#Google shopping feed manager
leapfeed1 · 10 months
Ecommerce Product Data Feed Management services
Maximize online sales with our Ecommerce Product Data Feed Management services. Optimize, sync, and enhance product listings effortlessly. Drive success with precision data management.
shopping data feed management services
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terras-domain · 4 months
Who can't afford to pay the delivery driver extra and offers to "take their tip" as a tip?
Culture Shock
Miyawaki Sakura
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California, USA
Le Sserafim just finished their second performance for Coachella. Whether it was loved or hated, the girls could only pat on their backs for their performance. A good night rest helps the girls sleep through the thoughts of their whole trip to a foreign country (barring Yunjin). The next day arises, and most of the girls are still sound asleep, but only Sakura was awake, maybe being the mom of the group really awakened her mom abilities to be up early and get a cup of coffee to start the day. Sitting by the kitchen counter, slurping her cup of black coffee as she scrolls through her Instagram, yet the negative comments starts to overwhelm her, making her hands slowly lose grip on her mug. Thankfully she managed to put it down safely before she drops it on the floor, that'll definitely be a mess. Before she closed the app, a post caught her eye. A post compiling a pictures of a bundle at a Target somewhere near California. Excited, she quickly googled the area, and lucky for her it's only 20 minutes away! "Oh, that's not too bad! I could get a taxi to get there." She monologued, but her mind shifted to the other members. Will they be fine without her? Eeeeh, they probably will, she thought. She got up to her room and quickly got herself changed, while her phone still rests on her palm, texting without looking. "I'm off to go shopping for a bit. Be good whilst I'm away okie~ 💜" and sent. She got herself ready, fully changed from her PJs and now in a presentable manner, ready to move out.
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Kkura had to recap on how to book an Uber ride, because usually Yunjin does it and she barely focuses what the members do sometimes, so it took her a good minute to get to it. "Oh, that's pretty easy." She smiled, celebrating her victorious achievement by humming to Easy, reminiscing her wonderful time on the big stage. She wanted to scroll on her phone to kill time, but she remembered how crazy her social media feed at the moment so she decides to just fidget around, moving back and forth to look at the cool breezy morning, blowing her hair back as she enjoys the mixture of greenery and concrete. She must've spaced out too much since she didn't realized the Uber driver was already there. "Ahem, miss? Are you, Miyawaki?" A strong Californian accent jolted into Sakura's mind, popping the bubbles of her own world which made her realized she's been daydreaming and spacing out in to the view. "Oh! I'm sorry! Yes yes I'm Miyawaki." Kkura bowed repeatedly as she enters the backseat of the car, covering her face with her palms from the embarrassment. "So....Target right, Miss Miyawaki?" He asked, the taxi driver looking through his back mirror to see the flustered Japanese lady, her pale skin turning red from shame. Sakura only replied with a nod, which was enough for him to shift his gear from neutral back to drive to take her to her destination.
Judging by the way the driver wasn't fazed by the fact a singer that performed in Coachella yesterday made Sakura deduced that he doesn't know her. Cool, less talking needed for her. It's early in the morning anyways, so she couldn't gather enough social energy to be making conversations this early. The 40-ish year old driver seems like he knew the road in the back of his head, taking turns to maneuver the busy city life traffic. It was surprisingly short, a ride that was expected to be 40 minutes long due to traffic turned to a 20-minute leisure drive with the cab driver's help. "Thank you sir, how much did I owe you again?" Kkura asked, taking out her purse from her small handbag. "It's...30 bucks miss." He replied, looking at the meter counter, to calculate how much the lady needs to pay him. "Would you also like to lend a tip?"
"A tip?" Sakura was shocked, nearly jumped from shock from hearing the driver's request. The moment she heard the word tip, her mind immediately shifted to the night where she and Yunjin were sharing a room. Yunjin booted up porn on her laptop for them both to watch while touching each other. The scene included the woman sucking off the man's "tip", which made Kkura assume that's what the driver is requesting. Nervous, Sakura gave a reply, "I-I mean I would. But isn't it a bit too cramped here to be giving you a tip?" Her reply made the cab driver just as confused. "Huh? What do you mean, ma'am?" His confusion intimidated Sakura, making her heart beat faster. "O-oh, we can do it at the backseat of course! I forgot here it has more space."
The Uber driver got himself to the backseat to the backseat after parking his car. He was just trying to get some answers to the lady's answers to him asking for a tip. And this, was not what he expected. The moment he got in, Sakura helped him to sit up on the seat while she adjusted the front seat forward so there's space for her to kneel down. "Wa-wait, ma'am-" he paused as he stares at the japanese doing her thing, taking down his pants and revealing his cock. "I thought you wanted me to give you a tip?" She asked, looking up. Her eyes sprinkles innocence, that convinced the driver to understand that Sakura genuinely believes this is what he wanted. He meant money, but this works too. "W-well Miss Miyawaki, please give it to me." Sakura enjoyed the words that the man gave her, as her mouth starts to envelope his cock, beginning to suck on his growing shaft. The sight of a beauty like Sakura sucking him off made the driver extremely turned on, his cock growing bigger fast, he was ecstatic to see it. Sakura was into it, her lips wrapping around his size whilst her tongue worked his tip. The sensation was too good to hold on. "M-miss, I wa-wanna cum!" He grunted, warning Sakura who's running an assault on his cock. Sakura continues to bob her head back and forth on his cock, until eventually she takes it all inside her throat, taking it to the base as he came deep inside her throat, filling up the sweet japanese singer with cum.
Sakura's inviting lips traps his cock, not letting him free as he starts shooting cum, rope after rope of cum shooting in her mouth, reaching the back of her throat. "Fuuck...Miss. Your mouth game really surprised me." The driver panted, leaning to his seat as Kkura starts to clean her lips, licking the residue of semen and swallow. Sakura grinned as she grabs her stuff, and starts to leave the car. "It was nice meeting you mister, hope you enjoy your tip!" She waved goodbye as her hips sway, spending her day and money joyfully at the mall. Well now the US isn't as scary as she thought, heck she might've enjoyed it too much.
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onceuponapuffin · 3 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 18!!!!!!
I haven't been able to write for a week and it made me all squirrely.
Alright so the vote was for a weird roadside attraction, and I got THE MOST AMAZING recommendation. Just as a reminder, I do take requests for this fic :) This particular attraction was suggested to me by @hummingbee-lievable and I mean, I just couldn't say no. You'll understand why when we get there.
Here are some links to the music mentioned, in case you haven't ever heard it and want to :)
Vivaldi's Four Seasons
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture
Let's do this.
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Approximately 8 hours.
That’s how long you’d been driving for.
Aside from a couple bathroom breaks, and a quick trip through a fast food drive through (Aziraphale complained until you managed to persuade him to try french fries and a chocolate shake – suddenly he became positively fascinated, much less whiny, and much more fun to be stuck in a car with), the five of you have basically been on the road non-stop. You’ve all run out of things to talk about, the playlist has been shuffled and reshuffled often enough that you’re becoming able to tell the difference between the different concertos and symphonies that Aziraphale added. The SUV, roomy as it is, is becoming stuffy, and frankly you’re starting to feel sore in places that are going to make the next 20 hours of this...difficult to say the least.
“Okay,” You say, breaking the silence, “Honestly, I get that we’re on a bit of a time crunch, but if we don’t stop for a real break soon, I’m gonna lose my mind.”
“What,” snorts Crowley from the driver’s seat, “You mean you’ve had it this whole time? I am shocked.”
You stick your tongue out at him, and lean over into Sardis’ space to make sure Crowley can see it in the rearview mirror.
“Now, now,” Aziraphale says soothingly – he doesn’t fool you, you can see him smirking, “I’m very certain we can find a suitable place to rest for an hour. Some fresh air would probably do us all some good.”
Oh, so he’s getting restless too. Good to know you have Aziraphale on your side with this one. Sardis is already tapping around on his phone, and you glance over to see him googling the area. Thank someone. Anathema has her nose in a book, but gives a thumbs up to show that she agrees with the idea. So it’s basically unanimous. Sardis very quietly taps you and discreetly shows you his phone screen. You look over, figuring he must have found something and….oh.
It takes actual work to play it cool. If you don’t do this very carefully, you won’t get to see this glory in person. You nod at Sardis, who winks in return. The plan is set.
“I’ve found an art museum nearby,” he says. You can see Aziraphale’s face light up.
“Oh! That sounds lovely! Perhaps they have a cafe!”
“And maybe a gift shop!” You add hopefully. Best to sell this hard.
Crowley sighs. “Yeah fine, whatever. Just give me directions, would you?”
“Sure thing,” Sardis replies.
To cover your bases, you take you phone, and turn on Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Aziraphale, utterly delighted by the turn of events, begins humming and conducting the non-existent orchestra. He loses himself to the music relatively quickly. Between that, Anathema in her book, and Sardis feeding Crowley directions one at a time, you’re off to the races.
As you get closer, you start to see signs advertising it. Crowley snorts once or twice, but doesn’t seem any the wiser as Sardis directs him. It isn’t until you pull into The Truck Yard that you can see his eyebrow raising in the mirror. And it isn’t until Sardis instructs him to park in front of the building that it seems to click. Aziraphale doesn’t notice until you turn off the music.
“We’re here!” You sing triumphantly.
“Are you serious?” Crowley asks.
“Oh most definitely,” You reply. Then the demon starts to laugh, and kicks open the door with a snort.
“Right, okay, come on then!”
Aziraphale hasn’t moved.
“Perhaps I’ll stay here,” he says.
“NOPE!” Crowley calls, crouching to look at Aziraphale through the driver’s door, “You wanted an art museum, angel, you’ve got one!”
Aziraphale groans and gets out of the car. He leans heavily upon the door as he closes it. “Yes,” he said, “But I hardly think this counts as art!”
“Think of it as modern art, angel!”
“...All the more reason for me to stick to the traditional sort.”
“As long as it doesn’t stick to the bottom of your shoe, am I right?” You say, because you just have to join in. Sardis laughs and Crowley snorts, and the three of you lead the way into Barney Smith’s Toilet Seat Art Museum. Aziraphale and Anathema follow behind, pretending not to know you. You spin around and walk backwards so that you can watch the two of them as they approach the door of the building, which features Roman-style pillars built out of toilets. Aziraphale glances at them with a sigh, but Anathema raises and eyebrow and goes in for a closer look.
“Huh,” she says, clearly impressed, “Actually, that’s really clever.”
“Ugh,” says Aziraphale, clearly unimpressed, “Vulgar is what it is.”
You enter the building, and find floor-to-ceiling toilet seats. They cover every inch of wall, an absolute punch to the eyes, and yes, it is beautiful. It is glorious. You let out a low whistle.
“Look at you,” You recite, because any opportunity to quote the show is one that should be taken, “You’re gorgeous.” You notice both Aziraphale and Crowley glance in your direction briefly, but you don’t elaborate, so they both look away while you take the opportunity to notice the tiniest of blushes between them. Ha. Softies, the both of them.
“It really is,” Sardis replies, oblivious, “I’d call it downright glorious.”
You look up, and then run back over to nudge Aziraphale. “Hey, Aziraphale, look at that!” You point upwards. “There’s some more traditional art for you!”
He follows your gaze, but is, as you predicted, still disgruntled. “Is that...Michelangelo??” Painted upon the high ceiling is a recreation of Michelangelo’s painting The Creation of Adam. However, this particular adaptation features a closeup of the hands – with God handing Adam a roll of toilet paper.
You hear Crowley snort. He comes over to you and Aziraphale just so he can say to you “Most useful she’s ever been, eh?”
“CROWLEY!” Aziraphale exclaims in disgust.
“Demon,” he replies with a smirk, and saunters away. With a giggle, you follow him to where Sardis is standing.
