#Gideon Kremer
dozydawn · 2 years
Margarita Mamun Hoop Final, 2015.
Oblivion by Gideon Kremer.
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pfalztexter · 11 months
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Napoleon Bonaparte zieht nach der siegreichen Schlacht bei Jena und Auerstedt an der Spitze seiner Truppen in Berlin ein
"Die deutschsprachige Geschichtsschreibung stuft das Jahr 1806 zum Teil als ein „Epochenjahr“ ein. Ursächlich hierfür ist das Ende des Heiligen Römischen Reiches: Am 6. August 1806 verkündete Kaiser Franz II. die Niederlegung der Reichskrone. Diese Zäsur wird oder wurde von Historikern als ein mögliches Enddatum der Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit gewertet."
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Kaiser Franz II. dankt ab und löst das Heilige Römische Reich auf (Quelle)
Beethovens komponierte sein einziges Violinkonzert zur gleichen Zeit, als Napoleon den Zusammenbruch und das Ende des Heiligen Römischen Reiches herbeiführte. Uraufgeführt wurde es im Dezember 1806, aber nicht zuletzt wegen der technischen Schwierigkeit dauerte es fast 40 Jahre, bis diesem epochalen Werk der Durchbruch gelang, das heute zum Standardrepertoire jedes Violinisten von Weltruhm gehört.
Fantastische Einspielung unter Leitung von Nikolaus Harnoncourt und mit Gideon Kremer:
Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61: I. Allegro ma non troppo
Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61: II. Larghetto - attaca
Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61: III. Rondo. Allegro
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pateldevs · 4 years
99 and 100!
tysm love!! <3
99. trio élégiaque no. 2, i. moderato – sergei rachmaninoff, daniil trifonov, gideon kremer, giedre dirvanauskaite
100. glory and gore – lorde
send me a number 1–100 and i’ll tell you what song corresponds to it on my spotify wrapped!
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marxsound · 7 years
sometimes i just post stuff to tumblr (anyway)....
been listening to the sofia gubaidulina piece “offertorium” every day this week-very rewarding to dig into. heard gideon kremer play it way back when live.(1985?)  can*t help but notice that this post has nothing to do with the tumblr view of the universe at all........
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apaxinadegoldberg · 7 years
En 1980, o violinista letón Gidon Kremer (Riga, 1947) acomete a súa primeira gravación das partitas para violín só de J.S. Bach, BWV 1002, 1004 e 1006. Daquela, o talentoso músico de orixe xudía-alemá (o seu pai fora un sobrevivente do Holocausto), alumno do grande mestre ruso David Oistrakh no Conservatorio de Moscova, fora declarado “persona non grata” na URSS, tendo así que abandonar o país para continuar a súa carreira na Europa Occidental.
Vinte anos despois desa gravación das partitas, no 2001, o músico desprázase ao val de Gülls, na rexión austríaca do Burgenland, para pecharse alí durante varios días e preparar unha nova interpretación e gravación desas pezas bachianas. Será en Lockenhaus, na igrexa barroca de Sankt Nikolaus; a súa vinculación con ese lugar viña de lonxe, pois en 1981, xunto co parroco local - Josef Herowitsch - fundara alí un festival de música de cámara, o “Lockenhaus Kammermusikfest”, que desde entón ten lugar cada verán nesa localidade austríaca. Kremer experimentara un longo silencio en relación ás partitas de Bach, pois neses vinte anos non as volvería tocar nunca máis en público.
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O filme que presentamos aquí, Gidon Kremer - Back to Bach (versión orixinal en alemán con subtítulos en español), dos realizadores Daniel Finkernagel e Alexander Lück, mostra ese regreso de Kremer ás pezas bachianas despois de tantos anos, no que será, seguramente, o encontro máis importante do violinista co seu admirado compositor. Ademais, a fita permítenos coñecer de primeira man a súa visión acerca desa música e o modo en que ela o marcou profundamente, tanto na súa vida persoal, como musical.
É tamén un documental sobre o rico proceso de reflexión musicolóxica arredor desas partituras, así como sobre a preparación metódica dunha interpretación e unha gravación por parte dun músico tan extraordinario como Gidon Kremer. Os realizadores seguiron a carreira de Kremer durante cinco anos e no filme a cámara acompaña o violinista ao longo dunha semana, nun diálogo moi próximo e íntimo en torno á música de Bach, mais tamén a outros aspectos persoais e biográficos do propio Kremer. Todo ese material deita unha luz nova e intensa sobre as partitas de J.S. Bach, un compositor que, en palabras do propio Gideon Kremer, “acompaña un músico para toda a súa vida”.
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papciz-gram · 6 years
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fabiennetourneur: Part 1/2 The new Masterpiece by @gabriellapapadakis & @guillaume_cizeron A pure Tango that makes you feel the pain and the passion of the streets of Buenos Aires. Season 2018/2019 - Rythm Dance : Tango Music : Oblivion & Primavera Porteno by Astor Piazzolla performed by Gideon Kremer. Choreography : Christopher Dean. See full coverage from RD at #IDF2018 here : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10215230845901978&type=3 #IDF2018 #papadakiscizeron #isu #figureskating #iceskating #icedance #gpfigure
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liszten · 7 years
Grand Duo Concertant, J.204/Op.48 - II. Andante Con Moto
By Composer Carl Maria Von Weber
Gideon Kremer, Violin ~ Andrei Gavrilov, Piano
Artwork : “In The Realm Of Music” By Artist Otto Erdmann (1834-1905)
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smashpages · 5 years
Zdarsky, Carroll and more take home 2019 Shuster Awards
The winners of the 15th annual Joe Shuster Awards were announced this weekend, which included Chip Zdarsky, Emily Carroll, Karl Kerschl and more.
