#Goron Physiology
smilesrobotlover · 2 months
Love at Twilight. Got anything to say about it? Any behind the scenes things you’d be willing to share? Thoughts on Kori? His physiology? Any hints on upcoming plot or chapters? 👀
So the very first draft of this story was widely different than how it was now. Originally it was a story about a circus that tried to get Kori there, but I really didn’t know what to do with everyone else. The plot didn’t motivate me and the final chapter I wrote out was terrible. I couldn’t fit in the resistance and generally I didn’t like it.
Until I thought of a mutated shadow beast, and then I completely changed the plot. There was no more lame ring leaders or weird and uncomfy scenarios in the circus. Like lemme tell you, the story wrote itself when I changed the main villain. It rocks
But it’s interesting at how the two stories kinda parallel? Originally Link didn’t let Kori leave Ordon out of fear for his safety, but for his birthday, they go to castle town. Some old man freaks out at Kori when he gets distracted by cats and it’s this huge deal. They’re able to run away but the ring leader finds out about “a little devil” and wants to find him for his circus. So he tracks Kori down in Ordon and attacks Uli in the middle of the night to find him.
In the actual story, they go to Kakariko for Kori’s birthday, some lady freaks out about him, and while I couldn’t show this in the fic itself, I imagined a comic form of this part. When Link and Rusl are done investigating the missing Goron, there’s a hint that the Twili beast is watching them. So it follows them back to Ordon when the fam leaves and attacks Rusl.
So much fun stuff! Rip Uli and Rusl, one of y’all had to suffer in each story 😔
Idk what else to say about the old story but it’s fun to talk about because it changed SO much. Everything about it is different. The rest of the story won’t parallel the old one (the old one was barely written out anyways) but it’s cool to see similarities!
Originally I played with Edmund being a villain with Twili beast, and he probably would’ve kidnapped Colin for some reason, but I decided against it. It would’ve been too much to deal with and I find Edmund a more enjoyable character now than how he was before. I’ve noticed that tp Zelda always gets an abusive husband, and while I don’t hate that, I wanted to give her something different. They’re not super in love but some sparks were actually flying in chapter 7 so… 👀 (that’s actually why I asked if oc x canon was cringe cuz I kinda like them hdbsbsjsbsk). But yeah! I found Edmund being a villain extremely boring. It’s kinda fun not having any person as a villain, and instead it be some monster or something. Man vs nature you know?
And some hints ;) the Twili beast isn’t eating people, but it is “eating” something from people. I wonder if y’all can guess :3c and also for next chapter… it’s actively hunting someone down now. But I wonder who 🤔 or is it multiple people?? Guess you’ll find out at some point.
And Kori is my baby I love him <3 since he’s half Twili, he’ll stop sleeping so much as he gets older. He’ll still need sleep, but not as much as before. Which is nice cuz he struggles to sleep with the light anyways (he’ll also begin to struggle with sleep for a lot of different reasons 😬)
And this was a complete accident, but sometimes characters write themselves haha. Kori loves fashion and clothes! I worded this weirdly in the chapter, but Kori hates the men’s skirts of ordon, and is interested in other types of clothing. I want him to be a tailor or something when he’s older cuz he finds clothes so fascinating! I mean, I did have him interested in the dress up dolls! That’s something he’d absolutely love to do :))
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dewcrow · 1 year
Lizalfos/Dinolfos: How Would I Make Them A Race?
The cold blood of the two reptilian races of Hyrule limits their preferred environments to warm regions like Eldin and Gerudo, and the harsh conditions of such regions has hardened them into a warrior race that values power and courage over wisdom, to the point where they were initially hostile to outsiders. Because of this hostility, they were demonized in Hyrulean legends until the Royal Family of Hyrule funded studies that revealed evidence overturning the historical record, including temples and monuments related to lizard-like figures. The Lizalfos and Dinolfos were hesitant to accept the kingdom’s attempt to patch up relations but did so when emissaries of the kingdom presented their findings and offered them land on which to build new temples and statues. Since then, the two races have been welcomed into the kingdom and spread to the Faron and Lanayru regions, although most remain in Eldin and Gerudo.
