#Greater Celandine
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margocooper · 4 months ago
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Цветущий Чистотел большой (лат.Chelidonium majus) на закате в лесу. Сентябрь 24. Blooming Greater Celandine (lat. Chelidonium) at sunset in the forest. September 24.
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los-plantalones · 7 months ago
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asiatic dayflower | greater celandine
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greencheekconure27 · 8 months ago
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aphermion · 9 months ago
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mothmiso · 1 year ago
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Wallonia (2) (3) (4) by Pascale Franche
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eighteenbelow · 2 years ago
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years ago
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10th May 2023-Lakeside and home 
Pictures taken in this set: 1, 2 and 4. Views on my lunch time walk on the way to and at Lakeside, adorned by flowers with the sun coming out well on the walk. 3. Cattle at Lakeside. 5. Beautiful columbine by the visitor centre at Lakeside, the first I’ve seen this year. 6. Some of a fair bit of dashing red campion I saw on my walk today, one I always enjoy. 7. Some herb-Robert, part of an area that was covered in these bright and dainty woodland flowers. For a species I tend to see one flowers of at a time it was stunning to take in a sea of them. 8. Greylag Goose and goslings as they headed for the shore in a shower. 9. Wild garlic still going. 10. The tree out the back coming into nice green leaf in the evening sunlight. 
On a brilliant flower walk I also enjoyed seeing my first ever greater celandine near the herb-Roberts, I was curious about them having known lesser celandine for a few years - I saw a few of these hanging on today too in the woods - and I had heard of greater celandine so it was so nice to see some. A member of the poppy family compared to the lesser celandine which is in the buttercup family, it was interesting to contrast these bright yellow beauties. Other highlights were various speedwell including possible wood speedwell which is a gorgeous pinky colour, cuckooflower, garlic mustard, red valerian, my first oxeye daisy seen outside of from the car this year, yellow iris, white deadnettle and hawthorn. Hearing loud Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming in the woods and the strong call of Chiffchaff, as well as seeing Great Crested Grebe, Canada Goose goslings, House Sparrow and Mallard ducklings were great moments. I was also thrilled to see my first Lakeside Holly Blue butterfly of the year flitting around as well as bright Brimstone and splendid Speckled Wood.
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garethschweitzer · 4 months ago
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Greater celandine
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anecologistinthecity · 2 years ago
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Greater celandine growing out of a wall
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ad-caelestia · 4 months ago
common toxic plants
[long post; updated 12.8.24]
this is not a complete list by any means, but these commonly noted plants, herbs, and flowers should be handled with care or avoided altogether. 
aconite (wolfsbane, monkshood) - all parts: dermatoxic, hepatotoxic, and neurotoxic
adam and eve (jack-in-the-pulpit, wild arum) - root: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic if ingested
african sumac - leaves: dermatoxic; possibly fatal
agave - juice: dermatoxic  
angel’s trumpet - all parts: cardiotoxic; often fatal
apple - seeds: cytotoxic in large doses
apricot - leaves and seeds: cytotoxic in large doses
arnica - gastrotoxic 
asparagus - berries: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic if ingested
azalea - all parts: cytotoxic and neurotoxic; rarely fatal
betel nut palm (pinyang) - all parts: gastrotoxic if ingested
bittersweet nightshade - all parts: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; rarely fatal
black hellebore - all parts: cardiotoxic and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
black locust (false acacia) - root bark and flowers: gastrotoxic
black nightshade - all parts except ripe fruit: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
bleeding heart - leaves and roots: neurotoxic
bloodroot - rhizomes: cytotoxic
blue passion flower (common passion flower) - leaves: cytotoxic
bracken - all parts: carcinogenic
buttercup - all parts: gastrotoxic and dermatoxic 
calabar bean (ordeal beans) - seeds: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic if ingested in large doses
cassava - leaves and roots: cytotoxic in large doses
castor bean (castor oil plant) - seeds: cytotoxic if ingested or inhaled
celandine - nephrotoxic 
cherry - leaves and seeds: cytotoxic in large doses
christmas rose - all parts: gastrotoxic
cocklebur - seedlings and seeds: gastrotoxic and neurotoxic
columbine - seeds and roots: cardiotoxic; easily fatal
corn lily (false hellebore) - all parts: cardiotoxic; often fatal
cowbane (water hemlock, snakeweed) - root: neurotoxic if ingested
daffodil - bulbs and stems: gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
datura/moonflower - all parts: gastrotoxic and cardiotoxic
deadly nightshade (belladonna) - all parts: cardiotoxic and neurotoxic; often fatal
desert rose (sabi star, kudu) - sap: cardiotoxic with skin contact
dumbcane - all parts: dermatoxic; possibly fatal
elder (elderberry) - root: gastrotoxic
elephant ear (angel wings) - all parts: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic
ergot - neurotoxic 
foxglove - leaves, seeds, and flowers: cardiotoxic; often fatal
garlic - all parts: gastrotoxic in animals
