#Global Education Fair 2020
riallasheng · 5 months
Good day, Sheng I hope you've had a lovely day!
I was curious to know if you had any information on what the TB TOS boys studied and specialized in? Were they awarded with anything?
Hello my lovely anon! I apologize for the delay, but I was out visiting friends until late yesterday. ^^ I'm home again, which means I can dig through my novels and comics to answer this as best I am able!
Of the various sources, the official bios (there's at least 3 versions there of), the TV21 comics, and the Fleetway comics are the ones that are most likely to give the answers. There are also bits and bobs scattered around the various canon sources. Overall, I'm pulling mostly from the Fleetway for this, as it actually went the most into depth for what you're asking and while Fleetway / complete Thunderbirds Story DOES have some continuity / canonicity issues the education and specializations parts overall are solid.
Going in my preferred age order (because there's actually more than one XD )
This got long, so readmore deployed! ^^
Given the ages involved, Scott skipped grades to one degree or another, because he seems to have graduated high school at 16-17 rather than 18. (Spoiler Warning: Gordon is the only Tracy that didn't skip grades. TinTin and Brains skip grades too, although Penny did not)
Scott seemingly went to a 'normal' college / university for ~2 years (Fleetway puts it as Tracy University, where Scott specialized in astronautics and got his astronaut wings, which at minimum DOES explain where / when Scott GOT his astronaut wings, which he DOES canonically have as all his official bios mention he is a trained astronaut and he is one of Three's canon pilots with a fair amount of knowledge / skill in space) as he doesn't start Yale until 18
At 18, Scott went to Yale for 2-3 years and finished his formal education at Oxford for 1-2 years (these numbers bounce around a bit in the various bios/mentions - though it being ~4 years in total is constant across all of them) and graduated top of his class - though not valedictorian or salutatorian, simply in the top 10 / top 5 - specializing in aeronautics / aeronautic engineering, mathematics, and navigation. We know he does have SOME education / degree in engineering as he the one that helps in designing / engineering / etc alongside Virgil. We also know he was heavily involved in the design of Thunderbird 1 and 2, with some refs to him being the primary designer on One. Scott definitely has a Bachelors and might have a Masters in one / two / all of his three degrees, but there's no indication that he has a Doctorate in anything. He seems to have had aeronautics / aeronautic engineering as his primary.
All of Scott's bios state that he served in the Air Force right out of College (so he would have joined at 22 to 23 years of age, then would have served 4-6 years). He was an officer, rather than enlisted, although his stated final rank ranges between Captain (of-3) to Colonel (of-6) so you likely can go with what you please there, although Scott IS referred to as a 'commanding officer' in the Air Force, which usually means Major (of-4), Lieutenant Colonel (of-5), or Colonel (of-6) though. We've no idea what his callsign would have been, though some fanon ones I've seen are Flyboy, Ace, Scooter, Falcon and Eagle. I use Mercury myself (Mercury Seven, and it refs his speed AND 'silver tongue'/communication skills)
There's multiple references to Scott serving in 'the War', although what War that is is VERY vague and hard to pinpoint. (Oddly, Fleetway using the 2020s timeline DOES make IDing the war in question easier... With Scott serving in his 20s, that would make the war in Fleetway the Global Conflict / WW3, which took place ~2010 and was how the Global Government / World Government formed.) For the most common 2060s timeline, it's really unclear what 'war' Scott would have been fighting in in the 2050s. outside of the confusion of 'what war', Scott was at minimum an 'ace' (5 kills in aerial combat / dogfighting), might have been an 'ace ace' (25+ kills) although that one MIGHT be a misprint where the word ace was accidently doubled, and there is a passing reference in either the novels or comics (I forget which ^^;; ) to him being 'War Ace', which is a title awarded to the 'best pilot / most skilled ace' in a war. So 'War Ace' is a potential accomplishment for him
He is officially a 'test pilot', and can fly pretty much anything / everything. It's mentioned he CAN fly the Tiger Moth so he can mange bi-planes, he apparently flew a stunt plane (so propeller), he's helicopter (and apparently helijet) certified, and he's flown a wide array of jets, rocket-planes, and space craft. (He has a pilot's license, helicopter / helijet license, and astropilot license). He has a Class-D (standard driver's) license, and he apparently knows how to drive a motorcycle so a Class-M license too. He might have a Class-B (farming equipment) license, and would have had a military license that functioned as a CBL (commercial) Class A/B/C license and might have gone through the work to get that again as a civilian. We do see Scott driving heavy equipment and the like when not 'IR' so he might have the commercial license. He has a non-commercial boating license, and miiiiight have a civilian submarine-craft license. Seems to have a diving license. Definitely has a sky-diving and paragliding license.
Scott somehow was given the Medal of Valor and quite possibly Medal of Honor as well. both are EXTREMLY difficult to achieve medals, almost always only given out in wartime, and we never are told what he did to achieve them
Scott retired in his 'late 20s' (probably around 28) 'with honors', which would mean an Honorable Discharge. That's right about when IR would be in the final set up stages / Tracy Island buildings and silos being built and the like.
It's strongly implied in the comics that Scott was a POW at some point, but nothing officially states it flat out. There's a vague refence to him having been shot down at some point in the comics as well. These have lead to the widespread fanon that Scott was a POW, usually in Bereznik. If this is the case, Scott would have a Purple Heart Medal and a Prisoner of War Medal. It also would explain why no one finds it odd that he retired as young / early as he did.
Rather like Scott, John seems to have skipped grades, as he graduates High School at ~15 years of age (there's a VAGUE hint in TV21 that it might have been as low as 14. It's also implied to have been that low in Fleetway because John is only around 21 when he starts at Tracy University, AFTER finishing 6 years at Harvard).
While John has always been deeply interested in manned space flight and the heavens in general, his real passion (and career) is canonically in communications.
John starts attending Harvard University, and graduates as Valedictorian (he's top of his class, but there's a mention to him giving a speech at his graduation, which usually goes to Valedictorian) getting his degree in electronics and laser communications / communications in general. Since he wrote a thesis, he must have gotten a doctorate in ONE of these fields (likely communications)
John was HEAVILY involved in the design / building of IRs communications gear and might even have been the lead in it. both the 'listening in' and the 'communicating between each other' parts. He also seemingly was very heavily involved in the designing of TB5
He created a laser communications device that was 'revolutionary' and won him awards and accolades. (An achievement that was later stolen by Lt. Green in his bio... Spectrum bios had a VERY bad habit of stealing accomplishments of previously existing characters. In further example, Green also stole 'best communications officer / specialist WASP has ever had' from Phones, Harmony stole 'best pilot alive' from Scott, Grey stole 'back messed up and 4 months in hospital after a sub/high speed boat crash from Gordon AND 'first captain of the Stingray' from Troy, and Rhapsody stole quite a few of Penny's spy achievements)
John also located a previously unknown quasar, which became known as the Tracy Quasar System.
He's published at minimum 4 astronomy and outer-space textbooks, and at least 1 book on communications
After getting a doctorate in ~6 years at Harvard at 20-21 years of age, John then got his astronaut wings / became an astronaut. Fleetway puts him at Tracy University for this as well. (He might have been Valedictorian again, as he's referred to as being such for his astronaut training in... Countdown? I legit forget where the ref is. There's an implication that John was Valedictorian more than once, basically). All of the Tracys are genius level smart, but John seems to be the brightest star of them all
John worked on a civilian (or at least non-military) space station / space program for at least a few years. What group and station is debatable. It could be NASA, the World Space Program, etc. He further could have been on the International Space Station, Freedom Station, etc. The only things off the table are military groups, and he CAN'T have served in the World Space Patrol (Fireball XL5)
John has his pilot's license and space-pilot / astropilot license. He likely has a rocket-plane license (ie: a atmospheric craft that can escape the atmosphere and is space capable). He MIGHT have a helijet license, but he doesn't have a helicopter license. He has a Class-D (standard driver's) license, and he apparently knows how to drive a motorcycle so a Class-M license too. He might have a Class-B (farming equipment) license. He has a non-commerical boating license, and miiiiight have a civilian submarine-craft license. Seems to have diving license. Might have a sky-diving and paragliding license.
John also is a highly skilled athlete, having achieved many awards and records. We only know about him being involved in running, but WHAT KIND of running varies between sprinting (rare), long-distance (more commonly reffed) and cross-country (most commonly reffed), or trail or obstacle course (middling)
I'm not sure how John left his space career / stopped working on the space station without attracting attention, oddly he's the ONLY one that doesn't have an easy excuse for joining IR! Scott apparently had SOMETHING happen that gave him an honorable discharge and had no one questioning him retiring from the Air Force, Virgil apparently intended to work as an engineer FOR Jeff's company once he graduated, Gordon had the hydrofoil crash and an Honorable or Medical Discharge from WASP, and Alan was only 19 and hadn't really STARTED a career. TinTin either was just finishing her University education and/or like Virgil was working for Jeff's company as an engineer. Brains started working for Jeff at his company while Brains was still in college. John's the only one with a career outside of Jeff's company that DOESN'T have a coinvent 'stop working there' excuse.
continuing the running theme, Virgil seems to have skipped grades - more than Scott did, but less than John, graduating High School at 15-16.
Virgil started higher education at 16 at Denver School for Advanced Technology, but he's sometimes put in Yale or another Tech school. What his degree was varies. Fleetway has it as 'Advanced Technology', but he's also had Engineering / Nuclear Engineering listed in his official bios. He usually took art classes and music classes, and sometimes he has a degree in art or music mentioned, so he likely minored in art and/or music alongside his Advanced Technology / engineering major. He seems to have graduated at 20-21 with a Masters in Tech/Engineering and a Bachelors in art/music. There's no refences at all to him having a doctorate (only John and Brains have that), and while he seems to have been 'top of his class', there's no indication he was Valedictorian or Salutatorian. So, like Scott he would have been in the top 10 or top 5, but not the number 1 or 2 slots.
Fleetway claims that Virgil was on the Denver Football team and was a good player on it, but that is the only reference to it or sports in general. Something to remember is that Virgil is actually NOT the heaviest / buffiest in build of the brothers in TOS. He's well built, but Scott and Alan are both heavier /buffer in build than he is, as is his father. Virgil isn't LEAN, but he'd be a Middleweight, built sort of like Tony or tom Cruise or the like. Muscled, but not a brick house. Scott is consistantly referred to as 'powerful' in build, and is drawn as heavier / bulkier in muscles than Virgil. Heavyweight class or something like the traditional 'superman' build like Cavill or the like. Alan and Jeff are a bit more powerful / bulky in build than Scott, so upper end of the Heavyweight. Not modern day Body builder / the Hulk bulk, but say Hulk Hogan, Dwayne Johnson, Arnold in Terminator / Predator type build. Gordon is about Virgil's build / a swimmer's build. John is lean /lithe but not lanky. Built like a runner.
Virgil HAS sold art and had it on display at galleries, possibly even at a museum or two, which is quite the accomplishment. He's also played music semi-professionally, although I can't find or recall an refences to him winning awards or contests in music.
Like John, Virgil got his astronaut wings / went to a second school after his primary (Fleetway again puts this as Tracy University) and he seems to have gone to this second school when he was ~21. Fleetway has a fun incident where, while at Tracy U, he used his advanced technology degree to service a faulty space capsule during a training space-flight.
So far as I can tell, Virgil's plan was to graduate and work for Tracy Tech / Tracy Industries / whatever version of the MULTIPLE names that Jeff's company has you'd like to use XD upon graduation. He likely DOES officially work as an engineer for his Dad's company (his brothers as well) on top of IR duties.
Given when IR got started (September of 2065) and Virgil's age AND his graduation date(s), Virgil would have been working at Jeff's company for at least a couple of years before IR got started.
