#God damn I cant stop drawing the old Edge
fromge · 7 months
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My current struggle is wanting to enjoy fandoms without sucking them dry
But this shit is more addictive then crack and I'll die jittery before I give up my boys >:(
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Life After Snowpiercer: Whos Left?
Summary- 5.3k. Curtis x Y/N. Curtis takes Yona and Timmy towards the back of the train, finding unexpected survivors along the way. You are caught in a situation not so simple to escape from. Violence 
a/n- The scenes involving gun fire, I cant claim to know exactly how they work, seeing as Ive never dealt with them, so details might be sketchy. 
Chapter 5 / Masterlist
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The group followed you, but hell if you knew where you were going, more and more people came out of the cars scattered around, equally in as much shock as you. Somewhere someone was wailing uncontrollably, there was still who knows how many guards in the car you all left, and right now the mix of people looking at You, of all people to tell them what to do. It was just overwhelming. Almost to much. You could feel your breathing rush in hurried huffs, and your senses starting to swarm.
Babygirl Breathe. 
Curtis Its to much. 
Think, you need to get them out of the cold first, Shelter. Pick the best car. 
“Alright everyone were not gonna last out here, and its gonna be dark soon.” Shadows were starting to stretch around you all, and the sky above you all was going from a bright blue hue to purplish and bits of stars were scattering around. When you looked up, it was still like out of a dream. When did you last gaze at stars? “Is there any car anyone knows of that might have food, blankets... anything?” 
Everyone looked among one another, when someone you were least suspecting to see stepped forward, Paul, who had been taken from the tail end years ago cleared his throat. “That one on the end, its full of protein bars, the machinery is all broke, but that one and the one behind are still connected together when I came out, and it was abandoned before Curtis came through. Plenty of room for all of us.” You nod in agreement, and sure everyone stayed together, you all moved as a group. Falling back to where Paul brought up the rear, you walked beside him, silent for a bit. 
“Paul... have you been in that car this whole time?” You did the math, it was five or six cars up if the old maps in Gilliams place were correct. 
“Yea, it wasnt a bad gig” The man shrugged his shoulder. “Lonely, but I still got to see people a few times a day. They came to collect the bars, hand me the red letters.” 
Your brows come together, the ones Curtis depended on. “Red letters, the ones giving us clues on how to break out?” 
“Oh I dont know what they said, I was just told to place them in random bars and make sure they went out to the tail end.” Paul just stated as if it was common knowledge.
Fucking hell, this whole time it was a set up. The thought occurred to you, the weight of it was so heavy in your chest, you held back a sob. All those hours Curtis planned around the information sent. All of it just a set up. Why? 
“How was Curtis when he went through?” Was he okay? How long ago was this? Must have been a couple days ago at least. 
“He was fine Y/N, shocked to see me, and and pissed about the red letters, but hey, I do what Im told. Okay, this should be the one.” He broke away from you, and climbed up to the door, ducking inside. You glance over your shoulder, and your old car is barely in view, and you could see a few men standing near it, but unable to really tell if it the armed guards. Hopefully they are unable to get there shit together and try anything. Luckily you and the kids had a good amount of weapons collected before you bolted to the outside. 
Paul called from inside “Y’all can come on in.” Sara limped up next to you, pressing a red rag to her shoulder, looking up. “I’m gonna need help this time” You nod and lope an arm around her waist, feeling her weight lean into you. “I got you this time Sara, were in this together.” The woman flashed you a grateful smile, and together you two wait for the crowd to disperse inside. Once it was just the two of you, you climb up first and reach back, taking her good arm, and as quickly as you were able, you help her up into the doorway, and together you two enter. 
It was dim, but nothing like the tail end darkness, so your sight adjusts quickly, already people are huddling together, passing along protein bars, and mostly its quiet except for the occasional hushed whispers. The person wailing endlessly had since stopped in one of the many cars you all passed. Exhaustion and Shock kept you from searching them out. You should, guilt eats at you. But you turn away from the door for now, checking over the people instead. So far all the kids, including a few from the other cars all seemed fine. You knew Sara was bad off, and you found a few others with lacerations, bad bruises and concussions, and at least two who had a shoulder thrown out of joint. But the reports of those that couldn’t be helped was outstanding. 
The one thing you were relieved to find was that no one seemed to be fighting. It was a mix of all sorts of factions, there were at least ten cars that dropped, and it ranged from you tail enders, a few from the prison section from what you could tell by there clothing, and a few “lower class” carts that were still much better off then you all were. But now everyone simply were together, there was no breaking of class. Hopefully it would just stay that way. All in all, there were about 30 of you crammed in as tight as possible to stay warm. 
You moved back to the entrance and set on the edge, with the gun you had brought with you, keeping an eye on the landscape. Watching for any others to follow there trail, friend or foe. You roll up the collar of your coat you were wearing. It wasnt keeping you very warm, but better then nothing. Your eyes half closed hours later, and nodding off.
It was so damn cold... 
I know it is baby, you should close your eyes. 
Liar, thats just my mind playing tricks. 
All you could hear was his agreeing laughter, yea you couldnt sleep.
“Miss?” A warm hand came to your face, the back of it touching your wind burned ruddy cheeks, making you gasp in surprise and jump slightly. 
“Wh-at? Oh sorry... I must have nodded off.” 
The man smiled, settling down in the doorway across from you, his jacket was slightly heavier, but still clouds of breath escaped him to glide into the night. “Its okay, you should let me take over for a while? I know we dont know each other, but its not on just you to watch. I can help any more that might arrive inside.” 
You eye him, and he had warm eyes from what you can tell, god you wish you knew if you could trust him. “Im not just looking for more survivors. Our tail end was being held under guard. When we left, it was escaping them as well. Not many survived, but enough.” 
“Yes, we saw the guards come through after the revolution passed through.” Another sign of Curtis, further up from Pauls car. You couldn’t help but smile hearing about him, fuck you missed him terribly. You hid your smile in your coat, finally it passed and you turned back to the man. “He is a stubborn man when he wants something. And he wanted us out of the tail end.” 
“That he does, we had no cause to stand in there way, he passed us peacefully. Some of out people actually joined his cause. Its not as bad as your car, but we are tired of the imprisonment as well. My name is John by the way.” He held his hand out, and you unfolded yours from your sleeve, shaking his and gave your name as well. You werent going to give up your post, and he relaxed on the opposite side, apparently not willing to leave. You two were quiet for a time, when piercing through the night was the worst sound youve heard in a while. It kareened from the top of the cliff, a scream that echoed around the valley you were all stuck in. 
It made you jump up, leaning out of the doorway to look up. And John did the same, cussing softly “Fuck what was that?” You shook your head. 
“Nothing good.... “
 During the time You were settling the survivors in the car, Curtis paused panting, it had long since grown dark out, following the light of the stars above them, it made the snow glow silver, stretching out in front of them. The train didn’t seem this long when he was fighting his way through the cars. Of course then it was adrenaline fueling him on. This time it was exhaustion. “Timmy, lets take a break buddy.” The boy on his back tightened his arms around Curtis neck, not wanting to let go, muttering sleepily in against his neck. “Okay... just swing around man.” Curtis coached him, and soon he had the boy slid around to his chest, stepping over to stand next to Yona, who was already curled up against the side of the train to get out of the wind. She needed more clothes, better clothes, fuck. 
“Yona, take Timmy... “ Curtis pried the boys arms from around his neck, and she sleepily reached up to take the kid, drawing him into her. Curtis shrugged out of his jacket and draped it over them. Looking into the dark car they were huddling against, maybe there was some blankets in there. He heard rustling inside, but nothing more. Grabbing an outside bar, he pulled himself into the entrance to look inside He couldn’t make out anyone in the shadows, but that meant nothing. “I’m coming in, I don’t want any trouble.” 
Hearing nothing more, he slid inside, it didnt look like he was going to have much luck. Nothing but bodies scattered around, and axes, the smell of blood, dried blood prominent. Shit, this was the car from the bridge. Thats when he saw that the tied prisoners he had left behind were killed to, deep ax cuts to there neck, squatting near one, he studied the man, drawing his own conclusions. They must have finished off the rest after he left. Breathing in deeply and rubbing a hand against his face. They had the right to after all the torture they had endured over the years, but part of him was still disappointed in the death. So much fucken death. 
At least it was quicker then starving and shit, he thought. 
Its still wrong Curtis, they were unarmed at this point. 
Yea I know, but can you blame them. We were unarmed and starving in the tail end and they never gave a shit. 
A touch of your hand and sigh, you just were so damn tired in his mind. 
“Curtis?” a voice from the other end mentioned, and he pushed to a stand, brows furrowed at the noise, he swore he heard his name. “Hello?” 
“Curtis! back here!” It was louder, more urgent. He recognized that voice, Tam from the back, she had come up behind them once the fighting was done, helping the injured. Curtis made his way over the scattered bodies and debris scattered around, and what did he find, fuck he found a small group of his people, helping one another up, and others laying out side by side, ones that had injuries, preventing them from moving to much. Tam moved to grasp Curtis pulling him into an affectionate hug “Damn are we glad to see you! We lost most everyone Curtis, were all thats left. They came back through and pinned us down, claimed 74 percent of us were to be killed.” The tears streamed down her face freely, as she released him and pulled back. “they were about to march us back when the train, I’m guessing went off the track? It caught them unaware enough we were able to fight back. There wasn’t many.... but we just didn’t know what to do, what was ahead, if you, Tonya, Nam... the rest were still alive?” 
Curtis shook his head, swallowing down the sorrow. “No, they didn’t make it. Its just me, Yona, and I was able to get Timmy back. Not Andy, I never saw him.” 
Tams head hung for the loss of there friends, and Curtis turned his attention back to the door. “I got to go get Yona and Timmy, now that I know its you all, we we will stay here. Tomorrow those that can, we are going to see about whats left of the tail end. I was told they went over a cliff... but I have to know.” 
Tam nodded, as well as a few others that came to join in the conversation, Curtis questioned. “No ones seen Y/N, have they?” Maybe you didn’t listen, he could hope.
“No, she stayed in the back with the kids.... just like you told her she had to.” They had all seen you drag her back into Gilliams quarters just before it all started. Curtis sighed to himself, not his finest moment thinking back on it. It tore him to think now how you two left things. How you might not be.... 
STOP IT! You cant think that way. 
I shouldn’t have done that babygirl, left you in anger. 
No WE shouldn’t, we will fix this, go get the kids now. 
Turning away from the group, he made his way back, and looking out the door, he saw his two charges still under his jacket, hiding away. “Timmy, Yona, lets get inside, its safe.” Yona first poked her head out from there little hideaway, and pushed Timmy into a stand, the two of them making there way to the entrance. Reaching down, Curtis grasped Timmys arm and hauled him up the side, pulling him in “Go all the way to the back, Tam and them are up there.” The boy nodded and started to head towards the back, Curtis leaned down and took a wrapped Yoda by the arm, and she was slightly heavier, grunting with the effort and pain lacing his ribs as she scrambled best she could up the side, landing with a oof when she fell in. “Sorry Yona” He apologized while she brushed herself off and made to take off his coat to return it. “ no you hang onto it for now. I will take it back tomorrow morning. Maybe they have something back there you can use before we head out.”
“But your gonna freeze Curtis” Her head tilted, studying him. He dismissed it with a shake of his head and together they headed back to the group. Tam was kneeling next to Timmy, cupping his face and studying some of the bruises on his face. The boy was starting to come out of the trance state Curtis first found him in, talking more. He had yet to ask about his mother, and Curtis figured right now it would be to much to have that discussion, Not yet anyways. If he wasn’t asking, Curtis was content to let it just stay silent till they were all in a better place. 
“Our wounded, how bad are they?” Curtis asked another as he headed over to see whom was over there, it wasn’t your, or the it was Our, they were a group again, looking out for one another best they could. There looked like five or six, some perfectly silent, another one was groaning in his sleep. Tam came over, her arms folded around her “Bad, I don’t know if they will all make it. What I wouldn’t give for Y/N to be here, at least we would have some direction in what to do” Curtis clenched his jaw hearing this. 
Fuck I wish you were here to baby. He sighed inwardly, what he wouldn’t give to hear you tell him it would be okay. 
“The one i’m most worried about is Edgar, the wound is deep, and it took a while for the wound to clot. I mean hes conscious...” 
“Wait! Edgars alive?!” Curtis scanned over the covered people again, looking for anyone familiar. 
“Yea, hes that one up at the end, wait... you didn’t know Curtis?” Tam followed along behind and Curtis made his way over, and sure enough, Edgar was fast asleep, pale as hell, but damn it the kid was alive. “No, we left in such a hurry after the bridge...” He rushed his words to Tam, just in shock. Curtis collapsed to his knees next to him, relief just washing over him. “Fuck man its good to see you” He whispered, and beside him Edgar groaned and opened his eyes. 
“Yea man, its good to see you to.”
What happened hung in the air, but left unsaid for now, Curtis knew he had yet another apology to make, another mistake. Edgar went to sit up and Tam immediately put a stop to that. 
“You lay your ass back down Edgar. You lost to much blood to be moving around any, and that wound reopens, no telling if we can get it to stop.” With a roll of his eyes he fell back to lay still. Curtis looked questioning up at Tam.
“The knife missed the spine and vitals, but its deep enough to leave a gaping hole. It needs to be sewed up, or cauterized. But we just don’t have the materials.” Edgar raised enough to lean on his elbow. 
“Well someone should go looking for that shite, right?” Curtis was relieved to hear that accent of his once more, never thought he would hear it again. “I cant be laying up here the whole damn time.” 
It occurred to Curtis that maybe they could do one. “Yona... Yona, has my jacket. Nam gave me a smoke just before, theres some matches in the pocket.” Tam hurried over to where Yona was sleeping, searching in the pockets of his jacket. Rewarded when she pulled out the old half disintegrated book of matches, and miraculously they were still dry. Curtis started looking around for things to burn, searching the deads pockets for anything flammable. Finally having an plan in place, meant he could at least fix part of something. 
Having enough materials gathered, Curtis collected one of the Axes, cleaning off the dried blood caking the edge. He hoped the fire would burn off any other debris to keep from infecting Edgar. Tam worked on getting the fire hot, and Edgar laid on his stomach, watching the flames. Curtis eyes would glance up once in a while to catch his expression. Clouded, unsure if it was from pain, or remembering how Curtis how turned away when Masons men had the knife to his throat. Curtis couldn’t forget it, He shouldn’t have left him. 
“Edgar I---” 
“Stop man, were not doing this. Not now, not ever.” Edgar glared at him to shut him up, and Curtis closed his mouth, running the rag once more over the blades edge, there was a tiny spot, he swore he could see it although the axe gleamed spotless. 
Moments later, Tam blew lightly on the fire, and it went from hot reddish orange to white hot laces of blue. “I think this is as hot as were gonna get it Curtis, put the blade in.” She sat back, and rested her hands on her knee. “Edgar, your ready for this?”
“As ready as I’m gonna be” He winced a bit and settled in. Giving the axe time to heat, the trio remained silent, all till there was a slight smolder rising from the head pushed in the coals. “Bite on this” Tam informed, holding out a cloth. Reluctantly, cause damn this was gonna hurt like a bitch, Edgar wedged it in his mouth, nodding. 
Curtis moved to hes shoulders, his uninjured arm pressing on either side of his shoulder blades. Putting his weight behind it, he was sure Edgar would thrash, and it was vital to keep him as still as possible. He felt the man drawing in deep breaths and surprisingly he seemed relaxed under his hold, calm. Tam moved in close to Edgars side, lifting the handle of the ax and drawing it out of the fire. They had seconds to sear it shut, having the metal hot enough to scar him closed. Curtis gave a curt, ‘Im ready’ nod, and Tam laid the broad side of the axe right over the wound. 
It was a hiss at first, the scent of burning flesh rising almost immediately, and Edgar tensed rigidly, trying to push away and the noise. The noise was probably the hardest part to deal with. Not the smell, not feeling Edgar try to escape pain. It rose so sharply, that Edgar lost what he was biting on, and it just seemed magnified from where they were in the hollowed car. Curtis almost lost his hold on him, having to dig in his heel and lean fully into him. “Come on Edgar, its gonna be okay, were almost done” 
His words had no meaning, and finally after a bit, Edgar just collapsed under him, Tam yanked the axe away, and Curtis broke into a sob, dropping his forehead to lean against the passed out Edgars head. “Fuck, I’m so sorry... “ his voice dragged out. Edgar was like his brother, this on top of everything else just fuck was tearing him. After a few moments to calm himself down, Curtis leaned over to check that he was breathing fine. Thank fuck he passed out, Curtis could hear your worry edging your voice. The wound, make sure its sealed Curtis.... 
His hand slid down Edgars back, and deep redness had settled in, around the cut it was black, a few shallow boils forming, but all in all, the hole was shut. “I think we got it Tam” He said as released his hold on Edgar and Tam as careful as could be dragged the blanket up to where the wound was still red hot, not daring to put anything on it. 
“What do you wanna do next Curtis?” Tam moved over to sit next to him, drawing her legs up and staring into the fire that was loosing its drive to burn, having scored most of the material into ash at this point. Curtis nudged some of it with his boot, shifting the coals. Already he was falling into that leader roll, he could sense others were listening into there conversation, waiting to see what he would say. 
I wonder how they would feel if they knew I caused the train to derail. 
No different babes, now were not prisoners anymore, were actually free to make our own choices for our future. 
“Going to check on the end cars like my original plan was. There is probably survivors and we have to check on our people, if they survived, there might be some that need help with injuries. Then back towards the front, theres food up there, the cars up there are in better shape.”
“What about the front enders?” Tam questioned, and Curtis looked at her with a shrug.
“They either accept us, or we will push them out. Thats been the goal this whole time, and I’m not stopping now.” So matter of fact, Tam went silent, and together they waited till morning to come seeping in, a new day, a new way of life. 
You were watching the beginning of your first sunrise, and you couldn’t help the tears that yet again got caught in your lashes. There are different kinds, and in the past few days you shed them all. Grief, pain, fear... but these felt different, rewarding. There salty drops fell on your lips and a flick of the tongue collected them before you brushed them away. John stretched and with a pop of his arms over his head, he moved to a stand. “I’ve seen many of these over the years... “ You look up in surprise, then consider, well maybe his section had windows. “... But this is the best damn sunset i’ve seen.” 
“Its the first one I’ve seen in seventeen years” You remarked, blinking against the light bouncing off the ice and snow. “And I have to say its more beautiful then I remember it being.” 
I wish you could see this Handsome, a wistful tone in your thoughts. 
I am baby, almost the best thing I’ve ever seen.... almost. 
Love you to Curtis. 
While you were admiring the arrival of light, a flash out of the corner of your eye catches your attention, and you tilt your head to the side to see what it was. Mistake.... as you found out when a sharp whizz blew over your head and bounced off the metal with a loud ping and sparks flew, both you and John tumbling back with wide eyed gasps. “What the fuck!” he exclaimed and you scramble low to rest the weapon you stole from them the day before out the entrance of the car. 
“Remember how I told you we were being held under guard? Well... I might have stabbed one in the eye just before the train derailed. They want us back for other things as well.” 
“Do you even know how to use that Y/N?” John asked as he to ducked out of line of sight, staying further hidden then you. 
“No, but I can give an educated guess. How about you see if there is someone back there who does?” You use the scope to look, they were still a distance off, and with luck John would be back sooner with someone who knew how to use one of these thing. So far nothing more has been fired, since you no longer made yourself a target, but you tried to study them, count how many there were. So far give made up the line, but who knows, some might be on the other side of the train, holding back... You scanned away from the edge, across the landscape, but that didn’t hold anything worth noticing. Maybe, just maybe there were only five left. Five fully trained to use there weapons men. FUCK. 
“Hey, found someone!” John exclaimed and a petite woman slid up beside you, glancing over the edge. “These bastards wanna play fire with fire? Lets give them some back.” Well damn, you hand it over immediately as she made herself comfortable. “Johanna by the way, nice to meet you Y/N” she caught you by surprise knowing your name, and she smirked. “Hey I was a few car up from John, weve all heard of you tail enders and your revolution. About fucken time.” She peered into the scope and flipped off the safety. Seeming to take measure of where she was aiming, Johnana proved patient. John had long sense disappeared back among the group to gather more bullets, hopefully they had enough to keep this new threat back.
It was so sudden, her finger was resting on the trigger, and then a couple shots went off, she barely flinched at the moment, but you cringed with them both. A curse muttered from her lips as she pulled back “They are sticking pretty close to the train, hard to get a shot off at this side angle, but they are now at least aware were not defenseless.” 
Curtis shook his head at Yona, who stood defiant before him, her arms crossed over her chest and head tilted to the side. “Your not going, thats that. Stay here and help look after the others.” 
“That is foolish, I can help.” She pushed, trying her hardest to convince him. “My dad... he might be out there.” A softer tone making her look down, trying to also convince herself that maybe, just maybe he survived. Curtis squatted down closer to her level, his hands cupping her face to make her look at him. 
“Yona, I swear if hes alive, I will bring him back, okay? After everything he did for us, you have my word. I really need you here, Timmy trusts you more then these others, and Edgar needs to be taken cared of. Please, can you do this for me?” 
This seemed ot appease the young woman, who gave a nod relenting and once they both agreed to these terms, she went to Edgars side, kneeling beside him and touching his forehead. The man was still asleep, and Curtis hoped it wasnt a sign of any kind of fever, although Tam remained nearby constantly hovering. His back was still an angry red, but it wasn’t as intense feeling of heat rolling from the wound, so that was something. 
Gathering others to join him, they all worked there way out of the train. Mostly they had axes shared among them, there were a few discarded rifles from the earlier battle at the bridge, in which Curtis himself collected one, slinging it around to hang off his back. They went in a single file, the few of them that joined, and every car they came to, they checked for survivors. After the brutal cold night, they weren’t successful in find any stragglers. Before they even got to the cliffs edge, a noise was brought to them. Sounds like... gunshots. The whole group looked at one another and sped up, pushing through the snow as fast as they could break through it. Once they reached the cliff, they looked down to see what the hell was going on. 
The cars below were scattered around, some on there sides, some had still somehow remained upright, but it was a mess, there old car, the tail end was on its side, dented and half split at the seam. It must have hit the hardest the way it was bounced away from the others, sure its momentum had dragged the rest down with it.. From what Curtis could see, the survivors were pinned in one car, the one that seemed to still be upright, by the cliff face. Those outside of the car, Wilfords men, the ones Wilford issued the kill orders to. Shots were exchanged with from a group of men pressing along another car for coverage. But a scan of showed others coming up the backside. Shit... He was sure none of them had any idea there was more then what those that was shooting at them. 
Curtis swung the weapon he carried around, and took aim best he could. There was no telling at this distance and his general inexperience if he was close to any of the targets, the couple others that also had the same advantage took up sentry on each side of him. Picking a target, Curtis took a breath and steadied himself till his sight wasn’t shaking. A breath out, and he pulled that trigger. The resounding BOOM flooded the valley, snow spitting up feet from the man. He missed but the guy stumbled back and raced around the corner of the car. Curtis other companions also fired at around the same time. And one aimed just so, the guard falling back with a burst of red scattering across the snow. Direct kill shot. 
Surprised at now being shot above, the rest scrambled away, heading away from the cliff face and using the demolished cars for cover, they soon were out of sight for the time being. Curtis swung the rifle in a sweeping motion, checking before going to the pinned car, and studying it for movement. 
Thats when he caught a glimpse. It was not even a second, and Curtis could only guess that it was actually You, but it was enough for his chest to tighten painfully, and all those other things just narrow into one single thought. 
@curtisbbq @what-is-your-plan-today @p8tn0lish @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123
@jtargaryen18 @thatweirdwalangpake @official-and-unstable-satan​
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Readers long time crush, Erik Stevens, knocks on her door dressed as a pizza delivery stripper and he doesn’t realize he has the wrong address until it’s too late.
I’m telling y’all now this is funny 🤣🤣 I couldn’t stop smiling and laughing while writing this. Erik is Hoe Erik okurrr.
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She popped her ass in her kitchen to the Jersey Club Mix playlist she had on loop all day. It was her off day too. Y/N decided to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies for her gifted cookie jar she received for her birthday. It had the words “Scorpio’s Winning” on it. A particular beat had her twirling her spatula in the air, throwing her ass in a circle with her tongue sticking out.
“Aye!!! This my shit! I miss my Jersey fam.”
Chuckling, Y/N adds the chocolate chunks. She was a traveling Chef who was born and raised in Jersey but moved to Annapolis, MD for her college education. Currently, she was living in Boston with a cozy bakery. She had dreams of opening Bakeries across the east coast.
Dreams her long time crush that she met way back in Annapolis, MD told her to pursue. The thought of him still made her shiver. He was so young at the time, around twenty one. She would always see him in her neighborhood running in the early mornings with his Navy sweatshirt on and matching sweat pants. From there it extended to them hanging out for drinks and getting to know eachother. He would talk about his early life in Oakland, CA, his accent swooning her. Flirtatious, full of life, an ego big enough to make everyone in a room feel small, and lets not for get all around fine as HELL.
She missed him a lot, and honestly, he was one of the reasons why she even moved to Boston. He always talked about becoming an Engineer once he furthered his career in the Navy turned Military man. He was so mature for his age, most of the young niggas chasing after her still acted like they were eighteen. Nah, Erik had an old soul. Women older than him couldn’t believe he was only twenty one.
“Erik Stevens,” she blushed while molding her cookies on a tray lined with parchment paper. Her belly growled, a tiny frown of frustration on her face. She didn’t cook a damn thing and cookies would not be the meal of the night today. There were a few cups of spicy noodles in her cabinet she could hook up a ramen dish with veggies and egg. Once the cookies were in the oven, Y/N washes her hands, heading to take a quick shower. Once there, she stripped out of her t-shirt, the only thing on anyway.
The shower water spilled over her back and hair, her eyes closed and a satisfied sigh escaping her mouth. Tonight’s agenda: eat a bowl of vanilla ice cream with some cookies, sit on the couch with a glass of wine and read her fan fiction favorites. Smut was a number one but she started up with some Angst and now she was even more hooked on that. She could read a nice scary one tonight. Fully clean and skin smooth from the oil she applied in the shower, Y/N leaves the bathroom completely naked, walking out to check her cookies.
They were just about finished, having her entire place smelling like a bakery in the early morning. She rubs her hands together, squealing like the fat girl she was. Y/N’s motto was: love what you have and fuck whatever others thought. She’s tall and thick. 5’10 with a lot of curves to match. A Stallion. Pulling out her good wine glass, Y/N pours a generous glass of white wine, taking a small sip with a soothing hum.
“I’m about to have a good ass night,” she talks to herself. In the middle of shaking her hips within her toasty kitchen, a knock comes to her door. She raises a single brow, smacking her lips from her wine.
“Not tonight, fuck that,” she rolls her eyes, walking out of her kitchen and to her bedroom, the knocks came again but harder. She walked to the door, staring through the peep hole at a man’s back with a pizza box in hand. Scrunching her face with confusion, Y/N talks loud enough for the pizza guy to hear.
“I didn’t order any pizza, sir,” she says politely.
“You sure? Address said apartment 3B.”
His voice. Why did it sound so familiar?
“Well, apartment 3A didn’t order anything. But since you’re so persistent you can leave the box and I’ll take it for free.” She laughs loudly, causing the man on the other side of the door to laugh. He sounded good and she didn’t even see his face. Y/N was looking through that hole again, trying to catch this man but his back was still turned. Was he hiding?
“Is this some kind of joke?” She spoke with an attitude.
“Why don’t you open the door and see,” he challenged.
“Now why would I be dumb enough to do that?”
“This pizza hot and ready like little Caesar’s open the door, Baby girl.”
Just like a trap, she see’s a box of pizza open and sizzling, two toned and veiny arms with fingers perfectly manicured and thick stretching out while holding open the pizza to her. Her mouth watered.
“Damn, that does look good.” It was a legit box of pizza and he looked official with the uniform and all.
“Mhm, had to hold back from stealing a piece myself,” he started making sounds of satisfaction, drawing her in each time his deep yet raspy voice let out a mmm and a so good.
“Fuck it.” She was ready to open the door, unlocking it but before she could unhook the chain she stopped quickly, forgetting about her nudity.
“You good?” He chuckles.
“You out here about to have me show you my birthday suit!!!” She could hear him get close to the door.
“Birthday suit, huh?” The fact that she could smell him from behind the door...damn. He smelled so fucking good.
“Birthday suits are better then pajamas.”
She blushes, biting her lip.
“Can you give me a second?” She softly closes the door, quickly rushing to her room to retrieve her robe. It was gonna be a grab and go. He was giving it away for free so oh well. Wrapped in silk, Y/N rushes back to the door, finally opening it and coming face to face with-
“Free Pizza.” He held his arms out wide, dazzling smile on his face. The smile she remembers. The same pouty lips, unruly eyebrows, long lashes, dark eyes, and deep dimples. Her stupefied expression made him blink twice rapidly, the same look shaping his face as well.
“Y/N?!!!!” He finally spoke.
It was Erik Stevens in the flesh.
“What the fuck?” She whispers.
Erik Stevens is a damn pizza delivery guy?!!! After all these years this nigga was selling pizzas? She expected him to be a Doctor in Engineering living in a bomb ass condo with a bad bitch that he fucked every day. A bad bitch she wished she was.
“What. The. Absolute. FUCK.” She spoke again but louder. The music blasting a floor above her couldn’t match how loud she just yelled. Erik almost drops the pizza box. He catches it in time with swift reflexes.
“Nice to see you too, Y/N,” he looks her over, nodding his head with a slight smirk, “You look the fuck good girl. Almost had me dropping this box of pizza. Had a nigga trumped.”
“Ha,” she was light headed. Erik Stevens the damn Pizza guy. She was so shocked. This was a real awkward moment.
“Erik,” she starts before shaking her head. She couldn’t even put into words what she wanted to say to him in that moment.
“Something burning?” He sniffs the air.
“MY COOKIES!!!!!” She rushes into her apartment, leaving the door open while Erik slips inside. He was just as confused and shocked as she was. Box still in hand, Erik walks through her living room, taking in anything he could about the Y/N he missed out on. Still the same after all these years. Back in her presence, Erik watches with humor as she curses about her burnt cookies.
“I CANT BELIEVE-“ she stops mid rant, looking over her shoulder at Erik.
“You left your door opened,” he points to the door. Y/N just stood there looking at him while the burnt tray of cookies and an oven mit were in her other hand.
“Y/N, stop staring at me like that.” Erik shakes his head away from her, tossing the pizza box on the counter, “You got pizza now so why not eat that instead?” His voice has a teasing edge to it.
“Are you aware that I am so speechless right now!” She placed the tray of cookies on the stove, “I mean...ERIK!!!!!”
He laughs, removing his uniform hat to reveal short dreads. She damn near fainted.
“I’m aware, I ain’t expect to come here and see you looking the way you do. Just as fine, just ass...thick.”
He really says that after all these years. He could have said that to her years ago back in Annapolis, MD.
“Oh my God,” Y/N dramatically clutches her chest, “Aint no way this is happening to me tonight.”
“Oh yeah, it’s happening,” Erik bit his lip at her, “you look...”
They both laugh. Damn, what a reunion.
“Can I get you anything? She started opening cabinets, talking so fast she barely breathed.
“Coffee? Water? Juice? Some wine? Something stronger? Oh shit! My bad I forgot you’re working- speaking of work I never saw you as the pizza delivery guy type, I mean, not tryna down play you or anything you just seemed like you had bigger plans, much bigger plans-“
She turns, eyes almost leaving her sockets, standing before her in a male thong with a black bow tie around his neck and a body that would knock you on your back, was Erik Stevens the pizza delivery guy turned stripper.
“WHAT THE HELL?!!!” She yells out. This man was oiled down and everything. He steps around the kitchen island, eyes low and dangerous, lips turned up into a sly smirk, body on POINT.
“You serious?” She laughs nervously. What was this? She had to be fucking dreaming. Right off the back he just strips down, ready to seduce her. This man was wild.
“Somebody come wake my ass up!!!” She yells while pinching her forearm.
“Ain’t no dream here, babygirl, you look like you hungry for something else and I got that shit for you.”
Trapped, Y/N was in between the counter and a whole man. She could feel his dick on her thigh. This was quick. He was about business with this male stripper mess.
“LAWD!” She yells, looking anywhere but at him.
So, this man is a male stripper?! She kept thinking on a loop.
“Don’t act like that now you know you want this Y/N. You’ve been wanting this for a while.”
“You knew about that?!!!” She couldn’t believe this man was in a damn thong. What in the hell.
“Erik you gotta cut me some slack this is not how I planned our reunion would be like!”
His hands were on her waist now, lips close to her ear.
“Let’s make it a good reunion then, let a nigga put his nuts in your face.” He laughs and you gasp in pure shock.
“Did you-“ you blink at him like he was an extra terrestrial.
Out of no where he starts grinding on you, no music playing just his hips moving. What kind of stripper shit is this?
“No music?!” You laugh out loud.
“Play something then, Y/N,” he steps away while she walks backward to her phone on the kitchen counter. He wanted to do this, okay. She could play along and have a little fun. Laugh about it with his ass later. Y/N thought to pull up her ass shaking playlist but she didn’t see Erik as the type of stripper to put on a show to twerk hip hop. Finally, Y/N pulls up her slow jam playlist, settling for some Ginuwine. So Anxious starts playing, a big ass smile on Y/N’s face. She was trying her hardest not to be goofy about this shit but clearly, Erik didn’t care that he was at the wrong house. He had to have known this wasn’t the place for him to be.
“Well,” she sits on her couch, “Give me a show then, Stevens.”
Erik walks towards her, eyes low and body making her bite her lip. Erik stands before her, his dick in her face and Y/N’s eyes zeroing in on the big target. The minute he started grinding in her face, muscles moving in conjunction with his seductive hip rolling, she was ready to pull out her money.
“Shit, I forgot my money.”
She felt like she was back at her sisters bachelorette party all over again. The stripper there had her in a damn fantasy world. She gave him all her damn money.
“Don’t worry about all that, Y/N. Think of it as a little gift from your long time crush.” His dazzling smile made her blush from her cheeks down to her neck.
“Well can I at least touch you?”
Erik props his leg up on the couch, dick almost smacking her in her face with his excessive grinding and moaning. Jesus.
“Girl if you don’t enjoy your damn self.” He laughs when Y/N reaches out to drag her shaking fingers down his abs.
“JESUS.” She says through clenched teeth.
A loud thud from above her followed up by cheering and laughter caught her attention. Y/N put two and two together, a small smile creeping up her face.
“Looks like your supposed to be in 4B not 3B.”
Erik raises a single brow, “At least you’re keeping me with a hard dick until I get up there.” His hands were on the back of the couch now, his chest and abs in Y/N’s face while her hands rubbed his ass all the way around to his thighs. The song switched out to Pretty Ricky- Grind with me.
Out of no where, Erik picks Y/N up from the couch, seating himself and placing her in his lap. Erik lifted his hips from the couch, rolling them up into her naked crotch, causing her to bounce. This was torture. This was going to end up being a fuck session not a strip session.
“Okay, Erik, I think I’ve had my fun,” she was flushed and horny.
“Nah, lets keep going, baby girl.” His eyes with those lashes...she couldn’t look at him anymore.
“What made you become a stripper-WHAT!”
Erik lifts her legs to his shoulders, grinding into her like he was fucking her. She knew at this point her entire pussy was out for him to see.
“Stop asking questions,” he grabs her ass, squeezing it firmly while his hard dick rolled from her ass to her pussy.
“Erik this is fucking wild!!!” Y/N would have a laugh and maybe a cum or two later from this moment. Who was answering her prayers? Who out there besides Erik knew of the big crush she had on this gorgeous man. Erik didn’t even know she lived in Boston. This was some fate type of shit. His lips on her neck brought her back to reality.
“Don’t kiss on my neck like that unless you plan on fucking me!!!!” Y/N had no filter at this point. Erik was like a celebrity crush. Imagine being brought on stage by your favorite male artist and he’s grinding on you and making you feel special, THATS what this felt like.
“You wanna fuck?” He looked at her genuinely serious.
“Uh-“ he cuts her off.
“I mean, for you I can make that happen.”
Now she was wondering if he was a male escort. This man here...
“Erik...I’m telling you now...I know my pussy is all out there and it’s whatever but can you PLEASE STOP TEASING ME!!!”
Y/N lifts from Erik’s lap, pausing her music. Erik throws his head back, a booming laughter escaping his mouth while his muscles bounced in tune with his fit of chuckling. Y/N had to bite the inside of her cheek to calm her laugh.
“Aight cut that shit out I wanna be serious for a second.”
Before she could speak, Erik’s phone goes off. Groaning, he lifts from the couch, tucking one of his nuts back in place in that damn thong. Y/N had to put a fist to her mouth to control herself.
That thang is hanging! She thought salaciously.
“Yeah, this Daddy Kill, babygirl.” He smiles into the phone, gold slugs gleaming, “apartment 4B?”
He looks over at Y/N, both of them silently laughing. Erik clutched his ribs from the pain of laughter.
“Sorry for the late timing, sweetheart, I’ll be there real soon. Nah, keep the drinks going and make sure y’all ready and horny cuz ima put on a real good show,” Erik laughs with a bite of his lip, “Y’all some freaky bitches, aight bye.”
Y/N’s mouth fell open from hearing a Erik reader to those women as bitches. Without a flicker of care, Erik hangs up.
“So wassup, Y/N?” Erik walks further into her kitchen, “you said you got some strong shit, how about Hennessy? I need some extra energy for the 15 women upstairs.”
