gloria phobia my love…
#Gloria phobia#bleeding edge goths#begoth dolls#begoths#bleeding edge goth dolls#fashion dolls#art#traditional art#my art#traditional artists#colored pencil sketches
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spring ⛧ summer ⛧ autumn ⛧ winter
#meet the ladies:#Red Riding Storm#Slayer Storm#Esperanza De Muerte#Ivanna Scream#Greta Vendetta#My Storm#Devastatia#Evening Storm#Annabelle Lee#Leda Swanson#Scorpio Vixen#Divinity#Victoria Creeper#Fiona Fatale#Gloria Phobia#Hypnotica Gaze#Back to School Storm#Serpentina Maria Sangria#Infinity A. Byss#Katerina Moreau#Atara Inferno#Silent Storm#Suzisin Ful#Alindria Devour#Storm O Misery#Olivia O’Lantern#Pandora#Julia Doom#Lolita Sun
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💀: Do they have any phobias?
Nauth: He’s wary around fire, but not to the level of a phobia.
Ven: He lacks a healthy sense of fear.
Lynn: Spiders. Can’t stand the things. One of the best things about the desert is that there are no spiders.
Elvi: Nope. She’s pretty easy-going.
Mela: She is, quote, “not particularly fond of heights”.
Elial: As if. The streets she grew up on, having phobias just wasn’t an option.
William: He’s generally prepared to face most situations. It takes a lot to rattle him. Oh, sure, he has a temper, but even if he’s angry, he’s rarely scared.
Gloria: Black silk.
Sils: Used to have several. She got over them.
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I think I'm finally getting over my crippling phobia of the song 'I Will Survive' by Gloria Gaynor. It came on the radio this morning, and at first I was afraid...
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Film italiani in uscita a ottobre
Nata per te (Fabio Mollo): 05/10
Luca è single, gay, cattolico, dedito al volontariato e con un grande desiderio di paternità. Alba è una neonata con sindrome di Down che è stata abbandonata in ospedale subito dopo il parto. Mentre la sua infermiera le dedica ogni tipo di cura, il tribunale di Napoli è alla ricerca di una famiglia che possa occuparsi di lei. Luca si propone per ottenerne l'affidamento, ma è single ed è omosessuale. Ad aiutarlo ci penserà un'avvocata agguerrita, esperta tanto di legge quanto di umanità.
Volevo un figlio maschio (Neri Parenti): 05/10
Alberto è un marito e un padre felice. Ha però un cruccio: avere solo figlie femmine. Il film racconta la storia di Alberto che, grazie a una magia, si ritrova improvvisamente padre di quattro figli maschi.
Phobia (Antonio Abbate): 05/10
Dopo aver abbandonato da anni il casale di famiglia, Chiara torna dalla sua famiglia insieme a Michela, una sua amica. Nel passato di Chiara c'è un trauma non superato: si sente responsabile di un incendio alla stalla avvenuto quand'era bambina e che ha ridotto permanentemente a letto, collegato alla bombola dell'ossigeno, il padre. Tutti sono pieni di rancore. Quando nel cuore della notte Chiara si sveglia, Michela non c'è più e sono scomparse anche le sue cose. Chiara si alza e chiede ai familiari se l'hanno vista, ma questi sostengono che non esiste: Chiara è venuta da sola. Chiara, sconcertata e preoccupata, precipita così in un mistero inatteso e intricato.
La fortuna è in un altro biscotto (Marco Placanica): 06/10
In una città portuale di provincia Leo ha un piccolo negozio di oggettistica e modesto antiquariato. Le cose non gli vanno bene, e si fa sempre più presente la minaccia di uno strozzino. Leo è disposto a tutto, per evitare lo strozzino, con una tanica di benzina e con l'aiuto di un ragazzo cinese, trasforma il suo negozio in un cumulo di cenere. È disposto anche a rubare. A rubare un quadro di valore: la tela di un esponente delle avanguardie del Novecento. Il quadro si trova nella villa di un facoltoso imprenditore, collezionista d'arte, aspirante sindaco nella lista "Famiglia Unita". Destino vuole che il figlio dell'imprenditore e la figlia dello strozzino abbiano una relazione..
