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pumpkidgrove · 4 months ago
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"Das rote Monster" "The Red Monster"
Die große Geisterbahn⁠ / Monsterhöhle⁠ The great ghost train⁠ / Monster Cave
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marchelino666 · 2 years ago
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hellonew-yorkgirl · 2 years ago
2. Cannaregio und Leonardo da Vinci
Venedig ReisetagebuchMontag, 13.03.2023 Wir haben alle wunderbar geschlafen, obwohl es in der Nacht aufgrund der vielen Geschäfte vor der Wohnung auch mal lauter auf der Straße war. Nachdem ich geduscht hatte, haben wir in der kleinen Küche mit Eßtisch uns selbst ein leckeres Frühstück mit geröstetem Brot (es gab kein Toaster, also wurde im Ofen geröstet), italienischem Kaffee, Ei und Müsli…
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ringhotel-zum-stein · 2 years ago
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Heute ging es wieder los! Das 1. Seekonzert 2023 ist heute 18 Uhr gestartet bei strahlenden Sonnenschein! Tickets und Programm für den Gartenreichsommer 2023 gibt es unter https://bit.ly/3KGv42F
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schorschidk · 2 years ago
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Burgberg-Seilbahn Über 25 Millionen Passagiere sind bereits seit 1929 mit der Burgberg-Seilbahn auf den Großen Burgberg (483 m) geschwebt. Bis zu 18 Gäste pro Gondel befördert die Seilbahn in drei Minuten auf den Gipfel. Von dort bietet sich ein beeindruckender Blick auf Bad Harzburg, die umgebenden Berge und das weite Harzvorland. #Harz #ReiselandHarz #Seilbahn #Gondel #Bäume #Fahrt #Transport #BadHarzburg #Wald #Himmel #Wolken #Niedersachsen https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYEOyPir6U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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70ssmut4 · 4 months ago
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sophfandoms53 · 6 months ago
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cpnsntb · 4 months ago
Terbaik 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika) Bimbel CPNS Teminabuan Tanjung Selor
0813-9111-5558 (Promo Terbatas Diskon 10%), E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Gondel
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281391115558 , E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Gondel, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Rancah, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cibentar, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Ciborelang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Leuwenggede, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Loji, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Pinangraja, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Sukaraja Kulon, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Sukaraja Wetan
Ada beberapa keunggulan menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di Indonesia:
Stabilitas Pekerjaan: Sebagai ASN, Anda memiliki stabilitas pekerjaan yang tinggi karena posisi ASN bersifat tetap atau tidak mudah terkena PHK (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja).
2. Gaji dan Tunjangan: ASN mendapatkan gaji dan tunjangan yang relatif stabil dan terjamin setiap bulannya. Tunjangan ini bisa meliputi tunjangan keluarga, tunjangan kinerja, tunjangan pensiun, dan lain sebagainya.
3. Jaminan Kesejahteraan: ASN memiliki jaminan kesejahteraan seperti asuransi kesehatan dan pensiun dari negara. Pensiun ASN dijamin oleh negara dan akan diberikan setelah masa pensiun tiba.
4. Kemungkinan Kenaikan Pangkat dan Karier: Terdapat jenjang karier yang jelas dan sistematis di dalam ASN, dimana ASN dapat naik pangkat berdasarkan kriteria dan masa kerja yang telah ditentukan.
5. Kesempatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan: ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan pengembangan keahlian secara teratur, yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme.
6. Kontribusi pada Pembangunan Negara: Sebagai bagian dari birokrasi negara, ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam pembangunan negara dan pelayanan publik.
Tunjangan CPNS atau Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) setelah pensiun menawarkan beberapa keunggulan yang penting bagi mantan ASN:
1. Jaminan Pensiun: Tunjangan pensiun adalah bentuk jaminan sosial yang diberikan kepada mantan ASN setelah mereka memasuki masa pensiun. Ini memberikan kepastian pendapatan bagi mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup setelah tidak lagi bekerja.
2. Stabilitas Keuangan: Dengan adanya tunjangan pensiun, mantan ASN memiliki stabilitas keuangan yang lebih baik karena mereka dapat mengandalkan pendapatan tetap dari negara setelah pensiun.
