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Gutland (Govinda Van Maele | 2017)
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#gutland#govinda van maele#movie poster#frederick lau#vicky krieps#marco lorenzini#movies#poster#movie posters#film
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Gotlandic Pottery
Gutland / Gotland The Gotland Museum collections contain some of the oldest picture stones in Sweden with many dating from the prehistoric era of circa 9000 years ago and including the pre-Viking Age era of circa 700 AD. The earliest picture stones feature animal and geometric motifs before the more familiar Celtic styles of decoration are incorporated into the picture stones. Some of…
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#ancient and honorable clan carruthers#ARTIFACTS#BATTLE#carruthers#Carruthers History#Goths#Gotland#Gutland#HEDGEHOG GIRL#REMAINS#SKELETAL#visby#warriors
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Ο Γουσταύος Κλάους είναι Βαυαρός έμπορος, που έρχεται στην Πάτρα και δημιουργεί την οινοποιία «Αχαΐα». Η γνωστή σήμερα ως «Achaia Clauss» πρωταγωνιστεί με τα κρασιά της στο οινικό fun του 20ού αιώνα και συνεχίζει στον 21ο αιώνα με το «Castro Clauss». Ο Φραντσέσκο Μάλλια, μετανάστης από τη Μάλτα, είναι το δεξί χέρι του Γουσταύου, ο πρώτος άποικος στην Colonie. H Colonie είναι η πολυεθνική κοινότητα των εργαζομένων στην οινοποιία, με τις οικογένειές τους (Γερμανοί, Έλληνες, Ιταλοί, Μαλτέζοι), στην οποία ο Κλάους δίνει το όνομα Gutland. Ο Γιάκομπ Κλίπφελ, Γερμανός, είναι ο πρώτος οινολόγος, ίσως ο δημιουργός της γλυκιάς Μαυροδάφνης. Η Αθηναία Θωμαΐδα Καρπούνη είναι η σύζυγος του Κλάους. Ο Γιούλιους Καρλ Βίλχελμ Φίλιπ Μέντσερ είναι Γερμανός κρασέμπορος, βουλευτής στο Ράιχσταγκ, ο πρώτος εισαγωγέας ελληνικών κρασιών στη Γερμανία. Ο Βασίλης Κασπίρης είναι ο φουστανελοφόρος σωματοφύλακας του Κλάους και ο κωδωνοκρούστης της Gutland. Η Αμαλία φον Πέρφαλ, κόρη του Γουσταύου και της Θωμαΐδας, παντρεμένη με βαρόνο στο Μόναχο, είναι η μοναδική κληρονόμος του. Η αυτοκράτειρα Ελισάβετ της Αυστρίας -η Σίσσυ- είναι η πρώτη διάσημη επισκέπτρια της οινοποιίας. Ο Βλάσιος Αντωνόπουλος, φιλελεύθερος σταφιδέμπορος, βουλευτής του Βενιζέλου, είναι ο συνεχιστής της «Αχαΐας» και των κρασιών της μετά τον Α΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Ο καπνοβιομήχανος από την Αίγυπτο Θεόδωρος Βαφειάδης εκπροσωπεί τα κρασιά της «Αχαΐας» στη Βομβάη· και ο αρσιβαρίστας Δημήτρης Τόφαλος, στη Νέα Υόρκη. Η Λαμπρινή Κακού, Επονίτισσα, επισκέπτεται την «Αχαΐα» και υψώνει ένα ποτήρι στη μνήμη του απαγχονισθέντος αδελφού της, τις τελευταίες ημέρες του Β΄ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου.
Αυτοί είναι μερικοί από τους ήρωες που κατοικούν στην Γκούτλαντ. Μια μεγάλη αφήγηση, πλήρως τεκμηριωμένη, που καλύπτει περισσότερο από έναν αιώνα, από το 1833 έως το 1949. Ο συγγραφέας ανασυστήνει μικρόκοσμους, άγνωστους και απρόοπτους, ανασυστήνει ακόμη και το φυσικό τοπίο, δίνει χρώμα και βάθος στην καθημερινή ζωή, υπερβαίνει τα στερεότυπα και ρίχνει φως σε αθέατες περιοχές, εκεί που δεν φτάνει ποτέ η μεγάλη ιστορία. Το κρασί και το αμπέλι είναι, βέβαια, οι πανταχού παρόντες πρωταγωνιστές.
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Gutland 2017
#gutland#2017#govinda van maele#frederick lau#vicky krieps#gros probléme de rythme#dommage#intégration par le formatage#6/10
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Gutland (Govinda Van Maele | 2017)
#gutland#govinda van maele#2017#10s#luxembourg#luxembourgian cinema#german#german cinema#german gothic
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Gutland (2017)

