#Gracie Gardner
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classicajays · 3 months ago
Chris Rock Was in Gracie Abrams' and Heidi Gardner's Favorite Movie - SNL
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the1astolympian · 8 months ago
okay more hcs about where chb campers are from except it’s specifically my favorite background characters
malcolm pace - boston, massachusetts
mitchell - chicago, illinois
sherman yang - born in shanghai, china but moved to somewhere in southern california when he was like super young
holly & laurel victor - las vegas, nevada
cecil markowitz - cincinnati, ohio
katie gardner - kansas city, kansas
billie ng - seattle, washington
valentina diaz - queens, new york
connor & travis stoll - orlando, florida
lee fletcher - twin lakes, idaho
ellis wakefield - sacramento, california
alice miyazawa - los angeles, california
miranda gardiner - auburn, alabama
nyssa barrera - cartagena, colombia
lou ellen blackstone - salem, massachusetts (solely bc i wanted to make a salem witch trials joke)
julia feingold - victoria, british columbia, canada
michael yew - salt lake city, utah
castor & pollux - pittsburgh, pennsylvania
chris rodriguez - albany, new york
i have a bunch hcs about where specific pjo characters are from but just know that jake mason is from georgia
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 4 months ago
I’m not super familiar with TSATS (have only heard secondhand things about why it sucks) but would you be willing to speak about the issues you have with it?
I'll try to keep this relatively short (future Alder: HA) and to the point, because, well...there's a lot of ground to cover. If I missed anything, or if anybody else wants to add on their own grievances, consider this your ready-made platform!
Also, if you did like TSATS, this is your warning to scroll. I respect your opinion, and simply ask you to respect mine.
In no particular order (and as they come to mind-)
Hades sends Nico to Tartarus
This makes ZERO sense because Hades was the one to BAN Nico in the first place. Furthermore, he sends Nico because he, Hades, cannot just scoop Bob out of Tartarus...but then later does just that with another character. MAJOR plot hole, and a dumb one too.
this also makes Hades the WORST godly parent btw. at least Zeus didn't send Apollo to superhell.
that moment when you're an even worse parent than Zeus...a canonical abuser...
2. Where Are The Campers
For SOME ODD REASON Nico and Will are the ONLY demigods at CHB. Only ones. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY that they are the ONLY year-round campers, especially since this directly contradicts- you know, already-established canon. Austin and Kayla are both year-round campers. Damien White and Chiara Benvenuti. Billie Ng. Miranda Gardner and Sherman Yang. Harley. Cecil Markowitz. They are all year-round campers, and have been established as such since The Hidden Oracle.
There is NO WAY they ALL suddenly decided to be summer campers.
Not to mention...with some focus on Will, you'd think we'd get some attention- even a bit! - towards his siblings, right?
oh and the three newest Apollo kids- Jerry, Gracie, and Yan- just don't exist I guess. rip the new kids because THEY ARE NEVER BROUGHT UP.
3. The Tone & Pacing
Look. I know TSATS is aimed towards mainly middle schoolers. But so is the rest of the RRverse.
And you know what TSATS does that the rest of them don't?
It treats the reader in a condescending manner.
Or at least, that's what I felt. When I was reading, I got to the part where we meet the god of nightmares, and then we're suddenly hit with a PSA on gender identity and I was like "...okay. there's no need to shove it down our throats. you could have just had them correct Nico and Will without giving everyone a lecture. especially since GODS WOULDN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GENDER IN THE FIRST PLACE." <- Canon! See Apollo's return to Olympus in Tower of Nero! He says mortals have strange conceptions of gender! It's fucking canon.
There was no need for that PSA. There are much more natural ways of incorporating LGBTQ+ identities than constantly talking down to the reader. Children are not dumb. They do not need LGBTQ+ topics dumbed down to understand them. I was 12 when I first read House of Hades, and after a bit of brain buffering because I wasn't exposed to much LGBTQ+ things, I understood that Nico liked guys and not girls. I understood he was gay.
And there was no PSA needed for me to understand that. Just as there was none needed during the entire series of Trials of Apollo, narrated by our first bisexual protagonist, Apollo. The only time where it could get PSA-y is when Apollo breaks the fourth wall for a split-second to essentially tell homophobes to fuck off.
Something along the lines of- "What's that? Oh, are you wondering if I'm okay with my son dating a dude instead of a girl? HA! Of course I am lol do you know who I am."
And that's that. also solangelo fic writers who make apollo homophobic...you best stay away from me, okay? okay. i know you exist.
Magnus Chase introduces Alex Fierro without getting preachy about genderfluid or trans people. because guess what! THEY ARE JUST PEOPLE.
Plus- the RRverse books are fun reads for adults too. I'm able to reread just about any book ('just about' because of tsats now...) without feeling like I'm being treated like a 5 year old.
which was what reading tsats was like tbqh.
As for the pacing? It's. So. Slow.
tsats has 60 chapters.
in the words of a mutual- "I shouldn't be rooting for the gays to go to Hell already."
by this point in a normal RRverse book, we'd already be on the road, had a few near-death experiences, perhaps some actual death, character bonding and growth, ect ect.
Instead we get...whatever happened in the first half. so unimportant that i honestly don't care to remember.
but i will for this post and that will be that.
4. UwU Nico & Cardboard Will
If I haven't already pissed off the stans...I am going to now.
So. Many. Times.
So many times Nico is treated like the poorest, most tragic uwu emo boi who has suffered more than anyone else. and it's done in a very off-putting and rather irritating way.
not to mention, Will suffers as a result. He didn't feel like a person in tsats. Instead of building up a character for him, everything falls flat.
Example? Will admits he feels guilty over killing Octavian. Great! Perfect time for a character moment! Dealing with trauma-guilt! How has this affected him?
What we get? Nothing. It's not treated as any sort of trauma, and that becomes a trend in this book with Will.
