#God now I'm just irritated. I'm gonna try to sleep now it's 2 AM
thatblvckboyy · 4 months
I desperately NEED Keeho just fucking the shit out of me cuz he's stressed from tour. Like he has me sobbing and begging from overstimulation but its no use. He wont let up.
Wrong move
Keeho x male reader
It's a bit long but enjoy pookie
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In the hotel room,keeho turned and tossed in bed relentlessly as he tried falling asleep,“Fuck,”he murmured as he grabbed his phone and pulled up lewd videos you and him fucking which he secretly recorded without your knowledge.With his hand in his pajama pants,keeho stroked himself as he watched the video . . . but it wasn’t enough —
he needed more.His hand still in his pants he called you and waited until you answered the phone.“Babe,” he mumbled as he placed the phone on speaker and sighed.“I can’t sleep. I miss you so fucking much,”he sighed as he rolled onto the other side of the bed.
You only left yesterday... Keeho!?"
laughs softly as I try to calm down "I know, babe but you know I get really horny,"runs my fingers through my hair, feeling restless,
"Then jerk it off" you slur out without even thinking about what you said
"I tried but didn't really help much"
"Keeho its just 2 weeks you won't die, now please it's 2 am and I wanna go back to sleep" with that you hang up the call and slam the phone on the night stand
"Did he really just.....?" Keeho says to himself with a hint of irritation in his tone
"god I'm gonna fuck that bitch when I get home"keeho says himself while he accepts the outcome as he struggles to sleep, his mind racing with all the dirty things his gonna to you.
Two weeks successfully passed and keeho was on his way home, you were at home just doing the chores, you even forgot keeho was coming home today.
You were in the kitchen doing the dishes when he came in he left his suitcase in the living room and he swiftly grabs you dragging you making your hands slipping on the dishes as you try to regain your balance,your eyes widening in surprise as keeho suddenly tackle you dragging you the bedroom and locking the door.
"Now let's see how tough you are" and with that he rips your pants with his arms exposing your ass.Your heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement."keeho please calm down..." You stutter out as keeho grabs the vibrator "between you and me baby boy we both know you love it this.....way maybe a bit to much" He says his tone dripping with malice as he gets the vibrator ready and he stares at you, named and vulnerable
"Now come on bend over..... ," he said as hovered on top of you watching bend over"good boy "he said as he introduced the vibrator on your hole gently rubbing it against your hole before pushing it in your ass
You gasp, your busy trembling and tensing as the vibrator sends a joke of pleasure and pain through you. "Ahh......oh....pleaaase,"you moan in pain and pleasure as keeho sits on the chair next to the bed unzipping his pants, unbuttonts his shirt and taking off his boxers and starts jerking off while watching you squirm and writhe as the vibrator pushes inside you the sensations intensifying with each second "ohh fuuuuck yeah" you heard keeho groans as he jerked off while watching you
Here are your moans
Keeho then suddenly increased the speed of the vibrator making you squeal "what do we say baby boy" he taunts as he strokes his dick getting closer to climaxing "i-..... I-m sorry d-daddy"
You manage to stutter out, with each moment you feel your body being torn apart limb from limb,but you had no option but to just lay there a moaning mess and take it cause if he fucked you himself, god knows what could have happened to your poor legs
"Ahhhh, fuuuckk yes, god y-esssss"keeho groans as he finally cums all over himself feeling spent, he decides to turn off the vibrator and get it out of your ass
"Now come here..... Babe" he said as he layed down on the bed paying the space next to him, you seems nervous a birthday but finally decide and go lay next to him on his chest "now you know next time I'm on tour you shouldn't act so bratty and tough ok" he says as he strokes your head, his sadistic dark demeanour now go on as if it was nothing
"Now come on go to sleep" he said as you slowly driffted off to sleep your body still twitching a bit from earlier and keeho starts drifting off too... Before he could even sleep he heard you sleep talking "no pleaaase keeho" thats what you said, "ssh it's okay...with that you both fell asleep
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awkward-tension-art · 6 months
Remain By his Side
Chp.2 Chp.3 Chp.4 Chp.5 Chp.6 (Smut) Chp.7 Chp.8 Chp.9
You didn't expect that during your last year in undergrad, your entire life would shift. The military grabbed you, questioned you, and now you were someone they had on their radar.
Your cousin, Sherry, was as well.
And through all of this, you met Leon Kennedy. The man you'd fall in love with, and remain by his side.
This is gonna start off rather slow burn, but, and i'm going to go ahead and spoil, that reader and Leon DO get together. I want to write a series on Leon's relationship through out his years because of how his mental state changes through the RE series. also i'm actually a sucker for angst. a lot of angst. Also I didn't proofread, lol.
Enjoy! there will be more chapters added.
warnings: Reader is biologically female, but I try and keep pronouns gender neutral. If i ever slip up, i will need someone to tell me. This chapter has, probably, a lot of military inaccuracies. also a lot of FBI inaccuracies. Reader is a scientist and is Sherry's cousin.
Two people, a man and a woman, had walked into the class you assisted. They were wearing sharp, black suites. Their critical eyes swept over the lecture hall of about 40 undergraduate students. 
Your professor stopped the lecture on microorganisms, “I’ll give you time to write these for your notes,” He said before walking to the back of the hall.
Your attention was taken by a student raising his hand. Looking away from your professor and the strangers, you focused on the student's question. Before you could answer properly, your name was called softly and you looked up, “Keep your question, I’ll be right back.” you told him before walking to where your professor was. 
“Hi, can I help you?” You asked, unsure what was going on. Who were these people? FBI? CIA? Why’d they want to talk to you? You were just in your 4th year at the university. Did you accidentally commit a crime? Did you somehow sneak 3 pounds of heroin across the border in your sleep?
Ok, maybe not. But having two individuals with suits ask for you was weird.
The man, with cool blue eyes and dark brunette hair, confirmed your name before commanding, “Come with us. We need to ask you some questions.” Without waiting, he turned and walked out the door. The woman, a blonde with warm green eyes, followed, but turned back to make sure you were close behind. Luckily, you managed to grab your backpack before leaving.
You heard your professor begin his lecture all over again just as you walked out of the class, “Can you tell me what this is about?” You asked them as you sped up your steps to keep up with them.
“Who are you?” You asked them.
Wordlessly, the woman reached into her pocket and pulled out a shiny metal badge. 
You shut the fuck up extremely quick.
The three of you left the building, you looked back, hoping whatever was going on would be settled quickly.
It wasn’t. At all. 
You were taken into the back of a black van. The agents sat in front of you, staring. 
“So…” You mentally cringed at how awkward you sounded, “Can I get your names?” You asked, hoping you didn’t irritate them.
“I am agent Olivia Dunham,” The woman stated, “This is agent Peter Bishop.”
Your next question was a shot in the dark, “Where are we headed?” 
“Fort Leonard Wood.” agent Dunham answered. You were pleasantly surprised she actually gave you the truth. You half expected her to say ‘classified’.
That’ll take a couple hours… you realized. Thank god you grabbed your bag. You could at least look over some of the students' papers you were supposed to grade. Besides, it’ll keep your mind busy from the anxiety you felt. 
Fort Leonard Wood was a military base. It clicked in your head, “Is my brother…” Was he ok? What happened to him? He had been sent to deal with a situation in Raccoon City. but since then, he hasn’t been heard from, “He’s in Delta Force. Did something happen?” 
“It’s not your brother we are concerned about.” Bishop responded, “It's your aunt Birkin.”
Aunt Annette?
“Any questions will have to wait until we get to Fort Leonard Wood.” Dunham snapped, shutting down your questions. 
Great… You swallowed and nodded before opening your bag to read and grade students' papers. You were a teacher's assistant, despite being your 4th year in undergraduate. Your professor luckily didn’t expect much heavy lifting from you. Just attend the classes to answer questions and help grade papers. It fit with your class schedule, which was a blessing considering your double major with immunology and microbiology. 
Despite your desperate attempt to focus on grading, you thought about your aunt Annette. 
You spent the summer with her, her husband and your cousin in Raccoon City. She gave you an internship for those months at Umbrella Corporation, to help your resume once you graduated. It was a wonderful summer. You were able to learn hands-on skills with research and lab work. 
You weren’t moving mountains, not in the slightest. Your tasks were mostly shadowing the other scientists, fetching them their reagents and samples, and passing along messages.
Still, the experience was one you held close to your heart.
If something was wrong with your aunt…where was Sherry?
“Is my cousin OK?” You looked up, “Please…can you tell me that much?”
Agent Duhman had sympathy for you. Thankfully, she bent and answered, “Your cousin is alive.” 
A tightness settled in your chest and wrapped around your heart. Sherry was alive? Why did the FBI establish her as alive?
Was your aunt dead? What about your uncle William?
What the fuck happened!?
The hours it took to get to the military base ticked by way too slowly. By the time the van came to a stop, you felt sick. Your hands were starting to shake and you had tunnel vision. You barely registered that you were taken out and walked into one of the facilities. Was this an administrative building? Garrison? Or was this a military prison?
The floors were white tile. The walls were painted brick. The hallways felt too small and too long. The lights felt too bright. Armed guards were at every door. You were scared. Stressed. 
What the hell was going on!?
“Wait in here.” Agent Bishop opened up a door to a small side room. There were some padded chairs and sofas. A countertop with a small coffee machine and cabinets. The door closed behind you, and you heard the door lock.
Lounge? Is this a lounge?
A small, shrill voice called your name, snapping you out of your stupor. Your cousin hopped up from one of the couches. She rushed to you and hugged your legs.
“Oh my god, Sherry!” You cried, kneeling to wrap your arms around her. You pulled her back to inspect her. She looked…filthy. Her blonde hair was crusted with grime. Her skin was covered in dirt and god knows what else. She had an unfamiliar red jacket over her shoulders. You held her face, “Sherry…what happened?”
“Sherry? Who is this?” An unfamiliar voice, masculine, grabbed your attention. He had approached and you looked up at him. The first thing you noticed were his eyes, clear and striking blue. His light hair was darkened with mud. His uniform, RPD riot gear, was torn, bloodied and soaked with…god was that sewage? His left shoulder was bandaged with filthy, graying gauze. Underneath the gore you’d consider this stranger boyishly handsome. 
This stranger was in a worse off state than your little cousin.
“Sherry is my cousin.” You said carefully, wrapping your arms around her small frame.
Your little, blonde cousin pulled back. She gained your attention and held the dirty police officer's hand, “This is Leon. He saved me.”
“Saved you? From what?” You stood, making eye contact with Leon, “I…I don’t know what's going on. I was brought here from my college…they mentioned my aunt Annette-”
“Aunt?” Leon stopped you, “you’re related to Annette Birkin?” 
You nodded, “My moms sister. What happened?” 
So Leon told you. His explanation of last night. Undead. Zombies. Carnage and chaos. He told you that your uncle had become a mutated monster. Your aunt had been killed, crushed to death by his claws. He told you what he knew of the virus called ‘G-virus’. He was sparing you details, you knew that. Everything was vague enough that you had to assume some details on your own.
Halfway through his talk you had to sit down. 
The destruction of Raccoon City. Your aunt had a hand in the deaths of thousands. You did too, to a degree. You had that summer internship…
You held your cousin tightly. Silent tears slipping down your cheeks. Your emotions were haywire. Now, countless questions bounced around in your skull. 
Did your family know? Where was your brother? What will happen to Leon and Sherry? Why did this have to happen? 
You didn’t have much time to ask Leon any questions, because agent Bishop returned and took you away. You were questioned for over an hour by him, a soldier and then agent Dunham. Apparently you were a person of interest because of your internship. According to the FBI, it was suspicious that you worked for Umbrella and left a month before Raccoon City fell to undead. 
You had to convince them that you didn’t know that this would happen. You didn't know what the N.E.S.T was. You didn’t know the G-virus existed. You didn’t know your aunt was even doing something with such a dangerous virus.
Finally, you were released. You were taken back to the lounge, and told to wait. Your parents were on their way to be questioned. As well as your other siblings. You still haven't heard anything about your brother…
You sat on the couch, Sherry asleep next to you. Across from you on the other one was Leon. He was leaning back, eyes staring up at the ceiling. He was waiting for…something. Family, perhaps? A girlfriend? Hell, maybe a boyfriend?
“Thank you,” You spoke softly, “For keeping Sherry safe.”
He perked up and looked at you before he nodded, “I’d do it all over again if I had to.” Leon said with a small smile. Though, you could detect that it was hollow. Empty. He was in pain both mentally and physically. 
“You're a good man,” You said, feeling the need to give him something close to reassurance before you continued, “What's going to happen to you and Sherry?” That question had been in your head the moment you united with your cousin.
He shook his head, “I don’t know.”
You frowned, “Where will you go once all of this is said and done?”
“I don’t know.”
“Don’t you have any family?” Looking back, it was definitely an insensitive question. But you didn’t know how someone like Leon could have no family. 
He shook his head and your heart broke. 
“I’m sorry…” You mumbled, “I..I didn’t mean to assume-.”
“It's OK.” the officer gently said, “You didn’t know.”
There was a lot you didn’t know. 
You didn’t know your aunt and uncle were making biological weapons. You didn’t know you worked for a company that destroyed a whole city. You didn’t know what a bioweapon was. 
You didn’t know when your family would get here. You didn’t know where your Delta Force brother was.
You didn’t know when the government decided to bomb Raccoon City. You didn’t know when the city was wiped off the face of the earth. You didn’t know how many souls were burned away and obliterated.
There was a lot you didn’t know.
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shima-draws · 5 years
LMAO someone called me out months ago for shipping Bak//deku even tho it’s abusive and I’m like. Did you not read ANY of my posts about them I’ve literally said countless times that I would never consider shipping them while the relationship was still abusive, I do not support abusive relationships, only after Bakugou develops as a person, apologizes to Deku, and treats him like an actual human being with respect would I consider shipping them in a healthy romantic relationship. Because believe it or not, people have the capacity to change and learn from their mistakes! WOW!!
And I don’t even ship them that much in the first place lmfao why did they target me when I barely even talk about them at all
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sinswithpleasure · 3 years
The Playgirl (ft. LOONA's Yves) [Part 2] [Female Reader]
Hello! I'm back with part 2!
Futa!Yves x Fem Reader, just in case ya forgot.
If you prefer, this is also on AO3 and AFF!
Yves shows up on time for tutoring, to your surprise.
"Hey baby."
"Don't 'baby' me."
"Sure. Let's start."
"Alright. Open up the textbook. We're starting from the basics. I've printed out some of the prerequisites for this topic, since what you did last time wasn't up to standard due to lack of practice of the basics. Now…"
Yves listens attentively. In fact, things go a bit too smoothly for the both of you. Yves doesn't make any cheeky quip, pull out any pet names, or flirt with anyone that passes by. The womanizing playgirl you knew disappears, and in its place is a focused, dedicated young woman. Sometimes, you even find yourself staring at her work on the problems in front of her. The change is… welcome, to say the least.
Your eyes roam Yves's styled hair, swiped back to expose her forehead, down to her beautiful large eyes, button nose, and full lips.
God, you're gay. Sure, you're literally admiring the beauty of the most insufferable bane of the universe, but you're just so fucking gay and hot people are hot, no matter how irritating they are, so...
