#Gregorio Scalise
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bologna, 5 febbraio: gregorio scalise in versi
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Gli artisti
Gli artisti dimenticano che l’aria scorre fra le dita, le ore ad ascoltare la radio brillano ottuse e stravaganti, la loro vicenda oscilla al limite di ogni ora; in nessun luogo gli oggetti si posano, eppure esistono in ogni fessura: la loro superba crudeltà si compone di minuti solenni. Gregorio Scalise
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Letture amArgine: alcune poesie di Gregorio Scalise
Letture amArgine: alcune poesie di Gregorio Scalise
E’ morto a Bologna il poeta Gregorio Scalise. Calabrese d’origine, aveva 81 anni ed era malato da tempo.
Le case che verdi hanno confini, come il segno continua la linea sopraffatta dal tempo o l’occhio che coglie immagini vive.
L’altro si configura come alleanza e sorpresa, tiene a bada il destino ma è…
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venticinque gennaio
Bill Viola, Emergence, 2002
Fra qualche tempo ore anni minuti non sarò neppure capace di invecchiare ma quanto rimarrà in me non vorrà avere età per svanire con qualche vanto o pianto di propositi perdutivorrà forse mostrarsi con il male ed il bene da mettere a confronto e un rimpianto solo là in fondo un puntino luminoso che continuerà a brillare dentro le ombre.(Roberto Rebora)
Masolino da Panicale, Pi…
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#Aldo Carotenuto#Alessandro Baricco#Bill Viola#Carlo Bo#Carlo Cecchi#David Grossman#Diego Valeri#Giorgio Gaber#Giuseppe Laterza#Gregorio Scalise#Krzysztof Pomian#Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza#Luis Marden#Roberto Rebora#Romano Màdera#Silvio Ceccato#Virginia Woolf#William Somerset Maugham
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#ITCteatro #SanLazzarodiSavena @teatrodellargine #ITCvillage . . . #smartphonephotography #blackandwhite #biancoenero by #MauroSquizDaviddi "BOÎTE À CONDUIRE" 🌳ITC Village🐥| Estate 2020🏖️ Reading teatrale di Gregorio Scalise con Vittoria De Carlo, Micaela Casalboni, Biljana Bibi Hamamdzieva regia originaria Salvatore Cardone https://www.instagram.com/p/CCzPKjsnD3-/?igshid=1go4zodsvp5xe
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New Post has been published on https://calabriawebtv.com/ndrangheta-sequestrati-e-confiscati-beni/
In data odierna, militari del gruppo della Guardia di Finanza di Lamezia Terme hanno dato esecuzione – come si legge in una nota stampa- al decreto di sequestro e confisca di beni mobili e immobili
emesso dal Tribunale di Catanzaro – sezione seconda penale, su richiesta del procuratore della repubblica di catanzaro, Nicola Gratteri, e del s.procuratore Elio Romano, della direzione distrettuale antimafia di catanzaro, nei confronti di Scalise Pino, Scalise Luciano e eredi di Scalise Daniele (deceduto): soggetti criminali appartenenti all’omonima cosca di ‘ndrangheta di Decollatura, contrapposta alla cosca dei Mezzatesta nella cosiddetta faida del reventino, iniziata di fatto con l’uccisione di Vescio Giovanni e Iannazzo Francesco, proseguita con gli omicidi di Scalise Daniele e Aiello Luigi, culminata con l’omicidio del noto avvocato del foro di lamezia terme Francesco Pagliuso e, da ultimo, con l’assassinio di Mezzatesta Gregorio, a Catanzaro; il tutto nell’ambito di un contesto criminale ‘ndranghetistico disvelato dalla cd. operazione “Reventinum”, eseguita nel gennaio dell’anno in corso, costituente il presupposto su cui il tribunale ha fondato il suddetto provvedimento ai sensi del d.lgs. 159/2011 e succ.mod.. la misura ablatoria ha riguardato: • 9 fabbricati per un valore di oltre un milione di euro; • 11 veicoli per un valore di 72.000 euro; • 6 terreni per un valore di 34.400 euro, per un valore complessivo stimato di circa un milione duecentomila euro.
