was sitting, thumbing his rosaries and mumbling a prayer. Without greeting he looks up. “Simon, I’ve missed you.”
“Ghost. I repeat, who is with you?”
“Johnny. Bye mommy, I’ll see you soon.”
With his final goodbye to the only person to truly love him, he can rest.
“Simon, I loved you too.” A Scottish lilt was the last thing he heard before the world went silent. He laid his head on the tree and closed his eyes. He hoped that Johnny was in the next 7 minutes. And price and Gaz. Maybe he can finally see them again too. Laswell will join them at some point. Then they can meet her wife. Maybe she’ll have kids after retirement.
He hoped he was happy.
Ghost was found 2 days later. Soaps rosary in his pocket and tear tracks running down his face wiping off the eye black.
Task force 141 was together, earthly and in spirit. Buried in the national cemetery one next to the other.
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chocolate-goouse · 2 months ago
I think it's high time I shared this guy I created called Tony.
Me and a couple of friends were playing Terraria, when I accidentaly said the word Worm 3 times trying to say that I had a handfull of truffle worms.
Of course, one of my friends made fun of me, and then I was possesed, launching into an ad that went like this; keep in mind I was saying this in a the strongest eastern tennesian accent I could muster.
Then, of course I decided to expand on the Tony lore. Making him a delusional Worm obsessed weirdo who owns an abandoned bar in the woods where he sells worms. Then, I decided to play him in a dnd game, so of course I expanded more. Making him a middle aged, mildly insane worshipper of the Worm god, who blacked out after singlehandedly drinking a bar out of business. Losing his memory, all he could remember is a dream of the Worm god employing him as a Worm saint. Of course he has no idea about how to worship, so he's a barbarian with a bucket of worms at his side.
He then discovered he was a member of the IRS throughout the campaign. Thank you if you read this far, I yapped alot.
Other oc shit:
Mud brown eyes
Almost comically large trucker hat
Covered in dirt 90% of the time
Extremely long straight blonde hair in the back, he is balding in the front though.
He has a worm in his ear canal that tells him what to do Jimeny Cricket style
If you want a good description of Tony, imagine Android 13 except less handsome, and wearing a brown shirt, a jean jacket, and cargo pants.
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twofacecreations · 2 years ago
I've had a recent MHA idea in my head that I'd love to see as either a short story or a comic. If I have time I may end up drawing some skits.
Basically Izuku would have a moss quirk. This would basically make him a living mass of moss, fungi, and other plant matter with a soil core. He would look entirely human unless injured or eating. Although his skin would feel like soft beds of moss, when under stress it can cause rashes similar to poison Ivy.
He's capable of photosynthesis thanks to his green hair, but is incapable of ingesting normal food. Due to water and nutrients needing to be obtained through soil, he is capable of storing soil inside his body. Rather than having any type of organs , he uses the soil in a similar way to a digestive track. His mouth acts as a direct entrance and exit to his soil, and pouring water into his mouth allows him to water said soil. The same works for food.
As he is a moving plant rather than a stationary one, he would need to photosynthesize in peak conditions constantly to keep up with his body's demands. Due to this, he would not be able to 'digest' anything that would take a long time to decompose, as that is the only way for him to draw nutrients from his body soil. To combat this, he can either reject the nutrient deficient soil and replace it with fresh compost, or ingest decomposing mater. Constantly dispelling and ingesting bacteria rich soil; aswell as feasting continuously on decomposing animals, coffee grounds, rotting fruit, etc, would allow for him to remain active, provided there is enough sunlight. A high powered glow light is very sufficient at ensuring his high light requirements are met.
Personality wise, I think this quirk would affect him a lot. Not a lot of energy would be stored for processing, and would rather go into ensuring he has the correct conditions to live. Due to this he would likely remain slow moving and slow processing despite his intelligence, only moving quickly in the case of imminent danger or fresh food. This would make talking low on the priority scale and considered a waist of precious energy.
His social life would be near zero, no one wanting to hang around the kid that regularly feasts on road kill. But this would also lead to physical bullying being avoided out of pure disgust, even Bakugo flinching away from possible contact.
I'm just imagining him becoming one with the forest floor, shoving handfulls of dirt in his mouth, and getting reprimanded for feasting on roadkill Infront of scared pedestrians lol
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shrunkupthejams · 1 year ago
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hey! it's been a hot minute and my writeblr intro could use some refreshing, so here we are!!