The Lizalfos and Dinolfos have a similar relationship to that of the Hylians and the Sheikah. The Sheikah were believed to be servants of the goddess Hylia and thus served as advisors to the Royal Family of Hyrule, and the Lizalfos hold the Dinolfos in similar esteem. The tougher skin and more fearsome appearance of the Dinolfos calls to mind the image of Dodongo, one of two legendary beasts featured prominently in the races’ iconography; the other is Volvagia, a red dragon with flaming horns thought to be the primordial ancestor of all reptiles. Supposedy, Dodongo came the closest to rivalling Volvagia’s strength that any reptile has ever gotten, and some Lizalfos and Dinolfos believe it to be the reincarnation of the dragon.
In accordance with the beliefs surrounding Dodongo and Volvagia, the Lizalfos and Dinolfos are to be jointly ruled by two chieftains, one from each race, and this in turn is the basis for a cultural emphasis on pairing. Most Lizalfos are trained from youth to fight in pairs, and since all Lizalfos and Dinolfos are ambidextrous, it is easy for warriors to develop a tag-team fighting style that relies on each individual using the opposing hand. This system is so important to the Lizalfos that techniques for fighting solo are taught only in the event of absolute necessity, and most Lizalfos do not travel without a partner. Like the Zora, most Lizalfos do not wear much in the way of armor, either.
Male and female Lizalfos/Dinolfos are not too different physiologically, but females have slightly curvier bodies. It is common for a brother and a sister to pair up as warriors, although many Lizalfos choose instead to pair up with close friends or lovers. Amusingly, the lack of gender restrictions makes male Lizalfos a common sight at the gates of Gerudo Town as they sit around waiting for their partners to return to them.
As far as relations with the other races go, Lizalfos and Dinolfos are most comfortable associating with the Sheikah or the Rito, as these are the races with which they share cultural keystones such as the training of young warriors and connections to the divine. By contrast, they have mixed feelings about the Gorons, being impressed with their strength but confused by their gentle nature.
Some sample quotes for Lizalfos/Dinolfos NPC’s:
“If you have bugs - or Rupees - I have elixirs. Don’t worry; Lizalfos can get the benefits of elixirs just by eating bugs, so I don’t need these.”
“I hate waiting around like this - it’d at least be bearable if I had a monster to fight…”
“Oh, I get it. You’re one of those guys who still thinks Volvagia was a Goron-eater. I’ve got nothing more to say to you, then.”
“The Chieftains have agreed to meet with you, Link. I hope they are as grateful to have your aid to call upon as I am.”
“Hey, Hylian! Wanna scrap?…Hah! Only joking.”
“I’m so tempted to get those Cuccos to attack me so I can build my endurance.” (“Don’t do it, you idiot!”)
“You’re Link, huh? I heard you’re as strong as they come. You should come with me and my partner, then. We’re heading to a Bokoblin camp soon - gonna show them what Lizalfos technique looks like.”
“You look like I could flatten you with one hand, but I sense that you possess far greater strength…Hylians are full of surprises.”
“If you want to fight, you can just say it. No need to stare like that.”
“I’m in a bad mood because the last monster I encountered on the road died too easily. If you know a place where I can find a strong foe, let’s hear about it.”
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redphienix · 1 year
I propose that in the next zelda game it's revealed that just to one up gerudo weird physiology, the goron have a female goron once every 1000 years (up from 100!) and they are WAY more evil and powerful than ganondorf has ever been
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Guest Analysis: Goron Physiology
I have been a huge fan of the Legend of Zelda franchise since I first played Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask on the N64 when I was a child. Among the many iconic and fantastical races those games introduced me to are the Gorons; the strong, hardy rock-people of Hyrule. Since then, the Gorons have played major roles in almost every major release in the series, including the most recent: Breath of the Wild.
Truthfully, the Gorons will always hold a special place in my heart. But there are simply far too many discrepancies that I cannot- that I WILL NOT ignore. They can walk on lava, they can breath underwater, there is no rhyme or reason to their reproductive cycles, and not ONCE has Nintendo ever bothered to explain any of this. We know almost everything there is to know about the other races of Hyrule, but the Goron’s inner workings remain shrouded in mystery.
Try as I might, I cannot solve many of the mysteries presented by these volcano-dwelling weirdos. But today I am willing to look past all of that. Today I’ll be trying to explain one of the few consistencies between all generations of the Goron. Today I am asking the question: is eating metal possible? And can one survive from doing so?
To answer the first question, we need to understand how the body is able to digest normal food. Your stomach contains acid, hydrochloric acid specifically, which dissolves the things you eat so that your body can take the nutrients it needs and get rid of the waste. But metal is not food (at least not to humans), so can it be dissolved by our stomach acid? It depends on the metal. Zinc, for example, is something you probably eat every day without noticing. Keep in mind that you aren’t eating bricks of zinc for breakfast, so you stomach is able to digest the smaller bits individually.
