#Ghost x asexual!reader
islayhawkin · 2 months
Coming home
Simon "Ghost" riley x f!asexual!reader
Request: Hello! I saw you're cool with writing fics for ace readers and I was wondering if you'd like to write something for either Ghost from COD or V from Devil May Cry? Something like they're reassuring the reader that they're okay with them being ace? If it's not possible, that's completely fine! I'm just so happy to see someone including us in fanfiction 🖤💜🤍Thank you, and have a good day/night! :) Warnings!: mention of sexual themes, making out, human body reaction, swearing ooc simon ( bc it's kinda unrealistic that he'd even be in a relationship but we can do in fanfiction what we want so we're gonna ignore that. In my head he's just a lost puppy ) Hurt/comfort, fluff A/N: I did my reasearch in form of fanfiction too and literally almost every fic on tumblr under ghost x reader is smut so I'm starting the counter-revolution for aces. Hope anon will find this again. Bc I've been on hiatus for some time.
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The 414s had gone to a bar at friday night after a long mission. They had the weekend off for the first time in a while. They all had a hard time adjusting to the civilian life again but most of them did have a life to return to outside of work. For ghost, well rather simon, this life contained you. His civilian life was practically you. It was all he cared about outside of work really.
The group sat around the table with glasses in their hands conversing about nonsense really but for them it was pretious to be this careless for a moment. Simon sometimes contributed dry comments which earned some laughter from soap beside him.
Simon had invited you. Though he was at first hesitant to bring you together with the 414 however that changed quickly when he heard that you'd be walking home alone in the darkness than. And as if you didn't do that every day he seemed adamant to not let you do that when he was around.
The bar they were at was relatively quiet as you entered and spotted the team on the other side of the room. A small smile formed on your lips when you saw the back of his head.
Unfortunately for you the men had settled on the topic of sex when you joined them.
"Can't wait to get that stress of the last months sorted out." Gaz chuckled. The others laughed while adding comments of their own. "I bet riley's gonna have a blast tonight when he gets home." Soap laughed with a teasing look to his commrade.
There was a small grin on Simon's lips at the teasing but he quickly shut them down. "Shut up johnny."
You made intentionally loud noices when walking the last few steps to make yourself known to the group and also not to startle simon. He turned around in his chair and immediately stood up to greet you. When he stood up his figure towered over you.
"Hey. I'm glad you're back." You smiled and gave his arm a small squeeze. You were still quite distant from eachother due to your knowlege about him, were you aware what he was comfortable with. You were sure he didn't even feel your soft touch through all that cloth and muscles though.
He made a quick introduction to the team before everyone rearranged themselves so you were able to get a seat beside simon.
The evening was great. You got along really well with everyone especially with soap. There were laughs here and there sometimes teasing comments towards you and ghost, which he quickly shut down. But they still lingered in the back of your mind when you came home to your shared apartment.
It's not like you minded their comments. You all were adults and it was their way to chill after weeks of just living in life-death situations. Some jokes were actually quite funny you had to admit. These men who normally went around threatening people were actually really hilarious.
You clicked the lights on in your apartment and threw your shoes off. Ghost stood for a while at the entrance hall watching your every move as you moved around the apartment, changing your clothes into something comfortable.
When you realised he didn't follow you inside you took a cautious step back into the entrance hall and tried to read his emotions through his mask and gear. "Are you okay?" You asked softly as you approached him. Your hands slowly moving around his waist.
"Hm." He nodded.
"Your home." You whispered with a smile and moved your hand up to remove his mask. He didn't stop you from doing so.
His hair sprang out from under it and you were able to fully take in his state. He looked incredibly tired and worn out.
"Home..." he repeated lowly. The sound vibrating through his body.
You traced a scar on his face tenderly. "Let's get you to bed hm? You look exhausted."
"I'm fine."
"I'm sure you're fine. Just let me take care of you. I'll give you a massage or something..."
The side of his mouth quirked up at that thought. "Alright."
You stood on your toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving for the bedroom again. This time ghost followed you.
His sweatpants and a pair of handmade socks were already neatly folded on his side of the bed. He made quick work of removing his vest and shirt at the sight, leaving his muscled upper body exposed. You had already moved to his side to help him unclasped his belt for him with quick fingers.
"You want to take a shower?"
You unsipped his trousers and he stepped out of them.
"Not now. Tommorow."
You threw the pyjamas pants to him and handed the socks over after he had his pants on.
"You made these for me?" He asked quietly. His eyebrows rose with surprise.
"Yep." You smiled shyly. "We got a matching set now." You showed the socks on your feet. A proud look showing on your face.
One of his rare genuine smiles took over his face. "You're adorable." He chuckled and fastly took his big arm around your waist to pull you flush against him.
"I missed you." The words only a low rumble vibrating through his throat. His eyes switched from your eyes to your lips before he cupped your cheek and leaned into a kiss. His touch was always surprisingly tender with you, almost cautious. As if afraid he'd crush you under his strenght.
The first few times you slept in the same bed with him you even needed to reassure him that he wouldn't crush you beneath him while he slept with you in his arms.
His kiss on the other hand now showed a bit of force behind it as he pushed you slowly against the wall behind you. You both gasped for air when he finally pulled his lips from yours.
A smile tucked at your lips and you stroked your hand through his tousled hair. "I missed you too love."
He didn't give you a long time before pushing his lips to yours again. His free arm resting besides you against the wall. You felt his body react to you as he pulled himself as close to you as he possible could. One of your leg was positioned between his thick thights making it impossible for you not to notice.
The next time simon pulled away he muttered a breathy "sorry. I didn't mean to-" before leaning his forehead against yours. "I'm just- it was much the last few weeks. I've felt bloody alone without you."
"I know." You caressed the side of his head. "Let's go to bed okay? You can cuddle with me all night."
He nodded and cautiously disconnected his body from yours. "I didn't make you uncomfortable did I?" There was a dark shadow over his eyes, which gave you a glimpse of the eyes his enemies saw.
"No. It's alright..." you faltered for a moment. "Are you content this way?"
He looked almost betrayed. "What do you mean? Of course I'm content. I couldn't think of anything better to come home to. You're the bloody best thing that happened in my shit life."
You smiled sadly at his words and took his big hands in your smaller ones. "I mean with me being asexual. I know you said it was okay but I can't help but think I'm depriving you of it when you actually want it. The others made these comments and it got me thinking that you can't have these experiences and advantages of having a partner."
You could see how he was taken aback by your words. As if he never even considered it this way. "I'm not coming home every time again just so I can fuck you. When I'm all alone out there, with the possibility of dying everyday I'm always thinking about you. You're the one that keeps me alive. And you give me so much more that I could ever have asked for. I don't care if I want to have sex. I can't stop wanting it but I can live without it, I can't live without you."
There was silence in the room except for the small breathes.
You smiled tearfully. "Who would've known you could be such a poet." You chuckled.
He grinned. "I'm just stating the truth."
You kissed his crooked nose. "God I love you."
You snuggled up against his bare chest. His arms engulfing you in them. It was a comfortable silence between the two of you. But simon was still in his head. You thought he was trying to process the events of the past weeks.
"I don't want you to think of us like this ever again." He muttered.
"What?" You raised your head.
"I don't want you to think that I'm unhappy with you. That you are depriving me of something. I'm sorry for not showing it more often what you mean to me."
"That's alright. I know how you struggle..." you caressed his side with your palm.
"No it's not alright. You always do this. You're so sweet and understandable of me but I never give you enough back. So please don't think that I think any less of you because of your asexuality. For me you are the best person."
You smiled softly against his chest. "Thank you. I'll try not to."
"good." He squeezed you against him.
It was some time before you spoke up again. "You think about me when you're out there?"
"All the time. You're the reason I'm still alive and come back to you every damn time."
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~Yanderes For Everyone~
Here's some yandere prompts and imagines, both romantic and platonic, for those who want some non sexual yandere adoration ❤️ Happy Pride!
Romantic/Asexual Scenarios:
M!Yandere x M!Reader
Yandere!Best Friend who couldn't figure out at first why it hurt so badly when you had friends other than him until a classmate attempted to ask you out
Yandere!Best Friend really just wants the two of you to continue playing games together, and live together, and adopt a couple of dogs together, and grow old together.. y'know, like how best friends do
Yandere!Best Friend becomes a complete menace when he learns what asexuality is, and that one can be both gay and ace
Yandere!Best Friend who is determined to prove that you don't need anyone else but him, even if it means cutting you off from the outside world
Yandere!Best Friend's method of "seduction" is stealthily turning off your phone's notifications while you're hanging out and tricking you into staying over longer than you intended
"You can't leave yet! I forgot to show you this new game I bought; it has couch co-op, and I just put pizza bites in the oven!"
Fem!Yandere x Fem!Reader
Yandere!Nun who enjoys her days at the convent, tending to flowers and taking care of those in need. She doesn't care so much about her vows to God, but enjoys a life free from the societal expectations she was gifted from birth as a woman.
Yandere!Nun is stunned when she sees you for the very first time. It was like witnessing an angel descend upon the earth, or experiencing a divine prophetic dream
Yandere!Nun loves being near her own personal angel, who's voice brings a joy she's never known before
Yandere!Nun is crushed when she learns that this isn't a final home for you like it is for her, and is instead merely a way for you to receive an education before your inevitable debut into society
Yandere!Nun who becomes determined to keep you with her, forever tending to the garden and feeding the poor, and decides that she will do whatever it takes to keep you by her side...
"Really, aren't you safer here? I mean, under God's protection, we can be happy! ..together.."
Yandere!Succubus x GN!Reader
Yandere!Succubus who's never enjoyed sex, not even once in the past thousand years she's been alive
Yandere!Succubus feels she must "grin and bear it", putting on a fake smile and bracing herself for the worse when she is once again summoned to the human world
Only to be floored by you, who summoned her from a spell in an ominous old book you found in the attic, not knowing that she was a succubus
Yandere!Succubus can feel herself falling for you every time she is summoned for some mundane task that doesn't involve her body, whether it be helping you finish a work assignment last minute or assisting with household chores
Yandere!Succubus refuses to answer the summoning rituals of lonely humans, instead spending all her time with you, even when you don't call for her
Yandere!Succubus knows that when it's your time, you will inevitably be punished, and has already made plans for your "departure" from this world
It'll be like you never died, you'll blink and be 25 again, baking cookies with her in your kitchen while she tells you about her day, laughing as she flirts with you and never questioning why Monday never seems to arrive
Yandere!Merman x GN!Reader
Yandere!Merman who meets you in a very silly and cliche way: being rescued after getting tangled up in garbage
Yandere!Merman acts distraught when you refuse to accept any gifts from him, trying to convince him that you don't need to be rewarded for doing the right thing
Yandere!Merman finds himself enamored with you, wanting to extend your visit longer, going as far as to grab your ankle when you try to leave
He begins running out of reasons to keep you, but you promise you'll be back again in the morning, and boy does he feel like crying when you stay true to your word and return to him
Yandere!Merman feels a little guilty about deceiving you, but when he learns that you're only there on "vacation" and that you'll be going "back to work" soon, he had to do something!
