#Green Preservatives Industry
coldpenguintaco · 1 month
Future of Green Preservatives: Market Trends and End-Use Applications Shaping the Industry to 2028
In terms of value, the green preservatives market is estimated to grow from USD 1.1 billion in 2023 to USD 1.5 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 7.1%. Rising demand for natural preservatives from industries such as food & beverage, personal care & cosmetic, cleaning industry, pharmaceuticals, and others for a variety of applications is leading the market. During the forecast period, this is…
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mr-saavik · 3 months
AJ tentative life plans for next year (who knows what is going to happen though): graduate with my bachelors in cinema studies & English -> get top surgery -> recover -> take a semester or two off getting a low level job in a library to see if I like it -> if I do like it, apply to do a library/archival science masters online -> become archivist/librarian and work towards some kind of film related work. If I DON'T like it or don't think I could survive grad school, cry and scream and throw up because idk what else to do
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headspace-hotel · 4 months
Oh my god I'm sooooo mad right now
So. I have no business telling people not to collect wild plants/materials.
I do it all the time.
The words "wildcrafted," and "foraged," even "sustainably harvested," are terrifying to see in an ad on Etsy or Instagram
There is a such thing as the honorable harvest where you ASK the plant if it is okay to take, with the intention of listening if the answer is NO. Robin Wall Kimmerer talked about this, She did not make it up, it is an ancient and basic guideline of treating the plants with respect.
Basically it is not wrong to use plants and other living things, even if this means taking their life. But you are not the main character. You have to reflect on your knowledge of the organism's life cycle and its role in the ecosystem, so you can know you are not damaging the ecosystem. You have to only take what you need and avoid depleting the population.
Mary Siisip Geniusz also talked about it in an enlightening way in her book Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have To Do is Ask. She gave an example of a woman who was on an island and needed to use a medicinal herb to heal her injured leg or she would not survive the winter. In that situation she had to use up all of the plant that was on the island. This was permissible, even though it eliminated the local population, because she had to do it to save her life. But in return the woman had the responsibility to later return to the island and plant seeds of that plant.
And what makes me absolutely furious, is that there are a bunch of people online who have vaguely copied this philosophy of sustainability in a false and insulting way, saying "wildcrafted" or "foraged" materials to be all trendy and cool and in touch with nature, when it is actually just poaching.
If you are from a capitalistic culture the honorable harvest is very hard and unintuitive to learn to practice. I am not very good at it still. This is why it is suspicious if someone is confident that they can ethically and respectfully harvest wild materials with money involved.
So there's this lichen that is often called "reindeer moss." It looks like this:
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It grows only a few millimeters a year.
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This is "preserved" reindeer moss.
It is from Etsy, similar is also sold in many other online shops, many of which have the audacity to describe it as a "plant" for decorations and terrariums that needs no maintenance.
It is not maintenance-free, it is dead. It has been spray-painted a horrible shade of green. The people buying it clearly don't even know what it is. It is a popular crafting material for "fairy houses," whatever the hell those are. So is moss, also dead, spray-painted, and wild-harvested. Supposedly reindeer moss is harvested sustainably in Finland, where it is abundant, for the craft industry. However poaching of lichens and mosses is absolutely rampant.
It's even more upsetting because there's hardly any articles drawing attention to the problem. This one is from 1999. And the poaching is still going on.
There is a "moss" section on Etsy, and it is so upsetting
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These mosses and lichens were collected from the wild. Most of the shops are in the Pacific Northwest or Appalachia, which are the major locations of moss and lichen poaching. There are some shops based in Appalachia selling "foraged" reindeer moss.
Reindeer moss may be abundant in Finland, but in Appalachia it should NOT be harvested to be sold on Etsy as craft supplies! Moss doesn't grow quickly. Big, healthy colonies like this took years to grow. Some of these shops have thousands of sales, all of bags and bags of moss and lichen, and thinking of how much moss and lichen that must be, I am filled with horror.