The problems become clearer as you move further down the periodic table. Hydrochloric acid just isn’t strong enough to dissolve tougher metals like iron. But Gorons are most certainly not like humans. If their skin is as hard as stone, who knows what’s in their stomach? So, for the sake of this theory, let’s imagine that Goron stomachs somehow contain nitric acid, and can dissolve strong metals.
Iron actually IS somewhat nutritious. If you could manage to break it down in your stomach, then that could effectively be part of a healthy diet. Only PART of a healthy diet, that is. Surviving on iron and zinc alone is unlikely to be possible, even for Gorons. Surprisingly, we are actually given quite a lot of insight into the Goron’s diet. Wearing the Goron mask in OoT will cause Gorons to suggest Link eats his green rocks to grow big and strong. In BotW, you can buy Goron spices from the store and meat from the grill in Goron City. Since I’m certain there aren’t a lot of Hylian tourists visiting Death Mountain, most of that food must be made for the other Gorons. This could all mean that Gorons are actually omnivorous creatures, and eat minerals simply because they can.
While I could just end this by saying that Gorons are omnivores with extremely powerful stomach acid, there’s one thing I’ve neglected to mention about the logistics of eating metal. No, I’m not talking about the excretion of the waste after digestion (I downright refuse to write a report on Goron feces), I’m referring to the gas. Dissolving metal in acid can produce hydrogen gas, with certain metals producing more gas than others. If the heat around that volcano is enough to cause Link to burst into flames, then it is more than enough to ignite the hydrogen and cause it to explode, making for a highly volatile belch.
Yep, that’s right. Gorons are explosive. Maybe they have more in common with the Nejirons from Majora’s Mask than we thought. As surprised as I was to learn this, I’m happier than ever to finally have a little closure on the Goron’s functions. Perhaps now I can finally be at peace.
- Researched and written by Ryan Bowers   You can follow him on Twitter at @RusticGiraffe. He told me to say that.
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esamastation · 3 years
Breath of the Wild snippet
Link is bored. It's a little startling how easy it's to see – how easy he's to read these days. Where before, hundred years ago, he'd been as unreadable as a brick wall, a look of serious determination as though permanently etched to his face, now he's an open book, covers flung wide. The serious frown still makes an appearance, of course, it's his default expression, Link's face simply rests in a way that makes him seem as though he's almost scowling, but now, should an emotion cross his mind… he does nothing to hide it. 
Like now, as his attention strays and his eyes wander and every so often he smothers a sigh or a yawn or a longing look directed at the door. It's in part painfully and in part endearingly clear how little attention he's paying to their meeting, and how much he wishes he could be elsewhere.
Zelda smothers a smile and then realises she's allowed herself to be distracted, and quickly turns her attention back to the meeting taking place in Impa's house.
"... a little difficult to test," Purah is saying. She's sitting cross legged in the middle of the floor, her seat cushion abandoned and papers flung about her – most of them about her anti-aging rune. "I can't even promise the test subject will survive the process, never mind that it will work even fifty percent of the time... so finding people to volunteer has been an issue."
"What, no old folks interested in regaining their misspent youth?" Robbie asks with a slight snort, adjusting his goggles. "I'd happily test it, if my work wasn't too important to risk!"
Purah gives him a look. "Well, duh. Most folk are the same," she says and shakes her head. "And besides, the population and age statistics don't exactly trend towards the elderly these days. The average life expectancy of both Hylians and Sheikah both trend about forty years younger than it used to be pre-Calamity. And the only way for people to reliably grow old these days –"
"Is to have a family or other support network, helping them," Impa muses, rubbing at her chin. "Which means they have things too dear to lose, for an uncertain chance."
"Just so," Purah says and folds her little arms, adorable in her seriousness. "I did post queries around Hateno village, of course, but I only had a couple of takers, and they all turned tail when I explained the risks. And we can't improve the chances without further testing. And we can't do further testing without candidates. And we're not likely to get more candidates with the chances being what they are - it's a vicious circle." 
By the door, Link looks ready to nod off. 
