#Gernot Langes-Swarovski
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perfettamentechic · 1 month ago
21 gennaio … ricordiamo …
21 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Pino Roveredo, scrittore, regista teatrale e personaggio televisivo italiano. La sua infanzia è segnata da gravi problemi familiari (genitori entrambi sordomuti) e sociali seguiti in gioventù dalla piaga dell’alcolismo. Il suo esordio letterario giunge nel 1996 con il testo autobiografico Capriole in salita. Il romanzo ottiene subito un notevole successo a livello nazionale e Roveredo…
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notiziariofinanziario · 4 years ago
E’ morto all’età di 78 anni Gernot Langes-Swarovski
Pronipote del fondatore Daniel Swarovski, nato a Wattens in Tirolo nel 1943, Gernot Langes-Swarovski già all’età di 24 anni è entrato nel consiglio di amministrazione dell’azienda di cristalli. Sotto la sua guida è stato aperto negli anni ’80 il primo punto vendita a New York, come anche il museo di Andrè Heller, la Swarovski Kristallwelten a Wattens. Gernot Langes-Swarovski, che in Austria ha…
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wineninja · 6 years ago
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【ブログ更新しました!】飲んだワイン ボデガ・ノートン/ジェルノ・ランジュ2006 9点 https://ift.tt/2ZJXSja
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personal-reporter · 4 years ago
Gernot Langes-Swarovski, re del cristalli
Gernot Langes-Swarovski, re del cristalli
Se nè è andato a 78 anni Gernot Langes-Swarovski, il re dei cristalli, gravemente malato da tempo. Gernot era nato in Tirolo, a Wattens, nel 1943 ed era entrato nel cda dell’azienda familiare, fondata in Austria dal leggendario bisnonno Daniel Swarovski nella seconda metà dell’800,  a soli 24 anni. Continue reading
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hardwarearabia · 5 years ago
Anyline ، الشركة الناشئة النمساوية التي توفر تقنية التعرف الضوئي على الحروف (OCR) ، تلتقط السلسلة A بقيمة 12 مليون دولار وتتوجه إلى الولايات المتحدة - TechCrunch
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جمعت Anyline ، وهي شركة مقرها في فيينا لتكنولوجيا التعرف الضوئي على الأحرف (OCR) التي يستخدمها المطورون لبناء وظائف OCR في مواقعهم وتطبيقاتهم ، مبلغ 12 مليون دولار من التمويل من الفئة أ. كشفت الشركة أيضًا عن خطط للتوسع الأمريكي. يتصدر الجولة مشروع VC ومقره برلين ، بمشاركة مستثمري Anyline الحاليين ، بما في ذلك Johann "Hansi" Hansmann و Senovo و Gernot Langes-Swarovski Foundation. تأسست Anyline في عام 2013 ، وتقدم حلولاً متخصصة للتعرف الضوئي على الحروف تقول إن بائعي التكنولوجيا الكبار لم يتم إعدادهم للتزويد. وقد شهد هذا بدء التشغيل النمساوي التقاط مجموعة من العملاء الدوليين مثل Canon و Porsche و E.On ، وكذلك الحكومات الوطنية والأمم المتحدة. يمكن دمج وظائف التعرف الضوئي على الحروف في أي موقع أو تطبيق حديث ، وتستخدمها الشركات لمسح وجمع معلومات "تماثلية" مختلفة ، مثل وثائق الهوية والأرقام التسلسلية وعدادات الأدوات المساعدة ، با��تخدام أي جهاز محمول قياسي. إن الجانب العلوي لمثل هذا النهج واضح: باستخدام تقنية التعرف الضوئي على الحروف التي أثبتت جدواها والتي تعمل بالفعل ، يمكن للشركات تحقيق وفورات كبيرة من حيث الوقت والموارد من خلال القضاء على إدخال البيانات اليدوي ، والذي هو عرضة للأخطاء مكلفة. من وجهة نظر العملاء ، فإن أي شخص استخدم التعرف الضوئي على الحروف لإضافة بطاقة خصم إلى تطبيق أو إرسال قراءة عداد يعلم أنه يوفر تجربة أقل إيلامًا بشكل لا نهائي من الاضطرار إلى كتابة أرقام طويلة يدويًا على الهاتف. تقول Anyline إن رأس المال الجديد سيستخدم بشكل أساسي لمضاعفة عدد موظفيها ، وفتح أول مقر للولايات المتحدة في بوسطن في أوائل عام 2020. وسيمكن ذلك Anyline من تقديم حلول التعرف الضوئي على الحروف على الأجهزة المحمولة إلى الأسواق والصناعات الدولية الجديدة ، بما في ذلك التصنيع الذكي وخدمات KYC وتقول fintech. يقول Lukas Kinigadner ، الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس المشارك لـ Anyline ، في بيان: "مع انتقال الشركات إلى عالم افتراضي متزايد ، من الأهمية بمكان أن يكون لديهم إمكانية الوصول إلى التقنيات المتقدمة التي تمكنهم من رقمنة الوسائط التناظرية السابقة". "نحن فخورون بأن نقول إن التكنولوجيا المولودة في أوروبا تساعد الشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم على الحد من الأخطاء وعدم الكفاءة والإحباطات التي تأتي مع الإدخال اليدوي. من خلال أن تصبح الشركة الرائدة في السوق في التعرف الضوئي على الحروف عبر الأجهزة المحمولة ، تخطط Anyline لأن تكون الشركات الشريكة في التكنولوجيا التي تحتاج إلى مواجهة هذه التحديات في الأفق ". وفي الوقت نفسه ، تم إطلاق شركة Anyline في الولايات المتحدة ، كما رأينا ، ووجدت شركة Anyline Inc. ، كما قامت بتعيين براين بواتنر ، مدير المبيعات العالمي السابق في Cognex Corporation ، كنائب رئيس جديد للمبيعات وتطوير الأعمال.
