#Girl Jock Empress
hwadam-stories · 3 months
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| College Student Empress (Light Novel) - English Translation (MTL)
| Translation Tool: Chat GPT
| Chapter 1: I've Become A Married Woman
| Notes: This is my first time translating something with Chat-GPT, so bare with me. Italics / Bold pink texts is meant for character thoughts.
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People cannot be cool in the face of a breakup. The one who gets dumped cries and clings on, whether they are a man or a woman.
Haesol had never been dumped but knew this well. She was always the one who ended relationships, and she did so far more frequently than others.
The men Haesol dumped would curse, cry, and spew venomous words at every breakup, to the point where it would seem pitiful even to an onlooker.
However, Haesol never felt heartbroken in the face of a breakup.
She could never date any man for more than three months, never shared deep feelings with any man, and as someone who lived as the ultimate perpetrator of looks-based discrimination, where a man's absolute requirement was solely his appearance, the curses during breakups were nothing more than the desperate cries of those being abandoned.
"...Ah, I'm screwed."
Up until now.
"Your Highness! Are you conscious?"
"Your Highness!"
Looking at the people crying their hearts out in front of her, dressed as if they had stepped out of a historical movie screen, Haesol swallowed hard.
‘This... is a dream, right?’
It was not a dream.
"Your Highness. Have you left your herbal medicine again...?"
Haesol clutched her forehead while looking at the woman with her neatly rolled-up hairstyle and teary eyes.
The woman was so startled by this gesture that she asked,
"Your Highness! Does your head hurt again? Should I call the royal physician?"
‘It’s no use. The cause of my headache is you.’
"Your Highness?"
Haesol squeezed her eyes shut instead of answering.
It had already been fifteen days since she woke up in this strange place. People called her "Your Highness" or "Empress." There were women dressed in traditional Eastern-style costumes and men who seemed to be eunuchs.
"Her Highness is having memory issues due to the shock. It may be confusing now, but when her memory returns, she will be fine. Please, Your Highness, try to calm down."
The elderly man with a white beard, who was called a royal physician, explained this crazy situation in this manner. He suggested that it wasn't the world that had gone mad, but Haesol herself.
At this point, she had to accept it. This extremely abnormal situation was her reality. A reality she desperately did not want to believe.
"Please rest, Your Highness."
After the woman, who introduced herself as "Wolryeo," and appeared to be in her early to mid-40s, checked Haesol's condition several times and left, Haesol let out a deep sigh and pulled a small mirror, about 30 cm by 20 cm, in front of her.
There was evidence in the mirror. Absolute evidence that forced Haesol to accept this situation.
Her face. The face in the mirror was not Haesol's face. The woman in the mirror was a stranger. It wasn't Shin Haesol, a second-year physical education major at Sahwa University, but an entirely unfamiliar woman.
A white and slender woman. A woman with long, slender limbs like an herbivore. Naturally, the abs that Haesol had worked so hard to build were nowhere to be found. Not only her face but also her body had changed. How old could she be? Just over twenty? If not for her youthful appearance, she looked about that age.
When Haesol first saw herself in the mirror, convinced she was dreaming, she boldly slapped her own cheek and felt the immense pain. Ah. It's me. It's not me, but it is me.
"This is driving me crazy... What on earth is going on?"
The place where the ruler of this country lives, looking down upon the world. The highest and most magnificent place. If you ask anyone where such a place is, they would immediately point to Taewang Palace.
Taewang Palace, symbolically and geographically, was located in a place where it was literally impossible not to look down on people. It was built on the highest ground within the capital city.
Those who were not born into the royal family nurtured their ambitions outside the palace, hoping to enter it by obtaining a government position. They dreamed of serving the high and mighty emperor and working for the country. Taewang Palace was the pinnacle of ambition for those with desires.
However, Taecheon sat uncomfortably and in a very displeased mood within that grand Taewang Palace. Others might say he was crazy for being dissatisfied despite his fortune, but... what could he do? It was truly like that.
"Your Majesty."
The reason Taecheon found this situation uncomfortable was clear.
"Your Majesty?"
It was because of the man sitting right in front of him on the main seat, arms crossed, staring blankly at the ceiling.
"Your Majesty!"
This man didn't respond no matter how earnestly he was called, wouldn't let him go outside, and didn't particularly assign him any tasks either—a man with an infuriating disposition.
"Your Majesty... I apologize, but I really, really must be going now..."
But he was a man with absolute power, in front of whom one could never complain. This man was none other than the young emperor of Yeonryeo Kingdom, Sihan.
"No. Don't go. Stay with me."
'I don't want to either. Why should I...'
Taecheon wore a sad expression. Ever since he was a crown prince, the emperor had been known for his incorrigible nature. How much had the educators of the crown prince struggled? They had hoped he would improve with age, but it was becoming increasingly clear that even the most rigorous education couldn't change his troublesome disposition. It made Taecheon feel deeply sorrowful.