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my name is achilles! im 18, and im a hobby writer. im in university right now, but i still try to make time to write when inspiration strikes! just here to share my stories, have fun and goof around! my target audience is always, first and foremost, myself.
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my favourite things to write are high fantasy and world building!! mostly, my stories all take place in the same universe, an archipelago on a planet named dirt. in my works, i like exploring trauma, sappy fluff, and unconventional relationships.
when it comes to storytelling formats, i'm most often just holding handfulls of writing snippets and hoping for the best while i piece them together. i tend towards short stories, or short story collections, though most of my works will probably become novels or novel series. (im just a bit allergic to structure.) (though, i think i might just hate chapters.)
i also dabble, just a little and very self-indulgently, in fanfiction! inspiration for fanfiction tends to strike me very randomly (in frequency and in content), though i do have a few small finished fanfics! fanfiction is actually what got me into writing, way back in middle achool. it's all very much an exercise in cringe and heartfelt silliness for me.
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with my wips, i tend to bounce rapidly all over the place and not get much done for it, but here's what i've been working on! some old (since middle school!!), some new!! (for my sanity and the sake of the length of this post, none of my fanfic wips will be included in this list.) (however, i refuse to exclude any of my original wips, so buckle up!! there are a LOT.)
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working title: camilla marie & co.
the gist: what starts as a sort of chosen-one magic school shenanigans becomes a wild goose chase around the archipelago of dirt when camilla is taken by the knights of the capita. a high-fantasy coming of age story about chosen family, fate, and figuring out who you are in the face of adversity and others' expectations.
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working title: double a batteries
the gist: an accident that leads to kesh discovering they have superpowers turns their life upside down. a sci-fi/fantasy story that explores morality and familial obligations.
related aus: the adventures of jet astriak, jaiw au
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working title: isr: afters
the gist: two childhood friends, moriah and charo, reunite years later after becoming affiliated with the same magical gang. explores parental issues, with a healthy helping of childhood friends to lovers, organized crime, and vague religious trauma.
related aus: moriah & the greasters, cutiepete future au
[☆ intro post] (none yet!)
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working title: shielda x dlade
the gist: follows the relationship between shielda, a reluctant chosen one, and her friend sabine as her newfound status moves her up through the ranks of iroma's military. explores intimacy and the line between right and wrong.
related aus: théqet & ardain, apartment neighbours modern au
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working title: seeing ghosts
the gist: when rea moves to calderine city to finish her practicum, she isn't really looking to make any friends or connections, not even with her very sweet new roommate, madden. but when she begins to be physically haunted by ghosts of her past, she is forced to learn to trust and rely on the people in her life, madden included. a fun little exploration in being haunted by your past (physically), self-sufficiency borne of trauma, and intrusive thoughts, maybe.
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working title: nnsei
the gist: existing on the fringes of the teenage academy population in their own ways, victoire, félix and aeliane all have their own problems in addition to clawing their way through their last year of school. victoire won't stop exploring the catacoumbs below the academy, even at the risk of his own health and safety; aeliane is still grappling with the trauma of her mother drinking herself to death; and félix, well, félix won't ever tell his friends what's going on behind that ever-present smile, but rumour has it his sister was offered up as a blood sacrifice in a solar cleansing ritual a few years ago. and in addition to all that, there might just be something sinister going on behind the closed doors of the academy, especially if the monsters stirring in the catacoumbs are anything to go by.
related aus: the sacrifice of brinelle somer
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working title: of sea jewels and great lords
the gist: after being tasked to find a group of missing villagers, geo finds themself responsible for imprisoning chad, a lackluster, troublemaking magician beneath a mountain. the trouble is a) finding such an uninhabited mountain, and b) travelling with said troublemaking magician. the trouble is also a third secret thing: the choice between duty and love once geo finds themself falling for chad against all odds.
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working title: as cherry wine
the gist: rosy is killed the night before she is due to return from her bride's pilgrimage to marry leisel. she awakes as a vampire and is forced to reconcile with her new identity and eventually, to reconcile her relationship with her former fiancée, who still believes her dead.
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working title: waldosia
the gist: after seven years at sea, wallie fischer, the last person shia wants to see ever again, returns to their hometown and all the things he left behind with a warning for shia of an imminent threat to their smuggling outfit and loved ones. shia is forced to work with wallie against the threat, but they can't seem to let the past rest, especially given they had been wallie's fiancé before his abrupt departure seven years before.
