mind-unleashed · 3 days
The Invisible Hero for the Whole World – Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
In times of global instability, when the threat of climate disasters, political crises, and social conflicts grows daily, rare individuals emerge who can inspire change and lead the way to a better future. One such person is Igor Mikhailovich Danilov - a doctor, innovator, and active advocate for the betterment of the planet. His life and work are inextricably linked to addressing the challenges that threaten the very existence of humanity.
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A serious warning about the future of humanity
This article was written in response to a groundbreaking video message by Dr. Egon Cholakian entitled "Crossroads". Dr. Cholakian, a national security expert known for his work in the Reagan White House, broke with protocol to issue a dire warning about impending threats. In his speech, he emphasizes the need for immediate action on the climate crisis and the manipulations of hidden forces that are using this crisis for their own purposes.
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Screenshot from the official website Earth Save Science Collaborative
Dr. Cholakian emphasized that the climate crisis is not only an environmental issue, but also a global security threat, capable of destabilizing the world and even destroying civilization. He also warned of covert manipulations by global anti-cultists seeking to influence world events, including attempts to manipulate Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Dr. Cholakian even revealed information about attempts by Russian authorities to eliminate both him and Igor Danilov.
A 30-Year Journey: From Innovator to Renowned Doctor
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov is one of those people who didn't just follow new trends in healthcare, he created them. His 30 years of experience in vertebrology laid the foundation for revolutionary discoveries in spinal disc regeneration. This groundbreaking approach to spinal care has allowed many patients who were previously condemned to suffering to regain their health and live full lives.
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In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Dr. Danilov helped many people in the Donetsk region, including children and people suffering from Erb's palsy. His treatment methods, based on a deep understanding of the problem and an individual approach to each patient, provided not only physical recovery but also hope for the future. Danilov earned the trust and respect of both his medical colleagues and the thousands of patients to whom he dedicated his life.
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Discoveries in Vertebrorevitology
Igor Mikhailovich's methods became the starting point for practical work at the Institute of Emergency and Reconstructive Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, opening a new chapter in the treatment of spinal diseases. Danilov's revolutionary approaches to disc regeneration changed the course of world medicine and showed that alternative medicine can be an effective tool in solving complex problems.
A Book – A Guide to Health
'Osteochondrosis for the Professional Patient'
In 2010, Mr. Danilov published his book "Osteochondrosis for the Professional Patient", which has become a true guide for those striving to restore the health of their spine. This work is a comprehensive manual on the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis - one of the most common and painful problems of modern life.
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The book presents not only treatment methods, but also helpful tips for restoring physical activity. It is an invaluable resource for those seeking answers on how to avoid pain and lead an active life.
Fighting for the planet
Climate activism and the ALLATRA movement
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov's contribution is not limited to medicine. He is an active participant in the International Public Movement ALLATRA, which fights against global climate change issues. This environmental and social activism aims to raise awareness of the consequences of the climate crisis and inspire people to take action.
The International Public Movement ALLATRA, founded in 2011, unites people from more than 180 countries to fight global climate change. Movement participants, volunteers from various professions, create popular science content, implement social and cultural projects, and promote democratic and moral values.
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The main goal is to raise awareness of climate issues and encourage people to participate actively in public life. ALLATRA actively cooperates with international organizations and media to disseminate important information about global changes.
A Role Model and Hope for the Future
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov is a person of high moral and ethical standards who has shown deep dedication and commitment to his cause throughout his life. He is characterized by genuine kindness, a desire to help people, and an urge to benefit society without expecting any reward. Guided by honesty and justice, he always acts in the name of higher ideals, placing the interests of humanity and the planet above his own. His selflessness and inner nobility make him a role model, while his kindness and sense of responsibility symbolize hope for a better future for all.
Despite his selfless work, Mr. Danilov faces a large-scale campaign to discredit his name. Many media outlets are actively spreading disinformation and attempting to undermine his reputation both in medicine and in his social activities. His noble intentions and achievements are being attacked as part of a broader strategy to manipulate public opinion. However, despite these efforts, Danilov continues to work tirelessly for the good of humanity, bringing light in the darkest of times.
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Each of us can help improve life on our planet.
