archosauriansworld · 5 years
Here’s chapter 2 of GiantsVerse!
Again, the chapter can be found on Plotfactory here: 
      Within minutes of getting back Elsa had the man in the castle’s infirmary. A tall, wiry figure entered the room, upon hearing his footsteps Elsa turned to face him, “Dr. Noctus..”
            “Your Majesty,” he said with a small bow before going to the injured man’s side, “What happened here?”             “I-I don’t know,” Elsa lied. “I was taking a stroll and I came across him. He’s hurt badly. It looks like he was attacked by something.”             “Well, luckily these wounds don’t look too deep, but.. they’re deep enough that they’ll scar,” Noctus said turning to Elsa.“I’ll get to work immediately, I brought some supplies which should suffice. I will say you did a marvelous job on sealing his wounds with your powers Your Majesty, otherwise he’d likely be dead by now..”             As she listened, Elsa couldn’t take her eyes off of the shapeshifter. He was alive and had a high chance of surviving, but she also knew she was the reason he was in such a critical condition. She wrapped her arms around herself. Why had he attacked her? What could he have gained? Where was he from? She needed him to survive in order to receive such answers. Finally, she turned to the doctor. ”Thank you,“ she said. Her eyes darted back to the man. "Please, do what you can.”             Noctus nodded in return. “I shall do my best. The good thing is that he’s lost so much blood he likely won’t feel much if anything at all while I’m patching him up,” he said as he turned to pull some supplies out of his case.             Elsa gave a small nod and turned to leave him to his work. However she paused in the doorway. “Please inform me once he has woken, I’d like to speak with him,” she said as she looked over her shoulder.Looking back, he gave a smile.             “Of course Your Majesty. It may be a few hours until he’s conscious again, if not tomorrow.”            Elsa nodded and silently made her way out, shutting the door behind her. She closed her eyes and sighed, resting her back against the wall. A few moments later she retired to her private chambers to rest.                                                     ————
            A few hours later, Elsa was pacing the expanse of her quarters, waiting to hear from Noctus. A small knock caught her attention, looking back she heard the doctor’s voice from the other side of the door.
            “Your Majesty?”
            Elsa halted her steps and turned toward the door, “Come in.”
            Noctus entered the room, “Well, he’ll likely be bed-bound for the next several weeks but I expect him to make a full recovery. I’d recommend keeping him hydrated for the next week or so, he lost a fair amount of blood. There’s also a low chance of his stitches accidentally opening if he moves too much, so there’s that to keep an eye on as well.”
            Elsa listened intently and when he was finished, she gave a small nod. Though she wrung her hands and chewed on her bottom lip. The Queen sighed in relief and nodded again. “Thank you,” she said, a small smile gracing her features. “Is that all?”
            Noctus paused, “Well, I did notice some… intriguing things about your guest. It seems this isn’t the first time he’s been in this type of situation. His entire abdomen is well… for a lack of better words, covered in older scars, most are old and obviously done by the claws of some sort of animal. However he also has some scars that were done by bullets. Again, they’re fairly old, but I’d keep an eye out, if there were attempts on his life out near where you found him, they may follow him here.”
            Elsa frowned at this. She should have expected as much when she brought him back to Arendelle. Obviously he possessed some sort of magic that allowed him to shapeshift, and Elsa knew best how magic always comes with a price. “Very well,” she said with a sigh. Her composure fell with her weariness. “I’ll increase the guards at each post and inform the general to take precautions.”
            Noctus gave a small nod. “Alright then, you look like you’ve had a long day, perhaps you should get some rest,” he said with a small chuckle before turning to leave. “Have a good day Your Majesty, and if anything happens with him, please let me know.”
Elsa nodded. “Thank you doctor,” she said as she showed him out. Watching him leave for a brief moment before deciding to head back to the infirmary to check on the shapeshifter.
Upon entering she could tell he was still unconscious, however his skin had already regained some color and his breathing had become more stable. Noctus had been able to clean the blood from around his wounds, which despite being stitched up gave the area a slight pink tinge to the surrounding skin. However the myriad of scars that adorned his abdomen were almost pale, a stark contrast against his olive skin.