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Clubmosses do not transplant well, and these ones have no roots. The buyers do not realize they have bought a dead plant because clubmoss stays green and pliable after it is dead.
This is especially awful because in Mary Siisip Geniusz's book she talked about clubmosses being poached so much for Christmas wreaths that they had almost disappeared from a lot of forests.
I don't even know if this is illegal if it's not a formally endangered species so I don't know if I can report them I'm just. really sad and angry
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reality-detective · 2 months
“I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation.
Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.)
He: Well, that's quite a list... But I'd have to easily say that they're all toxic to humans... Used in fertilizers... Pesticides... To stop the heart... To preserve a dead body... They're registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why?
Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I'd put my daughter in harm's way... But what would legally happen to me?
He: Odd question... But you'd likely be charged with criminal negligence... perhaps with intent to kill... and of course child abuse... Your child would be taken away from you... Do you know of someone's who's doing this to their child? This is criminal...
Me: An industry... These are the ingredients used in vaccines... With binding agents to make sure the body won't flush these out... To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely...
The man was beside himself. He asked if I would email him all this information. He wanted to share it with his adult kids who are parents. He was horrified and felt awful he didn't know... his kids are vaccinated and they have health issues...”
~  By  Iris Figueroa
Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients present in routine vaccines:
◾️Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.
◾️Betapropiolactone - Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.
◾️Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.
◾️Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.
◾️Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism.
◾️Polysorbate 80 & 20 - Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain.
◾️Glutaraldehyde - Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment.
◾️Fetal Bovine Serum - Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter.
◾️Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells - aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own.
◾️African Green Monkey Kidney Cells - Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans.
◾️Acetone - Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage.
◾️E.Coli - Yes, you read that right.
◾️DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1
◾️Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)
You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website: 👇
You are always welcome to do your own research, in fact I encourage you to do so. 🤔
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Today, it’s common to see farms covered in plastic. It lines the sides of greenhouses, blankets fields as “plastic mulch,” covers hoop houses, and winds through farms as irrigation tubes, among other forms. In satellite images, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has observed the typically golden and green agricultural fields turned white, as though dusted in snow, from all of the plastic. Agriculture is responsible for 3.5 percent of global plastic production, a figure that may seem small until you consider the sheer volume of plastics produced: around 400 million metric tons per year.
The Earth’s soils have become a waste bin of the world’s plastics. Soil is thought to be even more polluted with microplastics than the ocean, which contains an estimated 358 trillion plastic particles. Agricultural soils have been called a “reservoir” for not just the plastic produced on farms, but also plastics from other industrial sources that enter the water to eventually wash up on farms during a flood, or are carried by the wind. In a world where all industries run on plastics, these fine particles can also find their way onto farms through poultry litter, sewage sludge applied to soils, and even fertilizer. “There are currently no viable remediation techniques,” said Cusworth. “If you want to remove them from the soil, [the solution] is to stop producing them in the first place.” The major producers of plastics, like ExxonMobil and Dow, continue to sell plastic to farmers as a way to adapt to extreme weather conditions like drought and flooding. For instance, ExxonMobil promises that plastic sheets, like those used by Emmert, will “protect and preserve harvests in even the most demanding weather conditions.” Yet the production of plastics—a derivative of fossil fuels, typically obtained through fracking—is a major contributor to climate change, responsible for over 5 percent of global emissions. This creates a vicious cycle, where the production of plastic drives climate change, which drives up demand for plastics on farms. Extreme weather also causes plastics to degrade more quickly, causing microplastic litter. Indeed, a 2021 report from the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Administration noted that the demand for plastic on farms is projected to grow by 50 percent between 2018 and 2030.
5 June 2024
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mewguca · 2 months
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Since Tumblr allows me to write text, here it is transcribed into the post itself, yay <3:
Why I think the Fifth Urge being tied to the Concept Of "The Self" Is Really Cool!!
