#Gio Palmieri
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anyathefandom · 2 months ago
So I heard Dex is dead and I already know they'll give josslyn scenes to actually grieve unlike what they did for Trina. Oh and I know the Joss fans are about to be mad as hell because they're definitely going to pair her with Gio now.😂 Anyways rip to dex. You were on for 3 yrs I believe and yet we barely knew you.🤷
Sidenote: Honestly they should've brought Adam back for her.💁
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superghfan · 23 days ago
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Giovanni "Gio" Palmieri (Giovanna Mazza).
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myghanimationspage · 6 months ago
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Feel free to use just give me (Linda) the credit for the animation if you use elsewhere…thanks
PLEASE dont use my animations to make other animations or banners with it. I work hard on my animations  and I dont want people to use them to make other fanarts
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freshlyblaked · 5 months ago
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circolotennisparabiago · 9 months ago
Seconda giornata di Serie B2 anche al femminile !
Eccoci a Voi con il racconto della seconda giornata disputata dalle nostre squadre di Serie B2 Domenica 05 Maggio.
Iniziamo per doverosa cavalleria dall’esordio delle ragazze, guidate dai bravissimi e professionalissimi Davide Moneta e Paolo Palmieri, in un girone dove nulla si chiede alle giovani atlete se non accumulare esperienze e tanto fieno agonistico da mettere in cascina per il futuro.
Sappiamo infatti che il livello della B2 non è esattamente congeniale alle nostre bellissime ragazze ma proprio per questo l’occasione deve essere sfruttata al massimo prendendo ogni singolo spunto positivo da qui alla fine della stagione.
Con queste premesse possiamo solo dire brave alle nostre girls, tutte giocatrici di terza categoria e che si troveranno di fronte avversarie ben più quotate ed inserite nei gruppi di seconda, come le avversarie di Domenica 05 Maggio del Poggio Agrisport di Torino.
Bravissima a Giorgia Orsini, schierata da numero 1 e opposta alla forte 2.6 Avataneo Sofia in un match sicuramente proibitivo per il livello dell’avversaria attualmente superiore al suo ma che ha mostrato un’ottima attitudine che fa be sperare per i prossimi impegni. NON MOLLARE, NON MOLLARE MAI in puro stile CTP !
Bravissima Iaria Semplici che ha dovuto scontare il prezzo di una prolungata lontananza dai campi di gioco e quindi dal puro agonismo, cosa che si fa sentire soprattutto quando il livello si alza per via dell’avversaria Alternini Giulia (2.7) che ha lasciato poco tempo alla nostra biondissima Ila di riabituarsi. Anche qui fieno in cascina !!!
Eccezionale invece l’esordio in squadra di Ludovica Goi, unica a strappare un set alle avversarie, nonostante da 3.3 giocasse contro una 2.7 di buon livello come Mosso Carlotta. Ci piace in questo caso riportare testualmente il racconto dell’incontro di chi l’ha seguita in panchina, coach Davide Moneta: “ … parte anche lei da sfavorita, ma gioca un buonissimo match.  Parte forte 5-1, poi arriva un po’ di tensione, l’altra rientra alzando livello fino al 5-5. Poi bravissima a chiudere 7-5. Secondo set cala fisicamente mentre l’altra regala sempre meno fino ad andare 1 set pari. Terzo set con una serie di break fino al 4-4 poi 6-4 avversaria, ma era un incontro che poteva andare da una parte o dall’altra.”
Ottima analisi Davide (ti sfrutterò ancora per il blog …) e ottima prova di Ludovica !
… anzi, inserisco anche le righe scritte da Davide e Paolo per il doppio …
“Doppio (Ilaria Ludovica). Primo set meno in partita  per merito avversarie  che sbagliano poco o niente, ma nonostante questo 63 finale . Meglio il secondo dove partono sotto (4-1) rientrano 4-3 con possibilità del 4-4 , ma anche qui brave loro ad andare 5-3 e 6-3.
Nel complesso direi prestazione buona vista la difficoltà di giocare incontri con ragazze con più esperienza e con livello di gioco superiore”.
