#Guest Muse: Rose
parttimepuff · 1 year
Goblin won’t make us leave, we’ll just harass him more.
We still have m!a’s, remember? I do anyway
"I can't make you leave, anyway. I am. In Prison. In case you forgot." Goblin sarcastically grumbled. "It would just… encourage them more…" Suzie added, clearly struggling to remain awake at this point. "Yeah, that's true." He agreed, pausing. While he doubted he could convince her to do anything she wasn't already going to do, he had to speak up about this. "…um, Suzie? Are you-um. You can take a break from grilling me. I'm not going anywhere."
"I’d say it’s more like a rotisserie…" Suzie mumbled, her eye having trouble staying open. "Like on a sp-Jesus." Goblin interrupted himself, hearing the sound of a door being broken in through. "You aren’t, the only one worried though…" The redhead sighed. Panic struck him. "That's, he's not back, right?! He's locked up?!?" The Dream Demon desperately questioned.
Weakly, she shook her head. "No…" Suzie managed before a booming voice rang out. "SUZIE, YOU'RE INSANE-" Rose shouted, gently pulling her away from the portal with her wing in direct contrast to the power in her voice. "What in the hell has you out and moving you can’t…" The batomon trailed off, noticing the Dream Demon staring back at her. "Be doing… that…" She finished her thought, locking eyes with him. "…hey." She greeted, her friend leaning heavily on her.
Goblin struggled to find his voice. It had been quite awhile since he'd seen her. He was hoping he'd be better at being a better person by the next time he did. "H-hey, Rose." He stuttered. "Hey, Goblin, right?" Rose prompted. "Y-yeah, yeah. That's what I've been, going by recently." The Dream Demon confirmed for her. It wasn't one he'd chosen, but there wasn't much use in denying it at this point. "It’s a good name." The batomon assured him. "Thanks..." He murmured.
"Guess she thought you were worth crawling out of the medical wing. Something happen..?" Rose asked, looking at the screens on her side of the portal. That added detail shocked him. "Crawling?? Christ, I knew it was bad, but… I'm, really sorry." Goblin apologized, clasping his hands together tightly. Turning back to him, her expression fell. "I… she got into a fight and it left her pretty bad. She’s gonna be fine-" "I already told him…" Suzie explained to her. "-if she would stop and get some rest." The batomon finished her sentence, glancing back at her friend.
"It’s been, tumultuous, the last few days." Rose concluded. His hands clenched even tighter. If he was going to do better, he had to actually own up to his mistakes. "…yeah, I know. It was, my fault." Goblin confessed. She raised an eyebrow at him. "No, it wasn’t. I know that it wasn’t." "No, it was. I'm the reason he got out…" The Dream Demon insisted.
Silence fell as Rose processed what he'd just told her. "You…" She mumbled. Suzie, meanwhile, grabbed her horn for balance, leaning heavier against her. Tensed, Goblin stared at the floor of his bottle prison, just waiting for her to scream at him. Or to smack him around. He would deserve it, after all. But nothing came. Hesitantly, he looked back at the portal. She stared at him, not angry, but incredulous. Unsure.
After another moment, she adjusted her wing to hold up the redhead better. "I have to go take Suzie back, just…" Rose paused, looking into his eyes. "…I’m glad you’re okay." She expressed. Goblin stared back, confused. She wasn't furious? She didn't hate him? Before he could find his voice again, the portal closed. The tension leaving him, he dropped his hands. "…o-ok. I'm… thank you." He mumbled, knowing full well she was gone. She was glad he was ok... Those words weren't leaving his mind anytime soon.
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ask-dark-monita · 2 months
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"Boy, am I glad Disney's finally fixing this entire franchise! Thanks to me giving Mickey the idea, Disney now owns everything in the universe! And best of all! They're gonna throw most of the terrible slop characters into the Disney vault! Especially Peni Parker!"
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"Hahahahahaha! This franchise will finally be good again with Mickey & I being in charge of it! I should know! I used to be a big fan from 2012 to 2014 until the franchise became nothing but mean-spirited multiversal waifu cringe GARBAGE!"
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sinfully-divine · 1 month
Little does Ruby know that there's a sexy officer version with Cuffs and more skin:
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divinityunleashed · 1 month
Try + ChiChi
"I don't care who or what is happening outside of Earth, Goten needs to stay home!"