(aka my Apocryphal Texts personal interpretation of the fifth urge lol) - by egguca/mewguca
My personal favorite label/title for the Fifth Urge is "Self-Preservation", as it lends itself quite nicely into double-meanings. I also interpret the Urges as manifesting differently on a base level VS on a higher level. (like with animals vs with people, though people can still regress to displaying baser forms of the urges. Hopefully that makes sense?)
On a base level, "self-preservation" manifests as a survival instinct.
To preserve one's current life, rather than accepting death and rebirth. Lesser beings seem to struggle with this greatly, as the slugcats we play as (vanilla) cannot move past Fifth Karma without external assistance (FP or Echoes). I think a lot of people tend to focus on this due to Survivor's association with the symbol.
On a higher level, this is the preservation of the "Ego." Of the very idea of the self. One's self-image. Ascension is often referred to as
"crossing oneself out", so wouldn't that naturally mean to accept an extinguishment of the self? Of course, Ascension is intentionally vague, but I feel like it makes a lot of sense for the Fifth Urge to be tied to ego, at least on a higher level.
In-Game References
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Notice how Karma 5 is displayed over the Ancient's face, which is crossed out. This is not seen in any of the other murals. Coincidence?? I think not! /ref
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Bright Blue Industrial Pearl
"Abatement of the Self" is mentioned. Shoutouts to "the self" being mentioned.
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Bright Red Farm Arrays Pearl / Sky Islands Dark Blue/Green
Moon mentions "ego" here. In Latin, "Ego" means "I." Thus, Ego is tied to the concept of the "Self." The concept of
"crossing oneself out" is tied to the concept of Ascension, and this suggests that the Persistence of the "Self" is (possibly, there are other ideas for this what causes "Echoes" to form.
This stresses the importance of shedding the Fifth Urge in all its manifestations.
*(I'm not trying to argue my interpretation is "correct" or anything; this is just for fun, lol. Do what you want! It's why this is titled "why I think it's really Cool" and not "why it's correct")
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introvertedlass · 5 months
I've been talking about this for a while now both here, LSA and in private chats. Portugal has been trying to market itself as the European Hollywood since 2020 (one of the article I list is from 2018). I'm sure it's been going on even longer. Connect the dots.
I mean, I don't work in the industry but I can read.
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roguesynapses · 1 month
i feel like a lot of nihilistic and especially ecological green anarchist ideas would make a lot more sense with the context, of, say, Desert (e.g. readdesert.org). like, getting people to follow an ideology or whatever isn't really the Goal, nor is offering solutions (that seek to perpetuate the existing state of affairs). in fact, such things are really antithetical to what nihilists are doing/arguing for, really. would def def def recommend desert and other nihilist texts like Blessed Is The Flame
i have read desert and while it's certainly interesting i gotta be honest i am very much against the idea that our future is already decided and the only thing to really be done is an almost hedonistic self destruction before basking in the catharsis of the supposed collapse in a "i told you so" kind of way.
yes, the climate will very likely get worse, which will lead to a lot of people dying. yes, the leftist movement is fractured, scattered, where half of us would rather emulate our oppressors than do something about it. yes, trying to preserve some technology and industry means the planet has to be somewhat exploited and people have to labor. but i'd much rather take a chance of 7-8 billion people living on this planet with reduced electricity and less ability to travel and lives in free communes supported by mutual aid networks than have to live or have my children live in a world of one billion people ruled by petty tyrants farming grain for 14 hours a day in the melting permafrost.
i'd rather fucking try something that's not "lol let's overdose on speed and bomb a police station"
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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Central Park is a famous and iconic urban park located in the heart of Manhattan, New York City. It is one of the most visited and well-known parks in the world, covering an area of approximately 843 acres (341 hectares). Central Park offers a wide range of recreational, cultural, and natural attractions for both residents and visitors to enjoy.
Here are some key features and aspects of Central Park:
History: Central Park was designed by landscape architects Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux and was officially opened in 1858. It was created to provide a green oasis in the midst of the rapidly growing and industrializing city, serving as a place for relaxation, recreation, and cultural enrichment.
