#Gluttony Pair
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katzkinder · 2 months ago
@ky-kyu you asked about gluttony pair and it got kinda long so I decided to make it a separate post for the sake of people's dashboards. Also, I have another post here!
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But I have more thoughts on them thanks to this page Yarra shared earlier, and many more besides, but I'll stick to this scene because otherwise this will really turn into a monster.
the wording nicco uses in the right panel is pretty moving, especially in relation to gluttony, at least in my opinion, and these scene between them is what really made me fall in love with these two as characters who were, quite literally, made for one another.
Basically, it's about how the opposite of Gluttony is a banquet.
Having so much excess and sharing it with others, allowing someone to fill their plate without worry because you know you have more, and how that relates to Nicco being the Eve who has an entire group of people surrounding him at all times, something which makes him unique as far as the main cast go because he's always being supported. The other Eves don't really have like... An entire group of human characters they're close with the way Nicco does.
A banquet without guests will simply rot and go to waste. Nicco, being a mafia boss, brings all those guests with him and allows them to partake of what he has to offer.
Food tastes the best when you share it with someone you love, and your joy is multiplied through their own. The joy of a shared meal cannot be understated. Even terrible food becomes fun when you have someone to laugh about it with. Even failure becomes tolerable when you share it.
And it's just. One of the first moments of big characterization we get from Ildio when we see his past is that he is a man who shares what little he has, even though he acknowledges that he has earned it, and the little slave girl has not. Even that far back, when his only desires went as far as an animal understanding of life, he was someone who could have, and probably did, draw in others around him for that unthinking kindness, so I really love how Nicco handles his problems. Because they actually share a similar fault
Both of them will attempt to take on too much for themselves to bear, and yet they can't help it. To defend the weak is what they feel they must do.
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Gluttons for punishment, as it goes
And yet...
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To be able to share the pain and the joys, to have a feast with one another with life as the centerpiece…
I think it's just… Extremely beautiful, the way their love for their fellow man is able to express itself
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And I think it's even more beautiful, the way that even when being beat to a pulp, Nicco takes the time to look and see and experience the pain Ildio doesn't even realize he's holding onto
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He doesn't let Inner Gluttony distract him. He doesn't entertain the demon attempting, however poorly, to shelter Ildio's heart by putting the blinders on. He speaks to him as an equal. As a friend. As someone who is worth listening to, and cherishing. He helps Ildio to face his grief.
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He gives Ildio the same love he would give to any friend. Bite by bite, tear by tear, Nicco shares the burden Ildio tried to be Atlas about.
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The song Nicco sings while they dance with the people they've loved and lost is Ciuri Ciuri. It's a Sicilian folksong, whose title means "Flowers, Flowers"
The verse Strike has carefully written out on the page translates to "Flowers flowers, flowers all the year. The love you gave me, I give you back"
And the love Nicco gives to Ildio...
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Ildio will give back to him.
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kitsunenomegami · 5 months ago
Studying and working is a bit complicated but in the end I find occasional time for this. ❤
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I'd be lying if I said I didn't grow fond of that little girl. Everything would be more perfect if Nicco also lived in that mirror world. 😢💖
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NOW! Make fanarts of the 4 of them as a homoparental family with 2 daughters! ❤✨
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ky-kyu · 2 months ago
Servamp ship hot take maybe?? (Ilnicco, it’s Ilnicco)
I’m gonna preface this with I am NOTTT displaying animosity to anybody who ships Ilnicco at all!! This is just my two cents on it. Anywayyy!!!
I do like the concept of it as a duo but as a ship?? Ehhh…
My reasons for this is that even though I do enjoy their dynamic, it kind of just falls flat as a romantic relationship. If anything, Ildio treats Nicco more as an annoying little brother than he does as a romantic partner. (Dare I say he never shows interest in anyone in that way at all?? Through the entire manga??) Ildio just seems incredibly unbothered and annoyed by Nicco throughout like… every scene we get of them together.
I don’t really care if you ship it, because by all means have fun it’s none of my business!!! But personally, I just don’t see it. It seems kind of more like “well let’s just ship the eve and the servamp together because we got nothing else” in my opinion.
Okay that’s all bye bye 😉😉
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joydoesathing · 2 years ago
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as far as chapter 131 shown, il has indeed (probably) bitten nico in the neck when they made a contract, so.......yes
here's a more accurate version of the picture below:
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pocket-luv101 · 1 year ago
Hyde: No offense, Nii-san, but you and Mahiru are the weirdest couple I know. Kuro: Really? Kuro, looks at Hyde and Licht: Really, you can’t think of anyone weirder? Hyde, looks at Ildio and Niccolo and whispers: Well, I can but I can’t say when they’re sitting right there.
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mahi-does-some-art · 1 year ago
Any headcanons for how different Servamp characters prefer their smores
These may be the most important headcanons I'll ever write ever, anon.
Mahiru: Simple is best! Usually won't get too fancy with it-- Likes his marshmallow with that perfect golden-brown crust. Before he would be confused why some people would burn the marshmallow so much it caught on fire but Sakuya convinced him to try it once and was surprised that it wasn't horrible.
Kuro: Would either toast his marshmallow golden-brown or where there's be some black char spots but not where the whole thing is burnt. He had the idea to put ice cream on top of his smore once and started doing that without fail.
Sakuya: He burns the fucking thing like no tomorrow and swears its one of the best ways to do it. Other than that, also normally makes a standard smore with the gram crackers and candy bar chocolate. He'll also always have sticky hands no matter how careful he is. This boy cannot make a smore that doesnt ooze onto his fingers.