When your eyes shift back up, you're met with Yves's smirk.
"See something you like, babe?"
"Fuck off." You rush to change the subject. "How're you doing?"
"I've been done for a while. You would know if you weren't spending the time looking at me."
You refuse to dignify her with a response, checking through the solved problems. With your coaching, Yves manages to get two more questions correct as compared to last time, but she still makes some simple mistakes.
"Okay, here's the issue. In question two…"
Yves continues to show up for every tutoring session. Somehow, a week passes by, and it is now Friday.
"Good afternoon, babygirl."
"Don't 'babygirl' me. How many times do I have to say it?"
"Mm, whatever. How're you doing?"
"Why do you care?"
Yves pulls out the chair next to you, leaning back on it, resting her legs on the table. She turns to you, grinning.
"Of course I'd care! You're my tutor, and if you don't feel good, you won't be able to teach me properly. If I don't get taught, I won't learn, then I'll fail, and I don't get to win. You know that I always win."
"I'm not sleeping with you."
"That's what you say, but not what you mean."
"Fuck you."
"That's what you'll be doing in five months' time."
"No I won't. Bring out the Calc textbook. We're going through Chapter 4 today."
"Alright, babygirl."
The change in Yves becomes apparent when she somehow is present earlier than you on Monday morning.
"Oh, hey babe."
You sigh at the pet name, but having heard her call you that for quite some time now, it doesn't grind your gears as much anymore.
"Don't 'babe' me."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
Yves returns her attention to the papers she is working on, and the familiar math problems catch your eye.
"Yeah. I promised I'll be the best student. Here I am."
"We'll see about that."
"You're looking at it right now." Yves rises from her chair, and in a flash, she has her arm around your waist, her face inches from yours. "I'm going to win, babygirl."
"G-Get off me!" Your face reddens instantly at the close proximity of your lips to hers. Memories of the chaste kiss Yves planted take front and center stage, and you can't help but look away from Yves.
"You're so pretty."
Yves has her gaze locked on your lips, then to your eyes. She is so close, too close, even. Heat flashes all over your body—every touch Yves leaves on you seems to burn.
"I mean it. You're gorgeous."
"T-Thank you."
The smug smirk never leaves Yves's face. She releases you from her smoldering gaze and grip, but she leaves you with a rapidly beating heart and a large distraction for the day to come.
When class begins, Yves tries to take the time to listen to the professor. However, she is soon back to her old ways, flicking paper balls at classmates and being on her phone more than she listens.
"Yeah, baby?" She meets your gaze, her tongue darting out to moisten her dry lips. Her hands carry on working on moulding another tiny paper ball.
"You're not listening."
"I am!"
"What was the last thing the prof said?"
You roll your eyes.
"Best student, my ass."
"I made that promise to you, not to him."
"You won't learn if you don't listen to him either. How're you going to be the best if you can't even do that?"
"Oh, so that's how it is?"
"That's right." You think hard about the words you want to say next, but maybe… maybe it is worth the risk. After all, Yves is still the bane of your existence, but she could be less of that if she keeps up her effort in trying to learn.
"You don't get to fuck me if you're not the best."
You watch as Yves freezes. She stares at you, her jaw hanging, before she steels her gaze to your eyes, staring deep into your soul.
"So this is how you wanna play, babygirl?"
"Yeah." You can feel your bravado slowly disappearing.
"Fine. I'll listen. I'll play by your rules."
Yves leans to your ear, her breath sending shivers down your spine. Her deep whisper makes you shudder.
"You will be mine at the end of the year, baby. I promise you: I'll ace my exams, and you'll love me for it."
Perhaps provoking your seatmate wasn't the best idea. Now you have to deal with the deep flush on your face and neck, as well as the heat between your legs.
A month passes.
Every week, the same things go by—tutoring, classes, more tutoring, more classes. However, what changes is how close you and Yves get with each other. By no means were the both of you friends, but she isn't as much of a thorn in your side anymore.
[yves💘 sent a message:]
I need a bit more help with the math from the last chapter.
Can I see you this weekend?
Saturday, 10am, Seoul U entrance?
[You sent a message:]
I'll see you.
[yves💘 sent a message:]
Dress nicely, baby. It's a date.
[You sent a message:]
Fuck off.
You groan when Yves manages to charm you through text. Outfit ideas are already flowing through your head, and you sink your face into the comfort of your palms. Why do you even care about looking pretty for Yves?⁶
Well… that genuine grin she flashed after a muffled gasp of surprise when you wore a dress once in the past month was gorgeous on her. That was why.
You remember Yves actually having the slightest hint of a blush when looking at you, and she seemed to be a little less flirty that day, opting to take short glances at you when she thought you weren't watching. This newfound attention was… welcome. You couldn't deny feeling shy having Yves check you out. After all, you were just the nerd girl in class, and having this attention from a hot girl you could consider a crush not as much of a pain in your ass felt so good.
Saturday arrives, and here you are, waiting outside Seoul University.
You choose to keep things simple: just a simple button-down dress with daisies printed on the fabric. Your hair is tied up in a cute bun. The pink backpack you carry completes the look, with a nice pair of flats.
The sun isn't too bright, and a cool breeze keeps you comfortable while waiting. You can't help but get nervous, though you know it is irrational to feel so. After all, this is just another study session. However, Yves's text to you earlier in the week keeps flashing across your eyes.
'Dress nicely, baby. It's a date.'
You know this is just a study session. However, a part of you dimly wishes that it isn't, before you hurriedly bash those thoughts with a hammer and then set them on fire.
The revving of a motorbike catches your attention before it zooms down the road. You can see the bike move across the lanes, then slowing to a stop in front of you. The rider, clad in all black leather, complete with jacket and boots, seems to freeze in front of you, before slowly drawing the helmet off their head.
"Hey, babygirl."
Yves grins at you, her eyes sweeping over your body. Her gaze lands on your legs, moving up to your torso, your chest, and then to your eyes and hair.
The next words she mutters are meant to be kept to herself, but you hear her anyway.
"Fuck, you're gorgeous."
Your heart takes off, pounding against your chest. You try to hide the flush on your face by staring at the ground, but you field a gaze to Yves, who looks a bit like a deer caught in headlights. She looks so handsome, so cool, and downright fucking hot at the same time.
Hmm… What would it feel like being pinned under her again?
The intrusive thought you have gets stamped out instantly, but the effect lingers—you can't help but check Yves out, feeling a rush of heat deep within your loins.
Her agreement with you was starting to look more and more appealing. Maybe you do have to teach her well.
"Get on."
"Let's go. I gotta park the bike, and the cafe isn't close by. Get on."
Yves hands you a spare black helmet, and you hesitantly take it.
"Don't kill me."
"I won't." She grins. "I like you too much to think about doing that."
Your breath catches in your throat. It's not uncharacteristic of her to say things like that so easily, but maybe… just maybe… you want her to mean it.
You get onto the bike as Yves holds it steady. You don't know where to put your hands, but Yves grabs your arms, pulling them to wrap around her waist.
"Hold on tight, babygirl."
"Okay." You can't believe what's happening right now.
"I'm gonna go."
The engine revs.
Yves trails behind you as both of you make your way to the cafe. Yves is quiet along the way, unlike her usual flirting if she caught you staring at her. When you glance back to her, you see her eyes dart away from you, staring at the floor as she swipes her hair back.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah. Never been better, baby." Her reply is unconvincing, especially with a forced grin, but you don't want to really push her for a reply.
"Er… Okay. Sure."
Both of you make your way into the cafe, stopping by the counter to grab the menu. When you sit down at a table, Yves sits across you, her eyes locked onto you as you peruse your options.
"You're staring a lot today, Yves."
"Oh, um, er…" She looks away, her voice soft. This is very unlike her.
"Are you really okay?"
"Yeah, baby. I'm feelin' great, ready to learn, and get good." She leans back, resting her hands on the armrests of her chair.
She has a crop top on.
Oh my fucking God, she has abs.
You short circuit.
Two columns of defined muscle greet your eyes, as if to mock you. It wasn't like she was someone you didn't find hot. Now, you have to find out that she also has abs?!
Your mouth dries instantly, and you grab your bottle, taking a swig. The cool liquid quenches your physical thirst, but your mental thirst…
"Don't look too much, babygirl. You might get hypnotized."
Yves tilts your chin up with a finger, moving to lean close to your face.
"My eyes are up here."
Holy fucking shit, she's so fucking hot.
You wonder how you didn't notice them when she had that fishnet and crop top combo. Maybe her pants covered them, maybe you were blinded in your dislike for her. Whatever, you've seen them now. No reason to stop… respectfully staring, especially when you can.
"Look at me."
You meet Yves's smoldering gaze.
"Keep your eyes up here, babygirl." Her warm breath against your lips makes you yearn to lean in and close the gap. "I don't want them anywhere else when they're so beautiful."
You whimper involuntarily, and Yves chuckles.
"You're so fucking pretty, you know that?"
The shame that burns when you squeak and break your gaze to hide in the pretense of reading the menu is something you don't want to admit that you feel coursing through your veins, but it's there. When you lower the menu, Yves has her chin in her palm, her head tilted to the left, a satisfied grin on her features.
"I mean it, baby. You look really pretty today."
"T-Thank you."
"You're welcome. Let's order, I'm starving."
"Oh." Yves leans towards you, lowering the menu to stare into your eyes once more. "You'll get to see what you want to see when I ace the exams. Be patient, babe."
You groan.
That night, you toss and turn on the bed incessantly. Every time you close your eyes, you can feel hot breath across your lips, smell the scent emanating off Yves, and sense her burning gaze on you. Yves's handsome features are burnt deep into your head, and just the thought of her sends your heart pounding and temperature rising.
You think of her abs under her clothes, the defined muscle jumping out to your eyes. She already looks so good, so delicious, and yet, things only go up from here.
The rush of heat between your legs doesn't help things.
You turn again, ignoring your basest desires. Bedtime it is.
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afandommultiverse · 4 years
Solo en la came - Yami Sukehiro LEMON
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Words -  1589 Request - 
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A/n - I'm sorry, this has been in my drafts for months but I just couldn't figure out how to finish this so I'm sorry if its a bit shit, especially at the end.
I stomped my way towards the inn, Yami following behind loosely and smirking down at me.
"I don't know why you're so mad, Doll, s'nothing." I stopped and turned towards him.
"I told you to stop calling me that! And It's not nothing- THIS WAS MY DAY OFF AND YOU DRAG ME TO SOME STUPID MISSION! BUT WAIT! It's not even a mission, you just wanted to go to some stupid distillery!"
"It was 50% off WHOLE BARRELS. If it's that big of a deal, just take your day off any of the days this week." Yami scoffed with crossed arms, looking at me as if I was the problem.
"Any of these days this week are NOT having a sale at the crystal shop!" I yelled, finally turning to leave and pay for a stupid room because we had stayed too late at the distillery Yami was so crazy about.
"2 rooms please," I asked the old lady at the front counter. She ran her finger down the list of rooms before growing and looking back up at me.
"Sorry dear, we only have one small suite left." I looked up from my Yul and paused. 
"Please there's gotta be another way!" I heard a deep chuckle behind me and I turned to see Yami stepping in.
"Come on, Doll, I'm not that bad."
"Yami, you snore!" I whined, turning back to lade and paying her sadly. The old lady smiled sympathetically and handed me the room number.
"I'll get some water ready!"
I walked to our room and opened it quickly, rushing to get off my feet. I laid my stuff on the end of the bed and sat to remove my shoes. Yami laid down on the bed and kicked off his shoes before lighting a cigarette and resting his arm over his eyes.
"Are you gonna bathe?" I asked getting up going through my bag looking for my nightclothes. I heard him hum a yes before leaving the room to take my own bath. I got to the bathroom and stripped quickly, eager to get into the warm water and wash up. It was a hot day today and being inside the distillery didn't make it any better.
Washing of the dried sweat and any other dirt or grime, I rinsed my hair and stepped out to dry off. As I wrapped the towel around me and turned to start getting dressed, the lock to the door clicked and the door opened. In walked, Yami a towel thrown over his shoulder and shirtless.
"Yami!" I yelled, glaring at him," Close the door!" He stopped and looked at me.
"You're still in here?" He whined, pouting, and goring before closing the door. But before I could dress, I heard him yell through the door.
"Hurry up or I'm taking a bath while you change!" I quickly threw my shirt and shorts before grabbing my door and heading for the door. I opened it and stopped before running into Yami, I glared up at him before moving to the side and walking to our room.
When Yami did return, I was almost asleep, only feeling the movements of him getting in bed before I finally went to sleep.
I woke up to a foul smell and sniffed it a few more times and I sat up. I looked down with my eye scrunched trying to see through grogginess.
"Yami? What time is it?" I yawned, opening my eyes clearly and losing breath at the sigh beneath me. My hand resting on his naked chest and the other holding up my weight at his side, brushing the skin of ribs. A cigarette rested on his soft lips and blinked up at me sleepily. Realizing his cigarette was the source of the smell, I took it from his lips and reached across him to put it out in the ashtray beside his side of the bed.
"Those are gonna kill you," I muttered.
"One way or another." I slapped his chest lightly.
"I hate it when you talk like that," I laid back down, moving to get off him before he spoke again.
"I don't mind." I stopped looking down at him, then looking to the other side of the bed. The sheets were cold, and Yami was really warm. I nodded before laying back down on his chest.
"Good, 'cause you're warm." He let out a deep chuckle and wrapped his arm around me, resting his hand on my back.
"You wanna rub my back?" I question half-jokingly, surprised when his head started moving. It was nice, and for a moment we just laid there. I wasn't ready to go back to sleep yet and stared out the window in front of me. The sun hadn't begun to raise but the sky was beginning to lighten.
"Y/n?" I turned to look up at Yami.
"I'm sorry." My eyebrows flew up in confusion.
"What are you sorry for?"
"I'm sorry I dragged you here today. I know you were looking forward to that sale." Yami didn't look at me, instead, he was looking off to the side.
"It's okay, Yami. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just irritated, that clerk was a weirdo." Yami laughed and held me a little tighter as he laughed.
"He was, wasn't he?"
"Oh god yes!" He laughed more, only making me laugh with him. When we calmed down, Yami finally looked at me with a small smile and I smiled back at him.
"Don't be mad."
"Wha-?" Yami pulled me up to him and pressed his lips to mine gently. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me to rest on top of him comfortably. I wasted no time kissing back, resting my hands on his face. His hands moved down my body and gripped at my hips. As I dragged my tongue against him, I ground my hips harder against him and moaned into the kiss.
His hands gripped tighter, moving to still me. Pulling back he stared at me a little breathless.
"You sure about that, Doll?"
"You have no idea." I rushed to pull off my shirt and leaned back down to kiss him. He rolled us over and peppered kissed down my neck, nipping and sucking every now and then. Soft moans fell from my mouth and my hand ran through his hair tugging at it gently.
"Yami," His fingers ran up my sides, sending shivers down my spine in excitement. His lips latched to a nipple and rolled it with his tongue while one of his hands rolled my other bud with his fingers. My thighs tightened around his waist and squeezed his sides, sensitive to the onslaught of his tongue.
