#Guardianofrivendell birthday writing challenge 2022
midearthwritings · 2 years
Wedding Planner
Tullaina is bored, Kíli isn't, and Fíli is oblivious.
Word Count: 685
Pairing: Tullaina & Kíli, Tullaina x Fíli
Warning: Modern AU. Does that count as a warning? Probably not but oh well—
Author's Note: I know I never write Modern AUs, but for @guardianofrivendell 's birthday, I thought I would do an exception. I picked this quote for the challenge. And to you, my friend, I wish you a really happy birthday (a day late, I'm sorry)💛
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For what seemed to be the hundredth time that night, Tullaina pressed a button on the remote to change channels. She wasn't even looking at the TV screen anymore. Nothing was interesting, and zapping was the only thing that kept her from dying of boredom. She glanced at the clock. There were still ten minutes left before Fíli would come home from work, and then they could go out. They did not really have a plan, to be honest, but being out would always be better than being stuck there. 
Slouched on the other side of the couch with his computer resting on his lap, Kíli seemed rather focused on whatever activity he was doing. He was typing furiously, kind of like when someone was writing an angry e-mail or when he was playing video games. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he was chewing lightly on his bottom lip. 
“What are you doing?” she finally asked, too curious–and bored–to remain quiet. 
Kíli just hummed absentmindedly, his eyes never leaving the screen. Tullaina tutted in annoyance and moved to sit closer to him. Even now, she could barely see what he was doing. 
“Come on,” she begged, pushing his shoulder, “Share!” 
This time, he groaned and pushed her back. “Leave me alone!” he whined. “Watch your TV and leave me alone.” 
“But I don’t want to watch the TV anymore,” Tullaina declared, grabbing the laptop to take it from him. 
Kíli shouted no and barely had time to get a hold of it before the two began pulling on the device like children fighting over a pack of candies. 
“Stop! You’ll break it!” 
“Then let me see!” 
Only when Kíli heard a suspicious cracking noise did he let go of it with a huff. Crossing his arms against his chest, he pouted. Victorious, Tullaina grinned and finally looked down at the screen. She bit her lip to silence her laugh and arched a brow. 
“The ten most popular places to get married?” she read out loud, giving Kíli a weird look. 
“Shut up,” Kíli snapped, a small grin curling his lips. “It’s for science.” 
Tullaina snorted and scrolled down on the website. Beach, beach, beach, and more beaches. According to that website, the world was, apparently, covered in beaches. 
“These people are not the most imaginative,” she snorted, handing the computer back to him. “Like there aren’t any other places on the planet…” 
For a reason she had yet to discover, Kíli’s eyes twinkled mischievously. She narrowed her eyes with suspicion and shifted back on the sofa. 
“I don’t like that look,” she told him. 
“If that’s your opinion,” he began, “I know someone who thinks the exact same…” 
Before she could ask who it was, the apartment door was pushed open, and Fíli came in. He looked slightly tired, but Tullaina knew he was not tired enough to ditch them tonight. She watched him as he dropped his backpack on the floor before walking up to them. 
“You’re on those websites again?” he asked his brother, leaning over his shoulder. “They all say the same thing, Kíli. The people who make them clearly lack imagination.”
Tullaina’s mouth opened to form a small “o” as she realized just who Kíli was talking about. When she looked at him, he had a smile as wide as the Cheshire Cat’s on his lips. Tullaina tutted in annoyance and crossed her arms, deciding that the TV was now the most interesting thing in the world and staring at it. 
Fíli flopped down on the couch next to her with a deep sigh and stretched his arms. They all remained quiet for a few minutes before Kíli broke the silence again. 
“How many people would you invite to your wedding?” Kíli asked innocently. 
“Just friend and family,” both Fíli and Tullaina replied at the same time. If it didn’t seem to bother him, Tullaina could feel her cheeks heat up and she glared at Kíli. 
With a devilish grin, he whispered in a sing-song voice: “Birds of a feather flock together,” earning himself a well-aimed elbow in the ribs. 