giant hogweed - all parts: dermatoxic
golden chain - all parts, especially seeds: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
goldenseal - all parts: gastrotoxic and neurotoxic in large doses
grapes/raisins - all parts: gastrotoxic in dogs
greater celandine - all parts: gastrotoxic in large doses
hemlock (spotted cowbane, poison snakeweed) - all parts: neurotoxic; possibly fatal
hemlock water dropwort - roots: neurotoxic if ingested; possibly fatal
henbane - all parts: neurotoxic and cardiotoxic
holly - berries: gastrotoxic
honeybush - all parts: gastrotoxic
honeysuckle - berries: gastrotoxic in mild cases and cardiotoxic in severe cases
horse chestnut - all parts: neurotoxic
hyacinth - bulbs: gastrotoxic and neurotoxic; possibly fatal
iris - rhizomes: gastrotoxic and dermatoxic 
kava kava - nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic 
kidney bean - raw: gastrotoxic
larkspur - young plants and seeds: neurotoxic; often fatal
lemon - oil: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic to animals  
lily - all parts: nephrotoxic
lily of the nile (calla lily) - all parts: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic if ingested; possibly fatal
lily of the valley - all parts: cardiotoxic; possibly fatal
lima beans - raw: gastrotoxic
lime - oil: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic in animals
lobelia - all parts: gastrotoxic 
mandrake - roots and leaves: gastrotoxic and neurotoxic
mango - peel and sap: dermatoxic
mangrove - bark and sap: dermatoxic and eye irritation
mayapple - all green parts and unripe fruit: gastrotoxic
meadow saffron (autumn crocus) - bulbs: gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
mistletoe - leaves and berries: gastrotoxic, cardiotoxic, and neurotoxic; rarely lethal in adults
moonseed - fruits and seeds: gastrotoxic; often fatal
mountain laurel - all green parts: gastrotoxic
nutmeg - raw: psychoactive in large doses
oak - leaves and acorns: gastrotoxic; rarely fatal
odollam tree (suicide tree) - seeds: cardiotoxic; often fatal
oleander - all parts: dermatoxic, cardiotoxic, and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
onions - all parts: gastrotoxic in animals
orange - oil: dermatoxic and gastrotoxic in animals
peach - seeds and leaves: cytotoxic in large doses
periwinkle (vinca) - all parts: neurotoxic and potentially fatal
pokeweed - leaves, berries, and roots: gastrotoxic; often fatal
poison ivy/oak/sumac - all parts, especially leaves: dermatoxic; possibly fatal
poison ryegrass (darnel) - seeds: neurotoxic
potato - raw: cytotoxic
privet - berries and leaves: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; possibly fatal
ragwort - all parts: hepatotoxic
redoul - all parts: gastrotoxic, neurotoxic, and causes respiratory issues; can be fatal in children
rhubarb - leaves: nephrotoxic
rosary pea - seeds: neurotoxic and gastrotoxic; often fatal
skullcap - hepatotoxic
spindle (spindle tree) - fruit: hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic; possibly fatal  
stinging tree (gympie gympie) - bark and sap: dermatoxic; sometimes fatal
strychnine tree - seeds: neurotoxic; often fatal
sweet pea - seeds: neurotoxic and damaging to connective tissues
tomato - leaves and stems: cytotoxic in large doses
uva ursi - neurotoxic, dermatoxic 
white baneberry (doll’s eyes) - all parts, especially berries: cardiotoxic; possibly fatal
white snakeroot - all parts: gastrotoxic; often fatal
winter cherry (jerusalem cherry) - all parts, especially berries: gastrotoxic; occasionally fatal, especially to children
wisteria - gastrotoxic
yew (english yew, common yew) - leaves and seeds: gastrotoxic if ingested and respiratory issues if inhaled
carcinogenic - a substance that can cause cancer
cardiotoxic - toxic to the heart
cytotoxic - toxic to living cells
dermatoxic - toxic to the skin
gastrotoxic - toxic to the gastrointestinal system (stomach, intestines, etc.)
hepatotoxic - toxic to the liver
nephrotoxic - toxic to the kidneys and urological system (ureters, bladder)
neurotoxic - toxic to the neurological system (brain, nerves, brainstem, spinal cord, etc.)
psychoactive - pertaining to substances that change brain function and result in alterations in perception, mood, or consciousness
© 2024 ad-caelestia
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vivalarevolutionxd · 2 months ago
Plants that unalive people.
Project 2025 (if it is voted in) will get rid of a woman's right to divorce her husband and her rights to her own body. This means we need to protect women from dangerous men. Here we go:
-Abrus Precatorius (Aka Crabs eye, rosary pea, Indian licorice, ect) causes vomiting, convulsions, liver failure, and death. Even one seed will cause it.
-Aconitum (Aka Wolfsbane, aconite, monkshood) causes disabled nerve endings, low blood pressure, cardiac irregularities, vomiting, and of course death.
-Actaea Pachypoda (Aka dolls eyes, or white baneberry) which basically paralyzes the cardiac muscles, not always deadly.
-Ageratina Altissima (Aka white snakeroot, white sanicle, richweed) causes milk sickness, which if you don't know it causes significant weightloss, polydipsia, vomiting, appetite loss, difficulty standing/walking, coma, and then death. Death occurs 2-10 days after eating it.
-Arnica Montana (Aka mountain tobacco, leopards bane, Mountain Arnica) causes bleeding in the intestinal tract, inflammation of the liver, paranoia, accelerated heart rate, muscular weakness, and death. Though a lot of the seeds/plant need to be digested for it to kill, though little amounts for long enough time can cause cancer.
-My personal favorite,Atropa Belladonna (Aka deadly nightshade) it's a long list but it causes: dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, slurred speech, dry throat and mouth, tachycardia, loss of balance, staggering, headache, urinary retention, constipation, confusion, delusions, hallucinations, convulsions, necrosis(limb death), paralysis, and death.