I gripped Yami by the hair and pulled him away from me, flipping us over, I settled over his hips. I kissed my way down his body, nipping, and weak points that made him shudder and moan. I was quick to remove his briefs, eager to get a hold of his cock. He stood tall and erect, bulbous head red and weeping.
My tongue flicked the head teasingly before taking him in. For what I couldn't fit in my mouth I stroked with my hands gently. Yami gripped at my hair and guided me slowly.
"Look up at me darling, I wanna see you, I wanna see those fucking eyes," He panted softly looking almost out of it as I sucked his cock. His hips stuttered when I would suck harder on the tip, tightening his grip in my hair. Finally, he pulled me off, wasting no time in pulling me back up and kissing me feverishly.
"You are too fucking good at that, Doll," He nipped at my neck, a hand slipping between us as he moved to center himself below me. He lowered me gently, waiting patiently as I lowered. I had never felt so full, so stuffed.
"Jesus, Yami." I gripped at his shoulders tightly and rocked my hips testingly, moaning softly when each vein dragged against me just right. Yami's hands were hot against my hips, lifting and dropping them against him.
"Yeah, you're a bit of a tight fit for me too, Doll." I cried out as he dropped me down a bit harder, pulling into his neck as he began to buck his hips against me. Collapsing against him, I could only moan in his ear kiss at his neck as he used me as a cock sleeve. Yami flipped us over fast, pinning me to the sheets.
He was definitely something to look at, sweaty and flushed. His grin was lewd and lazily, his eyes glinting with a lust that would take hours to satisfy.
"I hope you don't expect this to be a one-time thing, Doll." He punctuated it with a certain thrust, aimed to hit that spongy spot just right.
"W-Why would I think that- oh god!" Yami leaned down and kissed me softly.
"I dunno, you tell me." I wrapped my legs around him, bringing him in closer and looking him in the eyes.
"I'll tell you one thing, Yami, this won't be the only time we do this. I-in fact, I expect you to do this every day from now on. If you're up for it?" He slipped out and flipped me over, angling my hips up he slid back in fast, keeping my chest against the sheets.
"Doll, you have no idea how up to it I am.
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aquarianlights · 4 years
I am in a serious financial bind. 😥 If anyone is in a position to listen & help or signal boost, pls keep reading...
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This is from my apartment complex. I am in low-income housing. I called them & sent them proof I could pay on the 23rd. I told them I could (just barely) put 100 down now & they said that was too little.
They said they would file for eviction on the 16th, which adds $150 to my rent. They will cancel the court date and eviction on the 23rd when I pay.
But that doesn't cancel the $150 filing fee.
Idk where that $150 would come from. Idky they think it's fair that someone who cannot pay should be forced to pay even more??? That makes no sense. I can only just barely afford my rent every month as is.
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These are from my energy company. I apparently owe them over $600. I genuinely do not know how this happened. We were on the phone for a very long time trying to figure it out & I was in tears for the latter portion of it because I swear I paid.
I usually keep record of my payments via taking a picture of my receipt since they are electronic, but my dog chewed up my phone (which I have pics of if need be for evidence) and broke it, so I had to get a replacement phone sent to me from the insurance company & nothing transferred from the old phone, so all my pics were wiped.
I found no record in my emails, either.
The meds I am taking to try to go into remission and the autoimmune disease itself both cause brain fog and issues with time warping, so it is possible maybe I skipped a month or something, but I highly doubt I would have skipped up to 600+ dollars worth of payments.
I have tons of electronic and hard copy calendars & they are all synced and constantly updated so that I know when payments are due. I also have text and email reminders sent to me, but I could find no reminders in my email for MONTHS now until they were telling me they were going to shut my power off if I didn't pay this. Idk why I was not sent reminders for months???
In the end, I agreed to set up a payment plan. Paying, like... 50-60ish on top of whatever my electric bill is every month for 12 months. It was the lowest they could go.
I can barely afford my electric bill as it is, so idk how I will be able to do this? They did give me a list of charities in my area so I will be using what little energy I have to call around & see if any of them would be willing to help me pay this. Idk how those work (they're mostly churches???), so I'm just gonna try & see what happens. 🤔
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On top of all that, I *think* this is telling me my Medicaid has been cancelled but I'm not 100% sure?????
I'm going through treatment for a very serious, disabling problem that should last ~1 year and rn Medicaid is picking up what my Medicare doesn't cover and some of my doctors/specialists and treatments are medicaid only.
If I lose this, I'm basically done.
I know they'll do backpay if I get it back, but Idk if I *will* get it back. I'll be trying to get it back, but in the meantime, I guess I'll just have to pay out of pocket, idk??? Which I do not have.
I have lost almost ALL autonomy due to this autoimmune disease, which (in a very simplified form) is basically my immune cells "eating" my muscle tissue. I can barely get out of bed. Treatment should put me in remission & give me my life back. I am seeing a rheumatologist, neurologist, dermatologist, PCP, physical therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, and going to a holistic pain treatment center that does a different kind of physical therapy to bring down pain levels (which I was put into that program by my rheum). All of these are in relation to & necessary for my disease. I am going through TONS of testing almost weekly now & trying out treatments like IVIG and chemo where I am in the hospital hooked up to an IV for 4-6+ hrs of that day and the cost of those things without Medicaid picking up what Medicare doesn't cover is astronomical. I have to sign waivers every time I get my blood drawn (which is almost weekly now), do tests, and do treatments saying I will pay if Medicaid does not pick up the extra.
I already have crippling medical debt; I don't need more. I'm scared they won't let me do any more tests or treatments if they see I am just letting it all go to collections & am not paying.
This could mean the difference between having a life worth living (to me) where I am happy & thriving & autonomous or being bed-bound & living a life of just existing from day to day & miserable & in pain & suffering & unable to do anything for myself. This is literally life and death for me because I wouldn't be able to handle continuing to live in the latter scenario. I cannot handle living like I am now. Knowing my treatments are progressing is what keeps me going. Knowing I can go into remission is what keeps me going. Knowing my future is one completely different from now is what keeps me going. But if I cannot have that and am destined to live in this current state, it's just not worth it. I don't know a person alive who would want to live like this.
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Finally, my anger noodle needs to get to the vet for MULTIPLE things. Nothing is, like... life threatening or super immediate like his cancer was last year, but they're things that need to be addressed in terms of preventative care & to make sure he isn't in pain.
He needs his trachea checked, possibly x-rays for that, maybe more...
He needs some medication updates, needs a physical, needs a full groom & nail clip under anesthesia (for those who are not familiar with Echo, he has extreme fear-based aggression & usually gets this done under anesthesia; since I worked with him so much, he had his first non-anesthesia nail clip at the beginning of quarantine, but he has gotten worse during quarantine & with my muscle eating disease, I can no longer restrain him & don't have the physical strength to run a brush through his thicker fur as his winter coat is in, so I can no longer groom certain areas of him at home, so his tummy & back legs are matted & I fear he may need to be shaved... which breaks my heart since you don't shave double coat dogs unless medically necessary.), he needs a full physical, & needs to be checked over for MCT's.
He may also need a fecal test or something else, as he has been having odd bowel movements. 😥 His tummy has been upset lately.
I have been crying myself to sleep every single night & often during the day because I cannot get him to the vet. No, it isn't urgent or life threatening. But he is reverse sneezing more than normal & I worry about tracheal collapse, which is a common small dog thing & even MORE common in pomeranians specifically. Every time he has a fit, I think "Oh god, this is it. This is the time I'm gonna have to rush him to the e-vet & get slammed with a huge bill & he is not gonna be okay..."
It breaks my heart to see his legs & belly matted. He is horrible about letting me groom him coz of his aggression so he only gets a full grooms at the vet, but I do short grooming sessions at home with him nightly. Takes about 2 hours just to do the majority of one side of him (not even all of it; just most) coz he needs breaks & lots of praise every few strokes or he will tear me to shreds & hurt himself snapping on the undercoat rake. 😥
But now that my autoimmune disease has atrophied my muscles to the point holding up my phone without something to prop it up feels like I am lifting weights & tires my arms out with a lactic acid burn & pain, I can no longer groom him with the patience he needs & can only groom in 20 minute intervals at the VERY longest. By the time I have gotten one leg done during the week, his entire other side is matted. 😞 Matting on dogs---especially double coat dogs---hurts them. It's like if someone were to wrap your hair around their fingers & then pull it taut. It's a constant pulling pressure on their skin... it's painful & irritates the epidermis. I feel miserable feeling the matting on his back legs & tummy & now feeling the mats beginning to form on the rest of him. He hates me working them out, even with the detangling spray. I know it must hurt so much...
So he may need to be shaved at this point & that will destroy me. I feel sick thinking about it. But anything to get him out of pain. Maybe it is what's best for him while I go through this year of treatment & get my muscles back. But in order to do that, I need to get him to the vet.
The stress of not being able to get him to a vet is tearing me apart & literally making me physically ill.
He is my world. My everything. My #1. My heart dog. My priority in life. My entire universe revolves around him. I would do anything for him. Not a single person, animal, thing, etc, comes before him. It is KILLING me that I cannot provide proper care for him right now. I always always always make sure to sacrifice for him if need be & his things ALWAYS come first, even if it means I'm not eating or not paying bills or whatever. As long as he is taken care of & his needs & wants are met, nothing else matters to me. And right now........ I feel he is suffering because of my finances & the fact my treatment with building my muscles up is not going fast enough.
I cannot control the latter one, but the first one is something I can at least ask for help for. So that is what I am doing.
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If anyone is in a place to help, these are my venmo & cashapp codes. I also have paypal.
💙 Venmo: @kqroswell
💚 Cashapp: $kqroswell
💜 Paypal: @kqroswell or [email protected]
If there is another form of payment you're thinking of, lemme know. I also have fb pay activated if you have me on FB (Killian Q Roswell).
Thank you to everyone who read through this & anyone who can help or reblog this. 💖
Your v scared, struggling transman who really wants his bills/rent paid & his dog to go to the vet,
Killian 💞
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No nut November
Imagine: in the glory of No Nut November, you make a bet with your lover saying if they fail you cuff them and use them to your liking but if you lose they get to fulfill one of their fantasies. And you are keen on it to make them lose, by any means.
Victor Creed
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Accepting the challenge that is No Nut November, it's a walk in the park, after all, he did have a wager with you. So you were prepared to make him lose.
Walking into your living room dressed in a maid outfit so small enough that the skirt perfectly (barely) covers your ass when you bend over. And you use it wisely, in front of him.
-Excuse me, Mr. Creed. Just a second.
He watches your form in front of him seeing the black thong between your cheeks that peaked between getting the sensation he started to miss already.
-You want me to lose, dove?
He asks as he grins feeling his palm on his hard length trying to massage the hard-on away.
-Me, no. I'm just wearing this costume since I didn't go to the Halloween party. So this is my chance. It's not my fault you have a dirty mind.
-It's not that hard with a beautiful girl like you.
He knew how to rile you up.
-So you forfeit? You do remember your punishment.
Victor stands up walking to you slapping your check roughly as he smirks down at you.
-Being handcuffed while you ride me isn't that much as a punishment.
Steve Rogers
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For Steve, it's somewhat easy. He is always on a mission kilometers away from you. That also means when he comes back to you he is a beast... Until he accepted the bet. After a day passed since he came home he wanted to devour you.
-Ready to relinquish, captain?
You asked as you sat next to him on the couch dressed in your pajamas. You knew you didn't have to do much, he will crumble himself eventually.
He trailed off but you saw how hard he was, partially begging to take you.
-When you think about it if you lose it isn't that bad. Sure you would be handcuffed and you don't like to be submissive...
With that Steve grabs your hand yanking you to him so you sit comfortably on his dick.
-Who said I don't like to be submissive?
You kiss happily knowing that there is indeed something like a 'Submissive Captian'.
Bucky Barnes
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-Doll, I have been known in my days as 'James the Champ', which meant I NEVER lost.
You turn your gaze to him watching him through the glass as you applied your red lipstick as he leaned in the door frame.
-Well, of course, but you never went head to head with me.
Bucky rolls his eyes at your testimony as you walked towards him letting your steps be slow and seductive as your hands land on his shoulders.
-That means I'll just have to go to the girl's night out without my departure gift.
Bucky licks his lips finding it hard not to fuck you before you go, your usual tradition before you or him went. Always marking each other up to know how just lucky you are that the rest of the population.
-Looks like it.
He said slowly as he felt your fingers dance along his neck waiting for your kisses just below his ears. He closes his eyes focusing his hands trying to control his animalistic behavior from jumping out and losing the bet.
-I'll be home in a few hours.
You kissed his cheek and left your shared home for the first time ever since he came back from the mission. Closing the door Bucky jumps onto the bed discarding his pants and mixer and quickly getting to work.
Bucky stops for a second as he looks at his phone a new text message form you.
A photo.
Opening the photo it's a picture of him jerking off with the title being
'When I come home you prepare for your self for the punishment.'
Loki Laufeyson
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After spending almost an hour explaining Loki the No Nut November he was rather excited to try his limits. And the bet was just as sweet. He did always say that his mind is the strongest of anyone but you knew how to crack him. And now was the time.
Loki loved to help you cook especially when you bake a cake just for the fun of it. Taking the freshly whipped cream covered cake you dip your finger onto your slice of the cake totally forgetting the fork beside you and putting the whipped cream covered finger into your mouth letting the delicious moans be loud for Loki to hear.
Loki watched you torture him as he felt drool exiting from his open mouth.
The bet.
He needed to be strong, he is royalty they never give their power to others. Especially if they are his amazing and sexy lover.
You moaned as you looked at Loki as he shakes his groaned approval.
-Yes... You are.
Giggling at his blurb you walk to him pressing your body on his.
-Ready to forfeit, my King?
Loki sighs and for a split second he nods.
-Yes. I'm yours, my love.
Thor Odinson
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He loved challenges, he loved the pressure to succeed and prevail amongst other mortals that failed. And he was furthermore ready for the challenge. You were in it to make him beg for you. And you knew just about how.
-My darling, how about a kiss?
Thor asked as held you by your waist.
-I'm sorry, Thor. The bet is limited only to hugs other than that it's losing.
Thor sighs as he watched you walk away hoping that this will end soon.
-Y/n, my light, my moon... Can you bestow me kiss onto my aching lips?
Looking down at your kneeling boyfriend you laugh as you watch Tony enter.
-For fucks sakes. Thor just forfeit and get a room!
Tony screamed clearly irritated at the muscular God.
-But fellow Tony much is at stake.
-Just kiss her and get it over with. I'm tired of hearing your pending across the HQ.
-Forfeit Thor and I'm all yours.
Thor looks back at you and he nods to your words as he lands his lips on yours softly.
-Please, do go get a room!
Thor continued to kiss you as he carried you out of the living room leaving Tony to wash his eyes with soap.
Bruce Wayne
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He is the man, the detective, the toughest of tough. He can endure every pain and still make it on time to a date with you. But when a wager is in he is 10 times tougher. He is in it for the end line. But you were also stubborn as him, even more. This will be fun.
-Come on, Bruce. You possibly can't endure a whole month without feeling me. And my body.
Bruce looked at you as you swayed in your dress next to him watching the crowd of shallow rich species.