Zelda hums, looking at the papers Purah had brought, conflicted. It's incredible work, just as a concept, and Purah hadn't just left it at theory – and the results certainly speak for themselves! Purah is now, what, hundred and twenty, hundred and thirty years old? And she looks as though she is a girl of six, with all that time ahead of her and not behind. If the technology could be made reliable, it would no doubt change the future in ways Zelda can scarcely imagine… for the better, she hopes, for all the people of Hyrule.
But right now, she has more selfish reasons to make enquiries into the rune.
Zelda looks at Impa, sitting on top of a pile of pillows, her weathered, aged face thoughtful. Their eyes meet and Zelda steels her resolve. "Might there be any potential candidates in Kakariko village, Impa?" she asks.
"Hmm. I doubt it. Young Zain, maybe?" Impa muses. "Well, he's not so young. He's in his seventies, he has bad knees and no surviving relatives to support or be supported by. Bit of a sour grape, that one, though. Sceptic. Hard to convince."
"I'm sure if the Lost Princess and the Hero who stopped Ganon ask for it, anyone would be happy to give it a go!" Robbie says, slapping his folded knees. "Especially if they learn what it's all for!"
Zelda smiles, wincing, and looks down. Using her standing for such a thing… sure she'd done things of that nature before, pleading people to join their cause, ages ago… but never with the risks so high, and potential results so uncertain. She'd never liked asking people to risk their lives, for her or otherwise. Even with a cause so important...
"It would be a somewhat awkward thing to ask, though," she muses and looks down. "It is an awkward thing to ask. I'm… I'm sorry to have to ask it of you."
After all this time, all these years, all the service they'd already put in, to ask for so much more of them… but she had to. No one woman could rebuild a kingdom by herself. She needed help, she needed allies – she needed Impa and Robbie and Purah. With such a foundation, Hyrule might yet rise, better than ever, but for that to ever happen… Impa and Robbie needed to go through what Purah already had, and extend their already prodigiously long lives even further. They all deserved their quiet retirement, after all the effort they'd put in, but for Hyrule, Zelda would make this cruel request.
"Ha!" Robbie says, striking a pose. "Like I wouldn't do this without being asked! As soon as Purah can improve the odds – no, as soon as we can improve the odds –"
"What's that, you old coot, what do you mean by we?" Purah depends, bouncing to her feet. "If you think I will let you ever into my lab, mister, you're sorely mistaken –!"
"If we work together, combine the efforts of Akkala and Hateno tech labs, we're sure to succeed! With Cherry's incredible computing power and your Stone –"
"Your creepy ancient furnace is getting nowhere near my Guidance Stone!"
Link startles awake at the noise they're making and Zelda smothers a giggle while Impa sighs.
"I will ask Paya to check in on Zain, maybe he will be interested," Impa says and shakes her head. "But it's still a small test study, with only two subjects. I'm sorry, Zelda – as much as I wish to do this, I am with Robbie on this. The chances are too low and I have too much to lose, right now. Paya is nowhere near ready to take over for me here. There needs to be more candidate's, first, and I don't know where we can get them. But," she hums and looks away. "There might be someone who does."
Link yawns and then freezes, finding all of them staring at him. Then, clearly baffled, he points at himself quizzically, and Zelda offers him a smile.
Impa chuckles. "You've been all over Hyrule now, Link – you've traveled farther than probably anyone has in a hundred years. Better than anyone, you know the state of her people. Do you think there is anyone out there who might be interested in Purah's study – in regaining their youth, even at a risk?"
Link scratches the back of his neck thoughtfully and then takes out the Sheikah Slate, opening the map with an easy, well practiced wipe of his fingers over the screen. Zelda leans in, once more amazed – and a little jealous – of how far he'd gotten with it, how full of markers the map is. Hundred years ago, she'd estimated that there might be as many as a dozen sites of ancient Sheikah technology all over Hyrule. Link had discovered over a hundred. They now glow on his map, like glittering blue gems, the Towers and Shrines he'd seen and mastered.
Link zooms in on the map and then puts down three other markers. One in Zora's domain, one in Gerudo Town and last in Lurelin Village. Turning the slate around, he shows the map to everyone.
"Of course," Zelda breathes in realisation. "The Guardians never reached so far, so their populations were never so scattered or scarred. In Zora's domain, in Gerudo Town and in Lurelin, people can grow old peacefully, without fear of attack."
Link makes a face and a wobbling gesture with his hand and then shrugs. Zelda smiles, sadly. "Aside from monsters and other disasters and misfortunes, of course," she agrees. "But without fear of attacks by Guardians, they were allowed to prosper."
