#Gwyn and Lilith
fiercehildr · 1 year
I may have gotten overboard with commissions 🫡
Since I’m poor at least I will entertain you:
- Vincent and Oraya commission
- Sylina and Atrius commission
- Vale and Lilith commission
- Gwyn(riel?) commission
- Tairn and Violet
June (gwyn week):
- Gwyn end of mermay commission
- Valkyries Call Of Duty AU
- Gwynriel solciste
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dani-luminae · 1 year
Do you ever have trouble picking names for OCs?
Depends on the OC! If it's a Descendants OC, those are fairly easy; just pick a name that may be relevant to their parents story and/or sounds like one of their parents names or their siblings!
Name relevant to their parents story: This is how I got "Rose" (though their birth name was Bethany).
Sounds like one of their parents names: This is how I got Lilith/Lily, Jackie (daughter of Captain Jack Sparrow), and Helena (who takes the nickname Haley because it sounds like Hades, lol)
Sounds like one of their siblings: This is how I got Aza (Azalea, sister to Aziz), Reign (sister of Raven from EAH; birth name was Evilyn, to match Evie's full name of Evilette), Carly (sister of Carlos), and Aria (Ariana, sister to Audrey, and I picked Aria's name long before there was randomly a cousin of Audrey's with the same name.)
Sometimes it does get complicated! Lia went through three or four different names before I settled on Dahlia; her original name was Kira, then it changed to Delia, then it became the Dahlia we know and love today!
Sometimes it's just a matter of "pick a name you think is cool and move on." That's how I got the names of Ayesha, Royal/Ametrine, Cassia, Gwyn, and Sophronia/Sophie.
Maddie's full name is Andromeda, to match Percy's full name (Perseus) for irony.
Sometimes there's enough justification to name an OC after an existing and/or canon character, like what I did with Adam II.
Still, it never hurts to look up charts of baby names... and also google the names you've picked. Sometimes there's hidden meanings!
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hex-wittebane · 1 year
Character Bio: Hayden "Hex" Wittebane
(Below the cut; will be updated as things progress/change)
14 (Season 2 + 3)
17 (October of Epilogue, 18 by December of Epilogue)
Coven Scout (Formerly)
Coven Captain (Formerly x2)
Golden Guard (Formerly)
Full-time Hexside student
(Epilogue) Full-time university student
(Epilogue) Part-time intern with Jerbo under Alador Blight
Hexside education:
All tracks
(Epilogue) University Education:
Presented at the beginning of her story in Coven Captain armor with straightened, black hair.
First seen without a concealment stone but utilizing glyphs in order to alter her appearance (later receives a concealment stone (pictured).
Naturally strawberry blonde (pictured).
Mentioned, in story, that she previously dyed her hair yellow blonde.
Has freckles, but often has them concealed.
Has scars from Belos, but often has them concealed.
Has three lobe piercings on each ear (later gets cartilage, including an industrial and daith).
Often wearing purples, black, greys, and Caleb-coat blue.
Wittebane hair noodle! Clawthorne sized hair (Yes, she stores things like Eda because of Eda).
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Little Raven (Belos)
Minion [of darkness] (King)
Haydie (King)
Hads (Blight Twins)
Hex (Eda, later everyone)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (when seen with Palisman)
Grimwalker (of a witch-human hybrid)
Family affiliations MAIN:
Philip Wittebane/Belos (Uncle/creator)
Caleb Wittebane (Template's father; brother is grimwalker of)
Evelyn Clawthorne (Template's mother)
Unnamed brother (Son of Caleb and Evelyn)
Unnamed template (Daughter of Caleb and Evelyn)
Darius Deamonne (Paternal figure)
Hunter Deamonne
Dell Clawthorne (Adoptive grandfather)
Gwyn Clawthorne (Adoptove grandmother)
Lilith Clawthorne (Adoptive aunt)
Edalyn Clawthorne (Caretaker; adoptive mother, "Ma")
Raine Whispers (Adoptive parental figure, "Mama Raine")
King Clawthorne (Adoptive brother)
Camila Noceda (Maternal figure)
Luz Noceda
Vee Noceda
Jekyll (Palisman; Raven)
Family affiliations DADLEB AU changes:
Caleb Wittebane (Father)
Dell Clawthorne (Adoptive grandfather; Adopted Caleb as his son)
Gwyn Clawthorne (Adoptive grandmother)
Lilith Clawthorne (Adoptive aunt)
Edalyn Clawthorne (Adoptive aunt)
King Clawthorne (Adoptive cousin)
Jekyll (Palisman; Raven)
Edric Blight
Emira Blight
Amity Blight
Willow Park
Gus Porter
Matt Tholomule
Unnamed Healing track student
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trashy-corvian · 1 year
if you ever have the time i would LOVE to see that character sheet that you reblogged but with your ocs
Ohhh believe me i wanna do it so badly!
I'll do it for Lilith and Hemlock, for sure but my other oc aren't so popular... I'll do Gwyn tho since they're my favorite child. Maybe Miraz and Zakat if i'll have the time
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luiz-henrique · 5 months
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="{ As Nove Co-Tutoras de DOBIA-AMBROSINA -: Parte Terceira }"=
="( Abertura )"=
" O Verdadeiro ANÚBIS Acompanhado de YALUHAN e ADAMAS : o Tirano em Junto a EREBUS (EREBO) e YALDABAOTH..., Vem por dentre os Abismos Mais Obscuros e então passando em Meio aos Sepulcros , Tumbas , Túmulos , Sepulturas e Covas dos mortos e do Antro Oculto das Múmias..., para Devorar aqueles que por dentre o mundo dos humanos Enfáticos desta Terra , Iludidos por Sonhos , Errantes como Sonâmbulos nas Furnas de sua Realidade , Quando se fazem passar por Ele , o Grande Chacal da Justiça Desconhecida..., em Meio a qual das Paragens quais forem , dentre estas as que são Exteriores ao Remanescente Insurgido do Mais Antigo...,
no Vir pelo Acessor SETH...,
que é a Outra Faceta do próprio LÓKI (LOKI)..., o mesmo que no Drama Ligado ao Mito - Lendário Germânico de Outrora , Segurou as Mãos do "Cego" HODER , o Deus da Guerra e lhe Disse (...)-:
" Eu Guiarei Tuas Mãos , Atira Ali...,"
e Assim Morreu BALDER , o Bom..., Transpassado pelo Broto de Visgo (...) !-:
" Os inimigos que Você Henrich "Mais que os Odeia " , Nós e Outros Também " Mais que os Odiamos"... ,
Veja o que está para Vir (...) ! "
NEPHTHYS : NEBTHUT ! NECHBET : Deusa- Abutre ! ADRASTEIA : NÊMESIS ! SERKHETH : Deusa -Escorpião ! ERESHKHIGAL : NINNKHIGAL ! HEL ! MORANA : MARZANNA , Companheira de CHERNOBOG ! PERSÉFONE ! NYX : NOX ! THÊMIS (THEMIS) ! DIKÉ ! GWYN- AP- NUDD , o Caçador Noturno que Agarra sua Presa Antes do Amanhecer ! -:
MOT , Senhor da Morte ! YAMM ! AZAG ! HADES : PLUTÃO ! UTHUKK- HUL ! BAAL- ZEBUB , o Deus- Demônio do qual Surge seu Reflexo com Magnitude Ajustada Menor que Integra as Potências de LÚCIFER !
BAAL-MOLOCH , o Deus-Demônio com Corpo Humano , Cabeça de Touro Negro , com Manto e Capuz Característicos e Garras nas Mãos , com Ólhos Brilhantes do qual Surge seu Reflexo MOLOCH , como Demônio e com Magnitude Ajustada Menor Integrado Também as Potências de LÚCIFER !
PAZUZU , o Furioso Demônio Malévolo , Ardendo de Ira , por Dentre os Véus do Ódio , Voando por dentre as Asas dos Ventos , que Vem com LAMMASHTHA LAMMASHTHU e ASAKKU (...)!
NARRGON , o Destruidor !
BARON SAMEDHI dos Cemitérios 🪦 !
CHAVAJOTH , Justiceiro , um dos Guardiões do Sheckinah , o Altar Triângular do Templo de Salomão , Ante os Mistérios do Santuário , e mesmo " Cavaleiro Negro ", Decantador de Cabeças com o Machado ou Espada Esvoaçante , e que Carrega o Laço de Forca (...)! CHORONZÓN , o Guardião do Umbral !
HUMWAWA , Demônio Negro da Morte !
MASKHIM- HUL : SE- BE- TH- THU : Sete Vezes Sete e Mais Inumeráveis...,
Sete e então Nove Terrores do Sobrenatural e Dentre Estes estão -: a Vertência da Escuridão por Detrás da Qual se Explanam as Trevas , em Desde a Grande Obscuridade , com suas Portas Abertas...,
Aquele que Vaga , Desprezado por Onde Vá , no Quanto a " Ondes Especificados" , e mesmo Exterminador , o Araúto e Porta - Voz do VAZIO...,
o Estranho , Alienígena Tentacular e Açougueiro ...,
DEUS Obscuro Auto Proclamado Voraz...,
e Dentre os Outros..., o mesmo VAZIO , que Sozinho em Si , Devora o que lhe Convém...,
em Junto aos Terrores do Além do Sobrenatural (...)!
O Cavaleiro Escarlate , Encapuzado com Face de Caveira Fantasmagórico Espectral , Emissário Exelso e Solene da Morte , em Sobre seu Forjado Cavalo Negro , de fato , Fumegante , dos Ólhos Brilhantes do Inferno (...)!