He has a Class-D (standard driver's) license, but no Class-M / motorcyle that we're aware of. He ABSOLUTELY has a Class-B (farming equipment) license, and has a CBL (commercial) Class A/B/C license. We know he has a pilot's license. While he has his astronaut wings, he might not have an astropilot license, but he would at least he have a 'limited' one - equivalent of a 'student driver' where he can be a co-pilot but not a solo. He has a helicopter and helijet license. Seems to have both a commerical and non-commerical boating license. Seems to have a civilian submarine craft license. Might have a diving license. Probably has a skydiving and paragliding license.
Only one of the brothers NOT to skip grades, as he goes straight from High School to WASP Academy at ~18.
Gordon was showing skill in swimming at only 3 years of age, and joined a professional swim team as early as possible (13 or so, though he would have been on school swim teams / training prior to that)
Gordon was one of, if not the, fastest freestyle swimmers in his prime. We know he won Gold in the Olympics for the Butterfly Stroke at 16 (Considering his birthyear, he might actually have been 17 given the years the Olympics fall on). We know he also got other awards / medals, but we can take it as fact that his only Olympic Gold was this. He might have gotten Silver and Bronze in other races. However given the 4 year gaps, this would have been the ONLY Olympics Gordon took part in - he would have been too young for the previous, and the ones after would be either after his hyrdofoil accident or IR.
Gordon went from high school straight into WASP. He probably was 18, buuuuuuuut there are hints that Gordon might have served in whatever War Scott and Phones and Troy and others in that age group fought in, so Gordon MIGHT have been able to sign up for WASP at 17 and basically before he graduated high school. To quickly explain, while you can sign up for the military at 17 with a guardian's permission for most branches… submarine service (and thus WASP) is not one of them, as it's strictly volunteer and 18+. You have to VOLUNTEER to be on a sub, and outside of wartimes you must be 18 or older. Thus IF, and only if, there was a 'War' on, Gordon could have joined WASP at 17.
Gordon was put in command of a bathyscape, which means he was an officer. You usually have to be 19 to become an officer / begin officer training BUT you can start at 18 during wartimes so... Gordon would have started his officer training at 18-19 and become an officer at 19-20. We've no mention of what rank Gordon was at his retirement, but to command a submarine, even a bathyscape, he has to have been a Lieutenant-Commander (of-3) minimum, but he can't have been more than a Captain (of-5) as he wasn't part of the admiralty. I make him a Commander (of-4) because I am an old geek woman and I love him having the rank level of 4 XD
While in WASP, Gordon came up with a revolutionary and unique underwater breathing apparatus... it's implied that the scuba gear we see used in Stingray are the ones that Gordon designed. Gordon later improved these for IR.
Gordon was in a high speed hyrdofoil crash (I know it says 400 mph, but I honestly would prefer it to have been going FAR slower... 400 km/h maybe XD ) that almost killed him, injured his back, and left him in a WASP hospital for 4 months (note that is his FULL TIME in the hospital, including his initial / in hospital Physical Therapy). The crash happened VERY recently, btw, like two years MAX before the pilot episode, but no less than a year and a half prior to the pilot, so it would have happened no earlier than Sept 2063 and no later than Mar 2064. A lot of fans give him lingering physical issues from this (heck I'm one of them), BUT it's important to remember that we see Gordon getting up to fairly normal physical activities in all canon material (even Fleetway where his accident is directly mentioned / shown), so he is not HEAVILY impacted by this. If he has chronic pain, it's mild for instance. If he throws his back out on occasion, it's rare and he recovers quickly, etc.
He has a military boating and submarine license, as well as a non-commercial boating license and civilian submarine-craft license. he miiiiiight have a commercial boating license, but he's never shown with commercial craft so *shrug emoji*. he ABSOLUTELY has a diving license. He has a Class-D (standard driver's) license. He might have a Class-B (farming equipment) license, and would have had a military license that functioned as a CBL (commercial) Class A/B/C license and might have gone through the work to get that again as a civilian. Likely has a piloting license, might have a helicopter and helijet license.
Alan was interested in both car racing and space from a young age (and unlike TaG, it looks like he actually had a stronger interest in CARS than in rockets). He seems to have skipped grades, as he was in college by 15 years of age as he was far enough into his astronaut training to be in space at 16 as one of Alan's accomplishments is that he is the youngest astronaut / lunarnaut known, having been either in space OR on the moon (or at minimum he got his astronaut wings) at only 16 years of age AND he still holds the record for highest number of passes and holds the current record for graduating in record time.
It looks like Alan went first to college for his astronaut wings (Fleetway has it as Tracy University) and likely got a Bachelors, graduating at 16 years of age.
He then went to another school (Fleetway lists Colorado Tech / Denver Tech) and got a Masters at 17 (maaaaybe 18). WHAT he got it in varies wildly across canon sources though. He's got astronatical engineering, space travel, CAR engineering / design, and communications listed. So likely pick and choose as ye please. I personally go for Vehicular (car) and astronautical engineering. To be totally honest, I'd replace the Tech school with a Racing Academy and have it where Alan got a Bachelors in astronatical engineering at Tracy University at 16, and a second Bachelors in Vehicular Engineering & Design at a Racing School at 17, then went from there to join the World Space Patrol Astopilot Academy for 1-2 years before going back to his racing career for the 1-2 years before he joins IR
Alan then joined the World Astronaut Patrol Academy... aka the military branch that Fireball XL5 is part of. Alan was in the Astropilot program, but for unknown reasons in canon, he left WSP / Astropilot program before graduating when he was still 18. To solve this issue, I replaced one of the astronovices in the Fireball comic story 'The Astronovices' with Alan, as that would have given him a General or Dishonorable Discharge. Alan DOES hold the record for youngest Astronovice as he joined at ~17 or so, and he apparently was pretty likely to be one of the few to pass the grueling requirements and graduate (seriously, out of an intake of 200 potentials, less that 25 graduate for each 2-3 year training cycle).
Alan started his racing career while still in college, likely starting driving at 16-17 as it's said he's been racing for 'a few years' when he wins Pararola at 19/20. He probably paused the racing career for the 1-2 years he was in the Astronovice program, then resumed it at 18 when he left WSP (for whatever reason he DID leave). He apparently has a few wins / medals in racing under his belt and left a successful racing career to join IR, although he WAS young enough (only 19) that him deciding to join Jeff's company as a vehicle engineer who occasionally tests the vehicles the company makes likely wouldn't draw too much attention. (Alan was a 'champion' race driver and officially a car designer by the time he joined IR at 19.)
He ABSOLUTELY has a Class-D (standard driver's) license, and seemingly has a Class-M / motorcyle, and obviously has a SCCA (racing) license. He might have a Class-B (farming equipment) license, but that's debatable. We know he has a pilot's license. He might have a helicopter license, but we never once see him piloting a helicopter. He's a bit more likely to have his helijet license. He ABSOLUTELY has an astropilot license, even if he didn't get the military / Fireball craft license. Seems to have a non-commerical boating license and a civilian submarine craft license. Has a diving license. Probably has a skydiving and paragliding license. Certainly has a rocket-plane (aka astmospheric craft that can escape gravitational pull and is space capable) license.
If anyone wants, I'll do these for TinTin, Brains and Penny - I'll even try it for Jeff, Kyrano, and Grandma Tracy, although we have FAR less to go on for them
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kp777 · 4 months
By Lynn Paramore, Institute for New Economic Thinking
Common Dreams
May 15, 2024
Shameful fact: the plight of U.S. retirees is a global exception. In their pursuit of lower taxes, America’s wealthiest individuals support policies that make it extremely difficult for seniors to manage the increasing costs of healthcare, housing, and basic necessities. Not so in other rich countries like Germany, France, and Canada, where robust public pensions and healthcare systems offer retirees stability and dignity. After a lifetime of hard work, older citizens in the U.S. find their reward is merely scraping by, as savings diminish under the weight of soaring medical costs in the most expensive healthcare system in the developed world.
The solution from America’s elites? Suck it up and work longer.
An example of this mindset appeared in a New York Times op-ed by C. Eugene Steuerle of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center and Glenn Kramon, a Stanford Business School lecturer. The two accused older folks of robbing economic resources from the young through Social Security and Medicare—never mind that workers fund these programs with their own lifelong payroll contributions. They paint a picture of 65-year-old Americans jauntily playing “pickleball daily” and jet-setting “far and wide,” proposing to increase the age to collect Social Security and Medicare benefits, essentially forcing future retirees to work longer. (Curiously, they overlook how this move robs young people—too young to vote—of future retirement years. This echoes 1983, when the Reagan administration and Congress pushed the Social Security age from 65 to 67, impacting Gen X before they could even vote on it).
Steuerle and Kramon prop up their plan with studies that extol the health and wellbeing perks of working into old age, adding that “each generation lives longer” and therefore, it’s a patriotic duty for the elderly to stay on the job.
Are we all really living longer? Let’s first point out that Princeton economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton, noted for their research in health and economics, recently showed that many Americans are not, in fact, enjoying extended lives. As they stated in their own New York Times op-ed, those without college degrees are “scarred by death and a staggeringly shorter life span.” According to their investigation, the expected lifespan for this group has been falling since 2010. By 2021, people without college degrees were expected to live to about 75, nearly 8.5 years shorter than their college-educated counterparts.
Overall life expectancy in America dropped in 2020 and 2021, with increases in mortality across the leading causes of death and among all ages, not just due to COVID-19. In August 2022, data confirmed that Americans are dying younger across all demographics. Again, the U.S. is an outlier. It was one of two developed countries where life expectancy did not bounce back in the second year of the pandemic.
So the argument that everyone is living longer greatly stretches the truth—unless, of course, you happen to be rich: A Harvard study revealed that the wealthiest Americans enjoy a life expectancy over a decade longer than their poorest counterparts.
Could the idea that working into our seventies and beyond boosts our health and well-being hold true? Obviously, for those in physically demanding roles, such as construction or mining, prolonged work is likely to lead to a higher risk of injury, accidents, and wearing down health-wise. But what about everybody else? What if you have a desk job? Wouldn’t it be great to get out there, do something meaningful, and interact with people, too?
Perhaps it’s easy for people like Steuerle and Kramon to imagine older people working in secure, dignified positions that might offer health benefits into old age – after all, those are the types of positions they know best.
But the reality is different. Economist Teresa Ghilarducci, a professor at the New School for Social Research, focuses on the economic security of older workers and flaws in U.S. retirement systems in her new book, Work, Retire, Repeat: The Uncertainty of Retirement in the New Economy. She calls those praising the health perks of working longer “oddballs” – those fortunate folks in cushy positions who have a lot of autonomy and purpose. Like lawmakers or tenured professors, for example.
She points out that academic researchers often base their theories about the benefits of working longer on a hypothetical person who just tacked on a few extra years in the same position, noting that researchers often make the faulty assumption that people are not only living longer, but can also easily choose to work longer, keep their jobs without facing pay cuts, and continue stacking up savings into later life.
That’s not really how it plays out in real life for most folks. Ghilarducci found that most people don’t actually get to decide when they retire, noting that “the verb ‘retire’ isn’t a verb that really belongs to the agency of the worker – it’s the employers’ choice.” Retirement often means somebody above you telling you it’s time to go. You’re ousted—laid off or pushed out because your productivity’s slipping or your skills are aging like last year’s tech. Or simply because of biases against older workers. Age discrimination is a huge issue, with two-thirds of job seekers aged 45 to 74 reporting it. In fact, people trying to find a job say they encounter significant biases as early as age 35. For the high-tech and entertainment industries, this is particularly true.
So there’s that.
There’s also the fact that continuing to work in an unfulfilling job might be hazardous to your health. The reality is, a lot of us are grinding in jobs that are stressful and insecure, and that constant stress ties into a whole host of health issues — hypertension, heart problems, messed up digestion, and a weaker immune system, not to mention it can kickstart or worsen mental health troubles like depression and anxiety.
Many are stuck in what anthropologist David Graeber memorably dubbed “bullshit jobs” — roles that feel meaningless and draining. Graeber described these jobs as a form of ‘spiritual violence,’ and found them linked to heightened anxiety, depression, and overall misery among workers. His research found strong evidence that seeing your job as useless deeply impacts your psychological well-being.
