comiiical · 3 years
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Miles George Nolan
Mutate (?), Alien dragon hybrid (?), 
Archaeologist, multibillionaire, philanthropist, inventor.
Miles George Nolan is the eldest son of former Nolan Ind. heads, Grant Nolan. His God Father was his father’s associate, Nolan Grace. Both of whom history knows little and probably nothing other than keeping the imperium that their own fathers helped built and create at expense of others during the great depression. Discovering an special artifact in the middle of the atlantic sea, they found, Giles Nolan and Marcia Lynn, later known as Grace, a special artifact that granted enough miraculous luck to get through it and survive even the incoming wars economically unscathed. The lucky charm, as they called it, was passed onto the next generation and then, onto Miles. However, as it was passed, it was also lost, his father and god father would die when Miles was twenty years old, barely midway through economics, and forced to take on the head of the company, causing him to go nuts. For the first decade of his control he let people dictacte what to do as he pursued his own chimeras, his own dreams, his own discoveries.
This lead him to finding an ancient town, as an archaeologist (doctorated) the interest he had for humanity was… undescribable. What he couldn’t predict what was meant to happen. Miles’ found himself with his team when an explosion localiced in the ruins caused them to run. In order to save his people he would pushed them aside, knowing that the lucky charm should keep him alive, after all, he had no children. So he hoped. And his hope was not in vain. He was discovered days later in a comatose state, and for the next year his team took advantage of his absense to run the business as they saw fit. Eventually, not only he made it out of the coma, he also made it out with knowledge and a knowledge that he wasn’t going to let go. 
Miles’ dual persona comenced in that very moment. On his public job, he would offer support to the community in any fashion he could, his company, a tech creation one, set to improve day to day life abandoning all idea of military armament, althoug not at first. That only happened when one of their prototypes was stolen and part of its blue prints used in the building of the Green Goblin’s glider. Nevertheless, the benefits that the business produces are mostly sustained by the lesser and more cosmetic creations they do. No longer feeding war for their advantage. On hisp rivate face, though, he became the hero Goldbuster.
In the incident of his hero persona creation, the lucky charm (an actual good luck field that resides within the carriers body until passed onto the next generation when these most may need it and only if a next generation is in place) ensured his survival to the explosion of paralell worlds energies that his body was submitted to at the hatching of a dragon egg. The living being that there resided vanished upon the explosion of a self defense mechanism of the ruin but mixed with Miles’ genetics. 
As a result, Miles is capable of turning into a dragon-human hybrid (claws, wings and tails included yet not all needed at all times), display unlimited feats of strength (due to secondary powers), invulnerability, hyperspeed, enhanced senses, including his perception of time, and the release of fire and ice elemental breaths, as well as varying forms of heat, through his mouth. In addition to the exterior and interior physiology changes, the powers of the dragon were granted onto him, enabling him a full ability to manipulate and create metal, specifically gold, which feeds dragon’s strength and powers (thus his own power surpassing) due to the nature of the lucky charm that kept him alive, generate and control fire, electricity, air, plasma and light, being capable of adopting a sacred or holy aspect to all of his powers as a fighter against evil, this gives him healing, regenerative, repairing and resurrecting powers. He can generate energy constructs and weaponry. Due to this his lifespan has also greatly improved if not turned immortal. Due to the lucky charme he owns a probability manipulation field that can be discharged when he releases energy, giving the touched target to receive a positive outcume, if someone is falling from a building, for instance, and he is in civilian attire, he can gust a breath towards them, having them consequently hold onto something or being rescued by some miracle. He’s also capable of minor telekinetic and telepathic feats. The latter mostly affecting his comprenhension of animal and plants thoughts. Due to the dual persona he is also unaffected by most psionic attacks, feeling them like an initial tingling even when unconscious.
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Rip Hunter (1x12 and 3x05) // Booster Gold (7x13)
having the run of the place while time is frozen
a father and son duo, no matter what PK says
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jprandamonium · 5 years
The golden force is here.