3. Penghargaan atas Jasa dan Kontribusi: Tunjangan pensiun juga dapat dianggap sebagai penghargaan atas jasa dan kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh ASN selama bekerja untuk negara. Ini memberikan rasa penghargaan dan pengakuan atas pengabdian mereka.
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan: Beberapa ASN juga mendapatkan tunjangan kesehatan setelah pensiun, yang membantu mereka dalam mengatasi biaya perawatan kesehatan yang mungkin dibutuhkan seiring bertambahnya usia.
5. Perlindungan Sosial: Sistem pensiun ASN juga sering kali dilengkapi dengan perlindungan sosial lainnya seperti asuransi jiwa, yang memberikan keamanan finansial bagi keluarga ASN jika terjadi sesuatu pada mantan ASN.
E-Course Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Bimbel Putra Bangsa
Kenapa harus mengikuti E-Course Program Platinum CPNS di Bimbel Putra Bangsa?
Kamu akan mendapatkan Garansi Mengulang Kelas Gratis Sampai Lulus di batch selanjutnya 2024.
Memiliki program terlengkap dengan pengajar berkualitas dan berpengalaman, dilengkapi 50 paket tryout CAT CPNS 2024, 50 Video Pembelajaran, Pembahasan 50 paket try out secara individual, 5000+ Soal dan 5000+ Pembahasan latihan CPNS, Mendapatkan Modul lengkap metode SAKTI CPNS terupdate 2024.
Selain itu, kamu juga mendapatkan 60x sesi pembelajaran melalui zoom meeting untuk membahas tips & trik mengerjakan soal-soal dengan Metode khusus (SAKTI) SKD CPNS 2024 serta bonus 10x Kelas Offline untuk daerah DIY dan sekitarnya, Mendapatkan sertifikasi, Webinar, Konsultasi formasi CPNS dan Psikologi, Pembekalan spiritual belt, Pendampingan pendaftaran akun SSCASN.
Tempat Bimbel E-Course CPNS Jogja. Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kami juga melayani bimbingan untuk CPNS, PPPK, P3K, STPN, dan Sekolah Kedinasan.
Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kunjungi Website kami di https://bimbelputrabangsa.com
Alamat Kantor Pusat : Perum Gadingsari 1, No.3, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, DIY.
Alamat Kantor Operasional : Perum Sidoarum Blok 1, Jl.Wijayakusuma No.10, Sidoarum, Godean Sleman, DIY.
#E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaGondel, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaRancah, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCibentar, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCiborelang, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaLeuwenggede, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaLoji, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaPinangraja, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSukarajaKulon, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSukarajaWetan
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bimbelkedinasanipdnogja · 4 months ago
Lulus 100% 0852-8201-0040 Tempat Kursus Bimbel Kedokteran UGM 2025/2026. Paser Jogja Bimbel Putra Bangsa
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0852-8201-0040 (GARANSI LULUS 100%), Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Gondel
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6285282010040 , Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Gondel, Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Rancah, Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Cibentar, Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Ciborelang, Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Leuwenggede, Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Loji, Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Pinangraja, Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Sukaraja Kulon, Bimbel Kedokteran UGM / UMY / UNY / UAD / UII Jogja Sukaraja Wetan
Persiapan Masuk Jurusan Kedokteran: Langkah-langkah Penting
Menjadi seorang dokter adalah impian banyak orang yang tertarik pada dunia kedokteran. Persiapan masuk jurusan kedokteran membutuhkan waktu, dedikasi, dan strategi yang tepat. Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah penting yang perlu dipersiapkan:
**Pendidikan Prasyarat**: Pastikan untuk menyelesaikan semua kursus prasyarat yang dibutuhkan, seperti biologi, kimia, fisika, dan matematika. Memiliki dasar yang kuat dalam ilmu-ilmu ini sangat penting untuk memahami materi dalam program studi kedokteran.
2. **Pengalaman Klinis**: Usahakan untuk mendapatkan pengalaman kerja atau sukarelawan di bidang kesehatan. Ini bisa melalui magang di rumah sakit, klinik, atau mengikuti program sukarelawan di organisasi kesehatan masyarakat. Pengalaman ini akan memberikan wawasan praktis dan menunjukkan komitmen Anda terhadap profesi medis.