The link between job dissatisfaction and poor health has been found to be significant in study after study. Unrewarding work can demotivate people from staying active, eating well, or sleeping regularly, potentially leading to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other health issues. In contrast, retiring from such a job could free up time and energy for wellness activities, enjoyable hobbies, and a healthier lifestyle overall.
Ghilarducci points out that reward-to-effort ratios, crucial for job satisfaction, are declining due to factors like stagnant real wages. She also highlights the problem of subordination, explaining that it can be “lethal” to remain in a job where you lack control over the content or pace of your work. According to her, such factors can lead to higher morbidity and lower mortality rates.
Okay, what about social engagement? That’s crucial for seniors, right? True, but demanding or unfulfilling jobs can make it hard to find the time and energy to socialize, leading to isolation and loneliness, which are major factors in declining mental health and quality of life for the elderly.
Also, when talking about delaying retirement, we can’t ignore cognitive decline. Sure, working longer might keep your mind sharp if the job is stimulating. However, research indicates the opposite for dull jobs. Florida State University researchers found that not only can tedious work accelerate cognitive decline, leading to increased stress and reduced life satisfaction, but “dirty” work does as well. They show that jobs in unclean environments with exposure to chemicals, mold, lead, or loud noises significantly impact brain health as we age.
Even university professors can suffer the effects of dirty jobs: North Carolina State University has recently come under fire for knowingly keeping faculty and staff working for decades in a building contaminated with PCBs, resulting in dire health consequences, including nearly 200 cases of cancer among those exposed.
Finally, it’s not a coincidence that those talking about raising the age for Social Security and Medicare are usually white men. They would suffer less from it than women, especially women of color. Women typically outlive men but earn less over their lifetimes, which already means smaller Social Security checks. It’s even tougher for Black women who often earn way less than their white peers and are more likely to have unstable jobs with skimpy benefits. Plus, women frequently take breaks from their careers for caregiving, shaving off years of paid work and further slicing their Social Security benefits. Pushing the retirement age higher forces women, especially Black women, to either toil longer in poor-quality jobs or retire without enough funds, making them more vulnerable to poverty and health problems as they get older.
Ghilarducci observes that for women in low-paying jobs with little control and agency, “working longer can really hasten their death, and the flip side of that is that retirement for these women really helps them.”
Bottom line: The whole “work longer, live healthier” spiel doesn’t fly for most. In the U.S., the well-off might be milking the joys of extended careers, but lower-income folks, particularly women and people of color, often endure the slog of thankless jobs that negatively impact their health and well-being. Elites shout from their comfortable positions that we need to push retirement further back as if it’s the magic fix to all economic woes. But when such people fantasize about happy seniors thriving at work, they’re missing the harsh reality many face—painful, boring, insecure jobs that speed death.
The myth that we’re all living longer and healthier is just that—a myth belied by life expectancy stats showing not everyone’s in the same boat. What America desperately needs is a beefed-up, fair Social Security and Medicare system that serves all Americans, not just the ones who can afford to retire without a worry. No one should be stuck choosing between a crappy job and retiring into penury.
Yet Republicans are on the warpath against Social Security and Medicare. Senator Mike Lee has explicitly stated his goal to completely eliminate Social Security, aiming to “pull it up by the roots, and get rid of it.” His fellow Republicans are enthusiastically getting the ball rolling: House Republicans have released a new proposal to weaken Social Security by raising the retirement age. For his part, former and possible future president Donald Trump indicates a willingness to consider cuts to Medicare and Social Security, despite previously criticizing his primary rivals on the issue, who were almost wall to wall demanding drastic cutbacks.
Democratic lawmakers typically show more support for Social Security and Medicare in public, though their track record has not fully alleviated concerns about the present and future vulnerability of these programs. In his recent State of the Union speech, President Biden advocated for the expansion and enhancement of Social Security and Medicare, declaring that “If anyone here tries to cut Social Security or Medicare or raise the retirement age, I will stop them!” But it’s important to keep in mind that he supported raising the retirement age during the 1980s and again in 2005.
Polling shows that voters, whether Democrats or Republicans, do not want to cut these programs. Actually, they want to expand Social Security and Medicare. That’s because those who face the realities of daily life understand that working endlessly is a cruel and unreasonable – not to mention unhealthy — expectation that no society should endorse. The idea that America can’t afford to do this is outlandish when the evidence is so clear that American billionaires pay historically low tax rates that are now lower than those for ordinary workers. What America can’t afford is the super-wealthy and their paid representatives working the rest of us to death.
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Hi! Could you possibly try to give me an estimate of how many women we’d have without misogyny related issues, including the increased life span of non married women. Like with a separatism model how many more of us would live longer or be allowed to be born (like with China)? I’m curious because I know nature also favors us in famine and bad times, and chromosome wise ours are healthier and not devolving, so I’d like to know what the actual numbers would be
Hey Anon!
This is an incredibly interesting question and I really wish I had a better answer for you. Unfortunately, I cannot find any comprehensive estimates (or really any estimates that consider more than one issue at a time). There's also a fair number of issues that don't have any estimates (most likely because the data needed to make one simply doesn't exist).
That being said, I did find some information, divided out by cause:
The "missing women" term calculates the number of women lost to pre- and post-natal sex-selection including sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, and deliberate neglect of female children. A 2020 report by the United Nations Population Fund estimated a current global estimate of 143 million missing women. As of 2015, they estimate 3.3 million newly missing women each year. [1]
Femicide refers to the murder of women or girls as a result of their sex (separate from the above point). In 2022, the UN recorded the homicide of 89,000 women and girls, of which at least 55% or ~50,000 were femicides. Combined with previous reports we can estimate approximately 50,000 annual femicides. Due measurement issues (e.g., establishing femicide when the perpetrator is unrelated) this is likely an under-count. [2-5]
Maternal mortality is primarily a result of insufficient maternal health care, and while it cannot be eliminated entirely, differences between high and low income countries indicate it can be significantly reduced with adequate women's health care. As such, the majority of the ~300,000 annual deaths associated with child birth are a likely result of misogyny. (This estimate is from 2020, down from ~450,000 in 2000.) [6]
According to global experts, misogyny plays a significant role in the many women's and girl's suicides. There is no comprehensive global estimate on the annual number of women and girls who commit suicide as a result of misogyny. In 2019, there were 235,000 female suicides, but the cause(s) of these were not identified. [7, 8]
The United Nations Security Council has recognized that "civilians, particularly women and children, account for the vast majority of those adversely affected by armed conflict". Armed conflicts are thus primarily started and perpetrated by men, but primarily affect women and children. However, there is no comprehensive global estimate on the annual number of female casualties as a result of armed conflict. [9-12]
The women's health care gap describes the vast divide between men and women in essentially every avenue of health care. It covers a multitude of issues, including but not limited to: incorrect calibration of drugs doses which can render them ineffective for women, insufficiently researched adverse effects to medication, insufficient research on female-specific or primarily-female health conditions, inadequate coverage of female people and lack of dis-aggregation of data in general research, misdiagnosis and insufficient education of female-specific symptoms for lethal conditions like heart disease, and the unknown number of advancements that could have been made if many women were not excluded from working in medicine. The gap is ubiquitous and wide, and, currently, there is no comprehensive global estimate of annual female casualties. [13-15]
Unsafe abortions result in an estimated ~70,000 annual deaths of women and girls worldwide; this is a direct result of the sociopolitical factors preventing access to safe, legal abortion and contraceptives. [16]
Female genital mutilation results in an estimated ~45,000 annual excess deaths of girls worldwide. [17]
Women are more likely to live in poverty than men, impacting their daily living conditions, access to education, access to heath care, and more. However, there is no comprehensive global estimate of annual female casualties due unequal economic conditions. [18-20]
Inequitable infrastructure and personal products are built to male default specifications, which can be deadly for women. There is no comprehensive global estimate of annual female casualties due to male-as-default standards. Some examples include: personal protective equipment, which – as an example – contributed to female health care workers' COVID-19 rates; a greater female fatality rate for car crashes; and rising occupational- and environment-associated female mortality. [13, 21-22]
Women and girls do substantially more unpaid work than men and boys, and the unpaid work they do is more likely to adversely affect their mental and physical health. There is no comprehensive global estimate of how this contributes to women's and girls' mortality. [23-25]
As a note, it looks like both men and women have a longer life expectancy when married as compared to unmarried, but men have an extra benefit [26-27]. For example, this review [26] modeled next-year death rates and found unmarried women had an 89% higher odds of death than married women when controlling for demographic factors which was reduced to 39% when considering both fixed and unfixed socioeconomic factors. In comparison, unmarried men had a 147% higher risk than married men when controlling for demographic factors which was reduced to 72% when considering both fixed and unfixed socioeconomic factors. As such, both married men and women had a lower odd of death than unmarried men and women, but married men had a lower-lower odds.
The one exception appears to be for marriages with an age-gap; in this situation "having a younger spouse is beneficial for men but detrimental for women, while having an older spouse is detrimental for both sexes" [28]. However, this question needs to be evaluated for more populations before this result can be considered generalizable.
Honestly, given the degree to which society is structured around married pairs, I don't find this result particularly surprising. That being said, however, this only considers differences for women who are married-to-a-man vs unmarried; it doesn't account for alternative situations like married-to-a-women vs unmarried-but-with-female-partners/roommates/social-support-network.
In conclusion: there is a substantial data gap concerning the effects of misogyny on women's and girls' mortality. The estimates that do exist indicate that over 4 million women and girls are lost to misogyny every year. Given that this accounts for only five of the eleven categories I identified (and I may have missed some categories!) this is most likely a significant under-count.
I hope this helps you anon!
References under the cut:
Erken, A. (2020). State of World population 2020: defying the practices that harm women and girls and undermine equality. UNFPA.
Global estimates of female intimate partner/family-related homicides in 2022 (Gender-Related Killings Of Women And Girls (Femicide/Feminicide)). (2023). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Global estimates of gender-related killings of women and girls in the private sphere in 2021 (Gender-Related Killings Of Women And Girls (Femicide/Feminicide)). (2022). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Killings of women and girls by their intimate partner or other family members: Global estimates 2020. (2021). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Global Study on Homicide: Gender-related killing of women and girls 2019. (2020). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Trends in maternal mortality 2000 to 2020: estimates by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group andUNDESA/Population Division. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2023. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Harris, J. (2015, May 28). Worldwide sexism increases suicide risk in young women. The Guardian. Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20231019084332/https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/may/28/worldwide-sexism-increases-suicide-risk-in-young-women.
Ilic M, Ilic I. Worldwide suicide mortality trends (2000-2019): A joinpoint regression analysis. World J Psychiatry. 2022 Aug 19;12(8):1044-1060. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v12.i8.1044. PMID: 36158305; PMCID: PMC9476842.
United Nations Security Council. (2008). Resolution 1820 (2008). United Nations. Retrieved December 17, 2023, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20231217190221/https://www.un.org/shestandsforpeace/sites/www.un.org.shestandsforpeace/files/unscr_1820_2008_on_wps_english.pdf
United Nations Security Council. (200). Resolution 1325 (2000). United Nations. Retrieved August 14, 2024, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240814162228/https://documents.un.org/doc/undoc/gen/n00/720/18/pdf/n0072018.pdf
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. (2002). World: Women, Children Are the Victims Of Most Modern-Day Wars. Retrieved February 25, 2024, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240225164704/https://www.rferl.org/a/1099590.html
Bendavid, E., Boerma, T., Akseer, N., Langer, A., Malembaka, E. B., Okiro, E. A., ... & Wise, P. (2021). The effects of armed conflict on the health of women and children. The Lancet, 397(10273), 522-532.
Perez, C. C. (2019). Invisible women: Data bias in a world designed for men. Abrams.
