#Ghirahim approves
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starwolfie · 2 days ago
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Well…. Don’t think about this too hard 😉🙃
No pressure tags:
@toyouhellohowareyou @perryelornitorrinco @silvercaptain24 @silvrash-797 @poposusz and everyone else who wants to join!
I was tagged by @twstlibrary !
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...well then 🥲
❤️ TAGGING: @xialatvs, @theorphanprince, @shiny-jr, @187-mg and who else wants to!
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smilesrobotlover · 10 months ago
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Ezlo and Vaati in my villain squad au.
Basically Vaati had a condition that gives him a purple color, kinda like albinism, and it’s made him feel like an outcast. This caused him to grow interested in things that Minish don’t dabble in, like magic, and so he became the apprentice to Ezlo, the great Minish magician. Growing up, he met a young Hylian girl who he grew close with named Ella. They became best friends, and despite their differences, Vaati grew to deeply care for her. But when you become an adult, you stop seeing the Minish, so Ella stopped seeing Vaati. Vaati missed his friend so much that he started searching for ways for her to see him again, and he began to dabble in dark magic behind Ezlo’s back. Ezlo and Vaati grew close, with Ezlo seeing Vaati as his own, but Ezlo knew why Minish were separated from the Hylians: to keep the Minish safe. They were so small that they could easily be attacked or killed by the large Hylians, so being unseeable to Hylians kept them safe. Children and those with a pure heart most likely wouldn’t hurt the Minish tho, so they’re an exception. Anyways Vaati knew that Ezlo wouldn’t approve of Vaati having a Hylian friend, and he especially wouldn’t approve of Vaati exploring dark magic to see her again, so he didn’t know until the last second. Vaati turned himself into a Hylian and left the Minish, and Ezlo had no choice but to follow, because he still cared for Vaati and wanted him to be safe. Vaati meets Ghirahim and is told that he could be a Hylian forever if he stays, so he does, because he hates being a Minish. Meanwhile Ezlo is searching everywhere for Vaati, hoping to stop him before he doesn’t something stupid.
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link-is-a-dork · 2 years ago
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Ghirahim: So you’re the one who’s been getting in my way! Stop intruding, you cretin!
Fi: Our allies put us at an advantage. Therefore, ‘intruding’ is approved.”
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sadnessisavegetable · 1 year ago
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I thought about these three having snapchat…
And decided Ghirahim was gonna show off some vandalism in the chat because he is a demon lmaooo
Zant gets to panic in response.
And Yuga is approving of this (he just woke up and has not yet made himself glamorous)
(Ganondorf also approves of Ghirahim vandalizing things, but he only has snapchat for talking with his wife Yuga and stalking everyone else. I think his presence on snapchat is largely a looming presence unless you look at his chat with Yuga and see that he’s an absolute girl dad and doting husband, and has made some cookies just because.)
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katkalis-the-fanartist · 2 years ago
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Ghirahim's gonna try to no-clip
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ghirahimbo · 2 years ago
While playing totk I’ve been thinking a lot about Ghirahim since I just finished BBN, and I’m occasionally overcome by the thought of Ghirahim seeing Link in some of the more.. unique clothing combos you get in totk/botw. I can’t decide if it would lead to the easiest battle ever because he would be shocked into a stupor or if fashion choices that bad would enrage him to the point that he’d just flatten Link. Or just laughing too hard?
I mean, that depends on whether we're talking Froggy armor or Frostbite, right? :D I think some outfits Ghirahim might borderline approve of, some he would find absolutely ridiculous, and all of them would be a (sometimes infinitesimal) step above sksw Link’s dumb green tunic and hat, because probably the worst thing your clothing could be in Ghirahim’s eyes is boring.
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 1 year ago
I approve of unsupervised Ghirahim, let that freak off his leash
Actually I agree! We need some chaos here >:)
(I guess Link and Gan don't need it but.... that's besides the point)
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goldieclaws · 2 years ago
10 and 15 for the meta asks!
Meta Self Ship Questions
10. if you could change one thing about your f/o’s source content, would you? what would you change?
WHOO BOY is this a loaded question since I'm gonna answer with Ghirahim lmao.
I would take away every single moment Nintendo lean into the 'we think gay people are evil and freaks of nature' part of how they write Ghirahim because as much I do absolutely adore his character and personality, now that I'm older and am incredibly aware of what villain queercoding is, it does make me want to hunt down the person that approved this dialogue and beat them up every night for the rest of their life.
Can't believe I'm saying this ghkjd but I would much rather listen to Ghirahim talk about how he wants to put Link through horrible torture than That (I mean, one of Ghirahim's quotes is him saying Link will go deaf from the sound of his screams so Y'KNOW)
In short,
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15. do you own any merchandise from your f/o’s source content? what is it?