Il vuoto (Giovanni Carpanzano): 06/10
Giorgio e Marco vengono da due mondi diversi: il primo è il figlio di un avvocato affermato, il secondo di un agricoltore, lotta per emanciparsi dalla periferia di una città del profondo sud. Entrambi sognano un amore travolgente e soprattutto, per motivi diversi, brucia- no dalla voglia di emergere. La forza che li ha attratti li costringerà a combattere per stare insieme. Il 'vuoto' che li spinge l'uno verso l'altro porterà i protagonisti ad inseguirsi, camminando in bilico proprio sul vuoto che li attrae: due ragazzi e un sentimento inaspettato
La luna sott'acqua (Alessandro Negrini): 09/10
Un visionario affresco nel tempo dalle atmosfere oniriche a Erto, paese devastato dalla tragedia del Vajont, diviso tra il desiderio di rinascita e il bisogno di preservare la memoria di un passato doloroso. Un ritratto onirico che oscilla tra realtà e sogno e sul crinale di una domanda: qual è il confine tra il preservare la propria memoria e la necessità di sopravvivere al dolore e ritrovare una speranza?
Doppio passo (Lorenzo Borghini): 12/10
Dopo che la Carrarese Calcio è stata promossa in serie B con cinque giornate di anticipo, il suo storico capitano Claudio Russo decide di esaudire uno dei più grandi desideri della sua vita e apre un ristorante con sua moglie Gloria grazie anche al prestito del suo amico Sandro Costa. La fortuna però gli volta improvvisamente le spalle. Cerca di arrangiarsi come può finendo per accettare di andare a lavorare nella cava. Ma i soldi guadagnati non bastano, il suo matrimonio va in crisi e la sua vita, di conseguenza, si trasforma in un inferno. Per provare a uscirne fuori, dovrà mettere in discussione la sua integrità morale.
Gli ospiti (Svevo Moltrasio): 12/10
Un casale sparso in mezzo al verde, nove amici che si conoscono da una vita, un bambino che dorme. Poi si accorgono di un intruso, tale Marco. Ma Marco dice che quella è casa sua, anzi, che la sta vendendo e per questo ha lasciato la porta d’ingresso aperta. Il film è una black comedy esclusivamente finanziata grazie a una campagna di crowdfunding.
L'ultima volta che siamo stati bambini (Claudio Bisio): 12/10
Vanda, Italo, Cosimo hanno dieci anni e, nonostante la Seconda guerra mondiale, conoscono ancora il piacere del gioco che condividono con l'amico Riccardo che è ebreo. Il giorno in cui scompare decidono che non si può attendere: i tedeschi, che devono averlo portato via con un treno, debbono essere resi consapevoli del fatto che il loro amico non ha alcuna colpa per cui essere punito. Si mettono quindi in marcia seguendo la strada ferrata. A cercare di raggiungerli ci sono il fratello Vittorio, milite fascista che ha subìto una ferita, e la suora dell'Istituto per gli orfani che ospita Vanda.
Me contro te - Vacanze in Transilvania (Gianluca Leuzzi): 19/10
Nel laboratorio ormai abbandonato del Signor S., Viperiana, Perfidia e la banda dei Malefici stanno tramando un piano malvagio per distruggere i Me Contro Te e il mondo intero: oscurare il Sole con il prezioso diamante delle paure e rendere la Terra un posto buio e desolato. Ma il diamante è nascosto nel posto più spaventoso del Pianeta: il Castello del Conte Dracula in Transilvania! Sofì, Luì, Chicco, Tara e Ajar partono così per la Transilvania, mentre il Signor S. si mette sulle tracce dei Malefici. Qui i nostri amici dovranno vedersela con il Conte Dracula in persona, il suo fedele servitore Patumièr, e sua figlia Ombra. Attraverso passaggi segreti, quadri parlanti e nuovi amori, il gruppo di amici imparerà ad affrontare le proprie paure e realizzerà che le diversità sono un valore e non un limite e non bisogna temerle"
Un weekend particolare (Gianni Ciuffini): 19/10
Elena e Claudio si rincontrano a Malta nello stesso hotel in cui era finita la loro burrascosa storia d'amore. Sarà questo incontro inaspettato a far rinascere in loro la voglia di rivalsa dell'una sull'altro ma anche, forse, il desiderio di recuperare qualcosa che entrambi sentono di avere perduto. Tra sorprese, colpi di scena e combattivi pretendenti che non si danno per vinti, riuscirà la magia dell'isola a riannodare i fili strappati del loro amore?