McKinsey & Company. (2024.). Closing the women’s health gap: A $1 trillion opportunity to improve lives and economies. Retrieved August 9, 2024, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240809052346/https://www.mckinsey.com/mhi/our-insights/closing-the-womens-health-gap-a-1-trillion-dollar-opportunity-to-improve-lives-and-economies
Nature. (2023). Women’s health research lacks funding – these charts show how. Nature. Retrieved June 30, 2024, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240630210427/https://www.nature.com/immersive/d41586-023-01475-2/index.html
Haddad, L. B., & Nour, N. M. (2009). Unsafe abortion: unnecessary maternal mortality. Reviews in obstetrics and gynecology, 2(2), 122.
Ghosh, A., Flowe, H., & Rockey, J. (2023). Estimating excess mortality due to female genital mutilation. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 13328.
UN Women. (2022). Poverty deepens for women and girls according to latest projections. Retrieved July 31, 2024, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240731052756/https://data.unwomen.org/features/poverty-deepens-women-and-girls-according-latest-projections
SDG Action. (2023). Poverty is not gender neutral. Retrieved July 2, 2024, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240702144109/https://sdg-action.org/poverty-is-not-gender-neutral/
Oxfam. (n.d.). Why the majority of the world’s poor are women. Retrieved June 10, 2024, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240610145451/https://www.oxfam.org/en/why-majority-worlds-poor-are-women
BMJ. (2021, March 9). Personal protective equipment is sexist. Retrieved February 22, 2024, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240222065254/https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/03/09/personal-protective-equipment-is-sexist/
The Guardian. (2019, February 23). The truth about a world built for men: Car crashes. Archived at August 4, 2024, from https://web.archive.org/web/20240804054528/https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/feb/23/truth-world-built-for-men-car-crashes
Cramer, M. (2022, September 30). The mental health toll of unpaid labor. The New York Times. Archived at August 8, 2024, from https://web.archive.org/web/20240808055830/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/30/upshot/women-mental-health-labor.html
Klein, E. (2020, January 23). The hidden work of unpaid labor. The New York Times. Archived at March 29, 2024, from https://web.archive.org/web/20240329085703/https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/23/us/unpaid-work-economy-davos.html
UNICEF. (2023). Gender norms and unpaid work. Retrieved January 13, 2024, Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240113082306/https://data.unicef.org/topic/gender/gender-norms-and-unpaid-work/
Rendall, M. S., Weden, M. M., Favreault, M. M., & Waldron, H. (2011). The protective effect of marriage for survival: a review and update. Demography, 48(2), 481-506.
Leung, C. Y., Huang, H. L., Abe, S. K., Saito, E., Islam, M. R., Rahman, M. S., ... & Inoue, M. (2022). Association of marital status with total and cause-specific mortality in Asia. JAMA network open, 5(5), e2214181-e2214181.
Drefahl, S. (2010). How does the age gap between partners affect their survival?. Demography, 47(2), 313-326.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this story from Mother Jones:
The world’s 3,000 billionaires should pay a minimum 2 percent tax on their fast-growing wealth to raise about $313 billion a year for the global fight against poverty, inequality, and global heating, ministers from four leading economies have suggested.
In a sign of growing international support for a levy on the super-rich, Brazil, Germany, South Africa, and Spain say a 2 percent tax would reduce inequality and raise much-needed public funds after the economic shocks of the pandemic, the climate crisis and military conflicts in Europe and the Middle East.
They are calling for more countries to join their campaign, saying the annual sum raised would be enough to cover the estimated cost of damage caused by all of last year’s extreme weather events.
“It is time that the international community gets serious about tackling inequality and financing global public goods,” the ministers say in a Guardian comment piece. “One of the key instruments that governments have for promoting more equality is tax policy. Not only does it have the potential to increase the fiscal space governments have to invest in social protection, education, and climate protection. Designed in a progressive way, it also ensures that everyone in society contributes to the common good in line with their ability to pay. A fair share contribution enhances social welfare.”
Brazil chairs the G20 group of leading developed and developing countries and put a billionaire tax on the agenda at a meeting of finance ministers earlier this year.
The French economist Gabriel Zucman is now fleshing out the technical details of a plan that will again be discussed by the G20 in June. France has indicated support for a wealth tax and Brazil has been encouraged that the US, while not backing a global wealth tax, did not oppose it.
Zucman said: “Billionaires have the lowest effective tax rate of any social group. Having people with the highest ability to pay tax paying the least—I don’t think anybody supports that.”
Research from Oxfam published this year found that the boom in asset prices during and after the Covid pandemic meant billionaires were $3.3 trillion—or 34 percent—wealthier at the end of 2023 than they were in 2020. Meanwhile, a study from the World Bank showed that the pandemic had brought poverty reduction to a halt.
The opinion piece, signed by ministers from two of the largest European economies—Germany and Spain—and two of the largest emerging economies—Brazil and South Africa—claims a levy on the super-rich is a necessary third pillar to complement the negotiations on the taxation of the digital economy and the introduction earlier this year of a minimum corporate tax of 15 percent for multinationals.
“The tax could be designed as a minimum levy equivalent to 2 percent of the wealth of the super-rich. It would not apply to billionaires who already contribute a fair share in income taxes. Those, however, who manage to avoid paying income tax would be obliged to contribute more towards the common good,” the ministers say.
“Persisting loopholes in the system imply that high-net-worth individuals can minimize their income taxes. Global billionaires pay only the equivalent of up to 0.5 percent of their wealth in personal income tax. It is crucial to ensure that our tax systems provide certainty, sufficient revenues, and treat all of our citizens fairly.”
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covid-safer-hotties · 11 hours
By Michael T. Kelly
On June 12, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul expressed support for a mask ban on subways and at protests while other politicians in New York City, Los Angeles and North Carolina are considering or have already passed laws that ban masks in public spaces. Disability, civil liberties and other activists have raised alarm regarding how mask bans, even with formal exemptions for health and religious reasons, offer no guarantee of fair enforcement and can stigmatize masking in general during an ongoing pandemic. This said, I argue that we should oppose mask bans due to two vital functions.
Firstly, banning masks will enable easier surveillance of oppressed groups. Surveillance technology to catch protesters has increased around the world in light of the visible outpouring of support for the pro-Palestine movement. Additionally, activists have used masks to protect themselves from repression, surveillance and doxing by right-wing provocateurs.
To quell campus movements, police and administrators have threatened protesters in Florida, Ohio and Texas with arrest for wearing masks. Students at several colleges face code of conduct charges for pro-Palestine protests, and there has been explicit targeting on prospects for future employment and student loan forgiveness. Indeed, these acts are consistent with the United States’ long record of state surveillance against Black, Indigenous, civil rights and anti-imperialist groups.
Secondly, mask bans downplay COVID-19 and thus avoid its social and political lessons. COVID-19 has been a world health crisis, taking the lives of at least seven million people globally and 1.2 million people in the U.S. COVID infections have risen in 38 states this summer, and some hospitals and venues have even reinstated mask mandates. Long COVID remains a widespread illness, affecting 6.8% of U.S. adults with fatigue, blood clots, lung, heart and neurological issues.
The first lesson of COVID some politicians are eager to bury is that combatting a contagious, airborne respiratory virus is inherently collective and interdependent. It requires a state-directed public health response. Discourses of individual responsibility, “choice” or risk assessment are ill-suited: Is the choice to not mask based on accurate information? Does this choice impinge on other people’s freedom to inhabit public space? Would a mandate affirm a social right to protect oneself and others from illness and make spaces more accessible?
While many people in the U.S. may have had COVID and been asymptomatic or recovered, this is simply not the case for many immunocompromised people, who have suffered isolation, hospitalization and death at significantly higher rates. As disability justice authors have long pointed out, people with disabilities always face the burden of adjusting their lives against an assumed, ableist normal. No assurance of masking effectively endangers many immunocompromised and high-risk people. Under the social model of disability, institutional neglect to enforce COVID mitigation is what creates disability as a form of social oppression.
The activist movements some politicians now condemn have led the way in public health practice. Participants at the Columbia University student encampment wore masks, while people with disabilities and activists have engaged in education and tough conversations regarding the importance of masking, even in leftist spaces.
Also, because COVID is a world-scale problem, it requires international cooperation that would weaken U.S. military, economic and geopolitical hegemony. In 2020, the U.S. and European Union blocked a proposal at the World Trade Organization to waive intellectual property (IP) protections so Global South nations could begin building productive capacity for vaccines and medical technology. Intellectual property regimes and patents have been a mainstay of U.S. policy since World War II through trade agreements and multilateral banking institutions like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Patent holders can hoard technology and resources that Global South nations might otherwise access freely or more cheaply. This financial power allows the U.S. to impose unilateral economic sanctions on official enemy states – Venezuela, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Nicaragua and Zimbabwe – which block medicine, food and technology, harming the population. Moves away from masking and COVID awareness further downplay the ongoing urgency to end IP and sanctions regimes for the sake of global public health.
Thus, structural changes to U.S. society are needed to address the underlying social conditions that spread illness. We can learn from the 1951 Civil Rights Congress’ We Charge Genocide petition that defined genocide as the “willful creation of conditions making for premature death, poverty and disease.”
On housing, failure to extend eviction moratoria in 2021 – a gift to landlords and real estate capital who treat homes as financial assets or sources of rent revenue – led to over 10,000 additional deaths. On criminal justice, there were calls to decarcerate as prisons are incubators of COVID, and continue questioning the social function of prisons at all. On employment, vulnerability to COVID in the workplace helped catalyze a wave of labor organizing. By downplaying COVID and banning masks, its most visible reminder, politicians help bury these important lessons.
Universities remind students and staff that their policies are consistent with county, state and CDC legal guidelines. But adherence to the U.S. Government’s public health orders is not sufficient when laws are inadequate or unjust. We can and should define our own ethos around disability, national and social liberation. Mask mandates, political education on who is vulnerable as well as public health measures to provide masks can enlist, educate and organize people toward that political project. Legislation that does not protect the vulnerable needs opposition. People should be enabled and encouraged to think for themselves when it comes to contemplating the extent to which lawmakers have the responsibility to protect their constituency.
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aronarchy · 1 year
April is child abuse prevention month
Is April the right time to rethink children’s position in society?
In child abuse research, children’s voices are often absent. What constitutes child abuse is defined by adults. Even the Convention on the Rights of the Child does not explicitly frame corporal punishment as abuse. In fact, only 14% of the world’s children are fully protected in law from all corporal punishment. Because it’s impossible to argue for different protections for adults and children in society without recurring to childist logic, this means that only 14% of the world’s children are legally protected from child abuse.
When children’s voices are taken into account, child abuse appears to us not as an aberration but as normative (“A children’s perspective on child abuse,” Mason and Falloon, 2016). Children’s definition of abuse is necessarily much broader than that of adults’, because adults have an interest in maintaining their privilege. Despite this, none of the children in Mason and Falloon’s research viewed separation from their family as a solution. In our society, when a child is being abused by their parents, the alternatives to just enduring that abuse, unless it’s seriously threatening their life, are often worse. John Holt wrote in his classic Escape from Childhood:
“Most children who lose their families remain wards of the state i.e. they are prisoners. That is the choice the law now offers. If you can’t (or won’t) be a child, you must be a convict, in some kind of jail, guarded by people whose chief concern is to keep you from running away.”
The same is true for children who are being abused (as defined by the law, it necessarily entails extreme forms of abuse). They’re taken away from their parents and handed to other adult authorities to experience more abuse. Fox Harding (1991) has tried to provide a framework for analysing child welfare policies through four perspectives: laissez-faire (patriarchy), state paternalism and child protection, the birth family and parental rights, and children’s rights and child liberation.
While the influence of the first perspective has declined in the last centuries, the only way to truly end child abuse, child and youth liberation, is still seen as unthinkable—and, as I’ve examined in another article, elicits violent reactions from adults, especially parents—as most “child liberationists” are still unwilling to compromise with the generational order (Alanen, 1992) by which relations between adults and children are structured.