Un grosso plauso anche a tutte Voi, bellissime e bravissime coi vostri completini invidiabili !
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Venendo ai ragazzi siamo a commentare una giornata fatta di buone, anzi buonissime notizie.
La prima: dopo due giornate siamo a punteggio pieno !
La seconda: la vittoria in quel di Piacenza recita un roboante 6 a 0 per i ragazzi sapientemente capitanati da Mattia, che nella consueta conferenza stampa post-gara ha tenuto a sottolineare anche la terza ottima notizia … in due giornate tutti i nostri tennisti hanno disputato almeno un singolo ed un doppio a testa, fatta eccezione proprio per i due Ceruti in rosa che però, credetemi, è come se le avessero giocate TUTTE le partite !!!
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Altra eccezione in positivo anche il trattore, LEADER, TRASCINATORE e chi più ne ha più ne metta Rizzuti ed il rullo compressore De Vita, che hanno portato entrambi i punti sia mercoledì sia domenica.
Venendo alla cronaca e riportando le impressioni dal campo di capitan Mattia, partiamo dalla solita e … solida prova di Gio, capace di aver la meglio con un netto 62 63 sull’ottimo 2.5 Piano Gabriele, già conosciuto dai compagni di squadra e che ha confermato tutta la sua pericolosità. Il perfezionista Rizzuti si è detto non del tutto soddisfatto della sua prova … e meno male Gio !
Sull’altro campo veniva schierato Christian Migliorini, lontano dall’agonismo da parecchie settimane e per questo impegnato innanzitutto a scrollarsi di dosso un po' di ruggine fisiologica contro un tipo di giocatore, il 2.7 Siri Giulio, che fortunatamente esalta la tecnica del nostro. Salito 5 a 1 (40 15), Chri ha pagato forse proprio la disabitudine alle partite vere, facendosi recuperare sino al 5 – 4, palla del 5 pari annullata con uno dei suoi rovesci pulisci righe ! Da lì partita in discesa e affermazione di un livello oggettivamente superiore per chiudere 64 61 in apparente scioltezza. Una prova che deve solo dare fiducia !
Imperiosa invece l’aggettivo usato da Mattia per descrivere l’affermazione di un sempre più affidabile Ricky Di Vita, opposto al 2.5 Marina Simone con cui ha lottato solo i primi due game (lasciando presagire un match molto combattuto), per poi asfaltare il malcapitato tennista di casa per 61 60, confermando uno stato di forma e di fiducia che tutti noi del CTP speriamo duri ancora per molto.
Ultimo singolare e ultimo esordio stagionale in ordine di tempo per il nostro Leo Cassago, protagonista (citando ancora il capitano …) di una partita … alla Cassago. Se pensate che lo score era 62 1 0 per Leo, in assoluto controllo, si poteva pensare ad un punto incamerato con relativa facilità. Invece, forse proprio perché al giovane varesino le cose facili non piacciono ed è forte il desiderio di mettere alla prova le coronarie di chi lo segue, si arrivava al 4 pari al secondo, al rocambolesco game del 4 a 5 perso, così come il set ed il primo gioco del terzo … Crediamo a Mattia quando dice che non ha mai avuto dubbi sulla vittoria finale, visto che il giovane 3.1 Engelbrecht Lorenzo ha ancora un livello di gioco inferiore al nostro, nonostante in stagione abbia già ottenuto notevoli risultati. Ancora 62 quindi per Leo a certificare che, cavolo Leo … sei FORTE ed il primo a crederci deve essere tu !
Salire 4 a 0 dopo i singoli avrebbe potuto far sedere i nostri, sicuri della vittoria. Proprio in momenti come questi interviene l’esperienza ed il carisma del nostro capitano, bravo a tenere alta la soglia d’attenzione, consapevole come in un girone lungo come quello che stiamo affrontando, il singolo punto può essere decisivo.