Apparently, Will has not suffered. Not like Nico, the poorest of meow meows. Will has no trauma. Yes, even after fighting through two wars and stressing out over the possibility of losing his father (who he loves and adores very much) for good, Will is trauma free!! He knows nothing of suffering!! Yes, the majority of his siblings were ruthlessly slaughtered, going from 20 to 3 campers by the time of ToA, but no!! Will has no trauma!! because he's sunshine hot therapy boyfriend!!
This Will does NOT feel like the Will we met in Blood of Olympus, or like the Will in ToA. These Wills are stubborn and kind, fiercely loyal to their father, and most importantly, feels like a human being.
Which brings me to my next point...
5. The Apollo Conundrum
A couple things to say here.
Will keeps acting like he hasn't seen Apollo in forever. That he never came back after going after Python.
A complete, blatant, lie because Apollo did come back after going after Python! He was there when the fucking tsats prophecy was made in the first place!
Did Mark even read ToA. At all.
One good thing came of this, I guess. At least Apollo wasn't character assassinated, even if you could argue he was anyway because he never shows up.
A direct contradiction to where we left off in ToA.
FURTHER. you know what infuriates me?
Apollo's arc about being able to change, no matter what you've done in the past or who you are, is shoved onto Nico in a very half-assed manner.
pardon me i need to scream.
okay. i'm good.
...for now.
6. The 'Coming Out' Scene
oh my lord and savior jesus christ this GOT ON MY NERVES.
so on paper, sounds good right? solangelo comes out to CHB, in a positive, welcoming environment! very nice!
not to mention just how utterly ridiculous it's handled. apparently, solangelo inspired other campers to come out- a good thing- but...
this is so laughably dumb because there is NO WAY the campers aren't all cool with the LGBTQ+ community.
wanna know why?
you're gonna tell me that CHB is NOT an open environment for LGBTQ+ kids? that they did NOT normalize it? really? are you really gonna tell me that? you're gonna look me in the eyes and say that?
"but sometimes it's hard to come out even in a welcoming environment!" yeah you're right there. it can be hard to do that. and i would know. because i have done just that. was shaking in my boots when i told my mom and stepdad that i was queer. despite knowing they were both supportive of queer rights.
Nico was barely at camp pre-ToA. I can totally buy him not knowing CHB is pro-queer because of how little time he spent there.
and yet...tsats thinks it's a GRAND IDEA to do this coming out scene.
you know what else ticks me off about this? it's that Will is made to come out...by Nico.
you know. Nico. the one that the fandom flipped out over because he was made to come out. by Cupid. who is vilified for it.
and yet. it's treated by the narrative as the Right and Good thing for Nico to do. because Nico is Always Right and Good and Knows What's Best For Will.
it drove me up the wall.
also personally i'm not a fan of bisexual will. it's used too often as a 'will cheats on nico' thing in fics, so i was already disillusioned to it, and in tsats it's really only there for will to briefly thirst over persephone for some odd reason. let us have a gay4gay couple please i am begging you. but that's a personal opinion and i get it if you like bi will. that's just my thoughts.
7. The Bob Thing
this is something that's been on my mind ever since i first heard of tsats.
Is rescuing Bob even necessary? Like...okay, from a worldbuilding perspective...what does he add? Or was all this just fanservice done to 'save' a character who, by all rights and purposes, should be double dead. worse than dead. nonexistent.
like. first of all...how did Bob end up trapped by Nyx, when he was fighting Tartarus? Tartarus who, btw, is able to disintegrate you and cause you to cease to exist. Which is what- canonically! - happens to Damasen.
I guess Bob is different? But...so is Damasen. Since they are fundamentality different from their respective brethren...shouldn't they both have been safe from Tartarus's power? And not just Bob?
Look. I like Bob. I was so sad when we lost him in HoH. But honestly?
I think bringing him back cheapens his & Damasen's sacrifice.
Not to mention...I vividly remember earlier in the book, Nico for some reason takes a pot-shot at Percabeth, assuming that they wouldn't care about Bob.
Like. Hello?? That pissed me off too because it's such a gross misjudgment of both Percy and Annabeth that I had to take a few minutes to cool off before continuing the incoming shitshow.
8. Will's Powers
another hot take alert.
I don't subscribe to Plague!Will. Fun headcanon, have read fics with it (subscribed to a really good one too, in fact), but not something I would accept as canon.
even if tsats "made it canon" (BIG quotations there)
here's the thing. Will doesn't need a Cool power to be useful. He has healing and light. Defensive abilities, good for a healer! Which is what he wants to be!
there's no need to give him an offensive ability. he managed perfectly fine without plague powers before this.
(coughs in "Nobody hits my boyfriend and nobody kills my dad!")
This also ties back into the whole 'Will doesn't have much of a character' thing. like okay, we've introduced this new ability! cool! it's a dangerous one, and the exact opposite of everything Will is. do we explore that? do we do anything worthwhile with it? perhaps we could take this as an opportunity for some father-son discussion?
also for some reason Will can grow the Curse of Delos flowers by singing. something he has previously been established to not be very good at as far back as BoO- "I'm just a healer" and all that.
also also. that's not how the Curse of Delos works...they only grow on Delos, and around Cabin 7. no where else. magically growing flowers isn't even an Apollo kid power, and yes the Curse is Apollo's flower but that means nothing because Apollo kids don't grow flowers. that's Demeter.
sobs in so many contradictions
9. The...Cocopuffs.
groans dramatically.
first thing's first- What The Actual Fuck.
It's emphasized that the cocopuffs are Nico and Nyx's children.
Children Nico did not want.