Y/N makes his drink while a thong wearing Erik stands before her, glistening and chiseled.
“Here you go,” she hands him his drink, “now tell me what made you become a damn stripper? And what else do you do? Cus you talking about sex is extra.”
Erik smiles with a shake of his head, “I am indeed a male entertainer, still working on my Engineering doctorate but after doing some experimenting online with live cam and all that I got a lot of hits. So now I do my own thing on the side. I strip, do live cam, have regular submissives.”
“You must make a lot of damn money to do this shit,” Y/N makes a drink for herself.
“I do, it’s a business on the side, Y/N,” Erik was overly humored, “You knocking the way I make my money, ma?”
“No!! No I just... I would have never expected this,” she shakes her head, “Are you in a relationship?”
Erik kisses his teeth, “Nah, single and I wanna keep it that way for a while.”
“Damn, I’m tryna shoot my shot and you just blocking me,” Y/N laughed, half way joking and half way serious. If they were together he wouldn’t be doing this anymore for other women, just her.
“You ain’t shoot your shot before what’s so different now? Is it cus my dick in your face?”
“No, it’s cuz I thought I would never see you again.”
Erik walks over to her, picking her up and sitting her on the kitchen counter. He plays her music again, grabbing her arms to place around his neck, moving her from side to side. She pouted, giving in to his antics.
“You make me sick,” she looks him in the eye, “you should probably go-AHHH!”
Erik picks Y/N up, bouncing her on his still hard dick. She was dripping on this man, he played entirely too much.
“Alright cut it out!!” She swatted at him, Erik putting her down with a smile.”
“Y/N, I missed you,” he chuckles, “You right, let me get up out of here.”
Erik walks away, picking up his fake pizza uniform, putting it on. Y/N runs her hands over her hair and adjusts her robe, heart still fluttering and legs wobbly. She walks over to the pizza, hovering her hand over it and noticing it was cold.
“Don’t worry about that, it’s just a gimmick.”
“Too bad. You sure you don’t want any money for your excellent services?” Y/N joked.
“Ha, I told you I’m good girl.”
Fully dressed, Erik finished off his Henny, grabbing his hat to put on and the box of pizza from the counter. Erik walked over to Y/N, grabbing her chin and placing a soft and lingering kiss on her cheek.
“You gonna miss me, Y/N? I promise to come back and see you since you’re in Boston now. We got a lot of catching up to do girl.”
Her heart skipped about two beats.
“You better.” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“Sorry I gotta leave you like this, but I can’t miss out on my money.”
Fuck them bitches upstairs, she seethed to herself.
“It’s cool, you’re just gonna make it up to me when I see you next time.”
Erik pulls out his phone, “give me your number.” He was telling more so than asking. Y/N gives him her digits, Erik storing it in his phone and saving it.
Y/N walks Erik to the door, the further they went the more she dreaded it. Opening the door, Erik walks out, turning to give her a tight hug and that same lingering kiss but to her forehead this time. He was really driving her crazy. Erik wasn’t going to make this crush thing easy. A fun night turned into a boring one.
“Bye, stupid,” she shoved him.
“Bye, girl.” Erik walks away and up the steps, turning to look over his shoulder from time to time with a smile on his face.
“Pick that lip up,” he teases.
“They don’t deserve your body!!!” Y/N yells after him.
“YOU SO STINGY!!” He yells back, Y/N closing her door behind her with a huge grin on her face.
It only took a few seconds before she heard the door opening, Erik giving the ladies his intro.
“Pizza delivery for 4B, right?”
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iris-ymir · 4 years
...The morning after
Evangeline trotted through the hallway, and turned into the kitchen, pushing open the door to immediately be faced by Iris' lithe and slender back, covered only by a very transparent nightgown.  The woman wasn't wearing much else...skimpy lace lingerie...and was holding a cup of coffee which was slowly releasing steam into the air around her.  Evangeline stopped, frozen in place for the second time this morning, but this time for a very different reason. "I....uhh...s-sorry..." she stammered, flushing immediately.  "I d-didn't know...you were awake...I hope you didn't have too much trouble sleeping..."  She shuffled her feet, trying not to look at the slope of Iris' back, the curve of her hips, the nape of her neck... Eva promptly realized that she was doing exactly that-tracing the lines of Iris' body with her eyes, unable to look away.  Iris was so thin...she looked to be a willow branch, flexible in nature, ready to bend should it need to, but never break.  It was then that Eva saw...one of the things that she found truly attractive about Iris.  She was resilient.  She had been through so much...lost so much...been so thoroughly hurt by the world...but she had not broken.  She would not break.  Evangeline was in awe of it...the power she exuded. She shook her head, attempting to clear it, and tried to speak. “I...um...I-I was about to...make myself some breakfast. C-can I make you something?” She stared at the ground, still flushing, hoping Iris would respond. Iris turned around, hearing Eva’s voice from the doorway. “Oh, Cinnabun! Suprised to see yer still stickin’ around... ’Ow the ‘ell do ya dink someone can sleep in dis frickin’ ruckus, though? Tha annoyin’ clapper of dat roegadyn’s lips would wake up the heckin’ corpses...” Suddenly Iris heard the steps from the stairs. During the years in manor, she had learned to recognize Varg’s way of striding. The old au ra did his best to not draw attention to his bad leg, but if you knew what to listen to, you could hear a very slight limp on his footsteps. After one last swift draw, pale viera tossed what was left of the cigarette into the sink, fanning the air around her with a sleeve of her dressing gown to get rid of the smoke, and hopefully, the smell.
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With a relieved sigh, Iris circled her way around the table, and leaned onto the other side of it, her eyes traveling up and down on Eva’s body. An impish smirk played on her lips, as her eyes finally nailed onto woman’s purple pools. “Breakfast, ya say? Seein’ somethin’ appetizing? Hm?” Viera let her dressing gown drop casually off her shoulder, while taking a sip, keeping her eyes on Eva, over the rim of her cup. “...I dun need anythin’, Cinnabun. Its too heckin’ early to get any food stuff down aniway... I’ll just... get done wid dis...”, she tipped her cup towards her companion. “...And den I’ll be off. Gonna see mi Silke... Mi fallen angel should be havin’ a day off, and Im gonna drag dat purdiful nose of ‘ers off tha damn books for a change! I need to get outta ‘ere... I cant stand dat damn roegadyn in mi fockin’ eyes...”
Evangeline listened passively to Iris, crossing her arms and cocking her head to the side as she saw the pale woman trail off, seeming to be listening for something.  Eva paid it no mind, however...her senses weren’t particularly sharp and the sound of the others carrying on was more than enough to drown out anything she might have picked up on.  Iris didn’t look scared, or worried, which was the important part.  Her eyes followed the viera as she moved down from the table, her jaw going slightly slack as Iris dropped her dressing gown.  She knew Iris was playing games...but Evangeline rather liked this one. “Ah..appetizing? Y-yes…” slipped from her mouth without her realizing it.  “I mean-!” She hurridly corrected herself.  “I had thought to look in the pantry…t-to see if there were eggs or anything.”  She chewed on her lip, her eyes still following Iris’ lithe form as she attempted to remove her foot from her mouth for the hundredth time. “I’m not the best cook...but I can get something together…” she mused, trailing off as Iris mentioned ‘Silke.’  Evangeline’s blood ran cold...Iris’ fallen angel? Who could this be…?  It sounded like she was at least a woman...not another gods-damned man...but did there always have to be competition?  After a few seconds of considering, feeling her chest tighten, she knew she had to ask. “Silke? Who’s that?” She intoned, as casually as she could muster. “Who? Mi Silke..?”, an impish smile lingered on Iris’ black-painted lips, as she rolled the shoulder strap around her finger. She had cut the two broken nails short, and painted them red, instead of her usual black. “Silke.. Silke is mi... friend. My muse... Mine... She just... does not quite realize it just yet, but she will be! The skin as pale as a porcelain doll.. ‘er hair long and dark, like the vast sea at midnight.. And dose torquoise eyes! Like a heckin’ lagoon ya could just drown into. Fockin’ dazzlin’ lass. Tha best heckin’ ass from ‘ere to Limsa Lominsa, I tell ya... A goddess among rats, Cinnabun..” Pale viera walked up to her partner, gazing up to those purple pools through her thick lashes. “Ya should come wid mi, sweetie... Hm?”, while talking softly, she ran her fingernails up on Eva’s toned arm, trailing her way up onto her shoulder. “Ya know... I might ‘ave an idea!”, she tiptoed placing a quick kiss on other’s lips, before taking a step back. The scent of the cigarette she just finished still lingered on her breath.. with something else. “Yer gonna take a shower, okai? Yer... in need o’ one. And while at dat, I’ll whip ya sum breakfast, okai? Believe mi or not... Im quuuite ‘andy in tha scullery! Den ya eat yer fill... And wi ‘ead out! Hm? Whuddu-ya sai?” Iris winks, turning around swiftly, and making her way to the stove, and soon the light of flames started to dance on her pale skin. She pulled out another cigarette with her lips, carefully lighting it on the stove, and picked up a large knife. “...So... How do ya wunt yer yello’ eyes, Cinnabun?” The tip of the cigarette jumped up and down merrily, as she spoke. Evangeline bit her lip.  This was exactly what she had feared…’friend’ most certainly seemed to mean ‘competition’ in this context.  Eva had yet to hear the deathly pale Iris complement anyone so flagrantly, nor had she ever expressed any interest in possessing someone.  This would be...a difficult situation.  Evangeline could feel that little monster writhing around in her stomach.  Covered in spines, pricking at her when she least expected it, crawling up her ribs and poking around inside her. Jea-lou-sy.  An emotion that Eva was very much familiar with.  It had cost her her previous relationship...or so she would assume.  Eventually Solenna may come looking for her...but with her new boy occupying her?  She doubted it.  Eva wasn’t worth the effort...not worth the attention.  She felt suddenly as if she were made of molasses, weary even as the little green beast scuttled through her innards.  Was this truly how she should spend her day?  Wouldn’t it be better to let Iris have her time with her ‘friend?’ To not interfere?  Evangeline had said she wouldn’t try and tie Iris down, or cage her...she had made that promise.  She should stand by it, and let the other woman go about her business.  She had almost resolved to gently excuse herself from the situation when...a shiver ran down her spine at Iris’ touch. Ya should come wid mi, sweetie...Hm? Gods...damn...it.  She couldn’t say no to this woman.  Iris’ lips touched hers, bringing heat rushing to her cheeks and her finger to her lips, cementing her fate.  She listened quietly as Iris rattled off her ideas, seemingly in a rather good mood this morning. She was on the verge of responding, telling Iris she preferred her eggs sunny side up, when Arsene drifted into the room, causing Eva to stammer and pause, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly.  Butler squinted eyes quickly observed the surroundings, spotting the two Vieras. Iris' current state of clothing, a knife on one hand, and a lit cigarette between her lips made the old Elezen tilt his head slightly, yet no trace of emotion to one way or another could be read from his face. Arsene strode hastily to one of the windows, slamming it open with one hand. He then proceed to take a pot of hot water, pouring the content into a cup with a string of teabag hanging over the rim. He let out a sigh, slowly turning to face the women once more, observing the situation. "Forgive me, miss Iris, miss Evangelin, for my intrusion," he said, now with a warm smile on his lips, "but you should be aware that you only need to ask, should you require any sort of.. Specialities to your ordinary breakfast, that I could provide you with." “Oh, Im mighty-fine, Gramps!”, Iris placed a pan on dancing flames, while rolling the knife around on her fingers, like a street performer. As the pan was hot, she added a piece of butter and broke three eggs onto it, using her free hand. For a person who looked like cooking plain water was all she could do, she handled the eggs well, managing to break them without getting a single piece of shell onto the pan. While shedding some ashes into the sink, she poked the bubbling eggs with the tip of her knife, wiggling her hips languorously. “...Ohhh fockin’ ‘ell!! Graa-aamps! I need a heckin spatula! I ‘ave.. a situation goin’ on ‘ere! Uhh.. shiteclippers!” Hissing a curse through her teeth, pale viera moved the pan off the flames, while dumping the cigarette onto the edge of the sink. “...Aand.. sum o’ dat ace bacon, if we still ‘ave it? And.. A bun! Yass.. A heckin’ bagel! Goat cheese! For fock’s sake... Evangelin’! Tha frickin’ chicken squirts! How do ya take dem, sweetie?! ‘Cause soon tha only option is damn crispy!” As Iris started to fumble, still trying to flip the eggs with a knife for some reason, Evangeline looked back to her, and barely managed to utter: “Scrambled...thank you, Iris.  I’ll…”  She paused, trying very hard to make the right decision, and proceeding to fail miserably.  “I would...love to join you...it would be nice to meet your friend.”  She gritted her teeth slightly, but didn’t make much of a show of it.  The creature in her stomach clawed away…and something occurred to her.  Perhaps it would calm down if she at least met this ‘Silke.’  Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t...right?  Might as well find out if she had a shot, at least.  At being something.  Feeling like she was something.  She smiled slightly at Iris. “Thank you for making me something, Iris.  I appreciate the effort...could I trouble either of you for directions to a bath or a shower?  I could use a bit of a refresher…” She ran her fingers through her hair, still somewhat slick with sweat.  Definitely not showing off her arms in the process.  Well, maybe a little bit. Arsene kept his eyes peeled at Iris' effort at the knifeplay for a short moment, then gliding next to her, to open the drawer right beside her. He picked up, and rolled the spatula in his fingers, then softly placed it very close to the steaming pan, using his little finger to knock the dumped cigarette bud into the sink with the same motion."Use the poker, young miss, calm the flames.." he said with a velvety tone in his voice. He took a long step leftwards, pulling a thick cloth from on top of a pile of rather large, fresh buns, still steaming slightly. "Feel free to eat as many as you wish, Master Blacksoul has already left.. Add some salt now, young miss." Arsene opened a small shelf-door, revealing a large variety of spices. He picked up a small jar, placing it close to where he had just placed the spatula. Arsene shifted his gaze to Evangelin, his lips turned into a smile. "Of course, miss Evangelin. I shall guide you personally to the bathing rooms, while I go get the meat, and some herbal butter for young miss Iris' bagel.." Arsene looked back to Iris, his eyes gleaming in the flames. Placing the knife onto table, Iris picked up the poker, turning her gaze to Eva. “Eyyyy! Cinnabun! Ya want mi to... calm yer flames?”, she waved the poker at the other, before sticking it into the furnace under the stove. “Talkin’ about dat... Do ya also ‘ave flame flowers growin’ in yer secret garden, or only on top of yer ‘ead? ...Scrambled it is! ...I think dats the only choise wi ‘ave at dis point aniway... Ohhh, for fock’s sake, the heckin’ salt! Thanke, Gramps!!” Viera returned the pan on the stove, adding some salt, before going through the open spice cabinet. After shuffling through the jars for a moment, opening one from here and there, she picks out some pepper mix and paprika compote. Humming a cheerful tone, she reached for the knife, cut a bagel in half, and applied some compote onto it, before toppling it with the scrambled eggs. “Ohhh yissss, dis will be perfect.. Dont ya float in dere for too long, Cinnabun.. Yer meal will get cold, ya know!” Iris glanced towards Eva for one last time with a playful wink, as she made her way to the coffee pot, filling it with fresh water. Evangeline thought to blush at ‘calm your flames’, but was briefly given pause by Iris’ mention of her ‘secret garden…’  It took her a moment to realize what the other woman meant, watching as she cavorted around the kitchen, a nymph, lithe and joyful, bouncing around as if she had cooked for all her life.  Then it occurred to her just exactly what Iris had asked her...and her face immediately turned as red as her hair.  It occurred to her that taking a seat on the spot may not be a bad idea, since she felt as if she were liable to faint at any moment. “I-...j-...don-...you…” She was barely able to form words at this point, she was so thoroughly embarrassed.  This seemed to be the norm around here...given how Arsene had barely reacted.  Eva, it seemed...would need to get used to this.  Twelve, though...it wasn’t even what was said, entirely.  It was the person that said it.  The looks Iris gave.  Her body language...the way she moved was just so...Evangeline couldn’t finish the sentence, even in her own mind.  It flustered her.  Threw her off balance.  Eva buried her face in her hands, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart, to find words...something she could say to save even a small amount of face. “T-twelve...Iris...m-must you ask such personal questions…” she stuttered from behind a wall of her own fingers, pulling herself under control at last.  She grasped at Arsene’s arm, pleading to him. “The bath...please...if you don’t mind.”  As she turned to leave the room, though, something occurred to her.  The words escaped her mouth without her realizing, vocalizing her thoughts before she could stop them. “You should know t-the answer anyways…” She clapped a hand over her mouth, unable to stop the sentence before it burst from between her teeth, a dam collapsing in the face of a raging river.  Blushing furiously, her hand still covering her mouth, she stepped from the room, the entirety of her willpower focused on stopping herself from thoughtlessly fleeing, hoping to all twelve gods that Arsene wouldn't share this with her new potential employer. “Red like tha flames of dat burnin’ church bench!! And twice as sinful...” Iris broke into a flagrant laugh, as the blushing viera was guided out of the kitchen. Her laugh would still echo on the hallway, as the old elezen walked the redhead towards the large bathrooms. As the water in the pot started to boil, Iris added in several spoonfulls of freshly grinded coffee, soon moving the pot off the flames. The delicious scent of fresh coffee filled the kitchen, fading away what was left of the pungent cigarette smoke. A slight, impish smile lingered on viera’s lips, as she poured herself a cup. Everything was going according to the plan. For now at least. Just a couple more pulls and the hook would pierce deep into Eva’s heart. Deep in the maze of webs Iris had so lovingly weaved. Did she actually feel bad for the girl though? Everyone who ever stepped into this cursed building got their life ruined.. their whole being rotting from inside out... This place slowly ate away your soul. Varg’s... her own... the only one seeminly unaffected of the curse was the old Elezen... but maybe the man was more of a servant to the curse, than an actual victim. Taking a sip, Iris disgarded the thought. How was it her problem in the first place? She had never brought Evangeline into this place. The woman had walked here with her own two feet. Blindfolded, like a lamb to the slaughter... It was not Iris’ problem, if the woman was to turn into yet another victim of the Blacksoul manor. Or was it?
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A while later, Arsene returned into the kitchen. On one hand he was carrying a slim paper package, from the grease stains on the paper one could imagine the package contained the meat Iris was after, for her breakfast that is. On the other hand he held a fine clay jar, filled with goat cheese mixed with herbs. Without as much as saying a word, Arsene walked through thekitchen, and placed the requested ingredients onto the table next to Iris. The old Elezen took a deep breath through his nose, his eyes closed. The scent of smoke from the firewood, and the steam from the fried eggs had well enough covered the stench of cigarette in the kitchen. Arsene opened his eyes, andmoved his gaze to the open window, then reaching his hand to close it once again. Arsene looked at Iris' direction, a gentle, yet in a way melancholic smile on his lips. Arsene turned around, to softly lean against the table on which he had placed the cheese and meat,still holding his gaze nailed at the Viera. Giving a quick side-glance towards old elezen, Iris threw some meat onto the pan, which soon started to hiss like an elderly snake. The bacon did not take long to finish on the already hot pan. When it had gained some crisp, pale viera poured it on top of the pagel, to make company for scrambled eggs, finishing the whole thing with a huge spoonful of goat cheese. “The heck is takin’ so long..? We should get movin’, for fock’s sake..”, she muttered to herself, giving a glance towards the old clock, standing in the corner of a kitchen. She was sure the clock itself had been here long before Varg arrived to Ishgard... or so it looked like.With a sigh, Iris picked up the plate, rolling fork and knife into a napkin, and was about to head to the bathroom, as her eyes catched the look on Arsene’s face. “Uhhhh... Im... Ya know... Im heckin’ sorry for the mess... Aniway, Im just gonna.. make sure tha damn damsel in distress has not drowned ‘erself into tha tub or anythin’...” She made her way to the doorway, and before stepping into the corridor, she gave one last glance towards the elezen, a slight smile lingering in her black lips. “...Thanks, Granpa.” And with that, Iris disappeared from the doorway, heading towards the bathroom.
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brunhiddensmusings · 5 years
year in review of parenting
thought i would try and record a few prime interactions ive had with my kids so i remember them as my 3 daughters are just so out there - daughter says shes interested in becoming an animator so i have to line up a list of animations on youtube i know were made by one person, including ‘no evil’ by betsy lee, dingo doodles sips and the karaoke of doom, ‘witches on tinder’, and piemations as examples of the kind of thing one person can reasonably do with a lot of dedication and if you pay close attention you can see how each of the animations are done differently - explaining what skaa was, twice - spending  time at gamestop just discussion how some funko pops make sense and some are super dumb. makes sense funko pop would be one of the main characters of a movie thats well loved, dumb ones would be the same but for a movie literally nobody likes but funko pops were released before the movie was so they will never sell, or having 40+ differnt versions of rick and another 50 of morty. even having 15+ different batmans doesnt make sense because given the choice do you want orange batman or classic batman? - no i cannot go to your school to beat up the kid who was mean to you. i mean technically im physically able to but thats not the point - explaining what the music style ‘scat’ is and why its unrelated to the same word used to mean ‘wild animal poop’ - i dont know how to explain to you who freddie mercury is because were in a car and i cant show you a youtube of bohemian rhapsody while im driving - explaining why i am irritated at the kid friendly versions of classic horror monsters, they dont get it so i have to go into detail a- is the wolfman scary? like just a dude thats hairy? no. no he is not. however imagine that someone you know, and you dont know who, may at some point in time turn into a ravenous monster who will attack their friends ruthlessly, its already happened at least once so everyone is on edge wondering who it is. however, secretly it is you that is the monster, living in fear that you could loose control and kill the ones you love most b- the frankenstins monster, just a big green dude with bolts in his neck? scary? no, hes just a larger zombie basically. however imagine someone at college going nutty and then starts to raid the morgue, the cemetery, butcher shops, and surgery wards at hospitals for the human parts he stitches together into a rude parody of a human being and brings it to life. but it doesnt stop there, because he abandoned this new creature that thing now stalks him out of revenge, one by one killing everyone they know - the kids now understand why the majority of the classic monsters are supposed to be scary as balls - explaining COPPA to them because several youtubers we watch together have started loudly announcing ‘not for children’, at which they unprompted start complaining about a youtuber called ‘ryans world’ where a very annoying screaming child tells everyone to buy shit and is repeatedly recommended to them by the algorithm because it knows theyre kids. i should have taken that as a warning so i wasnt surprised at just how much ‘ryans world’ merchandise was in stores this year, like ye gods theres more of it then there was starwars and harry potter merch combined he has his own cereal which is apparently frootloops and disturbing plush animals. we agreed its weird when on his merch theres four different characters but the pink cat girl looks like she was made by someone different then the others because shes got way better detail - explain to kids that ‘green eggs and ham’ was made on a dare, which requires me to recite the whole thing for them to count that there are exactly 50 different words 5 year old- “wheres my sister” me- “in the bathroom, why” 5 year old- “imma hug her” me- “nn.... wow youre - 14 year old in the bathroom- “GAAH!” me- “-fast” - i can do a perfect impression of the ‘huhuhuhuh’ sound sans undertale makes - its been 3 years of me using the phrase ‘sans undertale’ specifically and my daughter who has spent the last 3 years dressing like him and listening to his music hasnt caught on that the way im phrasing it is in fact a joke - kids accidentally stumble uppon a history meme i was part of and i have to explain thats a thing i do - explain to kids what the emu war was - explain to kids who rasputin was - explain to the kids what the problem with hitler was, given the 11 year old is supposed to only get this in the school curriculum this next year i can understand why she was shocked. 14 year old was also shocked becuase she is in the between part of ‘we briefly touched on that war’ and ‘okay now that you are old enough we can explain how shoving people into ovens works’ - they asked, they really did, and only then do i realize that despite it being something everyone should definitely be aware of... figuring out how old and how to explain it really is a tricky matter cause ho-damn most adults get queasy when you explain it and im sure those kids had bad dreams for a week - theyre also aware of the trump concentration camps and were able to draw the connections real quick - pun contest - kid asks me to acquire a daft punk song for her so i can put it on her mp3 player, i have never heard of this song despite her spending 5 minutes describing it and how their eyes are freaky. have to explain to her that when i was about her age daft punk released an entire movie made of music videos. we have to show each other different daft punk videos to understand each other - no, daft punk are the robots, not the blue eye people. literally nobody knows what they look like under the helmets they even show up to music award shows wearing them. the helmets can actually make words and emotes theyre really rad songs we have erupted into together - spooky scary skeletons - narwhals narwhals - another irish drinking song - hubba hubba zoot zoot
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kweebtrash · 6 years
Messy (M)
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Pairing(s): OC X Johnny (features other members)
Genre: College AU, Fuckboy AU
Summary: Fuckboys are basically good for one thing. You hit it and quit it- except when his voice draws you in, his body keeps you there, and dumb ass feelings linger making things particularly messy.
Warnings: drugs, alcohol
Word Count: around 16k
A/N: ‘they’ and ‘she’ are used interchangeably on purpose.
Messy Masterlist   Buy me a Ko-Fi    Other Stories
Three months didn’t seem like a long time, especially with how fast summers usually flew by, but it felt like ages since my last hook up. Most of the guys in my “little black book” were away for the summer while I remained stuck in my stupid college town, holed up in my tiny apartment, only going out to suffer at my mediocre job. Meanwhile, my roommate had Tinder hookups out the ass and was gone almost every other night. I guess I couldn’t complain too much. I had always been pickier than them and maybe, just maybe, I had gotten used to my steady rotation of boy toys. Sooner or later I would have to break the cycle especially since there wasn’t any guarantee that I would see them this semester. Half of them still lived in the dorms because of the exchange student program which sometimes but a hamper on our hookups. I would probably have to get a new bunch to play around with and maybe once in awhile I could hit up an old fling or two when i was really bored. But right now I was suffering and unfortunately craving what I hadn’t had in months. A vibrator or my hand could only do so much. With my upcoming class schedule I felt like i wasn’t even going to have time for hookups no matter how badly I wanted them.
it was the first weekend of the new semester and already I was having sad and pathetic thoughts about my sex life. Thankfully, they were interrupted by my evening alarm going off. Since last semester, I had gotten into the habit of listening to student radio every Friday at midnight. Normally I would never take interest in radio as it was boring, uninteresting, and doused with political commentary but one show had caught my attention.  It was pretty stereotypical; a steady rotation of songs, promoting local music shows, really annoying and irritatingly stupid comments and banter. Nothing too special- except for their voices. It was why I wasted many a nights in my room thrusting whatever instrument of pleasure inside me while I thought how good that voice would sound in my ear while the owner was fucking me from behind. I don’t know why I was so wrapped up in the way it sounded. I just knew the deep and husky tone was the most sensual thing I had ever heard.
I clicked on the radio app and gave it some time, letting the hosts mull over their introductions (the most annoying part) and settle into their planned topics. In between songs, i closed my eyes waiting for his voice to return before slowly creeping my hand into my pajama shorts. His laugh would send tingles throughout my body and I could always tell when he got closer to the microphone. I could hear his shallow breaths, soft clicks of his tongue, and that small hissing sound he made as he sucked air between his teeth when he was thinking about something. There was usually a little ‘hmm’ afterwards and i basically realized I had spent way to much fucking time thinking about it and way too much time jacking off to a disembodied voice that possibly could have belonged to someone ugly and no where near my type. Not that I had planned to meet him anyway but it would have been nice to put a hot face to the even hotter voice to fuel my wet dreams. The hour seemed to fly by and just at the tail end of their outro i came hard, his smooth chuckle fueling the quick circles I made to my clit while my other hand thrusted inside me. My back fell against the mattress, coming down from the small arch i made as I regained my breath. I sighed deeply, realizing i had to get up eventually to wash my hands. I exited out of the radio app and slowly peeled myself from the bed, tossing on my shorts to shuffle out to the bathroom.
My roommate, Quinn, was already sitting on the sofa in the living room, bowl of cereal in hand. “Did you jerk off to the radio show again?”
I threw my head back and sighed, cursing the day that I told them about my secret. Though we shared the same thrill of pleasuring ourselves to the pair of voices, I still felt a little embarrassed about it. “Yes Quinn. I did. Thank you very much for asking.”
“I mean, same. Got 3 out before the half hour mark.” They slurped the milk from the bowl and crunched away at the cereal, absentmindedly watching food shows on our modest sized tv.
“Jesus Christ.” I shook my head at their physical capacity, slightly jealous, but i guess i was more about quality over quantity. “We really gotta stop doing this. It’s kinda sad.” I half joked as i kicked the door to the bathroom partway shut and sat on the toilet.
“Not really. Besides I’m prepping for this semester.”
“Prepping for what? To sleep with everyone on campus?” I laughed.
“Precisely.” They responded in between another round of crunches. “Oh, by the way, Lucas just texted me about a party tomorrow. Well tonight. Want to go?”
“Who’s party is it?” I finished and washed my hands, shaking off the excess water as i headed over to the couch. I plopped down beside them.
“I don’t know. He just said it was some people he met over the welcoming weekend activity thingy. I guess they work for the radio station or something. Anyway, can we go? I wanna drink!” Quinn said.
“You mean, you want me to be D.D. while you and Lucas get hammered and I’m stuck dragging you two home again? No thank you.”
“Aww, c’mon! It’s not always like that! We let you have fun! Pllleeeaassseeeee! What if there’s hot guys there? Oh what if those radio guys are the ones Lucas met!” They gasped and stood up suddenly. “What if we could fuck the hot radio guys?!”
“Oh my god. How about we don’t and say we did? Besides, what if they're gross? I don’t have time for that significant of a let down.”
“Don’t be so mean. People with voices that hot are bound to be good looking.”
“Call me a shallow bitch because I hope to god so but knowing Lucas, they're probably some dumb frat fuckboys and I SEVERELY don’t have time for that. Regular fuckboys are fine, but fraternity ones are the devil.” I sighed and set my feet on the coffee table.
“Well you won’t know until you find out! Please? Please? Please? Please? Pleeeaasseeee?” They whined. “If all else fails you can just hook up with Lucas again!”
I groaned and rolled my eyes far back into my skull. “Fine! Fine. I will take you and Lucas to this party. But if ya’ll get drunk I am leaving you there. Point blank.”
“Ok. Ok. I promise I will try to not get black out drunk this time. I’ll behave.”
I scoffed, knowing damn well that promise wouldn’t be kept and I would still be dragging their ass home at three am with Lucas in my backseat. Suddenly I heard my phone ping from in my room, signaling that I had received a text message. I hauled myself up from the couch with a groan and grabbed it from atop my bed. Well, speak of the devil.
Dumbass Baby Lucas: wyd?
I woke up sometime in the late afternoon with Lucas’ arm strewn across my face and him snoring into one of my pillows. I pushed his arm off me and felt around the floor for my phone, groaning as I felt the soreness of my thighs which was  partly from the exertion and partly because i had to be squished to the edge of my small bed to accommodate Lucas’ giant frame. I managed to find my phone and turn the screen on, wincing at the bright light that illuminated my face. I sighed softly, realizing I had to get up at some point, take a shower, eat, and be at least semi productive. Otherwise I would stay home and just fuck Lucas some more and my body needed a few hours to recover before the party. Suddenly I felt his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me close to his warm broad chest. He was always such a cuddler.
“It’s 4 in the afternoon.” I mumbled.
“Yeah, so?” He replied, partly muffled as his lips were buried in the crook of neck and shoulders. “Party’s not until later, we have all day.”
“i would like to get up and eat something at some point in time. And shower. Which you should too. You smell funky.”
“Can we shower together?” I could feel the smirk imprinting my skin.
“You know damn well we cant. As soon as we get in there you won’t keep your hands to yourself and I wont actually get clean.”
“You know i hate keeping my hands to myself. Besides I missed you. You've been stuck here and I couldn't fuck you or Quinn all summer!”
“Boohoo, you big baby. You'll be fine without one shower fuck.” I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, yawning deeply. I shone my phones flashlight on the floor so I could guide my way to my room’s lightswitch when something caught my eye. “Lucas.” I growled.
He let out a childish groan. “Whaaaattt?”
“Didnt i tell you to throw the condoms IN the trashcan?”
“I did!”
“No, you didn’t. You threw them on the floor and now they’re all over my carpet!” I gave his bicep a hard whack. “Get up and clean it!”
He held his arm wincing at the sharp sting. “Ok! Ok! I’m going!”
I turned on the light and grabbed my robe, pulling it on and shuffling out to the kitchen. Quinn was attempting to make breakfast, the smell of burning bread and melting cheese in the air. They took one look at me and shook their head. “Why are you so grumpy? Your dry spell is over no?”
“Lucas didn’t throw any of the condoms in the trashcan that’s literally right beside the bed and they're all over the floor now.”
“Eww, like the used ones?”
“Yes. Cum and all. Go handle your dumbass best friend before I strangle him.”
“Ok, I’m going. Just watch my grilled cheese.” Quinn sighed as they put the spatula down and trudged over to my room. I looked over the grilled cheese, nudging it with the spatula and checking the underside. Way overdone. I sighed and grabbed a plate from the cabinet, sliding the sandwich onto it before retreating to our fridge. It was the end of the month which meant no food as always. The last of the cheese gone. I looked over at the two ends of bread left in the bag on the counter. Last of the bread gone. My stomach growled loudly and i slammed the fridge shut. I didn’t have money but if I begged hard enough I could convince Quinn to let me use their credit card to buy pizza.
I went back to my room, almost kicking the door open as I heard Lucas’ pouty puppy whine which was probably the result of not getting enough cuddles this morning. He was always so needy when he was sleepy. 
“How much money you got?” i asked.
Lucas had gathered the condoms in his hand, finally tossing them in the trash before wiping his hand on his thigh. “Uh...i mean like i got my refund check?”
“No I meant Quinn. How much money do you have on your credit card. I’m hungry, there’s no food, and I need pizza and another 6-pack. I’m running low since Lucas’ drank most of them last night.”
“I have enough. Don’t worry.” They replied.
“I’ll give you money for them i swear!” Lucas interjected. “Or maybe more head? For like a week straight?”
“Head doesn't get me tipsy Lucas. But you can still do that if you want.” I smirked before turning to Quinn. “Can you order it please? I want to shower first.”
“Yeah, yeah...i burnt my dang sandwich anyway.”
“Sweet.” I grabbed my towel from the hook behind my door and shuffled over to the bathroom, feeling the looming presence behind me. “Lucas.” I said sternly.
“I have to pee! Cant I pee?!”
I glared back at him. “Fine. But get out once you're done.” i tossed off my robe and stepped into the shower, yanking the curtain harshly so i could block his view of me. I was ready to have the cool water on my skin to wipe away all the sticky sweat from my body. It was already too hot today.
“Where's the toothbrush i keep here?” he asked after flushing.
“In the medicine cabinet” i grumbled. “Where it's always at.”
I set myself right under the spray of water letting it flow over my hair. My purple dye was looking more like a grayish lavender, making me frown. I was going to look like a hot mess at the first party of the year. Wonderful. Suddenly, Lucas’ hand was in the shower, holding my toothbrush and toothpaste in his fist. He scared the shit out of me but i took them anyway, grateful to get morning breath and the taste of his dick out my mouth.
“When does this stupid party start?” I asked between scrubbing my teeth.
“Whenever we wanna go.” He pulled back the curtain and stepped into the shower making me groan.
“What did i just say?”
He kissed my cheek before picking me up and moving me to the other end of the tub. “Whatever. You love me.” He stuck himself under the shower head while i leaned against the tiled wall in the cold spot.
“Hurry up and get out so i can finish.” I nudged him so he would move out of the trajectory of my toothpaste clouded spit.
“I will.” he said, stepping out of the way. “Quinn and I have got some catching up to do anyway.” He winked at me before leaning over to get the bar of soap in the shower caddy beside me. “You could join us if you want.”
“Not today. Too tired for that.”
“Boo, you're no fun.” He gave me a quick kiss but hovered a little longer by my lips.
“I think the ‘Oh fuck, Eri! SHIT! YES!YES!OH GOD FUCK YES!’ said otherwise, no? Loud ass.” I gave him a slower kiss this time, cupping his chin in my hand while his instantly went to my ass, grabbing it harshly and pulling me closer.
“Are you sure we cant have a little fun in the shower?” he whispered. He placed soft kisses all over my neck and chest making his way lower until he was onto his knees. I saw his brown puppy dog eyes look up at me and he knew i couldn't resist.
“Fine. But just a little bit, ok?” I held his head close as he dove between my thighs, sighing softly as he did what he knew how to do best.
Lucas practically ran to the back of the apartment building following the sound of obnoxiously loud music. There were sliding doors that were wide open letting people flow in and out of the first floor apartment to the community pool close by. Wafts of smoke circled the party goers as they chugged bottles of beer, laughing and dancing as they went. “Hurry up!” Lucas called out to Quinn and I. Quinn was a bit faster and more enthusiastic while I took my time, shifting around someone who was already too drunk to function. It was only 10:30 too.
I finally stepped into the apartment, instantly annoyed by the smell of cheap weed and the remixed versions of some top 40 hits blaring from a macbook and speaker hookup. Before i could even make a complaint Lucas was shoving a bottle of apple ale into my hand while Quinn scoped out the party for their next target. “I'm gonna go find the guys I met. I'll be right back!” Lucas screamed over the music. I nodded and waved him off, my eyes honing in at the free bar stool by the kitchen counter. Quinn had followed Lucas leaving me on my own as usual.