Mi fanno male i capelli (Roberta Torre): 20/10
Una bella signora bionda sulla spiaggia, orme, onde, lei che raccoglie qualcosa dalla sabbia. Poi si avvicina a un ragazzo e gli dice di essersi perduta. Da una casa vicina un uomo la osserva: Monica sta perdendo la memoria, Edoardo, il marito, la accompagna con tenerezza nelle vite che lei si ricostruisce attraverso i film di Monica Vitti. Antonioni, Michele Placido, Alberto Sordi, con il quale lei dialoga attraverso uno specchio, abiti, cappelli, sentimenti, sperdimenti.
Holiday (Edoardo Gabbriellini): 23/10
Veronica, dopo un lungo processo e due anni di prigione per l'omicidio della madre e del suo amante, viene riconosciuta innocente. Ha solo vent'anni e tutta la vita davanti, ma è difficile guardare al futuro quando gli occhi di tutti sono ancora rivolti a quel tragico evento. Attraverso i ricordi suoi e della migliore amica Giada, riavvolgeremo il nastro di una storia che più avanza, più si fa ambigua.
C'è ancora domani (Paola Cortellesi): 26/10
Paola Cortellesi fa il suo esordio alla regia con un originale dramedy in bianco e nero ambientato nel Secondo Dopoguerra.
Comandante (Edoardo De Angelis): 31/10
La storia di Salvatore Todaro, comandante di sommergibili della Regia Marina che durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale contravvenne agli ordini del suo comando per portare in salvo i 26 uomini che avevano provato ad affondarlo.
La strada infinita (Alberto Valtellina, Paolo Vitali): 03/10
Una mappatura delle "eterotopie" che insistono su un importante asse viario di una città italiana.
Gorgona (Antonio Tibaldi): 06/10
Un sguardo sull'isola-carcere della Gorgona, unico esempio europeo di questo tipo di penitenziario.
Careseekers - In cerca di cura (Teresa Sala, Tiziana Francesca Vaccaro): 09/10
Le persone anziane spesso finiscono con il necessitare di attenzioni e cure particolari. Queste possono provenire da più soggetti: i familiari, le badanti, le strutture definite 'case di riposo' ecc. Il documentario si interroga, grazie alla collaborazione di un gruppo di donne che si occupano da tempo della questione, su quali possano essere le condizioni più favorevoli sia a chi è assistito che a chi assiste. Se l'Italia pensa di poter essere nel prossimo futuro un Paese per vecchi deve ripensare alla proprie modalità di assistenza. Si riuniscono sotto la definizione associativa di "Laboratorio di pensiero e parola" a Fabbrico, cittadina in provincia di Reggio Emilia le donne che si trovano al centro della riflessione che Sala e Vaccaro propongono all'attenzione di chi vedrà questo loro lavoro. Ecco allora, in questa narrazione suddivisa in capitoli, una proposta utopica che però è già stata sottoposta a verifica in un gruppo ristretto
Pasolini - Cronologia di un delitto politico (Paolo Angelini): 16/10
Un film inchiesta alla ricerca della verità politica dell'omicidio di Pier paolo Pasolini
Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari (Valentina Zanella, Giacomo De Stefano): 23/10
Jeff Koons - Un ritratto privato (Pappi Corsicato): 23/10
L'artista che è riuscito a elevare il kitsch e il pop per trasformarli in capolavori come pochi artisti visionari nella storia recente.