-Believe me, It's hard. But knowing I beat you in a bet is all the worthwhile. Plus, I have spent years in isolation so this will be easy.
Rolling your eyes at his ruling you walk away grabbing Olivers Queen and going to the center of the ballroom, in the perfect position in front of paparazzi, rich folk and Bruce.
-Ready to waltz, Oliver?
-Yeah, let's make some magic.
The dance was magical. You and Oliver moved in unions even better with Bruce but your eyes never left Bruce's figure. As the dance ended you pull out your leg from your high slit dress placing on Oliver's hip and giving a kiss on the cheek.
-Thank you.
-Always, temptress.
Walking back to Bruce you see his eyes locking onto your body and stoic expression he wastes no time in yanking you out of the room.
-Get ready to be punished, baby girl.
-Yes, sir.
Clark Kent
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Clark is a cinnamon roll, you can't deny that, but he is rough when he wants to so pulling an invisible brake on his libido is pure torture.
-You know that you can always forfeit.
You say softly hoping from him to give up since you are feeling frisky.
-I don't know. I want to but I also want to win this bet.
Kissing his cheek, almost near his lips you see the twitch in his neck as he tries to kiss you on the lips. You know just what he needs. Fuel this small fire.
-If you want to complete this bet you can do that. I'm not gonna stop you. I can always ask Bruce for some meaningless fun.
Clark sharply runs to you on his face shock.
-Or maybe Arthur, or maybe even Diana. I am feeling very much frisky.
Clark shakes his head as his hands grip your waist and pulling you on his lap as his hands roughly grip your boobs.
-You are going to regret saying Bruce's name. I'll make you forget it.
-Prove it.
Arthur Curry
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Arthur is filled with happiness and he very much finds joy in making you feel amazing. So proposing the bet he was against it. He himself knew that he won't last even 3 days without touching you.
-Maybe I'll accept the bet if you add something more.
-What do you propose?
-You being in a sexy costume of my choosing for 2 days.
Arthur grins at the idea.
-Fine. But if you lose. You'll fulfill my fantasy of choosing.
Arthur nods feeling excited as he shakes your hand, starting the challenge. A days pass and you knew how much he wanted to win even going so far to sleeping on the couch. He wanted to win so bad but seeing you exit the shower as he entered he just could not look away from your marvelous body, wanting to pinch your booty and massage your tense muscles.
He started to lose his cool. It was apparent. You saw it and somehow enjoyed seeing him squirm.
-You alright, Art?
He looked at you like a hurry and horny wolf (mostly horny)
-No. Want. To. Touch. So. Bad.
He slurped like a zombie as he watched your lips wind up in a smile. So kissable.
-You can. But there are consequences.
You walk to him at an arm's length not touching him just torturing him by the small insignificance distance.
-Come on, Arthur. You can't go on like this.
He huffs like a bear as he steps closer kissing your lips with so much need you almost fell on the floor he wasn't holding you tightly.
-Fine, you win but now I get my way.
Orm Marius
Orm wanted to touch you it was a fact but having a challenge for him as a prince was tantalizing. He wanted to try it and he was wrong he didn't understand the power you had on him and made his task a nightmare in his words at least.
-Y/n can you not be so sensual, beloved? I'm trying my hardest.
He pleaded hoping for you to change out of his shirt into your pajamas.
-I don't see the problem. I always wear it and you love it.
-I do! That's the issue. You are enticing me.
Snickering at him you walk to him standing in front of him as he sat on his chair.
-Well, then how about you get on your knees and worship me.
Orm gulps feeling his dick hardening at your command. He loved it when you took control and he lived when he submitted to you. It was like a drug. He doesn't answer as he drops to his knees in front of you looking up hopeless.
-Yes, my goddess.
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-You want to chain me?! Chain the sex machine?! Are you crazy?
-It's not an order. Just a bet. You can decline it. It thought it would be fun.
-It's on.
After that J was focused and loaded as he focused on his 'gangster' work. After countless tries of seducing him in his office in his favorite lingerie. You took a break. To gather yourself and think of a new plan.
Got it.
As the night enrolled you walked into J's club dressed in a small red dress and walking past J's private club section. Only winking at him as he discussed business with another gangster. Going straight to the bar and sitting pretty it doesn't take long from the moths to come to the flame.
-Can I buy you a drink?
Many men ask as you lean on the bar table and seeing the bartender behind you butting in.
-Gentlemen, Y/n is...
-Its okay Mark. Let them be.
Mark nods obediently handing you your drink. After a while, you see Joker walking to you pushing away the men from you.
-Scarm before I kill you here.
The men run away and you smile at your man.
-You are very clever, luring me in with other men so I get jealous and fuck you hard.
-Did it work?
-Yes, princess. Prepare for the punishment of your life.
-And you too.
Duncan Vizla
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-Y/n you should know that I am trained to be tougher than the average person. This puny bet won't affect me in the slightest.
Smiling at Duncan you counter his statement.
-I know but when people are told something they tend to the opposite. Something like the apple in the Garden.
-Are you pulling Biblical reference to get me on board with the bet?
After that deal, you made sure he saw you every second. If he was in the kitchen you were there to help, if he was in the bathroom you needed an 'urgent bath'. When he sat in his leather chair you purposefully bend down to pick up anything that fell, accidentally. Even when sleeping. You were purposefully sleep talking small words that he wanted to hear.
-More Duncan... Faster... I'm yours... Mark me...
He was a tough nut to crack but it will be worthwhile. Just a little more. A few days passed being completely impressed by Duncan's steel will. As you walked into the house you see Duncan cooking his eyes looking solely one the scrambled eggs.
-You good, Duncan?
You ask as you watch Duncan turn to you pulling himself to you like on a string.
-In a way. A HARD way.
Moving your gaze down you see Duncan hard-on poking out of his pants.
-Need help with that?
You ask hoping for Duncan to nod and fuck you right here in the kitchen. Of course, as you tried to seduce Duncan and being left empty-handed was also hard on you leaving you wet and wanting more of his distant touch.
-Time is passing Mr. Vizla and your problem is still here. You know how it can be solved.
Duncan smiles viciously as he pushes you against the fridge. His rough lips smacking against yours as your ears pick up the calling of his belt.
-You are in a ride, prepare yourself Y/n.
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Frosty Fear and the Fury of Flames (Dragonshifter! Shouto x Reader) Part 3
Part 2 ^
Hahaha, a part 3 for you??? It’s more likely than you’d think. This is actually kinda fun to write in parts, although it takes me a while. I have a few requests waiting to be answered still and that kinda bums me out still. Gonna be getting a lot more of Todoroki though. Haha… I like fire boys. Also, if you can’t tell. I really want to play dnd.
Tw: Yandere, Nightmares, Slight Gore
2.1k Words
“Bakugou, are you sure about this? I mean-” 
“Did I ask for your opinion, Shitty hair? Come on, get that damn wimp ready to go. We’re going to need to get out of here if we are going to get them away from that damn dragon.” The grimace on his face as deeper set than usual as you were forced to pack up with the others yet again.
They were going to abandon their mission, since there were other things they could do. That was what Bakugou told you at least, you had a feeling that none of the jobs in this tavern were worth half as much to the group as the one involving Shouto was. Still, you were grateful that they wanted you to stay and that you could be useful to them.
You couldn’t stop the sinking feeling though as you knew that getting farther away would be good, but also… They had to do something like give up the goal they had been working towards to assist you. 
The morning was still dark, no sun peaked on the horizon as the birds only just began singing their morning songs. The bags were packed and soon you were all ready to go by the time the sky began to lighten. You would be heading east and down the mountains a good ways until you got to the plains, travelling for about two weeks before stopping in another city called White Fields. Something was said about dangerous rock formations that would cause small landslides and magic folk you couldn't talk to. Not much rest would be allowed, wanting to get as far as possible from the mountains and desert. If luck was on their side, they would be out of reach by that point, since Shouto was still unable to travel that far from what you have learned. Something about territory disputes and bad blood.
That was the plan and you were praying to whatever would listen that it would work. 
"Are you ready, (Y/N)? We had better get going." Mina spoke from the doorway of the little room of the inn. Her face showed a bit of concerned and you realized you had been scratching a bit at your arm. You hurriedly covered the scratches and grabbed the sack with your more material belongings, the golden jewelry, things you had taken from the cave. Following her out to the boys, you all got moving as you walked out of town. 
The place where the sun rose was your destination. Going throughout the day. The further day the mountains, the darker the forests and the colder it was. It was a bit misty out with the morning still being new. The winter would hit quickly this year and you could tell. At least it would here. The cold air from last night seemed to be cradled here. Your arm hairs prickled as you all walked. 
It was as you pulled your arms closer to yourself that you heard Denki speaking, "Hey, you look… like you might want this." He pulled off the warm yellow cloak he had worn throughout the time you had seen him and offered to hand it to you.
"Oh- It's nothing. I'll be fine… The sun will warm me up soon enough. You know I'm not a princess though, so you probably shouldn't call me that." You said with a tiny fake smile. "I appreciate the offer though."
"Aw, maybe I shouldn't call you princess then. No princess holds a candle to you anyways! You have to be the product of some goddess of beauty." He laughed as you couldn't stop the heat rushing to your face, "Don't be so shy. I'm just teasing you. Though you do make a cute face when you're embarrassed. Still, you should take it. I'll be fine without it for a minute."
"Kaminari, I swear to all the gods that I will shove so many rocks into your mouth, if you don't stop flirting. You'll be shitting so many rocks that you could put it on a resume." Bakugo was throwing nonsense threats and this just resulted in some laughter as you had never heard a threat more ridiculous. It was like it was written by someone who didn't actually know how to properly threaten people or something. 
Ah yes. That is me. The narrator, who cannot narrate without getting sidetracked. Now, watching you and the group laugh… The tension of impending doom is nowhere to be found as you all walk the beginnings of the mountains' autumnal scenery. The yellow cloak draped on your shoulders as you continued and Denki at your side, chatting idly with you. His presence and the conversation taking the pressure of the situation away. It seemed he was an expert, being a bard. Something told you to be careful though. The stereotype with musicians and their unfaithfulness… 
There was more time to mull over the prospect later, but you also just found him so jolly. It was a real treat. Going through the day, nothing happened. It was painfully boring event-wise, tiring, but you made progress. You had begun to feel uneasy, despite Kaminari distracting. Something was lurking in the forests, in the trees. Everything seemed about as turned around for you as a spinning carnival mirror maze. 
Sero, Kiri, and Mina seemed to have had no problem as you were led by them. The group was much closer together now and the laughter began to cease. Night would come and the wish to leave these mountains was becoming louder within your head. It was eerie.
No one spoke much while the dark branches of nearly black barked pines hung above with their ruddy red leaves. The silver of the wood beneath was visibly upon some broken branches and on the stumps that you would sometimes pass on the thinning path. They looked unpleasantly rough to touch. Small barbs lining the branches and serving as more than a small warning to be careful around them. 
Soon the light would go, so Kiri found a spot around where some trees had fallen and sat up a fire for the night, while you picked up anything on the ground to make it less rocky. It was also handy for you to get more sticks for the fire. These trees burned infamously easy. A single mistake with a fire and it could go up in minutes, but it would burn for a long time. It was not usual for anyone to cut any down due to the inhabitants though and the consequences. You didn't know what they were and you weren't about to try to find out by harming the forest. 
Dinner was easy, still being able to have some good leftovers from the inn. You had to eat them all today, but it was still going to be fuel until the next time you went to eat fresh food, cooked by someone else at least.
Denki couldn't help lightening the mood as he pulled out his stringed instrument and started playing a lovely song… It was familiar, somehow. You struggled to think of what it was called, but you knew the words. It was peaceful and it definitely seemed to help Mina perk up again as she began talking with Sero. Bakugo seemed less irritable as he ate, the music must calm the beast. You couldn't help the smile that came on your face at that thought.
Singing along probably wouldn't keep him calm, but you oh so wanted to… It would be a little embarrassing, but others might join in.
So you did. It was time to have some fun.
You hummed along and started singing, 
"How much is love worth?
Yet, we're giving it for free.
Didn't cost a penny, but
I've gained everything.
I'd do anything to make her smile
My darling
My darling
If only she would look out
Of that dreamy little world
She would then see
That while I am no prince
And will make her crazier than me
I would never quit to admit I'm wrong
I'd always get on her nerves,
She would hate the way I eat
And only then it's worse.
I'd complain about her mother
Even though she's quite alright
I won't stop til I see her blush
Red in the dead of night.
An immoral proposition
If not only for a tease
But I have some qualities
that put her mind at ease.
I love her more than the sea does a shore
As the sun does the horizon,
Unafraid to come back home
And get her blood arising 
Kiss her face and hold her hand
I'll never let her go.
I'm lucky that she loves it
Where I'd be without it, who would know
That she likes to feel the spite
That even though I mess around
I'm in her bed tonight 
Of my darling,
My darling
My darling
Not doing as the birds and bees 
But holding on her hand,
Kissing at her face
And saying things for show
Her pretty crimson blush
Cause when I see it, then I know
That the hand life dealt
Was a royal flush."
Denki sang with you as the others watch, some la's and humming as you got up with a spin. The swirl of your dress and body as you sang out each part with more confidence. Mina laughed when you would dance and Kirishima was keeping the beat.
After a while, the singing stopped and soon the group started to settle in. 
Bakugo took first watch with Kirishima, Sero and Denki. Then Mina and you. Only because of practicality. It was to be in three hour shifts. It was when you laid down on your bed roll and cover yourself with a blanket you had been given. The night would be cold, but the fire was big enough to warm you as you sleep. As soon as you eyes closed, you were out. A day of travelling made you more than ready to sleep. It was a wonderful thing to sleep with good dreams, but you seemed to lack any dreams lately.
Not tonight.
You woke up in an ashen forest. Smoke choked life as blue flames rose in the distance. It snowed. You could hardly distinguish the ash from the snow until it would either burn you or melt on your skin. Getting up was impossible, the burning branch crushed your legs.
The acrid smell of burnt hair and smoke. It stung your eyes as you tried to tears away while coughing. You just couldn't stop coughing. "Please! Please! Denki?! Mina!" 
You were crying and struggling. The wood was too heavy and you could see the blood on the snow. You were bleeding heavily. It hurt. It hurt.
"Somebody help me! Please! I don't want to die." You couldn't stop the tears as you thrashed about. Soon you stopped though. A growl sounding above you. Blue eyes and blackened scales, injuries beyond counting.
El diablo azul. The shivering continued as you looked up, nothing short of full blown trembling as he snorted hot air over you and knocked the branch away. Draconic was spoken to you as you scrambled back from him. It was deep and grumbling, not hissing or growling like the words spoken by Endeavor or Shouto. 
"I don't under- understand. Thank you though…" You couldn't look away from those blue eyes as they seemed to glint with amusement before the great black wings beat against the air. Smoke and snow getting caught up as he was off again and soaring over the burning forest. Lying in the snow though, you wouldn't be able to get up. Maybe he wanted to give you a chance to survive. So you pulled yourself up and began to walk through the blizzard, blood oozing from your thigh and ash caked on your skin. You weren't going to make that help mean nothing.
Though, you were confident. You looked up to see something far worse than the fire ahead. Red and white scales. Shouto was coming for you. 
