#H1N1 (Swine Influenza)
healthcareporium · 1 year
Exploring H1N1 (Swine Influenza): Market Trends and Leading Companies
In recent years, infectious diseases have taken the center stage, reshaping the healthcare landscape and emphasizing the need for constant vigilance. One such infectious disease is H1N1 (Swine Influenza). Understanding the market dynamics surrounding this disease is crucial for healthcare stakeholders. In this blog, we delve into the H1N1 market, its size, drivers, key players, and more. What is…
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fox-bright · 6 months
In Response to the H5N1 Ask:
I'm not answering the ask with your name on it, because I think you came off poorly, and I'm not in the habit of pointing my followers at people when I feel this angry at them. But having had some fresh chocolate chip cookies, some cat snuggles, some sifu-husband hugs, some delightful kindly asks from people who are prepared to behave like equals today and no shortage of groupchat “Would you look at the fucking cojones on THIS one?!” mockery, I now feel settled enough to take this line by line.
So let’s do it.
Hello. I am someone who works alongside people in ornithology. Hi! I work alongside a master of IT and frequently work arm-in-arm with medical doctors. What does that make me? I’m not a sysadmin and you’d better not trust me to install an arterial stent.
Your bird flu post was linked to me and I would like to privately share some reassurance about H1N1 as well as some problems I have with your post.
My post was about H5N1. H1N1 is the swine flu.
Bird flu has been studied for years and indeed is very lethal to humans, but it does not have the same viral characteristics as a mammal-originating virus like COVID does. This is not a useful statement. Bird flu has been studied for decades—over a century, in fact, as the 1918 flu was an avian influenza. You know, the one that killed tens of millions of people, to the point that it derailed a world war? Personally, I have been paying attention to and reading research papers about H5N1 since 2015, and giving my very close attention to it for the last five years.
Since the SARS outbreak, vaccines and treatments for these rare case of direct bird-to-human flu transmission have been developed and have been poised to be deployed immediately should direct bird-to-human transmission ever occur. Let’s be clear: bird-to-human transmission is occurring too frequently. More than eight hundred times in the last twenty years, and more and more rapidly in recent years, and again, more than half of those were lethal. That tends to be from exposure to wild animals hunted for food, or exposure to home-raised animals who get sick from wild animals. Bird-to-human transmission is not yet occurring frequently in the States, where our food is generally factory-produced and hunting is less common, but it is occurring with increasing regularity outside of the US. No vaccine will be useful to a person who is already infected (useless!); currently the treatment for infected people is antivirals and supportive care, alongside strict quarantine. Current H5N1 vaccines may or may not be very effective against any human-to-human variant, as it may have mutated to evade them. We do not have enough H5N1 vaccine doses to go around, and the ones we do will be concentrated first on the military and medical personnel.
The reason monitoring agencies and professionals are on “high alert” for these bird-to-cow-to-human incidents is because they are taking it seriously on a more theoretical level essential to their profession. Why are you so smugly, confidently incorrect? “We have never seen this scale of infections in mammals, and in such diversity of mammals. We have now seen more than 40 species of mammals infected during the last outbreaks, which is unprecedented.”
In this case, the people and cows who contracted H1N1 did not die. It’s literally been days since the human contracted it from the cows, and we do not yet know that he’s the only one. We are NOT in a position to say “okay, so things are peachy!” We also do not know how many cows have it (we’re up to what, fifteen farms now?) and we do not know how rapidly it’s evolving in those massive groups of mammals.
My first concern about your post is its lack of linked to sources and the framing of it as an advice post. The New York Times has an article available on this issue as well as the Audubon Society and various wildlife agencies. Some of these articles are a year or two old, This is the point where I started getting really pissed at you. You demand I provide citations, but you provide none. You suggest I go to the fucking New York Times to read outdated articles? So you haven’t read anything more recent, or from anywhere more reliable, and thus you don’t imagine that I have, either? Arrogance.
but that is because this strain is a very slow-moving development ABSOLUTELY not the case. It is mutating rapidly, over and over and over again. You demanded sources, so I expect you to read those, but if you’ve only got time for one, pick the last of them.
with no immediate signs of consequences for humans outside of people working directly with cattle getting sick— and these humans have neither transmitted the virus to others or suffered anything worse than pink eye from it. So since it hasn’t happened, we don’t need to worry about it happening, hmm? Are you familiar with the term “gain-of-function research?” It’s when an organism is changed, in a lab, to make it more powerful, more infectious, more virulent, something along those lines. When you put a disease into tens of thousands of animals, you’re performing a natural gain of function experiment, as it has tens of thousands of chances to mutate. The “Spanish flu” pandemic, which actually was first noted in a Kansas army base, was almost certainly the result of an avian flu infecting pigs. Pigs are really similar to us, in terms of receptors; what makes them sick is much more likely to make us sick; when this hits pigs-to-pig transmission, it’s time to batten down the hatches. Cows aren’t nearly as similar, but they’re still mammals, so they bring it a lot closer to us; and when you can get unaltered H5N1 from bodily fluids, guess what? Meat and milk are disease vectors. And we don’t actually know that pasteurization of milk inactivates the virus. As I said in my previous post, now is the time to prepare, and to be wary.
This strain is lethal and highly viral between birds and will likely remain this way for a very long time.
This strain has been rapidly, monstrously lethal to MANY animals. Sometimes in huge numbers. You may remember the mink farm where it mutated to spread mink-to-mink (those are mammals), or the sea lions (which I will point out to you are also mammals), where it spread sea lion-to-sea lion and rapidly killed them by the thousands. It’s killing polar bears. It’s killing other predators. It’s killing all manner of US mammals singly and in multiples. However, the mammal-killing mutations don’t stop it from still killing birds.