“Hey, Witch!” Sardis calls, “Here’s one for you! It’s all about Astrology!” He looks over his shoulder, and you follow his gaze to where Anathema has started looking at the seats with curiosity.
“I’ll be there in a minute!” she responds. You see her lean in for a closer inspection of the piece in front of her.
“You are really good at this road trip stuff,” You say as you turn back to Sardis. “Did you spend a lot of time on the road with your siblings?”
“Nah, but there were a few dinners where someone had to calm things down.”
“I can imagine.” You go quiet for a while before something occurs to you. “You know, you barely know us, and you’re a lot more...open about things that I would expect, well, anyone really, to be.”
Sardis shrugs. “Well who am I going to share with? Philly was the only one I still talked to.”
You think about your first impressions of Sardis. Someone who likes to play games, someone who takes things half-seriously, but would probably monologue if you let him. Oh. He’s lonely.
“I want to trust you Sardis,” You say after a minute, “I just...I’ve been disappointed by enough people in the past that I’m still trying to decide if I can.”
He nods. “No hard feelings, Moth. Trust is a hard thing, and it takes time. So by all means take yours. Just do me a favour and put up with me in the meantime, eh? I haven’t met many humans willing to trick both an angel and a demon into visiting a toilet seat art museum with me.” He winks at you, and you can’t help but smile back.
“Oi!” Crowley announces, “Angel! Come look! This one’ll perk you up! It’s got sheet music on it*! Get it?? SHEET MUSIC!”
You and Sardis both burst out laughing, and you wander over to see this masterpiece. Anathema is coming too, and she’s also giggling even though you can tell she’s trying not to. Even Aziraphale has cracked a smile despite himself.
“Really, Crowley,” he says with a shake of his head. The angel sighs. “Right, let’s see then.” Aziraphale pulls his tiny glasses out of his pocket and puts them on his nose. Then he leans in to inspect the classical music that has been collaged onto the toilet seat, plastered beneath the title “Cannon Ball.” He hums to himself as he inspects the notes, and after a moment he starts to conduct to himself. Sardis has come and joined in, so now the full group is watching Aziraphale in anticipation – waiting for his verdict. After a minute or two, Aziraphale leans back, takes the glasses off, and polishes them with a cloth from his pocket. “It appears to be an excerpt from Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. Specifically the bridge, which is famously known for including cannons as a musical instrument.” He glances up at you all sideways, the tiniest of Michael-Sheenian smirks upon his lips. “It is indeed, sheet music.”
No one is able to contain their laughter, not even Aziraphale.
By the time all of you head back to the car, everyone is in much better spirits. Aziraphale admits that it was a good idea to stop here after all, even if it still isn’t his idea of art. Overall, the car feels much lighter and happier than it had a few hours ago, so you bask in it. Even after the toilet jokes fade away, the mood stays. For the first time since New York, things feel light and the challenges ahead of you feel manageable.
Sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the toilet seat.
And no, I will not apologize for that line.
* My Dear Reader, I need to pull you away for a minute to quickly tell you that I have never been to this incredible museum, so I have no idea if this particular piece actually exists. But I had to, you understand. I just HAD to.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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freedomfireflies · 10 days
I do like the grumpyxsunshine enemies to lovers idea and the way I initially planned it can take that route.. with Harry trying to figure out the angle she’s creating by starting the rumour, maybe assuming she’s working alongside someone from his past to expose him, and y/n finding out far more than she bargained for whilst both try to grapple with the answers they received. The way I imagined them falling for Eachother was actually the other way around y/n approaches him first primarily to be sure he doesn’t find out about the weird rumor circulating or at least make it seem less like a word of mouth or ordeal she caused and more so like people saw them hanging together and just assumed. & I imagined her being so socially awkward that her approach isn’t just on a whim, rather it’s written out almost target like…formatted two pages double spaced and scented with lavender followed word for word starting with her “smooth” method of approach hello. A few staged casual run ins to get the people talking, that was the plan.. but how does one get a guy like that to talk to you for more than five minutes.
I imagine she’s googled facts about London she could slide in for when conversation begin to dry to keep him interested. She even keeps tabs on the socials trailing him to see the places he frequents for not so casual run ins, the idea is that hopefully if he sees they “share common interests.” Maybe her little white lie won’t be much of a lie at all, but Harry grows suspicious, I mean sure he’s had his fair share of social media stalkers but this, this random girl has gone from a random run in to now popping up everywhere he goes, what is she up to? Does she know? The more they talk he realizes she knows facts about his home town in London his favorite shops, his coffee order preferences. And when he finds her little typed out plan titled mystery man with heart eyes he finds himself even more afraid, could this small quiet girl be out to expose him? Why what did he ever do to her. He plays into her attempts at casual small talk initially feeding her falsehoods to see how much she actually knows. Both embarking on a quest to learn each others motives the two find that some of their similarities aren’t based solely on research, there is something there.. somethhing sinister if you let Harry tell it sure, but hidden just below its surface maybe just maybe to y/n’s credit there is a small, well lit spark 🧨 whose to say what will happen when it inevitably goes off. Two people covering their tracks managing to find unity in the road far less traveled.
To your question, It’s a story I wouldn’t mind writing, with someone, there are many plot holes I’d like to flesh out before taking it on and concepts I wouldn’t mind having people add to. I’m glad you enjoyed, I have quite a few Harry stories/concepts I’m fleshing out some like the backpacking and summer camp concepts I sent over to you are still in the works but even if it doesn’t become anything I must admit it’s really nice having a person to share ideas with.
EEEE!! That def sounds so fun and cute!!! I hope you have such a good time writing it and that you find somebody you work well with if you decide to do it with someone else 💞 And I'm so honored you sent them, they were so fun to hear about!!
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gothdaddyissues · 2 years
The Devil Came To A Small Town
Chapter Three available on Ao3 - or under the cut (~6500 words)
Summary: Cardinal Copia seeks out Primo for some advice. Izzy and Copia meet again, and continue to pine for each other (like the idiots they are).
Tags: OC female, Cardinal Copia, Papa I/Primo, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Ministry Hijinks, Idiots in Love (heart-eyes motherfucker), Eventual Smut (but not yet), swears and cursings, No Beta (we die like Terzo), Google Translate Italiano
Catch up here: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
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September 30
Her nose was cold.
Isabelle had slept with her bedroom window open. The night air was crisp and cool this time of year and always made for the best sleeping environment. The contrast between the outdoor breeze and her body cuddled in the blankets guaranteed a blissful night’s rest. But now, the chill was creeping in, slithering across her face, tickling her ears, and sneaking down into the cozy nest she had built in her bed.
She sat up with difficulty, her cat asleep between her legs and burrowed in blankets to keep warm. She gave him a pat on his head, noticing his ears were cold too.
“Gonna go close the window, Poe,” she said to him, “Be right back.”
The uncarpeted floor was like ice. Hissing, she skipped across the room to the window and pushed the curtains back enough to close it. The first colors of dawn were coming to light on the horizon, while the moon and stars still hung visible in the clear sky overhead.
Izzy hurried back to the bed, wrapping herself up in the covers again. She grabbed her phone to check the clock - just past 6:15 am, hours before her usual wake-up time. But she was wide awake now, the cold on her skin jolting her straight into full consciousness. She lay huddled in her duvet, staring up at the ever-lightening sky through the gap in the curtains. Today was the last day of September, meaning tomorrow would start the busiest month of the year for her, business-wise and personally. Samhain / Halloween would be here before she knew it.
She fussed under the blankets, rolling over onto her side, annoying the cat enough to make him jump off the bed. It was unlikely she would go back to sleep at this point, between the chill and Poe hounding her for breakfast now that she was awake. She mentally ran down her checklist of things to do for the day. End-of-the-month bookkeeping would be her first priority. She had to make some orders for supplies. Was there anything left over from the previous day?
The previous day…. Cardinal Copia.
She had successfully managed to distract herself with TikToks long enough to fall asleep the night before. There were no captivating dreams about him (or the skull-painted man that may or may not be him). And she had awoken without thoughts of him, until this moment.
Now it was unlikely she’d think of much else.
“Okay, fine,” she sighed to herself, tossing aside the covers and getting out of bed, “Let’s get the day started.”
Izzy took her time with her morning routine: feeding the cat, a shower, a light dusting of makeup, and a cup of tea with some avocado toast for breakfast. She planned to go to the shop early for a head start on paperwork in an effort to keep her mind occupied. She sat and ate her meal, staring out the window at the sun finishing its rise. A foggy haze was descending, the cool air mixed with the still-warm earth to blanket the town in mist. This was her favorite type of weather.
So instead of working, she chose to distract herself by heading outside for a walk. She outfitted herself all in black - leggings, a sweater, a long coat that hung past her knees, and her most comfortable boots. With her phone in hand, her earbuds in, and her moody Darkwave playlist on shuffle, she ventured into the chill morning.
She first went down Main Street a few blocks, then crossed the road onto King Street. She passed the dry cleaner, the salon where she got her hair done, the Reiki practitioner, the insurance office, and finally the library, one of the oldest and most imposing buildings in town. It was still too early for anything to be open, but the streets were alive with residents on their morning jogs or walking their dogs. She exchanged smiles and nods with everyone she saw.
King Street came to an abrupt dead end just past the library. At the end of the block was the entrance to a vast forested area, known to most everyone simply as “The Woods.” It was blocked off by concrete barriers, with a small enough opening to allow only pedestrians and cyclists through. The town owned the Woods, and while it was not an official park, the residents used the roughed-in trails as though it were. Over the years, unscrupulous businessmen had tried - repeatedly - to buy it, tear it out, and develop it, but the town had always fought back and kept them at bay. It was too beloved a spot to destroy.
It was also the place where Izzy felt most at home.
Being a witch, she was drawn to nature, of course. But she had spent so many hours of her childhood and youth exploring and playing in these woods. And as she grew into her teen years, the Woods became a safe haven for her and her friend group. It was a place where they could hide away from their parents, drink, smoke, play music, and party. The secret makeshift clearings they had built deep in the brush still stood. She never felt afraid here, only comfortable and nostalgic.
The main path through the Woods was not paved, but so well-worn that it was easy to navigate. Izzy took her time and kept a steady pace, enjoying the music in her ears while she wandered the path. Birds and squirrels were busying themselves preparing for winter. Acorns and leaves crunched under her boots. This was the distraction she needed. There were no thoughts except existing in this moment and enjoying the foggy beauty around her. She was content. She inhaled deeply, the brisk air filling her lungs, and the heady smell of damp earth enveloping her.
About twenty minutes into her walk she reached a large clearing, known as the Halfway Log Turnaround, so named because of the huge trunk of a felled tree that lay across the ground there. It was the ideal place to have a seat and rest. This was also the spot where most people would, as the name implied, turn around and head back into town, which was what Izzy had initially intended on doing. But she stopped, surveying the way ahead of her.
The path continued on, past the clearing, further into a more dense part of The Woods. It was not nearly as well-worn as the first half of the path since it was now so rarely used. It was a bit harder to navigate, more serpentine, but still accessible if you were confident and careful. Or if you knew the way as well as Izzy did. Because she and her friends had traveled it often back in the day, using it as a shortcut to get to Windermere Abbey.
Windermere Abbey. The new home of the Church of Emeritus. Where the Cardinal most likely was, right this minute.
Now she was second-guessing herself. Had she really wanted to just ‘go for a walk’ or was she being compelled to end up here? Here on the path that would carry her to the mystery man she was so drawn to…
Izzy checked the time - it was almost 8:30. She had about two and a half hours before the store was due to open. The wooded path ended beside the old, overgrown graveyard at the back of the Abbey property. It would take about twenty more minutes to get there, then another forty or so minutes back to town.