Yandere!Merman who finally gets you to accept a gift, a little glass vial that he claims is a traditional drink his people enjoy
He apologizes over and over again when the "drink" causes you to transform, robbing you of your legs. Wiping your tears away and crying himself, claiming that he had no idea it would have that affect on a human! But that he's ready to take responsibility, and take care of you for the rest of your new life under the water..
Yandere!Spirit x GN!Reader
Yandere!Spirit who's been dead for so long that they've forgotten what it was like to be human
Their body has warped as they lost memories of their previous life, elongating and discoloring, their skin a hollow grey and their body thin and stretched
Yandere!Spirit is approached one day by you, a human who not only can see them, but isn't afraid of them
Yandere!Spirit had forgotten what warmth was, but being in your presence was almost like having a heartbeat again
Yandere!Spirit becomes addicted to you, begging to stay by your side and continue basking in the sunlight of your smile, feeling that this is what it must have felt like to be alive
"Don't ask me to stay home.. does it really bother you that people think you're talking to yourself? I just.. please don't leave me again.."
Aroace/Platonic Scenarios:
Yandere!Catboy x GN!Reader
Yandere!Catboy who breaks into your house one day, and decides that your home is now his home as well
Yandere!Catboy demands attention and affection when he wants it.. and it usually just happens to be when you're busy
Yandere!Catboy has no sense of personal space, and didn't care if you're on the phone with your mother, he needs to use your lap as a pillow right. now.
Yandere!Catboy is a pain in the ass, treating you like a prince's servant, but he adores you in his own, possessive way
"Why do you smell like another cat?! I don't care if that skank was an aCtUaL cAt, those hands should only be rubbing these ears! Now get to it!"
Yandere!Big Sister x GN!Reader
Yandere!Big Sister who isn't actually related to you, but took pity on you and offered you a ride one night when you were walking home in the rain
Yandere!Big Sister sees herself in you, despite the gender difference, believing you to be as lonely as she is
Yandere!Big Sister begins keeping an eye out for you on her trips around town, doing her best to gain your trust slowly enough where she wouldn't scare you off
Yandere!Big Sister invites herself over to your apartment the moment she thinks you might not hate her, bringing gifts of junk food and beer
Yandere!Big Sister is so convinced that you are like her, that she "protects" you from your "obviously shitty" family, blocking their numbers on your phone while you're passed out, isolating you from the people that would hurt you
"That ass forgot your birthday?! I'm so sorry, kiddo.. If it makes you feel any better.. I already picked up a cake on my way over here~"
Yandere!Cult x Deity!Reader
Yandere!Cult Members who passionately worship you with a fervor that makes you worried for their mental stability
Resurrected from obsoletion, you were obviously overwhelmed with joy, being a small, nearly forgotten deity.. but when you witnessed your congregation, you realized they weren't regular worshippers
Yandere!Cult Members exist in a state of ecstasy for you, giving up their lives to join the cult they made in your name
Yandere!Cult Members who take what little text survived from your past followers, and turned it into a doctrine so absolute, that any deviation has them on their knees begging for forgiveness
And when you make yourself known, trying to calm the pitiful humans, share some comfort with them that you are not a god that enjoys this kind of devotion, the Yandere!Cult is in a state of euphoria, unable to comprehend your words..
"You appear! For us! We are not worthy of your presence, and yet you are such a kind and loving god that you appear.. for us!! No sacrifice is too great for one such as yourself!!"
Yandere!Toy Maker x GN!Reader
Yandere!Toy Maker who never liked humans; they talk too much, they smell funny, they grow old, and worse of all, they die
Yandere!Toy Maker changes his tune when he first meets you
Yandere!Toy Maker is fascinated by you, because unlike most humans, you don't annoy him; you're like a wind up dolly, only saying what he wants to hear
Yandere!Toy Maker uses you as his inspiration, making toys and dolls of all types that look like you, often gifting you adult sized clothes that are replicas of the outfits he makes for the little yous
Yandere!Toy Maker seriously considers stuffing your body, turning you into a toy that will never grow old; never leave him
But he could never.. even if he put a drawstring on your back, it wouldn't be the same.. he still doesn't have enough recordings of you talking to replace your presence..
Yandere!Bed x GN!Reader
The mattress was on sale at the cheap little store you were visiting for the first time. And honestly, the deal was too good to pass up. When was the last time you got a new bed? Didn't you deserve to wake up not in pain?
So you brought it home.
It was a pain in the ass, but you got it into your apartment by yourself and set it up.
It. Was. Heaven.
You couldn't remember the last time you fell asleep so quickly, but it felt like you blacked out the second you laid down. In fact, it was so comfortable, you slept through all three of your alarms.
But even being late to work and getting yelled at by your boss didn't faze you. The entire day it was like you were walking on clouds; you were so well rested that all you could think about was going home to your new bed: excited to sleep again.
And for the first couple of weeks, your coworkers didn't say anything. But they began worrying about you, suspecting that you might be depressed or something. All you talked about was your bed; how you never slept so well in your life, how laying down was like falling straight into the dream world... But you never looked worse.
Despite your claims that you were sleeping like a corpse, you were beginning to look like the dead. The bags under your eyes were hollow and heavy, your skin was paling, and your movements were slow and weak.
However, it didn't matter what they said.
That mattress was the single best purchase you've ever made in your whole entire life.
Lying down was like being enveloped in the embrace of a parent.
It didn't bother you when your boss fired you in front of your concerned fellow employees..
It just meant that you would have more time to sleep.
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rosemaryblossoms · 7 months
Monster Call of Duty Men with a dread ducky demon reader
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Author’s Note: characters may be out of character, Dread Ducky is one of my favorite characters in dark deception and I’m also getting into call of duty so I made this, cod monster types are based off of the designs of @bluegiragi , I hope you enjoy it. I also might make a gold watcher and doom ducky one, hell I might make a murder monkey one. I apologize if I get some stuff wrong about call of duty. Let me know if you want more.
You were a Dread Ducky, a demon who was made of flesh and robotics, wearing your traffic cone hat and doing the dance of your people with pride, not afraid to bust some ass either if they say otherwise. Just like your mama who was a Doom Ducky demon, you wanted to join the military and wallop those asses in battle and have justice served. When you first got there, you already felt eyes on you by others soldiers. Some were curious stares and some were “what the hell is that” stares but you pushed them away because there was no way you were going to let them ruin your day. Price had read your files and he was both impressed in your skills and is interested in you, he was the first one to welcome you to the team when you got there. Price always gives a listening ear even if you can’t really speak and you mostly communicate through quacks and movement. Your silly duck dance manages to make him crack a smile. In battle, the dragon hybrid man is impressed by your strength and moves, especially when you open your mouth real wide only to reveal another head coming out with a swift movement to bite and drag your opponent back to your mouth like a cuckoo clock. In the background of the battle field fighting and watching you kick ass like “that’s my boy/girl/Ducky”.
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Ghost was suspicious of you when he first met you, he observes you from a far, when he finally opens up to you more he will tell the most cheesy dad jokes. “Hey what do you call a bear that has no teeth?”. . . . . “A gummy bear” (sorry I had too, my bad 😂💀) “what did the duck say to the bar tender?”. . . . . “Put it on my bill.” (Ok fine I’ll stop)
He enjoys just sitting down with you, there’s a smile behind his mask when you do your ducky dance, he doesn’t know why but he manages to crack a smile and let out a snort when you do it. He also can’t help but to crack a smile behind his mask when you make quacks to say “hey ghost how are you doing?” And “what up Lt.” as for Soap, he loves you, Johnny loves you, from your traffic cone hat to your ducky dance and to your cute little waddles when you walk or run. He was always curious about your monster type and he finds you both cool and adorable. He hypes you up when you ducky dance, he will also make an attempt to try to do your ducky dance as well with a funky beat in the background. It always blows a circuit in his mind when you sit down because it looks like your legs completely disappeared without a trace. He also asks if he can ride you (Ayo? Not like that, he means like a piggy or more like ducky back ride) Gaz like soap, loves you, he also hypes up your sweet dance moves. he might attempt on trying to do your ducky dance. He runs around with you on free time. He in enjoys roof top talks with you and goofing off with you.
You and Alejandro get along, you two are dance buddies, you two joke around and laugh a lot. You love helping Rudy, Soap, and Gaz play pranks then act a fool when you are questioned by it.
In the end they love you, you are their chaotic ball of sunshine.
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sadsimp · 1 year
With an Asexual Reader!
We need some representation in this fandom. So aces babes this is for you 😌
Includes: Keegan, Alejandro, Ghost, Price.
Warnings: Bad grammar, If any let me know :3 This is my first time writing so I’m sorry if it’s bad
He might not know what the word means so, he looks at you like  “Asexual? What’s that? Is this your sad attempt at a joke? 🤨” 
After some explaining and he understands he’s totally fine with it. “There’s a word for that? Oh.. cool.” 
I believe he might be ace honestly, he just didn’t know that there was a word for it
Happy that you trust him with that knowledge and never judges you for it. Will fight anyone who says shit
I think after a while of thinking he might come out as well
“Ace Buddies :D” You laugh and open your arms for a hug. He raises an eyebrow and slowly lets himself be hugged and holds you tight. “Whatever you say love.”
You would need to explain because he doesn’t know what it means, but after you tell him, he’s chill. It might take some time for him to understand that you still love him even though you don’t want to have sex. 
Since he’s a bit older(not by that much he’s only 37) he’s used to having sex being apart of relationships but he’s willing to let it go for you
He asks your boundaries, and if he’s being to much with small things like holding your hand or kissing. He’s perfectly fine with going at your pace and wants you to be comfortable and happy. 