My final concern— Spring is coming and that means horny birds are about to start hitting windows. Wildlife rehabbers are currently updating the public’s general info on what to do with stunned birds— they often do not recover if left on their own to fly away after a window strike and concerned citizens need to take these birds to a rehabber immediately if found. If people read your post, they will likely conclude that bird-to-human crossover is likely and be afraid to touch a downed bird that needs emergency medical care. I want to be absolutely, painfully clear to any non-doofus reading this right now: I have loved birds since infancy. I grew up with a smalltime conservationist; I have spent no small amount of my photographic hours on birds. I have saved wild birds—poisoned by farmers, wingshot by rednecks, window-struck, sick, attacked by feral cats, orphaned by agricultural machinery--long enough to get them to rehabbers on many occasions, and I have on three occasions assisted with that rehab, including keeping very odd hours to feed nestlings with a dropper. I have assisted with ecological rehabilitation and rewilding programs to provide them with territory; I have written my politicians and donated to wildlife efforts. So know that this is not coming from a place of not respecting or loving the wildlife. This is not “framed as” or “presented as” advice, this is absolutely the advice I would give you face to face, in absolute conviction. This year? If you see a fallen bird? You WALK THE FUCK AWAY. H5N1 gives birds seizures, disorientation, clumsiness and gasping. Or, sometimes, it is completely asymptomatic, and a perfectly healthy-seeming bird could still give you the disease. You can not tell if that bird hit the window because it’s horny and stupid and you forgot to put the stickers up, or because it’s in the grip of a disease that could kill you if the creature breathes too closely to you.
Given all of this, I ask that you please delete your original bird flu post before it has the chance to scare a lot of people and potentially hinder them from helping birds. Yeah, that's not going to be happening.
If you’d like to repost it, please add linked sources and resources for those concerned about avian flu. As previously mentioned, the New York Times has an article with the latest developments on monitoring this virus. Fuck you and your ignorant superciliousness sideways. You do not walk into my fucking Asks with this bullshit like you know ANYTHING when you plainly haven’t read jack shit about the situation as it’s evolving on the ground.
Bird flu is indeed very scary but not nearly in the same league as Covid or even the seasonal flu for most people. You’re absolutely right, in absolutely the wrong direction. If-when this goes human-to-human, it will rapidly outstrip covid’s dangerousness to a shocking degree. Today, it is not dangerous to anyone who leaves birds the fuck alone, but that’s today, and we need to prepare for the potential of tomorrow.
I hope this information helps and please excuse my stiff language. I suspect I sound really angry and condescending when I haven’t had much sleep. Yeah, you came off as a total jackwagon. “This information,” you say, as if you brought ANYTHING with you but attitude.
Sorry if that’s the case, but I didn’t want anything picking up steam before sharing this with you! Please educate yourself more adequately before you attempt again to correct someone. I have myself in the past been raring to go with a correction, checked to make sure that I had my phrasing right, and been caught flatfooted by new information. It’s better to feel that embarrassing moment of “oh, shit,” and realign your understanding silently, than to go in without doing any of the work and waste someone else’s time having to educate you.
If you reply to this in any way that is even slightly confrontational, I'm just going to block you. You aren't worth my time--you weren't worth this time! I have things I am supposed to be doing!--and I genuinely hope you do better in the future.
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ralfmaximus · 5 months
Here's the complete list of DHS flagged search terms. Don't use any of these on social media to avoid having the 3-letter agencies express interest in your activities!
DHS & Other Agencies
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Coast Guard (USCG)
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Border Patrol
Secret Service (USSS)
National Operations Center (NOC)
Homeland Defense
Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Task Force
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Fusion Center
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Secure Border Initiative (SBI)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS)
Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Air Marshal
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
National Guard
Red Cross
United Nations (UN)
Domestic Security
Domestic security
Law enforcement
Disaster assistance
Disaster management
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)
National preparedness
Dirty Bomb
Domestic nuclear detection
Emergency management
Emergency response
First responder
Homeland security
Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
National preparedness initiative
Shots fired
Explosion (explosive)
Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT)
Organized crime
National security
State of emergency
Bomb (squad or threat)
Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb
HAZMAT & Nuclear
Chemical Spill
Suspicious package/device
National laboratory
Nuclear facility
Nuclear threat
Biological infection (or event)
Chemical burn
Hazardous material incident
Industrial spill
Powder (white)
Blister agent
Nerve agent
North Korea
Health Concern + H1N1
Food Poisoning
Foot and Mouth (FMD)
Small Pox
Human to human
Human to ANIMAL
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Drug Administration (FDA)
Public Health
Agro Terror
Tuberculosis (TB)
Water/air borne
Norvo Virus
World Health Organization (WHO and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
E. Coli
Infrastructure Security
Infrastructure security
CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources)
Computer infrastructure
Communications infrastructure
Critical infrastructure
National infrastructure
Airplane (and derivatives)
Chemical fire
Port Authority
NBIC (National Biosurveillance Integration Center)
Transportation security
Body scanner
Failure or outage
Black out
Brown out
Service disruption
Power lines
Southwest Border Violence
Drug cartel
U.S. Consulate
El Paso
Fort Hancock
San Diego
Ciudad Juarez
Mara salvatrucha
MS13 or MS-13
Drug war
Mexican army
Cartel de Golfo
Gulf Cartel
La Familia
Nuevo Leon
Narco banners (Spanish equivalents)
Los Zetas
Meth Lab
Drug trade
Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers)
Barrio Azteca
Artistics Assassins
New Federation
Al Queda (all spellings)
Environmental terrorist
Eco terrorism
Conventional weapon
Weapons grade
Dirty bomb
Chemical weapon
Biological weapon
Ammonium nitrate
Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device)
Abu Sayyaf
FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia)
IRA (Irish Republican Army)
ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna)
Basque Separatists
Tamil Tiger
PLF (Palestine Liberation Front)
PLO (Palestine Libration Organization)
Car bomb
Weapons cache
Suicide bomber
Suicide attack
Suspicious substance
AQAP (Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula)
AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan)
Home grown
Extreme weather
Forest fire
Brush fire
Tsunami Warning Center
Mud slide or Mudslide
Power outage
Brown out
Emergency Broadcast System
Cyber Security
Cyber security
DDOS (dedicated denial of service)
Denial of service
Cyber Command
Cain and abel
Brute forcing
Mysql injection
Cyber attack
Cyber terror
Social media
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excalculus · 2 years
Here we are, heading into another COVID winter.  The fucker’s still here and sadly we aren’t likely to get rid of it any time soon.  You kill diseases by cutting off transmission and slowly strangling them to death.  We tried that.  We locked down the whole world and it didn’t work.
