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artesesarthouse · 2 years ago
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Spending Time with Their Palismans
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artesesarthouse · 2 years ago
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Whatever it takes - Part 3
Part 2 Part 3
Raymond is left alone with his thoughts.
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artesesarthouse · 3 years ago
Are our exotics one of a kind?
Kinetics slot:
Sweet Buisness: unknown, but likely mass produced by a city foundry
Sturm + Drang: unique, gifted to Sigrun and gifted to Victor respectively; recovered by the YW.
Vigilance Wing: unknown, but likely mass produced by the Cult of Osiris
Rat King: unknown
MIDA Multi-Tool / Mini-Tool: come from a different timeline and then mass produced by The City foundries
Crimson: unknown, officially does not exist
The Jade Rabbit: mass produced by Daito
The Huckleberry: mass produced by Tex Mechanica
SUROS Regime: mass produced by Suros
Cerberus+1: technically unique amalgamation
Wish-Ender: unique belonging to Sjur Eido
Malfeasance: the original is ours, but later mass produced by The Drifter
Ace of Spades: unique and in our possession.
The Chaperone: mass produced by Tex Mechanica, inspired by the original that belonged to Amanda Holiday’s mother
Izangi’s Burden: mass produced by the Black Armory, but no more can be currently made
The Last Word: we are currently in possession of the original, but it has been mass produced by Tex Mechanica
Arbalest: unknown, possibly created by The Drifter during the Dark Age
Thorn: the one we have is a mass produced Shadows of Yor copy, see Lumina
Outbreak Perfected: we possess the original recovered from the old tower, unknown if there are more copies
Bad Juju: I believe we possess the original as created by Toland, the Shattered
Lumina: unique, the original Thorn reforged in the Light by The Young Wolf.
Monte Carlo: mass produced after it’s tech was sold to a City foundry by the hunter Egon Bash
Bastion: unique paradox weapon recovered from Corridors of Time
Witherhoard: unknown, probably created by the Drifter.
Traveler’s Chosen: unique, sidearm we owned when the Red War’s assault on the Traveler took place.
No Time To Explain: weapon pulled from another timeline gifted to us by Elsie Bray. Timey wimey.
Hawkmoon: reforged by the Traveler and now unique.
Dead Man’s Tale: unique, custom Tex Mechanica weapon owned by Katabasis.
Cryothesia 77K: unknown if truly unique, gifted to use by Mithrax according to the Season of the Splicer bungie page.
Ager’s Scepter: unique, created by Mara for Uldren.
Forerunner: original was inoperable, new version created by Banshee.
Osteo Striga: created by Jana-14, unknown if unique.
Energy slot:
Coldheart: mass produced by Omolon.
Fighting Lion: unknown if unique, original created by Wei Ning
Sunshot: unknown if unique, original created by the sunbreaker Liu Feng.
Graviton Lance: unknown, but likely mass produced after it’s debut. Original was found in Old Chicago.
Skyburner’s Oath: not unique, recovered cabal weaponry
Riskrunner: origin is complicated, likely not unique
Hard Light: mass produced by Omolon
Merciless: unknown if unique, but probably.
Borealis: likely mass produced
Prometheus Lens: unknown if unique, likely mass produced. Created by the Cryptarchy
Telesto: origin is complicated, in D1 was made by the foundry Cassoid (makers of Invective) but seems to be made by the Awoken of the Reef now.
Polaris Lance: semi-unique, both Ana Bray and the YW have a copy. Created by Ana Bray.
Trinity Ghoul: once belonged to Marin Mansanas, unknown if unique.
Wavesplitter: mass produced by Omolon
Lord of Wolves: not unique, captured eliksni weaponry
Jotunn: mass produced by the Black Armory, but no more can currently be made.
Le Monarque: see Jotunn.
Tarrabah: unknown if unique
Eriana’s Vow: likely unique, maker’s mark suggests it was created by Cassoid
Divinity: unique vex weapon recovered from the Black Garden
Symmetry: unknown if unique
Devil’s Ruin: I believe it is unique, repaired by the YW and Saint
Cloudstrike: likely unique based on its lore
Tommy’s Matchbook: likely unique
The Fourth Horseman: technically not unique, but we recovered the original I believe
Ruinous Effigy: unique
Duality: unknown if unique, but I believe it to have been constructed by Crow.
Ticuu’s Divination: likely unique based on its lore
Vex Mythoclast: unknown if unique, recovered from the Vault of Glass
Lorentz Driver: unknown if unique, likely not. Ours is a stable prototype.
Exotic glavies: ???, but probably unique
Dead Messenger: not unique, likely made by Cassoid considering the maker’s mark.
Heavy slot:
The Prospector: mass produced by Tex Mechanica
Tractor Cannon: property of the Ishtar Collective, probably not unique
Legend of Acrius: not unique, recovered cabal shotgun
D.A.R.C.I.: unknown if unique, but probably
The Wardcliff Coil: likely mass produced after the original prototype was created
The Colony: mass produced by Veist
Worldline Zero: I believe it was created by Elsie Bray, likely unique
Sleeper Simulant: mass produced by Clovis Bray company / Rasputin
Whisper of the Worm: unique
One Thousand Voices: unique, created from Riven’s bones
Two-Tailed Fox: mass produced by Daito
Black Talon: unique, created by the Awoken of the Reef
The Queensbreaker: not unique, recovered Eliksni weapon
Thunderlord: unknown, but possibly unique?
Anarchy: likely unique, created by Siviks, Lost to None
Truth: technically not unique but our version is stolen, originally created by Crux-Lomar
Deathbringer: unique
Xenophage: unique, very angry
Leviathan’s Breath: likely unique
Heir Apparent: not unique, recovered cabal weaponry
Eyes of Tomorrow: possibly unique, created by Clovis Bray
Salvation’s Grip: unique, prototype stolen from House Salvation
The Lament: unique, created by Clovis Bray
Gjallarhorn: not unique, presumably we own the second recreated copy since we gave the first away.
Parasite: unique
Grand Overture: probably not unique, modified cabal weaponry
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artesesarthouse · 3 years ago
*Does a gay little jojo pose at you
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artesesarthouse · 3 years ago
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I found this text post on my phone and immediately made this
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Paragon & Renegade #037-38: Rachnisect & Monachni
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Paragon & Renegade #036: Grabbi
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Paragon & Renegade #035: Yahgre
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Paragon & Renegade #034: Brutahg
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Gym leader: Jeong-Jeong
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Paragon & Renegade #033: Veralcious
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Paragon & Renegade #032: Vorchire
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Arriving at Jeong-Jeongs camp
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Paragon & Renegade #031: Batarage
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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June the Trapper and zukos new team!
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Paragon & Renegade #030: Tentanar
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artesesarthouse · 4 years ago
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Paragon & Renegade #029: Hanae
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