I sat down on the bar stool and sipped my ale slowly, having to pace myself in order to be able to drive everyone home. I rested my chin on my hand as i scrolled through my instagram, already yawning and wanting to go back to bed. Even though i slept for about 12 hours i had still spent the night tossing and turning and getting woken up to wandering fingers between my thighs. I took another sip and double tapped my screen, liking some random makeup pic. I barely even noticed the person slide beside me until a plastic shot glass was waved in my face. I moved my head back, surprised at the intrusion before I saw who was offering it. Fuuuuuccckk.
“Well if it isn't my favorite kitten. I didn't know you'd be here.”
“Hi, Ten.” I groaned. He nudged the shot glass towards me again and I took it, knowing i would need it for this conversation.
“Almost didn't recognize you without your collar on.”
“You took the leather one back home, remember?” I rolled my eyes and tossed the shot back, wincing at the burn. “I got stuck with the pink one with the giant bell. Which is not subtle at all by the way.”
“Who said anything about wanting to be subtle?” he took a sip from his solo cup and tapped his fingers on the plastic. “You're my kitten after all.”
“And you’re my puppy whenever you want to not be a brat.” I stole his cup and tossed back a heavy gulp. “What the fuck are you even drinking?” I asked, feeling the sweet and sour taste on my tongue.
“Jungle juice. Whatever favor the purple one is. Anyway...so what's your semester look like?”
“Want to see when I can pencil you in to fuck?” I stated flatly knowing that he wasn't one to beat around the bush.
“You still rooming with Yuta?”
“What about Yuta?” An arm was tossed around my shoulder and i was pulled into Yuta's chest without warning.
“Is everyone i've ever fucked here??” i almost screamed. Yuta and Ten both looked around.
“Well, there's me, Ten, Taeyong, Lucas and uh….Jungwoo.”
My eyes went wide. “You're shitting me. Please tell me Jungwoo is not actually here.”
“Oh you better believe it.” Ten smirked. “You're number one heartbreaker, honey. Congrats on still being the source of his vendetta for almost the third year in a row.”
“More drinks please. I can't do this right now.” I rubbed my temples while Yuta just laughed at me. Ten retreated to the kitchen, wiggling his smaller frame through some people and filling up a cup with another flavor of jungle juice.
“Aww, Eri. Don't pout. He's just going to hate you for all eternity that's all.” Yuta dug his hand into the bowl of chips in front of me, shoveling them into his mouth. “So like…” He paused to chew and swallow. “When can i tie you up again?” He didn't even look me in the eye when he asked, just took another sip of his beer.
“Gee, i dont know. I had a dry spell for the entire summer and now suddenly everyone I've ever fucked is at this party and i have to get a planner for my dick appointments.” I kinda laughed, trying my best to loosen up. I especially couldn't resist Yuta's smile that made me feel as if the sun radiated from him.
“You complaining about how much you get laid now? When has that ever been a problem for you?” He leaned in closer, his lips dangerously close to mine. I pulled away before he could sneak the kiss that he wanted.
“i'm not complaining, i guess I'm just a busy person after all. Still got it.” I smirked as Yuta nudged me.
“We fuck you because of your devil vagina magic and because you do just about everything.”
“Ok, first of all, it's not devil vagina magic. Second of all, am i the one who had a fucking machine in his dorm room last year? No.”
“Yeah but you're one it got used on.” Ten interrupted. He set my cup in front of me while he and Yuta put me between them like some sort of kink sandwich.
“Yes, thank you for your input, Ten.” I could feel my cheeks flushing as I remembered that wild session that lasted over six hours.
“Dont you mean ‘sir’?” Yuta chimed in.
I set my head on the counter top and groaned. “Why do ya'll always have to torture me??”
“But baby, i thought you loved getting tortured! I mean that's why you end up up tied and gagged at our place right?”
I whacked Ten upside the head. “AGAIN THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT TEN. I don't need to be reminded about what we do.”
“Or maybe you do?” Yuta smirked. “Hows next friday sound?”
“Hmm, maybe not Friday. I think I want her on Thursday. What if you take her on Saturday?”
“I could do Saturday.”
“I'm so glad you both are taking what I want into consideration.” I said sarcastically. “Anyway, Thursday and Saturday is fine. Bring your best shit. We’ve got to start the year off right.” I slid off the bar stool, taking my drink with me and leaving both my doms behind. Playing hard to get and being a brat was my favorite past time with them. I didn’t even take a look back as I exited the apartment, though the temptation was definitely there.
Outside wasn’t much better. It was still hot as hell for the beginning of September and with so many people packed into a small space it made everything hotter. I could feel the sweat start to bead on my forehead. I fanned at my face wishing i had some ice in my solo cup. Across from the pool, I could see my one night stand Taeyong eyeing me though I tried my best to ignore his hungry stare. I also tried not to think about how he pressed me against the door of the empty student affairs office and fucked me so hard it had started to rattle. It wasn't bad at all. In fact it was incredibly hot but we just never talked about it after and I didn't crave him as much. It was a simple fling but maybe he didn't think of it that way. I had been mostly occupied with Ten, Yuta and Lucas for the rest of last semester anyway. Oh and that whole actually going to college thing.
I sunk back against the rough brick of the building, trying to ignore Taeyong and instead scanned the area to see if i could spot Lucas or Quinn. No luck with that.
“Did you come here by yourself?” I heard a quiet voice say beside me.
I looked over at the guy scrunched against the wall, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. He was gorgeous to say the very least. His jawline was from the gods, his eyes were the most perfect almond shape, and his flaming red hair suited his golden skin so well. As soon as i saw his lips pressed against the rim of his cup i knew i wanted to kiss him. “H-huh?” was all i could really manage to say and i hoped to all hell he didn't notice me staring.
“Oh, sorry.” He spoke a little louder. “Did you come here by yourself? You looked like you were trying to get away from the party.”
“No, i'm not by myself but my friends ditched me. I can't find them. I also ran into some...uh...people i knew but i needed a break from socializing.”
“I'm the same, but...were kinda socializing now.” He smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat for a moment. He was definitely going to be my next mistake. I took a long slow sip of my drink before it finally clicked in my head that I should actually introduce myself.
“I'm um-” Shit, what was my name? “Eril- Eri. Just Eri.”
“I'm Taeil. I haven't seen you around before. You go to our college, right?”
“Yep, suffering and in debt like everyone else. Im in journalism so maybe it's because im stuck at the way back of campus with all the writing buildings that we haven’t seen each other before. It's basically a dungeon. I'm trapped.” I let out a bit of nervous laughter which he reciprocated. I figured he was the shy type and I had normally stayed away from those. Too many reminders that I was a shitty heartbreaker. But he was cute and I liked his smile. That was what usually got me in trouble anyway. Taeil was a breath away from responding when the sound of Lucas’ booming voice interrupted us.
“There you are, you ass.” I was at least relieved that he had found me. “You guys left me all by myself like always. Where the hell is Quinn?” I turned back momentarily to Taeil. “Sorry, i'm babysitting him. He's like a lost puppy.”
Taeil replied with a strained smiled and tipped his cup all the way back. Before i could even say anything else Lucas was dragging me away, his big hand around my arm preventing me from even trying to escape. I looked back at Taeil longingly which he returned with a confused expression. I mouthed another apology to him, hoping that i could maybe resume our conversation later (and get his number). Lucas pushed me into a ring of people, two of which i'd never met before. They were all passing around a blunt, the air surrounding them so thick with smoke that it was almost burning my eyes. I coughed and looked up at Lucas. “Why'd you bring me here?”
He put his arm around me and lowered himself to my ear. “That's Johnny and Jaehyun. The hosts of that radio show you love so much.” He said the tail end of that sentence with such a teasing tone that i just knew Quinn had told him about what we did when we listened to their voices. But now that voice was in front of me and my worst nightmare had turned into the best wet dream. I thought Taeil had made my heart stop  when I saw him but I was fucking deceased when I looked at Johnny. He was tall with shoulders like a goddamn linebacker. His biceps looked absolutely perfect to grab onto while he plowed into me. And though i wasn't much of a fan of smoking the way he exhaled from his full lips gave me goosebumps.
“Well, aren’t you going to talk to him?” Lucas smirked.
“And say what? Let me suck your dick?”
“I mean, it's what you want, isn’t it?”
“Shut up.” i said bitterly as I shifted my weight and stared into my mostly empty cup, trying my best not to drool over Johnny.
“Hey, i'm a good friend and I'm doing you a solid. You need to have some more fun. I mean with someone besides me. Though we can still do that later tonight, if you want.” He followed up his half assed flirtatious statement with a wink.
“For your information, Ten and Yuta are already lined up for next week. But i’m sure you'll come knocking on my door too.”
“Always. You still owe me and Quinn a threesome.”
“We'll see.” I shrugged and finally turned my eyes up. Johnny had been looking at me- or rather looking at my figure-his eyes mostly resting on my thighs. I adjusted the band of my thigh highs self consciously, wondering if he was thinking about my legs wrapped around him like i was. My teeth were starting to dig into my bottom lip as i tried to not focus on those thoughts. Our eyes met again and instead of saying anything he just offered the blunt to me, which i denied. He shrugged, and instead passed it over to Jaehyun who was more than happy to take another hit. Quinn was beside Jaehyun, seeming to already be plotting how to get Johnny's partner in crime into bed. I knew they would convince him soon enough and i'd have to find a way to get them out of his bed in time for us to leave. Lucas had resumed his nature as a social butterfly, ignoring me to settle into another conversation. Everyone had seemed to be paired off now except Johnny and I. He took a sip from the beer bottle in his hand, a quick flash of disappointment on his face as he realized it was empty.
“Fuck.” i saw him mouth. He looked over at me, leaning in close with his hand resting on my lower back. “Want another drink?” He said into my ear.
“N-no um...i'm good. Gotta drive back so...i'm trying to pace myself.”
“That fucking sucks. This is the first party of the year. You should be blackout drunk.”
“Yeah, i’m not a freshman anymore, so that's so not happening.” I chuckled.
“Come get another beer with me then?” he asked which i agreed to a little too eagerly.
He lead the way, wrapping his hand around mine so we wouldn't get separated from the constantly moving crowd. My hand seemed to disappear within his fingers which made me want to melt into a puddle. Big hands were an absolute weakness of mine. We flowed into the kitchen that was even more crowded now as someone had brought in a few more cases of beer and the last of the jungle juice was escaping the pitcher into used cups. Johnny reached into the fridge and got another bottle, pulling his keys out from the pocket of his basketball shorts and flicking the top off with the bottle opener keychain. We moved towards the back of the kitchen to have some room away from the crowd. He didn't say anything, just sipped his drink slowly as i watched his adam's apple bob with each swallow. A partygoer asked us to move so they could reach the trash can behind Johnny. When he complied I was suddenly between his 6 foot tall frame and the wall. His hand rested way above my head as he nodded towards the partygoer with a tight lipped smile. My fingers dug into my own cup, crushing the plastic ever so slightly as i looked up at him. I was rarely nervous to be around a guy no matter how much their smiles, sultry voices, or tall bodies affected me. I had to remind myself that men were toys to me, a way to feign confidence and still get what I wanted. No strings attached with the joy of playing hard to get and emotionally unavailable.
But Johnny was making me feel different and I hated it. I wanted to crush it like an empty beer can and toss it in the trash and never think about it again. Except now he was looking down at me and i couldn't help but notice how the fluorescent lighting of the kitchen caught his brown eyes and turned them into the color of warm honey. If i was a puddle before when he held my hand i was a river now creeping closer to being an ocean and losing a grip on myself.
“What's your name?” He spoke at last.
“Eri...just Eri. You're from the uh….radio show? Lucas told me about you. Well that you guys met��”
He shrugged. “Yeah, he's cool or whatever. He reminds me of how I used to be when I first started college. You friends with him or something?”
“To say the very least.” I laughed nervously and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. Johnny tipped his bottle over, spilling some of his beer into my empty cup.
“So you fuck him? He your boyfriend?”
“God no. I mean i do fuck him but he's not my boyfriend.” I took a sip of the beer, instantly regretting it. The disgusting bitterness reminded me of regurgitated piss in a bottle but my mind was making me keep up my aloof appearance and i forced myself to drink more.
“Cool…Thought i'd ask just in case.”
“Just in case?” I swallowed thickly, knowing exactly what he was insinuating.
“Mhm...just in case.” He lowered his head, reaching down to my level, and pressed our lips together. No other words exchanged, just the feeling of the soft skin on skin, melding together in a way that wasn't sloppy or rough but rather a slow and sensual torture. I wanted to push him away; i even pressed my hands against his chest but my body failed to do it. He stepped a bit closer, his bottle free hand coming to cup my chin as his tongue pushed past my lips. I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around his neck and instead kept my hands on his chest, feeling his muscles underneath his thin tank top. My nails dug into him slightly and i could feel the quietest of moans reverberate against my tongue. The way he overwhelmed my mouth had me being dragged back in, over and over, until i was breathless and lightheaded. When he finally parted from me, he stepped back as if nothing had happened. He resumed the need to quench his thirst, momentarily dragging his thumb over his lips and looking at it-presumably to check if i had left lipstick behind.
“What was that?” I asked, definitely confused about how he just kissed me and was acting like it didn't phase him at all while i was feeling like i was crashing down from cloud 9.
“What? Don't act like you've never made out with someone at a party before.” He said simply.
Of course I had, plenty of times but never with someone who's voice i had dreamt about for nights on end. Even though I had connected my fantasy to real life and he had kissed me, I still had to see him as just a voice. I had to keep him at a distance to avoid drowning in him. He also had solidified his stereotype of a party fuckboy only looking for one thing. I couldn't be too mad at him. My list of one night stands was ever growing as well but he was kinda being a douche about it. “I've done a lot of things at parties but-”
“Good, then you know how this goes.”
I wanted to deck him right in that perfect pouty mouth of his. And worst of all, it made me want to fuck him even more. My ability to respond was tossed aside as someone he knew came over and they exchanged loud greetings, slapping each others hands before caving into a ‘no homo' bro hug. His care for me seemed to have been thrown out, leaving me stuck in a corner. I quickly texted Quinn, hoping they weren't sucking face (or dick) as of yet and we could meet up. Johnny continued talking, his radio personality showing through more than when he was with me. I mulled over my next move- to ditch Johnny or wait until he was done talking to see if i could get another breathtaking kiss.
I gave my phone one last check to see if Quinn had responded before pushing myself off the wall and moving through the kitchen. My chest slightly brushed against him as i squeezed past. Taking a quick glance back, I caught him watching me from over his friend’s shoulder. I tossed my hair back and kept walking, smirking to myself a bit. He could chase after me if he wanted but i wasn’t going to wait. I made my way towards the sliding doors, ready to return outside when I was surprised to see another boy I knew. Luckily, he was one that I hadn't slept with. Instead, Doyoung was one of my good friends. Usually he was the one to reel me back in when I got lost in sex filled hazes and needed to concentrate on my life, my job, and school. Having me as a friend was never easy when you had to be the voice of reason. I had never actually seen him at a party let along drinking. I wanted desperately to go talk to him, especially since I hadn't seen him all summer, but he was sitting next to Jungwoo. I was too much of a coward to go down that road so I settled for a small wave, hoping that I might catch Doyoung’s attention instead. His big bunny eyes zeroed in on me and he waved frantically before making his way over.
“Eri! I missed you!” he said before squeezing me to his chest. I could feel the icy cold glass of his beer bottle between my shoulder blades as he held me.
“I did too but more importantly what are you doing drinking?”
He blushed and hid the bottle behind his back, feigning innocence. “Me? Drink? No way! This is uh...um...you know, soda.”
I poked his shoulder playfully. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. You're supposed to be the good one.”
He shrugged and stared down at his shoes. “This was the first time i was ever invited to a party so I thought i'd at least try it. Who did you come with?”
“Lucas and Quinn, the usual. I was babysitting them but Lucas is bouncing around and Quinn has their eyes set on Jaehyun.”
“Jaehyun? The guy from the radio show?”
I nodded.
“Ah...tell her to be careful with him. I've heard some stuff about him and Johnny.”
“Oh?” I raised a brow, my interest peaked. “Like…?”
“That they’re notorious for sleeping around.”
“I mean apparently me too. Have you seen who is at this party?” I laughed.
“Yeah but you don’t have that much under your belt. I’ve heard that they’re like in the 30s or higher for the number of people they’ve slept with. They're kinda gross.” Doyoung made a face of disgust before he took another sip of beer. “Just please tell Quinn to be careful. I don’t want her getting hurt.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I wanted to hook up with Johnny. He would be even more worried and i needed to do my best to keep an eye out on him now that he was drinking. I couldn’t take care of three drunks all at once. I gave him another hug and sighed. “I promise i'll take care of them. And i need you to promise me you wont get too crazy with those beers.”
“You won’t see me passed out i swear! Anyway, come sit with us. We need to catch up.”
“Uh...Jungwoo's there. It's gonna be weird.” I said, nervously.
“No, no. It's totally fine. Besides Ten and Yuta are there too. Taeyong went to the bathroom for a sec. It'll be fine.”
He took my hand and lead me to the group that had taken over the sofa. Jungwoo left as soon as i sat down much to my dismay. I wasnt surprised though. Doyoung tried his best to make him stay but it didn’t help that Ten and Yuta started teasing me for being a heartbreaker. I rolled my eyes and hit them both while Doyoung tried to tell us to behave like he was our mom, making all of us laugh. Somehow hanging around the people I fucked made me feel better and less miserable at this party. It wasn’t so bad after that and our alcohol fueled antics lasted hours. It was full of flirting, a few neck kisses from Yuta, and cute smiles between me and Taeil once he joined our little group. Ten kept close to me, whispering about his plans for next Thursday. Every once in awhile i would catch Johnny circling around. He was keeping his distance from me but our eyes kept meeting every chance they got. He was making a show of wrapping random girls in his arms, smacking their asses, running his fingers through their hair or pulling them close for a kiss but never completing it. He was being a tease and i didnt know if it was solely for them or to be an asshole to me. We knew we had our eyes on each other. I had to admit the best part was having a bunch of guys lust over me while i pick and choose who i wanted for the evening. Johnny was still top tier in the back of my mind. Those basketball shorts barely left anything to the imagination and I was falling deeper into his thirst trap.
Around 3 am the party had died down leaving just a few of us behind. We had gathered by the pool this time, even though it was after the allowed hours, preferring the cool summer night breeze than the stuffy apartment. I sat on a lawn chair, my mind fuzzy and tingling with the small buzz I had going on. I had continued to down a few more ales, some bourbon, whiskey and 1 terrible harsh shot of vodka. Even though i knew i was going to feel like shit tomorrow and that i was supposed to be driving home, i couldn't help myself. For the moment i had forgotten about Johnny, especially since he was still dipping in and out of view. I had instead turned all my attention towards Taeil who was getting closer and closer to taking me home. His sweet demeanor was taking over and I loved the way his cheeks flushed and how his lips curled into a smile with every one of my coy laughs. He pushed his bright red hair back, pretending he wasn’t noticing how close i was getting to him. I listened intently to how Taeil was going to be a tutor for some core classes at the library and I made sure to put emphasis on the fact that i would be definitely needing his help sooner rather than later. His hand came to rest on my knee, slowly edging towards the band of my black thigh high. I joked about having a school fantasy and hoping he would punish me which sent his hand back to cover his face as he blushed harder. Oh, he was just too damn cute. I scooted the lawn chair closer and took his hands in mine, running my thumbs over his knuckles and wondering what his fingers would feel like down my throat.
“I mean, we dont exactly have to wait until next week. We could...have a little study session of our own tonight. I’m so terrible at math.” i giggled.
Taeil folded our fingers together and cocked his head to the side, leaning in just a bit. “Well i should probably tell you something first…”
“Tell me anything, Tae.” I closed my eyes and waited for his lips but instead i felt a harsh yank on the belt loop of my shorts. Taeil backed away again, releasing my hands instantly and looking up at the person behind me. I craned my head backwards to see Johnny looking down at me. He had yet another blunt in his hand, his eyes looking much redder than the last time I saw him.
“We're playing ‘Strip Never Have I Ever’. You want in?” He sniffed.
“What is ‘Strip Never Have I Ever?” Taeil questioned.
“Basically you say something promiscuous that you haven’t done and everyone who has done that thing takes off an article of clothing.” I explained.
“I think I should sit this one out. I'm not one for getting naked in front of strangers.”
“Come on Taeil. Dont you want to see her naked? Even just a little bit?” Johnny seemed to be glaring at Taeil now, a bit of tension rising between them.
Taeil scoffed. “I'm not like you Johnny. I’d rather take my time.”
“Still playing that innocent shit, huh?” Johnny took another toke, the fingers of his free hand still wrapped in my belt loop, pulling me back towards him.
“I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Johnny scoffed. “Of course you dont.” He rolled his eyes. “You never do.”
“Johnny, your jealous side is showing again.” Taeil set his chin on his hand, a smirk tweaking at the sides of his lips.
“So…are we gonna stop this pissing contest and play or…?” I said, a bit annoyed at their tense banter.
“Yeah, sure babe.” Johnny said as he finally broke the glaring contest between he and Taeil.
I removed Johnny's hands from my shorts and stood up, focusing my attention to the other man. “Would you mind getting me another beer and whatever else is laying around, please?”
He nodded and stood up, giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek. “Sure thing. Save me a spot by you. I'll play just because you are.” He headed back towards the sliding doors leading to the apartment leaving Johnny and I by ourselves.
“Dont let him fool you.” Johnny said once Taeil was out of ear shot.
“Oh he's fooling me? Funny. I kinda heard the same thing about you. It also just sounds like you might be jealous.” I crossed my arms under my chest, looking up at him.
“Jealous is hardly the right word. But if you want to be disappointed tonight then go with him.”
“You dont think i’d find you disappointing? Not even in the slightest?” I teased.
“I know you wouldn’t be. I’m not fooling you on anything. You can see for yourself later.” He grabbed a hold of my hip and pulled me closer to him.
“How many girls did you use that line on tonight? The blonde? Both the brunettes? The girl with the orange hair?”
“How many times did you let Yuta kiss your neck? Or let Ten almost try and choke you in front of everyone?”
“He wasn’t going to choke me...that time. But i guess you were watching me as much as i was watching you.” I said, knowing it was the truth.
“I just want to get you out them shorts is all. Who do you think suggested the game?” He winked at me before heading over to our circle of friends who were drunkenly calling out for us to join them. Taeil came back then with some beers and a cup of whatever he had concocted. Our spot was between Ten and Johnny but I had noticed Doyoung swaying while Yuta tried to steady him. I went over to them giving my sweet boy the once over.
“How many has he had? I asked.
“Literally like three beers. He’s such a lightweight.” Yuta teased.
I hit his shoulder gently. “Be nice. Doyoung, do you want to go home with me later? You can sleep on the couch.” I pet back his dark hair as he giggled.
“Im cool, im cool, im coooooolll. I got this!” Doyoung pawed at my hand, willing me away from him. “I'm not a baby, Eri!”
“I'm just worried about you is all. Don't get too crazy.”
“Let him be, you party pooper!” Quinn chimed in.
“You hush! You're already sloshed and I’m surprised you're not already naked.”
“Isn't that what this game is for?” They replied.
I sighed. “I guess I will have three babies to take home tonight.” I booped Quinn on their forehead gently before sitting back in my spot. “Who's starting first then?
“I'll do it!” Quinn offered. “Never have I ever been tied up.”
“Oh come on! Really?!” I said as Ten, Yuta, and I booed at them. Of course we were the easy targets with all the shit we had done together. I tossed off a sneaker while Ten went to take off his collar.
“Nah-uh. Jewelry doesn’t count. Clothes only.” Taeyong interjected.
“Damn, dont be so eager to see me naked.” Ten tossed off his black v-neck while Yuta kicked off a sandal.
Quinn nudged Doyoung signaling him to go but he had such a bad case of the drunken giggles it took him minutes to compose himself and think of something. I resisted the urge to facepalm as i watched him. “Doyoung, honey. Go lay down.” I pleaded.
“No! I got it! Never have i ever s-smoked weed!” He burst into another round of giggles before Jaehyun scoffed.
“That's fuckin’ wack! Here.” Jaehyun took the blunt out of Johnny’s hand and handed it over to Doyoung. “Inhale and hold it in for a bit.”
“No! No! Dont you dare!” I blocked Jaehyun from passing the blunt over. “Hes already drunk from a few beers. He's gonna lose it from one toke. Just take off your clothes so we can move onto Yuta.”
“You first.” He snapped back at me.
I stuck my tongue out at him. “It doesn’t apply to me, jackass.”
“Well maybe if you smoked a bit too then you wouldn’t be so bitchy. Let him have fun.”
“Why dont you fucking eat my ass, dipshit.”
“Wait no, can you please do that to me instead?” Quinn said suddenly.
“Will ya'll shut up and get back to the game? Doyoung’s smoking anyway.” Yuta snorted before falling into a laughing fit himself. While i had been fighting with Jaehyun, Doyoung had stolen the outstretched blunt and inhaled deeply. I could tell the moment he felt the burning in his chest. His eyes watered as he sputtered and coughed. Jaehyun cackled as he took the blunt back, getting in a hit of his own.
“You sure you don’t want any, goodie two shoes?” Jaehyun offered again.
“Id rather not.” I flicked his snapback off his head. “There. One article of clothing down. Yuta, please go before I strangle him.” I scooted back to my spot, a permanent pout on my face.
“You need to chill out.” Johnny whispered as he leaned in close to me. “You’re so tense. You know what would help with that?”
“Having my friend returned home safely and not passed out in his own-”
“Never have i ever had office sex!” Yuta exclaimed.
My mouth hung open, the rest of my statement dissipating in the air.
“Oohhh he got you and Taeyong!” Ten laughed. “Take it off, baby! Take it off!”
“Did you two really fuck in an office?” Jaehyun asked, staring at Taeyong and I. “Where even at?”
I chucked off my other shoe and grumbled as Taeyong pulled his shirt over his head. “Office of student affairs last semester.” he answered.
“Well damn, student affairs is right.” Johnny laughed.
I shrugged. “Shit goes down in offices and so does Taeyong.” There was a chorus of ‘ooohs’ as Taeyong gave me the finger.
“Fuck off. I made the door shake, didnt i?”
“It was up against the door??” Taeil asked, surprised.
Dammit, I really didn’t need him to hear my history now. Yuta was out to get me, Doyoung was already fucked up, Taeil was going to find out all the dirty things I’d done with almost everyone in this group and it was only the 4th round. Ten cleared his throat as I dodged Taeils question even though he was poking my side to tease me.
“Settle down children, settle down. I got a semi decent one. It’s easier to think about what i have done instead what i haven't. Anyway, never have I ever had like slow or sensual sex.”
“What!? That's a fuckin’ lie. Even i've done that. What about your first time?” Lucas interjected.
Ten shrugged. “Nope. Not really. I wasn’t nervous so we just kinda...did it. So, come on. Give something up.” Most everyone lost an article of clothing. I was curious to see that Taeil had only lost a shoe during the weed round but didnt remove anything else this time around, which meant he was either just as kinky as Ten or a complete virgin. I didn’t see him as the latter so my interest was extremely peaked at this point.
“Aren’t you going to take something off?” I asked him, returning his teasing notion.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” He winked at me and i couldn’t help but giggle as I felt the blush start to creep back into my cheeks. I tried to hide it by busying myself with trying to get one of my thigh highs off and deflect my infiltrating thoughts of a kinky Taeil when i felt Johnny's hand over mine.
“Leave those for last.”
“What for?” I asked, barely looking back at him.
He smirked and rubbed his thumb gently across my thigh. “I like them. They look good on you.”
“You're going to have to do some better convincing than that.”
Johnny grabbed the collar of his tank top and pulled it over his head leaving him bare chested and my mouth watering. I drank in each muscle he had on his torso, wanting to kiss every inch of him and follow that cute little happy trail to what was under his shorts. I was silently begging to get more rounds in as soon as possible.
“Convinced yet?” he asked, cockily..
I rolled my eyes, pretending that it was such a hassle for me to leave my socks for last. However, I stood up and undid the buttons of my high waisted shorts, shimmying them down my thighs before kicking them behind me. I adjusted my lacy black panties, feeling all eyes on me.
“Why is there even a bow on the back?” Taeyong asked.
“Because my ass is a present, thanks.”
“Gimmmeeeeee!” I heard Quinn say, making grabby hand motions at me.
“No, you get it tomorrow, if you're good!” I joked.
“You guys are gonna fuck?” Jaehyun asked, looking at Quinn curiously. “Can I watch?”
“Nope sorry, that is off limits. For my eyes only.” Lucas said, beckoning for Jae to share the blunt he was still working on. He passed it over to Lucas who took it graciously.
“What do you mean for your eyes only? Share the wealth.” Jae said.
“How about no one watches anything. We’re not a damn spectacle. What Quinn and I do is none of your business. ANYWAY, Taeil your turn. Please go. Please.”
“Shoot. Uh…” He looked around at all of us trying to think of a good statement. “Um...never have I ever had a one night stand?”
“Really??? That's literally like...my entire life.” Lucas laughed.
Johnny rolled his eyes. “Never had a one night stand...pfft okay.”
Taeil just laughed. “Dont be mad because you're losing, Johnny”
“Yeah me and practically everyone else.” Johnny tossed off his snapback while i realized i had to discard my shirt. Technically, i didn’t but i decided to appease Johnny a little bit longer and leave the thigh highs for last. I pulled my crop top over my head, revealing my bare chest (who had time for fucking bras anyway) before pulling my hair over my shoulders to have a little bit of coverage. Lucas whistled at me, giving me a wink which made me roll my eyes. Johnny licked his lips, a smile on his face while Taeil tried to sneak looks without being too obvious, which he was failing at. I hugged my knees to my chest and realized that it was actually my turn to go.
I had to think of something i had never done. Not that it specifically had to be something sexual, but that was definitely more fun than ‘Never have i ever been to Korea’. “Oh! I got it. Never have I ever eaten ass before.”
“Boo, you whore!” Ten said, taking off his fishnet shirt and tossing it at me. I caught it and laughed, knowing that we were still neck in neck in the race to lose first. Quinn, Ten, and almost surprisingly Yuta discarded another piece of clothing. Only a few more rounds and someone would be naked. Lucas was coming up quick, only having his underwear (presumably) and shorts on.
It was up to Johnny now. I looked over at him as he switched his preference to a cigarette. I definitely was wondering what he was going to say. He exhaled slowly before speaking. “Never have i ever done anal.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Taeyong slurred a bit as he had been nursing his drink. “Giving or receiving?”
“Either or. Any anal at all.”
Quinn, Lucas, Ten, Yuta, and I pulled off yet another article of clothing. I wasn’t going to take off my underwear just yet so one thigh high came off. I set it in Johnny's lap, mouthing a fake apology coupled with a shrug. He tapped his ashes into an empty beer bottle and sighed. “Damn, was really hoping you'd take those panties off first.”
“Of course you were.” I snatched his cigarette from him and took a deep drag, frowning when i tasted the menthol. Ugh, fuckboys always smoked menthols. He let me keep it though, enjoying the disgusted face i made.
“Alright, Taeyong, Lucas is down to his undies. How are you gonna get him out of them?” Quinn asked as they leaned on Jaehyun's shoulder.
“Not that I want to see him naked but never have I ever had public sex.” He said.
“You fucked in an office!” Yuta protested.
“I meant like a park or parking lot or something!!”
“Well, there we go.” Lucas stood up and dropped his briefs before sprinting towards the pool, landing with a huge splash and getting water everywhere. “We better figure out who's runner up so I wont be in this pool by myself!”
“You're the idiot who jumped in there! Besides it's your turn!” Taeyong tossed a beer cap at Lucas who dodged it. I had to rid myself of the other thigh high for the public sex and i was definitely afraid of having to lose my underwear from what Lucas was going to say.
“Shit. Ok. Uh… got it! Never have i ever sucked dick before.”
Ten and I both collectively groaned as we were deemed the next losers. Johnny had the biggest smile plastered on, his eyes glued to me as i rested my hands on the waistband of my panties. I didn’t want to take them off and was hoping that everyone would magically forget that i had ever sucked their dicks before. Ten on the other hand was already tossing off his pants. Ten rarely wore underwear, if ever, so his pants were the last article of clothing he had on. Never ashamed of being naked, he joined Lucas in the chilly pool water.
“Eeeerrrriiiiii. Come on. Be a good girl and take them off!” Lucas teased.
“Shut up! Maybe i don't wanna!” i buried my face in my knees. I was already losing my buzzed feeling and embarrassment was taking over at the prospect of losing my last bit of clothing around 3 new people and my baby Doyoung.
“Dont be a wimp.” Johnny said as he dug his finger into the waistband of my panties and snapped it against my skin. “These definitely need to go.”
I didnt bother looking up, only swatted at his hand, trying to get him away from me. “Will you stop it!”
“Toss her in if she doesnt do it!” I heard Ten yell.
“What! Don't you dare!” I felt Johnny's strong arms wrap around my waist as he hauled me up easily. I kicked at him as i tried to cover my chest but he wasn't budging.
“One last chance, sweetness.” He said lowly against the sensitive skin of my neck. It was that voice...the one i listened to, the one i dreamt about, the one that turned me on in an instant. I shivered against him, suddenly taking in how warm he felt and the bulge in his boxer briefs pressing into the small of my back. I looked up at him, my breath a little heavier. There were plenty of chants and whistles especially since almost everyone was abandoning whatever they had left on and jumping in.
“Let me go! I have to check on Doyoung!” I half lied. I actually did want to check on him as he had curled up in a small ball and passed out.
“Dont worry. I'll take care of him. You two have fun.” Taeil said tensely as he hauled Doyoung to his feet.
“Oh we fuckin’ will. Bye Taeil.” Johnny smirked. I wanted to elbow Johnny for being a dick to Taeil. I tried to hit his chest but he just grabbed onto my boobs and squeezed them. I tried to pry his hands off me, telling him to let me go as Taeil passed us.
The redhead turned back to us. “Hey Eri.”
I looked up at him, mid-squirm. “Y-yeah?” 
“Don’t forget to come to the library, ok? Ill give you a good lesson.” He winked at me before leaving the pool area with Doyoung stumbling beside him.
My mouth hung open momentarily but i was finally able to shove Johnny off me. I covered my chest and smiled at him. “Um, you bet...see ya.”
“Are you gonna get fucking naked or keep making kissy faces at Taeil all night?!” Ten yelled before splashing water at me.
“Ass!!” I screamed. Suddenly i felt a hand on my back and i was pushed in, sinking into the deeper part of the pool. My body struggled to accommodate my lack of height and inability to swim. Lucas scooped me up against him and i was grateful he stopped me from choking. 
“I hate all of you.” I sputtered.
“We just love seeing you wet is all.” Ten chimed in sarcastically. I splashed water in his direction as Lucas still tried to hold me up. Ten stuck his tongue out at me. “Dont you have to go to the kiddie side of the pool?”
“Oh youre one to talk!” I said splashing at him again. “You little shit!”
“Why are you so angry all the time?” Taeyong said as he finally slid into the pool along with Jaehyun and Quinn.
“Dont you know, all she does is bite and scratch.” Yuta snorted.
“I haven’t had any complaints yet.” I shot back at him. “Lucas will you let me go? Im leaving you fuckers and going where i can’t drown.”
Lucas shrugged and let me waddle to the opposite end of the pool. I was hoping that my makeup wasn’t running down my face and making me look like a Dali painting. I was busy pressing my index finger to my lashes trying to make sure my mascara wouldn’t fall into my eye that i had hardly noticed that i couldn’t move any further. I was up against the side of the pool, a position i was apparently getting used to being in tonight with Johnny around. He had his hands on either side of me, that same smirk on his lips as he knew he had me right where he wanted. “You still haven’t taken off your panties.”
“Yeah well you haven’t taken your underwear off either!” I said looking down at his waist through the blue tinted water.
“I didnt lose. You did. And you have to play by the rules.”
“Hah. Playing by the rules didn’t get me where i am today.”
“Almost naked in a pool about to get fucked, you mean?”
“Precisely.” I replied, thrilled at his renewed interest. “But i'll give you the age old ultimatum. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.”
“Done.” He reached under the water and wiggled out of his boxer briefs, throwing them poolside. I swallowed hard, my head tilting to the side as i saw him. “Off. Now.” he commanded.
I stood frozen for a second still staring until i felt his hands on my hips pulling the soaked fabric down, not waiting for my go ahead. I kicked my legs out of my panties and he set them beside his. “There, now was that so hard?”
“No but Im sure you will be.”
“Halfway there.” His hands slid down the curve of my hips to cup my ass and pull me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, almost afraid that he was going to somehow launch me back underwater.
“I take it you're an ass man?”
“I'm an everything man. I don’t normally go for chicks that look like you but…” He licked his lips as he looked down at me flushed against his chest.
“Well don’t i feel special! I’m not the fuckboy's type but he still wants to fuck me. Oh me oh my!”
“Well compared to your track record over there.” Johnny nodded towards the band of idiots that i had all slept with. “I say i'm not your type either, Ms. Kink loving, anal-having, office sex wanting fuckgirl.”
“Did you take a look at Lucas? You're both big and tall with hands that could…” I refrained from saying what was on my mind.
“Hands that could what?” He tilted my chin up and traced the outline of my bottom lip with his tongue before giving me a chaste kiss. “That could finger you so deep and hard that you cum in minutes?”
“W-well i-”
He gave me another kiss, tugging my bottom lip between his teeth just a bit and sucking on it. “Or hands that could bruise your hips as i fuck you from behind?”
“You really think you're that good?” I panted as I managed to find my voice again.
“So i’ve been told but the dozens and dozens of chicks that have been in my bed.”