I won’t deny that things look really ugly right now, especially with other respiratory diseases coming back.  But as the sequencing results keep coming in, it’s really starting to look like something incredible happened.
Sure, the lockdowns didn’t succeed in killing COVID.  That doesn’t mean they killed nothing.
Hey, I wonder how the influenza viruses are holding up?
There are two types of influenza that cause the epidemics we get every winter: A and B.  (C and D don’t really get up to the same level of mischief so let’s ignore them for now.)  Type A infects both animals and people, and includes things like the H1N1 bird flu pandemic strain, swine flu, et al.  The H[number]N[number] format points out which subtype of two important viral proteins it has, and usually strains are reported with that code, what animal they jumped into humans from, and where they were first sequenced.  Type B only affects humans, especially children.  It doesn’t have subtypes like Type A.  Instead it has two distinct lineages: B/Victoria and B/Yamagata. 
Today’s best flu vaccines are called “quadrivalent” because they target B/Victoria, B/Yamagata, and our best guess at which two Type A’s are going to blow up this year.  The guess is based on global sequencing of flu infections, so we have at least a decent idea of both past and current circulation logged in databases like GISAID and the WHO’s FluNet. 
Cases went way down during the lockdowns - masking and social distancing pushed spread down to a fraction of what it usually is.  Influenza in general is now back in force as people go back to their normal behavior.  There’s plenty of Type A flying around.  There’s been B/Victoria.
B/Yamagata has not been conclusively identified since March of 2020.
As early as 2021, flu researchers noticed the lack of new B/Yamagata sequences coming in and started to suspect something was fishy.  Look at this graph of GISAID flu data by lineage:
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[GISAID] [paper]
Let’s, uh, check FluNet maybe?  That shows that in a typical year you see tens of thousands of cases of B/Yamagata on PCR tests.  2017 had 30,552; 2018 had 51,524.  Then... 3,464 in 2019.  364 in 2020 in only 9 countries.  It does seem like there are still signs of life in 2021 with 8 hits, but keep in mind these detections are based on simple PCR tests like what we do for COVID.  PCR tests are exquisitely sensitive, to the point where it’s been shown that giving flu vaccines and then later using the same room to give flu tests can throw a weak positive by picking up viral RNA from the vaccine.  More specifically, as of March 2022 there’s been a case of this exact thing happening with what looked like a B/Yamagata detection.  So it’s going to be more reliable to look at only the results from full sequencing, where you can yeet anything that matches the vaccine ingredients and only look at wild viruses. 
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Zero.  Nothing.  All signs point to we shot at COVID and blew up an entire flu lineage as collateral damage!  What the fuck!  We’re probably going to have to change how we do flu vaccines because fully a quarter of what they aim at looks to be gone from the face of the earth!
True, influenza B/Yamagata could still be out there somewhere that hasn’t been sequenced.  Proving absence is hard.  But the fact that Type A and its sibling B/Victoria are back and easy to find really does suggest it’s gone, or stomped down so far it’s near impossible to find.  Time to watch and wait and feed every sample we can into the sequencers, but if we keep not finding it...
A disease is considered eradicated when we’re sure there’s no more transmission “in the wild”.  For smallpox, which was also wildly contagious and also had no nonhuman reservoir, that was three years from the last known case. 
Clock’s ticking.
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addnoral · 2 months
Swine Flu May Trigger Type-1 Diabetes, Says Study
Recent studies have indicated a potential link between viral infections, such as swine flu (H1N1 influenza), and the onset of Type 1 diabetes. Here’s an overview of the findings and their implications: Study Findings Immune System Response: The study suggests that the immune response triggered by swine flu may lead to an autoimmune reaction. In individuals predisposed to autoimmune diseases,…
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deepak28 · 3 months
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market : Trends and Future Growth Analysis by 2031
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The "H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market" is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector, with significant advancements and growth anticipated by 2031. Comprehensive market research reveals a detailed analysis of market size, share, and trends, providing valuable insights into its expansion. This report delves into segmentation and definition, offering a clear understanding of market components and drivers. Employing SWOT and PESTEL analyses, the study evaluates the market's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, alongside political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors. Expert opinions and recent developments highlight the geographical distribution and forecast the market's trajectory, ensuring a robust foundation for strategic planning and investment.
What is the projected market size & growth rate of the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market?
Market Analysis and Size
The H1N1 flu, sometimes also known as swine flu, is a type of influenza A virus. It was often known as swine flu and was a new combination of influenza viruses that infect pigs, birds and humans. There have been severe cases of influenza in recent times. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), annually, around 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness and approximately 2,90,000 to 6,50,000 respiratory deaths are because of seasonal influenza. Also, increasing levels of respiratory ailments and immune deficient ailments due to the increasing elderly population has further caused huge growth opportunities for the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccination market.
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccination market, which was USD 13.29 billion in 2022, would rise to USD 21.51 billion by 2030 and is expected to undergo a CAGR of 6.20% during the forecast period 2023 to 2030. In addition to the insights on market scenarios such as market value, growth rate, segmentation, geographical coverage, and major players, the market reports curated by the Data Bridge Market Research also include depth expert analysis, patient epidemiology, pipeline analysis, pricing analysis, and regulatory framework.
Browse Detailed TOC, Tables and Figures with Charts which is spread across 350 Pages that provides exclusive data, information, vital statistics, trends, and competitive landscape details in this niche sector.
This research report is the result of an extensive primary and secondary research effort into the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market. It provides a thorough overview of the market's current and future objectives, along with a competitive analysis of the industry, broken down by application, type and regional trends. It also provides a dashboard overview of the past and present performance of leading companies. A variety of methodologies and analyses are used in the research to ensure accurate and comprehensive information about the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market.
Get a Sample PDF of Report - https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-h1n1-swine-flu-vaccination-market
Which are the driving factors of the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market?