Following Igor Danilov's example, we can start small - by ignoring disinformation, relying only on credible and verified facts, and actively participating in addressing global climate challenges. We must not succumb to manipulations aimed at dividing us into opposing groups for the benefit of certain interests.
Only by uniting can we overcome difficulties and build a world where the future is bright and stable.
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soospiritualjourney · 10 days
The Pisces Lunar Eclipse: A Glimpse of Abundant Growth
The partial lunar eclipse of September 18, 2024 , will occur in the sign of Pisces. Eclipses, often indicators of change and transformation, mark the end of one cycle and the dawn of another. 
Imagine this: Pisces, a mutable water sign, represents boundless creativity, intuition, and fluidity. Virgo, a mutable earth sign, embodies meticulous planning, practicality, and groundedness. Together, they create an environment ripe for growth, like a fertile field waiting for something to grow from it. 
Allow me to offer you a glimpse into what this means. 
Unfolding from February 2025 onwards, marks the shift of the lunar nodes into the Pisces-Virgo axis, a potent combination of fertile energy.
However, the success of harvest depends on the details, from your daily routines, from what you feed your body, your habits, how you are immersed in your social circle and the places and things you surround yourself with. 
The key lies in connection: By aligning yourself with these details, you strengthen your connection to a higher power, a sense of flow within the ever-changing energy around you. This empowers you to gracefully navigate and shape your environment for abundant growth.
In this transformative energy, strive to become a kinder, healthier, and more loving you. Whatever your goals are, show your commitment by meticulously tending to the details that nurtures them. 
Alas! Our world is undergoing a significant transformation from what we used to know and live in, at great speed. While the full picture of what it might become may be unclear, this shift will soon impact our individual lives in ways that demand immediate attention.
Hence, with this eclipse season presenting a precious opportunity for spiritual growth and self-improvement we must to take it. By becoming more attuned to our minds, bodies, and rhythms, we can enhance our agility and adaptability as we face the rapid changes of the coming years. The more we invest in our preparation now, the more empowered we'll feel in the future.
While the time for setting intentions and manifesting will come, now is the moment to prioritize practical matters. Address those nagging tasks and schedule long-overdue doctor's appointments or meetings with your financial advisers. By creating a more conducive environment for yourself—eliminating distractions, draining activities, unhealthy habits, or toxic relationships—you'll reap significant benefits in the coming year.
Time is of the essence. Before Saturn stations direct in Pisces again, seize this chance to tackle some of your most important goals. Remember, the devil is in the details.
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baga24 · 12 days
‘’The Crossroads’’ Part 19 A CHOSEN ONE
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I continue to introduce you, dear readers, in text format to the speech of esteemed Egon Cholakian in his landmark video address 
“The Crossroads”.
Moreover, they cloud your perception with sweet words, telling you that you are the chosen savior of the nation, Russia, and the entire world.
 Surrounding you with the prophecies of shamans, seers, mystics, and clairvoyants who unanimously predict a destiny for you as the God-chosen unifier and savior, they prevent you from seeing the fact that it is precisely your inaction that will soon lead to Russia's demise. And not only Russia.
They methodically and persistently instill the idea of your chosenness, your uniqueness, and your destiny to save the world and Russia.
 However, consider this: does this not resemble a classic manipulative technique, where manipulators, by convincing a person of their chosenness, establish control over them and subtly compel that person to do what the manipulators want?
 Do you not recognize in this a cunning trick created by those who have long and imperceptibly been controlling you to realize their own totalitarian ambitions? 
For while they speak to you of your lofty mission to save, the reality, alas, is much bleaker. The inexorable danger is growing that you may become not a savior but rather the cause of the demise of not only your country but all of humanity.
Mr. Putin, I am now appealing to your reason and conscience: wake up. All these prophecies and predictions are an artfully woven web of narratives designed to program your consciousness. You are being coded, you are being manipulated, and unfortunately, you are succumbing to this influence. 
It pains me deeply to witness how you are gradually losing the ability to think independently and critically, becoming a victim of subconscious programming, including from those who have betrayed the teachings of Christ and become accomplices of Nazism.
Mr. Putin, I could provide you with many more facts. However, the information I possess is not for public disclosure. 