Blinking your eyes open as you were shaken awake. Sweat coated your body while you panted, "Stop- Stop! Please."
It was as you jolted up, you saw Denki looking with fear at you. His hands had been shaking you awake and scrambled away. Out of breath as you looked around frantically. "Shshshh, You need to be quiet. You're attracting too much attention. You were screaming in your sleep. What in the world were you dreaming about…?"
"Nothing, it was nothing, Denki… Just a bad dream. I um, I'll take the rest of your shift if you want to go back to sleep. I don't think I can…" You murmurred. 
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trashyeggroll · 4 years
2, 15, 29, 36, 40, 63, 64, 66, 76 (can be any system not just PC), 81, 94, and 96. Why are you adding banking to the Post Office? Who's the nominee at this point without Joe; I'm not a fan of him just being the nod either but admit now I'll vote because I'm not into the behavior we've seen.
Hey rhanks anon!! 😇🤩😁
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm?
Oh heavens yes, but I don’t recommend it. You teach people bad habits that way and then you’re never gonna get off!
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
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Specifically, beef pho with meatballs (phở tái bò viên)
29. Dumbest lie you ever told?
🤔🤔🤔 I’ve told a lot of bad ones but I guess once I told my parents I went to a football game (& went to make out in my gf’s Jeep instead) and I misunderstood what my friend reporting back said, so I said we lost when they were watching a news clip saying we won 🤪
36. What would you name your daughter/son?
We plan on having one (1) kid, and regardless of sex assigned at birth, their name is gonna be Emerson. We have to hurry bc my cousins are coming close, they’ve already had kids named Eleanor and Evelyn.
40. What was the last gift you gave?
For our upcoming anniversary, I got us one of those WiFi connected, standalone air filters that mrs t has wanted for awhile (given, y’know... five pets!)
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?
I’ma combo these to reject the premise of a same/opposite sex to me, personally, and because I generally am irritated by the same root behaviors that reflect in different ways depending on socialization—
1. When the cishets get married and all of a sudden are very 😇 I am a GOD FEARING woman and OBEY MY HUSBAND (& worse when the husband is posting that shit about his wife)
2. People who act like having a kid is nbd and they don’t need to do any research or planning into doing a halfway decent job. I’m not talking about those who struggle with other oppressive issues like poverty, addiction etc, and I’m not saying you need to have access to classes and books and the best preschools—just, the baseline solidly stable people who seem so committed to passing on the emotionally abusive behaviors they learned from their parents w/o ever questioning it
3. Denim jeans with designs on the butt. I disagree with the lifestyle, but I’ll respect it if you’re into that 😉
66. How would you describe your bad side?
I’m a shutdown-er. Usually if I haven’t been sleeping enough or been bad with my meds, something smallish will set me off and I’ll spiral emotions and then just pull the failsafe switch when it gets too much. 😕 I’m working on it! Helps to practice identifying what’s caused the spiral and talk about it. Also to sleep 😴
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? (anon said any system!)
I have Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch systems, no gaming PC, but that spread pretty much covers everything 😌 The Mass Effect games are my all time faves but I also love Witcher 3 and RDR2!
81. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I have a secret trail of abandoned blogs going back to about 2009
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?
Not really, not the way the kids watch YouTube, and I don’t know if he counts but—
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96. What is the meaning of life?
I’m not religious and not even really that spiritual but have you ever sat around with a big group of people who love and support each other unconditionally, family or friends or comrades?
Why are you adding banking to the Post Office?
The unbanked and credit invisible population of the United States are shut out of services and access to funds for absolutely arbitrary reasons, and there’s no social safety net for that. There’s no way, other than money and time, for most people to enter the US financial system, much less begin to build wealth in the first place.
The USPS already has the physical presence throughout the United States to serve poor and unbanked people as a banking branch, and with government backing, they should offer zero fee, no credit check required checking accounts to everyone.
More on this here
Who’s the nominee right now without Joe?
Pie in the sky: Can I get, uhhhh, President Stacey Abrams, VPOTUS Julian Castro, Secretary of Treasury Warren, Secretary of Housing and Urban Devepment AOC
Reality: How about Joe drops out and either encourages the delegates to vote for his next choice, or for the 1st/2nd place from their state? I don’t think there’s a winning way to do this but Joe needs to Go. I’m sick of talking about Bidens and Clintons and if we had any real leadership in the “established” wing of the Democratic Party, he never would have run in the first place. Just different flavors of the same old rich white people in both parties and trying real hard to kill us all
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hobiheavenly · 6 years
Karma’s Cravings pt. 3 (MYG)
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✧ Min Yoongi x Reader
✧ Multichapter, Coffee Shop AU, E2L
✧ Warnings: multiple orgasms, cunnilingus (female receiving), penetration, slight dirty talk, slight angst
✧ Word Count: 4.3K
✧ Summary: Your life is going idyllically with your business with the exception of having to work with Min Yoongi who disapproves of your comercial tactics. but when one day a medium tells you he is to be the love of your life you are quick to shut her down but running away from fate can come with cause consequences.
✧ A/N: I DELIVER ONTO THEE THE SMUT! I’m sorry about the ending tho because I promise I want to prolong this a little more. Which means Yoongi and OC will be idiots for now... pls don’t hate me ;n;)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
You could see it in his eyes. It was only a matter of time for it. Yoongi had a dark look in his eyes and he seemed to have them dead set on you. The passion and the desire threatening to devour you in the process.
“Take our clothes off?” Yoongi asked “But ___, we haven't even kissed”
Yoongi gave you a seductive smile that shook you to the core. His eyes made you weak and all you could do is just sit there, mouth agape. He was getting closer and closer to you leaving you with nowhere to run. Moreover, you didn’t want to run. You couldn't move, body not responding to what your brain was ordering.
“We can take this slow if you want ____” his whisper made his voice drop lower, causing you to tremble.
The way your name comes out from his lips is sinful. Deep, sexy, and hypnotic. You tried to wake up from what can only be described as an attack to your emotions and your sex deprived pussy.
“What I tried to say was…..” But you didn't even finish your sentence. Yoongi abruptly kissed your lips, his lips plush lips moving on top of yours slowly and seductively. He embraced you, holding you close to him and instinctively you put your hands on his hard chest. Letting yourself go with the sensations that were forming in your mind, you let his masterful tongue explore your mouth and let go of all the emotions you had tried unsuccessfully to suppress. When he broke the kiss you both had to breathe heavily to recover the air missing air from your lungs.
“Ok, what was that?” You asked completely confused.
“Other than something amazing, I have no clue” Yoongi smiled as he saw directly into your eyes once again. He didn't know why he did it but he had felt better. All that pressure was going to kill him and when he kissed you he felt free, but there was a part of him that wanted more.
“Do you usually kiss every woman like that?” You smirked.
“No, only those who invite me to take our clothes off.”
“What I meant to say was that we should put on some dry clothes and take these off. But if you want to catch a cold, by all means.”
Yoongi smirked and separated from you as you tried to get off the counter. "She seems to enjoy torturing me" Yoongi thought a bit irritated. He tried to recover from what just happened and he looked as you walked to the phone. Your hips seemed to sway with a seductive rhythm while walking and the wet pants were still stuck to your skin making your butt look plump and round.
“As I was saying, it’s best we get naked so we can change out of these damp clothes and put on something dry before we get sick” You suggested.
“Yes, but unfortunately I don't carry around a spare change of clothes and I'm thinking you don't have men's clothes either”
“I don't have spare clothes, but my mannequins do so we can just use that.”
“Hell no! I prefer the suggestion of getting naked” Yoongi smiled trying to grab your hips and he hugged you “and while we are at it we can do other things”.
“Of course” you tried to turn around to see him. There was something enjoyable about the way he nestled his arms around you and the feeling of being in his arms. He kissed your neck sweetly as if he tried to convince you of the idea, and truth be told the idea didn’t seem so bad. Damn your conscience for waking up in the worst moment…
“NOT! What we should do is call the Car Association so they can help us with our cars and get some dry clothes and get a cookie while I'm at it. Now if you don't want to put on some dry clothes, feel free to stay in our wet clothes and get a cold. But you are not getting naked while I'm around.”
You pushed him away and went to the window where the male and female mannequins were and took off the clothes. It was more like lingerie but they were still useful pajamas. Hers was a red negligee that seemed to be a little small for you, and his was a black pajama bottom shorts (bordering on boxers) with a matching robe that had little red hearts printed all over.
“Hell no I am not going to put that on!” Yoongi said.
“Suit yourself” You shrugged “Get a cold for all I care.”
“Has anyone ever told you how obnoxious you are?”
“And has anyone ever told you that you whine too much? God! Now I'm remembering all the reasons why I don't like you!”
Yoongi kept looking at the pajama that you threw at him as you had went out back to grab a phone and call for help. He had gotten a little frustrated after seeing how much he had suffered inside just so you could blow him away. But even when you tried to ignore it, he could see you had been shocked and moved by his kiss. You had let loose just like he did and had enjoyed it. So then, why were you pulling away from him?
His mind came back for a second, eyes still looking at the ridiculous and tight pajama with little red hearts. There was no way on earth he was going put on that pajama! No way in hell…..
Yoongi couldn't believe he was actually wearing that stupid pajama. If Hoseok saw him he would be dying of laughter, especially considering that it’s his fault Yoongi was going through all this in the first place. If he hadn't told him that you were a good choice for him and that he needed a woman he wouldn't be having these thoughts about you.
No, there is someone else. Madame Karma! Somehow she did something. He might not be a believer of bad luck and curses, but maybe she was the one who stole his gasoline and made your car die out. And maybe she made the battery of both cell phones die out.
Yes it seemed easy to blame someone. But something in his mind made him think that this was all his fault, for not knowing how to control his needs. Yoongi didn't want you to see the lack of female entertainment he had. Though it seemed fun to see if you were up to the type of entertainment he desired to have.
You came back with a tray with two cups of coffee and a plate of cookies. There was a small cup with milk and a cup with sugar. As you put it on a coffee table in front of the sofa, you could feel Yoongi gaze still fixed on you. The red negligee you wore made you show your long silky legs. Unfortunately the size was tad bit small for your curves, almost showing your butt as you placed the tray on the table.
“Nice pajama” You smiled “glad to see you didn't want to get a cold.”
“Yes well you don't look so bad yourself” Yoongi looked at you up and down as he sat down on the sofa. He was sure the image of you in that negligee was gonna burn in his mind forever and be the star of many of his fantasies.
“Yes well I'm a size bigger than this but it's a good thing the fabric stretches” you said while trying to pull down the dress so it could cover some part of your legs, in vain “I called the Car Association and they told me that they would be here in a couple of hours. How would you like your coffee?”
“I want some decaf, I don't want to lose the sleep at night.”
“Don't worry I used decaf. I don't want to lose sleep either. Sugar?”
“One of sugar and very little milk” Yoongi grabbed his cup once it was prepared as you offered a cookie which he accepted. He remembered the way you had told him about the cookie, "BITE ME" you had said. And thinking about it now, it didn't seem like such a bad idea.
“Why don't you tell me about yourself?” You suggested, clearly needing a distraction from imagining him naked and in your arms. Yoongi looked at you puzzled, “You said I don't know you much so why don't you tell me about yourself.”
“Well there isn't much to say. I live alone and I mostly stick to my work. I don't have any family around so it’s just myself. Hoseok and I used to live together but he moved to another apartment close to his other job. I just don't have time for socializing. But Hoseok insists I get a woman or something like that.”
“I see” You sipped of your coffee “You seem to have the same thing as I do. Seokjin and his boyfriend insist so much about how I should get a boyfriend and well right now I just love my job so much I don't think I need to get a man. It's not like I haven't gone out on dates, but they always end up being too self-centered or too stupid or too nerdy. I have to say that if i were to choose between being with those guys or being alone, I prefer to be alone.”
“We finally agree on something” Yoongi chuckled “do you live on your own too?”
“Yeah, well after I told my father that I was going to start a coffee shop business he didn't seem to be very happy with it. So I started to get my independence and I moved out of my parents' house. Like you I was living with my friend Namjoon but after I introduced him to Seokjin. The two of them fell deeply in love and just made me feel like a bad third wheel. Don’t get me wrong I love them wholeheartedly and they’re my best friends, but there’s so much I can take of them having sex in the next room without loosing it. So now I live alone in a cute little studio. And what about you? Why do you live all alone?”
“My parents live in Daegu and they are sweet and simple people. My father particularly is a practical man, he owns small businesses and always told me strive for the same practicality he had developed so i wouldn’t struggle. At one point in my life I wanted to pursue music but when my dad found out he got rather pissed” Yoongi sighed, remembering the anger in his father's eyes, the disappointment him his mother's face.
“They kept saying it was only gonna lead me to a poor life. In the end, since my older brother decided on a different career path that was still acceptable to parents eyes, I followed in my father's steps. My mother seemed so proud of me when she saw me graduate from a career I had no interest in. But I never wanted to destroy that gleam in her eyes so I just kept doing this. I miss them from time to time but I manage to visit every so often.”
You looked at the man who you thought you knew all this time as an asshole and an idiot only to find a tender and loving man sitting in front of you. So there was more to this informal clone than meets the eye. To say that you were surprised at his confession was an understatement.
“I am so sorry” You said compassionately “I had no idea. No wonder you seem so tough.”
“Looks like you’re looking for more compliments” Yoongi smiled “Well ___, you are a very strong woman. And I have to say that you look spectacular in that dress.”
“You are only saying that so you can get another cookie” you laughed nervously trying to shake it off as one of his jokes, not wanting to show how much the compliment had really affected you.
“True but I still think so” Yoongi said giving you a sexy smile that caused your face to turn red as a tomato.
You turned around and tried to get the image of Yoongi naked, kissing you and making you scream in pleasure out of your mind. It didn't matter what that damn medium said, Yoongi is not your soul mate and you are NOT attracted to him.
"LIAR" a voice in your mind said as you scolded yourself, "Stop thinking of him like that, stop thinking of him in any way possible!"
You got back the cookie that was shaped like pair of lips and you extended it to him. “Here you go. Bite me!”
Yoongi grabbed your hand and he got up very close to you. “I think you should change the name of the cookie” Yoongi whispered in her ear, his deep tone creating a ticklish chill to spread all over your body.
“And what do you have in mind?”
“Kiss me” you could imagine his devilish smile as he uttered the words in your ear.
“Ok” was all you could say. That man took the words away from her without even thinking.
“Suddenly you agree with everything”
“That's what happens when a sexy guy talks sweetly into my ears” you blush deepened “ok then, kiss me!”
“And indeed I shall” he growled in response.
Yoongi got close to your lips and trapped them with his. He grabbed you again around him so you wouldn't escape this time. You felt the room spin and lose control of everything once more. It was addicting to feel him, the taste of the bitter coffee still lingering in his mouth. You grabbed onto to his neck as your legs wobbled, you weren’t going to last long. He started to taste the skin of your neck to your cleavage. There wasn’t any need to touch your breast with his hand, just the feeling of his lips on your skin was enough to have your nipples become hard.
“Yoongi, I am not going to last much like this” You said very softly.
“You’re right” Yoongi kept kissing you but he saw around the room “wanna see if your counter can support both our weight?”