“Did you really think that would change anything?” He asks you softly. He takes your hand and gives it a small pec. “Of course not, I love you and nothing will ever change that darling.” You chuckle and wipe some tears that have dropped on your cheeks and give him a hug.  9/10
He’s so chill. Like for real
He admires you for telling him and being able to bring up something as personal as that. “ Gracias por decirmelo, encantadora/ encantador.” ( thank you for telling me, lovely.”
Asks what your boundaries are and what you don’t want after you tell him 
Will fight anyone who says shit in a 50 mile radius of you. Will not let you feel ashamed either
“Mi vida, you know not to listen to them. Don’t pay them any mind.” He kisses your cheek and holds out his hand for you to take. You shake your head, and grab his hand. “You’re right, let’s get out of here.” 
Buys you Pride stuff anytime he comes across it. Brings it home with the biggest smile. Will wear the Pride stuff too.
Goes with you to pride parades if you want <3
 Would be totally fine with you being asexual. Whether it’s during the events of the game or after, he doesn’t care
I personally see him as being greysexual, meaning he experiences very little sexual attraction 
When you told him that you were asexual he just nodded and came out with you
“Hey Kee?” You asked walking up to him. It’s not often you have free time, and you’ve been meaning to get this off your chest for a while.  He looked up for a brief moment and then went back to cleaning his gun. “Yeah?” You stood there for a moment and took a deep breath. “Can I tell you something?” 
You were nervous, he could tell. You were bouncing on your heels and playing with your hands. “You can tell me anything you know that.” He patted the spot next to him. You took a deep breath and sat down. You thought for a while on how you wanted to say it. “I’m asexual… I don’t really like or care for sex.” 
You did it. You said it. The room was quiet besides your breathing, and the outside chatter. He didn’t say anything for a second, he stopped cleaning and looked at you. You were scared he was gonna break up with you right then and there. Call you picky, or weird, say he wanted nothing to do with you. 
“We’re in the same boat then, I’m greysexual. Thanks for telling me.” He spoke, and went back to cleaning his gun. You were dumbfounded, he was alright with this? He nudged you with his arm, and you made eye contact, “We’re gonna be fine, Hun. Don’t you worry.” 
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circusinthewalls · 28 days
Mornin' fellow aroace folk I hope you know that I love you and that my writing will always be for you someway somehow
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pxper-toast · 2 years
why do so many fanfics have so much smut and sexual content?? I just want a simple slowburn romance dude :(
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syd-vixious · 1 year
PSA for those who write König x reader and Ghost x reader stories. Can one of y’all PLEASE write one with an AFAB!reader who’s asexual please? I have yet to see any if at all. I need this in my life and some representation please… Like they don’t have to be any of the more specific categories like demi and aromantic but just like basic asexual. Please 🥺
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crazypsychonerdstuff · 2 months
Nero, where you're there, could I get some fluffy HCs with Abigor from ghost rider with an asexual goth reader plz? Just had an argument about how "asexuality isn't a thing, and you won't find anyone if you keep believing it is. Which is fine, lots of people want to be alone." But I DON'T want to be alone! And it just got me a little, and now I feel like shit. Sorry if I'm being selfish. Don't feel you have to write anything for this.
Right. For a start, anon, you are NOT being selfish. Secondly, you are valid, and whoever said that to you had no right to say that. Just because they can't understand it doesn't give them licence to go saying hurtful things. They don't have to understand to accept. Unfortunately, I know this struggle all too well myself. My family just doesn't seem to be able to get their heads around it either. It's a tough one, but at the end of the day, we are who we are! If they can't accept that, that's a them issue, not an us issue!
Now, onto business! One fluffy demon with his ace s/o coming right up! Gotta say, I don't think I've seen anyone write for him before, so this is gonna be interesting, I have quite a few headcanons for him tbh! He was one of my comfort characters for the longest times when I was going through a rough spot over a decade ago, so yeah... a lot of this will probably be me projecting a little, too. Sorry! I hope these are up to expectations!
Above all, he is so supportive of you. He loves you and will stand by you no matter what. You're asexual? And? He loves you, and that's not going to change anything. He's a demon. There's nothing 'conventional' about him, so why should his s/o or their relationship be any different?
I'd say he'd protect you with his life, but being a demonic entity (and this is where one of my headcanons comes in a little*¹), he can't really die, so that sentiment is irrelevant really.
If someone dares talk down to you, belittles you, or otherwise disrespect you, he will ensure they regret it one way or another. If you are really adverse to him killing the perpetrator, he will find other ways to make their life a misery: ensuring that they can't go anywhere, and I mean anywhere, without a gust of wind messing up their hair +/ outfit. Or blowing a neatly swept pile of dust/leaves etc at the moment they were about to clear it up. If that doesn't work, he'll use his elemental power to sneak into their house and start wreaking havoc with their possessions. If that still fails to affect them, then he'd start appearing and threatening them personally until they ceased their torment.
He will give you lots of surprise hugs; materialising out of thin air and wrapping himself around you, his body only partly formed, allowing him to engulf you almost completely.
He has, on more than one occasion, lent you his coat, either when it's cold out and you've forgotten your own or if he's going to be unavailable for a while, he'll leave it with you both so you have a part of him there with you and as a promise that he'll come back.
He loves your aesthetic. I can see him being easily persuaded to become [more] goth*² (me and Scorpio were just having a debate as to whether he was already goth... I said not really but has potential, Scorp said he 100% is... so...)
Will often bring you gifts that he thinks you'd like, be it trinkets, ornaments and little things for your home or accessories and clothes. He loves seeing your reactions when he gifts you something.
He loves doing "human" things with you as he puts it, such as listening to music*³, watching movies/TV shows*⁴, cooking (with help from you). He tried reading but couldn't get into it, though Abigor wearing reading glasses is definitely a Look™️!
When the two of you are spending any length of time at your place, he's taken to wearing more loose-fitting clothing, namely band t-shirts and joggers/lounge pants.
Probably projecting here again, but cemetery dates. You're goth, he's a goth(?) Demon, where better?! It's quiet, it's spooky to most but comforting to the two of you, you can admire the architecture of the gravestones... the list goes on.
He likes being close to you in some way, be that just sitting next to you, or holding hands, or having an arm around you to, if you are comfortable with it, practically clinging to you, snuggling into you, lying on you or pulling you ontop of himself.
If you two are sharing a bed, expect to wake up completely engulfed in air demon: in his sleep, he has a habit of becoming not-quite-solid, and as a result, you will likely find yourself surrounded.
Oh, and expect him to come up with some really good ghost stories too! Though whether they are fictitious or actual things he's witnessed +/ experienced is open for debate. He is a demon, after all.
¹ when the respective demons were "killed", I believe that really what happened was more an inconvenience. They sort of get sent back to hell to pull themselves back together (both figuratively and literally) and are 100% able to return after a while.
² while writing this, I was imagining Air boi in some pretty awesome outfits tbh. And you can't tell me that he hasn't tried a steampunk look at least once(this might be me projecting a little, though)! And eyeliner. Kinda went full on corpse paint at one point, but as awesome as that looked in my head, it just reverted back to regular eyeliner.
³I have a feeling he'd be into rock and metal from the 70s/80s mostly, some bands I think he'd be into are: Aerosmith, Mötley Crüe, Motörhead, Twisted Sister and Megadeth.
⁴I think he would like watching true crime shows a lot. Idk why, just think he would. And paranormal stuff, though mostly to laugh at the insanity of it all when most things shown on them are clearly hoaxes.
0 notes
islayhawkin · 1 month
Simon "ghost" riley with ED (erectile dysfunction) and PE (premature ejaculation) due to his past.
Is extremely frustrated and embarrassed every time he fails to perfom. Can't stand the feeling of not having something, his own body, under control. Will tell you how you deserve better and won't be able to meet your eye afterwards.
Sometimes you find him in your shared room aggresivly jerking off as if force would fix him. You need to cautiously make him stop with soft words of reassurance so he doesn't hurt himself.
Will act as if it doesn't bother him and hold his stoic face on everytime you see him struggle with it. If you try to speak to him about it he will get defensive and slightly angry that you would even suggest such a thing. But you can see right through him and small parts of those feelings crack throught his wall once you hold him after a nightmare at the break of dawn.
Talked once with johnny about it when they were a bit tipsy and it was never brought up again. Simon kept the most straight face as if they were talking about the weather.
Simon riley, who wants you to touch him with your soft hands all over. Making him feel strong and grounded. But tries to cover up his private area afraid that you'll be dissapointed and will love him less. Even though he wants you to touch him there so badly. It's the most comforting touch to him.
Simon riley, who apologieses nonchalantly when he ejaculates too fast. And tries to please you in any way he can which made you stop him on multiple occasians.
He can't go throught with any treatment because he is to often away and can't continue it consistently.
It wouldn't work much anyways since he doesn't allow himself to heal from his ptsd even though he gets better at letting you help him throught time and trust.
Simon riley with a ace partner, making him feel comfortable when he can't perform. Touching him dispite his inconsistency on his wish and not needing anything else from him in return.
At the beginning he thought you only said that you didn't want sex to make him feel better and was adamant on finding out what you wanted/liked without talking about it. Because let's face it: he's not good at talking about his feelings at all.
When you react badly to his suggestions/advances he has the biggest shock and will literally not dare to put a finger on you again in case he makes you uncomfortable. Will deny it when you want to talk to him about it.
Once you did tell him everything, when you figured out how it burdned him, he would ALWAYS ask before doing literally anything. "Is this okay?" "Can I touch you?" "Are you uncomfortable?" Are constant murmurs throught his deep throat around you.
Was afraid a long time every time he did the first step at touching you that he is doing something wrong. And battled with those thoughts at night when he wanted, no, needed to touch you so he felt grounded and sure that you were safe.
When you two figure it out together after a long time you are literally the perfect sexual match.
Simon riley not being the sex beast he is often described as.
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schrodinger-swriter · 5 months
Helluva Hotel Masterlist
Here you will find my writings for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. I more so go off of what we are shown within the episodes, as I do not follow Vivzie and the crew on social media. Any headcanons that may go against what has been said outside of that is purely do to this fact. I stress that you be patient.
The characters listed below do not determine what characters I will and wont write for. I will not be writing for Valentino, though. For reasons I feel I do not need to explain.