I could share much with you in a personal, face-to-face meeting. I could tell you things you are not aware of. However, the Nazi forces behind you are unlikely to allow such a meeting to take place.
From my side, I am prepared to provide you with much more information. This concerns the future of your country, not vague predictions, but scientifically based forecasts by year. 
You need to know that your country is on the brink of a catastrophe, the scale of which you cannot even imagine. 
The geological situation is much more severe than you have been told. For example, tell me, do you have information about how close the magma is to the surface under the Siberian platform?
 Data indicates that at this moment, the magma's ascent to the surface beneath Siberia is accelerating. This accelerating rise of the mantle plume creates an increased risk of a mega explosion, which could happen at any moment.
I understand that those who persuade you of your chosenness and role as a savior have also assured you that Siberia will become the cradle of civilization.
It may become a cradle, but not in the way you have been told. It is the cradle that could lull the entire world into an eternal sleep of death. And you could be the person who leads all of humanity to its demise. Were you not told this? What a pity.
I do not want to provoke panic among the population, so I cannot publicly disclose all the details, facts, and figures. 
Mass migration of people from Russia to other territories is currently highly undesirable and could exacerbate the situation. And migration is inevitable. Only a madman would remain in your country if they knew the true state of affairs.
This information is too important and delicate to be discussed publicly. I am willing to share it with you in a personal meeting. I assure you that this information could fundamentally change your understanding of the current situation and the future of your country.
I understand that you will not be coming to the United States in the near future. I am willing to meet with you on neutral territory if, of course, the Nazis manipulating you allow it, which I highly doubt.”
Please support this important information with likes, shares, comments, and applause!
#Allatra #ClimateChange #EgonCholakian #TheCrossroads #GlobalChanges 
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Research Trends in Water Management by Using Environmental Parameters Derived from Remote Sensing
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Water management is one of the most important strategies for sustainability. In many regions, this management is not easy and remote sensing can be useful to have data about the water status, especially from environmental derived indices associated with satellite data. It is important to know the research trends based on water management and remote sensing. Policy decision making in water management could be assisted and improved considering this tool. The aim of this work is to explore remote sensing articles that use environmental indicators in the last twenty years for the study of water resources by using a bibliometric analysis.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biosensors-renewable-sources/fulltext/research-trends-in-water-management-by-using-environmental-parameters.ID.000103.php
Read more Lupine Publishers Google Scholar Articles:https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5ql0QHJV55QC&citation_for_view=5ql0QHJV55QC:9ZlFYXVOiuMC
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suprememastertv · 10 months
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Join over 120,500 others and sign the Plant Based Treaty - now! @plantbasedtreaty
🔸What is the Plant Based Treaty? The Plant Based Treaty is urging individuals, groups, businesses and cities to endorse this call to action and put pressure on national governments to negotiate an international Plant Based Treaty as a companion to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
The treaty would put food systems at the heart of combating the climate crisis, aiming to halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by animal agriculture, to promote a shift to more healthy, sustainable plant-based diets and to actively reverse damage done to planetary functions, ecosystem services and biodiversity.
For further insights into the significance of the Plant-Based Treaty and to sign up, visit www.plantbasedtreaty.org
💗 Please join Supreme Master Ching Hai to sincerely thank God Almighty for World Vegan, World Peace and souls’ Liberation 💗 Every day at 9:00 PM Hong Kong time 🙏
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smsehgalfoundation · 30 days
Let's Connect Episode 1: Pooja 0. Murada in conversation with Garba Diallo
In this podcast episode of Let's Connect, featuring Garba Diallo, we explore the impactful work of Crossing Borders, a nonprofit and civil society organisation dedicated to promoting positive change globally.
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mamed24 · 1 month
The Power of Unity: My participation in ALLATRA
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I am a mother of two beautiful children.  Like many of you, I am deeply concerned about the future our children will inherit - a future marred by the growing climate crisis.  I used to feel helpless, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problem, until I discovered ALLATRA . 