Some downright reject the concept of “child abuse,” and view the attention the media has given to extreme examples of what is the normal way of adults to relate to children as obscuring its normalcy (Burton, 2018). However, I don’t entirely agree. I think that the attention the media has given to extreme examples of adult violence towards children as possibly having a beneficial impact.
Even the “usual” definition of child abuse that excludes corporal punishment and other forms of normalized adult violence encompasses behaviours that are absolutely endemic: “Globally, it is estimated that up to 1 billion children aged 2–17 years, have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence or neglect in the past year.” The recent attention to extreme examples of child abuse has started to make adults question assumption about what is normal behaviour.
Alice Miller’s texts and research on “black pedagogy” are not youth liberationist literature, but they could easily be. Research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) also could improve the social perception of children as an oppressed group (“Are children oppressed? The timely importance of answering this question,” Barth & Olsen, 2020). In France, some people have started speaking of “Ordinary educational violence” (Violences éducatives ordinaires) and “douces violences” (Schuhl, 2009).
Therefore I think retaining the child abuse framework and continuing to highlight “extreme” examples of child maltreatment well as normalized ones is useful and could help some adults realize how humanity as a whole, and not just children (as John Wall reminds us in Children’s Rights: Today’s Global Challenge), is degraded when 29.3% of the world’s population is still experiencing forms of oppression that have begun to disappear over the last centuries for other minority groups even while they remain disenfranchised and exploited.
I think that the global pandemic has been a useful moment to ask ourselves again if maybe the child liberationists of the 70s and 80s had a point. From childism in Covid-19 policies (Alwan, 2021), the ethical questions about paternalism barring children from getting vaccinations without parental consent prompts, to the dramatic increase in child abuse during lockdowns,  we realize that we aren’t all the same even in the face of disease and death. Like in all situations, children always get the short end of the stick. The situation of children during lockdowns has shown us that home, if you’re a child, is far from the best place to be. It’s actually probably the worst. (The worst, but only after school.)
The way children have been forced by adults to return to school despite all the risks makes us again question both paternalism (just as adults who refuse mask and vaccinations too made us question the supremacy of the adult as rational actor) and the institution of schooling itself, another breeding ground for “extreme” forms of abuse and another institution structured around the dominance of the adult and the submission of the child.
Is it time for the anarchist ideals of family abolition and school abolition to enter the mainstream, at least among leftists? Maybe we can start seeing why Firestone wrote her chapter “Down with Childhood!” and why Illich wrote Deschooling Society in the 70s.
I believe that in the society we live in, to “prevent” child abuse, even in it’s extreme forms, is impossible. Society is run by adults, and no privileged group—despite the fact that we’re constantly told that the case of children is “just different”—has the “best interests” of the group it oppresses at heart. Our society is structured around the notion that for the first eighteen years of your life you’re just supposed to endure mistreatment unless this mistreatment endangers your future as an adult as well. O’Neill stated in 1992 that the oppression of children is inevitable and just, and that, unlike for other marginalized people, “their main remedy is to grow up.”
But what is true of adults as a group doesn’t necessarily have to be true for the individual adult, or the adult reader of this article. The most important thing you can do to prevent child abuse is to #believekids. Always privilege the words of a child over that of their parent, guardian, teacher or any other adult. After the shameful case of #ChildQ, how do tweets like these from adults look like?
Tumblr media
[image ID: screenshot of a Twitter interaction from November 10, 2019.
Twitter user P Mali @/Malinia83 replies to a tweet by @Miss_Snuffy, saying, “Back the teacher if he/she is racist? Are you serious?”
Katharine Birbalsingh @Miss_Snuffy quote-tweets Malinia83, saying,
“Yes, I am being serious. If child says teacher is being racist, back the teacher. Whatever the child says, back the teacher.
If you don’t, you’re letting the child down and allowing them to play you for a fool.”
/end image ID]
This tweet made me think that the best way to prevent child abuse is to do exactly the opposite of what she suggests. You might not be able to change the world in one day, but you can slowly change yourself. Whatever the adult says, back the child.
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nyiibat2 · 2 months
Comparing Presidential candidates: Donald Trump Republican candidate:
Republican Candidate ex Presidential elect Donald Trump policies:
Trump is running for presidency again after not being reelected in 2020, during his four year run from 2016 to 2020 he implemented policies that alot did not agree with or find fair. His polices for his 2024 campaign include:
“Climate change
Trump opposes most climate change legislation, a position that hasn’t changed since his term in the White House. During his presidency, he withdrew the United States from the Paris Agreement, a global climate initiative that Biden rejoined once he took office. Trump also says supporters of climate change are trying to destroy the nation’s energy industry. As president, Trump rolled back swaths of the nation’s environmental regulations, and he has regularly minimized the effects of climate change around the world. He has vowed to increase domestic oil and gas production and has said he opposes existing government subsidies for wind power development.”
“Crime & policing
Trump is making public safety concerns, particularly crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, a centerpiece of his campaign. He supports increased powers for police and says Democratic policies are leading to crime sprees in big cities. A Gallup poll found 77% of Americans agree with him that crime is on the rise, despite FBI evidence to the contrary. Meanwhile, opponents say his proposed crackdowns threaten civil liberties. During his term in office, Trump did sign the First Step Act into law, which expanded some early-release programs for people convicted of crimes and reduced certain mandatory minimum sentences, among other changes. He also issued several high-profile pardons and commutations while in office, working alongside Kim Kardashian on some efforts.”
Trump has called for closing the U.S. Department of Education. He wants to turn education over to the states, although states already control funding and school curriculum, and give parents more say in running schools. While education has not been a major focus of his campaign, he has taken firm stances on cultural issues that often impact education. He supports a ban on transgender students’ participation in school sports and has praised the Supreme Court’s rulings targeting affirmative action programs in higher education. He has criticized Biden’s efforts to cancel student loan debt for millions of borrowers. In 2023 he also praised the Supreme Court justices for striking down a chunk of Biden’s plan, which Trump called unfair for people who have paid back their educational loans.”
Trump receives some of his highest marks from voters on his handling of the economy. A Wall Street Journal poll in March found a majority of voters said they trust him to do a better job than Biden in bringing down inflation, a top economic concern. In 2017, Trump and his fellow Republicans passed a $1.5 trillion tax overhaul, which would expire during the next president’s term in 2025. He has criticized the growing federal debt, though his critics point out that the nation’s budget and debt increased under Trump’s watch. The former president has also been more skeptical of free trade initiatives and agreements than some of his Republican counterparts, going so far as to start a trade war with China during his term in office.”
“Foreign policy
As he did in 2016, Trump is promoting an “America First” agenda that is suspicious of free trade and alliances with other countries, such as NATO. Trump also wants to pull back on U.S. defense commitments, throwing into doubt aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia. He has a tendency to praise authoritarian leaders in Russia, China and North Korea, but has criticized the actions of China and Iran. Trump has promised to support Israel in its ongoing war against Hamas, but he has also been critical of Israeli leaders.”
“Health care
Trump tried and failed to repeal the health care law signed by his predecessor, former President Barack Obama. Now, Trump says he does not want to repeal it but to improve it and make it cheaper. He has not released a specific plan. As president, he did sign legislation to increase funding for substance use disorder treatment in the wake of the opioid epidemic, and in 2017 he declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency. However, on the campaign trail Trump has been more focused on addressing the spread of fentanyl in the U.S., taking aim at drug cartels in Mexico.”
Trump has promised the biggest deportation and border arrest programs in American history, and the border has been his signature issue since he entered politics. The former president has said he will expand upon his past policies with plans to direct law enforcement and the National Guard to deport millions of undocumented immigrants. During his White House term, Trump famously vowed to build a wall on the U.S. southern border, though he did not complete that goal while he was in office. His administration’s policy of separating immigrant families prompted international condemnation. He also made efforts to ban travelers from a group of Muslim-majority countries.”
“Reproductive rights
Trump says individual states should set their own laws on abortion, not the federal government. His stance disappointed abortion opponents, as did his warning to Republicans against supporting bans across the country that are too restrictive. He has criticized six-week bans that are law in several states but has not specified what he would support. He has also not specified whether he supports access to mifepristone, the abortion pill, a question before the Supreme Court. Trump says abortion laws should include exceptions for rape, incest and several medical emergencies. Trump appointed three of the six pivotal Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade.” {Source USAtoday.com}
Trump also supports the project 2025 fascist regime bill from the heritage foundation which includes but is not limited to Quote taking away food stamps, social security, banning the department of education. Taking away veterans rights, banning no clause divorce, banning medicare and so much more” And quote.
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nicklloydnow · 2 years
“Mr. Knight, 75, is the founder of the Voluntary Human Extinction movement, which is less a movement than a loose consortium of people who believe that the best thing humans can do to help the Earth is to stop having children.
Mr. Knight added the word “voluntary” decades ago to make it clear that adherents do not support mass murder or forced birth control, nor do they encourage suicide. Their ethos is echoed in their motto, “May we live long and die out,” and in another one of their slogans, which Mr. Knight hangs at various conventions and street fairs: “Thank you for not breeding.”
On Nov. 15, the Earth became home to a record eight billion human beings. Despite declining birthrates, the number is forecast to peak at 10.4 billion in the coming decades, in large part because of increases in life expectancy and decreases in child mortality.
One of the most effective ways to combat global warming, say both climate activists and those concerned about overpopulation, is to expand access to education for girls around the world, in addition to birth control and family planning. Nearly half of all pregnancies worldwide, some 121 million a year, are unintended. The Center of Biological Diversity, for its part, has handed out a million endangered species-themed condoms, colorfully packaged with slogans such as “for the sake of the horned lizard, slow down, love wizard.”
But it is rare to find anyone who publicly goes as far as Mr. Knight, who never had children and got a vasectomy in 1973 at the age of 25. Beyond advocating for universal access to birth control and opposing what he calls reproductive fascism, or “the lack of freedom to not procreate,” Mr. Knight says that despite our many achievements, humans are a net detriment to the Earth.
“Look what we did to this planet,” Mr. Knight said during a chat in his sunlit backyard one warm morning this fall. “We’re not a good species.”
“We came to be and then ran amok,” Mr. Knight said. “And because we’re smart enough, we should know enough to end it.”
“People mention music and art and literature and the great things that we have done — it’s funny they don’t ever mention the bad things we’ve done,” he continued. “I don’t think the whales will miss our songs.”
While the United States saw an increase in births during the coronavirus pandemic, reversing the country’s declining birthrate, a 2020 poll found that one in four Americans who had not had children cited climate change as a reason. Research has shown that having one fewer child is perhaps the most significant way to reduce one’s carbon footprint, and while Mr. Knight doesn’t like to push his beliefs on people, he likes to think there are some humans who don’t exist because of his efforts.”
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50 Cent executive MBA Class Omari Hardwick style class it's a style and look GQ man of the year and time magazine man of the year New York City man of the year and America's man of the year Allen Henry aka Free World 🌎 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , 2022 and again 2023 and did I mention I won the Nobel memorial prizes twice 2019 and 2021 for economic sciences and the Nobel peace prize 🏆 with good company like Martin Luther King JR he won his back then I won it a couple years ago and I'm still living and yeah Martin Luther King Jr is my role model he has a class of excellence politics and style about him that I love I champion MLK they don't give him enough props
50 Cent executive MBA Class Omari Hardwick style class it's a style and look
Suits and ties
The town go back to 50 Cent and I get a piece of the action ( New York City ) As an MBA conducting my business in New York the 16th captain and current captain of New York City I made NY Yankees history , thank you .
And I'm going for riverside drive
The new ferry Sports centurion museum and factories for manufacturing and production .
And I'll take Manhattan at least the great parts of it to conduct business as a mover and shaker And Queens business centers .
Then I also am going global with my business and music and betterment movement .