-Brugmansia (Aka angels trumpet(cause you will see the lord)) causes hallucinations and losing connection with reality. Not 100% deadly by itself but causes severe paranoia, hallucinated pain, and delusions. The most notable case of Angel's trumpet is a young man self amputating his leg with pruning shears after consuming the tea of just two flowers, he died.
-Caltha Palustris (Aka marsh-marigold, kingcup) causes convulsions, burning of the throat, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, dizziness, fainting, blisters, inflammation, gastric illnesses, and patients usually die to the symptoms.
-Cerbera Odollam (suicide tree) the one just kills you within a few minutes, muted taste, undetectable in autopsies, and can't be treated once consumed.
-Chelidomium Majus (Aka Greater Celandine) this one also just kills you, but you need at least 18mg per kilogram of body weight, so a 50kg (110lbs) person needs at least 900mg to kill them.
-Cicuta (Aka water hemlock, cows bane, wild carrot, snake weed, poison parsnip, child's bane) this one causes just over and over seizures until death. Can't be treated.
-Colchicum Autumnale (Aka Autum Corocus, Meadow Saffron) causes burning in mouth and throat, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, kidney failure, multiple system organ failure, hypovolemic shock, fluid loss, damage to the gi tract, bloody urine, low white blood cell count (damages the bodies ability to fight off infections), anemia, muscular weakness, respiratory failure, and death. Death occurs in 42-74hrs from consumption.
-Another one of my favorites, Conium Maculatum (Aka Hemlock, spotted parsley, spotted cowbane) for the following symptoms to occur you need to consume at least 6-8 leaves or half a gram of the roots. Symptoms include but not limited to, necrosis (limb death) within 30 minutes of initial dose, and paralysis of lungs, this causes suffocation within the hour.
I'll make a pt. 2 later.
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doodle-pops · 1 year ago
Of Heroism and Heart
Glorfindel x reader
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A/N: I've never been one for writing the whole 'modern–day reader falling into Middle Earth stories', I always preferred to read them. So, I'm attempting my hand at this for the first time. It is a bit different from what is typically written. So, here's your Glorfi fic that won the poll.
Warnings: none, tooth-rotting fluff, Glorfindel has learned how to use his charisma.
Words: 1k
Synopsis: Talks of heroism and villainy become the new philosophical method of displaying one's charm.
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“There’s a saying about villains and heroes where I’m from,” you began, your voice thoughtful and reflective. “It goes something like this: ‘A hero would sacrifice you to save the world, but a villain would sacrifice the world to save you.’”
Swinging gently in the breeze, swaying side to side in your hammock, your elven Lord sat across from you, engrossed in the exchange of tales and sayings from your world. Each day seemed to bring a new layer of fascination as he delved into the intricacies of human culture and thought. He had never expected your arrival to kindle such curiosity and interest in his heart. Mortals were extraordinary beings, but your presence had illuminated new facets of their nature that he had yet to explore.
His gaze followed the motion of the potted celandines hanging above, his lips pursed in contemplation as your words settled into his mind. “Care to elaborate?” he inquired, his curiosity genuine.
Shouldering a casual shrug, accompanied by a half–formed smirk, you stretched languidly in the hammock, nestling further into its embrace. You playfully placed your small feet beside his torso. “It’s just one of those sayings people come up with, you know? Derived from observations about heroes and villains,” your tone conveyed a sense of ease, as if you were simply relaying common wisdom passed down to you. “Heroes are driven to save the world, which in turn saves their loved ones. However, sometimes, their loved ones end up perishing in the process of saving the world. On the other hand, villains prioritize protecting their loved ones before pursuing their goal, even if that means destroying the world.”
His brow furrowed as he mulled over your explanation, his expression a canvas of deep contemplation. With each piece of your interpretation, it was as if puzzle pieces were clicking into place within his mind, accompanied by mental light bulbs illuminating his understanding. His appearance resembled that of a bemused puppy, and you couldn’t help but toy with the idea of labelling him your “Golden Retriever,” a nickname he strangely seemed to embody.
“What specifically are you conveying here?” Glorfindel’s head tilted to the side, his gaze fixed on you with a tinge of displeasure. “Your words seem to imply that villains are superior to heroes, given their commitment to safeguarding their loved ones. I find myself in disagreement with that declaration.”
Laughter bubbled from your lips in response to his dissatisfaction, prompting you to sit upright and meet his gaze directly. “What it suggests is that when faced with a choice between saving the world or saving their beloved, a hero would typically choose the world, while a villain would opt for their loved one,” you clarified. “Heroes tend to be focused on overarching morality and the greater good, whereas villains are often more concerned with their personal connections. It’s a play on perspectives—what’s considered right or wrong isn’t always straightforward.”
Glorfindel blinked rapidly, his gaze unwavering as he sat upright to face you directly. His unruly golden locks, cascading like sun–kissed tendrils, framed his countenance like an ethereal halo. A soft blush warmed your cheeks despite the intellectual discourse at hand. It was easy to lose yourself in these conversations, and at times, it almost felt like he possessed an uncanny awareness of his own effect on you.
“I beg to differ,” he asserted firmly, a challenge evident in his voice. “I am regarded as a hero by many for my accomplishments, and I would never permit harm to befall either the world or my beloved. I would strive to safeguard both.”