The late emperor hadn't been like this. How could such a different offspring come from the same lineage? Is there even a trace of the previous generation in this one?
While constantly grumbling inwardly, Taecheon pleaded earnestly once more.
"Your Majesty, I really, really have many tasks to attend to."
"No matter how many you have, could they be more than mine?"
If you know that, why not do some work? Taecheon again only responded inwardly.
Sihan usually enjoyed tormenting Taecheon, but it was obvious why he was being exceptionally irritating today. The news that the empress, who had been on the brink of death, was recovering quickly displeased him.
"Your Majesty. Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty."
When Taecheon could no longer hold back and called repeatedly, Sihan shamelessly reproached him.
"Well, well. Even when I try to be considerate, you complain too much. Just sit appropriately. Sit and rest a while. Isn't that enough? 'Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty.' At this rate, I'll wear out."
"Your Majesty..."
"Enough. I'm tired of it."
So, should I call you by your name? Would that make you happy? Taecheon sulked and kept his mouth shut.
He felt sorry for Seongbi, who endured slanderous accusations and stayed by his side, and sorry for himself, who had this man as both his lord and friend. But above all, he pitied the empress the most, who was disregarded by this man for the sole reason of being "the empress."
Haesol repeatedly curled and uncurled her fingers. It had been 22 days since she woke up in this body. At first, her movements felt unnatural, but now she moved as if it were truly her own body.
‘I feel like I'm gradually merging with this body.’
When she first woke up, she was too shocked and bewildered to notice, but as time passed, Haesol could be certain. When she first awakened in this body, it felt mismatched with her, as if the body and soul knew they were switched and resisted.
‘Maybe I should have returned then...’
But there was nothing she could do, even if she regretted it. Even if she went back 22 days, the situation would be the same as now, and she still didn’t know how to return.
In any case, given the current circumstances, she had no choice but to find a way to return to her original body. Of course, she had to survive in the meantime, so she would have to pretend to be the "real Empress" for a while.
"So... let's summarize."
When Haesol mumbled to herself, Wolryeo, the palace maid who had taken care of her every single day since she woke up, thought Haesol was speaking to her and responded with a concerned tone.
"Please speak comfortably, Your Highness."
Though Haesol hadn't meant her words for Wolryeo, she decided against embarrassing her by explaining and instead shook her head.
"I'm sorry. It's uncomfortable for me to speak informally to someone older."
"It's against the rules, Your Highness. You are the head of the inner court and the mother of this country."
But I'm not. I'm not the mother of the country. Haesol gave an awkward smile at the grandiose term "mother of the country."
Anyway, to summarize, this place was definitely not Korea.
Given that there were palace maids and eunuchs, it might seem like Joseon, but the clothing was different. The attire reminded Haesol of the Tang Dynasty in China, but it didn't match perfectly with that either.
Most importantly, the name of the country was Yeonryeo. Yeonryeo. A name she'd never heard before. While she wasn't very knowledgeable about Chinese history, as far as she knew, there had never been a country called Yeonryeo in ancient China.
"It will gradually get better. I'll learn slowly. But Wolryeo, so I'm the Empress, and my husband is the Emperor, right?"
Wolryeo's lips twitched, seemingly displeased with the term "Wolryeo," but Haesol ignored it and spread out a piece of paper, writing crooked letters with a brush.
Summary two. This body's name is Shin Danyeong. Empress. Age 21. But married.
As Haesol scribbled the wobbly letters, Wolryeo, who had been watching with a disapproving look, couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked,
"Your Highness, what kind of writing is that?"
"Oh, it's English."
"Excuse me?"
‘I wrote it in English so you wouldn’t understand.’
"It's not that important. Don't worry about it."
Summary three: The real Empress collapsed due to an ambush. The culprit has not been caught yet.
While answering inwardly, Haesol wrote the third item.
Meanwhile, Wolryeo was curiously tilting her head from side to side, fascinated by the English. Haesol continued moving the brush.
Four: The Emperor and Empress have a bad relationship. The Emperor wanted to make a woman named Gongrin the Empress, but she was from a humble family and a former palace maid, so she had no backing and couldn’t be made Empress.
Five: The Emperor has never visited the Empress’s palace since their marriage.
What else is there? Haesol stopped writing and bit the brush handle. While she tried to recall the information she had gathered during her time confined to the room, there wasn't anything else memorable enough to record.
Of course, there were more detailed things, but those could be learned through observation and experience.
After reading through the list she had made, Haesol rolled it up and set it aside. Even though she wasn't particularly fond of historical dramas, she could roughly understand her current situation.
Villain. She was the villain.
The obstacle to a love that transcended status. A woman who became Empress thanks to her power. If this were a drama, the protagonist would probably be that Gongrin woman. The Empress would be the one wielding power to try to eliminate the protagonist, Gongrin.
