#Goldust and Marlena
ringthedamnbell · 7 months
Love, Pro Wrestling Style
Brian Damage If my wrestling storyline senses are accurate, it looks like there is going to be an eventual split between Rusev and the ‘Ravishing Russian’ Lana. Lana is receiving loud reactions and chants and she is starting to acknowledge them. Not really a big deal on the surface…but a deeper look into the history of love and pro wrestling might tell a different story. Especially for those…
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not-ur-boy-toy · 1 month
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Goldust,, my beloved,, he's such an icon with so many memorable moments and just his emotions were spot-on. Rewatching his matches is just amazing (especially when he teamed up with Booker T)
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skeletonrodeoqueen · 2 years
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urethrachr0nicles · 1 year
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yup here is some more bc I love the three of them SO BADLY
also I need wwf mutuals im gonna pspspspspps you all over
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dilf-in-peril · 2 years
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They slay so hard.
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shydaydreamer28 · 2 years
The Bear Hug of Death
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RIP to Chyna
And props to Marlena being will to tale this thrashing
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nickisnook · 2 years
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blowflyfag · 8 months
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MOMMY? Is the Mystery of Mankind Beginning to Unravel?
A Special Report By the Informer
You read that right! I’m on the verge of breaking the hottest scoop of the century… I think!!! Even though my reputation may be on the line, this is just to JUICY to pass up!!!
OK, are you ready? My eyes and ears have told me, the Informer, that not only is Mankind living in the basement of Goldust’s Hollywood estate, BUT the “bizarre one” actually has the “dementated soul” under his complete control! How you asked? Perhaps by having him convinced that he is… his long lost… MOMMY!!! NORMAN BATES, MOE OVER!!! This situation makes the relationship between you and your deceased mother look like Mrs. Cleaver and the Beav!!!
I must say that at first I, the Informer, didn’t even believe it myself. Goldust and Mankind? RuPaul and Hannibal Lector? COME ON!!! Can you imagine the conversation over a cup of expresso?
“Mankind, what do you think  of my new wig?”
“Oh, I think it’s lovely. But, it would look even better… WITH THE HAIR PULLED OUT OF IT!!!”
Talk about an odd couple? They would make Feliz and Oscar look like the Olsen twins!!! But wait, let’s not be so hasty with our judgments. Let’s stop and ask ourselves this question: Beneath it all… are they “really” that different? Is it possible that there might be more similarities than they would want us to believe? Let’s look a bit more closely, shall we?
First and foremost, it is a fact that Goldust and Mankind are loners. They have no friends… nor do they want any. As a matter of fact, much of their companionship actually takes place “inside” the ring, rather than “outside”. True, Holdust does have Marlena, but first of all she is of the opposite sex… we think. And second, their relationship is of a business nature, not personal…. We think. Mankind, on the other claw, is definitely friendless. That is unless you consider George, his rat who by the way I’ve heard died recently. However, just because he’s dead doesn't necessarily mean that he’s not still Mankind’s best friend, by any stretch of the imagination! Now the psyches of Goldust and Mankind are comparable in various ways. Both are masters of the mind game… in their own “special” way, of course. Where Goldust likes to frolic within the psychologically bizarre realm of sexuality, Mankind takes a more strait-jacketed approach. He likes to come off as being just plain nuts. Both live in fantasy worlds–Goldust in the lights, camera and action of La-La Land… Mankind in his safe haven known as the boiler room. They both offer very unique and mysterious backgrounds. The truth is–we know very little about either individual, largely due to the fact that neither has told us anything! What “really” makes Goldust tick? Did something happen in his childhood that sent him to super-bizarredom? Does he have any legitimate acting experience? If not, how the heck did he get himself on the red carpet area on Oscar night? And Mankind? Now here’s a jigsaw puzzle that lacks a straight border. The music, the claw, the mask, the cellar, the… MOMMY?