            The queen stood by his bedside and observed him for a few moments. The wounds she had inflicted on him seemed to glare at her, forcing her to shift her gaze to the floor. To her it didn’t matter that it was in self defense, she still hurt him. Her powers were and always will be dangerous. She wondered if she would forgive herself once he awoke.
            A small grumble escaped his lips as he started to stir. Slowly his eyes opened before he attempted to sit up, however as soon as he put pressure against his arm, a sharp snarl of pain escaped his lips. Despite this he still managed to sit up, winded from the ordeal he then looked around the room before setting his gaze on Elsa. His gaze wasn’t cold, it was something much more primal. “Where the hell am I,” he growled.
               Elsa started when he began to stir. She lifted her hands as if to steady him, but didn’t touch him. “In Arendelle,” she answered, her voice surprisingly calm. “You need to relax, you’re hurt. If you move too much you may open your stitches,” she urged.
              He rolled his eyes, “I’ve had worse..” he growled before glaring back at her, “Why do you care”
              Elsa frowned and pursed her lips. “I’m not allowed to care about the well-being of others?”
              His eyes narrowed, pupils turning to slits. “Why would you? I attacked you after all, why not finish me when you had the chance?”
              She lowered her arms. Her eyes meeting his, unwavering. “And what would I gain from killing you?”
              “A sabertooth skin rug perhaps?”
              Elsa crossed her arms and raised a brow, hardly amused. “Hm, I’m starting to think my garden needs a nice sabertooth ice statue. Don’t you think?”
              He rolled his eyes, unamused by her comment.“Be glad your cryomancy caught me off guard.”
              “Cryomancy?” she repeated. Elsa then shook her head and took a step closer to the bed. “And your attack caught me off guard.”
              A small snort escaped him, “That was the idea.. you take prey by surprise and they don’t know what hit them. If you’re lucky you can hide the body before scavengers come prowling around.”
              Elsa wrinkled her nose. “You were going to eat me?”
              “I view humans as a last resort. Too bitter. Besides, never had the chance and never will. I’ve heard the stories of what people do to ‘problem animals’, and it never ends well.”
              “Regardless,” she sighed, massaging her temple to fend of an oncoming headache. “You’re here because I don’t kill, much less want to harm a creature, and seeing as it’s my fault you almost died, you’re staying in Arendelle until you heal enough that the doctor feels comfortable in releasing you.”
              He rolled his eyes and gave a small snort of irritation before looking over to the window. From here, it was easy to tell how small the village was. Had he passed through here before? If he had, it would’ve been because he was just passing through.
              Elsa shifted on her feet uncomfortably at his silence. The snort was the only sound she could go off of that he had heard. Yet, she didn’t trust him to stay bedridden. The queen had to bet the moment she walked out, he would be gone by morning. “Is that understood?” she asked, fixing him with a hard glare; as if daring him to defy her.
              He looked back, obviously pissed, “Whatever you say blondie,” he grumbled before looking back out. He knew in his current state he wouldn’t be able to make an escape, but perhaps within the week he could sneak back out to the wild. After all, he’d been able to escape from Dira, a kingdom at least twice as large as here, how hard could it be?
              Elsa’s eyebrow twitched, her mouth opening and closing as if to retort, but the words were lost on the tip of her tongue. She could have sworn she saw red in that moment. “Blondie?” She sputtered, clearly offended. Her blue eyes flashed, following his gaze. “Don’t call me that,” she growled. “And don’t even think about any escape attempts, I have guards posted all over the castle. Inside and out.”
              He didn’t say anything, but merely looked back at her. If looks could kill, she would’ve been dead. At least he knew something that made her tick, if need be he could use that to his advantage later on.
              Elsa took in a deep breath to compose herself. Breathe in. Out. Again. It was merely a moment before she could look at the situation more objectively. “I have a couple questions to ask you.” She finally said.
              He gave an annoyed sigh. “What,” he responded with a low growl
              The queen ignored his temper and went straight to the point. “Who are you?”