Tetsu: Is very skilled at getting the marshmallow perfectly cooked. Likes his marshmallow golden brown.
Hugh: He condems under roasted marshmallows like he won't eat a whole family pack of uncooked marshmallows straight out the bag. Something about the integrity of a s'more. He has a habit of roasting the thing, sliding the crust off and eating it and repeat till there's nothing left.
Mikuni: This pretentious asshole likes to use the expensive bar chocolate on his s'mores and will swear its better. He'd probably try to make his own marshmallows to roast and after that he's even more snobbish about it. He'll still eat the normal s'more he's offered. Likes his marshmallow with a couple small charred bits.
Jeje: Will fully burn the marsh. Mikuni thinks he's a psychopath for it and God Forbid he burns one of his Eve's homemade ones.
Licht: Will eat the marshmallow no matter as long is its not fully burnt. He has tried it burnt and he rambled on angrily about how it was a slight to such a deliciously holy treat. Using the normal candy bar chocolate and store-bought gram crackers are very special to him and he prefers it that way.
Hyde: Unintentionally scorched his marshy ONCE and got kicked out of his chair for it. Perfers his the perfect golden-brown. He'll get a little bowl of hot fudge to dip his in and it's perfection.
Freya: Doesn't like anything burnt when it comes to it. Will shake up a can of whipped cream and put some on the top of her s'more. It always gets on the tip of her nose and she can't eat a smore cleanly at all wwwww
Iduna: Golden-brown to somewhat charred. Her mess is even worse than Freya's and she always gets goopy hands. She says it's part of the experience.
Niccolo: Likes his with a few char spots and a side of ice cream. Doesn't mix them but likes to eat them both as a pair.
Ildio: It literally doesn't matter, he'll eat it. Even after he starts slowing down and is able to actually taste it, he likes all forms of marshymallow so he's not picky on this front.
Misono: Ate a burnt s'more once and swore never again. Likes his marshy golden brown or a little undercooked. The high quality ingredients the Alicein get makes for an extra yummy s'more. Guess that's where Mikuni gets it from.
Lily: Actually likes his marshy golden to burnt. He likes the flavor of it. Actually perfers it being in the form of a s'more's flavored macaron with toasty marshmallow fluff filling. He likes the texture of the macaron cookies paired with a bit of the crunch of the gram crackers.
I'm not gonna do the rest of Team M bc its 2am and I'm drawing lol. Plz add onto this if you have any opinions!
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shiirotas · 1 year ago
one MUST consider world end big naturals
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yarrayora · 2 years ago
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beeg lion
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kiwi-the-servamp-addict · 1 year ago
@joydoesathing I'M YOU'RE SECRET SANTA‼️
I hope I got the genderbend names right!
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Also some background for the drawing!
There's a tradition where people will get a part of a cake and one part of the cake contains a baby Jesus figure and whoever gets it they have to make the cake for next year! I thought it'd be funny for Ildio to get it
You wanted your genderswap Gluttony and Wrath pairs for Christmas and I got a little overboard and added a few more characters!
I drew it traditionally I hope that's okay!!
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frobby · 1 year ago
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If anyone missed the iruma sins prints of them paired up here they are
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finalexpenses · 2 months ago
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aaahh the fullmetal edition covers smiles
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katzkinder · 3 months ago
Wait wait wait waaait
Hang on a second
Is the distance limit symptom for Gluttony loss of voice because Ildio couldn’t put a voice to his own feelings
Tsubaki says that the distance limit is like a prayer. “If you’re going to leave me behind, then kill me”
Are the things that afflict the Eves going to be the untreated suffering of their Servamps?
We only ever see two, so it’s hard to make any connection, but… it’s a little odd, and a little telling, that Mahiru would have turned into a cat and the thing Kuro struggled to be was a “person”, meanwhile, Nicco lost his voice and… There was so much mud in Ildio’s throat, he couldn’t even swallow his own tears
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kitsunenomegami · 6 months ago
🎃Halloween ad in Servamp🎃
We all know that Halloween is near, so I'm planning on doing a lot of Halloween drawings for servamp, since it ends this year 🥲. But since I'm really bad at finishing on time, I thought I could get this one ahead of me so I can finish it on time.
I have already advanced a couple of characters but I feel that it is possible to do more, so I will draw all the possible characters and the ones with the most votes here will be prioritized.
(Freya and Mahiru are advancing so they will be out of the votes.)
If you select a character, I will accept recommendations for their costume since I don't have an idea for everyone. And even if I don't manage to paint most of it, at least I'll leave it in a nice sketch to complete the challenge. ❤️
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ky-kyu · 2 months ago
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redstonedust · 3 months ago
symbolism can be whatever you want it to be and now that theres 7 life series we can make the winners deadly sins if we want. heres my proposition:
grian: pride (vibes) scott: sloth (laid back in most seasons) pearl: envy (towards the other soul pairings) martyn: gluttony (time is delicious) scar: greed (seashells on the sea shore) cleo: wrath (die for me) joel: lust (hes gonna fuck that car)
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pocket-luv101 · 8 months ago
Ildio: Hyde, you're a genius!
Licht: That's not something he hears often.
Niccolo: You should say that to him more often, Licht. Be nicer.
Licht: I love the demon but I'm not going to lie to him. He once asked what the Spanish word for tortillas was.
Niccolo: ... Ildio asked me that this morning.
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