Her head was telling her to turn around and go home.
But her feet had already started moving in the opposite direction.
Copia hurried through the halls of the Abbey, red cassock swishing around his legs and Grucifix jingling as he moved. He had successfully avoided any more interaction with Sister Imperator the previous evening by taking his dinner in his office and heading right to his quarters afterward. He had slept fitfully, unable to stop thinking about Isabella, and had to drag himself out of bed as early as he could so he could speak with Primo before the duties of his day began. And he wanted to do it before Sister Imperator was up and about, so he had to move quickly.
He made a brief stop in the dining hall, pouring two silver travel mugs full of hot, fresh coffee. With one in each hand, he made his way through the less-traveled corridors at the rear of the main building, taking the first exit he could find that would lead him out into the grounds behind the Abbey. He used his elbow to push down on the handle, bumping it outwards with his ass to open the door, then kicking it shut with his foot once he was outside.
It was a beautiful autumn morning, the air brisk but refreshing. The rising sun’s rays shone through the light mist hanging over the gardens and into the forest beyond. It was peaceful with no siblings or clergy in sight. The only sounds were the occasional chirping of birds and the crunch of gravel under his feet as he approached the large greenhouse on the other side of the Abbey grounds.
Primo’s ghoul Alpha kept watch at the greenhouse entrance, and he opened up the door for Copia when he saw him approaching with his hands full.
“Thank you, Alpha. Primo is here, si?” Copia asked.
Alpha nodded, pointing toward the far end of the greenhouse.
The air inside was heavy with the lush fragrance of flowers, herbs, and rich soil. There were small puddles of water here and there, rivulets trickling towards the floor drain as Primo watered the raised plant beds with an antique watering can. He was humming happily to himself, seeming so content that Copia felt almost guilty interrupting him.
“Buongiorno, Primo,” he greeted, “Come stai?”
“Ah, Cardinale! You brought me un caffè? Ti benedico, figlio!” Primo took the coffee mug from Copia and took a deep, appreciative, swig. “I am well, my boy. Much better now, with this.” Primo took another sip before continuing, “It is good to see you, Cardinale. We missed you at dinner last night. Were you unwell?”
Copia sat on a bench next to the garden bed Primo was tending. “No, not unwell,” he said, “Just busy. I had a half day’s worth of work to catch up on.”
“Because of your trip into town yesterday?” Primo gave him a sly wink. “We heard all about your visit to the magic shop.”
Copia furrowed his brow. How would they find that out? Did Aether tell them? “You did? From whom?”
“Imperator, of course,” Primo continued, placing his coffee mug down on the railing of the plant bed and turning back to his herb garden. “She told us how smitten you were with the witchy lady who runs the place.”
Copia cringed. He lowered his head, setting his mug on the ground between his feet, then covering his face with his hands. “That is… Sister did not… errgghh…” he groaned, “She didn’t say that, did she?”
“Well, perhaps not in those exact words, but that was what she implied. She went on at great length about her shop and how whimsical it was, about her kindness and her helpfulness, how lovely she is. She said those were your words.”
Copia couldn’t deny that. He had told Sister as much. “Si,” he said quietly, “She is all those things and more.”
The hushed tone of Copia’s voice made Primo glance over his shoulder at the Cardinal hunched on the bench, and he turned back to him with full attention. “Is this a bad thing, Copia?” he asked, his concern obvious.
Copia was silent for a moment. He shook his head. “No, not a bad thing. Not exactly. It’s just… it was all so strange.”
“Strange how?” Primo asked, picking up his coffee and taking a seat next to Copia. “Speak to me, figlio, tell me what happened.”
There was a reason he felt comfortable confiding in Primo. The old man was patient and understanding, but above all, he was like the father he’d never had. Copia knew he could trust him and that Primo would offer thoughtful and logical advice. He raised his head from his hands. “There is something about her that I cannot explain. When I met her, it felt as if… well, as if I knew her already. I was so drawn to her, I could not look away. I took her hand and I did not want to let go. I felt like an absolute fool. And then I couldn’t sleep last night for thinking of her. This is not like me, Primo. I’ve never had something like this happen before. It makes no sense. I’m confused.”
Copia was clearly distraught, but Primo could not help but raise his eyebrows and give a soft chuckle. “Ah yes,” he began, “I see. Things like this happen if you are lucky. Usually for a reason, you know. It can be a mystery as to why at first, but that reason will make itself clear in time. The Dark Lord has blessed you. Why does this upset you? Are you not happy? Intrigued?”
The Cardinal blinked a few times, not really expecting Primo to react that way. He was not upset, or unhappy. More puzzled and anxious than anything else. Mostly, he couldn’t understand why a woman as lovely as Isabelle would want anything to do with him. “I just think it’s a bit absurd,” was all he could manage.
“You are too rational, Cardinale,” Primo said, “This is why you are bothered. You want things to ‘make sense.’ You want everything to have a reasonable explanation. You hate the idea that such things might be out of your control or that fate has decided for you. I understand. I don’t fault you for that, it is just your nature.” He gave Copia a pat on the shoulder. “But matters of the heart very rarely ‘make sense.’”
Copia picked up his mug and took a long sip of his coffee. He still didn’t want to believe it. “It feels… I mean I feel… eh… People don’t just fall in love at first sight.”
“What do you think happened when I met my Lilliana, hmm?”
“You can’t be serious?”
Primo readjusted himself on the bench to be more comfortable, facing Copia. “Oh si, it is true. It was long ago, when I was a Cardinal like you, back at the Ministry in Italy. We met in the library. I turned around a bookshelf and ran right into her, the books she carried falling everywhere. I helped her gather them up, all apologies. When our eyes finally met, it was the same feeling you described. I could not look away. I felt as if I was on fire. My heart and my soul knew her, knew that she was the one I was searching for. My beautiful Lilliana. From that very moment, she was mine and I was hers. 50 years we spent together, Copia. And even though she is gone from this earth now, I see her in each flower I grow here. She is still with me.”
The old man’s words hit Copia hard. He had fond memories of Prime Mover Lilliana, of how she and Primo were infatuated with each other even into their golden years. Their relationship had been a pure example of true love and left Copia wondering if he would ever experience something like it. But that was years ago when he was a younger man. His last serious relationship had ended when he was promoted to Cardinal, and he had long since given up on such illusions…
He gave Primo’s arm a gentle squeeze. “You were a very lucky man to have known such love in your life. But I’m not searching for anything, or anyone.”
“Your head may not be, but your heart is. It always is. Things come to you when you stop looking for them,” Primo said sagely. “You need to get out of here,” he tapped Copia on the forehead, “And use this instead,” he nudged him in the middle of his chest. “Thank Satanas you do not think with your dick like Terzo does.”
The two men shared a knowing laugh. Primo’s youngest brother Terzo, the wild and lascivious Papa Emeritus the Third, would never have such hesitant thoughts when it came to an attractive woman. Copia was no stranger to carnal pleasure - he was, after all, high-ranking clergy in a church that encouraged such things. But he had no desire to compete with Terzo’s libertine antics.
“We joke, yes, but I am serious Copia,” Primo said softly. “These last few years have been challenging for us all, but for you especially - becoming Papa’s Cardinale, leaving Italy and Sister Antonella to come here… You do so much for us, for the Ministry, but I see you have changed. You work, you eat, you sleep. You isolate yourself. Where is your joy, figlio? I worry about you. True, you are not an Emeritus by blood, but to us you are family. We want you to be happy. You should have seen Sister Imperator last night, so excited talking about you and this lady.”
This was Copia’s chance to divert the topic of conversation from himself to the real reason he came to speak with Primo. “Speaking of Sister Imperator, have you found her… difficult to deal with of late?”
Primo shook his head. “No, not more so than usual. But I don’t interact with her as much as you do. Has she been causing you trouble?”
“She was the one who sent me into town yesterday. She insisted that I go, told me I had to meet Miss Bennett. It was on purpose. It felt like she was pushing us together. I suspect it was all because of one of her damn visions.”
“I would not be surprised. The Sister has become quite the avid prophet of late, eh?” Primo mused before downing the last of his coffee.
“Do you think we should be concerned?” Copia asked. “It’s starting to worry me.”
“Why?” Primo stood and shuffled off to the potting table in the corner. “Imperator has always had visions of some sort, as far back as I can remember. Births, deaths, times of joy or turmoil - she saw them beforehand.” He returned with a small pair of shears and began pruning overgrowth from his herbs. “I was always impressed with her accuracy. She would warn me when bad weather was coming so I could protect my plants. And there was that time she told Terzo who would win the Superbowl. He won quite a lot of money making bets.”
“Yes, but compare that to what she’s doing now. Buying this Abbey, all the renovations, moving our Clergy here, taking on students, summoning more Ghouls… These are major decisions that affect all of us, and The Ministry as a whole. Based on one woman’s visions.”
“But these are all good things, yes?” Primo countered, “We are thriving here! Our numbers increase week on week. We are spreading our message. As the Sister’s commitment to the Dark One grows, so does her connection with Him. Her devotion is rewarded with the strengthening of her foresight.”
“Primo, you and I both know that the Dark One does not just grant gifts. There is always a price,” Copia said, gesturing to his white eye, the symbol of his communion with the lord Lucifer. “What price will she have to pay for this great blessing, hm?”
The old man stopped fussing with his plants and turned his full attention back to Copia. “I do not know, figlio,” he said, an edge of worry in his voice, “If Sister has made a contract with our Dark Lord for her visions, she is wise enough to know the consequences. There is little we can do to change that. Hopefully, the continued success of The Ministry will be payment enough.”
“I hope so,” Copia said ruefully. “I worry that she’d burn this place down with all of us inside just because The Devil told her to.”
Primo sighed. “You are not the only one to have such concerns. Secondo has said similar things to me. He too worries that this is getting out of hand and that Sister Imperator is playing a dangerous game. Trust me when I say he is keeping an eye on her. I will tell him you are worried as well.”
“Thank you, Papa,” Copia nodded. “What about the others? What do they think?”
“They say and do nothing. Terzo is Terzo. He he reaping the rewards of our success without worrying about the consequences. But he would side with us if it came to that, this I know. And Nihil, quel vecchio sporcaccione, is as useless as tits on a bull. Whatever Imperator wants, he agrees. As it has always been.”
With a furrowed brow, Copia finished the last of his coffee. This conversation with Primo wasn’t easing his fears in the slightest. Secondo was the most experienced of the brothers in communicating with the Dark One. If he was nervous about Imperator’s heightened abilities, Copia was right to be uneasy.
Primo sat next to him again, placing a reassuring hand on Copia’s arm. “I think I understand… you and Sister have a complex relationship. She is like a mother to you. You worry about her, about what she is doing to herself and to all of us. And at the same time, you are upset. You feel she is meddling in your life, manipulating you into meeting with this witchy shop lady, si?”
The Cardinal laughed under his breath. The eldest Emeritus brother was well into his 80s, but his mind was still as sharp and perceptive as a young man’s. “Yes,” he said, “That’s exactly it.”
“Do you wish for me to just acknowledge your feelings, or would you like my advice?” Primo asked.
“I always value your advice, Papa,” Copia answered.
“Then my advice is this: do not dismiss your attraction to this woman because of the circumstances of your meeting. I have been where you are, I have felt these feelings for someone once, and I have never regretted it for a moment. I would wish the same happiness on you. You are a most loyal servant to the Dark One, and if he has brought the two of you together, there is a reason. He finds you deserving. What have you got to lose?”
“My immortal soul? It’s possible Sister Imperator has already sold it to him.”
It was Primo’s turn to laugh now. “Oh, Cardinale, she would never! You are too dear to her. But I would sell my soul five times over to have Lilliana back in my arms again. To me, it would be worth it.” His tone grew more serious, “Try not to let Sister trouble you, alright? We will keep watch over her. Live your life and try to find some happiness. Will you do that for me?”