MOMMY… here’s where the mystery begins. If you don’t already know by now, Goldust and Mankind wrestled as a tag team at some house shows back in the late summer, early fall. The Bizarre and the Demented. OK, nothing wrong with that. Sometimes wrestlers do team up even though they may have nothing in common. Case in point–the opponents of this troubled team were none other than the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels and everybody’s favorite dead man, the Undertaker. Now here’s the wacky part–weeks prior to the match, Goldust and Mankind were cutting a couple of interviews talking about the upcoming matches. Keep in mind these interviews only ran in the markets where the matches were taking place. In other words… only a few people saw them. Anyway, through the entire cuts, Mankind was referring to Goldust as… MOMMY. You got that? MOMMY! But wait, it gets even sicker! The three of us–me and my own two eyes–witnessed Mankind actually BURYING HIS HEAD IN GOLDUST’s BOSOM in search of some peace, love, and understanding!!!
Now you tell me, kitty-cats, what the H-E… double toothpicks is going on here?!!! Has Goldust outpsyched the psycho into believing that he’s his… MOMMY?! OR is this just another chapter in their well-scripted psychology handbook? What do you think? Do you think I know? WELL, I MIGHT!!!
The following day after this goose-bumping incident, my top informer informed me, the Informer, that SON has moved into MOTHER’S mansion!!! That’s right! They share the same CELLAR!!! Now this shocking detail has in no way, shape or form been confirmed yet. HOWEVER, I was told just last night by the GREAT (his opinion, not the Informer’s) VIC VENOM, the next month… in this very magazine,,, he plans on bringing you inside the mansion of Goldust in his exclusive “Lifestyles of the Rich and Filthy Rich”! So now the question is will Venom be the reporter he says he is and take us in the cellar of the Goldust estate so that we can find out the truth for ourselves? OR will snake breath slither out of the entire situation by keeping the basement door LOCKED?!
Tune in next month!!! Until next time…this has been the Informer.
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wrestlingfaves · 2 months
Royal Rumble Marathon: 1996
We’re rumbling into 1996.
Spoilers for past Rumbles.
Sunny, from her bathtub, warns us viewer indiscretion is advised. The Attitude Era doesn’t officially begin until 1997 but hints of it began way back in 1995 with the Pamela Anderson skit and continues with Sunny’s vignettes.
The undercard:
Jeff Jarrett vs Ahmed Johnson. Meh.
The Bodydonnas (Chris Candido/Tom Prichard, accompanied by Sunny) vs the Smoking Guns (Billy & Bart) for the WWF Tag Team titles. More meh.
Billionaire Ted skit with a fake Hogan, Savage, and Mean Gene. We’re wasting pay per view time on this?
Recap of the Razor Ramon – Goldust feud. Mr Machismo doesn’t appreciate Golddust’s flirtations.
Golddust (accompanied by Marlena) vs Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental title. Was this Terri Runnel’s debut for the WWF? The commentators refer to Marlena as an “unknown woman”. Golddust and Marlena’s gimmicks are forerunners to the Attitude Era. Marlena causes a distraction as the 1-2-3 Kid attacks Razor, allowing Dustin to pin Ramon and become the new Intercontinental champion.
Hype vignettes for Royal Rumble participants: Owen, Jake Roberts, Jerry Lawler, Vader, Shawn,
For the first time the Rumble does not end the pay per view – we still have a Bret/Taker match for the World championship. I never like when the Rumble itself doesn’t end the pay per view.
The entrants, in order of appearance:
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Henry Godwin
Bob Backlund
Jerry Lawler
Bob “Spark Plug” Holly
Mabel (accompanied by Mo) Mo remains at ringside – there doesn’t seem to be year to year consistency on whether seconds are allowed to remain at ringside.
Jake “the Snake” Roberts
Dory Funk Jr (Vince notes Terry was also invited but is watching the ppv from Germany)
1-2-3 Kid (spends his first few minutes in the Rumble attempting to avoid an angry Razor)
Takao Omori (Vince actually mentions All-Japan by name!)