"Not the Rito, though?" Robbie asks, his goggles whirting and shifting like the eyes of a gecko as he looks between the map, Link and Zelda. "Or the Gorons?"
Link shrugs, rubbing at his neck.
"Gorons age like rocks, Daruk always said," Zelda muses. "And I suppose with Rito it can be difficult to tell their ages. If we send out invitations to the study, we should include them as well – assuming that the treatment by the rune isn't Sheikah exclusive…?"
Purah rocks back and forth on her feet thoughtfully, almost as though she's about to dance. "I… don't know? I calibrated the first version based on my own physiology, so it might be best to stick to Sheikah and Hylians for a start – but I can't see why it couldn't be adjusted. Gerudo are closer in structure to us than Rito and Gorons, or Zora for that matter. Might be best we start there, when we begin making modifications to include everyone."
"So, begin with Lurelin," Robbie says and nods. "How do we do that?"
"We'll make some posters and Link can zip in and out of Lurelin Village to post them," Purah says and strikes a pose. "It's just a snap for the Sheikah Slate."
Impa hums in agreement. "Best we make advertisements for Kakariko and Hateno as well, and perhaps some of the stables," she muses. "You never know who might take us up on it, and getting this technology to work at hundred percent will be a benefit to everyone."
"You're right," Zelda agrees, nodding. "Purah and Robbie, I suppose you two know best what should go on the poster. Can you make it?"
"It'll work much better, with your name under it," Robbie points out.
"We'll write a draft and you can copy it and put your royal touch and seal to it," Purah says and does an excited little dance. "This is so exciting! We'll get so many applicants and my little Guidance Stone will get to do it's thing!"
Zelda offers her a smile, all the while wondering, not for the first time… how much of a royal she even is, at this point. With the castle in ruins and the Kingdom in shambles, with no one to rule it for a hundred years… all that Zelda is now... is a story. The Princess that went to fight Calamity Ganon as the Kingdom fell asunder all around her. Not many even believe it. That might change with this meeting and the following cooperation, especially when they'd begin reaching out further, but right now… 
Princess of nothing indeed.
"So much was lost," Zelda murmurs, carefully resting her hands in her lap to keep herself from wringing them. She shouldn't concentrate on the losses. Not when there's so much to do. "It will be good to build something for a change. To improve things."
"Indeed," Impa says, nodding her head, her heavy hat tilting. "But if Calamity Ganon taught us anything, it is that we should take all due caution."
"Yes. And speaking of which," Zelda says and lifts her eyes to Robbie. "Your research in Akkala – I would very much like to hear more about it. Link showed me the armour and weaponry you made, they're very impressive – how did you manage it?"
Robbie all but launches himself into the story of Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, the research he'd done there, the progress he'd made, enthusiastically recounting the creation of his Ancient Furnace, Cherry. Zelda leans in, allowing herself to be drawn in, and by the door Link settles down with a sigh and begins nodding off again.
Hmm hmm. Took me 3 years, but I finally finished botw.
I might continue this one and it might end up a Stargate crossover. Who knows.
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echogekkos-writes · 3 years
Lair & Lynels Homebrew Races
We finally arrive to the Gorons! Probably the easiest race to come up with racial traits for. Many of them are very straight forward considering Goron physiology and ability, and what’s described in-game.
The roll ability I cannot take credit for. Plenty of others Zelda homebrew creators have created the Roll racial trait, such as dandwiki.com, or Zelda 5E’s Player’s Guide by DA Clark. I used theirs for reference, so this particular Roll trait is my take on how the ability should work. I feel this will be one of the top racial traits that’s going to need to be stress tested and balanced the most.
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As always, this is a work in progress. So a few racial traits and other aspects to this page may be adjusted during stress testing!
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beeofthewild · 3 years
Misc hc thoughts / things I plan to elaborate on later:
Zora as fish-like amphibians (no to boobs, yes to homogenous in physiology apart from different "types" of Zora)
Zora reproduction & development
Zora genders
Zora culture (Etiquette, Philosophy, Mores)
Zora Spoken & Written Language
Freshwater v Brackish v Ocean Zora
Redesign as more Nordic inspired
Rito gender binary (Singer v Warrior, and the uptick post calamity in other genders)
Rito culture
Rito language
Gorons as Magic-Infused Armadillo-Moles!