But this world wasn’t a drama, and the "real Empress" seemed to have been just a quiet and gentle person. From the Empress’s perspective, Gongrin might have been annoying...
...but it didn’t seem like she wielded power to oppress Gongrin. This was probably fortunate for Gongrin.
‘She was a good person.’
Of course, these traits were not fortunate for Haesol, who had a wild and unruly nature.
‘Her appearance was different, and her personality too. There's nothing about her that's similar to me.’
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imperialsiyo · 4 months
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WLW SHIP: Haesol Shin & Gonglin - College Student Empress
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booty-uprooter · 2 years
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something something jelly donut
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demilypyro · 2 years
persona arcana character tropes are fascinating and funny to me. they turned the tarot into tvtropes
Fool: the protag
Magician: usually the main character’s sidekick. often kind of a cocky pushover
Priestess: a girl with manners and/or an important position
Empress: a girlboss
Emperor: an eccentric male friend
Hierophant: it’s ya dad
Lovers: a hot girl
Chariot: a jock
Justice: people who get really upset when things are unfair lol
Hermit: a shut-in
Fortune: i dont see a pattern in this one. someone who’s lucky??
Strength: this one’s honestly all over the place. a dog, a jock, and two little girls
Hanged Man: this person’s sad or something
Death: someone who’s near death, handles dying people, or just literally Death itself
Temperance: someone who’s very conflicted. often an older woman
Devil: evil
Tower: arrogant piece of shit
Star: no idea. a jock, a bear, and a chess master.
Moon: this person’s insecure as fuck and WILL make their problems your problems
Sun: optimistic though in a bad place
like whose idea was this. it’s funny though
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crashcitycentral · 1 year
[ Concept: Bart uses the Camcorder Preston gave him to leave Preston a message vlog style that he’s given after his death, cause the concept was there but never touched and I want Preston to know his best friend didn’t just disappear. ]
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Bart sets up the camcorder on the top book of the stack on his desk, angling it to face the chair he had sat in front of it. It was the one Preston gave to him, and he finally figured out what he wanted to record. A little memo for Preston to find.
He flips open the screen and presses the power button.
The video starts with Bart’s arm still outstretched to the camera, tongue stuck between his lips as he fiddles around with the controls. “Oh. The red means it’s on, right? Shoot!” The clip cuts to static for a few moments before it’s back again and this time he’s in his chair.
“Got it to work! Man, technology here is so confusing. Nothing like from my time.” He shakes his head. “Hey, Pres. you may know me as Bart, or daredevil Allen. If you’re seeing this, well, I’m guessing I’m not around anymore. But that’s okay! I probably went out super cool.”
“Man, where to start. I guess I wanted to tell you my secret but I didn’t know how. Max says I have to keep it hush hush but. I dunno, I don’t want to. Not from you.”
“Carol knows, though she kinda figured it out. It was an accident really, I ain’t never been too good at this secret identity stuff but here goes. I am Impulse.”
“Saying that finally is… wow. I’m sure you have a lot of questions so I’ll try to go over everything in this before i run out of space on this rinkidink camcorder you gave me. Er, no offense.”
“The Flash is my Grandpa and second Flash is my second cousin, once removed. I was born in the year 2980. Crazy, right? That will probably make some stuff I did or said make sense now, huh?”
It cuts again, this time to him upside down in the chair, back on the seat and feet kicked up in the air. “I want you to know you’re my best friend. Which is why I’m tellin you all this.”
“Max isn’t really my uncle, but he is my Guardian after Wally… anyways, he’s got superspeed too but he like, never uses it. Lame. He just coaches me on the sidelines. And Helen, she’s great! Like my big sister. She’s Max’s daughter but doesn’t have powers.”
“Oh! Y’know my dog, Dox? He’s got super intelligence! Not entirely sure how…”
“The first superhero I was friends with was Grant. Er- Damage. He’s cool, you’d like him a lot. I haven’t seen him much nowadays.”
“I’m on a new team now. ‘Young Justice’ they call us. Awful name, right? Like hellooo, we’re trying to get out of our mentors shadows. I’m not even a sidekick!”
“I met Rob on a skii trip before we met in the masks, can you believe that? He’s smart. Like Carol. I hope they never meet or we’d be doomed!”
“There’s superboy. He’s kinda like the block-head jocks at our school but he has moments where he’s okay.”
“Wondergirl is awesome! I saw her pick up a car a few days ago. Wish I got it on camera for you, you’d love it.”
“Secret and Empress are really cool as well. Secret is like, super nice and matches my energy. I don’t know if you’d know who Empress is, she just joined us, but she’s got a sword! Won’t let me use it…”
“There’s Slobo, he’s a pretty rock and roll kinda punk, pretty sure he’s goth or somethin. One of them head-whippin’ screamers we hear on the banned radio stations.”
“There’s this girl, Arrowette. She’s like, my superhero best friend. Or maybe I just befriend blondes.” He pauses a moment and looks up at the camera. “You’re still my number one, though.”