ALLAHU AKBAR (...) !!!-:
HWH- HÉ- VAU- SH- HÉ- IOD- - HWH !-:
HÉMEN- AHÁR - ETHAN (...)!!! "
" Eia , Descrente..., Ante os Augúrios Solenes do Inferno , que Abre Caminho para as Façanhas do Legado Sinistro da Morte...,
o mesmo Descrente pergunta para os Seres Contatantes que Não Procedem desta Terra pela Via de Comunicação da Sincronização Inversa -:
" Onde estão as Três ..., Já neste aqui , por dentre está Madrugada de Sexta Feira , 12 de Abril de 2024 , Após o Descrente Efetivar suas Preces nas Altas Horas da Madrugada e no Quase Ante o Amanhecer se Recolher para Descansar Sozinho em sua Cama e Quarto (...) !?-:
Tais Seres Responderam (...) -:
" Esta , DOBIA-AMBROSINA se Encontra Bem ao Teu Lado Esquerdo , deitada na Cama...,
Já BABA YAGA está Desdobrada Junto a Porta de Entrada do Quarto Conversando com AKERBELTZ e com HÉCATE ( HÉCATE)...,
Já no Teu Lado Esquerdo , Fora da Cama se Encontra a FADA WOWIWRE das Relvas , Acompanhada da FADA LICÓRNA e de NICKASA , Rainha das ONDINAS...,
Adentradas no Ambiente , Sem que o Descrente Henrique , ainda as perceba , pelo que Sabemos...,
Já no Espaçamento entre a Cama e a Janela , Atrás da Cabeça do mesmo Descrente , se Encontra ASTARTÉ Acompanhada de ASHERAH (ATHIRATH) e de ALCIONE (ALLY) , Deusa das Águas , de Vestes Azuis , Exímia Médica...,
Já na Poltrona do Lado Esquerdo em Frente da Cama , e que se Encontra do Lado Esquerdo Sob a Televisão Embutida na Parede , se Acha Sentada AGLAOPHÊNIA , mas em Quanto no por Detrás deste Ambiente , no Outro Ambiente Mais Próximo do Ambiente no qual o Descrente se Encontra , Precisamente no Ambiente Preliminar ao Intermediário que está por Detrás do Ambiente Preliminar ...,
Onde no Ambiente Preliminar , Prelúdio do Outro , o Intermediário , eis que Há o Referencial da Cama , mas Não Há os Armários , Nem a Televisão , e o Ambiente é Mais Espaçado ou Amplo se dando Não como um Quarto , mas como uma Sala...,
Onde a Poltrona ali é Diferente Mais Distendida em Comprimento..., onde AGLAOPHÊNIA está a Conversar com FREYJA , ÁRTEMIS e HEZAHLLIÉDRAH..., e no mesmo Simultâneo Ajustado , AGLAOPHÊNIA está Sem Estas , Sentada na Poltrona Adentrada no Ambiente no qual o Descrente se Encontra...,
Ante HÉSTHER HÁLGAMAS HÉLLIONDRAH que Chega Junto a AGLAOPHÊNIA para Saber de Algo Quanto a Conversa Desta com as Mencionadas no Ambiente Outro , o Preliminar Referido , Porém HÉSTHER HÁLGAMAS HÉLLIONDRAH fala com AGLAOPHÊNIA Desdobrada pois no mesmo Simultâneo Ajustado está Além do Ambiente Intermediário , Não no Intermediário , portanto , Conversando com MELUSINA , DRUJ- I- NASU e OUTRAS...,
Já AKERBELTZ Conversa com BABA YAGA e HÉCATE (HEKATE) no Ambiente Intermediário , onde o Cenário é Diferente , no mesmo Simultâneo Ajustado , no qual se Encontram Adentradas no Ambiente no qual o Descrente se Encontra , no Estarem em Junto a Porta de Entrada do Quarto...,
Onde os Seres MENCIONADOS que Não Procedem desta Terra me Disseram , como referido , pois Não Consegui Dormir , Já que fui Anotar , Lógo depois , lá pelas 9 horas da manhã , no horário de Brasília, Brasil...,
que AKERBELTZ foi Incumbido a Convocar de Volta os Três Demônios que Integravam a Escolta do Descrente , e que AKERBELTZ foi Implicado a Sair do Auxílio e Assistência Destacada Frentiça Direta , Continuando Entretanto nos Grupos Formados , dos quais falaremos adiante..., e que estão em Ambientes por Detrás de Ambientes Além do Ambiente Intermediário e no por Detrás do Ambiente da Cada , no qual o Descrente se Encontra...,
porque AKERBELTZ para Ensinar ao Descrente neste Ali , Não Resistia a Predisposição de Assim Efetivar Através de Sinais Irônicos Maliciosos com um Toque de Maldade...,
o que fazia o Descrente Aumentar a Distensão da Prece Estafante , Já que AKERBELTZ é Extremamente Maldoso , Maldade como Virtude...,
e LÚCIFER Ainda Mais...,
à Maldade Inimaginável...,
Onde por Isto AKERBELTZ no Auxílio Frentista Destacado e Assistência Direta ao Descrente , foi Substituído por LÚCIFER...,
e os Três Demônios da Escolta Mencionada , Voltaram para AKERBELTZ , Substituídos por Três Demônios Enviados por LÚCIFER (...) !
(Continua em H- ÔMEGA - QUINTUS)
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💔 - A heartbreak
Ask the mun for a drabble/fic about the muse based on… 💔 - A heartbreak
     Kicking the corners of the vent over back into place, Lilith picked up her backpack and looked around the dark hallway. Nobody every came to this part of the vault–water dripped down the walls, and it stank of mold. But it was so close to the surface…and that vent was so easy to climb through. Lilith didn’t think it had ever really been finished…But she supposed the vault must have worked well enough when the bombs had fallen. The handful of descendants living there were proof enough. 
     Running down a few sets of stairs, the girl brushed dirt off her suit as she went, trying to eliminate evidence she’d ever been gone by the time she reached the two rooms that belonged to her and her mother. They were a little further away from the other dweller’s living spaces…they were really just there as a favor to her father. Or the man Mother swore was Lilith’s father. She couldn’t remember him at all, it didn’t matter to her either way, but the others…they said he wasn’t really. Mother was just fragile, and he took care of her. Until he didn’t anymore. And he wouldn’t have abandoned her like that, they said, so something must have happened to him. 
     Of course, Mother didn’t think that. She swore to Lilith he’d be back. Lilith had lost count of the times that woman had wept over the idea that Atticus Starling might come back for his daughter. 
     Opening her room door just briefly enough to toss her backpack in, Lilith turned and walked a little ways down to her mother’s room and knocked once, not waiting for an answer before walking in. Mother never had guests. 
     “Mother, do you have any books about–” The girl paused, blinking. The shelf-lined room, floor-to-ceiling filed with books and journals her mother had kept over the years, was empty. Lilith could count the number of times she’d seen her mother outside her room on her fingers. She was almost eleven years old now, she felt like she knew things, and Lilith knew her mother did not socialize with the other vault dwellers, that was certainly clear. 
     The normally perfectly-made bed was rumpled, which struck Lilith as odd, but maybe her mother had been feeling unwell? Or maybe she’d gone to the kitchens? Lilith wandered to the dining hall, bumping into several of the others who lived in the vault as she did so. The others mostly avoided her; they thought her mother was crazy, and Lilith didn’t blame them. Gwyneth was crazy. But they didn’t like her so much, either. Her grisly hobby with the insect specimens and the way she stared too long and too intently at people: it made them uncomfortable. 
    By midnight, it was obvious Gwyneth wasn’t in the vault. Nobody had seen her leave, but she was gone. 
     “Lily, darling, you know…you know how she is. How sometimes she just…has…” Mrs. Jackson, the oldest dweller, smiled one of those fake smiles. The sort you give a little girl when her mother has run off and maybe won’t ever come back. 
     “You mean how she’s crazy,” Lilith said flatly, her small, pale face blank of emotion. “You mean how she has her delusions. How she probably had some kind of fit and won’t make it back.” Her pale green eyes flitted from the deep folds of the elderly woman’s face to the floor as she turned away and walked back to her mother’s room. Sat on the bed, staring at the journals lining the walls. She’d never once thought to read one. Gwyneth told her everything. Lilith thought she did, anyway. 
     But she thought Gwyneth had loved her, too. 
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acourtcfmuses · 3 years
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Starter Call for my female muses!
Please specify who you want!
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Feyre Archeron (18+) - fc Danielle Rose Russell
Gwyneth ‘Gwyn’ Berdara (28+) - fc Deborah Ann Woll
Jesminda (200+) - fc Katie McGrath
Viviane (100+) - fc Rachel Skarsten
Emerie (200+) - fc Tessa Thompson
Elain Archeron (22+) - fc Alicia Angeson
**Rhea Berdara (300+) - fc Kennedy McCann
**Amberle (18+) - fc Danielle Campbell
**Asta (18+) - fc Tati Gabrielle
**Calista (18+) - fc Katherine McNamara
**Neve (18+) - fc Olivia Holt
Crescent City
Bryce Quinlan (23+) - fc Sophie Skelton
Juniper Andromeda (23+) - fc Samantha Logan
Amelie Ravenscroft (21+) - fc Maddison Jaizani
From Blood and Ash
Penellaphe ‘Poppy’ Balfour (18+) - fc Abigail Cowen
Folk of Air
Jude Duarte (18+) - fc Katherine Langford
Harry Poter
Marlene McKinnon (18+) - fc Summer Bishil
Lily Evans (18+) - fc Sophie Skelton
Hermione Granger (18+) - fc Emma Watson
-:: TV MUSES ::-
Teen Wolf
Malia Tate (18+)  - fc Shelley Hennig
Lydia Martin (19+) - fc Holland Roden **(alt fc Sophie Skelton - just hmu)**
**Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Lahey (18+) - fc Haley Lu Richardson
Melissa McCall (41+) - fc Melissa Ponzio
Claudia Stilinski (44+) - fc Carla Gugino
Laura Hale (25+) - fc Meghan Ory
Carrie Hudson (22+) - fc Sarah Grey
**Aoife Argent (21+) - fc Melissa Benoist
**Veronica ‘Roni’ Meyers (33+) - fc Stephanie Beatriz
**Aurora Lycan (23+) - fc Eiza Gonzalez
**Silver Lycan (19+) - fc Alycia Debnam Carey
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Agatha Night (unknown) - fc Adeline Rudolph
Dorcas Night (unknown) - fc Abigail Cowen
Clary Fray (18+) - fc Katherine McNamara
Heather Nill (18+) - fc Olivia Welch
Fate: A Winx Saga
Bloom Peters (18) - fc Abigail Cowen
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Jemma Simmons (22+) - fc Elizabeth Henstridge
Melinda May (45+) - fc Ming-Na Wen
Wynonna Earp
Wynonna Earp (27+) - fc Melanie Scrofano
Mia Smoak-Queen (21) - fc Katherine McNamara
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Rebekah Mikaelson (1000+) - fc Claire Holt
Caroline Forbes (18+) - fc Candice King
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan (28+) - fc Jennifer Morrison
Snow White (28+) - fc Ginnifer Goodwin
Charmed (1998)
Melinda Halliwell (18+) - fc Lucy Hale
Bianca Diaz (18+) - fc Ivana Baquero
Harriet Jones (20+) - fc Shelley Hennig
Lilith Gato (20+) - fc Ivana Baquero
Hannah Hightopp (21+) - fc Holland Roden
Mal Fae (18+) - fc Dove Cameron
Alfreda ‘Freddie’ Facilier (19+) - fc Vanessa Morgan
Evie Grimhilde (18+) - fc Sofia Carson
Julia Darling (19+) - fc Tiera Skovbye
Alissa Kingsleigh (20+) - fc Emily Bett Rickards
Fleur Faery (18+) - fc Danielle Rose Russell
Ruby Fitzherbert (19+) - fc Melissa Benoist
Briar Snatch (19+) - fc Zoey Deutch
Astrid Bjorgman (19+) - fc Eleanor Tomlinson
Shock Trickster (unknown - looks 21+) - fc Chelsea Gillian
Jenny Skellington (24+) - fc Sophie Skelton
Diana Moors (19+) - fc Katherine McNamara
Urina Tow (22+) - fc Summer Bishil
Lyra Sanderson (19+) - fc leven Rambin
Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Swann (20+) - fc Keira Knightley
Arthurian Legends
Guinevere Pendragon (25+) - fc Katheryn Winnick
Fear Street (1978 & 1994)
Sam Fraser (18+) - fc Olivia Welch
Cindy Berman (18+) - fc Emily Rudd
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Natasha Romanoff (30+) - fc Scarlett Johansson
Darcy lewis (26+) - fc Kat Dennings
Yelena Belova (27+) - fc Florence Pugh
Melina Vostokoff (45+) - fc Rachel Weisz
-:: MISC MUSES ::-
Greek Mythology
Persephone Thanatos (unknown) - fc Adelaide Kane
Mass Effect
Belle Shepard (31+) - fc Bryce Dallas Howard
Tali'Zorah Nar Rayya (26+) - fc N/A
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@rinadragomir @beclynn-herondale @megs-readstoomuch Thanks for tagging me!!