All time tags : @imnotevenhere9 @shethereadinghobbit @elvish-sky @katbby16 @dark-angel-is-back @shalinizhara @miriel-estelwen @thewhiteladyofrohan @vee-vee-writes @cameronsails @kumqu4t @wlfstxr @thespiritoflife @myselfandfantasy @spidergirla5 @guardianofrivendell
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This is for @guardianofrivendell​‘s birthday. I HOPE YOUR HAVING A WONDERFUL DAY! She has probably one of the coolest ideas I’ve ever seen for “birthday fics” and I’m honored that I got to participate this year.  😊 
I chose a “what if” topic. What if Vili, father of Kili and Fili, was still alive when they leave for the quest?
Now, I’m going to preface this by saying, I had a LOT of ideas for what Vili would be like ON THE QUEST ITSELF...but saving myself from a 200K multi-chapter fic 😅 here’s some Durin Family Feels.
Vili knew exactly where to go to find Thorin. It wasn’t hard. He was rather predictable in his moodiness. Sure enough, stepping out onto the ledge, he could see Thorin staring out east across the mountainside. The moonlight highlighting the silver as the wind played with his hair. Vili watched him for a small moment wondering if the dwarf believed if he looked hard enough, he would see the home he left behind.
“So it is true. A king can still look majestic even when no one is around to see.”
Thorin didn’t grace him with a response. He barely graced him with a glance. However, Vili watched as he rubbed the spot on his chin where Dis decked him mere hours ago.
“She’s still on a rampage if you’re curious, but now Fili has decided to go toe to toe with her and…” Vili shivered. “Too much Durin in that boy for sure. You chose your heirs well.”
Thorin finally smirked at this and gave Vili a teasing glance.
“Looks like prayers to Mahal do reach him if he saved me from having two nephews too much like you.”
“You wound me, Nadad.” Vili gasped, clutching his heart. “I may be a simple miner, but I like to think I have more common sense than the line of Durin.”
Thorin fell into a frown once more, and Vili immediately regretted his choice of words.
“I wasn’t planning on them joining the quest. I swear.”
Vili sighed. “Yeah, well what you and my wife collectively seem to forget is how much they idolize their ‘king uncle’. Those boys would walk through fire for you, Thorin.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
Vili analyzed the other dwarf, reading the stress lines on his face that weren’t there thirty years ago. The callouses that probably wouldn’t have collected on his fingers had he remained a royal, no matter how much the blood of a warrior screamed in his veins. Vili knew well the pain and tragedy his wife and her brother bore upon their shoulders. One of his marriage vows had been to ease the strain whenever he could. He just wished this time that easing the strain for one didn’t burden the other.
“Why are you doing this Thorin?” Vili finally asked. “You left here two months ago following up a lead on Thrain, and now you’ve come back with plans to retake Erebor because a wizard told you to? What’s changed exactly?”
Thorin sighed, when he decided to speak, it was slow and precise. As if he were picking through his words carefully.
“Erebor has never left my heart. I may not have spoken of it, but there has always been a pull to go home. The wizard just opened my eyes to the fact that it was possible. It’s what my father would do…I hope it’s what my grandfather would have done.”
Vili read the haunt in Thorin’s icy eyes well.
“You fear it.” He remarked, not needing to elaborate on what exactly.
Thorin’s jaw locked tight. “The gold of that mountain has no sway over me. I’m not that weak.”
“I don’t know much about these things, but I don’t think it’s a matter of weakness….”
“You don’t know anything.”
“You’ve built a name for yourself here!” Vili stated in frustration. “Why risk it all for…”
“Oh, good. I was hoping you were going to start sounding like my sister.”
“For a miniscule chance that you can even have it all again?”
Thorin looked down, his hands balling into fists before he turned his haunted blue eyes on Vili.
“Wouldn’t you take it? If you knew there actually was a chance?”