Guys this is literally rape. This is literally rape why is it treated as a good thing??
i'm chill with them being manifestations of Nico's trauma. i'm NOT chill with this!! Or with Nico's trauma apparently being magically cured because of them, when he's, you know, our only character who canonically goes to therapy?
it feels like the help therapy can give is cheapened here.
plus...the Cacodemons (as they are actually called) are not good demons in the mythology. they are not good. at all. they are specifically evil spirits, and personally, I don't like the connotation that trauma correlates to them.
a better choice would have been a daimon, a neutral spirit. something that just Is and isn't bogged down by definitions of "evil" and "good".
also this is literally rape :) get it away from me.
10. The Retcons/Continuity Mistakes
Bianca Is Not Nico's Mom Get Your Damn Facts Right How Could You Make That Mistake It's So Dumb Like Oh My God Did You Even Do Any Reading For This-
I will give tsats ONE point. The ONE THING I think it did right.
i know. shocking. Alder giving tsats one (1) W.
Will's mortal anchor when he fell into the River Styx.
It was Apollo. That is something I can definitely buy as canon. Will's love for Apollo is ever-present in BoO and ToA. That makes total sense for him!
(Plus, I'm glad they didn't make it Nico. cause like...come on. we already have romance with Percy & Annabeth, and we also have siblinghood with Apollo & Meg, parent & child would be the next, very cool and logical step!)
Too bad Apollo is shunted to the side in tsats and we never get to see him with Will... (oh, except in that one nightmare-induced hallucination. but that doesn't count because that's not actually Apollo. strike against you tsats.)
this is all i got. definitely not exhaustive list because i am NOT subjecting myself to reading tsats again. i will not be losing more braincells.
anywho, if anybody would like to add on their own grievances with this book, go ahead! i probs missed some.
and again. these are just my opinions/observations. this is NOT an invitation for discourse.
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atlantidea · 8 months ago
shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people!
ty @rhaenyra-the-gracious <3
tagging @heartmis @binarisunset @uitzinnigmp3 @eyeldritch @kajafrompluto @rhaenyratargaryns @theoldgaylion @theharrow @keyfili @thetwinsinlaw if u want
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Lgbt headcannons pt 2
Ellis Wakefield: Gay
Katie Gardner: bi or straight
Julia Feingold: aroace
Kayla Knowles: Lesbian
Austin Lake: aroace
Cecil Markowitz: bi or pan
Alice Miyazawa: lesbian
Lou Ellen Blackstone: lesbian
Sherman Yang: bi
Miranda Gardiner: pan
Billie Ng: lesbian or bi
Valentina Diaz: pan
Drew Tanaka: lesbian
Lacy (from Cabin 10): pan
Gracie (from Cabin 7): bi
Yan (from Cabin 7): bi
Nyssa Barrera: lesbian
Jake Mason: idk bi or gay
Mitchell (from Cabin 10): bi
Clovis (from Cabin 15): gay
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gracie-bird · 1 year ago
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Dearest Ava,
Grace Kelly wrote this letter to Ava Gardner shortly after she married Prince Rainier of Monaco. In it, she mentions being pregnant, closing her apartment in the States, and her appreciation for Ava attending her wedding.
In 1952, Mogambo not only allowed Ava to reunite with one of her favourite leading men, Clark Gable, but it also introduced her to Grace Kelly, who would become a lifelong friend. Ava recalled some of the good times they had on set together in Ava: My Story: “I remember on Gracie’s birthday we got a bottle of champagne from some bootlegger, and she and Clark and Jack Ford and I had a little party out in the tent. Later, we did the same thing for mine. And after that, no matter where in the world I was, every year a birthday present would arrive from Grace.”
Ava also described "Gracie", as she called her, as a “great lady, and also great fun, but she was never much of a drinker, though she tried hard. Her little nose would get pink, she’d get sick, and we’d have to rescue her.”
Ava convinced Grace to join her on a Roman vacation after filming in Africa had wrapped. Grace wrote to a friend from Rome: “Ava and I are now great pals.” Ava attended Grace’s wedding to Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956 and attended galas Grace organized in Monaco. She was also among the celebrity guests at the wedding of Princess Caroline, Grace’s daughter, in 1978. Ava and Grace remained close friends until Grace’s untimely death in 1982.
Source: Ava Gardner Museum / https://www.johnstoncountync.org
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alldancersaretalented · 9 months ago
New solos for nationals
Blue = BD Las Vegas/Orlando, Uncolored = Finals Las Vegas/Orlando
Purple = Protege Radix, Orange = Finals Radix
Red = MVA Velocity, Pink = Finals Velocity
CSPAS (All TDA is Las Vegas)
Teresa Nan (7), Waves - Contemporary
Jayda Cook (7), Youth - Contemporary
Skylee Sitterud (11), Gimme More - Ballroom
Skylar DeLoach (12), Hot Like Wow - Jazz