Ok here goes: (basically I have to answer these along with a reason)
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1. MALEC and for obvious reasons 😭😭 They’re fucking awesome and they give me hope <3
2. Ummmm okay this is a little hard... ig I’ll go with sizzy cause badass babe with a whip and nerdy guitar boy with a side of slow burn, angst, pining, love triangles, and amnesia and then even more pining? Hell yes.
3. Malec again, I mean have you seen them?? Magnus is basically six foot two of pure drama with a dash of glitter and Alec is secretly a dramatic gay babe.
4. Pass. I don’t think any ship is overrated
5. GWYNDIA!! That is the ship name for Gwyn/Diana, right? They’re literally among my top ships in TDA and ppl need to appreciate em more
6. *crickets chirping* (hold on I’m thinking) Ooh yes Maia and Lily 😍 Enemies to reluctant allies to friends to lovers. I love them.
7. Gahhhh this is so hard 😭😭😭 Pass.
9. Magnus x literally anyone other than Alec. Sorry peeps but Alec’s the one for him 😌
10. Zara Dearborn x good things 🙄 (that does count, right?)
Tagging @chibi-tsukiko @my-archerboy @fair-but-wilde-child and anyone else who wants to do this
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jcmorgenstern · 6 years
Rambly not-review of QOAAD
Lol so tumblr is on fire and so am I so here’s Some Thoughts on QOAAD, mostly about the not-crispy boy, not as annoying and bitter as I usually am:
Bottom line: CC did right by me, y’all. Whether or not she did right by everyone else I can’t really say, but half of the time reading this book I felt she was catering to me personally, and y’all know how esoteric ‘catering to me personally’ is. There is some Wild Fuckening Shit in this book, and I for the most part loved it. A lot of my old gripes still apply, but tbh? for a kid’s book CC has really delivered some absolute gems and as critical as I often am, I really enjoyed reading this book.
Spoilers for the entire TDA trilogy, especially QOAAD, below.
Okay so for those of y’all who have read the book: let’s just get that whole thing out of the way. Yes she did in fact write three chapters of an AU where Sebastian won, is shacking up with a deeply unhappy Jace, and yes, I did in fact die irl. Like honestly I understand that’s problematic, and that the whole situation was about as fucked up as it gets, but honestly? I don’t give a shit. I was Thriving and even though I had to read Seb’s dumb ass dying again it was totally worth it 10/10.
Also Ash? Dark Jace? Biggest nut.
Basically, my criteria for liking the book were: (1) Ash can’t be a carbon-copy of Sebastian (2) Kieran doesn’t die and gets with Mark/Cristina (3) Diana and Gwyn stay together and (4) Kit and Ty keep being adorable. Bonus points were for (1) Dru and Ash interaction (2) more Dru content in general (3) Aline and Helen (4) that hint of Sebastian content she kept teasing that I never believed would actually materialize and (5) Julian and Emma breaking up so I never had to read another word about their “true love” at age 16 ever again (I’m a bitter asshole).
I honestly expected to get pretty much none of these and I was shocked to get everything except (5) from the list and so much more. So without further ado:
The whole Thule thing was a lot, tbh, starting with Maryse’s execution (I won’t lie, when Sebastian says “I killed my mother for Jace, and now he can return the favor” my dumb ass did in fact squeal out loud in a public bookstore) and ending with Sebastian’s really, really, really bad parenting skills. As a side note, the show must have had an advance copy of the book, because you may recognize the song little Jace sings with Izzy in....whatever episode they go into Jace’s head as the song Maryse sings before she dies. As far as I recall, that hasn’t been mentioned before (as well as the Malachi Configuration) so clearly the show got confused with the book release date. I’m sure that made CC very happy.
Like honestly Thule!Seb is just COHF!Seb taken up to 11, which is honestly a terrifying and hilarious thought, complete with a still-kicking designer clothes fetish and an inability to dream up a setting that isn’t a club. Sebastian’s designer suit fetish never really made much sense to me in terms of his personality--it always seems to remind me that I am, in essence, reading The Draco Trilogy with the names changed. But there are a lot of little details that recall COLS, which is always a plus for me, but also seem to indicate that he’s never really progressed or ‘matured’ beyond that. The return to the club setting as a callback to club in COLS, dressing Jace like a paper doll. While Thule itself is an imaginative setting, Sebastian’s presentation and behavior hasn’t changed at all, which shows that ultimately CC’s view of him is one of being completely static and inhuman.
I always really hated that, but here it works--it gives the impression that even though he’s won and destroyed the world, he’s living in the past, attempting to recreate COLS best he can. That mind-controlling Jace, going for a romantic murder or two with him, and chatting with Clary about how much she hates him is the happiest he’s been, the closest thing to family he can conceive of.  I think one of the most fucked up parts of COLS, and one of my favorites, is that the Magic House is a darkly genteel reflection of the warped view of family Valentine has, that Sebastian has symbolically completed.
Valentine’s wardrobe full of clothes he’s bought for Jocelyn for “when she returns,” all with the tags still on, is possibly the most chilling part of the entire book. He views his family--Jocelyn, Jace, Clary, as a thing to accomplish, to control, to collect and arrange in a seemly manner. He truly seems to think, or at least want to believe, that after he’s destroyed the entire downworld and the entire shadowworld government that they can all go play happy families. That his family would want to play happy families with him, or even be anywhere near him. It’s both terrifyingly cruel and self-aware and completely naïve, that he believes he can make his family love him, or at least pretend.
It’s that same mindset that Sebastian inherits--“I will bend him to my will and teach my sister to love me” pretty much sums it up, although he manages to be a bit more petulant about it. Although he seems to emphatically reject Valentine, he’s become Valentine, inherited his sword, his ring, his creepy shrine-to-Jocelyn house and his mindset and view of family. The same entitlement and sense of ownership Valentine displays to Jocelyn (and in a different way, Jace), Sebastian shows to Clary (and again, to Jace).
Valentine never saw his “vision” through, but Sebastian symbolically completes his father’s vision of their family, not as a son but by becoming his father, and Clary her mother. CC emphasizes and repeats this over and over, how Clary looks like her mother and Sebastian like his father, exactly like his father. Sister Magdalena even comments on it (“Why, you look just like your parents,” when Clary expects her to comment on their difference or wonder why Clary is in the company of a murderer). One can suppose that given his feelings towards Valentine and how he always resented Valentine’s lack of approval towards him, Sebastian craves “love” more than anything--or at least, his conception of love, which we all can agree is pretty fucked up. The completion of the “family” is thus probably what Sebastian sees as fulfilling, that control and coercion is as close to love and belonging as he can understand, or that he’s experienced.
There’s a very interesting sense in which in creating the Endarkened and going on a path of world destruction, Sebastian himself loses all sense of self or free will. It always bothered me that Lilith’s blood is used to abnegate free will in the Endarkened when Lilith herself is often interpreted as a symbol of free will (and feminism--that’s a rant for another day). But there is very much a sense that the Battle of Burren is Sebastian’s moral event horizon, that in trying to rape Clary or force all free will out of her and others he cements himself as ultimately irredeemable. I’ve often complained that his motivation for destroying the world is...well, non-existent, but in a sense it reflects an erosion of person-hood, that he is less a person in himself with his own self-directed wants and goals than a shadow or echo of Valentine embracing senseless (demonic?) destruction.
I know I’m going completely off the deep end, but I recently studied Milton and although it seems pretty clear that CC is more a Virgilian than a Miltonist (tbh I really don’t think she’s read Paradise Lost because if she had, she wouldn’t stop quoting it), Milton’s conception of Lucifer is really a prototype here. One reading of Satan in PL is that the personified Sin and Death (his “offspring” so to speak) are really just solipsistic echoes of himself and his hubris, and I think there’s a very interesting sense in which Sebastian could be read in a similar way to Valentine. In many respects, to me, Jonathan represents a sum of Valentine’s greatest sins--bigotry, hatred, cruelty, pride, and really bad use of the experimental method.
I get the impression that CC struggled with Seb’s characterization in COHF, and in large part that’s because he has no character, no motivation beyond destruction and a certain rapaciousness towards Clary. As I’ve derisively said before, wanting to fuck your sister is not a sound core personality motivation for a character. The way he’s written in the books, there’s not a lot of poignancy in his character, and although people do seem to feel sympathy for “green eyed Jonathan” (uwu), he doesn’t really exist any more than Sebastian does. Although CC claims through Clary that Sebastian wants to destroy the world to make it something that can love him, what she misses is that Sebastian in COHF is not really a character but an Endarkened version of himself--a shadow. He doesn’t seem to be much of anything.
Thule is the result of that hollow destruction, an Endarkened shadow of canon, and for that reason it completes COHF in that we truly see what CC means when she says there wasn’t enough good in him left for him to live--what I think she could also mean is that there isn’t enough of Jonathan left, or there never was. Valentine aborts his development (in...many ways: stay tuned for reports from the frontlines of developmental psychopathology, which I am taking) and what’s left is a solipsistic reflection or echo not of Jonathan’s demonic parentage but of his human father. And there’s something understatedly tragic about that cycle coming to a close with Ash, with Sebastian behaving the same way towards his son as his father did to him--with callousness and a desire to exploit. CC explicitly calls this possessive, which is of course a callback to how he treats Clary, but I think he’s more reflecting the father role he inherited from Valentine.
And Ash closes that cycle by killing Sebastian--just as, I would argue, that Sebastian in some sense wanted to kill Valentine. More and more I’ve been leaning towards a reading (and I hope with absolutely no confidence that the show leans towards this reading as well) where Sebastian’s obsession with Clary is at least partly due to the fact that she has done the thing that would symbolically complete him--kill Valentine. Sebastian hasn’t killed Valentine, literally or symbolically, and the cycle repeats; in this way, Ash as a Morgenstern takes more after Clary than he does his father.
Is this edgy, pseudo-academic, piss-poor, completely incoherent bullshit? Absolutely. The point is, god is dead and if I want to compare Paradise Lost, one of the eminent works of the English canon to a YA series based on fanfiction I can. Also, Thule may suck but Sebastian did canonically destroy the world financial system so is he really that bad? (Yes).