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F J O C for Charlie
B L T Z for Charlie
D G K U V for Charlie
Prompts 1 and 3 with Charlie
Prompts 2 8 and 11 with Charlie
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B C J L T Z for Vaggie
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Alastor x Deaf!Reader
Alastor x Short!Hotheaded!Reader
Alastor and the Reader pining for one another
H I P W for Alastor
S for Alastor
Alastor x Short!Plushie!Reader
A B C E G J K for Alastor
L Q R for Alastor
D N Y Z for Alastor
Prompts 3 and 4 with Alastor
Alastor and the Reader battling together
T X for Alastor
Prompts 8 11 12 with Alastor
Platonic Alastor x Reader who loves old music
Alastor x Cat Demon!Reader
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Sir Pentious x Warm bodied!Reader
Sir Pentious and the Reader pining for one another
A D J Z for Sir Pentious
I K O P Q U for Sir Pentious
C H S X Y for Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious x Winged!Reader
Reader becoming jealous of Cherri Bomb
Sir Pentious x Bat!Reader
Sir Pentious x Intelligent!Inventor!Reader
Romantic Sir Pentious headcanons
Sir Pentious x Reader w/ a goat skull for a head
Prompts 3, 4, 11 with Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious with a partner who is maternal to the egg boiz
Sir Pentious and the Egg Boiz with a Sick!Motherly!Reader
Marriage with Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious x Reader who is on their period
Sir Pentious saving the Reader
Sir Pentious x Reader who has self image issues
Sir Pentious x Girly!Reader
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A C I J K N P Z for Husk
E H L R X for Husk
Platonic Father!Husker x Teen!Reader
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A D F K L P Q T X for Angel Dust
C I Z for Angel Dust
Angel Dust x Asexual!Reader
Platonic Angel Dust x Reader who ghost writes erotica
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B Y N for Niffty
C G I P for Niffty
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A B E H for Lucifer
J K L Z for Lucifer
D I O X Y for Lucifer
R T for Lucifer
P U for Lucifer
Lucifer x Sinner!Reader
C for Lucifer
Lucifer x Fallen Angel!Reader
Lucifer x Reader who did something terrible for a good cause
Lucifer x Writer!Reader
Prompt 13 with Lucifer
Prompt 12 with Lucifer
Prompts 8 10 and 11 with Lucifer
Prompt 3 with Lucifer
Prompt 1 with Lucifer
Lucifer x Artist!Reader
Lucifer x Baker!Reader
Flying with Lucifer
Lucifer x Gardener!Reader
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C E I J M F for Vox
B D K for Vox
Vox x Cat Demon!Reader who bites him
Vox x Reader who gives him things
Prompts 8 9 10 with Vox
Prompts 5 and 12 with Vox
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C K Z J for Lute
A B G H U for Lute
D E L V W for Lute
Prompts 1 3 12 with Lute
Prompt 10 with Lute
Prompt 5 with Lute
Prompts 8 and 13 with Lute
Prompts 7 and 15 with Lute
M R for Lute
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B C K L P for Adam
Q U R X Z for Adam
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Carmilla x Injured!Reader
Prompt 13 with Carmilla
A B C F J for Carmilla
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T V for Rosie
Prompts 2 and 13 with Rosie
C K Z for Rosie
J I for Rosie
Prompts 3 and 9 with Rosie
Rosie x Non Cannibal!Reader
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Platonic Fizz x Clown!Reader
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Striker x Reader who got cheated on by Blitz
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Asmodeus and Fizz being friends with the reader
The main cast of Hazbin on Valentine's day
197 notes · View notes
miss-dollette · 4 months
We need more Asexual representation in this fandom. ‘Cause y’all are WAY too horny. I feel like taking a bath after clicking the “Simon Ghost Riley x Reader” tag.
I know I write about sex here and there, but it doesn’t consume my blog. What I really need is a good, long fanfiction with zero sex. Or alludes to sex and completely skips over it.
Just my POV.
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waywardmateo · 4 months
First time posting my work, here goes.
Late Night Reading
Alastor x incubus!reader
|| I like the concept of Al paired with an incubus, something about a canonically asexual gentleman paired with a sex demon just allows for the latter to realize that they're worth more than just their body and work through some underlying trauma in a relationship where they're under no pressure to put out. It tickles my brain.
That aside, since an incubus is a male sex demon the reader will be read as masc/gn. I might be persuaded to write for a succubus reader at some point, but since the fandom is so diluted with content directed mainly towards cis women I just want to see more content for masc and gender neutral readers.
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The neon lights never blinked out in Lust, the dirty corners of the city illuminated softly by its bright façade. Light pollution was at such a high potency that one wouldn't be able to make out a star in the crimson sky. It was dingy, filled to the brim with a type of secluded filth that stewed just beneath the surface of the buzzing neon lights and the hushed, dirty whispers in the ears of lovers.
A back door creaked open, and you all but spilled into the alleyway. Clutching the railing beside the doorframe not unlike a sinner clutches a rosary, your knees buckled and you retched over the edge of the stairs. Gasping—choking on your own bile as tears pricked your eyes—you dragged yourself onto wobbly legs and proceeded down the steps. Two at a time, almost desperate to get away from something.
You grasped your bag tighter as you walked past the front of the building, past the throngs of people clamoring to get admitted. The bright lights blinked out one word. Ozzie's.
You hadn't intended to end up dancing at Ozzie's. The only other work for an incubus in Lust was, well. Better to not think about it. It made your skin crawl.
Rats scuttled past you as you made your way to the station, gripping your bag like a vice. You stepped onto the train headed for the Pride ring, shouldering past the crowds of other hellborn and finding a seat by the window. You stuffed your bag under the seat and tried to unwind.
The night had been worse than most. Hands ghosting over your body, forcing sour fingers in your mouth, grabbing your great curling horns, stuffing dollar bills down your pants. You shivered, the acid bile scalding your throat threatening to make a reappearance.
Patrons treated you like a wind up toy they could crank up and let run until it subsequently ran itself immobile.
Best not to think of it now. You leaned your head against the window and stared out into Hell's swirling cherry-colored night sky.
You sigh, the breath condensing as it hit the window. The train rattles on almost soothingly. Every so often someone is let off at a stop, the brakes squealing to a halt.
Around the fifth stop or so, you step off the train. Bag in hand, you slowly approach the large, looming hotel. You falter before reaching out to push open the door.
It was only supposed to be a couple of nights. You were at your lowest, evicted from your apartment after being laid off from your job in Pentagram City. You had approached the hotel with a few crumpled dollar bills in your hand, but the Princess refused to take them. Despite your inability to be rehabilitated or redeemed due to your being hellborn, she still let you stay rent free at her hotel. You hated feeling that you owed her, so you constantly offered yourself to be at her complete disposal. She always declined.
You always did the dishes to make yourself feel better for being a leech, anyhow.
Tonight, you quietly ventured past the foyer. Nobody should have been awake, but the crackle of radio static immediately alerted you to the presence of another demon. You halted, a cold shiver running down your spine. The white noise only intensified.
Alastor sat in the armchair, legs crossed. He was without his overcoat and his staff was propped up against the sofa. He was leaning forward, his face resting against the heel of his palm as he gazed at you. His monocle hung loosely against his chest, and there was a book in his lap. It was almost as if he were expecting you, waiting for you.
"Oh, dear. This won't do, sneaking around at night, hmm?"
His voice held a sharp implication.
"I wasn't sneaking," you protested. "I was at work."
"Ah, I'm sure you were, my dear." He said it absently, like he didn't quite believe you. His voice carried across the room easily, creating an ambience of white noise and radio static that eased you up only slightly.
"What're you doing this late at night, anyhow?" You turn the accusatory tone back at him.
"Ah, reading. I've been known to enjoy a good book or two." Alastor chuckles.
You sat down on the sofa across him.
"You seem awfully tired."
"Yes, I was at work."
You paused. Weighing his offer with some skepticism.
"What blend, the blood of your enemies?"
"Aha, very funny. Chamomile."
He offered you a teacup. Still warm. Almost as if he knew you were coming.
You took it gingerly, almost as if it might explode. You've learned to fear him, but tonight he seemed almost docile.
You held the teacup in shaking hands. Alastor notices.
"What seems to be the matter, my dear?"
The fireplace crackled in the background against the sound of radio waves as you thought carefully over your response.
"I'm just tired, is all."
You took a sip of tea to lengthen the silence. It soothed your burning throat a bit.
"Wonderful talk. Well, I'm headed off to bed, I suppose I'll see you in the morning, [Name]."
You nod once.
After seemingly taking a moment to contemplate, Alastor stood up and took hold of his staff. He turns to you, taking your hand, and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
"Sleep well, my dear."
Thank you so much for your notes! Especially on my first work.
Blessed be <3
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arcade-writing · 1 year
Hello!! I wanted to possibly request a ghost x trans male reader smut? Possibly w knifeplay and breeding?
Also hope you are doing amazing!! 🫶
Long overdue
🍋 nsfw
Pairing: Simon "ghost" Riley x transmasc! reader
Warning: fem & masc ways to describe readers body, implied T-dick, mating press, sir kink, breeding kink, some talk of pregnancy and family, overstimulation, minor knife play, teasing, creampie, dirty talk, unprotected sex, reader is made semi flexible for these positions to work, stomach bulge, pussy slapping, edging, sadistic! Simon, masochist! Reader, manhandling, slight pregnancy kink, possessive sex, he's harsh yet sweet
Ngl when it comes to breeding kinks I'm abit out of my element. I'm not exactly sure what people wanna hear. So I hope this wasn't too bad 🙏 it's one of those kinks that's pretty new to me as a concept I get and isn't one I usually read
Normalize trans men discussing these kind of things without judgement in a dominantly cis male environment. Men can be fathers and "mothers" (if they'd like to use that term) and I don't think that's a bad thing. People want what they want and things like this shouldn't be so strict with gender.
I wanna apologize for taking so long to getting back into writing, I'm sure if you're following me you'll know I've been pretty inactive and focusing a lot of my oc's at the moment. I got deep brainrot and got some other personal stuff that's really sapping me of my motivation. I kept getting a lot of burn out and it's honestly annoying because I still have things I'd like to write. I like to make jokes that it's asexual burn out; just too much sex stuff but low-key starting to feel like that may be it.
I hope this can make up for it or atleast, show I'm still interested in writing for y'all
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It wasn't often you were allowed to breathe. Able to just walk the streets without firing your gun at the enemy. You let out a sigh as you and the team patrolled the city streets, people clearing out of your way. Avoiding your eyes as you watched them roam. It wasn't often you let yourself think; it was risky in a profession like this. Letting your mind wonder could be the fatal mistake that finally gets you killed.