Come in prima giornata il sorteggio ha portato ad opporsi le due coppie più forti, la nostra un filo sperimentale ma voluta dal Ceruti per creare una valida alternativa ai titolari Brugnerotto (assente giustificatissimo per l’occasione) e Rizzuti. Quest’ultimo scendeva in campo insieme a Ricky Di Vita, opposti a Siri/Piano, offrendo una prova di spessore per vincere lottando 75 64 fornendo ottimi spunti per i prossimi appuntamenti.
Altro esperimento riuscito quello della seconda coppia, con il doppista Ale Panaro affiancato da chi ha un talento indiscusso ma magari non una spiccata predisposizione per questa specialità … Christian Migliorini. Partenza a razzo per i nostri sul 5 a 1 nel primo set poi vinto per 6 giochi a 2. Male l’inizio del secondo parziale con uno 0 a 3 (e palla dello 0 a 4 !!!) … sino al 5 a 2 per i locali. A questo punto, e non potevamo aspettarci qualcosa di diverso, il livello di Migliorini è salito in maniera esponenziale, soprattutto negli scambi da fondo completati dall’ottimo gioco di volo di Alessandro. 75 alla fine per il CTP, per un 60 di buono, ottimo inizio del girone 6 di B2 !
Ci piace chiudere questo blog con le sentite parole di ringraziamento di Mattia per tutti coloro che hanno seguito la squadra da lontano, grazie al live score della FITP e ai messaggi di chi era in tribuna. Un affetto che è arrivato ai ragazzi in campo e che è stato una delle tante note positive di giornata.
Continuate a seguire i nostri tennisti per la prossima trasferta dove ci presenteremo da capolista, Domenica 19 Maggio, presso l’altro Circolo in testa al Girone 6, il River Sporting Club di Cervignano del Friuli (UD) … e ancora GRANDI RAGAZZI !!!
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thrashermaxey · 6 years ago
Ramblings: Updates on OEL and MacKinnon; PHWA Awards; All-Star Game – January 25
  Late Tuesday night, the Anaheim Ducks got word that Ondrej Kase would be out for the season with a torn labrum. Recovery time could be as much as six months, which is significant, but it would also give him a couple months (hopefully) to train before having to head to Ducks camp.
I suppose this would be a good time to discuss Kase with more depth. Most data from Natural Stat Trick.
Put quite simply, you can make an argument he’s Anaheim’s most important forward, after Ryan Getzlaf. Since the start of the 2017-18 season, he’s second among the team’s forwards in points/60 minutes at five-on-five at 2.23, behind only Getzlaf (2.29). League-wide, his point rate ranks in the same tier of players like David Pastrnak, Sidney Crosby, William Karlsson, and Mark Scheifele. In terms of goals/60 minutes at 5v5, his mark of 1.37 is fourth in the league, trailing only Auston Matthews, Alex Ovechkin, and Viktor Arvidsson.
So, he’s produced a great point rate and elite goal rate over his last 96 games. That’s not all.
Kase makes those around him better. It’s not hyperbole, either:
Getzlaf with Kase: 68.1 shot attempts/60 minutes, 57.8 percent shot share
Getzlaf w/o Kase: 55.9 shot attempts/60 minutes, 50 percent shot share
Henrique with Kase: 57.9 shot attempts/60 minutes, 52.3 percent shot share
Henrique w/o Kase: 50.3 shot attempts/60 minutes, 44.7 percent shot share
The numbers are similar with Ryan Kesler, but the sample is also much smaller.
The Ducks generate about 7.1 more shot attempts per 60 minutes at 5v5 with Kase on the ice than without. They also allow about 5.3 fewer shot attempts per 60 minutes at 5v5 with Kase on the ice than without. In total, his shot share is about 5.5 percent higher relative to his team and driving the play to that rate quite literally puts him in the company of elite players like Patrice Bergeron and Sean Couturier. 