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"He's just a child! He shouldn't be out there fighting who knows what with the potential to die!"
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misc-muses · 3 months
"No it's true! I am dating your grunkle stan. I think he's neat and cute." partcfyouruniverse (rose for dipper)
Unprompted asks // -> @partcfyouruniverse
Okay, ew, he doesn't want to hear his Grunkle Stan described as "neat and cute" ever again. They... can't be talking about the same guy, right?
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Maybe aliens had really low standards? That's kinda sad, Rose is pretty, but she's going for the guy who feeds crackers to his stomach.
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gctchell · 5 months
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@damnedrainbows asked:
It’s while Husk is tending to the bar, drifted off with a drink, that he’ll feel the tender claws of his beloved slip around him, fingers brushing along the golden bands on both of their fingers as they entwine and curl together. Fit so perfectly.
He’s pulled him into a dance, a waltz as the music drifts from his internal speakers. His nose brushes against his lover’s, lips just shy of touching the feline’s—to keep him on his toes! Toes that he’s now got Husk up upon in a sudden spin, and then a dip downward, so close to the floor his hat barely brushes the tile. “It’s been so long since we’ve gone dancing, you know. And a ball? Well, we could truly live a fairytale dream! Oh but will I leave my footwear behind; a glass slipper, on one of the steps?”
He wilts dramatically into the feline’s arms, a hand thrown to his forehead. “Will you have to search the entire Kingdom to find me?” he asks wistfully. “With only a simple shoe to go upon as a clue?”
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Husk could lose touch with reality real nice whenever he was behind the bar, something about the repetitious motion of shining glasses and sampling them between really made his mind drift and eyes heavy. Being alive for so long, climbed up into the years that touched over one hundred now, will do that to a cat. However, always, his ears perk up once sensing that familiar static presence just behind him - he knows Alastor's body signature and vibration so easily, he triggers to notice the second he's within close proximity before he even steals his hands.
His head turns and eyes Alastor with those golden orbs that, to some could be off-putting from how harsh they could appear, were softened just enough when his husband appeared as a soft 'mrrrp?' sounds out. He watches him steadily as their fingers fold together, blinking slow. Such a long way they've come from decades ago.
The glass sails across the bar counter as the cat is stolen away from his perch and swept into the waltz, his eyes peeling open wider as he, clumsily, does not fall into the rhythm right away (he takes a moment with these sudden sweeps), eyes flitting this way and that to eye his feet out of hopes of not stomping Al's foot.. Then, he settles in once his brain calls back to station from its drifty LalaLand.
The closeness is what helps hammer Husk back into his cranium, sending his ears to be high perked as a subtle red glows over the whites of his muzzle, brows popped high and lips pooled into a small flustered frown. Oh, he was gonna play that way? Well, two can do that - even as Husk is whipped up into a twirl and a dip, which makes his tail puff up from the sudden speed! He gives a few rapid blinks once dipped so low, briefly wondering if they're both just going to topple and hit the damn floor.. Nah, Al's too prideful for that, too confident. He wouldn't do that.
There's a 25% chance he'd do that, just to come down on top of the cat right after.
But nah, he's back on his feet and holding the dramatic stag in that low dip now, and uses it to his advantage. Alastor feels a hand sail down his spine and rest just above his tail, resting there and squeezing his lower back. "You say that as if you'd even give me a chance to come lookin' for you first, Al. You and I both know how that's gonna end. Regardless.."
Up! Alastor is spun from his dramatic limp and twirled and held at arm's length, and spun back in to Husk's embrace, back to his chest as the cat rests his chin on his shoulder. "It all ends with you in a pretty little golden band with me, doesn't it? You askin' me to the Ball, Al?"
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gensokyogarden · 6 months
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♪We used to run wild in the streets♪
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♪Now we complain when witches fly by too fast♪
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♪And the music is insanely loud♪
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♪Now our sigils are fading away♪
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♪And looking back it was all worth it♪
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♪The truth is getting old sucks but everybody's doing it♪
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♪Now the movies are cartoon and remakes♪
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♪Of shit that was better ~ when we played our music too loud♪
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♪Now our memories are fading away♪
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♪And looking back it was all worth it♪
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♪The truth is getting old sucks but everybody's doing it♪
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parttimepuff · 1 year
Suzies dying, hermits dying, king dedede might kill someone, does anybody follow the rules around here?!