Edible rocks vs non edible rocks
Goron language & culture
Goron reproduction
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blue-scorpion-king · 4 years
How excactly does purge trooper armor look like for troopers from non-humanoid races (IE races that are non-bipedal at best, are crystalline or gaseous body based at worst.)? Is it custom made for each individual purge trooper and If not and any armor can fit any trooper from any race than what technology does it use to adapt to an individual’s unique physiology?
Hmmmm... That’s an good question actually.
Well, to reference My Hero Academia, those who are partially or fully gaseous might have to have much of their Purge Trooper armor customized to ‘hold’ them in, similar to one of the villains of My Hero Academia, Kurogiri, the one who can make portals with an dark fog. An example of that would be an Djinn. The same idea applies to those who are gelatinous, like Slime people.
As for the non-bipedal Purge Trooper, to a degree, the Purge Trooper would have to get customized, but not too much, and still recognizable Purge Trooper armor, like an Vulpimancer, or ‘Wildmutt’. The same general idea applies to even the Cerebrocrustaceans/’Brainstorms’. The crystalline people might have to settle for their armors being customized to an degree as well, where in the future, possibly, the armor can have something that ‘morphs’ with the crystalline biology of an Purge Trooper, like an Petrosapien, or ‘Diamondhead’, the informal name.
Though, for other sentient, bipedal, humanoid races, the Purge Trooper armor is way less customized, since it is fits an general humanoid that can be tweak to a degree, like some space for two smaller arms for an Tetramand, or ‘Fourarm’, slimmed down for any of the Bagklock elf species, like Night Elves, Drows, Sun Elves, Wood Elves, and Snow Elves, the same to Kinecelerans, or ‘XLR8s’, bulked up for Taurens, Orcs, Orks, Dwarves, but made shorter, Wookies, Vaxasurians/’Humungousaurs’, Arburian Pelaroti/’Cannonbolts’, while the armor for them generally is made to smoothly link up when they roll up into an ball, similar thing for the Pacs (The species of Pac-Man), Giants/’Jotuns’, of course, Locust (Gears of War), Whiphids, Sangheilis (Halo Elites), Jiralhanaes (Halo Brutes), Gimlinopithecus/’Shockquatches’, Talpaedans/’Armodrillos’, Gorons, the Kongou (Kongo Bancho), & the such. Made much, much, Smaller for Tonta-Dwarves, Goblins, Gnomes, Galvans/’Grey Matters’, Yordles, Hobbits, and the such as well. More fitted for races like the Yoshis in an general sense, not customized for each individual Yoshi. Opticoids/’Eye Guys/Girls’ though would have to have their armor to generally have holes for their bodies’ 17 that are not on their heads. The same tricky thing is with the many species of Fishmen and the Pyronites/’Heatblasts’, for another example.
Slits at the back for winged people, like Avariels/Winged Elves, Lepidopterrans/‘Stinkflies’, the Birkans, Skypieans, & Shandorians, Poleepkwa/Prawns, arms that fit the Ritos, & others. More ‘stick like’ for Pivots/Stick People.
The armor being literally another layer for an Bagklock Cybertronian (The Beast Wars kind, not the G1/Prime/Bayformers kind, and much smaller than their larger ancestors). An similar notion to the Matoras (Bionicle), the Segmentasapiens/’Bloxxs’, and the Eosapiens.
More aquatic for Zoras, Exceeds (Fairy Tail’s winged cats), Piscciss Volanns/’Ripjaws’, Fishmen, Merfolk, Atlanteans (DC + Marvel), & others. 
You get the picture.
~The Bat~
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homeschool-winner · 7 years
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Original content? On MY tumblr.com?
So, these are Gaians. They are a mostly original race of fantasy folk for a Dungeons and Dragons brew I’m building. 
Gaians have a physiology unlike that of other fantasy races. Their bodies are made from stone, and their hands and feet are made from clay. They carve or otherwise create their own faces (if they like - most do), and as they eat and live they grow outwards, and must chisel themselves to stay manageably sized. They grip onto things very firmly. They have no sensory organs other than their antennae, which are powerful enough to sense differences in light wavelengths. They are also the only race able to distinguish different types of stone from one another easily, able to detect differences in rocks two human geologists would classify as the same, and forming meaningful distinctions based on them, as stone is both how they reproduce (often in large numbers) and what they consume.
They’re inspired by a few different things, including Dwarves, Gorons, Kirbies, Koroks, and probably other things. 
They’re rocks.
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