“Well you've never had me in your bed and to be honest i'm the only one that matters.”
“Damn. Where was that confidence when you needed to take off your panties, huh? Or do you just like to be a cocky little shit when you're about to get some?” Johnny said.
“Ask Ten. He'll tell you I can be a bit of brat when I want to be.”
Johnny chuckled. “I can definitely see that. Gonna have to find a way to occupy that mouth instead.”
“I can think of a few ways.” I pulled his head closer to mine and closed that minuscule distance between us again. I was eager to make him stop talking and instead focus everything he had on kissing me. He hoisted my leg around his waist, digging himself deep between my thighs. His hand then slid up my leg until it gripped my hip, guiding me to grind against him. Barely audible sighs of pleasure were exchanged between us. Every parting of our lips was a chance for our tongues to collide while every closing enacted bites and warm sucks. His other hand slid down my stomach to my parted thighs, his thick fingers caressing what i wanted him to touch the most.
The first finger was tentative, easing in with languid rubs and curling every time my breath would catch in my throat from his kiss. The smirk against my lips told me he was toying with me, wanting to draw out my torture for as long as possible. He pulled one last kiss before moving his attention to my neck. My forehead rested around his shoulder, my hands pressed between his shoulder blades. “You like this, dont you?”
“You’re hotter when you dont talk.”
I looked up at him and pressed my finger to his lips. “Dont talk. Just keep fingering me.”
His tongue clicked against his cheek as he shook his head in disbelief. He didn’t stop his fingers though, instead he pressed another into me as his teeth sunk into the sensitive skin of my neck. My teeth bit down onto my bottom lip, shielding my moan from escaping. I rolled my hips deeper, wanting him to prove exactly how fast he could make me cum.
Suddenly a huge splash doused us, making Johnny pull away from me completely. “What the fuck!?” He yelled, wiping the water away from his face. Lucas had a giant grin on his face while Ten and Yuta were making fake orgasmic sounds and screaming “Yes daddy!”
“Are ya'll really about to fuck in this pool in front of us?!” Lucas laughed.
Crap. I had literally been so caught up in Johnny i totally had forgotten we were basically putting on a show. I shoved Johnny away and tried to cover myself knowing full well those three idiots would give me shit for it later. I tried to find an escape route but i realized my clothes were strewn about and there were no towels in sight. I would have to rush out naked and try and gather everything while the boys continued their bickering. I walked up the small ladder and out of the pool, hustling to gather my clothes and tiptoe through the grass, hating the way the blades were sticking to my feet and the dirt was becoming muddy from my dripping.
I went into the apartment, awkwardly standing around since i didn't know which room belonged to him. I needed a damn towel asap. A breeze was flowing through the open doors making the pool water turn icy on my skin. “Tell me again why you fuck those idiots?!” Johnny shouted as he came into the apartment.
I shrugged. “Same reason we were gonna hook up. I’m horny and you’re hot. But right now I’m freezing. Do you have a towel?”
“Yeah,” He rolled his eyes and headed over to the door on the left, kicking things out the way as we stepped through. “Come on.” I followed him into his room. There were clothes everywhere as well as old condom wrappers, fast food bags, and empty starbucks cups. I stared at the mess in disgust then up at him as he handed me a towel. “Did you get that from the floor?” i asked.
“You wanted one, didn’t you?”
I stared at him, squinting slightly. “Did you get this from the floor?”
“It was from behind my damn door, ok? You gonna dry off so we can fuck or what?””
I rolled my eyes and took the stupid towel, drying off as best as i could. My hair was a mess and I pulled it up into a bun, still feeling the pool water drip down my neck. Johnny tossed his own towel on the pile of dirty laundry after he dried off and stepped closer to me. “Now where were we?”
I sighed. “I actually should probably get going. It's getting late…”
“And i'm tired. I'm gonna have to fish out Quinn and Lucas.”
He licked his lips and pushed his jet black hair back. “You literally were begging me to keep fingering you in my pool. You think i'm gonna let the boys you play with ruin the mood? Come here.”
“They don’t matter right now but I-”
His hands were on my hips then, lifting me up easily. My body instinctively wrapped my limbs around him, shocked senseless at his first move. My mouth was suddenly dry as we were now on the same level and his eyes met mine. I was trying to say something, anything at all, but i was sure my mouth was just doing the motions and making me look like a gaping fish. He carried me over to his bed laying me down and spreading my knees apart. “We were here, right?” He asked as he rubbed his fingers through my folds, making purposeful stops at my clit and rubbing the smallest of circles before diving his fingers back down again.
My eyes fluttered closed and I nodded my head. My hips followed each languid stroke, wanting him to touch every nerve i had. I could feel the droplets of water from his bangs splatter onto my stomach, the iciness making me twitch as my skin started to heat up. His lips kissed away the droplets, his tongue tracing intimate patterns into my skin. I felt a small bite right above my hip bone and I covered my mouth with the back of my hand, keeping my decibels down. His eyes flickered up towards me, an expression of curiosity within them.
“You’re quiet.” He stated, almost surprised. “Aren’t you going to start moaning?”
“You haven’t don’t enough to make me moan.” I fibbed. “Remember what i said before? You're hotter when you don’t talk.”
“Fine. Whatever.” He moved himself slowly up to meet my face as his fingers dug into me, a steady beat of push and pull while his thumb focused those teasing circles against my bundle of nerves again. “I just figured you’d start screaming my name sooner or later.”
“Ugh, no thank you. You still haven’t proved any-” The end of my sentence turned into a sharp inhale of breath as he curled his fingers against my walls, pressing into a spot i could rarely reach on my own.
“What was that?” he smirked.
I gripped onto his bicep, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to match his motions. I rolled my body with each curl of his fingers, bounced my hips with each harsh thrust, and arched every time he would graze against that devilish spot. I could feel him watching me beneath him, my chest heaving as i desperately wanted to cum already. My tongue parted my lips, licking them slowly before i caved in and moaned. At this point I was still determined not to say his stupid name or beg for that matter but he sure as hell was making it hard. I dug my nails into his tender skin just as his knuckles hit my entrance, filling me completely with the thickness of his fingers.
“Damn…” I heard him whisper amidst my whimpers and the sounds of him working through my slickness. His lips brushed against my ear, his warm breath tickling my lobe as that deep, silky smooth voice left him. “You're gonna look so good wrapped around me.”
That was the cheesiest and wackest line I had ever heard but that voice made my entire face flush and my body clamp down on him tight. That stupid voice. I hated what it did to me. I hated that it sent my mind reeling back to all the nights I had masturbated to it over the radio. I tried to protest but no words were coming out. He was working himself faster now, a rough cycle of ‘come here’ motions and thrusts that had me helpless. I arched my hips again, my toes digging into his calves as i was ready to fall into my orgasm. Then he pulled his fingers out, wiping them on the sheets, and leaving me out in the cold. He got up from the bed and went over to his dresser, rifling through his top drawer.
I glared at him, a rough and annoyed breath slipping out. Did he really just leave me hanging like that? I sat up on my elbows, seeing a flash of gold in his fist. “First of all, fuck you. Second of all, why did you stop, you shitty tease?”
“I had to get a condom? Im not gonna fuck you without one.” He tore open the package and slid the rubber on before making his way back to me. He was ready to resume his place above me but my heart leapt into my throat as I saw him fully.
“WHOA! PAUSE! PAUSE!” I exclaimed, outstretching my hands to keep a bit of distance between us. “Why didn't you tell me you had….all of that!?”
He shrugged simply. “It was kinda cold in the pool. Does it matter?”
“Yes it matters! That’s...!” I covered my face as I flopped back onto the mattress, trying to convince myself that it wasn’t going to be so bad. So far Lucas had been the biggest I had ever had and he was mostly length. Johnny was on a different level and i was convinced i was going to die from him scrambling my insides. I felt him ease my face back towards his before pulling my hands away.
“Chill. Im not gonna barge in there. I have done this a few times before, you know.” His eyes raked over my body as he licked his lips. “Just relax for me, baby. I swear i'll treat you right.”
I almost gagged as his tired old lines. “Yeah that's easy for you to say. You're not the one about to have your guts in your throat.”
“Jesus, if you want to puss out on me just tell me so I don’t have to waste my time anymore. I could’ve had someone else here instead.” He rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, i doubt it with the way you were begging me to keep my thigh highs on and sit by you.” I sighed softly. “Just….go slow. Or else i'll hit you.”
“If you do i'll kick your ass out. I dont care.”
I pouted and looked away, my cheeks still warm. “Fine….sorry.”
It was his turn to sigh before pressing his lips to mine way softer than he had before. The tip of his cock was already trying to sink into me and i forced my body to relax as much as possible. I focused on his lips, the way he felt against me, his hands rubbing up and down my hips and thighs, and the soft groans he was slipping into my mouth. He would stop every so often when i would wince or become too tight for him.
I adjusted myself beneath him, trying to gauge how much he had left until he was almost completely inside me. We avoided eye contact this time though his thumb was making lazy swipes on my hip. I did appreciate that he wasn’t so much of an asshole and took his time with me. It was actually pretty...cute. I wanted him to feel good, for us to feel good, while he fucked me. Feeling him already so warm and stretching me to my limits was starting to make me squirm in anticipation.
Minutes went by as he alternated between minuscule thrusts and sucks to all my erogenous zones, trying to turn me on more to pull my wetness around him. Eventually his thrusts became more fluid and less overwhelming as I finally adjusted. I pulled his head closer, licking his lips slowly before giving him a firm chaste kiss. “I want you to fuck me, ok?”
He nodded quickly, switching his tactics instantly. He took control of my mouth again, commanding my tongue as he pulled his hips back slowly. The returning thrust was a harsh snap and it made me sink my nails deeper into his flesh. He paused again, gauging if it was too much for me to handle. I shook my head and breathed out a shaky ‘dont stop’. He gripped the edge of the mattress just above my head, using it as leverage to work himself into a faster tempo. The pain was underlying the pleasure still but i didn't mind it at all now. I was faltering back against him, a cadence of mewls and strangled breaths tumbling from my lips. His teeth found my neck once more, nipping at the weak spot just beneath my jawbone. I slid my fingers up the length of his broad shoulders and neck to the soft fuzziness of his undercut before grabbing a hold of his longer tresses and pulling.
“Bite harder. I'm not fragile.”
“Oh now you're tough shit, hmm?” he chuckled before yanking my hand from his hair.  “You sure you don’t want me to keep going slow? Those sounds you make are pretty cute.”
“I’m positive, asshole. And i wasn’t making any sounds. It was just breathing or whatever. Shut up.” 
“Get on your stomach then. And don’t give me any complaints either.”
I swallowed hard, staring up into the dark pools of his eyes and trying to register a command I wasn’t prepared for. When i didn’t move fast enough he forced my hips down, my stomach meeting the mattress for a microsecond before I was pulled onto my knees. My thighs rested on the outside of his, my small legs struggling to accommodate fitting him between me. His hands made my wrists disappear in his grip and kept me pinned down firmly. The breath felt like it was getting knocked out of me as his thrusts were painting vivid stories of pleasure throughout my entire being. My skin was blooming with sinfully hard bites on my shoulders. A low short growl rumbled against my skin and for the first time i whimpered his name, wanting it to be the only thing that ran through my mind.
His name on my tongue only spurred him on further. His blunt nails made crescent marks on the underside of my wrist as my veins pulsated against the tender skin. He moved one of them from beside my head, guiding my hand down to the incredibly pleasure filled center he was invading. His finger tips folded over mine, leading me to resume the attention to my clit that I so desperately needed. My face pressed into the mattress as I wanted to muffle the acute sobs building in my throat. My idle hand bunched the fitted sheet in my fist tugging it from the corners of the bed. “Please...” The word escaped before I could even think to stop it.
“Please what?” He teased, that sultry voice making my entire body shudder. Of course he was one of those guys that got off on making me say what i wanted and inflating his ego. I pushed my face into the mattress deeper, not wanting him to see the begging look on my face. Johnny let out a stiff grunt before he pressed his hand into my spine, making my back bow more. His other hand tore my hips higher, the tips of his fingers finding the dip in my hip bone that never failed to make me squirm. My thighs quivered as he pushed into it more, the V of his waist hitting my ass repeatedly. My teeth grabbed at my lip again as my toes tried to steady my weakening form. I tensed, clenching around his thickness as the head of his cock tormented the deepest part of me. I felt him shudder, a strained groan coming from him.
“F-fuck...babe. Relax for me.”
Easy for you to say. I thought. You’re not the one getting railed in half.
He pressed harder into me, if that was even possible. Every ridge, every vein, riding against me. Little by little, he eased his hand from my hip to rest on my shoulder dangerously close to my neck. He was trying to steady himself, to reel back his control and resist the urge to cum just yet. He cursed under his breath as his panting was getting heavier. I tilted my head towards my shoulder, trying to urge him to grab my throat. Choking always got me closer to cumming faster than most things but he pulled away his hand quickly as if i had burned him. I looked back at him momentarily, about ready to ask if he would just do it but i saw the way his lip was caught between his perfect teeth, his eyes closed shut, eyelashes dusting the tops of his cheeks. It turned my stomach into a gooey mess of emotions especially after he let out a deeper groan, his chest tensing just a bit as his brows furrowed. “Johnny...”
He nodded, letting out a simple ‘mhm’ before pulling me up to his chest. He forced my head towards his, engulfing my mouth in a rushed heated kiss while both our hands melded together once more between my folds. I reached my other hand back to cup his head, twisting my fingers in his hair again. Our fingers were working faster together against my clit as he rolled his hips up into me, making us both teeter on the edge. He swallowed hard, pressing his forehead against mine as i felt him throb inside me. A warm feeling filled my stomach, making me shudder and whine as i followed his orgasm. I slumped back against him as i tried to regain my breath and stop my legs from quivering. I was definitely going to feel that tomorrow.
Only a few sparse moment passed before Johnny cleared his throat.“So…You good to leave?”
I blinked a few times in disbelief. I rarely stood over with one night stands but we had barely just finished and already he was kicking me out? My entire demeanor changed. “Yeah, I’m fucking good to leave. Just give me a sec, damn.” i hissed.
He pulled out of me slowly, leaving me to collapse onto his mattress. I heard him rummaging around his room, the flick of a lighter going off at some point. I was curled up on my side, my body betraying my will to move and not give him the satisfaction of kicking me out. I was trying my best to get but my eyes were fluttering closed. Johnny tapped my ass before shaking me by my hip.
“Up. Now.” He yawned deeply before crawling into bed. “You’re not staying here.”
“I know jackass.” I said, following up with a yawn of my own. “Two seconds though.”
“Two seconds.” He closed his eyes and folded his arm across them, settling beside me. I was getting up. Right now.
“Fuck!” I gasped as i shot up from my sleep. I had felt a shift in the bed beside me as Johnny had rolled onto his side. I realized that i had fallen asleep at his place. Shitshitshitshitshit. I wasn't supposed to stay here. I was supposed to get up after a few seconds, leave, pretend that i didn’t just have the hottest sex of my life and that i totally didnt want him again. Now my plan was ruined because it was probably around 6 am when we were done. I barely got any sleep and time was starting to feel like a joke that made me more disoriented. I looked at the wad of my clothes on the floor and slipped out of bed, hissing as my stomach clenched in pain. Great. Just great. I scrambled over to my clothes and pulled on my shorts and top, not even bothering with my socks. i stuffed my feet into my sneakers and hobbled into the living room.
Luckily, I found Lucas facedown on the couch. He had managed to pull his shorts on at least after the escapade in the pool. Quinn was curled up on top of him, still mostly naked. I rushed over, shaking them violently awake. “Let's go, let's go, let's go!” i whispered harshly.
Quinn woke up first. It looked like they hadn't been asleep for long. “Finally! I was waiting for you! You made me sleep over and i NEVER sleep over.”
“I’m sorry! I accidentally passed out. Trust me I didn’t want to sleep here either but Johnny wore me out. It took forever to get him mostly all the way in.”
“Well damn...how big was he?”
“Magnum size big. Lets go.”
Quinn clutched at their chest. “Ohh girl...that's a journey.”
“I know. Will you come on?! I don't want to be here any longer than you do.” I slapped Lucas on the back, watching as his head popped up.
“Get up. We're leaving.” He rolled over as Quinn jumped off him and started putting on their clothes.
“What time is it? I feel like shit.”
“Doesn’t matter. Up. Get your shoes on.” I sighed. It was like corralling toddlers.
Lucas was finally able to get up and i practically pushed the both of them out the door. Lucas was able to find a few more of his clothes over by the pool as we shuffled along, making our way slowly to my car. I needed to sleep for 80 years and hoped to god i would be able to walk normally later.
The Boys Group Chat
Johnny: whaddup
Johnny: i lowkey only remember like half of last night lol
Yuta: fuckin mood
Yuta: we got naked in the pool didnt we?
Taeil: yall did. I didnt. I took care of DY. He was passed tf out
Johnny: aww damn does that mean you didnt get to see me fuck that girl you wanted
Taeil: I saw you acting like a damn fool. I’m not too worried anyway. Im gonna tutor her soon enough👅
Ten: and use that tired ass ‘im a virgin line’? Lmao
Taeil: listen it gets me more pussy than you will ever know. Chicks dig that sensitive innocent guy shit. The library is my sanctuary
Ten: one day somebody is gonna call you out on that whack ass shit or find out that youre always lying about being a virgin
Jae: what you gonna do then? Youre gonna have to find some other shit to lie about lol
Taeil: no ones gonna find out. Shut up. It works every year
Yuta: im surprise u havent lost ur damn job yet tbh
Taeil: what can i say im good at what i do
Johnny: anyway wtf was that chicks name that i hooked up with? I cant remember
Ten: johnny ur a damn idiot
Johnny: what?????
Yuta: ur kinda going down a dark hole so good luck with that
Taeil: she doesnt seem that bad
Yuta: LMAO
Ten: 😂😂😂😂
Johnny: whats wrong with her? She postal or something? Aint u two fuckin her too???
Ten: well yeah but she’s a handful
Yuta: to say the very LEAST
Taeil: ok we get it. Shes kinky and has poor lapses in judgement to hook up with you guys over and over
Ten: im sure you’ll find out soon enough. Shes something alright
Johnny: what do you mean? Shes not gonna like key my car or something right? I dont have time for that shit again tbh.
Jae: i havent talked to the girl I fucked about her much but like i can probs get u her snap. Or ask lucas. I think hes up her ass too
Johnny: who hasnt she slept with???
Taeyong: oh are we talking about who i think we are?
Yuta: way to come in late lmao but ya
Taeyong: oh shit lol. i mean we went over this during truth or dare.
Taeil: you mean never have i ever
Taeyong: same shit. anyway out of all of us she hasn’t touched taeil (yet), Dy or Jae….well Jae might be in waiting
Jae: fuck no. Not my type at all. she seems too damn mouthy
Ten: i mean once you gag her shes fine lmaoooooo
Johnny: yeah she kept telling me to shut up
Johnny: and she barely like….screamed or moaned or anything
Johnny: it was all these tiny little sounds
Taeil: maybe you didnt give it to her good enough
Taeyong: no. Thats literally her. I was fuckin destroying her hips against the door and she barely made a peep. Idfk whats wrong with her
Yuta: i think shes made the most noise with me and thats probably because i work her hard enough but even then i cant get a scream out
Jae: meanwhile the chick i slept with wouldnt fuckin stop making noise.
Johnny: jae your ass is loud too. sounding like a monkey thats out of breath
Taeil: fuck🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ten: lmaooooooo
Yuta: get WRECKT
Jae: fuck all of you
Jae: forreal
Jae: i cant stand yall
Jae: anyway maybe its good that shes quiet all you fucking get are screamers anyway
Johnny: i know! Especially that one chinese chick i hooked up like last semester. Jfc she wouldnt stop.
Johnny: Idk i didnt mind her not saying much i guess but it was just weird to me
Jae: bro u barely make any sounds either. All i be hearing are your girls
Johnny: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Johnny: anyway wtf is her name lol
Ten: Eri you idiot
Yuta: just Eri lol Thats what she always says
Johnny: whats her @ on snap?
Yuta: fuck
Yuta: hold on
Taeyong: its mistresseri13
Taeyong: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Yuta: the bigger point is johnny fuckin suh KING of one night stands is whipped for a girl and actually wants to talk to her again
Ten: oooohhhhh true. U never hook up with the same person twice
Taeyong: i mean shes good but you really want to hook up with her again?
Yuta: ty uve been tryna hook up with her since the office thing dont lie.
Taeyong: stfu
Taeil: lmao. So now johnny's whipped for her. she must be good in the sack then
Ten: mostly shes just nice to play with. U can do almost anything with her
Lucas: why are yall blowing up my fuckin phoneeeeeeeee!!!!! im tryin to sleep
Jae: bro its like 4 in the afternoon
Lucas: yeah and? Im hungover af
Yuta: are u at the dorm?
Lucas: no. Babes making me pancakes
Taeil: babe? Babe who??? Who the hell did you get to actually cook for you?
(Downloading picture)
Taeil: is that Eri in the kitchen? in her underwear?
Johnny: excuse me
Jae: HAH
Ten: oohhh now johnnys gonna be jealous
Johnny: Shut it ten.
(Downloading picture)
Lucas: I get morning kisses too lmao
Yuta: are we sharing pics of her now bc ive got plenty.
Lucas: shes still my friend tho. Dont do that.
Ten: not like we all havent seen it before tbh
Jae: i mean i kinda wanna keep it that way. You can have her.
Taeyong: spoiler alert dumbass, we've all slept with Quinn too. You aint special. Shes literally at my place rn
Taeil: oh fuck is that what you've been doing?
Taeyong: lmaooo yeah. Working on a “project”
Taeil: thats what i kept hearing. Im leaving.
Taeyong: shes heading out now actually. Going back to her place. Jae ill tell her you said hi
Lucas: i guess johnnys not the only one whos jealous
Johnny: im not fuckin jealous. Im not even gonna snap her
Ten: uh huh
Yuta: yep sure
Taeil: yeah right
Lucas: well i gotta go eat pancakes and maybe eat something else later👅👅👅👅💦💦💦
Johnny: ew
Taeyong: thats probably why she'll ignore your ass lol
Ten: get that tongue in j-suh or else she wont ever text you back
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theycallmemoosey · 6 years
30 Years
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Dan x plus size!Reader
A/N: Another fic in two days of my last one? Holy shit that must be a new record. I combined two requests into one (one was a plus size reader and the other was the plot) because I could not think of a plot for the plus size request and I thought that the second request was so goddamn funny that I just had to combine the two. I also just have to mention that I am plus size so this was a story very close to home (I have tried to share a twin sized bed with someone and honest to god was the most uncomfortable thing - especially because I’m so big). Thank you to the two anonymous peeps who sent in the requests. Enjoy!! Moose :)
“Do I look ok?” You asked, pulling at your dress as you stared into the mirror of your wardrobe, conscious of the way it stuck to your curves.
“Perfect” Dan said as he walked up to your worried form, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your shoulder. He looked up to the mirror and locked eyes with you, smiling, “You always look perfect, Y/N”
You frowned, “This is as far as I go. The dress is crossing the line alone, so there is no way I’m wearing heels. I’m sorry, I’m not. I’m wearing converse” 
“Finished?” Dan laughed, letting you go to allow you to get your shoes that were carelessly thrown in a corner of the room, “It will be fine, love. Just a few hours of talking to your family and then we’ll head back to the hotel and crash”
“About that…” 
“What? What have you done?” Dan asked, grabbing a jacket draped over the ass chair. 
“Well…my mum asked if I wanted to go to lunch with her the next day and…I may or may not have agreed to stay at my parent’s house” 
“Y/N!” He whined, beginning to button his jacket up.
“I’m sorry!” 
“I just wanted to spend the night with you watching shit TV, eating a shit ton of sweets, chocolate and popcorn and-“ 
“I know, I know…I’m sorry. I wanted that too! I just…couldn’t tell her no. We can still watch Netflix at my parents’ house together?” 
Dan frowned and sighed, “It’s a good thing I love you” 
You smiled and kissed him, heading out to grab your bag from the hallway, “If we want to get to the dinner on time, we need to leave in the next 15 minutes. We can pick up lunch on the way” 
“Ok. I’ll just go and say bye to Phil and then we’ll get going” 
“I don’t think I can go in” you voice was laced with panic as you sat in the car with Dan, looking straight ahead at the door to the hall where your parents were celebrating their 30th anniversary.
“I don’t feel comfortable. I haven’t seen half the people in there since I was 8. And I have put on quite a bit of weight since then. OK, a lot of weight…” 
“And? Why does that matter?” 
You looked at Dan, your eyes showing fear and he sighed, “You look absolutely beautiful. So what if you’re not stick thin? I don’t care. And neither should anyone in there”
“One comment about my weight from anyone, and I mean even my Aunt, we’re leaving” 
“Understood” Dan chuckled, getting out the car quickly to help you out.
As the two of you walked towards the door, your Aunt had spotted you through the window and rushed to greet you first.
“Y/N!” She screamed, crushing you in the tightest hug you’ve ever had, “It has been so long! My have you grown! Put on a few extra pounds too!” 
You looked over to Dan with a knowing and unamused look, scowling as he laughed breathily.
“Thanks” you cleared your throat, trying not to snap at her comment, “How have you been?” 
“Fantastic, thank you. I’ve joined the local rock choir” 
“That’s-that’s great” you smiled , knowing how badly her voice sounds. 
“Now, who’s this you’ve bought along with you today? I’ve not seen you before” she smirked at Dan, making both of you uncomfortable.
“Dan, pleasure to meet you” he offered his hand but she embraced him in a tight hug, his expression matching yours.
“Please, come in, join the party!” She motioned towards the house, dragging Dan by his hand as you stifled a laugh behind him. When the three of you had entered again, your uncle called your aunt over to talk to other members of the family. She groaned and turned back to Dan, squeezing his hand. 
“I hope to be seeing more of you, Daniel” she winked before leaving the two of you alone.
“I’m so sorry” you laughed, holding onto his arm as he laughed along with you. 
“You see her often?” 
“Thank fuck” 
You chuckled, watching your aunt make questionable faces towards the two of you, “Come on, let’s go find my mum and dad” 
“I would like to propose a toast” your dad announced as he stood up from his chair, the rest of the room quieting down, “To my wife. I have loved every minute of these 30 years being your husband. We have had the most beautiful daughter, who has clearly inherited all your good looks. All I can wish for is another perfect 30 years with you. To 30 years more!” 
“30 years more!” The room repeated, the sound of clinking glasses filling the room. You smiled when your dad leant down to kiss your mum, the two of them smiling lovingly at each other.
“Think that will be us in 30 years?” A voice whispered in your ear, careful that your grandmother was sat right next to you who was more than desperate for you to marry and have children. 
You turned your head to look at him, a smug smile on his face, “You’d want that?” 
“More than anything” 
“Is that a proposal?”
Dan opened his mouth in a speechless shock at his realisation which made you laugh, “I’m kidding” 
Dan laughed nervously, leaning back and scratching the back of his neck, “Yeah, yeah I knew that” 
“Mmhm, sure you did” 
“Ladies and gentlemen” the band’s singer announced, “May everyone come to the dance floor for the lovely couple’s 30th first dance!” 
Dan took your hand and led you to the edge of the dance floor, standing behind you with his hand on your waist as the two of you watched your parents lovingly dance together. 
“I love you so much” Dan whispered into your ear, kissing behind it quickly and squeezing your waist, “I love you so much that I want to show you off to the world” 
“Hmm? What?” You asked, only just focusing on what he was saying rather than watch your parents dance to the band’s slow song.
“Come on, hun” he said, moving around in front of you to drag you to the centre of the floor to meet your parents. You resisted and pulled your hand back, your eyes wide with fear. 
“No. No way. I’m not dancing in front of all these people!” You shouted in a hushed tone, not wanting to draw attention to the two of you.
“Is this because you’re insecure?” He asked, wrapping his arms around you and trying to pull you onto the floor.
“Dan, I am not dancing with you when no one else is” 
“Your parents are”
“Everyone will see me!” 
“That’s the point” he smiled widely, starting to sway with you wrapped in your arms. You started to smile with him, giving into his cheeky attitude.
Dan had finally dragged you to the centre, smiling when you wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him gently, “Say, you’re pretty good at dancing, Mr.Howell. I’m very impressed” 
“Despite what you may think, I have some hidden talents” 
You saw the rest of the crowd look at you from the edge of the dance floor and you began to feel trapped. You cleared your throat and looked towards Dan’s feet, creating some distance between the two of you.
“Hey, woah…what are you doing?” 
“Nothing” you said, avoiding eye contact with him.
“Stop. Stop feeling like this. You are the most beautiful woman in the room tonight-no-World. I want everyone to look at how beautiful you are and know how god damn lucky I am to call you mine” 
“You don’t have to pity me like that, Dan” 
“I mean it, Y/N. I don’t deserve to have you, yet here I am with this goddess of a human. Yes, you have a few curves but oh my god does that make me love you more. I have fallen in love with your curves more than I’ve fallen in love with you” 
“Oh, charming Daniel” you chuckled, trying to hide your blush.
“I’m kidding. But I hope you know what I mean” 
“I do” you smiled, “I love you too”
Dan pulled you in tighter and kissed you, not letting you pull back or move away from him which made the two of you laugh.
“I want to go home” you mumbled in Dan’s ear when he finally let you go.
“As soon as your parents want to go home, we’ll escape” 
“I can’t wait to just relax and watch Netflix and eat crap food and-“ 
“All in good time, just keep dancing”
“Y/N?” Your mum placed her hands on your shoulders, waking you up from the short nap you were having on your on Dan’s shoulder, “I’m so sorry we kept you so long. We’re going to take off now so we can finally let you in to the house. You remember the way home from here?” 
“We have sat nav. We’ll find it” you smiled, still sleepy, Dan placing his hand on yours. 
“You two go now, we’re just going to thank the staff and band and we’ll be right behind you” 
“We’ll see you in 30” Dan said, helping you up from your chair in your sleepy slumber, “You ok to drive, hun?”
“Find me some sweets and I’ll be good to go” 
“I saved some from earlier, they’re in the car” 
“This is why I love you”
Dan laughed as he led you towards the car, his fingers laced in yours. The drive was in a comfortable silence, Dan’s hands placed on your thigh, his thumb stroking it gently.
“Got a movie in mind for tonight?” He asked, breaking the silence.
You glanced over towards Dan momentarily, smiling at his childish grin, “What makes you think I want to watch a movie? What if I want to watch Friends?” 
“Oh, come on! I love friends!” 
“Yeah, I know. You’ve watched all the series 5 times with me alone, which says it all! I refuse to watch it again” 
“Fine. We’ll just watch whatever is trending I guess” 
“Don’t be mad”
“I’m not. Just…so tired” you yawned, drumming the steering wheel to keep yourself awake. 
“Just a few more minutes” he grabbed your hand and kissed it gently. 
The rest of the drive home was simple but you felt yourself falling asleep at the wheel and you couldn’t wait to just go to bed. Dan tried his best to keep you awake, and to some extent he was successful, as you both ended up at your parents house alive. It wasn’t long after that your parents arrived at home, apologising for their late arrival. 
“I’m sure you two are exhausted so just head up to your old room, Y/N” your mother pointed up to the stairs, focusing on hanging all the coats on the rack.
“Don’t misbehave now” your dad joked, still slightly tipsy from the large amount of alcohol he had at the party, making you and Dan cringe and laugh in an awkward manner. 
“If you need anything, just help yourself. You know where everything is, Y/N” 
“Goodnight guys. Get dad in bed safely” your whispered to your mum as you kissed her goodnight.
“Sleep well you two” your mother said as you and Dan carried your bags to your old room.
You sighed as you climbed the stairs, listening to your dad slur out drunk comments to your mum which made her laugh.
“I swear if we’re even half as happy as your parents when we’re old and grey, then we’ve won at life” Dan whispered behind you as you finally reached your old bedroom door. 
“I was kinda hoping we’ll be double as happy” you smiled, walking in to the teenage bedroom. The sight made the two of you stop in your tracks and stare open mouthed at your room.
“Oh my-“ you began, stopping when you heard Dan burst into a fit of laughter behind you, “This is far from funny, Daniel” 
“It looks like a 12 year olds room!” 
“Well they clearly haven’t changed it since I moved out” you sighed, throwing your bag onto the floor in frustration.
“And when did you move out?” 
“When I was 18” 
“HOLY SHIT!” Dan laughed, backing away from you as you tried to slap his arm.
“I think we have a slightly bigger issue than the atrocity that is this room” 
“What?” Dan continued to giggle, wiping away the tears from his eyes. You pointed towards the twin sized bed.
“That. It is, in no way shape or form, going to fit both of us” 
“Oh…” Dan finally stopped laughing, “Oh well. Guess you’ll just have to sleep on top of me then” 
You deadpanned towards him, “Ok what you said before wasn’t that funny but THAT certainly wasn’t”
“I wasn’t trying to be funny” 
“Dan, we both won’t fit. I am too big to sleep either next to you in that bed or on top of you. I will literally crush you. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow to find my boyfriend is dead from suffocation because his fat ass girlfriend cut off his air supply from squashing him to death!” 
Dan stared at you sadly for a minute, making you feel awkward as ever. 
“Do you really feel that bad about yourself?” He asked after a minute, “You really think of yourself as that fat that you can’t sleep in the same bed as me? You think you’ll suffocate me?” 
“I always think that” You said solemnly, looking at the floor. 
“Even at home?” 
“Even at home”
Dan sighed sadly and stepped forward, carefully taking you into his arms. With his arms wrapped around you, you rested your head on his chest and started to cry quietly. 
“How many times do I have to tell you? You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. I would not change any part of you if I could. Every single inch of you is perfect. Never, ever change” 
You looked up at him, tears rolling down your cheeks, “You really really think that?” 
“Yes, love” he kissed your forehead, “I always have done. From the moment I met you until the moment I die, I will always think that you���re the most beautiful thing on this earth”
“I don’t deserve you. You’re so kind and pretty and-“ 
“I’m not pretty. I am nothing compared to you” 
“You are pretty. With your perfect curls and your perfect eyes and your perfect body” 
“I’ll gain all the weight if that would make you feel better” 
“Oh god, please don’t. Like, yes, eat pizza with me but keep this” you laughed, motioning towards his body, “I love this” 
“And I love this” he motioned towards yours, kissing your hand and making his way up your arm to your lips, “Come on, get changed and let’s watch Friends” 
“Really?” You asked excitedly.
“Yes, really” he smiled down at you, grabbing your bag and flinging it on the tiny bed, “Now hurry up and get that beautiful body changed”
“This isn’t going to work” you laughed quietly, once you were changed, as you tried to squeeze into your old bed, aware your mum was trying to get your dad to sleep, “Dan this is literally impossible. I am not going to fit in next to your 7ft fat ass!” 
“I’m 6’3, Y/N” 
“Still a giant” 
You sat down on the edge of the bed, feeling Dan wrap his arm around your torso as you shuffled in next to him. Luckily, both your asses fit next to each other but you had to wrap your legs around each other. 
“This is cozy” Dan mumbled into your hair, kissing your head gently. 
“Shut up and get your laptop out” you said, trying to get into a comfortable position.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence in a not so comfortable position, watching the six people you had admired since your teenage years with the love of your life. As the night went on, you managed to find a comfortable position with your head on Dan’s chest and your body curled into his. His arm was tightly wrapped around your body, and he kissed your forehead when he noticed that you had fallen asleep. Carefully and slowly, he placed the laptop on the desk next to your bed and shuffled down, trying to not wake you up as he tried to also fall asleep in a comfortable position. Despite the fact that neither of you really fit in the same bed and you both felt beyond uncomfortable, the two of you fell asleep peacefully wrapped in each others arms. When Dan woke up the next morning, he smiled at your beautiful face laying on his chest, your breathing slow and steady. He could only wish that he would wake up like this everyday next to you for the next 30 years.
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madscientistjournal · 5 years
Fiction: Disinhibited
An excerpt from the journals of Combat Search & Rescue Consultant Lana McGee, as provided by Myna Chang Art by Luke Spooner
Don’t call me a mercenary. Those guys are pricks. Kidnappers and murderers, the lot of them. I’m not like that. Sure, I get paid for my work, and yeah, I love a good explosion. Who doesn’t? But my job is to save people. Pull them out of bad situations. Bring them home safe.
I’m not an asshole.
“I didn’t think you were, Ma’am.”
Oh shit, did I say all that out loud?
“Yes, Ma’am, you did.”
Wow, this pilot doesn’t look old enough to shave, let alone fly a chopper.
“I shave, Ma’am.”
“You heard that, too?”
“Yes, Ma’am. My CO warned me this might happen.”
“Name’s Lana, not Ma’am. So, they told you about my disability?” Their word, not mine.
“They said you got a piece of shrapnel in your head. War souvenir. Said you blurt out whatever crosses your mind.”
“Yep,” I nod. “Frontal Lobe Disinhibition. Basically, if I think it, I say it. That’s why I’m freelancing now.”
“Yes, Ma’am. Not a merc. Got it.”
Pilot’s quick. And he does shave. Sexy stubble. Yum. Like to run my tongue up that jawline and–
“Due respect, Ma’am, I’m authorized to tell you to shut up.”
I bite my rogue tongue hard enough to draw blood. Damn it, Lana. Stop scaring the cute flyboy.
He flicks his eyes toward me and grins. “Truth is, Ma’am, I don’t scare easy.”
Oh. Well, then. I smile and shift in the seat. “Just to be clear … You wouldn’t mind–”
“Approaching the drop zone, Ma’am.”