Landscape and Design: The park's design incorporates a diverse array of landscapes, including open meadows, woodlands, ponds, lakes, and formal gardens. It features winding pathways, picturesque bridges, and scenic vistas. The design was influenced by the "romantic" or naturalistic style, with the intention of creating a harmonious environment where visitors could escape the hustle and bustle of the city.
Attractions: Central Park boasts numerous attractions, including:
The Central Park Zoo: A small but popular zoo within the park.
The Central Park Conservatory Garden: A beautifully landscaped formal garden.
The Great Lawn: A vast open space often used for concerts and events.
The Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir: A scenic jogging and walking track around a large reservoir.
Bethesda Terrace and Fountain: An iconic gathering spot with stunning architectural features.
Strawberry Fields: A tribute to John Lennon, featuring the "Imagine" mosaic.
The Loeb Boathouse: Offering boat rentals and dining with a view of the Central Park Lake.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: While not technically part of the park, it is located along its eastern edge, often referred to as the "Museum Mile."
Activities: Visitors can engage in a wide range of activities within Central Park, such as jogging, picnicking, biking, bird-watching, horseback riding, and ice skating in the winter. The park also hosts various events, including concerts, theater performances, and outdoor movies during the summer months.
Conservancy: The Central Park Conservancy is a private, nonprofit organization that plays a significant role in maintaining and preserving the park. It raises funds for park improvements, restoration projects, and ongoing maintenance efforts.
Filming Location: Central Park has been a popular location for movies and television shows over the years, making it instantly recognizable to audiences around the world.
Central Park's enduring popularity and iconic status make it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to New York City. It provides a peaceful and natural escape in the midst of the urban jungle and serves as a testament to the value of green spaces in urban planning.
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nardo-headcanons · 11 months
Kirigakure Worldbuilding II - Specialties
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Inspired by a recent conversation I had with @pxssy-stuntin-for-itxchi, I got wanted to add more to my Kirigakure worldbuiling post!
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Food Preservation Since except for a month during the winter, it never really gets cold in Kirigakure. This has lead to its citizens becoming very creative at enhancing the shelf life of the food that they have. Meat/fish is dry-aged and smoked, fruits are turned into preserve, cheong, or slow-dried. Dairy is a luxury in the water realm, so there are a lot of plant based dairy alternatives already, so it’s no surprise the wave realm has a quite big vegetarian and vegan population. Even though their spice tolerance is not the highest, when talking SALT tolerance, no village can beat Kiri. They are VERY generous with salting their food. In order to get a smokey flavor to any dish, you can obtain smoked salt everywhere in the country. The water realm was the first region the come up with the concept of fermentation of food. Milk is turned into yoghurt and cabbage is turned into kimchi and its more popular variant - sauerkraut. Fun fact: Suigetsu comes from a high ranking caste, so he actually was able to afford dairy yoghurt and jello with actual gelatine, and they're his favorite foods.
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Kimchi and Sauerkraut
The general spice tolerance of Kiri citizens is not the highest across the shinobi world, so kimchi is mostly exported to Konoha and Suna. The cabbage grown in the water realm is specifically bred to be extra heat resistant and crunchy. In order to cut down on waste, the excess is turned into sauerkraut juice. To put less of a strain on the public healthcare system, the water realm government has issued its citizens to exercise and eat healthy – especially children. To get more children to drink sauerkraut juice, it is produced in portable, biodegradable little juice boxes which are handed out for free in the Kirigakure academy. Every Kiri genin has tasted it atleast once. Scurvy was once a big problem for most shinobi going on long term stealth missionas, since most just lived off dried meat and crackers, except for Kiri Nin, since they always carry sauerkraut juice (and kumquats) with them.
