#Gravity Falls Bill Cipher
ryemiffie · 2 days
I don't know how Ford managed to fuck Bill, not cause he's a triangle but becuase he'd say some dumb bullshit like "the jizzening is nigh!" before he's done
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maruyashii · 3 days
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Just coming out of therapy guys
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The triangle then proceeded to fill the Mountain Dew machine with blood and turn a kids head into a cgi watermelon (this is canon btw)
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such-a-daydreamer · 15 hours
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beebeeazzy · 2 days
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admiration for his muse or whatever!!1 thank you BoB for the mental illness <3
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goatfellaa · 15 hours
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Silly Bill design…. There’s a younger ver. But I personally like the stinky old man
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kwyt3 · 2 days
i love drawing fiddleford sm (stupid doodles under cut)
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triannel · 2 days
Okay angst...I wanna try and request one with Bill...
Where Bill is doing his absolute best to save Human Female Reader from dying after one of Bill's Manipulated Human puppet came in and took reader out thinking that Reader is the root of Bill's Imprisonment in Theraprism
(PS: He successeded but now his more wary and more Protective and more clingy to reader)
Well...I think I got even more spoiled of TBOB lol. Not really sure how his power works right after being imprisoned so things might not make sense...
There You Are
Bill Cipher x Reader | Oneshot | Angst/Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of Blood, Injuries, Bill Cipher lol, Unhealthy Attachment to Reader, Possession, Near Death Experience
Heaving in distress, you held your stomach tightly, trying to stop yourself from bleeding out. Taking in deep breaths, you slowly descended to the ground as the puppet stood in front of you.
Slowly but surely, your consciousness was slipping away. The utter terror in your mind becoming blurry as you began to black out. You didn't even know what you did to deserve this. However, before your body accepted it's fate, your eyes managed to catch a glimpse of someone else quickly approaching.
Once Bill found out what happened, he quickly took over another worshippers body. From head to toe, all he could feel at that moment was absolute terror. He could not even feel anger towards the person who did this to you. All he cared about at the moment was you.
He can't afford to lose you. No, he just can't. You're his better half, his love, the one person he managed to care about in a trillion years, the only person he'll consider his equal remember? You can't leave him now...
Doing all he can, he rips off some of his clothes or anything that he can use to wrap your wound. He doesn't exactly know how to drive so, quickly he'd force someone to drive both of you to the hospital.
Holding a knife out, he holds you close behind the driver's seat.
"Whoa man. I don't want any trouble..." The driver spoke in a panicked state, seeing the bloody mess you both are in.
"DRIVE TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!" He shouts loudly from behind, pointing the knife to the drivers neck.
"Okay! Okay.." The driver mutters under his breath.
"AND SPEED IT UP WILL YA!?" Bill shouts once more, slightly making the edge of the knife touch the drivers neck for a second.
The driver complied and stepped on the gas pedal, making the car speed up greatly.
(Bills POV)
Flashing by the pastures of the town, Bills gaze landed on your unconscious body. A pang of... guilt? No, a pang of extreme worry, he guessed, was all he could feel right now. Although there might be a tinge of anger in between for that stupid meatsack...
You really got him more messed up huh? All this commotion just for you. He hasn't been able to feel this way in an incredibly long time, he's never gone out of his way to actually do something like this, so please, for what's left of his sanity deep inside, please be okay.
Fixing your position, a few strands of your hair then manages to cover your face. After placing it back behind your ears, he held your chin for moment as he felt a slight twinge of discomfort seeing you so lifeless.
Once you both got to the hospital, he pushed through the doors and demanded a doctor to treat you right away, almost triggering security guards to lunge at him, but fortunately, they saw your critical state and directed a team to take care of both of you.
"THIS ISN'T MY BLOOD, JUST GO AND HELP HER!" Bill spoke, pushing a few nurses off him.
He was restless the whole time. Walking back and forth his mind managed to make him feel even worse as he thought about the great possibility of losing you.
