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words-by-andie · 6 years ago
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Una carta para Dios
Escuche en algún lugar que si tienes algo que decirle a Dios que lo escribas en una hoja así te estas comunicando con el así que esta carta es con toda la fe de mi corazón
Querido Dios , gracias por todas las bendiciones que me has dado , te agradezco por darme a los mejores padres de el mundo y al mejor hermano , te agradezco por todas las bendiciones que me has regalado , por jamás dejarme sola por darme esos atardeceres hermosos por esas mañanas.
Te pido me ayudes a poder encontrar la paz mental que necesitó para terminar mis estudios , a dejar el dolor a un lado y los miedos a poder abrir mi corazón para que el amor pueda llegar a mi vida
Te pido que me des la claridad que necesita mi ansiedad para no hundirme
Te pido el valor para poder enfrentar los retos de cada día que el miedo y la depresión se alejen más y más
Te pido que me ayudes a poder llevar mi calma todo este año , te pido que mis sueños se hagan realidad que pueda cumplir mis metas que alejes de mi todo lo negativo
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khyyygp · 3 years ago
If ever I arrive to the point where my life is in danger, I don't want the pastor to pray for my safety. My sins and broken promises are too much for our Lord God to consider forgiveness, and it is high time that I face the consequences. Instead, I hope they pray that my family do not grieve, and have eternal happiness.
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vanyourstruly · 5 years ago
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God is fair & just! ❤️👍❤️ #verseoftheday #godisjust #godisfair https://www.instagram.com/p/CAo0nEaBTIv/?igshid=1osa00hurb072
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sissy221 · 6 years ago
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"God is Fair" I'm thankful that God is Fair. Sometimes I asked God to help me win but then wonder if that's cheating so I changed my mind. I realized winning isn't everything. What's important is to bring people to God.😃♥️🙏 #godisfair #godloveseveryone https://www.instagram.com/p/B0dnQKslM7g/?igshid=b5fj7myjgjx6
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mostdopejenny · 7 years ago
And i teach her that we are the creatures of love💘💋 #1day4times #godisfair #sexynasty #MacMiller #amor #bitchsocold #bossbitch #girlswithtattoos #girlswithplugs #KGOD
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alexusgregg-blog · 7 years ago
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And your beauty can even make hell have a winter ❄️.. #Godisfair (at Hollywood)
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leeraemin · 7 years ago
The River by Jordan Feliz 🙏🏻❤️ This is such a beautiful song! Hope you all are having a wonderful day/night! Stay happy and healthy my friends! #cover #christianmusic #christiancover #jordanfeliz #musicislife #christianlife #speaklove #speaktruth #speaklife #staystrong Keep fighting! #keepthefaith #godislove #godisfair 건강하고 행복하게 지내십시오! 나는 너를 모두 사랑해! (at 서울시 (Seoul))
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nowthisislauren · 8 years ago
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So today has been much better 💕👍🏼 Thank God 💕 #Fletcher #fave #godisfair (at Cyber Village Academy)
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ellyasbellah · 8 years ago
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....and you think that you are Right?? NO!!! You are WRONG...and RUDE!!! Everyone's comment are an insult to me... 😭😭😭#words #whatgoesaroundcomesaround #lastweek #experience #godisfair
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xxbellarosexx-blog · 8 years ago
Reminder to Self
Do not hurt anyone..It only takes a few seconds to hurt the people u Love.. & it can take years to Heal.. #remindertoself #noneedforevenge #Godisfair #karmaisabitch xxbellaxx
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-yoangelina · 8 years ago
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vodkastillettosandhoessss · 10 years ago
I was legit a rebound for like two seconds for a sexy ass, unnamed, totally unexpected person. But the girl she in love with is so fucking beautiful. Like she's so much prettier than me. I've already lost. It sucks cuz I was crushin hard af and she was playin hard af. That Shits not fair yo... But fuck it tho, I'm shakin that shit off..
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