Savio Vega (formerly known as Kwang)
Vader (accompanied by Jim Cornette)
Doug Gilbert (Henning & Vince mention both USWA and Eddie Gilbert, Doug won a tournament in Memphis to qualify for the tournament)
Squat Team Member #1 (1/2 of the Headshrinkers)
Squat Team Member #2 (1/2 of the Headshrinkers)
Owen Hart
Shawn Michaels
Aldo Montoya
“The Ringmaster” Steve Austin
Barry Horowitz
Isaac Yankem, DDS
Marty Janetty
Davey Boy Smith
Duke Droese
 Winner: Shawn Michaels
Longest performance: Hunter Hearst Helmsley
First-time Rumblers: Hunter, Dory Funk Jr, 1-2-3 Kid, Omori, Vader, Doug Gilbert, the Headshrinkers, Hakushi, Aldo Montoya, Steve Austin, Barry Horowitz, Isaac Yankem
Surprise Entrants: Dory Funk, Omori, Doug Gilbert, the Headshrinkers
We have two “clear the ring without eliminating everyone” spots: Henry Godwin with his slop bucket (Backlund and Lawler are the recipients) and Jake Roberts using Damian (his snake) – Lawler gets covered with Damian. Was Lawler on someone’s shit list?
Vader does the “eliminate everyone” spot but as he was previously eliminated none of his eliminations count.
Lawler is the first participant in a Rumble to hide under the ring.
1996 is the first year all participants receive entrance music. Finally! A small thing but it adds to the presentation.
The pay-per-view ends with Bret Hart vs the Undertaker (accompanied by Paul Bearer).   Diesel causes a disqualification, costing Taker the match. The match was fine but I’m not a fan of Taker.
Interviews with Gorilla Monsoon, Shawn, Diesel, Vader, and Jim Cornette.
Rating: 4 out of 10
Wrestlers and others who have passed on: Howard Finkel, Curt Hennig, Chris Candido, Razor Ramon, Mable (Visera), Yokozuna, Vader, Owen, Paul Bearer, Gorilla Monsoon
Total number of deceased individuals: 10 (down 5 from the previous Rumble).
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heelcody · 1 year
thinking about Goldust and Marlena
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rawiswhore · 7 months
Leif Cassidy x Fem Reader- "Summertime Sadness"
Before Summerslam 1996, the World Wrestling Federation held a preshow known as the "Bikini Beach Blastoff"---which was a pool party involving some of the World Wrestling Federation's roster, a circle shaped swimming pool and sand underneath it.
Jerry Lawler lounged in the middle of the swimming pool, Hunter Hearst Helmsley sat in a lawn chair shirtless, Sunny removed a bathrobe to reveal a white high waisted thong swimsuit, and Marlena rubbed tanning lotion on Goldust's ass despite he was wearing his long sleeved wrestling outfit (as well as a thong on top of it).
This was an actual pool party and I'm not making this up.
Since you were a part of the WWF's roster that year and Hunter Hearst Helmsley's valet/manager at the time, you were sitting next to Hunter as he sat tanning himself in a lawn chair.
You were wearing nothing but a short little beach towel that was covering your naked body and wearing nothing else underneath it.
The towel you wore was tucked under your arms.
While you sat next to Hunter, your hands were rubbing his shoulders from behind, not to mention you also occasionally rubbed some sunscreen on his chest.
Leif Cassidy of the New Rockers had approached you with a smile on his face, wearing just some swimming trunks and his long hair hanging down, where he noticed you were seemingly wearing nothing but a towel.
"Y'know, you can take your towel off now!" Leif reminded you with a smile on his face.
He likely approached you since you were wearing nothing but a towel and haven't taken it off yet, you were seemingly naked under it, which you were.
"Go away!" you told him, nearly picking up some sand in your hand and throwing it at him.
"What, you hidin' your body under there?" Leif asked with a smile. "Are you really that modest?"
Leif could easily pull the top of your towel and look to see if you're naked under it.
"Are you naked under there?" Leif asked you still continuing to smile.