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Hello! I think you are still making matches with Twts, otherwise feel free to ignore this. Plus I'm using the translator. I didn't see that you asked for specific information for this so I based it on what others said (?) I'm older than the first years so it would be strange if I were one of them…I see them as my children xd -Ahem, my pronouns are she / her, but I don't care if they give me male pronouns, I have many friends who give me male nicknames 😔
I'm Aroace, but fictional characters are so… God
As for personality, I am INFP 5w4, I am very strange and I say random phrases just because, even if the environment is very quiet I sing a random song on purpose. I am shy around older people but I have learned to speak fluently, although people still ask me to raise my voice. I am quite affectionate in general, but if they need space I will gladly give it to them.
I'm from Colombia, so if I was on Twts more than once I would say idioms where I come from just to bother.
I have very varied tastes, from rock to electro Swing in terms of music, from horror games to Roblox, I like everything from Gloria Trevi's flamenco to anime op. I think I have three favorite bands for each genre, not to mention vocaloid, but I will always like yanderes visual novel games.
Have you ever met those people who do everything and feel happy even though nothing is enough to satisfy them? That's me, from making bracelets, researching architecture to watercolors and fashion. I am currently studying systems engineering and some English courses, but this is just the beginning muahaha. I think that all my tastes have in common that they are all art in some way (typical of infp wanting to give artistic meaning to everything)
I am quite small, about 1.57 meters tall, with a pear-shaped body with curly hair without being an Afro, I wear glasses and I am very blind.
I don't like dogs… I have a phobia of them, I don't like sleeping less than 4 hours either, bad hair days, how harmful stereotypes are.
I think I'm able to adapt to everything, I don't judge anyone because some of my tastes will probably be related to that… Except that I won't stop being weird, I can follow the rules because I was raised by strict parents and so on, but Stopping being who I am just for the sake of others is a big no. Even though it's hard for me to raise my voice.
I think this will not contribute anything to the match, but I have a younger brother who is a small child, I love him very much even though he is hyperactive, although I do not have a preference between who I would like, I need him to get along with him, which is easy because he is quite sociable but capable of being annoying.
Thanks to my strict parents I don't leave the house anymore, I don't like it, I learned to act and listen when they are close to entering the house, plus they tried to put parental control on me when I was little but I was able to create several accounts and found an obsolete browser, so parental control was useless there.
I probably have some trauma from that plus the fact that when I was little I suffered bullying due to obesity, although currently I no longer have it and I couldn't even be considered someone chubby (outside of my MC Donald chicken thighs 🖐). I think that a few years ago I learned to cope with everything and be better. Sorry if it's too long, you can skip it if you want. Always remember to take care of yourself!
aroace gang member +1
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Floyd Leech
You remind Floyd of Riddle, on some level. He sees your obedience for rules and your fears and resistance, and he knows, he just knows, that he’s going to help you unleash yourself.
It would be a rocky road to friendship at first - Floyd is a difficult personality to get along with. But I think part of his charm is his hedonism, and his desire to do whatever he pleases, regardless of what others say. And he sees that same desire and freedom in you. He sees a kindred spirit in you.
You two spend a lot of time exploring your hobbies together. He shows you his passion for human clothes and shoes, and invites you to his basketball games.
He misses several shots because he gets distracted when he hears you calling his name in the stands. He gets all giggly and waves to you, shouting your name, and completely forgetting the game.
He encrouages you to break free from rules and expectations like he has, whether it’s arbitrary things like a dorm’s curfew, or your past of being bullied - Floyd will be there to pick you up when you fall and carry you across the finish line.
Most importantly, you two can be weird together. He embraces your weirdness, as he’s often called so himself. He’s not afraid nor put off by you, and your ability to simply be yourself makes him fall that much more for you.
Floyd knows he’s fallen for you right away, and doesn’t try to hide from it. He’ll bide his time as he plans to confess, teasing you and getting a lot more physcially affectionate than before, just to watch you blush.