Suzie regards the anon with cool regard, sighing. “You people do love exaggerating things.” Though she doesn’t look much different, she’s clearly better as far as recovery, though her fresh bandages are accompanied by the harness keeping her to the hospital bed. “Don’t worry, Rose made sure I was going to stay this time”
“Only because you made me!-“ The batamon strolls by, giving her a bit more than just a scrutinizing side eye. “Rosie please-“ “Don’t ‘Rosie please’ me-“ The red orb turns on her heel, wings quivering at her temper. “How about Suzie please don’t get yourself killed?” A tired huff leaves Suzie, rolling her good eye. “I didn’t know you cared~”
Hermit tilted their head, confused. "I have... dying..?" They repeated, not familiar with the concept. Both Gremlin and Reverie turned slowly to glare daggers at the anon. "They're just being mean again, Hermit, don't worry about it." The Dream Fae assured them. "Oh..." The Matter nodded, inching behind the two so that they were safer.
Something that wasn't lost on them. "We'll take care of it for you." Gremlin assured them. He and his brother both started pushing the anon out of the room until they were unceremoniously shoved into the hall. The door slammed shut behind them. Hermit visibly relaxed, the minor danger they posed gone for now.
"Ah ain't gonna kill nobody." Dedede grumbled. He sat on his throne, getting through some paperwork. He'd be speaking to Metaknight soon, but he couldn't just pace about doing nothing in the meantime. "That's a last resort kinda thing an' ah don't let it get that far." He added. Well, he certainly tried not to. If it came down to that, it was typically Kirby who ended things.
...geez, putting it like that made him feel awful. He was glad that he and the puffball had grown to be good friends despite how things had started out for them. Kirby was just the bigger person when he needed him to be. As a king, he would keep doing his best to follow that example.
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rcsebane · 1 year
i still need to add info here and there but fleur's page is up!
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sinfully-divine · 1 month
"Sorry Yang but I'm doing it my way this time. Hey, look at me guys! Pretty cool, right?"
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ask-dark-monita · 1 year
Hi Hi! Would you like to join the Pink Power Club? “Cute Anon asks Junko not knowing who she really is but likes her hairstyle.” -Cute Anon-
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"A Pink Power Club, you say? Oh my God, like, count me in!"
Meanwhile, Soul Evans would happen to be nearby as he would have noticed Junko being with Cute Anon. Knowing that Junko was a dangerous threat, he immediately intervened and would step in front of Cute Anon to oppose Junko.
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"How many times do we gotta teach you this damn lesson? Beat it! Go take a hike somewhere else with that despair crap!" He said to Junko.
Amy would shortly join eventually while Soul Evans would protect Cute Anon from Junko and would explain Junko's true nature.
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"Sorry for the sudden interruption, Cute Anon. But that girl over there isn't anyone you should be friends with. Her name is Junko Enoshima and she is very evil and malicious. I'd stay away from her at all costs, okay?"
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"W-What?! T-That's ridiculous... I would never do such a thing... H-How could you...?! A-All I ever wanted was a friend and a group to hang out with because no one accepts me at all... I'm just an innocent sweet girl, that's all... H-Honest...!"
Junko said, changing her personality again as she was obviously lying.
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"Yeah, like anyone's gonna fall for that crap. Amy, wanna send this clown blasting off again like Team Rocket?"
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"With pleasure!"
With a swing of a hammer, Amy would send the evil despair lady Junko flying far far away from the group.
Meanwhile, Soul Evans would turn around to Cute Anon to check up on her.
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"Yo, everything okay with you?" He asked Cute Anon and wanted to make sure that Junko didn't do anything bad to her at all.
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musecheerios · 2 years
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“I am NOT putting on the nose and antlers!”
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“We went over this! It’s embarrassing!”
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Mutters. “But they’re so cute...”
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“Oh come on, they’re not so bad!”
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“You only say that ‘cause she’s not tellin’ you to wear them.”
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Just watches as he’s eating.
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“Hey, make him wear the antlers!”
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“I didn’t even say anything!”
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“SPIIIIKE~!” Ed, look what you’ve done.
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“They’re just a nose and antlers, what’s the big deal?”
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“Thank you!”
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Somehow still sleeping in the midst of the discussion.
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Just backs up with his Santa hat.
“I’ll put them on then, sheesh!” Goku chuckled as he put the nose and antlers on.