3. **Persiapan Akademis**: Persiapkan diri Anda untuk ujian masuk kedokteran yang mungkin meliputi ujian standar seperti SAT, ACT, atau tes khusus untuk masuk ke program kedokteran. Perbanyak latihan soal-soal ujian untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menjawab soal-soal yang bervariasi.
4. **Referensi dan Rekomendasi**: Dapatkan surat rekomendasi dari guru atau profesional yang dapat memberikan pandangan yang positif tentang kualitas dan kemampuan akademis Anda. Pastikan surat tersebut disiapkan dengan baik dan memiliki makna yang kuat.
5. **Pengembangan Soft Skill**: Selain kecakapan akademis, keterampilan komunikasi, kepemimpinan, dan kerja tim juga sangat penting dalam profesi medis. Terlibatlah dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler atau organisasi yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan keterampilan ini.
6. **Mengenal Profesi Medis**: Luangkan waktu untuk mengenal lebih dalam tentang apa yang diharapkan dari seorang dokter. Baca buku, ikuti seminar, atau lakukan wawancara dengan dokter-dokter yang telah berpengalaman.
7. **Menjaga Keseimbangan**: Terakhir, jaga keseimbangan antara akademis, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, dan kehidupan sosial Anda. Perawatan diri dan kesehatan mental adalah hal yang tidak boleh diabaikan dalam persiapan yang intens ini.
Dengan mempersiapkan diri secara menyeluruh dan mengikuti langkah-langkah ini dengan tekun, Anda akan meningkatkan peluang untuk berhasil masuk ke jurusan kedokteran. Semoga artikel ini membantu dalam perjalanan pendidikan Anda menuju impian menjadi seorang dokter yang sukses.
Tips dan Trik Persiapan Masuk Jurusan Kedokteran
Menjadi seorang dokter adalah tujuan yang mulia dan membutuhkan persiapan yang matang sejak dini. Berikut adalah beberapa tips dan trik yang dapat membantu Anda mempersiapkan diri untuk masuk ke jurusan kedokteran:
**Pelajari Persyaratan Masuk**: Setiap program kedokteran memiliki persyaratan masuk yang berbeda. Pastikan Anda memahami dengan baik apa yang diperlukan, termasuk kursus prasyarat, skor ujian, dan pengalaman klinis atau sukarelawan yang mungkin dibutuhkan.
2. **Bangun Dasar Akademis yang Kuat**: Ilmu dasar seperti biologi, kimia, fisika, dan matematika adalah fondasi penting dalam pendidikan kedokteran. Pastikan Anda memperoleh pemahaman yang baik dalam bidang-bidang ini selama studi Anda di sekolah menengah.
3. **Sukarelawan di Bidang Kesehatan**: Mendapatkan pengalaman praktis di bidang kesehatan dapat memberikan wawasan berharga tentang dunia medis. Coba cari kesempatan untuk magang di rumah sakit, klinik, atau terlibat dalam kegiatan sukarela yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan masyarakat.
4. **Persiapkan Diri untuk Ujian Masuk**: Persiapkan diri Anda dengan serius untuk ujian masuk seperti SAT, ACT, atau tes khusus untuk masuk ke program kedokteran seperti MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). Jadwalkan waktu untuk belajar secara teratur dan gunakan sumber daya belajar yang tepat.
5. **Bangun Keterampilan Soft Skill**: Keterampilan seperti komunikasi yang baik, kepemimpinan, kerja tim, dan empati sangat penting dalam profesi kedokteran. Cari kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan ini melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, klub, atau organisasi di sekolah.
6. **Jaga Keseimbangan dan Kesehatan**: Persiapkan diri secara fisik dan mental untuk tantangan yang akan Anda hadapi. Jaga keseimbangan antara akademis, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, dan waktu istirahat. Kesehatan mental dan fisik yang baik adalah kunci untuk berhasil dalam persiapan masuk jurusan kedokteran.