Emberlynn Hill (11-12), We Lost Sight Of The Shoreline - Contemporary
Katheryn Mahoney (11-12), La Vie En Rose - Contemporary
Bella Stepan (13), Land Of All - Contemporary
Dara Rossiter (14), It Fell Quietly - Contemporary
Stella Condie (14), Into My Arms - Contemporary
Halle Hunt (15), La La Land - Contemporary
Kamri Peterson (15), 1977 - Contemporary
Club Dance Studio
Lily Knopps (6), Unchained Melody - Lyrical (ORL)
Abbey Scott (8), In My Memory - Contemporary (LV)
Navy Forrest (9), Into The Void - Contemporary (ORL)
Nixie Vance (9), To Silence - Contemporary (LV)
Makayla Isler (10), Over My Head - Contemporary (LV)
Caitlyn Mckenzie (10), The Pianist - Contemporary
Kennedy Besch (10), In The Mood - Musical Theatre
Kendyl Miller (11), The First Time - Contemporary (ORL)
Isla Gardner (11), Joga - Contemporary (LV)
Dance Enthusiasm (All TDA is Orlando)
Kayleigh Stoler (10), Water Lily - Contemporary
Danceology (All TDA is Las Vegas)
Brody Schaffer (8), Oh Darling - Lyrical
Ava Kim (9), This Will Be - Jazz
Adrianna Cubas (11), Wherever You Will Go - Contemporary
Naomi Morrill (11), Million Reasons - Lyrical
Isabella Amini (11), Nails Hair Hips Heels, Jazz
Hudson Hensely (11), Skins - Contemporary
Kate Blankenship (12), Mourning - Contemporary
Brooke Donnelly (12), A Light Within - Contemporary
Blake Chapman (12), Viola - Jazz
Zsabrina Grenevitch (12), Whispering House - Contemporary
Evelyn Lee (12), Sonata - Contemporary
Charlotte Shinnefield (12), TBA - Contemporary
Ella Bustillos (12), The Glow - Contemporary
Ella-Nani Knight (12), Forever Shifting, Contemporary
Ella Koehnen (12), Internal Collapse - Contemporary
Fiona Sartain (13), Jazz Is For Ordinary People - Tap
Brooke Salazar (13), Circular Translation - Contemporary
Keelyn Jones (13), Unwavering Devotion - Contemporary
Zoey Hibbs (13), Searching Within - Contemporary
Gracie Kim (13), Lacey - Contemporary
Peyton Szuberla (13), Past Recollection - Contemporary
Kylie Kaminsky (14), We Were, We Still Are - Contemporary
Kaelyn Kenneally (15), In The Dark - Contemporary
Khloe Rodriguez (15), Rigid Soul - Contemporary
Sofia Mah (17), Trapped In Cosciousness - Contemporary
Sami Sonder (17), Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Jazz
Emma Donnelly, Threatening My Existence - Contemporary
Caroline Skrable (17), Meeting Of Eyes - Contemporary
Emma Donnelly (17), Rule The World - Contemporary
Epic Dance Complex (All TDA is Orlando
Avery Altobelli (10), Secrets From The Sparrow On My Shoulder - Contemporary
Evolve Dance Complex (All TDA is Orlando)
Lola Rodi (11), Bang Bang - Contemporary
Kensington Dressing (12), Paradox Of Surrender - Contemporary
Zooey Steckbeck (13), Soldier - Contemporary
Maya Rogers (14), Eternal Glory - Contemporary
Elyse Wingertsahn (16), Don't Take The Money - Contemporary
Camryn Lanigan (16), Dance With The Truth - ?
Sam Evans (17), Cover Of Magazines - Contemporary
Larkin Dance Studio (All TDA is Las Vegas)
Jade Glyzinski (7), Smile - Contemporary
Stella Ames (7), Hit Me With A Hot Note - Jazz
Lexie Charnstrom (9), Rewind - Contemporary
Evie McCune-Barrett (9), Hallelujah - Contemporary
Evelyn Ringeisen (9), Praise You - Lyrical
Grace Sullivan (10), Broken Waltz - Contemporary
Neala Murphy (10), This Is Me - Specialty
Kennedy Deuth (11), Vivante - Specialty
Hailey Turnbull (11), Remember - Specialty
Sienna Powers (11), Sunday - Contemporary
Kelsie Jacobson (12), Withered - Contemporary
Finley Ashfield (12), This Is My Hand - Contemporary
Finley Ashfield (12), Fools Who Dream - Lyrical
Tahari Conrad (13), I Won't Complain - Specialty
Ava Munos (14), Once I Was Loved - Lyrical
Brynn Kostka (15), Afloat - Contemporary
Claire Monge (15), Fall Deep - Contemporary
Laci Bloss (15), Pure - Contemporary
Gabrielle Nead (16), Find Me - Contemporary
Kellan Cragg (16), Creeks - Contemporary
Angelina Emberson (17), What I Leave Behind - Contemporary
Lexi Adair (17), Our Love - Contemporary
Bella Jarvis (17), A Blurred Haze - Contemporary
Mather Dance Company (All TDA is Orlando)
Kali Funstron (9-10), Honeymoon Is Over - Jazz
Renee Liu (11-12), Can't Help Falling In Love - Lyrical
Winter Eberts (13), Fame - Jazz
Delaney McCarthy (14), Vow - Contemporary
Breez Carver (14), Afterneath - Contemporary
Sydney Robinson (14-15), Impossible Dream - Lyrical
Jonathan Archer (15), Nemesis - Contemporary
Maddie Ortega (15), Let Me Think - Jazz
Davin Ephraim (16), Margaret - Contemporary
Kaitlyn Ortega (17), Something New - Contemporary
Dyllan Blackburn (17), Kaleidoscope Love - Specialty
Dyllan Blackburn (17), Le Jazz Hot - Jazz
Keaton Evans (17), Falling - Contemporary
Abbey Stahl (16-18), Severance - Contemporary
Ryan Piccerillo (16-18), Blower's Daughter - Lyrical
Shaelan Baldwin (16-18), Fragile - Lyrical
Pave School of the Arts
Gabriela Cuevas (6), Teach Me How To Shimmy - Jazz
Sofia Cuevas (9), Red Football - ?
Talia Donaldson (9), Bad Dream - Open
Addison Sebelius (10), Just A Girl - Open
Kara Chen (9-10?), Someone You Loved - Lyrical
Vanessa Mattar (11), Hero - Lyrical
Alaya Ausar (12), Ain't No Other - Jazz
Tayah Klimuck (12), Serotonin - Contemporary
Kaylee Baldwin (13), This Bitter Earth - ?