Vili’s eyebrows knit together, studying Thorin closely. Something was different. This wasn’t just desperation. This was…hope. Vili felt himself droop with a large sigh before he put a hand on Thorin’s shoulder, leaning in to tap his forehead against the side of Thorin’s head.
“I’ll talk to her.”
“If they do come, know that I would do everything in my power to protect them. I give my word.” Thorin whispered.
Vili gave him a soft smile. “I know you would. I just don’t know if they would let you. They are growing up after all. Like I said, I’ll talk to her.”
Vili gingerly stepped into the bedroom he shared with Dis noting just how quiet the house was now. That didn’t bode well.
“Lukhudel (light of all lights), how are you?”
It was the soft hidden sobs that had Vili across the floor and kneeling in front of Dis’ side of the bed. His hand pet her visible dark locks away from her face as she stared up at him miserably.
“I’m going to lose them.” She whimpered.
Vili shook his head. “You don’t know that, Dis. Fili and Kili are grown now. They can handle themselves, and it’s not like Thorin would let them…”
“They’re headed for A DRAGON, VILI! DON’T TELL ME WHAT HE’LL DO! I’ve seen well the strength of dwarvish iron against the scales of the beast. There is no comparison. Thorin is on a suicide mission, and now he’s dragged my sons along with him.”
Vili leaned back on his heels, giving his wife space as she sat up wiping at her eyes. When he deemed it safe enough, he placed his hand on her knee. 
“Dis, ibinê (my gem), I love you more than anything, but I think you’re being a little unfair to your brother right now.”
Earthquakes formed in those dark brown pools in her eyes, forcing Vili to jump back.
“Thorin knows better! It’s not like we haven’t lost equally! We lost the same mother to dragon fire. The same grandfather, father, and brother to that miserable war! Why is he bound and determined to lose more?!”
“That’s exactly it.” Vili murmured softly. “You have me. You have Fili and Kili. Thorin…has nothing left to lose.”
Dis sat quietly for a moment, picking at the quilt covering her knees.
“I’ve tried to bring him into our family. Give him something to live for.” She stated.
“And I don’t doubt for a moment that Thorin feels your love.” Vili stated finally feeling brave enough to sit next to her, taking her hand in his. “But no matter how much we include him and make him feel included, he goes home to no one and nothing but his own dark thoughts about failures not his own. I think in Thorin’s mind, there is a line he’s not allowed to cross with your life. Which is why he didn’t feel he needed to ask or explain himself. I think it’s also why our boys are determined to go. Sure, the adventure of it calls to their young, inexperienced hearts, but I think they feel like they need to take care of their uncle. Thorin certainly needs family looking after him. Mahal knows he’d get himself lost the moment he stepped foot off the mountain.”
Dis’ brows furrowed before she turned to pin him with an accusatory glare. 
“I can’t believe you.”
“What?” He played dumb.
“You’re actually planning on going as well, aren’t you?!”
Vili scratched at the back of his head before heaving a sigh. “Yes.”
“Mahal, give me strength. So because Thorin has no One, he gets to take EVERYONE AWAY FROM ME?!”
“He doesn’t even like you.” She sneered. “He refuses to call you Nadad. And still you want to follow him to certain death?”
Vili looked down, knowing Dis was playing dirty on purpose even as his hands balled up into a white-knuckled grip.
“I do.” He answered evenly.
Dis glared at him through the tears running down her face before crawling back into bed and facing away from him. Vili heaved a sigh as he slowly got ready for bed knowing this fight was far from over. However, he had struck a heavy blow against Dis’ already battered heart. He would give her space to lick her wounds, and be ready to argue his point the next day. A stance chosen by his eldest when they were joined at the breakfast table the next day. 
“Amad.” Fili began, but she held up her hand indicating his silence before he could even get started.
Vili was immediately shot a pleading look, but he subtly shook his head. Dis was gearing up for something, and it was best just to let her have her way for the moment. Fili leaned back with his arms crossed in response. Vili lightly tapped his fingers against the wood as they waited patiently for Dis to begin. The silence was charged, but more so at the sound of a knock on the door.