7. **Jadilah Informasi**: Selalu up to date dengan informasi terbaru tentang profesi medis, tren dalam perawatan kesehatan, dan isu-isu terkini dalam bidang kedokteran. Membaca buku, mengikuti seminar, atau berbicara dengan dokter-dokter yang berpengalaman dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan wawasan yang lebih dalam.
Dengan mempersiapkan diri dengan baik dan mengikuti tips dan trik ini, Anda akan meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk sukses dalam masuk ke jurusan kedokteran. Tetap bersemangat dan konsisten dalam perjalanan pendidikan Anda menuju impian menjadi seorang dokter yang kompeten dan berdedikasi.
#BimbelKedokteranUGM/UMY/UNY/UAD/UIIJogjaGondel, #BimbelKedokteranUGM/UMY/UNY/UAD/UIIJogjaRancah, #BimbelKedokteranUGM/UMY/UNY/UAD/UIIJogjaCibentar, #BimbelKedokteranUGM/UMY/UNY/UAD/UIIJogjaCiborelang, #BimbelKedokteranUGM/UMY/UNY/UAD/UIIJogjaLeuwenggede, #BimbelKedokteranUGM/UMY/UNY/UAD/UIIJogjaLoji, #BimbelKedokteranUGM/UMY/UNY/UAD/UIIJogjaPinangraja, #BimbelKedokteranUGM/UMY/UNY/UAD/UIIJogjaSukarajaKulon, #BimbelKedokteranUGM/UMY/UNY/UAD/UIIJogjaSukarajaWetan
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bimbelstpnjogja · 4 months ago
0852-8201-0102 (JAMINAN LULUS), Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Gondel Hubungi kami https://wa.link/dqvjmy , Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Gondel, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Rancah, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Cibentar, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Ciborelang, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Leuwenggede, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Loji, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Pinangraja, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Sukaraja Kulon, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Sukaraja Wetan Raih Mimpi Anda Menjadi Abdi Negara dengan Bimbel Putra Bangsa! Pusat Bimbingan Belajar STPN CPNS PPPK Terpercaya di Depok Ingin menjadi PNS atau PPPK di Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional (STPN)? Bingung mencari bimbingan belajar yang tepat? Bimbel Putra Bangsa hadir sebagai solusi terbaik untuk Anda! Mengapa Memilih Bimbel Putra Bangsa? � Garansi Lulus: Kami yakin dengan metode pengajaran kami dan memberikan garansi lulus bagi Anda. � Mentor Berpengalaman: Tim pengajar kami terdiri dari para profesional yang berpengalaman dan berdedikasi tinggi. � Gratis Mengulang Materi: Anda bebas mengulang materi pembelajaran sampai benar-benar paham tanpa biaya tambahan. � Fasilitas Lengkap: Kami menyediakan berbagai fasilitas penunjang belajar yang nyaman dan kondusif. � Lokasi Strategis: Bimbel Putra Bangsa mudah dijangkau dengan berbagai moda transportasi. Hubungi Kami Sekarang! Telepon: 0852-8201-0102 Website: https://bimbelputrabangsa.com Jangan Lewatkan Kesempatan Ini! Daftar Segera di Bimbel Putra Bangsa dan Wujudkan Mimpi Anda Menjadi Abdi Negara! BONUS: � Dapatkan diskon spesial untuk pendaftaran di bulan ini! � Konsultasi gratis dengan tim kami untuk mengetahui program bimbingan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Bimbel Putra Bangsa – Solusi Tepat untuk Masa Depan Gemilang Anda! #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Gondel, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Rancah, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Cibentar, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Ciborelang, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Leuwenggede, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Loji, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Pinangraja, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026SukarajaKulon, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026SukarajaWetan
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pumpkidgrove · 9 months ago
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"Geisterbahnhof" "Ghost Station"
Die große Geisterbahn⁠ / Monsterhöhle⁠ The great ghost train⁠ / Monster Cave⁠
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bimbelcpnskedokteran2025 · 5 months ago
MATERI UP TO DATE 0852-8201-0102 Harga Pelatihan Les STPN CPNS PPPK 2025. Pasir Pengaraian Boyolali Bimbel Putra Bangsa
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0852-8201-0102 (JAMINAN LULUS), Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Gondel
Hubungi kami https://wa.link/dqvjmy , Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Gondel, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Rancah, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Cibentar, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Ciborelang, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Leuwenggede, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Loji, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Pinangraja, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Sukaraja Kulon, Tempat Bimbel STPN CPNS PPPK 2025-2026 Sukaraja Wetan
Raih Mimpi Anda Menjadi Abdi Negara dengan Bimbel Putra Bangsa!