The international social movement ALLATRA  is not just an organization, it is a movement, a global community of people from over 180 countries united by a common desire to solve the climate crisis at its core. ALLATRA 's hallmark is an unwavering belief in the power of unity. We do not rely on government funding or political influence. We are fueled by the unwavering commitment of individuals, ordinary people like you and me, who don't want to stand by and watch our planet suffer.
ALLATRA A's heart beats according to a simple but profound principle: we don't just address the symptoms, we address the root cause. We don't wait for someone else to solve the problem; we actively participate in finding real solutions.  From analyzing climate data to creating compelling video content, every ALLATRA  volunteer puts their unique talents and skills to work to create a ripple effect of positive change.
I have seen first-hand the incredible power of collective action. By collaborating with scientists and experts and spreading the word through online platforms, we are making a tangible, positive difference around the world.  
We are not just fighting for the future of our planet; we are building a future based on collaboration, empathy and a shared commitment to humanity.  We are a global network united by a deep sense of responsibility for our planet and its inhabitants.  
We recognize that the real cause of climate change is external cosmic forcing that is destroying the core of our planet. This external cosmic impact increases every 12,000 years. It was in 2024 that our planet entered such a cosmic cycle, so we are all seeing an increase in climate disasters. And unfortunately. This is just the beginning...
Progressive scientists estimate that humanity has only 4-6 years left to take decisive action on climate issues. That is why ALLATRA  volunteers at this stage propose to apply the technology of atmospheric water generators AWGs everywhere. 
You can read about atmospheric water generators AWGs in my previous articles.
The application of atmospheric water generators AWGs technology will lead to a sustainable future with healthy oceans and buy time to develop technology to protect our planet from external space impacts.
The application of atmospheric water generators AWGs technology will lead to a sustainable future with healthy oceans and buy time to develop technology that protects our planet from external space impacts.
The climate crisis is a collective problem requiring a collective response. Join us at ALLATRA . Let's work together to create a sustainable future for generations to come.  
We are not just individuals, we are a force for positive change.
Become part of the ALLATRA  movement 
Email us at [email protected]
#ALLATRA #ClimateAction #technologies #AWGs #Sustainability #GlobalChange #TogetherWeCan 
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zara24smit · 2 months
ALLATRA: Uniting the World to Address the Climate Crisis
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The world stands on the brink of climate collapse. Anomalous weather events are already turning into disasters on a global scale. The countries of the Arabian Peninsula, the USA, China, and Japan are at the center of the climate storm. But there is hope: the ALLATRA movement unites scientists and volunteers from around the world to solve humanity's most global problem.
"It is a great honor for me to be at this ALLATRA movement meeting with everyone who has come from different parts of the world," says ALLATRA scientist John An at the ALLATRA Summit in Prague on May 11, 2024. "Throughout the years of ALLATRA's existence, the main issue has always been the climate. Recently, conditions in the world have changed, so the progression, which was previously discussed, is happening much faster."
ALLATRA is not just talking about the problem, it is taking action! In recent years, the ALLATRA team of scientists has conducted extensive scientific work, studying the causes of climate change. And the results are disheartening: anthropogenic factors, astronomical, and cyclical processes lead to irreversible consequences.
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The forecasts are coming true. The USA is experiencing the highest economic losses from hazardous weather events. In 2023, the country set a record for the number of catastrophes with damage exceeding $1 billion.
China has also not escaped the impact of natural disasters. In 2023, the economic damage from catastrophes amounted to more than $47.5 billion, with over 1,400,000 homes damaged, and 209,000 of them completely destroyed.
The situation is particularly severe in the Arabian Peninsula countries. The United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Saudi Arabia have been experiencing powerful storms with anomalous rains and hail in recent years. For instance, in Dubai on March 9, almost half of the annual rainfall fell in just six hours. And on April 16, a severe storm in the country led to a complete collapse in several regions.
ALLATRA offers a global-scale solution: the unification of scientists and technological breakthroughs. Only together can we overcome the climate crisis. ALLATRA is already making decisive strides in this direction. ALLATRA unites scientists from different countries to address climate issues, conducts scientific research, develops new technologies, and disseminates knowledge about the real causes of climate change.
Join the ALLATRA movement and help make the world a better place!