“Kili, will you get the door for your uncle?”
The youngest shared a look with his brother and father before hesitantly doing as he was told. Thorin’s expression seemed grim and tense leading Vili to believe he didn’t know Dis’ mindset any better than the rest of them. At least they could look forward to eggs and sausage.
As soon as she was done cooking, Dis put it all on one plate that she set before herself, squashing that dream before it could fully take root. A muscle in Thorin’s jaw jumped, but otherwise he held his annoyance in fairly well.
“I don’t exactly need your permission. I am the eldest of our line and King!”
Well, he tried at least. This seemed to be all the encouragement Fili and Kili needed though as they immediately launched into making their case for leaving as well. Amongst all the noise, Dis never once looked up. Just continued to calmly eat her breakfast. Vili raised an eyebrow at this. Rather unusual of his wife not to defend herself unless she…his heart bloomed as he reached over to grab her wrist, giving it a squeeze of support. Her eyes were bloodshot when they met his and desperate and pleading, but she had clearly made her peace with their decision. As much as she could anyways. 
Luckily, his movement was enough to silence the other three as they watched in wary curiosity.
“I can not give my blessing on this.” She stated slowly. “Not when my heart shutters knowing what lies before you. In fact, it is taking everything I have not to curse Fate which clearly has designs to see me alone and miserable.”
“Dis…” Thorin sighed.
“But…” She interrupted him with a sharp look. “I was reminded last night of something else I had lost without even realizing it. Faith. So I’m placing my faith in you Thorin Oakenshield. And with that faith, my entire family. Don’t you dare let me down.” 
Thorin sucked in a deep breath, accepting her sharp breathy whisper with a nod of his head. 
“By Mahal, I have no intention of failing, Namadith (little sister).”
Her eyes welled up with tears as her last remaining bravado started to crumble. “I would rather see you fail than see any of you dead. Please, please promise me that at least. No sum of gold is worth our family, Thorin.”
Thorin hesitated. Protests forming on the tip of his tongue, before he finally settled on something to pacify her with.
“Fili and Kili’s safety will be my top priority.”
Vili patted Dis hand before the Durin siblings to launch into another fight. 
“And your thick-headed brother’s safety will be mine.” Vili grinned. “Now that we have that settled, we should probably get to packing. You’ll want us to leave soon, right?”
“You’re coming too, Adad (Dad)?” Kili grinned.
“Of course!” Vili exclaimed, noting Thorin’s narrowed eyes. “Can’t let you boys have all the fun. Besides, my old war hammer has collected too much dust as it is.”
“That’s a good point though. Axe or sword?” Fili questioned Kili.
The younger snorted. “You must have hit your head if you think I’m leaving my bow behind. You’re bringing yours, right Uncle Thorin?”
Thorin smirked at Kili’s hopeful face before nodding. “For a quest like this, any and all weapons can be the difference between life and death.”
“In that case, I’m going to have to get creative with where I place my entire knife collection. Come on Kili.” Fili declared before they both excused themselves to run upstairs like a couple of overexcited pebbles.
Silence descended on the other three.
“Is there anyone else you can think of who would be willing to come as well?” Thorin slowly asked Vili.
Surprised by the question, he put some thought into it. “I think my friend Bofur and his cousin, Bifur could possibly be interested. Nori would be another one who would be useful to have.”
“He’s a thief.” Thorin frowned.
“You’re stealing from a dragon.” Vili reminded.
“The wizard seems to think he has that part covered.” 
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt to have a spare.”
“Call a meeting of the Seven Kingdoms.” Dis urged.
“What?” Thorin sighed, turning back to her. 
“Have envoys from the kingdoms meet with you.” She repeated.
“Dis…they won’t come.” He complained.
“So what’s the harm in trying?” She shot back. “Even if all you do is convince Dain to give you a small platoon. Won’t fifty make better odds than six?”
“Well if Vili can get Nori and Bofur and Bifur, it’s actually eleven. Gloin and Oin.” He clarified at their lost looks.