“Even with all these heroes and powers, you, Carol, and Roland are… different. I dunno how to describe it. It’s like… you’re normal, and treat me like I’m normal, y’know? We’re just kids when it’s us. No responsibilities.”
Bart goes quiet and the tape cuts again to him stacking cards into a tower. “I’m not really sure what I’m expecting to happen to me. Max says I’m ’danger deficit’, whatever that means. I just want you to know that.. I’m not really gone? If I have to go away for a mission somewhere far away or if I fall through a wormhole, you’re still my best friend.” He huffs a sigh, the breath knocking down his cards.
The next cut shows him juggling a rubix cube, bouncy ball, and boomerang. “Did you know I have a brother? Yeah, me neither. Remember that time my mom visit? Well, she’s from the future too, like me. She told me she had another son named Owen who’s in this century too. Think I’ll ever get to meet him?”
“I never met my dad but I heard lots bout him from Mom and future Grandma. He was killed right after I was born by my other grandpa. Sprocked up, huh?”
“There’s my cousin Jenni! You remember Jenni, right? She was my partner for the talent show last year. Her hero name is XS and she works with superheroes in space! It’s awesome, right?? That’s where I met Brainy too. He’s kinda mean but in a funny way.”
He’s back in his chair again, chin propped on both his palms and legs kicking out under him. “Grandpa says he doesn’t believe in me. Wally says I’m annoying and negligent. All I wanted..” he shakes his head and covers the camera with his hand.
He’s up again, this time wearing his Impulse suit, holding his arms out like he’s showing off. “Cool, huh? Batman named me Impulse, though he said it was a warning. He’s kinda a stick in the mud, but the whole ninja stuff is cool. Too strict for my taste though, I wonder how Rob puts up with it.”
“I guess I don’t have much else to say. I hope you get this someday and I’m not making a fool of myself, talking to a camera for nothing. Don’t tell Max. I’ll see you later, Pres.”
The video ends.
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Webtoons I've read or am currently reading:
In no particular Order (except Nevermore, cuz its my favourite)
The remarried Empress
Im the Queen in this Life
Down to Earth
Monsters and Girls
The Interpretation of Shadows
Obsidian Pride
Lore Olympus
High Class Homos
Nerd and Jock
Emmy the Robot
Your Throne
For my derelict Favourite
Clinic of Horrors
The little Trashmaid
Bailin and Li Yun
The blind Prince
The Prince of Southland
Re: Trailer Trash
Litterbox Comics
Pixie and Brutus
Let's Play
Eldritch Darling
Castle Swimmer
Not even Bones
Unholy Blood
Meow Are you?
Internet Explorer
Goth Girl & the Jock
The recloseted Lesbian
Its Kind of a funny Story
Stray Souls
The Prep and Goth
Taking down John
Dark Water
And some more however I dont remember the names anymore...
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So... I’m looking for an obscure ‘90s cartoon.
Does anyone besides me remember Wolffang Warriors?  It was an ‘80s / ‘90s cartoon, and I say both because it premiered in 1989 and I think it lasted until 1992 or 1993.  A lot of people think it was a knockoff of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I am honestly not sure if Turtles aired that early?  It aired in syndication, although I think it was picked up by Fox Kids in its final season.  It aired on Saturday mornings, or, if you were lucky, you could catch it during weekday rerun airings before school at 6 or 7 in the morning when you were eating cereal in your jammies.   Anyway, it was about a bunch of teenagers and their science teacher who could turn into werewolves and had themed superpowers.  Well, “werewolves” was stretching it a bit because they actually were a variety of canids.  This was the late ‘80s / early ‘90s, so EVERYTHING had to have a “save the environment!” theme and this show was no different, so each character turned into some endangered canid - and an extinct one in one case.   The first episode (and the scenes in the opening theme song in case you didn’t see the pilot) features the teacher and his students exploring a cave where they find a magical purple crystal housing an Earth Spirit, which grants them the power to turn into werewolves when they concentrate really hard and use a catchphrase.  I think it was “Go! Howl! Go!” - but I barely remember this thing, I just know it was really cheesy.  The Power of Friendship was involved and when they were not fighting for justice, the Warriors had to conceal their secret identities from family and friends.   If I am remembering the names correctly, the teacher’s name was Mr. Wolfram. A little on the nose there. He turned into an arctic wolf with ice powers, a huge chest and a big, bushy beard and served as the wise mentor of the group.  The Pack Leader was a “cool dude” jock named Jake who turned into a gray North American timber wolf with super-strength.   Jake’s best friend, Wayne, turned into some kind of European black wolf and had food-based power-ups because he was a big eater and had aspirations to become a chef. Beyond that, I seem to remember it having all of the cringey “cultural sensitivity” and heavy-handed, not always done well “Diversity!” stuff of the period - those of you who remember Captain Planet and the Burger King Kidz Club will know what I’m talking about.   