Raising an eyebrow, you leaned in, your foreheads nearly touching as you met his steadfast gaze. “And how, might I ask, do you intend to accomplish such a feat, renowned Lord Balrog Slayer?”
Drawing even closer, his forehead pressed gently against yours, and he whispered with an air of triumph, “I would ensure your safety...for you are my world. Without you, the world would lose its meaning; you are the bane of my essence, my reason for existence, the very breath I inhale. There can be no world without you at my side, just as there can be no you without the world. As a hero, I would save my world, meleth–nîn. I cherish you deeply.”
A lump formed in your throat, a mixture of emotions leaving you momentarily speechless. The rising heat in your cheeks contrasted with the tears that shimmered in the corners of your eyes. The rush of emotions and the depth of his words left you with a heartwarming smile. Glorfindel’s eloquence had the power to move your soul and reshape your worldview. He effortlessly wove his sentiments into words that stirred your heart, offering you a love and life you had previously only encountered in fairytales. The dream of falling in love with Prince Charming had become a vivid reality ever since you had stumbled into Middle–earth and into his arms.
In the stillness that followed, he took advantage of the moment, his fingers gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. He placed soft kisses on your forehead and cheeks before hesitating, his lips hovering near yours. The anticipation hung in the air, drawing out the moment until his lips finally met yours in a fleeting, yet intense, kiss.
Pulling away, his lashes brushed against your skin as his lips traced playful patterns along your cheeks. “You’re quite the romantic, you know?” you giggled.
“If it means being right, then I shall embrace the role of the romantic for you, my beloved,” he murmured, a warmth of affection evident in his smile.
“Just ensure you tie your hair before rushing to save me, I don’t need another hair–pulling accident in this day and age.”
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Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings @koyunsoncizeri @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @someoneinthestars @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @hoshinokurasa @singleteapot @the-phantom-of-arda @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @ilu-stripes @justellie17 @justjane @bunson-burner @stormchaser819 @wisheduponastar @roselovesong @batsyforyou
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greencheekconure27 · 8 months ago
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storiesfromafan · 2 years ago
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A/N: Back with Part 2! If you haven’t read Traitor, please do :) Hope this one lives up to what I wish it too. Haha. There will be a Part 3, just not sure when it will be up. As I haven’t started writing it yet. Been in a bit of a writers burnout.
Feel free to comment/message me with idea’s or anything.
Pairing: Mattheo x Fem!Reader Ravenclaw
Out of all the season’s Spring had always been your favourite, Mattheo recalled as he found himself out in a small field of wildflowers, that was a reasonable distance from the castle. It was a spot you both had spent every free moment at in Spring together. But now he was here alone, no you by his side. And it was his own responsibility you weren’t, for he ended it with you over four months ago. He had done it for the right reason, saving you from his father. From getting hurt because of him. Saving you from his darkness. Yet he missed the light you brought to his life. He missed who he was with you.
Brushing his fingers over various wildflowers that surrounded him, Mattheo recalled their individual names. Such as oxeye daisy, lesser celandine, cow parsley, dandelion. The last one being a mix of yellow flowers and the seed heads, most commonly picked and blown, its white sprouts flying off into the sky. A past time you enjoyed, claiming to make a wish with everyone. Nearly everything in his everyday routine and life reminded him of you.
When someone would say his name. Mattheo recalled how you would say his name; be it when you were happy, sad, angry, scared, breathless, sleepy, laughing. Or when he flirted with Anna. He remembered the first time he flirted with you, you had either been oblivious to it or playing hard to get. Because he knew you liked him, as he liked you too. You’d been a bit of a challenge, but in the end you both won when you got together. He hadn’t known anyone like you, still didn’t. He knew there would never be another you. He was glad about that. There was no one like his Y/N…or rather was his Y/N, he had to remind himself of that a lot.
Maybe, it's the way you say my name
Maybe, it's the way you play your game
But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you
But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you
You had come into his life during a hard time. His father and the Death Eater’s had been plotting and planning their next move and possible future moves. His father had been continuously hard on him, and only getting worse. The expectations he had to live up to were great, greater than anyone his age. But then there was you.
And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
Meeting you at a Ministry party that he attended with Lucius and Draco. Your father putting the three of you together. You all knew each other, or rather knew of each other, rarely your path’s crossed. There were a few classes together, but Mattheo had never talked to you. But he was glad he had been placed with you, for talking to you was a breath of fresh air. You treated him and Draco like any other student. You tried to make conversation, and he tried to return it, which you were grateful for. And from there it only became more. Once back at school he seeked you out, making time to chat with you. Talking turned to flirting, and flirting led to dating. Then you became his Ravenclaw beauty, then Ravenclaw Princess after you helped him through so many spiraling moments because his father.
Mattheo picked one of the dandelions with the fuzzy white seed heads, bringing it up and examining it. He never saw the fascination you had in the weed. It didn’t hold any real beauty like a rose, but it had a unique quality.
'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
He recalled the first time you’d both came to this spot. You had named the wildflowers before laying down on the grass, the wildflowers surrounding you. He thought you look breathtakingly beautiful; you were made for wildflowers. From how your soft locks sprawled out around you, to the content smile that graced your tempting lips.
Then there were your eyes. Your bright E/C orbs staring up at him, a warmth and admiration shining in your eyes as you looked at him. It brought a soft smile to his lips, as you returned his smile. In that moment Mattheo felt comfortable, at ease from how your warmth brought him happiness.