Established in 2004, The Joe Shuster Awards are Canada’s national award recognizing outstanding achievement in the creation of comic books, graphic novels and webcomics. Named in honor of Superman co-creator Joe Shuster, the awards recognize the best of the Canadian comics world; nominees must be either Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Canada. The winners were chosen by a jury.
Congratulations to this year’s winners, whose names are in bold below:
Dylan Burnett – Cosmic Ghost Rider (Marvel Comics), Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers 2018 Annual (BOOM! Studios), Reactor (Vault Comics)
Emily Carroll – Speak: The Graphic Novel (Farrar, Straus And Giroux)
Marc Delafontaine – Les Nombrils 08: Ex, Drague Et Rock’n’roll! (Dupuis)
Mike Feehan – Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles (Dc Comics)
Karl Kershl – Isola (Image Comics)
Sacha Lefebvre – U-merlin (éditions Michel Quintin)
Yanick Paquette – Action Comics, Wonder Woman Earth One Book Two (DC Comics)
Denis Rodier – Arale (Dargaud)
Maryse Dubuc, Marc Delafontaine – Les Nombrils 08 Ex, Drague Et Rock’n’roll! (Dupuis)
Meredith Finch – Xena: Warrior Princess (Dynamite Entertainment), Rose (Image Comics)
Jean-francois Laliberte – U-merlin (éditions Michel Quintin)
Jeff Lemire – Black Hammer: Age Of Doom, Black Hammer: Cthu-Louise, Doctor Star & The Kingdom Of Lost Tomorrows, Quantum Age (Dark Horse), The Terrifics (DC Comics), Descender, Gideon Falls, Hit-Girl (Image Comics), The Sentry (Marvel Comics), Bloodshot: Salvation (Valiant)
Tristan Roulot – Arale (Dargaud)
Chip Zdarsky – Marvel 2-In-One, Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man (Marvel Comics), The Wicked + The Divine: The Funnies (Image Comics)
Jim Zub – Dungeons & Dragons: Evil At Baldur’s Gate (IDW), Wayward (Image Comics), Avengers, The Champions, Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor, Infinity Countdown: Champions (Marvel Comics), Rick & Morty Vs. Dungeons & Dragons (Oni Press)
Ho Che Anderson – Godhead (Fantagraphics)
Emily Carroll – Beneath The Dead Oak Tree (Shortbox)
Svetlana Chmakova – Crush (Yen Press)
Johnnie Christmas – Firebug (Image Comics)
Francis Desharnais – Le Petite Russie (éditions Pow Pow)
Michel Falardeau – L’esprit Du Camp T.2 (Studio Lounak)
Faith Erin Hicks – The Divided Earth: Nameless City Vol. 3 (First Second)
Jeff Lemire – Royal City (Image Comics)
Mikael – Giant T.2 (Dargaud)
Beaver Damn 2 – A. Shay Hahn
Christie Pits – Jamie Michaels, Doug Fedrau
Happily Ever After – Ricky Lima, Nicolas Londeix, Andrew Thomas
Hockey Apocalypse Season 4: Cult Of Hockey – Jeff Martin
Les Animaux Se Revoltant (Ringo Starr Aussi) – Val-bleu
The Complete Squid-gee Octology – Keenan Poloncsak
Cauldron 1 (Shane Heron)
Gothic Tales Of Haunted Love (Bedside Press)
Jewish Comics Anthology Vol. 2 (Ah Comics)
Swan Song (Cloudscape Comics Collective)
Toronto Comics: Osgoode As Gold (To Comix Press)
Wayward Sisters (To Comix Press)
The Dragon Award (Comics for Kids)
Peter and Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths – Graham Annable (First Second)
Crafty Cat and the Great Butterfly Battle – Charise Mericle Harper (First Second)
The Nameless City: The Divided Earth – Faith Erin Hicks (First Second)
Crush – Svetlana Chmakova (Yen Press)
13e Avenue – Genevieve Pettersen et Francois Vigneault (La Pasteque)
Aventurosaure tome 1 – Julien Pare-Sorel (Presses Aventure)
Jennifer Haines. A leading Canadian comic retailer for over 20 years, Jenn Haines has been an active and vocal supporter of the comics industry and the role comics and comic shops have in their communities. She established the Comics in the Classroom initiative to help educators use comics and graphic novels in their classrooms to improve student literacy.
Harry Kremer Award (Retailers)
Alpha Comics (Calgary, AB)
Cape and Cowl Comics (Lower Sackville, NS)
Comic Book Addiction (Whitby, ON)
Comic Hunter (Moncton, NC)
Curious Comics (Victoria, BC)
Cyber City Comics (North York, ON)
Variant Edition (Edmonton, AB)
Eisner Award-Winning Guelph, ON retailer The Dragon celebrated their 20th Anniversary in 2018. In 2019 they are being given an honorary Harry Kremer Award for their Contributions to the Canadian comic retail landscape and beyond.
As an awards sponsor and booster, they have self-omitted themselves previously from consideration for the Kremer Award, but unbeknownst to them, the Awards Executive felt that in light of their special anniversary year as well as the JSA’s 15th, and in lieu of Jenn being honored with the TM Maple Award and the awards being presented in Guelph that all of these factors added up to it being the right time for the Dragon to officially be included to the short list of Canada’s top comic retailers. Congratulations Jenn!
Canadian Comic Book Creator Hall of Fame
Al Hewetson (1946-2004) (active from 1970-1999)
Alan Hewetson was a Scottish-Canadian writer and editor of American horror-comics magazines, best known for his work with the 1970s publisher Skywald Publications, where he created what he termed the magazines’ “Horror-Mood” sensibility. He went on to become a publisher of city magazines in Canada.