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working title: bentley
the gist: how bentley met her wife, and how her loss led bentley's descent into madness and misfortune. (could probably be considered an au off of waldosia)
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working title: giselle & darius
the gist: not long after her marriage to darius, the vampire king, giselle decides she must get her hands on the crown, through any means necessary. *any* means. (could be considered au of [REDACTED] <- literally the only thing i will ever fuss abt spoilers for lol)
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working title: timekeeper kiddos
the gist: the life and times of oaken and her friends, beginning with their discovery of a door between worlds that takes of the appearance of pvp battle arena, where they take on the roles of otherworldly deities called 'timekeepers'. when the lines between reality and the arena begin to blur and people begin to get hurt, they're forced to figure out how to send the timekeepers back to their own reality. beyond that, the web that connects these six friends, and chaz, flows them through adulthood, as they go their separate ways.
related aus: jungho at psu au
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working title: jmg
the gist: when enki and akira fight to help sora and his siblings escape their abusive and negligent father, they're surprised to learn sora has been dead the entire time.
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working title: cymothoa exigua/modern au
the gist: a tragedy about socio-economic and individual power, gender roles, and self-censorship; leaving behind the rigid expectations of a conditional parental love, only to leave yourself behind in the pursuit of romantic love. despite getting out of the negligent household of his childhood with several of his siblings in tow, zenith fails to escape the patterns of his parents, repeating his mother's sacrifice of individuality for love.
[☆ intro post] (none yet!)
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makes-her-sick · 9 months ago
I like throwing handfulls of dirt at kids its my passion
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bewwy · 1 year ago
I'll post a fic Wip here
Sumarry: Phil is haunted by a ghost long dead.
It was a warm sunny day, the kids were rough housenig in the flowers, Tallulah throwing a handfull of dirt at Chayanne, and he jumping on her as revenge.
It was a good day.
The wind ruffling the leaves, and mixing with the laughter of his kids, Phil closed his eyes to enjoy the sun.
But doing so, brought back the memories of the previous morning. It wouldn't leave his mind, the purple crystals shinning in the darkness of the main room, guiding him trough his home. In to the aquarium waters.
It sends a shiver trough his spine, and Philza shakes himself off, rising from the ground and walking to his children, black spots dancing across his vision and the chill holding steady against the sun.
The kids notice him aproach, and Phil tries to smile away the unconfortable feeling, their squeels of laughter and joy acting as a sword, cuting away the memories.
"You little shits enjoying yourselfs?" Both
covered head to toe with mud smile proudly. "I'll need to make you new clothes! Cuse those rags are gonna be sprouting weeds at this point."
"Stop with the drama papa" Tallulah rolls her eyes after the sign.
"We reuse resycle and Rihanna in this house" Signed Chayanne
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Phil weezes out a laugh. "Alright, bath time you too! Go home and get washed, I'll meet you there with some new clothes."
The kids pick themselves up, with Tallulah trowing herself in to his pants, leaving a stain shapped tallulah in it.
"Tallulah! Oh my god. Now I'll need a new pair as well! Uhg.." Philza complains lightly. "Come on both of you! Get going!"
And the kids do, Tallulah warps first, and Chayanne gives a wide grin as he teleports away trough the purple particles.
Fuck him.
It's actually pathetic, the simple color of the particles, brings back all the bad fellings with it. Really, it's quite impressive.
Philza closes his eyes again, trying to take a deep breth and center himself, he sees his kids, just a warp away, and hears laughter. It's not - it's not his kids laughter though.
It's mocking, amused even, as if finding the actions of a stranger perplexing, but comedic. It's so close too, it sounds like it's inside of his ears, and yet so far away, muffled by a indiscribable distance.
He opens his eyes. It's coming closer.
Phil looks across the field and sees nothing, only the overturned dirt and scattered flowers, some unfortuned crushed petals in the ground by his feet, it's pink, but the edges are burnt due to the direct sunlight.
As he looks at the crushed flowers, purple particles appears at the cornner of his eye.
How long has Phil been standing there? Is it Chayanne? Wondering why he hasn't come back yet? But he did say he was gonna do something first, didn't he?
He turns around.
There is no one there, but the laughter seems closer, less muffled.
He needs to go, Phil will let them borrow one of his shirts, but he needs his kids back. Now.