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grandzealot · 5 years
ovo :] (Um everyone? lmao (probs not Marigold tho unless you have a NV verse I forgot abou???))
hypothetical relationships || [ open ]
audrey. i think she might be too young time-spent-thawed-wise for me to comfortably ship them but by default richter is pleased w every sosus experience and capability… i like the thought of her being a canon sosu for our gwyn n richter bc he would just come to believe whatever gwyn tells him about her lmaooo
 gwyneth. my favorite ending is still the awful one where tektus is discovered to be a synth and richter kills him and leads the children down the warpath and gwyn is by his side and poor decisions are made all around lmaobut he does genuinely like her and their themes and contrasts and compliments are so cute so they do lend themselves to just staying at the nucleus together quite well also c: [ domestic verse ( w a side of rads ) ]
lida. shes basically already adopted. not zealot material so hes extra mindful of her safety / protective !
lilith. richter in his obliviousness would probably not realize she hates him unless she made a point of it. if she liked watching him kill and he were aware of it he would consider her zealot material if she stuck around. if he knew bits of her origins hed be sympathetic and honestly be willing to overlook even serious things that he shouldnt with the mindset that ‘ she had a hard childhood ’ or something like that… hes absolutely primed to be manipulated by her lmao
marigold. i do have a way old mojaveverse thats kind of a nice ending where atti n richter head west and basically become an old quiet couple trying to live the moral life and keeping a bit to themselves. richter would still serve atom but he probably wouldnt be super obvious or loud about it… but if marigold had a bad reputation in goodsprings they might hear of it and richter would be a grumpy old man on his porch telling her to get off their irradiated lawn ! ( but still accepting mail from her )
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dani-luminae · 4 years
Sorry, i'm new to your blog and i'm intrigued by your oc's but also kinda confused. Can you give me a quick rundown of who's who? (Like their names, parents, etc)
Okay then!
Most of them are Descendants OCs, but I have crossovers into Sky High, Marvel, Once Upon a Time, The Kingdom Keepers series, and Disney ZOMBIES. I’ll try to get everyone in one list! I hope this answers your questions.
I’m also gonna put this under a cut because it’s gonna get long. I blame an overactive imagine for many of these guys.
Feel free to send asks about any of them if you want! Lia and Zeraphina are my two most popular talked about on this account, but I welcome the excuse to talk about any of them!
My personal favorites on this list are Lia, Bianca, and Haley.
Lilith “Lily” Lokidottir: My very first Descendants OC! A crossover with the MCU (or, my version of it) she has four books and counting (starting with the Isle of the Lost book and also two other crossovers!) She’s the daughter of Loki from the MCU, who, due to a mix-up and lots of problems, ended up on the Isle of the Lost, where she was raised by Maleficent. Her love interest is Jay.
Selina Oceana: My second Descendants OC! A daughter of Ursula, who’s first book was literally just the Descendants movie with Selina replacing Mal - but I’m proud to say I got much more original for her second and third book. Her love interest is Ben.
Aza: my third Descendants OC! A daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine, who ends up falling in love with Jay. It’s all a bit cliche... until a whole curse from Jafar comes into play. 
Aria Crownsend: Another Descendants OC. She’s a daughter of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip in Auradon. Aria is pulled into the world of the Kingdom Keeper series in order to act as a sort of character spy, as her own Disney Princess character, in the Disney Parks.
Reign Queen: this one’s an OC for Descendants and Ever After High. She’s the daughter of Descendants’ Evil Queen (and twin sister of Evie) who, along with another Auradonian, was kidnapped and taken to the world of Ever After in hopes that the two of them could disrupt Ever After’s reliance on the Storybook of Legends and forcing their destinies on their kids. She’s a Rebel through and through, even if she really is supposed to have a happy ending to her destiny. She’s dating Adam Beast II. 
Adam Beast II: The second of my Descendants-Ever After High OCs. A prince of Auradon (son of King Beast and Queen Belle, twin brother of Ben) who, like Reign, was kidnapped and taken to Ever After with the intent of disrupting the world’s reliance on the Storybook of Legends. Unfortunately, that’s where their story gets complicated, as Adam was cursed with a twisted version of the Beast Curse in hopes of forcing him to follow his dad’s destiny. He’s dating Reign.
Carly De Vil: Another Descendants OC. A daughter of Cruella De Vil and twin sister of Carlos. Carly’s story was a request, with an unusual love interest: Chad Charming. I’m proud to say I did it well, and Carly’s trilogy is one of my favorites to write. Her third book is inspired by the OG Descendants 3 teaser and involves the identity of hers and Carlos’s father.
Roseleta Mercier/Nara Dracona: Another Descendants OCs. A daughter of King Beast and Queen Belle, she was kidnapped by Queen Narissa (the villain of Enchanted) and taken back to the Isle and raised there. Years later, as Nara, she returns to Auradon as part of Ben’s proclamation, and rediscovers her family and her true life. Her trilogy is on its third and final book, The Dragon That Cannot Fly, which features Naros, a version of Ben if he was the one who was kidnapped and raised on the Isle instead of her. Nara’s love interest is Evie, while Naros/Ben’s love interest is still Mal.
Rose: Another Descendants OC, whose story crosses over with the Once Upon a Time series (only the first five season of it though.) Taken from Auradon and her parents, Rose is transported to Storybrooke, where she is one of the two Saviors necessary to break the curse and restore Storybrooke.
Jackie Sparrow: a Descendants OC, daughter of Captain Jack Sparrow and Angelica (from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides!) Truly her parents daughter, Jackie is a devoted pirate, though her trip to Auradon teaches her that “not all treasure is silver and gold.” Her love interests (polyamory!) are Jay and Theodora (an OC.)
Royal: (Okay technically Royal is not my OC. She’s technically adopted. She was created by my cousin, and then dumped on me to write her story. My cousin has since dropped all interest in Royal and her story, but I do love Royal and so she’s basically mine now. With that out of the way), Royal is another Descendants OC! Royal is born out of a love spell that Maleficent cast on King Beast, and so obviously Royal’s got some pretty peculiar parentage. Royal grew up on the Isle with her little sister, Mal, but when Royal basically invites herself along to go to Auradon for Ben’s proclamation, things definitely get more complicated. Uncertain of her own worth to either of the families she could possibly belong to, Royal is a very complicated character who feels more like she exists to be a pawn more than a person. Her love interest is Nik Goodwin, an OC.
Adam Mercier: the son of Royal in an AU of her story where Ben’s proclamation never came and she and all the others remained on the Isle. Adam is named after his mother’s father, and is a combative, impulsive character who loves his mother fiercely. When Ben’s son, Alexander, finally makes a successful proclamation to get some kids off the Isle of the Lost, Adam is one of the kids chosen to leave, alongside his cousin Malachi, his god-sister Carla, and Fairen and Jayra.
Chloe Charming: the older daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming, from the same story as Royal. One of Royal’s best friends now.
Skalja Bjorgman: the daughter of Anna and Kristoff, from the same story as Royal. One of Royal’s best friends now. Also, my first canonically autistic OC!
Bianca Mercier: Another Descendants OC! She comes from Dark Haven, a version of Auradon where good and evil are flipped. King Beast and Queen Belle, the Rulers of All Evil, rule a kingdom of evil, while Maleficent is the Mistress of Goodness, exiled to the Banished Land with the rest of the heroes. Bianca is the Princess of Darkness, as the daughter of King Beast and Queen Belle, and looks forward to her future as a queen of evil, but when she’s unfortunately placed in the Auradon that we know, her views of evil and good are unfortunately challenged and complicated. Her love interest is the Dark Haven version of Mal.
Lia Hawkins: Another Descendants OC! The daughter of Jim Hawkins (from Treasure Planet), Lia is also the princess of the far-off planet of Solasar. With a compassionate and determined personality and the powerful ability to create and manipulated light itself, Lia is the perfect foil for Mal, who she finds herself at odds with only a day after her accidental arrival in Auradon. Lia’s love interest is Ben. She’s one of my favorite OCs.
Haley Olympia-Graves: Another Descendants OC, whose story also crosses over with the world of Sky High! A daughter of Hades kidnapped from the Isle of the Lost, Haley ends up being raised by a mortal foster-mother in Maxville. Haley’s magic is mistaken for superpowers and she is taught at Sky High, the school for superheroes, but eventually, she discovers the truth about her parentage and who she is. Haley’s love interest is Layla.
Gwyn Carlye/Barkowitz: Another Descendants OC, and her story crosses over with Disney’s ZOMBIES series! While Gwyn was raised as a perfectly human cheerleader in Seabrook, there’s some things off about her. Her green eyes can glow. Her hair is white, for some reason. And she’s fascinated by the full moon. When she turns out to be the Great Alpha that the Werewolves are looking for, their search for the moonstone leads them into Auradon, where Gwyn discovers the truth about her origin. Gwyn’s love interest is Willa.
Zeraphina McAlyster: A Disney ZOMBIES OC! Zeraphina is half-Zombie and half-human, loves football, and loves to challenge the rules. She attends Seabrook High (after the events of the first movie) and shockingly enough, actually ends up dating Bucky, the cheer rockstar.
Cassia Larsen: A Sky High - MCU crossover OC! The daughter of Loki, she grew up under the radar in Maxville, raised by her human mother, where Cassia’s seemingly-simple abilities - the ability to create and control ice - could easily be passed off as superpowers. Of course, things don’t stay hidden and simple for long. Cassia’s love interest is Warren Peace.
Belladonna Valaise: an OC for a Disney-fandom-in-general story, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Belladonna, a talented apprentice briefly stripped of her magic for a miscast spell gone horrible wrong, ends up teaming up with a certain mouse-like apprentice in order to recover a powerful magical item from an evil magician. I don’t talk about her much on here, but she’s still around.
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murfeelee · 6 years
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The Hunter and the Huntress - Pt4
The Chance to Fly
Diana sat in her small room above the weapons shop and flipped through files. Her window rattled; wind, probably. "I ought to go to bed," she thought. But she kept reading. Her window rattled again. She looked up and saw Gwyn on the other side of the glass.
She stood up with a yelp of surprise, sending her papers flying. "Get a grip," she told herself. There was no way that the leader of the Wild Hunt was actually outside her window. But he was still there, and as she moved toward the window, she saw that he was hovering in the air just below her sill, on the back of a massive gray horse. He gestured for her to open the window. 
Diana hesitated, then reached to undo the latch and fling up the sash. Gwyn's bicolored eyes fixed on her. “My lady,” he said. “I had hoped you would accompany me on a ride.”
Diana tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Why?”
“For the pleasure of your company,” Gwyn said. “You look beautiful,” he said. 
“But you’re not allowed to be here!” 
He grinned at that. “As long as my horse’s hooves do not touch Alicante ground the alarm will not be raised.” 
She supposed he wasn’t lying. Fairies couldn’t lie. Still, Diana felt a bubble of tension in her chest. He was asking her on a date. And though she wanted to go, the fear —- that old fear that walked hand in hand with distrust and grief — held her back.
Gwyn reached out a hand. “Come with me. The sky awaits.”
“You’re going to be in so much trouble,” she whispered, “if the Shadowhunters find out you’re here.”
He shrugged, hand still outstretched. “Then you had better come quickly.” She began to climb out the window.
-- Lord of Shadows, Cassandra Clare
I usually leave out a lot of extra dialogue & sentences/paragraphs from these book excerpts, to get to the key stuff. One thing I left out from this scene was the emphasis put on Diana’s shiny red silk pajamas (the whole Shadowhunters book series is a young adult urban fantasy, so fashion takes up like half the daggone chapters sometimes. Though that explains why the clothes on the tv show are so amazing -- Looking at you, Magnus, Izzy & Lilith! WERK!)
But yeah, I though it was crazy how Diana just up and went on an impromptu date with Gwyn in nothing but her silk pajamas. So I added in a few pics of her changing into something more semi-formal. 