OF COURSE, Antonio, the Hispanic kid turned into a Mexican wolf (a critically endangered species) and Hiro, the Asian kid, turned into an extinct Japanese wolf. Antonio had earth-based powers and Hiro had lightning-powers.   There was not one, but TWO, count ‘em, TWO token girls!  Veronica turned into a fox and had fire-powers and Rosa was a maned wolf with water powers.  Bringing up the rear was sneaky, semi-criminal hacker-kid named Sly.  He turned into a coyote and had stealth powers and Nerd Smarts! He was good at breaking into the offices of evil corporations and fucking up their shit.   A lot of the foes they faced were environmental-villains, kind of like Captain Planet, but their penultimate antagonist was an Evil Empress who wanted to cover the Earth in darkness and oil who had a vampire-theme and lived in an evil, metal technological castle.  Her name was Draculina.  She was kind of like Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers or a knockoff of Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.  The timber wolf guy was in love with the fox girl and she kept rejecting him and they had one of those “will they, won’t they” things going on, like in every other ‘90s kids show with a lead and a hot girl.    It was a fun little show, if a bit cheesy and full of that early ‘90s cringe.  It found a small home in furry fandom.  I learned through trying to find traces of it that there are two things you must NEVER, EVER say to a Wolfang Warriors fan:  You must NEVER compare it to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and, For the Love of Puppies (one of the show’s catch-phrases), you must never, EVER confuse it with College Humor’s parody show, Furry Force.  Wolfang Warriors was made for children and is not a parody - and therefore doesn’t have stuff like cow-boobs, fetish pregnancy or yiffing.  (That’s the domain of a certain subset of adult fans, not the canon show).    Lots of older fans think the artic wolf teacher is really hot.  Oy, some of the fanart I’ve seen...  Tagging @virovac and @lemaistrechat to see if they might help me out!  (For the Love of Puppies, please read the tags I’ve put on this post before you seek anything out!  Thank you)! 
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ezikial13 · 9 months
In 2023 I have read 46 Comics and Manga
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures
Creepy Cat
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
To Your Eternity
Onimai: I'm now your sister
Spy x Family
Creepy Cat
The Liminal Zone
Just a Goblin
Slime-San and the Hero research club
The Promised Netherland
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
Little Witches
Shadow Bride
The Last Blue Knight
Little Witch's Collar
Donuts under a Crecent Moon
I Raised a black Dragon
Accomplishments of the Duke's daughter
Her Majesty's swarm
Oishi no Ko
I Belong to House Castielo
Doctor Elise
I Raised the Beast well
Little witch academia
The Retun of Princess Amy
Goth Girl and The Jock
Demonslayer: Stories of Water and Fire
Godzilla vs Power Rangers
Justice League vs Power Rangers
All Hail Lady Blanche
Warrior High School
Return of the Disaster Class Hero
Can't defy the lonely girl
The Remarried Empress
Lovers of the Galaxy
The Eminence in Shadow
Power Rangers vs the TMNT
Batman vs the TMNT
Batman/TMNT Adventures
Persona 5
Alien (2021)
We only find them when they're dead
Alien (2022)
Alien (2023)
Plastic Memories
One Piece Party
I'm in love with the villainess
The most Heretical Last Boss Queen
The Villainess is Worshipped
Fire Force
Villains are destined to die
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teenmanhua · 2 years
College Student Empress
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College Student Empress / Empress Palace College Student / 唯有套路得帝心 / 皇后は体育会系!? / 황후궁 체대생 / Girl Jock Empress Haesol Shin a beautiful college student who lives her life to the fullest but when she opened her eyes, she’s suddenly transported into a world she only heard of and became the Empress! Read the full article
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1kook · 4 years
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hwadam-stories · 3 months
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| College Student Empress (Light Novel) - English Translation (MTL)
| Translation Tool: Chat GPT
| Chapter 9: I Wanted To Call You Out
| Notes: Italics / Bold pink texts is meant for character thoughts.
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Hae-seol, who expected Shin Seol-joo to arrive around tomorrow, originally planned to go to the Geumbu today. The Geumbu plays a role similar to that of prosecutors, police officers, and prison guards combined, and its duties are extensive.
Therefore, many offices are incorporated within the Geumbu. Hae-seol’s destination was the Seonggeumbu, which is responsible for investigating incidents within the imperial palace.
Since Shin Seol-joo didn’t stay long, Hae-seol checked the time and decided to head to the Seonggeumbu as originally planned.
The reason for visiting the Seonggeumbu, requesting a sword, and summoning Shin Seol-joo were all the same: it was a matter concerning the Empress's survival. Hae-seol believed that such matters should be handled swiftly without delay, as lives were at stake.
Although others could infer from their words and expressions, after seeing Shin Seol-joo, Hae-seol was now certain. Even if the Emperor was not behind the assassination attempt, it was clear that he was an unhelpful presence who at least hindered the investigation.