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clexacloneclub · 7 years
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@femininenachos @gramjams @weasal You three always deliver on the podcasts with your cracky, fun ideas. So here’s a little something I made you guys. “When you need some crack in the Clexakru, who you gonna call?” 😜
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andersonvision · 6 years
“Goldbuster” is a goofy movie, but it’s fun. Following around a bunch of poor apartment dwellers who think they’re being haunted could’ve been the plot of an Amblin movie in the 1980s. Played to full effect in modern Asian cinema, it almost feels too mean at times. Thankfully, the film knows what to do with its amazing cast of characters. Balancing between hi-jinks, outright…
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claudehor · 7 years
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用最開心嘅笑聲迎接 2018,就一定唔可以錯過由 #吳君如 首次執導/主演, #吳鎮宇 #方中信 破天 《慌》 玩雙打。 #鄭中基 #黎耀祥 #農夫 #王菀之 #張繼聰 #羅蘭 #羅海鵬 #泰臣 #周家怡 群《聲》 笑爆陣容 嘅電影 #妖鈴鈴 最重要係, 唔好咁快離場因為電影後面有好多精彩嘅彩蛋。 Celebrating 2018 with Joy & Laughter by catching #SandraNg Directing Debut, #Goldbuster, along with @francisngchunyu & @fangzhongxin And also Talented vocal from @ronald.cheng #WayneLai @famahk @wongyuenb @louischeung2013 #LawLan #LoHoiPang @tysonchak @kayeechau Stay tune for Hidden Scene.
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filmstopia · 7 years
Goldbuster - Official trailer 2017 - Well Go USA
New Post has been published on https://goo.gl/ATjmCJ
Goldbuster - Official trailer 2017 - Well Go USA
A quirky internet star, a pair of retired gangsters, and the black sheep of a prolific family of herbalists are a few of the oddball tenants that call the dilapidated apartments of Humble Grove home. Fearful of being locked out by a ruthless property developer with his eye on the building, they've stayed inside for years. So, when supernatural incidents befall them all on one night, instead of running, they turn to flamboyant ghost hunter Golden Ling to perform a most unusual exorcism. Directed by: Sandra Kwan Yue Ng Cast: Alex Fong, Francis Ng, Sandra Kwan Yue Ng (function(d,s,id)var js,stags=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(d.getElementById(id))return;js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/imdb/plugins/rating/js/rating.min.js";stags.parentNode.insertBefore(js,stags);)(document,'script','imdb-rating-api');
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duhad · 7 years
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Thanks to a blizzard starting the day I was meant to leave Maine, I have been grounded here for about 48 hours. I was feeling upset and frustrated, an already stressful trip becoming even more so thanks to the hand of god gleefully flipping the whole east coast the bird and I started to wonder if this was a sign that 2018 would be even worse then 2017... Then I remembered, its bad luck or a sign of a bad year to come or anything else! Its just that time of year, FUCK YOU, IT’S JANUARY!!! Thats right friends, FUCK YOU, IT’S JANUARY is the magical time of year where everything is cold, miserable and depressing, without the cheerful silver lining of major holidays or movies that are horrible, embracing garbage to watch. But you can see such fun and memorable hit flicks like:
Insidious: The Last Key 
Devil’s Gate
Abe & Phil's Last Poker Game
The Road Movie  - Its just a compilation of dashboard camera footage from Russian cars. I’m fucking serious. 
Forever My Girl
Day of the Dead: Bloodline
Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Oh boy! I can’t wait... For the grave.
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comiiical · 2 years
@inxspacetime​ asked: 30 (for miles)
m/m nsfw gif starters
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“come here,” miles prompted, smiling as he brought cato closer and onto his lap, guiding his legs to straddle his figure under the bubbling water, biting his lower lip as he brushed his hands by the surface of the other’s body and observed him carefully. eyes set on his, he moved, smiling, to steal one simple kiss, “kiss me,” he demanded sliding them slightly so his head was on the rim and they could comfortably kiss, while his fingers, more than fondle, brushed by skin and hair to wet and stimulate him.
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giancarlonicoli · 6 years
30 nov 2018 18:19
Alessandro Plateroti per www.ilsole24ore.com
«Bank of England, Threadneedle St, London
All’attenzione del Governatore Mark Carney
Con la presente, il Banco Central de Venezuela, per conto del Governo della Repubblica del Venezuela, chiede la restituzione di 14 tonnellate di lingotti d'oro custoditi presso la vostra pregiata istituzione. La richiesta ha carattere d'urgenza». Era fine agosto 2018. A tre mesi di distanza, un'eternità sul mercato dell'oro, né la banca centrale di Caracas, né il dittatore venezuelano Nicolas Maduro, hanno riportato in patria un solo grammo delle 1,4 tonnellate di cui chiedevano «la riconsegna urgente». Ben sigillati nelle loro casse di legno, i 112 lingotti da 12,4 chili ciascuno resteranno a Londra finché la Bank of England non deciderà altrimenti.