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Mangos: With their sweet and fruity taste, they’re popular amongst children, especially when dried, rolled into balls with an added sugar crust. While other countries see them as a special treat they’re a staple in Kiri. Papaya: Another Kiri staple. It is eaten either as a fruit in its orange form or in its green form in more hearty dishes. The seeds are ground and sold as a pepper alternative. Its extracts of the are used by the Kiri beauty industry, which is the biggest one, closely followed by Suna's beauty industry. Peaches: Often grown on the mountaintops of the water realm, they’re loved all over the country. Peach trees are seen as a sign of fertility, renewal and good luck. The pits are turned into persipan, which many foreigners don't like. Durian: Those stinky fruit are banned in Kiri’s public spaces. However, it is still the most popular fruit overall, so only a few get exported yearly, much to the other countries' durian lovers' chagrin. Jackfruit: Not a lot of Kiri citizens like its fleshy texture but it is often used as meat alternative by Kiri’s large plant-based population. Lychee: They’re often sugared and canned, or added to jelly. They're amongst the most popular fruit to make cheong with.
Kumquat: Kiri nin love them because they’re basically easily portable, vitamin c filled snacks. Other honorable mentions include: Rambutan, Mangosteen, Starfruit, Cherimoya, Soursop, Yuzu and Tamarillo.
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Jelly If you’ve read my last post on Kiri specialties, you probably know that instead of manufactured candy, Sweet tooths (teeth?) in Kiri chomp down on dried fruit, fermented sugary sticky rice and – jelly. Gelatine, like most non fish animal products, is a luxury so most jellies are made with agar-agar, a plant based “gelatine”. Just take some fruit juice and set it with agar – and there you have jelly. Most foreigners find Kiri’s obsession with jelly pudding off-putting, but that doesn’t stop them. Fun fact: Suigetsu comes from a high ranking caste, so he actually was able to afford dairy yoghurt and jello with actual gelatine, and they're his favorite foods. Non food fun fact: As genetic engineering gets more advanced and Kirigakure already having no issues using bacteria, they're also the biggest exporter of nutrient agar for agar plates which are used for the cultivation of bacteria and funghi. Kigakure is the leading village when it comes to biological and medical advancements, which is why Orochimaru has visited very often (and eventually ran into Kimimaro)
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yuurei20 · 3 months
Epel Facts Part 9: Epel's Hometown (pt2)
Harveston's local market offers berries, vegetables, wild greens and mushrooms from the mountain, “So locals generally don’t spend money on wild plants.”
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When Grim announces that he wants to go eat everything the mountain has to offer Epel explains, “Folks like you are why nobody shares the good foragin’ spots with other people.”
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Forestry is another big industry for Harveston due to the trees that surround it, and Epel says that they are famous for certain whistles carved into birds: “They say if you blow on one when you’re feeling frightened or down in the dumps, it’ll perk you right up.”
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The village also makes its own soap. Epel says the word “Kokko” means “bonfire” in an ancient Shaftlands language, and that is the name of the village’s market.
Apple pies seem to be a big thing for local families, offered for free to visitors during the annual festival.
Epel says that “pretty much every house in Harveston” has a cuckoo clock, and the village also produces a pretty big garlic crop: “Our goods aren’t super fancy or trendy, but they’re top quality and made with pride!”
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Epel is also proud of the village’s nature.
Epel even gives a lecture about stucco and the limestone used in the building of the local homes, saying that people call Harveston houses “homes that breathe.”
He explains how they preserve produce by burying it in a snow inside of barns and they don’t use fairies for their fireplaces (they also have central heating and heaters) and burn wood themselves, because “It’d be hard to get fairies to tend our fires way out here in the sticks.” (Insinuating that fairies prefer more metropolitan areas?)
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Epel says that they always have a fire going in the wintertime that they use to cook stews, which is a tradition from when gas was harder to come by than it is now.
People in Harveston may not be particularly tall: when Idia, Jade and Sebek all get struck by tree branches during the race Sebek comments that they should do a better job of clearing the source of obstacles and Epel responds, “We generally don’t get people as tall as you!”