“I’ll try, Primo. But no promises. I already have a full-time job keeping Terzo out of trouble,” Copia replied with a weary smile.
“We’ll see if we can’t get you some help with that too,” Primo offered, “You shouldn’t have to shoulder that burden alone.”
Primo’s Ghoul abruptly appeared, on alert. He stared pointedly out of the greenhouse window towards the back of the Abbey grounds. He was tense, his hands flexed with claws at the ready, and a low growl came from his throat.
“What is it Alpha?” Primo asked, alarmed. He stood and went to his Ghoul, following his line of sight with his own. Alpha stood in front of him protectively, but Primo placed his hand on the Ghoul’s shoulder to calm him. “It’s alright, it’s alright. It’s just a visitor.”
Copia popped up from the bench. “Oh! Is the deer back again?” he asked excitedly, making his way to the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stag that visited most mornings.
It was not the deer. It was a woman walking through the abandoned cemetery at the edge of the property. Even from several yards away, Copia recognized her immediately. His heart fluttered, his breath hitched. Isabella.
“Oh sweet Satanas, Primo. It’s her,” he whispered, “It’s Miss Bennett.”
“Well, well, well,” Primo grinned, “If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is, Copia. You’d best go say hello to her, si?”
Izzy emerged from the Woods through a bower formed by the thick, unkempt hedges that edged the Abbey’s property. The abandoned nun’s cemetery stood just ahead of her, still shrouded in fog, most of its thin, plain tombstones jutting out of the ground at odd angles. Some stones were broken, while others lay flat on the ground in various states of decay, covered in moss and ivy. It was a bit more run-down than the last time she had been out here and vastly worse than she recalled from back in the day. It was dank and dreary, and perfectly melancholy.
Off to her left, several yards away was Windermere Abbey. This was the first time she had seen it since the Church of Emeritus had taken possession. Her last visit here with Ari was the previous autumn - it had been derelict for years at that point. Their amateurish attempts at urban exploration yielded nothing but crumbling old buildings filled with trash and graffiti, infestations of rats, gaping holes in the roofs, broken windows, and rotting wood.
But now? Now it was nothing like she had remembered.
The main chapel and all the other structures surrounding it looked as pristine as old buildings could possibly be. A new metal roof had been installed. All the masonry was repaired. Stained glass windows had been re-installed, and even the greenhouse was restored. The gardens were perfectly manicured, bordered by neat paths of clean gravel. Even the long wooden dormitory building along the side of the property had been completely rebuilt. It had likely been decades since it looked so immaculate. Izzy estimated that it must have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe even millions, to renovate it to this condition. And the interior was no doubt refurbished in a similar, grand manner. This beautiful piece of history was finally being appreciated again, but it was a stark contrast to the overgrown graveyard here.
She strolled through the cemetery, one of her clique’s favorite places to hang out and do dramatic, goth fashion photoshoots when she was a teenager. It was embarrassing to think about now, especially after learning the history of the building and the convent that occupied it. All these women who had lived their lives in pious devotion were long forgotten, their names barely visible on the worn stone tablets. Nature was taking it over, and Izzy found that morbidly appropriate. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and all that.
The sun was rising higher in the sky now, burning off the lingering fog. She would have to start her walk back to town soon to open the store on time. There hadn’t been a soul out on the Abbey grounds at this early hour, and she felt oddly disappointed. Some part of her had hoped she would see the Cardinal… which was silly, really. Did she expect him to be sitting there waiting for her? Of course not. He’d have no way of even knowing she was here. It was early, he was a busy man, he had duties and classes to teach, and a life of his own. This was technically his home - if he saw her, would he think she was stalking him? Was she trespassing on private property?
Suddenly, she was an anxious mess. Her mind raced with panicked thoughts. This is stupid. Why am I here? I shouldn’t have come… I need to get back. Go quick, before someone sees you, dumbass…
Izzy turned on her heel and started back towards the Woods. She took one last, admiring glance towards the Abbey.
That’s when she saw him. The Cardinal. Clad in a deep crimson cassock. Approaching her.
Holy shit.
Her head felt fuzzy and her heart was hammering in her chest as he came closer. The panic she was feeling just moments ago was still thrumming through her, like a hormonal teenager coming face to face with her crush.
The Cardinal must have sensed her anxiety. He moved forward slowly, as if she were a frightened animal that he didn’t want to scare off. And then he waved. A shy, awkward wave accompanied by an equally shy, awkward smile. He gazed at her, those hypnotic mismatched eyes twinkling, and it melted away the panic inside of her. She returned the wave, realizing only then that she still had her earbuds in and the music blasting through them. She quickly pulled them out and stashed them in her pocket, silencing her phone just as she heard him say “Hello.”
“Hello, Cardinal,” she smiled, stepping forward to close the distance between them. “I, uh… I hope I’m not intruding. You don’t mind me being here, do you?”
“Oh no no no, you are not intruding! Not at all! It is a pleasure to see you,” he stammered, full of nervous energy. “But, eh… how did you… what are you doing out here?”
“I was taking a walk,” she replied, “It’s a beautiful morning, with the fog. I couldn’t resist.”
“You walked? All the way from town?” he asked, incredulous.
“Yes, there’s a shortcut through the woods,” she said, motioning over to the dense trees nearby. “It starts right next to the library on King Street. Takes about half an hour or so.”
“I had no idea! Do… do you walk this way often?”
“Not as often as I used to. Haven’t been since the Abbey was sold.” She nodded towards the building. “It looks amazing, by the way! Last time I saw it, it was practically falling down. Now it’s almost good as new! You’ve even rebuilt the original greenhouse.”
“Yes, everything is completely refurbished inside and out,” Copia said proudly, “And Primo was quite insistent that the greenhouse be included in that.”
“He was the head of our church, many years ago,” he explained. “He’s enjoying his retirement with us now. The greenhouse is his pride and joy.”
Izzy could see an older gentleman standing at the windows of the greenhouse, watching them with a smile on his face. “Is that him?” she asked.
The Cardinal glanced back, and the old man waved to acknowledge him. “Eh, yes, it is. I was just sharing a morning coffee with him. He is a good man… like a father to me.” Copia gave a small wave in return, and Izzy joined in with a wave of her own. She watched Primo wander away from the window, the smile still on his face, before she turned her attention back to the man in front of her.
“The only thing still needing to be dealt with is this place, I’m afraid,” Copia continued, referring to the old cemetery, “We have yet to come to a decision on what to do with it. We would not desecrate it, obviously, but do we clean it up, restore it, tend to it? Or do we just let it continue like this?”
“Funny you should say that because I was just thinking that letting nature reclaim it might be a reverent thing to do,” Izzy said, “There’s something strangely beautiful about seeing it all overgrown like this. But that’s just my opinion, unusual as it might be.”
“Yes, yes” he agreed, nodding in earnest, “I think so too! But the Sister, she… well, she thinks we should be asking the community first.”
Izzy laughed softly. “Well, as an almost-lifelong member of this community, I can tell you that most people in town won’t care…” She stopped, worried that she was making the townsfolk sound cruel or insensitive, so she softened her tone, “I mean, the convent shut down, like, 40 years ago. There won’t be many folks around that remember anything about them. And the Diocese didn’t even maintain the upkeep while they still owned it. I think you’re safe to do with it what you like.”
“Then I will tell Sister Imperator that I have spoken to a representative of the community,” he gestured towards Izzy with his hands, “And that the community says to leave it be, si?” Copia smiled at her then, and she could see a glint of playfulness in his mismatched eyes that made her heart flutter. “You seem to know much about the history of this place.”
“My mother was very involved with the town’s Historical Committee back in the day,” she explained, “I learned a lot through her.”
“You likely know even more than we do.”
“You think?” Izzy gave him a smirk. “Tell me what you know and we’ll find out!”
“Well,” Copia began, still smiling, still enraptured with her, “We know that the main chapel was built in the late 1800s, with the dormitory and outbuildings added sometime in the early 1900s. It housed a Benedictine convent. Over time, their numbers dwindled and it was closed down in the 1980s. But it was considered a historical property and no one wanted to tear it down, so it remained unused and fell into disrepair. Does that sound right?”
“Yes,” she said, “More or less… it was sold for a brief time in the 90s, but the town persuaded the Diocese to buy it back afterwards.” She leaned in a little closer to him. “And they were very unhappy about it, I might add,” she whispered slyly.
The Cardinal raised his eyebrow, intrigued. “Why?” he asked, his voice also a whisper.
“Some dude-bros from the city bought it and turned it into a very raunchy goth nightclub. Called The Sanctuary,” Izzy revealed. “Our town got quite a bad reputation because of that. It was a wild place.”
Copia gasped lightly, surprised and amused. “Really? Now that I did not know!”
“I spent many, many a night here in my younger years. Drinking, dancing, smoking up behind that greenhouse, taking naughty photos in this cemetery…” Izzy confessed with a giggle.
“Oh my, Isabella… How sacrilegious of you!” Copia was laughing now, and Izzy couldn’t help but join him.
The nervousness she’d felt earlier had dissipated. She was entirely comfortable in his presence - enough to admit to the rowdy antics of her misspent youth without fearing he would judge her. Instead, he was laughing along with her, endearing him to her even more. For his part, Copia’s initial awkwardness seemed to have faded. He stood a little taller, spoke more confidently, and joked with her easily. She still felt that mysterious pull toward him, but now it felt a little less like some pre-destined arrangement, and more like the natural attraction to a handsome, charming man.
“So,” she said, stifling her laughter, “That’s the secret history of Windermere Abbey. And that’s how I know exactly the path to take through the Woods to get here. It’s burned into my memory. I will say, the exterior looks much better than I remember. I’m sure the inside is very different.”
“Well, you must come in and see. Let me give you a guided tour,” he offered eagerly.
“Oh, I would absolutely love that! But…” She knew that she had to start her journey back, that at this point she was cutting it close to opening time. It killed her to have to say no. “I can’t today. I really need to head back to town. It’s a bit of a hike and I have to get the store open.”
Izzy could see the disappointment on his face, and she could feel her own in her heart. “Of course, mia cara, I understand,” he said. “Would you like a ride? I can see if someone is available to drive you back.”
“That’s very kind of you, Cardinal, but I’ll be fine. The walk is good for my soul, y’know?” She reached out and placed her hand over his reassuringly. “But I do want that tour. I absolutely do. And I want to have the time to enjoy it and appreciate it. So I’ll be back. Soon, okay?”
Copia’s face lit up with the sweetest grin, crinkling the corners of his dark-shadowed eyes, a slight blush coloring his freckled cheeks. “Yes, yes. Soon! I look forward to it.” He slid his gloved fingers over Isabelle’s and bowed slightly, bringing her hand up to his lips to place a delicate kiss on the back of it. “Until next time, then.”
He gently let go of her hand, the soft leather slipping from her grasp sooner than she wanted it to. A simple gesture that felt so sensual, it left her momentarily breathless. “Yes, until then.”
“Ciao, Bella.”
With a smile and a nod, she turned and began making her way back to the wooded path. Her hand was tingling where he had kissed it. She took a few more steps before she heard Copia’s voice call out behind her.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright in there, Bella? You won’t get lost, will you?” He sounded worried.
She spun around to face him, still walking backward towards the bower. “Yes, Cardinal, I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry about me. I know it like the back of my hand!”
Yeah. The back of my hand… that’s all tingly because you kissed it… and now I’m walking away flexing it like fucking Mr. Darcy… shit.