- Speaking of which, ALL THE LOVE to the goddess @venusprincess-simblr​ for the dress & shoes! <3 More carp koi patterns in beta by me; leggings from ITF; Ring (& Nails, I use them all the time)
- Poses & Open Window
- Fog emitter effects: graveyardfog, reapersmokeconstant
- If Diana’s house seems familiar to y’all, that’s because I added an extra floor above Moonlight Falls’ Elixir Consignment Shop. XD
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marcythewerewolf · 6 years
Hi! Sorry if this comes across as completely random but I was deep in your writing tag and I saw the Always Faerie AU. I just had to say that I’m incredibly intrigued by it and I was wondering if you had any more headcanons about it that you could share? Or if you aren’t planning on writing it in the future, could you summarize what you had intended to happen in it? Thanks! Love your content!
I already put down some headcanons here, so if you haven’t read those, that’s a good starting place. I actually do have a pretty good sense of where the plot would go, in a broad sense. But rather than give you all bullet points, I’ll try a short fic to start it out and then summarize the general plot from there.
There was no question about it. Helen was gone, and Mark knew three things.
One: He could not tell his mother. She wouldn’t survive another dose of heartbreak.
Two: The Seelie would not help him find her. She was a bother to them, just as much as he was. The Seelie Queen was interested in them, but that interest manifested as little more than occasional indulgence or demand. Nene loved them, in her own way, but she was sworn to the court with faerie vows. She would not disobey.
Three: The world was not kind to people like them. Every moment that passed decreased the chances he’d find Helen alive. The Circle could have her, or the Unseelie, or Lilith herself for all he knew.
Action was needed. Quickly.
“She might be somewhere we haven’t checked yet,” Cristina suggested, as if they hadn’t searched every nook and cranny of the Seelie’s underground abode, and even most of the forest above. “Or maybe she got lost.”
Miach shook his head. “No. No. If she went out she would have left a note- she always leaves a note.”
“Then mayhaps the note was lost,” Kieran said, trying to be soothing and failing. He looked almost as spooked as Mark.
A dull dread filled the pit of Miach’s stomach. “I want to check her room again,” he whispered.
Helen’s room was next to his, two little alcoves off their mother’s sick room that had served them since they were children. But as the lady Nerissa had grown sicker and sicker, Helen had taken over more and more of her old spaces. Her library, her sitting room, both were Helen’s now. Mark had been left only a pantry of herbs, but hadn’t minded much. He’d always preferred exploring to sitting home, stewing in grief.
The box was in the library, hidden behind two scrolls in ancient greek. It took them an hour of searching to find it, another hour his sister could be in peril. By the time Kieran came down with the flat, abalone box, Mark felt bloodless.
“Do you want me to open it?” Cristina asked, because Cristina was kind in a way only people raised out of the courts could be.
“No,” Miach said. Heart aching, he opened the box.
Inside were letters, dozens of them, some on crisp white paper and some on fancy stationary with blue flowers printed on them. All of them looked terribly human, right down to the bubbly handwriting.
Mark felt himself relax. She’d run away with a human then. That was almost safe, almost normal. He could find her, he could bring her home.
(How she’d met her beau was a mystery of its own- neither of Nerissa’s children had ever been allowed outside of Faerie, but there would be time to interrogate her on that later.)
Kieran gasped. “The name,” he whispered, “Miach, read the name.”
At the bottom, in the same girlish handwriting it said:
…It seems now that the world has turned to gold. Even so, all it reminds me of is your hair and your lips
Unfailingly Yours,
Aline. He had heard that name before.
Kieran hastened to explain. “There was a delegation of Shadowhunters, a year ago.” Long before they had known each other. “They came to the Unseelie Court and said they were visiting the Seelie Queen as well. There was a girl with them by the name of Aline. Aline Penhallow.”Mark’s heart stopped.
He remembered the shadowhunters as well. There had been about five of them, all dressed in black. Nene had tried to keep Alessa and Miach as far away from them as possible but the Seelie Queen had called Helen to court in spite of her protests. Mark, still a child by faerie standards, had remained locked in his room.
Helen had come home looking a bit flushed and harried, but she’d insisted it had all been fine, that the Shadowhunters hadn’t wanted anything to do with her and Mark.
He’d always known his sister could lie, but she’d never lied to him before.
How long had she and this Shadowhunter girl been communicating? How had they planned to stay in touch? How many months had Aline Penhallow planned to lure his sweet, gentle sister into a trap?
Cristina was the one who spoke first. Lightly, she placed a hand on Miach’s shoulder and said, “We should go, now. If we’re going to rescue Helen we’ll need to leave at night, which means we should have been packing ages ago.”
It took a moment for him to realize what she meant, and almost instantly his mind turned to suspicion. “You can’t leave. You’re sworn to the Seelie Queen.”
“Family is more important than oaths,” Cristina declared. “And this is family. Besides, I’m probably human, I’m not expected to behave like a civilized faerie.” That was true, there was more leeway for those with naturally twisted minds, who couldn’t be held to their promises like proper beings. Young changelings and half-faeries were considered to be charity cases, and there was no one to blame but nature if they broke a few promises. At worst she’d get beaten.
It was still a lot to ask of anyone. Miach tried to smile, so she’d know he appreciated it.
“Kieran,” she said, turning to their lover, who seemed trapped in his own private hell. “Can you cover for us here?”
Slowly, the prince turned to look at them. Then, thoughtfully, he said, “No. I can’t. I’m coming with you.”
Kieran would get worse than beaten if he tried to escape. Hostages weren’t something either court took lightly. Miach grabbed his hands. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do. I’m tired of being a pawn. I can leave the court with the two of you, the magic binding me allows it, and they won’t be able to modify that at a distance. There are no oaths restricting me. One might even argue that I’m obligated to try to escape.”
One might, Mark thought, but few would. It wasn’t a plea that would hold up well in any trial.
Escaping with a prince put them all in more danger. On the other hand, Kieran was more powerful and more skilled at combat than either of them, and if they wanted to rescue Helen they’d need someone who could actually wield a sword.
He turned to Cristina. “It’s your call.” She was the second most likely to suffer the consequences, if they were caught.
Cristina added her hands to theirs, making more of a determined mound than a desperate hold. “We’re better together,” she said.
Neither of them were prepared to argue with her.
Most of the story I have sketched out involves trying to find Helen (and later Aline, since they both got kidnapped together and the Penhallows made them promise to rescue them both). But since the Circle is pretty good at shielding, they have to use some very roundabout methods to try to track them down- first they talk to Aline’s family, then Cristina’s family, then moving onto Kieran’s, then the entire Downworld, and so on. 
It’s evolves into sort of a globe trotting semi-heist as they search for ingredients to make the elusive perfect tracking spell that Mark has only heard written about. 
Also they have to stay one step ahead of the Seelie knights looking for them. 
And it’s a race against time cause who knows what the Circle is planning to do with Helen and Aline. (Spoiler: Helen actually has a pretty good handle on it and is leveraging some of her magical knowledge for protection.)
Jia Penhallow recognizes Cristina but doesn’t tell her. She does tell the Rosales family who are now searching for this faerie raised girl they thought they lost years ago. 
Cristina’s faerie family panics when they hear she met Shadowhunters and try to smother Mark in rose petals. 
Kieran’s family is proud of him for the first time in his life (Made off with two Seelie courtiers! Atta boy!) but does try to keep them, to gain the upper hand on the Seelie Court. They end up having to fight their way out. 
When they barter their way into the siege situation Spiral Labyrinth, Malcolm Fade hears the name Blackthorn and has a panic attack and then Catarina Loss makes everyone hot chocolate. 
They have a cute dinner on the Strip while trying to figure out their way into the Shadowworld Market. Then Johnny Rook reveals that Mark’s dad is alive and throws even more drama on the family fire. 
Their last stop is the Wild Hunt, because they need an ingredient from Gwyn ap Nudd himself. It’s terrifying and also a learning experience for everyone. 
Finally they’re ready to break into Valentine’s HQ, but in the course of traipsing around two worlds to figure out where it is they realized how woefully unprepared they are to fight the Circle. So they last minute find some allies in the families they’ve lost. Andrew Blackthorn just found out he had a daughter an hour ago and he’s ready to call in some favors for her. 
Climactic battle. Secrets revealed. Helen and Aline refuse to be parted. So on and so forth. Very standard, heroic story. But during all the camping out in the woods of faerie and finding a hotel room in LA, Mark, Cristina, Kieran are still struggling with their relationship, which started out as a way to pass the time and make friends but is now something much more. 
They were all raised by faeries and they’re very good at passion and pretty words, but not super great at navigating complicated emotional pasts, or talking about feelings honestly. 
In the end, can they stay together? Will they stay together?
(Of course, duh. I think they end up with the Rosales long term, though Kieran might go to the Wild Hunt and just be a very long distance boyfriend.)