In return I draw up politics to fix up the Bronx , Brooklyn , Harlem , Staten Island and Queens
Politics - ✓Living wages minimum wage increase and tax cuts ✓Job safety and secure in occupation act ✓Fair chance act to compete for jobs ✓Increased employment opportunities in New York City for the formerly incarcerated and full time and permanent employment for people on human resources administration public assistance Into full stable employment with union protection securing their job and future .
New York City accomplishments
I got hotels for the homeless in New York City 2021
I got Amazon workers their union contract
I got Starbucks workers their union contract
I got the minimum wage increased from $ 11 dollars an hour to $ 15 dollars to $ 17 dollars an hour
I got the fair chance to compete for a job act of 2019 in New York City and California hopefully other cities and countries are going to follow suit
I legalized marijuana in New York City
I cleaned up fox square in Brooklyn , NY
Free college education in New York City
Free gym membership for people on Medicare
Citi bikes for New Yorkers
Benefit monetary assistance increase for snap and cash assistance recipients
Rikers Island tablet program podcasts and video games for inmates in jail to help stop crime violent crime in prison and to help rehabilitate the guy or woman and stop the back and forth of them going to jail . The tablet have podcasts and programs for Job Search legal research and books to read to help them become better citizens in the free society .
Laws I'm proposing
Job Safety and secure act - 2022
Fair banking act - 2022
Retirement investment plan for employees IRA act - 2022
Ready , willing and able Expansive territory act - 2023
Riverside drive Expansion project act - 2023
The new ferry from New Jersey to New York City - 2023
School sports culture expansion Act Copperas Cove , Texas
Rikers Island schooling expansion act Added on Basic education classes on Rikers Island on the tablet , college programs on the program , online school on the Tablet . -2023
NYCHA ( New York City Housing projects ) plans and ideas for improvement
The New Trench town rock - 2021 , 2022 , 2023
And many other pitches and proposals rebuilding the workforce , wages and structure of New York city and cities like New York .
Next order of business : My Plans for infrastructure in a utopian society hotels jobs pay raise on citizens paycheck from 15 $ - 17 $ dollars minimum wage pay to 19$ dollars to 20$ dollars an hour to better provide for all costs emergencies uncovered insurance payments due to partial health care coverage and full union membership granted to employees of any company free education grants and school loans payment plans
Pay raise for school teachers in every city at junior high school , high school and elementary school level since they are stewards of our children's future .
Pay raise for civil service workers and Civil service exams made and updated daily to the public , school crossing guards , correction officers , supervisors , probation officers , construction site supervisors .
Pay raise for day care workers
Free day care services for temporarily unemployed mothers and fathers
Pay raise for city fire fighters and police officers .
Job contractors fulfilling contracts with back to work public assistance programs that train and employ job candidates without their high school diploma or GED and granting them full employment with full medical and medicare coverage union membership and back to school Acces Vocational rehabilitation counseling and restoration of financial aid assistance for non violent crimes like drug sellers and abusers to stop recidivism to prison and to cure an addiction to a habit of committing perpetual crimes thus creating repeat offenders .
Jobs moving back to inner cities through the effort of study and research groups from urban planning courses from their neighboring colleges .
Tax abatement and financial incentives and business incentives and tax breaks .
Joe Biden and vice president Kamala Harris should include this law into all of their plan for cleaning up America I'm glad to see it go beyond New York City and other counties in New York I want to share this honor with author Michelle Alexander who I did my research from her book about mass incarceration of the black and Latino community and the political office and my friends that help put this law in place I reached out to hopefully stop the recidivism to prison and hopefully to help some of my friends and people that go back and forth to jail because they couldn't get a job due to the felonies on their record I recommend a certificate of relief of disabilities to all people returning to society if they haven't given you one go get it from your county's or borough courthouse it works wonders .
Next order of business : Tax cuts to help the everyday person keep more of their check in their pockets cut the tax rates in New York City by 4 percent I see it as New York State taxes % 8.82 to % 4 percent and business tax cuts to create more jobs Proposal For a Wage increase of $ 22 dollars an hour Including : Fire safety directors Security guards Librarians Fed Ex workers UPS workers Ready Willing and able with free vocational grants from access vr programs they should hire vocational rehabilitation counselors and job developers finding permanent housing and permanent job placement after the clients training Stock Clerks and cashier's at major stores like Gristedes , C Town , met foods , Burlington coat factory wage increase for all warehousing and factory workers jack pallet and forklift training for people with no experience and a starting salary at $ 17 - 19 $ dollars an hour and it increase with more time on the job how about the first year at that base salary of $ 17 - 19 $ dollars and on the even of that year the employee gets an raise of $ 2 dollars more on their check and other financial incentives as cash allocation from their check for newly place employee mutual fund packages besides with other benefits that said company is offering this helps to place that company on the stock market grant their employees preferred stock options from their company that they work for at that current moment and because of the huge huge employee buy in it is like the employers are investing in their employees and their stores and company .
Educational requirements for jobs posted is less than a high school diploma but the job candidate has to be in a vocational program or GED preparation course half or full time hours .
Civil service jobs and exams posted weekly .
Sales professional salary plus commission on sales and stock options for mutual funds packages as bonuses with an wage increase to $ 19 dollars to $ 21 dollars an hour .
Newly added benefits to a job description benefits an employer on jobs posted give to their employees an employer get to hold back cash or take money out of an employees check to put towards a mutual funds stock fund option to help that client make more money as a second job the municipals funds and stock and funds and stock and then you gotta get hedge funds option packaged in to help the employees money make more money for them talk about overtime whew and at the same time that local market and store owner can put his company on the stock market and give out public shares thus in the end making it a good investment a regular place of shopping in a family like environment it is like getting to know your deli clerk , butcher , bakery attendant again only this time you are making money with the people you are spending money with Think about it that in turns build better communities better stores customer relationships safer neighborhoods and the beautifying of economically depressed environments more money for your kids college tuition school supplies newer roads being built leading to and from better neighborhoods and businesses and this is a future that we all as fellow New Yorkers can build together .
New Infrastructure plans
Widening sidewalks for more bikes and outdoor cafes - for the Harlem and Brooklyn New York City's 🏙️🌆 all over the world .
Reducing CO2 emissions
Clean up riverbank and riverside and create stores and entertainment on the water - using waste water management and sewage clean up and stopping illegal toxic poisons dumping in the water .
Repair tunnels , bridges and roads and rerouting towards businesses .
The waterside of any community is the gathering point for recreation .
Create projects to treat 100 % waste water and all illegal dumping and teach people how to care about their rivers - clean up the rivers and water in Brazil .
Conservation create more parks out of swamp lands did you know Central Park 🏞️ in New York City was once a swamp .
Emperor Dom Pedro abolished slavery in Brazil .
Brazil city inner city neighborhoods the slums a place of great fun and adventures - put in place street lamps , electricity , internet , sewage and running water .
Follow Tokyo model - Cleanliness of streets and cleanliness of public transportation , extensive railroads , largest economy , rich soil .
Japan leads in global transition to automation , electric cars and humanoids robots .
Create programmed robots as student tutors with programmed subjects in library centers in group discussion rooms .
Own Hydrogen stations like it is a gas station ⛽
Tokyo is a technology super power of inventions .
Research Tokyo bay aqueduct deal traffic eased and congestion eased by 11 billion dollars mega project that was 1/3 bridges and 2/3 tunnels created out of dry lands .
Japan runs on a seafood diet Urban rail network 40 million train riders a day everyday .
Former trash lands being converted to parks and will even host the Olympics .
Need trucks that drive by each community that sprays an air borne vaccine to help people's well being and longevity of their lives , cutting nicotine habits and controls appetite .
London and New York command center for global economy .
Hydrogen powered vehicles hydrogen oxygen electricity water .
Tokyo most advanced major city with automation and robots that help people regardless of age and nationality .
Need robots that teach Feng shu , tai chi , Kung Fu , Robot doctors , nurses for mental health and surgeons .
Running water and water pumps for Mexico city tap water for each house in Mexico city 🏙️ .
Funding for water fixes .
Study Croton aqueduct - water distribution system cures housing areas with poor sanitation and no running water also cures poor hygiene practices .
Women suffrage and worker's rights in those countries are important .
Water for Bangledash ( Dhaka ) water distribution systems water pumps and clean running water so that the people can cook clean and drink safe healthy water while also having water to wash their clothes
Cleaning the garbage islands in River bank estimated $ 10 - $ 20 million dollar job of cleaning up Riverside drive water from that stink smell and the debris and garbage Bottles
Plastic bags Pipes
And I propose The City of New York build the new ferry Riverboat for harbor crossing to New Jersey be placed on Riverside Drive it Save commuters time and money on transportation from and to New York City creation of Job opportunities , New architecture of communities in New York city restoration of environmentally depressed neighbors like the Grand Concourse neighborhood in the Bronx , New York City thus bringing more jobs to that neighborhood and creating economic vitality for all New Yorkers . New electric trains and platforms on the outside train on 149th street on Grand Concourse in Bronx , New York City .
Pimp my ride TV Show Car dealership on river bank
Environmental impact report : Production and manufacturing factories on Riverbank Harlem Riverside drive bring if not millions of Jobs back to New Yorkers but definitely thousands of jobs back to the city of New York Car museum
ESPN sports center Sports centurion museum celebrating 100 years and better of sports museum with pictures and memorabilia from baseball ⚾ 🏀 , basketball , soccer ⚽ , cricket , rugby , 🏈 football , NASCAR car racing , 🐴 Horse racing And maybe the Olympics on Riverbank Factory and car lot on Riverside Drive in Harlem
New York City Factory : Products in manufacturing ( making the products ) Warehouse 1_ Post cereal Honey bunches of oats , Kelloggs corn flakes cereal Warehouse 2_ Car manufacturing Car parts Warehouse 3_ Bread factory Warehouse 4_ Electronics appliances factory Warehouse 5_ Boat 🚢 manufacturing facility Warehouse 6_ 👟 Sneaker factory
Warehouse 7_ Railroad train track factory
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This is for young mothers without any help in the house feed your babies good food 🥝 so they grow up and play sports and make their mom proud 🪴. It is never too late for your education learn with your kids use free daycare services and self learn any skills you need to increase your value in the employment market .
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bloggingforu · 2 years
National Science Day 2023: History, Theme, Quotes, Significance
What is National Science Day 2023
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National Science Day is a day of celebration across India at the end of February, on 28th day of February each year, to celebrate an important discovery of the Raman Effect by Indian physicist Sir C. V. Raman in 1928.
There is a belief that the Raman Effect is a scientific phenomenon in which light scatters when it passes through the medium. Its discovery led to an award of Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.
The aim is to emphasize the significance of science in our daily lives as well as to acknowledge the achievements of Indian scientists and to foster curiosity and enthusiasm for science for people of all age groups.
The celebrations are organized by organizing a variety of events including scientific fairs, exhibitions, and seminars, in addition to scientific lectures, debates and quizzes.
The National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, organizes celebrations for National Science Day in collaboration with various research institutes as well as educational institutions and other organizations across the country.
bloggingforu Provides You with knowledgeable and Informational content.
History of National Science Day
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The genesis of National Science Day date back to 1986 when the Indian government created the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) under the Department of Science and Technology (DST) to foster the scientific method and develop the development of a scientific mindset in the general population.
The NCSTC set the 28th of February to be National Science Day to commemorate the discovery of the Raman Effect by Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman in 1928. First National Science Day was observed on February 28, 1987, with various scientific activities that were held across the country.
The day was inaugurated by the prime minister of the time India, Rajiv Gandhi, in order to encourage research in the field and create a spirit of curiosity about science throughout the country. Since its beginning, it is observed each year on February 28 in celebration of science and technology.
The themes selected are designed to highlight different aspects of scientific research and its effect on society. Some examples could be “Science for Sustainable Development,” “Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future,” “Science and Society,” and “Women in Science.”