One of your hands scooped up some sand in the palm of your hand and threw it at his feet.
"This is my girl, leave her alone!" Hunter reminded Leif, Hunter lending his hand out and pushing Leif away from you.
Leif trying to flirt with you and see if you're naked under your towel is seemingly more like something Jerry Lawler would do since he's an infamous ladies man that objectifies women.
Jerry Lawler did mention how you're naked under that towel during this special, which made him happy, but he wished it was Sunny wearing nothing but a towel and naked under it, not you.
Leif wishes it was Sunny wearing just a towel and nothing else underneath.
The reason you were wearing nothing but a towel was because "Three's Company" often had women wearing nothing but towels under it.
"Y'know, I was hoping she'd bounce around in a bikini" Leif said as he walked away from you and Hunter.
That was a reference to 1970's jiggle TV shows like "Charlie's Angels" and "Three's Company", and Leif Cassidy's gimmick is a 70's teen heartthrob.
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hollywoodcannon · 2 years
Brian wouldn't say he's a slut (he prefers sexually adventurous) nor that he's slept around (he's just had a few lovers), but he WILL insinuate, until his face turns red, that he had Marlena in every possible way. That he was inside of her on every corner of the globe - just to get under Goldust's skin! Revenge is petty. Yes.
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The Ninth Wonder: The Story Of Chyna And How She Changed Women’s Wrestling
We all know how women’s wrestling in WWE is different than it was back when we were all growing up. We’ve seen strong wrestlers like Bianca Belair lifting Otis and Rhea Ripley lifting Luke Gallows and slamming him. However, they weren’t the first to do this. Back in the Attitude Era, The Ninth Wonder of The World, Chyna , was the one to do this. This article is about her and how she changed the game of Women’s Wrestling.
Chyna was born Joan Marie Laurer on December 27, 1969 in Rochester , New York to Joe and Janet Laurer. Her childhood was full of toxicity due to abuse from stepfathers. However, she also said that her father was an Alcoholic. To escape everything, she stated that her mother moved her and her siblings around several times. She also learned to play the Violin and Cello to escape her tragic life. However, she also said that she was sexually assaulted by a teacher and developed an eating disorder in high school. Thus, she began working out at 16 years old and finished school in Spain. She didn’t originally want to get into wrestling , she actually wanted to be an FBI Agent or a DEW Agent with her degree in Spanish Literature. She also joined the Peace Corps and was living in Guatemala during her time with them.
While living with her sister , she began a career as a fitness model and entered competitions surrounded by it. She usually finished last because of her size. She said that she was flipping through the TV one night and saw a wrestling program. She said that it inspired her to start training to wrestle. She was trained by Killer Kolwaski at his school in Malden , Massachusetts. Her first match took place in 1995. Her ring name when she first started was Joanie Lee. She was also booked by The Fabulous Moolah during her time on the Indie Circuit.
In 1996, Laurer got the opportunity to meet World Wrestling Federation stars , Shawn Michaels , and Hunter Hearst Helmsley ( HHH) , after attending a WWF show. She began studying them and soon, her big break came. Michaels and Helmsley took her under their wing and she became their bodyguard. Vince McMahon wasn’t a fan of her at first because he thought that the WWF fans wouldn’t find a female getting into the ring with a male would not be believable. Eric Bischoff and World Championship Wrestling were also after her as well. Bischoff wanted her to be the first female to join the New World Order ( nWo ). She took the offer but turned it down when she was hired by Vince McMahon after his son , Shane , told her that his father was going to sign her to his company. Laurer made her debut in 1997 under the name , Chyna , at In Your House 13 : Final Four. She was playing the part of a fan during the match between Goldust and Hunter Hearst Helmsley . During the match, she got up from her seat and put Marlena , the wife and valet of Goldust , in a chokehold. She did something similar to her the next night on WWF RAW.