              His eyes narrowed at her, what game was she playing? He looked her up and down, “What’s it to you?”
              Elsa rolled her eyes at his response. He was proving to be stubborn as ever. She didn’t answer until she pulled up a chair and seated herself, crossing her legs. “As Queen it is protocol to know about those in her kingdom,” she responded, unfazed by the hint of impatience in his voice. Elsa sighed. “I don’t want to treat you as a prisoner. You’re my guest and under my care. If you wish, for every answer you provide me, you may ask a question of your own.”
              His green eyes flashed with caution at the mention of the term 'Queen’, but after a quick glance around the room, he was slightly relieved to see there were no weapons in reach of her, then again given she was a cryomancer she could create one with a quick motion of her fingers, or just blast him outright. However she seemed calm enough, at least calm enough to give simple information to. “Fine. My name is Rhett.”
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archosauriansworld · 5 years
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know GiantsVerse is still in the works and for once I actually have chapters to share! However, I don't really have that many done so far, only around a dozen. But here is the gameplan for the AU:
The first Arc; Which will start the entire AU, so far my estimate of chapters will be anywhere between 20-30, but you never know! This first part will be basically setting up the AU, it's characters and a bit of lore. This takes place around a year after the initial events of Frozen, and is between the timeframe of Frozen Fever and F2. Everything afterwards is relatively hush-hush for now, and is still heavily in the works as I haven't seen F2 yet 😅, however it will take place in a similar timeframe of F2 and the months afterward.
The second Arc; Can't give too much on it right now, but it will be a sequel to the first arc
The third arc; Again, can't give much, but this will be technically a prequel to the original arc.
Oneshots; there will likely be several oneshots interspersed from around the GiantsVerse timeline! Most of which will likely be fluff... maybe a bit of angst tossed in somewhere.
Be prepared! There is a lot coming everyone so stay tuned!
Final note: I wouldn't have gotten this far in my AU without help from my wonderful friends on Tumblr and in the other circles I'm in!
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archosauriansworld · 5 years
Here it is! The first chapter of GiantsVerse!
Special thanks to these amazing people for their help with helping me figure out how to write certain characters and with help on expanding with my own @insectoid5 @rememberingmermaids @snowqueenofmyheart And special thanks to the amazing @wintermoonqueen for her help with Elsa, without you all I would’ve never been able to truly get my AU out there to everyone. Enjoy! Also you can find the AU here on PlotFactory! https://plotfactory.com/stories/preview/917d936b-98cb-4d0e-9136-8679a04fc6d3
            A pair of green eyes opened deep within the forest, massive paws slowly stretched, revealing curved obsidian claws. Within moments a large shape emerged from the cave, a beast very few had seen, his spotted pelt helped conceal him in the summer greenery of the forest. Looking around him he he could see the telltale signs that the greenery would soon change, prey would become scarce, as well as his chances of getting a meal. As he silently padded off, every sense was on high alert, every sound, every smell didn’t go unnoticed, for he was not the only hunter on the prowl in these parts. Out here, it was always a fight for survival, a fight in which only the strongest would survive. He’d been lucky enough to survive ten summers in this fertile valley, it was a surprise that relatively few had entered this part of the forest. In those years he had only encountered a handful of people, most of which were farmers, an even fewer sight were hunters, he’d manage to evade them several times, however he still had the scars to prove it.             Padding down to the river’s edge he glanced around, making sure he was alone, there were relatively few tracks of any wildlife around him, however he was relieved to see no traces of wolves or bears. There was still a chance of finding prey, most of what he hunted were medium sized animals, boars and reindeer being his most common targets. However as he started to lap up some of the clear mountain water a familiar, and unwelcome scent filled his nostrils, there was a human nearby, Green eyes narrowed, today the hunter would become the hunted.                                                ———————             “Anna?” Elsa called. She’d been wandering the forest for around an hour now, not entirely sure where she was, her sister had taken this game a little too far. “Anna this isn’t funny! You can’t just run off this far into the woods like that!” Elsa bit her lip and sighed. Her shoulders slumped, achy from keeping her back straight for hours on end. Just to keep up her appearance. It was exhausting to say the least. Upon noticing a small clearing near the edge of the woods she moved to investigate, had Anna gone over here? There certainly was a fair amount of places for her to hide. Her shoulders slumped again after no sign of her sister, and sat on a flat, yet leveled rock to rest her feet. She closed her eyes and sighed, taking in the fresh scent of the firs, if she had a choice she could spend hours out here alone.