Pusat Bimbingan Belajar STPN CPNS PPPK Terpercaya di Depok
Ingin menjadi PNS atau PPPK di Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional (STPN)? Bingung mencari bimbingan belajar yang tepat? Bimbel Putra Bangsa hadir sebagai solusi terbaik untuk Anda!
Mengapa Memilih Bimbel Putra Bangsa?
� Garansi Lulus: Kami yakin dengan metode pengajaran kami dan memberikan garansi lulus bagi Anda.
� Mentor Berpengalaman: Tim pengajar kami terdiri dari para profesional yang berpengalaman dan berdedikasi tinggi.
� Gratis Mengulang Materi: Anda bebas mengulang materi pembelajaran sampai benar-benar paham tanpa biaya tambahan.
� Fasilitas Lengkap: Kami menyediakan berbagai fasilitas penunjang belajar yang nyaman dan kondusif.
� Lokasi Strategis: Bimbel Putra Bangsa mudah dijangkau dengan berbagai moda transportasi.
Hubungi Kami Sekarang!
Telepon: 0852-8201-0102
Website: https://bimbelputrabangsa.com
Jangan Lewatkan Kesempatan Ini!
Daftar Segera di Bimbel Putra Bangsa dan Wujudkan Mimpi Anda Menjadi Abdi Negara!
� Dapatkan diskon spesial untuk pendaftaran di bulan ini!
� Konsultasi gratis dengan tim kami untuk mengetahui program bimbingan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Bimbel Putra Bangsa - Solusi Tepat untuk Masa Depan Gemilang Anda!
#TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Gondel, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Rancah, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Cibentar, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Ciborelang, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Leuwenggede, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Loji, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026Pinangraja, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026SukarajaKulon, #TempatBimbelSTPNCPNSPPPK2025-2026SukarajaWetan
0 notes
janheering · 1 year ago
Hoogtevrees gondel overwinnen
Laat je skivakantie niet verpesten door hoogtevrees in de gondel. Lees hier hoe je deze angst definitief kunt verhelpen:
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grosirkaoskakicomel · 1 year ago
0823-3000-6040 (WA), Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik Gondel
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0823-3000-6040 (WA), Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik GondelLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282330006040 , Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik Gondel, Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik Bangsal, Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik Sorpa, Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik Tellok, Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik Tlagah, Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik Banyoneng Dajah, Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik Banyoneng Laok, Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik Batobella, Grosir Kaos Kaki Wanita Terbaik CamporKami adalah Suplayer kaos kaki Muslimah terbesar dan terlengkap di Indonesia. Kaos Kaki Soka kini memiliki varian yang banyak sekali dari segi warna, bahan dan motif. Untuk order bisa langsung mengunjungi website kami sokajava.id.Untuk Lokasi kami ada di Jl. Jambangan Kebon Agung No 83 Surabaya Untuk informasi bisa langsung menghubungi : 0823-3000-6040#GrosirKaosKakiWanitaTerbaikGondel, #GrosirKaosKakiWanitaTerbaikBangsal, #GrosirKaosKakiWanitaTerbaikSorpa, #GrosirKaosKakiWanitaTerbaikTellok, #GrosirKaosKakiWanitaTerbaikTlagah, #GrosirKaosKakiWanitaTerbaikBanyonengDajah, #GrosirKaosKakiWanitaTerbaikBanyonengLaok, #GrosirKaosKakiWanitaTerbaikBatobella, #GrosirKaosKakiWanitaTerbaikCampor
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narcissisticmf · 7 months ago
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jumped | kaz brekker x fem!reader
description: y/n is out one night getting supplies for the black veil and on her way back, she gets mugged. when she returns to the tomb, everyone is concerned.
trigger warnings: graphic violence, assault, descriptions of minor injuries, blood, angst, seductive behavior, etc. read at your own risk.
word count: 2.6k
Rain tapped against the cobblestones as you made your way back to the gondel. Its rope was tied to the docks, securing its place. A cloak was draped over your shoulders as the hood was pulled over your head, concealing your face from potential threats.