Gerhard (1959-) (active 1984-present)
Gerhard is the professional name of a Canadian artist known for the elaborately detailed background illustrations in the comics series Cerebus the Aardvark.
Dale Keown (1962-) (active 1986-present)
Dale Keown is a Canadian comic book artist, known for his runs on The Incredible Hulk and his creator-owned book, Pitt.
Ken Lashley (1967-) (active 1988-present)
Ken Lashley is a prolific artist and editor, credited as a colorist, penciller, cover colorist, inker, finisher, cover, and variant cover artist, has worked across the comic book industry with DC (The Flash, Cyborg, Suicide Squad, Superwoman, Batwing, Superboy) and Marvel (Excalibur, X-Men, Rising Stars, Black Panther, Spider-Man).
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collectorscorner · 5 years
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 5/15/19
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 5/15/19 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner’s No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland’s Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 5/15/19 ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENT Athena Voltaire And The Golden Dawn TP, $14.99 Princeless Volume 8 Princesses #2, $3.99 Seafoam A Friend For Madison #1 (Cover A Jeanine Jonee), $3.99 Seafoam A Friend For Madison #1 (Cover B Kyle Holland), $3.99 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Orphan Age #1 (Nuno Plati 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Orphan Age #2, $3.99 AHOY COMICS Planet Of The Nerds #2, $3.99 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONS Casper Capers #4 (Cover A Jeff Scherer), $3.99 Casper Capers #4 (Cover B Warren Kremer), $9.99 AMULET BOOKS Flash Volume 1 Hocus Pocus SC, $8.99 Supergirl Volume 1 Age Of Atlantis SC, $8.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Giant Comics Gala GN, $9.99 Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #273, $6.99 Sabrina The Teenage Witch #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Veronica Fish), $3.99 Sabrina The Teenage Witch #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Paulina Ganucheau), $3.99 Sabrina The Teenage Witch #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Victor Ibanez), $3.99 ASPEN COMICS Fathom Volume 8 #1 (Cover A Mauricio Camptella), $3.99 AVATAR PRESS Cinema Purgatorio #18 (Cover A Kevin O'Neil Cinema Purgatorio Variant), $6.99 BOOM! STUDIOS Adventure Time Marcy And Simon #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Brittney Williams), $3.99 Adventure Time Marcy And Simon #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Danielle Chuatico Marcy Variant), $3.99 Adventure Time Marcy And Simon #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Jamie Loughran Simon Variant), $3.99 Black Badge #10 (Cover A Matt Kindt), $3.99 Black Badge #10 (Cover B Tyler Jenkins), $3.99 Firefly #6 (Cover A Lee Garbett), $3.99 Firefly #6 (Cover B Joe Quinones), $3.99 Firefly #6 (Cover C Ethan Young), AR Firefly #6 (Cover D Will Sliney ), AR Jim Henson's Labyrinth Coronation Volume 2 HC, $24.99 Lumberjanes #62 (Cover A Kat Leyh), $3.99 Lumberjanes #62 (Cover B Chan Chau), $3.99 Planet Of The Apes Before The Fall Omnibus TP, $39.99 Ruinworld Eye For An Eye TP, $14.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #20 (Cover A Marcus To), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #20 (Cover B Miguel Mercado), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #20 (Cover C Audrey Mok), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #20 (Cover D Gleb Melnikov), AR Comic Shop News #1665, AR DANGER ZONE Aberrant Season 2 #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Davi Leon Dias), $3.99 Aberrant Season 2 #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Davi Leon Dias), $3.99 Aberrant Volume 1 TP, $14.99 Black Betty Volume 2 TP, $14.99 Danger Doll Squad Presents Amalgama Lives #2 (Cover A Marco Maccagni), $4.99 Double Jumpers Volume 2 Full Circle Jerks TP, $14.99 Guncats Volume 1 TP, $14.99 Zombie Tramp #59 (Cover A Marco Maccagni), $4.99 DARK HORSE COMICS Avatar The Last Airbender Imbalance Part Two TP, $10.99 Calamity Kate #3 (Cover A Corin Howell & Valentina Pinto), $3.99 Calamity Kate #3 (Cover B Jenn St-Onge), $3.99 Disney Hamlet Starring Donald Duck TP, $10.99 Disney PIXAR The Incredibles 2 Secret Identities #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Jean Claudio-Vinci), $3.99 Disney PIXAR The Incredibles 2 Secret Identities #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Kawaii Creative Studio), $3.99 Disney The Lion King Volume 1 Wild Schemes And Catastrophes GN, $10.99 Eerie Archives Volume 26 HC, $49.99 Gantz Omnibus Volume 3 TP, $24.99 Horror Of Collier County HC (20th Anniversary Edition), $19.99 Joe Golem Occult Detective The Conjurors #1, $3.99 Last Stop On The Red Line #1, $3.99 Neil Gaiman's American Gods The Moment Of The Storm #2 (Cover A Glenn Fabry), $3.99 Neil Gaiman's American Gods The Moment Of The Storm #2 (Cover B David Mack), $3.99 Sword Daughter Volume 2 Folded Metal HC, $19.99 Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 8 HC (Limited Edition), $79.99 Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 8 TP, $24.99 Whispering Dark TP, $17.99 DC COMICS American Carnage #7, $3.99 Aquaman #48 (Cover A Robson Rocha), $3.99 Aquaman #48 (Cover B Joshua Middleton), AR Batgirl Volume 5 Art Of The Crime TP, $16.99 Batman #71 (Cover A Mikel Janin), $3.99 Batman #71 (Cover B Frank Cho), AR Batman The White Knight HC, $29.99 High Level #4, $3.99 Justice League #24 (Cover A Jorge Jimenez), $3.99 Justice League #24 (Cover B Jerome Opena), AR Justice League Odyssey Volume 1 The Ghost Sector TP, $16.99 Lucifer #8, $3.99 Mister Miracle HC, $34.99 Naomi #5, $3.99 Nightwing #60 (Cover A Chris Mooneyham), $3.99 Nightwing #60 (Cover B Warren Louw), AR Pearl #9 (Cover A Michael Gaydos), $3.99 Pearl #9 (Cover B Kent Williams), AR Ronin By Frank Miller TP (Black Label Edition), $19.99 Suicide Squad Volume 8 The Final Mission TP, $19.99 Superman #11 (Cover A Ivan Reis & Joe Prado), $3.99 Superman #11 (Cover B Adam Hughes), AR Superman The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Volume 4 HC, $34.99 Swamp Thing Protector Of The Green TP (DC Essential Edition), $24.99 Teen Titans #30 (Cover A Bernard Chang), $3.99 Teen Titans #30 (Cover B Alex Garner), AR Teen Titans By Geoff Johns Volume 3 TP, $29.99 Teen Titans Go #34, $2.99 Wonder Woman By Azzarello And Chiang Omnibus HC, $125.00 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Battlestar Galactica Classic #4 (Cover A Marco Rudy), $3.99 Battlestar Galactica Classic #4 (Cover B Daniel HDR), $3.99 Battlestar Galactica Classic #4 (Cover C Marco Rudy Virgin Variant), AR Battlestar Galactica Classic #4 (Cover D Daniel HDR Black & White Variant), AR Bettie Page #5 (Cover A John Royle), $3.99 Bettie Page #5 (Cover B Scott Chantler), $3.99 Bettie Page #5 (Cover C David Williams), $3.99 Bettie Page #5 (Cover D Julius Ohta), $3.99 Bettie Page #5 (Cover E Photo), $3.99 James Bond 007 #7 (Cover A Tim Seeley), $3.99 James Bond 007 #7 (Cover B Khoi Pham), $3.99 James Bond 007 #7 (Cover C David Nakayama), $3.99 James Bond 007 #7 (Cover D Stephen Mooney), $3.99 KISS The End #2 (Cover A Stuart Sayger), $3.99 KISS The End #2 (Cover B Ruairi Coleman), $3.99 KISS The End #2 (Cover C Pasquale Qualano), $3.99 KISS The End #2 (Cover D Photo), $3.99 Xena Warrior Princess #2 (Cover A David Mack), $3.99 Xena Warrior Princess #2 (Cover B Emanuela Lupacchino), $3.99 Xena Warrior Princess #2 (Cover C Paulina Ganucheau), $3.99 IDW PUBLISHING Amazing Spider-Man The Ultimate Newspaper Comics Collection Volume 5 1985-1986 HC, $49.99 Bernie Wrightson Artifact Edition HC (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond), $125.00 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Volume 22 TP, $17.99 Marvel Action Spider-Man #4 (Cover A Christopher Jones), $3.99 Marvel Action Spider-Man #4 (Cover B Paulina Ganucheau), AR Superman The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies 1947-1949 HC, $49.99 Tangled The Series Hair And Now #2 (Cover A Disney), $3.99 Tangled The Series Hair And Now #2 (Cover B Gabby Zapata), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Volume 2 TP, $29.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder In Hell #3 (Cover A Mateus Santolouco), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder In Hell #3 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder In Hell #3 (Cover C Juan Gedeon), AR Transformers #5 (Cover A Andrew Griffith), $3.99 Transformers #5 (Cover B Cachet Whitman), $3.99 Transformers #5 (Cover C Guido Guidi), AR V-Wars The Graphic Novel Collection TP, $29.99 IMAGE COMICS Bitter Root Volume 1 Family Business TP, $16.99 Fairlady #1 (Claudia Balboni 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Fairlady #2 (Cover A Claudia Balboni & Marissa Louise), $3.99 Fairlady #2 (Cover B Benjamin Dewey), $3.99 Farmhand #8, $3.99 Gideon Falls #13 (Cover A Andrea Sorrentino), $3.99 Gideon Falls #13 (Cover B Gabriel Hernandez Walta), $3.99 Kick-Ass #14 (Cover A Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #14 (Cover B Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #14 (Cover C Chris Burnham), $3.99 Little Bird #3 (Of 5), $3.99 Low #22 (Cover A Greg Tocchini), $3.99 Low #22 (Cover B Daniel Brereton), $3.99 MCMLXXV TP, $9.99 Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #15, $3.99 Outer Darkness Volume 1 Each Other's Throats TP, $16.99 Outpost Zero Volume 2 Follow It Down TP, $14.99 Port Of Earth #10, $3.99 Rat Queens Volume 6 The Infernal Path TP, $16.99 Skyward #13, $3.99 Spawn Kills Everyone The Complete Collection Volume 1 TP, $16.99 KODANSHA COMICS Sailor Moon Eternal Edition Volume 4 GN, $27.99 LEGENDARY COMICS Godzilla Aftershock HC, $24.99 LION FORGE Catalyst Prime Incidentals #18, $3.99 Gender Queer A Memoir GN, $17.99 Infinity 8 #12, $3.99 Wormworld Saga Volume 3 Kingspeak TP, $9.99 LOCUS MAGAZINE Locus #700, $8.99 MARVEL COMICS Age Of X-Man Nextgen #4 (Of 5), $3.99 Age Of X-Man The Marvelous X-Men #4 (Of 5), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #18.HU (Ken Lashley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #19 (Gerardo Sandoval 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #21 (Cover A Humberto Ramos), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #21 (Cover B Leinil Francis Yu Connecting Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #21 (Cover C Josemaria Casanovas), AR Amazing Spider-Man #21 (Cover D Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Volume 19 Assassin Nation TP, $39.99 Avengers No Road Home #9 (Of 10)(Paco Medina 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Black Widow #5 (Cover A Clayton Crain), $3.99 Black Widow #5 (Cover B Keunwoo Lee Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Captain Marvel #1 (Carmen Canero 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Captain Marvel #2 (Carmen Canero 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Captain Marvel #3 (Carmen Canero 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Captain Marvel #4 (Carmen Canero 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Captain Marvel Starforce TP, $19.99 Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #2 (Of 6)(Gerardo Zaffino 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Daredevil #3 (Marco Checchetto 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Daredevil #5 (Cover A Julian Totino Tedesco), $3.99 Daredevil #5 (Cover B John Romita Jr. Hidden Gem Variant), AR Giant-Man #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Woo Cheol), $3.99 Giant-Man #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Dale Keown), AR Giant-Man #1 (Of 3)(Cover C Bob Powell Remastered Variant), AR Guardians Of The Galaxy #3 (Geoff Shaw 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy #5 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy #5 (Cover B Jong-Ju Kim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Immortal Hulk #17 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #17 (Cover B Heyjin Im Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Immortal Hulk Volume 3 Hulk In Hell TP, $15.99 Ironheart #6, $3.99 League Of Legends Ashe Warmother TP, $15.99 Major X #2 (Of 6)(Rob Liefeld 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Marvel Masterworks The Invincible Iron Man Volume 12 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Invincible Iron Man Volume 12 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 275), $75.00 Marvel Tales Iron Man #1 (Cover A Jen Bartel), $7.99 Marvel Tales Iron Man #1 (Cover B Jen Bartel Virgin Variant), AR Old Man Quill #5 (Of 12)(Cover A John Tyler Christopher), $3.99 Old Man Quill #5 (Of 12)(Cover B Yoon Lee Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Savage Sword Of Conan #3 (Ron Garney 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Spider-Man Life Story #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Chip Zdarsky), $4.99 Spider-Man Life Story #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Aco), AR Star Wars #66 (Cover A Gerald Parel), $3.99 Star Wars #66 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Lando Calrissian #1 (Cover A Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson), $3.99 Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Lando Calrissian #1 (Cover B Mike McKone Puzzle Piece Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Lando Calrissian #1 (Cover C Concept Design Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Lando Calrissian #1 (Cover D Movie Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Republic Heroes TP, $17.99 Star Wars Han Solo Imperial Cadet TP, $15.99 Star Wars Tie Fighter #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Tommy Lee Edwards), $3.99 Star Wars Tie Fighter #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Jeff Langevin Alphabet Squad Variant), AR Symbiote Spider-Man #1 (Of 5)(Greg Land 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Thor By Jason Aaron And Russell Dauterman Volume 3 HC, $44.99 True Believers Marvel's Greatest Creators Luke Cage Power Man Piranha #1, $1.00 Uncanny X-Men #18, $3.99 Venom #12 (Joshua Cassara 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 War Of The Realms #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Arthur Adams & Matthew Wilson), $4.99 War Of The Realms #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Greg Hildebrandt), AR War Of The Realms #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Marko Djurdjevic Connecting Realm Variant), AR War Of The Realms #4 (Of 6)(Cover D Aaron Kuder Young Guns Variant), AR War Of The Realms #4 (Of 6)(Cover E Billy Tan International Variant), AR War Of The Realms #4 (Of 6)(Cover F Victor Hugo), AR War Of The Realms #4 (Of 6)(Cover G Maxx Lim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR War Of The Realms #4 (Of 6)(Cover H Arthur Adams Black & White Variant), AR War Of The Realms Journey Into Mystery #1 (Of 5)(Andre Lima Araujo 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 War Of The Realms Spider-Man And The League Of Realms #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99 War Of The Realms Spider-Man And The League Of Realms #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Cully Hamner), AR War Of The Realms Strikeforce The War Avengers #1 (Cover A Kim Jacinto), $4.99 War Of The Realms Strikeforce The War Avengers #1 (Cover B Nick Bradshaw), AR Web Of Venom Cult Of Carnage #1 (Danilo S. Beyruth 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 ONI PRESS Dream Daddy A Dad Dating Comic Book TP, $19.99 Kaijumax Season 4 #6 (Of 6), $3.99 Morning In America #3, $3.99 PANINI PUBLISHING Doctor Who Magazine Special #52, $11.99 PAPERCUTZ Fuzzy Baseball Volume 1 HC, $12.99 Hotel Transylvania 3-In-1 Edition Volume 1 TP, $14.99 Smurfs Volume 25 The Gambling Smurfs GN, $7.99 QUIRK BOOKS Manfried Saves The Day GN, $14.99 REBELLION/2000AD 2000 AD Pack April 2019, $22.40 Invasion 1984 TP, $19.99 Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files Volume 33 TP, $24.99 Judge Dredd Megazine #407, $13.00 TITAN COMICS Bloodborne #12 (Cover A Damien Worm), $3.99 Bloodborne #12 (Cover B Yoshioka), $3.99 Bloodborne #12 (Cover C Game Art Variant), $3.99 Shades Of Magic The Steel Prince Comic Pack, $20.00 TOKYOPOP Konohana Kitan Volume 4 GN, $12.99 VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Imperium Deluxe Edition HC, $59.99 Life And Death Of Toyo Harada #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Mico Suayan), $4.99 Life And Death Of Toyo Harada #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Paulina Ganucheau), $4.99 Life And Death Of Toyo Harada #3 (Of 6)(Cover C A. J. Jothikumar), $4.99 Life And Death Of Toyo Harada #3 (Of 6)(Cover D CAFU Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR Livewire #6 (Cover A Kenneth Rocafort), $3.99 Livewire #6 (Cover B John K. Snyder III), $3.99 Livewire #6 (Cover C Juan Doe), $3.99 Livewire #6 (Cover D Paulina Ganucheau Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR VIZ MEDIA Pokemon Sun And Moon Volume 4 GN, $4.99 Radiant Volume 5 GN, $9.99 Record Of Grancrest War Volume 3 GN, $9.99 Requiem Of The Rose King Volume 10 GN, $9.99 Yo-kai Watch Volume 11 