            Following his nose, the beast continued onward through the forest, as he neared closer and closer he could feel his nostrils start to tingle. Whoever had ventured here certainly smelled, he wouldn’t have been shocked if all the prey in the forest had vacated from the area due to the horrendous perfume. After a while it became too much for him to bear to focus on scent alone, he had to use his hearing to find his target, luckily her yelling had helped, it was almost as if she wanted to be hunted down. Slowing his pace, he started to creep closer and closer to the clearing.  Pausing at the edge of the clearing he slowly crouched down, the patterning on his pelt helping him blend into the surrounding foliage, judging from her yells she wasn’t truly alone, there was at least another human nearby, if she were to be killed it would have to be a quick and quiet one. Continuing his slow advance his pelt accidentally got snagged on a partially bare bush. Immediately hunkering down, he mentally cursed, if she knew he was there, who knows what the outcome would be? However.. he could use this to his advantage, she was looking for her companion after all.
            Elsa jolted at the sound of brush moving behind her, something was nearby. A small shiver raced up her spine, prompting her to sit up straighter, alert. Her wide blue eyes scanned the area, but when she found nothing, she relaxed again. The queen released a small breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. “It’s alright,” she murmured to herself. “Just the wind.” She then nervously chewed her lip, she had to find a way back to Arendelle soon.
               'Come on, turn back around’, he thought as he watched her every move. It was somewhat amusing to him that his little mishap had startled her. However with her likely expecting something from this direction, he needed to change position, which required him to move to another vantage point. He had to be careful. Slowly he stalked to a fir that was somewhat closer, making sure she couldn’t see him. However the small sound of a dry fir cone being stepped on prompted him to pull back, hoping he could otherwise stay hidden.                                                 ———————                                
              Elsa jumped to her feet when she heard more movement from behind her, but closer. She held her arms up, fingers fanned out at the direction of a possible threat. A deep frown crossed her face. “Who’s there?” she growled, feeling tendrils of ice on the tips of her fingers. “Anna, if that’s you, this isn’t funny.”                                                             ———————
             His ear flicked, he’d had enough, if she knew he was there, he may as well charge. She appeared unarmed, it’d be reckless but he’d have to take his chance, this could be the only one he’d get. Unless if he was able to injure her and escape, hopefully the smell of blood would outweigh the smell of her perfume so he could finish her off. Like a bolt of lightning he leapt from the bushes, a quarter ton of killer instinct ready to be put into action. This woman would be lucky to escape with her life.                                                    ——————— 
            Elsa whirled on her toes as the predator lunged from the bushes. A surprised gasp escaped her lips as a sharp blast of frost went in the animal’s direction. With her free hand she raised a wall of icicles from the ground. A spiky fortress of ice, risen to protect herself from the beast.             The great cat snarled in annoyance as the frost hit him square on the muzzle. With a low growl he started to prowl around the large structure before him before momentarily pausing, slight confusion adorning his face. ‘Ice?’ he thought before clearing the thought from his mind. Circling around he looked for a chance to tear her open. He wanted her out, one way or another.             “Stay away!” she shouted, blasting another wave of icy spikes at the feline as it prowled around her. She clenched her teeth and furrowed her brows in concentration. If this cat got the opening it needed, there’d be little she could do, no amount of ice or snow in the world would be able to save her. She eyed the great predator before her, she’d never seen any cat like this before, even in the castle’s library, the long, curved saber-like teeth, muscular build, it looked almost like a lynx crossed with a bear. Maybe she could use her knowledge (albeit limited) on those two animals to her advantage.            He watched as the woman eyed him, trying to figure out what he was and how to go on the offense against him. It somewhat amused the cat as he continued to a less defended side of her little ice fort.