Scarlet Kendall (13), Special Death - Open
Haven Warther (15), How Could You - Lyrical
Sienna Hardin (13-15), Nicest Thing - Contemporary
Leni Nam (13-15), Art Deco - Contemporary
Kaylie Do (16), Can I - Jazz
Lyrah Cabrera (17), Do You Feel Real - Contemporary
Spree Hazen (17), Landslide -Lyrical
Peach Miller (16-19), Reaching For Cold Hands - Contemporary
Sydney Parker (16-19), Feelin' - Open
Tiffany Robinson (16-19), Honda - Open
Tiffany Robinson (16-19), Call Me Irresponsible - Contemporary
Project 21 (All TDA is Orlando)
Olivia Armstrong (11), When I Go - Contemporary
Regan Gerena (12), The Hollow - Contemporary
Regan Gerena (12), That's Life - Jazz
Leighton Werner (14), Drag Me Down - Contemporary
Stella Eberts (15), Bloom - Contemporary
Gracyn French (15), Chemtrails Over The Country Club - Contemporary
Studio X
Emma Santos (7), Mr. Big Stuff - Jazz
Abigail Broadhead (15), Black Car - Jazz
The Vision Dance Alliance
Mila Trioli (8), Omni - ?
Everly Hafey (8), Tower Over Me - ?
Reese Rosato (9), Down - ?
Maisie McAllister (11), My Creation - ?
Lucia Milano (11), Unravel - ?
Violet McGuire (12), Meu Amor - ?
Julia Amato (13), Liar - Contemporary
Caitlyn Polis (15), Those Behind Us - ?
West Florida Dance Company (All TDA is Orlando)
Hannah Jackson (9), Chandelier - Contemporary
Stella Brogan (9), Unveiled - Contemporary
Johanna Bryant (10), Youth - Contemporary
Lainey Hess (10), Bring Me Water - Contemporary
Vesper Woo (10), The Maze - Contemporary
Kinzley Dragoonis (11), Wasted Time - Contemporary
Lily Hackney (11), The Audio - Contemporary
Ashlyn Weldon (15), If You Wait - Contemporary
Olivia Griffin (16), Eclipse - Contemporary
MadiKai Treger (17), Black Sky - Contemporary
Caleb Monnell (17), Amen - Contemporary
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newbornfallshq · 8 months ago
Could I get female fc suggestions for the last female klaus & cami spot and their age?
took me some time but... here we are ! the age would be between 18 - 34 . they could be a bit younger if you wanted them to, that is just the standard age we recommend .
abigail breslin, alexandria deberry, annasophia robb, ashley benson, bella podaras, brec bassinger, bridgit mendler, brie larson, britt robertson, cara delevingne, chloë grace moretz, dakota fanning, dianna agron, dove cameron, elizabeth lail, elle fanning, emily alyn lind, florence pugh, gabriella wilde, gigi hadid, grace van dien, gracie dzienny, haley lu richardson, hayden panettiere, hunter schafer, indiana evans, jade pettyjohn, jennifer lawrence, jordyn jones, josephine langford, katherine mcnamara, kathryn newton, kelli berglund, kiernan shipka, lili reinhart, lily-rose depp, maddie hasson, madelyn cline, madison iseman, maya hawke, megan donnelly, natalie alyn lind, nicola peltz, nikki roumel, olivia holt, olivia rose keegan, peyton list, sabrina carpenter, saoirse ronan, skyler samuels, sofia hublitz, sophie turner, sydney sweeney, taylor momsen, taylor swift, virginia gardner, willow shields, áine rose daly
if there are any more suggestion you need just ask !
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identity-library · 11 months ago
Diverse Sexuality (Books)
Alice Isn't Dead (Joseph Fink)
Alice (Unspecified WLW)
Keisha Taylor (Unspecified WLW)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Benjamin Alire Sáenz)
Aristotle Mendoza (Gay)
Dante Quintana (Gay)
Aru Shah (Roshani Chokshi)
Brynne Rao (Bisexual)
A Step Towards Falling (Connie McGovern)
Richard (Gay)
Harrison (Gay)
Hugh (Unspecified MLM)
Blood Like Magic (Liselle Sambury)
Keisha (Demisexual, Lesbian)
Bruised (Tanya Boteju)
Daya Wijesinghe (Unspecified WLW)
Shanti (Unspecified WLW)
Cemetary Boys (Aiden Thomas)
Yadriel (Gay)
Julian Diaz (Gay)
Chaotic Good (Whitney Gardner)
Brian "Farrin" (Unspecified MLM)
Cooper Birch (Gay)
Wyatt (Gay)
Connection Error (Annabeth Albert)
Josiah Simmons (Gay)
Ryan Orson (Gay)
Crown of Feathers - Series (Nicki Pau Preto)
Anders (Unspecified MLM)
Avalkyra Ashfire (Aromantic, Asexual)
Callysta Lightbringer (Lesbian)
Kade (Gay)
Latham (Unspecified MLM)
Nefyra Ashfire (Lesbian)
Sev Lastlight (Gay)
Sidra (Unspecified WLW)
Tristan Flamesong (Bisexual)
Dear Mothman (Robin Gow)
Alice (Unspecified WLW)
Molly (Unspecified WLW)
Exit, Pursued by a Bear (E.K. Johnston)
Amy (Lesbian)
Polly (Lesbian)
Gifted Clans (Graci Kim)
Bob (Unspecified MLM)
Chae (Unspecified WLW)
Gong (Unspecified WLW)
Jangsoo Jeong (Unspecified MLM)
Girl Mans Up (M.E. Girard)
Blake (Bisexual)
Penelope "Pen" Oliveira (Lesbian)
Highway Bodies (Alison Evans)
Dee (Bisexual)
Eve (Unspecified WLW)
Jojo (Bisexual)
History is All You Left Me (Adam Silvera)
Griffin (Unspecified MLM)
Jackson (Unspecified MLM)
Theo (Unspecified MLM)
Icebreaker (A.L. Graziadei)
Jaysen Caulfield (Gay)
Mickey James (Bisexual)
I Hope You're Listening (Tom Ryan)
Delia "Dee" Skinner (Unspecified WLW)
Sarah (Unspecified WLW)
Jess, Chunk, and the Road Trip to Infinity (Kristin Elizabeth Clark)