It’s difficult to express how much losing Kase hurts. Rickard Rakell is still waiting for his shooting luck to turn, Jakob Silfverberg was plodding towards his usual 20 goals (though we’ll see if injuries catch up), and they’re still waiting for Corey Perry to return (though that may be soon). This team has had to endure significant injuries for basically the last two seasons but this is one that will be difficult to overcome given their difficulty to score as it was. Kase in under-appreciated by the league but I’m sure he’s not by his teammates. They’re going to need a Herculean effort from John Gibson and a big turnaround from Rakell over the final couple months to get to the postseason.
The initial update following Thursday’s MRI for Oliver Ekman-Larsson is that he’s day-to-day. We’ll know more next week.
Speaking of MRIs, Nathan MacKinnon also had one on his foot. Colorado is playing it safe right now.
Don’t forget that the 2019 Dobber Midseason Guide is available to help you through the stretch run towards a championship. The guide contains projections, category-specific players, and a whole lot more. There are also a lot of prospects and potential call-ups covered, so even those without a league title in their sights will find information quite useful for keeper/dynasty teams, or even looking ahead to next season. Get your copy in the Dobber Shop today!
The Professional Hockey Writers’ Association (PHWA) has released their midseason awards. If I’m not mistaken, this is the second year in a row they’ve done so. It’s just the normal awards we’re used to seeing at the end of the year, only with about a 50-game sample. It basically gives us something to talk about during the break. These were their choices (screen shots from TSN):
    Let’s talk about a few of them.
  Hart Trophy
I don’t have an issue with Nikita Kucherov winning the Hart Trophy. Anyone who is leading the league in points while playing for the best team in said league is a pretty good choice.
There are two interesting points here and one of them is Connor McDavid. I don’t think there’s an argument of how valuable he is to the Oilers; with him on the ice at even strength, the team has a +1 goal differential (56-55) and with him off the ice, they’re -19 (49-68). McDavid is a plus-1 despite the having an .894 save percentage behind him. Yes, he’s basically getting Chris Terreri circa 1988 goaltending and the team still has a positive goal differential with him on the ice. It’s absurd.
The second point of interest is John Gibson. January was a tough month for him, but the team would be absolutely nowhere close to a playoff spot without him. The Ducks have allowed the second-most high-danger chance at even strength this year, with only Chicago being worse. They’re allowing the fourth-most shot attempts as well. Anaheim is also the fourth-most penalized team. The Ducks are making Gibson’s life a living hell and he has them within striking distance of a wild card spot. If that’s not valuable, I don’t know what is.
  Norris Trophy
I covered my thoughts on the Norris Trophy race yesterday. It’s going to be filled with guys posting points on playoff teams. But let us not forget HOTSAM BATCHO.
  Selke Trophy
Centres are favoured over wingers but it’s hard to see Mark Stone not winning the Selke if he continues his current play. With Stone on the ice, the team allows nearly 12 fewer shot attempts compared to what they normally allow, which leads the league in this regard. Driving offence? Stone is second league-wide. It’s no surprise, then, that he’s running away in relative shot share league-wide. I know it seems like playing favourites for an exceptional player on a bad team but he’s almost always like this. He deserves, at the least, very strong consideration to win, with all due respect to both Patrice Bergeron and Aleksander Barkov.
  Jack Adams
It was a sentiment pointed out on Twitter (I forget by whom) and I agree: how does Claude Julien not get into the top-3 for the Jack Adams? Was there a single person expecting this team to be top-3 in the Atlantic, ahead of the Bruins, and one point behind the Leafs at the All-Star break? I was very pessimistic on this team, thinking they would, at best, be a bubble team. Instead, they’re a team that can make some noise in the postseason. Claude Julien deserves a lot of credit.
  What do you think about the awards, Dobber heads?
Yesterday I started a discussion on fantasy all-stars using the same format the NHL does. When you have very limited roster spots and need a player from every team, it’s not very easy. You can read that Ramblings here.  
A quick recap of the parameters:
Standard Yahoo! scoring.
Four rosters, one for each NHL division.
Each roster contains six forwards, three defencemen, and two goalies.
Each NHL team must be represented
  Today, we go west. We’ll talk about a player or two after.
