halobeast10 · 1 year
AYO WAIT THE ARTIST WHO I COMISSIONED TO DRAW MY TWITCH PANELS YEARS AGO FOLLOWS ME HERE? WHEN??? Yo if you are interested I may have some additional work for you here in a few weeks!
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Hello haaaaaaaai! Can I possibly request laughing jack x reader who stutters and often forgets what they're trying to say/struggles to get words out?
Laughing Jack x reader who stutters and forgets words
Reader is just like me frfr. I've found that over the past two years (especially the past year) my own stuttering has been getting... worse. I find myself struggling to get words out as well having to restart and reword sentences just to get the words out. As well as just. Blanking on words, and when I DO have the word it just. No noise comes out. Hate it so so much I dont know what the problem is
Ramble aside I hope you enjoy Anon!
Hey you, Readers! Do you want to possibly win a raffle for customized posts with your favorite characters and your ocs? You can enter through the link in my pinned before march 27th!
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All things considered, hes fairly patient. At least by laughing jack standards... he doesnt snap at you or get upset if you're having trouble with a word
He tries to guess what you're saying, although he may be unaware of this not helping or even making you feel bad if you dont enjoy that kind of behavior
It does sometimes come in handy if you're having trouble remembering a word, with.. moderate success with trying to come up with an answer
If you feel self conscious about it he tries to reassure you
Has probably mimicked your stutter, no ill intent but if it makes you feel bad hes going to feel horrible
Especially because he didnt think about it before he did it, the clown has poor impulse control
Slips you notes if you need some alone time after having a particularly rough day or just dont feel like talking
VERY loud if anyone ever tries to mock you, you've probably carried him around in his box and he almost blew his cover because someone decided to be rude to you unprompted
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mochibuni · 11 days
My phone: 1AM EMAIL DING
Me: oh I wonder what it could be??
Email: Haaaaaaaay your Live Journal is 21 years old today!
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ameliapodcast · 8 months
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haysgrove · 1 year
did you hear??????
the cake hounds have toe beans!!!!!!
they have little beans!!!!!!
i watched the video like a thousand time bc it was so cute
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sovereign-skyy · 11 months
hru? :3
Okay this took me way too long to answer lmao
I'm okay, not quite awake yet but it's Sunday so that's fine
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voidsentprinces · 6 months
MCH: Boy BLM and DRK why did Yoshi P give you TWO Promo ima-- BLM: Favorite DRK: Haaaaaaaai Yaaaaaaaaai FooooRRCCces! HaAAAAi YaAAaaaAi FooooRRRRrccccCCCces!
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sans-guy · 6 months
ommggg hi raaaaaaaanch haaaaaaaai
right now? between work, school, and everything else in my life, barely
most of the stuff im drawin is not worth posting anywhere. idk im just flopping around on 3D projects n stuff more than drawing rn
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gmanwhore · 6 months
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ryebecca · 1 year
🐮 haaaaay (get it because cows sometimes eat... hay)
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Haaaaaaaay, Sierra! A beach day with Jake? I LOVE IT AND I WANT IT. 🏖️ ☀️
send me a 🐮 and i will refresh my pinterest and give u my first four pics as a random moodboard
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sulky-valkyrie · 1 year
HI SULKY here's a prompt, happy friday, pls for some anders/tabris/nat or some permutation thereof: “ hey, how badly are you hurt? can you move? you think you can walk? “
haaaaaaaai Jay💜 have some of my best feral girl trying very hard not to be! for @dadrunkwriting
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Tabris was in the stables brushing Ohgren’s pony when she heard the crash.  Concerning, but probably nothing.  The gates had been mangled so badly in the siege that even dismantling them was a loud and destructive process, and while each clatter or thud always made her jump, she was learning to ignore them instead of running down to the courtyard with blades in hand.
Aeducan whinnied and tried to eat her hair as she rubbed down his front legs, and she bonked his nose gently.  “Stop it or no sugar lumps.”  
Whether it was the threat or the thump, she didn’t know, but Aeducan stopped.  He didn’t settle down, though, and kept shifting nervously.  The tension started to make Tabris’ skin crawl and her ears twitch.  Come to think of it, the sounds of construction had stopped.  In fact, the whole keep was too quiet.  She tossed the brushes in their basket and hurried out with weapons drawn, and damn how foolish it might make her look.