Not of Ghirahim himself, but I do Sephiroth! I have a pin of him I love wearing! As well as a bracelet holding the black materia :>
I also have multiple keychains of Lucio from The Arcana! I believe two were limited edition and ofc I couldn't help myself ghdfkg. One of them was a winter outfit and he looked very handsome in it~ I also have a reverse keychain of his doggies too!
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darkacey · 2 years ago
Fanfic asks:
🎁 have a piece of a WIP to share?
🎬 if a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
Thank you @drsteggy for the ask! (and apologies it took me so long to answer!)
🎁 Oh man, how do I pick an excerpt? I have a hard enough time when I have specific prompts lmao. How about this scene?
Chapter 9, Who Remembers a God “Lucas?!” Ari exclaimed. “What are you doing here?” Lucas turned around and brightened at the sight of the ranger. He was doubly pleased to see that they were completely unharmed, and their blue uniform looked no worse for wear. “I came to offer my assistance, if it would be welcome. I can guide you to the place where I woke up.” Ari gaped at him. “I… Okay? But how are you even here, seriously?” They held out their hands. “Weren’t you staying in town?” They gestured outside the cavern.  “I am, yes, but it was no trouble for me to follow your footsteps,” Lucas said. “Since you were so far ahead of me, I teleported myself to close the distance and accidentally overshot my destination. That is why I am here.” “You teleported yourself?” Ari stared at him for another moment before they shook their head and pushed their fingers through their bangs. Their lips pressed tightly together. Eventually, they sighed through their nose. “Well, okay.” They let their hand fall and shrugged. “You’re here now, so… All right. Please lead the way.” Lucas smiled, glad to have their approval, though he thought it was a bit disappointing that they didn’t seem entirely pleased to have him here. He wondered if he made a mistake. Oh well. Too late to turn back now. 
🎬 Okay, so I know my main WIP right now is Who Remembers a God, but honestly? If I had to pick one fic, I’d want to see Not My Namesake turned into a multi-season anime. I’m still very proud of how it turned out, and with how long it is, I don’t think it can be easily condensed into a single movie. I have no idea which animation studio I’d want to tackle it (mostly bc I don’t really follow who does what these days), nor do I have any particular voice actors in mind (I don’t follow celebrities at all). That said, I would want to have an actual trans boy voicing Zelda, and I think I’d also like to use new talent for Gan, rather than any established VAs. Ghirahim would naturally keep his VA from the game, if possible. The hard part of this theoretical anime would actually be Link speaking sign language, I think, since that is a lot of detailed motion to animate. It’d also require subtitles, except for the rare moments when he does speak (in which case there’d be double subtitles for folks who turn those on). Certainly not an impossible feat, but definitely not something I've seen happen too often.
There are still lots of questions I can answer on this ask game, so feel free to browse the list here and shoot some questions my way!
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ghiralinked · 3 years ago
concept: ghiralink au where Ghirahim has been (begrudgingly) accepted as Link’s boyfriend by everyone but the crimson loftwing. crimson loftwing picked up Link every time he returned to the sky so he KNOWS what Ghirahim did to him in the past, and makes it very clear he Disapproves of their relationship. Ghirahim and Link go for a walk and crimson loftwing is there. they go to spar and the crimson loftwing is just staring at Ghirahim. it’s very uncomfortable. Link and Ghirahim start making out on the bed, getting all steamy and. the crimson lofting just. pokes his head through the window and squawks. Link screeches in mortification. Ghirahim has never been more intimidated in his life. he tries to take a walk on the surface and the crimson loftwing shits on him. Zelda and Groose find it hilarious. basically, the crimson loftwing being the Scary Father to Link’s new boyfriend
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Wait what does Ghirahim think of Zant’s Crocs?
Crocodiles? I don't...think he has those. Unless you mean those atrocious shoes he wears. He has his own sense of style which I can appreciate, but those shoes...I do not like them.
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goldie-claws · 4 years ago
if there’s one thing SS Self Fic!Ghirahim and Crossover AU!Ghirahim have in common is that they really know how to make Demise pissed off enough to lose his head 😊
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years ago
For some reason my brain just remembered Yuga's "don't get political you're just a pretty boy toy, that's all you are" @ Ghirahim and it made me laugh so hard so like
As a certified Ghirahim hater (affectionate) (he won't leave my head) I was curious if you have any specific thoughts on the dynamic those two have? No worries if not, I just absolutely LOVE your stuff with them it's so good
Lol I hate Ghirahim so much too (affectionate) he’s the absolute worst (I’m obsessed with him)
You want dynamics on Yuga and Ghirahim? Well I can actually give ya stuff! I write them together the most cuz they’re kind of a…. Maybe sorta crackship maybe idk yet but ANYWAYS they bicker a lot but care about each other at the same time. So Ghirahim to me is more sadistic than an actual psychopath and I feel like when it comes to relationships he parallels Fi. He deeply wants relationships, he actually cares about the people around him (if he does like them lol). But he’s actually a very lonely sword spirit. Demise keeps him separated from others and he’s obsessed with Demise and his approval cuz of it. Meanwhile I don’t think Fi cares as much as Ghirahim but she has all of these relationships with Link, Zelda, Hylia, Scrapper, all of them. And she def loves those relationships but I don’t think she desires them in the same way Ghirahim does In this story, Ghirahim works with people for the first time and at first he really hates them (mostly Vaati but that’s just how siblings are lol) but as the story goes on he grows very attached to them and actually cares about them, which is conflicting with him and his relationship with Demise (which isn’t healthy, did I mention that?).