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snek-panini · 5 months
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Very belated Binderary books, uh...I've lost track actually. I think they are #6 and #7. And it's another two-volume split! This is (Slow) Burn, Baby, Burn by orchidlocked, an extremely long Good Omens fic set in the 1970s. It's about our favorite angel/demon pair navigating the disco scene, and it's not an AU, which is sort of usual in a fic this long and with such a specific premise. There are a fair few real people featured here, some as major characters, and a lot of music history and an excellent playlist alongside all the fun and angsty relationship stuff that so many of us are here for. I learned a lot about disco reading this fic and it was fascinating and also way more queer than I ever realized.
For the cover up there we have a white Allure book cloth on the spine, and white HTV over homemade book cloth for the main cover. The cloth pieces both come from the same sheet but I oriented the stripes this way so they'd be coordinated-but-not-matched and I really love the effect. They're also cotton and really nice to hold. It's funny, I was thinking of binding this fic when I found the fabric while digging through the Joann's remnant bin, and as soon as I saw it this fic not only came to mind but moved up to the top of the to-bind list. It was fate, clearly.
More photos under the cut!
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Both spines and a top view. That's orange HTV for the titles. This it the first time I've worked with matte HTV (I usually use metallic or foil) and I was surprised at how much thinner it is, and how easy it was to stick. And I like the color inverse here in counterpoint to the front cover. The top view shows off the handmade endbands and bookmark, and also the rounding job. I'm still working on rounded spines, and the turn-in over the spine didn't come out as smooth as I'd have liked, but I think it's a good result. The ribbon bookmark was supposed to be blue to match the endbands, but every blue ribbon I could find clashed horribly with the cover so it's this nice leafy sage green. Which actually works really well with...
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The endpapers! I got these as Joann's too. All four are cut from the same print, but I shifted and rotated them when I trimmed them so the patterns wouldn't all be in the same place. I had desperately wanted this other paper I found on Etsy with little vinyl records all over it, but the pieces weren't the right shape and I'd have had to ship them from overseas ($$), but I like the mood these ones set. And they're thick and nicely textured and look awesome with the cover, so really I think things worked out very well.
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Couple of pics of the interior. I kept it fairly simple but I feel like it fits the story.
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The scene break line is orange, to match the covers. I usually use gray but wanted something more fun. I recently bought some off-white paper that I used for most of my binderary projects this year because I've heard it's easier on the eyes, and it is, but I used the older bright white for this so the color contrast would be sharper. No complaints; I think it looks amazing. The second image above is the appendix I put together for the volume. Being so centered in the music industry, this fic has a really long playlist that the author put together with their preferred recordings. It's linked in the story and I did include the link text in the book, but I had my mind on preservation and the challenges of digital archiving while I was making this one, so I also took all the title/artist/album info and just listed it here. It was too much to do all by hand, so I learned how to export a Spotify playlist into an Excel doc, then moved that into the Word doc to print. A lot of steps, but not nearly as hard as I'd thought, and way less tedious.
I have to say this book is aesthetically really different than all my previous ones. I ran into so many design hurdles but I honestly couldn't be more pleased with the end result. I'll have to push my comfort zone like this more often, I guess.
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docgold13 · 1 month
yes! please tell me more of your detest for John Wayne. My dad loves that guy and I need ammo for arguing that the dude was a douche
I don’t think you’ll make much headway with your dad.  Once someone has their mind set on something, cognitive dissonance can become a force stronger than gravity.  
But I’m happy to try to help out.  
Anyways, John Wayne he played a significant role in creating the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals (MPA) in 1944 and was voted in as its president in 1949. This was an anti-communist organization that blacklisted industry professionals suspected as being in any way shape or form associated with the communist party.  He was additionally an ardent and vocal supporter of the infamous House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) as well as the work of Senator Joseph McCarthy. 
Despite his dodging the draft for World War II, he continued to make war films presenting himself as this great leader of the armed forces.  Furthermore, his movie,  The Green Berets, was an overt attempt toward rallying support for the ruinous Vietnam War.