  Central Division
F – Nathan MacKinnon (COL)
F – Mikko Rantanen (COL)
F – Gabriel Landeskog (COL)
F – Ryan O’Reilly (STL)
F – Patrick Kane (CHI)
F – Blake Wheeler (WPG)
D – Jared Spurgeon (MIN)
D – Roman Josi (NSH)
D – Tyson Barrie (COL)
G – Pekka Rinne (NSH)
G – Ben Bishop (DAL)
  There is no possible way to leave the Colorado top line off the roster. All of them. Currently, in standard Yahoo! leagues, in order listed above, they’re 1st, 4th, and 6th in fantasy value among skaters. All three are in the top-25 league-wide in scoring with Rantanen and MacKinnon both top-5 (including ties). No, you can’t leave them off any fantasy all-star roster.
Why add Tyson Barrie, then? Well, the Central has more flexibility than the other divisions because they have seven teams and not eight. He’s top-10 in fantasy value among blue liners and also top-10 in just points for defencemen.
  Ryan O’Reilly
I know people like to poke fun at the fact that ROR left the Avs for the Sabres, then left the Sabres for the Blues (traded in both instances but it seems well-known he didn’t want to be where he was), only for the Blues to have a bad season. It seems unfair to blame that on O’Reilly, though, considering the Blues have a 60 percent goal share with him on the ice this year at five-on-five, which is astounding for a non-playoff team. He’s top-20 among all forwards in the league in goal share relative to his team, and aside from depth names like Ryan Reaves or Colton Sissons, that leaderboard is littered with a who’s who of top-end players like Crosby, Seguin, Benn, Radulov, Rantanen, MacKinnon, Aho, Palmieri, Pettersson, Draisaitl, and Oshie. O’Reilly is an elite player, full stop.
F – Johnny Gaudreau (CGY)
F – Sean Monahan (CGY)
F – Elias Lindholm (CGY)
F – Elias Pettersson (VAN)
F – Clayton Keller (ARI)
F – Connor McDavid (EDM)
D – Drew Doughty (LAK)
D – Mark Giordano (CGY)
D – Brent Burns (SJS)
G – Marc-André Fleury (VGK)
G – John Gibson (ANA)
  With Calgary’s top line, we run into the same problem as Colorado, just to a slightly less severe extent. All three members of Calgary’s top line are in the top-20 fantasy-wise. Matthew Tkachuk is up there, too and could replace either Monahan or Lindholm if you wish.
Special shout out to Doughty and Keller for filling the requirements.
  Mark Giordano
I don’t think we are (and I use ‘we’ in reference to NHL fans) quite appreciating what Giordano is doing this season. He has 52 points this year. That’s the second-highest total of his career (56), and we just hit the All-Star break. Consider this:
  Since 2001, there have been six instances of a defenceman having at least 50 point through his team's first 50 games. Three of those six instances are this season (Burns, Gio, Rielly) https://t.co/ARrAe39sYT
— Michael Clifford (@SlimCliffy) January 24, 2019
  Pretty good!
More than that, Giordano is the oldest player to do it at the age of 35, in any era. The next-closest was Ray Bourque with 54 points in Boston’s first 50 games back in 1995-96 at age 34. This isn’t just a great season he’s having, it’s historic.
Just as a small aside, a lot of my writing over the last two years (well, like 20 months-ish) has been focused on defencemen. We started seeing the revolution from the blue line a few years ago and now it seems to be in full swing. Guys who can’t move the puck from the back end just don’t last in the league anymore. Not only is being able to make the first pass crucial, but knowing which first pass to make (to the boards, to the middle, back to your support, or a stretch pass) and jumping up in the rush are seemingly more important than ever. I’m going to take the weekend and pore over this a little more and come back with Tuesday’s Ramblings shining a bit of light on this development over the last four or five seasons.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-updates-on-oel-and-mackinnon-phwa-awards-all-star-game-january-25/
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anyathefandom · 4 months ago
Also i'm sure that Joss x Gio pairing is coming now just like we've all been saying from the start. Rip to those Trio "Fans".😂 Like it will never fail to be funny(and insulting🙃) that they really tried to use Trina fans to gain Gio some popularity but we clearly saw the agenda from a mile away.💁 So Cheers to Jio.🥂
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anyathefandom · 9 months ago
There are some people who actually want Trina and gio to be a thing....