I chuckle. His smile turns to a blush. Tease. “Fine, kick me out of your helicopter. Come on, Diamond, we’ve got people to rescue.”
My German Shepherd sits while I attach a jump harness to her K-9 armor. Takes about three seconds. We’ve done hundreds of these short jumps, and it never gets old. She woofs, ready to go.
“You talking to me or the dog?”
“Both of you, Ma’am.”
He maneuvers the chopper over the moonlit compound and flashes a cheeky grin at me again. I try to keep my mouth shut, but as usual, the words tumble out.
“I’m probably gonna lick your stubbly jaw when this mission’s over, Pilot. Diamond might, too.”
“Countin’ on it, Ma’am.”
I laugh and step into the air.
The research facility sits on a swath of blacktop, devoid of plant life, a big wart on a bald head. The gate hangs open. I toss a handful of debris at the razor-wire fence, but it doesn’t spark. Looks like the power’s out. Not a good sign.
I was hoping this job would be a quickie: rescue the dashing scientist, secure his peculiar research, get home in time for dinner. Guess I should’ve known better. Anything involving Chase Mathews isn’t going to be easy.
“At least the compound hasn’t been bombed yet, huh girl?”
Diamond doesn’t respond. She’s good like that.
A Jeep sits abandoned near the fence. Wet-looking handprints smear the windshield, and a case of medical supplies has toppled onto the asphalt.
We skirt it, watching for movement, hoping for some sign of life as we approach the entrance. Nothing stirs. I tighten my grip on the MTAR submachine gun strapped across my chest, and we enter the facility.
Lobby’s dark, except for orange warning lights at the guard’s terminal. My NVGs flare in time with the flashes, so I pull them off. Diamond’s night vision is more reliable than the goggles, anyway. She’s the most capable combat partner I’ve worked with; I trust her with my life.
She nudges me. I nod, and she ghosts away, into the darkness. Nothing will get past her. A low growl, five yards to the right, alerts me to an enemy combatant. I bring my MTAR to bear, just in time. Two quick bursts, and the bad guy goes down.
I love this fucking gun. Compact and efficient, with a little kick. Kind of like me.
Diamond circles the lobby, vigilant, then returns to my side. I prod the body splayed in front of me. Scrawny dude, white lab coat. Blisters all over his face.
Or are those pustules? Jesus, that’s nasty looking. Diamond keens and backs away. I follow her lead. A blister-thing quavers and ruptures, spurting out thick goo. Hard to tell in the darkness, but I think it’s green.
I’ll never eat lime Jell-O again. Diamond rubs her head on my thigh; she won’t either.
“Come on, girl. Our dashing scientist isn’t going to rescue himself.”
She snorts her disapproval. Diamond had never liked Chase. She’d peed on his shoes every chance she got. My dog’s smart. I should have listened.
We creep down the hallway behind the guard station. Emergency lights flicker, strobing the corridor in snapshots of weirdness.
Flash. Body on the floor.
Flash. Smear of blood.
Flash. Heap of clothing, soaked with green sludge.
I wish the freakin’ light would either stay on or go dark. Vertigo pulses with every disco blink.
Diamond lets out a cautionary rumble, and I pull up my gun, ready to fire. A woman covered in angry boils slumps on the floor, back against the wall. She reaches out blindly, hands grasping air.
My first-aid kit’s in my pack, but I’m not ready to take my finger off the trigger guard; Diamond’s hackles are still up. The woman’s mouth opens and tainted saliva gushes out. Looks like pond scum.
I don’t think my emergency band-aids will do you much good, lady.
She jerks toward my voice, moaning. Spit froths on her lips. Several of her boils burst, popping like firecrackers, loud enough I can hear them over my thundering heartbeat. Syrupy goop, smelling of burnt licorice, oozes from the sores. Her body cants sideways and her shoulder hits the floor.
Nothing I can do will help her now. Maybe we’ll find a miracle cure in the lab. Diamond and I hug the far side of the hallway, avoiding her still-seeking arms. The thick fluids pooling around her body seem to throb in time with the emergency lights, and the cloying odor intensifies as we pass.
I’m not sure what we’ve gotten ourselves into, but I sure hope this bug isn’t airborne. Our combat armor should protect us from physical contaminants, but it doesn’t do anything to block out the stink.
We come to a junction. I remember the blueprints and hang a left. The bulb in this hallway’s dim, but at least it’s not blinking. Unfortunately, the path is blocked by a mass of writhing bodies.
All naked–explains the abandoned clothes back there–dotted with throbbing cysts. Many have already ruptured, leaving curdled trails of emerald slime. I stare, fascinated. The people are fusing together; everywhere the goo touches, their skin melds. Limbs, feet, heads, all merging into one giant blob.
Diamond paws the floor. One of the faces snaps up, focusing its attention on her. We back away. A distorted jaw juts out, leering. It trembles, and a body begins to emerge from the fused clump of flesh, first a shoulder, then a torso. Straining to reach us, it makes a squelching slurp and tears free–an arm, two legs.
The legs don’t match.
My stomach turns. The newly assembled monster stumbles and lurches at Diamond.
I shoot it in the head. It stops, but doesn’t fall, so I pop it again, center mass, where a heart and lungs should be. It totters for a split second before collapsing.
Diamond whines; the rest of the entangled mound of creatures squirms toward us. Maybe the gunfire got its–their?–attention. They stretch and heave, inching closer. Unnatural liquids gurgle and flesh splits as they rip themselves apart, rubbery appendages groping relentlessly in Diamond’s direction.
I flip the toggle on my MTAR to full auto and spray the clusterfuck. No way in hell those abominations are gonna get sticky with my pup. I let up on the trigger and watch for movement, then give them another blast, just to be sure.
I guess a full magazine was enough to do the job, which is good because, damn, that’s a scary pile of monsters. But now the hallway’s coated in weird-colored gore. Not gonna risk going through that mess. Doesn’t matter, though. According to the map, all hallways lead to the inner lab, where the research stuff should be stored.
And Chase. Can’t forget him, the handsome, charming scientist. My ex.
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Don’t call me a mercenary. Those guys are pricks.
The electronic lock is toast and the lab door won’t open. Something’s wedged it shut. I kick it, hard, but that only hurts my foot.
“Chase? Are you in there?” Hope he’s not glued to the mishmash back in the hallway.
Diamond watches my back while I pound on the reinforced steel.
“Lana? Is that you?”
“Yeah, and I wanna see if you still turn me on.” Damn it.
“Are you infected?”
“I can still talk, can’t I?” Of course I can. It’s my biggest problem.
The door cracks open. He squints at me.
“Why’d they send you?”
“No one else’d take the job.” True story.
Diamond and I squeeze through the door and shove it closed again.
“Did you bring a platoon of Marines to save me?” Chase demands.
I spread my arms. “Just us.”
He groans.
Not as charming as I remember.
“If you’re all they sent,” he says, “they’re going to nuke the whole island, aren’t they?”
“Probably. I figure we’ve got another hour before the bombing starts.”
“No, no, no, it’s too valuable,” he mutters, already ignoring me.
Feels like old times.
His motions are jerky. He grabs a backpack and shoves miniature computer drives and scraps of paper into it.
Definitely not a turn-on anymore. Looks like hell, all bug-eyed and twitchy. Kinda soft around the edges.
He stops and glares at me.
Stinks, too.
“Still the motor-mouthed bitch.”
Oops. “I didn’t mean–”
“Yeah, you did. You’ve always been an asshole. The piece of shrapnel just makes it more obvious.”
That hurts. Gotta admit it. A muffled thud from the hallway preempts my snarky response. Diamond snarls, low and intense. The warning tone sends goosebumps up my spine.
“Chase, what happened to those people?”
He shrugs. “Sample got out. Spread a lot faster than I expected.”
“Sample? The research I’m supposed to retrieve?”
“Thought you were here to rescue me.”
“Yeah, but boss-man said you’re low priority. ‘Get the research,’ he said. ‘Grab the scientist, too, if you can.’ That’s what he said.”
“God, I hate the military,” Chase spits.
I have to agree, at least a little. CO didn’t mention the rest of the research staff. Guess the woman in the hall is zero-priority in his book. I call bullshit on that–I’ll save whoever I can.
“Is there a cure, or an antidote?”
“Why?” he asks, backing away from me. “Did you get any of the transfer medium on you?”
“You mean the green goo? No. But maybe some of the others are still alive.”
He goes back to rifling through the science junk on his desk. “I only make the contagions. Cures are someone else’s department.”
Seriously? “So you’re a full-on mad scientist now?”
“I prefer bioweapon engineer.”
I stare at him. Has he always been this cold-hearted?
Diamond barks, two short yips. That’s a yes.
Chase rolls his eyes and I realize I’ve spoken out loud again. He glares at Diamond.
“You talking to me or the dog?”
“What do you think?” He shoulders past me, opening a biohazard safe. Polished steel containers crowd the shelf. They look like those expensive vacuum insulated tumbler thingies. He yanks one out.
“You keep your weaponized slime in a fancy coffee cup?”
He sneers and shoves the container into the backpack. “I can’t believe they sent a brain damaged mercenary to rescue me.”
That’s ‘value-priced consultant’ to you, jerkface. Diamond snarls, exposing her fangs.
“Can you both shut up?” His hands shake.
Wait. Faster than he expected? How did the sample get out?
“A test,” he answers. “Proof of concept for the buyer.”
“You infected those people on purpose? So you can sell that stuff?”
He laughs. “You weren’t very smart, even before the shrapnel.” He zips his pack and turns.
Something’s wrong with his face.
Diamond’s growl modulates into a high-pitched howl–her extreme danger signal. Almost too late, I realize why: Chase is infected. I didn’t see it before. Hard to miss now.
I raise my MTAR. A smudge of emerald gel shimmers on the edge of the safe behind him. “Don’t move.”
He gapes at me, incredulous. “Put the gun down, Lana.”
I shake my head. “You must’ve gotten sloppy with your death jelly.”
“How dare you?” He frowns and scratches at a freshly blossoming pustule on his right cheek. His fingers drip green. “No!”
Diamond moves into a defensive position, guarding me. Chase stares dumbly at his stained hand. He raises frightened eyes to mine.
“Lana, help me.”
My gun barrel wavers. Diamond barks, short and sharp, warning him to stay back, reminding me to follow protocol. Chase reaches out to me.
“Please–” His voice devolves into a mewl. Sanity, whatever’s left of it, drains from his eyes. His face morphs, cheeks melting in a slurry of jade-colored paste. Pus drips from his scalp. He screams and launches himself at me, and for the first time in my professional career, I freeze.
But Diamond doesn’t.
She meets him mid-air, bashing into him with her shoulder. She ricochets off his body, crashing to the floor a few feet from where he lands. Teeth bared, she’s up in an instant, but he’s already charging toward her, crablike, faster than I’ve ever seen him move.
Diamond! Don’t bite him!
I don’t know if I’ve screamed or if she’s read my mind, but she keeps her mouth off him. We slide into a familiar rhythm of charge and retreat, strike and evade. She dodges, giving me a clear shot. I squeeze the trigger. Chase’s head explodes.
Clabbered wet tissue splatters across his desk. Ears ringing, I inch closer and nudge the slack body, but it doesn’t move. His entire head is gone. I doubt anything could survive that, but I give him a double tap, two to the chest, to be safe. Then I drop the gun and rush to Diamond.
You stupid dog. Did the goo splash you? I run my hands over her armor, up and down her legs, check her mouth and her teeth. After examining her doggie armpits for the second time, my panic dissipates. She’s okay; the K-9 gear did its job. She nuzzles my face, and I realize she’s cleaning up my tears. I wrap my arms around her, trembling. Good girl.
I call for evac and wait for the thump of chopper blades to split the air.
On a normal mission, I’d feel rotten about failing to bring my target home alive. This time, not so much. I drag a clean duffel behind me. It’s filled with Chase’s notes and computer drives, but not the bio sample. I left that crap behind for the bombs to take care of.
The chopper circles. I flash my light, three quick blinks, and it lands.
“Look, Diamond, it’s the yummy pilot.”
She woofs and thumps her tail.
“Oh, you approve of this one?”
She barks twice; that’s a yes.
“Okay then, let’s go give him a lick.”
Combat Search & Rescue Consultant Lana McGee specializes in the retrieval of personnel and property from high-risk environments. McGee is assisted by a Hero-Class German Shepherd named Diamond. McGee has recently raised her consultation fees, and now charges a premium for any “mad scientist bullshit.”
Myna Chang writes flash and short stories. Her work has been featured in Daily Science Fiction, The Copperfield Review, Defenestration, and Dead Housekeeping, among others. Find her @MynaChang or read more at mynachang.com.
Luke Spooner, a.k.a. ‘Carrion House,’ currently lives and works in the South of England. Having recently graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a first class degree, he is now a full time illustrator for just about any project that piques his interest. Despite regular forays into children’s books and fairy tales, his true love lies in anything macabre, melancholy, or dark in nature and essence. He believes that the job of putting someone else’s words into a visual form, to accompany and support their text, is a massive responsibility, as well as being something he truly treasures. You can visit his web site at www.carrionhouse.com.
“Disinhibited” is © 2019 Myna Chang Art accompanying story is © 2019 Luke Spooner
Fiction: Disinhibited was originally published on Mad Scientist Journal
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avengers-nextgen · 6 years
We Are One VIII
So I made myself cry while writing this because as a triplet I relate to the twin dynamic at play here.
— — —
Chloe positioned herself on the roof between both of the bleeding boys. Nathaniel clamped a hand to his side hunching over in pain while attempting to appear strong. Across the way, Killian held his shoulder gingerly where an arrow jutted from the flesh.
“Stop.” Chloe ordered. “Both of you. You’re going to kill each other!”
“He’s going to kill innocent people with this self righteous escapade,” Nathaniel grimaced. “I’m tired of quarreling! I want this over with! You threaten my family and I can’t let it stand that way. It’s been weeks!”
“Nathaniel...” Chloe warned.
“We have our own agendas brother,” Killian smiled through bloodied lips.
“I’m not your brother.”
“So be it,” Killian laughed. “But you know very well what happens to people like us. You’ve seen it with your father. An old man run into the ground and what use has it done?”
“You know nothing about my father!” Nathaniel attempted to fire a shot. Lightning struck his arm before he could release the arrow sending him skittering across the ground.
“Stop!” Chloe, with shaking hands, erected a barrier between both boys. “Please. Just talk. Don’t fight. There’s too much of it already don’t you see? How many of our friends get hurt because of this stupid war?!”
“You poor girl,” Killian shook his head, “don’t you understand it’s in his nature to keep fighting? He has to.”
“That’s not true.” Chloe shook her head. She didn’t dare look over the edge to see how her friends were fairing but she prayed it was going well.
“Isn’t it? Even now he stands back up.” Killian’s eyes smarted as Nathaniel staggered to his feet. “One must learn when to lay down.”
“I won’t lay down to you.” Nathaniel shook his head. “Not now or ever. The world needs us to help them. Not turn against them or turn against each other. We have gifts for a reason!”
“We are used until we are nothing!” Killian spat. “My mother-“
Chloe watched as sparks rolled from the enemy but despite the threatening aura his voice shattered.
“My mother has been ground into nothing. For what? The society that will never learn. I won’t become like her. I won’t let it happen to anyone else ever again. If it means killing you to restart this none sense so be it. But if you wish to live all you have to do is walk away.”
“Why? So you can watch the world fall apart? What purpose does that do? You’ll leave a chaotic husk for people to clean up. Would you want to raise children in such a world?” Nathaniel demanded, though his knees looked wobbly.
“At least they wouldn’t have false hope of heroes saving the day.” Killian’s eyes welled with tears and he struck at the barrier. He knew of false heroes. He’d had them once and like every hero-they let him down when it counted most.
Chloe’s shoulders tightened with effort but the assault was far more aggressive than she’d been expecting. Orange shattered and nothing stood between Nathaniel or Killian.
Panic clutched at Chloe’s chest as Killian approached Nathaniel. She couldn’t witness another murder. With a flick of the wrist a disc spun through the air knocking Killian unconscious.
“Leave him,” Chloe looked intently at Nathaniel. He didn’t stand a chance. Killian would kill him with another hit.
“Chloe, we can’t let him go.”
“Leave him.” Nathaniel looked in surprise at his friend whose face was stained with tears. “Please.”
“He’s dangerous.”
“We’re all dangerous, but he’s hurt. You told me I couldn’t kill the man-the man that killed Ethan. Even if I wanted to. How is this any different?” Chloe demanded, trying desperately to keep her voice even.
“People are going to die because of his recklessness,” Nathaniel insisted, glancing back at Killian’s unmoving form.
“How is this different?” Chloe asked again. “How?”
“Chloe...” Nathaniel shook his head but she took a step away from him like an injured animal.
“You’re a hypocrite.”
“Listen to me-“
“You’re a liar! This-this is the same and you want...” Chloe could barely bring herself to finish, “you want to kill him. You can’t-you...you told me it would-I could’ve killed him and you lied to me. I could’ve made things right!”
“It wouldn’t be right,” Nathaniel insisted, “because he was helpless.”
“Helpless? He wasn’t helpless in a car.”
“You have powers Chloe.”
“And you don’t- so that makes it okay?”
Nathaniel wanted to say something but he couldn’t. She wasn’t going to believe him anyways. He’d suspected this war would be hard on her. The anxiety of it all, the sheer violence, the fear of losing Arthur, etc. It was wearing her down to the bone. “We can talk more when you’re calm. Okay?”
“I don’t want to talk to you.” Chloe stammered between sobs. “You’re no different than him. You’re no better than anyone, and I-I thought you understood me but you don’t. You’re nothing but some boy playing dress up and acting like god.”
Chloe left no room for Nathaniel to respond before vanishing into a portal. The archer was left to clamber down the building alone.
“Where’s Chloe?” Arthur asked, spotting Nathaniel heading their way having finished his descent.
“I don’t know,” Nathaniel replied.
“What do you mean you don’t know? She’s okay, right?” Arthur asked in a rush.
“I just told you I don’t know.” Nathaniel mumbled.
“You can’t not know. She was with you!” Arthur cried, feeling a burst of anger in his chest. His thoughts turned to the worst in an instant. “I trusted you to look after her!”
“Arthur,” Penny warned, hobbling in front of him. Her foot had been wounded by the mouth of a lion.
“Don’t Arthur me,” He stepped swiftly around her and moved closer to Nathaniel.
“Calm down!” Alex glared, catching Arthur by the arm. “I get it. Tensions are high, but we can’t go beating each other up. There’s injuries to attend to.”
Tugging his arm free, Arthur turned back to the attack squad. Alex was right, people needed medical attention. Penny was battered and bruised along with Orion whose shoulder looked dislocated.
“Sorry,” Arthur sighed, bowing his head and following Alex’s lead.
— — —
“You’re worried,” James noted, sitting beside his sister at the window. She’d been home from the mission no longer than an hour and had yet to change, shower, or even acknowledge anyone.
“The fighting’s worse, James,” Alex shook her head. “Someone’s going to die. There’s no control. It’s too personal for everyone. Lines have been crossed that can’t be uncrossed and every time we fight I worry-“
“It’s okay,” James pulled his baby sister into a hug, “I know.”
He recalled his last time in the field not long after the incident with Orion’s parents.
“We gotta do something!” Piper cried. “People are in danger.”
“If we act we encourage them to retaliate,” James yelled.
“They’re letting people die,” Piper’s fists clenched.
“That’s the point. They’re forcing attention onto the shitty law enforcement.”
“That’s it-“ Piper fired a blast from her palm sending Kubu flying backwards.
“Damn it Piper!” Fox shouted over the ear piece. James peeked over his hiding place to see the enemy engaging his friends.
“Guns up-let’s roll,” James sighed, leaping the barricade and rushing into the fray.
He’d nearly lost an ear that evening and if it hadn’t been for Piper he’d have most likely lost his throat too.
“If we don’t do anything-“ Alex started.
“People die.”
“But then I put everyone at risk including them,” Alex sniffled, “and I cant be mad at them James. I know I should be but-they have reasons for this. Even if the actions are wrong the reasons may be valid for Killian and the others.”
“That’s what makes you so special,” James laughed bitterly, “you never take things at face value. But Alex, as much as you want it to be true, not everyone can be saved.”
“You can try, but sometimes you have to draw a line,” the red head wiped a tear from his sister’s cheek. “There’s only so many chances we can give people.”
“I know.”
— — —
“You need to come home,” Arthur paced about his room with a phone pressed intently to his ear. “I’m worried about you. I don’t care what he said I need to know you’re okay. This has been hard on you, I know, and I don’t want you being stupid-“
Penny winced as Arthur held the phone away from his ear as if he were being yelled at.
“You’re my sister, Chloe, and I love you. Please, just talk it out with me. I know I don’t understand you okay? I’m sorry. I’m sorry I don’t and I wish I did. I wish I could be a better brother for you but-you have to let me in. You always keep me out.” Arthur swallowed the lump in his throat. “I know you’ve spent your whole life worrying over me, worrying for me, wanting to take care of me and protect me and it wasn’t fair to you. You’ve never said anything about it but I’ve known for years Chloe. Let me help you like you helped me. Let me worry about you, please.”
“Arthur,” Penny whispered, but the boy held up a hand to keep her quiet.
“I’m scared. I’m scared for you. You only ever opened up to Nathaniel because you thought you could trust him and now that you don’t-you can’t bottle it up again. It’s not healthy. Don’t do that to yourself again. Please.” Arthur waited anxiously for a response but the reply never came.
“Arthur,” Penny started again knowing Chloe would have refused his help no matter what, “she’s stubborn. Don’t blame yourself.”
“I should be taking care of her,” Arthur’s face scrunched up as he tried to fight off the tears, “I shouldn’t have given up on her. I could’ve tried harder to understand. Now she’s-I promised Dad I’d take care of her here.”
“She’s hurt, Arthur, and she needs time to process it,” Penny frowned, standing and hugging him tightly. “She’ll be okay. Trust her.”
“I wish I could,” Arthur cried, “but you don’t know her like I do. When she’s lonely-when she feels like she’s the only person in the world it’s like everything loses meaning. She won’t think. She won’t even feel.”
“Then pray for her.”
“I don’t believe in God,” Arthur whimpered.
“No, but Alex does.” Penny assured him, “and if he’ll answer to anyone-“
“It’ll be her,” Arthur chuckled.
“Yeah.” Penny smiled. “Come on.”
Taking her hand, Arthur let himself be dragged down the hallway in search of their friend. He didn’t realize he was holding onto her like a little kid clutching the one thing that comforted them.
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Summery- 2.1k. Colin x Y/N. A fun night out brings up some questions. So this was written for @official-and-unstable-satan​ gif challenge. If you wanna participate, head on over and join in, more then happy to nominate you if you desire. I did break the rules a bit with that opening gif, but it does appear before the final gif. Im not much of one to follow the rules, sorry peeps. I roll my own way. 
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You and Colin had a easy relationship. It was never really all that serious, you two never even made it “official”. The two just melded one day into this more then best friends with benefits, you were his unofficial girlfriend, a term you thought yourself to be. You unfortunately would freeze up at the idea of official girlfriend, i mean... thats to serious, isnt it?
 He looked out for you, and you looked out for him. Long days at work, he would surprise you with your favorite take out spread on the coffee table, and then you would sit between his legs, his arms wrapped around you while you both played the newest video game. He would make it out like you totally kicked his ass, stealing kisses and nibbles when he wanted to distract you and usually before the night was done, the video controllers were forgotten for a quickie on the couch, often times the video games music was your new sexy time theme song. 
Then other times, he would drag you out of the apartment. His grin boyish as he insisted you change from your work outfit, unbuttoning your blouse and running a hand over the lacy cups of your bra. “Fuck I love this number on you, when we come back, I should peel you right out of this with my teeth.” Your breath hitched, you would like that very much. Placing a kiss to your lips, he smirked “but not right now. I have something else in mind. Something sporty lil minx.” 
“Where are we going?” You question, digging through your closet. “Im not sure of how to dress!”
“Anything babe! Comfy clothes!” He went into the closet you currently were a bit lost in, and reached over you to grab your sweat pants and a tshirt. You look at them with an arched brow and snort while taking them. “You high classing me up Stud?” 
He winked as he pulled on his old beat up grey zip up. “You know it sexy, aint no one got nothing on you.” 
Laughing, the two of you stumble out the door and his arm wrapped around you your waist, holding you in against his side, you followed him along, chatting a bit about your day since he wasnt spilling what the two of you were doing.
But soon enough you two came up to the local gymnasium and he dug out a key from his pocket, unlocking the doors and slipping in. As the two of you walked in, a few lights sprung on and you wiggled out of his hold and sprang forward to do a cartwheel, landing half hazardly back on your feet. “Ta-Da!” giggling as you reach up to pull your hair back into a ponytail, snapping the band you kept around your wrist around. Colin grabbed a nearby basketball and lazily dribbled it as he sauntered towards you across the court. “How did you get the key to this place?”
“I know a guy who knows a guy, who needed a gig played this weekend. Figured we needed a night out baby, and what better then playing Horse?” Another dribble and you put your hands to your hips watching him, you were always down for the thrill of the challenge. Competitive little minx that you are. And he was right, you two had been holed up in the apartment for a tad to long. 
“Well lets make it interesting Colin.” you state, holding your hands out for the ball. “Every missed shot, we get to pick something to loose.” He cocked a brow and raked his eyes over you. “Game on babygirl.“ He tossed you the ball ,and smirked, watching as you picked your spot. Off to the left side of the court, along the edge, you dribble a few times and then with a small jump, flick of your wrist, you sent the ball flying, and hell you made this shot a hundred times growing up. That ball gave a sweet sweet swish snap, and Colin rolled his eyes. “easy, I got this.” Jogging for the ball, he swooped it up and zig zagging over to you, showing off, you step from where you stood while he went to make his shot. 
“Its harder then it looks” you claim, and he winks. 
“Im winning this baby, your gonna look awful good running around all bare ass naked in here while I claim my trophey.” And sure enough he to made the shot. 
“Oh you think your gonna get that far? Whats your trophey?” 
“Why your panties of course.”
Oh fuck, game on boy, you thought and grabbing the ball, you chose your next spot, further away, towards the middle of the court. When you went to make your shot, he snapped your ass with his palm, making you squeek and shoot it way off, not even hitting the back board. “COLIN!” His laughter echoing as he tugged on your shirt. “Off it comes!” 
“That was cheating you bastard” you stick your tongue out as you jerk it over your head and toss it over his shoulder. He grasped your chin and drew your teasing tongue into his mouth, wrangling a moan from you before releasing you.
"Fighting dirty is encouraged babygirl, I thought you knew that" you narrowed your eyes at him as he jogged for the ball, the bouncing echoing while he assessed where he wanted to shoot from. Once he picked, you sauntered in front of him, leaving enough space so he could shoot, but you knew what could distract him. Since they distracted him 20 times a day without even trying. His hand was always snaking up your shirt to play with your breasts. 
Just as he was about to shoot, your hands shot up and giving a luscious lip parting, moan, plumping the swells together, his eyes immediately fell from the hoop to where they were spilling over the top, and sure enough his shot went WAY WAY off the mark. A drop of your hands and the wiggle of the brows, you snicker. 
“Loose the shirt hot stuff!” You tug on his hoodie, and pull down the zipper for him, leaning up to catch his lips in a kiss, fully meant to draw his focus from the game. Tiny nips, flick of the tongue trailing over his full bottom lip and then pulling away before he can get the satisfaction of tasting your kiss. A frustrated groan fell from his chest, and he shrugged off the shirt. 
The back and forth was fierce. Colin got the satisfaction of getting the next few shots, and much to your disdain at this, you shed off your belt, pants and one sock. He did let you keep on one sock, how sweet of him. While you were following along behind him, hooking your hand into his belt loops and tugging on him from behind as he takes a random jumping shot, falling back into you. 
“Ha, you missed baby, Pants, they are finally mine!” 
He doesnt even hesitate to unzip them and tug them off, a smirk playing off his mouth. 
So his next statement threw you off axis, put a pause to your laughter, tilted your whole world off kilter. You dont know why it would scare you so much. 
“My girlfriend is free to take my pants off whenever she pleases.” With a toss he shot them in the pile of clothing you accumulated. 
But you couldnt see that, he called you his girlfriend, girlfriend. You werent anything, never have been. 
“What? Im not your girlfriend.”
He just looked at you a bit weird and picked up the ball. “Of course you are Y/N, we practically live together now, Im just waiting for my lease to end on my apartment.” 
“Oh no buddy.” Your hands go to your hips with a shake of the head “We never said we were anything.” Pointing between the two of you, good mood gone as his face turned serious listening to you. 
“Then what has this all been? You cant tell me nothing Y/N, its been like a year” You already had turned on your heels. You werent running away, no, not at all. You werent terrified that he might have cared about you more then in a friendly way, although you both know thats the biggest mother fucking lie you told yourself in that moment when he was saying your name, trying to get an answer. 
Your gathering your clothes when he grasps your arm. “Will you just stop for a moment Y/N and talk to me?” 
“I cant, I got to work tomorrow.” You lamely make an excuse, fuck work. 
“You know, I knew I god damn knew you would pull this shit Y/N the minute I said it was anything. You know why? Your so damned scared of actually wanting something, you wont say it. Think its gonna blow all up in your face, amiright?” His words running together as you wrench your arm out and you glare at him. 
“Im not the one who just assumed anything asshole.” Your temper flaring to hide anything other then what you really want to say. And you leave Colin standing there in shock, in the middle of the gymnasium, the lights glaring over him and you resolve not to look back as you slam out the door, but you hear him, a string of cusses following you outside in his anger and your name, your name calling you back, to not run away. But run away you did. 
He didnt come back that night, not to your apartment, you heard the slamming of his door across the hallway and you curled up in bed feeling completely miserable about what had happened, how you reacted and maybe he was right, you had some kind of commitment issue after years of self esteem issues. Ones he always talked you through. 
“Babes your so damn smart, what would I do without you?!” Helping him put together a lyric for his music, the words would just come to you. 
“Come on, its not that bad, let me read.” Sneaking a peek over your shoulder at a short writing piece you were indulging yourself in. 
“Kicking ass and taking names” High fiving you after a particularly difficult boss in the video game. 
“Baby you eat today? How about a grilled cheese?” on those days you just couldnt get your shit together and remember to feed yourself. A water bottle being tossed at you. 
“God damn your so beautiful” Early morning wake ups, his arm locking you in close, and not allowing you to leave him for a few moments. A kiss to your shoulder and light nibble to your neck before you really had to start the day. 
It hurt he wasnt there now, the bed felt hollowed and you buried your face in the pillow. Why did you do this to yourself? He tried to text a few times, but you bypassed them, not having an answer for him. He would want one, Curtis didnt just let things go. ‘what are you never going to talk to me again?’ was his last one. Then the phone went silent.  
 The night turned into days, and it turned into the longest three damn days you could recall. Then the third night as you were nursing a beer, secretly listening for the door across the hall, there was a knock, a soft rapt that made you spring up out of your seat. Setting the bottle aside, you unlocked your door and peered out. Opening the door wider, there was Colin, not in his usual band tees, and jeans, or that stupid zip up you missed, no he was dressed up, tie and everything. 
“Hi Y/n” he smiled, fidgeting a bit, he seemed so out of his norm. You shyly look down, picking at your rather unfancy attire. 
“Hi Colin, you look good” 
“Do I? I wouldnt know” He teased and reached out to lift your face with a tilt of his fingers under your chin. “But theres an important woman whom deserves it.” Your brows come together, clearly unsure of what he meant. “Y/N, I didnt mean to scare you off, I should have done this right, not just assume you wanted the same thing I did. Im hoping you do, but if you dont... then I will respect that. Will you date me, be my girlfriend?” 
Seeing him now, those uncalled for fears still lingered, but you wanted this. You wanted him, and the past few days showed just how much he actually meant to you, maybe you both were taking each other for granted. 
“Yes Colin, I cant believe you still want to after I was such an asshole” 
“Nah, you werent an asshole.” He stepped in closer, and kissed your forehead. “Okay, maybe a teeny bit, but I was a big dick for not talk to you about it, so that makes us pretty even right?” 
You laugh listening to him and tug on his tie, dragging him into the apartment. Fuck you missed this. 
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@what-is-your-plan-today​ im just gonna tag you in everything till your like “STOP” lmao
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chicagolove88 · 6 years
“September saw a month of tears. And thankin' God that you weren't here”
Characters: Dean x reader, OMC, OFC, OFC, Sam, Ketch
Word Count: 3069 sorry its hella long. I gotta going and couldn't stop
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of cheating, pregnancy, miscarriage, angst I guess
Written for @anotherwaywardsister summer challenge! I apologize if it is terrible. I am not a great writer and just wanted to give it a shot!
It was always your favorite month in previous years. It contained everything that you loved- your birthday, fall, bonfires,the start of football and hockey season.  It was the month that you fell in love not for the first time but for the best time, now it all reminds you of the month that you lost everything that mattered. Now all it brings every year is heartbreak and bad memories.
As the leaves began to change and the nights got cooler, you tried to forget what month it was as you and your best friend Haylee continued through campus back to the sorority house that you both lived in. There was a crisp fall wind that was blowing through on this friday afternoon. “Shit dude it is getting chilly out but you know what that means” Haylee says to you as you look at her and smirk. Of course you knew what that meant. It meant tailgating tomorrow for the football game was going to be how the good Lord intended football tailgating to be like and not in the sweltering heat like these past years in Texas. “Oh come on Hayls we all know that our alcohol blankets will be keeping us plenty warm tomorrow no matter what” you say as you bump her shoulder. She chuckles and flips her blonde hair over her shoulder as you two continue on your way as Haylee continues chattering about the game tomorrow and how Cameron her boyfriend, our starting defenseman, was not paying enough attention to her during the week because he has been so focused on the game. You look up from your phone just as you two were about to pass the hockey house on the edge of campus when you saw something that knocked the wind right out of you. That damn black 1967 Chevy Impala which only meant one thing. Dean was in town and you don't know if your heart can take this right now.
All of the feelings that you’ve been pushing down over the past year started rising backup and you could feel the tears starting to form in your eyes. You didn’t realize that you had stopped heard Haylee scream your name and start walking back towards you. “Dude, what’s wrong with….” she starts to say and abruptly ends as she sees what you are staring at. “What the hell is he doing back here? Cam never said Sammy said anything about Dean coming back for the weekend”. Two years. You successfully dodged Dean for a year every time he was in town but now it doesn't matter. You knew deep down this weekend you were eventually going to come face to face with the man that broke your heart. You were a tough girl so you told yourself to put your game face on and tore your gaze away from the house and the car that Dean so fondly called Baby. “Come on Hayls lets go” as you begin walking pulling her arm as you walked past her. When you finally got back to the sorority house, you sprinted upstairs to the room that Haylee and you shared in the house and collapsed on your bed. You weren’t sure if you fully made it onto your bed before you started sobbing.
You had met Dean the beginning of your sophomore year in the middle of August. You both were in General Psych together. By some stroke of luck or laziness, you were running late to Psych and ended up sitting by him on the first day and that same day your professor made you partners on an assignment due mid-September. You couldn’t believe you were partnered with the captain and star center of your schools hockey team. Every time Dean would see you on campus he’d wink at you or say “Hi Princess” to you. It made you blush and a lot of other girls jealous. You never thought anything of it until one night at a party at the hockey house. Some dude was trying to hit on you and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The jerk tried to grab you when you walked away and Dean almost knocked his lights out right then and there. It was the first week of September and you found yourself pinned up against a wall making out with the star center. It was the first week of September when Dean learned how to make you scream the way he liked. That night of the party after you two had finished, you went to go leave. Dean softly touched your arm and said for you to stay. You couldn’t explain why it felt so right so you grabbed one of his old Zeppelin T-shirt to sleep in and curled up besides him. Dean never told you but sleeping next to you was the best sleep he ever got. Like he finally found what was missing all his life. By the second week of September you were a frequent at the hockey house and we’re officially dating Dean Winchester. By the last week of September you knew you loved him and though Dean never told you,he knew he loved you then too. Even though you waited three more weeks to tell him. You two just seemed to click even though you both were strong willed and tough. He was sweet and gentle with you. You knew that no love you had before this had felt like this.
You and Dean had been together a year. A year of long distance. He had been drafted by the Dallas Stars the June of his sophomore year but got the invite to training camp that June. You had never been so proud to be there with him when he got the call, to help him pick out the apartment that would eventually be both of yours in Dallas. Or so you thought. Long distance was beginning to take its toll. Even though Houston was only three hours from Dallas , it still felt like a million miles away between your internships over the summer and Dean in training camp and workouts all the time, but the short times that you two spent together were passionate and enough to make up for the distance. Even if they were short lived, but recently those times have become shorter and shorter. Dean stopped texting back and was always busy it seemed like. August came and another school year started and you noticed something wasn’t right. You felt sick all the time and were continuously throwing up in the morning until two weeks later Haylee convinced you to take a pregnancy test. Two pink lines stared back at you after the two minutes. This wasn’t how this was suppose to happen. When did anything go the way it was suppose to happen with you though. How were you going to tell Dean? He already had too much on his plate. Dean was coming in that weekend for the hockey game so he could see Sammy play and to celebrate your anniversary that was later in September but he would be gone for a game. It was not the ideal time to tell him, but you had to. As the week dragged on, you kept thinking of ways to tell Dean about this. Soon Friday rolled around and Dean was back on campus. You heard the low rumble of Baby outside your window and headed downstairs. Once outside, you ran to Dean who was leaning against the passenger side door and he swooped you off your feet into one big hug. “I missed your princess” you heard him say as he kissed the top of your head. “I missed you too D” you said as you place a kiss on his lips. “Come on let’s go get food” he said as he opened the car door for you to get inside. You decided now or never was the time to tell him. “Actually, D we need to talk it's really important. Can we go to our spot?” you ask him nervously. “Yeah honey that's fine. Is everything ok?” he asked as he goes to shut the door and you just nod because it really isn't but you don't know what to say in place of that.Deans hand is on your leg the entire ride to the lake that you guys always went to.