Izzy waved and turned back to The Woods, stepping through the opening in the hedge and starting her trek back to town. Slipping her earbuds back in, she restarted her playlist, setting it to shuffle. It was a good thing she knew the way so well because her mind certainly wasn’t focused on the path under her feet or the music in her ears. Her thoughts were wandering to Copia, his beautiful mismatched eyes, his smile, his classically handsome face, his musical Italian accent. Even his deep red Cardinal’s robes were unlocking something within her, another kink to put on the pile with all the others she had. And the gloves… she could not stop thinking of those gloved hands touching her. Everywhere.
Before she knew it she was at the Halfway Log. She had completely zoned out, wandering the Woods in a blissful daze for the last 20 minutes. She stopped for a moment, trying to clear her head, forcing her attention onto something to ground her. She chose the music. Nine Inch Nails was on the playlist, Trent Reznor growling in her ear about wanting to “fuck you like an animal.”
How appropriate… For fuck’s sake.
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l-lend · 2 years
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The ideas and a lot of the pre-writing and outlining have been a collaborative effort between myself, @kelpiesummer, and @ghostlythunderbird in discord and in google docs. I owe them so much for allowing me to write on this. Y'all are awesome!
Pairing(s): Crosshair x OC
Warning(s): swearing
The high pitched chirp on the nightstand was soon silenced by a hand groping blindly towards the offending noise. Fingers swiping across the screen before bringing the phone to the bed.
“T-bird.” A cool voice spoke from the device, “We have a promo meeting in thirty.”
“Yeah, I'm on my way.” T-bird replied stifling a yawn, yet it remained noticed.
The voice on the phone sighed, “Just try to look presentable. This'll be good for Mythic if we land this deal.”
T-bird rolled out of bed attempting to smooth down her bed head with one hand.
“Relax, Sy, but I have to ask they're feeding us, right?”
T-bird could almost hear the roll of her manager's eyes.
“They have been kind enough to offer donuts and coffee.”
“Dope, I'll be there in 10.”
She tapped the screen ending the call and set out on the hunt. A shirt that still looked clean, pants in a similar condition. With a few hops to get dressed, a quick stop to step into her boots, and diving her hand into the glass bowl for her keys, she went to her baby.
The elevator took its time to reach the parking deck. But she was out as soon as the doors slid open. Her babe resting right where she left him still snuggled up under the cover. With the same care one would give a lover, T-bird lifted the cover to her motorcycle. After stashing the cover in a tank bag, she straddled her iron steed and the engine kick started tearing off towards the highway with its helmeted rider.
It was a quick jaunt into town. T-bird was quick to weave her way in and out of traffic as if the fellow motorists were stationary traffic cones. A few other bikes were scattered in the inbound traffic. Some familiar makes and models that would offer a wave if prompted, but they often gave the local stunt junkie a wide birth.
The speedometer's needle began its return trip to the left as stoplights began interrupting the cruise high. Although it seldomly stayed on the low end, T-bird heaved a sigh offering a fog to obscure the world around her. The stop and go gridlock of urban motorists nursing the twitch of her fingers begging to rev the throttle. The red light hung above her, mocking her. After what seemed to be an eternity, the light changed and the twist of the throttle surged her bike forward. A brief flash of something in her peripheral caused her to choke her brake.
Another motorcyclist had surged out from a side street nearly taking T-Bird on a slide. A few cars blared their horns behind her as she threw up her hands in a general 'what the hell is your problem?' gesture. The inciter on the incident mirrored her gesture before revving up and turning into the lane.
Oh. No. He. Didn't.
Another twist of the throttle and the roar of her engine brought her to the next red light. The another rider she had named 'dumb fuck of the day' idling in the lane next to her waiting for the light to change. A glance towards his ride caused T-Bird's lip to curl in disgust. All that bike and the bastard almost let it eat pavement. The world is just cruel sometimes. His visor turned towards her, his gaze hidden. There was a heartbeat where perhaps maybe he would come to his senses and maybe apologize for not noticing her in the lane already. That hope of decency was dashed when he abruptly leaned towards her slapping the button on her handlebar. Her engine was silent as he tore off down the road. The light above them now emerald.
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The embarrassment of being kill switched at the light was mostly soothed with a coffee from one of the local shops as T-Bird pulled into the parking lot. Kickstand down, cardboard sleeved lifeblood in hand. She stripped off her helmet shaking her hair loose off its cage before strolling inside of the office space. The mundane identical halls giving way to her destination. She opened the door with a free hand.
"Sorry I'm late, Sy. Some asshole pulled out in front of me."
The room was dead silent. Siren was seated at the table as white as a sheet. Across from her was a man. Despite his button up and jeans, his tattoos and longer hair set him apart from the usual stiffs Siren would have to wrangle.
"Your stunt rider? " he asked Siren, his voice gruff from either drink, smoke, or chewing gravel. The jury was out.
Siren cleared her throat, "Yes, this is T-Bird."
She then gestured to the man across from her, "Bird, this is Hunter. We're just about done with everything. It'll be a joint promotion with you and his talent."
T-Bird gave a casual wave with two fingers as her mouth was currently occupied with nursing her coffee. Her helmet soon found a place on the meeting table with its owner soon folding down into one of the swivel chairs.
“So your talent got a name?”
“You could've asked at the light.”
T-Bird adjusted her gaze to the far end of the table where the voice came from. He was still in his riding gear with his own helmet perched on the table. A toothpick between his lips as he met her seething gaze with his own exuding boredom.
“Yeah, no. Sy?”
Siren's manicured hand went to T-Bird's shoulder keeping the cyclist seated.
“Perhaps you two got off on the wrong foot. T-Bird this is Crosshair. He's th-”
“The smug face of GAR Motorsports' Bad Batch. And last I heard you're one to work solo.”
He reached up plucking up the toothpick from his mouth, “Believe me, I'd rather be treating road rash, Birdie.”
T-Bird wrenched herself free of Siren's hold before snatching up her helmet. A few strides and the slam of the door punctuated the exchange. There was a three second pause before Siren exhaled with a soft smile.
“Well, she didn't hit you so that's a positive.” She turned her attention to Hunter, “I'll get some work ups of the promotional materials and have them to you by Wednesday.”
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Google Ads MasterClass 2024: All Campaign Builds & Features
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Are you ready to take your digital marketing game to the next level? Whether you're a beginner or have some experience with Google Ads, the Google Ads MasterClass 2024 - All Campaign Builds & Features is designed to provide you with everything you need to master the platform. In this blog, we'll explore the ins and outs of Google Ads, covering its top features, campaign types, and how to optimize them for maximum results.
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Google Ads is one of the most powerful online advertising platforms today. It allows businesses to reach potential customers by placing ads on Google's search engine, YouTube, Gmail, and partner websites. It provides advertisers with the ability to show their ads to users actively searching for products or services similar to theirs. In short, it’s an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes.
In this comprehensive Google Ads MasterClass 2024 - All Campaign Builds & Features, you'll learn how to build campaigns that convert, explore advanced features like targeting, bidding strategies, and optimization, and stay ahead in a competitive digital landscape.
Why Should You Care About Google Ads in 2024?
As digital advertising evolves, Google Ads continues to lead the charge. With 2024 bringing even more advancements in AI and machine learning, understanding how to use these tools within the platform is crucial for success. The Google Ads MasterClass 2024 equips you with the most up-to-date knowledge of all the available features so that you can make the best use of your ad spend.
Highlighted Features of Google Ads in 2024
Google constantly improves its advertising platform to keep pace with the evolving digital world. Here are some key features you'll learn to master in this Google Ads MasterClass 2024:
1. Smart Bidding Strategies
Smart bidding strategies utilize machine learning to automate your bids based on the probability of a conversion or a goal being achieved. Target CPA, Target ROAS, Maximize Conversions, and Enhanced CPC are some of the top strategies you’ll be using.
2. Responsive Search Ads
In 2024, Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) are essential. You’ll input multiple headlines and descriptions, and Google’s AI will automatically test different combinations to show the most relevant version to each user. This not only improves ad performance but also saves time in A/B testing.
3. Keyword Planner Tool
The Keyword Planner is an indispensable tool for every advertiser. You’ll learn how to research and select the most relevant keywords that match user intent, optimize your ads, and improve your Quality Score. As part of the Google Ads MasterClass 2024, this tool will be key in helping you design efficient and cost-effective campaigns.
4. Audience Targeting
Audience targeting in 2024 is more sophisticated than ever. You can now use Affinity Audiences, In-Market Audiences, and Custom Intent Audiences to reach specific users based on their online behavior, interests, and purchasing intent.
The Power of Google Ads Campaigns
Creating campaigns in Google Ads requires understanding which types work best for your business. Here’s a breakdown of the major campaign types you'll master in the Google Ads MasterClass 2024 - All Campaign Builds & Features:
1. Search Campaigns
Search campaigns display ads on Google's search engine results page (SERP) when users search for relevant keywords. You'll learn how to structure your Search campaigns effectively, bid on the right keywords, and craft compelling ad copy that converts.
2. Display Campaigns
Display campaigns allow you to place ads on a wide network of websites, YouTube, and mobile apps. You’ll learn to create visually engaging display ads and use precise targeting to reach users while they browse the web.
3. Shopping Campaigns
For eCommerce businesses, Shopping campaigns are crucial. You’ll master how to set up product feeds, optimize your Google Merchant Center, and manage shopping ads that appear in Google’s shopping tab and search results.
4. Video Campaigns
Video advertising, particularly on YouTube, has grown exponentially. In this MasterClass, you’ll get hands-on experience with setting up video campaigns, understanding ad formats (such as skippable and non-skippable ads), and driving brand awareness through engaging video content.
5. App Campaigns
App campaigns are specialized to drive app downloads and in-app engagement. You’ll learn how to create ads that work seamlessly across Google Play, search, YouTube, and the Google Display Network.
6. Performance Max Campaigns
New to 2024, Performance Max campaigns are the ultimate solution for businesses seeking holistic coverage across all Google properties. You’ll learn how to optimize these campaigns to drive performance across Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail, and more, all from one campaign setup.
Free AI Tools to Maximize Your Google Ads
2024 is the year of integrating AI into your digital marketing strategy. Leveraging free AI tools can take your Google Ads game to new heights. For example, you can use AI-powered ad copy generators to create engaging headlines and descriptions faster than ever before. These tools help streamline the process, allowing you to focus more on optimization and strategy while the AI handles the repetitive tasks.
Additionally, AI-driven analytics tools can help you better understand your audience’s behavior, campaign performance, and areas for improvement. Some of these free AI platforms even integrate directly into Google Ads, giving you actionable insights without needing to leave the interface.
Optimizing Google Ads Campaigns: Tips & Tricks
Running successful Google Ads campaigns requires more than just setting them up. You’ll need to constantly optimize your campaigns for the best possible results. Here are some proven strategies you'll learn in the Google Ads MasterClass 2024:
1. A/B Testing
A/B testing is a powerful tool that lets you compare different versions of your ads to see which performs better. Whether it’s ad copy, images, or even landing pages, you’ll learn how to run tests effectively.
2. Negative Keywords
Negative keywords prevent your ads from showing up in irrelevant searches. In 2024, managing negative keyword lists is more important than ever, especially as search queries become more complex.
3. Ad Extensions
Adding ad extensions (such as callouts, sitelinks, or location extensions) helps improve ad visibility and click-through rate. You’ll learn to choose the right extensions that align with your campaign goals.
4. Quality Score
Your Quality Score plays a huge role in determining how well your ads perform. A higher Quality Score can lead to lower CPCs and better ad placements. The MasterClass will teach you how to improve this score by focusing on ad relevance, expected CTR, and landing page experience.
Advanced Google Ads Features to Explore in 2024
Once you’ve mastered the basics, the Google Ads MasterClass 2024 - All Campaign Builds & Features will introduce you to advanced strategies that help optimize your campaigns further.