In your grasp, you carried a large paper bag that was filled with canned goods and other essentials the tomb was lacking. Each week, you rotated with the other Crows who would go out and retrieve supplies. You didn't mind going out, but it was dangerous to do so under the circumstances.
As you placed the filled bag gently into the gondel, you stood up straight and reached for the rope that was tied to the dock. Your hand froze as you heard several heavy footsteps coming from behind you.
You swore under your breath and reached inside your cloak to the bow and arrows that were concealed perfectly. You made haste with pulling your weapons out. You drew an arrow into your bow and pulled back with precision as you turned your whole body in the sound of the direction of the footsteps.
The rain continued to fall and the subtle haze that formed across the docks blurred your vision. The sun was already setting and the torches that lit the town were burning out from the rapid fall of rain.
Your lips parted just slightly as you controlled your breath. Your eyes flickered to the left as you heard the footsteps approach closer. Your heartbeat was steady, unafraid and unyielding.
A dark shadow was casted in front of you on the docks. You couldn't make out the face, but you had a gut feeling that whomever the person had been was not approaching for casual conversation.
As a way of warning, you released your grip onto the bow and shot an arrow clean past the person's right ear. To your dismay, they did not slow down nor turn around. You released a soft grunt of frustration and drew back another arrow.
"Whomever you are, leave now," You spoke with pure authority, not once did your voice waver. They continued stepping forward and reached into their jacket to pull out a freshly sharpened knife. Your eyes glanced at the weapon. You swallowed thickly and aimed your arrow, not at them, but at their hand which held a tight grip on the knife. "Leave now," You spoke through gritted teeth. "I promise I won't miss this time.. if you choose not to walk away."
Your threats didn't seem to make much of a difference to the body before you. You lifted your gaze to their dark hooded eyes. The haze from the rain didn't make it easy to tell who they were, but it didn't seem to matter in the moment.
Swiftly, the person before you charged forth with the knife gripped tightly in their hand. You dodged the strike by bending forward and getting behind them. You held your arrow out and shot at their leg. It struck them in the calf as you smirked at the grunt that left their lips. It sounded like a man, but you weren't too sure.
They reached down their left and ripped the arrow from their fresh, bloody wound. Snapping the arrow in half, they stood and rushed towards you again, pinning you to the slick, wet ground. Shocked by the sudden drop, you breathed quickly for a few moments before reaching up with a free hand to punch them square in the nose. They staggered off of you and held their gushing, bloody nose.
You quickly went for the gondel as they were distracted, and hopefully a little delirious. You untied the ropes and hopped into the boat, ready to make your way back to the tomb. You let out a harsh, guttural scream as a wave of sharp pain filled your right shoulder. You looked back to see the person standing there with empty hands. You lowered your gaze to the knife that was lodged into your shoulder, deep and painful.
You winced and made a horrible attempt at rowing with your non-dominant arm. Blood was seeping from your shoulder and soaking your cloak. The metallic smell filled your nostrils. Stains of the thick red liquid soaked into the bottom of the boat and on the paper bag that was filled with supplies for the tomb.
Grunting in pain, you pulled the gondel up onto the wet ground and tied it with your left hand to a tree nearby the water. You winced as you leaned into the boat to grab the paper bag and stumbled towards the tomb. Your vision blurred with black dots as you walked through the cemetery, the rain still pouring ferociously.
Eventually, you made it to the tomb (you weren't even sure how you managed it, but you did). You carelessly dropped the bag onto the table and grunted. Your breathing was harsh. Wylan, Jesper and Matthias were seated on the couch as you made your way in. You removed your hood off your head and turned to see a trail of blood you left behind stepping inside. The three of them stood up and walked towards you.
"What the hell happened?" Jesper asked, dragging out each word.
"Are you okay?" Matthias asked.
"Sit down, Y/N," Wylan suggested as he pulled a chair out for you.