Continua pertanto l’azione di contrasto al crimine organizzato coordinata da questo ufficio di procura, anche attraverso l’acquisizione allo stato dei patrimoni illecitamente accumulati da appartenenti ad una delle cosche di ‘ndrangheta del circondario della città della piana, particolarmente insidiosa anche alla luce delle recenti attività criminali perpetrate anche attraverso la commissione dei suddetti omicidi.
Il provvedimento cautelare patrimoniale del tribunale di catanzaro è stato adottato nei confronti di tre proposti, nonche di 4 eredi di Scalise Daniele.
Le investigazioni, infatti, hanno dimostrato che i beni nella disponibilità dei prevenuti sono di valore del tutto sproporzionato ed ingiustificato rispetto ai redditi leciti dichiarati ed al tenore di vita mantenuto.
Le indagini hanno inoltre consentito di mettere pienamente in luce la spiccata pericolosità sociale dei prevenuti con la dedizione degli stessi a traffici delittuosi, dei cui proventi i medesimi ed i loro familiari hanno vissuto abitualmente, in modo agiato, per anni.
In ragione della pericolosità sociale dei soggetti, analiticamente dimostrata dai complessi elementi acquisiti con le investigazioni delle Fiamme gialle lametine, è stata inoltre applicata nei confronti di Scalise Pino e Scalise Luciano la misura di prevenzione personale della sorveglianza speciale, con obbligo di soggiorno nel comune di residenza per la durata di anni cinque.
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Senate Passes Border Aid Bill, Sends It to House
The U.S. Senate on Wednesday approved a $4.6 billion bill to address the migrant surge at the border with Mexico, setting up a negotiation with the House of Representatives and President Donald Trump over the funds and how they should be spent.
Trump on May 1 requested the aid for programs that house, feed, transport and oversee record numbers of Central American families seeking asylum in the United States and straining capacity at migrant shelters in border cities.
The Republican president, who spoke with Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday, told reporters he believed Pelosi “wants to get something done.” He was optimistic about a congressional solution to help U.S. officials at the border who say they are overwhelmed by the surge of migrants.
Congressional leaders have a choice between a bill from the Republican-controlled Senate and a more restrictive $4.5 billion bill passed by the Democratic-led House on Tuesday night. They also could strike a compromise and send that to Trump.
With U.S. officials saying they will run out of money for border agencies soon, leaders of both parties stressed that the need is great.
“We’ve got Border Patrol agents right now pulling money out of their own pockets to pay for diapers for these kids,” Representative Steve Scalise, the No. 2 House Republican, told reporters.
The House-passed bill contains health and nutrition standards for migrants in custody as well as other controls on U.S. immigration agencies following reports of poor conditions facing children at overcrowded facilities. Trump has threatened to veto that approach and the Senate rejected it on Tuesday.
The Senate then passed its own proposal, which has fewer restrictions than the House version, but includes money – left out by the House – to pay overtime for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees. It also includes $145 million to help the Defense Department cover costs for Pentagon operations at the border that Trump ordered.
The two chambers must resolve their differences before sending legislation to Trump to sign into law. This puts Pelosi in a tough position. She worked hard to convince many progressive Democrats to back the House bill, and some are not keen on the Senate version.
Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dismissed the Senate’s measure. “The Senate bill is not a humanitarian bill by any stretch of the imagination,” she told reporters.
Pelosi called Trump Wednesday to “try to reconcile” the House and Senate bills and they talked for 15 minutes, a senior Democratic aide said. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said Pelosi suggested a few changes but Schumer did not outline them.
The Senate bill does not fund any additional ICE detention beds, and prohibits officials from using any of the appropriated funds for other purposes.