Wayne did not just hate communists, he also hated those who were gay.  He lambasted  Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight’s characters in Midnight Cowboy, calling the pair ‘a couple of f@gs.’  He also accosted Kirk Douglas over his role as Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh in the film Lust for Life. He was reported to have said, “Christ, Kirk, how can you play a part like that? There’s so goddamn few of us left. We got to play strong, tough characters. Not these weak queers.”  There were rumors that Wayne was a closeted homosexual and that some of his hatred may have been a sort of reaction formation, but who knows if that is true.
He also didn’t give a damn for Native Americans, whom he deemed as savages.  “I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from the Indians,” he said, “Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.” 
But perhaps he strongest animosity was reserved for Black Americans.  “I believe in white supremacy,” he said in a notorious 1971 interview with Playboy magazine.  He added that he did not want Black people working on his films until they became “educated to a point of responsibility.”
He also made disparaging remarks about Jewish people and was entirely against any form of social welfare programs.  
Apologies to anyone hurt by seeing all of this hateful stuff disseminated.   
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hopeforkitten · 8 months
I want a senseless abuse from Raphael to Tav, preferably on an industrial scale, so here's some dirt. smut
You were told not to make any noise.
You have a new assignment today. He usually likes to listen to your sounds, but now the master needs to focus, honey, don't bother me.Only soft sobs carry through the room or drown in Raphael's skin when you cling to his hand. He is sitting at the head of the bed in his red housecoat, in his other hand he holds an open book, to which all his attention is directed. It seems that he does not follow your efforts at all while you are lying on your side, and Haarlep is attached to you.
He pushes into you lightly, and keeps his hands on your hips. It's too hot between them, too close, but you were told not to make any noise.
In the beginning, you were not good at holding back sounds, but a short adaptation period, a few disapproving comments from the devils and you began to make progress. Haarlep kept bringing you to the edge and it became more difficult.
The sounds of slapping were not in your power, but your breathing near Raphael's skin was too loud. He didn't even see how your beautiful face was distorted, how you squint, frown and squeeze your lips until they turn white. Your little hands diligently hugged his forearm, leaving small crescents on the dense burgundy skin. It hardly brings significant sensations to the devil. Through your efforts, you have erased the entire smell of the rose from this area of the body and you have discovered the real smell of Raphael's skin. It was like that... Is it pleasant? Intoxicating?
A short thought in this little head. Haarlep moves more and more impatiently and the tension becomes pleasant, at the same time making your task of maintaining silence more difficult. The peak of pleasure comes and you do not hold back the scream, which you immediately shyly hide in your own hand. This sound scares you, which makes you shrink even more on Haarlep. A few moments of delay and he comes out of you, quietly chuckling at your reaction. It's empty, but it's definitely easy to keep quiet now.
"Is this decent behavior, master?"
You don't see him behind your back, still stunned by your own failure. But you can clearly imagine him sitting on the bed, playfully tilting his head in his question and waves of contractions rolling along his tail.
"Have a seat"
Raphael says indifferently. You get up, wiping the sweat from your forehead on your hand in parallel, crawling closer to the head of the bed to sit next to him. The mouse is glad to finally close her legs and feel more protected considering the naked lower part of her body. You bring your knees together and even lean on Raphael, leaning your head on his shoulder and ignoring any instincts of self-preservation. Your body and mind craved care and tenderness after such treatment, and this weakness could not be resisted.
"This is not decent behavior at all, little mouse."
The book deftly snapped shut in his hands and fell onto the bed. His somewhat inspired face finally turned to you.
He took you by the chin and turned your face towards him, forcing you to look into his eyes.
"This is no good, you were interfering with your master. In the meantime, I'll have to find another place to read, and you think about your behavior. We'll work on that, won't we, little mouse?"
You could only raise your eyebrows and look at him in fear, knowing that nothing you said would change his plans. You watched helplessly as he left the boudoir and Haarlep waved at you before disappearing into a cloud of sparks.