1. Conversion Tracking & Attribution Models
Tracking conversions is essential for understanding campaign effectiveness. You’ll learn how to set up conversion tracking, implement different attribution models, and measure the impact of your ads across different channels.
2. Remarketing
Remarketing lets you target users who have already visited your site but haven’t converted. Learn how to use this feature effectively to bring back interested customers and increase conversion rates.
3. Automation Features
Google Ads’ automation features, like automated rules, scripts, and custom dashboards, allow you to streamline your campaigns and save time. You'll get hands-on training in how to use these tools to monitor and adjust your campaigns automatically.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Campaigns with Google Ads MasterClass 2024
Whether you're new to Google Ads or looking to refine your skills, the Google Ads MasterClass 2024 - All Campaign Builds & Features has something for everyone. With powerful tools, targeting capabilities, and automation at your disposal, this course will prepare you for the future of digital advertising. As Google Ads evolves, staying up-to-date with these new features is crucial, and this MasterClass is your ticket to success.
Now is the time to dive into the world of Google Ads and take full advantage of all that the platform has to offer in 2024. So, are you ready to start creating high-performing campaigns that drive results? Let’s get started!
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mdabutaleb21 · 9 days
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How to Make Effective Facebook & YouTube Ads: A Complete Guide
In today’s digital world, businesses of all sizes are leveraging the power of social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube to reach their target audience. If you're looking to grow your brand, understanding how to create effective ads on these platforms is a must. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating ads on Facebook and YouTube, helping you maximize your ad spend and achieve your marketing goals.
Why Advertise on Facebook and YouTube?
Before diving into the nitty-gritty of ad creation, it’s important to understand why these two platforms are so effective for advertising:
Facebook: With over 2.9 billion active users, Facebook offers an enormous potential reach. Its advanced targeting features allow you to precisely define your audience based on location, interests, behaviors, and demographics.
YouTube: As the second-largest search engine in the world (after Google), YouTube reaches over 2 billion users. People use YouTube not only for entertainment but also to search for how-to videos, product reviews, and more. This makes it an excellent platform for businesses to showcase their products or services through video ads.
Now, let’s dive into how to make a Facebook and YouTube ad that drives results.
Part 1: How to Make a Facebook Ad
1. Set Your Campaign Objective
The first step in creating a Facebook ad is choosing the objective of your campaign. Facebook Ads Manager gives you several options, such as:
Brand Awareness: To increase your brand’s visibility.
Traffic: To send users to your website or landing page.
Engagement: To encourage likes, shares, and comments.
Conversions: To drive sales or other valuable actions.
Choose an objective that aligns with your business goals. If you’re looking to generate leads or sales, for example, consider using the Conversions objective.
2. Define Your Target Audience
One of Facebook’s strongest features is its ability to target specific audiences. You can define your audience based on factors such as:
Interests (e.g., sports, fitness, cooking)
Behaviors (e.g., purchasing habits, travel frequency)
You can also create Custom Audiences using your own data, such as email lists, or target users similar to those who have interacted with your brand using Lookalike Audiences.
3. Choose Your Ad Placement
Facebook offers various ad placements, including:
Facebook Feed
Instagram Feed
Stories (both Facebook and Instagram)
Audience Network (third-party apps)
You can either let Facebook automatically place your ads or manually choose where you want them to appear. For beginners, Automatic Placements is a safe option.
4. Set Your Budget and Schedule
You can set either a daily budget or a lifetime budget for your ad campaign. A daily budget ensures Facebook spends a set amount per day, while a lifetime budget is spread across the entire campaign duration.
You’ll also need to choose a schedule for when your ads will run. If you know when your target audience is most active, you can set ads to only run during those times for better performance.
5. Design Your Ad
Now comes the creative part! Your ad can be a single image, carousel, video, or slideshow. A few tips for designing an effective Facebook ad:
Use high-quality visuals: Attention-grabbing images or videos are key to stopping users from scrolling past your ad.
Keep your text concise: Focus on a clear, compelling message. Facebook recommends keeping your text to around 125 characters for best results.
Include a strong call-to-action (CTA): Use CTAs like "Learn More," "Shop Now," or "Sign Up" to guide users to take the next step.
6. Monitor and Optimize
Once your ad is live, regularly monitor its performance using Facebook Ads Manager. Pay attention to key metrics such as:
Click-through rate (CTR)
Conversion rate
Cost-per-click (CPC)
Return on ad spend (ROAS)
If your ad isn’t performing as expected, don’t hesitate to tweak your targeting, ad creative, or budget to improve results.
Part 2: How to Make a YouTube Ad
1. Set Up Your Google Ads Account
To run YouTube ads, you'll need a Google Ads account. If you don't already have one, sign up at ads.google.com. From there, link your YouTube channel to your Google Ads account.
2. Choose Your Campaign Objective
Similar to Facebook, you’ll start by selecting a campaign objective in Google Ads. For YouTube ads, common objectives include:
Sales: Drive purchases or leads.
Leads: Generate sign-ups or inquiries.
Website Traffic: Send users to your website.
Brand Awareness and Reach: Increase your brand’s visibility.
Choose the objective that best matches your goals.
3. Select Your Ad Format
YouTube offers several ad formats, including:
TrueView In-Stream Ads: These are skippable ads that play before, during, or after videos.
Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads: As the name suggests, users must watch the entire ad (up to 15 seconds) before they can view the video.
Bumper Ads: These are short, 6-second ads that users cannot skip.
Discovery Ads: These appear in YouTube search results or alongside related videos, enticing users to click.
For most businesses, TrueView In-Stream Ads are the most effective, as they allow users to skip the ad if they’re not interested, meaning you only pay for views from engaged users.
4. Define Your Target Audience
YouTube, through Google Ads, also offers advanced targeting options. You can define your audience by:
Demographics (e.g., age, gender, parental status)
Interests (e.g., beauty products, technology)
Keywords (e.g., terms people search for on YouTube)
Placements (e.g., specific YouTube channels or videos where your ad will appear)
5. Set Your Budget
Decide how much you’re willing to spend on your YouTube ads by setting a daily or campaign budget. YouTube uses a cost-per-view (CPV) model, meaning you pay when someone watches at least 30 seconds of your ad or interacts with it.
6. Create Your Ad
Video is the heart of YouTube ads. For the best results, create high-quality, engaging videos that capture attention within the first few seconds. Some tips:
Start with a hook: Grab viewers’ attention immediately by addressing a problem or asking a question.
Keep it concise: Aim to deliver your core message within 15-30 seconds.
Include a clear CTA: Guide viewers on what to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a free trial, or watching more content.
7. Monitor and Adjust
Just like with Facebook ads, it’s important to monitor the performance of your YouTube ads. Use Google Ads’ reporting tools to track metrics such as:
View rate
Cost-per-view (CPV)
Engagement rate
If your ad isn’t performing well, test different video creatives, adjust your targeting, or tweak your bidding strategy.
Both Facebook and YouTube offer incredible opportunities to grow your business through highly targeted and engaging ads. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create effective campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive results. Remember, advertising is as much about experimentation as it is about execution, so don’t be afraid to test different approaches and continually optimize your ads for success.
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leapfeed1 · 10 months
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Amazon Seller Account Management Services
Looking for amazon seller account management, bulk product upload, data entry, inventory management, product image editing services at affordable prices. Contact us today.
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boonapps · 10 days
How to Seamlessly Connect Google Ads to Your Shopify Store
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Connecting Google Ads to your Shopify store can significantly enhance your online visibility, drive more traffic, and increase sales. Google Ads, with its ability to target specific audiences through search queries and display ads, is one of the most powerful advertising tools available. Integrating it with Shopify allows you to tap into a larger customer base while effectively managing and tracking your ad campaigns. 
Discover the ultimate guide on how to effortlessly link Google Ads with your Shopify store. Explore seamless ways to connect Google Ads to Shopify for maximum growth and success. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to seamlessly connect Google Ads to your Shopify store, ensuring that you maximize your e-commerce potential.
Why Google Ads Matter for Shopify
Expand Your Audience Reach
Google Ads provides unparalleled access to millions of potential customers who are actively searching for products like yours. By running ads through Google, your Shopify store can appear in search results, display across the Google Display Network, and reach audiences through YouTube and Gmail ads.
Drive High-Quality Traffic
Google Ads helps you target specific keywords related to your products, ensuring that you attract customers who are already looking for what you offer. This high-intent traffic can lead to higher conversion rates, resulting in more sales and a better return on investment (ROI) for your Shopify store.
Track and Optimize Your Campaigns
By connecting Google Ads to Shopify, you can easily track the performance of your ads. Google Ads provides insights into which keywords and ads are driving the most traffic, conversions, and revenue. This data allows you to optimize your campaigns for better results.
Prerequisites for Connecting Google Ads to Shopify
Before you can seamlessly connect Google Ads to Shopify, there are a few key prerequisites you need to address:
Create a Google Ads Account
If you don’t already have a Google Ads account, you’ll need to create one. Visit Google Ads and sign up using your Gmail account. Follow the on-screen prompts to set up your account details, including your business name, website URL, and payment information.
Set Up Google Merchant Center
The Google Merchant Center allows you to upload your product feed, which is crucial for running Shopping ads. To set up a Merchant Center account, visit Google Merchant Center and follow the instructions to connect your Shopify store and verify your website.
Install the Google Channel App on Shopify
Shopify provides a Google Channel app that simplifies the process of connecting your store to Google Ads. This app automatically syncs your product feed with Google Merchant Center, and it allows you to manage Google Ads campaigns directly from your Shopify dashboard.
Verify and Claim Your Domain
Verifying and claiming your Shopify domain with Google Merchant Center is a necessary step to ensure that your product feed is eligible for Google Shopping ads. This can be done by adding a meta tag or DNS record to your Shopify store, which will be provided during the verification process.
Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting Google Ads to Shopify
Once you’ve completed the prerequisites, you can move on to the steps for seamlessly connecting Google Ads to your Shopify store.
Install the Google Channel App on Shopify
The first step is to install the Google Channel app, which is available in the Shopify App Store. This app is essential for syncing your products with Google Merchant Center and for managing Google Ads campaigns within Shopify.
Go to your Shopify dashboard.
Click on Apps and then Shopify App Store.
Search for “Google Channel” and click Add App.
Follow the prompts to install and connect the app to your Google Merchant Center account.
Sync Your Product Feed with Google Merchant Center
Once the Google Channel app is installed, it will automatically sync your Shopify product feed with Google Merchant Center. This step ensures that your products are eligible to appear in Google Shopping ads.
After installing the app, go to Sales Channels and select Google.
Under Settings, connect your Google Merchant Center account.
The app will begin syncing your products. You can track the progress in the Google section of your Shopify dashboard.
Link Google Ads and Google Merchant Center
To run Shopping ads, you’ll need to link your Google Ads account to Google Merchant Center. This allows Google to pull product data from your Merchant Center account and use it in ads.
Log into your Google Merchant Center account.
In the top-right corner, click the three-dot menu and select Account Linking.
Click on Link Account, enter your Google Ads account ID, and follow the instructions to confirm the link.
Set Up Conversion Tracking
Conversion tracking is a crucial step in measuring the success of your Google Ads campaigns. Shopify makes it easy to set up Google Ads conversion tracking using the Google Channel app.
In your Shopify dashboard, go to Sales Channels > Google.
Under Settings, scroll to the Google Ads section.
Enable Conversion Tracking by following the setup instructions. This process involves copying the Google Ads conversion code and pasting it into your Shopify theme’s header or using a third-party plugin for integration.
Create Your First Google Ads Campaign
With your accounts linked and products synced, you’re ready to create your first Google Ads campaign. Shopify allows you to create Smart Shopping campaigns directly from the Google Channel app, making it easy to get started.