He grabs his warp stone, holds tightly in his hand, and thinks of home. Phil & Missa. Phil & Missa. Phil & Missa. Phil & Missa.
Why isn't he porting?
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lazyloanshark · 1 year ago
Magic Item: Ground of Lyft
Eating this handfull of dirt doubles your carrying capacity for 1 hour
Cursed variant: Halves your carrying capacity for 1 hour after
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funkysocksandboots · 2 years ago
« There is no ethical consumption under capitalism »
Oh yeah? How about I shove a handfull of dirt in my mouth
No capitalism there my boy
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kaleidoscopr · 2 years ago
List of tasty snacks for girls
o Dirt
o ✨Asbestos✨
o human heart
o Ibuprofen 🌈🌈
o Rocks and Lava
o handfull of Table Salt
o Eb Major Scale
o The Wild Wild West
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metallightningbug · 2 years ago
The Insecticon tries to imagine it and finds himself more than a little envious. Given how tiny he is on the grand scale of things it's safe to say that the closest he could get to eating a planet would be putting a handfull of dirt in his mouth.
"That sounds amazing (amazing)."
(@metallightningbug) "What is it like eating a planet (planet)?"
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supernatural-bias · 2 years ago
—keep playing please
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SUMMARY | you've never liked storms. thank god for your weird neighboor and his impromptu band sessions
PAIRING | platonic tommy & wilbur x reader
WARNING | reader doesn't do well with storms, hints at a sad past
WORD COUNT | 2.7k+
AUTHORS NOTES | a rewrite of this fic from almost over a year ago. tagging @lyssys @zooone @beep-beep1
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The walls in this place had always been too thin.
Apartments in Brighton normally had that one thing. That one tiny thing that made the picture perfect abode completely dog shit. You had learned that your first couple months after moving out. No matter now completely sound something may seem on paper, theres always going to be something to ruin it. Whether that be leaky pipes, no hot water, or an elevator that doesn't work. In your case it just happened to be paper fucking thin walls.
The fabric of the small couch you were attempting to sleep on had been rubbing up against your skin nonstop for the past sleepless hour. It was rough and smelled like every dingy bar you had to pass on the streets just to get back home from the train: cigarette smoke and cheap alcohol.
Unsent emails lie dormant on your flickering computer screen, the failing power curtosy of the storm wailing outside.
It, being the email, detailed your heated resignation from your dead-end job. An effort that had taken weeks of deleting and typing. Deleting and typing and deleting and typing until the print on your keyboard had been faded to a nothing but a distant memory. Maybe if one were to squint hard enough, they would see the letter a or f on there somewhere.
The device sitting no less than a couple of yards away might as well be halfway around the world in the great planes of Africa, too far from your reach for you to even consider getting up. Everything seemed like that nowadays, actually. There, but not really.
The sound of something shrill made you flinch. Was someone attempting to run a bar of metal through a cheese grater? Oh, right. That was just the sound of the window panes being thrust up against your brick walls. Normally, one would assume that having thin walls is where the misfortune regarding a shitty apartment would end. But apparently having only two windows, both as brittle as the expired candy you received from your batty grandma on the holidays, came part and parcel with it.
But none of that would matter—not a single email, or the lack luster walls, or even the window—would matter. If it wasn't for the tear tracks on your face.
Anyone who knew you even remotely well would have spotted something wrong the moment they entered your apartment. No, it wasn't the handfull of tissues that had missed their goal of the mini trashcan sitting by your side. No, it wasn't the pair of pajamas you hadn't changed out of in two days time. It was where you were sitting.
Ever since your days as a child, when your biggest woes were but an ice cream cone dropped in the dirt, the couch had always been the place to go when the familiar sting of tears rose. It was where the last happy memories of your family resided. And you knew it was stupid to hold onto something that had since fallen to peices, but humans had always been sentimental like that. And what were you if but just a human.
Every time a storm came in you would get like this. It would all surface until that same spot on the couch—propped between two pillows and enveloped with a heavy blanket—was taken up. By you, an echo of the person who had once been bright. Filled with the daydreams of the road ahead of you.
But you knew now those roads just led straight back to where you were now. With emails that would never be sent sitting across from you as you cried for reasons you couldn't explain.
As yet another round of bright electricity struck the ground outside your window, a new sound drifted through the air and into one of your ears. Slow at first, but growing bit by bit until it was enough for your eyebrows to furrow together.