National Science Day Theme 2023
The theme for National Science Day 2023 is “Global Science for Global Wellbeing”.
here are some of the past themes for National Science Day in India:
2022: “Science and Technology for Sustainable Development with Equity.”
2021: “Future of STI: Impacts on Education, Skills, and Work.”
2020: “Women in Science.”
2019: “Science for the People and the People for Science.”
2018: “Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future.”
2017: “Science and Technology for Specially Abled Persons.”
2016: “Scientific Issues for Development of the Nation.”
2015: “Science for Nation Building.”
2014: “Fostering Scientific Temper.”
2013: “Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security.”
These themes reflect the changing priorities and challenges facing Indian society, and emphasize the role of science and technology in promoting sustainable development, social inclusivity, and scientific temper.
National Science Day Quotes 2023
Here are a few National Science Day quotes that highlight the importance of science and technology:
“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.” — Edward Teller
“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.” — Louis Pasteur
“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” — Carl Sagan
“The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.” — William Bragg
“Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.” — Carl Sagan
“Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organizing our curiosity.” — Tim Minchin
“Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it.” — A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
“Science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul.” — François Rabelais
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gulf-post · 23 hours
Guide to Landing Opportunities in Gulf Job Vacancies for Freshers
The Gulf region, known for its rapid economic growth and diverse job opportunities, is an attractive destination for fresh graduates seeking to kickstart their careers. With countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait continuously expanding, the demand for skilled labor is on the rise. This blog post will guide you through the landscape of job vacancies for freshers in the Gulf, providing tips on how to secure a position that aligns with your career goals.
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Understanding the Job Market
The Gulf job market is vibrant and diverse, covering sectors such as:
Hospitality and Tourism: With major events like Expo 2020 and a booming tourism industry, there are numerous opportunities in hotels, restaurants, and travel agencies.
Construction and Engineering: As cities expand and infrastructure projects are launched, there is a constant demand for engineers, project managers, and skilled labor.
Healthcare: The healthcare sector is evolving rapidly, especially in the wake of global health challenges. Positions are available for nurses, technicians, and administrative staff.
Information Technology: With the digital transformation underway, there’s a significant need for IT professionals in areas like software development, cybersecurity, and data analysis.
Education: International schools and universities in the Gulf are on the lookout for fresh educators, particularly in subjects like English, Mathematics, and Science.
Where to Find Job Vacancies
Online Job Portals: Websites like gulf post, Bayt, GulfTalent, and NaukriGulf are excellent platforms to find job listings specifically for the Gulf region.
Social Media: LinkedIn is a powerful tool for networking and finding job opportunities. Make sure your profile is updated and engage with industry-specific groups.
Recruitment Agencies: Partnering with recruitment agencies can help you gain access to job openings that may not be advertised publicly.
Company Websites: Many companies prefer to list job openings on their own websites. Research potential employers and keep an eye on their careers page.
Tips for Freshers
Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume for each job application. Highlight relevant skills, internships, and projects that relate to the position you are applying for.
Networking: Attend job fairs and industry events. Networking can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview. Connect with professionals in your field to gain insights and referrals.
Internships and Volunteering: If you’re struggling to find a full-time position, consider internships or volunteer opportunities. These experiences can enhance your resume and provide valuable industry exposure.
Prepare for Interviews: Research common interview questions and practice your responses. Be ready to discuss your skills and how they align with the company’s goals.
Stay Updated on Visa Regulations: Understanding the visa process is crucial. Ensure you’re familiar with the requirements for working in the Gulf, as they can vary by country.
The Gulf job market is filled with opportunities for fresh graduates. With the right approach, persistence, and preparation, you can land a job that sets the foundation for a successful career. Stay proactive, keep learning, and embrace the adventure of working in this dynamic region. Good luck on your job hunt!
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urbtnews · 6 days
Culinary Tourism Market | Top Factors Responsible for the Rapid Growth in the 2020-2027
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Culinary Tourism Market | Top Factors Responsible for the Rapid Growth in the 2020-2027 Stay Trendy with URBTNews.com ( Subscribe Today Free!) The culinary tourism market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.8% from 2020 to 2027, reaching ,796.5 billion in 2027. Key Market Trends in Culinary Tourism WILMINGTON, DE, UNITED STATES, September 13, 2024 / EINPresswire.com / -- Culinary tourism, characterized by food as the main motivation for travel, has experienced significant growth in recent years. Travelers increasingly seek immersive experiences that reflect the culture, history, and essence of a destination through its cuisine. The culinary tourism market flourishes due to shifting consumer preferences, heightened interest in unique experiences, and growing recognition of food as a gateway to cultural understanding. Market Overview Culinary tourism encompasses diverse activities such as food festivals, cooking classes, wine tastings, farm-to-table experiences, street food tours, and dining at renowned restaurants. As a dynamic segment of the broader travel industry, culinary tourism's popularity continues to rise globally. Valued at ,116.7 billion in 2019, the market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 16.8% from 2020 to 2027, reaching ,796.5 billion in 2027. Several factors contribute to this growth, including increased disposable incomes, a surge in international travel, and the rise of social media platforms that showcase unique culinary experiences. Travelers increasingly flock to destinations that offer distinctive and authentic food experiences, such as local delicacies, traditional cooking techniques, and opportunities to engage with food producers. 📚 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/A06326 Key Market Trends Focus on Authenticity and Local ExperiencesModern travelers crave authenticity when exploring new destinations, and cuisine provides an accessible way to connect with local culture. Visitors increasingly opt for destinations that offer opportunities to learn about local ingredients, traditional cooking methods, and regional cuisines. Cities recognized for their culinary scenes, such as Tokyo, Paris, and Bangkok, have emerged as culinary hotspots with unique and diverse offerings. Sustainability and Farm-to-Table MovementConsumers prioritize where their food originates and its production method. The farm-to-table movement emphasizes sustainability, fresh ingredients, and supporting local farmers, resonating with this growing awareness. Culinary tourists increasingly seek organic and sustainable food options, especially in rural or agritourism areas where they witness firsthand how food is sourced and prepared. Food Festivals and EventsFood festivals play a central role in culinary tourism, attracting large crowds globally. Events like the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival, Italy's Alba White Truffle Fair, and New Orleans' Mardi Gras serve as major tourism drivers. These gatherings immerse travelers in local food culture while providing opportunities for chefs and food producers to showcase their talents. Influence of Social MediaSocial media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube significantly promote culinary tourism. Food influencers and travel bloggers document their dining experiences, igniting a desire among followers to explore new destinations for culinary experiences. “Foodstagramming” has become a trend, with travelers planning trips around viral restaurants or markets seen on social media. Culinary Tours and Cooking ClassesDemand for interactive and educational experiences rapidly grows among culinary tourists. Travelers desire more than mere food tasting; they want to learn how to cook traditional dishes or uncover the history behind various cuisines. Cooking classes, guided food tours, and vineyard visits have become staples of culinary tourism, adding educational value to the travel experience. Opportunities for Growth The culinary tourism market stands poised for continued growth, driven by several opportunities: Emerging MarketsAdventurous travelers increasingly gravitate toward destinations in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, known for their unique and diverse food offerings. Countries like Vietnam, Mexico, and South Africa attract culinary tourists with their rich culinary heritage and distinct flavors. Tech Integration and PersonalizationIntegrating technology, including mobile apps and virtual reality, into culinary tourism enhances personalized travel experiences. Mobile apps offering restaurant recommendations, food tours, and booking services have become essential tools for tourists. Additionally, virtual and augmented reality can allow travelers to preview food tours or cooking classes before making commitments. Health and Wellness TourismAn intersection between culinary tourism and wellness tourism emerges as travelers increasingly seek healthy, organic, and balanced dining experiences. Destinations promoting wellness through food offerings, like organic restaurants, plant-based diets, and detox programs, tap into the wellness tourism trend. Challenges and Considerations Despite myriad opportunities, the culinary tourism market faces challenges: Economic UncertaintyFluctuating global economies, consumer spending habit changes, and potential travel restrictions due to pandemics or geopolitical events can impact culinary tourism growth. Destinations depending on international tourism may struggle during global travel disruptions. OvertourismPopular food destinations risk suffering from overtourism, leading to overcrowding, local infrastructure strain, and authenticity loss. Sustainable tourism management remains crucial for maintaining destination appeal while preserving cultural integrity. Cultural SensitivityAs tourists increasingly seek exotic food experiences, the risk of cultural insensitivity or exploitation rises. Tourists and businesses alike must respect local customs, food traditions, and ethical practices in culinary tourism. Insights on Culinary Tourism Demand The culinary tourism market thrives as food increasingly becomes a central aspect of travel experiences. Travelers reframe from being passive consumers, engaging actively with the culture, history, and people behind the food. As the industry evolves, significant growth potential exists within emerging destinations, innovative tech-driven experiences, and sustainable practices emphasizing local food systems and cultural authenticity. 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/pet-travel-services-market-A31661 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/beard-trimmer-market-A16870 David Correa Allied Market Research + +1 800-792-5285 email us here Visit us on social media: Facebook X Legal Disclaimer: EIN Presswire provides this news content "as is" without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the author above. Please replace `IMAGE_URL_HERE` with the actual image URL you'd like to insert at the top of the article. Ensure to review and adjust any specific needs according to your WordPress theme or implementation requirements. Read the full article
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charcha-equity · 23 days
India’s STEM Challenge: Bridging Gaps for a Brighter Future
As we witness rapid global changes, education has become one of the most critical factors in determining a country’s success. In India, where diversity is abundant, there’s an urgent need for a dynamic education system that meets the requirements of a rapidly globalizing world. STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—has emerged as a vital element in this journey, helping to prepare India’s young minds for future challenges.
Why STEM Matters in Today’s India
STEM education is much more than the sum of its parts. It’s about developing a way of thinking that integrates knowledge from multiple disciplines to solve real-life problems. This holistic approach is vital in a world where science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are deeply interconnected. For India, a country aspiring to be at the forefront of global innovation, prioritizing STEM education is not an option—it’s a necessity.
India's path to becoming a global innovation leader hinges on nurturing a strong STEM workforce. The country’s youthful demographic presents a unique opportunity, but to seize it, there must be a focused commitment to STEM education. This education is the key to filling the skill gaps that exist, particularly in high-demand sectors like information technology, biotechnology, engineering, and data science.
Beyond economic growth, STEM education also plays a critical role in promoting social mobility. When students from diverse backgrounds are given the opportunity to study STEM, it helps to reduce inequality and fosters a more inclusive society. This is especially important in rural and underserved communities where access to quality education is limited. Furthermore, encouraging more girls and women to enter STEM fields is crucial for bridging the gender gap and promoting equality in the workforce, empowering women to excel in fields traditionally dominated by men.
Also Read: STEM Kits from Abhay Bhutada Foundation Empower Pune Students
Navigating the Current Landscape of STEM Education in India
While the importance of STEM is well-recognized, India faces numerous challenges in implementing effective STEM education. The country has made progress through initiatives like the Atal Innovation Mission and the National Education Policy 2020, both of which emphasize quality education and innovation. However, the road ahead is filled with obstacles, particularly in rural areas where infrastructure and resources are often lacking.
Many schools do not have the necessary equipment, such as modern labs, technology, or adequately trained teachers, which are crucial for effective STEM learning. Moreover, the focus on rote learning—where memorization takes precedence over understanding—remains a major hurdle. This outdated method is at odds with STEM education’s focus on critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.
Also Read: The Role of Abhay Bhutada in Steering His Foundation Towards Social Change
The Way Forward: Strategies for Strengthening STEM Education
To unlock the full potential of STEM education, several steps must be taken. Both public and private sectors need to invest in building and upgrading school infrastructure, especially in rural areas. This includes setting up modern laboratories, equipping schools with the latest technologies, and ensuring that they have the resources to offer high-quality STEM education.
Teachers play a pivotal role in this journey. Providing continuous professional development and training is essential to ensure they have the skills to teach STEM subjects effectively. This training should cover modern teaching techniques, technological tools, and practical applications of STEM principles.