The eerie silence felt louder now.  Not good.  The gates were the most likely source of the racket, so starting there was her best bet.  As she rounded the last row of outbuildings, her heart jumped in her throat.  Half the keep was in the courtyard, and in the middle of it, clearly pulled out from under some of the rubble, was Anders.  Lying on the ground.  Not moving.
Visions of Alistair’s body flashed before her eyes. The blades fell from her hands as she broke into a sprint.  No, no, no, no, no, not again.
She plowed through the crowd, pushing people away and knocking them down before crouching down by his side.  He was still breathing, at least, but his leg didn’t look right and when she stroked his hair, she could feel a lump.  “What happened?” she demanded.  “Someone get Velanna, now!”
“Already done, Commander,” someone said.  
A hand touched her shoulder and she snarled, whirling to snap at it.  “Don’t go bitin’ nothin’ off,” Oghren chuckled.  “Never hear the end of it from Felsi if I lose my magic touch.”
She shrugged him off and turned back to Anders.  “Fix it or fuck off,” she whispered.
“You think I came down here to gawk?” Something hard and cold tapped her ear.  “Give him this shit.”
Tabris scowled up at him.  “What is it?”
“Some leftovers from that dumb broad who ate the wrong mushrooms down in Orzammar.  Might not fix the leg, but it’ll wake him up.” He gave her a sloppy salute.  “Warden’s honor.”
Right, Lady Brodens.  The twit who’d managed to get herself poisoned while the Harrowmonts and Aeducans were brawling in the streets.  She grabbed the vial and tilted Anders’ head up to dribble a bit into his mouth.  He swallowed reflexively, and she let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.  Slow and steady, don’t force it.
She did a few drops at a time, making sure he swallowed instead of inhaled, then repeated it, over and over.  It felt like it took hours to get even a quarter of the potion into him, but she didn’t dare move him more than she already had until someone made sure his neck wasn’t damaged.  Whether that was Velanna - where the fuck was she? - or Anders himself, she didn’t care.  
Her legs were numb when he started to stir.  First he started licking his lips, then his eyes started to flutter.  She didn’t try to speed up the process or give him more, no matter how much she wanted to.  “Anders?” she asked softly.
He mumbled something unintelligible and tried to shake his head, whimpering when she held him still.  Her heart hurt watching it; restraints and hair pulling had been a recurring nightmare for as long as they’d been sleeping together, and the fact that she was putting him through it deliberately, regardless of the necessity, made her feel like a monster.
“It’s me, Anders,” she tried again.  “It’s Tabris.  You’re o- you’re safe,” she murmured.  “Something happened with the gate, you’re not in the Circle.”
He coughed weakly and finally opened his eyes.  “Not the way I wanted to spend time in your lap.”
She bent down to kiss his forehead.  “How badly are you hurt? Can you walk?  Can you move at all?”
He blinked a few times as he considered the question, then held up his hand.  It trembled slightly, but he was definitely moving it on his own power.  “Yes to the last one.”  He waved it gingerly, and a soft blue-green glow started to creep from his fingers to his wrist, then the rest of his arm, disappearing into his sleeve.  She felt a faint tingle as it continued to spread through his body.  “Some bruises, no concussion.  Leg’s broken too,” he muttered, then winced.  “Ugh, compound fracture.”
“Anything else?” Tabris asked.  As if that weren’t enough.
He pushed himself up slowly.  “Maker, I hope not.  Is Ria okay?”
“Who?”  Tabris scooted forward to keep supporting him as he reached for his leg, hand already lit up with more magic.
He chuckled quietly as he rested his head on her shoulder.  “You really are terrible with names, aren’t you?”
Tabris shrugged.  No use denying it.  “What’d she do?”
“Senna’s niece.”  He hissed as something in his leg clicked back into place audibly.  “They came from Highever.  She was chasing some birds and the granite slipped from the harness and -” he stopped.  “There wasn’t time to cast anything and I couldn’t just let it happen, love,” he said apologetically.
She kissed his forehead gently.  “I wouldn’t expect anything else.”
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krisispiss · 1 year
hiiiii :3
haaaaaaaai n_n
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supersonic1994 · 1 year
needle in the haaaaaay needle in the haaaaaaaay needle in the haaaaaaay needle in the haaaaaaay
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scuzmunkie · 2 years
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HAAAAAAAAYS 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 @itshayhay
This is an absolute masterpiece!!!!
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unabashedrebel · 2 years
Hey, you. *knocks on inside of monitor*
Haaaaaaaai. :D
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You’re just in time for my feeding schedule!
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cathyyyyyyyyyy · 2 years
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