It was a soft melody. Very out of place in your current situation. You felt like you should've watching a symphony from afar while hearing that tune; not wasting away on your couch in the dead of night.
A warm voice accompanied it as well, along with the slow sound of a steady drumbeat. It cut through the next round of earth shattering thunder like a hot knife in butter, dulling the anxiety provoking noise.
With trepidation, you found yourself propping your knees up on the couch, leaning your ear against their living room wall. It was something straight out of a cliche movie—children spying on their parents for instance. It was a poor attempt to be able to hear the weak music better, but for once, you were aiding the opportunity given to you by the poorly built walls.
With the peeling paint of your cheap apartment wall scratching at your ears skin, you were just in time to catch the tail end of the song.
The music was so much clearer now. Crisp, refreshing. Soothing. Before it was similar to the sound of water dripping from a leaky faucet. Now it was a roaring river, washing over you in waves. Bringing a smile to your cheeks that were still stained pink with streaks of salty tears.
You were drowning. Drowning in the lyrics, drowning in the beat, drowning in the utter joy that resonated through nothing but a few musical notes placed in an orderly fashion.
But then, just like that, it ended.
And you were left alone with the weather once more.
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Why were you here again?
That's the only thing that came to mind as you adjusted the blanket on your shoulders. Hoping that you didn't look like that homeless person on the corner near the grocery store. A hesitating hand drew itself up to the doors scuffed surface, knocking timidly once, twice, three times before falling limply to your side.
Some shuffling came from the other side of the door. It was hard to tell, but you thought you heard a couple people laughing—one of the people's laughter being louder than the rest, if you could even call it that. Sounded more worthy of the title of a shout. Or perhaps even a wheeze.
The fact was, your head was simply too filled with thoughts. All of them whirling around in a tight blend of anxiety and fear to completely notice the sounds of joy. Why had you left your apartment? For a song you had thought was nice? You didn't even know these people and vice versa. So why in the absolute hell were you practically standing on their doorstep just to hear more of that music.
Your posture automatically straightened as the door cracked open. Light spilled from it, more noise accompanying the action. To say you were a little grateful for the change in atmosphere, from a dingy communal hallway to a slightly less dingy communal hallways, would be an understatement.
"Hey! What d' ya need mate?"
The boy (or man, it was hard to tell. He had a very childlike quality to him) currently standing in front of you was the epitome of everything you weren't.
He had on a turquoise jumper with simple black trousers. A design of stick people decorated with muted colors had been printed loosely on the front. Tousled and wrinkled to the moon and back, it looked like he'd had quite the night. Overall, the guys' clothes looked well worn and loved.
His face was set with a gentle and caring look, a wide smile pulling it all together. He was staring straight at you, his piercing baby blue eyes making it seem like he was looking right through you and into your soul. A light dusting of rosy pink complemented his cheeks, blonde hair tucked behind his ears and falling into his eyes with a slight tickle. If you had any money to bet with at that moment you would have placed it all on the notion that this was the person with the loud laugh you'd heard moments before. Certantly seemed cherry enough for it.
"Yeah, hey." You tried your best for a smile. Something that seemed a bit easier than a few moments ago. "I'm the person who lives a door down, and I couldn't help but hearing the music. Because for some reason I'm still awake tonight. At one in the morning." The last part was a bit quieter, more of a mummble to yourself than him.
Immediately, your words seemed to embarass him, his ears flaming up something ferice as he nervously laughed.
"Oh! Oh yeah, so so sorry about that. We were just having a laugh and playing around, didn't mean to disturb you at all really. I can tell then to quiet down or something if that's what you nee—"
"No!" Your hands froze in mid air as you cut him off. "No, please. I actually came to ask if you lot could keep it up? I have trouble desling with storms, and my walls are really thin, but the musics good and it's a nice distraction."
Blue eyes cautiously tracked your movement as you folded in on yourself a bit, inwardly cringing at oversharing with a total stranger. Your self loathing only increased as he held up a single finger to you as if to say 'hold on', before poking his head back through the door behind him, yelling a few inaudible things back and fourth with someone before returning back to you.
"Uh, hey, what's your name?" He asked you, voice as soft as before. You hesitated for a moment, eyes sunken and lips dry, before answering.
"It's (Y/n)."
"Mines Tommy." The person now known as Tommy smiled. You attempted once more to mirror the look, but it felt less like mirroring and more genuine. As if just sharing a moment with an old friend. He brightened up at that, still maintaining a carefree posture.
