ruchkinamarya · 1 month
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RUS : прогресс справа налево. Давно я не рисовала Гличтейл,так что вуаля.
ENG : progress right to left. It's been a long time since l've painted a Glitchale, so ta-da.
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viridiave · 4 years
Glitchtale Prequel as Sonic Fandub Quotes
Roy Goldburn <"You know what- fuck this. I'm not fucking with any more Red boxes, last time I did it spit a bunch of quarters out at me.">
Shane Goldburn <"You see that?! It looks like a fucking WALLNUT- and BLAM, AND IT BUSTED A NUT! THEN AND THERE!"> <"Who did what? What did I- I mean, what didn't I do? I mean look at me I'm so hot-">
Mila Rutrow <"I don't care that you're drowning in your own lungs- you knocked into me and I want you to apologize right now!">
Rin Winterway <"How many concussions does it take to get to the center of your FUCKING head? The answer is a lot- a LOT of concussions.">
Kody Fallenfire <"I'm gonna show you all the coolest skateboard tricks and then you'll RESPECT me."> <"Look at my cool shield- it's made of 17000 polygons. It's also purple and glowy, which is your favorite color, I've been told.">
Agate Lightvale <"fUCK YOU MOON- YOU NEVER HAD THE CHEESE I WANTED-!"> <"I love seeing people suffer if they've wronged me! Even if it's minor!">
Copper Lightvale <"Well you PISSED on the MOON- look at it, it's in half now from how hard you PISSED on it. I'm telling you, this has been a problem for a really long time.">
Amber Lightvale <"Can you guys please stop having relationship issues while I'm on the phone with my dentist?"> <"I was in history. But only once.">
Kanashi Fukitsu <"Oh fuck it, I can't compete. You have skin... and HANDS... that are like small, and dainty, and can fit in a butthole.">
oh this has TOTALLY been done before hasn’t it
fuck it’s a nice day so whatever
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creativityteam33 · 4 years
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“I don’t want ! I don't want to fall into the dark !”🩸
Glitchtale by @camilaart🎈
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meku95 · 6 years
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*sobs* why F%isk#.... EH?!!! 
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hukiri-some · 6 years
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Skecht By: Kiseki-chan 
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artesesarthouse · 4 years
Hey :D I really love your Steven Tale Comic So I was thinking ,how it would be the Steven Tale characters as the characters of Glitchale AU? (Like ,I don't know ,Spinel as Betty ,maybe Garnet and Lapis like the Fear Sans and the Fear Asriel ?) Posd :Your art is so incredible ! I love how you draw ! :D
thank you! sadly i don’t know enough about glitchtale to know who would fit.
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mariaashby64 · 7 years
100 Posts!
Yeah I know what you’re thinking.
“But Maria, I made 100 posts within a week. You took half a year!”
Yeah well I’m a very busy person and most of those post required about 8 hours a week on top of everything else I do. 
But I’m happy to hit this milestone and take a moment to look back on the year so far. 
So here are some of my favourite/most successful posts so far. 
My very first Post
Ah yes starting straight with the comic. To be honest I never really liked chapter one. I always considered it to be more of a prologue than a chapter. It seemed kind of slow and was mainly there to set up the Underground and relationship between Frisk and Flowey. Trouble is, Underlimbo is going to be a very long story so it was going to take a while for it to warm up. My main fear about it was that people would get bored of it and walk away before anything more exciting happened. But if you have read it and enjoyed it then thank you, I hope will enjoy what I have planed for the future.
Thank the animators of Voltron
My most successful post so far. It’s funny how the two posts I got tones of notes on aren’t even about my art. To be honest, I NEVER expected this to become as big as it is. I thought I’d get what, ten maybe twenty notes max over a week? After 24 hours I was over 200 notes and the next day it rose another 600. I could not believe it. It also got a lot of people looking at my blog. In the time that post was in it’s prime I got about 10 to 15 new followers. Which was a LOT. And honestly the reason I made that post was because I loved the new effort put into the backgrounds of season 2. Not to say season 1 was bad but there was a noticeable difference. And they are absolutely stunning. So if you watch the show, or re watch it, take the time to appreciate the work they did.
Fullmetal Alchemist fan art
This was the most time consuming piece of work I’ve done. It took me a moth of decent work (about and hour every second day). Then two-three moths of leaving it alone apart from the occasional session before finally finishing it and posting it. I really loved that scene and it is one of my favourites. The funny thing is that I started that piece as a simple reference, then it became so much more. 
Collab with Georgetheblob 
This was a fun piece to do and it great doing a collaboration. The logistics of how the colab worked are on the post. I really enjoyed making this picture, it was fun and quirky and I really like how it turned out. If you can you should spend some time checking out George’s blogs, they’re a really nice person and they have some amazing art.
Bring on the Wild
This was another one that required a lot of effort. I am still quite proud of this work because it was actually the first time I drew most of the characters in it. SO MANY references were used and it took me at least a week to get half of it done. I love the result and I hope you appreciate it as much as I do. I wanted to do a parody of Breath of the Wild so I could come up with funny sketches while I practiced my digital art.
Betty Fan Art
(Spoilers I guess.) Glitchale is a great animation with great adaptations of the characters and a great story, All written and animated by the one man band Camila Cuevas.  This I probably my favourite drawing I’ve done of Betty yet. I am still learning to be comfortable while drawing digitally so I do still have to trace stuff. But I am seeing improvement in my work.
Sans and Flowey pen drawings
I think these were done well especially the Sans one. It carries a lot of emotional weight I think. I often surprise myself when I go over my art in pen. I accidentally made Flowey’s scars too dark in his drawing but I love the rest of it. 
And finally how could we forget
Undertale/Voltron crossover
I still look at this piece and get a smile. It was a fun challenge recreating that screen shot with the Undertale characters. Especially putting Flowey in there because he doesn’t really have a proper body. I love the expressions and I thought I did a pretty decent job on the shading as well. (If you liked that then you can expect something similar when season 3 comes ;)  )
Those are some of my favourite original posts so far. Let me know if you think the same thing! It’s nice to see how far I’ve come since the beginning of the year and I can’t wait for the rest of the year to come.
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dutchyartbox · 8 years
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So ever since the episode Dust, I couldn't help but compare Betty with Dio Brando, for some reason. I wondered about how many souls she and Akumu absorbed before meeting Frisk, which made me think about the whole bread line from Dio. I even jokingly thought that she would be able to stop time and junk. Then freaking Do or Die comes along with ZA WARUDO   Rhabdophobia, and I knew I had to make at least one Jojoke. 
I kinda screwed up with Betty’s subtitles, but it’s past 3 in the morning and I don’t really care.
Glitchale belongs to @camilaart
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amynxddd · 6 years
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“Betty is looking at you” Glitchtale , Betty by @camilaart For more infomations of the art click at the link –> http://aminoapps.com/p/ayinfm
I’ve tried color traditional sketch digitaly! It looks very good! Maybe I should do more of this….(Second thought : Maybe not cuz school)
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hukiri-some · 6 years
Fan Art!
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So cute! :3
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meku95 · 7 years
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so here i decide to draw one of the scene of glitchale eps love part 2
by @camilaart 
really guys you have to see there animation its  gorgeous
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