But here you were. Longing gaze at a couple across the way. A baby gurgling and squealing in their hands. You use to think baby fever was a myth; you weren't, what you considered, parent material. Besides, the chances of you having one after taking hormones for so long were slim. You doubted you could anyway.
Was it because you were in a relationship? Well - could you call it that? It was complicated but you did find Simon more than attractive even if there were times his personality could be less than ideal. But you were no sunshine and rainbows either. War changes you.
You never had much of a instinct for those type of things but yet. You couldn't look away. Couldn't stop the somber twist of envy in your gut, placing your hand on your stomach. You just wanted to pinch it's cheeks. It was almost aggravating how cute that baby was. Smiling and laughing. Their soft chubby cheeks still marked with the food they were eating. Blonde Stray wisps of hair.
"something the matter?"
"ah-! Oh, no, just - isn't that baby so cute?" You cooed. Shoulders slumping as you smiled up at your fellow solider.
Soap shook his head, an airy laugh leaving him. "That's what gotten you so distracted?"
"what! I can't help it! It's like seeing a kitten, so cute and so- AUGH-!"
You wanted to slap yourself. What was coming over you? This was really getting embarrassing.
"Why don't you say hi to the wee bugga?" Soap suggested. "We can take a short moment to say hello, can't we lieutenant?"
"alright." He sighed, shaking his head sound more thant reluctant at the question. "But no more distractions, after that." He gave you a pointed look as he jabbed his finger at you. You hastily nodded.
You, Soap and Ghost, who insisted on lurking behind you, all marched closer.
"hello." The couple greeted. Nervous smiles struck on their faces. Eyeing the guns strapped to all of you.
"Greetings, who's this?" You asked, raising a brow as you waved at the baby. You almost let out a gasp as the babies fat finger wrapped around yours. Pulling your hand closer to it's face.
"Ah, this is our son, Gabriel."
You hummed, laughing as the baby refused to let go of your hand. For a being so small, they had such a strong grip. You tried to gently pry yourself but the baby just let out an "Augh" in defiance.
"Strong grip, no doubt he'll be a real fighter when he's older - maybe we'll have the honour of meeting again, protecting families like yours."
The couple nodded. Cooing at their baby as it tried to take a bite of your finger.
"looks just like ya, twins you are." Soap huffed out a laugh, jabbing Simon in his chest, his voice soft. It was a surprise you even heard it. You heard Ghost let out a grunt, no doubt rolling his eyes. Your eyes wandered from Ghost back to the baby. You could see the resemblance. It was really in the eyes, same shade of blue.
You wonder.....would Simon be a good father...? You know he has family issues so you doubt he had any desire to have this own. But maybe he did? Somtimes he'd make small comments that left your heart racing; the implication was there but you never really took the chance to think about it too deeply.
You shook your head. Finally, little Gabriel let go of your hand and you sent the family a wave goodbye. As you walked you kept letting those thoughts pile. "I wouldn't mind having a kid...." The words suddenly blurted out of your mouth. You could hear a choke from one of the other men.
"Oh? Wouldn't think you'd be interested, considering-" Soap said as he gestured to you up and down. Cringing a little at his own words.
"usually I wouldn't really be jumping to the idea but- who knows, besides I can adopt If I felt like it."
Your eyes locked With Simon's. He was staring at you. His emotions were completely hidden. You couldn't tell what he was thinking at all. Just staring. Digging holes into your very being. He remained mostly silent for the rest of the patrol. Making a few snarky comments here and there usually prompted by Soaps endless chatter and jokes.
When you met up with the rest of the team they were all laughing. The enjoyment of a more relaxed day getting to all of you, leaning on the table as they chatted amongst themselves.
"This trouble maker here, made us stop for to say hi to a baby, already trying to enlist the new forces."
You groaned as you shook your head, the team chuckling as they watched your frustration. "I thought it would be a nice comment to make!"
You let out a sigh. "it's just- I don't know, I'm thinking about my life after this, ya know? When we finally get back home, I can't be the only one who's wanted to start a family."
"you ain't." Gaz shrugged. "Plenty of men here think about it - some more than others." He scowled a little in slight disgust. Remembering the horrendous locker talk he's heard from other Soldiers.
"I've never considered getting pregnant but hey, I also didn't think I'd be enlisted in the army for this long."
The team let out another bark of laughter. "You're telling me." Price teased.
Simon grabbed your shoulder, you snapped your gaze up to him immediately, lips parting as he glared down at you. "I need to have a word with you." He looked at the rest d the team. "In private."
There was a chorus "oooooh" from Soap and Gaz as price told them to pipe down. You nodded and followed Ghost out of the hall, trying to keep up your confidence as he lead you to his room. You looked side to side to make sure you wouldn't be spotted before following him In.
You couldn't deny the fire that burnt at your veins. Anticipation slowly boiling you from the inside as you waited for his next words.
"Pants, off."
The door slammed behind you. A loud twist of the lock confirming your privacy. You tried not to grin as you began to undo your trousers. Slipping free from the heavy material as you stepped towards him.
"jacket aswell." He sat on the bed, arms folded as he watched you. You could just see the peak of outline of his cock through his pants. It made your head spin as you began to shrug off your jacket. Leaving you in your boxers and undershirt.
"Someone's desperate." He teased.
A small noise of confusion left you as he curled a finger towards himself, motioning you towards him. You shuffled over as he grabbed at your thighs, parting your legs.
"Written all over your face, begging to get fucked like the slut you are."
You gasped, breath hitching at his words. Chewing at your lip as he pulled you towards him. His hands trailing between your legs, parting your sex with his thumbs through the fabric of your underwear. Shivering at the sensation.
"Just want this needy cunt of yours used, don't you?"
You nodded. He let out a laugh, enjoying how shy you're getting under his attention. He patted the bed and you immediately climbed on, he settled himself behind you. Keeping your legs wide for him.
"let's get it nice and wet for me, so I can fuck you properly."
His fingers reached between your legs. Immediately finding your dick, considering how often he fucks you there was no doubt he could do it blindfolded, beginning to rub and tweak as he felt your dick throb under his touch. Easing you into the pleasure before he gave it a small pinch. You cried out at the sudden explosion in your nerves. His fingers suddenly speeding up. Your eyes fluttering as you leaned into him.
"Simon-!" You sobbed out. His fingers continued to mercilessly rub at your dick through your boxers. A prominent wet patch forming as you squirmed. His legs locked around yours, making it impossible as you tried to wiggle away from his touch. Your head threatening to fall into the mattress as you used one hand to keep you propped up. Your nails digging into the sheet.
A sudden smack made you squeal. His gloved fingers smoothed over your clit. Gently rubbing it as you bucked your hips. Returning to his fast pace as soon as he could see you unstiffen. Rushing you back over that edge as the cord in your stomach tightened- oh god- SMACK-! you cried out as you throbbed. You were so close....
"Look at you - so desperate." Another smack.
"Please Simon- I've been good-" he rubbed slow tight circles, letting out a hum. "Please let me cum." SMACK. you mewled at the sting as your eyes rolled back. "I've been so good sir-"
Choking on your gasp his fingers suddenly sped up. Your hips kept bucking into his touch as he lightly pressed down. TOO MUCH- OH - FUCK- your orgasm crashed over you. You didn't even realize how loudly you screamed. Hips stuttering in the air as your back arched violently. Stars in your vision never fading as he only continued. Letting out a sob as your second orgasm was forced out of you.
"p-please-! Too much-!"
"I'm giving you what you want."
You gripped his hand as you whimpered. Grinding into his ruthless touch. Your third orgasm speeding towards you. Stars filling your vision once again before it was ripped from you. His hand stilling completely as he rubbed your hips. Soothing your twitching muscles. You couldn't stop yourself from letting out a whine.
"you're soaked through." He stated. Sliding the knife from his thigh strap. Trailing the full edge up your shaky thighs. With ease he twirled it between his fingers, pointing the dull side of the blade to your clothed cunt. Dragging it slowly along the wet patch, moving the knife to the bed.
"You're desperate for a cock you can't even handle."
He guided your hips back, your sexes pressing together as he harshly thrusted forward. You rolled your hips back, looking back at him with your lip between your teeth. Pleading eyes staring into his own.
"I will - I'll take it-" you whined out as you keir grinding against him. "Please.... fuck me."
You stumbled as he suddenly pushed you forward. Standing up, holding the knife with a firm grip. He circled around, now before you, grabbing hold your leg as he yanked you towards him. Snatching both of your ankles in his hand as he positioned you to his liking. You whimpered as your back hit the mattress, staring up at him through glossy vision. Trying to restrain the smile threatening to appear on your lips.
You loved it when he was like this. Manhandling you. Ruining you. You could see that fire in his eyes shine everytime he left another mark on your skin. Everytime he made you drool and sob from overstimulation. You knew he'd only give you what you can handle; he'd never push you further unless you begged.
"You wanna get fucked, huh? Ain't you cute, begging for me." He scoffed out a laugh. The knife in his hand tugging the fabric of your boxers. Marveling at how the material was practically glued to you. Completely soaked from your previous Orgasms.
The dull side merely grazed you; leaving you whimpering. Breath hitching as the cold metal stung at your heat. "Hold still."
And you did. Holding back every urge to flinch as he slashes and dragged the knife through your cloths. Barely hitting a snag from how sharp it was. Completely exposing you; his eyes were trained on the glistening sheen sticking to your thighs. Clenching at air as you clutched the bed.
He shoved the knife back into it's holder. Tugging at the belt of his pants. You couldn't stop the small trail of drool escaping past your lips as you watched him take out his cock from his boxers. Giving himself a few slow jerks, smearing his precum along the thick head.
"please.....Sir... please....." Your legs already felt strained as he kept your ankles locked tight in his grasp. Threatening to push them over your head as he rubbed his cock against your weeping folds. The tear in your boxers keeping him flushed against you as he grinded. You mewled as it peaked out. Your hand shakily reaching out, rubbing the head of his cock as more pre-cum began to ooze. Biting your lip as you pushed it back down to your hole. Guiding him inside, letting out a whine each time it came out. Smacking against your clit.
"seems I need to prep you more, still so tight." He let out a breathy chuckle. Taking joy from your desperation but you weren't gonna quit. You shifted your hips up more, Aligning yourself up to him. Practically pulling his cock deeper inside with each clench. "atta boy -" He let out a groan as he finally snapped his hips against your ass.