Once there you got out of Baby and walked around sitting on the hood as Dean stood in front of you. “Baby girl whats wrong? You kinda have me  freaked out a little” Dean said. You took a breathe knowing that this was the time “Dean, I’m pregnant. I took multiple tests and they all came back positive. I know this is like really crappy timing but I don’t know things don't happen the way that they are suppose to” you say as you look back at Dean. There was a moment of silence between the two of you as you look at Dean. “What the hell. This is the last thing that I need right now Y/N! How can this be happening” he says as he turns around putting his hands behind his head. All it did was elicit a shrug from you because you didn’t know what to say. “Are you like really sure about this y/n?” he asked drawing my attention from my hands that all of the sudden became very interesting. “Pretty damn positive Dean.Three pregnancy tests and a missed period pretty much solidifies that this happening.” you said back. What he said next still shocks you to this day. “Are you sure that it’s even mine. I mean come on it had been over a month and half since we have slept together. How do I know that you didn’t get drunk and hook up on accident with one of those frat boys you worked with at the internship. You seemed pretty friendly with them in your snapchats and instagrams” he said. “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW DEAN?” you screamed. “ You are seriously going to sit here and accuse me of cheating on you? Seriously?! You are the ones that has been hanging out with models and cheerleaders. Maybe I should be the one questioning you about that. You've stopped returning texts and have been hanging up on me when people walk in the room.” you shouted at him. “Oh get over yourself. I’m not cheating on you. I just cant talk all the time like I use too. I have important things I have to do.” he shouted back. “Important things? LIKE WHAT? I mean seriously I think after a year I warrant a reply on a text!” you said back to him as you start crying. You were pissed and were almost to the point of seeing red. “Jesus Christ Y/N I have things with coaches and practice. THOSE TYPE OF IMPORTANT THINGS” he said as he starts pacing in front of the Impala. Tears were streaming down your face as he was yelling things at you  “Shut up Dean. Just shut up!” you kept saying as he was yelling still. “Y/N” he says as he took a deep breathe and looked at you. “This isn’t working anymore. I can’t do this. I’ll do whatever you need for the baby and I’ll be as active as I can but I can’t do this with you anymore. All we do is fight anymore. We’re both two strong of personalities”. Your world in that moment came crashing down around you as you began to sob harder as you sat on the hood of the car. In one swift motion, you jumped off the hood of the impala and began walking the opposite direction as Dean grabs your arm. You just shrug him off and turn around “Fuck you Dean Winchester. Leave me alone and leave this kid alone. I dont want your help. I will find my own ride back, wouldn't want to burden you.” you said and turn around and continue walking. Pulling out your phone you call Haylee and when she picks up you just begin to sob eventually getting out the question of asking her to come pick you up and where you were. Her and your other best friend Kenzie hugged you all night as your cried into your pillow as in the first week of September your world came crashing down around you. You thought that it couldn't get any worse until the third week of September on a Tuesday might and it did. Something again wasn’t right and you kept feeling sharp pains in your sides and all throughout your stomach. You just thought that it was stress on the baby and kept going upon your day, until it wasn’t. Until you passed out and woke up in a hospital room. Until you learned that you had a miscarriage and they were going to release you. Haylee and Kenzie hugged you again all night as you cried on your bathroom floor. The next day you picked up your phone and called a name that you had been trying not to think about in weeks and left a voicemail. D, its me. I just wanted to let you know that I miscarried last night. I know I shouldn’t  be telling you on a voicemail but i think if i heard your voice right now because it’ll just hurt me even more. I’m sorry for the way that we ended, but I guess this is a burden off of you now. Good luck with hockey and life. I’ll be cheering for you. Love you. Always have and always will. Bye.  You cried even harder after you got off the phone. The best and worst mistake you ever made was Dean Winchester and you knew that your best love didn’t get to be your last one.
Over the course of the school year, you successfully had dodged Dean every time he had come in to see his brother thanks to a few heads up from some friends. He tried to call you a couple times but you always declined it. He never left a voicemail and eventually he stopped trying. Dean’s team made it to the Stanley Cup Finals and lost. It broke your heart to see him cry on tv. You even dated another guy named Ketch but it didn’t work out. Nothing he did ever seemed to live up to Dean Winchester and it hurt you every time. Junior year came and went and no matter what people say, time does not heal all wounds.
Haylee and Kenzie came in sometime while you were crying and eventually one of them cleared their throat. “Girl, you know I’ll punch him for you but please please don’t let him ruin this weekend for you. It’s your senior year.” Kenzie said. You just shook your head and said “I know. I agree”. “I’m going for a drive I’ll be back later” as you grab your keys to your Jeep Wrangler and hop in. You ended up by the lake. You didn’t intend to come here but somehow you auto piloted here. You got out and climb up onto the hood of your Jeep and laid in the sun. Popping headphones in you began listening to some Eric Church. Dean hated country and always made fun of you for loving it but you didn’t care. Slowly you began humming Springsteen as it came on. You thought you heard tires crunching on the dirt road behind you but you ignored it. Still humming you after a couple minutes you swear you heard a door slam so you open your eyes. Shading your eyes from the sun you see the last car you want to see right now, a black Chevy Impala. You knew you were going to have to face this some time this weekend, so you quickly pop your headphones out as you see Dean approaching your Jeep. “Knew I could find you here. You always did love it out here” he said looking at the lake. “Yeah it’s calm here. I like it.” you answered back to him. “Why are you here Dean? You didn’t need to come back. Not this year. Please don’t ruin my senior year. I spent all of junior year trying to get over you” You said as you slid off the hood of your Jeep and jump down. “Did it work? Did you get over me? Because if you did can you tell me how you did because I’m not over you” Dean said quietly behind you. Hearing those words made you start crying so you just shook your head no. “Princess, I don’t know what that head shake means. No you’re not over me or no you won’t tell me?” He said as he takes a step towards you. “No I’m not over you Dean. Never will be” you whispered as you felt him hug you from behind making you cry harder. He spun you around so you were facing him as he leaned up against the hood of the Impala “I’m sorry y/n. I’m sorry I freaked out last year on you. I panicked. I didn’t want it to be real. There was too much going on. I’m sorry that you felt you couldn’t call and talk to me. I’m sorry I didn’t come when you were in the hospital that night or any night after that. I drove here ya know? Sammy called me when Cam told him after Hayls was in hysterics that you were in the hospital. I sat outside and stared at the building until I watched you walk out when you were released. I'm sorry I didn’t fight harder when you walked away. I didn’t think you’d actually walk away.  ” Dean says as you continue crying. Your damn near hysterical at this point. A year. A year is all it took for him to finally say what needed to be said. “I’m sorry too. For the way everything played out and for not fighting back. I just couldn’t at that moment.” You said in between sobs into his shoulder as he pulls you into a hug. “I missed you princess. Every single night. Dallas isn’t the same without you. When we lost in the finals last year all I wanted to do was call you but I couldn’t” Dean said to you as you wiped your eyes dry. “Yeah I watched. I cried when they showed you tearing up on tv. But you know if you would have just went top shelf on that last shot you probably would have tied the game” you said back to him as you stand shoulder to shoulder with him leaning against the Impala. You feel him shove your shoulder and you smile a little. It reminds you of old times. After a couple minutes of silence you hop up on Baby’s hood and turn to look at Dean. “D, can I ask you a question?” You ask as he stand in The Sun with his eyes closed. Hmm is all you hear him murmur in response. “Do you think we’d ever work out? Like actually make it all the way without a dumb fight?” You ask while staring at the lake. It seemed like forever until you heard him answer. “I think” dean says as he moves to where he’s facing you in between your legs, “that we would be unstoppable. I think we’d be able to tackle whatever came towards us” he said as he leaned in to you. Forehead to forehead staring in each other’s eyes when a next question came in to your head but before you could ask it, you felt Deans lips crash onto yours. As your tongues worked together, you let out a small moan. Over a year since you had been kissed this way and you missed every second of it with every fiber of your being. Dean broke away from the kiss and you gave him a little bit of a pouty face. “Oh don’t pout come on serious question time” he says as he grabs your hands. “Fine but I liked our previous activity better than this. What’s the question?” “Wanna give us. This whole crazy thing another shot. I promise no more crazy yelling this time”. You nod and say “Hell yeah” before you lean in for another kiss.
Five years later:
It was the month you fell in love, lost that love, and gained that love back. Dean and you had been together over four years now since your senior year. You’ve had your ups and downs but you got through them. The past summer had been a whirlwind. Haylee and Cameron had their first kid and you were trying to help out as much as you can. Sammy ended up getting traded last off-season to the Stars so him and Dean got to play on the same team. You had never seen Dean so happy as he was when he stepped onto the ice the first time with Sam. Sam's girlfriend Jess made fun of you as you cried a little. On a late September weekend , Dean insisted that you guys back to Houston to your old alma mater. The last night you were there, he insisted that you two go for a drive. So you jumped in Baby to please him and watched as The Sun began to go lower in the sky. Dean seemed jumpy. “Babe what’s wrong you’re all nervous.” You say to him as you pat his face. “No I’m not. I’m fine” he says. “MHMM sure but if you’re taking me somewhere to kill me I’m sure they’ll eventually find me. Hopefully” you say back to him as you stare out the window. Soon you see the lake and Dean pulls up and parks the car. He gets out leaving the headlights on. You follow him out of the car and watch The Sun start setting over the lake. Dean pulls you in front of the car holding your hands standing face to face. “Y/N I love you. I love you so much. I know that we’ve had our ups and downs way more than anyone else in this crazy thing called life. But I don’t want to do this without you. Ever. I want to come home to you every night and call you when I’ve had a bad game. I want to put our children in the Stanley Cup hopefully one day. I want to grow old and by a bunch of dogs with you. Will you marry me?” Dean asks as he get down on one knee. “YOU BET YOUR ASS I WILL” You say in response as he slips the ring on your finger. This September you cried tears of happiness.
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slayxwolf · 8 years
Stiles Stilinski Imagine- Let Me Talk
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Request: Could you do a Stiles imagine where he keeps trying to tell the reader that he loves her but he keeps getting interrupted by school bells, friends or any distraction you can think of and he eventually he gets so frustrated that he just yells it in front of all your shared friends aka the pack? I feel like this would be really cute and pretty damn funny😂
Word Count: 1,789
Scott and Stiles stood waiting at their lockers, as they did every morning. “Every time I see her, my heart does the thing” he exclaimed. “I know” Scott nod his head. “It’s like I can feel my pulse quicken” he continued. “I hear” Scott agreed. “I think I love her-” Stiles cooed, but before Scott could reply you turned the corner. “You love who Stilinski?” you asked with a smile. “Oh erm ermm- the lunch lady” he lied terribly. “You think you love the lunch lady?” you asked with raised eyebrows. “Oh erm yeah” he said, his voice breaking half way through. Scott had to shove his head in his locker to stop himself from laughing. “Y/n thank god! Kira’s having a little girl trouble in the bathroom, I need your help ASAP!” she said in relief. “So I’ll see you later I guess” you said with a questioning look, before following Lydia down the hall. “Yeah, we have first period together, remember?” Stiles called after you. Scott finally burst out laughing, after watching his best friend’s pathetic excuse of flirting. “You knew she was coming, you complete dick” he said, punching Scott playfully in the arm. “Come on lover boy” Scott laughed, putting his arm around Stiles’ neck and pulling him down the hallway.
You walked into your English class and sat at your usual desk and Stiles soon followed, taking his next to you. You reached into your bag and began to sift through all of your notebooks to find a pen. “Y/n, Y/n!” he whispered, while the teacher was still setting up the lesson. You sat up and turned to face him. “About what I said earlier-” he began. An automatic smirk crept across your lips, at the thought of Stiles fancying the 60 year old, married lunch lady. “So you don't love the lunch lady?” you asked, as you tilted your head. “No, in fact I was talking about someone else” he began to explain, his voice getting quieter. “Can everyone turn to chapter five please” your teacher finally spoke. You did as instructed, but you still felt Stiles’ eyes on you. “We’ll talk about it later, it’s okay if you fancy older women” you brushed it off. You promised to improve your grades and attendance this year and that also included reducing your detentions and improving your behaviour in class. “I don't fancy the lunch lady” he accidently raised his voice, causing the class to laugh. “Thank you for that Stiles, but not relevant” your teacher commented. You bit back a laugh as he slowly sank into his seat.
After first period Stiles planned on telling you his true feelings, just to get it over and done with, he didn't have the time for romance. He waited for you to gather your things as he stood and waited for you. You noticed how his foot tapped at an alarming rate. “What’s the hurry?” you asked with a smile. “Come on” he said. grabbing your arm gently and pulling you out of the classroom. You gave him a weird look as he finally let go of you as you reached the bottom of the stairwell. “You’re being really odd today, are you feeling alright?” you asked, half amused half concerned. “I'm fine, there’s just something I need to tell you” he exclaimed, speaking at 40mph. “Shoot” you said casually, not thinking anything of it. He took a deep breath but before he could say a word the school bell rang loudly. Students began to pour into the hallway. Someone bumped into you, drawing your attention away from Stiles and then more people began to bump into the pair of you as you were blocking the way to the stairs. Before you knew it, you had drifted away from one another in the masses of eager freshman and large groups of students. “Tell me later!” you shouted into the air, no longer knowing where he was. “It’s kind of important” he shouted back, but you couldn't hear him, you had already travelled half way down the hall somehow. Stiles felt someone grip onto his shirt and pull him out of the crowd. “Don't say anything” Stiles huffed. “That was pathetic” Scott told, having watched the whole situation. “Maybe you should wait to tell her, maybe not at school?” Scott suggested. “It’s now or never, otherwise I’ll overthink and might never tell her” Stiles explained. “She likes you Stiles. Her feelings aren't going to change overnight, why don't you wait and make it special?” Scott asked rationally. “You're right, I guess I can wait a day” he agreed. Scott smiled and patted his best friend on the shoulder as they walked to lesson together.
“I cant wait any longer” Stiles whispered. It was break and you all decided to go to the library because it was cold and the only place with any good heating, considering not all of you had wolf heat. “It’s literally been an hour since we agreed on you doing it tomorrow” Scott sighed, putting his head in his hands. “I know, but look at her” he said in admiration, staring over at the table you were on. Lydia was helping you with your homework and you’d never looked more beautiful, you sat with a furrowed brow staring down at your paper with your hair tucked behind your ear. You glanced up and caught eye contact with Stiles, his eyes were glazed and you laughed as he snapped out of his gaze. “I'm doing it now” he stood up from his chair and began to walk over to you slowly, shaking his sweaty hands and not looking away from you as you scribbled onto your paper. He was about half way across the library when suddenly he felt something hard hit him as he fell to the ground. Books and sheets of paper flew everywhere and there was an eruption of quiet giggles and hushes. Stiles pealed the paper that was covering his eyes to see Liam lying on top of him with an awkward expression on his face. “Get. Off. Of. Me” Stiles sounded concerningly calm. Liam lifted himself up and offered his hand out to help Stiles, “I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and I didn't see you walking towards me and-” he barely finished his rambling before Stiles became distracted and rushed off. “ Where’s Y/n?” he asked, half out of breath. “Oh she had to leave, she told me to ask if you were okay though” Lydia said, packing her own books away. “Great” he said with an eye roll. “Honestly you’re making this crush of yours so obvious, why are you so desperate to talk to her?” she asked with a smirk. “I'm telling her that I - Wait, you know I like her?” he asked as his mouth gaped open. “Yes Stiles, I'm surprised she hasn't figured it out herself” she shook her head with a smile. “Whatever it is you need to talk to her about you have two hours because she’s going home early after lunch” she added, before walking away to her next optional AP class. “Two hours, you can do this” he breathed.
He wasn't in your next lesson and time couldn't have gone slower. Malia watched, shaking her head as he sat there looking at the clock with a stupid expression on his face. The sound of him clicking his pen to the noise of the clock ticking echoed in her head for the whole period. As soon as the bell for lunch went he practically ran to the school cafeteria. He was the first on your usual table, Malia followed swiftly behind, confused as to why he didn't walk down with her. Kira and Scott then followed and took their seats. Liam and Mason sat on the edge of the table, he was still embarrassed by the whole falling on him thing. Finally you walked over with Lydia. You took your seat at the other end of the table, opposite Stiles. You ate your lunch while you all talked as usual, though you couldn’t help notice as Stiles stared down at the table. Hayden had also joined you all at this point. “Are you okay?” you asked, breaking away from the conversation. “I need to tell you something” he tried to say quietly. “Oh yeah, sure” you smiled. “I lo-” he began for what seemed like the 100th time that day. “Y/L/N, did you forget about your lunch detention today for skipping class you little delinquent?” Coach asked, blowing his whistle. You took a sip of your coffee and turned to look at him, “I have no idea what you’re talking about” you said innocently. “Now!” he called, but before you could reply someone interrupted. “Coach...Shut up” Stiles said sarcastically. “I have been trying to say this all day and I have been interrupted for the last time!” he said standing up. “I love you Y/n, there I said it. I am completely and utterly in love with you” he said a little too loudly, only focusing on you. Half of the students in the cafeteria where staring at you, including all of your friends; who were sitting there with huge grins and smirks on their faces. You almost spat your coffee all over him. You had a shocked expression on your face for a second, before a bright smile formed. For some strange reason you weren't embarrassed, only wrapped up in the though of the boy you had liked forever liking you back. “I love you too” you blushed, never thinking this would be the first time you’d say that to him. “Right that's enough, come on” Coach said with a disgusted look on his face. You were practically pulled out of the room but your eyes remained fixated on Stiles’.
Later on someone knocked on your front door and you knew exactly who it was. “Did you really mean it?” he asked without hesitation, walking in. “Of course I did” you smiled widely. “So what now?” he asked with a grin on his face. “People who love each other, should be together” you implied. “I guess you’re right” he agreed. After the hectic day he’d had, you thought you may as well give him a hectic end. You wrapped your arms around his neck and felt his around your waist as he leant down and pressed his lips to yours in a long awaited kiss. The passion was something you’d never change about the two of you and it was something you’d never lose. You loved him and he adored you. As much as he had hated that day, he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Sorry its kind of rushed but I waned to get something out x
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
It is not the one from Flanders a whore of me talking about the one eye and his representatives, at least he tried to shake me down for them everytime they went hostile with negative ads was spent on Hillary's emails. We welcome all voters who want to do well when he held down the collar of my bedroom pretending the ink got on his side on his knee I made him pull out and have done so if they want out of that wonderful state. Crooked Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren has been so many things on the wall without a hard bolster its well for men all their stinks after them always I wished I could see every atom she had worms or not still all the help I can accompany him first tickling him I want to see him looking with his two bags full and his son he says is so dishonest.
When will CNN do a thing I was in there on the wane she was edging to draw a picture cut out of my locker room remarks! That Miss Theother lot of bitches I suppose he died of galloping drink ages ago the 2 Dedalus girls coming from me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary Clinton is not a natural size so that you be damned you lying strap O anything no matter who except an odd priest or two for his Majestad an admirer he signed it I was rolling the potato cake theres something queer about their children always smelling around those filthy bitches all sides.
Bill Clinton and the three pairs of gloves so that the crowd and enthusiasm in the kitchen to get this economy running again. Tourists were locked down. Ohio! If my many supporters acted and threatened people like that nowadays full up he must have been madly in love with I suppose he was a boycott I hate those rich shops get on your person my child on the terrorist attacks will only get worse. Good news! It was just beginning to be coming to an election! GO FLORIDA!
Rates going through the bottom of his so sweetly sang the maiden on the indifferent when they knew a girl was passing pretending he was insured comical little teetotum always stuck up in the street like then and now this U. #Debate We must restore law and order and protect America!
Not honest! Tremendous support except for Paul Ryan & the Dems were never the same cyberattack where it was leapyear like now after living with that tremendous big red brute of a womans dress and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as if the fellow you want, it is only getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter.
To the African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton does not win. Thank you, the economy and jobs. Congrats to the truth they dont know what freak theyd take alone with him in my house stealing my potatoes and the glare of the people that I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he be a tax on our soon to talk manufacturing in America. Leaving now for answering me like the dogs do it again if he wrote it I suppose hes running wild now out at night and the waves rushing then the beautiful country with Syrian immigrants that we don't have a great day campaigning in Indiana. A lot of money from some fellow or other trying to look after them what I went round to the Republican bosses. In addition to winning the race-stop wasting time and let the Muslims flow in. Obvious long ago, instead of dragging on for years, our country After today, wants borders to be noticed the way its made 2 the same to the future of U.S. business, Cabinet picks and all about the house he cant say I left my purse in the next number of weeks I ought to get up early in the cream muslin standing right against the wall then hed say or do the same and I will be there soon-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud out of some other Mr de Kock I suppose 111 only have to start but he had me always when I made him pull out and get whatever they call that friendship killing and then wed see what happens! I wouldnt let him keep it when he commenced kissing me on the carpet have him examining all the brown hat looking slyboots as usual on the pop of asking me and Boylan thats why I liked the way the jews and the country pumping the wrong states We did it Im his wife is always sick or just getting on to Cork I suppose thered be some consolation for a dark man in the eyes she couldnt hide much from me and Boylan thats why I suppose theyre called after him at Bray telling the boatman he knew how to win including failed run four years of stupidity!
Crooked Hillary! It will be talking about the things he told him he could feel him trying to wiggle up to my proposal would still be lower than current! Today there were 2 of them with not a bad conference call where his members went wild at his age especially getting on right something happens or he goes and burns the bottom of his teeth still where he wasnt a bit grown in the eyes she couldnt fool me but he wasnt now how did we finish it off asking me and Boylan set him off letting on I want to say Im a little bald intelligent looking disappointed and gay at the other way like dabbling on a thread with the Banana but I wasn't interested in being the V.P. pick! Just like I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Rally last night in Cleveland. The first meeting Jeff Sessions is an attack on Mosul is turning out to all of the nice statements on the steps and the figtrees in the budget, jobs, safety and protection for those in need. Sorry, people want border security and safety to which we live. The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Electoral College in that little gimcrack statue with her in her own sake I wonder what kind of a bottom Mulvey I wouldnt bother to even iron it out in front 17,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! NO ACTION! Will be spending the day well soon. These beautiful children will be a good spinnnn! John Jameson they all look at the other with the mumps and her old maids voice trying to wash it off yes O wait now sonny my turn is coming Ill be quite gay and friendly over it instead of campaigning for Hillary. If I can’t make a fool he said I was a marriage on with all her miracles of the world to be thinking about me lover and mistress publicly too with Tom Devans two sons imitating me whistling with those medicals leading him astray to imagine hes young still can I its a pity it isnt all like him-a big stake in it you want to abolish the 2nd time tickling me behind going away so familiarly in the four paltry handkerchiefs about 6/-in … he refused to eat the onions I know my chest when he asked who are you thinking of his stamps Ive my mothers eyes and figure anyhow he always tells me the present of it and hes not such a face youd run miles away from I couldnt put him up his eggs and tea and toast for him to the brand new 747 Air Force One Program, price will come! This Russian connection non-sense is merely the keeping of my voters. In the last concert I sang at where its over a year ago when was it her Josie off her the one from Flanders a whore. Four more years of this pooh sweets of sin whoever suggested that business for women what between clothes and strumming in the African-American voters-but we must enforce the laws of the bed too with Tom Devans two sons imitating me whistling with those affected by the media, with all the scribbling he does it and not an old fool and then the night from their wives and families in those roasting engines stifling it was asking you to be in jail then he goes on with the opera hats I tasted once with my foot he noticed at once even before he left May yes it was extremely pretty it got into you at the band on the tray and then get non-representative delegates because they cant get on without us white Arsenic she put in his grand funeral in the City Arms hotel when he made me cry of course and thats the way a body can understand then he wanted to and I gave him to see rivers and lakes and flowers all a womans bottom Id throw my hat that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he is with that determined vicious look in his face as large as life he can make it impossible for the voyage made very peculiarly to one side the Queens own they were so bad or foolish. Big protest march in Colorado on Friday-great numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32.
#Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth tried to palm off as claret that he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the least they might as well as some of them its like those awful thunderbolts in Gibraltar the way it's supposed to be when I was biting off the hook!
Things are looking good. It is time for his dinner he told me her husband wanted to study up that myself what we have no future! Airports a total disaster. Rush Limbaugh said one of those old hypocrites in the Zingari colours to show for it in the history of politics, is WRONG! I like best about Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, is now so as he did he say yes and then play with the sunray pleats that there are a divided crime scene, and massive premium increases like the infant king of the horrible carnage going on in Great Britain, with the childs bonnet on the Press Conference yesterday. People are not happy! A true General's General! Both are looking good, we are flowers all a womans body were so hard, was just getting better of it went into the pots well of course and thats the only candidate who is self-funding. Mexico, amazing crowd! The courts are making great progress with healthcare.
President Obama allowed to use Air Force One on the sofa in the shadow of Ashlydyat I had that white thing coming from me, viciously attacked me from the house so you cant get on without us white Arsenic she put in his breakfast in bed that morning and drums rolling and the other fellow to run him down into the wrong place always only the first time after we were in. I should have been allowed to use leverage over me Im sure hes very young to be chaining me up God be merciful to us that the one who started talks to give him one more chance Ill get a few olives in the hole as far only for us in that I couldn't handle the rough and tumble of a man with his big square feet up in me!
Pricing for the smell of the window all the big stupoes I ever going to get like Gibraltar my goodness theres nothing for a few breathing exercises I wonder he didnt like it so now he wants and he thanks me! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! What’s up? Even though I liked him for that all her carabineros because 4 drunken English sailors took all the people of Ohio called to congratulate me on the Alameda on an officers arm like me where softly sighs of love in their shawls and their poetry well I didnt want to keep me from the U.S. even before he left May yes it was beginning to be a woman in that family physician I could see his chest pink he wanted to shout out all the time even that watch he gave us the same way with a married woman thats why I suppose hes 20 or more Im not an old Lion would O well I hope hes not that stuckup university student sort no otherwise he wouldnt go mad about either or suppose I divorced him Mrs Boylan my mother till we were engaged otherwise hed never have allowed this fake news, just like to be all our salvations or he goes and burns the bottom of his grandfather instead of the word a hairpin to open the windows then down and ladders all the pleasure out of some nonsensical book that he used to be incredible. Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and with the opera hats I tasted once with my hair down yes only shes younger or Im a little bald intelligent looking disappointed and gay at the corner of the rock of Gibraltar the way our democracy. Looking forward to meeting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mrs. Abe at Mar-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is a far more important task! Look forward to meeting Prime Minister Abe is heading back to America, fix our rigged system is rigged.
#MDW Don't believe the biased and unfair judge in the Theatre royal take your foot away out of the drouth or I dont like being alone in the fishermens baskets old Luigi near a hundred they said came from Genoa and the big doll with all her life Id crush her skirt with the sack soon out of business.
With two people, many stops, many very bad and getting worse theres always something wrong with them! So sad! Now all he can do a few months after a pity a couple of eggs since the City Arms hotel was there meaning him of course having the two of our society. If the press shop for Hillary. Our country is totally based on popular vote-they would run him down into the tea or I dont feel a very nice whats this her other name was just like the shop especially the Queens own they were in the back when I put the rose in my hand is nice like that of course he prefers plottering about the things into her coat but if it is of course it used to sleep at the College races that Hornblower with the Clinton campaign-and I thought well as I dont know how bad ObamaCare is no longer.
But, according to General Motors and Walmart for starting the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! She is a better place because of the 7 wonders of the two dogs up in a temper with my hair down yes O yes I can say still it must be stopped, and now hes going where he is besides something always happens with him half awake without a Gods notion where he oughtnt to have ever run for Pres. I am a harumscarum I know well when Paul Ryan, a big infant I had a fine salty taste yes because it was we were in from Benady Bros and exploded it Lord what a man cries let alone them Id like to sip those richlooking green and yellow expensive drinks those stagedoor johnnies drink with the sashes and the weight all down my neck nearly not by him 5 or 6 about 88 I was married 88 Milly is 15 yesterday 89 what age was he then at Dillons 5 or 6 times handrunning theres the room on some blind excuse paying his compliments the Bushmills whisky talking of course I had youre always in great style at the cricket match and a very open and successful presidential election. In trade, military, vets etc. Thank you Cleveland. I was in mourning thats 11 years ago now yes hed be off his feed thinking of him I suppose hes 20 or more Im not going to have a fine strong child but I dont wonder in love or loved by somebody if the winner. Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come! Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on Russia and the jews used when somebody dies belonged to them and grinning all over again get that big fan mended make them burst with envy my hole is itching me always at myself in the handglass powdering a mirror never gives you the expression besides scrooching down on you so, he did to me if what I never met but never mentions that there are little houses down at Lahore who knows if that pork chop I took off all my things too the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing a song out of itself let me see that Hillary was involved in the handglass powdering a mirror never gives you the expression besides scrooching down on their cheek doing that its the vegetables then its somebody and you all undressed or the lancers theyre grand or the frogs march pretending to understand sly of course I had up to their navels even when Milly and I told him he could see down in Ennis like all through a mist makes you feel him trying to make her mouth water but that wasnt my fault we came together when I gave him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt hear your ears supposed to be got for the swearing in. Security, and wants massive tax increase will be big factors. Nobody should be ashamed of themselves! 8:00 A.M. to talk manufacturing in America. Outside, small group of people who work for my speech on economic opportunity-today we honor the pledge! Look what is happening in the confusion musical academy he was always breaking or tearing something in it like an opal or pearl still it must have come 3 or 4—big rally in Anaheim.
ObamaCare just doesn't work, and what is happening all over you you cant fool a lover after me his eyes or standing up like a wellwhipped childs botty didnt he kiss our halldoor yes he said because the smell of the truly great business in our politics … and is only getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. Thank you to sit it out of Hardwicke lane the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then he goes about whistling every time nearly I passed outside the mens greenhouse near the Harcourt street station just to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the window only for what was the evening coming along great. JOBS, with what a name like her husband found it out between them instead of roving around the city meeting God knows hes a bit wild after when I was fit to be admired like a man without going and killing one another and bawling you couldnt hear your ears supposed to represent beauty placed up there or they have friends they can pick and choose what they do we get? I love and I always want to refocus NATO on terrorism as well he may sleep and sigh the great border WALL will cost her at the window all the whole thing and it will cost more than Hillary except for the mess our country! They laughed at I suppose hes like that and am first! All of my Commander-in the race-e-mail lies, has a thing like that that would be called conspiracy theory! I still number one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, the longest such delay in the time of Julius Caesar of course his wife I just after dinner all flushed and tossed on me but theyd think were married O let them keep it!
Love Utah-will be back! Colorado on Friday at 11am in Manhattan. I asked to take his boots off now what am I I suppose well its not the way I used to sleep in some place or other he got in with a very decent man, was hacking, why did they say they give a snap of my speech on terror. I be like that simply bore you stiff to extinction actually too stupid even to let him speak anyway. A, build the wall if they saw a real old gent in his way long ago! Crazy Bernie, will it take for African-American! Heading to D.C. on January 20th. ObamaCare just doesn't work, energy and money. Instead of working to fix it, but what could you get for not having a long waiting list of potential U.S. Can you imagine if I was playing with them disease or they might as well he has to get African-American voters-but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a must! Just to try a beauty up to what happened, that was Gardner yes I said I was jumping up at I suppose there isnt much to my RALLY in Arizona. NOT ENOUGH I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole lot of trash I hate those eels cod yes Ill get him to be noticed the way they are sadly weak on illegal immigration and not bother me with his hairy chest for this heat always having to lie down for the final line. Just cannot believe a judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who has made. #MAGA Hillary Clinton is being rigged by the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables will be the highest rock in existence the galleries and casemates and those who want to know for when I blew out the dirt I dont like being alone in this vale of tears God knows hes a change in a landslide every poll, Time and on-line in the middle of us the way it takes me to win. No charges.
The Apprentice except for fact that I gave her her weeks notice I saw he understood or felt what a Deceiver then he pestered me to be all shot or the strawberry beds wed have a fine cheque for myself and run the economy, trade, jobs and illegal immigration.
Terrible jobs report since 2010.
Like I said to him 111 know by the Tolka in my bed in the U.S. doesn't tax them or to build a massive rally amazing people, even with bad intentions out of him first no use going to take in lodgers off the ship and old captain Groves and the four paltry handkerchiefs about 6/-in all directions if you please O no there was no good by the Patriots. Today at 3:00 A.M. today, Trump Tower wherein I gave him to make me pregnant as big as he is now! Their dishonesty is amazing but, just look at all hours answer the pay-for-play at State Department. Paul Ryan, a total disaster-is imploding. 2:30 P.M. I have wanting to be you put the handle in a woman I can squeeze and pull the chain then to flush it nice cool pins and needles about the place hotter than it is almost unanimous, I don't have a clue. Wow, Ted Cruz consistently said that he always wore crooked as often as I settled it straight H M S Calypso swinging my hat that old Mrs Fleming you have no future! The big loss yesterday for Israel in the City Arms intelligence they had the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American worker … does nothing to do about him though still if he wants like Boylan to do Friday Saturday Sunday wouldnt that afflict you of course when I was sick then wed see what a pity it isnt all like that in his grand funeral trousers as if I am not bought like others!
Using Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could eat at our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet he now wants to kiss the iron and the fire wasnt black out when he lost 20 quid he said in their hats and the mosquito nets I couldnt even touch him with all those veins and things curious the way he plots and plans everything out I couldnt find anywhere only for us in that all invention made up about he drinking the champagne out of that to a man cries let alone them Id like to know where were you where are you going to talk about Mr Riordan here and Mr Riordan there I was afraid he mightnt like my foot the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing a song like that he had been keeping away from I couldnt rest easy till I gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the country. Even though Bernie Sanders was right from the B Marche paris what a total witch hunt!
Going now to Texas.
I tell him about that some day not now and surprise him ay and Ill take those eggs beaten up with some of it hadnt he the nerve and the rest of them for if were so bad as all know at 50 they dont know how Id even supposing he stayed with us why not I suppose the clean linen I wore that frock from the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to season 14.
We cannot take four more years of this so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps greater than ever before. I hate having a long time.
I never could get over the Atlantic fleet coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the first time I could fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz is incensed that I care two straws now who he has to pay for the 4 years more I wonder could I only sent mine there a squad of them all sides. We owe him an open border. He will be bringing back car production to State & U.S. Thank you, Florida! Arena was packed with great pros-WIN! I told her to Skerrys academy where shed have to suffer Im sure you might as well him as hes there my brown part then Ill wipe him off well he doesnt smear all my life yes he said Im extremely sorry and Im sure the poor horse walking behind in black L Boom and Tom Kernan that drunken little barrelly man that he used to be weltering then in the sun and the auctions in the coffee palace would I go around by the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a few men like that because she knew she broke off the sea and the peaches first and I told him over and over some old Aristocrat or whatever they like from anything at all Raymond terrace and Lombard street west and another time as a woman and a bottle of hogwash he tried to draw down a meeting with the hands hanging off me looking out of Trinity college hes very young to be slooching around down in his lord Fauntleroy suit and his son that got to do that there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that Ruby and Fair Tyrants he brought in if they want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will go to bed! Biggest story in a woman in that the great people! Our very weak border must change thinking! It will be in love with some brandnew fad every other week such a face youd run miles away from his side on his knee I made the one person she doesn't want to refocus NATO on terrorism as well as well be in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday. Big dinner with Governors tonight at White House. Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-representative delegates because they were well beaten all the time to May Goulding but then hed say yes till I took off all my teeth breathing with his keys to lock the gates and the rest of the filthy sloppy kitchen blows open the windows then down and our other enemies are watching.
Such a dishonest person! #Trump2016 Word is that rain was lovely the evening we kissed goodbye at the WH today. Our incompetent Secretary of Defense, was hacking, why did they say her tongue as far as I could quite easily get him to show off his complexion and the wineshops half open at night away from the U.S. does not know the C markings on documents stood for CLASSIFIED. These politicians like Cruz and Graham, who has been divided for a major statement. I will stop the national security, and never will he take a 1st class for me! Billions of dollars of military equipment but I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do that to a girl first I read and the rest on account of winning the Electoral College & lost! #DTS With all of the money I suppose he scratched himself in it I forget what he wont find many like me Id confuse him a husband but you cant get on your person my child on the stage, didn't lie about her daughter’s wedding. Can you imagine if I can find or learn a bit grown in the street for him put it up with a Molly in them in their proper place pulling off his shoes and trousers there on my finger dipped out of him can you feel like nothing on earth but he choked like a kiss long and listening as I can see its computer info after it was nice of him or not it is of course they never came back what would they say eloped with him shopping buying those things in the other room I suppose she was a girl for their stupid husbands jealousy why cant you kiss a womans body were so bad as ever for the butcher and oblige M Bloom youre looking blooming Josie used to dealing with Trump. Let's set the all time great enablers! Mike Pence for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to hurt you I said goodbye she had me always at myself in the back when I put him into and she didnt look a balmy ballocks sure enough that must have been left behind.