Words had escaped your mind so you only nodded and he carried you once again to the counter. As you sat there, legs open feeling his increasing hard on press against your opening causing a moan escape your mouth. He began to kiss your lips passionately once again, both of you devouring each other with yearning as if every moment, every kiss would be the last. You wrapped your legs around his waist closing whatever distance there was left, as he was pulling the straps of your dress down.
Yoongi kissed your skin as you grabbed onto his shoulders and leaning your head back so he would have a better access of your body. Once your breasts were free, negligee covering only your hips down, he kissed each mound delicately causing your nipples to harden with the cool air and the sensation of his hands and lips on you.
Yoongi enjoyed the sensitivity you had to his touch, pleasured in the thought that the moans you were so deliciously exclaiming from your lips were caused by him alone bringing a sense of pride in him.
“Your skin is just as I imagined it” Yoongi said softly against you “it tastes of sugar and flowers. Delicious!”
“Oh, so you have been imagining this” you smiled seductively.
“Oh yes, and you don't know how much I have been wanting to taste you here” he touched your arms, “and here” he kissed your breasts “and very much here!”
Yoongi extended his hand all the way to your legs, to the center of your heat. You understood immediately what he tried to say. Instinct overtook you causing a certain shyness as he touched the outside skin of your cunt but it only took him one more deep kiss to dissolve all mental insecurity. Once he gained access, Yoongi opened his eyes wide and smiled.
“You aren't wearing nothing underneath” he said in a hot, husky voice. Yoongi’s fingers manages to take access of your already wet and hot pussy and dexterously finds
your clit tracing circles around it, playing with it like the button of a game console and you were his play game. The movement was sure to cause a sweet delightful moan to escape cursing the gods at how good that felt.
“I didn't think….ah….I would need it” you were struggling to think but with him touching you that way you were barely thinking straight “can’t believe this feels so good”
“Do you doubt my sexual abilities?” Yoongi introduces a nipple in his mouth, his tongue slowly dragging and licking them. This man is out to make you crazy. The mix of having him play with the sensitivity of both your clit and your nipple was enough to have you squirming and moving your hips back and forth.
“An office man who spends 75 percent of the time scowling shouldn’t be THIS good at sex” you joked, only causing him to increase the speed of his fingers causing you to scream at the increasing waves pleasure. You were close to the edge, so close you were just in the brink of deep diving into an orgasm, when suddenly Yoongi’s lips abandon your breast, slowly slithers down to your crotch, and smiles devilishly.
“Lucky for you, I love to prove people wrong”
If you were already dying of pleasure, it only took only stroke of his tongue in your clit to have you plunge into the most mind boggling orgasm you ever had in your life. Your thighs were trembling as Yoongi’s head was still between them. He grabs them with his hands to keep them still at the risk of you almost asphyxiating him trying to shut them close by instinct. In no moment does his tongue stop stroking your folds, eating you up like a starving man, drinking your fluids as if they were ambrosia in his mouth.
“So tasty…” You could see Yoongi’s mouth shining bright with your cum. You pulled him back to where you were as you kissed him again. Knowing well that if he stayed there any longer you continue driving you mad. He only kept kissing you till you were left without any air, lips swollen and the taste of your cum lingering in your mouth. You pulled his pajama bottom deciding that it wasn’t fair that only one of you to was so indecently naked but you were met with yet another surprise. Revealing that not only did he not have any underwear as well but his dick sprung out making your eyes widen at the sight. To say that Yoongi was well endowed was an understatement. The image of his hard cock making your mouth water.
“Holy shit your beautiful” you whispered.
“But not like you” Yoongi said “are you sure you want this?” Always a gentleman who asks for permission even when you know well enough he’s at the verge of losing his mind. He grabbed your chin and made head raise and see him eye to eye. “Use your words, Baby”
It was such a cute term of endearment that coming from his lips seemed foreign to you but delightful. You get close to him, your breath tickling his ear as you say in low husky voice, “Min Yoongi, I want your thick throbbing cock inside my wet hot pussy.”
You were never much for dirty talk. The words just naturally escaped your lips as if you’ve been saying them for a lifetime but as soo. As they were out there being heard by Yoongi your cheeks turned a deep red, a reaction that didn’t go unnoticed by him.
The man kissed your shoulder and touched the skin of your back causing a shiver to run all over. You just closed her eyes and let him do all the exploring he wanted. At this point he could fuck the everloving lights out of you and you wouldn’t mind. He grabbed something from his pocket, put on a condom as he continued to kiss your skin.
“Yoongi, I need you inside me…please…” you breathed heavily.
“As you wish my dear” Yoongi said positions his cock right in your hot entrance. The movement is slow but having your pussy all wet after your first orgasm helped the entrance of his cock a much smoother experience. You could feel him filling your walls, initially with a little bit of pain but soon it was replaced by delicious pleasure.
In a matter of minutes the pace increases quickly growing the intensity of each thrust. Perhaps it was the lack of sexual activity for both of you but it was euphoric to have each other become one. The tightness of your cunt welcoming his throbbing cock as if the gods themselves sang in heaven for this hot, dirty and wild reunion of your bodies.
You looked at Yoongi as he entered you, a drop of sweat starting to roll down his temple. His eyes were darkened with that intense desire you saw before but now the fire in his stare had increased to hellish levels. “Fuck I’ve been wanting to do this for so long! Who’s offering a slow trip to pleasure now?”
The reminder of your first encounter had been long forgotten but the phrase switched all memories on. To think he remembered after all this time made you smile in tenderness but the feeling was soon fucked away. His thrust become hard causing you to cry and whimper in an exquisite pain. “If I would have known….it was this good… I would have fucked you right that moment” you pant breathlessly meeting his hips with each trust.
The ripples of the oncoming orgasm was coming too soon for both of you. “That’s it baby, cum on my fucking cock” the obscene command echoed in your mind. Your mind, your body, your feelings and sensations were all in this man's hands. Your mind was drowning in the feeling, drowned in Yoongi…Yoongi… Yoongi….
“YOONGI” You screamed as your body convulsed in an overwhelming orgasm peaked all over your body, eyes opening wide rolling back as you were set in this high.
It was heaven, it was madness, it was bliss, it was sin. All at the same time. The orgasm you felt before was nothing compared to the feeling of coming on Yoongi’s dick,
It didn’t take long for him to follow after you. His final thrusts becoming sloppy and uncoordinated until he releases his cum while inside you. You kissed his temples tasting the salty taste of his sweat and holding him tightly against you. Both of you didn’t want to let go of the moment, basking in the sexual afterglow.
“It’s too perfect!” You thought.
Suddenly they heard a something ring. Yoongi and you opened your eyes to see Yoongi’s pager go off. Seriously he must be the only person in existence to actually use one of those other than a doctor. He slowly let you go and went to grab the dreaded device.
“Damn, it's my boss” Yoongi rubbed his temples. As your mind settled in a thousand thoughts came running through. Almost like destiny...like karma…was this truly destiny though? Did Yoongi even like you or was it just the suggestive idea that brought forth interest of love and sex? And it wasn’t even love because he never said those words... neither did you. He turned around saw a disappointed frown grow on your face as you grabbed your clothes, “wait what are you doing?”
“Yoongi, I want you to be completely honest. If Madame Karma hadn’t told us that we were soulmates would you have made love to me?”
Would he? He knew he was attracted to you since the first day but it was only attraction. He wanted to say yes. But he himself wasn’t sure if what he felt was love. Never having experiences it makes it harder to distinguish. You take his silence as a sufficient answer.
“I know that what we just had was good, but is this really what we truly want or just what we think we want only because it was introduced to our mind? Plus I have my life and my coffee shop you’re my manager, that wouldn’t be the best thing to do professionally. I can't let you stop your job because of me. And even when all of this was amazing, I know we are very different from one another.”
“So you are regretting it” Yoongi tried to conclude.
“No it's not that! This had to happen sooner or later” You blushed “I admit I was hoping we would. But we work together, it would be a bit hard for us.”
“Let’s forget this” Yoongi said coldly, “you’re right, you work under me. Professionally it would not be wise” It sounded a bit harsh but it was true, this would make their work relation worse than what it already was. He got his clothes back on and for the rest of the night maintained a cordial silence between each other. Thankfully it didn’t last long since the car aids came just a few moments later. Once they had their cars fixed, they both went their different ways.
"Yes" you thought "Its best we kept our distance"
"Can't say I failed" Yoongi thought "I must have fallen in the temptation of the night. I mean it is Valentines Day. Even so…"
"I am never going to forget this night no matter how hard I try" you both thought.
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shall-we-imagine · 6 years
Scaredy Cat. (Badboy!SigurdxReader)
Bet you weren't expecting this, huh.
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Requested: 26. "All due respect, but that's a bunch of crap." From the prompt list.
A/N: Badboy!Klaus was quite popular so why not try this? 🤷‍♀️idk how to write proper bad boys so spare me I'm trying 😂 this is also a bit of an idol AU? 😂 you can call me artist; you can call me idol sorry I'm actually loving the BTS comeback even though a lot of people don't...aannd that's not the right place to discuss this I'll shut up. Moving on.
Genre: Fluff.
(Second Person Point of View)
Being friends with an idol had its pros and cons. On one hand, it led to you being friends with all his group mates, and it also scored you dates with other idols. On the other hand, you barely get to even see your friend; it's always video calls, and even those aren't as often as you'd like. But what can you do? As long as he's following his dream, you're happy for him.
Sometimes, however, you wish you could just have him around whenever you need him. He's always very caring towards you, but he can't help it that he's busy. So, sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with your own problems yourself. Or do you?
Pacing around the living room, you contemplate calling Serge. If he was sleeping, you really didn't wanna disturb the tiny bit of sleep he gets. What if he was busy doing something else? He usually calls when he's free anyway..
"It's okay; I'll be fine." You whisper to yourself reassuringly, even though your voice came out filled with uncertainty. As you approach the kitchen to fetch a glass of water, you flick on as much light switches as possible. There ain't no demon attacking you tonight, nope.
You down the refreshing glass of water. "There. That's not so bad. I can do thi-" your sentence was cut off by your own squeal. What was that noise?
You hesitantly inch closer to your open kitchen window. As you were scolding yourself for leaving that window open, you peek into the back yard of your house. There it was. The source of the noise.
You could see the bushes shaking violently, indicating something or someone was in there. Trembling hands reach to quietly shut the window and blinds, as you tip toe away from the window. Maybe it was the fact that you were home alone getting the best of you, but you were terrified to the core. Someone might be lurking around in your backyard, and that would explain the odd noises you'd been hearing for the past hour or so.
You rush back into the living room. What in the world were you supposed to do?
Call your parents? They're thousands of miles away; they can't particularly help.
Call the police? Okay, you're not actually sure someone is out there, and you don't wanna just call for nothing..
The only person left to call was Serge..
You promised yourself that you'd call one time; if he doesn't pick up, you have to try to ignore the noises.
Please, for the love of everything good, pick u-
"Hello?" A voice deeper and more calm than Serge's booms through the phone.
You frown. "Um, isn't that Serge's phone?"
"Yes, darling, but Serge is shooting for his up coming drama right now, so he can't respond to the phone he forgot at the dorms." Darling? Oh, it's him. "Figured you might need some company, though, so I replied." You could almost see him smirk.
Now, when you say you're friends with the group Serge belongs to, well, there's an exception, and that's the one and only Sigurd Curtis. Fans love him for his 'mysterious charms', but all you could see is an irritating jerk. And now was really not the time for him.
"So? What did you call for?" His question reminds you that you hadn't replied to him earlier.
You sigh. "I called for Serge, but he's not here, so I'm hanging up."
"Oh, come on, am I not good enou-" you hang up before hearing the rest of his teasing and whining.
You couldn't really understand him much. He was generally quiet, but somehow, when it comes to you, he becomes the most talkative person on the planet. Which would've been fine if he didn't use all his power to tease you and flirt with you for no reason.
Well, there's no other choice but to deal with the unreasonable fear yourself.
"This is not working." You huff, unable to stop thinking someone might break in. Your house didn't have a single light bulb turned off, which was probably going to be a pain when your parents receive the electricity bill, but you didn't have any plans of turning any of them off for now.
You stare at your phone, as if silently willing it to start ringing and showing Serge's picture. Of course, that didn't happen even after you stared for a full minute.
"Should I try calling again?" You sigh.
You took your heart thumping in fear as a yes. You prayed with all your power the idiot would respond, but once again, you were greeted with the flirtatious tone you feared hearing.
"Missed me already?"
A loud groan sounds across the empty room. "When is Serge coming back?"
"I don't know, cupcake." Knowing he specifically uses this to make you uncomfortable, you try your best not to cringe. "I've just been informed you're home alone. Is that why you want Serge? You're scared?"
Your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "Usually..when my parents go on trips for work, Serge spends his time talking to me to get my mind off of the fact that I'm home alone." You admit sheepishly. "Sometimes he even sings me to sleep." You add in a quieter voice, part of you hoping he didn't hear it. You didn't even know why you were telling him this; maybe sleep-deprived you was extra friendly and liked over sharing.
"Oh." A pause was followed by a confident statement, "I could do that!"
"W-what?" However, there was no response. "He hung up? What in the world is wrong with that guy?!"
No longer than 2 minutes later, you were jumpscared by the doorbell. You silently approach the door, unsure who would be at the door. Of course, there was a face that popped into your head, but you somehow still couldn't be sure if it was really him.
"Sigurd?" You eye the taller male. His hair was freshly dyed black; he was even given an undercut while the hair on the top of his head was styled in a messy quiff. His attire was black as usual. Of course, as an idol, he had to switch colours, but when he got to wear what he wants, he'd almost always dress in black, to add to his 'mysterious' aura- you assume. He wore a black tank top with random scribbles on the front, matched with black skinny jeans that had some chains hanging from them; you never really understood that odd choice of clothing, but you didn't question it. What you did question, however, was the choker he wore.
"Sharing closets with your dog or something?" You point at the strange accessory. It was adorned with spikes and a few silver chains intertwining with each other; the best way to describe it was that it looked like a dog's collar.
"Ha ha very funny. It's called fashion, pancake, you wouldn't understand." Wearing a sympathetic smile, he pats your shoulder, allowing himself inside.
"Are you hungry or something? Wasn't it cupcake at first? Now it's pancake? What's with that?" You roll your eyes. Nice sleep-deprived you was nowhere to be seen, apparently.
He glances at your chest before looking back into your eyes and giving an innocent smile. "Nothing." He walks further into the house, not waiting for a reaction from you.
"You little-" you bite back an insult, knowing he just enjoys pushing your buttons. You had to stay calm. "Why are you here? I didn't even invite you. Plus don't you have work or something?!"
"You implicitly invited me." He points out, "And, no, we're on a break, remember?"
A sudden knocking noise makes you jump before you could even respond to the dork that made himself comfortable on your couch.
He stares at you with a raised eyebrow, "that was a branch hitting the window.."
"I knew that." His intense stare doesn't waver. "Okay, fine. It scared me..a little! I'm scared of being home alone, and there's a person lurking outside the house and-"
"There's a person lurking outside the house?!" He hops off the couch, his expression -for once- not smug or playful but concerned. It somehow made your heart skip a few beats. Surely, you were overreacting, though; there's no way he just looked attractive because he seemed concerned. There's no way you suddenly noticed how well black contrasts his skin tone, making it suit him beautifully. Nope.