The driving factors of the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market include technological advancements that enhance product efficiency and user experience, increasing consumer demand driven by changing lifestyle preferences, and favorable government regulations and policies that support market growth. Additionally, rising investment in research and development and the expanding application scope of H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination across various industries further propel market expansion.
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market - Competitive and Segmentation Analysis:
Global H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market, By Vaccine Type (Intranasal, Conjugate, Attenuated Vaccines, Inactivated Vaccines, Intramuscular, and Toxoid), Type of Brand (Agripal, Fiuarix, Influgen, Influvac, Nasovac, Vaxigrip, and Others) and End User (Hospitals, Clinics, and Others) – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2031.
How do you determine the list of the key players included in the report?
With the aim of clearly revealing the competitive situation of the industry, we concretely analyze not only the leading enterprises that have a voice on a global scale, but also the regional small and medium-sized companies that play key roles and have plenty of potential growth.
Which are the top companies operating in the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market?
Some of the major players operating in the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccination market are:
Sanofi (France)
Pfizer Inc. (U.S.)
GSK plc (U.K.)
Novartis AG (Switzerland)
Mylan N.V. (U.S.)
AstraZeneca (U.K.)
Johnson & Johnson Private Limited (U.S.)
Virbac (France)
Vetoquinol (France)
Zoetis (U.S.)
Novavax (U.S.).
Zydus Group (India).
Panacea Biotec (India).
SINOVAC (China).
Abbott (U.S.)
Cipla Inc (India)
Short Description About H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market:
The Global H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2024 and 2031. In 2023, the market is growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.
North America, especially The United States, will still play an important role which can not be ignored. Any changes from United States might affect the development trend of H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination. The market in North America is expected to grow considerably during the forecast period. The high adoption of advanced technology and the presence of large players in this region are likely to create ample growth opportunities for the market.
Europe also play important roles in global market, with a magnificent growth in CAGR During the Forecast period 2024-2031.
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market size is projected to reach Multimillion USD by 2031, In comparison to 2024, at unexpected CAGR during 2024-2031.
Despite the presence of intense competition, due to the global recovery trend is clear, investors are still optimistic about this area, and it will still be more new investments entering the field in the future.
This report focuses on the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
Get a Sample Copy of the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Report 2024
What are your main data sources?
Both Primary and Secondary data sources are being used while compiling the report. Primary sources include extensive interviews of key opinion leaders and industry experts (such as experienced front-line staff, directors, CEOs, and marketing executives), downstream distributors, as well as end-users. Secondary sources include the research of the annual and financial reports of the top companies, public files, new journals, etc. We also cooperate with some third-party databases.
Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historical data and forecast (2024-2031) of the following regions are covered in Chapters
What are the key regions in the global H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market?
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
This H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market Research/Analysis Report Contains Answers to your following Questions
What are the global trends in the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market?
Would the market witness an increase or decline in the demand in the coming years?
What is the estimated demand for different types of products in H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination?
What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market?
What Are Projections of Global H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Industry Considering Capacity, Production and Production Value? What Will Be the Estimation of Cost and Profit? What Will Be Market Share, Supply and Consumption? What about Import and Export?
Where will the strategic developments take the industry in the mid to long-term?
What are the factors contributing to the final price of H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination?
What are the raw materials used for H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination manufacturing?
How big is the opportunity for the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market?
How will the increasing adoption of H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination for mining impact the growth rate of the overall market?
How much is the global H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market worth? What was the value of the market In 2020?
Who are the major players operating in the H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination market? Which companies are the front runners?
Which are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams?
What Should Be Entry Strategies, Countermeasures to Economic Impact, and Marketing Channels for H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Industry?
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Detailed TOC of Global H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market Insights and Forecast to 2031
Market Segmentation
Executive Summary
Premium Insights
Market Overview
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market By Type
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market By Function
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market By Material
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market By End User
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market By Region
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Vaccination Market: Company Landscape
SWOT Analysis
Company Profiles
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urbanhermit · 3 months
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toneophealth · 8 months
Swine Influenza: Symptoms, Causes, Risks, Prevention, and Treatment
Greetings, readers! Cast your minds back to the infamous H1N1 Flu that sent shockwaves across the globe in 2009, officially declared a pandemic. A truly unforgettable episode, it left an indelible mark with an estimated 284,400 fatalities. This viral infection, initially identified in pigs, earned the monikers of swine flu and swine influenza.The transmission of this highly contagious virus occurs swiftly through respiratory droplets expelled during sneezing or coughing by an infected individual. Armed with knowledge, we can fortify ourselves against the risk of infection. Hence, this blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of swine influenza, covering symptoms, causes, risk factors, complications, preventive measures, and treatment. Join us on this informative journey to gain a deeper insight into the world of swine flu! Keep reading to unravel the details.
Read more: 
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acushopeu · 1 year
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molecularlabsblogs · 1 year
The Diagnostic Roadmap: An In-Depth Overview of Pathology Laboratory Tests
When it comes to making accurate diagnoses, keeping tabs on patients' progress, and determining the best course of treatment, pathology lab testing is indispensable. In pathology laboratories, highly trained experts analyse patient samples to learn vital information about their health. These tests aid doctors in making correct diagnoses and deciding how best to treat their patients by revealing information about the existence, severity, and origin of disease. The purpose of this article is to educate readers on the value of pathology lab testing, the variety of tests available, and the ways in which these elements work together to enhance patient care.
Knowing How to Read Lab Results in Pathology
Analysis of a patient's body fluids, tissues, and other biological materials is performed as part of pathology lab testing, often known as clinical laboratory testing. Blood Test Thane is pretty good. Medical technologists, laboratory technicians, and pathologists with expertise in reading diagnostic tests conduct and analyse these examinations. Dengue Fever Test results help doctors make diagnoses, track progress in therapy, and decide what kind of care is needed.
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Various Laboratory Tests in Pathology
Numerous pathology lab tests exist, each with its own unique function. The following are examples of frequent types of examinations:
A blood test is one of the most used diagnostic procedures. H1N1 TESTING THANE is indeed very good. Complete blood count, blood glucose, lipid profile, liver function, renal function, and electrolyte levels are just few of the things they test for in blood samples.