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skyofpadilha · 3 years
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Revised 2024
All Book Selections are by:
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SKY a.k.a. PADILLA of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon, or merely as JD
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A Colonia De Maria: Morada das Pombagiras - Volume 1 - Elaine Paceli (Brazilian Edition in Portuguese)
Seven Crossroads Of Night: QUIMBANDA in Theory & Practice - Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold
Os Caminhos Da Serpente: Introdução à QUIMBANDA (Portuguese Edition) by Tata Caratu & Rogerio Giusto
As Marias Padilhas e Outras Entidades nas Religiões Afro-Brasileiras (Portuguese Edition) by Élida Alexandre
Maria De Padilla: Queen Of The Souls - Humberto Maggi & Veronica Rivas
Queen Of The Seven Crossroads - Humberto Maggi
Maria Padilha: The Key Holder Of Midnight - Veronica Rivas
Pombagira Sete Saias - UruR
Rituais de Quimbanda: Linha da Esquerda - Evandro Mendonca
Corrente 72: Quimbanda Vermelha - Helio Brum / Helio Seferimorre
Na Gira Do Exu - Invoking the Spirits of Brazilian Quimbanda - Mario dos Ventos
Pomba-Gira Cigana - Maria Helena Farelli ( Brazil Edition )
Pomba-Gira e Seus Assentamentos - Evandro Mendonça ( Brazil Edition )
Exu, Pomba-Gira e Seus Axés - Evandro Mendonça ( Brazil Edition )
Quimbanda: The Cult of the Red and Black Flame - Danilo Coppini
Exu & the Quimbanda of Night and Fire - Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold
Pomba Gira & the Quimbanda of Mbùmba Nzila - Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold
Historia da Pombagira: Princesa dos Encantos - Rubens Saraceni
The Divine Androgyne: A Sacred Path For Gender Variant People - Hollis Taylor & Claire Morningstar
Pagans And The Law - Understanding Your Rights - Dana D Eilers
The Brazen Vessel - Alkistis Dimech & Peter Grey
Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated GOETIA - Lon Milo Duquette / Christopher S Hyatt
Pomba Gira A Deusa Mulher Igual Voce -Alexandre Cumino
Exu. O Guardiao da Casa do Futuro -Vagner Goncalves da Silva
Exu Não é o Diabo -Alexandre Cumino
The World Of Exu and Pomba Gira - Maga Beth
Kiumbanda - A Complete Grammar of the Art of Exu - Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold
Embracing Lilith - Mark H Williams
Weaving Fate - Aidan Wachter
An Carow Gwyn Sorcery and Ancient Fayerie Faith - Robin Artisson
A Magia Dos Encantados - Nivio Ramos Sales
Freyja, Lady, Vanadis: An Introduction To The Goddess - Patricia M. Lafayllve
Frey, God Of The World  - Ann Groa Sheffield
Lore Of The Vanir: A Brief Overview Of The Vanir Gods - C. Nico
Seidr: The Gate Is Open: Working With Trance Prophecy, The High Seat And Norse Witchcraft - Katie Gerrard
The Rune Journal: Meditative Journeys Into The Wisdom Of The Runes (Freyja's Way: The Way Of The Vanir) - Tora Öslunde
Fate And The Twilight Of The Gods: The Norns And An Exegesis Of Voluspa - Gwendolyn Taunton
Norse Goddess Magic: Trancework, Mythology, and Magic - Alice Karlsdóttir
What Thou Wilt: Traditional and Innovative trends in Post-Gardnerian Witchcraft – Jon Hanna
The Gardnerian Book of Shadows - Gerald Gardner
Double Edge: The Intersection Of Transgender And BDSM - Raven Kaldera
* Gender And Transgender In Modern Paganism - Gina Pond * The Path Of The Green Man - "Gay Men, Wicca & Living A Magical Life" - by Michael Thomas Ford * All the King's Children: ...Alex Sanders - Jimahl di Fiosa * Sybil Leek: Out of the Shadows - Christine Jones * Arcane Perfection: An Anthology by Queer, Trans & Intersex Witches - Cutlines Press & Dylan Ce * Queer Magick: LGBT + Spirituality & Culture From Around The World - Tomás Prower * Witches, Sluts, Feminists: Conjuring The Sex Positive - Kristen J Sollee * Witchcraze: A New History Of The European Witch Hunts - Anne L Barstow * Star Magick: The Wisdom Of The Constellations For Pagans & Wiccans - Sandra Kynes * Cassell’s Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit: Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Transgender Lore. - By Randy P Conner, David H and Maiya Sparks * Pagan Polyamory: Becoming a Tribe of Hearts - By Raven Kaldera * Gay Witchcraft (Empowering the tribe) By Christopher Penczak * Gay Wicca Book. By Bruce K Wilhorn * All-Soul, All-Body, All-Love, All-Power: A Trans-Mythology - by P. Sufenas Virius Lupus a.k.a. “P.S.V.L.” * Transgender Spirituality: Man Into Goddess - Sakhi Bhava * Changing Ones: Third And Fourth Genders In Native North America - Will Roscoe * Myths And Symbols In Pagan Europe - Hilda R Ellis * Hermaphrodeities - Raven Kaldera * The Way Of Wyrd - Brain Bates * Wildwitch: The Craft Of The Natural Psychic - Poppy Palin * Witches, Midwives, And Nurses: A History Of Women Healers - Barbara Ehrenreich & Deirdre English * All Acts Of Love & Pleasure: Inclusive Wicca - Yvonne Aburrow *
* Modern Wicca: A History From Gerald Gardner to the Present - Michael Howard * Fire Child: The Life & Magick Of Maxine Sanders – Witch Queen – By Maxine Sanders * Alex Sanders : Book of Law – By Alex Sanders & Daniel MacDonald * Bull of Heaven: The Mythic Life Of Eddie Buczynski (And The Rise Of The New York Pagan) - By Michael Lloyd * Where Witchcraft Lives – By Doreen Valiente * The Charge Of The Goddess – The Poetry Of Doreen Valiente – By Doreen Valiente * Ameth: The Life & Times Of Doreen Valiente - By Jonathan Tapsell * Lifting the Veil: A Witches' Guide to Trance-Prophesy, Drawing Down the Moon, and Ecstatic Ritual – by Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone *
* The Ancient Wisdom of the Celts - Murry Hope * Old World Witchcraft - Raven Grimassi * The Wizard and the Witch - by John C. Sulak with Oberon Zell-Ravenheart & Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart * The Inner Mysteries: Progressive Witchcraft and Connection to the Divine – By Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone * High Priestess: The Life & Times Of Patricia Crowther – By Patricia Crowther
* * CovenSense – By Patricia Crowther * Witchcraft In Yorkshire – Patricia Crowther * Which Witch Is Which? ( A Concise Guide to Wiccan and Neo-Pagan Paths and Traditions ) – By Patricia J. Telesco * *
Irish Witchcraft (From an Irish Witch). By Lora O’ Brian * Healing Secrets Of Native Americans - By Porter Shimer * Travelling Between Worlds. By Hillary S Webb
* * Walkers Between Worlds. By Caitlin & John Matthews * The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes * The Witches' Guide To Life. - By Kala Trobe * Solitary Wicca For Life. By Arin Murphy-Hiscock * Witch's Halloween... By Gerina Dunwich * Advanced Wicca - Patricia Telesco * High Priestess - Patricia Crowther * Witchcraft - A Tradition Renewed. By Doreen Valiente * Charge of the Goddess. By Doreen Valiente * The Goodly Spellbook. By Lady Passion (Hps) and Diuvei (Hp) * *
* Weird Pennsylvania - By Marc Moran, Marc Sceurman and Matt Lake * *
The Essential Golden Dawn - By Chic Cicero/Sandra Tabatha Cicero * Women Of The Golden Dawn - By Mary K Greer * The Equinox Of The Gods - By Aleister Crowley * Keepers of the Flame - By Morganna Davis & Aradia Lynch * The Encyclopedia of Magic And Alchemy - By Rosemary Guiley
* Creating Circles & Ceremonies - By Oberon Zell-Ravenheart & Morning Glory Zell- Ravenheart * * Etheric Anatomy: The Three Selves and Astral Travel - Victor H. Anderson * LA Witch - Fiona Horne * The Roebuck in the Thicket: An Anthology of the Robert Cochrane * Witchcraft Tradition - Evan John Jones * Masks of Misrule: The Horned God & His Cult in Europe - Nigel Jackson * Dancing in the Flames - Marion Woodman * The Women's Encyclopaedia of Myths and Secrets - By Barbara Walker * The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects - By Barbara Walker * The Secrets of Doctor Taverner - By Dion Fortune * Menstruation and Menopause - By Paula Weideger * The Magick of Folk Wisdom. By Pat Telesco * Solitary Witch - (Ultimate Book of Shadows) By Silver RavenWolf * Down to Earth Tarot. By Alan Stewart * The Complete Art of Witchcraft. By Sybil Leek * Earth Magic “Dianic Book Of Shadows” By Marion Weinstein * The Great Mother - By Erich Neuman * Summoning The Faetes – A Guide To Destiny And Transformation - by Zsuzsanna E Budapest * Grimoire of the Green Witch -By Ann Moura * Cassell’s Dictionary of Witchcraft - By David Pickering * Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft - By Raven Grimassi * The Magick From Brazil (Rituals, spells & rituals) - By Morwyn * The Witch Book - (An Encyclopaedia of Witchcraft) - By Ray Buckland * The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft (1st & 3rd Edition) By Rosemary Ellen Guilley * * Practical Techniques of Psychic Self-Defence. by Murry Hope * The Healing Craft. By Janet & Stewart Farrar, G Bone * The Sea Priestess - By Dion Fortune * Priestess: The Life and Magick of Dion Fortune - By Alan Richardson * The Grimoire of Lady Sheba - by Lady Sheba * The Book of Witchcraft. By Raymond Buckland * The Complete Art of Witchcraft. By Sybil Leek * Yule, a celebration of light and warmth - By Dorothy Morrison * Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition - By Raven Grimassi * The Witch's Familiar. By Raven Grimassi * Progressive Witchcraft - By Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone * A Witch's Guide to Psychic Healing. By Gavin and Yvonne Frost * Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard. By Oberon Zell-Ravenheart * Halloween Spells, Recipes and Customs - By Silver Ravenwolf * Morgan Le Fay's Book of spells and Wiccan rites. By Jennifer Reif * Reclaim the power of the Witch. By Monte Plaisance * Mabon, Celebrating the Autumn Equinox. By Kristin Madden * The Crone Book of Words. By Valerie Worth * The Crone Book of Wisdom. By Valerie Worth * The Witch's Master Grimoire. By Lady Sabrina. * An ABC of Witchcraft. By Doreen Valiente * Spells and How They Work. by Janet & Stewart Farrar. * Witchcraft for Tomorrow. by Doreen Valiente. * The Rebirth of Witchcraft. by Doreen Valiente. * American Folk Magick Charms, Spells & Herbals - by Silver Ravenwolf * Wicca: The Complete Craft. by D.J. Conway. * A Witches' Bible (The Complete Witches' Handbook) by Janet and Stewart Farrar. * The Witches' Goddess. by Janet & Stewart Farrar * The Witches' God. by Janet & Stewart Farrar * * Hereditary Witchcraft. (Secrets of the Old Religion) by Raven Grimassi * Lid off the Cauldron. (A Wicca Handbook) by Patricia Crowther. * The Secrets of Ancient Witchcraft. By Pat and Arnie Crowther * Witchcraft: The Old Religion. By Leo Louis Martello * Earth God rising. By Allan Richardson * The Triple Goddess. By Adam McLean * The Rebirth of Witchcraft. by Doreen Valiente * The God of the Witches. By Margaret A Murray * The White Goddess. by Robert Graves * The Wicca Source book. by Gerina Dunwich *. Diary of a Witch. By Sybil Leek * The Meaning of Witchcraft. by Gerald B Gardner * Priestess Of The Forest - Ellen Evert Hopman * Invoke The Gods - Kala Trobe * Nocturnal Witchcraft – Konstantinos * The Story of Dion Fortune - C Fielding & C Collins * Dancer to the Gods - Alan Richardson * Gate of the Moon - Alan Richardson * 20th Century Magick and the Old Religion - Alan Richardson * Magic and the Western Mind - Gareth Knight * Cauldron of Meaning - Raven Grimassi * The Power of the Witch - Laurie Cabot * Book of Spirit Communications - Raymond Buckland * Witchcraft in Europe, 400-1700 - Alan Charles Kors & Edward Peters * The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries - Carlo Ginzburg *
* Deceptions And Myths Of The Bible - Lloyd M Graham * The Birth of Christianity (Reality and Myth) - Joel Carmichael *
* Encyclopedia of Modern, New Witchcraft And Neo Paganism - Shelly Rabinovitch & James Lewis * Doreen Valiente Witch - by Philip Heselton. * Summoning Forth Wiccan Gods And Goddesses. (The Magick of Invocation and Evocation) - by Lady Maeve Rhea * The Wisdom of Pagan Philosophers - Tim Freke and P Gandy * Woman's Mysteries - M Esther Harding * The Witch's Guide to Gardening - Dorothy Jacob * Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath - Carlo Ginzburg * Mabon: Celebrating the Autumn Equinox - Kristin Madden * Halloween: Customs, Recipes & Spells - Silver RavenWolf * Celtic Goddesses: Warriors, Virgins and Mothers - Miranda Green *
* Primitive Mythology - Joseph Campbell * Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock * Mirror in the Sky - John Major Jenkins * Holographic Universe - Michael Talbott * Plato Pre-historians 10,000 to 5000 BC in Myth & Archeology - Mary Settegast * Atlantis Rising - J Douglas Kenyon * Forbidden Archeology - Richard Thompson & Michael Cremo * * * The Psychology of Ritual - Murry Hope * Essential Woman: Her Mystery, Her Power - Murry Hope * Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy - Mircea Eliade * Secrets in the Fields - Freddy Silva * The Avebury Cycle - Michael Dames * Hidden History - Brian Haughton * Into the Bermuda Triangle - Gian J Quasar * The Earth Spirit - John Michell * Genesis of the Cosmos - Paul LaViolette * Tao of Physics - Fritjof Capra * Forbidden History - Edited by J Douglas Kenyon * Capturing Ghosts on Film - Christopher Balzano * Unexplainable Phenomena - Bob Richard / John Michell
One Sex To The Other: Reincarnation and The Dual-Gender Soul - Amy Shapiro
Cassell’s Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit: Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Transgender Lore. - By Randy P Conner, David H and Maiya Sparks.