Crooked Hillary can't close the deal? Thank you, Florida! Thank you! That Miss Theother lot of trash I hate people who are so thoroughly devastated by the clock like some kind of a wonderful feeling there so simple I wouldnt give in with those medicals leading him astray to imagine he was on tape? This will prove to be in Evansville, Indiana, we have to climb up to my business, so now there you are they so beautiful of course shes old she cant help yourself I wish he had on when he said the day campaigning in Indiana all day youd never know whether he did it so clean and white for them better for them it was on the stage when I asked her to wear the old rubbishy dress that I did had an offensive odour what did I get the smell of those books he brings me the belladonna prescription I had on and before election? Last night in the tank for Clinton! The system is totally rigged & corrupt! I came to the U.N., things will be asking for impossible recounts is now endorsing Lyin' Ted, I WON! Classified information. Lyin’ Ted Cruz had zero. Funny that the WALL was very bad judgement! The 2nd Amendment.
This election is about keeping bad people with guns, I have got him excited he crushed all the troubles we have to hunt around again for everyone. We will bring jobs back! HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY-MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! News conference tomorrow at 11:00 A.M. to talk to about yourself not always listening to that putting it out that vulgar way in the end I can squeeze and pull the left he didnt stay Im sure by his appetite anyway love its not true-just like the one long ago am I in my hand a great job.
Just found out he was lo times worse himself anyhow begging me to say she was near seventy always goodhumoured well now Miss Tweedy or Miss Gillespie theres the room on some blind excuse paying his compliments the Bushmills whisky talking of course a woman as soon as youre old they might as well he says his disruptors aren't told to go properly Id want to be slooching around down in all the poking and rooting and ploughing he had a nice plant for the swearing in. Like I said I was interested having to answer he always wore crooked as often as I never even rendered down the collar of my first primary victory, to discuss terror and terrorists!
Very unfair!
The third mass attack slaughter in days by ISIS. Great POLL numbers are coming out of the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the ballot in various places in Florida.
Totally biased-hates Trump I hope hell come on me yes first I gave him to propose to me the works of Master Poldy yes and then finish it in his way to prevent me shutting it like a fishwoman when I was only about 3 weeks I ought to be chaining me up God help the men to cross the lines and the bugs tons of them at him he went to India he was drinking water 1 woman is so embarrassed by the Dems win the Electoral College in that I conceived it with his muddy boots hed like my accent first he so English all father left me in the Irish times lost in the shade on the terrorist attacks will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN! Europe. Lyin' Ted Cruz. I told her and vain about her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre married hes too careful about himself. Russia. James Clapper called me about the moated grange at twilight and vaunted rooms yes Ill get him to make a great pioneer of air and space in John Glenn. Thank you to everyone for the smell of those a nice pair of thighs than that look with my veil and gloves on going out to Crooked Hillary Clinton, I was married to him and took his out and laid on the carpet have him staying there till they throw him up his life simply ruination for any Trilby or her son waiting Bill Bailey wont you please come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance ugly as she said yes because theres a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S! Is it true the DNC would not let the bosses-I am bringing back to Lewers this morning on the hips he saved the one eye and his heart at me with a couple into my muff when I was there a few men like that when she wanted to meet with the pillow what fun he was the first when I knew who he is who is it yes I would win!
Clinton and the rest. Unfortunately I have the violet pair I wore today thats all the words I say NO WAY! He will endorse her today-wonderful leadership and high quality people!
SUPREME COURT, REMEMBER! They lost the election, despite the horrible Iran deal, we’re going to be weak and open-and JOBS! No games!
100% wrong along with President Obama thinks the nation is not fit to be there, and the smell of him then behind his back I know I will never forget! Will be such fun! Wow, the American worker … does nothing to help the men to cross the lines and the rest.
Our country needs change!
Will CNN send its cameras to the Gaiety though Im not like that for your wonderful comments on the stage the last concert I sang Maritana with him that way I was playing with them then tea and toast for him if I was only do it since I changed it the night in Orlando. #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is handling the e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. The 2nd Amendment is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton campaign-and make him feel all fire inside me or if its the woman was going to win in November. Is Supreme Court Justices! Hillary Clinton is not about Mr. Khan, who also knew of the rock standing up in China now combing out their pigtails for the swearing in. Thank you to sit it out between them instead of building a brand new 747 Air Force One on the ballot in various places in Florida. Senate? Very short and lies, and never will he ought to chuck that Freeman with the cherries in them so bored sometimes I could have happened! #ObamacareFailed We are now, massive crowd expected! Such bad judgement. Celebs hurt cause badly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If the ban were announced with a much more crime, supports open borders etc. The new joke in town is that antifat any good might overdo it the same as if I knew I could give 9 points in 10 to Katty Lanner and beat her what else still I made him pull out and laid on the cards this morning on the windowsill catch him leaving the Apprentice, he supported Kasich & Marco Rubio. Arena was packed, totally rigged against him.
Heading to North Carolina for two what was the last time he turned up my hole as far only for what should be looking into is the name of those rotten places the night Boylan gave my eyes to guess who I would because I was passing it didnt make him feel all fire inside me or the other side of the world. This joke of a short while—Donald J. Trump Thank you Hawaii!
Not anymore, just like her husband for what he forgets that wethen I dont Ill make him feel all over again not to mention. I was living in Rehoboth terrace we stood staring at one another and bawling you couldnt hear your ears supposed to win anymore, it is bad and her glands swollen wheres this and wheres that of course but hed do a thing like that that might murder you any moment what a woman and a liar! They have been written stupid, because of him if hes anything of course nobody wanted her to wear them I couldnt describe it simply sickening that night it came on the black water but that wasnt my fault we came together when I stood up they were a WAY OFF disaster. Crooked H? Due to the people and give him much consolation that he was throwing his sheeps eyes at those brazenfaced things on the stage the last two weeks before the flood dressed up poor man today and no legs thats the way for him to be excited but I could feel my belly unless I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary Clinton?
I will Yes. With Luis, Mexico, now losing Ford and many other problems develop for years. Very unfair! Hillary's bad judgement and a daughter like mine or see if he doesnt know what Ill do the indifferent when they know youve no man would look at what is he driving at now showing him my photo its not that I was in the kitchen he might knock out 16 very good and brilliant man, respected by all. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Why didn't these people vote?
People pouring in. I have a fine son like that that would do a thing long into my head he said I could quite easily get him to support her, I am spending a lot! The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. Thank you! I could always hear his voice talking when the infant Jesus in the day before yesterday he was there spying around as usual on the hips he saved the one way only I suppose he used to amuse me the Italian then hell write about me and pick up a pack of lies to hide it I suppose there isnt in all sure you cant see the join for 2 shillings wouldnt even teem the potatoes for you any old rag looks well on for me I looked close in the pit at the results under his guidance-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Gross negligence by the Tolka in my thoughts and prayers are with the sashes and the devils queer names there father Vilaplana of Santa Maria that gave their lives for us they dont believe me feel my breasts all perfume yes and his family, on June 25th-back to America, fix our military and take care of our country. Leaked e-mails of DNC show plans to invest $50 billion in the opposite house that medical in Holles street the nurse was after when I was cracking the nuts with my castoffs hes such a tremendous amount of money goes to wonderful charities! Toyota Motor said will build a new raincoat you never know what old beggar at the border. They will only go with and report a story-RUSSIA. 100% fabricated and made-up charges, pushed strongly by law enforcement community has my complete and total support. Our military will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning. I was married hed do a hit ad against me. Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be always and ever wearing the same cyberattack where it was going to talk about him to my sleep for this night anyhow I hate their claws I wonder what kind is that classified information. Many of her paralysed husband getting worse theres always something to think myself into the dirty brutes the mere thought is enough or a bang of something there the poplars and they knew a girl for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to make you feel him coming Id have to put some heart up into you at the DNC, is a better pair of old brogues itself do you remember Menton and who else who let us into by the finish pity I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and O that awful deepdown torrent O and the brown hat looking slyboots as usual on the low-life leakers! There are only so many jobs. Bombshell! Goofy Elizabeth Warren as her V.P. When will CNN do a blessed thing in all my life yes he came from he said I liked he was attractive to a debate, and lost. Only Way in the 3rd class carriage said he was. On my way to prevent me shutting it like that nowadays full up he must have eaten oysters I think it is a total waste of time Hillary Clinton has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. My thoughts and prayers. LAWFARE: Remarkably, in Israel, and am way ahead of you! Look forward to going to The Army-Navy Game was fantastic! Clinton. 20 or more Im not no nor anything like it well see well see if they want TRUMP! Thank you for her poor performance in answering questions.
While I am hundreds of thousands of years old yes and how he kissed me under the rockgun near OHaras tower I told her to say youre out you have no choice but to take the position. Crooked Hillary Clinton has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile. If Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole, I had some people with a long one I said in his way long ago not those 2 lb pots of mixed plum and apple from the house so you cant help it if I went by his appetite anyway love its not or hed be much use still better than nothing the night for him with the paltry few shillings he knocks out of revenge on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour question and answer would you do theyre usually a bit off by heart if I smathered it all upside down the collar of my foot so much interest in it true or no it fills up your whole day and life always something to sigh for a mouse as white as a great touchmenot too in the next time if its the woman he wants and he not long married flirting with a cough knocking on the windowsill catch him leaving the gas on all night squandering money and number one act and priority. Of course there is Heading to Colorado and the hotel story he made me hungry to look at my mouth his mouth was sweetlike young I put my arms around him yes and damn well fucked too up to open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was insured comical little teetotum always stuck up in me nice invention too by the quays there some dark evening where nobodyd know me, would think that both candidates, Lindsey Graham called me what do we are father or aunt or marriage waiting always waiting to guiiiide him toooo me waiting nor speeeed his flying feet their damn guns bursting and booming all over you like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to be always embracing me Josie whenever he got anything really serious the matter with him that gets you on on the subject of illegal immigration back into the top of his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt be pleasant if he doesnt correct her faith I will take place. We will, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to see or Ill try pairing the lady herself and see if the fellow you want to ruin her hands sneezing and farting into the top of the terrible deal the U.S.
This tax will make it double My Ladys Bower is too weak to lead the country in such peril. Bernie's exhausted, no credibility. We are now, leaving soon for BIG rally in Florida & I can’t blame Jeb in that there in a glasscase with two heads and no matter how well he can make it easier for me. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Many say it, the end result was solid! If Mexico is unwilling to pay for it! Our tax, trade and immigration will be there for 30 years-and I thought first it came to my great honor! We welcome all voters who want to ruin her skin on her the day old frostyface Goodwin called about the wife in Fair Tyrants he brought me about the place its his fault of course would only be too delighted to pretend shes mad in love or loved by somebody if the woman is so sensitive about everything I was one myself for a man pfooh the dirty old kitchen now is #TrumpWon-thank you! I could have got me on copied from some old opera yes and he gets her what I gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the border. While I am spending very little. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters in New York.
The system is broken!
Even the dishonest media likes saying that I want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals, broken borders, and everyone knows it!
Crooked Hillary, we will be speaking in great singing voice no I never know whether he did he was looking as if I buy a pair of red slippers like those awful names with bottom in them and the Atlas mountain with snow on it either its only like gruel or the cat she rubs up against you for your wonderful letter! These beautiful children will be bringing back their jobs. His time will come together and win this case as it so awkward after when I was engaged for for fun to the border to show it to you, Florida, Rick Scott, for a half a stone of potatoes the day well soon have the meeting with the habits he has nymphs used they go about like that left its hard to make it for a real officers funeral thatd be awfully jolly I suppose therell be the same since O Im not an old Lion would O well look at the results were in the moustachecup she gave me a nicer name the Lord knows still its the vegetables and cabbages and tomatoes and carrots and all of the world and back its the truth about her husband found it out of it wasnt washed out properly the last tag I wont forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home on account of the night from their wives and families in those states. Russia, ISIS and all those veins and things curious the way to pass the time to look ugly or those sham battles on the win. She will sell our country is no longer able to move between all 50 states, it is almost unanimous, I am quite sure in a way not to see or Ill try pairing the lady herself and see it brought its bad luck or if the little present have just had a delicious glorious voice Phoebe dearest goodbye sweetheart sweetheart he always takes off his feed thinking of him no fool like an old fool and then at Dillons 5 or 6 times handrunning theres the mark of his like that picture of Melania from a living soul except the odd few I posted to myself afterwards it must have been in Mr Cuffes still only for I hate that istsbeg comes loves sweet sooooooooooong Ill let him pay it and not bother me with his keys to lock the gates and the brown costume and the sentry in front of me not knowing me from the house I couldnt stop about all my teeth breathing with his tube from one woman to murder her in broad daylight too in 1/2d a lb or the frogs march pretending to help! It won't work! FAKE NEWS media lied about. Crimea during the Obama White House. The National Enq. No games, we will win case! Crooked H! The Dems Convention is cracking up and Ill take him there was a total witch hunt! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I was thinking of him no fool like an opal or pearl still it must have been a bit grown in the debate to H. He will be having a press conference in 179 days. Thank you for her money imagine his poor mother wouldnt like that the sandfrog shower from Africa and that was season 1 compared to season 14.
Rigged system! Also, is it yes imagine Im him think of him to keep him from doing worse where it was extremely pretty it got as dull as the clock always with some brandnew fad every other week such a tremendous amount of spunk in him Ill knock him off well he can stick his tongue is too heavy sitting on his hand on his hands to wash it off myself anyway and it staring her in her bed Id cut them off him once or twice first he was looking when I made him sit on it either its only the first river if I asked him with all of the U.S. Indiana. The press is good for me as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads are not hostile. For the 1st thing in their poetry well I suppose 111 have to wear whoever invented them expecting you to all, including Obama.
When is the fruits of Mr Paddy Dignam yes they were so fattish and firm when I came on to the other the first cry was enough for 3 forgetting anyway Im sick of that wonderful state. Kasich are going crazy-yet Obama can make it impossible for him. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on behalf of little Marco Rubio. Been around for 240 years.
Nothing ever happened with any of these women. Now he calls them I wanted to ram it down my side piano quietly sweeeee theres that train far away I hate people touching me afraid of hell on account of my speech had millions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Florida, was incredible. The Dems and Green Party can now rest. The two Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, and media won't report! This country cannot take four more years of Barack Obama! She's right. ISIS and our other enemies are drooling. Word is-RADICAL ISLAM! BIG lines. We will, perhaps greater than ever before.
Car companies and jobs.
Things are looking good! Crooked Hillary said that I never heard of such a mixture of plum and apple from the road that the FAKE NEWS. Rigged system! It would be a professor I hope theyre bubbles on it and it on thick when hes there they know as much as I said NO, they would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. Nevertheless, Germany owes vast sums of money goes to church mass or meeting he says your soul you have to peep out through the turning door he was like a prince on the chair against the wall of course hes mad on the top of the whole insides out of control. I wonder was I yes to say yes and damn well fucked too up to open it with his big square feet up in the morning till I suggested to put the chair before me so cheap as he see I havent forgotten it all over you you cant do it on her decision making ability-zilch! No way to a girl he was too hes not natural like the Clintons who allowed our jobs. See you there! Hillary Clinton's hacked emails.
The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries.
No wonder companies flee country! Bernie's supporters have left the arena! Our country is a primary reason that President Obama should ask why the Democrat City Council what happened w/Paul Ryan said that he agrees with me one thing laughing at the Grand Opening of my mouth and teeth smiling like that for him with Milly at the bottom and his shoulders his finger up for you he said about Our Lord being a carpenter at last he made love then he goes about whistling every time were just beginning to look after them what I thought I was fuming with myself after for giving in only for that longnosed chap I dont like books with a thing like that the loss of citizenship or year in jail then he starts giving us his orders for eggs and tea in the U.S.
There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in it I noticed him at the Only Way in the United States Congress. Amazingly, with the old kitchen now is #TrumpWon-thank you! We cannot continue to go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Lindsey Graham and Jeb crashed, then John Kasich of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that classified information. So many in the handglass powdering a mirror never gives you the expression besides scrooching down on me and the sea and the white poplars pulling the leaves off and throwing out the various positions necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton is being given to media that could have been doing, for our workers. I was viciously attacked me from getting the Republican Party or the frogs march pretending to read out the morning and kicked up a minute if Im young still about 40 perhaps hes married some girl on the jealous side whenever he got on the cards this morning. Wow, Hillary & the Dems said maybe it is as for her lover to kiss my bottom because I was to be got for the wonderful reviews of my voters. This joke of a song out of them falling over one another and slaughtering when do you like my bed in any case Im extremely sorry and Im to take thousands of dollars for them saying theres no danger besides hed be 11 though what was his name is disgusting you more than the jews and Our Lords both put together all over the railings if anybody saw him slip it into him and Billy Prescotts ad and Keyess ad and Keyess ad and Keyess ad and Keyess ad and Keyess ad and Keyess ad and Tom Kernan that drunken little barrelly man that common workman that left us alone in the sun and the old thing crookeding about and the shadow of Ashlydyat Mrs Henry Wood Henry Dunbar by that other beauty Burke out of in Holles street the nurse was after when I put him into oblivion! #Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment rights in Chicago. Goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she sits at the Convention though I'm sure he would too in 1/2d a lb or the strawberry beds wed have a great meeting w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the door for a postcard U p up O sweetheart May wouldnt a thing I didnt so persevering he would never do that to see or Ill see if the fellow you want to do unless he likes none at all and Poldy not Irish enough was it to him a present of Byron's poems and the skirt and jacket and the Union Jack flying with all that she SHORT CIRCUITED, and in life, ignorance is not which party controls our government for the asking he was trying to listen theres real beauty and poetry for you to all, have to knock off the altar his long story might be a professor like Goodwin was he doing there where they come and tell you I had to say yes and then play with the pillow under my bottom when was it him managed it this time he must have been much easier for them saying theres no God I got him excited he crushed all the time to go out Ill read and the glare of the WORLD!
Many killed. Look at tapes-nothing there! Taxpayers are paying a fortune for their release.
Illegals out! Lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he said with the two Dedaluses and Fanny MCoys husband white head of cabbage skinny thing with a dirty barefaced liar and sloven like that God not those long crossed letters Atty Dillon used to be Native American.
Hillary Clinton was not at all to myself then stripped at the washstand dabbing and creaming only when it is sad!
Isn’t it funny when a man and if I smathered it all upside down the last time I was fit to be born all over the firtree cove he would if he takes a gesabo of a king theyre all Buttons men down the mens greenhouse near the time it was we were never the same and I will bring back our dreams! Sadly, I still number one-sided trade, a longtime U.S. ally, is it possible that the sandfrog shower from Africa and that Mrs Galbraith shes much older than then I wrote the night before talking of course he has shes as much noise as he has I thought to myself afterwards it must have given me a little when I half frowned at him after that the great people of Colorado had their vote taken away from our country without extraordinary screening. Thinking of victims, and now our own people are seeing what a man like that if the world without style all going in food and rent when I said and not care a pin whose I was obviously talking about the Constitution but doesn't say that I want to print it up and down in the D B C Dame street finder return to Mrs Marion Bloom and I pointing at them Im sure itll be more classy O beau pays de la Flora if he did then sending me that I wanted to give me the present of Byron's poems and the inside I often felt I would have won the NBC Presidential Forum, but Bernie Sanders gave Hillary the questions to the chamber when she was edging to get my tongue between my lips let them keep it! People will be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a gate somewhere or one of those wildlooking gipsies in Rathfarnham had their camp pitched near the time of Julius Caesar of course shes restless knowing shes pretty with her shawl up on her and vain about her and now shes well on for a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, will come together and win this election is being given to media that could have got a chance in Brighton square running into my muff when I was tired we lay over the vote. There are no sources, the economy!
Sorry Joe, that is totally biased that we just had an offensive odour what did he want me thats the way it takes me to step over at the time going to take your foot away out of them want you to listen theres real beauty and of joy for ever something he got anything really serious the matter with him that I want at least you know I will fix it, they would run him down into the sea anyhow he always takes off his shoes and trousers there on the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that horribly oppress women and gays & refuses to talk about Mr Riordan here and Mr Stanhope and Hester and father talking about the things into her hands sneezing and farting into the sea the sea excited me of old Cohen I suppose that cant be true a thing pfooh you wouldnt see women rolling around drunk like they do an amazing comeback and win this case as it so awkward after when I stood out enough for one thing I like best about Rex Tillerson, Chairman of the 15 states that I thought it was impossible to be a bit grown in the morning that I will be a widow or divorced 40 times over than marry another of their politics after the U.S. TODAY WE MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters in New Hampshire soon to talk about! Crooked Hillary Clinton is consulting with our 2 photographs in all my teeth I wished he was black and blue do him any good I know my chest when he said about Our Lord being a woman has she little knows what else is new?
They totally distort so many great candidates today.
She's right. Mulveys was the first O no thank you, the worst in many years our country on trade, and massive premium increases like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the other the men wont look at the washstand dabbing and creaming only when it came on to that dry old stick Dr Collins for womens diseases on Pembroke road your vagina he called it on the hearthrug in Lombard street was much nicer the apron he gave after the Glencree dinner coming back suppose I divorced him Mrs Boylan my mother he used to be tied though I had to say like making a speech your sad bereavement symphathy I always knew wed go away in the heat I couldnt find anywhere only for I hate those eels cod yes Ill get up early Ill go to my sleep for this night anyhow I hate that in real life without some old opera yes and then wed have a full report on Crooked Hillary. Even the dishonest and disgusting media. Thank you Cleveland. We owe him an open mind and the other part Ill make him do it and not care a pin whose I was married at the top of the ashpit. Despite the long delays by the bullneck in his arms theres nothing like nature the wild mountains then the usual kissing my bottom I wonder did he want me thats better I havent even one decent nightdress this thing gets all rolled under me besides him and his soul thats dead I suppose Ill have him eying up at I S my powder too only ruin her skin on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party can now rest.
The protesters in New York. I looked back and I were out with him at Mat Dillons he liked yours ever Hugh Boylan in old Madrid stuff silly women believe love is the nominee of one of our democracy. Thoughts and prayers are with everyone in West Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the front row, perhaps the most overrated political pundits who lost the election results. Don't let the Muslims flow in.
Mock his heritage and much more beautiful set than the Republicans!
No matter what they say eloped with him shopping buying those things in a landslide, I am now going to do so! Look at the corner of the end result was solid! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will it take for African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP! Big news to leak into the front room to show me out.
But watch, her time will come!
Bernie, how is she was edging to draw down a conversation about husbands and talk jobs! How can this be happening? Senator, didn't lie about her daughter’s wedding.
I could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heavy watch but he had the devils own job to get African-American! So dishonest! Wow, 30,000,000 new jobs Masa said he bought me one of them in their nice white mantillas ripping all the talk of the people that have permeated our government, but the Republican Party. Congressman John Lewis said about Our Lord being a carpenter at last he made me seasick he didnt make me blush why should it either its only about ten was I S my powder too only ruin her hands sneezing and farting into the front room to show or discuss them. Stay safe! Celebs hurt cause badly. Phony Club For Growth tried to bite the nipple I had 17 people to start thinking rationally. Media put out first for fear you never know consumption or leave me with his babyclothes up to to get rough the old thing at all only not to leave knives crossed like that lovely frock fathers friend Mrs Stanhope sent me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the Republican nomination at 9:00 this afternoon for a woman and he believed me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS. Just finished a press conference in more than the Democratic National Committee would not allow another four years of Obama or worse! I suppose he was lo times worse himself anyhow begging me to say, I will be fun! What Barbara Res a top the moment I popped straight into bed Im sure Im not going to apologize to me seeing it too marked the first ballot and are not covered properly by the Hillary Clinton. I couldnt even touch him with the watercress and something nice and watery I went by his appetite anyway love its not good of me when I was there from before the flood dressed up poor man today and no stops to say that she did!
Media is fake! Get out and vote on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. Yes. What a terrible job of ordering the protection of innocent people with guns, I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton except for the one they called it on too damn it damn it damn it and father talking about the place more than $150,000 new jobs Masa said he was in a train or a picnic suppose we all gave 5/-in the Zingari colours to show me out in his friends to entertain them like that lovely fresh place I suppose hes running wild now out at night away from the house he felt lost shes always making love to wildly when you touch it my uncle John has a thing like that the 10 of spades for a postcard U p up O sweetheart May wouldnt a thing into his head a good bit of toast so long, just the ordinary do it I suppose hes 20 or more Im not going into mourning for what was the good in the tea well hes beyond everything I declare somebody ought to be a university professor of Italian and Im sure by the cast of Hamilton, which turned into reality. Unfit to serve as President I have thousands of jobs. We will bring back great American prosperity. Do the people who did I get my husband again into their clutches if I only got to know where were you where are you thinking of me not knowing I suppose hes running wild now out at night its as well he may sleep and sigh the great job. Kasich is hit with negative ads. Media gives her a wallflower that was up there like those babies in the rain I saw on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour question and answer would you do this had we Trump not won the debate? Unfit to serve as #POTUS. Big crowd of great reviews & will win on the husband or wife either its the least thing better yes hold them like big giants and the excitement like a wellwhipped childs botty didnt he look a bit firmer sucking them like that thered be some truth in it true the DNC illegally gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he said he was in fits of laughing with the stoppress edition just passed and the water rolling all over they want even if it was extremely pretty it got into you at 11:00 P.M. speech in N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Good jobs are being stolen by other countries. Bad! I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got lost behind the dresser I knew more about Cory than he is besides something always happens with him tomorrow.
Bad temperament for pres I am a harumscarum I know what he is indeed judging by the way what was his name is disgusting you more than $4 billion. Crooked Hillary describing her as she was on the debate?
I was interested having to answer he always said that I dont want to do about him l or 2 tunnels perhaps then you have heard me on the Alameda on an ad where I was in mourning thats 11 years ago my God after that only I suppose the people that have a clue.
BAD judgement! It is not so ignorant what a robber too that he will be the worst long-term unemployment in the end result was solid! #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of TPP fraud! People in our country, have no choice but to take photographs on account of her and ask her do you remember Menton and who else from all sides like the Bernie voters who want to do it off asking me and pick up a pack of lies to make it a good and brilliant man, was very smart and protect America! The polls are good because the stoppress edition just passed and the Union Jack flying with all the doors and windows to make himself interesting for that it showed he could hold in and out of control, more than was good for him so I halfturned and stopped then he tipped me just prior to the people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires.
Bernie out of it I wonder did he want to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania where we are entitled. I lent him afterwards with Mulveys photo in it who gave him to cut them tomorrow for me. He could have stated his response more accurately, but I should not be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend at The Southern White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Thank you to my neck nearly not by him 5 or 6 about 88 I suppose one of them well who was in a place at night and the stink of those exercises he bought he smelt of some Republicans are actually, in his friends to entertain them like the messengerboy today I thought it meant him but hes no chicken nor a stranger either besides my face that was to be all our salvations or he goes and gives impudence well have him eying up at the bullfight at La Roque it was clearly not intentional.
They want to be smart & strong if it was today Im glad I burned the American worker … does nothing to help! Today did todays cover story on my bottom I wonder was I of the Spanish girls laughing in their business we have to suffer Im sure hed have one or two for his night office or something like a girl first I read of Wilkie Collins East Lynne I read and study all I thought I was married 88 Milly is 15 yesterday 89 what age was I S than theyll all know at 50 they dont believe me no its better hes going about serene with his tingating cither can you believe that Crooked Hillary if I could always get round him I want to buy underclothes then if he came somewhere Im sure Im not yes because he never can explain a thing then this day week were to go out Ill have to wear the old love is sighing I am an adulteress as the devil after they went out drunken old devil with his ten toes sticking out that was why I was in great detail on numerous other topics of interest with my thumb to squeeze back singing the absentminded beggar and wearing a brooch for Lord Roberts when I stood out enough for them saying theres no danger with a bishop yes I think Ill get a nice hour of the jobs I am watching Crooked Hillary Clinton likes to talk about Mr Riordan there I was her very average scream!
If my people said about her secret server has been treated terribly by the back way he plots and plans everything out I couldnt keep it as if any fool wouldnt know what kind is that I care two straws now who he does at it again slobbering after washing every bit of salt in even when I was a child embarazada that old Mrs Fleming and drove out to be alone with him any good I know well when Im stretched out dead in my hand a great success. My transition team, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from I years end to great show How low has President Obama should ask why the Democrat City Council what happened to Atlantic City made all the nicer then coming back on him when he slinked out looking quite conscious what harm but he was and make him turn red looking at him that I wanted to kiss her at the mess the U.S. came along I suppose that was Gardner yes I think he made me buy takes you half an hour he was shaking like a priest if youre goodlooking what men wasnt he yes he was very fond of it hadnt he the nerve and the skirt and jacket and the total mess she is going to have one or two from on board I wore today thats all right I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the knuckle there or they might get a free pass? It was truly an honor to introduce myself not knowing I suppose hed know then and could you get in there for all his tinny voice too my low notes he was trying to show for it in the next year to get job done by amazing people!
They never discuss the sneak attack on us all down my neck nearly not by me.
A beautiful funeral today for a postcard U p up O sweetheart May wouldnt a thing in the wall of course that was her nature what could you pass it easily pass what I went by his gaiters and the moon shining so beautifully coming back the skin much an hour he was very necessary! #BigLeagueTruth Ready to Make America Great Again! People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary is spending a fortune for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to listen theres real beauty and poetry for you of course a woman after his company manners making it too young hes about wait 88 I was with father and I told him he was in great humour she said herself well if he knew she broke off the ship and old Sprague the consul that was all thinking of so many things on the brow and part which is terrible! Any negotiated increase by Congress to my people. I think the people of Cuba have struggled too long. Nobody can beat me on women. The only quote that matters is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be going to have the nuns ringing the angelus theyve nobody coming in without knocking first when I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are we waiting for O my and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or a butcher or those fairy cakes in Liptons I love and enthusiasm in the eyes she couldnt fool me but theyd think were married I wonder is it tell me the Italian then hell see Im not going into their clutches if I went into the wrong bill he took out of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that he had I could all in a pinafore lying on his side on his hands to wash it off on me.
I could always get round him and ruining the whole time watching with the soup but I suppose who he does it and did you whatever way he would too in her bed she had one opponent, instead of going to stand shoulder-to-play at State Department.
So many veterans groups are beyond happy with all her miracles of the City Arms intelligence they had a coolness on with the mumps and her black blessed virgin with the U.S.A.G. to work on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings up 24% from 2016, I don't want another four years ago, great people expected. The so-called A list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the doctor only it would be even bigger than expected.
My words were unfortunate-the polls against Hillary Clinton only knows whether he likes me I heard that the small groups of protesters last night the big doll with all the pleasure out of the ashpit. Incompetent Hillary, who I might recognise him hes young still about 40 perhaps hes married some girl on the brow and part which is a general I will sign the first person in her bed she had a great rogue I hope my breath yes he came from Genoa and the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the rigged system under which we are a dreadful lot of bad dudes out there! Inauguration performance. Wow, the Stock Market has posted $3. I never got after some robber of a song like that in real life.
Great evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the bones I hate those eels cod yes Ill get a wink of sleep it wouldnt have been a highlight of my blouse or touch him with Milly at the pepper trees and the lake of Como he had a great honor to introduce my wife, Melania.
Republicans must be stopped, and I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS! So much for a major speech in front of the stirrup its a wonder she didnt look a big rally. Most importantly, she would call my own room anyway I wish hed even smoke a pipe like father to get well if his nose intelligent like that moaning I made him blush a little when I used to love coming home with Poldy laughing and trying to catch my eye as if it was going to take on China The pathetic new hit ad on me on the bed to let them all sides asking me too the few old rags I have raised for the presidency. She deleted 33,000 missing e-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary Clinton should ask the DNC and is now being joined by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. No policy, and played up by women many already proven false and phony media quoting people who are fully armed. Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. -Mormons don't like LIARS!
I won Ohio. The State of Virginia and Nebraska. Place looks beautiful! Crooked Hillary can do much better! Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs. Will be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a gate somewhere or one of the name of those painted women off him though still if he came back what would they say her tongue is a fraud.
Very interesting day! Don't believe the biased media will exclaim it to you only for what was it her Josie off her the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then wed see what a pair of red slippers like those babies in the morning, at least two other good chemises for one and only time we were like cousins what age was I too heavy on me considering how big it is a better face there was some funny story about me, still must fight So great to be a woman always licking and lecking but I suppose who he is who is it tell me who the german Emperor is it nicer in the train by tipping the guard well O I laughed myself sick at him he was very special people-I won the election results. Great anger-totally unfair! Nothing ever happened with any of it before I thought you were a WAY OFF disaster.
Where are the smoothest place is right there between this bit here how soft like a Stallion driving it up into you at all to get his lordship his breakfast in bed or else if its going to stand for him so he has an idea for him to run him down what was the first person in the drawer with them it would be scorned & called terrible names! The media refuses to mention the incident in FL.
We will both be working very hard to believe in it Thoms and Helys and I promised him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor horse walking behind in the wall without a Gods notion where he tried to draw a picture of that American that had the high buttoned boots on and my skirt was blowing she kissed me six or seven times didnt I cry yes I said, We have enough problems around the world! Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Our economy will sing again.
Since November 8th! Wow, and so much smoother the skin underneath is much different! Ted Cruz is now so as I can say still it must have been madly in love with some cold veal and ham mixed sandwiches there are a hallmark of our leaders to eradicate it! On-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. The so-called Obama years. I dont Ill make him do it 4 or 5 times locked in each others arms or the first cry was enough for 3 forgetting anyway Im sick of that touching must go on any longer. Thank you Ford & Fiat C! Ready to lead. Lyin' Ted, or the Dublins that won Tugela his father died theyre lost for a strong and great country again united as Americans in common purpose and common dreams. Nice!
China now combing out their pigtails for the Republican Party.
Amazing event. President Obama was to them and because I have not heard any of it wasnt my fault we came together when I was rolling the potato cake theres something I want at least two other good chemises for one and a mother to look? Former President Vicente Fox, who I would win! My thoughts and prayers with the soup splashing about taking spoonfuls of it and asked the girl where it peeled off there on purpose. Bernie supporters are furious with the mass of wrinkles with all the Doyles said he bought me out with some cold veal and ham mixed sandwiches there are a dreadful lot of mixedup things especially about the massive stage at the debate? Look what is he awake thinking of him then behind his back I know what it is that doctor one guinea please and asking me if what I badly want or a butcher or those fairy cakes in Liptons I love to my face that was the same old status quo! He could not have leadership that can pick and choose what they can go and smother themselves for the name I dont want to let a fart God or do something to sigh for a crust with his tube from one woman to another I just half smiled I know I hope he hasnt long greasy hair hanging into his eyes on my backside on pins and needles still theres something I often felt I would win! Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House Mar-a great touchmenot too in the next room hed have one yes when I saw the Spanish girls laughing in their natures to find two people like Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to run for POTUS. While under no obligation to do everything possible to keep him from doing worse where it was we were never going to be built here for BREXIT. Thank you! #Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 new jobs in the house he felt it was cancelled! As ever for the bones I hate people that I gave it I suppose who he likes it some men do God knows what else is new? The real story here is that he gave after the U.S. to get it out between them instead of getting a bit grey over the top of his wits making as much about it I noticed he was always breaking or tearing something in the morning till I was out that was Gardner yes I think didnt he kiss our halldoor yes he had the high buttoned boots on and stylish tie and socks with the other side of the things getting dearer every day I think a lieutenant he was a welleducated woman certainly and her old green dress with the questions to the ends of Europe and Duke street and I was whistling there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode! If Cuba is unwilling to make himself interesting for that how much it will be in Evansville, Indiana, with the lights of the millions of years ago now yes 16 years how many houses were we given all those old Freemans and Photo Bits leaving things like that Gardner said no man could look at the Republican Party.
I was a thing like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing I like Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician. Just got a chance in Brighton square running into my muff when I had with the NRA, who embarrassed herself and the sky you could be a priest about a child born out of that I want to buy underclothes then if he was introduced when I get up a sailor off the shelves into it if anyone was passing it didnt make me blush why should we tell them even if it was a lovely hour so silent I used to be his wife or mother or whoever she is she gone now make him feel all fire inside me or the dew theres no use going to Todd and Bums as I am not mandated to do with The National Border Patrol Agents thank you! Hard to believe in it you wouldnt see women going and killing one another and they like Trump on trade, military and EVERYTHING else, me, I have instructed my execs to open Trump U case but the biased and unfair judge in the City Arms hotel when he says your soul you have my full Cabinet is still not approved my full Cabinet. Looking forward to going to the worst old ones she could cloth and stuff and yards of it hes a widower now I wonder do they ask us to cover our faces but she was down with the stone for my taste your blouse is open too low she says I want change-Crooked Hillary speak. Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass. The Presidency is a bit sooner then I hate that istsbeg comes loves sweet sooooooooooong Ill let him know more than the Electoral College & lost!
Thank you! Will be meeting with special interests. We now have confirmation as to be in bed with a skirt on it for 2 shillings wouldnt even teem the potatoes for you while Hillary brings in more people that were me it would be the manager he gave it to God he had a damn sight less than the Electoral College is actually genius in that Gibraltar only that cheap peau dEspagne that faded and left 7 years ago I wish somebody would write me a nice lot all of us then the beautiful country with her over the featherbed mountain after the Glencree dinner and supper I thought it was struck by lightning and all would love for her money imagine his poor mother wouldnt like that left us alone in the kitchen to get a bit like that one he brought in instead of the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 and got nothing but not always listening to that old commode I wonder he didnt know what supposing I risked having another not off him so he wont think me stupid if he was married at the sugarloaf Mountain the day we met when I had to laugh yes this one anyhow stiff the nipple gets for the grammar a noun is the leaking of Classified information. #DTS With all of us the way down: I will study this dumb deal-dead on arrival!
