*Faint Screaming*
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 5 months ago
I feel guilty for having moved on
While you’re stuck at 22
Everyday my steps grow lighter
And each step haunted by you
I never consider life without you
But as summer fades to fall
I’ve stopped thinking about 22
Rather the life beyond it all
Is it so wrong for me to be happy
While you watch from above
So wrong to make new memories
Memories past your 22
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 8 months ago
I think Ive always been in love with you I just didn’t know it yet
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 8 months ago
I see her in every moment and all I can do is smile.
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 8 months ago
A Bloody Love
Love is like the blood flowing through our veins
Thick, sticky, and always leaving a mess
No matter how many times you wash your hands
It's stuck underneath your nails
Pick as much as you want but it’s stained
A bond between sisters is stained beneath my nails
Every night I rub my skin raw trying to wash it away
Every morning I put on a fresh coat of polish to hide my shame
Pink new skin stings in the cool fresh air
She’s sober, a cerated lie
The promise carves itself into my chest when she relapses
Blood bubbles up my throat and I choke. . . unable to speak
Dead, in a puddle of my own blood
Dead in a puddle of love
Dead due to a drug addict sister
Dead due to an unfit mother
Dead due to a life just as thick and sticky as love
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 2 years ago
Day in the life of your typical 17 year old girl
Wake up at 3:30 am to get ready for work
Regret all of your decisions and life choices
Stare at the espresso machine like itll make your coffee brew faster
Bike to work at 4:15
Sit outside of work waiting to be let in- hate your self for being awake-
Clock in and begin doing your opening duties
Try not to pass out while your life guarding
Sit there and sing along to your playlist because if you stop you’re going to pass out
Think could i lift that person by myself or would i need the front desk to grab the speed board if they died
Think about the got guy in your calculus class
Theres finally no on in the pool so you can run to the bathroom
Play online uno to pass the time
Go back to guarding the pool
Your releif shows up at 9:00 so you get to ride your bike home
Change out of your work clothes and contemplate like
11:25 ask your step mom it take you to school
11:30 rip your shirt have to go home and change
11:50 you get to campus but you’re late to Calculus
You do your calculus homework you forgot about during the lecture
12:55 calculus is over so you sit in the cafeteria catching up on all of your other course work
Play tetris on your computer to pass the time
5:00pm your step mom picks you up and takes you home
✨congratulations ✨ you survived another day
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 3 years ago
Day in the life as a life guard of an indoor pool
Old people swim laps for a while, you wonder if you could preform a 1 person lift in case of an emergency or if youd be screaming for the front desk lady or a bystander to help
You hope your regular family doesn’t show up because you reeeeally dont want to listen to a screaming child for the next few hours
The family shows up and as per usual one of the kids is screaming and the other two are following none of the rules, and of course the dad is doing nothing
You contemplate kicking them out after one of the kids trys to drown the other
You could kick them out, youre allowed to, you’ve had to correct their behavior a million times, but you dont, you dont want to get a bad review as the aquatic staff just had a party due to all of the stellar reviews
You sit in your guard chair contemplating murder as the child continues to scream
Killing them means you dont have to deal with them next week, and you’re pretty sure the front desk lady would cover for you
The front desk lady can here the screaming child too, the glass wall separating us is thin
You wonder if the front desk lady knows how to delete the camera footage that shes in charge of
Would jail really be that bad, youre in pretty good shape and two of your sisters have already been, itd be easy
Continue the family legacy of going to jail maybe
But then you couldn’t see your cat
And you could only get books your family buys you and you quite like smutty books
You decide killing them isnt the best decision
You remind the family once again that they must be respectful of the other patrons and they cannot throw pool noodles at the lap swimmers
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 3 years ago
I was built to be beautiful, but i made myself into a sharp and harsh kind of pretty, rather that the soft unassuming pretty. I want to be pretty like the light gleaming off the edge of a knife, not the pretty of a flower soft yet so easy to break
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 3 years ago
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When he knows your favorite philosopher ever though you never thought he’d be the type to listen to it
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 3 years ago
You ever get the the stage of burn out where its like your just zoned out somehow getting the work done and you have no idea so uour scared if you think you’ll suddenly realize you have noe idea what your even writing
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3racoons-in-a-trench-coat · 3 years ago
Just girly things <3 *starts crying, screaming and banging my fist on the floor*
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