He actually gives up on his whole plan to confess, instead telling you how he feels in the heat of the moment - maybe after a basketball game or when you two are out late at night causing trouble. He refuses to hold himself back from reaching for what he wants - and what he wants is you.
Floyd and you are a couple about campus. Everyone knows who you are, and doesn’t dare to mess with either of you.
He becomes attached to your hip, too. Even in classes that he isn’t in, he slips in and sits next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder and whispering to you about things he finds silly.
If you ever make him something, like a bracelet, he’ll be absolutely delighted. He wears it everywhere, and makes sure everyone knows that you made it for him, and that you’re his, and that you’re endlessly talented.
Expect many nights of you two sleeping over with eachother. Floyd doesn’t want to be away from you for any longer than he has to be, and so most nights he can be found with you, curled up together watching TV or making something, or asleep on eachother.
It’s painfully cute, and you two were made for one another!
#twst#oz’s requests#twisted wonderland#twst matchups#twisted wonderland matchups#Floyd leech#floyd leech x reader
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it's the last day of lesbian visibility week, so here's a few lesbian headcanons!
franke realized she liked girls when she was real, real little. she just didn't have any interest in boys. she always wanted to be around girls and be liked by them. kitty is her first girlfriend, and she feels really special when they're together. she feels like kitty picked her out of every other girl in camp. i do think this earns lili's frustration because she used to be close with kitty, so there's a bit of jealousy at play, and franke has picked up on it a little.
frazie and norma lesbian realness. personally, i like aro lizzie who doesn't care much for gender or using labels, but she does have preference for girls. back to the teen lesbian duo, though, i love that they're somewhat classic opposites attract because frazie still has so much baggage to unpack about her own internalized psy-phobia. i don't think they'd be close during that first summer, especially since frazie is more of a wild card, and norma, now a junior agent, is aspiring to become a full-fledged "drop the junior" agent. they're stubborn! they're snide! norma's hitting her with a smile that oozes smugness, and frazie knows she can just fling her like a rubber band, but fine, she wants smug? she wants cocky? frazie has that in spades. (also, she isn't that miffed about the hazing deal as i think people headcanon her to be - she practically rolls her eyes when raz says she can defend him or whatever during her dialogue tree. she'd be a little annoyed, yeah, but nothing like, 'ohh, you guys are the worst, and i'm gonna pelt you all with acorns the size of your heads, if you don't say sorry.' raz would be embarrassed because those are his friends, and he doesn't need a sorry because they've taken him under their wing! they like him! he's a cool li'l dude!) but what makes frazie and norma so interesting to me is that they can bring out different sides of each other. norma is proud to be psychic, proud to be an agent, and she can show frazie that there is joy in being a psychic. frazie can help norma leave her carefully cultivated shell, get messy, be a little rebellious (reasonably! because norma is not risking her job). also, raz would make the most disgusted faces at them. it's his personal hell. goodbye, razputin.
cassie and gloria are old women yuri. i think cassie's affection for lucy is unrequited. she simply doesn't feel the same, and cassie internalized that, especially since she went decades without having her answers. lucy loves her, but it's not the same as what cassie desired. it's a bygone love, and cassie has learned to move on - and so has gloria! she dealt with so much comphet throughout her life and her personal tragedies. she had affairs with men and women, and realizing she's a lesbian later in life was freeing. i think they'd have a sweet romance, something comforting and filling of their gaps.
and speaking of comphet, the camper queen of it - elka. what can be said about her? she's beholden to her foresight. she believe whatever horrors the future shows her. it will come true. it's happened for all the dooms. so, seeing herself with nils is like a sentence. she will be with him, and since she's become that entwined with fate, she's determined to at least make herself happy in their relationship, even when she's forcing it on him, and nils is clearly wanting out (though, nils isn't exactly innocent, either). she moves to the flow of the waves, so her big moment is saying no to the future, realizing that she needs to grab her own happiness instead of nodding along to the insistence of her visions. i think she'd realize she prefers girls when she's older (twenty-something? maybe mid to late twenties) since her childhood and teenage years are spent being "boy crazy" and "spiraling in depression," as written by her therapist. (at least dogen is good soundboard when she needs to vent! he thinks she's being dramatic, but gets that she's going through a lot and tries to help, though his advice often goes through elka's ear and out the other.)