Considering the Empress and her father were among the three highest officials, the investigation's stagnation suggested interference from someone even higher up.
However, the Emperor couldn’t completely neglect the matter and wish for the Empress's swift demise. Therefore, they would have made a show of investigating, and Hae-seol intended to verify even that small amount of information personally by going to the Seonggeumbu.
“Your Highness, are you sure about this?”
However, Wol-ryeo, who was shocked when Hae-seol requested a sword, turned pale and tried to dissuade her several times when she said she would personally visit the Seonggeumbu. Hae-seol told Wol-ryeo she didn’t have to come if she was scared, but Wol-ryeo refused.
“It’s not fear. I’m just concerned because it’s a place filled with criminals.”
Despite Wol-ryeo’s claim that it was simply due to concern, her expression suggested otherwise. Reluctantly, Hae-seol took Wol-ryeo with her and entered the Seonggeumbu. But it wasn’t just Wol-ryeo who was surprised by the Empress’s visit. The officials at the Seonggeumbu were equally shocked, exchanging bewildered glances at the unexpected arrival of the Empress.
When Hae-seol walked gracefully and said to the nearest military officer, “I would like to meet the person in charge,” their expressions became even more comical.
They fumbled around and hesitated until Wol-ryeo cleared her throat loudly from behind, prompting three or four of them to hurriedly run into the building. Soon after, a man wearing a long, black robe approached, surrounded by military officers.
At a glance, this man, who appeared to be the highest-ranking official, had a scholarly and neat appearance rather than that of a military officer. Despite his kind expression, his eyes looked cold.
“I am Wieo-dan, the head of the Seonggeumbu, Your Highness.”
He greeted politely yet formally, and unlike his subordinates, he immediately asked without showing any discomfort.
“What brings Your Highness to a place like this?”
“I came to see the investigation reports.”
“Investigation reports…?”
“Yes, the reports on the assassination attempt on me and the incident ten days ago.”
Even the head of the Seonggeumbu looked slightly surprised when the Empress requested to see the reports.
“Am I not allowed to see them?”
When Hae-seol asked, he hesitated and said, “It's not that, but…” and explained, “There are many sensitive issues, so it’s not something Your Highness should handle personally.” “My life is at stake, and you say it’s not my business? Then whose business is it?”
Although she didn’t say it, Hae-seol’s smile conveyed the unspoken question: could it possibly be the Emperor? Wieo-dan’s eyebrows twitched as he grasped the implied words.
“Am I going to tear the reports to pieces?”
“…No, so what does it matter?”
Hae-seol pointed past Wieo-dan’s shoulder toward the building and asked, “Do I go in there?” Wieo-dan, unable to hide his confusion, finally nodded and turned around. “Yes. I will guide you.”
Today as well, Tae-cheon felt himself entering a state of utter detachment while watching Si-han engrossed in reading bizarre and scandalous literature, neglecting his duties as Emperor. If time continued like this, Tae-cheon might even achieve enlightenment despite witnessing such a scene.
Perhaps, a less capable Emperor who stayed put and let competent subordinates handle everything might be better than one who meddled and ruined things. At least, that way, stability could be maintained.
‘…Even so…’
Attempting to rationalize, Tae-cheon sighed deeply, recognizing reality. There were still limits. Though smaller in scale, reading scandalous literature alone was preferable to holding extravagant banquets and summoning courtesans and musicians. However, the Emperor was not meant to idle away his time. The Emperor was not an expensive, rare ornament but the nation's symbol and the central axis of governance.
For now, the young Emperor, with no major incidents occurring, was still managed by officials who begrudgingly followed him. But how long could this relationship last?
While the current Emperor didn't lead state affairs, he remarkably maintained balance among officials, distributing power so no one faction dominated, thus firmly holding the imperial authority. But what if Gong-rin suddenly had a child?
Would the Empress's faction, which made up the majority of officials, remain idle as they do now? Would supporters of Gong-rin allow the Empress's faction to continue unchecked? Although the Empress Dowager disliked Gong-rin, there was no guarantee she would dislike her own grandchild.
“Your Majesty.”
At that moment, a cautious voice called out from outside, and when Si-han granted permission, a eunuch quickly entered. The eunuch glanced at Tae-cheon before approaching Si-han and whispered something.
Curious, Tae-cheon watched as Si-han, who rarely put down his scandalous literature before finishing, abruptly closed it with a loud snap and asked, “Why did the Empress go to the Seonggeumbu?”
His expression was reminiscent of when he first heard from Hu-on about the Empress's stone-throwing incident. Watching Si-han’s eyes sparkle with curiosity and interest, Tae-cheon rubbed his forehead.
Hae-seol rubbed her forehead and stared at the two thin books in front of her.
‘Ha... What is this?’