"Why don't you come in?" Tommy glanced behind you as if looking for more people but stepped back with the same warm smile to open the door. "You look like death, and I'd rather not have Wil's nice neighbor fall dead at his doorstep. Bad for clout."
"Gee. Thanks." You chose to retort instead of asking who Wil was, following after his laughing figure into the new environment. You had been right about earlier. He was the one with the loud laugh—looking like he was about to double over with the way he practically lost control of himself. Something about that made you chuckle yourself.
Walking through a much brighter lit halfway, you followed Tommy until the thin room opened up into a much larger one. What you assumed would be the living room, although right now it looked more like a music studio. Inside were more people, all of them situated in a sloppy semi circle.
There were about four of them, each sitting by different instruments and laughing. All were men and had a scruffy look to them. Like they were scuffed around the edges, but if you pried hard enough, you could find their soft center.
Tommy looked over at you while you were still taking in the sight. He watched as your pupils adjusted to the new setting, glancing back at him as if silently asking what you were supposed to do now.
"These guys are my friends, it's okay." He leaned over to whisper at you in a tone that was a tad bit to loud to be a wisper. You got the feeling he wasn't that good at being quiet.
"Stay here for a moment. I'm going to go talk to them." He told you before walking off.
Tommy walked up and started talking, something that you couldn't hear from where you were standing. He was using wild hand gestures, and every once in a while the people he was talking to would glance behind him at you. When they noticed you staring right back, each would just offer a wave or smile before looking back at Tommy with a more serious expression.
After what seemed like forever, Tommy turned back around to start walking to you. But this time the four other people trailed after him like ducklings, all of them looking at you with eyes that crinkled together at the edges. Almost as if happy to see you.
"Okay (Y/n)," Tommy clapped his hands together, and noticing how you jumped at the suprise, lowered them back down while mouthing an apology. One of the guys socked him on his arm playfully, causing Tommy to glare at them before looking back at you.
"These are my mates. They wanted to meet you, the praiser and five star reveiwer of my music that happens to be Wil's neighboor." One of them hit him in the arm again with a laugh as they explained to Tommy in a playfully condescending way—like a teacher explaining something to a child—that it wasn't his music. They just received a raspberry from Tommy before he began to introduce them one by one.
The first was Ash. He had on a red beanie that went together quite well with his chunky glasses. Along with his scruffy mustache—that you thought was rather impressive—and chill nature, he could have easily been mistaken as someones laid back roommate from university. A vibe you much appreciated. He offered you a polite tip of his hat and a greeting while balancing a sleek guitar on his hip.
The next to be introduced was a fellow named Joe. He had a large smile and waved at you swiftly. His sandy blonde hair and beard made him look older than he actually was, but giving off a homey vibe all the same. He was the shortest of the group, which was like saying he was the dumbest scientist to work at nasa. They were all giants compared to you.
Then was the next man. His name was Mark and he looked quite similar to Joe. Both had sandy blonde hair and a beard, yet Mark's face was a bit rounder. He also happened to be a few inches taller than the previous member. He didn't say much when Tommy gestured in his direction, just stuffing his hands in his pockets and awkwardly smiling.
"—and that's Wilbur. Wil. Soot. Soot man. Sooty boy." Tommy finally finished speaking, pointing at a brunet with a baseball cap on while dragging out different versons of his name. He just got an eyeroll in response, much different from the soft smile that was tossed your way by Wilbur.
Looking back at you with wide eyes and an expective grin, Tommy spoke directly to you this time.
"Whatcha think?" He boasted with his hands on his hips. "Are we cool or what?" A small smattering of laughter from the boys behind Tommy followed the blonds words as they tried to deny it, doing a very poor job considering you did somewhat agree with Tommy. I mean, you had shown up on their doorstep and all.
You paused.
"You're all too fucking tall." You finally relented with a head tilt, bouncing you eyes from one person to another till they had circled back to Tommy with a glint he couldn't decipher. But something told him it wasn't anything bad. Not like the state he had just seen you in a few moments ago.
He felt his heart swell in the slightest bit for no reason at your words. That was evident enough with the way he bounded over to you to wrap an arm around your shoulders. Wilbur chided him slightly for the sudden action, telling him to give people space like they had talked about, but you just laughed. Feeling like this would become a regular occurrence.
You had a feeling you were going to be spending a lot of time with this new group. That's one thing for certain.