GN, $9.99 WARRANT PUBLISHING COMPANY Creeps #19, $5.95 ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Robyn Hood Outlaw #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Marco Mastrazzo), $3.99 Robyn Hood Outlaw #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Edgar Salazar), $3.99 Robyn Hood Outlaw #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Michael Dipascale), $3.99 Robyn Hood Outlaw #4 (Of 6)(Cover D Anthony Spay), $3.99 GAMES DEVIR AMERICAS Papua Board Game, AR Picnic Board Game, AR KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT Yu-Gi-Oh Dark Neostorm Booster, AR TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Aardman Animations 2 Rain Coat Gromit UDF Figure, AR Aardman Animations 2 Shaun And Bitzer UDF Figure, AR Aardman Animations 2 Timmy And Timmys Mum UDF Figure, AR Aardman Animations 2 Wallace And Gromit UDF Figure, AR Anthem Javelin Icons 4 Pack Pin Set, AR Batman 80th City Symbol T-Shirt XL, AR Batman 80th City Symbol T-Shirt XXL, AR Batman And Joker T-Shirt MED, AR Batman And Joker T-Shirt SM, AR Batman Black And White Mini PVC Figure 7-Pack Box Set One, AR Batman Ninja Figma Action Figure, AR Batman Ninja Figma Action Figure (Deluxe Sengoku Version), AR Captain Marvel Goose Life-Size Stand Up, AR Captain Marvel Life-Size Stand Up, AR Captain Marvel Nick Fury Life-Size Stand Up, AR Care Bears Funshine Bear 100% Bearbrick, AR Care Bears Funshine Bear 400% Bearbrick, AR Certain Magical Index III Nendoroid Plus Keychain 9 Piece Assortment, AR Clockwork Orange Alex 100% And 400% Bearbrick 2 Pack, AR Clockwork Orange Alex 1000% Bearbrick, AR Creepshow Fathers Day 3-3/4 Inch Retro Action Figure, AR Creepshow Something To Tide You Over 3-3/4 Inch 2 Pack Retro Action Figure, AR Dark Knights Metal Batman The Dawnbreaker Statue, AR Darling In The Franxx Ichigo Nendoroid Action Figure, AR DC Comics Batman Dark Knight Bane Vinimate, AR DC Comics Batman Dark Knight Batman Vinimate, AR DC Comics Batman Dark Knight Joker Vinimate, AR DC Cover Girls Wonder Woman By Joelle Jones Statue, AR Disney Traditions Belle And Maurice Figure, AR Disney Traditions Cogsworth And Mrs Potts Figure, AR Disney Traditions Lumiere And Feather Duster Figure, AR Disney Traditions Princess Passion Ariel Figure, AR Disney Traditions Princess Passion Belle Figure, AR Disney Traditions Princess Passion Mulan Figure, AR Disney Traditions Princess Passion Pocahontas Figure, AR Disney Traditions Princess Passion Rapunzel Figure, AR Disney White Woodland Cinderella Figure, AR Dragon Ball Glitter And Glamour Bulma II Figure, AR Dragon Ball Glitter And Glamour Bulma II Special Color Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Banpresto World Colosseum V2 Piccolo Figure, AR Fallout T-51 Power Armor And Cradle 4 Port USB Hub, AR Fang Of The Sun Dougram Combat Armors Max14 1/72 Scale Model Kit, AR Fate Grand Order Caster Gilgamesh Nendoroid Action Figure (Ascension Version), AR Femme Fatales Lady Death PVC Figure Diorama, AR Food Wars The Third Plate Megumi Tadokoro Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Garfield 1000% Bearbrick, AR Garfield 400% Bearbrick, AR Halo Master Chief Large 59-60 Cm Motorcycle Helmet, AR Harry Potter Golden Snitch Crossbody Bag, AR Hatsune Miku GT Project 1/43 Scale Mini Car AMG (2017 24 Hours Spa Version), AR Hell Daruma 100% Bearbrick, AR Hell Daruma 400% Bearbrick, AR Hellboy I T-Shirt SM, AR It Terror From Beyond Space Black And White 3-3/4 Inch Retro Action Figure, AR It Terror From Beyond Space Green 3-3/4 Inch Retro Action Figure, AR It Terror From Beyond Space Red 3-3/4 Inch Retro Action Figure, AR Jean-Michel Basquiat Vinyl Collectible Doll (Sunglasses Version), AR JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Jotaro Pin, AR Justice League Batman 1000% Bearbrick, AR Justice League Batman 400% Bearbrick, AR Kings Avatar Huang Shaotian Nendoroid Action Figure, AR Kingsman Harry Galahad Hart 400% Bearbrick, AR Marvel Gallery Thor Comic PVC Figure, AR Marvel Select Rogue Action Figure, AR Naruto Shippuden Minato Namikaze Kurama Kizuna Figuarts Zero, AR Nendoroid Pouch Sleeping Bag (Grey And Red Version), AR New Japan Pro-Wrestling Kazuchika Okada 100% Bearbrick, AR New Japan Pro-Wrestling Tetsuya Naito 100% Bearbrick, AR Nue Red Sofubi Vinyl Figure, AR One Piece Grandista Grandline Men Zoro Figure, AR Original Black Tiger Sofubi (Late Stage Version), AR Original Tiger Mask Sofubi Vinyl Figure (Plush Doll Version), AR Overwatch D.Va Logo Black Ceramic Mug, AR Overwatch D.Va Logo Blue Ceramic Mug, AR Overwatch Logo Coaster 4 Pack, AR Overwatch Pachimari Ceramic Mug, AR Overwatch Soldier 76 Symbol Ceramic Mug, AR Pan's Labyrinth Ofelia 7 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR Phantom Of The Paradise Vinyl Collectible Doll, AR Pikuriru Fate Extella Link Rubber Strap 10 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Piyokuru Persona 5 The Animation 01 8 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Pocket POP Alien 40th Xenomorph Figure Keychain, AR POP And Buddy Men In Black Agent K And Neeble Vinyl Figure, AR POP And Buddy Pet Sematary Undead Gage And Church Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Simpsons S2 Abe Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Simpsons S2 Bart Bartman Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Simpsons S2 Lisa Saxphne Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Simpsons S2 Maggie Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney PIXAR Toy Story Slinky Dog Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Warhammer 40k Blood Angel Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Warhammer 40k Blood Claw Pack Leader Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Warhammer 40k Dark Angel