The Senate bill contains several provisions that backers hope will make it more attractive to House Democrats. For instance, the measure prohibits ICE from going after undocumented immigrants based on information obtained from potential sponsors of unaccompanied migrant children.
Lawmakers hurried to pass legislation before taking a recess next week. Their action follows an outcry over conditions at the border. Attorneys last week found more than 300 migrant children in an overcrowded Texas border patrol station, where they said some had been held for weeks in squalid conditions.
(Additional reporting by Richard Cowan; editing by Chris Reese, James Dalgleish and David Gregorio)
from IJR https://ift.tt/2LoaB75 via IFTTT
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What You Can Do for Sharks
We’re in the full swing of beach season, and every year, without fail, news outlets will post stories about the dreaded shark fin-sighting on the horizon, striking fear into the hearts of potential beachgoers and causing panic on the shore.
Instead of inspiring fear, however, these shark sightings should inspire hope. Not only do sharks play extremely important roles in balancing ocean ecosystems as top predators, they also play important roles in coastal-tourism economies. Shark-based tourism is a booming industry in the U.S., as more and more divers want to swim with these magnificent creatures. But shark tourism depends wholly on healthy shark populations, and unfortunately, many shark species are in trouble.
Wide-ranging threats
Right now, it’s especially impossible to ignore that our oceans are facing an array of threats, including plastic pollution, threats to open new U.S. waters to offshore oil drilling, and congressional attempts to undermine key conservation regulations that govern our nation’s fisheries.
With challenges like these, it’s easy to feel hopeless when it comes to solving environmental issues. But what if there was a bright spot on the horizon — a real solution that would bolster the United States’ role as a leader in shark conservation?
Current legislation
Currently, there is legislation in Congress that would ban the buying and selling of shark fins in the United States, removing our country once and for all from this terrible trade. Senators Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), and Representatives Ed Royce (R-C.A.) and Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan (I-M.P.) introduced the bipartisan Shark Fin Trade/Sales Elimination Act (S.793/H.R.1456) last year. And even better news? This legislation is most widely supported in Congress, co-sponsored by a majority of House members (239) as well as 33 senators from both parties. This bill is a simple, cost-effective solution that would remove the U.S. from the shark-fin trade entirely.
Demand for shark fins
The demand for shark fins is one of the greatest threats facing global shark populations. Similar to how the ivory trade has decimated elephant populations, many shark species are threatened due to demand for their fins. In fact, fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the global market every year, with some coming from species that are considered at high risk of extinction. As a result, some shark populations have declined by more than 90 percent compared to historic levels. Although the brutal and wasteful act of shark finning — slicing the fins off a shark, often still alive, and dumping the animal overboard to bleed to death — is illegal in U.S. waters, fins from countries with no finning regulations are still imported into our country every year, mainly for use in shark-fin soup.
This is particularly troubling since shark populations are especially vulnerable to exploitation. Many of the species targeted for their fins have long lifespans, mature slowly, and produce relatively few young, making them very slow to recover from unsustainable fishing.
Closing the loophole
To be fair, shark conservation in the United States has come a long way in recent decades. Over the past 20 years, Congress has passed several pieces of legislation to stop finning in U.S. waters, including the Shark Finning Prohibition Act in 2000 and the Shark Conservation Act in 2010.
Although both laws were great steps forward for shark conservation, legislation must fix the loophole allowing importation of fins. The U.S. is still indirectly incentivizing shark finning by importing fins from countries that have no regulations against finning. And although finning is illegal here, unfortunately it still happens. The most recent case involves a bust of a Key West shrimp vessel loaded with dismembered fins.
Once a shark fin is detached and enters the market, it is nearly impossible to determine whether it was removed from a shark that was caught for its meat or from a shark that was finned and then dumped at sea. Any bowl of shark-fin soup in the United States could contain fins from a finned shark. The best way to ensure that the U.S. is not supporting shark finning would be an outright ban on the trade of shark fins.