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rozugold · 3 years ago
im tryna catch up with the protégé tommy au but its alot to swallow, could u give a rlly quick summary (like a handfull of sentences if possible) of where it takes place/what happens? /nf of course!!! i can always look myself if thas too much to ask :))
Aaaa imma try-
Painted illusions starts at the end of exile, Dream comes back just in time to see Tommy on the dirt tower. He brings him down and takes him to the big finale mountain to set up base. Tommy emotionally shuts down after his attempt and Dream uses this to get him to join his side under the guise that Dream will help Tommy get back to his normal self. From then on he assists Dream in his evil endeavors, he builds the underground bunker, steals the axe of peace, and sets off the tnt machines during Doomsday. Dream then gives Tommy the biggest task yet, to kill Tubbo and rid of his last attachment.
Spoilers for if you’re not done with the disc confrontation comics!
Currently we’re in the healing arc/season 3. Tommy now lives with Tubbo in Snowchester for the time being and is trying to learn how to be his own person again. He’s also trying to figure out how to deal with the guilt he feels over helping with the destruction of L’Manburg, and how to deal with the burden of having the revival book knowledge that Dream made him memorize.
Also! The green tinted comics are during Dream’s rule while the red tinted comics are after Dream’s death (so Tommy’s rule)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years ago
Prepare for trouble, and make it double!
My attempt of making a writing colab along with @thotsforvillainrights and her beautiful baby Kaishi! Hope I made justice for your cute little one!
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"Boreeeeeeed....." the kid whined, upside down besides his fatger on the couch as he read a book without much caring it in the first place.
With a huff, Kaito raised himself up and kneeled right besides his dad, leaning his hubby cheek against his shoulder.
"Papaaaa?" The boy almost whined as Kai only flipped a page of his book. The five year's old pouted as he stood up and started to make noises with his mouth, knowing how much Kai was bothered by them.
"For crying out loud, what?" The older malr snapped as Kaito stopped making noises and just stared blanky back at him "Well?"
"I'm bored."
"... do I look like an amusement park to you brat?" Kai sighed before driving his attention to his book "Go play with your toys or read something. "
"You are the most boring dad in the world papa." Kaito pointed out with a frown and before Kai could come back with some smart ass reply they heard door's noises and Kaito immediately brighten up.
"Mama!" The boy shouted in goee as he climbed off the sofa as Kai immediately thanked God or whoever was above for you to finally be home.
"Woah hey bub!" You giggled with a few packs on your hands as the child hugged onto your lev with all the strenght he had.
"I missed you! Being with papa alone is boring." You tried to prevent a snort to come before you just giggled and carresed both of your son's checks lovingly.
"Guess what? There is a surprise on the hallway and maybe you womt be just as bored."
"But papa said we cant have a dog." The kid pouted as your heart clenched a little... you were still fighting over Kai to at least get a puppy.
"Is not a puppy sweetie. But is your cousin Kaishi!" You smiled brightly as your son's (e/c) shined a bit even if his face didn't changed at all "Go say hi to him and be nice!"
"Ok." The kid nodded and went pass you as you picked the bags and soon heard shrieks of gless coming from the hallway and a very fearfull looking Chisaki Kai almost drop himself on his way as he found you with wide eyes.
"I heard screaming. From two kids. We have only one. What did you do?!" He almost exclaimed as you arched an eyebrow and giggled.
"You already forgot hon? Our nephew Kaishi is here to spend the day with us. Isn't adorable? Kaito will have a playdate almost!" You stopped giggling when your husband's face went as pale as it could get "oh my god Kai you're okay?!"
"T-Two... brats... Two little demonic pests... in the same house... in my house..." his golden eye twitched as he brought one of his hands to scretch his forearm.
"Aren't you being a little overdramatic?" You tried to coax him to relax until you both froze at the sounds of devilsh giggles, pots falling and surely Rappa and Mimic's screams of anger.
"I am not." If you didn't knew your husband, you surely would've tell by his tone of voice that he was actually terrified.
"This drink will make everyone's who drink it into a rat!" Kaishi exclaimed while adding dead leafs into the pot as kaito nodded with a determined and concentrated face.
"Rats like cheese... I guess maybe a bit of spoiled cheese?" Kaito offered while pointing at to the trash can.
"Yeah! That will work!" Kaishi smiled as Kaito quickly picked with his already dirty hlittle hands the before saftely wrapped spoiped cheese and dropped onto the pot.