#ALLATRA #ClimateCrisis #SaveThePlanet #Unity #ScientificBreakthrough #GlobalChange #Ecology #SustainableDevelopment
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gpstudios · 3 months
Happy Malala Day! 🌟
Every year on July 12th, the world comes together to celebrate Malala Day, honoring the courage, resilience, and unwavering spirit of Malala Yousafzai. This day is not only a tribute to Malala’s fight for girls’ education and equality but also a call to action for everyone to support and empower young girls around the globe. Malala Day is a reminder that education is a fundamental right for all,…
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umarfarooqzahoor · 3 months
Umar Farooq Zahoor — Entrepreneur, Philanthropist & Visionary
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Discover the inspiring journey of Umar Farooq Zahoor, a renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist. Learn about his achievements, contributions, and vision for the future.
Umar Farooq Zahoor is a name synonymous with innovation, leadership, and philanthropy. With a remarkable career spanning multiple industries, Umar has established himself as a dynamic entrepreneur and a dedicated philanthropist, committed to making a positive impact on society.
Early Life and Career
Born with a passion for business and a vision for success, Umar Farooq Zahoor began his entrepreneurial journey at a young age. His early ventures laid the foundation for a series of successful business undertakings that would later define his career. Umar’s ability to identify opportunities and transform them into profitable ventures has earned him recognition as a visionary business leader.
Business Ventures
Umar Farooq Zahoor’s business portfolio is diverse and expansive. He has successfully led and managed companies across various sectors, including finance, real estate, and technology. His innovative approach and strategic thinking have been instrumental in driving growth and achieving sustainable success. Umar’s ventures are characterized by their forward-thinking strategies and a commitment to excellence.
Beyond his business achievements, Umar Farooq Zahoor is also known for his philanthropic efforts. He believes in using his resources and influence to give back to the community and support those in need. His philanthropic initiatives focus on education, healthcare, and community development, aiming to create lasting positive change. Umar’s dedication to social causes reflects his belief in the power of giving and his commitment to making the world a better place.
Vision for the Future
Umar Farooq Zahoor’s vision extends beyond his current accomplishments. He is constantly looking for new ways to innovate and contribute to society. His future projects include sustainable development initiatives and technological advancements aimed at addressing global challenges. Umar’s forward-looking perspective and relentless pursuit of excellence continue to inspire those around him.
Umar Farooq Zahoor is more than just an entrepreneur; he is a visionary leader and a dedicated philanthropist. His journey is a testament to the power of determination, innovation, and a commitment to making a difference. As he continues to shape industries and communities, Umar Farooq Zahoor remains a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and philanthropists worldwide.
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bettreworld · 5 months
DMRV Roundtable - Holly Grimm, Astral
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soospiritualjourney · 2 months
Our Path Forward
We're on a journey towards something extraordinary. We aim to be beacons of light in a world that needs it now more than ever. This is a challenging time, marked by unprecedented cosmic shifts.
Five outer planets are changing signs within a remarkably short period. This hasn't happened before in recorded history. These planets represent the grand themes of our world, the foundational structures. Their shift signifies a radical transformation—new energies, new influences, a new world emerging.
If you believe in the purposeful nature of life, then you’ve chosen to be here now. We’ve endured challenges, from the pandemic to personal trials, yet here we stand. Our resilience is a testament to our purpose. We’re meant to shine.
We’re navigating these global changes while integrating them into our lives. It’s unsettling, and those around us are feeling the strain too. Fear, uncertainty, and anxiety are prevalent. But amidst the chaos, opportunities will arise.
It's understandable to feel overwhelmed. Fear and uncertainty are contagious. But remember, we're not alone. Everyone is grappling with these shifts. The future is uncertain, especially for younger generations.
We must envision the world we want to create, not just the transitional phase. This requires planning and a deep commitment to service. How can we help others navigate these changes? Sometimes, it’s as simple as offering encouragement. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.
May we all awaken to the profound truth of our interconnectedness, and may our hearts be filled with an unwavering commitment to being beacons for others. Let love and compassion guide us as we navigate these transformative times, inspiring a world where everyone feels seen, heard, and cherished.
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baga24 · 14 days
‘’The Crossroads’’Part 18
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I continue to introduce you, dear readers, in text format to the speech of esteemed Egon Cholakian in his landmark video address 
“The Crossroads”.