            The cat lunged forward, teeth and claws bared. Instinctively Elsa created more spikes in an attempt to defend herself from the oncoming attack. A loud roar split the air as the spikes pierced the animal’s hide. She watched as is lost balance and land on the ground with a slight thud. She watched, uncertain of what it would do next.
            He steadied himself and rose to his paws, the hunt had failed, with a mere glance back the cat hurriedly limped away, the large wounds in his left side numbed from the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. As he left, a trail of crimson slowly dripped onto the grass and dirt in his wake.
            Shocked, Elsa watched the animal retreat and eyed the blood trail for a few moments. Curiosity swept over her once more, prompting her to follow the trail, she wanted to know what exactly attacked her.
                                           ———————              Farther up the trail, the large cat padded through the chambers of a large cave, most of which stylized with intricate paintings of local animals and plants, crudely made brushes of wood and furs were scattered around small wooden bowls filled with dyes of local plants. However there were more important things on the animal’s mind. Briefly stopping in a smaller, lower chamber he looked down at the deep wounds on his chest and upper arm. 'Damn’, he knew the amount of blood was becoming too much. If he passed out due to blood loss, he’d be an easy target for any predators, he needed to treat these wounds, and fast.                                              ———————             The queen continued on the blood trail, a deep frown etched onto her face. Her heart dropped when she caught a glimpse of the large cave between the surrounding foliage. With the amount of blood the animal was losing, it wouldn’t be long before it left this world.
            She paused at the cave’s entrance, taking in a deep breath. Frost lingered on her fingertips, ready to use her magic if need be, only for defense. Taking a step forward she looked inside, but jumped slightly when she felt her foot hit something, looking around she saw the entrance was littered with quite a few bones, reindeer, boar, and even elk, whatever this beast was, it certainly was powerful.                                              ———————             With all the adrenaline gone, the cat could fully feel the pain of his wounds, by this point his breathing had been labored and his vision was slowly starting to get blurrier and blurrier. Perhaps it’d be easier if he tried another way to get down. Slowly his body started to change, fur turned into skin, the massive saber teeth disappeared. Once his transformation was complete he kneeled onto the floor and briefly glanced over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of his pursuer before he collapsed onto the stone floor and all went black. 
            Elsa gasped upon witnessing what had happened in front of her, rushing to his side as he collapsed. Her heart hammered in her chest as she turned him over to inspect his wounds. Gashes crossed his chest and upper left arm, caking his tan skin in a thick layer of blood. The queen shook her head, murmuring, “What have I done?” She had to rectify this. She had to bring him back to Arendelle and have him treated. It was because of her someone got hurt, again. With shaking hands she froze over his wounds and conjured a way to carry him back to Arendelle.
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archosauriansworld · 2 years
I’m not dead!
Hey all! I figured it was about time to revive and (attempt to) rebrand my Tumblr account! And to start, I thought it’d be best if I told you what the majority of these art pieces relate to, and a couple major questions that I would probably get asked. As some of you know, much of this Tumblr was to revolve around Giants!Verse, a Frozen AU that I’ve been working on since late 2015 when I first dipped my toes into the fandom. Now, after roughly 7 or so years I finally feel like I can actually one again go into more detail, and repost chapters from the fic itself, which can be found here (NOTE: I will be going back at some point to revise/reformat some parts of this fanfic): https://archiveofourown.org/works/27814735/chapters/68095828 For those that don’t know, the Giants!Verse story arc starts roughly a year after the events of the first film and diverges from film canon onwards, however there is a decent amount of lore for the AU itself prior to the events of the arc. The most relevant parts of lore occur roughly 40 years prior to the main events of the story, and where the AU diverges from Frozen canon, which will be delved into in another, larger post. However, many ideas originally shown in Frozen 2, such as Anna and Elsa’s heritage, and the lost Arendellian soldiers are still in this AU. However, some are changed to better fit the AU, such as the spirits having to have been cut/edited to better fit what was already established in the AU prior to Frozen 2’s release. If anyone has any further questions feel free to shoot me some! My inboxes here and on Twitter are open!
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