Bisexual Resources Guide: Expanded. By Robyn Ochs * Gay Widowers: Life After The Death Of A Partner. By Michael Shernoff *
* Transgender Care: Recommended Guidelines, Practical Information, and Personal Accounts - Gianna E. Israel, Donald E. Tarver and Diane Shaffer * Normal: Transsexual CEOs, Crossdressing Cops, and Hermaphrodites with Attitude - Amy Bloom * The Complete Guide to Transgender in the Workplace - Vanessa Sheridan * Get dressed - Gina Lance * Transgender Rights - Paisley Currah, Richard M. Juang, and Shannon Price Minter * Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of the Two Sexes - Gerald Callahan * Transgender Warriors. By Leslie Feinberg * Sex Changes - The Politics of Transgenderism. By Pat Califia * Cross*
The Tranny Guide. By Vicki Lee * The Transgender Companion (Male To Female): The Complete Guide To Becoming The Woman You Want To Be - Jennifer Seeley * Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman - Leslie Feinberg * Vested Interests. By Majorie Garber * Transgender Nation. By Gordene O. Mackenzie * Gender Outlaw. By Kate Bornstein *
* Legal Guide To Lesbian and Gay Couples. By Hayden Curry, Dennis Clifford & Frederick Hertz *
* Identity Management in Transsexualism. By Dallas Denny, M.A. *
* Power of Attorney Handbook. By Ed A Haman *
* The Transsexual's Survival Guide II -- Family, Friends, & Employers. By JoAnn Altman Stringer
* The Transsexual's Survival Guide to Transition and Beyond. By JoAnn Altman Stringer
Revised 2024
All Book Selections are by:
A.k.a. PADILLA of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon, or merely as JD
PART 2 *
The Red Goddess - Peter Grey
* A New Orleans Voudou Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau - by Carolyn Morrow Long * Voodoo Queen: The Spirited Lives of Marie Laveau - by Martha Ward * * Palo Mayombe: The Garden of Blood & Bones - Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold *
* Dancing Wisdom: Embodied Knowledge in Haitian Vodou, Cuban Yoruba, and Bahian Candomblé - by Yvonne Daniel * Haitian Vodou: An Introduction to Haiti's Indigenous Spiritual Tradition - Mambo Chita Tann * Ve-Ve Diagrammes Rituels du Voudou - Milo Rigaud * The New Orleans Voodoo Handbook - Kenaz Filan
* The Haitian Vodou Handbook: Protocols for Riding with the Lwa - Kenaz Filan * Book of Vodou - Leah Gordon *
*  Livro Vermelho da Pomba-Gira: 21 Receitas Mágicas - Zaydam Alkmin * The Divine Sword of Exu, Afro-Brazilian Quimbanda Rituals - Carlos Montenegro * Quimbanda Magic Spells, The Secrets of Afro-Brazilian Spiritualism, The Fourth Exu Kingdom of the Cemetery, No. 4. - Carlos Montenegro * * Fierce Feminine Divinities of Eurasia and Latin America: (Baba Yaga, Kali, Pombagira, and Santa Muerte) – by Malgorzata Oleszkiewicz-Peralba *
* Voodoo Queen: The Spirited Lives of Marie Laveau - by Martha Ward * Hoodoo Mysteries - by Ray T Malbrough * The Altar of My Soul - by Marta Moreno Vega * Urban Voodoo, A Beginners Guide to Afro-Caribbean Magic - by S. Jason Black *
* Santeria: African Magic in Latin America - by Migene Gonzalez Wippler * Powers of the Orishas - by Migene Gonzalez Wippler *
* Dancing Wisdom: Embodied Knowledge In Haitian Vodou, Cuban Yoruba, And Bahian Candomble - by Yvonne Daniel *
* Orixás/Orishas, Os Deuses Vivos Da Africa: The Living Gods Of Africa In Brazil - by Abdias do Nascimento *
* Weird Pennsylvania - By Marc Moran, Marc Sceurman and Matt Lake * * Gaia Dialogues - Murry Hope Cosmic Connections - Murry Hope * The Changeling: The Autobiography of Murry Hope - Murry Hope *
* Interdimensional Universe - Philip J Imbrogno * Multidimensional Portals - Philip J Imbrogno & Rosemary Ellen Guiley * Time: The Ultimate Energy: An Exploration of the Scientific, Psychological, and Metaphysical Aspects of Time - Murry Hope * The Ancient Wisdom of Egypt - Murry Hope * Occultism, Witchcraft, and Cultural Fashions: Essays in Comparative Religions - Mircea Eliade * * * Safe Food. By Michael F Jacobson, Lisa Ylefferts, Ann Witte Garland * Prescription for Herbal Healing. By Phyllis * A Balch Shopper's Guide To Natural Foods. By Editors of East West Journal. * Body Reflexology. By Mildred Carter/Tammy Weber * What's In My Food? By Xandria Williams MicroBiotics and Beyond. By Marcea Weber * Nature's Pharmacy. By Lynne Walker * Homeopathy Made Simple. By Donald R Papon * Smart Medicine For Menopause. By Sandra Cabot * Nutritional Outline for the Professional and the Wise Man. By Phyllis A Balch * * * Discover the Runes - By Tony Willis * Rune Magick - By Keith Morgan * Northern Magic - By Edred Thorsson * Empowering your life with Runes - By Jean Marie Stine * Leaves of Yggdrasil - By Freya Aswynn * The Runes - By Bernard King * Rune Might - By Edred Thorsson * The Rune Mysteries - by Nigel Jackson & Silver Ravenwolf * Runic Astrology - By Nigel Pennick * Rune Magic - By Nigel Pennick * The Rune Mysteries - By Nigel Jackson and Silver Ravenwolf * The Secret of the Runes - Guido Von List - Edited by Stephen E Flowers * Norse Magic - By D J Conway * Mysteries of the Runes - By Michael Howard * The Complete Illustrated Guide to the Runes - By Nigel Pennick * The Runes Workbook - By Leon D Wild * The Practical Guide to the Runes - By Lisa Peschel * * The Complete Guide to the Tarot - By Eden Gray * New Age Tarot: Guide to the Thoth Deck - By James Wanless * Rune Magick - By Deon Dolphin * Using the Runes - By D Jason Cooper * * The Numerology Handbook - By Paul Rodrigo * The Magick From Brazil (Rituals, spells & rituals) - By Morwyn * *
* Culpeper’s Complete Herbal. By Nicholas Culpeper * The Herball - By John Gerard * The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs. By Richard Alan Miller * Potter’s New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations - By R C Wren. * Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - By Scott Cunningham * The Magic of Incense, oils and brews - By Scott Cunningham * Magical Herbalism - By Scott Cunningham * Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic - By Scott Cunningham *
* The Workbook of Reincarnation. by J H Brennan * Natural Magic. By Doreen Valiente * Earth Power. By Scott Cunningham * A Modern Herbal. By Mrs M Grieve * The Rune Vision (Book and Rune Cards Deck) By Sylvia Gainsford & Howard Rodway
* * The Art of Astral Projection. By Ophiel * The Workbook of Astral Projection. by J H Brennan * * * Her Bak Volumes 1 & 2 - Isha Schwaller de Lubicz * Atlantis - Myth or Reality? - Murry Hope
* * Esotericism & Symbols - Isha Schwaller de Lubicz * Gods of the Ancient Egypt - Barbara Watterson * The Inner Guide to Egypt - Alan Richardson * The Cult of the Cat - Patricia Dale-Green * Gods of the Egyptians - A E Wallis Budge * An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary - Volumes 1 & 2 - A E Wallis Budge * Myth & Symbols in Ancient Egypt - R T Clark * Practical Egyptian Magic - Murry Hope * The Way Of The Cartouche - Murry Hope * The Paschats and the Crystal People - Murry Hope * The Lion People: Intercosmic Messages from the Future - Murry Hope * Coming into the Light - Gerald & Betty Schueler * The World of Psychism: An Authoritative Study of Mysticism and Magic - Murry Hope * The Goddess Sekhmet - Robert Masters * Hieroglyphics - W A Bentley Hieroglyphic Grammar - S A B Mercer * Gods & Symbols - Manfred Lurker * Egyptian Magick - Bob Brier * Egyptian Magick - A E Wallis Budge * The Pagan Mysteries of Halloween - Jean Markale * * The Wise Wound - Penelope Shuttle and Peter Redgrove * * Egyptian Mysteries - Lucy Lamy * * The Complete Astrological Writings - Aleister Crowley * * Mysteries of Time and Space - Brad Stiger * The Sirius Mystery - R K Temple * The Grail ( The Celtic Origins Of The Sacred Icon ) - Jean Markale * The Templars And The Assassins - James Wasserman * Nostradamus And His Prophecies - Edgar Leoni * Secret Societies Of America's Elite - Steven Sora * * Worlds in Collision - Immanuel Velikovsky * Flight Of The Gander - Joseph Campbell * Myths Of The Norsemen - H A Guerber * Hecate's Fountain - Kenneth Grant * The Fourth Dimension - Rudy Rucker * The Anti-Gravity Handbook - D Hatcher Childress *
* Deceptions And Myths Of The Bible - Lloyd M Graham * The Birth of Christianity (Reality and Myth) - Joel Carmichael * Encyclopedia of Modern, New Witchcraft And Neo Paganism - Shelly Rabinovitch & James Lewis * * * Astrologickal Magick - Estelle Daniels Magickal * The Talisman Magick Workbook - Kala & Ketz Pajeon * Time for Magick - Maria Kay Simms.