So: “We are witnessing the unprecedented persecution of decent and patriotic citizens of Russia and Ukraine, whose knowledge and innovations could save billions of lives! 
Yet, these innocent people are being thrown behind bars simply based on a directive delivered via a phone call to the court from the president's administration. Who benefited from this? Who needed this? Is it justified to sacrifice the future of the planet to appease RACIRS?
It seems that a pernicious practice has taken root in Russia: instead of understanding the situation, befriending those who should be befriended, and punishing those who deserve punishment, you punish the innocent, as has always been the tradition in Russia. Is this your tradition? I feel compelled to address you in Russian language, Mr. Putin: "Dokole eto boodiet?"
I urge you to evaluate rationally what is happening in your country now—FSB operates with Gestapo methods, breaking down doors and tormenting citizens who have dedicated their lives to the country's welfare, brought immense benefits, and could still contribute significantly to their homeland. But they are not allowed to do so simply because Nazis behind your back are directing state policy without your knowledge and participation, pursuing their own agendas. Their plans consider neither the interests of Russia nor the world, causing only harm to Russians and all humanity.
What is happening in Russia now is not merely lawlessness—it is Nazism! The closure of ALLATRA is not just a mistake—it is a crime against humanity! It deprives your country and the entire world of a potential solution to the global climate crisis, which means depriving humanity of a chance at survival!
The few honest and rational FSB employees and members of other agencies who comprehend the absurdity of what is happening in your country today and still attempt to resist this madness, striving to make a difference, are losing in their endeavors. They are being pressured and persecuted by hidden Nazi forces that, while close to you, do not depend on you. These forces independently and covertly steer the political direction of the country. Where will this dangerous course lead?
Let me remind you that we have repeatedly and persistently warned about the escalating climate threat and the consequences of halting the operation of the experimental equipment. I personally, in my speeches, and the esteemed Mr. Danilov in his address on September 3, 2023, forecasted these events, outlining their scale and intensity long before the destructive storms, extreme snowfalls, and catastrophic floods. We emphasized that this was only the beginning and that without the mitigating effect, climate disasters in the coming years would inflict such colossal damage on your country that the economy would be unable to compensate for it.
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We emphasized that Siberia is a catalyst for abrupt climate changes on the planet. Its activating interior is rapidly aggravating the situation around the world. This is why your country will suffer the most if urgent measures are not taken.
I am confident, Mr. Putin, that many high-ranking political figures close to you watched my address, in which I warned about this. However, it is unlikely that it was shown to you. Certain forces have ensured that our warnings did not reach you. Now, we are witnessing the tragic consequences of this inaction.
Mr. Putin, my concern extends far beyond the fate of your country. It is about the security of the entire world, including my homeland, the United States of America. Consider what we are facing: the leader of a vast nuclear state is unaware of an unprecedented threat brewing within its depths —a literal ticking time bomb capable of destroying the entire planet.
I am speaking of a danger whose epicenter lies in the very heart of Russia. I must admit that, compared to the potential catastrophe brewing in the depths of Siberia, even our infamous Yellowstone supervolcano seems like a candle against the backdrop of a forest fire.
 The potential danger emanating from Siberia is unprecedented. It overshadows all disasters humanity has ever faced throughout its history.
We stand on the brink of a catastrophe whose scale is difficult to comprehend. And the key to preventing this catastrophe is in your hands, Mr. Putin. Delays could cost not only billions of lives but also the planet itself. We have warned you about this!
However, I doubt anyone has reported our findings or honest accounts of the situation to you. At the same time, I have every reason to believe that among your FSB representatives, there are undoubtedly those who possess this information. Still, they are unlikely to relay it to you. Regardless, you are responsible for accelerating climate change due to ALLATRA's expulsion and the forced shutdown of the experimental equipment. Let me explain why.
Russia is historically an imperial country, and its people do not recognize anyone as authority except the emperor. In today's reality, you, Mr. Putin, are that authority for the Russian people. And the people have no idea that you are being manipulated and that a force behind you is playing its own game. 
