the summoning of Dean Winchester
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smutslutartblog · 5 months
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if i close my eyes maybe i'll see you there one more time...
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10-versions-of-tfw · 13 days
Ten versions of Dean Winchester
Print/Write this three times
pre-series Dean
pre-Hell Dean
Dean Smith
post-series Dean
And here are, in order, pictures of the above
(None of these images are mine)
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Ghost Dean
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l0velysmut · 4 months
family: “why are you just sitting in ur room smiling at ur phone?”
me who’s been reading smut about fictional characters for the past 6 hours:
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vvaywardhunter · 3 months
Time was strange inside the mansion. Dean didn't have any concept of how long he'd been there or even how he'd gotten there in the first place. He didn't remember the Impala parked and hidden in the overgrown brush a few blocks away. He remembered very little about himself at all, in fact, except for his name, and he couldn't have said why that was the thing he got to keep. No, most of his knowledge was about this house. It was an evil place. Few who set foot in here left alive. He couldn't remember if he thought he'd be the exception to that rule, or if he'd been caught unawares.
He was pretty sure he was dead.
He was far from the only ghost to haunt these halls, but none of them were friends. Some, like the original owner, had always been wicked, but he knew it wasn't true for all of them. Others were simply trapped in endless torment, reliving their deaths over and over again. He thought those might have been here the longest. There was little left of them other than those final, awful moments. Others did his bidding, the owner's. Dean thought he might have known his name once, but names were powerful. Names could help end this, and so of course the knowledge had been taken from him. He also knew, without knowing how he knew, that all ghosts ended that way eventually. The longer they were dead, the more their memories and personalities eroded, until they became vengeful. He didn't want to be a vengeful spirit, but he couldn't leave.
None of them could.
The ghosts were in a stir today because someone new had walked through those grand front doors. Someone alive. He wouldn't be for long if they had their way. Dean had been trying in vain all day to get his attention, to warn him, but manifesting took energy, and he didn't think (although he couldn't be sure) that he'd had a lot of practice at it. He'd tried appearing in mirrors or moving his things, but at most he could only manage to nudge them an inch or two. He thought he'd made the flames in the hearth flare higher once, but maybe they were going to do that anyway.
Night had fallen early with the storm clouds rolling in, and it was in full glory now, rain lashing the windows, thunder and lightning clashing. Dean doubted he could get the man to leave in this weather, even if he could make himself heard, but now that he'd chosen a bedroom for the night, he had another idea. He'd perched on the edge of his bed, not sure why he should feel nervous. It wasn't like the man could see him yet, let alone hurt him. Slowly, he reached out to rest his hand on his arm. He could almost feel it, warm and solid beneath his hand, and beneath that the tug of life. He pulled tentatively on that energy, warmth flooding his fingers as he leeched it from the man's body. In contrast, the temperature in the room dropped dramatically, until Dean could see the fog of the living man's breath. "Wake up."
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itshelia · 17 days
My mom to her friends, my aunts, and literally everyone she knows: Yeah, my kid is so smart. She is on her phone a lot of the time, but it's not like you guys think, She is not like how kids nowadays are, She reads a lot of books on her phone!!
Me, a fanfic reader who can survive off nothing but just words and day dreams herself to sleep:
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shelbybyr · 9 months
When you run out of fics to read
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enchantedbook · 10 months
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Family Photo by Angela Dean
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rusticfurnace · 3 months
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there was just supposed to be ONE (1) fanart of umiko's shaved soap but then it spiraled into an AU inspired by it. HELPPP
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 2 months
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mymoonsight · 1 month
Reposting a comment I made on a post and adding to it
x Reader fics need to handle writing “reader” better sometimes
As a 6ft afab person who’s built like a man and has never been super feminine and has a more unique haircut that’s shorter I hate to read about “readers” petite, small, pale body and her “long flowy straight hair”, etc.
Reader is meant to be ambiguous!! And if it’s important to the plot please mention it at the beginning!!! If it’s not important to the plot why is it being included???
Some people who are reading may be tall, fat, skinny, short, or even somewhere in between. The readers could have a hijab, 4c hair, locks, braids, long hair, short hair, wavy, no hair and even more.
Stop making all readers so sweet and innocent, I want a reader who’s petty and sassy sometimes. I’ve noticed also that so many readers are either too baby to do anything or over powered.
Personally I also hate reading about obviously toxic men and relationships that the reader goes back to because they are “so in love”, like no please let me deck that sucker and leave them in the dust and be happier.
Also, if you label your post with the tag “___ x reader” or titled with “___ x reader” and then make descriptions and then ADD A NAME!!! It’s not an x reader fic and I heavily want to block you.