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Mental Health (TV Shows)
Alladin (1994)
Mechanicles (Low Vision)
Big City Greens (2018)
Alice Green (Phobia - Snakes)
Chicago Med (2015)
Jason Wheeler (Addiction - Alcohol/Drugs, Suicidal Ideation)
Dead End: Paranormal Park (2022)
Barney Guttman (Abuse)
Norma Khan (Anxiety)
Dirty God (2019)
Jade (Abuse)
Doom Patrol (2019)
Kay Challis/Crazy Jane (Abuse, DID)
Empire (2015)
Andre Lyon (Bipolar Disorder)
ER (1994)
John Carter (Addiction - Drugs)
Euphoria (2019)
Jules Vaughn (Depression)
Get Ed (2005)
Loogie (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
Glee (2009)
Emma Pillsbury (OCD)
Grey's Anatomy (2005)
Amelia Shepherd (Addiction - Drugs)
Andrew DeLuca (Bipolar Disorder)
Charlotte King (Addiction - Drugs)
Jo Wilson (Depression, PTSD)
Miranda Bailey (OCD)
Owen Hunt (PTSD)
Richard Webber (Addiction - Alcohol)
Hazbin Hotel (2024)
Angel Dust (Addiction - Drugs)
House (2004)
Gregory House (Addiction - Drugs)
Inside Job (2021)
Andre Lee (Addiction, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Reagan Ridley (Trauma)
Jessica Jones (2015)
Jessica Jones (Addiction - Alcohol, PTSD)
Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003)
Clyde (Kleptomania)
M*A*S*H (1972)
Benjamin-Frankling "Hawkeye" Pierce (Claustrophobia)
Mom (2013)
Bonnie Plunkett (Addiction - Alcohol/Drugs)
Christy Plunkett (Addiction - Alcohol/Gambling)
Marjorie Armstrong (Addiction - Alcohol)
Ray Stabler (Addiction - Drugs)
Regina Tompkins (Addiction - Drugs)
Moon Knight (2022)
Marc Spector/Moon Knight (Autistic, Dissociative Identity Disorder)
NCIS: Los Angeles (2009)
Alex Kilbride (Addiction - Substances, Depression)
NCIS: New Orleans (2014)
Patton Plame (Addiction - Gambling)
New Amsterdam (2018)
Lauren Bloom (Addiction - Drugs)
New Girl (2011)
Ernie "Coach" Tagliaboo (Phobia - Boats)
Jessica Day (Claustrophobia, Phobia - Tight Spaces)
Winston Bishop (Panic Attacks)
Person of Interest (2011)
Harold Finch (Anxiety, PTSD)
Private Practice (2007)
Violet Turner (PTSD)
Roswell, New Mexico (2019)
Alex Manes (Abuse, PTSD)
Station 19 (2018)
Jack Gibson (PTSD)
Robert Sullivan (Addiction - Drugs)
Sean Beckett (Addiction - Alcohol)
Stumptown (2019)
Dex Parios (PTSD)
The Healing Powers of Dude (2020)
Noah Ferris (Anxiety Disorder)
The Infinity Train (2019)
Simon Laurent (Abuse, NPD, PTSD)
The Lion Guard (2016)
Ono (Phobia - Bats)
The Magicians (2015)
Eliot Waugh (Abuse, Addiction - Alcohol)
The Prodigal Son (2019)
Malcolm Bright (Night Terrors, PTSD)
The Second Best Hospital in the Galaxy (2024)
Dr. Klak (Anxiety)
The Simpsons (1989)
Abe Simpson || (Dementia, PTSD)
Artie Ziff (Narcissism)
Bart Simpson (PTSD)
Carl Carlson (Schizophrenia)
Clancy Bouvier (PTSD)
Gary Chalmers (Aerophobia, Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder)
Gloria Prince (Kleptomania)
Homer Simpson (Kleptomania, PTSD)
Lisa Simpson (Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD)
Marge Simpson (OCD)
Ned Flanders (OCD)
Nigel (Anxiety)
Richard "Rich" Texan (OCD)
Seymour Skinner (PTSD)
Shauna Chalmers (Intermittent Explosive Disorder, ODD)
Snake Jailbird (Kleptomania)
Willie (Intermittent Explosive Disorder)
Total Drama (Franchise)
David "Dave" (Anxiety
Jay (Anxiety, Phobias)
Mickey (Anxiety, Phobias)
Mike (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
Sam (Addiction)
Shawn (Anxiety)
9-1-1 (2018)
Robert "Bobby" Nash (Addiction - Alcohol)
Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz (Anxiety, PTSD)
Evan "Buck" Buckley (PTSD)
Christopher "Chris" Diaz (PTSD)
Maddie Buckley (Postpartum Depression, PTSD)
9-1-1: Lone Star (2020)
Judson "Judd" Ryder (Grief, PTSD)
Tyler Kennedy "TK" Strand (Addiction - Alcohol)
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WBW, Lilibeth Anderson?