Encouraging hands-on learning is another priority. Schools should create spaces where students can engage in activities like science fairs, robotics contests, and coding clubs, fostering a culture of experimentation and creativity. Efforts must also be made to make STEM education accessible to all, with targeted initiatives aimed at encouraging girls and students from marginalized backgrounds to pursue these fields.
Also Read: Empowering Future Generations: A Look at Prominent Educational Initiatives in India
Conclusion: Building a Future-Ready India
STEM education is crucial for India’s development. It provides the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of the modern world, promotes economic progress, and contributes to a more inclusive society. However, to harness its full potential, India must overcome challenges related to infrastructure, teacher training, and access. With focused investments and strategic policies, India can lay the foundation for a future where its youth are equipped to lead, innovate, and succeed on the global stage.
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pooma-education · 29 days
The New Education Policy (NEP) 2024 is a comprehensive framework aimed at transforming the Indian education system from school to higher education. The policy, which was last updated in 1986 and modified in 1992, was extensively overhauled by the Modi-led BJP government in 2020 to address the evolving needs of the educational landscape in India. The NEP 2024 builds upon the changes introduced in 2020 and focuses on making India a "global knowledge superpower."
The policy is grounded in five key pillars:
▪️Access: Ensuring education is accessible to all, from early childhood through higher education.
▪️Equity: Promoting fairness in education and bridging gaps for disadvantaged groups.
▪️Quality: Improving educational standards and outcomes.
▪️Affordability: Reducing financial barriers to education.
▪️Accountability: Increasing transparency and accountability in educational governance.
▪️Expanded Schooling Age:
The policy extends the age for compulsory schooling from 6-14 years to 3-18 years. It incorporates three years of pre-schooling (ages 3-6) into the school curriculum and replaces the old 10+2 structure with a new 5+3+3+4 model to cover foundational, preparatory, middle, and secondary stages.
▪️Emphasis on Mother Tongue:
The NEP promotes education in the mother tongue or local language, especially up to Grade 5, aligning with the "three-language formula." This approach aims to enhance comprehension and learning outcomes by using the child's native language.
▪️Unified Higher Education Governance:
The Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) will serve as a single regulatory body for all higher education institutions (excluding medical and legal fields), replacing bodies like UGC, AICTE, and NCTE.
▪️Interdisciplinary Education:
NEP blurs traditional boundaries between arts, sciences, vocational, and academic streams, allowing students to choose subjects from various disciplines. Vocational education will begin in Grade 6, integrated with internships.
▪️Flexible Undergraduate Education:
The policy reintroduces the Four-Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUP) with multiple exit options, allowing students to earn a certificate, diploma, or degree based on the duration of their study. An Academic Bank of Credit will also be established to store and transfer academic credits.
▪️Universal Access to Education:
NEP aims to ensure universal access to education at all levels, with a focus on holistic development through a combination of formal and informal learning methods and the inclusion of vocational courses from pre-school to 12th grade.
▪️Foundational Literacy and Numeracy:
The policy emphasizes foundational literacy and numeracy, directing states to implement plans to achieve these skills for all primary school students by 2025.
▪️Project-Based Learning:
The curriculum will focus on experiential learning and critical thinking, with reduced course content to foster 21st-century skills and project-based learning starting from the middle stage (Grades 6-8).
▪️Increasing Higher Education Enrollment:
The NEP targets increasing the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education to 50% by 2035 from 26.3% in 2018, addressing the high dropout rates through flexible learning options.
▪️Par with Regular Courses:
The policy seeks to bring online and distance learning to parity with regular courses, enhancing the quality and recognition of remote education.
▪️Technological Integration:
The National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) will facilitate the use of technology in education, enhancing classroom experiences, teacher training, and educational management.
▪️International Collaboration:
The policy encourages global collaborations and the establishment of international campuses in India, promoting the exchange of knowledge and resources.
▪️Increased Public Investment:
The NEP aims for significant public investment in education, targeting 6% of GDP to enhance infrastructure and educational quality.
Since its introduction, the NEP 2024 has been implemented in phases across various institutions. However, challenges remain, including the need for a substantial number of qualified teachers, adequate funding, and the creation of new universities to meet enrollment targets. The policy also requires careful management to balance the flexibility of multiple entry and exit points with the needs of a large student population.
The NEP 2024 presents a visionary framework designed to overhaul India's education system, fostering an inclusive, equitable, and high-quality educational environment that can support the nation's socio-economic growth. If implemented effectively, it has the potential to transform India into a global leader in education.
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teslaproperties · 1 month
Top 10 Reasons to Buy Real Estate in Dubai
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Dubai, a city known for its luxurious lifestyle, stunning architecture, and world-class amenities, has become one of the most desirable places to live and invest. Whether you're looking to buy real estate in Dubai for personal use or as an investment, the city offers a wealth of opportunities. Here are the top 10 reasons why investing in Dubai real estate is a smart choice.
1. High Return on Investment (ROI)
Dubai is renowned for its high rental yields, which are among the best in the world. Whether you're investing in luxury apartments in Dubai or villas, the city offers strong potential for capital appreciation and rental income. Certain areas like Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, and Palm Jumeirah are particularly lucrative, making property investment in Dubai an attractive option.
2. Tax-Free Environment
One of the most compelling reasons to buy property in Dubai is the city's tax-free environment. There are no property taxes or capital gains taxes, allowing investors to maximize their returns. This makes Dubai a highly attractive destination for both local and international investors.
3. World-Class Infrastructure
Dubai is home to some of the most advanced and modern infrastructure in the world. The city offers top-notch healthcare, educational, and recreational resources in addition to cutting-edge transit systems, such as the Dubai Metro. This high standard of living makes it an ideal place to buy a home in Dubai for your family or as an investment.
4. Strategic Location
Dubai's strategic location between Europe, Asia, and Africa makes it a key global economic centre. The city's central location means it's just a few hours away from major global cities, making it a prime location for international businesses and investors looking to buy real estate in Dubai.
5. Safe and Secure Environment
Dubai is known for its safety and low crime rates, making it one of the safest cities in the world. This security, coupled with political stability, provides peace of mind for those looking to buy property in Dubai. Whether you're living there or renting out your property, you can be assured of a safe and secure environment.
6. Diverse Property Options
Dubai has a large selection of homes to fit all preferences and price ranges. From opulent villas and luxury apartments in Dubai to affordable townhouses and studio apartments, there is a property to buy in Dubai for everyone. This diversity makes it easy for investors and homebuyers to find something that matches their specific needs.
7. Strong and Transparent Legal Framework
The UAE government has implemented a robust and transparent legal framework that protects the rights of property owners and investors. When you work with a reputable real estate agency in Dubai, you can be confident that the buying process will be secure and straightforward. The Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) ensures that all transactions are fair and transparent, providing added security for investors.
8. High Quality of Life
Dubai offers an unparalleled quality of life, with year-round sunshine, pristine beaches, and a vibrant cultural scene. The city's diverse population and cosmopolitan lifestyle make it an attractive place to live. Whether you're looking to buy a home in Dubai or invest in a rental property, you'll be part of a thriving community with access to world-class amenities.
9. Expo 2020 Legacy
Expo 2020 will have a lasting effect on Dubai's real estate market.The event attracted global attention and investment, leading to new infrastructure developments and increased demand for property to buy in Dubai. The legacy of Expo 2020 continues to drive growth and presents ongoing opportunities for property investors.
10. Flexible Payment Plans and Financing Options
Many developers and financial institutions in Dubai offer flexible payment plans and financing options, making it easier for both residents and non-residents to buy real estate in Dubai. These plans often include extended payment terms, low-interest rates, and minimal down payments, making it more accessible to own property in one of the world's most desirable locations.
Dubai's combination of high returns, tax-free environment, world-class infrastructure, and diverse property options make it one of the best places in the world to invest in real estate. Whether you're looking to buy real estate in Dubai or explore property investment in Dubai, the city offers unmatched opportunities for growth and lifestyle. Partnering with a trusted real estate agency in Dubai like Tesla Properties can help you navigate the market and find the perfect property to meet your needs.
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supriyab · 3 months
Sustainable Growth Opportunities in the Clean Label Ingredients Market
The global clean label ingredients market is on a trajectory of significant expansion, with an estimated value projected to reach USD 69.3 billion by 2029 from the 2024 valuation of USD 50.2 billion, displaying a promising Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.7%. The demand for clean label ingredient demand is rising sharply due to a confluence of factors that span consumer preferences, regulatory pressures, and advancements in food technology. This trend is significantly transforming the landscape of food production and marketing, driven by an increasingly health-conscious and informed consumer base.
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Consumers are becoming more educated about the potential health risks associated with artificial additives, preservatives, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This increased awareness is propelling them to seek out products that contain natural, minimally processed ingredients. For instance, according to a 2021 survey by the International Food Information Council (IFIC), 63% of consumers are paying more attention to ingredient lists. The desire for transparency in food labelling has led companies to adopt clean label practices, ensuring their products meet consumer expectations for simplicity and wholesomeness.
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Drivers: Rise in clean label product launches fueled by consumer demand
The clean label ingredients market is driven primarily by evolving consumer preferences for healthier and more transparent food options. As people become increasingly health-conscious and concerned about the ingredients in their food, there has been a surge in the demand for products with clean labels. These labels typically signify that the product is made with simple, recognizable ingredients, free from artificial additives, preservatives, and other undesirable substances.
Consumers are actively seeking out products that align with their values of health, sustainability, and transparency. They are scrutinizing ingredient lists more closely, preferring natural and minimally processed options over synthetic alternatives. This growing demand for clean label products has prompted food manufacturers to respond by reformulating their products or launching new offerings that meet these criteria. For instance, in March 2023, Ingredion (US) introduced a new range of texturizers to its US portfolio of clean label ingredient solutions. These innovative texturizers, known as Fibertex CF citrus fibers, are derived from the peels of citrus fruits such as lemons and limes. By harnessing the natural properties of citrus peels, Ingredion aims to assist manufacturers in addressing clean label challenges while meeting evolving consumer preferences.
Dry Form Accounted For A Higher Market Share Among Form Segment In 2023.
The convenience factor plays a crucial role. Powdered or dry products offer ease of storage, transportation, and handling compared to other forms like liquid or solid. For instance, dry supplements and food additives are lightweight and compact, making them convenient for both manufacturers and consumers. This convenience translates into cost savings throughout the supply chain, from production to distribution.
Moreover, the versatility of dry form allows for a wide range of applications across industries. Brands can cater to diverse consumer preferences by offering a variety of formulations in dry form, enhancing their market appeal.
In September 2020, the Symrise (India) Division Diana Food introduced its first-ever clean label, organic, and Fair Trade-certified acerola powder. This marks a significant milestone, positioning Diana Food as an industry leader in catering to consumers seeking natural and health-focused solutions. Moreover, the versatility of the acerola powder opens up opportunities across various product categories, from nutritional supplements to functional foods and beverages. Its clean label and organic attributes cater to consumers seeking products with minimal additives and synthetic ingredients, further enhancing its market potential.
Make an Inquiry:  https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Enquiry_Before_BuyingNew.asp?id=99427189
Asia Pacific is The Fastest-Growing Market for Clean Label Ingredients Among the Regions.
Asia Pacific is emerging as the fastest-growing market for clean label ingredients, driven by one of the primary drivers, which is the region's rapidly expanding middle class, which is increasingly health-conscious and willing to spend on premium food products. This demographic shift is accompanied by a rising awareness of food safety and nutrition, prompting consumers to seek products with natural and easily recognizable ingredients.
Local food manufacturers in the Asia Pacific are responding to this demand by innovating and reformulating products to include fewer artificial additives and more natural ingredients. This shift is supported by advancements in food technology, which facilitate the development of clean label alternatives that do not compromise on taste or quality. Moreover, the agricultural abundance in many Asia Pacific countries provides a rich source of natural ingredients, enabling the production of a diverse range of clean label products.
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