Cristophe "Chunk" Kefala (Pansexual)
Keep This to Yourself (Tom Ryan)
Mac Bell (Gay)
Quill (Unspecified MLM)
Learning Curves (Ceillie Simkiss)
Cora McLaughlin (Panromantic, Asexual)
Elena Mendez (Lesbian)
Love Letters for Joy (Melissa See)
Joy (Asexual)
Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl (Brianna R. Shrum, Sara Waxelbaum)
Abbie Sokoloff (Bisexual)
Margo Zimmerman (Lesbian)
Matt Sinclair - Series (Tony Fennelly)
Matt Sinclair (Gay)
More Happy Than Not (Adam Silvera)
Aaron Soto (Gay)
Pahua Moua - Series (Lori M. Lee)
Ka (Unspecified WLW)
Yeng (Unspecified WLW)
Paola Santiago - Series (Tahlor Kay Meija)
Carmela Mata (Bisexual)
Emma Lockwood (Lesbian)
Kit (Unspecified WLW)
Paola Santiago (Bisexual)
Percy Jackson - Universe (Rick Riordan)
Hemithea (Lesbian)
Josephine (Lesbian)
Lavinia Asimov (Lesbian)
Magnus Chase (Pansexual)
Nico di Angelo (Gay)
Paolo Montes (Unspecified MLM)
Piper McLean (Bisexual)
Poison Oak (Unspecified WLW)
Reyna Ramírez-Arellano (Asexual)
Shel (Unspecified WLW)
Will Solace (Bisexual)
Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky)
Patrick (Gay)
Pulp (Robin Talley)
Abbey Zimet (Lesbian)
Janet Jones (Lesbian)
Punk 57 (Penelope Douglas)
Manny Cortez (Unspecified MLM)
Ten (Unspecified MLM)
Sadie (Courtney Summers)
Sadie Hunter (Unlabeled WLW)
Sal & Gabi Break the Universe (Carlos Hernandez)
Reina Real (Bisexual)
Salvador "Sal" Vidón (Aromantic, Asexual)
Scholomance (Series - Naomi Novik)
Ibrahim Haddad (Unspecified MLM)
Jermaine (Unspecified MLM + Polyamorous)
Yaakov (Unspecified MLM)
Sikander Aziz - Series (Sarwat Chadda)
Daoud (Unspecified MLM)
Idiptu (Unspecified MLM)
Mohammed Aziz (Unspecified MLM)
Sidana (Unspecified MLM)
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo)
Jesper Fahey (Bisexual)
Nina Zenik (Bisexual)
Wylan Van Eck (Gay)
Sixteen Souls (Rosie Talbot)
Charlie Frith (Gay)
Sam Harrow (Unspecified MLM)
Synchro Boy (Shannon McFerran)
Bart Lively (Bisexual)
The Agony of Bun O'Keefe (Heather Smith)
Chris (Gay)
The Art of Saving the World (Connie Duyvis)
Hazel Stanczak (Asexual, Lesbian)
The Buried and the Bound (Rochelle Hassan)
Leo Merritt (Bisexual)
Tristan Drake (Gay)
The Field Guide to the North American Teenager (Ben Philippe)
Eric (Gay)
The Immeasurable Depth of You (Maria Mora)
Brynn (Bisexual)
The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali (Sabrina Khan)
Ariana (Unspecified WLW)
Rukhsana Ali (Lesbian)
Sohail (Gay)
The Luis Ortega Survival Club (Sonora Reyes)
Ariana Ruiz (Bisexual)
Shanaya "Shawni" (Bisexual)
The Manifold Worlds (Foz Meadows)
Gwen Vere (Aromantic, Unspecified WLW + Polyamorous)
The Montague Twins (Drew Shannon, Nathan Page)
Pete Montague (Gay)
The Mortal Instruments - Series (Cassandra Clare)
Alexander "Alec" Lightwood (Gay)
Magnus Bane (Bisexual)
The Summer of Bitter and Sweet (Jen Ferguson)
Louisa (Asexual)
The 100 (Kass Morgan)
Octavia Blake (Bisexual)
Way to Go (Tom Ryan)
Danny (Gay)
We Contain Multitudes (Sarah Henstra)
Adam "Kurl" Kurlansky (Gay)
Jonathan Hopkirk (Gay)
What Unbreakable Looks Like (Kate McLaughlin)
Elsa (Lesbian)
Wild and Crooked (Leah Thomas)
Beth (Unspecified WLW)
Kalyn-Rose Spence (Lesbian)
Tamara (Unspecified WLW)
Will Grayson, Will Grayson (David Levithan, John Green)
Gary (Gay)
Gideon (Gay)
Nick (Unspecified MLM)
Tiny Cooper (Gay)
Will Grayson (Gay)
Winger (Andrew Smith)
Joey Constantino (Gay)
Wings of Fire - Series (Tui T. Sutherland)
Anenome (Unspecified WLW)
Burnet (Unspecified WLW)
Silverspot (Unspecified WLW)
Umber (Gay)
36 Questions That Changed My Mind About You (Vicki Grant)
Max (Gay)
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theycallmerae · 2 years ago
Hello and welcome! I am Rae, from @imaginechb! This is a PJO RP account for the OC I got my name from. Here's some background information on her, please enjoy!
Full name: Renae Daphne Gold
Nicknames: Rae, Daughter of Apollo, Sunshine, Katniss, Lieutenant Counselor of Cabin Seven, Goldilocks, Funshine Bear
Pronouns: she/her
Cabin: Seven (Apollo)
Birthday: June 19
Fatal flaw: Hubris. Her talents can lead to her being pretty proud, and sometimes that can be fatal
Powers: Light travel (like shadow travel but with sunlight instead, you can find it in the Apollo cabin wiki!!), visions (not prophecies or dreams, they're brief and come in the day, usually accompanied by a splitting headache), and the standard Apollo cabin vitakinesis (healing patients by singing hymns to her father)
Quirks from powers: Her light travel isn't always precise, so sometimes she ends up in places she shouldn't. She has yet to perfect it. It also takes a lot of energy. Her visions are painful and cause her splitting headaches, and they also come out of nowhere, absolutely no telling when. Sometimes, when she's really upset, she spreads sickness to those around her. Once in a fight with Malcolm Pace, she caused everyone in a fifty foot radius to catch the flu.