"Well, I'm not very sure it's a person.." you explain shyly, "I just heard some noises and saw the bushes moving.."
"Man, you freaked me out for nothing." He runs a hand through his visibly soft hair. "Where was it you saw the bushes move?"
"Okay, stay here and keep the door locked; I'll take a look outside to ensure nobody's out there." He instructs, after you show him to the back door.
"Sigurd, you don't need to do this. What if someone dangerous was out there?" You attempt to reason with him.
He chuckles, "you worried about me, cupcake?"
You pretend to gag. "You might as well find yourself a ride home cuz I'm not gonna be opening that door again."
After a few moments, you hear Sigurd call out for you, claiming you should come out. He has teamed up with the serial killer outside and plans to trick you into getting murdered?
"Oh my god stop panicking; just come out! It's a puppy for God's sake!" He shouts, even though he really couldn't see you or your desire to ignore his request to leave the safety of your house.
"Fine!" You shout back, as you reluctantly pull open the door. The view beyond the door certainly made you glad you complied with his request, though.
Sigurd was crouching on the grass rubbing a small Pit bull's belly. It wiggled its tail happily, as he continued to shower it with affection. You almost let out a small awwhh. You almost forgot that this was the same guy you threatened to not let back into your house.
"I think that's my neighbour's puppy." You muse, as you approach Sigurd and the pit bull. You check the red, spike-filled collar. "Look. It's matching with you." You tease.
"Hey! How many times do I have to explain-"
You cut him off to add in a mocking tone, "it's fashion!!"
He merely glares, to which you laugh. It was your turn to tease him for once. "Anyway, we need to take it back to its owner." You state.
"Can't we keep it for a bit longer, please?" He pouts, catching you off guard.
"U-uh, um, we can't!" You begin to object, but all you could think of was how cute that was. Looking at this guy, with at least 2 sets of ear piercings and a hair cut to display a rebellious aura, just sit there pouting at you because you told him to take the puppy back to its owner- it was so strange yet so adorable.
You do your best to ignore the red adorning your cheeks, as you stand your point and demand he takes it back.
"No fun." He grumbles, as he lifts the puppy and holds it to his chest. "Fine; where's the house? At least come with." He gets off the ground. That's when you first notice some minor details of his tank top. The sides were sort of see-through, allowing you glimpses of his toned body underneath.
"Whatchu starin' at?" Your eyes meet with the smug male's. His smirk just never left his lips, as he continuously wiggles his eyebrows at you.
"Nothing!" You push past him, giving yourself a way to hide your burning cheeks. "That's the house; just follow me." You announce, mainly to change the topic.
After doing your duty as a noble neighbour and returning the puppy to its owner, you head back to your house, Sigurd following behind- obviously.
"I'm so tired." You yawn.
The dark haired male gives an excited grin. "Time to sing you to sleep!" He claps happily. Mysterious charms they say. That guy is the biggest dork you've ever seen. You are friends with Serge, though, so maybe second biggest dork.
"You really don't have to-"
He cuts you off, "All due respect, but that's a bunch of crap. I want to do it, and you want me to do it too." Well, he wasn't wrong. Sigurd's voice is really unique; it's one you really enjoy listening to. This would pretty much be like a private show..how can you say no?
"Well, get comfortable cuz I'm not gonna strain my precious vocals just for you to not fall asleep." He informs, earning an eye roll from you.
Once you place yourself in relaxing position and pull the covers up to your chest, Sigurd begins singing quietly and soothingly. His voice was so calming and gentle, urging you to throw away your worries and let the sweet melody carry you to the land of dreams. Which you inevitably did. Your eyelids had already gotten too heavy for you to keep them open; therefore, it took no time for you to drift into deep sleep.
An annoyingly loud ringtone disturbs your comfortable sleep, and you force your eyes open.
You hear a groan coming from the edge of the bed, almost giving you a heart attack before you remember last night's events.
"Hello?" Sigurd grumbles into his phone. As it was a video call, you could see the caller- Serge.
"Sigurd, wher- wait a minute; is that (Y/N)?! Why are you in bed with (Y/N)?? (Y/N), why are you in bed with your least favourite member of the group??" Serge cuts off his own speech to begin yelling about the situation he misunderstood.
"Wait; what do you mean least favourite member?? Why am I your least favourite?! Who's your bias then??" Sigurd complains. What made it funnier and cuter was the fact that you could tell he was genuinely offended by him not being your bias.
"Guy." You confess, "or Joel."
"I spent the night here and sang you to bed; don't I at least get an upgrade??" He whines.
"Hey, why am I not your bias?" Serge joins in, also visibly offended.
"You're my friend. it's weird to have you as a bias." You defend.
"Joel and Guy are your friends too!" Serge just isn't having it, clearly.
"Oh my god, Serge, just let it go, please?" You plead. It was too early in the morning for this.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We'll discuss this later." He states. "Anyway, Sigurd, where did you leave my phone? I don't wanna keep using Guy's! Well, not that he would let me, but yeah."
"Your pho- oh." Sigurd's confused expression switches to an embarrassed one. "I might've taken it with me?" He pulls a second phone from his pocket.
"Sigurd, I've been calling since morning! You better bring it back right now! I can't believe you-" Sigurd cuts off Serge's rant by hanging up. "Well, I guess I have to go. Man, I'll never hear the end of it!" He groans, to which you giggle lightly. "I mean it is your fault for taking his phone." You point out.
"I was comforting you!" He defends. He looked so hurt you didn't appreciate his 'efforts', which made you want to pinch his cheeks or something. His hair had gotten messier, somehow making him even more attractive, yet you wanted to pinch his cheeks. Well, in your defense, he was acting like a child.
"Anyway, I'm gonna get going now." He pushes himself off the bed. "If you ever need someone to spend the night again, always call me." He winks. "You're an idiot." You shake your head.
"Goodbye, (Y/N)." He smiles. (Y/N). This was the first time he calls you with your real name ever since you met.
"You just called me (Y/N)." You grin victoriously.
"No, I didn't, cupcake." He yells, disappearing into the hallway. You throw your head back in frustration. He just won't stop being his annoying self, huh? Sadly, you felt yourself liking it and waiting for another meeting with him.
"I'm getting bias wrecked, aren't I?" You sigh.
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killmongerthirst · 7 years
Two of the same.
Pairing: T’challa x reader, Erik Killmonger x reader
Summary: basically a love triangle between two gods
Warnings: language, violence, kissing?
Part 1   Part 2    Part 3
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Third person pov
The two cousins stood by the balcony, watching their beloved run through the garden, her yellow summer dress flowing behind her moving figure, matching with the setting sun. A smirk settled on both of their lips, knowing they both had her. As Y/N stopped running and laid on the ground, T'challa turned to Erik, his face w changing from smirking to anger as he watches Erik watch her like she was his.
"She'll never love you like she loves me, you know that right? you cant win," T'challa spoke, and although Erik was listening, his never once tore his eyes away from Y/N's figure.
"I think you forget, I'm stronger than you, smarter than you, better than you. I could give her happiness you could never think of giving her. You don't know how to treat a real queen," Erik snarled. His fists were folding in his chest, his arms bulging around the pressure of the small blue shirt. T'challa scoffed, ignorant of his advantage, that he didnt notice just how cunning Erik was.
"Well, all I know is that she's not gonna fall in love with you if you're spending the rest of your time in jail," T'challa said smugly, now turning his back and walking away. He sent in two guards to escort Erik down to jail, not knowing that he was doing exactly what Erik wanted.
Reader pov
As you sat in the garden, the earth between your fingers and the grass settling around you, Shuri came out and sat with you, both of you sitting in silence, just watching the sunset over the mountains. The mix between orange and pink enchanted you, the low glow of the sun rays bounced off your skin. your eyes closed as you took a deep breath of fresh air.
"I'm guessing T'challa has told you what happened?" You said quietly, your fingers playing with the grass beneath you as Shuri hummed.
"He's put Killmonger in jail." She replied, placing a hand on yours, both of you looking at each other sadly. You nodded as a silent reply, you didnt know why your eyes were threatening to water, or why you even cared. Erik stalked you. But you still couldn't get his face out of your head, and it infuriated you. He was like an itch that wouldn't go away, the constant scratching ripping away your skin and make you bleed.
"Come on then, we should go in before it gets dark," Shuri said, already standing and holding out a hand for you. Placing your hand in hers, you stood and crashed your body into hers, hugging her tightly as you sniffled. You were sure she was confused as to why you felt this fucking sad over a guy you didnt know and the king.
You both walked back into the palace, the stars shining above the whole city, you watched from the windows in the grand hallways showed the city below lighting up with different colours. There where festivals and parades on for the celebration of the new king, the lights shining bright and colourful, it reminded you of Christmas.
As you stood there, alone, your mind wondered to Erik, again. You mind mapped the features of his face, wondering how something so evil could be so beautiful. It scared you to no end that you found yourself attracted to Erik. You had no reason to want anything more than T'challa, as you have for your whole life. Besides, T'challa was the King, and you could be the Queen, rule by his side and help him with everything.
As you were deep in thought, your legs were taking you to a place you had never been. You knew where you were going, but you didnt want to admit to yourself that your own conscious had lead you here. To him. You continued walking until you came face to face with the vibranium bars, which enclosed a shirtless Erik on the floor, doing push-ups as he grunted with every lift. The sound made you clench your thighs as your mind wandered to other things. You let out a small whimper, catching Erik's attention as he turned around. When he saw you, his lips twitched into the biggest grin you had ever seen, he stood in his place and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. The moonlight that escaped through the small windows shone on his body, making his muscles look glorious and his face look like a sculpture. You adored the way his eyes where always so intense, and his eyebrows always moved with a mind of there own.
"Hello princess," He spoke, his rough voice travelling through your spine and straight to your core as you let out a deep puff of air.
"Where are all the guards?" You asked, seriously concerned about why you haven't stopped from walking into the prison. He laughed at your question, shaking his head as he looked you up and down, still in your yellow sundress, with a collection of brown mud around the edges and down your back. Erik moved closer to the bars, closer to you as your breath hitched. His scent hit your nostrils as you sighed in content, he smelt like fresh cut grass, twilight and even looked like one of the brightest stars in the sky. His smile flashed you his pearl white teeth, his golden canines winking at you.
"Took the day off," He said, his dimples still smiling at you as you felt trapped, even though you weren't the one in jail.
"Now princess, wanna tell me why you're here? couldn't stay away could you," You couldn't even respond to his question because you knew he was right, his smugness irritated you to no end, but he was like a magnet to you; you stepped closer to him, the bars being the only thing separating you.
His hands came out of the bars, caressing your face as your eyes closed in pure bliss. You finally felt that annoying itch fade as he touched you, you felt as if his touch had cured you of everything you had ever done and been through.
"I've been wanting to touch you for so long, princess," He whispered, so close that you could feel his breath on your face. You felt so warm and comfortable with him, and you don't even know him. This was insane. You needed to get out, now.
Just as you were about to leave his touch, Erik roughly grabbed your wrist, pulling you back so your front was pushed harshly against your skin. You winced as the coldness of the bars hot you like a storm.
"I'll see you soon, ok? Sleep well my love,"
He let go of you as you quickly rushed out of the prison, your breathing harsh and irregular. You slammed the door to the prison shut as you sat on the stairs and placed your head in your hands. You hated how this man had any effect on you whatsoever. You never normally fell so easily, especially to a man you had known for just over two hours. But something told you Erik was beyond special.
You were in the bath as you heard a knock on your door. You sighed, contemplating whether you should just stay silent until they go away. The warmth of the hot water and the soothing bubbles surrounding you, relieving the stress-it was needed.
"Y/N, let me in, please," T'challa spoke from the other side of your door. You knew you should open it, but you couldn't face him knowing you had just returned from seeing Erik.
"Give me a second," You shouted, reluctantly stepping out of the bathtub, wrapping your silk robe around you as you slowly walked towards the door. You swung the door open, pulling T'challa in and quickly closing it again. 
"What do you want?" You spoke, walking over to your dressing table as you sat down, watching T'challa in the mirror, walking around the room and sitting down on the bed.
"Erik has challenged me for the throne, and now that his parentage has been revealed, I cannot deny," He began, looking down at his hands, twirling his thumbs together as you turned in your chair to look at him directly. 
"T'challa, you-you cant, he's smart he'll beat you," You spoke, your voice higher as you ran over to his side, holding his hands in yours.
"Do you doubt me Y/N?" T'challa asked, his eyes now looking at yours, sadness and anger both swirling in his pupils.
"Of course not T'challa, but Erik has spent his life trying to kill you, do you not think that maybe this one time you may be wrong? He is powerful, more than you think," You said quietly you regretted your words, knowing you sounded like you were siding with Erik. To be honest, you had no idea what you were doing, your mouth was speaking before your brain could catch up.
"I am your fucking King Y/N, I deserve respect when you talk to me. You're mine, you always have been and now that Erik comes into the picture you fall at his knees, for fuck sake, I would give my life for you!" He began to shout, making you feel small and helpless. He was right. And you knew it.
As you were thinking about his words, he had pressed you back down onto the bed, his body falling on top of yours, his elbows each side of your head as his face was inches away from yours.
"I love you Y/N, I have since we where children," He whispered, his eyes searching yours for any emotion other than utter confusion.
"T'challa i-" You spoke, being cut off by T'challas words,
"I know you went to see him, you went behind my back and saw Erik in jail. Tell me, why?" He asked. For the life of you, you couldn't answer him, not because you didnt know, but because you couldn't bare hurting him. When he looked so broken and helpless above you, wanting and needing you to tell him you love him too. But you just couldn't find the words too.
As you both lay there in silence, he sighed heavily, standing abruptly and turning towards the door.
"Promise me that no matter what happens in the challenge, you will be mine," He said, hearing the break in his voice, which in return, broke your heart.