Examining urine samples for anomalies including protein, glucose, blood cells, and other compounds is called a urinalysis. It's useful for identifying illnesses including renal disease, urinary tract infections, and more. Flu Panel Test Thane is actually excellent.
Molecular Testing: Analysing DNA, RNA, or proteins to spot disease-related molecular or genetic variations. This kind of analysis is frequently utilized in customized medicine and cancer diagnosis. You can easily find GLUCOSE TEST THANE.
X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans are all examples of imaging procedures that aren't performed in pathology laboratories but are used in conjunction with lab testing to help diagnose and track the progression of illnesses. MOLECULAR PATHLABS have been doing an excellent work.  
Keeping Tabs on and Controlling Long-Term Illness
When it comes to chronic illnesses, pathology lab testing is just as important as diagnosis. Patients with diabetes must have frequent blood tests to check sugar levels and evaluate the efficacy of treatment. You can easily find ALLERGY TESTING THANE. Blood pressure and kidney function should be checked regularly in hypertensive patients to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.
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Testing in the field of pathology is an essential part of present-day medical care. It equips doctors with vital data for illness diagnosis, health tracking, and directing therapy. Swine flu test in thane is pretty reasonable. The enormous variety of pathology lab procedures, from blood tests to tissue biopsies and molecular testing, gives invaluable information into a patient's health state. Adenovirus testing in thane is affordable. Accurate diagnoses, individualized treatment plans, and improved health outcomes are all made possible by pathology lab testing, which continues to be at the forefront of patient care in the areas of screening for early diagnosis, chronic disease management, and research support. Influenza testing in thane is easily available.
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【☢☣】Why this slide??【☣☢】 Because the matter is very urgent from March 2023 onwards. https://lnkd.in/dC2Va6Pu Why March?? March is the month of almost unified arrival of all #migratory #birds arriving in #Europe from winter destinations (#Africa; #Asia;..). All bird migratory routes and populations are part of a single Euro-Afro-Asian global network. Therefore, the microbial and viral load is also widely shared, at least over a five-year period. Why 2023?? More than a year has now passed since the beginning of the #conflict in central Europe between #Russia and #Ukraine on Ukrainian territory. The extent of territory in Ukraine subject to conflict is enormous. Human and livestock #sanitary #surveillance is absolutely insufficient and in many key areas, it is almost absent. Monitoring of wetland bird populations has been completely non-existent for at least 13 months. The 50 recognized #Ramsar sites in Ukraine account for about 3.3% of the #wetlands of continental interest in Europe. However, while in all countries there is a certain surveillance on the presence of #Avian #HPAI viruses (eg: #H1N1; #H5N1; ..) in Ramsar sites, in Ukraine, there has been none of this for at least 13 months!! This creates the conditions for a real triggered time bomb, with gravity off the scale for each month of conflict. Exactly as happened during the #FirstWorldWar. The war in central Europe must be stopped immediately, otherwise the risks of an avian flu virus pandemic are very severe. The model on which the triggered time bomb is based is IN>>> https://lnkd.in/dw4swiTc
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inkintheinternet · 1 year
Food Poisoning -How Food can get Contaminated
By Arjuwan Lakkdawala 
Ink in the Internet 
Each year thousands around the world die from food poisoning, and others get their immune system compromised.
It is of particular concern when travelling, because food is the one thing we need daily, and while we may have a good idea about the types of foods and restaurants to avoid in our hometown, it may not be the case when travelling.
Food safety isn't just about avoiding restaurants that don't appear to be clean. It is about knowing how food can get contaminated even when cooked at home. Preservatives could prevent spoilage from appearing on foods that have gotten contaminated.
In 2020 nine members of a family died in their home after eating noodles that had been left in the freezer for over a year, and in another case seven members of a family died after having soup.
In 2019 a student died in his sleep after eating pasta that had been left out at room temperature for 5 days, he put sauce on it and couldn't tell it had gone rotten.
The noodles had gotten contaminated with
Bongkrekic acid which is produced by the bacterium Burkholderia gladioli, it's a toxin which most people are unaware of and because it is odorless and tasteless can go undetected in the food, and is not destroyed by cooking. Bongkrekic acid is a source of food poisoning in fermented foods and corn starch, etc. Most cases of this poisoning are fatal.
There is no antidote for the toxin, it effects the mitochondria which are organelles that generate energy for our bodies.
Bongkrekic acid causes death of the cells, severe cases may result in kidney damage, liver failure, and coma.
Even the slightest dose can be fatal, and because it is a foodborne toxin, it cannot be estimated how much of it there may be in contaminated food. The death rate is from 40 to 100%.
Symptoms include dizziness, vomiting, fatigue, stomachache, hyperglycemia, (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
 "In 2018, a family of seven in China became ill after eating wet rice noodles that were later found to be contaminated with bongkrekic acid. The noodles, which had been treated with preservatives, did not exhibit any signs of spoilage; two family members and the family dog (which was fed some of the leftover noodles) died."
Bird Flu is another reemerging threat to food contamination. Usually this virus only infects birds, but through direct contact or consumption can get humans infected.
Sadly poultry are often culled inhumanely when there is an outbreak of the virus in the bird population.
Phylogenetic analyses and phylogeographical studies have shown that bird trade more than bird migration is often behind the infection spreading. 
It is a virus that speads amongst waterfowls like ducks, geese, swans, and then can infect chickens and turkeys. 
Bird Flu also known as Avian flu,  its current alarming strain is H5N1, which is highly pathogenic -classiefied as such because of its ability to cause disease and death in chickens, its first sequenced strain (H1N1) goes back to the 1918 Spanish Influenza that killed 50 million people. 
Other IAV pandemics that followed were H2N2 in 1957 (Asian Flu)  Deaths worldwide estimate 2 million
H3N2 in 1968 (Hong Kong Flu) Deaths worldwide estimate 4 million (reports vary)
H1N1 in 2009 (Swine Flu) Deaths worldwide estimate 575,400
Although the pandemic is not wholly blamed on Avian Flu but it is considered to be of avian influenza origin.