She was originally brought into the WWF as a bodyguard for Shawn Michaels and Triple H, nevertheless , she would help them win by giving their opponents a low blow. This meant she got involved in the matches by helping her guys cheat. The three of them became known as D-Generation X ( DX ). Michaels and Triple H were the founders of the faction by starting out as a tag team. Chyna would soon make history with the promotion.
In 1999, Chyna became the first woman to compete in the Royal Rumble by entering at number 30. She would also become the first woman to win the Intercontinental Championship twice. She beat Jeff Jarrett in a Good Housekeeping match to win the title and make history. She would also compete in the King Of The Ring tournament. She would have storylines with other wrestlers such as Mark Henry and Eddie Guerrero during this time too. She would also gain a Valet in Miss Kitty as well. Chyna’s last match in the WWF would be against Lita. She left the company in 2001 and debuted in New Japan Pro Wrestling ( NJPW) in 2002. Her final stint in professional wrestling would be in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling ( TNA) in 2011.
Outside of the ring, she would pose for Playboy twice. She posed for Hugh Hefner’s magazine once in 2000 and then again in 2002. She would also film a documentary for Playboy about her second photo shoot for them. She would also write her Autobiography, ‘ If They Only Knew ’, in 2001. This would make her a bestselling author by the book being on The New York Times’ Bestseller list. She would also appear on the show , 3rd Rock From The Sun, playing a police officer. She would also appear in Stacker 2 commercials and be a presenter for MTV at the Video Music Awards ( VMAs ) . She also appeared on the Howard Stern Show. Chyna also appeared on Fear Factor , Celebrity Deathmatch, and Gary & Mike. She also hosted the show , Robot Wars: Grand Champions in 2002, and appeared on Hollywood Squares the following year. She would also star in the music video for the band , Sevendust’s , song , Enemy. She would also be on Reality TV in 2005 on The Surreal Life. She would star in the spin off game show for the main one in 2007. She would also go on to be in the Adult Entertainment industry as well.
While filming The Surreal Life , Chyna would have arguments with then boyfriend and tag team partner in DX , Sean ‘ X- PAC ’, Waltman. In 2007, she made an appearance on Larry King Live to remember her friend , Anna Nicole Smith , who passed away that year. One of Anna Nicole’s representatives stated that Chyna and Anna were never friends. Chyna was also struggling with her own addictions and mental health. Chyna made an appearance on Celebrity Rehab with Dr.Drew in 2008 to try and make herself better.
Chyna moved to Japan in 2012 to become an English teacher. She taught English classes until 2015 when she moved back to the United States and lived in California.
Chyna passed away at the age of 46 on April 20, 2016. Her brain was donated to science as a part of CTE research. She was remembered by her colleagues and other wrestlers as a pioneer for women’s wrestling.
In 2019, Chyna was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as a member of DX. She also had two documentaries made about her after her death. One in 2017 and one in 2021.
Women’s wrestlers of today and past have stated that Chyna was their inspiration to step in the ring. WWE Superstars such as Raquel Rodriguez , Tiffany Stratton , Current Women’s Tag Team Champion , Bianca Belair, and Rhea Ripley have credited her as an inspiration for them. WWE Hall of Famer, Beth Phoenix , has also credited her. Former AEW star and Current WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion, Jade Cargill, also credits her. Former WWE star and current AEW star, Saraya ( FKA Paige ), was also inspired by her. Rhea Ripley and Saraya have both worn Chyna inspired tribute gear during their matches .
Chyna’s fans are currently wanting a solo WWE Hall of Fame induction for her. She is the definition of a trailblazer for wrestling and all the women who want to be in the business.
My Final Thoughts:
Chyna is one of my all time favorite wrestlers. When I was managing, I hope that I made her proud because she inspired me to get into the business and try managing. Looking at Chyna , I realized that I can do anything. There will never be another Chyna. Chyna was and will always be one of a kind and The Ninth Wonder of The World. She showed girls what it’s cool to do what the boys do. She was beautiful and strong.
Also, if you are struggling with your mental health and addiction , please reach out. I will do my best to help you and find resources to do so as well.
Love You All,
- Kay
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