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Vobiscum - Berchfrit
#Vobiscum#Berchfrit#black metal#Count Grimthorn#David Küblböck#Grev Morsktorn#Morturom#Gra Inimicus#Behemoth Productions#castle
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220 Beginning Latin Adjectives and Adverbs
I found a digital copy of a book called Latin Vocabulary for the First Two Years (which you can access here), and though it’s from 1918, Latin presumably hasn’t really changed so I figure it’s still a good resource for beginning Latin vocabulary. Here’s a list of all the adjectives and adverbs from the book with their definitions! (below the cut, since it’s long)
acer, acris, acre: sharp, keen
acriter: sharply, fiercely
aeger, -gra, -grum: sick
aequus, -a, -um: level, even, kust, fair
alacer, -cris,-cre: eager, brisk
alius, -a, -ud: another
alter, -era, -erum: the other (of two)
altus, -a, -um: high, deep
amicus, -a, -um: friendly
ample: fully
amplus, -a, -um: large, distinguished
angustus, -a, -um: narrow
antea: before
apertus, -a, -um: open
aridus, -a, -um: dry
audacter: boldly
audax, -acis: bold, daring
barbarus, -a, -um: foreign, barbarous
bene: well
bis: twice
bonus, -a, -um: good
brevis, -e: short
celer, -eris, -ere: swift
celeriter: swiftly, quickly
certe: certainly, at least
certus, -a, -um: fixed, certain
ceteri, -ae, -a (plural): the other, the rest of
citerior, -ius: on this side, nearer
clam: secretly
commodus, -a, -um: fitting, agreeable
communis, -e: common
complures, -a or -ia (plural): several, very many
confestim: promptly
cotidianus, -a, -um: daily
cotidie: daily
cunctus, -a, -um: all, whole
cupidus, -a, -um: desirous, eager
cur: why
defessus, -a, -um: tired
deinde: then, next
dexter, -tra, -trum: right (hand)
difficilis, -e: difficult
diligenter: with care
diu: long (time)
diversus, -a, -um: different, distant
dubius, -a, -um: doubtful
duplex, -licis: double
egregius, -a, -um: eminent, unusual
eo: thither, there
eodem: to the same place
equester, -tris, -tre: relating to cavalry
excelsus, -a, -um: lofty
exiguus, -a, -um: small
facile: easily
facilis, -e: easy
familiaris, -e: of the household, intimate
ferus, -a, -um: wild, fierce
finitimus, -a, -um: neighboring
fortis, -e: brave
fortiter: bravely
frumentarius, -a, -um: pertaining to grain
frustra: in vain
gratis: freely
gravis, -e: heavy, serious
graviter: heavily, seriously
hic: here
huc: hither
iam: by this time, already
iam pridem: long ago
ibi: there
idoneus, -a, -um: fit, suitable
immortalis, -e: immortal
imperitus, -a, -um: unskilled, inexperienced
improvisus, -a, -um: unexpected
incolumis, -e: unharmed, safe
inde: from there, thence
inferus, -a, -um: low
infirmus, -a, -um: weak
inimicus, -a, -um: hostile
iniquus, -a, -um: uneven, unfavorable, unjust
interim: meanwhile
is, ea, id: this, that
ita: so
itaque: and so
item: likewise
iustus, -a, -um: just
latus, -a, -um: wide
legionarius, -a, -um: legionary
levis, -e: light (in weight)
liber, -era, -erum: free
longe: far
longus, -a, -um: long
magnopere: greatly
magnus, -a, -um: large
maritimus, -a, -um: maritime, naval
medius, -a, -um: middle, middle of
meus, -a, -um: my, mine
militaris, -e: military
modo: only
multum: much
multus, -a, -um: much, many
ne... quidem: not even
necessarius, -a, -um: necessary, urgent
necesse (indeclinable): necessary
neque, nec: and not; nor
neque (nec)... neque (nec): neither... nor
nobilis, -e: noble, famous
noctu: at night
nocturnus, -a, -um: at night, nocturnal
non: not
nondum: not yet
nonnulli, -ae, -a (plural): some
noster, -tra, -trum: our
notus, -a, -um: known
novus, -a, -um: new
nullus, -a, -um: no
numquam: never
nunc: now
occultus, -a, -um: concealed
omnino: on the whole, at all, altogether
omnis, -e: every, all
onerarius, -a, -um: of burden
opportunus, -a, -um: suitable, advantageous
paene: almost
palam: openly
par, paris: equal
partim: partly
parum: little, too little
parvus, -a, -um: small
pauci, -ae, -a (plural): few
paulatim: little by little
paulo: a little (with comparative)
paulum: a little
pedester, -tris, -tre: relating to infantry
peritus, -a, -um: skilled, experienced
perpetuus, -a, -um: everlasting
plenus, -a, -um: full
plerique, -aeque, -aque (plural): the most, the majority
plerumque: for the most part
postea: afterwards
posterus, -a, -um: next, later
postridie: on the next day
potius: rather, sooner
praesens, -entis: present, in person
praesertim: especially
praeterea: besides
pridie: on the day before
primo: at first
primum: first
primus, -a, -um: first
prior, -ius: earlier, first
pristinus, -a, -um: former, old
privatus, -a, -um: private
procul: at a distance
propinquus, -a, -um: near
propterea: for this reason
publicus, -a, -um: belonging to the state, official, public
pulcher, -chra, -chrum: beautiful
qua: where
quantus, -a, -um: how great
quo: whither
quoque: also
rarus, -a, -um: wide apart, scattered
recens, -entis: fresh, new, recent
regius, -a, -um: royal
reliquus, -a, -um: the rest, remaining, remainder of
repente: suddenly
repentinus, -a, -um: sudden
rursus: again
sacer, -cra, -crum: sacred
saepe: often
satis: enough, quite
secundus, -a, -um: second; favorable
semper: always
sic: thus, so
sicut, sicuti: just as, as if
similis, -e: like
simul: at the same time
singularis, -e: single, unusual
singuli, -ae, -a (plural): one each, one at a time
sinister, -tra, -trum: left (hand)
solum: only
solus, -a, -um: alone, only
statim: at once
subito: suddenly
superus, -a, -um: high
suus, -a, -um: his/her/its/their own
talis, -e: such
tam: so
tamen: nevertheless
tantus, -a, -um: so great
tardus, -a, -um: slow, late
timidus, -a, -um: fearful
tot (indeclinable): so many
totus, -a, -um: all, whole of
triplex, -licis: threefold
tum: then
turpis, -e: disgraceful
tutus, -a, -um: safe
tuus, -a, -um: your
ubi: where, when
ullus, -a, -um: any
ultro: voluntarily
una: together, in company
unde: whence
undique: from all sides, on all sides
universus, -a, -um: altogether, all
unus, -a, -um: one
usque: even till, even to
uterque, -traque, -trumque: both, each
utilis, -e: useful
vacuus, -a, -um: vacant, destitute of
vehementer: violently
vero: in truth, but
verus, -a, -u: true
vester, -tra, -trum: your
vetus, -teris: old
vetustus, -a, -um: old
vivus, -a, -um: alive
vix: scarcely
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Vobiscum - Christenblut
#Vobiscum#Christenblut#black metal#Count Grimthorn#Dunkelfürst#Grev Morsktorn#Gra Inimicus#CCP Records#blood
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Vobiscum & Mittwinter - Split
#Vobiscum#Mittwinter#black metal#Count Grimthorn#Dunkelfürst#Morturom#Gra Inimicus#Gräfin der Nacht#Dunkelheit Promo
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