The emergence of new strains of H5N1 has been studied to be by reassortment events between genes of domestic and wild birds.
Why it is so important to monitor the phylogenetic tree of Avian Flu is its mortality rate of close to 60% according to the CFR (Case Fatality Rate) documented in a study. The CFR of Covid-19 is difficult to estimate because not every case with COVID-19 gets reported, the virus has so far killed close to 7 million people and infected close to 700 million.
If the Spanish Influenza could have a Avian Flu origin that means so can future pandemics and the mortality rate could go higher with mutations.
Recently a report from China that was uploaded to the Internet and then removed for unknown reasons, some data in it made headlines like the presence of the genes of racoon dogs in samples taken from the wet market where the outbreak happened.
Why this is a matter of debate is because Covid-19 origin is still a mystery. Since no infected animals were found in the market.
Dr. Edward Holmes, a biologist at Sydney University, says in 2014 he had visited the wet market in Wuhan, China, and observed caged racoon dogs, with cages of birds sitting on top, exactly the environment conducive for the transmission of new viruses.
Beef that is consumed worldwide also has safety hazards like the outbreak of Mad Cow Disease that can spillover the species barrier with a human version of the disease called Creutzfeld-Jakob disease ( vCJD).
There is currently no way to test livestock for Mad Cow Disease, only after the animal dies swabs from the brain are taken to test for the abnormal prion protein. There are many products that have beef derivatives including pet food. Beef derivative contaminated with the diseases was found in pet food and there was the 2003 UK outbreak. Health officials have not been able to eliminate the disease.
Pet foods unfortunately do not go health screening like food for human consumption, and there have been pet food recalls because the food was contaminated and pets died with renal failure. I personally don't recommend pet food for pets in a long term diet, instead feed them food meant for human consumption as a safer and healthier option. 
The inhumane culling of birds should also not be overlooked and I hope authorities will make the effort to find painless procedures of culling birds.
Bird trade to keep as pets should also be stopped, birds don't belong in cages and the trade could help the spread of viruses.
Another food contamination source is lead and mercury. As well as salmonella. In the news often food products get recalled due to these.
According to the World Health Organization
An estimated 600 million that is practically 1 in 10 people in the world fall ill after eating contaminated food and 420,000 die each year.
Foodborn illnesses are usually infectious or toxic in nature.
"Chemical poisoning which is also a food poisoning hazard can cause acute poisoning or long term diseases such as cancer, or cause long-lasting disability or death."
Other dangers include food that is deadly in itself.
Pufferfish in Japaness is called Fugu, the highly poisonous fish is consumed in Japan after being prepared by experienced chefs who have to obtain a licence to prepare it. Yet annually there are deaths from eating the fish.
The mortality rate is 60% 
After consuming the toxin in the fish you have only sixty minutes to get medical help.
Fugu ovaries, intestines, and liver contain the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin, it is 1,200 times more deadly than cyanide.
A lethal dose of tetrodotoxin is smaller than the head of a needle.
One fish has enough poison to kill 30 people.
So be careful what you order next time you are in a foreign restaurant
"Sannakji, a Korean dish, is live baby octopus tentacles that are cut into pieces, seasoned and served immediately.
Culinary daredevils eat the tentacles while they are still writhing on the plate, which is a very dangerous game.
Suction pads on the tentacles maintain suction even after the tentacles are severed, so diners must chew the tentacles before they stick to the roof of the mouth.
If they don’t, the tentacles can stick to the mouth and throat and cause the customer to choke to death."
Copyright ©️ Arjuwan Lakkdawala 2023
Arjuwan Lakkdawala is an author and independent journalist. Twitter/Instagram @Spellrainia
American Society for Microbiology- Microbiology Resource Announcements -
Complete Genomic Sequences of Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza Viruses Obtained Directly from Human Autopsy Specimens
Kantima Sangsiriwut, Mongkol Uiprasertkul, [...], and Pilaipan Puthavathana
Center for food safety - timeline of Mad Cow disease
PRB - Resource Library Avian Flu and Influenza Pandemics- Sandra Yin, former associate editor
Avian Flu and Influenza Pandemics
Royal Society Publishing - Philosophical Transactions B - A brief history of bird flu
Samantha J. Lycett, Florian Duchatel, and Paul Digard
Our World in Data - Mortality Risk of Covid-19
Poison Control - National Capital for Poison Center - Bongkrekic acid poisoning from fermented foods
Canadian Institute of Food Safety- 8 of the most dangerous foods
World Health Organisation- Food Safety
The Street - China Has a History of Selling Dangerous Products to U.S. Consumers
U.S. Department of Agriculture - BSE Surveillance Information Center
Horizon Megazine - The EU Resesrch and Innovation Megazine -The Mad Cow Disease crisis - how Europe’s health research came of age - Garry Finnegan
Toronto Star - They analyzed Chinese data on the origins of COVID. Now, these researchers have been cut off from a global database, and accused of ‘scooping’
By Steve Mckinley, staff reporter.
The New York Times -
New Data Links Pandemic’s Origins to Raccoon Dogs at Wuhan Market by Benjamin Mueller
CBS News - Bird flu's grisly question: How to kill millions of poultry
India Today - China: 9 of a family die after having noodles kept in freezer for a year
Insider - A student died in his sleep after eating 5-day-old pasta that had been left out by James Felton IFL Science
Scitable - Nature Education - Reading a Phylogenetic Tree: The Meaning of Monophyletic Groups
By: David Baum, Ph.D. (Dept. of Botany, University of Wisconsin, 430 Lincoln Ave., Madison, WI) © 2008 Nature Education 
Citation: Baum, D. (2008) Reading a Phylogenetic Tree: The Meaning of Monophyletic Groups. Nature Education 1(1):190
Mayo Clinic - Salmonella Infection
CDC - Bird Flu in People
FDA - All About BSE (Mad Cow Disease)
Delishably - Puffer Fish Sushi: How Fugu Kills You
Daily News - Family in China dies after eating spoiled frozen noodles
By David Matthews
New York Daily News
CDC - Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), or Mad Cow Disease
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kashmirmonitor · 2 years
H3N2 is a 'cocktail of respiratory viruses'; know which ones
A combination of respiratory viruses–ranging from Covid-19 virus, swine flu (H1N1)–has led to increase in infection from H3N2. Also, the seasonal Victoria and Yamagata lineages of influenza B viruses are in circulation, says data from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). As India witnesses a spurt in the Influenza cases caused by H3N2 virus, health experts have suggested people to take…
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mycreativitysblog · 2 years
Hing: Medicinal Utilizes, Restorative Advantages For Gut Health And Wellness As Well As Recipes
Hing or Asafoetida, additionally called Hingu in Hindi, Ingu in Kannada, Inguva in Telugu, Perungayam in Tamil is a vital culinary ingredient common to every Indian kitchen area.