Consequences of finning
The fin trade not only has dire ecological consequences, it also can affect coastal tourism. According to a 2016 independent economic report commissioned by Oceana, shark-related dives in Florida alone generated more than $221 million in revenue and fueled over 3,700 jobs in 2016. This stands in stark contrast with the total U.S. shark fin export market, which was worth only $850,000 the same year.
A national ban on the trade of shark fins would not only protect sharks, remove the United States from the global-fin trade, and empower the U.S. to encourage other countries to do the same, but would also ensure that dive businesses continue to thrive. If sharks disappear so too could the jobs that depend on healthy ocean ecosystems.
Support for a ban on shark fins is not limited to just one industry or region. Twelve states, 40 airlines, 20 shipping companies, 85 surfers and surf businesses, 150 scientists, over 150 chefs, multiple recreational fishing groups and over 500 U.S. organizations and businesses all either support a national fin ban or have implemented their own ban. According to a 2016 national poll, there is broad bipartisan support for the legislation, with eight in 10 Americans supporting such a ban.
Sharks are among the oldest living vertebrate predators on the planet, originating around 420 million years ago, almost 200 million years before dinosaurs walked the Earth. They have survived mass extinction events and shifting ocean ecosystems. The grim reality, however, is that they may not survive contact with humans if we don’t act to save them before it’s too late.
To protect sharks, we must end the demand for shark fins, starting here at home. It is time for Congress to demonstrate leadership and pass this important legislation.
Get involved
The Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act has a good chance of passing this year, but right now, it needs an extra push to help get it across the finish line in Congress. Here are a few ways you can help:
Learn more
Visit oceana.org/FinBanNow to learn more about the global shark-fin trade and why we need a national ban in the United States. Tell Congress to pass the fin ban by calling your state representatives and senators. You can also add your voice to Oceana’s petition.
Contact Congress
In the House of Representatives, Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT), Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, can decide whether to allow this bill to move forward out of committee. House leadership, including Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), have the authority to bring this legislation to a vote on the House Floor.
Please contact these three members and ask them to support the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act and keep this bill moving forward in Congress.
Representative Bishop’s office: 202-225-0453, Facebook
Leader Kevin McCarthy’s office: 202-225-4000, Twitter; Facebook; Instagram
Representative Steve Scalise’s office: 202-225-3015, Twitter; Facebook; Instagram
Tweet your support:
Call on leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act by clicking this link. You will be re-directed to your Twitter account with the message below automatically added to your Twitter status box — simply click to tweet.
“The global shark fin trade is one of the greatest threats to sharks worldwide. The U.S. must pass the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act and ban the trade of shark fins. @SpeakerRyan @NancyPelosi @GOPLeader @SteveScalise @WhipHoyer”
By guest author Whitney Webber, Oceana Campaign Director
The post What You Can Do for Sharks appeared first on Scuba Diver Life.
from Scuba Diver Life https://ift.tt/2LVShQt
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Scalise back on baseball field a year after shooting
(Reuters) – U.S. Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana will play second base in a charity baseball game at Washington Nationals Park on Thursday, a year after being wounded by a gunman who opened fire on Republican lawmakers during baseball practice.
FILE PHOTO: House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) heads to the House floor before a vote to pass a budget and to end a government shutdown on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., February 9, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo
“It’s been a long road to this day. I’m grateful for the support and prayers from my colleagues and friends,” Scalise, No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, wrote on Twitter. “They were with me the entire way. Let’s play some baseball!”
Members of Congress will take to the field in Washington for Thursday night’s charity game, which is due to begin at around 7 p.m. ET (2300 GMT).
Scalise, 52, was critically injured early on the morning of June 14, 2017 when 66-year-old James Hodgkinson shot at Republican lawmakers as they practiced in Alexandria, Virginia for an annual charity baseball game between Republicans and Democrats.