Directed by Govinda Van Maele
Written by Govinda Van Maele
Music by Mocke
Country: Luxembourg
Language: Luxembourgish/German
Running Time: 107 minutes
Vicky Krieps as Lucy Loschetter
Frederick Lau as Jens Fauser
Pit Bukowski as Marcel
Gerdy Zint as Nikkel
Leo Folschette as Arno Kleyer
Martine Kohn as Fernande Loschetter
Irina Blanaru as Irina Kleyer
Sandy Schott as Sandy
Nathalie Maas as Aline Wagner
Christiane Hoffmann as Irène Schlosser
Marco Lorenzini as Jos Gierens
Pierrette Heintz as Manon Gierens
Yvette Müller as Sylvie Clement
Theo Lieser as Boris Loschetter
Sandro Pantanali as Sammy Kleyer

Coming on like a kind of Twin Peaks on Mogadon Gutland follows a teutonic drifter’s low key amble through the amiably quirky and unsettlingly threatening world of a Luxembourgish agrarian community. An itinerant mystery on legs called Jens rocks scruffily up to this secluded community looking for work helping with the wheat harvest. Initially rebuffed, he manages to cop off with a willowy blonde lass at a social event involving lederhosen and raucous brass parping. The following day, as though having passed an unspoken audition, Jens begins being welcomed into the community. A community firmly held together by social interaction and mysterious secrets. But Jen may have secrets of his own. (Of course Jen has secrets of his own. Tsk! Come on, people!)

Gutland is a languidly paced drift through rustic eccentricity which occasionally brushes against noir and sometimes flirts with surrealism. Much like the town which threatens (or is it a promise) to claim Jens the movie, despite these tonal shifts, possesses an overwhelming air of bucolic decency; which is a pretty major feat when the many eventful events include, but are by no means limited to, homemade porn, murder, robbery, rough sex, silage ditches as disciplinary tool, shifting identities, more murder, and, crucially, a demonstration in how sustained effort trumps natural talent when learning the trumpet.

Throughout Gutland’s unforced unfolding Govinda Van Maele’s subdued and measured direction unobtrusively establishes a dreamy, unhurried mood, with static longshots of huddled trees atop rolling hills and screens full of wheat gently susurrating and softly pulsing under the ministrations of the unseen wind. Feeding off and contributing to that mood is a crop of naturalistic and amiable performances from a cast who refreshingly resemble real human beings rather than mobile fashion plates. Naturally, Frederick Lau impresses most as his character has to transform both physically and emotionally, from a baffled and scruffy misanthrope to a dreamily content team player. As the catalyst to Jens’ transformation, Vicky Krieps amazes with her mercurial but oddly constant love interest, effortlessly corralling the contradictions within her character within a framework of sincerity. And that’s the key really to the whole thing. Sincerity. Gutland is weird but sincere, but if you give in and accept its quirks as normality then it’s just sincere. But it isn’t a sugary sincerity, it’s a realistic sincerity; people are strange, but maybe that’s okay. Sometimes.