Hing, often referred as 'Food of the God's' or 'Evil one's Dung' passes the herb name Ferula foetida and also Ferula assafoetida. It is among the seasonal natural herbs coming from the Umbelliferae or Apiaceae family, that expands to the elevation of 1.5 to 2 mt tall.
Hing is the dried latex (i.e. gum oleoresin) that obtains discharged from the faucet origin or root or stem of Ferula assafoetida, widely grown in India, Pakistan, deserts of Iran and also mountains of Afghanistan.
A flowering plant with numerous schizogenous air ducts in the cortex, Ferula assafoetida includes the resinous gum. Blossoms of this plant are pale green yellow in colour, fruits are oval, level, reddish brownish loaded with milklike juice while roots are thick, big and pulpy. They show a remove similar to that of the stems.
As a result of the existence of sulphur substances, hing has a distinctive poignant odor and also a bitter taste.
Time and again, hing is widely discussed in several old scriptures as an ingredient which is not just used for culinary functions, especially in tadka but also for several healing advantages.
Old texts in Afghanistan as well as Iran have actually treasured hing for treating cough, chilly, abscess and also menstruation issues. As the resin essence is rich in diuretic, anti-spasmodic and also analgesic properties, it can be inhaled by mixing it with warm water for dealing with pneumonia, whopping coughing and also asthma.
The essence from the dried out stem as well as leaves of this plant have an aphrodisiac effect on both men and women. In earlier times, it was among the most usual natural herbs prescribed for treating hysteria.
In our far western culture, hing is pointed out in several clinical journals for its medical buildings. The root essence has powerful antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-bacterial compounds as well as according to numerous studies, researchers assert that the hing extract can be used for avoiding and also treating swine influenza (H1N1) virus. It was likewise used for dealing with the Spanish flu pandemic which happened in the year 1918.
Hing has discovered its way in the all natural treatments of Ayurveda and Unani medicines. Ayurveda highly suggests hing for its favorable effects on aiding in food digestion. A smear of the tincture of hing is topically used to relieve abdominal discomfort. Standard treatments suggest hing for treating unwanted gas, breathing troubles and also as an effective active ingredient for improving reproductive wellness in both men and women.
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In lots of places, a paste of 'hing' is carefully smeared around the chest and under the nose location to ensure that its aroma gets in the body as well as cures chilly and influenza.
Hing, among the ultimate Indian spices have actually been discussed in various natural home remedy. It is readily available both in the form of powder and also whole seasoning in all Indian kitchens. A service of hing or hing instilled in lukewarm water drank consistently has numerous benefits. It assists in digestion, assists in fat burning, controls diabetic issues and also maintains breathing troubles and infections at bay.
Nutritious Advantage of Hing Lemon Water:
This enchanting drink is popular for its numerous therapeutic effectiveness as well as improves your overall well-being. Hing in addition to the other natural ingredients is especially reliable in minimizing weight problems.
Hing is very useful in curing digestive system conditions and unwanted gas. When the hing is boiled in water, it becomes diuretic in nature, cleans kidneys as well as urinary system bladder and also stops the body from any urinary system infection. When the hing water is ingested on a regular basis, it reinforces the bones and also joints as well as treatments stomach acidity. It enhances the body metabolism and aids the body to melt more calories.
In addition to hing, even jeera is properly utilized for dealing with indigestion. Being abundant in iron, it likewise serves as an all-natural blood purifier. It aids in controlling the blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels in the body. It also promotes fat burning as well as minimizes fat from the body.
Lemon, another key active ingredient of this water is filled with vitamin C. Lemon enhances the all-natural radiance of the skin by decreasing pores as well as wrinkles. It promotes hydration, provides relief from kidney rocks, minimizes weight problems and minimizes acid indigestion.
Advantages of Hing
Hing is loaded with a myriad of nutritional aspects like carbs, fiber, potassium, calcium, iron as well as a plentiful host of volatile crucial oils for skin wellness. It is extremely helpful in the therapy of acid indigestion, breathing troubles, nervous troubles, high blood pressure, menstrual pains etc.
Crammed With Dietary Fiber:
Hing being packed with fiber aids in digestion and also maintains the routine bowel movements in the body. It decreases hyperglycemia and is incredibly effective in controlling blood glucose levels in the body. It likewise assists in preserving correct body weight.
Rich in Carbs:
Being an abundant source of carbs, hing advertises metabolic process. It is extremely beneficial in maintaining digestion health, promoting heart wellness as well as in boosting brain feature. It is a powerful state of mind regulatory authority as well as assists in stopping excessive weight.
Powerhouse of Iron:
Iron being just one of the necessary nutrients in hing is a potent blood purifier. It increases hemoglobin as well as red cell count of the blood. It also treats anemia, boosts focus, minimizes tiredness and also improves overall immunity of the body.
High on Potassium:
Hing is an excellent source of potassium. Potassium being an electrolyte balances the impacts of salt and works in keeping blood pressure. It is very useful for bone and also joint health and wellness. It avoids the arteries from tightening, therefore lowering the chances of cardiovascular disease as well as enhancing cardiovascular health.
Modest Source of Calcium:
Calcium is very valuable in improving bone as well as dental health and wellness. Hing, being moderately abundant in calcium works in strengthening the teeth and also bones, reduces threat of kidney rocks and also colon cancer as well as aids in stopping diseases like weakening of bones, osteomalacia and osteopenia.