Hae-seol had worried that there might be so many reports that it would take a long time to read through them. Luckily or unluckily, the investigation records were very brief. Although the incident from ten days ago might still have a thin report because it was recent, the other one—the case of the Empress's assassination attempt—was shockingly thin.
Given that the head of the Seonggeumbu, Wieo-dan, who had maintained a stern expression all along, blushed as he handed over the report, it was understandable. He must have felt embarrassed, either out of shame or thinking he seemed incompetent.
Hae-seol sighed, poking at a page of the report with her fingertip. The only saving grace was that the content, despite its brevity, was well-organized. Whoever had written it had a knack for summarization and organization that would earn an A+ in any college report.
‘No, that’s not right. If the content itself is all lies, it’s not a good report. It's just a well-fabricated one.’
Was it correct to call a well-fabricated report well-written? Hae-seol frowned as she read the phrase on the last page of the report: ‘The investigation is closed for such and such reasons.’
The investigation into the incident from ten days ago had been entirely halted, and while the investigation into the assassination attempt hadn't been officially closed, it was effectively stopped.
After skimming through the reports, Hae-seol began to read more thoroughly, pulling a nearby lamp closer to better see the first page.
But just as she read about halfway down the first page, hurried voices calling “Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” came from outside. Before she could ask what was happening, there was a desperate cry, “The Emperor is here!”
Hae-seol’s eyes widened as she quickly stood up, and the double doors swung open. Without even a moment to shout “Wait!”, the Emperor appeared, walking confidently inside with his shoulders straight. As Hae-seol watched the beautiful intruder stride in, she wondered why the Emperor had suddenly come here.
This was the third time she had met him and the second time he had come to the Empress’s quarters himself. Even for a normal married couple, this was a sparse number of meetings, but it was said that the Emperor and Empress rarely saw each other. The Emperor was said never to set foot in the Empress’s quarters.
‘Why did he come?’
One thing was certain: the Emperor still looked as good as ever. Today, he was wearing purple, which, combined with his elegantly half-tied hair, gave him a very pure look.
Hae-seol, realizing she was still mesmerized by his appearance even in this situation, quickly erased her foolish smile and greeted him.
Instead of acknowledging her greeting, the Emperor spoke first, “We’ve been seeing each other often lately.”
“It seems so.”
Hae-seol nodded in agreement instead of saying, ‘Because you’ve been coming here.’
The Emperor twisted his lips into a smirk, glanced around the room, and then looked down at the open book in front of Hae-seol. She narrowed her eyes. Had he heard that she had brought back the reports from the Seonggeumbu? Was he here to nitpick? He had picked up the book as soon as he entered, so it seemed likely.
But considering that the Seonggeumbu head had given it to her without much opposition after only mentioning it wasn’t suitable for her to see, it likely wasn’t a procedural issue. Reports were always made in duplicate, in case one was lost, so it wasn’t about forgery either.
So why?
“So, you went to the Seonggeumbu to get this?”
While Hae-seol was pondering, the Emperor flipped through the pages with his fingers, looking amused.
“Why does the Empress want this?”
Hae-seol blinked at his question. Though it seemed like idle curiosity, they weren’t on good terms, so he wouldn’t come here just to ask this. Considering he also hindered the search for the assassin, who knew what other pretext he might use against her?
If she answered honestly, “No one is properly investigating the assassination attempt on me, so I wanted to find out myself,” he could brazenly accuse her of not trusting him or imply she had other motives. There were many possible attacks he could launch.
Ultimately, instead of talking about protecting herself or criticizing the investigation, Hae-seol cautiously covered her mouth with one hand and spoke carefully.
“I wanted to get caught by Your Majesty.”
The Emperor raised an eyebrow skeptically, shaking the report in front of her face. It was a look of utter disbelief.
Hae-seol met his gaze and, as if embarrassed, but clearly, said, “I thought if Your Majesty heard I brought this, you would come to see me.”
The Emperor didn’t respond immediately to the unexpected words. Hae-seol, not wanting to seem like she was mocking him, added with a moderate smile, “See? Your Majesty came to see me.”
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fendaira · 3 years
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7 notes · View notes
yaesflorist · 4 years
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simping time <33
20 notes · View notes
orpheane · 4 years
Girl Jock Empress
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Title: Girl Jock Empress/Empress Palace College Student
Artist: Jinyagi, Team Neokburang 
Chapter: 44, ongoing
Art: ★★★★★
Plot: ★★★★✰
Characters: ★★★★✰
The plot is coming along nicely so far, and the art is amazing! The characters could be more 3D but there has been some development for both FL and ML. MC’s character is pretty funny and relatable because she transmigrated (like usual), into an eastern themed isekai world, unlike most isekai romance comics.
ML is pretty childish, and there isn’t really any harem drama, because the second FL doesn’t even like the Emperor (ML). A fun read, with some drama, so 9/10 would recommend.