full name: Lilibeth Althea Anderson
gender: female
sexuality: bi
pronouns: she/her
family: Althea Anderson (grandmother), Gloria Santos-Anderson (mother), Mallory Anderson (mother), Blaine & Cooper Anderson (cousins), Devon Anderson (uncle), Pam Anderson (aunt)
birthplace: Sacramento, California
job: student, songwriter, vlogger / early days influencer
phobias: clowns
guilty pleasures: DCOMs, the spice girls, the pussycat dolls
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
cautious/reckless (cautious when we meet her, gets more reckless)
outspoken/reserved (reserved when we meet her, gets more outspoken)
otp: Lili x Marley
ot3: Lili x Marley x Jake
brotp: Lili & Blaine
notp: Lili x Ryder
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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1,2,3,5,8,10 and 13 + my boy eddie!
time to psychoanalyze this boy!
What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera…
he's an infp! he is all emotion no thoughts!
2. What alignment are they? Chaotic neutral, lawful evil, et cetera…
chaotic good! he will do so much to help others even if its dangerous or stupid <3
3. Do they have any emotional or psychological conditions? Are they aware of it? Do they try to treat it?
he definitely has cptsd but just Ignores It, he does not engage with his issues unless theyre hitting him in the face and even then he'll still push them aside
5. Does your OC tend to assume their interpretation of events and reality is correct, or do they question it? I.e., “I’m sure that’s what you said” versus “It’s possible I misheard you.”
this is such a weird way to say "does your oc give the benefit of the doubt" but i digress
but yes he's constantly second guessing himself about everything bcuz he wants the world to be better than it is
8. Is your OC a martyr?
well, yes!
10. Does your OC compromise easily? Too easily?
this is situational i think? like if its something silly, he'll give in without much of a fight but if its Serious then he will probably fight tooth and nail for whatever hes fighting for
but also if its a physical altercation he will Not stop until he sees blood </3
13. Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from?
rain/storms bcuz a storm killed his older sister lucia and his grandmother gloria when he was eleven and he has survivors guilt, also knives in s3 bcuz of the whole being stabbed thing
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For any of your ocs 🙂 (i don't know their name, sorry)
I’mma do Allegra and Serpico:
She has 3 other siblings. She has Gloria Estefan, my friend Tay’s oc, Lavender, and her brother, Axel (he’s a teacup pig, I may talk more about him)
Pretty good relationship with Link and Deadly. Though, she’s a lot closer to and more respectful of Deadly than Link. She makes fun of Link
-And she calls them Dad and Dadly
It’s a tie between her mischievous personality and her design. The fact I made her horns and tail music notes is *chef’s kiss*
I write about her a lot more than I draw her. Mostly, it’s headcanons about her or what she’d do in a certain situation
Girl is a demon. She’s not dying anytime soon
She doesn’t have any phobias, per se, but she IS afraid of Satan grabbing her and dragging her back to Hell for one reason or another
Sam Eagle all the way. They hate each other with a passion and she’d rather pray than spend the day with him. That being said, she has done nice things for him on rare occasions
Female cottonmouths lay about 10-20 eggs, so therefore Serpico has 10 siblings
Never knew his parents
I love how protective he is with the band. He’s like me in that sense. You harm any of my friends, you’re dead
I’ve written like 3 fics starring him, so yeah. Often.