In pratica, il 10% delle riserve auree venezuelane è sotto sequestro inglese senza alcuna ragione apparente. E senza alcuna base legale. Salvo una, davvero sorprendente: sul contratto di custodia dell’oro, la Banca d’Inghilterra ha scritto in piccoli caratteri una clausola che parla da sé: «La Bank of England si riserva il diritto di non restituire l’oro sovrano in custodia e di impedirne anche la visione».
Che dire? O forse, che cosa non dire: perché se anche il Governo italiano ha davvero fretta di riportare in patria le sue 300 tonnellate d’oro prese in consegna nel dopoguerra dal governo inglese (altre 300 tonnellate sono in custodia alla Federal Reserve di New York), farebbe bene a non spedire a Londra raccomandate con «carattere d’urgenza».
Questo, come ha capito il Venezuela (e non solo) non è certamente il periodo migliore per mettere pressione agli inglesi, soprattutto sui depositi di oro sovrano: tra le ansie per la Brexit, la paura di un crollo dei bond e delle Borse e la miriade di incertezze valutarie e geopolitiche globali, l’oro sovrano è tornato ad occupare un ruolo chiave per Stati e mercati. Sia come riserva di valore in caso di crisi valutaria o sistemica, sia come garanzia collaterale per gli investimenti speculativi o per il bilanciamento dei rischi di portafoglio.
Ma su questo punto, è bene fare attenzione: la segretezza che circonda la gestione delle riserve auree straniere è talmente alta e protetta da aver creato forti sospetti su un loro utilizzo improprio per operazioni di mercato tra le due grandi banche centrali e i loro interlocutori del sistema finanziario: in sintesi, lingotti di altre nazioni verrebbero dati in prestito (a loro insaputa) a banche ed hedge fund, o cartolarizzati in Gold Certificates, dietro l’impegno delle parti a non reclamare mai la proprietà dei lingotti alla scadenza dell’operazione.
Tutto deve chiudersi in dollari o sterline. Una pratica chiaramente vietata, ma resa possibile proprio dal controllo esclusivo e insindacabile esercitato dai due grandi «Goldbusters» dell’oro sovrano degli altri Paesi. Sempre che qualcosa non vada storto sul mercato, o che a mandare il gioco in crisi sia un’ondata imprevista di richieste di rimpatrio di oro straniero.
È forse questa la ragione dello stop inglese al rimpatrio dell’oro venezuelano? O dietro il blocco delle riserve di Caracas c’è un’operazione di carattere politico contro un altro stato sovrano, un fatto senza precedenti per una banca centrale europea? Oppure, come molti sospettano, dietro la “stangata” ai venezuelani c’è un messaggio in codice per le altre 70 nazioni che potrebbero chiedere indietro agli inglesi il proprio tesoro nazionale? Per ora ci sono solo ipotesi, ma la paura di una sovranità limitata sull’oro sovrano è una spinta potente e pericolosa all’aumento delle richieste di rimpatrio di centinaia di tonnellate di riserve auree. Per il Venezuela e per una decina di altri Paesi che non riescono a riprendersi il proprio oro da Londra (e da New York), la sensazione è proprio quella. Ed è una brutta sensazione, non solo per loro.
Perché oltre al tesoro di Caracas e a quello della Banca d’Italia, la Bank of England tiene sotto chiave altri 200mila lingotti d’oro sovrano di proprietà dei governi di oltre 70 nazioni: sono 1.500 quintali di metallo giallo purissimo su uno stock totale di 3.210 quintali d’oro “sepolti” ufficialmente sotto il letto del Tamigi. Per quasi un secolo, nessuno ha messo in dubbio la sicurezza delle riserve auree europee recuperate dagli alleati dopo la guerra e prese in custodia dalla Bank of England e dalla Federal Reserve. Gli stock hanno avuto negli anni fluttuazioni marcate, registrando un fortissimo esodo soprattutto nel decennio post-Lehman e della grande crisi finanziaria mondiale, ma secondo i dati della Banca dei Regolamenti Internazionali di Ginevra, quasi la metà dei 1.360 miliardi di dollari delle riserve auree mondiali è ancora nelle mani dei due grandi guardiani della finanza internazionale. Ma riprendersele non è più tanto facile.
Poco prima del blitz inglese sull’oro del Venezuela, era stata infatti la Fed di New York a bloccare inspiegabilmente il rimpatrio a Francoforte di 130 tonnellate d’oro sovrano appartenenti alla Repubblica federale tedesca: solo nel 2017, dopo oltre un anno di trattative infruttuose con i vertici della Fed, Berlino minacciò l’apertura di una crisi diplomatica e riuscì così a riprendersi l’oro.