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First off HELL TO THE NO BABY! Second it's clear to anyone with eyes and ears that gio is only here to be in a love triangle over josslyn. I mean from what i've seen he met josslyn first, He met Dex and their probably setting up a friendship between them just for gio to find out he likes his new friends ex girlfriend, he's calling sonny "Uncle Sonny" and that's probably going to be angst for one of Josslyn's relationships AGAIN which would be so stupid but this is GH so I expect stupid things to happen. 🤷
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anyathefandom · 7 months ago
Okay but that scene with the new core four just made me sad because they are really trying (key word: Trying) to replace Spencer and Cam with Gio and Dex and it's not giving so far.🥴 Like how are y'all going to replace the Brat Prince and the Working class king with *checks notes* dex the wannabe mobster sorry I meant cop who used to be in the military and Gio the violinist whose main personality as of now is being...well a violinist.
Sidenote: This new quad reset is already off to a dull start.😮‍💨 Honestly what kind of drama are they even going to get into??
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anyathefandom · 8 months ago
My girl isn't even getting any dialogue and once again I say... I'M SUPPOSED TO WANT THIS?!!
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anyathefandom · 8 months ago
Random thought: You know if trina's only draw to gio is that he slightly resembles Spencer to her i'm actually going to be slightly intrigued. I mean it could make for a good story if she's trying to convince herself she's moving on with her life and with someone new just for her to realize she's not actually moving on because she can't help but to constantly compare Gio to Spencer every chance she gets because Spencer was/is her soulmate. So when I think about it Gio x Trina would be a good prelude to Spencer's return.
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Sidenote: the way Trina is kinda giving Sonny the way he would be attracted to women who resembled Brenda.😂
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anyathefandom · 8 months ago
Okay i'm going to be one of the rare ones to say I didn't hate gio recreating this Sprina moment simply because of Trina's reaction to it. She's clearly thinking about Spencer in this moment and expressed later on to josslyn how jarring it was for her so I guess I can say I viewed this less as a meet cute and more of a reminder that she isn't getting over Spencer any time soon.🤷
On another note though I did sigh heavily when they had Trina offer him a job and he gave her his number. Like damn not these writers already bringing this boy over to the gallery where Sprina had so many moments together 😮‍💨 Ain't shit sacred...
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anyathefandom · 8 months ago
Why did I get on Twitter and people are thinking gio x Trina is happening...
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Sidenote: If they're right then I will be under Frank's bed because why not just recast Spencer?!!
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anyathefandom · 7 months ago
Oh and apparently I missed more Gio and josslyn flirting.🥴 I wish they would just drop the Gio x Trina angle their supposedly trying to do (and doing a terrible job at trying to do it)and go for the Dex/josslyn/Gio triangle already. At this point stop toying with the idea and just do it.🤷
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anyathefandom · 8 months ago
Also I peeped how Gio was clearly disappointed to hear that Jex are possibly getting back together and it's showing what we all have known this whole time and that's that he doesn't have any actual interest in Trina which would be fine with me if it weren't for the fact we know their gonna try to sell Gio and Trina as a ship and my girl deserves better than being a consolation prize. This whole thing is giving me the ick so bad.😩
And the fact that the one moment that he actually seemed to admire her was when he said "You're looking out for josslyn. I like seeing that."🥴 And the whole "I'm glad you care about you're friends just as much as I care about you" moment didn't even make sense because that haven't even spent time together as actual friends. Honestly this whole interaction was just sloppily thrown together.
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anyathefandom · 7 months ago
From them actively trying to destroy the Trava relationship (Over FUCKING SONNY OF ALL PEOPLE)to Trina once again being in the background while Joss and gio are having a conversation I can say once again I hate this fucking show.😄
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