Weapon(s): Her bow and a celestial bronze dagger that she keeps either in her sock (quests) or on her belt (training or battle)
Friends: Annabeth Chase, the Stolls, Clovis, Dylan Carter (OC), Gabriel Marsh (OC), Easton James (OC), Katy Gerard (OC), Katie Gardner
Enemies: Amanda Knight (OC), Drew Tanaka, Kronos, Gaea, Malcolm Pace
Significant other(s): Malcolm Pace (formerly), Dylan Carter (OC)(formerly), Connor Stoll
Family: Isabella Gold (mother, deceased), Apollo (father), Will Solace (half-brother), Austin Lake (half-brother), Lee Fletcher (half brother, deceased), Michael Yew (half-brother, deceased), Kayla Knowles (half-sister), Gracie (half-sister), Yan (half-sibling)
Hobbies/Talents: singing, playing guitar, tarot, volleyball, making bracelets
Fun facts: she enjoys Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, pretty crystals and sweet iced tea. Her favorite color is sage green. Travis Stoll is the one who gave her the nickname Katniss, after she almost took him out with her bow when she was eleven. She is 5'10, and always wears a white bandana in her hair along with her camp shirt, jeans, and white boots.
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ottpopfic · 11 months ago
Responsible Adults through The Program
Staff Leads
Unclaimed - Connor Stole
Hermes - Travis Stole
Apollo - Gracie
Demeter - Katie Gardner
Hephaestus - Harley
Hecate -
Athena - Malcolm Pace
Ares -
Aphrodite - Mitchell
Dionysus -
Iris -
Hypnos -
Nemesis -
Nike -
Hebe -
Tyche -
Specialty Leads
Infirmary and medical - Will Solace
Archery - Kayla Knowles
Education - Ritchard Gibson
Lead sword fighting teacher and underworld rights and advocate - Nico di Angilo
Forge - Nyssa Barrera
Lead Combat teacher - Clarisse La Rue
Stables - Butch Walker
Magic and Mist - Lou Ellen Blackstone
Other Adults jobs
Drew Takaka - manages supplies in relation to grooming for campers (clothes, hair care, skin care, oral hygiene), makes sure each camper is properly supplied and knows how to care for themselves, and helps get new campers clean and situated when they come in rough, helps with sex ed
If not listed its not a character from the books
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thisisfintrying · 2 years ago
now that many are moving to tumblr i’ll introduce myself a lil 🫶
im 20 years old
swiftie since 2007
fav albums: folklore, fearless TV, debut🪩🫶🦋
fav song: peace ☮️
other artists i love:
gracie abrams
lana del rey
grace gardner
lexi jayde
maisie peters
the national
reneé rapp
alix page
(tiredph0enix on twitter!)
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damfangirl08 · 30 days ago
I was thinking about names in the Percy Jacskon books because there is no way that none of the Apollo kids have the last name Archer
Lee Fletcher, Travis and Connor Stoll, Katie and Miranda Gardner, there has got to be some Apollo kid named Archer
In my head, either Jerry or Gracie have that as a last name because its funny to me
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new-kingston-gossip-xoxo · 1 month ago
V-Day or D-Day
Hey bitches, it's me, your neighborhood gossip coming out of the woodwork to make sure everyone knows what the people of this town are truly up to.
Valentine’s Day. A night for romance, heartbreak, and questionable decision-making. And if you were at Dana’s Place, you know that Cupid was shooting arrows like he was three shots deep and aiming with his eyes closed.
The drama started long before the party even began. Clarence Burton is back in bed with his ex, Andy Pearson—not that this is shocking, since Andy seems to have a rather open-door policy. Just ask Aldonis Darling and Jason Kyriakos, who I believe is her mystery bathroom man. Meanwhile, Logan Reyes learned a hard lesson in bad timing. They wanted commitment from Tilly Gaspar, but when she finally decided she was ready, Logan had already moved on to Mia Wildhorn. Now, Tilly is upset, Logan is jealous of Mia’s soft spot for her ex Carmen Wells (Mimi & Carmie, how adorable), and the whole situation is as messy as it is predictable. Over in the Outskirts, Sawyer Clark was caught making out with Tess Dove on New Year’s, proving that holiday regret isn’t limited to bad resolutions.
Mercy O’Connor, ever the hostess, threw a Galentine’s Day brunch the day before at Weaver Manor. The french toast was soggy, mimosa's were mostly orange juice and the attendees were lackluster; Rue Gardner, Lola Vanderbilt, Andy Pearson, Skye Emerson Marlowe and Mercy's newest stray, Sadie Clark. Poor girl is still nursing a bruised ego (and probably face) after getting punched by Gracie Knapp at Remembrance Day. Welcome to New Kingston girl! Mercy ended the soiree by handing out pink jackets sewed by Andy Pearson. I'm pretty sure my grandma sewed something similiar for my first day of third grade but who am I to judge? Oh right because I'm me.
Speaking of suspicious behavior, Jason Kyriakos’s horse was seen outside Emma Larsson’s house until late at night, and that’s not even the only shady thing he’s been up to—he’s also been spotted sneaking out of New Kingston in an unauthorized jeep. Intriguing.
Moving on. By the time the party started, the chaos was inevitable. Fletcher Knapp made a bold choice by providing bright red beer when it should have been pink. Too many people spent half of the party chain-smoking outside like lung cancer is a myth and health care is readily available. Although a very drunk Fletcher Knapp treated the bar to a seven-minute-long Meatloaf ballad, with Eric Griffin on backup vocals. It would have been an A+ performance if they took their shirts off.