Wealth of Crucial Oils:
The two selections of hing have a number of volatile oils like α-pinene, α-terpineol, β-pinene, luteolin, vanillin α- pinene, azulene, umbelliferone etc. The necessary oils have substantial anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal properties which function as a natural remedy for cough as well as chilly congestion, asthma, stops oral issues and cleanses the digestive tract flora.
Healing Advantages of Hing
Enhances Food digestion:
Hing being abundant in fiber help in digestion. It offers relief from stomach problems like gastritis, bloating, stomach discomfort, windiness and also promotes overall gastrointestinal health. As a result of its anti-microbial residential properties, it prevents development of vegetation in the intestines and lowers the chance of belly infection.
Supplies Remedy For Respiratory Troubles:
Hing having anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial as well as expectorant properties holds high importance in treating a wide range of respiratory system issues like bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and also cold. It eases breast congestion as well as removes excessive mucous from the respiratory system system.
Enhances Fertility And Also Reproductive Health:
Hing being aphrodisiac in nature stimulates hormone task and also boosts energy and blood circulation in the body thereby acting as a sexual energizer. Consumption of hing promotes the manufacturing of the hormone progesterone in females, minimizes the risks of early births as well as too much bleeding throughout labor. It is likewise popular to get rid of signs and symptoms of sterility as well as the inability to conceive in males and females.
Diabetic issues Monitoring:
Scientific investigates program that the crucial nutrients existing in hing control the release of insulin from the pancreatic cells, thus reducing blood sugar level in your body and maintaining diabetes in control.
Great For Cardiac Health And Wellness:
The existence of coumarins and the anti-coagulant home of hing stops blood from clotting within the arteries, thus decreasing the high blood pressure in the body. Likewise, hing being abundant in potassium, minimizes the possibilities of any strokes or clog in the heart, therefore promoting overall cardiac wellness.
Eliminates Menstrual Pain:
Irregular durations and also menstrual cramps are a nightmare for the majority of the females around. Hing being an all-natural blood thinner, reduces embolism throughout durations, makes the flow smooth and also easy, hence lowering pains in your reduced abdominal areas and back. Additionally, usage of hing controls the secretion of progesterone, thereby regulating the menstrual cycle and making it more regular.
Rejects Migraine:
The enchanting yellow powder has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory residential or commercial properties which help in unwinding the pain blood vessels in the head. Being an antidepressant, it likewise boosts the state of mind of a private and also gives relief from stress-related frustration as well as chronic migraine headache.
Include a pinch of hing to a glass of cozy water and consume it a couple of times throughout the day to obtain relief from headache.
Remedies Insect Bites And Stings:
Insect attacks as well as hurts can be extremely excruciating and might affect your day-to-day activities. Hing serve as an all-natural antidote for all type of insect bites. The anti-inflammatory and also pain-reducing buildings of the powder play a critical duty in minimizing the inflamed condition of the skin after an insect bite.
Smear the damaged location with a paste of garlic and also hing to decrease pain and also recover insect bites.
Hing For Pregnant Females
Hing can be consumed by expectant women in very small quantities when added with other meals with no negative effects. Nevertheless, pregnant females ought to stay clear of taking raw hing as it is very hazardous and not a good idea.
Hing is additionally efficient for expecting women for alleviating abdominal aches when applied on the navel.
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Just how To Do?
Mix a pinch of hing with a few drops of mustard oil and massage therapy it on the navel. This will provide instant relief from the discomfort associated with windiness as well as bloating. It is the simplest remedy for people that don't such as the preference of hing.
However, hing in big quantities has verified to be hazardous for expectant women as well as consuming raw hing may cause nausea or vomiting and also throwing up because of its pungent and also solid flavour. Adding unwanted of hing may likewise result in swollen lips, gas, throat infection and indigestion. Expecting ladies with hypertension ought to absolutely limit hing as it can have unfavorable effects on blood pressure control. The worst of all, hing has abortifacient building, thus can bring about miscarriage if taken in big quantities.
Hing in Ayurveda and also Supplements
Hing is commonly popular in Ayurveda by its Sanskrit names like Ramaha, Badhika, Ugragandha (named due to its solid poignant odor) and also Sahasravedhi (medication which works in thousand methods). Ashtanga Hridaya, an ancient Ayurvedic bible records hing as an effective treatment against digestion issue, unwanted gas, tooth pain, impotency etc
. Charaka Samhita, an ancient Sanskrit compilation of Ayurvedic medicines classifies hing as Deepaneeya (natural herbs that improve food digestion), Svasahara (herbs that are reduce breathing problems) and Sanjnasthapana (natural herbs that are useful in recovering mental awareness).
Hing has a Katu Rasa (pungent taste). It is honored with all 3 gunas like Laghu (light to digest), Snigdha (oily) and Tikshna (sharp and also piercing, gets in the deep tissues). It has Katu Vipaka (poignant in nature after food digestion) and also Ushna Virya (warm effectiveness). It normalizes Kapha (earth and also water) and Vata (air) and also raises Pitta (food digestion). Likewise Read: Intro To Ayurveda: Learn More About Vata, Pitta And Also Kapha Doshas
Ayurveda likewise points out hing for numerous considerable residential properties like Pachana (valuable in food digestion), Anulomana (lowers bloating), Hridaya (reliable for heart troubles) and Chakshushya (valuable for treating eye troubles).
Nowadays, hing is conveniently readily available in numerous kinds and also is extensively sold in the form of Churna (powder), Tailam (oil) and Vati (tablet computers as well as pills) in different stores.
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gangotricamphor · 2 years
How does camphor prevent you from getting swine flu?
Camphor does not have any known properties that prevent or protect against swine flu (H1N1 influenza virus) or any other form of influenza. While camphor has been traditionally used in certain cultures as a form of aromatherapy, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that it can prevent or protect against any type of viral infection, including swine flu. The best way to prevent the spread of influenza is to practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands frequently, avoiding close contact with sick people, and staying home if you are feeling ill.
Best Camphor Manufacture and Supplier Company in India: Gangotri Camphor.
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dbmrreports · 2 years
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