#Gutland#Movies#weird on top#Thrillers#Govinda Van Maele#Vicky Krieps#Frederick Lau#2017#2010s#Luxembourg
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for the anon who was asking for series recommendations im making this list of things that i either have already liked and some of the things im getting into while im spending more time alone and redundant:
Podcasts -
The End of the World with Josh Clark
one of my all time favourite podcasts, an incredible listen about all of the things that could end our world - but it isn’t about apocalypse. it is about all the little things that we theorise could add up to our end.
Nordic Food Lab Radio
just finished this interesting series on wild, unusual foods - most related to the nordic region
Bad Gays and NewModels are both interesting
sysk is always fun and lighthearted and informative. and nice to listen to other people’s voices
Books -
Im reading Borne by Jeff Vandermeer right now and im about 110 pages in and enjoying it so far
Im also reading The Forager’s Calendar by John Wright for some insight into what plants and fungi i would be able to find in the world around me - especially in the strange times we find ourselves in
im dipping in and out of NOMA Guide to Fermentation for ideas and techniques for some of the fermentation experiments in taking on while im at home - im currently lacto-fermenting some oyster mushrooms. noma is related to the nordic foodlab podcast too
and im generally referencing Ottolenghi’s Simple and Diana Henry’s How to Eat a Peach cookbooks for some ideas of what to make (ie the leeks i made for lunch today were adapted from diana’s book)
Film -
Safe by Todd Haynes
Re-watched Phantom Thread (it is perfect)
torrented Little Joe to watch based on some screencaps i saw on here but i dont know a thing about it
started watching Gutland the other day bc vicky krieps is in it and i love her - again i dont know much about it
Dead ringers by david cronenberg
i have an absurd amount of films downloaded that i need to watch, not to mention on my usb stick + in my lists on netflix etc
TV -
I started to watch Devs by Alex Garland the other day and im very intrigued by it - it seems like Black Mirror if Black Mirror was actually smart and not just supposed to appear superficially intelligent. also it reminds me that alex garland is a good filmmaker and how much of a shame it is that annihilation was inevitably sabotaged into the more easily digestible netflix movie. and also the music is incredible
i also absentmindedly watch the xfiles occasionally when im looking for something i dont need to pay too much attention to - it is pretty pleasant and i *get* why it was so popular
Youtube -
i watch cooking things like BA obviously that i enjoy to varying degrees. actually recently though i was watching some vice munchies food video and i was like WOW ba has their foot on the neck of so many of these other channels - this presenter was trying so desperately and tragically to appear fun and comically and endearing and failing miserably, and the things she was cooking were dogshit
i often watch people speedrunning games that i find interesting, or just a walkthrough of a game that i dont have access to, or some challenge runs
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Luxembourg officially the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , is a landlocked country in western Europe, bordered by Belgium, France, and Germany. It has two principal regions: the Oesling in the north as part of the Ardennes massif, and the Gutland (“good country”) in the south. Luxembourg has a population of 524,853 (as of October 2012)in an area of 2,586 square kilometers (998 sq mi).
Big isn’t always better – and this country will show you just why. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, set scenically between the basins of the Alzette and Saeur rivers, has a total area of less than 1000 sq. miles. Where it lags behind in size, Luxembourg surely makes up in culture, art and history. Packed with beautiful medieval castles and legendary vineyards, Luxembourg is not just a place with a pretty face: today it is an important element of the European Union, and home to the Court of Justice of the European Communities – Luxembourg is a nation with a distinct color and variety of its own. But most of all, it is a breathtaking and romantic holiday destination – waiting to conquer your heart.

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Gutland [trailer]
A surrealist rural noir about a German thief who flees to a small Luxembourg village only to discover that the locals have secrets of their own.
The movie does a very good job creating a mysterious, uneasy atmosphere. The secluded community feels real, but at the same time threatening and kind of surreal (and there seems to be something in the water that ... stimulates the women).
I felt that the ending didn't entirely fit, and if there were a little less slow-burn 'atmosphere' in the middle I would've liked it even better. But it's still a remarkable film from Luxembourg.
Lëtzebuergesch is a very fascinating sounding language.
#Gutland#Govinda Van Maele#Frederick Lau#Vicky Krieps#Marco Lorenzini#Pit Bukowski#Leo Folschette#Martine Kohn#foreign#Luxembourg#recommended
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Gutland (Govinda Van Maele | 2017)
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#gutland#luxembourg#govinda van maele#frederick lau#vicky krieps#marco lorenzini#movie poster#movie posters#film
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#ancient and honorable clan carruthers#Carruthers History#Carruthers Vikings#DENMARK#GOKSTAD#Gutland#viking age
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Film Comment Selects Reveals 2018 Lineup, Opens with "Life and Nothing More"
Life and Nothing More The Film Comment magazine’s annual cinematic showcase series, Film Comment Selects, returns for the 18th edition, February 23 to 27, 2018, featuring films curated by the magazine’s editors. The festival opens with the New York premiere of Antonio Mendez Esparza’s Life and Nothing More, an intimate chronicle of an African American family living on the margins in Florida,…
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Assistir Filme Gutland Online fácil
Assistir Filme Gutland Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/gutland/
Gutland - Filmes Online Fácil

Antes de uma manhã de verão Um jovem, com um segredo escondido em uma mochila, emerge da floresta. Em uma aldeia próxima, ele pergunta para o trabalho, mas os agricultores, desconfiados ao ponto de hostilidade, não são muito próximos. Só quando Lucy, a filha do prefeito, dá um gosto a ele, a aldeia muda sua atitude: ele é prontamente oferecido um emprego como uma fazenda e uma caravana para viver. Com o passar do tempo e ele é gradualmente integrado na comunidade, Ele emerge que ele não é o único com um passado para se esconder. Algo sinistro está à espreita sob a superfície imaculada deste pitoresco pequeno mundo - e está lentamente atraindo-o.
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