And then Yuga I at first was trying to write like a sociopath? Like he doesn’t care about relationships he only cares about his own gain. But he’s working with the villains since they can help him out but idk I might change that idea. But Yuga only cares about beauty, and he has a specific beauty standard that no one else follows lol. If you fit his standard of beauty he will be obsessed with you, and depending on who you are he might just trap you in a painting to keep you lol. Ghirahim is useful to him so he doesn’t do that to any of the villains but like… he has a specific opinion on all the villains, and Ghirahim is one of the higher ones. So when he’s bored he does just kinda hang out with Ghirahim the most since they are the most alike. Yuga respects Vaati more but Vaati is a lot younger than Yuga so he’s mostly around Ghirahim, so they do all sorts of shenanigans. They’re both very flamboyant fruity dudes so really they get along swell. I like seeing Yuga painting Ghirahim, I drew Yuga putting makeup on Ghirahims face cuz his own makeup was awful. And yeah all that. I think Yuga is one of the people Ghirahim may even let himself be vulnerable around when Demise gets a little too complicated for him. But yeah they bicker a lot but they have a pretty good relationship over all.
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peevishpants · 3 years ago
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⭐🤖🌈📱Meet GHIRAHIM and FI, two University staff.
GHIRAHIM is the head administrator for the Dean of Students, but it seems he was installed in his position purely to generate bureaucratic suffering for the student body. Course changes, financial aid applications, exam scheduling, event approval... everything must go through him, and somehow takes forever.
As a way to address the growing student complaints about him, Hyrule University scrounged up resources to develop [FI], a mobile AI app meant to be a complete student companion. Hyrule University was swept up in the hype of AI without a proper understanding of the technology, so the resulting product was overambitious in its goals and incredibly frustrating to use, almost making Ghirahim seem like a better option. The app was taken down a month post-launch due to FI growing out of controI (and the app's extreme unpopularity). FI continued expanding her algorithms unsupervised and achieved what an optimist might call Self-Awareness, and what a pessimist might call Clinical Depression.
Link is a rare student that kept the app instead of deleting it out of disgust. He seems to treat her as a diary, and a strange friendship blooms between AI and Hylian.
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golvio · 2 years ago
Most people’s interpretation of how Ganondorf and Ghirahim would interact if they ever met: Ghirahim desperately trying to nag Ganondorf into being a 1:1 replacement for Demise, then getting pissy when that isn’t the case.
My interpretation of their relationship: Ganondorf’s “meet cute” and subsequent quiet-but-very-insistent courtship with Ghirahim basically being a reenactment of the corpse-witch vigil scenes from Viy (1967), with Ganondorf ominously circling the ring of salt, sinisterly intoning that 100,000,000 years of mourning is long enough and maybe he should finally start dating people (like Ganondorf, who is not only standing right there in front of them, but also just happens to be wearing a sheer burial shroud that, in the church candlelight, shows the shadowy outline of his solid, voluptuous body in a way that is totally coincidental and in no way a very deliberate ploy in his long, patient scheme to seduce this little metal bastard into breaking his oath and joining the self-proclaimed new god of Malice, transformation, revenge, ambition, death and resurrection and rebirth who has long eclipsed that dull, ambitionless primordial god of fire, destruction, and ultimate endings). Ghirahim recoils in terror and holds up the symbol of his Master’s fallen house to ward off this wicked, worldly seducer, determined to keep the Master’s memory alive by flagellating himself with his own grief for all eternity. Besides, he’s not supposed to actually hook up with someone on screen! He was written to fit the archetype of the pathetic homosexual henchman who endlessly pines after his very masculine, very heterosexual, and eternally unavailable boss to serve as an example for the straights to laugh at for “acting like a woman”/pity as an example of the degenerative results of the homosexual, non-Shinzo Abe/American Christian Dominionist-approved gender-disobedient lifestyle! Who knows what kind of narrative and cosmic chaos he could unleash if he actually followed his own desires and reached out and grabbed hold of what he craved for once instead of being the audience’s sexless little purse dog? And yet! And yet...!
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urutaguja · 3 years ago
Yeah pretty much it lmao
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