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muchalucha91 · 2 years
I’ve gone 31 years on this rock without knowing about webtoons…when I tell you I’ve INHALED a handful so far😅 It’s currently 1:40 am and I’m sobbing over Days of Hana it was so beautiful. If anyone has any recommendations I’ll gladly take them! 🖤 PS I’ll be adding more as I go. Please keep those recs coming!🖤
Here’s what I’ve read so far:
• Midnight Poppy Land (as of 3/24/2023) BACK FROM HIATUS!!! Welcome back Lilydusk!!🖤🖤🖤
• SubZero (also back from hiatus as of 2/19/2023!!!)
• Atnomen
• My Gently Raised Beast (spin-off happening)
• The Witch and the Bull (back from hiatus)
• Days of Hana (complete)
• Brimstone and Roses (on hiatus)
• Down to Earth
• Eaternal Nocturnal (back from hiatus!! Another current favorite🖤)
• Phase (back from hiatus)
• Your Wish (on hiatus til 8/14/2023)
• Reunion (complete)
• Morgana and Oz (back from hiatus)
• Maybe Meant to Be (current favorite 🖤 and on hiatus)
• I Love Yoo (other current favorite 🖤 and also on hiatus)
• Let’s Play (complete, but feels unfinished lol)
• Happily Ever Afterwards (complete? There was a series finale, but it still says “updated every Thursday” so🤷🏻‍♀️)
• The Alpha King’s Claim
• Edith (no hate to the author, but I actually stopped reading. Love the art, I just don’t care about the story there, you know?)
• Lovestuck
• Lovephobia
• Hello Baby
• Now, I am a Demon King’s Wife
• Flatmates with Benefits
• The Dragon King's Bride
• Goth Girl & The Jock
• Annie Green Hates Girls
Stellar Wish (on hiatus)
What Melvin Left Behind
Not Your Typical Reincarnation Story
What the Evil Dragon Lives For
Who Stole the Empress?
My Far Too Tumultuous Marriage
Wished You Were Dead
• Under the Oak Tree
• Lies Become You
• Disobey the Duke if You Dare
• Moonrise by the Cliff
• Your Eternal Lies
• Falling for the Enemy (complete)
• The Golden Forest
• Totem’s Realm
• Bloody Sweet (complete)
• Taming the Emperor’s Hound
• Amina of the Lamp (complete)
• Isnelda
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swga-ficrecs · 3 years
fics by trope / genre tags
based on existing tags as of January 20, 2024
social media
tropes / plots
abo dynamics
actor / actress
alternate universe
arranged marriage
artist / art student
baby daddy
bad boy
ballet dancer / ballet teacher
baseball player
basketball player /  basketball coach
best friend's boyfriend
best friend’s brother
best friend's dad
best friend's sister
best friends
best friends to lovers
board director
bookstore owner
brother’s best friend
cafe owner
camp counselor
captain of the guard
class president
club owner
coffee shop owner
college life
convict /  criminal
country club
dating show
delivery boy /  delivery girl
demon /  demon prince
drug lord
editor / editor in chief
emotional trauma
emperor /  empress
enemies to lovers
enemies with benefits
environmentalist / environmental activist
established relationship
exes to lovers
f1 racer
fake dating
fallen angel
family life
fashion designer
figure skater
fire fighter
flight attendant
football player / football captain
forbidden romance
friends to lovers
friends with benefits
friends with benefits to lovers
fuckboy / fuckgirl
game designer
god /  goddess / greek god
good girl 
grad school
grim reaper
guardian angel
gym rat
head chef
helicopter pilot
high school life
high school reunion
hockey player
hybrid / hybrid rescue / hybrid sanctuary
interior designer
jack frost
kindergarten teacher
lab partners
lacrosse player
lady in waiting
little space
lodge owner
love triangle
lovers to exes
lucid dreaming
managing director
marriage counseling
married life
masquerade party
mates / mating
mayor’s son
medic / medical student /  medical intern
mental health
museum curator
mutual pining
nail technician
nerd / nerd bts
one night stand
pastry chef / patisserie chef
person with disability
personal assistant
personal trainer
phone sex operator
physical therapist
pianist / piano teacher
police officer
prince / princess
pub owner
queen /  queen consort
racer /  street racer
radio dj
rock band / rockstar
roommates / roommates to lovers
second lead syndrome
secret admirer
secret letters
secret pining
secret relationship
secret santa
senior vp
sex contract
sex video
single parent
sister’s best friend
sister's friend
slice of life
slow burn
soccer captain / soccer player
social worker
stable boy
star wars
stockholm syndrome
strangers to friends with benefits
strangers to lovers
studio ghibli
sugar daddy / sugar baby
summer camp
super hero
tattoo artist /  tattoo apprentice
tea shop owner
teacher's assistant
terminal illness
time travel
undercover agent
underground fighter
unplanned pregnancy
unrequited love
vice president
volleyball player
waiter /  waitress
warrior / witch / wizard
wedding / wedding planner / wedding proposal
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