Ma la Germania non è il Venezuela, e Maduro non è di certo la Merkel: per Caracas, la speranza di rientrare in possesso di quei 600 milioni di dollari in lingotti d’oro purissimo appare molto remota. Londra è irremovibile. E Maduro è isolato: nessun Paese europeo - Unione Europea compresa - ha chiesto pubblicamente spiegazioni a Londra sul merito finanziario o politico di questa vicenda. Quando c’è di mezzo la sicurezza dell’oro della “patria”, litigare con il cassiere non conviene a nessuno.
Lo sa bene il Venezuela, e lo aveva già capito prima la Germania: nel nuovo disordine globale, non è più la fiducia tra banche centrali a garantire la certezza sull’oro delle riserve nazionali. Non è un caso, del resto, se nell’arco di tre anni la corsa mondiale ai rimpatri di riserve auree abbia tolto dal controllo della Bank of England oltre 400 tonnellate d’oro massiccio: dai forzieri della Fed di New York, sono uscite addirittura quasi 7mila tonnellate di lingotti d’oro sovrano tra il 2009 e il 2017, un record di rimpatri senza precedenti nella storia.
A New York, dove la Fed aveva 10 anni fa in custodia fiduciaria oltre 12.500 tonnellate d’oro straniere, ne sono rimaste ora solo 5mila tonnellate. Troppe per le esigenze strategiche inglesi a americane? L’ipotesi è sul tavolo, visto che lo stop al rimpatrio dell’oro venezuelano è arrivato dopo mesi e mesi di analoghe richiesta provenienti dall’Europa centrale e dall’Asia.
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gattonineninenine · 7 years
Film - Goldbuster
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/star-wars-last-jedi-owns-new-years-holiday-2017-box-office/
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' owns New Years holiday and 2017 box office
The three biggest movies of 2017 were female-driven, and "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" just pushed its way into the top spot at the box office. This is actually something that hasn't been seen in nearly 40 years as "Beauty and the Beast" and "Wonder Woman" fill out the next two slots for biggest box office numbers of 2017. “Women truly emerged as the giants of cinema this year,” said Paul Dergarabedian, a senior comScore analyst, adding Oscar contenders like “The Shape of Water,” “The Post” and “I, Tonya” to the list. “The Post,” starring Meryl Streep as a newspaper publisher coming into her own, has only been playing for 10 days in three cities but has already taken in about $2 million, a strong total that bodes well for its Jan. 12 wide release. On the last day of the calendar year, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” has surpassed “Beauty and the Beast” as the top grossing film in North America in 2017. It also topped the charts for the weekend for the third time, but just barely — Dwayne Johnson’s “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle” is close on its tail. According to studio estimates on Sunday, “The Last Jedi” will add $68.4 million over the weekend bringing its domestic total to $533.1 million. “Beauty and the Beast,” also a Disney release, netted out with $504 million for the year. With the weekend’s earnings, “The Last Jedi” will also cross the $1 billion mark globally — even before it opens in China on Jan. 5. But “Star Wars” is facing some hefty competition still, from the likes of The Rock, Jack Black and Kevin Hart, whose “Jumanji” sequel took in $66.5 million in its second weekend in theaters to take second place. The Columbia Pictures film has earned a stunning $185.7 million to date and could even reach $350 million domestically by the end of its run. The acapella franchise “Pitch Perfect 3” took third place in weekend two, with $17.8 million, bringing its total to $64.3 million — still less than what “Pitch Perfect 2" earned on its opening weekend alone in May 2015 ($69.2 million). Another musical, “The Greatest Showman,” with Hugh Jackman as P.T. Barnum, came in fourth place with $15.3 million after adding 310 screens. The animated kid's film “Ferdinand” took fifth with $11.7 million. In its first weekend in theaters after debuting on Christmas Day, Ridley Scott’s “All the Money in the World” took in $5.5 million, bringing its total to $12.6 million. The film got some added recognition when Scott replaced Kevin Spacey with Christopher Plummer and reshot portions of the film only 6 weeks before it was set to hit theaters. But the hype of the impressive feat hasn’t translated into big earnings. Another adult-targeted film, Alexander Payne’s “Downsizing,” is struggling in theaters, taking in $4.6 million in its second weekend in theaters. The Matt Damon-starrer has earned only $17.1 million to date against a $68 million production budget. In limited release, Aaron Sorkin’s “Molly’s Game,” starring Jessica Chastain, earned $2.33 million. The film about the “poker princess” Molly Bloom expands on Jan. 5. And Paul Thomas Anderson’s “Phantom Thread” earned $220,000 from four theaters over the weekend after its Christmas opening. Starring Daniel Day-Lewis as a designer, “Phantom Thread” has grossed $531,000 to date. “As end of year marketplaces go, this is a great time to be a moviegoer,” said Paul Dergarabedian, a senior media analyst for comScore. “There are so many movies out there; the only trick is how do you see all of them.” The year as a whole will surpass $11 billion again, with comScore projecting $11.12 billion, which is down 2.3 percent from last year’s record-breaking grosses ($11.4 billion), and almost on par with 2015′s $11.14 billion. “We actually had a really great end of year surge,” Dergarabedian said. “‘Star Wars’ adding about a half billion dollars didn’t hurt. But ‘Star Wars’ didn’t do this alone. It’s not just about the big movies at the top; it’s also about the smaller movies that provided a really great foundation. Every dollar counts.” Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to comScore. Where available, the latest international numbers for Friday through Sunday are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Tuesday.
“Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” $52.4 million ($68 million international).
2. “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” $50.6 million ($67 million international). 3. “Pitch Perfect 3,” $17.8 million ($13.1 million international). 4. “The Greatest Showman,” $15.3 million ($28.5 million international). 5. “Ferdinand,” $11.7 million ($23.1 million international). 6. “Coco,” $6.6 million ($21.4 million international). 7. “All the Money in the World,” $5.5 million ($1.4 million international). 8. “Darkest Hour,” $5.3 million. 9. “Downsizing,” $4.6 million ($1.4 million international). 10. “Father Figures,” $3.7 million. Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada), according to comScore:
“Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” $68 million.
“Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” $67 million.
“Ex-File 3 (Quan Ren 3),” $41.1 million.
“Goldbuster (Yao Ling Ling),” $38.4 million.
“Youth,” $28 million.
“Hanson and the Beast,” $25.5 million.
“Ferdinand,” $23.1 million.
“Namiya,” $21.4 million.
“Coco,” $21.4 million.
“Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds,” $20.1 million.
Movie TV Tech Geeks News
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movizinfo-blog · 7 years
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Goldbuster Goldbuster is a comedy movie. The movie is about a  quirky internet star, a pair of retired gangsters, and the black sheep of a prolific family of herbalists are a few of the oddball tenants that call the dilapidated apartments of Humble Grove home.
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New Post has been published on http://independentfilme.jetzt-24.de/goldbuster-trailer-1-2018-movieclips-indie/
Goldbuster Trailer #1 (2018) | Movieclips Indie
Goldbuster Trailer #1 (2018): Check out the new trailer starring Sandra Ng, Francis Ng, and Alex Fong! Be the first to watch, comment, and share Indie trailers, clips, and featurettes dropping… source
The channel sponsor is: https://www.facebook.com/GoMovieSpace/
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Antique Classical Gilt Bust of Alexander the Great at Marylebone Antiques | This is a very unusual & impressive classical gilt bust of Alexander the Great, which came out of a collection in a house in central London. It has a wonderful character & patina to the surface. I would date this bust to roughly around the 1910 period, although it could go either side of that. It’s a good size & is in good condition. I believe this bust is made of some kind of composite. We have more images on MaryleboneAntiques.co.uk, and you can email us at [email protected] for specific queries. ⠀⠀ ⠀ #Gold #GoldBust #Bust #AntiqueBust #Busts #AntiqueBusts #Antique #MaryleboneAntiques #1910 #1900s #Statues #Statue #Decorative #Decoratives #Decor #AlexandertheGreat #Vintage #Interiors #InteriorDesign #InteriorDesigns #Luxury #DreamHomes #AntiqueFinds #Antiques #VintageFinds #Sculpted #RoomStaging #Staging #Sculpture #AlexanderBust http://ift.tt/2xhk5Xi
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comiiical · 3 years
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Checking his watch for the end of the shift, and once it ticked on the last second, Miles stood up without a need for setting up his underwear now that it was all over. Jon’s presence never a problem, “remind me again, love, did your job continued until I was home, or just during the office workhours?” He pointed, serving two glasses with ice and whiskey and setting them on the desk where he sat his naked ass on a free corner. Carefully moving, he put papers and other easily movable things on their respective drawers, as he heard people leaving the office at the other side of the chromate crystal doors. “Lock the door unless you aim to leave.”
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