They didn't seem to have noticed the knife protruding from your shoulder until the moment you sat down. You winced in pain, tightening your jaw.
"Oh shit," Jesper murmured.
"Can one of you three idiots get Nina?!" You hadn't meant to raise your voice, but you were in such pain you weren't in full control over your actions.
"Right!" Wylan left to find Nina somewhere in the tomb.
Eventually, Kaz appeared with a locked jaw and sharp eyes. If he was concerned, he didn't appear to be. He was good at concealing his emotions.
"What happened?" He questioned as he came around the table to look at you directly.
"Well, I went into town to get supplies," You replied and held your arm tightly, starting to see more and more black dots in your vision.
"I got her!" Wylan pronounced as he came back to the room with both Nina and Inej.
"Oh Saints.." Nina whispered and stared at you in the chair with the knife through your shoulder.
"Hello to you too," You gritted as Nina pulled a chair to sit before you. She got to work quickly, but kept careful with every motion she made.
"I'm still waiting for a legitimate answer," Kaz stated with an irritant tone.
"Okay," You exhaled, "I was on my way back to the gondel when someone was coming from behind me." You explained, "I shot a warning at them, but they didn't stop. At one point, they pinned me down so I think I broke their nose and then I made a run for it to get to the boat and as I was making my miserable getaway, they threw the knife at me."
Nina successfully removed the knife and wasted no time in covering it. You hissed when she cleaned the wound with aged whiskey. You sighed after the wound was clothed in the protectant guaze.
"Thanks, Nina," You whispered.
"You lost a lot of blood, you should rest," She pulled her lips into a tight, thin smile.
"From now on, we get supplies in pairs," Kaz announced to no one in particular. "I don't want anything like this to happen again." And then, he was gone.
Inside a small room, you attempted to fill a copper tub with boiled water to wash away the dirt and blood that coated your body. Your cloak had nearly been ruined, but Inej reassured you that she would try and patch it up. As you used your uninjured arm to pour the water into the tub, you hissed feeling the strain against your right shoulder.
"Need help?" Kaz entered the room, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. His cane was nowhere in sight.
"Uhm, yeah," You whispered. You almost didn't hear yourself speak.
Kaz pushed himself off the wall and helped you pour the water into the copper tub. It took a bit more time to fill the tub than you would've liked. You stared at Kaz's profile as he continued pouring in the water.
"Enjoying the view?" Kaz questioned without breaking into a smile. You didn't respond, instead you merely continued gazing. "I charge twenty kruge for a show, but I can give you a minor discount," He finally met your gaze and swallowed thickly.
"Kaz Brekker making flirtatious jokes? Somebody must write this down," Your lips formed a small grin.
Kaz's lips curved upward into a slight smile. With the others, he was always stoic but around you there were moments when Kaz could relax. His shoulders eased just a bit and his furrowed brows released the tension.
"Are you well?" You asked in the comfortable stillness.
"You just got knifed in the shoulder and you're asking me if I'm well?" Kaz questioned, staring at you intently.
"I believe that was my question, yes," You nodded.
Kaz broke the eye contact and went to pour more water into the tub when it was finished boiling. He didn't entertain your question with a response, instead he continued filling the tub.
"I'm still waiting for a legitimate answer," You stood slightly up on your tiptoes to whisper into his ear the same thing he said to you not too long ago.
"I'm well," He replied with amusement in his gaze as he looked at you.
"Good," You whispered and stepped back away from him for a moment. The tub was nearly full so you started to unbutton your pants. Kaz wasn't looking, but you got the sense that he could see everything from where he stood. He had his jaw clenched, almost as if he were fighting his inner thoughts.
"Can I help?" He didn't look at you when he asked. He could see you struggling due to your injured arm.
Your breath caught in your throat as you blinked and looked up to him. "Sure," You nodded and then added, "Please."
Kaz placed the pot of water back down and walked towards you. You gazed at him as your palms began to produce a thin layer of sweat. He removed his gloves and placed them on the small table beside you. You looked up to his face, but his gaze was locked downward, as his hands moved to the button of your pants. He unclasped it effortlessly and, only then, did he raise his eyes to look into yours.