* The Ancient Wisdom of Atlantis - Murry Hope * Many Lives, Many Masters - Brian L. Weiss * Past Life & Karmic Tarot - Edain McCoy
* Opening the Third Eye - Vessa Rinehart-Phillips * Find Of The Third Eye - Vera Stanley Alder * The Sirius Connection - Murry Hope * Life Between Lives - Michael Newton * A Case For Reincarnation - Christine Hartley * Practical Guide To Past-Life Memories - Richard Webster * The Journey of Rainsnow: One Man's Past-Life Journey - J Rainsnow * The Cathars And Reincarnation - Arthur Guirdham * Crop Circles Revealed - Judith Moore/Barbara Lamb * Practical Atlantean Magick - Murry Hope * Explore Your Past Lives - Paul Roland * * The Wisdom of Pagan Philosophers - Tim Freke and P Gandy
All The Lists & Book Selections by:
Also known as Padilla Of Ashtoreth aussi connue comme JD Aeon a.k.a. JD
Sky também conhecida como Padilla of Ashtoreth ou como JD Aeon – Trans Pagã Priestess / Sacerdotisa / High Priestess  /  Trans Yalorixá - Yaya / Olorisha - Bruxa Feiticeira Macumbeira - Santera Pagana - Shaman Ocultista Consultora GLBTQ+ Pagã / Wiccan & Quimbandeira 100% Pagã
Sky aussi connue comme Padilla de Ashtoreth ou comme JD Aeon – Trans Prêtresse Hps Yalorixa' Yaya' Olorisha Sorcière Magicienne Chaman Occultiste Conseillère GLBTQ+ Païenne / Wiccan et Quimbandiste - 100% Païenne
Sky also known as Padilla of Ashtoreth or as JD Aeon – Pagan Trans-Priestess / Highpriestess / Trans-Yalorixa' Yaya' Olorisha - Witch Hexe Shaman Quimbandeira Holistic Occultist - Consultant GLBTQ+ 100% Pagan
SKY also known as Padilla of Ashtoreth or as JD Aeon or JDAeon or merely as JD
* * *
SKY is a Padilla of Ashtoreth a.k.a. JD Aeon
Freedom with Wisdom is the Law. by Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon (c) 1983 - 2023 US UK France Brazil
SKY a Padilla de Ashtoreth e de Baal
All The Lists & Book Selections by:
SKY also known as Padilla Of Ashtoreth aussi connue comme JD Aeon a.k.a. JD
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acourtcfmuses · 3 years
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OC Starter Call! 
See the list under the cut! Please specify who you’d like!
Rhea Berdara (Gwyn & Catrin’s mom)
Orion (Feyre & Rhys son)
Koa (Mor & Emerie adopted son)
Amberle (Miryam & Drakon adopted daughter)
Asta (Amern & Varian daughter)
Calista (Gwyn & Az daughter)
Eirwan (Vivaine & Kallias son)
Neve (Vivaine & Kallias daughter)
Roux (Autumn Court guard)
Teen Wolf:
Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Lahey (Isaac’s twin)
Nathan ‘Nate’ Dunbar (Liam’s older brother)
Aoife Argent (Agent Cousin)
Veronica ‘Roni’ Meyers (Satomi’s emissary)
Aurora Lycan
Silver Lycan
Lycus Lycan 
Rhudi Lycan
Greyson ‘Grey’ Martin (Lydia’s cousin)
Julie and the Phantoms
Tomas Gajos (verse either as Reggie’s brother 1995 verse or Reggie’s nephew 2020 verse)
Megha Novikova (Red Room OC)
Harriet Jones (Semi-Canon HC based - Hook’s daughter)
Lilith Gato (Lucifer the Cat’s daughter)
Hannah Hightopp (Mad Hatter’s Daughter)
Alfreda ‘Freddie’ Facilier (Semi-Canon HC based - Dr Facilier’s daughter)
Sammy Smee (Semi-Canon HC based - Smee’s son)
Derek Bergmann (Dopey’s son)
Matthias Gothel (Mother Gothel’s son)
Julia Darling (John Darling’s daughter)
Jonathan Darling (John Darling’s son)
Alissa Kingsleigh (Alice Kingsleigh’s daughter)
Alistair Kingsleigh (Alice Kingsleigh’s son)
King Club (Son of a Card Guard)
Victor Heart (King of Hearts)
Chesney Cheshire (Cheshire Cat’s son)
Fleur Faery (Fauna’s daughter)
Ruby Fitzherbert (Semi-Canon HC based - Rapunzel’s daughter)
Braxton Snatch (Bandersnatch’s son)
Briar Snatch (Bandersnatch’s daughter)
Kris Bjorgman (Anna & Kristoff’s son)
Astrid Bjorgman (Anna & Kristoff’s daughter)
Gaspard Legume (Gaston’s son)
Jenny Skellington (Jack & Sally’s daughter)
Diana Moors (Diaval’s daughter)
Urina Tow (Undertow’s daughter)
Damian Jones (Davy Jones’ son)
Edwin Hyde (Edward Hyde’s son)
Pace Ratigan (Professor Ratigan’s son)
Lyra Sanderson (Sarah Sanderson’s daughter)
Castor Sanderson (Winifred Sanderson’s son)
Olwen Marmoreal (Mirana Marmoreal’s daughter)
Wesley Clayton (Clayton’s son)
Piotr Potts (Mrs Potts’ son)
Hela Sinclair (Helga Sinclair’s daughter)
Primrose McLeach (Percival McLeach’s daughter)
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rpmatchmaker · 6 years
Partner search!
Name:Rhys Age:20 Timezone:Central Email:[email protected] Hey there! I'm looking for long term, descriptive roleplay partners. I do m/m, m/f, f/f. I am also very wary of being approached with "I only do this gender" because I am very flexible, and just want many different characters on both of our ends. I do not appreciate stereotypical 'top/bottom' and 'seme/uke' tropes (please don't call it yaoi/yuri and/or give anime-esque face claims) and would like for relationships to remain as realistic as possible, meaning switching. I do smut. (Note: I rdon't roleplay with minors. Please be 18+. If you aren't a legal adult, I will not respond.) Fandoms ----- •Life is Strange (Max/Chloe, Max/literally anyone, Chloe/Rachel, Warren/Nathan) •Game of Thrones (Gendry/Arya, Jon/Ygritte, Robb/Theon, Robb/Talisa, Sansa/Margaery [video game>>] Mira/Sera, Asher/Gwyn, Rodrik/Arthur, Elaena/Gryff) •The Wolf Among Us (Bigby/Snow, Bigby/Woodsman, Bigby/Bloody Mary) •Steven Universe (Ruby/Sapphire, [aged up] Connie/Steven, Pearl/Rose/Greg, Pearl/Amethyst) •The Mortal Instruments (Alec/Magnus, Simon/Raphael, Isabelle/Simon, Isabelle/Lydia, Jace/Clary, Clary/Isabelle, Jace/Simon) •The Walking Dead (Rick/Daryl, Rick/Negan, Negan/Dwight, Daryl/Carol, Rick/Shane, Rick/Michonne, Michonne/Andrea, Glenn/Maggie [video game>>] Luke/Nick, Lee/Carley, Lee/Kenny, Eddie/Wyatt, Nate/Russel) •The Last of Us (Joel/OC, Joel/Tess, Ellie/Riley) •Infamous; Second Son (Eugene/Delsin, Reggie/Delsin, Fetch/Delsin) •Marvel (Tony/Steve, Tony/Bruce, Bucky/Steve, Clint/Pietro, Clint/Phil, Natasha/Wanda, Peter/Wade, Peter/Harry, Peter/Gwen, Peter/Harry/Gwen, Wade/Vanessa, Wade/Peter/Vanessa) •Until Dawn (Chris/Josh, Chris/Mike, Ashley/Sam, Sam/Beth, Emily/Jess/Matt, Ashley/Chris) •Borderlands (Jack/Rhys, Jack/Rhys/Timothy, Fiona/Athena, Athena/Janey, Fiona/Yvette, Rhys/Vaughn, Jack/Nisha, Axton/Rhys, Axton/Maya, Maya/Lilith, Lilith/Roland, Timothy/Wilhem, Jack/Nisha/Rhys) •Underland Chronicles (Gregor/Luxa, [aged up] Gregor/Howard) •Uncharted (Nathan/Sam, Nathan/Harry, Nathan/Elaena, Elaena/Chloe, Sully/Chloe) •Miraculous Ladybug (Adrien/Marinette, Nino/Alya, Marinette/Lila, Marinette/Nathaniel) •Suicide Squad/Batman (Bruce/Dick, Harley/Ivy, platonic Harley & Floyd, limited Harley/Joker [i advise being very careful, as this pairing is extremely toxic and abusive], Floyd/El Diablo) •Brokeback Mountain (Ennis Del Mar/Jack Twist) •Shutter Island (Teddy Daniels;Andrew Laeddis/Chuck Aule) •Hamilton: An American Musical (Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamiton/Aaron Burr, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Angelica Schuyler, Elizabeth Schuyler/Maria Reynolds, Aaron Burr/Theodosia Prevost, Philip Hamilton/Theodosia Burr, Lafayette/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/George Washington, Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan) Eyewitness (US): (Philip/Lucas) --- I don't do canon/oc, but can be convinced for some, I am all for it! If you don't see a certain pairing you're looking for, approach me with it! I may have forgotten or whatnot and could easily be swayed for that pairing! ---- I would love to chat OOC. Being friends is what really makes this work! I want to hear about what's going on in your life. I want to be someone that you can lean on! If I do not reply to an email within the span of a few days, it may be because it got lost in my inbox. Just send it again if this occurs! I write in third person, past/present tense, and in paragraph form. I'm going to be honest, if you show disinterest with one liners and very limited two-paragraphed responses to my six, then I will most likely not respond. I want to be friends, and get along, but if someone doesn't want to put in the effort, I understand. I know life is busy, and you don't always have time, but if it's a constant one-two paragraphs and not at least giving me a heads up that you'll be gone, I'm not going to accept it when I specified that I just want something over three. :( I feel bad for doing this, but it just gets tiring to try awfully hard and get a disinterested response in return. Original plot ideas ------ •Anthropomorphic medieval nobles that have to tame the beasts within themselves in the midst of a war. ((This is an extremely descriptive, multiple character plot that I have pre-planned.)) •Super duo/team coming together to defeat a mass villain/conflict •Pandemic survivor must take an immune survivor across the US in order to extract the cure (credit to The Last of Us) •Future where androids/robots are used as helpers for just about anything, for example: Keeping disabled and elderly people company in their homes, doing odd jobs to assist humanity, etc. among this, most people who don't need them as companions are very prejudice against the AI. It is up to our characters to stop the impending war between AI and human. (Credit to I, Robot. Two of our main characters can be a human and an AI! :V) •Assassin roleplay (can be assassin/target, assassin/assassin. historical or modern) •Explorers looking for a treasure on the coast of a tropical island(credit to the Uncharted series! Can be romantic or platonic) •Time traveller gets stuck in time, and another person has to help them get back to the reality they came from. • Oceanologists go to a secluded island to study the plants and sea life in the water, and on a scuba dive, discover creatures unlike anything they've ever seen. People with tails and scales! (Merpeople! :D Can be romantic, like all the others) •Person goes to live in a very wealthy relatives home after they pass away, and learns how secluded the neighborhood really is, with a small village of less than 30 people, and nothing more. Supernatural occurrences ensue, and characters must stop the thing/creature as it starts taking people in the night. •Detective duo goes to a secluded mental penitentiary together in order to solve the case of a patient that went missing out of nowhere. Throughout their journey, detective 1 is separated from their partner, and is put through a series of trials in order to find their missing patient. What they think is going on isn't what it appears to be. (credit to the movie Shutter Island. Heavily influenced on the plot, and will contain many, many triggers. Such as murder, mental illness, and deception.) ------------ Limits: I cannot do pedophilia, mpreg, beastiality and/or furries, gun/knife kink, bathroom stuff, a/b/o, or gruesomely detailed rape/forced sexual interactions. Other than that, anything is fair game. Please don't contact me with a "hey, wanna rp?" I appreciate you adding things about yourself, and things pertaining to the RP like your limits and what interests you most! :) thank you! I apologize if I seem straight forward or offend anyone over some specifics I want, but I promise I am much, much more friendly and relaxed when we talk OOC.
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