In the future, like when all of my fankids are teenagers, he dies of old age. But for now, he’s happy and healthy
No phobias, but he’s kinda scared of Sam Eagle since eagles eat snakes
Anyone who threatens the band is automatically his arch-enemy. That means the Electric Moohem (the EM’s moopet counterparts) is going DOWN
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i cant stop watching modern family.
its so funny and different and i cant pick a favorite character. i love how manny is so suave and confident at his age but he has a phobia of butterflies lol and how cam is so dramatic amd emptional ams always wants to be there for lily. i love jay's and gloria's marriage and how they get competitive. and that phil is so dumb but clever at the same time im only on s2 but im loving every minute of the hilarious chaos. 😂
#i can keep going#but i think phil and manny are my favorite hehe but i love all of them xD#i even like dylan lol
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Thats two blue eyed men that stalk me now for forced marriage....one blue eyed man that had to go to AA said he is bipolar not a terrorist so he may ask me volition statements and leave me alone if not with him.....those ones start trying to force me into their communities
They really need segregations
One tried to sit near me at Lutheran lunch and spread his legs like Putin....this only happened because young men arrived and were allowed a platonic companion and if they get one I now have stalkers
Then this morning I put my cart of stuff to not be too blocked up and he parked his bike right next to it when all other bike spots were open....then put his lock on the bike just to lean over and put his ass on my stuff....when nothing was in the way of the other side of the bike .......
Then targeted entering the library with me......so I asked him why are you that near my stuff all other bike spots are open there is no reason to be that near my stuff.....and he started screaming that he stalks me with odours to imply I committed rapes he does.....and screamed take my meds at me......so I said your a rapeist and there won't be any lenience by forcing your immigration sentencing on me
Their really disgusting rich tourist that won't finally put the utility soap in the porta only for male pee spot....their always the most disgusting and negligent.....
To him if I'm a forced wife he can kill me of mental wards for immigration crime he commits.....i suspect it's him that goes and arrests bitches to beg at restaurants and if I won't pay russo phobia he claims I'm the cop who arrested them and made them work at a restaurant
I just don't want to pay someone's mean bitch for hygiene crime
Doomsday theory is more relevant then simm theory.....the camera is Todd Gloria masters it all and his master five point plan can kill north flee migrants and border migrants and Asian migrants and oaklahoma migrants and native migrants and have estates off all our mass murder he is everything
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The Nesting (1981)
#the nesting#1981#armand weston#joão fernandes#robin groves#christopher loomis#michael lally#john carradine#gloria grahame#horror#horror film#phobia#massacre mansion#cinematography#slasher
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The Nesting (1981)
#the nesting#phobia#massacre mansion#armand weston#robin groves#gloria grahame#john carradine#bill rowley#david tabor#horror#80s horror#gothic horror#ghost story#haunted house#women in horror#gothic mansion#80s fashion#horror movies#supernatural horror
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THE NESTING (1981) Reviews and free to watch online
THE NESTING (1981) Reviews and free to watch online
‘Buy this house… and mortgage your life!’ The Nesting is a 1981 American horror film about an agoraphobic writer who rents an isolated house so she can concentrate on her writing. Also released as Phobia and Massacre Mansion Directed and produced by Armand Weston from a screenplay co-written with Daria Price (Dawn of the Mummy storyline). Weston previously directed ‘roughie’ films such as The…
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#1981#Armand Weston#Christopher Loomis#free to watch online#Gloria Grahame#horror#John Carradine#Massacre Mansion#movie film#Phobia#review#reviews#The Nesting
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