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supermomrose · 1 year
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"Summer's not here right now, so you're gonna have to deal with me."
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gensokyogarden · 2 years
A smooth jazzy beat plays
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"♪So long and thanks for all the fish So sad that it should come to this We tried to warn you all but oh dear You may not share out intellect Which might explain your disrespect For all the natural wonders that grow around you So long, so long And thanks for all the fish♪"
A classic of Tengu poetry.
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starminzoo · 3 months
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╰─▗ ▘➤𖥸 obsession in the shadows
꒰ risa's note ꒱ was just watching a show and the sudden inspiration hit so i thought why not just write it down but with yunho. I love my pretty boy sm <3 hope you guys enjoy!
warnings: stalking (not cool), fingering, consent (not verbally but it's there), dirty talk, pet names, pervert behavior, threats, creepy behavior (not much) , not proof read
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it all started when yunho the quiet yet charming, shy yet talented student from the art department asked you to be his muse for his painting project which was due in 3 weeks. you said yes and how couldn't you, when he asked you in such polite and hushed manner your nearly folded when he said a silent 'please' for you to become his muse. since that day you started visiting his apartment for the project, you always went to his after your classes, first few days were spent in finding a perfect pose, clothes, and sketching. during that you guys made small talk here and there. since yunho was mostly quiet in college and he used to talk when spoken too you were charmed by his voice soft and smooth as you barely talked with him. when you were posing for him he always made sure you were comfortable or you could try another pose, he always kept his distance and remained respectful which drew you more close to him.
the reason yunho decided to choose you as his muse was that he had enough of hiding in the shadows he had enough of admiring you from a distance, he wanted you in his arms, to kiss you, to love you, to make you his, your enigmatic smile, captivating eyes casting a spell over him, at first it was small crush but slowly it turned into a dangerous obsession, he started to study your every move, kept his eyes on every action he started invading your privacy. he had lost count of how many times he had climbed up the window of your room, lost count of how many hours he had spent sitting on your bed, lost count of how many panties he had stolen from you, he knew this was dangerous but did he backed down? no but the real question is that he thought he was the only obsessed one? wrong as his obsession deepens he also started to take in the strange happening around him, his hoodies, sweatshirts and some other things started to vanish one by one,he started to receive love letters in his locker which were really creepy alongside with a black rose, he had gifts left at his door with no address or name, he was not alarmed and just took it as prank until he received a package as usual no name or anything but as he opened it his jaw slightly fell seeing his black hoodie shredded into pieces, he was wearing this just yesterday as he contemplated on his thoughts , his eyes fell on a note opening it he read it "Next time it will be the girl not the hoodie"
you had just arrived back from yunho's house it had been a long day for you and yunho was mostly done with his painting so the sessions had gotten longer to perfect the painting you took a shower and got ready for bed you decided to go commando and just threw a hoodie over yourself and went to bed. the familiar scent lulling you to sleep, it hadn't been long since you started to drift to sleep when you heard some soft rattling outside your window you smiled slightly in your pillow knowing who it was, to make sure the unwelcomed guest doesn't get the hint of you not sleeping you moved to turn on your back slowly while face snuggled in the pillow, few minutes later you felt the bed dip near your feet as he sat down hands landing your naked legs, warming your body up "you look like an angel, so innocent so pretty" his whispered out his words, god you wanted to ruin him so bad and show him how much innocent of a girl you were there was silence for sometimes before he started to drag his hands further up, you pretended to stretch and spread your legs a bit causing your hoodie to ride up providing him with the view of your bare wet cunt "fuck angel no panties today, you are gonna be the death of me" you chuckled in your mind you wanted to test him you wanted to see if he would give in his urges as he never did anything against your will well except for stealing your panties causing you to buy more and more. you heard his breath becoming shallow as he continued to stare at your cunt, you slowly felt a finger press against your clit causing a soft moan to leave your mouth " i am sorry baby so sorry" you wanted him to have you but you didn't wanted him to be guilty of it so you opened your eyes and stared straight at him. "fuck yunho I want you baby please please touch me" you begged in a sleepy voice.
