#Goddamnit makes me wanna smash my head onto concrete
ghoulster1 · 6 months
Guys, am I the only one who did not like the love triangle that happened between Holt, Frankie and Jackson
I did not like it and that love triangle, ruined me, Shipping Jackson with Frankie. I find it a good shape but that love triangle stabbed me
What makes it even funnier is? I am polyamorous so it’s not like I don’t like polyamory. I love it a live scene polyamorous representation but the fuck when I watched those scenes as a kid. I have an ongoing hatred for love triangles. I blame Disney
So I absolutely kind of hate the ship, only because of how poorly executed it is how it never gets mentioned again, and how the two characters did not, and to be honest to all the people who said Frankie had more chemistry with Holt, you are lying through your teeth and you just find hold attractive. That’s why you think he has great chemistry with Frankie.
Please, and thank you thank you for listening to my Ted talk
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