“Hey and Bofur has a brother, and I doubt Dori is going to let Nori go alone which includes Ori…that’s fourteen. We’re a small guard rotation at this point.”
Thorin had to hide a grin, especially in the face of Dis’ unimpressed look.
“Fine.” He sighed. “I will instruct Balin to send a raven. But I’m telling you they won’t come, not unless I walked in carrying the Arkenstone in my hand.”
“Well, I have many more words for the stupidity in that with no small point being a fire-breathing dragon is currently sitting on it. But I’ve already said my piece.”
“And more.” Thorin muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes.
“As for you.” Dis snapped her eyes to Vili, glowering.
The blonde dwarf let out a small muffled shock as Dis launched herself at him with a fierce and deep kiss. He heard Thorin groan before his chair scrapped against the floorboards and he was out of the room.
“Take the runestone?” She pleaded when she finally broke away.
Vili smirked. The runestone was nothing more than a piece of onyx that his father had carved ‘Return to Me’ into and gave to Vili’s mother before she left to barter in Tharbad every year. It didn’t have a great track record as she was killed by wargs on one of her journeys, but after Vili survived the cave-in a few years back, Dis jokingly called it his good luck charm. He kissed her again winding his hand in her braids.
“I will keep it next to my heart, the whole time.”
After a few more minutes of intense negotiating Vili stepped out into the living room where Thorin was staring at the family portrait of the four of them hanging next to an older portrait of Thorin and his siblings.
“Sorry about that. I mean, I’m not really sorry, I enjoyed it thoroughly.” He teased only for it to fall short with the taller dwarf.
“Why are you doing this?” He finally asked.
“What?” Vili questioned in confusion.
“Choosing to come along.” Thorin responded, turning to him with his brows pinched. “Erebor isn’t even your home. This is.”
“No. But you’re my brother, and well…it’s as brothers do, right?”
Thorin’s breath seemed to catch, his eyes drifting over to Frerin’s face with a lost expression. Vili knew there was a hole there. Dis seemed to be constantly reminded of Thorin and Frerin in Fili and Kili every day. Vili had a hard time putting it together with the Thorin he knew, but it wasn’t hard to visualize the closeness he had with his brother. Vili knew he could never fill the hole, but he had hoped that after all this time Thorin had come to see him in much the same light. 
“I…thank you…Vili. I am glad to have you.”
Vili smiled, taking it as a minor step forward. After all, they had an entire quest to work it out.
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aduialel · 2 years
Guardianofrivendell birthday challenge
Here is my entry for @guardianofrivendell challenge.
Happy birthday dear! ❤ I hope you have a wonderful day! 🌻
Plot bunny: What happens when someone else calls Tullaina 'Tulls' except Fíli and Kíli
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Photos were found from Pinterest with one exception, heating smoke sauna photo (bottom row) is mine.
Fíli whispering Kíli edit by AnnaProvidence on Deviantart
Taglist: @linasofia
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ilovedainironfoot · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! <3<3<3<3
For your challenge @guardianofrivendell​ i choose the Incorrect Tullaina Quote :
Fíli: I don't understand why everyone's intimidated by Tulls. She's so cute!
Tullaina: *decapitates an Orc*
 Fíli: See? Adorable."
I had a bad organisation and at first i wanted to do a whole comic about time but i couldn't find the time to finish it so i changed but i'll hope you'll still like it !
Warning : a little blood
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Meanwhile Tullaina :
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Fili : See ? Adorable !!!
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guardianofrivendell · 2 years
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Back by popular demand (lol two people but let me have my moment): the Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge!  
A writing challenge?
Yes! To celebrate Tullaina's and my own upcoming birthday on June 11th, I challenge YOU, my dear mutuals, friends and followers, to write! Because what better way to celebrate my birthday than by being creative?
You can write anything from a little drabble to a full-blown 5k+ words fic story, whatever you feel like. But about what?
