claudehor · 7 years
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用最開心嘅笑聲迎接 2018,就一定唔可以錯過由 #吳君如 首次執導/主演, #吳鎮宇 #方中信 破天 《慌》 玩雙打。 #鄭中基 #黎耀祥 #農夫 #王菀之 #張繼聰 #羅蘭 #羅海鵬 #泰臣 #周家怡 群《聲》 笑爆陣容 嘅電影 #妖鈴鈴 最重要係, 唔好咁快離場因為電影後面有好多精彩嘅彩蛋。 Celebrating 2018 with Joy & Laughter by catching #SandraNg Directing Debut, #Goldbuster, along with @francisngchunyu & @fangzhongxin And also Talented vocal from @ronald.cheng #WayneLai @famahk @wongyuenb @louischeung2013 #LawLan #LoHoiPang @tysonchak @kayeechau Stay tune for Hidden Scene.
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Reply to Robert Gillespie        (by R. Thomson)
For your last letter, thanks galore Wherein ye threep the rhymin corps That on ma verses out sic store             Noo miss them sair Tae mak' remeid upon that score              Is noo ma care.
'Tis twa year since I wat ma quill I hope the sma' degree o' skill An' art I had is wi' me still            Tae turn a stave Weel can I mind the joyous thrill            Verse-makin' gave.
An' tho' ma verses hirple lame I winna hing ma heid in shame I ne'er expec' tae see ma name              On prentit quair Fremit I'll always be tae fame             I'm weel aware.
Your letter cam' upon that date Whan Scots o' heich an' low estate In festive union congregate             Wi' sang an' story Tae honour him they truly rate              Their greatest glory.
Burns as you'll mind filled mony a ream Wi' verses in this rhymin' scheme An' aye cam' pat upon his theme             Wi' clinchin' rhyme His wit an' fancy in them gleam             Tae ootlive Time.
An' when he wrote tae James Lapraich That bard jaloused whit was at stake Daur he, e'en for freenship's sake                Wi' Burns tae vie? Wycely his pen he did forsake                   An' didna reply
Upon that coont ye needna fear There's nane o' us are Burns's here Nor likely tae heeze up a steer              I' the halls o' fame Indeed, oor swatch o' rhymin' gear                'S scarce kent at hame.
Oor seemin' skill is dearly bocht Whiles for a stubborn oor we've wrocht Tae find expression for a thocht                In phrases neat An' sae the praise that comes unsocht                Is solace sweet
O I'd be mair than weel content Gin words o' mine could represent The pleasure an' the pride I kent                When I read thro' Robert Gillespie's eloquent                An' kind review.
That ane whose skill touches a level Ayont the reach o' petty cavil Should find the time tae be sae civil                Tae ma sma' art - An mair, tae gie it his approval               Touches ma heart.
His ain verse scarce e'er seems tae stumble For wale o' words he disna fumble An rhymes gae coorsin' by as nimble                  As hares in Spring He downa feel owre blate or humble                 Wha thus can sing.
These virtues in him I endorse The soople shill in twinin' verse The sturdy thocht express't wi' force                In hame-spun garb The suntran shaft o' wit that's terse              - An hides a barb.
An bein' a mensefu' Lawlan' chiel On moral grund he's soun' as weel Wi' a guidly share o' Knox's zeal               An searin comment An faith, a world plagued by the Deil             Needs that this moment.
We've seen o' late the swift declension In keepin' o' the moral sanction Yet Man, withoot its stern injunction                Is prone tae evil For coaxin' ajee, wi' ready unction                  Ye'll get the Deevil
There's nane o' us daur look askance Upon Life's waefu' weary dance Ilk ane o' us maun tak' his stance             By truth an' richt. An play oor pairt, as men o' sense                As best we might.
It's true tae quit this lofty plane An' leave philosophy alane For divers maitters mair mundane              Afore I close, The scene noo 'is ma ain hearth stane               It's joys an' woes
                       Robert Thomson.                                Kiltarlity   Beauly,                                    Inverness-shire.
Bob Thomson (1925-1991) was my grandfather, and I knew him as Papa Bob. From the wee village of Fankerton, near Denny, in Stirlingshire, he served in the Royal Navy during World War II, and after the war he joined the Forestry Commission, and had a long career living in various places in the Highlands. He had a keen interest in poetry and prose, and in photography. He wrote the above poem sometime in the mid-1950s.
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