FILE PHOTO: U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) points after being acknowledged during U.S. President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., January 30, 2018. REUTERS/Win McNamee/Pool/File Photo
Scalise was hit in his left hip, sustaining injuries to internal organs, broken bones and severe bleeding.
Hodgkinson, from the St. Louis suburb of Belleville, Illinois, had posted angry messages on social media criticizing U.S. President Donald Trump and other Republicans politicians before he launched the attack. He died after being wounded in a gunfight with Capitol Hill police.
Scalise underwent multiple operations and physical therapy following the shooting. On Thursday, he told CNN in an interview during an early morning baseball practice that he had been unable to fully recall the incident until just a few weeks ago.
“I’ve starting to be able to walk without crutches, but I don’t quite have the balance to be able to move at a good pace,” Scalise told CNN.
Reporting by Gina Cherelus in New York; Editing by Daniel Wallis and David Gregorio
The post Scalise back on baseball field a year after shooting appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2laJ4rq via Today News
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Scalise back on baseball field a year after shooting
(Reuters) – U.S. Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana will play second base in a charity baseball game at Washington Nationals Park on Thursday, a year after being wounded by a gunman who opened fire on Republican lawmakers during baseball practice.
FILE PHOTO: House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) heads to the House floor before a vote to pass a budget and to end a government shutdown on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., February 9, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo
“It’s been a long road to this day. I’m grateful for the support and prayers from my colleagues and friends,” Scalise, No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, wrote on Twitter. “They were with me the entire way. Let’s play some baseball!”
Members of Congress will take to the field in Washington for Thursday night’s charity game, which is due to begin at around 7 p.m. ET (2300 GMT).
Scalise, 52, was critically injured early on the morning of June 14, 2017 when 66-year-old James Hodgkinson shot at Republican lawmakers as they practiced in Alexandria, Virginia for an annual charity baseball game between Republicans and Democrats.
FILE PHOTO: U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) points after being acknowledged during U.S. President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., January 30, 2018. REUTERS/Win McNamee/Pool/File Photo
Scalise was hit in his left hip, sustaining injuries to internal organs, broken bones and severe bleeding.
Hodgkinson, from the St. Louis suburb of Belleville, Illinois, had posted angry messages on social media criticizing U.S. President Donald Trump and other Republicans politicians before he launched the attack. He died after being wounded in a gunfight with Capitol Hill police.
Scalise underwent multiple operations and physical therapy following the shooting. On Thursday, he told CNN in an interview during an early morning baseball practice that he had been unable to fully recall the incident until just a few weeks ago.
“I’ve starting to be able to walk without crutches, but I don’t quite have the balance to be able to move at a good pace,” Scalise told CNN.
Reporting by Gina Cherelus in New York; Editing by Daniel Wallis and David Gregorio
The post Scalise back on baseball field a year after shooting appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2laJ4rq via Everyday News
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Scalise back on baseball field a year after shooting
(Reuters) – U.S. Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana will play second base in a charity baseball game at Washington Nationals Park on Thursday, a year after being wounded by a gunman who opened fire on Republican lawmakers during baseball practice.
FILE PHOTO: House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) heads to the House floor before a vote to pass a budget and to end a government shutdown on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., February 9, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo
“It’s been a long road to this day. I’m grateful for the support and prayers from my colleagues and friends,” Scalise, No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, wrote on Twitter. “They were with me the entire way. Let’s play some baseball!”
Members of Congress will take to the field in Washington for Thursday night’s charity game, which is due to begin at around 7 p.m. ET (2300 GMT).
Scalise, 52, was critically injured early on the morning of June 14, 2017 when 66-year-old James Hodgkinson shot at Republican lawmakers as they practiced in Alexandria, Virginia for an annual charity baseball game between Republicans and Democrats.