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
Mattheo slowly twirled the dandelion between his fingers, as the memories crossing his mind of you reminded him of what he missed. Silently praying he had kept you by his side. Anger slowly began to build, anger at himself for hurting you. But he slowly let it go, reminding himself over and over it was to save you.
Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time
I think that you are the one for me
You. The brightness in that darkness of his life. The tether that kept him grounded. The one who showed him compassion and love, knowingly or unknowingly. You were everything to him. You were the one for him...but he couldn’t allow that.
The memory of the Yule Ball came to Mattheo’s mind. The first time he’d seen you dressed like the Princess you were. The dress you’d had chosen to wear was the perfect shade of F/C, fitted your frame perfectly with a skirt that flowed to the floor like water. The neckline was tasteful and the straps just thick enough and perfectly adjusted against your skin. Your neck and shoulders were on display, as your hair was up.
'Cause it gets so hard to breathe
When you're looking at me, I've never felt so alive and free
When you're looking at me, I've never felt so happy
Mattheo, watching you walk towards him, left him speechless. And with some tempting thoughts. Upon coming to stand before the Slytherin male, the bright smile you gave him caused his heart to skip a beat. This beauty before him had chosen him. You took his arm, while greeting him. The happiness and pride Mattheo felt as he led you into The Great Hall, eyes looking at you both, had him standing taller and confident.
That night you had both danced the night away; be it a formal dance or when the Weird Sisters took over the stage, and you both just let go. Mattheo was able to let go, a night to be free. You were just as free. Laughing, dancing and showing Mattheo attention. From dancing together, holding hands or little kisses. He had wished that moment could have been forever.
And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
Being the gentleman that he was, and wanting every possible moment with you, Mattheo had walked you back to the Ravenclaw house door. During the walk you had both tried to take as long as possible. First taking a long route to the door, walking slowly, taking moments to appreciate paintings or sculptures on the walk. Anything and everything to make this moment together last.
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay, when I see you smile, smile
Eventually you made it to your destination. You both looked at each other, neither wanting to unlock your hands from the other. Mattheo brought his hand up to brush some of your framing hair behind your ear, before cupping your cheek with that hand.
“You look so beautiful tonight” he said softly, eyes locked with your own.
“Yes...you already told me that” you replied just as softly, scared if you were any louder it would break the moment.
Mattheo smiled. “I know, but you deserve to be told every minute of every day how beautiful you are”.
Those words of his made your breath hitch, before shakily exhaling. These were the moments you treasured. The reassurance of Mattheo’s feelings. He might not speak of his feelings for you, but words like this, with the looks he gave you, spoke louder than anything.
Moving closer, Mattheo finally dipped his head down and captured your lips with his. The peck was soft, testing the waters. Pulling back, he looked to your eyes, and seeing the joy and restlessness in them, he went in again. This time he was firmer, tongue coming out to run along your bottom lip for permission. You didn’t waste time, opening your mouth to him. Mattheo took the lead, his tongue dancing with your own, in a breathtaking kiss. You both could feel how the other felt.
Pulling back when air was needed, you both watched the other with a blissful smile on your faces. Mattheo continued to caress your cheek as you watched each other. But time was fleeting, and you both had to part ways. With one final peck to your lips, Mattheo stepped back, his hand leaving your cheek.
“Goodnight Princess” he said softly. “Till the morning”.
You nodded your head, “goodnight, Theo”.
Reluctantly you turned from him and stepped up to the Ravenclaw door. Briefly you stopped and looked over your shoulder at him. He gave you a cheeky smile and a final goodnight, and you then passed through the door. It closed with a small noise. And Mattheo was left alone, but he felt on top of the world.
Tossing the dandelion from his hands, Mattheo scrunched up his face at the weed. How silly it was the believe making a wish on the weed would come true. It was childish. Yet you did it. You believed in it. You had confided in him that once you’d made a wish on the weed, asking to do well in Snape's class once, for the potion you’d be making was tricky. And you had managed to not ruin it. So, it became almost a ritual of yours, making wishes on weeds.
Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time
Looking at the dandelions around him, Mattheo contemplated taking a page from your book. But then the rational side of him told him too not be stupid. So, he turned from the weed and back to the school in the distance. But the curiosity of making a wish crept up, and with a sigh Mattheo picked another dandelion.
He glared at the weed, silently telling it to work. Drawing in a breath, he blew the white fuzzy seeds from the weed, and thinking ‘I wish my father doesn’t hurt her...’
Dandelion, into the wind you go
Won't you let my darling know?
Dandelion, into the wind you go
Won't you let my darling know that?
Mattheo put everything into that wish. He didn’t want anything to happen to you. He wanted to keep you safe, from his father...and from him. With what was to come, he would wish on every weed on the grounds if he had too. If anything happened to you, Mattheo wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.
I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
Picking another dandelion, he intended to make the same wish, hoping to make it come true. But before he blew the fuzzy white seeds, you came to mind clearly. And as he released his breath, freeing the seeds, he found himself wishing to see you right then.
He watched the seeds float up in the sky, dancing from the breeze before floating off back towards the castle. For a moment he watched them float before disappearing, and an approaching form came into his line of vision. As they got closer, Mattheo’s breath caught in his throat, as he saw who it was. You. If his wish had been answered so soon, would his first wish come true too?