Veteran Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Warhammer 40k Space Marine Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Dark Phoenix Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Alien 40th Ripley In Spacesuit Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Alien 40th Xenomorph Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Beverly Hills Cop Axel Mumford Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Caddyshack Al Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Caddyshack Carl Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Caddyshack Gopher Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Caddyshack Judge Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Caddyshack Ty With Chase Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Hellboy With B.P.R.D. Tee Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Secret Life Of Pets 2 Max In Cone Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Secret Life Of Pets 2 Snowball In Superhero Suit Vinyl Figure, AR POP Nascar Bill Elliott Vinyl Figure, AR POP Nascar Dale Earnhardt Jr Vinyl Figure, AR POP Nascar Dale Earnhardt Vinyl Figure, AR POP Overwatch Bastion 6 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR POP Overwatch Wrecking Ball 6 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR POP PEZ Marvel Beast, AR POP PEZ Marvel Logan, AR POP PEZ Star Wars Logray, AR POP PEZ Star Wars Ponda Baba Walrus Man With Chase, AR POP PEZ Star Wars Snaggletooth With Chase, AR POP Rocks BTS Jimin Vinyl Figure, AR POP Sports Babe Ruth Vinyl Figure, AR POP Sports Muhammad Ali Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Addams Family Cousin Itt Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Addams Family Gomez Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Addams Family Uncle Fester Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Addams Family Wednesday Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Big Bang Theory S2 Amy Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Big Bang Theory S2 Bernadette Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Big Bang Theory S2 Howard Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Big Bang Theory S2 Leonard Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Big Bang Theory S2 Penny Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Big Bang Theory S2 Raj Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Big Bang Theory S2 Sheldon Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Billions S1 Bobby Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Jeopardy Alex Trebek With Chase Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Sanford And Son S1 Lamont Sanford Vinyl Figure, AR Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie Rebellion EXQ Mami Tomoe Figure, AR Reanimator Herbert West 3-3/4 Inch Retro Action Figure, AR Reanimator Herbert West And Carl Hill 3-3/4 Inch 2 Pack Retro Action Figure, AR Retailer Summit 2019 Marvel Gallery Yellow Daredevil PVC Figure, AR Rick And Morty Cromulon Good Job Pin, AR Rick And Morty Office Supply Set, AR Rock Candy Marvel Dark Phoenix Figure, AR Saga Marko And Alana Issue One Cover T-Shirt LG, AR Saga Marko And Alana Issue One Cover T-Shirt MED, AR Saga Marko And Alana Issue One Cover T-Shirt SM, AR Saga Marko And Alana Issue One Cover T-Shirt XL, AR Saga Marko And Alana Issue One Cover T-Shirt XXL, AR Saga Marko And Alana Issue One Cover T-Shirt XXXL, AR Saga Prince Robot T-Shirt LG, AR Saga Prince Robot T-Shirt MED, AR Saga Prince Robot T-Shirt SM, AR Saga Prince Robot T-Shirt XL, AR Saga Prince Robot T-Shirt XXL, AR Saga Prince Robot T-Shirt XXXL, AR Scooby-Doo 12 Piece Bendable Figure Assortment, AR Shining Overlook Hotel Carpet 1000% Bearbrick, AR Space Jam Bugs Bunny 100% And 400% Bearbrick 2 Pack, AR Space Jam Tweety And Tasmanian Devil 100% Bearbrick 2 Pack, AR SpongeBob Squarepants Krabs With Dollar Pin, AR Star Wars Episode One Force FX Obi Wan Kenobi Lightsaber, AR Star Wars Rainbow Rebel Logo T-Shirt LG, AR Star Wars Rainbow Rebel Logo T-Shirt MED, AR Star Wars Rainbow Rebel Logo T-Shirt SM, AR Star Wars Rainbow Rebel Logo T-Shirt XL, AR Star Wars Rainbow Rebel Logo T-Shirt XXL, AR Studio Chizu Mirai Of Future Kun And Mirai UDF Figure Series 2, AR Studio Chizu Wolf Children Ame UDF Figure Series 2, AR Studio Chizu Wolf Children Yuki UDF Figure Series 2, AR Super Mario First World Problems T-Shirt LG, AR Super Mario First World Problems T-Shirt MED, AR Super Mario First World Problems T-Shirt SM, AR Super Mario First World Problems T-Shirt XXL, AR Super Mario First World Problems T-Shirt XXL, AR Sword Art Online Asuna 1/8 Scale PVC Figure (Swimwear Version), AR Sword Art Online Code Register EXQ Alice Towel Figure, AR Sword Art Online Code Register EXQ Sinon Towel Figure, AR Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale Asuna 1/7 Scale PVC Figure, AR Tick Wall Break T-Shirt LG, AR Tick Wall Break T-Shirt MED, AR Tick Wall Break T-Shirt XL, AR Tick Wall Break T-Shirt XXL, AR Time Machine Cave Battle Morlock 3-3/4 Inch Retro Action Figure, AR Time Machine Glow In The Dark Morlock 3-3/4 Inch Retro Action Figure, AR Time Machine Midnight Attack Morlock 3-3/4 Inch Retro Action Figure, AR Tokyo Tribe Waru Black 400% Bearbrick, AR Tokyo Tribe Waru White 400% Bearbrick, AR Transformers Movie Masterpiece Ironhide Action Figure, AR UFO Robot Grendizer Sofubi (Gold Color Version), AR Ultraman Sofubi Vinyl Figure (Metallic Version), AR Uncharted 4 Nathan Drake Figure, AR Vynl Alien 40th Xenomorph And Ripley With Tracker 2 Pack, AR Waldo 400% Bearbrick, AR
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hardcorefornerds · 6 years
Zelenka, Trio Sonata No. 6 in C minor (also, No. 5 in F major) performed in the Christuskirche, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2017.