Adjusting himself more as he crawled onto the rigid mattress. Putting you into a mating press. Your hands clawed at his arms as he thrusted into you. Each smack of skin echoing through the room. Only getting drowned out by the sounds of your moans.
"fuck- feel that?" His fingers pressed into your stomach. You could feel the bulge twitch everytime he fucked into you. "Like how that feels? Stuffed and feeling that pretty tummy of yours get bigger - bet a slut like you would want more."
"how about this big?" His hand hovered just above you're stomach, you could hear the grinning in his voice as you whined. "Or...this Much?" He kept raising his hand, "You'll get a nice belly after I'm done, won't stop until I know you're stuffed, you want to keep being bred? Tell me, use your words."
you finally broke, letting out a pathetic sob as you nodded. "PLEASE-! breed me- take me- I want it- I want you-!"
"That's it, good boy."
He let go of your ankles, knees digging down into the mattress as your clutched your thighs, holding them in the air as his hands planted either side of your head. Angling his thrusts into that perfect spot that had you clutching and shaking around him. His pace brutal as he slammed down into you. you could barely catch your own breath from how fast he was fucking into you.
"Who do you belong to? Say it." He grabbed your chin, holding you in place as your eyes fluttered. Drool pooling out as you tried to let out the words form a knot in your throat.
"You sir-!"
"and who's the one fucking you like this? Making you feel good." His voice was deep. Practically growling. His face was still covered by his mask but you could see that spark in his eyes. glaring down at you, challenging you.
"you sir-!"
He leaned down, you let out a loud squeak as he was about to hit even deeper inside. Eyes locking as he spoke once more. His breathing growing more heavy.
"and who the fuck am I?"
"Simon-!!" He rolled back his lips and slammed into your hole. Letting out a deep growl from his throat as he tried to regain his energy. Settling for hard deep thrusts.
"Fuck- SIMON!"
As soon as he was able to get his pace back he was fucking you like it was a end of the world. Wasting no time; the head of his cock kissing that pleasure spot over and over. His pelvis grinding against your puffy clit as you tried to meet his thrusts.
"That's right, scream it for everyone to hear, let them. Know who's taking you." He was panting, eyes rolling back as he felt how tightly you were hugging his cock. You were so close already. He could feel it. Feel how you gushed. Could listen to wet slap of your pussy for hours knowing it was him that was doing this. Knowing he was the one ruining you for any other man. He practically built you to be his perfect toy to fuck.
"Stuff you full - want me stay inside you? Keep you nice and plugged up or would you rather I put a thick toy in that desperate cunt of yours? Have you walk around and act like my cum isn't trickling down your thighs."
"I know they want a piece of you, I can see how they look at you, I wonder how they'd like watching you spread those nice legs of yours and show off how much I stuffed you - watch it drip out and all over the floor."
He couldn't help but let out a mocking laugh. "Bet they'd beg for a taste."
You couldn't even bring yourself to speak. Far too flustered to even think. You could see it in your mind so clearly. Shivering as you could feel the phantom sensation of lips between you legs; hungrily sucking as they taste you and Simon's cum.
"clenching so hard - that got to you, didn't it?"
"Simon- I'm gonna-"
You squealed as he pinched your dick. Legs clamping down onto his waist as you tried to jumped away from the sting.
"Not until you admit it."
Your mouth open and closed. Grasping at words that melted immediately on your tongue.
"You want to be everyone's little whore, spent up toy for the team, get bred by so many men, hell- pass you around one by one - is that why you were so insistent on acting up this morning? Trying to get them thinking about how much they'd want they to knock you up."
You cursed as he began to rub your clit. Tapping it with his thumb before moving it into tight circles. "YES-! FUCK-! SIMON-!"
He let out a shaky groan as his hips slapped into your ass. Burying himself inside completely as you came, ricocheting his own release. Thick ropes of cum coating your cunt as he fucked it inside you. You went limp as he kept filling you up. Revealing just how pent up he was. Completely stuffing you with his one load already.
You panted as you laid there. He rubbed up and down your trembling thighs. The ache soothing under his firm touch as he rolled onto his back. Keeping himself flushed to you, helping you ride out your orgasm as he moved your hips for you. Slowly fucking you up and down his cock as he spilled every last drop inside.
"Fuck...." He sighed. Hips stuttering as he slowly grew limp. "That's it, take it all, good boy."
You whimpered as he locked his arms around your middle. Keeping you pressed against him as you both panted. Completely wiped out. You nuzzled into his shoulder as you felt your eyes begin to close. Needing a few minutes to regain your energy. With how lively that look in his eyes still were, you'd need it - especially feeling how his cock was now semi hard again.
He was going to make good on his words.
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chloedrewitt · 6 months
False God - Patron!Raphael x Warlock!Reader
summary: Raphael has been your patron for quite a while, yet you have always tried to avoid him as much as you could. He has somehow always intimidated you, while you tried to block out your growing attraction to him. It certainly doesn't help that you seem to be his favorite client. When he catches you inside the House of Hope archive, tired from having studied a tome all day, he decides to finally give in to the tension between you and help you release some of it, too.
pairing: Raphael x reader
word count: 3.8k
warnings: smut with devil form, penetration, Raphael has a lil crush on you
a/n: Part of my Swift series, where I write one shots inspired by Taylor's songs. This one is based on the song of the same name <3 and btw, I think we all are kind of ignoring the canon when it comes to Raphael fics.... right? I'm thinking of making this into an actual fanfiction (the patron x warlock thing). Lmk if this is something you'd be interested in. Please also remember I'm asexual so pls excuse any mistakes with the smut!!
Masterlist - Discord Server - Request Info - Taylor Swift Series
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Hell is when I fight with you But we can patch it up good Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness Got the wine for you
The smell of sulfur invaded your nostrils as you entered through the large, heavy door, held open for you by two damned souls, their expressions void of emotion. You had long grown accustomed to them, but some still managed to send shivers down your spine when you looked at them: their empty eyes, as if made of cold glass, their sunken mouths, and their bruised limbs showcasing the labor they were damned to perform for all eternity.
You did not often imagine yourself in their stead, but you could not deny that the voices that had warned you against making a deal with a cambion ghosted through your mind at times. Mostly at night, when everything was quiet, and you had nothing to drown out your thoughts.
Sometimes, you even had nightmares, though you would never admit to it. They were frightening in ways a mere broken contract could not cause; a mirror of your soul, and deepest desires. You knew better than to talk about it, even though you sometimes felt like he could smell them nonetheless.
Your steps echoed through the foyer, your gaze fixed on the path before you as you tried to tune out what was happening around you. Erratic whispers and aimless gazes followed you as you made your way to the feast hall, the smell of freshly cooked food replacing the stench of sulfur in your nose. The table was eternally set, and the food would never spoil.
Without giving it much thought, you walked past it until you reached the archive, a place where you spent most of your time whenever you visited the House of Hope, as rare as those occasions might have been. He had offered you the use of some artifacts and books, but you had always felt a sense of dread when you entered his House. And then there was of course the boudoir, which you avoided like the plague. You knew what was behind that door, unfortunately. It was hard to visit the House of Hope at least two times and not know about Haarlep. It was a thorn in your side for reasons that flustered you when you did as much as think of them.
Focusing on the book you came for, you entered the archive, offering the fiendish librarian a faint nod as you walked around him to reach one of the bookshelves. Not wanting to spend more time here than necessary, you quickly browsed through the leather-bound spines, reading the letters on them so fast that you sometimes had to go back and reread them.
“A rare sight, I must admit.”
You had not spent fifteen minutes looking when you heard Raphael’s voice behind you, turning your head to look at him. He stood before you in his human form, arms crossed, and eyes studying you quietly. Clasping your hands behind your back, you replied, “Hello, Raphael. I didn’t know you were home.”
“I do not exactly share my schedule with you, (y/n),” he replied matter-of-factly, walking over to an armchair with calculated steps before letting himself sink into it.
“Yes, I did not mean to imply otherwise,” you said, cheeks flushing a bit.
Raphael stroked his chin with two fingers, eyes settled on you as you turned back to the bookshelf and your quest to find a certain tome. An awkward pause followed, and as much as you tried to keep your attention on the books, feeling his presence behind you was overwhelming.
“I am glad to see you are finally taking up on my offer to make use of my library. Your growing powers are beneficial to me too, after all.”
You heard him shift in his seat; he had crossed his legs, but you did not turn to face him since you finally found what you were looking for. The tome was very high up, but you could clearly read the golden letters on its spine: Grimoire of Arcane Aegis.
Embarrassed, you stretched your arm to reach for the book, visibly struggling. Why did these books have to be so heavy and so high up?
Steps sounded behind you, and you froze as you suddenly felt him standing right next to you, arms crossed. You swallowed, turning your head to look up at him. He smelled like an even more intense mixture of sulfur and leather and the moment you met his eyes, you were reminded why you usually avoided eye contact with him. It was very hard to look away.
Keeping his eyes locked with yours, he reached out for the tome and let it slip into his hand effortlessly before holding it out for you to take.
Your gaze dropped to the book momentarily before resettling on his eyes. Muttering a ‘thank you,’ you took it, quickly raising your other hand to help support its weight. You had expected it to be heavy, but certainly not that heavy.
“You're quite welcome,” he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Enchantment is a useful skill. Though it is one I did not expect you to want to learn.”
Pressing the book to your chest, you shrugged your shoulders, letting your eyes wander around the archive aimlessly. “I figured taking control over an enemy’s body would be beneficial in one way or another.”
He narrowed his eyes slightly, the smile still playing on his lips. “That does not only apply to enemies.”
You were just about to open the tome when you froze, the color in your cheeks deepening as you swallowed. Clearing your throat, you turned on your heel and walked over toward a desk far to your right, where you laid the open book down.
Briefly, you looked at Raphael over your shoulder while your hand rested on the open page. “Well, thank you for allowing me to make use of your archive.”
“I am quite surprised you have never made use of it before,” he remarked, pacing behind you as he watched you read the letters written in elegant handwriting on the worn-out pages. There were stains here and there and sigils you did not understand yet. But you would learn.
Raphael tilted his head to the side, coming to a halt right behind you. He gazed over your shoulder down at the paper, his breath hot in the nape of your neck.
“Are you avoiding me, (y/n)? Because I would expect a little more gratitude for lending you my powers and knowledge.”
You gulped, pressing your lips together as you placed your hands on the desk, using it to support your weight a little. Your knees suddenly felt very weak.