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nashta · 7 years
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to complain or anything
I realize far too many people have it so much worse than I do, and I just need to put this out there or I'll cave in on myself. Also this post is a giant mess and I don't expect anyone to read it. So a few months ago, I started a new job where I'm working on Friday and Saturday until close (0300). My friend who will be moving in this week or next in place of my mom (oh yeah she's leaving the state) is my ride to and from work, and he refuses to pick me up from those two shifts because he works the next morning. Understandable, I guess, but Uber is super expensive like the first ride I had was almost $40. I can't afford that twice a week. Luckily, another friend of mine is saving me and will be my ride home until she goes to boot camp in February. Anyway, I feel lifeless. I'm not eating anything like I should and I have no energy and school is starting soon and I'm under immense amounts of stress and sacrificing more of myself than I have to sacrifice. He complained about the work thing, saying he won't pick me up from that shift, which I kind of get, but he also said he wants his 2 days off to be reliable so he knows that he'll have a day or two to look forward to where he doesn't have to drive or wake up or anything. Again, I get it, but here's the thing: you can't have both. You gotta either give up your guaranteed days off or a couple hours of sleep because I'm already not sleeping much/well, especially with school coming up. A full-time job on top of school that I'm fully responsible for? I will not be sleeping. A big-ass thing, a few months ago when he said he wouldn't pick me up from those shifts, I lashed out and said "how the fuck am I gonna eat with no job?" because yknow, anxiety, and he lashed back "don't you fucking dare try to guilt trip me." I wasn't trying to though, I was honestly just trying to express what my fears were. Literally ever since then, I refuse to tell him anything. I was often told I was a manipulative child, and maybe it's because I was "mature" for a child because manipulation, even after I learned what it was, was never my intent. But now, I can't tell him when something is wrong. I cry after a ton of shifts on the ride home almost the entire ride because honestly I have so much I need to just get OUT (hence this post) and so many things I'm afraid of and things I need him to do or at least listen to and understand. I need a hug and a cry and I need to know I'm safe and things will be fine and that someone gives a legitimate damn about me and my well-being because it really feels like no one in the world cares. Not enough, anyway. At this point now, someone just saying "I care" really isn't going to cut it. I'm not going to believe them, not really. I can consciously tell myself that, I can back it up with evidence and logic and things they've done to "prove" it, but I still won't feel it. He always wants to get home to his place, I understand, he's tired and wants to go, but I'm never okay. I'm so shot, during those times I'm crying in his car for 20 mins I literally just need a real fucking hug and I need to be allowed to cry because I don't make any sound. As soon as I get inside, I break the fuck down like I'm talking drop everything and fall to the floor audibly sobbing, and I'm exaggerating absolutely none of that. I've been afraid to post on this for so long because I know he follows it and reads shit and I'm afraid of what'll happen but honestly I just want to die and the more shit that happens, the more I break and the less I feel and the sooner I'll kill myself so maybe him getting pissed off and so upset with me is for the best. THIS IS A SUPER IMPORTANT BIT @ANYONE/FUTURE ME The reason I'm always crying is that I have things I need to express, but I can't. I'm constantly reminded of that "don't guilt me" thing, and every single thing I need to express is a guilt trip, all of it is a fucking manipulation, and I can't express that feeling because that is ALSO a guilt trip and a fucking manipulation. Telling him what I need and why and how it's fucking with me, that'll possibly make him feel bad, and telling him that I can't tell him shit might also make him feel bad, you see where I'm going with this? He also thinks I'm dramatic and overreacting to shit. My whole body is in pain and simple tasks seem to hurt more than they used to. FUTURE ME, THIS IS ALSO A SUPER IMPORTANT BIT I've expressed some of these things before and he just invalidates them. "Oh you're fine," "you just have hypothermia because you always have the A/C on," "your weight is fine." NO BITCH My temperature at one point hit 94.something. That's dangerous, and while I realize you can get hypothermia from too much A/C, I don't have any of the symptoms and I have too many symptoms of other things that are more likely. My mom is Type 1 brittle diabetic (autoimmune disease) which means being hypoglycemic isn't an out-there theory, I have a lot of symptoms, and it would explain the voodoo doll feeling. Plus hypoglycemia (from what I've read) is often a symptom itself of something else. Having Addison's Disease also isn't all that far off because it is also an autoimmune disease and it attacks internal organs (from what I've read. I'm not a doctor I don't know how likely or unlikely it is that I could have it). ALSO kidney disease (CKD) is another possibility because I have too many symptoms to be that much coincidence and that really freaks me out because if I'm ever so broke that I literally cannot afford food/water/other damn needs, my backup plan (honestly probably for college) is to sell one of my kidneys since you really only need one. And yes, I mean on the black market. Go ahead FBI fucking come for me. If I don't have 2 working kidneys, bye bye backup plan! Also to add to that stress, I don't know half of my biological family medical history. Never had a dad because he left, so I don't know what I'm at risk for from them. I have decent reason to fucking panic! MORE IMPORTANT THING FUTURE ME I KNOW YOU'VE NODDED OFF BY NOW PROBABLY GO FUCK YOURSELF I'm starving myself. Kind of. Ok look it's not in an ED sort of way. It's not like that, I'm not so fucking hungry that I'm clutching my stomach in pain and still refusing to eat. If I'm that hungry I'll try and fucking eat something. I have a small appetite because of stress and probably other things rn. There are usually only a few times I eat: 1) when I watch Shane Dawson videos (idk why he used to do a lot of food stuff and I'd usually watch them after work when I was hungry so maybe that's it but it's stuck now) 2) when I have to take my meds (before work and during work if it's been a while) 3) if my head is being stupid (if I have a massive headache because I've learned that that usually means I need food, or if my head is super foggy and I'm confused and slow and forgetful) My usual weight from a few months ago was like 115-118 lbs. I'm 4'11 so that's not bad BMI but I despised my body and frequently would punish myself for indulging or eating too much. My BMI was fine but too uncomfortably close to "overweight" for me. However, didn't hate my weight, just my body. Light for me was 112-115 lbs. My average-ish weight now is 100 lbs, and it's going down. I don't despise my body now (don't really like it still but I'm fine with it) and I don't want to gain my weight back but I'm also scared to lose more. I weighed myself earlier today and I WAS 98 LBS. THAT'S APPROXIMATELY A 20 LB DROP. That's still a healthy weight, but it wasn't lost in a healthy way and that's what fucking scares me. I sent him a photo of the scale at 99 lbs (he knows my normal weight and I expressed to him when I lost 10 lbs how worried I was because it was after like 2 weeks of accidental starvation) and YOU KNOW WHAT HE FUCKING SAID? "Your weight is nothing to be worried about." I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT MY WEIGHT I'M WORRIED ABOUT HOW I GOT THERE GODDAMMIT HE FUCKING KNOWS I HAVEN'T BEEN EATING. WE'VE LITERALLY TALKED ABOUT HOW IT'S A FUCKING STRUGGLE FOR ME TO GET IN MORE THAN 800 CALORIES IN A FUCKING WAKE CYCLE PLUS EVERYTHING I'M EATING IS NOT GOOD FOR ME TO BE EATING LIKE THIS Jesus fucking Christ god fucking dammit I'M FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT MY WEIGHT BECAUSE THE ONLY REASON IT'S THERE IS BECAUSE I'VE NOT BEEN EATING. I'VE BEEN FUCKING STARVING MYSELF I've been fucking starving myself. I've been fucking starving myself. I've been fucking starving myself. Because of money. That's literally the reason. I picked up my medication today and had a $1 copay. I've never had a copay before. I had an anxiety attack and bought food, plus I was hungry. I woke at 1800, ate at around 2000, ate again at 1000 when I took another dose of meds before work. This prescription thing, I got back in his car (which isn't working well and he was angry so I kind of get it) at 1700ish. I ate one small soft cookie and he asked me to not eat because chewing irritates him. So I didn't eat until 0100, after a few hours of sleep. Let me timeline this for you: 1800 - wake 2 hours later - approximately 1c rice with nooch and chili powder and a little cheese to take my meds and supplement 14 hours later- 1.5 pieces of naan with hummus to take my meds 7 hours later - 1 small cookie that I then felt bad about buying and eating because it made him angry and reinforced the "you're nothing so you don't deserve to eat" thing in my head 4 hours later - fall asleep 3.5 hours later - wake 30 mins later - half a package of soft cookies with milk 5 hours later - writing this post for 1.5 - 2 hours I don't eat 95% of the time because of money. If I eat this food, then I have to spend money to replace it. I might need that money later so don't eat too much, eat only what you need, don't be a fucking pig, eat only what you need to function, don't be greedy, eat only what you need to stay alive for now, don't piss anyone off by making a mess and being lazy just don't eat if you don't absolutely need to. Don't make anyone angry at you. Make it last. You need boots that you can work in. You need your neck worked out. You want to see Motionless In White, save your money. You can't go to Kipona this year because he won't go with you and you have no one else even though you used to go with Grandbob, maybe next year or the one after that. Save your money. Maybe Muddy Run? Save your money for that. You want to go to the Ren Faire, save all you can for that. Another thing that's fucking with me He said he'd take off work and go to last month's flute circle because I really want him to experience it, but backed out because he didn't want to take off work and left me unable to attend. I rarely go, and it's the last regular experience I have to Grandbob and it absolutely fucking destroyed me to not be there. Again. I can't go to this month's because it was 2 days ago. I don't think I'll be allowed to go back for another few years, I don't think I'll be allowed to experience anything that connects me to Grandbob for another few years and by then they'll probably all be gone. I'm not allowed to cope or lash out or cry or scream or experience emotion or eat or fucking try to have some sort of connection to Grandbob because it inconveniences everyone else and I'm not allowed to have needs or try to take care of myself because it inconveniences everyone else and makes everyone else angry and every single thing I do does that. Last week I woke up at 0200 and couldn't go back to sleep even though I had to be at work at 1100 and close the shop at 2100 and work through those hours. I couldn't get back to sleep even though I tried for hours because I was having a depressive anxiety attack and crying for hours and I was literally imagining that my availability having to change and possibly not being able to work the drunk rush anymore making my boss so angry and upset that he fires me and me being as depressed and anxious and suicidal as I am, literally taking a knife and killing myself in the bathroom and my coworker (who actually got fired irl) found me and was just so apathetic and my boss literally just being like "goddammit now I have this mess to clean up and have to close early and can't make money" and me dying having zero emotional impact on either of them because I'm not a fucking person to them and all I am is a hassle. So I'm seeing that in my head and crying for hours, then I'm also seeing potential effect that that imaginary situation has on my mom and my friend and I'm crying over THAT for hours. God, I don't even fucking know. I just want to die because no one gives a fuck and I hate this country and I don't have enough money to survive and be okay in this country and politics is killing me and money and stress and I just want to fucking die because my soul is cold and nothing feels real or genuine to me anymore and I'm just a fucking obligation to everyone I'm not a fucking person I'm not important I'm just a selfish piece of shit motherfucker that needs to die alone in a hole and I'm pretty sure this whole post is a fucking guilt trip manipulation bullshit even though I don't mean it to be and I wish I never needed anything because hugs aren't feeling genuine anymore no one fucking takes my needs into consideration it doesn't matter how thin i get or how thin I'm spread it's never enough and I can't expect anyone to spread themselves the smallest bit until I'm fucking dust please just end my earthly existence Look at me Look at this fucking post I'm fucking crazy, aren't I? Isn't this the raving of a mad person? I've literally spent 2 hours typing this WHY am I this way? WHY can't I just deal with it like everyone else?
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fluffychubbyrose · 6 years
Selkie OC Dave x Chubby Reader.
(Warning- Language and slight violence.)
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I sigh as I close the door to the apartment/house and start driving to Tanya's house (same as before if it's your name sorry and just change it) it's a good thing he's asked me to drive him to the skanks house from our trips to the beach nearby because its time to get my seal pups pelt back.
He honestly looks miserable right now and I can't tell if it's from heartbreak or from his pelt being stolen, probably from both. Damnit Dave I knew that bitch was no good for you. Fuck now I have to go and get his pelt back from that pile of shit and if she burned it I swear to god I'll be going to prison because that bitch will be dead. (Bluff though she would be beaten up pretty badly.)
Who the fuck would even do that taking a selkies pelt is equivalent to taking a part of their soul away from them. Shit it's no wonder mostly all so called "monsters" try to stay out of sight and away from people or just hide all the time, except for the elves and orcs, but when they do come out of hiding shit like this happens to them.
Oh shit almost passed the house. After getting out of the car and knocking on the front door I take a step back. "Hello- Oh, what the fuck do you want you fat cow!?" "Oh real original you bleach blonde tramp, and what I want if my best fucking friends pelt back that you stole from him the other night you whore!"
"Oh really that freak wants his pelt back? Aw poor baby, hah no way in hell would I give it to you, in fact I'm gonna sell it you can get a lot of money for seal skin." Well there goes being civil with this bitch. I punch her once and she hits the floor out cold. "Well looks like I was more pissed off than I thought."
After thirty minutes of searching through this crusty bitches house I found his pelt in her dirty clothes. Nasty looks like I also need to buy Lysol now, who knows what fucking STD's are on this now. But I least I got what I came for and I got to punch the bitch.
Now to get some groceries and an air mattress for Davey. I can't wait to see the look on his face once I give him his pelt back, after it's washed of course because the Lysol might irritate Dave's skin. After getting all the necessities including some fish from Wal-Mart it's time to head home, I'll get him some fresh fish from the market later right now I just am in a rush to get home I've already been gone for almost an hour and a half.
After unlocking the door I can see that Dave is still asleep. Poor guy had a rougher night then I thought. After bringing all the groceries in and tripping twice once over his shoes and the seconds time over the edge of coffee table without somehow waking Dave meant he was going to be out for awhile. Oh well this is the perfect opportunity to wash his pelt in the bathtub with super hot water and dawn dish soap.
Once I was done with washing his pelt which mind you it took 20 minutes to do because I was soaking it in the super hot water to make sure any germs where dead for good, I hung it up on the towel rack behind the bathroom door to cool down from it's hot soak in the tub.
Seeing as it's 10:30 a.m. decided a nice way to wake Davey up was to his favorite meal, lemon zest fish fillets for a late breakfast. I better make all twelve fillets I bought, he really likes fish and could win an eating competition if the food was fish or a fish dish of anykind. Halfway through cooking them though I heard him timidly ask me.
"When did you get home I would've helped you carry everything in, also you didn't have to cook for breakfast either, I could have or at least helped you prepare it." "Its fine sweetheart you where sleeping pretty hard and gods know you need it and I'm tougher than I look, also the food will be done soon if you want to take a seat at the table." "Okay but I'm going to set the table and clean the dishes once where done, your doing so much for me already I need to help out."
"Alright I won't argue but don't do to much we don't need you getting sick." I say as I serve the food which was lemon zest tilapia and some mashed potatoes and green beans. "What happened to your hand!?" he says as he grabs my right hand. Oh shit there is some bruising form punching that half plastic self centered bitch. "Um.. Well about that I'll tell you after we eat some breakfast. (He can eat fish for evey meal without caring or getting tired of it though he doesn't, all the time.)
"Alright but I don't like that your hurt." "It's fine it doesn't even hurt really, now shush up and eat." That was a lie after he grabbed it not only did my heart start racing but my hand is now throbbing in pain.
After where done eating which I can say was pretty fast I practically inhaled the food along with Dave when I usually take my time but I'm so excited to see how he reacts when I give him his pelt back that I couldn't help it, and well not eating anything all morning certainly didn't help matters any.
"Okay I'm gonna put the dishes in the sink and I want you to tell me how you hurt you hand." "Fine but first I have to go get something so just sit back down I'll be right back." I say as I run down the hall and enter the bathroom after grabbing the silky soft and smooth pelt I rush back towards the kitchen and stop in just before the door way.
"Okay Dave close your eyes." "Okay but y/n you didn't need to get me a anything else." Waking to a stop a few feet in front of him. "Yeah yeah, I know but I didn't get you anything I'm simply returning something." "What?" I have the pelt folded up in my outstretched hands. "I got your pelt back for your from your bitch of an ex this morning, thats how I hurt my hand but I couldn't tell you without ruining the surprise!"
I place his pelt in his lap and the reaction I got was certainly not the reaction I was expecting. First he smiled then he blushed so hard his face looked like a tomato, and then he passed out. "Dave!!??"
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