I included Zelenka’s six sonatas in my favourite albums listened to this year, but this is the first time I’ve watched them being performed. It’s great to see the interplay between the two oboes - why I always think of them as ‘jazzy’ - and the deeper interjections from the bassoon (while it is a ‘trio sonata’, that is only in the sense of the primary instruments and not including the basso continuo of double bass and harpsichord)
This year was good for me in terms of seeing actual live performances, albeit not in the genres I was used to previously - in Dublin I managed to see concerts led by Jordi Savall, Gideon Kremer, Paul Hillier and Monica Huggett, none of whose names (with the possible exception of Savall) would have meant anything to me last year.
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pateldevs · 4 years
hey! 5-10
HELLO ELKE thank u!! <3
5. candy – robbie williams
6. trio élégiaque no. 1 – sergei rachmaninoff, daniil trifonov, gideon kremer, giedre dirvanauskaite
7. shampoo bottles – peach pit
8. genghis khan – miike snow
9. nobody – mitski
10. prom dress – mxmtoon
send me a number 1–100 and i’ll tell you what song corresponds on my spotify wrapped!
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smashpages · 5 years
2019 Joe Shuster Award nominees announced
To celebrate the 105th anniversary of the birth of Joe Shuster, the 2019 Joe Shuster Award nominations were announced on July 10.
The awards celebrate the Canadian comic industry and the creators who work in it. The nominees will be unveiled in two rounds. Later this month, the nominees for the Dragon (Comics for Kids) Prize, Hall of Fame, TM Maple, Webcomics, Cover Artist and the Harry Kremer Retailer will be announced
The date and location of the ceremony have not yet been announced; however, they are expected to be awarded in September 2019.
Dylan Burnett – Cosmic Ghost Rider (Marvel Comics), Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers 2018 Annual (BOOM! Studios), Reactor (Vault Comics)
Emily Carroll – Speak: The Graphic Novel (Farrar, Straus And Giroux)
Marc Delafontaine – Les Nombrils 08: Ex, Drague Et Rock’n’roll! (Dupuis)
Mike Feehan – Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles (Dc Comics)
Karl Kershl – Isola (Image Comics)
Sacha Lefebvre – U-merlin (éditions Michel Quintin)
Yanick Paquette – Action Comics, Wonder Woman Earth One Book Two (DC Comics)
Denis Rodier – Arale (Dargaud)
Maryse Dubuc, Marc Delafontaine – Les Nombrils 08 Ex, Drague Et Rock’n’roll! (Dupuis)
Meredith Finch – Xena: Warrior Princess (Dynamite Entertainment), Rose (Image Comics)
Jean-francois Laliberte – U-merlin (éditions Michel Quintin)
Jeff Lemire – Black Hammer: Age Of Doom, Black Hammer: Cthu-Louise, Doctor Star & The Kingdom Of Lost Tomorrows, Quantum Age (Dark Horse), The Terrifics (DC Comics), Descender, Gideon Falls, Hit-Girl (Image Comics), The Sentry (Marvel Comics), Bloodshot: Salvation (Valiant)
Tristan Roulot – Arale (Dargaud)
Chip Zdarsky – Marvel 2-In-One, Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man (Marvel Comics), The Wicked + The Divine: The Funnies (Image Comics)
Jim Zub – Dungeons & Dragons: Evil At Baldur’s Gate (IDW), Wayward (Image Comics), Avengers, The Champions, Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor, Infinity Countdown: Champions (Marvel Comics), Rick & Morty Vs. Dungeons & Dragons (Oni Press)
Ho Che Anderson – Godhead (Fantagraphics)
Emily Carroll – Beneath The Dead Oak Tree (Shortbox)
Svetlana Chmakova – Crush (Yen Press)
Johnnie Christmas – Firebug (Image Comics)
Francis Desharnais – Le Petite Russie (éditions Pow Pow)
Michel Falardeau – L’esprit Du Camp T.2 (Studio Lounak)
Faith Erin Hicks – The Divided Earth: Nameless City Vol. 3 (First Second)
Jeff Lemire – Royal City (Image Comics)
Mikael – Giant T.2 (Dargaud)
Read more
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papciz-gram · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
fabiennetourneur: Part 2/2 The new Masterpiece by @gabriellapapadakis & @guillaume_cizeron  A pure Tango that makes you feel the pain and the passion of the streets of Buenos Aires. Season 2018/2019 - Rythm Dance : Tango  Music : Oblivion & Primavera Porteno by Astor Piazzolla performed by Gideon Kremer. Choreography : Christopher Dean. See full coverage from RD at #IDF2018 here : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10215230845901978&type=3 #IDF2018 #papadakiscizeron #isu #figureskating #iceskating #icedance #gpfigure
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