When you drew closer you finally realized your spot had been taken. For sitting there among the wildflowers was the last person you wanted to see; Mattheo. The look that crossed your face was sour, which Mattheo saw. You went to turn around and head back to the castle before he got up quickly, calling your name.
“Y/N! Wait” Mattheo called standing a meter behind you.
You looked over your shoulder, “what?” You spat.
Mattheo sighed. “You...you can have the spot” he said softly, looking down at the ground. “I was going to leave anyways”.
He walked around you slowly, and once he was five steps from you, Mattheo stopped before turning back to you. You had been watching him the whole time, studying him closely. You noted the sullen look upon his face, how his eyes lack any shine and how he seemed to have no fight. He was a shell of himself, like you had seen time and time before.
“Are you alright?” You found yourself asking, not thinking. For he was meant to be the bad guy.
Your question caused his heart to ache. Even after all he had done you still asked if he was alright. You may not entirely care, but still took time to ask him. Sighing Mattheo looked away from you. Unsure how to answer you. He didn’t want to lie, nor did he want to upset you. Damned if he do, damned if he didn’t.
“I’m...okay” he breathed, trying to convince himself. “Things have been...hard lately, with home”.
You nodded. “Understandable” you said softly, watching his every movement. Not fully believing his words. For there was truth but also a bit of skirting around it.
Silence took over after that, the spring breeze picking up in that moment. You watched as the breeze tossed Mattheo’s curls around. How you had missed combing your hands through those curls. It was something Mattheo had enjoyed; it soothed his mind and relaxed him. The temptation to do it now growing strong, for the boy before you were in turmoil. You shook your head at the thought of being close to the one who broke your heart.
You had thought it was the breeze playing tricks, but seeing his moving lips showed it was Mattheo who spoke. “I’m sorry” was what he said softly, almost missed by your ears.
At first you were shocked by his apology, followed by a small warm feeling in your chest. Before it died and a slow burn of anger began to take hold of you. How could his words make up for everything? How could he so bluntly say sorry.
“Excuse me?” You questioned, tone a little sharp.
Mattheo looked to you, and seeing your reaction to his words, he was shocked. He had hoped it would have helped. “I’m sorry” he repeated turning to face you. “I didn’t mean to hurt you like I did”.
You blinked a few times, blood slowly coming to a boil. “How can you just say that?” You questioned a little loudly. “How does apologizing make up for what I’ve been through?”
Valid questions Mattheo noted. “It doesn’t. But I want you to know that I am sorry-”
You scoffed. “Yeah right. The Mattheo Riddle I know would never say sorry. He might show it, but never openly apologize”.
He frowned. “That is true, but I wanted to put it into words. I at least owe you that”.
“You owe me nothing! Nor do I want it!” you yelled, hands clenching. “You hurt me. Simple as that. And for that I don’t want your apology. So, keep it”.
Mattheo nodded his head. “I deserve that”. His face fell, eyes looking at the ground. He looked so weak.
You took a step back. Taking in his demeanor. You could see cracks of how effected Mattheo was. You wondered how long before it would shatter. The want to hold him, run your fingers through his curls while telling him that he was alright, was strong. And though you didn’t want to, you decided to say the next words.
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
“It’s alright” you sighed. “I don’t entirely forgive you, but I half accept it” you said watching his face.
Hearing your words, Mattheo’s eyes snapped to you. His dull brown eyes, now shinning with confusion, looked right into your E/C orbs. He could see how unsure you were in their reflection. But with it was a small familiar look; admiration. After all he’d done, you still admired him. Part of you wanted him to apologize but majority of you wanted to punch his pretty face.
“You do?” He choked out. “Why?”
Your face softened, thinking over his words. “I won’t lie. I was hurt. I was angry” you looked him dead in the eyes. “But what has it gotten me? Where has it gotten me? It has left me bitter, and it’s gotten me no where”.
He nodded his head slowly.
“So, I’d rather accept some of it than nothing. Because I look back at our time together and I know I was happy” you said fondly, memories coming to mind. “You made me happy Theo. And I would love to see you in as much agony as me, but part of me still hates to see it”.
“Just part?” Mattheo said with a small smirk, trying to lighten the moment. Which you softly smile at.
There might be so much, good and bad between you both, but some familiarity was there. As well as some closure. He said sorry, and you believed me meant it. You had half accepted his apology, which lightened Mattheo’s worries.
You both continued to stare at the other. Unsure what to say, or what to do. But you were the one to break eye contact when you turned, planning to take the spot Mattheo had been occupying. He looked at you, mind thinking so many things. But the one thought screaming to him was your safety. He had to make sure you were safe.
Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time
“Would it be strange if I asked you to stay away from Hogwarts next year...to not come back?” Mattheo was unsure but voice a little panicky.
You turned back to him, confusion on your face. “Huh? What are getting at?”
Mattheo moved from foot to foot. “Next year, don’t come back to Hogwarts. I can’t say anything...but I need you to be safe”.
You studied the Slytherin, unsure if he was pulling your leg. But his eyes told you he was serious. “Answer me this; will you be safe here next year?”
He shook his head. “Probably not”.
You gave a short nod. “Then I can’t promise you anything. I will be here next year, no matter what”.
Mattheo’s heart ached at your words. Not what he had hopped. But you were honest. And he didn’t give you a reason why not to return to school. He just hopped you wouldn’t be in the cross fire of what’s to come.