his face became beet red when his eyes made contact with you, he felt so guilty and embarrassed but as he heard your words he was shocked. you were ok with this? you wanted him? were you sure or just in sleep? weren't you going to call the cops on him? he had many questions but when he felt your on his rubbing it against your cunt , he watched you hump his hand as soft moans left your mouth as you did you he sat there shocked but you snapped him out of it quickly "I don't have my legs spread just for you to qawk yun fuck do something please" as you begged him pathetically your whining and lust filled eyes sending blood to his dick. he wasted no more time climbing up on you kissing your lips furiously one hand holding your throat and the other swatted your hands away as he pushed two fingers inside your gaping hole the action ripping a loud moan from your throat as he swallowed it, his fingers scissored you hitting your g-spot. god bless yunho for having long fingers as they drove you insane his lips busy painting another masterpiece on your neck, your hands in his hair as one attempted to get him naked but before you could he fastened the pace of his fingers bringing you closer to the edge you held onto him for dear life, legs threatening to close but he kept them apart with his thighs "fuck you look so gorgeous falling apart for me angel" his name fell from your mouth like mantra as you finally reached your high your legs twitching, around his hips, eyes rolled back from pleasure, while mouth wide open as moans and whimpers left your mouth. yunho pulled out his fingers and put them in mouth "hmm as sweet as i had imagined" he kissed you making you taste yourself on his tongue. you both laid there him on top of you, both too mesmerized by the soft kisses you shared.
after cleaning you up he climbed back in bed removing his jacket and now just in his hoodie. you pulled him close to you snuggling in his scent which was more strong then the one on the hoodie "so what are we now yun" "whatever you want baby" he smiled and softly kissed your head " but wait is that my hoodie" he glanced down at you as you sheepishly snuggled in his chest and giggled " oh god so it was you, my little stalker" "oh don't act like you are innocent ok you climbed up my window several times, stole my panties which were expensive by the way, so if I didn't had my own little obsession with you I would have called the cops on you long time ago ok mister" you retored back as you playfully glared at him, he put his arms up surrending himself before you both fell asleep peacefully in each others arms.
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parttimepuff · 1 year
Happy Earth Day fellas! For real this time! Don’t mind the car batteries on my boat, it’s nothing to be worried about. Have fun on earth!
Trying to process that, Reverie tilted his head to the side. "Thank, you..?" He managed. Considerably quicker on the uptake, Rose frowned. "We’re in a landlocked area? Take that shit to the recycling depot." She instructed, crossing her arms. "Yeah, Christ." Gremlin agreed. After a moment, something she said caught his attention. "…oh, we're landlocked here? Didn't actually think about that." He mused.
"Yeah! It’s, Kansas I think is what Suzie said? No ocean access at least." She explained, pointing at the anon. "So those batteries better not end up there, got it?" Rose threatened, not about to let that slide. Her friends were entirely taken aback by this revelation. "wh-" Both muttered in shock, trying to collect their thoughts. "…Kansas..? Actually? In the United States?" Reverie questioned.
"Yeah, I think some people still call it that, I think?" Rose figured, tapping her chin. "Why is, is this a bad place to be for you?" She hesitantly asked, silently cursing her friend under her breath for suggesting this place. "N-no, just… I knew it was familiar, not… this familiar." Gremlin mumbled. Reverie, though just as occupied, knew that he should fill her in rather than leave her guessing. "…we were spawned here." He told her.
"oh." Rose murmured, falling silent. Looking out at the people still gathered, the batomon managed a smile before looking at them again. "…heh, you finally got to go home, huh?" She said. "Y-yeah…." Reverie agreed, seeing everything around him in a new light. "Yeah, it… we really did…" Gremlin sighed, feeling much the same. It really was so similar to what he remembered. Though, if he were honest, he wasn't entirely sure if this was his hometown or just somewhere he happened to end up.
"Do you think his-no, nevermind. It's been too long." Gremlin cut himself off dismissing the thought. His brother knew exactly what he was about to ask. "Yeah, there's no way…" Reverie answered, trying not to be crestfallen about it. Their friend was confused, opening her mouth to ask but thunking better of it. They’re already going through it. "Dunno, I’ve seen everything be possible at this point. Feels like it, anyway." Rose expressed.
"Heh, that's fair." Reverie replied. He felt similarly at times. "I saw a full green tree burst into flame once, that was wild." Rose remembered. "Just, for no reason? I'm assuming trees haven't changed that much since we left." Gremlin half-joked. Her response was to shrug. "Like I said, almost anything’s possible around here." She said. Anything, indeed. The two watched as more people got up and went about their days, almost expecting to find a familiar face among them.
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