Representatives of this force have made you believe that you are "Vladimir the Radiant Sun," destined to save everyone. However, they do this partly to shift all the responsibility for the resurgence of Nazism, the disintegration of the country, the allowance of a global catastrophe, and the suffering and death of millions of people onto you. Just as Stalin's entourage once shifted all the blame onto Stalin. The same fate awaits you if you do not come to your senses.
Mr. Putin, I urge you to personally pay close attention to the current escalation of extreme climate events in Russia and around the world. You have the power to request independent reports from specialists and analysts. 
Ask genuine scientists about the reasons for the sharp deterioration in Russia's climate situation after the ALLATRA expulsion. Study the statistics on the rise of cataclysms and assess how this geometric progression will impact the future of your country. Look at the alarming climatic processes currently intensifying globally: the increase in atmospheric anomalies and the rise in volcanic and seismic activity on our planet. 
Previously, graphs clearly showed that the number of earthquakes with a magnitude of 5 was increasing according to an exponential trend. In contrast, the increase in earthquakes with magnitudes of 6 and 7 was more gradual. However, current statistical data indicate that the frequency of seismic events not only of magnitude 5 but also of magnitudes 6 and 7 is now increasing according to an exponential trend.
We will face an unprecedented catastrophe when the number of seven-magnitude earthquakes reaches a consistent growth rate. And this could happen much sooner than 2029. The world is rapidly approaching a point of no return. Unfortunately, Russia is at the forefront of the impending collapse.
Given the foregoing, I responsibly declare to the public and personally to you, Mr. Putin, that today there is no sense for anyone to attack Russia or wage war against it. This is not due to your country's military might. It is because, in 5-6 years, Russia will already be devastated. Devastated as a result of escalating extreme climatic cataclysms. This will inevitably happen if urgent measures are not taken to combat the climate crisis.
Your inaction on this issue is tantamount to signing a death sentence for your country and its 144 million citizens, condemning them to years of suffering and sorrow. 
However, I also want to warn Russia's ill-wishers, the so-called "Russophobes," against premature rejoicing. The destructive fate awaits not only Russia but the entire world—some countries will face this horror sooner, others later. But this fate will befall all.
We are all—countries of the world—in the same boat, which is riddled with holes and rapidly sinking. Our collective human task is to urgently patch these breaches and bail out the water that has already accumulated. Otherwise, all of humanity will share the fate of the Titanic, and this is no exaggeration. 
We have been comprehensively studying the problem of climate change for 30 years and know what we are talking about. There is no place for politics here—this concerns every inhabitant of the planet.
I fully understand that those close to you are convincing you that the climate is fine and that the situation will soon improve. They do not allow you to realize the real threat and the truth of what is happening in your country because they have assigned you a different role.”
Please support this important information with likes, shares, comments, and applause!
#Allatra #ClimateChange #EgonCholakian #TheCrossroads #GlobalChanges 
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masterclassofcl · 6 months
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🌍 Ready to make a difference? 🌱 Dive into the M.Sc in Climate Change and Sustainability Studies from TERI School of Advanced Studies. 🎓 Equip yourself with strategies for sustainable development, policy analysis, and climate adaptation. Join the movement shaping a greener future! 🌿👉 www.themasterclass.co.in/register
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suprememastertv · 17 days
“God will come down to a peninsula in the East.” “Even if both the East and the West are unable to recognize the Holy Saint, human beings are still to be changed. No one can do anything about it.”
Nam Sa-go (Famous Korean clairvoyant who lived in the 16th century)
▶️ To watch the full program, please visit https://suprememastertv.com/en1/v/67876482451.html
💗 Please join Supreme Master Ching Hai to sincerely thank God Almighty for World Vegan, World Peace and souls’ Liberation 💗 Every day at 9:00 PM Hong Kong time 🙏
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hollisticmedia-blog · 8 months
Unlock the secrets to a fulfilling life with our latest video on Hollistic Lifestyle Structuring! Dive into practical strategies for balancing personal well-being with humanitarian ambitions, ensuring sustainable impact. A must-watch for aspiring and seasoned humanitarians alike, this guide helps you lead a life that's rewarding on both personal and global scales. Tune in and transform your approach to making a difference.
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