With that, you took your spot amongst the wildflowers while Mattheo took a moment watching you. He was taking in the sight before him, putting it to memory. With it all said and done, Mattheo turned from you and started to head back to the castle.
He wasn’t sure what was to exactly come. But he would make sure, as best to his abilities, that you would be safe from it all. Mattheo needed you to be safe, for no harm to come to you. Be it his father or him, you would be safe.
Tags: @iheqrtaustin @ash-whimsicalfanfic
I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'll be mine, mine
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thatpikmin · 11 months ago
There are so many amazing artist, so let’s spread love with some flower love language
These flower meanings are based on the book “flowers and their meanings” by Karen azouley. So the meaning will be different!!!
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—————————— Flowers ———————————
Blue violet - faithfulness
sycamore - curiosity
Purple pansy - you occupy my thoughts
Carnation - strong and pure love
ranunculus - I am dazzled by your charms
Sweet William - gallantry
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—————————— Flowers ———————————
Cranberry blossom - cure for heartache
Ivy - marriage
Olive branch - peace
Milkvetch - your presence softens my pain
locust flower - affection beyond the grave
Red and white roses (together) - unity
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—————————— Flowers ———————————
Pink - boldness
Four leaf clover - be mine
Greater celandine - first sigh of love
White fraxinella - passion
Mugwort - happiness
lilac primrose - confidence
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—————————— Flowers ———————————
Wisteria - welcome, Fair stranger
Lilac - First emotion of love
Morning glory - affection
Stephanotis - will you accompany me to the east?
Iris - message
White camillia - perfect loveliness
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—————————— Flowers ———————————
Yellow tulip - hopeless love
Buttercup - childishness
Hembane - imperfection
Jonquil daffodil - I desire a return of affection
Lesser celandine - joys to come
Shooting star - you are my divinity
Honeysuckle - bonds of love
(Why is there so many yellow flowers)
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—————————— Flowers ———————————
Chervil - sincerity
Kennedia - mental beauty
Alyssum - tranquility
Clematis - Mental Beauty
Bridal rose - happy love
Flax - I feel your kindness
White bellflower - gratitude
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—————————— Flowers ———————————
Knotgrass - restoration
Chestnut trees - do me justice
Crepis - protection
Almond blossom - hope
A bunch of dahlia - my graditude exceeds your care
Sedum - tranquility
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—————————— Flowers ———————————
Plum blossoms - keep your promises
Pear blossom - comfort
Daisy - innocence
Lily of the valley - return of happiness
Sweet alyssum - worth beyond beauty
Corepsis - Always cheerful
Strawberry blossom - perfect goodness
(All white)
I want to say that this was ment to represent the ships as a whole (since the creators of the slugcat designs are known as the CEO of said ship, with the exception of FishSticks, I don’t know who the CEO of FishSticks is and if it is pansear I wanted to use different designs to make them all unique) and not the aus the creators made, if any other these ships are inaccurate, I’m sorry.
If the creator does not wish to have their designs displayed or shown off, their designs will be removed and replaced with someone elses
Credits to the character designs
Yall are amazing artists, keep on inspiring others ❤️
This was supposed to come out on on Valentine’s Day
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elucienweekofficial · 7 months ago
Elucien Fanfic Crossword Answer Key- One Shots
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How did you do? It's our hope through this week of puzzles that folks are able to find an existing fanfiction that speaks to them! Consider these a small masterlist filled with recommendations from the community itself. Below you'll find every fanfiction recommended attached to the author who created it, added in the order they were submitted! Fics were also categorized to their best of our ability. Check them out below!
Heading Straight to You by @lucienarcheron
Inspired by a tumblr post I've also linked below: "I need elain to have her anthony bridgerton moment where lucien asks if she wants him to sever the bond and leave & she goes “do you think there’s a corner on this earth that you could travel to far enough to free me from this torment? you are the bane of my existence. and the object of all my desires."
So I decided to give elucien their own bridgerton moment :) Enjoy!
Hot and Clumsy by @witch-and-her-witcher
Feyre had warned him against falling into bed with her sister - but why hadn't she warned Lucien against the greater threat?
Of falling deeply, madly, inconceivably in love with Elain Archeron.
Lucien catches feelings bad in the yoga studio.
full moon, white honey by @shardminds
The worn parchment that had once held a recipe lay untouched in her quarters. She no longer needed it. Celandine, White Myrtle, Brain of a Drowner. Crush, Boil with Spirit, Bottle once cooled. Thirteen words seared into her bones. For the Witcher who too often showed her his.
all is for love, is for mind by @shardminds
Lulled by the song of the wind as it called through the valley, Elain watched the clouds form impossible shapes, carried on the same breeze that cooled her heated skin, and asked the only question she had left.
“What does love feel like?”
Letters by @nocasdatsgay
Lucien takes the brunt of Koschei’s curse and using her powers Elain sees the key to saving him is somewhere in the stack of letters he’s sent her over the years.
Hover Corte by. @areyoudreaminof
On her own self-imposed exile, Elain finds herself in the human lands to offer help to the Band of Exiles and try to make some progress with her estranged mate. Lucien, meanwhile, can’t quite find his footing with Elain. With the clock ticking, can they finally come to an understanding?