Meanwhile, Tess Dove and Penelope Langston drowned their sorrows in alcohol, reminiscing about how they peaked in high school (relatable, but still sad). I noticed a lot of body glitter being used…don't they know that isn't going to hide those fine lines and wrinkles?
Lola Vanderbilt promptly ditched her date, Saxon Clark, before launching herself into journalist mode for Mercy’s podcast. Her first interviewee, Nico Farina, was about as interesting as watching paint dry. Thank god he has abs. Although putting your partner who woke up as a slug in a cage is never okay. Red flag if you ask me. I guess Penelope Langston doesn't seem to mind though--if anyone knows what she whispered to Mr. Farina, do tell and I'll be sure to let Mercy know what she's competing with.
Things got more entertaining when she turned her attention to Roman Graves. Roman, being Roman, was rude and anxious, so his friend Eliza Thorne stepped in to cut the interview short. In response, Lola called Eliza old—because of course she did. Then, Eric Griffin decided to stir the pot by revealing that years ago, 19-year-old Lola had slept with Roman in the Outskirts. Roman doesn’t remember, but Lola does, and she wants everyone to know the sex was not good.
Elsewhere, Nico spent most of the night talking to Mercy, who was wearing something that bordered on scandalous. Our little girl is all grown up.
Suspiciously absent were so-called just best friends Sawyer Clark and Jules O'Connor, most likely skipping the festivites to have their own personal Valentine's Day Celebration, maybe? Awfully close to Max's death day, don't you think? The grief-to-love pipeline is very real.
Town partyboy and fuck boy, Clarence Burton, who had been primed for yet another messy night, passed out early and never even made it to the bar (weak). Meanwhile, Jasper Henderson had his head on a swivel, checking out every attractive man in sight. He really needs to stop drooling over the gross men in this town but to each their own.
As the night wound down, the usual pairings (and surprises) emerged. Emma Larsson left with Elias Reyes who, in case anyone forgot, is Logan Reyes’s brother. Considering Emma is Logan’s best friend, one has to wonder how they feel about this little development. Penelope Langston and Nico Farina left together, as did Lola Vanderbilt and the very patient Saxon Clark. Mercy O’Connor left with her ex-boyfriend, Beau Montgomery, which just proves that old habits die hard. Meanwhile, Eliza Thorne and Roman Graves also paired off. Maybe Lola was right to call Eliza old, because taking out the trash is a very mature thing to do. Tilly and Jason Kyriakos, didn’t just part ways at the door—there was a full-on makeout session involved.
The drama didn’t end when the party did. Gracie Knapp’s boyfriend Billy finally snapped and dumped her because she can’t seem to quit her old flame, Eric Griffin. We respect a man with boundaries
And for those still keeping an eye on Mercy and Nico—yes, they were spotted together again, this time at the bar, holding hands. She even left wearing his coat. It’s giving clean your room young lady! We’ll see how that turns out.
That’s all for now, lovers and liars. Until the next disaster. 💋
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angelcityfm · 2 months ago
mwf? this is so pretty!
Ahhh thank you sm!
Some ideas that come to mind:
Simone Ashley, Madison Bailey, Michelle Yeoh, Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams, Rachel Zegler, Beabadoobee, Stephanie Tsu, Cindy Kimberly, Virginia Gardner, Aubrey Plaza, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Megan Suri, Richa Moorjani, Nana Komatsu, Poorna Jagannathan, Ryan Destiny, Anna Akana, Niecy Nash, Demi Moore, Kathryn Hahn, Aubrey Plaza, Laura Kariuki, Ayo Edebiri, Havana Rose Liu, Lily Gladstone, Tyla, Viola Davis, Marisa Tomei, Dove Cameron, Salma Hayek, Sobhita Dhulipala, Olivia Rodrigo, Gracie Abrams, Keke Palmer, Cierra Ramirez, Alexa Demie, Giovanna Cordeiro, Jung Hoyeon, Meltem Akcol, Taylor Russell, Ella Purnell, Amrit Kaur, Iim Jinah, Ruby Cruz, Lupita Nyong'o, Bruna Marquezine, Bree Kish, Mae Whitman, Lola Tung, Margaret Qualley, Kiana Lede, Samantha Logan, Tristin Mays, Pinar Deniz, Pooja Hedge, Lucy Hale, Aly Michalka, Hilary Duff, Brenda Song, Jessica Alba, Dewanda Wise, Davika Hoorne, Anna Sawai, Alexis Ren, Chase Sui Wonders, Maia Reficco, Sandra Oh, Maggie Q, Linda Cardellini, Gina Torres, Jeanine Mason, Samantha Logan, Gemma Chan, Constance Wu, Tessa Thompson, Mikey Madison, Banita Sandhu, Parveen Kaur, Demet Ozdemir, Emily Ratajowski, Phoebe Tonkin, Karrueche Tran, Meghann Fahy, Bensu Soral, Julia Dalavia, Lisette Olivera, Jessica Chastain, Grace Van Patten, Khadijah Red Thunder, Amber Midthunder, Mimi Keene, Dua Lipa
Are just a few who come to mind!
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ia-wrestle · 3 months ago
2024 Council Bluffs Classic Final Results
2024 Council Bluffs Classic Final Results #IAhswr
G100 Guaranteed Places 1st Place – Madalyn Riedinger of Gardner-Edg. Girls 2nd Place – Brooklyn DeRocher of LeMars Girls 3rd Place – Jaylee Ingham of Plattsmouth Girls 4th Place – Reese Pope of Olathe North Girls 5th Place – Sophia Mescher of Lewis Central Girls 6th Place – Gracie Peters of Brandon V Girls 7th Place – Maria Hoegemeyer of Millard West Girls 8th Place – Delilah Walker of Kearney…
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