“I remember when I met you first,” he said, his voice lower than before. “You were an interesting case. Powerless in a world filled with magic and creatures stronger than you could ever fathom. Yet your determination to save your beloved persisted. A shame he took it for granted.”
Tears stung your eyes as you stared at the pages before you, not even reading them. Partially because of how your mind wandered, and partially because of your blurred vision. You really did not need to be reminded of how the person you had sold your soul for abandoned you the moment his life was safe again.
“Revenge is a powerful motivator to harness new abilities.”
You sucked in a breath as you turned to face your patron, taken aback for a moment by how close he was, trapping you between himself and the desk behind you. Only now did you notice how the other souls and fiends who had been here when you entered must have left now, perhaps intimidated by their master’s presence.
“I feel nothing for him anymore,” you finally stated emotionlessly, your expression neutral as your eyes jumped between his.
“That is not the truth, is it?” His question was sarcastic, if anything. “You feel hatred for him. And regret. I can see the burning anger behind your eyes.” He suddenly inched closer, grabbing the edge of the desk behind you with his hands, fully preventing your escape now.
“And what would you have me do about it?” you whispered, tilting your head up so you could keep looking at him, while you leaned away from him, your hands threatening to touch since they still rested on it for support.
The corner of Raphael’s mouth twitched as he cocked his head, his eyes twinkling. Your nervousness seemed to be very entertaining to him, and you cursed yourself for the way your heart began to race as his gaze dropped to your lips for just a second.
He was toying with you; you were sure of it. It was the reason you avoided visiting his House of Hope anyway, and why you dreaded when he decided to visit you. However, it was in your contract. Raphael was allowed to pay you a visit whenever he pleased to ask for a favor if he needed one, in exchange for your magical abilities.
“Perhaps, for a start,” he said, and you could feel the vibrations of his voice on your skin, “make more use of my library. I do not have to offer it to you, but I am choosing to. And I would certainly appreciate it if you would not take it for granted.”
You swallowed, shifting slightly, which caused your hand to brush against his. Sucking in a breath, you quickly pulled it away.
“Think about it, (y/n),” he said, straightening his back again, releasing you from the entrapment, which allowed you to finally relax your muscles. You looked at him for a moment more before he disappeared behind a whirlwind of flaming hot air.
You had spent the past days studying tomes in the House of Hope’s archive, diving deep into the knowledge they offered. It was not because of him or his invitation, but you knew he wouldn't believe it, so there was no use in arguing.
He did not check on you once, much to your relief, but still, you could not ignore the hint of disappointment hiding deep inside you. If someone had asked you whether you even just liked your patron, you would have said no. He owned you, or at least your soul for that matter. The difference was almost nonexistent.
You had put your hair up in a high ponytail, bound by a black piece of leather. Still, after hours of studying and burying your hands in your hair when you felt stuck, a few strands had loosened and were now framing your face in a quite inelegant manner.
With sleep-drunken eyes, you traced the edge of the tome in front of you with a finger. You had pulled a chair in front of the desk, but after having sat on it for hours, your back ached.
Rubbing your neck, you lifted one side of the open book and let it fall shut with a loud thud, louder than you had anticipated. It startled you, momentarily waking you from a state of half-sleep.
The House was quiet. Although time passed differently here, there were still moments when activity inside of it decreased, and it felt like a proper day-night cycle, at least for Hell standards.
“Still here?” You turned your head, startled, to find Raphael standing there.
“It would be nice if you stopped sneaking up on me,” you said, stretching your aching muscles a bit. You would have stood from your chair, but you were too tired for formalities. Raphael had never minded much, to your surprise. You believed it was because he knew that you were afraid and wary of him anyway. He did not need proof of it. Though despite your relaxed stance, you were very much on your guard.
“I was told you have been here for hours,” he said, ignoring your remark purposefully. “A tired mind cannot comprehend newly learned information that well. You should rest.”
You scoffed. If you did not know better, you would have thought he was genuinely worried about you, but you were sure that the real reason for this was purely a logical one. Namely, the explanation he had just given you.
With your hand on your shoulder, you looked up at him, smiling faintly. You hoped he wouldn’t see that it was not a sincere smile, but he must have been used to your feigned politeness by now. After all, it was something you had been taught from childhood.
“Sorry,” you replied, rubbing your neck. “I’ll leave. I didn’t mean to overstay my welcome.” The words came out automatically, as if memorized and said a thousand times before. Raphael raised a hand, gesturing for you to remain seated. 
“No need to apologise, (y/n).” He approached you, eyes locked with yours until he came to a halt right in front of you. The flame dancing inside the fireplace to your left crackled; the only sound filling the archive now. The fire cast shadows on his face, while he raised his hand and let it linger between you in the air, as if he was not sure whether to proceed. 
You looked up at him, lips slightly parted as you held onto the backrest of your chair. Your breath was shallow, the intensity of his gaze resting heavily upon you. 
“You don’t need to leave, either,” he added as he finally closed the distance and trapped your chin between his index finger and thumb, turning your head up so you had to look at him, whether you wanted to or not. You swallowed and blinked at him, your cheeks hot. 
Your heart was hammering in your chest as you felt him trace the edge of your jawline until he reached your cheek, cupping it firmly, yet not strong enough for it to hurt. 
The implication in his voice made it hard for you to breathe, partially due to anticipation, and partially because you were scared of what would happen if you refused. He had never been rude to you, or threatened you in any truly concerning way. After all, your loyalty and soul were worth something to him. And still, you had never put your guard down before. 
“What are you saying?” You asked breathlessly, gripping the backrest of your chair so tightly that your knuckles turned white. You did not want to risk a misunderstanding. 
“You could stay in my bed tonight. I've seen the look in your eye. I've heard the way your heart beats when I'm near.” His hand slid down from your cheek, briefly touching your bottom lip with his thumb, before he reached your chest. He pressed it against you, right between your breasts where your heartbeat could be felt. It quickened again, which made him smirk faintly. 
You swallowed, wetting your dry throat as you tried to keep your mind clear, but it was hard when his presence was so mesmerizing. 
Jaw clenched, you narrowed your eyes slightly and said, “I thought your bed was occupied by Haarlep.”
It was not a question, but an observation.
You did not know where the courage had come from, most likely the lack of sleep, but you could see that something in his gaze shifted at the mention of the demon’s name. 
Raphael crouched down beside you, pulling his hand away only to offer you his open palm. Now you were looking down at him, resisting the temptation to bury your hand in his brown hair. 
“I dream of you, (y/n),” he whispered, his fingers curling as he looked up at you. “I had not thought it possible for a mortal to occupy so much space in my mind, following me even to my dreams. Haunting me with words that linger in the air unspoken.” 
“Are you mocking me?” Your voice was an octave higher than usual, your hand shaking slightly as he traced circles over the back of it. Then, he shook his head faintly, hand tightening around yours.
“I am confessing.” 
You inhaled sharply, seeing no sign of deception in his eyes, but beings like him excelled at it, so you could not trust even the sincerity in his eyes. 
This was a dangerous game you were playing, and you knew it. How could this ever work with a contract quite literally binding your soul to him? But you were in no state to make judgments, let alone good ones. 
You raised your hand toward him, brushing a strand of hair from his temple. He reacted, closing his eyes at your touch as if he had in fact been anticipating it for a long time. You left your hand there, gently touching his cheek when he opened his eyes again to meet yours. 
Lips slightly parted, and with newfound confidence, you let yourself slide from the chair down into his lap, straddling him on the cold stone floor. You saw him suck in a breath, eyes flickering between yours. 
Behind him, the flame was dancing to a rhythm not yet set, illuminating your face for him to see each scar that marked it; one on your forehead, two on your cheeks, and a small one on your chin. Without the light, most of them would not have even been visible. 
Raphael reached out, letting his index finger run over the scar that stretched from your eyebrow to your cheekbone. You had to close your eyes when he reached your lid and opened it again only when he stopped at your cheek. 
“Where did you get it from?” He asked, sitting up a little straighter so that your breath mixed between you. You smelled of forest and morning dew, almost entirely muted by his scent of smoke and leather. 
“Bandits,” you replied, your noses touching as you rested your hands on his shoulders. “I was lucky to get away with only this scar.” He hummed in response, his hand finding its way into your hair. 
“No need to ever fear mere bandits again,” he said and your lips briefly touched as he spoke. Raphael’s gaze dropped to your mouth, and before you could even say anything in return, he pressed his lips to yours. 
You pulled yourself closer towards him, feeling the growing pressure against you from underneath. You smirked, liking the effect you had on him. It was then that you realized how Raphael, a powerful being in his own right and heir to Mephistopheles himself, was mere butter in your hands. Perhaps you had been wrong to be so afraid of him the whole time.
You pushed him to the ground so that he was lying on his back with you sitting on his waist, hands pressed against his chest. The fear, if you could even call it that, which you had previously felt was gone now. Fingers brushing against his cheek you said, “You can turn, Raphael. You don’t need to hide.” 
He looked up at you, his expression unreadable. You already thought you had said something wrong and felt panic build up in your chest when you saw his horns and wings materialize underneath you. His skin was flaming hot in color now, his eyes burning like two orbs of fire against an endless void. 
You brushed across one of his horns, feeling the hard material on your fingers as his wings gently enveloped you, the leathery material tingling your shoulders where they were exposed.
Then, you grabbed his horn and pressed yourself against his body, uniting your lips in a hungry kiss. You, too, had dreamed of him on multiple occasions, a mixture of nightmares and wet dreams, and though you were still wary of the cambion underneath you, you could not help losing yourself in the process. 
Trousers were unbuckled, and he dug his clawed fingers into your side when you lifted your hips a bit to throw your clothes away, your eyes always staying locked with his. 
“You are eager, aren’t you?” He said, his hands playing with the hem of your undergarments while he smiled, amusement marking his features and voice. “Days ago you could barely look at me.” 
Rocking your hips back and forth you stared down at him, bottom lip trapped between your teeth. “Because it was hard not to imagine this each time I did,” you whispered, leaning forward so you could wrap your hand around the erection.
He gasped, exposing his sharp canines as you guided him to the wetness between your legs. With your hand wrapped around his horn, he wrapped his wings tighter around you, holding you in place, as he rolled over so that he was now on top, majestic wings spread out before you. They were large and reminded you of those of a bat. 