This Time, I'm Ready by @lucienarcheron
Inspired by Long Story Short by TS. I was listening to it randomly and a scene of Elain started playing out in my head. Recommend listening to it while reading :)
A Heartbreak in Mid-December by @climbthemountain2020
Lucien gets rip-roaring drunk after yet another failure of a Solstice and spends some time reflecting on the events that led him here. He decides that perhaps it's time to let go of the bond once and for all.
ClimbTheMountain2020 couldn't stop picturing Elucien scenarios while listening to Neck Deep.
A Cut Above The Rest by @crazy-ache
“Wait!” Elain clambered to her feet, jumping off the bed. He looked at her expectedly, dagger in one hand and a handful of hair in the other. What was there to say? That she had always secretly adored his hair just the way it was? That he couldn’t possibly cut it before she even had the chance to run her fingers through it? “Let me do it,” she said.
While on the run in the Continent, Elain and Lucien must discuss what has remained unspoken after a frightening incident.
Desperately Waiting by shipatfirstsight
She tries not to think about Lucien
And now good-morrow to our waking souls by zipadeea
“Good morrow to you, little Lucien,” Rhysand crooned as he stepped forth from the shadowy ether, watching Lucien stand slowly and brush the grass from his trousers. “Here to treat with me again regarding my bargain with Feyre darling?”
Lucien took a deep breath, willing the need to punch the smirk off Rhysand’s smug face out of his body.
“No. Well,” Lucien said thoughtfully. “Yes. I suppose. I want you to keep her. Don’t bring Feyre back at the end of the week. Keep her in the Night Court.”
Lucien tries to save the three Archeron sisters. He fails.
Cinnamon and Honey by @velidewrites
Lucien has long given up on his crush on Elain Archeron — until she drops by his flower shop to return a bouquet from her now ex-boyfriend.
I Can't Help Myself From Looking At You by @tuzna-pesma-snova
Years have passed since Elain had last seen Lucien and since she had broken the bond. But once all High Lords get invited to Nyx's 18th birthday party their encounter is inevitable. Will this encounter change everything or not?
Rita's Shenanigans by @vulpes-fennec
Hoping to break the ice with her mate, Elain enlists her family’s help in setting up a night out at Rita’s. A post-ACOSF, Modern AU (with Fae lore).
Troublesome Child by NovaComette
Rhysand and Feyre left for the day and it's up to Elain and Lucien to take care of Nyx. And what hell of a day they'll have to deal with.
Help! I'm Fainting by @sunshinebingo
“I need a healer,” Elain loudly exclaimed. “What!?” Lucien pulled his chair back in a panicked state. Was she sick? What was – Elain reached him before he could stand and oh so gently dropped herself on his lap with a breathless, “Help! I’m fainting.”
When his mate barged into his office claiming to be sick, Lucien had to find out what she had and how to take care of her.
bet on me by @crazy-ache
Elain is caught sulking at her sister's mating ceremony. Lucien wagers a drinking game to prove who knows the other best.
“Go on. Tell me all about myself, Lucien Vanserra.”
And there is the matter of something charged sitting between them at the table. He was challenging her. An invitation for friction, a consideration to be included in the joke, a bid to entwine in something deliciously improper. Elain could not remember the last time anyone had offered her anything remotely tantalizing.
Inspiration by @lucienarcheron
Prompt: Modern AU | Aspiring writer Elain Archeron is looking for some inspiration for her new novel when she happens to meet the perfect man for the job.
Forget Me Not by @lucienarcheron
Drunk Elain and her shenanigans.
in eternal bloom by @crazy-ache
On the quest to find the sixth mortal queen, Lucien Vanserra meets a human with brown eyes and that same stubborn Archeron nose. Together, on their search for Vassa, Lucien befriends Elain’s father, and learns a bit more about his mate.
I Like You by @fieldofdaisiies
Elain decides that she is ready to make a move towards Lucien. And yes, it is a bit sad.
Speak Now by @separatist-apologist
I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion. But you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don't touch) by @belabellissima
But in the end, it didn’t matter what Elain did to protect the puzzle - three pieces had been missing right from the start. They would never fall into place. Elain felt like that puzzle every time she saw Lucien, every time Feyre brought up his name, tried to push Elain into accepting him. She could see the image, see the outcome in her mind - the perfect life, the love, the children, the years together - but she wasn’t whole. She was lacking those pieces - the one thing that would make her the full image of a perfect, doting wife.
Or: The author saying ace!Elain rights.
Metamorphosis by @starry-mantle
How a butterfly and some reference books lead Elain to reconsider the mate she's been trying so hard to ignore.
A Feeling So Peculiar by @rarephloxes
As Elain struggles to embrace her new body after being drowned in the Cauldron for political purposes she has never been privy to, she undertakes the gruesome journey to dissociate herself from whomever she has ever been or could ever become, Elain feels ready to do what it takes to quiet her mind and dull her senses. In her haste and need to flee while staying inside, she finds herself drawn to knowledge that will change the course of her destiny.
Or: The Healer!Elain fic
curses and gifts by @crazy-ache
In which Elain is cursed to live that fateful day with the Cauldron again and again and again. Until a choice is made.
lost in your current (like a priceless wine) by @withclawandvine
On Elain’s birthday Lucien sends her a gift. She decides she’s going to put an end to these unwanted, unreciprocated presents once and for all. Instead, something begins.
Sunshine and Reunions by @shallyne
This Oneshot plays in the same Universe as Sunshine and Promises BUT you can read it seperately
Elain is sick and Lucien visits her
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