Left alone again on this big bed, alone with the desire for care and participation, alone with the eerie sounds of hell outside and alone with the frightening green glow and transparent silhouettes of souls in the corridor, from which you were separated by a magical barrier. You would like someone to come to you, no matter how much trouble it costs, but all you could do was get under the thin sheet on the bed and continue to hypnotize the familiar painfully environment
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The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization coined CSA in 2009 to describe practices aimed at increasing farm resilience and reducing the carbon footprint of a global food system responsible for up to 37 percent of annual greenhouse gas emissions. Since then, however, observers say that CSA has been usurped by the Gates-led corporate alliance, with programs like Water Efficient Maize for Africa serving as green-painted Trojan horses for industry. “CSA is an agribusiness-led vision of surveillance [and] data-driven farmerless farming, [which explains why] its biggest promoters include Bayer, McDonnell, and Walmart,” said Mariam Mayet of the African Centre for Biodiversity. “From a climate perspective, it entrenches the global inequalities of a corporate food regime. There’s no system shift at all.” Octavaio Sánchez, the grizzled director of Honduras’s National Association for the Promotion of Organic Agriculture, contends that policies that promote true resilience must focus on regenerating soils through the use of organic fertilizers, crop rotation, and the preservation of native seeds able to adapt to changing conditions. These are the cornerstones of a global agro-ecology movement that has emerged from the seed and food sovereignty coalitions of the past three decades. The peasant-led agro-ecology movement—with La Via Campesina and AFSA in front—rejects the familiar refrain from agribusiness promoters that it is condemning farmers to permanent poverty and stagnation. The movement’s position is supported by both a growing literature of case studies and the development of scientific agro-ecological practices. When Gates Foundation officers were preparing to launch AGRA in 2006, researchers at the University of Essex published a study showing that agro-ecological practices increased yields by an average of nearly 80 percent across 12.6 million farms in 57 poor countries. The authors concluded that “all crops showed water use efficiency gains,” which led to “improvements in food productivity.” The UN’s High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition recommended in 2019 that governments support agro-ecological projects and redirect “subsidies and incentives that at present benefit unsustainable practices,” a judgment based on similar studies undertaken around the world.
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sinigangrobot · 11 months
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Making some spider-ocs ^_^
Spider-Pop / Perry Parker / She's got the best of both worlds / 🥺 Perry, my silly spider 🫶
Perry Parker is my clumsy spidersona who was bitten by a radioactive spider and turned into teen pop sensation Spider-woman.
She protects the city by challenging villains to dance battles and protecting the sanctity of good music and dance in an industry that is rotting from the inside-out.
Her biggest rival is ex-best friend Haley Osborn (aka outspoken punk-rock sensation Green Goblin) who doesn't know her best friend is also Spider-woman, her most hated industry rival.
Venom (rap god) and Carnage (black metal and hard rock king) are also there *_*
Spider-pirate / Peter Parker / He's a pirate.mp4 / he will be the vessel for my harry osborn x peter parker agenda 😤 💯
I need Harry and Peter to come to a misunderstanding about the powers granted by the Osborn Family Heirloom (also: Green Goblin's Pendant): Peter ends up stealing the pendant and turning to a life of piracy to protect his best friend, Harry, from his family treasure/curse while preserving the Osborn's social standing as philanthropic, upstanding citizens. Harry won't believe him when Peter tells him the artifact is cursed and killing him slowly, so Peter sneaks away with the stolen artifact on a ship to find a way to break his best friend's family's curse.
Cue the game of keep away while Peter takes on the Curse of the Green Goblin himself (balanced out by the enchantments/magic of his own magic spider-artifact) as Harry chases him across the ocean in pursuit of his stolen family treasure and his best friend.
(Harry doesn't understand why Peter left, not really-he thought they were okay, more than okay, they promised they'd be by each others side to the end. He doesn't believe Peter would use him for his money like everybody else around him, no. Not Peter, anybody but him)
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