In your Shopify dashboard, go to Sales Channels > Google.
Click Create Campaign and follow the steps to set up your ad campaign.
Choose the budget, target audience, and the type of campaign you want to run (e.g., Shopping ads, display ads).
Once your campaign is set up, click Launch.
Optimize Your Google Ads Campaign
After your campaign is live, it’s essential to regularly monitor and optimize your ads to achieve the best results. Google Ads provides insights into keyword performance, ad clicks, impressions, and conversions, helping you fine-tune your campaigns.
Keyword Optimization: Monitor which keywords are driving traffic and conversions and adjust your bids accordingly. You can also add negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic.
Ad Copy Testing: Test different ad copy variations to see which messages resonate most with your audience. This includes experimenting with headlines, descriptions, and call-to-action buttons.
Budget Allocation: Evaluate which products or ads are performing best and allocate more budget to those campaigns. Lower the budget for underperforming ads or pause them if necessary.
Benefits of Connecting Google Ads to Shopify
Simplified Ad Management
By using Shopify’s Google Channel app, managing your Google Ads campaigns becomes more streamlined. You can handle everything from syncing products to tracking ad performance directly from your Shopify dashboard, saving you time and reducing the complexity of managing multiple platforms.
Enhanced Shopping Experience
With Google Shopping ads, your products will appear directly in search results with images, prices, and links to your Shopify store. This visual experience enhances the likelihood of clicks and conversions compared to traditional text-based ads.
Data-Driven Insights
Google Ads offers robust analytics that lets you track the effectiveness of your campaigns in real-time. You can analyze click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and sales performance, helping you make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns.
Connecting Google Ads to your Shopify store is a vital step in maximizing your e-commerce growth. From setting up the Google Channel app to syncing your product feed with Google Merchant Center, the integration process can be streamlined and easy. Learn how to effortlessly integrate Google Ads with your Shopify store using the Shopify Mobile App Builder. Boost your sales and reach your target audience now! By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully connect Google Ads to your Shopify store and run optimized ad campaigns that generate real results for your business.
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shosiblog · 11 days
What Is PPC in Digital Marketing? A Comprehensive Guide
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In the world of digital marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising stands out as one of the most effective methods for driving targeted traffic and achieving quick results. Whether you're a business owner looking to boost your online visibility or a marketer aiming to refine your strategies, understanding PPC can significantly impact your success. In this blog, we’ll delve into what PPC is, how it works, and why it might be the right choice for your business. For expert guidance and tailored solutions, consider partnering with a digital marketing agency in Tamil Nadu.
What Is PPC?
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is an online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. Unlike traditional advertising, where you pay for ad space regardless of performance, PPC allows you to pay only when a potential customer interacts with your ad. This model ensures that you’re investing directly in performance-driven advertising.
How Does PPC Work?
PPC advertising operates through a bidding system on various platforms, such as search engines and social media networks. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how PPC works:
1. Create Ads
You design ads that are relevant to your target audience. These ads can appear in search engine results, on websites, or within social media feeds. The content of the ads should be compelling and include a clear call to action (CTA).
2. Choose Keywords
For search engine PPC (e.g., Google Ads), you select keywords that are relevant to your business and products. When users search for these keywords, your ads can appear in the search results. The selection of the right keywords is crucial for targeting the appropriate audience.
3. Set Your Budget
You determine how much you’re willing to spend daily or monthly. PPC platforms typically operate on a bidding system, where you set a maximum bid for how much you’re willing to pay per click. Your budget controls how often your ads are shown and for how long.
4. Bid for Ad Placement
In a bidding system, you compete with other advertisers for ad placement. The bid amount, combined with the ad’s quality and relevance, determines your ad’s position. Higher bids generally increase the likelihood of your ad appearing in top positions.
5. Monitor and Optimize
Once your ads are live, you track their performance using analytics tools. Key metrics to monitor include click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and cost per click (CPC). Based on this data, you can optimize your ads, adjust bids, and refine your strategy to improve results.
Benefits of PPC Advertising
1. Immediate Results
PPC provides quick visibility and traffic. Unlike SEO, which can take months to yield results, PPC campaigns can start generating clicks and leads as soon as they go live.
2. Targeted Advertising
PPC allows you to target specific demographics, locations, and devices. This precision helps you reach the right audience and increases the likelihood of conversions.
3. Cost Control
With PPC, you set your budget and only pay for actual clicks. This level of control helps you manage advertising costs effectively and ensures you’re investing in performance-driven marketing.
4. Measurable ROI
PPC platforms offer detailed analytics and reporting tools. You can track the performance of your ads, measure ROI, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns.
5. Brand Visibility
Even if users don’t click on your ads immediately, seeing them in search results or on websites can increase brand recognition and awareness.
Types of PPC Advertising
Search Ads: Appear on search engine results pages (e.g., Google Ads) when users search for specific keywords.
Display Ads: Shown on websites across the internet in the form of banners or images.
Social Media Ads: Displayed on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Shopping Ads: Featured on search engine results pages with product images, prices, and store information.
Video Ads: Shown on video platforms like YouTube or within video content on other sites.
Partner with a Leading Digital Marketing Agency in Tamil Nadu
Understanding and implementing a successful PPC strategy can be complex, but with the right expertise, it can drive significant results for your business. If you’re looking to leverage PPC advertising effectively, partnering with a digital marketing agency in Tamil Nadu can provide you with the guidance and support needed to optimize your campaigns and achieve your marketing goals.
Contact us today to explore how PPC advertising can enhance your digital marketing strategy. Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the complexities of PPC and drive meaningful results for your business.
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themesfores · 1 month
Porto Theme v7.1.14 – Multi-Purpose & WooCommerce Theme
https://themesfores.com/product/porto-theme-woocommerce-theme/ Porto Theme v7.1.14 – Multi-Purpose & WooCommerce Theme Porto v7.1.14 WordPress theme introduces a lot of new features and demos, we also enhanced our speed Optimization wizard and reached top performance scores in ThemeForest. Porto releases 5 wonderful features – Soft Mode, Merged JS and CSS, Critical CSS, Type Builder, Single, and Archive Builders. Porto improved performance by optimizing dynamic styles by about 30ms, using CSS variables, optimizing server response time by about 30ms, etc. Please check the changelog below for more details. Porto Multi-Purpose & Woocommerce Theme Main Features: Multipurpose design WordPress Multisite (WPMU) Tested and Approved Child Theme Ready Bunch of Useful Demos – Construction, Hotel, Restaurant, Law Firm, Digital Agency, Medical, Real-Estate, APP Landing, Resume etc Plenty of Widgets Multiple Page Styles Powerful Speed Optimization Tool Visual Composer is highly optimized One Page Template Social Sharing Features 33+ custom elements for Visual Composer (banners, carousels, tabs, toggles, accordions, buttons, quotes, table, alert boxes, tables, lists, forms, icons, glyphicons, progress bar, pricing tables, dropcaps, team members, call to action boxes, columns, etc) SEO Optimized (Rich snippets for breadcrumbs and reviews are built-in) Responsive Design Unlimited Colors & Layouts WooCommerce Compatible Wishlist, Ajax Search, Filtering & Sorting WPML Support RTL Ready FAST Support & Updates Cross-browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge) Valid HTML5 code 30 + unique homepage layouts: More amazing concepts are coming soon! 6 extra layouts of the slider area: Text and Form, Static image, Single Video; Mega menu and 3-level drop-down menu; 20+ different headers 5 different breadcrumbs 4 different portfolio types (total 19 pages) 4different blog types (total 6 pages) Grid / List view Shop pages Ajax filtering in shop and product archive pages Revolution Slider ($19 value) plugin Visual Composer ($34 value) Woocommerce Catalog Mode Powerful Page options Elegant animations 3 different contact page layouts Install Demo content with One-Click Wide / Full / Boxed Layout Typography page Switch on/off sticky header option Additional pages: About, Services, Team, Process, Careers, FAQ, 404 page, Sitemap, Contact us, etc. Lightbox Share icons on project and product pages Contact and newsletter forms Twitter Feed Widget Google web fonts Custom Font Control Documentation ? step by step Compatible with WordPress SEO plugin Compatible with WordPress Social Login plugin Compatible with WP Cache plugins such as WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache plugins Compatible with Mailpoet newsletter plugin Compatible with Revolution Slider plugin Compatible with BBPress, BuddyPress plugins Compatible with Better WordPress Minify plugin Compatible with Nav Menu Roles plugin Compatible with Woocommerce Product Filter plugin Compatible with Post Views Counter plugin Compatible with GeoDirectory plugin Compatible with WooCommerce Multilingual plugin Compatible with Major multi-vendor plugins like Dokan, WC Vendors and Yith WooCommerce Multi-Vendor plugins Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search plugin Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Badge Management plugin Compatible with WPML plugin Compatible with Polylang plugin Compatible with qTranslate X plugin Compatible with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin And much much more? Please note: that any digital products on this website do not contain malicious code, viruses, or advertising. https://themesfores.com/product/porto-theme-woocommerce-theme/ #WooCommerceTheme #WordpressTheme
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samyakonlinedelhi · 2 months
Benefits of BigCommerce Data Feed Management Solutions : Stop Wasting Time, Start Selling More
Transform product data into powerful sales tools. Our experts create optimized feeds for Google Shopping, Facebook, Amazon, and more. Boost visibility, accuracy, and sales while saving time and money. We handle the complexities so you can focus on growth. Ready to elevate your online store? Let's connect.
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alita12 · 2 months
What Are the Key Services Offered by Website Design Companies in Abu Dhabi?
Website design companies in Abu Dhabi offer a wide range of services aimed at creating and maintaining effective, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing websites. These services cater to various business needs, ensuring that each client’s online presence is optimized for success. Here, we explore the key services provided by web design companies in Abu Dhabi, highlighting their importance in today’s digital landscape.
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Comprehensive Web Design Services
Custom Website Design
One of the primary services offered by web design companies in Abu Dhabi is custom website design. This service involves creating unique website layouts and functionalities tailored to a business's specific needs and brand identity. A custom-designed website ensures that a business stands out in a crowded online marketplace, providing an engaging and memorable user experience.
Responsive Web Design
In today’s mobile-driven world, responsive web design is crucial. Web design companies Abu Dhabi specialize in creating websites that look and function seamlessly across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Responsive web design ensures that users have a positive experience regardless of the device they are using, which can significantly impact a website’s traffic and engagement levels.
E-commerce Website Development
For businesses looking to sell products or services online, e-commerce website development is a critical service. Web designing company Abu Dhabi offers comprehensive e-commerce solutions, including secure payment gateways, user-friendly shopping carts, and efficient product management systems. These features are essential for creating a successful online store that drives sales and enhances customer satisfaction.
Advanced Web Development Services
Content Management Systems (CMS)
A content management system (CMS) allows businesses to easily update and manage their website content without needing extensive technical knowledge. Web design companies in Abu Dhabi often integrate popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal into their website projects. This service empowers clients to keep their websites current and relevant, which is essential for maintaining an effective online presence.
Web Application Development
In addition to standard website design, many web design companies Abu Dhabi offer web application development. This service involves creating dynamic web applications that provide enhanced functionalities and interactivity. Web applications can range from customer portals and booking systems to complex enterprise solutions, tailored to meet the specific needs of a business.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital service provided by web design companies in Abu Dhabi. SEO involves optimizing a website’s content and structure to improve its visibility on search engines like Google. Effective SEO strategies can significantly increase organic traffic to a website, enhancing its overall performance and helping businesses reach a larger audience.
Digital Marketing and Branding Services
Social Media Integration
Social media integration is another key service offered by web designing company Abu Dhabi. By integrating social media platforms into a website, businesses can enhance their online presence and engage with their audience more effectively. This service includes adding social media sharing buttons, embedding feeds, and creating seamless links between a website and social media profiles.