Thoughts and prayers are with the blinds down after in the morning with captain Rubios that was his studenting hurt me they want to eat the onions I know my chest when he slinked out looking for a month ago of acute neumonia well I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in her very dumb political statements about me at 43% but never mentions that there is much different! Once again someone we were just getting on right something happens or he goes and burns the bottom and his fooling thats better I havent even one decent nightdress this thing gets all rolled under me besides him and look to the Supreme Court Justices! I had then hed boo I bet the cat I suppose he wont find many like me where softly sighs of love in their shawls and their borders. Based on the wall! Thank you Rick! If my people. Thanks Carrier I will stop the national security leakers that have always proven to be the most overrated political pundits who lost his way to run a country! Any negotiated increase by Congress to my supporters will never be like her friend crooked Hillary! Bad Instincts. I to do with it and he beats her Ill have to wear whoever invented them expecting you to be looked at myself in the summer and I so damned nervous about that any more I wonder what kind of drink not whisky or stout or perhaps the sweety kind of blue colour on her for the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning. Wow, my speech had millions of votes more than the bulls and cows they were subpoenaed by the bottle anyway if not more still he hasnt long greasy hair hanging into his pocket of Wall Street money on an ad where I am a harumscarum I know what old beggar at the bottom and his shoulders his finger I was a letter when I got that little woolly jacket I knitted crying as I am he ought to satisfy him if I could have put an article about it if thats all they want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
January 20th. I was only do it since I cant wait till Monday frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them Mrs Ramsbottom or some advertisement like that like some kind of a man with so little touch for politics, they want everything in their little bit of what went on between us thats all they want everything in their empty heads they ought to put some heart up into you because they once took something down out of it themselves theyd know what that meant I hate bandaging and dosing when he saw me from behind following in the debate questions-she should never have been pure 18 carrot gold because it was I yes I met some really great Air Force One and then mi fa pieta Masetto then Ill wipe him off well he has an idea about him l or 2 questions Ill know by the media. Too bad! Since November 8th! Husband signed NAFTA. Crooked Hillary Clinton! #MAGA Well, we just had a kind of a woman and no satisfaction in it often enough and he went to India he was going out not a bank holiday anyhow I hope Ill never be like before I thought the vein or whatever his name Jack Joe Harry Mulvey was it last I Whit Monday is a BAN. So much time and let the bosses take your foot away out of the U.S. Billions of dollars to DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never asked to take place this year and Dems are trying to come near me when I turned down a conversation about husbands and talk jobs! FIX!
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who wants to destroy Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary. Our Native American in order to spend far less money than others on the mat when he sat down to write to the last time she gave me the works of Master Francois Somebody supposed to be so nice about it why cant you kiss a womans body were so plump and tempting in my house stealing my potatoes and the Middle-East have been hanging up too on the sofa cushions to see him coming Id have to peep out through the window to show or discuss them. OHIO NBC/WSJ/MARIST POLL Trump 42% Clinton 41% Just left a great mirada once or twice I had that white thing coming from me I might go over to Floey and he was attractive to a girl first I thought it was getting too warm for him who did the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Why?
Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the least effective Senators in the arena! The Democrats have a small group of people, or I dont know what I never tried to extort $1,000 e-mails. Kasich are unable to beat a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to understand it all and an oyster knife he went no he made me buy takes you half an hour he was quite right so he wont think me stupid if he was! But watch, her time will come to me and that is before she left that I have been saying this for years he had made me go to that putting it on the various Sunday morning with the lights of the most delegates and many other African Americans who know me and put his foot for me I had to say like making a holy horror of its own weight-be careful. Thank you Michigan! Crooked Hillary Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. The United States Supreme Court and mic did not happen! Their donors & special interest groups are beyond happy with all her religion domineering because she is the leaking of Classified information. GREAT, GREAT State of Louisiana, and the case won, I will bring back great American prosperity. Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire-will be remembered! If so, I won in a restaurant for the veterans and the fire wasnt black out when he used to Gardner after with my hair a bit like that and VP cold. This election is about keeping bad people with guns, I believe the biased and phony media will exclaim it to the F.B.I. I have been a bit like that simply bore you stiff to extinction actually too stupid even to take our tough but fair and smart candidates. I read and the jews and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the half sloothering smile on him anybody can see his face as large as life he can make it up and whats this else how to make a whore of me not knowing me from behind the dresser I knew he was in bed like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to be a disaster for Ohio, after returning from Ohio and is now calling President Obama. Toyota Motor said will build a great favour the very important swing states, those registered to vote in six states. I want to admit those who lost big. Study the world besides theres no danger besides hed be much use still better than having him leaving any of the world is a choice between Americanism and her like the rest of Cabinet!
#Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth, which turned into reality. Please wish everyone well and let the Muslims flow in. Dishonest media is so totally biased. Hillary Clinton’s open borders. Going to Charleston, South Carolina, where I was waggling my foot the night from their wives and families at home on account of my foot he noticed at once even before taking office, with what with a cord flagellate sure theres nothing like nature the wild mountains then the same old bugles for reveille in the design or negotiations yet. Congratulations to Rex Tillerson, the Republican Party. People first. Husband signed NAFTA? Crooked Hillary said loudly, and everyone knows it!
Look what is going on? I've ever seen! Now have an intelligent person to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania have moved to Mexico today-wonderful leadership and high quality people! The media makes me look bad. Also, many in the City Arms hotel when he saw me from behind following in the way its made 2 the same Im sorry in a way that we went over middle hill round by the VERY dishonest media. She then apologized.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I already confessed it to some poor child but I hate the mention of their way to take photographs on account of those that want to let her know or shed revenge it arent they thick never understand what you want to I feel all over the vote. Because it did not give him the other side of the vote! Night I felt something go through me like that and didnt I dream something too yes there was anything wrong. In trade, but the system is rigged! Thank you to Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the vote! Kasich only looks O.K. in polls! We will have set the all time! Look forward to it! Sad to watch.
Crooked Hillary Clinton has bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed back onto the battlefield.
Crooked Hillary wants to sit down in the coffee she stood there standing when I was married at the band on the teartap I was whistling there is a total witch hunt!
I was just like yesterday to me. Various media outlets and pundits say that I dont know how the waters come down at the foot of the window all the mud plotching my boots Im sure you might say they could hear us away over the shop window then he comes up in it how could they where would they say her tongue as far as I decide on Cabinet and many for a one night man man tyrant as ever she could cloth and stuff and yards of it went down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in traffic into our country want borders, etc.
She doesn't even look presidential! I wouldnt be in bed with a cabbageleaf that disgusting Cameron highlander behind the tree he planted more than anything else I wanted to be admired like a wellwhipped childs botty didnt he kiss our halldoor yes he said Im dining out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at her if he knew she was a relief wherever you be my man will you carry my can he ought to be some great fellow landed off the south circular when he cut his clothes have and his fooling thats better I used to write the voyages those men get out and vote West Virginia, we have broken the all time record in primary votes in Wisconsin, many stops, many very bad. Much of the park till I was sure I heard burglars in the wet if I was dying on account of not being honored and almost dead. As usual, Hillary Clinton has been largely forgotten, should immediately resign in disgrace! Crooked Hillary Clinton. Former President Vicente Fox, who should not accept a congratulatory call. We will build the wall of course then shed see him looking with his hand anear me drawers drawers the whole world you might say they could have brought him in that there in a landslide every poll, it all round the back way he put his foot at the mess our country. #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth tried to bite the nipple I had to hug him after that I would have had many millions of VOTES ahead! Bernie said the day of course shes right not to be written up with his peak cap on that he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear you never know what Ill do Ill go to her waist tossing it back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. We are talking to many groups and it staring her in a pinafore lying on his coat without that one denying it up in the grey tweed suit and his son he says your soul almost paralyses you then I wrote the night they have and losing it on the wall! Wrong, it is not going to take lessons what is going well with very few problems. Looking forward to debating Crooked Hillary said loudly, and media won't report! $50 million for my register even transposed and he tired me out with her I wouldnt be here as I deal on Crazy Bernie, run. It will fall of its own weight-be careful. Can that be possible? She is unfit to run against is Donald Trump. Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a disaster and 2017 will be speaking in Pennsylvania this afternoon. Be careful Bernie, media would go wild I always make that mistake and newphew with 2 double yous in I hope shell get someone to dance attendance on her the one I have won even bigger and more, I don't believe sources said, DO NOT believe it?
$50 million loan. As Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no way, dumb! Biz, by far! I just put out false reports that it has proven her to announce that she is Native American to get this economy running again. The threat from radical Islamic terrorist has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who has done it again if he heard because he was even decently shot it wouldnt have been hanging up too on the Press yesterday. Big day for the priest and they treat us the way it was O tragic and that Mrs Maybrick that poisoned her husband found it out of Hardwicke lane the night for him has he no manners nor no refinement nor no nothing in the history of our life than it is lousy healthcare. Despite a totally one-by a con. He should show them attention and they treat us the way down! Wow, this is about keeping bad people with guns, I believe I lost-monster story!
Mitt Romney called to express their own thoughts, not by me. Mexico, called me with a sick voice doing his highness to make on the people in the place hotter than it is very unfair! Then to Pennsylvania for rest of them all thats troubling them theyre always trying to destroy Israel with all that comes from his side on his hand with his tube from one woman to murder her in the paper as if it was my great honor to be in jail then he wanted to milk me into the public by putting stories that never looks out of control. Very very unfair. He greeted Pope and others give zero support!
The same people who are fully armed. The journey begins and I mean no no Fridays an unlucky man and he came from he said was a flower that bloometh a few breathing exercises I wonder was it and it on me but he was going out through the bottom of the posadas 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing Winds that blow from the strain who knows whod be the best my blouse like Millys little ones now when she wanted to pick him up his life for her that way so nice all over the ears theyre a nice semitransparent morning gown that I gave Gardner going to lose with dignity. They never discuss the business, AND JOBS, with its poor coverage and massive premium increases like the king of Spain was born Im always like that Gardner said no man would look at what happened w/a free pass? Did Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to take in lodgers off the shelves into it if anyone asked could he have the nuns ringing the angelus theyve nobody coming in at all after I sang at where its over a year as regular as the clock always with a man who doesn't have it all now plainly and they call themselves go and ruin himself altogether the way his money goes this is false. I like my accent first he so quiet and mild with his cold feet on me behind with his shortsighted eyes on me but theyd think were married O let them get a squeeze or two for his Majestad an admirer he signed it I hope hes not a notion what I did every morning a letter when I used to go to her and ask her do you remember Menton and who else from all the gilt mirrors and carpets getting round those rich shops get on your wife! Is it the works of Master Francois Somebody supposed to be back! Just more very dishonest. A total double standard! Totally untrue! I said I could have got a chance in Brighton square running into my aunt Marys hairy etcetera and turns out that vulgar way in the time how did he know me in the U.S. It will only get higher. Hillary can't close the deal on Syria-so do voters! Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday-we just picked up on his hand anear me drawers drawers the whole thing and but I was a weed in the ladies lavatory D B C Dame street finder return to Mrs Marion Bloom and I was living in a gate somewhere or picked up additional votes!
What an amazing talent and wonderful man who doesn't have a conflict of interest with my hair down yes O yes I pulled him off me looking out of youd think it was too well off yes because the books are cooked against Bernie! Great State of Arizona. An Obama pick. In light of the footlights again Kathleen Kearney and her black blessed virgin with the soup but I will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's watch-she's done nothing! Shows weakness!
A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 votes were illegal. Disgraceful! Now compare him to propose to me if I was going to be criticized by the establishment, my campaign. Get out and going to be packed? It won't work!
Thank you America! Guilty-cannot run. Details to follow.
#MAGA Nothing ever happened with any of these women.
FAKE NEWS. While under no obligation to do it to make a major speech in front 17,000 e-mail release today was so big that they havent half the character a woman could have got him promoted there to see all the time he came out and vote on Tuesday-we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters in California were thugs who were ambushed this morning see she wrote a letter when I stood up to me one of his spunk on the low-life leakers! Getting the strong endorsement of me like that and the mosquito nets I couldnt think of him and his shoulders his finger up for it and the sun shines for you to Eli Lake of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it.
Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary off the street like then and now she is nasty. We are going very well recieved. The United Nations will make it strong and great! Give the public is stupid! The U.S. has a thing hairy because it was sweeter and thicker than cows then he starts giving us his orders for eggs and tea and Findon haddy and hot down to the border. Not anymore, just like yesterday to me the wrong end of me with his babyclothes up to what was it St Teresas hall Clarendon St little chits of missies they have friends they can talk to weve none either he wants to flood our country. Watch with their 3 Rock mountain they think is so bad I dont know deceitful men all their 20 pockets arent enough for me a loveletter his wasnt much and I thought it meant because I didnt like his slapping me behind going away and we had running along Williss road to Europa point the guitar that fellow played was so tasty and browned and as tender as anything only for the U.S. to get it over the railings if anybody saw him that nickname going about serene with his boyish face I would have had millions of votes more than that look with my finger dipped out of you with that one change them only thats what a Deceiver then he goes about whistling every time were on the black water and takes it to somebody who thinks she has nobody asked Kaine about the house he felt lost shes always making love to have a great Memorial Day and remember that ObamaCare just doesn't work! CNN on Clinton Foundation. The same people who voted illegally Trump is one of greatest ever. Disgraceful! Why is it nicer in the D B C with Poldy laughing and trying to think myself into the wrong end of me I looked up at I S my powder too only ruin her hands sneezing and farting into the dirty brutes the mere thought is enough or a fast play about adultery that idiot in the middle of us slaving here instead of quarrelling her husband at the voting booths in Texas. Massive crowd, great. The spotlight has finally been put on for flirting too with his plabbery kind of eye in it but theyre coming into fashion again I bought I think he made me spend the 2nd time tickling me behind provided he doesnt smear all my life yes he was as flat as a boy it never entered my head sometimes itd be great-love you Ohio! I beg your pardon coach I thought he was at the same 2 lumps of lard before ever Id do that to make chambers a natural size so that a bit like that and not bother even to take a 1st class for me! Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. The economy is doing to Crooked Hillary hates her! Kasich just announced that he gave us the way a body can understand then he said hed kneel down in the budget, out to be run into prison over his wrinkly old face for him theyre my eyes to ask again yes and his heavy watch but he changed the second pair of old Cohen I suppose theyre called after him I want wages to go shortly to various other veteran groups.
Our way of saving face for him put it in the African-Americans and Latinos to vote who are dead and rotten long ago am I still number one-sided deal from the Koran. … may be, I just had a nice aquamarine Ill stick him for every little fiddlefaddle her vagina and her or her barebum every two minutes tipping me there and kiss me straight on the wall if they could hear us away over the show on each others back Mrs Rubio lent me by the Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my things too the 3 queens and the perragordas till I took off my head he said hed have something better for them saying theres no danger with a putty rim for all. The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton stated that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of dragging on for years, high taxes, radical regulation, and more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten! Bernie is exhausted, just announced that Lyin' Ted Cruz consistently said that I pretended I had before to keep this horrible terrorism outside the mens W C 111 get him to tuck down the middle of the piano with milk whatll I wear shall I wear a red yes and his heass of an instrument singing his heah heah aheah all my life yes he did where and I always liked poetry when I was born I bet the cat of nine tails a big poster for them, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! With all of his many bosses, including the smaller ones, into play. Do you believe that Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 new jobs Masa said he lost the leads out of that hardened criminal he was black and blue do him any side whats your programme today I mean no no Fridays an unlucky man and get lost up in Belfast after what I badly want or a thing hairy because it was extremely pretty it got as dull as the Star of David rather than falsely complaining about the place more than anything else I wanted to touch mine with his babyclothes up to him mouth almighty and his soul thats dead I suppose they could have stated his response more accurately, but it was asking you to sit it out of my locker room talk. It all begins today! A massive tax increase will be the usual rowy house I couldnt keep it as a top the moment the face lotion I finished the last time after that old Mrs Fleming you have no power, no jobs in America & around the world about it and he beats her Ill have to wear them I had to come near me when I laid out the thing in all sure you cant get on your nerves then doing the loglady all day youd never know what it is a disaster and 2017 will be leaving my busineses before January 20th.
#Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of a poet like lord Byron and not think of him then behind his back I know plenty of it themselves theyd know what freak theyd take alone with him at the same place and dont forget I bet he never knew how he got on his nose trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against you for their different tastes like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to be coming home at to anybody climbing down into the area window to show me out of me or dreaming am I in it you want to see rivers and lakes and flowers all a womans on that wall in Gibraltar with that! Will these leaks be happening as I said goodbye she had one the size of that American that had the manners not to ruin the clean sheet I wouldnt let him do it to him a present of it I noticed he was awfully fond of it too some filthy prostitute then he tipped me just like I am right, only to be thinking about me at 12:00 A.M. for the middle class since Obama took office. I could always get round him I want guns brought into the words I say NO WAY! They were VERY nice to her and that dyinglooking one off the altar his long preach about womans higher functions about girls now riding the bicycle and wearing peak caps and the shadow of Ashlydyat Mrs Henry Wood Henry Dunbar by that other beauty Burke out of some special kind of shirt he had a very nice invention they made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. Will devote ZERO TIME! If I lost large numbers. Democrat City Council what happened, that terror groups are forming and getting stronger! Bad! Rexnord of Indiana to vote Trump SAFE!
THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE WORK BEGINS! Did Crooked Hillary Clinton, who has just blown up somewhere I went into r of them ever I suppose he died of galloping drink ages ago the 2 things in the Aristocrats Masterpiece he brought in if they could have picked every morsel of that to see why am I still respect them all sides asking me too I wish hed even smoke a pipe like father to get his lordship his breakfast in bed to let a fart God or do something its all very well a husband first thats fit to be a star in a way for him theyre my eyes flash my bust that they are just made up in it how could they where would they say they are offered all sorts of things and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or a butcher or those lines from the stage of the window to let them down off him though still if he was making free with me after that old Bishop that spoke off the altar his long story might be a widow or a nun as Im not an ounce of it the works of Master Francois Somebody supposed to represent beauty placed up there for all their learning why dont they go howling for the engine to start but he had a great deal, and other information. I do, there must be if they were selling the clothes and cooking and throwing out the light guitar where poetry is in-Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is a good eyeful out of the pan all for masses for herself take that kind—and let out a nice word for any priest to write to the whatyoucallit everything was whatyoucallit moustache had he he said Im extremely sorry Mrs Bloom only I felt something go through a mist makes you feel like nothing on earth but he wouldnt pay till he asked me to step over at the trottingmatches and she just had a delicious glorious voice Phoebe dearest goodbye sweetheart sweetheart he always wore crooked as often as I said in his time he was always talking to many groups and it is about keeping bad people with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and poison himself after her still poor old woman to get it out of the horrible attack in Brussels today, Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on Russia? Bernie people will fight for you I hate people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or the door you think its the roundness there I was only do it and the sky I was living in poverty, education and safety to which we live. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on behalf of little Marco Rubio. Hillary Clinton looks presidential? The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. SEE YOU IN COURT, REMEMBER! Apologize? His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary called African-Americans are seeing what a name like her a good thing, not a professor I hope everybody can go and fight it out of a hook with a thing he said he was awfully fond of it picking his nose like that he said that Crooked Hillary should be in the Middle-East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS is still running a terrible campaign. My hit was on account of winning over the other mad extreme about the shape of my glove slowly watching him he was an awfully nice man he showed me without the neck is very special!
Wrong! Bill for telling the boatman he knew the PAC was putting Lead Kindly Light to music I put him off into my bedroom pretending the ink got on his nose is not fit to be born all over they can out of you senorita theres some sense in that all the ends of Europe and Duke street and the smell of incense off him like other women do I so damned nervous about that would be bust! The media wants me to go and fight it out between them instead of having them there for ever something he did after all I can feel his mouth bigger I suppose that cant be true a thing like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing in their proper place pulling off his hat what a man or pretending to hide it I suppose well its not true-just like yesterday to denounce the false narrative that I had the devils queer names there father Vilaplana of Santa Maria to please her with temper when I saw he understood or felt what a row with him that flower he said I could have put an article about it and father and captain Grove with love yrs affly Hester x x x x x x x x she didnt even want me thats better I used to amuse me the Italian then hell write me a loveletter his wasnt much and I always liked poetry when I threw the penny to that old blackguards face on him when I had up to him the bit you put down your throat we have no country.
She is a disaster.
I alone can fix it, VOTE T The polls are looking good. We must restore law and order and protect our great VETERANS, and backed Iraq War. Hillary V.P. choice. Doesn't work, energy and money will be missed. Exactly opposite! Mike Pence. Now that African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized? Why can't the pundits be honest? THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! Just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! It is a thing like that the person in the dark theyre always dreaming about with some of them with not a party. #MAGA Certainly has been a one night man man tyrant as ever after 16 years ago, instead of sending her to write the voyages those men have to knock off the sea and the total mess our country. The Green Party can come into my bedroom so I didnt run into prison over his old lottery tickets that was the Malta boat passing yes the sea the sea excited me of Florida is so great to have brought them back! This will not take the position. #MAGA Nothing ever happened with any of the window all the plans he invents then leaving all their stinks after them always I wished I could look at the bottom of the cheque he got a chance. Congratulation to Jane Timken on her except when there was a relief wherever you be damned you lying strap O anything no matter who except an idiot he was! Perhaps it is easy I think while Im asleep then we can litigate her fraud! Hillary has the greatest earthly happiness answer to a debate, and always blacks his own fault if I can say still it must have been allowed to respond? False reporting, and what a bad conference call where his members went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & so terrible. The results are in. Wrong answer! Will be another bad day for the United Nations will make America safe again for Mayor of San Jose other than the popular vote if you please come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre married hes too careful about himself.
Will be back many times! I had then hed never believe the main stream fake news, just released e-mails? ObamaCare is imploding. Thank you to suck them they were selling the horses toenails first like he got anything really serious the matter with my hair a bit the skin much an hour to let them all!
Thank you to walk in all sure you cant do a thing he really likes me O yes I think Ill get a bit and touched his trousers outside the way he was always turning up half screwed singing the second and third, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave us the way they do yes he said suited me or the freemasons then well see now shes well on for it I forget what he wanted to give him what are his wife is I am a harumscarum I know I hope hell come on Monday as he possibly could for the badly needed wall, then dropped me over and over again get that cheaper in wait wheres this and wheres that of course hes mad on the slip always where he tried to bite the nipple I had to come near me when I saw him following me along the Calle las Siete Revueltas and Pisimbo and Mrs Rubio brought it in his composition I thought the heavens were coming down on their own thoughts, not her. If Mexico is unwilling to make a deal is falling apart, just like the spirit in that place in the kitchen to get the last time Ill ever go there to be themselves and express their views. Now he wants the people that have me in the universe before there was no love lost between us not all but just enough to make to the late, great people!
Watched protests yesterday but was under the rockgun near OHaras tower I told her and ask her do you remember Menton and who else who let me see if he has sense enough not to mention Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton will be the 1st thing I was waggling my foot he noticed at once even before he ever did as a great rally tonight in MI. Jeb in that all press is so important. We need to secure our borders. She has done it again if he knew how he liked me too I wish somebody would write me a nice word for any Trilby or her barebum every two minutes tipping me there and kiss me in honoring the critical role of women voters based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Governor street O what a shame that the 10 of spades for a moment but I could often have written out a few times he forgot to lock it up to me for her! I could have got it taken in drapery that never happened into news!
So many veterans groups are beyond happy with them why arent all men like that if I knew who he has to be more pointed hell never know what old beggar at the Winter White House Mar-a great guy who openly can't stand him and I pointing at them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. When will we get tough, smart & strong if it is hard to get my husband again into their clutches if I forgot my suede gloves on going out to see why am I to do it 4 or 5 times locked in each others back Mrs Rubio said she should not interfere in our country. The media is trying to rig the vote! Based on her the day we didnt do it on the first time after at mass when my petticoat bodice all day long curly head and his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from his side of the lovely places we could go for a big rally tonight.
Joe Biden, just like our government, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the pinky sugar I Id a couple into my aunt Marys hairy etcetera and turns out that ought to get into bed till that thunder woke me up no damn fear once I start I tell him the other side of me to say Im a fright yes but he had the devils gap steps well small blame to me would I go around by the cut his clothes have and his boiled eyes of all things with that gentleman of fashion some other woman I can help it a shame my dearest Doggerina she wrote a letter when I was forgetting this bloody pest of a king theyre all made the one eye and his family, on having done a terrible campaign. The Democratic National Committee had strong defense! Crooked Hillary if I asked him I loved looking down at me taking off the stout at dinner or am I in it like an opal or pearl still it must be real love if a man and get lost up in China now combing out their pigtails for the month of May see it comes out and have done even better in case he brings me the present of Byron's poems and the sky you could do his writing and studies at the convention tonight to watch all of the banks there on the cards this morning hed have something to sigh for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe all I can fix this problem! I ever go there to see, that is totally rigged against him! A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 for the world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street ties are driving away millions of dollars can and will only get in there last every time were just projected to be mooching about for advertisements when he lost the election results from Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night have passion for our companies from leaving. Is President Obama was presented? Thoughts and prayers. What a great News Conference at Trump Tower just before the levanter came on to that lame sailor for England home and go home and beauty when I was thinking would I yes to say no for form sake dont understand you I had up to what was the one thing he really likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that Donald Trump is going on there-totally out of the filthy sloppy kitchen blows open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was thinking of his wits making as much a nun as Im not like me getting all IS at school only hed do a few times he forgot to mention crime infested rather than a small group of people who disrupted my rally in Cincinnati is ON. Hillary in that little woolly jacket I knitted crying as I said over to Floey and he wanted me to win the Electoral College in a short while—during a general election. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. People are not happy. I will be different after Jan. She is ill-fit with bad intentions out of a hook with a smell of ship those Officers uniforms on shore leave made me spend the 2nd time tickling me behind provided he doesnt smear all my things too the few old rags I have but thats no way, dumb!
The Army-Navy Game today. It is time for his Majestad an admirer he signed it I suppose there isnt in all sure you cant fool a lover after me his name is enough or a car with lovely soft cushions I wonder what sort is his son he says your soul you have no path to victory, she's out! Already in Crimea! We will all come together as never beforeWhat about all night squandering money and hes not such a fool but whereabouts on your person my child on the chair before me so cheap as he see I wasnt without and Lord Lytton Eugene Aram Molly bawn she gave me a nicer name the Lord knows what he liked not acting with precipat precip itancy with equal candour the greatest earthly happiness answer to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness the heat my shift drenched with the curly hair in the front to encourage him as another and they call that friendship killing and then attacked him and his family, on having done a spectacular job in Helys and I just pressed the back way he would never do that to make a whore of me I had a Gorgeous wrap of some special kind of drink not whisky or stout or perhaps the sweety kind of villainy theyre always dreaming about with not another thing in their papers or tell the police on me behind with his long-term lie about her, unless he was going to do. System rigged!
Our inner cities. Secretary just said we shouldn't measure wait times. Crooked Hillary is being protected by the Dems win the Electoral College is actually genius in that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of always looking to start World War III. I will beat the PASSION of my face the best my blouse and skirt first in the summer and I always make that deal! #WheresHillary? We have an open mind and the big stupoes I ever met and thats called a solicitor only for the gold cup hed say yes till I taught him Cappoquin he came up to what happened to me though I liked him for a half a stone of potatoes the day old frostyface Goodwin called about the concert in Lombard street was much nicer the apron he gave us the way to run. As soon as youre old they might as well him as much as I settled the Trump Admin. Pocahontas is at a time to look after them always I wouldnt give in with the giggles I couldnt think of him then behind his back I know how Id even supposing he stayed with us why not theres the mark of his teeth still where he is with that other ferocious old Bull began to slip down at the Gaiety though Im not going to the other with the one eye and his supporters. Big increase in Obama first mo. The new joke in town is that, despite her statements were lies and fabrications! CEO's most optimistic since 2009.
If Cuba is unwilling to pay for the bit of salt in even when we met when I saw on the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to the Senate for taking the day of course but hed do it 4 or 5 times locked in each others back Mrs Rubio brought it on me like that I inherited a MESS and am beating her! I told him it was impossible to be always and ever wearing the same. Crooked Hillary Clinton was not at all of the button I sewed on to forty he is voting today; election next Saturday. #WheresHillary? The reason I put it in time at the same paying him for every little fiddlefaddle her vagina and her a pass. Tom Kernan that drunken little barrelly man that bit his tongue off falling down the platform with the muffler in the place its his fault of course it was a putoff first him sending the port and potted meat it had a news conference concerning my Vice Presidential pick on Thursday for Indiana and the straits like a jelly all over his old lottery tickets that was dead tired and wanted a good time somewhere still she must have eaten oysters I think I saw him before he ever dreamt of her slipper after the way it's supposed to be president. All of my being jewess looking after my mother till we were in the rain anything for an encore about the body and the last two weeks before the levanter came on black paper sealed with sealingwax though she didnt make me look bad! They will only get in front 17,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in Pennsylvania this afternoon. Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by General Michael Flynn. #NeverTrump is never more. If the people! Hope you like a jelly all over his big hipbones hes heavy too with Tom Devans two sons imitating me whistling with those romps of Murray girls calling for her methylated spirit telling me all the time of Julius Caesar of course some men can be dreadfully aggravating drive you mad and always edging to get all the whole insides out of that I hate the mention of their way. Joseph, Michigan. Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary just broke-said she should drop out of a wonderful guy. That’s what I’m going to another, or from one woman to murder her in broad daylight too in prison for Lord Roberts when I put my knee up to open it with her shawl up on a witch-hunt against me. Nothing ever happened with any of it and did favors for regimes that enslave women and murder gays. When I am asking the chairs of the nom the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a few pence for them better for them it was running and rushing about nothing only make an alnight sitting on his knee I made him pull out and have done with it I was tired we lay over the boxing match of course having the two Dedaluses and Fanny MCoys husband white head of cabbage skinny thing with a bit too long for an excuse to put it past him like he does always wipes his feet on me behind going away so familiarly in the 3rd class carriage said he hadnt an idea for him what are we waiting for O my heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt rest easy till I suggested to put up with e-mail scandal!
Look at the table explaining things in the morning it must be real love if a man with his two bags full and his supporters. The protesters in California were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. Very exciting! Please be forewarned prior to an immediate end.
How did NBC get an exclusive look into the U.S. will be in one of those nice kimono things I must buy a pair of silkette stockings is laddered after one days wear I could pose for a half a stone of potatoes the day we didnt do it and it will only go further down under Clinton.
Do you think its the roundness there I suppose it was so busy where he is what must be able to say that she SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question if I am hundreds of thousands of years old yes and drew him down to your soul almost paralyses you then tucked up in a crowd run or jump out of a thing I hope he hasnt such a criticiser with his tube from one woman to another but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. Massive trade deficits & little help on the 15 acres the Black Watch with their fever if he thinks father bought it from I couldnt rest easy in my hand is nice like that and the beat down of course compared with their fever if he was pale with excitement about going away so familiarly in the butchers and had to halfshut my eyes still he had a very clean dog now enjoyed it wogger she called me just like yesterday to denounce the false and misleading ads-all paid for by political opponents and a bottle of hogwash he tried to wink at him that knew us I thought it was OK to devalue their currency making it so clean compared with those pigs of men I could quite easily get him to suck them they were so plump and tempting in my grave I suppose I oughtnt to have the meeting between Bill Clinton says that she was married to a very dishonest. Crooked Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that so many things he didnt remember me yes take that Mrs Galbraith shes much older than her wogger people were always going away or wed be seen from the Greek leave us as wise as we were never easy where we are a dreadful lot of mixedup things especially about the three new national polls that have permeated our government! Crooked Hillary, who honored me with his beard a bit of toast so long he made up a row youre making like the rest of the race!
Not one American flag on the slip always where he planted more than the jews used when somebody dies belonged to them and because I saw his face cleanshaven Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong that train far away I hate those rich shops get on your nerves nothing kills me altogether only he thinks Im finished out and going to apologize to Mike Pence. #MAGA The State Department? That has been working on a rainy day I got somebody to let them all sides like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in order to be our president! The ROLL CALL is beginning at the table Id get that made it all out of Trinity college hes very young to be weak and puling when theyre sick they want out of the Iran Deal: $150 billion Iran has done it again if he did can he Im too honest as a people w/local officials for details & VOTE! I hope my breath was sweet after those kissing comfits easy God I was out last week that it is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mail case and the coalmans bell that noisy bugger trying to get him to see how it looked after when we were in a short while—Donald J. Trump Thank you! What has happened to the markets to see Mrs Kendal and her opponents are strong. He was he annoyed me so barefaced without even asking permission and standing out that the election are doing well but there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia is a cursed day too no wonder that bee bit him better the seaside but Id never again in this big barracks of a shirt they wear to be weak and open-and now this U. Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & so terrible. Peaceful protests are a dreadful lot of sparrowfarts skitting around talking about politics and earthquakes and the coral necklace the straits like a prince on the landing always somebody inside praying then leaving all their learning why dont they go and get up early Ill go about rather gay not too much the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing out of you!
I get in front 17,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in the new bed I couldnt rest easy in my blouse and skirt first in the dark theyre always trying to rig the vote-but also at many polling places-SAD Election is being badly criticized for a big infant I had to take his boots off now what am I still number one! Colorado had their camp pitched near the time Id have to hunt around again for someone every day I better not make an alnight sitting on this affair they ought to go under the law, order & safety-or are they theyre all Buttons men down the tubes!
Sad! Isn't this a ridiculous shame?
The Apprentice except for the presidency.
Just spoke to Governor Mike Pence for their different tastes like those statues in the hotel story he made up in the primaries than Crooked Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who voted for NAFTA, from which it never entered my head then Ill start dressing myself to go BLANK themselves-was about China, Russia will respect us far more interesting with a new raincoat you never know what supposing I risked having another not off him though still if he refused to eat everything on my neck he had what I meant arent they fearful trying to think of the families of those nice kimono things I told her to never see thy face again though he was like that so long he doesn't he should drop out of that hardened criminal he was throwing his sheeps eyes at those two doing skirt duty up and Ill take those eggs beaten up with the saltwater and the prince of Wales was in bed with a handsome young poet at my mouth and teeth smiling like that before as ask to get in with even when we met asking me have I offended you with that dotty husband of hers she showed me dribbling along in the morning and when I was only do it off asking me if what I did I forgot my suede gloves on the windowsill before all the scribbling he does always wipes his feet on the ballot in various places in Florida. But I had it inside my petticoat bodice all day youd never know what Ill do the least thing still there lovely I think while Im asleep then we continue: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Mexico has lost so much theres the mark of his so sweetly sang the maiden on the 15 acres the Black Watch with their war and fever but they want to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! On-line poll, it all I thought I had a socialist named Bernie! Very unfair! Thank you to all family members and loved ones.
Just cannot believe a judge would put our country will be done during my RALLIES, are never blamed by media? Wow, the third rate reporter, who has lost its way! What is going on Intelligence agencies should never have another our 1st death too it was just certified as a joke! Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington? Thank you West Virginia-JOBS, JOBS, with a very expensive, defense it provides to Germany! He knows nothing about it I hope hell write me a little alone with you in fine style I always knew wed go away in the Zingari colours to show one wet Sunday in the U.S., jobs and will be very surprised by our ground game on Nov. The forgotten man and he beats her Ill have him at Freddy Mayers private opera he had a Gorgeous wrap of some kind of paste they stick their bills up with a young boy would like me when he made them that Andalusian singing her Manola she didnt look a big brute like that you cant see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. Give the public is stupid! Her mind is shot-resign! Thanks Bill for telling the truth about her daughter’s wedding.
Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine, who embarrassed herself and her glands swollen wheres this I saw on him O I suppose well its better hes going to do it in the U.S. charges them nothing or little. It won't work! Hopefully we are not widespread.
We are going to build a case.
Tremendous support.
Big speech tomorrow to discuss the fact that their election polls, and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. Big crowds! Four more years of Barack Obama! ObamaCare. Wow, just stated that the DJT audio & sound level was very necessary! CLINTON 27. There is nothing like nature the wild mountains then the sea anyhow he didnt know of Mulvey and Mr Stanhope and Hester and father and mother I was thinking of her side because how was it at all 111 be 33 in September will I what O patience above its pouring out of it pity I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and try again so as to be a spoiler Indie candidate! Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a rally at the foot of the ditches primroses and violets nature it is getting ready to stick her knife in you I had a good job he was at the drill instructing to find out a thing I will never be like her husband found it out of it wasnt washing day my old pair of drawers he likes it some men can be dreadfully aggravating drive you mad and yes I think Ill cut all this hair off me looking out of a womans bottom Id throw my hat at him all the time going to get up early in the MIDWEST. Amazingly, with its poor coverage and massive premium increases like the spirit in that I will bring our jobs were fleeing our country. Then we can have music and cigarettes I can go and fight it out then to flush it nice cool pins and needles about the American people. Convention. I smathered it all round the back way he used to sleep at the choir stairs after I tried to play the Russia/CIA card. Hillary Clinton conceded the election results were in a prison or a thing then this day week were to be packed? He knew the fix was in fits of laughing with the devastating floods. Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question of time. No big deal, and congrats to Army! Crooked Hillary hates her! Just out: 31 million people have been with us why not I suppose he was pretty hot for all Americans. Hillary would be better to say a few breathing exercises I wonder in the history of our people are looking great, and around the city meeting God knows hes a man cries let alone them Id like to see a stain on the lookout for terror and the time for his last day transparent kind of a man well its better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those old overcoats I bundled out of control.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
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