#Gregory horror show clockmaster
aubrey-plush12 · 2 months
Could you make an Headcanon with Clock master falling in love with his s/o pls??
Here you go!
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Clockmaster falling in love with s/o:
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Clockmaster hadn’t found out about his s/o until he had seen the nurse Catherine chasing them down the hall for a blood sample.he became intrigued and would see them more often.
The first time he talked with his s/o was when they had caught my son running around the hallways before he could trip on himself and fall down.and when Clockmaster had come to bring my son back to their room that’s when he was able to see his s/o more clearer this time.and it was almost like love at first sight for him.
He found everything about them fascinating,and even after they both had introduced themselves It was like he needed to know more about them.their captivating voice,their gorgeous eyes,it almost put him in a trance.even after his s/o walked away did my son have to snap him out of it.
He tried to see them more often whenever he could,but makes sure he’s not seeming desperate to meet them every time.whenever they entered another room he was in he would try to hide his blushing.
I feel like my son would sort of tease him about it,trying to give his dad some confidence to admit he’s in love with his s/o.it does take him a long while to admit his feelings for them.
He usually stutters whenever he’s in a conversation with them.he doesn’t know what to say and fumbles his words.but he still tries to act casual and not give it away.
Clockmaster and his s/o eventually get to know each other well,and start dating.my son also seems to like s/o,treating them as if they were his other parent.
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guestboyghslq · 6 months
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Here's another clue for the detectives in the GHS community, A poster for GHS: Save Our Souls, found from a Linkedin post from Maiko Suzuki Sumida, Head of Animation Sales and Development for TV Asahi. who announced this for MIP2022. everyone including the newcomer protagonist and his friends are here. and the worldscreening page for this shows pitch was posted 3 months ago October of 2023, no less. Something is afoot here. hopefully we find out more and not be left in the dark.
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milommid · 1 year
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my son and clock master. two of my fav characters actually! i love my son's design especially:3
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Any tea to spill on some guests that you DON'T like?
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"Not fer free."
[The mun hands Maid a tenner which she pockets, this will only happen once]
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"Ah lookit that, kettle's full again. Now lesse... Ye probably know about all the skeletons in that rat's closet, who else can I talk about?"
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"Oye ye know who nobody ever talks about? Clockmaster, he's one'a the sloppiest, messiest drunks here."
"Now you may be thinkin', 'Oh but Mad Maid, aren' Cactus Gunman an' Gregory drunks as well? Oye, yer right, but neither be so called 'masters' of bloody time! How do ye expect ta clean somethin' when the blitherin' idiot is movin' time forwards an' backwards?!"
"Ye wanna know the worst part? He lets his son do all the tinkerin' around here so because he canne be bothered. Bloody 'Clockmaster', he deserves ta be hung on a wall."
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"Oh I canne say that I'm fond a Gregory's little brat grandson either. Inflictin' misery on others runs in the family, except he thinks he can get away with it because he's a little snotty child! No amount a' 'I didn't mean it', an 'Oh so'n'so made me do it', an crocodile tears 'ill work on me."
"He doesn' want anyone ta know he keeps a hidden stash a goodies somewhere in the house. Most'a it stolen. I plan on cleanin' it out on a day he really tries to make me blood boil."
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"I also bet ye didn't know ye can get yer money back from the Payphone if ye hit 'im hard enough. Though he might not appreciate it, canne say we get along. Hahaha~!"
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ratgingi · 2 years
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redrawn/updated ref/design for one of my fav ghs ocs.... her name is babs, she has a heavy stereotypical new york accent, is a part-time bartender and full-time lizard kisser
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bandagegirl · 3 years
Small Clockmaster/My Son headcanon that when Clockmaster's wife and My Son died in childbirth, CM kept My Son's body hidden in a bag in a grandfather clock inside his shop like he's a coin locker baby. Very horrible but horrible headcanons fit the best to GHS.
Another My Son headcanon is that there's an adult My Son whose home Lost World is completely gone due to Death finally killing/freeing Gregory. My Son tried to go back in time to prevent it all from happening but because his father was gone, My Son ended up in a new timeline without taking the place of his old self. He kept doing it over and over and over, seeing the death of the Lost World over and over, seeing his father and himself part far too many times in far too many ways, making him nearly numb to the loss of his father.
While jumping from timeline to timeline, My Son realizes more of his time abilities, learning he can not just manipulate a singular timeline, but multiple at once. And not even that, he realizes he can even cut moments out of timelines and replaces them with one another, creating big changes like he's editing reality itself like a video. Due to this realization, the adult My Son's head wouldnt be a clock anymore but a movie reel container with a reel of reality inside. It would still be designed to look like his clock design though.
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Did you know, long before Gregory Horror Show appear on the small silverscreens in the late 90s and early 2000s, Gregory Horror Show started out as manga strips on Magazines,Twice. both in the 1960s (This was also a cleverly hidden reference seen on clockmaster's forehead) then again in 1998 in a computer-based magazine called Graphics World.
I did actually! Shoutout to the Discord server I’m in for that information. It’s interesting how long of a project Gregory Horror Show really is, and how we’re still finding little bits of information and lore even today.
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masu-pasu · 5 years
Gregory Horror Show Themed Ask Meme!
i don’t know why i did this
Gregory: Have you ever taught someone a lesson? What did you teach them? How did they react? Did it backfire? James: Have you ever played a prank on someone? If you’ve pulled many, which was your favorite? Gregory Mama: Do you desire anything? And, if so, would you be willing to do anything to get what you desire, no matter how morbid? Neko Zombie: Have you ever tried to help, only for it to go wrong? How did it turn out? Hell’s Chef: Do you like cooking? What is the oddest dish you’ve made? Catherine: Do you have an interest in something peculiar or disturbing? Mummy Papa: Have you ever been horribly ill? How has that turned out? Mummy Dog: Have you ever had an illness that you didn’t believe was as bad as it actually was? Judgement Boy: Have you ever had to deal with someone giving you flak for a mistake you’ve made? Do you believe it was justified? Judgement Boy Gold: Have you ever had to face the consequences for a mistake you’ve made? Do you believe it was justified? Roulette Boy: Do you like the thrill of chance, good luck, or a game where you’re unsure of how it may turn out? Cactus Gunman: Have you ever overestimated- or, -underestimated yourself? Cactus Girl: Are you protective over something, or someone? Angel Dog: Do you like to help people, even if it might end up costing you? Devil Dog: Are you willing to hurt people, depending on the circumstances? Clockmaster: Is there anything in your past you’d like to change? My Son: What kind of future do you expect for yourself? TV Fish: Is there a memory you’d like to forget? Fortune-Teller: Do you believe in fate or destiny? Do you believe you can change fate? Mirror of Truth: Is there anything you don’t want to admit to yourself? Guest: Is there anything you’d like to escape your reality from? Death: What are you scared of?
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ihave8eyes · 7 years
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More messy sketches, but it’s My son wearing a sorta different outfit, and sorta realistic Clockmaster eyes.
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