Online Marketing and Advertising
Web design companies in Abu Dhabi often provide comprehensive online marketing and advertising services. These services include pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, and social media campaigns. By leveraging these digital marketing strategies, businesses can drive targeted traffic to their websites, increase brand awareness, and generate leads.
Brand Identity and Graphic Design
Creating a strong brand identity is essential for any business looking to succeed online. Web design in Abu Dhabi includes brand identity and graphic design services, such as logo creation, color scheme development, and the design of marketing materials. These services ensure that a business's online presence is cohesive and visually appealing, reinforcing its brand across all digital channels.
Maintenance and Support Services
Website Maintenance
Ongoing website maintenance is crucial for ensuring that a website remains functional, secure, and up-to-date. Web design companies Abu Dhabi offer maintenance services that include regular updates, bug fixes, and performance optimizations. By providing continuous support, these companies help businesses avoid potential issues that could negatively impact their online presence.
Technical Support
Technical support is another important service provided by web design companies in Abu Dhabi. This service ensures that any technical issues or challenges faced by a website are promptly addressed. Technical support can include troubleshooting, server management, and assistance with website hosting, ensuring that a business’s website runs smoothly at all times.
Security Services
With the increasing threat of cyberattacks, security services are an essential offering by web designing company Abu Dhabi. These services include implementing security measures such as SSL certificates, firewalls, and regular security audits. By securing a website, businesses can protect their data and build trust with their customers.
Specialized Design and Development Services
User Experience (UX) Design
User experience (UX) design is a key focus for many web design companies in Abu Dhabi. UX design involves creating websites that are intuitive, easy to navigate, and provide a positive experience for users. By focusing on UX, web design companies ensure that visitors have a satisfying experience on a website, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.
User Interface (UI) Design
Closely related to UX design is user interface (UI) design. UI design focuses on the visual aspects of a website, including layout, colors, typography, and interactive elements. Web design companies Abu Dhabi use UI design principles to create visually appealing and functional websites that attract and retain users.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of improving a website to increase the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form. Web design companies in Abu Dhabi use various CRO techniques, including A/B testing, heat mapping, and user feedback analysis, to enhance a website’s effectiveness and maximize conversions.
Web design companies in Abu Dhabi offer a comprehensive range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses in today’s digital age. From custom website design and responsive web design to advanced web development and digital marketing, these companies provide the expertise and support necessary to create successful online presences. By leveraging the key services offered by web design companies Abu Dhabi, businesses can enhance their visibility, engage with their audience, and achieve their online goals.
Whether you’re looking to build a new website, improve an existing one, or implement effective digital marketing strategies, web designing company Abu Dhabi has the skills and experience to help you succeed. By understanding and utilizing the services they offer, you can ensure that your business stands out in the competitive online marketplace.
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thebusinessmagnate · 2 months
Laura & Sarah: Mother-Duo Redefining and Pioneering in Organic Infant Formula at Bobbie
Milk. Our first food was Milk. Our mother’s milk which was given to us right after we were born was the only source of nutrition and food for the next few months and years. 
Mother’s Milk a.k.a Breastmilk keeps babies healthy, protected, and safe. 
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From being gentle on the still-developing stomach that is easily digestible to providing the babies with antibodies to prevent infections, diseases, and sicknesses from occurring – infants require safely formulated sustainable baby products or their mother’s milk for nutritional purposes which are all in the right proportions. 
Although mother’s milk or breastmilk can never be replicated or replaced from being the No.1 Best Nutrition for babies, there are some mothers and parents who are unable to breastfeed their infants due to several factors such as but not limited to – circumstances and situations, personal choice, or could be medical reasons that deter breastfeeding. 
As an alternative, many companies and organizations over the years have come up with formulations that are then manufactured to produce Infant Formula – a dried milk powder comprising all the required nutrients that a small baby would need to grow well. 
Therefore in this article, we will share deep insights into how an American company – Bobbie was founded and established by pioneering co-founders and mothers – Lura Modi and Sarah Hardy, in 2018, in San Francisco, California, USA. Bobbie is a food manufacturing company that specializes in formulating to produce Organic Infant Milk that meets FDA Standards. Here, we will also learn the importance of milk for infants and how Bobbie is working towards evolving and redefining Infant Milk after years of companies exploiting these infant food products by adding harmful ingredients. 
Women Duo and Mothers – The Faces Behind Bobbie – Laura and Sarah:
The co-founders who founded Bobbie are – Laura Modi and Sarah Hardy. Being mother-duo and friends, Laura and Sarah shared the same goal in trying – “to help every parent feel supported in their feeding journey – breast, bottle, or both”.
“Feeding is a journey” – Bobbie. 
Laura Modi was the initial founder and current CEO of Bobbie. She was also the first one to be inspired to come up with the idea and concept for Bobbie. Having received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Business Policy, Management Accounting, and Market Analysis – Laura went on to work in several different roles and positions such as – Online Marketing Director at Portwest Ltd., Google Finance at Google, Director of Hospitality at Airbnb, Board Member at Eat Real and TaskRabbit, and finally in 2018 founded Bobbie. Laura was inspired by a personal experience where one day she found herself standing in front of infant formulas at a shop facing her first bout of mastitis. She was extremely disappointed and saddened by the fact that all of the formula products contained corn syrup, fillers, and palm oil. The founder established her company in her basement in 2018 and was named Bobbie after her daughter called her bottle – Bobbie. 
Sarah Hardy has an Arts Degree in Sociology and Government from Bowdoin College. She started her career as a Senior Project Manager at Corcoran Sunshine Marketing Group, a Project Management Lead at The Mark Company, and Head of Planning and Operations at Airbnb, and finally in 2019 joined Laura in building Bobbie as a co-founder. Laura approached her friend who was also a mother to join the business in taking the next steps in the wild journey. This is when Sarah Hardy joined Bobbie in building a thriving workplace and helping to rope in scientists and pediatric nutritionists to ensure that they can bring a formulated and European-style developed Organic Infant Formula product to the US market. By 2020, Bobbie was officially launched and hit the market with successful purchases, after being given the green light by the Food and Drug Administration regulatory agency. 
About Bobbie:
The name Bobbie was inspired by Laura’s daughter who calls her bottle “Bobbie”. Laura founded and established Bobbie in 2018 after being inspired by a personal experience two years before, in 2016. Sarah joined Laura as a co-founder who helped grow the business to where it is today. 
Established initially in Laura’s basement, the company now has its own office headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA. Being approved by the FDA was a huge accomplishment and revelation for Laura and Sarah. 
Bobbie is the 1st ever mom-founded and women-led company by Laura & Sarah, in the US that formulates, manufactures, and produces Organic Infant Formula with a European-style ingredients list that meets all EU, USDA, and FDA requirements. Bobbie’s Organic Infant Milk is made from pasture-raised cows milked from Organic Valley Farms. It is also the only baby formula product and company to pass and receive the “Clean Label Project’s Purity Award” and the “Pesticide Free Certification”.
From distribution to testing, and manufacturing to sourcing, Bobbie promises to be the #1 priority for organic infant formula. With an in-house team of experienced scientists and experts behind the formulation of – “Just ingredients you and your baby will love”, Bobbie’s Organic Infant Formula is packed with Iron, DHA, Vitamin D, 40% casein, and 60% whey protein. It has no antibiotics, no allergens, no corn syrup, no fillers, no palm oils, no maltodextrin, no gluten, and no persistent pesticides. 
Bobbie acknowledges that formulas for infants have been stigmatized and made vary. Over the years many companies have manufactured and produced infant formulas that unfortunately contain unhealthy ingredients that even adults themselves wouldn’t find safe for consumption. Bobbie deeply knows that for holistic baby care, “Breast is Best”. But due to varying reasons and circumstances parents and mothers turn to formula. Therefore with a mission “to shake the stigma on how we choose to feed our babies”, Bobbie strives to “evolve the future of infant formula”.
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/laura-sarah-mother-duo-redefining-and-pioneering-in-organic-infant-formula-at-bobbie/
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connectteim · 2 months
Teim: Empowering SMBs in the Digital Age - Your One-Stop Digital Marketing Solution
Teim: Empowering SMBs in the Digital Age - Your One-Stop Digital Marketing Solution
In today's fast-paced digital world, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face a unique challenge: standing out in a crowded online marketplace. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of digital marketing, web development, and online branding, you're not alone. That's where Teim comes in - your local digital ally, ready to transform your online presence and skyrocket your business growth.
Who is Teim?
TEIM stands for The Entrepreneur in Me
Teim isn't just another digital marketing agency near you. We're a comprehensive digital marketing and advertising agency that specializes in empowering SMBs like yours. Think of us as your personal team of digital wizards, equipped with the latest tools and strategies in web development, social media marketing, and graphic designing.
 Our Secret Sauce: A Holistic Approach to Digital Success
At Teim, we believe that true digital success comes from a harmonious blend of various digital elements.
That's why we offer a full spectrum of services:
1. Digital Marketing Magic: Our SEO gurus and content marketing mavens work tirelessly to boost your online visibility. Imagine your business name popping up at the top of Google searches - that's the power of our digital marketing services!
2. Web Development Wonders: Your website is your digital storefront. Our web development experts craft user-friendly, visually stunning websites that not only look great but also convert visitors into customers. We're all about that Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) life! 
3. UI/UX Design Delights: First impressions matter, especially online. Our UI/UX designers create intuitive, engaging interfaces that keep your visitors hooked and guide them smoothly through their user journey.
4. Graphic Design Genius: In a world of scrolling feeds, eye-catching visuals are your secret weapon. Our graphic design whizzes create scroll-stopping logos, social media graphics, and infographics that make your brand unforgettable.
5. Social Media Sorcery: From Facebook to Instagram, Twitter to LinkedIn, we know how to make your brand shine on every platform. Our affordable social media marketing for small businesses ensures you're always part of the conversation.
But Wait, There's More! 
We're not just about providing services; we're about empowering you with knowledge. When you partner with Teim, you're not just getting a service provider - you're gaining a digital marketing expert who's invested in your long-term success.
 Real Results for Real Businesses
Don't just take our word for it. Here's how we've helped SMBs like yours:
- Brand Awareness Boost: Our targeted digital marketing efforts have put countless local businesses on the map. SEO, content marketing, and niche advertising? We've got it all covered.
- Lead Generation Leap: With user-friendly websites and killer call-to-actions, we've turned casual browsers into qualified leads for our clients.
- Engagement Explosion: Through captivating UI/UX design and content strategies, we've kept visitors glued to our clients' websites, boosting engagement rates through the roof.
- Brand Building Bonanza: Our professional graphic design services have helped businesses build stronger, more cohesive brand identities that resonate with their target audiences.
 Why Choose Teim?
In a sea of digital marketing companies, Teim stands out. We're not just a service provider; we're your growth partner. Whether you're a cozy corner café or a bustling real estate agency, we have the expertise to elevate your digital game.
From SEO optimization services to video editing, from website development to social media management, we're your one-stop shop for all things digital. And the best part? We're right in your neighborhood, ready to provide that personal touch that big agencies just can't match.
Ready to Transform Your Digital Presence? 
The digital world is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve can be daunting. But with Teim by your side, you don't have to navigate these changes alone. We're here to guide you, support you, and propel your business to new digital heights
So, are you ready to embark on an exciting digital journey? Turn your online presence from meh to marvelous? Watch your business, grow in ways you never thought possible?
Then it's time to team up with Teim. Let's make some digital magic together! 
Contact us today and take the first step towards digital dominance. Your future self will thank you!
Contact US: 9356372808
Visit US: https://teim.co.in/
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