FILE PHOTO: U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) points after being acknowledged during U.S. President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., January 30, 2018. REUTERS/Win McNamee/Pool/File Photo
Scalise was hit in his left hip, sustaining injuries to internal organs, broken bones and severe bleeding.
Hodgkinson, from the St. Louis suburb of Belleville, Illinois, had posted angry messages on social media criticizing U.S. President Donald Trump and other Republicans politicians before he launched the attack. He died after being wounded in a gunfight with Capitol Hill police.
Scalise underwent multiple operations and physical therapy following the shooting. On Thursday, he told CNN in an interview during an early morning baseball practice that he had been unable to fully recall the incident until just a few weeks ago.
“I’ve starting to be able to walk without crutches, but I don’t quite have the balance to be able to move at a good pace,” Scalise told CNN.
Reporting by Gina Cherelus in New York; Editing by Daniel Wallis and David Gregorio
The post Scalise back on baseball field a year after shooting appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2laJ4rq via Online News
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Scalise back on baseball field a year after shooting
(Reuters) – U.S. Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana will play second base in a charity baseball game at Washington Nationals Park on Thursday, a year after being wounded by a gunman who opened fire on Republican lawmakers during baseball practice.
FILE PHOTO: House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) heads to the House floor before a vote to pass a budget and to end a government shutdown on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., February 9, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo
“It’s been a long road to this day. I’m grateful for the support and prayers from my colleagues and friends,” Scalise, No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, wrote on Twitter. “They were with me the entire way. Let’s play some baseball!”
Members of Congress will take to the field in Washington for Thursday night’s charity game, which is due to begin at around 7 p.m. ET (2300 GMT).
Scalise, 52, was critically injured early on the morning of June 14, 2017 when 66-year-old James Hodgkinson shot at Republican lawmakers as they practiced in Alexandria, Virginia for an annual charity baseball game between Republicans and Democrats.
FILE PHOTO: U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) points after being acknowledged during U.S. President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., January 30, 2018. REUTERS/Win McNamee/Pool/File Photo
Scalise was hit in his left hip, sustaining injuries to internal organs, broken bones and severe bleeding.
Hodgkinson, from the St. Louis suburb of Belleville, Illinois, had posted angry messages on social media criticizing U.S. President Donald Trump and other Republicans politicians before he launched the attack. He died after being wounded in a gunfight with Capitol Hill police.
Scalise underwent multiple operations and physical therapy following the shooting. On Thursday, he told CNN in an interview during an early morning baseball practice that he had been unable to fully recall the incident until just a few weeks ago.
“I’ve starting to be able to walk without crutches, but I don’t quite have the balance to be able to move at a good pace,” Scalise told CNN.
Reporting by Gina Cherelus in New York; Editing by Daniel Wallis and David Gregorio
The post Scalise back on baseball field a year after shooting appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2laJ4rq via Breaking News
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Two key Republicans agree on national flood insurance
Two key Republicans agree on national flood insurance
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Two senior U.S. House of Representatives Republicans said on Friday they have agreed on terms for the reauthorization of the deeply indebted National Flood Insurance Program.
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) speaks at the Values Voter Summit of the Family Research Council in Washington, U.S. October 13, 2017. REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling of Texas said in a statement: “The bill we support will begin to make the flood insurance program more stable and sustainable for the people who count on it. We look forward to bringing this legislation to the House soon and urge our colleagues to support it.”
They did not provide any details of the agreement.
Lawmakers are wrestling with how to handle the flood insurance program’s expiration on Dec. 8. It is at least $24.6 billion in debt to the U.S. Treasury and likely to face billions of dollars in additional costs due to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which struck Texas and Florida in recent weeks.
The program was extended 17 times between 2008 and 2012 and lapsed four times in that period. A 2012 law extended the program to September.
In October the House and Senate approved $16 billion of funding to help the program cover claims from recent natural disasters after reaching its borrowing limit.