There was silence for a long while. At least, it felt like a long while.
"Thank you," You whispered.
Kaz didn't respond to your gratitude and inside nodded once with a mere dip of his chin. You weren't sure if it was because of how close the two of you stood, but you could almost hear the rapid thumping of his heart.. or maybe it was your heart.
He stepped back one step and swallowed, "Is that enough water?"
You turned your eyes to the copper tub and nodded mindlessly, completely forgetting about the bath you planned to take.
"Yes," You nodded.
"Okay," Kaz bowed his head once. "Then, I'll be on my way. You'll rest afterwards?"
You nodded softly, not trusting your own voice.
"Good," He turned and headed for the doorway, but you reached out to grasp his wrist. Kaz met your eyes again with a question in them that needed no words.
"Stay," You exhaled. "Stay with me, please." You weren't sure if your voice was shaking or if your body was shaking, but frankly you didn't seem to care in the moment. "I don't want to be alone," You stated once you trusted your voice again.
Kaz looked as though he might've been contemplating and, eventually, he slowly nodded. You sighed contently and began to remove your clothing. It didn't seem to phase either of you, but something in the room was different. You looked up to Kaz when you couldn't quite shimmy out of your top.
He stepped forward and assisted you in removing the top. You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked at Kaz. His gaze was hard, yet soft. He looked as though he could devour you in that very moment, but something had a strong grip on him. His pride, perhaps, you thought.
Kaz helped you out of the rest of you garments and assisted you into the bubbly and soapy tub. The water was warm against your greasy and dirt-covered skin. Kaz pulled a chair out to sit beside the tub, letting his bad leg stretch out. It must've felt relieving to be able to take the weight off it for a while, since he hadn't come in with his cane.
"Thank you," You whispered and leaned your head back against the tub.
He nodded again, gazing at you with both admiration and hunger. You couldn't quite differentiate the two; not that they were all that much different anyway.
You made sure not to get your wrapped arm wet as you reached for a bar of soap to clean your hair with.
"Allow me," Kaz spoke softly as he reached for the soap. You nodded with a small smile and turned so that he could easily wash your hair. His hands were perfectly pale and they felt nice as he massaged your scalp and scrubbed the soap in between the strands.
"Perhaps, if the thug life doesn't suit you forever, you might think of becoming a barber," You smiled as you head was leaned back against the tub.
"I will take it into consideration," Kaz grinned, you could hear it in his voice as your eyes were closed.
Silence stirred in the room. The only sound came from Kaz rinsing your hair after washing it. You sat there for a while, until the water ran cold.
"I'm sorry about what happened," Kaz whispered. "I should've been there."
"What?" You turned to face him, your chest covered by all the bubbles. Kaz looked at you with a nervous and uneasy gaze. "Kaz, there isn't anything you or anyone else could've done."
"I could've helped you," He replied, almost sadly.
"I'm alive, aren't I?" You asked and reached your good arm over to gently grasp his ungloved hand. They were warm and soft. You stared at your hands for a moment and breathed deeply. Kaz must've been feeling the same way because his chest rose and fell rapidly.
"I don't want anything like this to happen again," He repeated his words from earlier, but this time it was in a whisper. Kaz leaned closer to you as you stared at him with a beautiful gaze.
You gently squeezed his hand as his lips found yours. It was a kiss filled with longing and passion, but it was soft. He tasted of smoke and pinewood. You leaned your head back gently a little bit as his other hand cupped your face.
Slowly, you pulled back and felt your cheeks warm with heat. Kaz stared at you lovingly.
"So," You whispered, "are you gonna come join me?" Your eyes were filled with mischief as you gently grazed your fingers across the surface of the water.
Kaz smiled, coyly, in response and shrugged off his coat.
a/n: SO i just started reading six of crows, i'm half way through crooked kingdom and i'm in LOVE dude. i need to watch the show when i finish with the book. i hope you guys like this and that was okayish?? i'm kinda proud of it! if you want more six of crows stuff, PLEASE let me know!! ily guys so much!! mwah! <3 — angelina.
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theamericanpin-up · 2 years ago
Alberto Vargas - 1950s
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