"Now what?" The boys looked at each other before Kaishi picked a bit of mud nearby, silently suggesting to put as Kaito smiled and nodded.
The... substance, was indeed something. Not only the appearance of it was terryfing but the smell of it almost made the two young boys puke.
"We will have to drink that?" Kaishi spoked, his little voice all funny due to him covering his nose as Kaito immediately shocked his head in disaproval of the idea "So who will?"
"Papaaaa!!!!" "Uncle Kaiii!"
He froze aat the voices of the boys as he was trying to play shogi in peace with Pops as the elder only chuckled when the two energetic boys opened the door's room, Kaito carrying a cup of God's know why.
"What now?" He arched an eyebrow from his place of the couch at Kaito covered in mud and dirt offering him a cup.
"Drink it!" Kaito told simply as Kaishi covered his mouth to prevent a giggle to escape.
"Why on hell I would do something like that?" He stared at the two before he felt his hives appearing on high speed "You both. Bath. Now."
"Drink this first papa!!" Kaito stoomped his foot down, not getting a tad bit scared when Kai just stood up with a glare.
"Kaito Chisaki."
"Drink it!" The boy accidentaly tripped and it sended the mixture right on Kai's necj and some of it on his mask... thankfully.
"Oh geez." Pops chuckled while grabbing his cup of tea as he saw in question of minutes Kaishi grabbing his cousin's hand and yelling to run as Kai ran after them with a pissed offf shout.
You finishedd making the snacks for the kids until you saw your husband on the doorway, eye twitching, sleeves rolled back, from head to waist all dripping wet as the two boys greeted you like little angels... and to notify, they were sparkling almost.
"Uh... I heard some shouting but I thought you three were playing so.." you smiled awkwardly as you picked Kaishi up as he nuzzled on your neck as Kaito pouted as the jelly little mommy's boy he was.
"Those pests..." your husband muttered in a murdeful tone of voice before sighing and going straight to the bathroom.
"What did you two do to your poor uncle and father huh?" You asked as the two boys stared at you back before both replying in the same time.
"We tried to turn him into a rat."
Oh dear...
You soon notice that the boys were handfull even to yourself together so you quickly offered a movie to put on as you saw the look of your husband's face as he tried to just eat his dinner in peace but alas, his son and nephew had other plans on just asking ever type of question possible and if not answered right away they poked him, not caring about his mysophobia anymore.
"You're an angel you know that..." you smiled in sympathy as your Kai rested his head on your shoulder, completely drained from having to deal with two versions of hyperative children of the same gene.
"You deserve to rest my poor baby." You murmured while kissing his temple as he grumbled something.
"Gross." Kaito commented as Kaishi nodded in aproval.
"Disgusting." Kaishi tried to imitate Kai's voice only to end up laughing along with Kaito.
"... tell me is already the time to bed for those..." your husband almost begged until Kaito got up to fist your clothes on his tiny fists and rest his head on your lap.
"Can Kaishi stay the night mama? Pretty please?" He asked with the puppy dog eyes you just couldn't refuse.
"Absolutely no-" "of course honey." Kai got his face up from your neck only to glare daggers at you as the children cheered.
"You traitor..." he spoke in utter disdust as you could only giggle.
"The boy are sleep. The extra cushion did came in handy." You smiled as your husband immediately fell into the bed with a groan.
"They're quite... handfull." You laughed at his mumbling and went to do your night routine... as soon as you finished you got out of the bathroom to met Kai already on his back staring at the ceiling before those amber eyes fell on you.
"They did drain your energy out today huh?" You sit down close to him and softly started to comb your fingers into his hair as he sighed in relief.
"... Lay down.. is getting cold and I dont want you to get sick." He mumbled sleepy as you smiled in utter love for usual anti social germophobic man, giving excuses only for you to lay down and touch him.
"Needy arent we?" You teased, face front to him as he opened one eye lazily before testing the waters and giving you a kiss that soon turned heated.
"I will show you needy."he growled lowly as you felt already heat coming down there and also a tad bit of hardness on his part as he hover over you to attack your neck only for-"
"We can't sleep." Kaito opened the door, carrying his plushie as Kaishi yawned wlazily and opened one eye.
"Auntie? Uncle?"
You just patted your husband's back when he just dropped on you and screamed in frustation on the crook of your neck.
Tough day for daddy Kai.
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