Reporting by Chris Sanders; Editing by Sandra Maler and David Gregorio
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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Two key Republicans agree on national flood insurance
Two key Republicans agree on national flood insurance
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Two senior U.S. House of Representatives Republicans said on Friday they have agreed on terms for the reauthorization of the deeply indebted National Flood Insurance Program.
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) speaks at the Values Voter Summit of the Family Research Council in Washington, U.S. October 13, 2017. REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling of Texas said in a statement: “The bill we support will begin to make the flood insurance program more stable and sustainable for the people who count on it. We look forward to bringing this legislation to the House soon and urge our colleagues to support it.”
They did not provide any details of the agreement.
Lawmakers are wrestling with how to handle the flood insurance program’s expiration on Dec. 8. It is at least $24.6 billion in debt to the U.S. Treasury and likely to face billions of dollars in additional costs due to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which struck Texas and Florida in recent weeks.
The program was extended 17 times between 2008 and 2012 and lapsed four times in that period. A 2012 law extended the program to September.
In October the House and Senate approved $16 billion of funding to help the program cover claims from recent natural disasters after reaching its borrowing limit.
Reporting by Chris Sanders; Editing by Sandra Maler and David Gregorio
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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Operazione "Reventium": dodici fermi per associazione di tipo mafiosa
New Post has been published on https://calabriawebtv.com/operazione-reventium-dodici-fermi-per-associazione-di-tipo-mafiosa/
Operazione "Reventium": dodici fermi per associazione di tipo mafiosa
Dodici arresti in tutta Italia, dalla Calabria all’Ossola nel maxi blitz contro la ’ndrangheta scattato questa mattina e coordinato dai carabinieri del comando provinciale di Catanzaro nell’ambito dell’operazione «Reventium».
Il fermo per 12 persone in tutta Italia è stato disposto dalla Direzione distrettuale antimafia calabrese guidata da Nicola Gratteri. Destinatari sono gli affiliati a due cosche in contrasto tra loro che operano sulla Sila. Secondo gli inquirenti quella sgominata è una faida che era scaturita per il controllo dell’attività criminale nel territorio montano catanzarese.
Le indagini erano partite dopo gli omicidi dell’avvocato Francesco Pagliuso il 9 agosto 2016 a Lamezia Terme e quello di Gregorio Mezzatesta la mattina del 24 giugno 2017 a Lamezia Terme. Secondo gli inquirenti ci sarebbero due distinte e contrapposte cosche: gli Scalise e i Mezzatesta, scissione del gruppo storico «della montagna» catanzarese dopo l’omicidio nel 2001 di Pino Scalise.
La moglie del capo dei Mezzatesta era a Domodossola
Tra i fermati nella giornata di oggi gli inquirenti riconoscono ruoli di vertice a Pino Scalise e Luciano Scalise: loro infatti avrebbero avuto il potere decisione in ordine all’attività criminale da svolgere. Nella costa invece dei Mezzatesta il ruolo di capo era di Domenica Mezzatesta: la donna arrestata a Domodossola – Ionela Tutuianu – aveva invece il compito di tenere «operativi» i rapporti tra gli affiliati in carcere e quelli in libertà.
Ecco i nomi delle 12 persone fermate tra Calabria e Ossola:
Scalise Pino, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso con ruolo verticistico nell’organizzazione
Scalise Luciano, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso con ruolo verticistico nell’organizzazione
Scalzo Andrea, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso
Rotella Angelo, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso
Domanico Vincenzo Mario, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso
Mingoia Salvatore Domenico, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso
Bonacci Cleo, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso
Tomaino Eugenio, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso
Roperti Giuliano, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso con ruolo verticistico nell’organizzazione
Tutuianu Ionela, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso con ruolo di partecipe
Mezzatesta Giovanni, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso con ruolo verticistico nell’organizzazione
Mezzatesta Livio, cui viene contestato il reato di associazione per delinquere di stampo mafioso con ruolo verticistico nell’organizzazione
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