Hey hello! I just wanted to add that I heavily respect and love fic writers! So many have a talent that I will never reach or have and I appreciate your content being put out at all! I made this post as a 5 am ramble and was half delirious lol
People can write as they please and I’ll ignore it if I’m not interested or I’ll make slight internal edits to fit me if I am
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badass-space-fish · 3 months
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I haven’t seen one of these yet
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animasola86 · 1 month
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A/N: Have another little smut scene I wrote upon waking up at 5:30 this morning. I use *drabble lightly here again, but at least it's under 1k words. Remember: you can imagine any character here, it's just a man and a woman enjoying a little together time (pics are just to set the mood, there are no descriptions of either party involved). This time, I'll warn you about somnophilia, a little dubcon, some manhandling, thigh fucking and unprotected sex. Works in any timeline where there are beds or surfaces to sleep on.
WARNING: NSFW! Explicit sexual content! // WORDS: 875 // AO3
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She stirs awake with a low rumble in her ear, heavy breaths fanning over her jaw. Is it morning or still night? She can't tell, it doesn't matter when a strong hand grips her hip and pulls her backwards into a firm body that moves against her in a slow but steady rhythm. There's something between her legs, slick and hot and hard.
His deep groans fill her still half-asleep mind, and she issues a little mewl. “S'okay, baby,” he hums behind her, his hips steadily slamming into her cushioned rear. Smack. “Go–” Smack. “–back–” Smack. “–to sleep.” He grips her tighter, fingers digging into her soft flesh, cock sliding back and forth between her thighs.
She moans groggily, too tired to comprehend anything but the heat building up within her. Her eyelids flutter before she slips back into unconsciousness.
When she wakes up again, he has rolled onto his back, pulled her with him, body pliant, like a doll, manhandled into place with her legs falling open over his strong thighs. One large hand around her throat, the other rubbing her swollen clit, he pumps into her, slow snaps of his hips as he works his hard cock into her tight warmth. The stretch makes her whimper.
“Shh, s'fine, love,” he growls beneath her, voice low and deep and thick with sleep and exhaustion. His fingers curl around her neck, applying enough pressure to push her back into the void as he ruts up into her, inch by inch, filling her, using her.
She's on her stomach when she comes to next, his heavy body pinning her to the bed, rapid thrusts pushing her into the soft mattress, a little bounce amidst the feeling of immobility.
Braced on his elbows, he's caging her in as he slams against her ass, cock slipping in and out of her clenching cunt, fucking her open. He groans and grunts, face buried in her nape, hot breaths and low rumbles that make her head spin.
“So fucking tight,” he mumbles into her hair, lost in his own bliss, voice so deep she can feel the vibrations against her skin. “So fucking perfect...”
A few mewls and moans slip from her dry lips, and he's encouraged by them as he thrusts into her faster, harder, deeper. She can feel him, hot and hard and heavy, in and out, pleasure bordering on pain.
Every deep pummel makes her gasp and flinch, a cold shiver, erupting goosebumps, a burning deep within. Breathing is hard in her prone position, and she feels herself slipping again.
She wakes with a pained grunt, lying on her back, manhandled into yet another position. His hands hold her legs, her knees pressed to her chest, feet dangling in the air over his broad shoulders. Breasts squished, lungs tight, as he folds her, pins her down, ramming his hard length as deep as humanly possible.
He's heavy on top of her, body sweat-slick, hot, his grunts as animalistic as his relentless thrusts. Her cunt feels raw, muscles contracting, tight and tense, and he still plunges in and out with ease and force, the wet squelching sounds mixing with his heavy panting and her muffled whimpers.
“Look at you, so wet for me,” he rasps, tightening his grip on her legs as he leans back a little, looking down at her almost menacingly. Beads of sweat drip from his temples, and she's mesmerized by the sight of him. Her head is spinning, body barely functioning, limbs twitching and boneless, just a hole for him to fill.
He gives her a weak smile, a gesture that makes her feel even hotter, and when he leans in, folding his body over hers, she moans as he captures her mouth for a searing kiss, tongue slipping between her lips, tasting every inch of her. She's barely capable of mirroring his motions, reduced to a mewling mess beneath him.
His hips keep their steady rhythm, pounding fast and hard and deep. Slam. Slam. Slam. He groans into her mouth as she clenches around him, her stomach tight and tense, that coil within ready to burst.
“Come with me,” he breathes into her, his gaze intense as he presses his forehead to hers. She's not in control, can't even reply, but his words are enough to push her over the edge. She stiffens beneath him, crying out against his lips, fingers clawing at the sheets as her thighs twitch, feet digging into his back.
Eyes roll back, breath hitches, the tension explodes into bright lights dancing behind her eyelids as her body convulses beneath him, and he fucks her through her orgasm, prolongs it, until he starts throbbing inside her, and that one final push nestles him deep within, crown squished against her cervix, balls tight and twitching against her folds, as he paints her insides with his hot seed.
Collapsing on top of her, face buried in the crook of her neck, while her toes curl up painfully, he empties himself inside her, filling her, every spasm of his cock accompanied by a low growl against her pulse. The warmth is soothing, his weight on her comforting, and she feels herself drifting back to sleep, a soft smile on her trembling lips.
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A steamy shower
Car Inspection
Tension Relief
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Ghost Dean
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prettyflyshyguy · 3 months
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[Dean is a ghost haunting the Impala AU]
You know how self driving cars get stuck if you paint a white circle around them?
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