What if you lost too much blood? What if something wrong happened while the healthcare workers are treating you? What if you actually died right after they took you? What if-
Shaking his head, he forces himself to calm down, taking deep breaths as he fiddled anxiously while he continued to stand near the door separating him and you. 'Relax! It's okay...it's not a big deal...' He thought, quickly trying to make peace of the worst possible thing that could happen.
Looking down at his hands, he held his fingers together, touching your dried blood on his palm. Standing quietly, he continued to wait, strangely taking comfort on the only thing he could associate to you.
Sooner or later, a few people managed to farce him to go clean up and take a shower as this was a hospital after all. The blood staining his clothes was not at all welcome. Begrudgingly, he did end up complying. He would never have done so, but he knew he had to if he wanted to see you.
Quickly stealing clothes from somewhere, he went back to his post as soon as he got cleaned.
After a few more hours, his mind could not let him rest at all. Sitting impatiently outside, waiting for someone to let him see you again.
Finally, after a long wait, a nurse approached him, "Hello...Mr..?"
"Cipher." He spoke in a passive but eerily empty tone, it seems he couldn't hold out his charm right now as his worries managed to eat him up when he was waiting.
"Ms. Cipher is now stabilized" the nurse spoke, assuming both of you are together, "You can now go inside."
Quick on his feet, his quirky smile appeared once more as he saw you. You were not awake yet, but it was enough for him to feel relieved.
(End POV)
After Bill entered the room, he absolutely refused to go out right after. Not until...
Fluttering open, like a butterfly starting to spread it's wings to soar through the air, you opened your eyes slightly to see... him. Blinking even more, you woke up feeling groggy.
He held your chin up to him, his smile seeming genuinely joyful to see you.
"There you are..." He mumbled under his breath.
"Good morning sleeping beauty!" he spoke, the window behind him showing the dark night sky, "You had quite the hit there..."
"Good evening to you too?" You spoke, still trying to register where you are.
"Aww don't you recognize your old pal?" He made a triangle shape with his hands, before bending down near you and placing his eye in the middle of the shape to make his thin pupil more noticable.
Rasing your eyebrows, you slowly start to become more active as a smile sprouted on your face, "Bill!"
Standing straight, he fixed himself slightly,
"Yep, the one and only!"
Slowly looking around, your mind registers the hospital room you're now in. Hearing the heart rate monitor, you quickly get reminded by the wound on your stomach.
Thinking about it, you mind quickly connected the dots, "Then that would mean-"
"Yeah, yeah, it's not a big deal toots!" He spoke, adjusting his outfit once more.
"Still though, thank you." You spoke, continuing to smile up at him.
"Well, when you get out, remember to pay me back okay?" He spoke, in a joking manner, before giving you a wink.
You chuckle at his remark, nodding your head slightly.
Right after that day, the same person who slit your stomach came by to apologize to you. You soon found out how you even got wrapped into this mess. The person did end up paying all your hospital bills though but right after that, you never saw that person again.
Night after night, you'd always get visited by Bill Cipher himself. Maybe as an apology or some sort of penance, he'd always manage to make your dreams relaxing and more amazing. If you mention it, he'd flat out ignore you and make your dream even more amazing to distract you.
Although he doesn't talk about it, you do notice his clinginess level reach even higher than before. He'd subtly sneak tiny compliments here and there, he's always near you in your dreams, he'd frequently try to visit you in real life by possessing the same person he used in the hospital.
You're also not entirely sure if it's his doing, however, you found yourself to be quite lucky a bunch of times. When you're about to get hurt, you or something else often manages to stop anything from hurting you. Perhaps it's just luck, however something tells you it's most likely not.
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discogirl69 · 3 days
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My Human Bill being told to wear the Mystery Shack T-Shirt.
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sweemmy · 2 days
Relationship with Bill Cipher.
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Being in a relationship with Bill Cipher is like walking a tightrope suspended over chaos. You never know what’s coming next, and that keeps you in a constant state of alert and fascination. Bill has no concept of human or emotional boundaries, which makes every moment with him intensely unpredictable. One second, he’s laughing maniacally in your ear, his voice booming in your mind like a distorted cacophony, and the next, he’s whisking you away to dimensions that defy logic and time.