Well... If you remember last year, the writing challenge was all about the Incorrect Tullaina Quotes. I’m bringing them back because it was a lot of fun, but I’m adding two more options for those who want to try something else this year or simply don’t want to write about my OC (which I totally understand!!)
You can write fluff, angst, even smut, use every cliche trope in the book if you want, but make sure to tag your work accordingly so no one gets surprised!
You can find the three options further down this post. 
How do I participate?
If you decide to join this little writing challenge, I'll be forever in your debt and super super grateful that you helped by not letting this flop!
Send me an ask or dm if you want to join this challenge with the option of your choice. I'll list the participants in this post and depending of if they want to, I’ll add what option they chose so you’ll have a basic idea of what everyone else is doing (because we like that, we’re human after all)
Deadline is Saturday June 11th 2022, this means you’ll have about 6 weeks time to write your work. On June 11th, everyone can post their work on Tumblr using the tag #Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge 2022 so we can find the fic and don't forget to tag me in it!
The day after I’ll link all the works in one big GBWC 2022 Masterlist. 
Can I post the fic on other platforms too?
Sure! Go ahead and post it on AO3, Wattpad or whatever platform you use outside of Tumblr.
What if I can't write, but I want to draw something or make a moodboard?
Uh... Yes please! You don't even have to ask! Same thing, send me an ask or dm that you’ll join the challenge and I’ll add your name to the list. You can still choose between the three options!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an ask or message! I’ll probably reblog this post a lot of times the next 6 weeks, so sorry in advance for that :)
I read this post but I still don’t understand what this challenge is or what I have to do?
Don’t worry, we all get that sometimes! Luckily for you (and me!) I did this challenge last year as well. You can read all the works and watch the beautiful art pieces here so you can see how my wonderful mutuals and friends took on this challenge like a boss! Aren’t I the luckiest one?
Alright, alright, we get it! Now get to the options already!
You can choose out of three options, or combine them if you want, go crazy:
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Pick a quote (or quotes if you’re feeling ambitious) from the tag “Incorrect Tullaina Quotes”. Use it as inspiration, build your story around it or use it as part of a dialogue in the fic. Your choice!
Search the tag “Incorrect Tullaina Quotes” in the Tumblr search bar or on my blog and you’re supposed to get most of them that way. There are over 100 incorrect quotes, so I can’t link them all in this post. It would simply be too much. However, if there are enough people who do want a list with all the quotes lined up, let me know and I’ll see if I can collect them in a doc and link that doc here. It’s a lot of work, so it can take a while before I’m able to do that.
If you need more information about my OC Tullaina, you can find fics, arts and her character sheet in my masterlist. 
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As you all know I’m a pretty slow writer and cursed to be visited by plot bunnies all the time. This can be quite frustrating because I know I won’t be able to write them all, even if I really, really want to.
So why not challenge you to write them for me? 
Under the “read more” cut you can find a selection of Tullaina Plot Bunnies, little moments out of Tullaina’s life that I was planning to write someday. Some are almost summaries of the (non-existing) fic, while others are just “what about so and so”. 
Don’t be afraid to write Tullaina OOC because you can’t! If I learned anything about last year’s challenge it’s that I love every version of Tullaina that was created, not once did I think “She wouldn’t say or do that!” because I was so in the moment!
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Isn’t that a question we all ask ourselves sometimes? What if?
Well, now is the moment you can find out! Under the cut are 10 “What if” questions. Pick one and rewrite a scene from The Hobbit or Lord of The Rings, or write a new one!
For example, what if you pick the question “What if Thranduil was the smallest Elf in history?”, you could imagine how the scene in the throne room between Thranduil and Thorin would go a little differently... Let your imagination run free!
Thought of a What If-question that you would love to write but can’t find in the list? No problem, then you’re choosing number 11! 