You had still wrapped your hands around his horns, now both of them, which forced him to keep his head close to yours. He picked up where you left off, matching the rhythm you had set before as his hand came to cup one of your breasts. His sharp nails dug into the sensitive skin around your nipple, causing you to gasp for air, before it settled between your legs, gently playing with the sensitive piece of flesh there. 
With each thrust that he did, you felt a stronger need to hold onto him. You let go of one of his horns to wrap your arm around his shoulders, only opening your eyes when you felt his on you. It felt as if his flaming irises could see deep inside the soul you had sold to him, your eyes held captive by them. 
You did not know whether this was too personal, whether you were crossing a line, but you leaned forward and pressed your forehead against his, feeling the thin layer of sweat that had formed on his skin, around his horns, and the hard bone that grew from his head like a crown. 
When you finally felt like you were close to your climax, you kissed him again, silencing a loud moan that would have otherwise been heard even outside the archive, you were sure.
The thrusting stopped and you held each other for a moment, catching your breaths. He had propped himself up, his hand resting on the ground next to your head as he sat up straight, exiting you in the process. Sweat glistened on his red torso, highlighted by the fire still burning behind you and you smiled softly as he offered you a hand. 
You took it, momentarily startled when he pulled you towards him with force, using his wings once again to hold you in place. 
“That was a good start,” he whispered, brushing a loose strand of hair out of your face. “But perhaps we should take this to the boudoir now?”
A hint of hesitation crossed your face and you averted your gaze, but he placed a hand under your chin and forced you to look at him again. “Do not worry, my dear. Haarlep is of no use to me anymore.”
We might just get away with it The altar is my hips Even if it's a false god We'd still worship this love
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Cammy White X Male Reader NSFW-A Nice Shower
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Warnings: NSFW MDNI, Shower Sex, Asexual Writer, impregnation.
Anon On Ao3 requested: Cammy White/male reader: NSFW intimate shower after sparring
be warned, this is my second time writing true smut, so I ask you to temper your expectations.
“I think… that.. Is enough… for today.” Cammy panted out as she sat down next to you on the bench and laid her head on your shoulder.
“I… agree…” you muttered as your head fell to the side on top of Cammy’s.
“We need to shower…” Cammy groaned,
“Agreed…” you mumbled quietly.
A quiet silence passed between the two of you.
“Do you want to try shower sex when we get home?” Cammy asked, shocking you out of your stupor.
“A-are you sure about this Cammy?” you asked as your nude lover dragged you into the shower.
“Yes. Now-” Cammy turned away to turn on the water “-Let’s get started. The body wash is behind you. I think I know what to do.”
You did indeed know what to do. 
Cammy, despite being a secret service agent, seemed to forget you share a private computer.
Cammy is also quite bad at covering up her search history.
If she even meant to cover it up in the first place.
But enough musing on that.
You squirted out a suitable amount of body wash for this event and set to work.
You started with Cammy’s back and shoulders, gently loosening the muscle. Following that you moved downwards, allowing yourself the indulgence of ghosting your fingers over Cammy’s heart shaped posterior before circling around to the front and running your soapy hands up and down her solid abs before rising up further to her chest where Cammy let out a quiet moan as your hands gently circled her breasts, the bodywash rapidly foaming up under your hands and adding to Cammy’s pleasure due to the sensation.
To show her appreciation of this, she began to slowly rub her bountiful and taut ass on your cock, forcing your mental control to slip and in turn, causing it to become rock hard almost instantaneously.
“Mmmh… glad to see you like the warm up so much, now let’s see-'' Cammy quickly removed her heavenly posterior, causing your dick to fall down and point straight at Cammy’s soaked thighs. This was all to Cammy’s plan who immediately pushed back, lodging your rock hard cock in what Cammy was proud to call her most dangerous asset in this type of encounter, Her thighs. “-How you enjoy the first exercise?”
Bolts of pure pleasure shot through your body as Cammy used her thighs to pleasure you, in turn your hands grabbed and groped the blonde bombshells breasts.
In response, Cammy let out a quiet hiss.
She was enjoying this more than she thought.
The burning hot water, the feel of her skin on yours, the way that both of you were slowly losing control.
She was starting to understand why shower sex was such a popular trope in those books.
It was, for lack of a better word, “Hot”.
However, before Cammy could move forward with this train of thought or her plan, she was turned around and pushed against the wall of the shower where her lips were captured and she felt something very hard push against her pussy.
Cammy had made you lose all sense of control.
She was proud of that.
Unfortunately, she was losing control as well.
She was human after all.
Then, the need for oxygen forced you two apart, much to the displeasure of both of you.
At that moment, the both of you had the same thing on your minds.
Or it would be more accurate, your bodies had one single thing that both of them wanted desperately, whatever your minds or rational thought said against it be damned.
The two of you wanted to breed.
To fuck.
To rail each other until you were both seeing stars.
Then, after that, to keep fucking like animals.
This was a mutual desire to completely and utterly ruin the other for anyone else.
And utterly ruin each other you did.
It was to be expected in a matter involving both love and lust.
Your shared love for the other.
Your shared lust to make the other completely theirs.
 Then finally, the wire snapped.
You attacked Cammy’s neck, nipping and biting and kissing up until her jaw, forcing a true moan from her lips.
Cammy grabbed your hand and made it run down her entire body while her other hand held your head close.
Her hand guided you from her beautiful face to her perfect breasts, down her stone hard abs, past her hips and onto her ass.
Cammy removed her hand from your own and grasped a different part of you tightly.
Your rock hard cock throbbed in her hand in beat with your heart beat.
Her pussy throbbed with the same rhythm.
You panted into her ear.
She panted into yours.
You both knew what came next.
You both knew you wanted it.
So then, you both took what you wanted.
Pleasure shot through both of you like lightning as Cammy’s boiling warmth swallowed you and your dick hit Cammy in just the right place.
Sounds of pure pleasure tore from the both of you.
There was no thought of taking it slow, not now.
The two of you tore each other apart.
Cammy clawed at your back, moaning loudly with every thrust and locking her legs behind you, ensuring you couldn’t escape even if you wanted to.
You held Cammy tightly, your hand on her ass, another holding her thigh as you went wild.
Skin crashed against skin.
Pleasure multiplied pleasure.
The pressure of release invited more pleasure.
Then Cammy grabbed your head in her hands and forced her mouth onto yours.
Tongues danced and dueled to a frenzied and sensual beat, not trying to dominate, but to taste the other completely.
Then, neither of you could ignore it any longer.
The throbbing of your cock.
The unbearable heat in her stomach.
You both knew what was coming.
It wasn’t going to stop either of you.
The two of you would be doing this dance until neither of you could dance any more.
Cammy screamed into your mouth as her Orgasm tore through her.
You groaned back as you flooded the womb of your beautiful lover.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-A Few weeks Later-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-
The Dolls were running around the house you and Cammy share with a madcap and excited energy about them.
Even Decapre seemed pretty jazzed about the news despite her stone face hiding it.
Cammy herself might have been the most excited out of all of them though.
What is the cause for all of this commotion?
The answer: A positive test in Cammy’s excitedly shaking hand.
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syoish-aot · 6 days
Been thinking about a Ten Seconds sequel lately, and I feel like the fic would open up with something a little like this....
[established Eren x asexual!Reader, modern verse, they're in their mid 20s]
“Eren,” you say, “look at me.”
“Don’t look at her Eren!”
“Eren,” you repeat as you gently hold his face in your hands, forcing his gaze towards you. His eyes are the last thing to move. They stay locked on Armin before slowly, because he can’t stop himself from doing it, they move over to meet yours. “Eren you-...” you start, “you’re the love of my life.”
“OH MY GOD!!” Jean groans. “This seriously has to be against the rules! She can’t just-”
You flip Jean off, still staring intently at Eren from your place in his lap.
“Eren,” you start over, “you’re the love of my life and I would never ever lie to you.”
“She’s totally lying to you!!”
You ignore Jean as Eren squirms uncomfortably underneath you, currently caught between a rock and a hard place, especially with the way you’re looking at him.
His heart is thundering in his chest at the feeling of your soft hands on his cheeks. Your thighs against his. The way your breath ghosts softly over his face as you look at him, your boyfriend of three years, with nothing but pure love and adoration. He feels like he might melt.
“I’m not the werewolf,” you say, “it’s Jean.”
“You’re the last villager left, right?” Eren nods along with your words. “So if you do the right thing and say that Jean is the werewolf, then you and I can be the last two survivors. We can win together.”
“Holy shit seriously!?” Jean turns to Armin, who’s holding back laughter at his boyfriend’s competitive outburst. “Armin, c’mon you have to tell her to stop! This is so unfair!”
“Sorry Jean,” Armin giggles, “I’m dead already, I can’t do anything about this.”
Jean groans and turns to Connie. “Back me up here, dude!”
“Nah this is hilarious.” Connie laughs as he leans back against the couch, taking another sip from his drink as he watches the end of their game of Ultimate Werewolf unfold.
Jean just groans again as he runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Eren don’t be a fucking idiot! She’s obviously the werewolf!! She took Sasha out last round because she was onto her!”
“Eren, he's jumping to conclusions,” you defend. “I’m your girlfriend, I love you so much and I wouldn’t lie to you like that.”
“You promise?” Eren asks, finally speaking for the first time since you crawled into his lap after Jean started throwing accusations at you.
“Of course I promise.” You lean forwards to give him a chaste kiss. “Besides,” you say as you pull away from his lips, “are you really going to pick Jean over me?”
And perhaps that’s what finally does it.
“Jean’s the werewolf,” Eren proclaims, “she’s a villager.”
“Is that your final vote?” Armin asks, mildly muffled by Jean’s yells of protest.
Eren locks eyes with yours and he nods.
“Alright,” Armin says, “what were you guys?”
Jean pulls up his card to show the group, loudly shouting: “I’M THE FUCKING DOCTOR YOU IDIOT!!!”
The card he was showing was, in fact, the doctor. Which meant….
“I won!!!” You proudly announce as you hop off Eren’s lap and flash everyone your own card:
“I FUCKING TOLD YOU SHE WAS LYING!!!” Jean throws his card onto the table as you leap across the room to add a green tally behind your name on the whiteboard, marking another satisfying victory.
“You…. You lied to me?” Eren asks, still getting over the shock of your betrayal.
“Sorry babe,” you tell him as you turn around, snapping the lid onto the whiteboard marker as you do, “that’s just how the game’s played, I’m afraid.”
“You play this game the way I imagine a war criminal would play this game.” Mikasa says.
“Aww…” You place your hand on your heart. “Thank you.”
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