Sometimes, his physical appearances are grotesque, as if he enjoys showing you his most unsettling form just to watch your reaction. One night, he might approach you with arms that stretch unnervingly long, his eye flickering with a mix of mischief and malice. To him, it's all fun and games. To you, it’s a constant test of your nerves.
Romance with Bill is strange, bizarre, like a cosmic game no one else could ever understand. He’ll give you flowers that wither as soon as you touch them or take you to dinner in a place where time flows backward and the food looks like something from a Lovecraftian nightmare. His way of showing affection is twisted, but deep down, you sense there’s a spark of something genuine, though corrupted by his chaotic nature.
He whispers secrets in your ear that no one else knows, but those secrets are often too dark, too ancient, and they weigh on your mind like an unbearable burden. He warns you not to repeat them, yet tempts you to, just to see what happens. For Bill, human emotions are just another experiment, and you're his favorite test subject.
Sometimes, you feel like you’re losing yourself in his madness, as if the lines between your reality and his are dangerously blurring. But just when you think he’s dragged you too far, when you're on the edge of losing control, he pulls you back with a manic grin and reminds you why you stay by his side.
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Bill doesn’t distinguish between pleasure and pain; to him, both are just tools to manipulate your emotions. In more intimate moments, his touch is a mix of fascination and torment, his fingers—when he has them—glide over your skin, leaving behind a burning sensation, as if he’s marking you in some invisible way. He relishes your reactions, your shivers, and whispers in your ear that pain is just another form of love.
When you’re alone, Bill amuses himself by twisting reality to his will, creating illusions that toy with your senses. One moment, you're trapped in his embrace, but the next, it feels like something is pulling you into another dimension. He laughs at your confusion, feeding off the fear that radiates from you. For Bill, fear is as exhilarating as any other emotion, and he loves to push you to the edge of the unknown.
Sometimes, he leaves marks on you, invisible scars only you can feel. He calls them "souvenirs" of your encounters, trophies of his mental and physical games. He loves the idea that you carry a piece of him with you, a constant reminder of who’s really in control. And the worst part? You start to crave those marks, longing for the twisted pain only he can deliver.
Bill is a master of contradictory sensations. One moment, he's touching you softly, almost tenderly, but the next, his nails—or whatever he has that day—dig into your skin with a pressure that borders on unbearable. He delights in your gasps and your attempts to hold yourself together. He loves when you surrender, when you embrace the chaos he brings.
In his most grotesque moments, Bill blurs the line between the physical and the mental. He plunges you into disturbing visions while his intangible presence wraps around you. What you see is as grotesque as what you feel, warping your perception of pleasure and pain. He makes you watch as your own body deteriorates, distorts into impossible forms, while his laughter echoes in your mind. And when he pulls you back, you're left trembling, fully aware that nothing you experience with him is truly real… and yet, it feels as real as you want it to be.
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darlingdasiycow · 1 day
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I am unwell!!!!!!!
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doomedyaoiliker · 1 day
Second Chance AU!!! Hope nobody did this!!!
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In this AU, Bill gets a second chance after his treatment in Theraprism.
Bill's now a gifted human who's born in a rich and good family, even though he was born without an eye. Ever since his childhood, he has had many dreams and memories about his past life, which he doesn't know he lived. He works at a Circus as a magician, mesmerizing people of all ages. I'm still adding more content, but this AU will have billford, as Bill gained a second chance to make everything work!!!!
I'll probably try to post more of this au, like characters designs and things like that :D
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b-i-l-l-c-i-p-h-e-r · 5 hours
Rip Bill Cipher you would've loved telling people the "B" in "LGBTQ" stood for Bill
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ryemiffie · 3 days
Stuff from my day as billford incorrect quotes:
Bill: We actually never established a safe word, we did though establish the opposite.
Fiddleford: ??
Bill: It's when he turns to me, and he says, "Billiam Cipher." and that is when I know I am unsafe.
Fiddleford: ??
Ford: it's true.
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garbagehomo · 23 hours
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this dumbass loser
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