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@grunid - art
@medusas-hairband - art plot bunny
@sunnyrosewritesstuff​ - what if 
Tullaina Plot Bunnies
Here you can find little snippets out of Tullaina’s life that I wrote down in a doc (literally, it’s a copy paste out of that doc minus two that I really want to write myself) because I wanted to write a fic about it at some point. But you know me, I can’t write fast so who knows when it’ll get done, if ever. Feel free to give it your own twist! 
Tullaina has a nickname ‘Tulls’, but only Fili and Kili use it. They get very protective if anyone else picks up on the nickname and uses it to address Tullaina. What would happen if at some point (say at a feast or gathering), another Dwarf uses the nickname when he talks/flirts to her? Could be any period of time: Ered Luin, during the quest, in Erebor, ...
There’s a ball in Ered Luin, the first one since forever (mostly to boost morale a bit) and the first one Fíli, Kíli and Tulls are allowed to go to. It’s the first time Fíli sees Tullaina all dressed up (hair done nicely, a proper dress). His mouth runs dry and he knows it will be a long night this way. How does the evening go? 
Tullaina is trained by Thorin and Dwalin, and sometimes even Fíli and Kíli. She has the normal amount of training every Dwarrow gets, but once she decides to join the Quest, her training sessions pick up. What would a training session look like? How is she doing? And why doesn’t she wield an axe? Ered Luin era 
When Kili meets Tauriel (? or another OC?) and falls in love during the quest, he tells Tulls he wants to ask her to marry him. And then Tullaina wonders ‘but who am I supposed to marry now?’ because they promised each other when they were teens that if they didn’t find their One they would stick together, maybe even marry each other. And she jokingly says (but secretly also kind of means it) that she’ll forever be alone now. Fili is standing there, he wants to swoop in and say something smooth like ‘you will always have me’ but can’t seem to find his voice. The moment is broken when Bofur says just that, and it becomes one of their ‘almost’ moments.
“Uncle Thorin” moments with Fíli, Kíli and Tullaina
There was really only one other Dwarf who genuinely wanted to court Tullaina, when they're in Erebor. You can imagine how that affected Fili... How is he dealing with this? And Kíli (aka their biggest shipper?)
Fíli runs into Kíli late at night, he’s looking for Tullaina. “Have you seen her? She’s not in her room and I can’t find her anywhere.” They’ve been working all day for the past few weeks. “Do you think she could have left?” “Maybe she finally got enough of being alone, we’ve neglected her” etc etc They look for her in the library, great hall, the stables but can’t find her anywhere. Slight panic, Fíli freaking out, Kíli trying to reassure him. When they’re on their way to alert Thorin and Dís of her disappearance, they find her sleeping with a book in her lap in a nook in one of her secret reading spots.
Once they’re settled in Erebor, married and all, Fíli surprises Tullaina with a grey puppy called Mouse (kind of like a Great Dane but the ME version of it, so... BIG, Fíli hates the name she gave him), as a guard dog for her when he’s out (worried husband y’all). Turns out it’s one big softie and instead of being weary of new people he’s welcoming to everyone. Until one time he doesn’t and everyone is suspicous. Rightfully so. 
What If?
Pick a number and (re)write a TH/LOTR scene of your choice with this question in mind, or create a new one (a deleted scene if you want)
1. What if Dís went on the Quest, along with her brother and two sons?
2. What if Ori was the one to fall in love with Tauriel (movie verse)? 
3. What if Boromir survived the arrows? 
4. What if Hobbits could talk to animals? Like tiny dr Doolittles?
5. What if Gandalf couldn’t keep a secret/can’t lie?
6. What if Smaug was a different kind of animal?
7. What if Víli, father of Kíli and Fíli, was still alive when they leave for the quest?
8. What if Middle Earth was more modern than Tolkien let on?
9. What if Elves can’t tolerate water (maybe it burns them or harms them in some way) ?
10. What if one of the Hobbits is cursed with saying everything the opposite of what they mean? (fe yes means no, I’m sleepy means I don’t want to go to sleep)
11. (your own What If question)
Tagging a few people who were interested: @midearthwritings​ @beenovel​ @grunid​ 
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