#Got a job
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james-spooky · 7 months ago
celia is winning the idgaf war sooooo hard rn
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acidiccherry · 18 days ago
tryna come up with a metaphor where the thought of mark s & helly r reunion is like a person and my mind is a prosperous comfortable household that this person created throughout the years
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drama-glob · 2 years ago
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I think I made this same face when I finally got a job after months and months of applying to different places. ;) ^_^
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casifires · 5 months ago
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burger-goblin · 9 months ago
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thedemisapphic · 27 days ago
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I got a job! An actual legit job! AND I’M HYPE!!!
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ccordial · 5 months ago
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Ah yeah 내밀어 준 두 손 끝이 조금 차가워도 기분 탓야 Move - :??
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randomness-fullfilled · 5 months ago
I finally got a job! I really hope this works out for me…
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vivaciousoceans · 1 year ago
Ik like getting into recovery isn’t easy and takes time, but I’m exhausted by feeling every single day like I’ve made no progress at all
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sleepydross · 2 years ago
i am officially a gas station night shift employee and im so fucking happy yall. this is the one i wanted. i get to make the breakfast.
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mrsq8geek · 4 months ago
I think about this every now and then so here's what I got on this:
Social constructs often are based on things that are either unchangable or very difficult to change. The 24 hour system is a social construct but it's based on something measurable and that varies so little that, for most intents and purposes, it's practically static. Kind of related. Another example: Farming, hunting, or fishing have similar cultures across the world, because we all gotta eat so we learn what exists in the world and how to turn it into food. Fried ball of dough across the world! Seafaring culture shanties (and also work songs) my beloved.
Uncertainty and risk associated with change. People generally agree that the four-day work-week would be better for... well, most things, including productivity, than five days, given how much the world has changed. But even with so many companies and sometimes countries coming out of trials with positive results, it's a slow change, often because a lot of decision-makers would rather stick with what they know, or maybe they want to proceed with a change, but don't know which option to go with. Take this and bog it down with all the details of humanity. The potential loss of the tried-and-true usefulness/benefits of the existing system can easily outweigh the cost and risk of changing to something new.
The inherent tension between standardization and specialization. ISO is a boon. Forcing the peoples you conquer to adopt your way of life has resulted in countless losses, some of which have not been recovered, and others which we're now paying for. Also, I'll use any excuse to bring up this episode of 99% Invisible. Different cultures live in different material realities, which creates different specialized social constructs suited to that place, which inevitably clashes with whoever the superior culture at the time thinks is Best, and so on as we trend towards globalized homogeneity.
You can't have it all. There will come a time where you will have to choose one social construct and its associated consequences over another. And what you value as important will affect that greatly: after you after happiness? Meaning? Contentment? What if you're after compliance with your group? Socioeconomic power? Sometimes there will be social consensus that you did the Right Thing and sometimes not, what then?
That being said, I definitely get the knee-jerk reaction to think "social construct = fake = bad" because when someone says "x is a social construct", it's often in the context of how that construct can change, and that's a threat. For some people, it's as simple as "change is hard and scary", but you might end up having a nice conversation after that. Other times, it'll be "you want to change something that I personally benefit from" and that's more difficult to pick apart.
Personally, I'm not a fan of "most work happens in the morning", the choice of jobs available in the afternoon/evening is very limited and I'm always struggling. Someone convince morning people that night owls are important, too!
man. People get so upset when you call things social constructs. Thinking that if you say something is a social construct that means it's fake and unnatural, and following that, that that means it’s bad. Something being a social construct means that it’s socially constructed. That’s it.
Money is a social construct. Weekends are a social construct. Vegetables are a social construct.
That doesn’t mean it’s okay if my paycheck is withheld or my rent is late. Doesn’t mean I don’t luxuriate in sleeping in on Saturday. Doesn’t mean the nutrients in tomatoes or spinach aren’t good for you.
What it means is that the way we think about things is socially constructed, and could be constructed a different way. Why do we base our society around money? What does value mean outside of money? What is “value”? The way we construct it isn’t the only possible way.
Why is a week a cycle of seven days, and five of those days are for working and two of those days are for resting? Could we organize our time differently? Should we? What would that look like? Other cultures don’t/didn’t have seven-day weeks with a five on-two off cycle. It’s not inevitable. It’s historically and culturally specific.
“Fruit” has a scientific definition but “vegetable” does not. Many parts of plants are culinarily defined as vegetables. Fruits (eggplant, avocado, tomato), stems (celery, asparagus), leaves (kale, lettuce), roots (carrots, potatoes, turnips)… all of these are culturally categorized as vegetables. And nutrition advice is based on this cultural categorization. Is a mushroom a vegetable? It’s not even a plant! Why do we categorize it this way? Why isn’t wheat or oats considered vegetables, but corn is, except when it isn’t? Could we categorize our plant-based food other ways?
Calling these social constructs doesn’t mean they’re bad or unimportant. It just calls attention to the fact that they aren’t inevitable. That they could be constructed in different ways, and that is worth thinking about, and thinking about the value we get in constructing things the way we do.
Gender is a social construct.
Romance is a social construct.
They are based on feelings, desires, and experiences, but how we name and categorize and express and act on them are fully culturally constructed. Other cultures do and have constructed these concepts in other ways. You can like the way we do it now. You can find it stifling. But the way we do it now is not the only, inevitable, inherent, real way. It could be done other ways, organized and categorized and conceptualized in other ways. And that’s not a bad thing either.
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ecowgirl · 5 months ago
over it october. no energy november. defeated december..
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 1 year ago
Found this really scary new horror game yall should check out. It's called indeed.com and it has a sequel called linkedin
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justhellacesome · 1 month ago
Workin in Customer Service Soon, can you guys tell me your best and worse memorable experience as an agent or as a customert?
I need thoughts and prayers.
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catchandelier · 2 months ago
Tip for u just got a job and gotta take a Long Bus Ride about it now: practice waking up that early before you gotta get up that early. Friendly psa.
Also 1st shift superiority 5ver let’s gooooooo
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dekuboya · 6 months ago
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Short Jon gender euphoria comic for the soul :,)
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