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years ago
Anyline, the Austrian startup that provides OCR tech, picks up $12M Series A and heads to the US
Anyline, the Vienna-based provider of optical character recognition (OCR) technology that developers use to build OCR functions into their websites and apps, has raised $12 million in Series A funding. The company has also unveiled plans for a U.S. expansion.
Leading the round is Berlin-based VC firm Project A, with participation from Anyline’s existing investors, including Johann “Hansi” Hansmann, Senovo, and the Gernot Langes-Swarovski Foundation.
Founded in 2013, Anyline offers specialised OCR solutions that it says the big tech vendors are not set up to supply. This has seen the Austrian startup pick up a portfolio of international clients such as Canon, Porsche and E.On, as well as national governments and the United Nations.
Its OCR functionality can be built into any modern website or app and is being used by businesses to scan and collect various “analogue” information, such as identity documents, serial numbers and utility meters, using any standard mobile device.
The upside of such an approach is obvious: by using proven OCR tech that actually works, businesses can make considerable savings in terms of time and resources by eliminating manual data entry, which is prone to costly mistakes.
From a customer point of view, anybody who has used OCR to add a debit card to an app or submit a meter reading knows it provides an infinitely less painful experience than having to manually type long numbers on a phone.
Anyline says the new capital will primarily be used to double its headcount, and to open a first U.S. headquarters in Boston in early 2020. This will enable Anyline to bring its mobile OCR solutions to new international markets and industries, including smart manufacturing, KYC services and fintech, says the company.
“As businesses move to an increasingly virtual world, it is vital they have access to advanced technologies that enable them to digitise previously analog mediums,” says Lukas Kinigadner, CEO and co-founder of Anyline, in a statement.
“We are proud to say European-born technology is helping businesses across the world to reduce the errors, inefficiencies and frustrations that come with manual input. By becoming the market leader in mobile OCR, Anyline plans to be the technology partner businesses need to meet these challenges on the horizon”.
Meanwhile, Anyline’s planned U.S. launch as seen the company found Anyline Inc., and hire Bryan Boatner, the former Global Sales Director of Cognex Corporation, as its new VP of Sales and Business Development.
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magzoso-tech · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/anyline-the-austrian-startup-that-provides-ocr-tech-picks-up-12m-series-a-and-heads-to-the-us/
Anyline, the Austrian startup that provides OCR tech, picks up $12M Series A and heads to the US
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Anyline, the Vienna-based provider of optical character recognition (OCR) technology that developers use to build OCR functions into their websites and apps, has raised $12 million in Series A funding. The company has also unveiled plans for a U.S. expansion.
Leading the round is Berlin-based VC firm Project A, with participation from Anyline’s existing investors, including Johann “Hansi” Hansmann, Senovo, and the Gernot Langes-Swarovski Foundation.
Founded in 2013, Anyline offers specialised OCR solutions that it says the big tech vendors are not set up to supply. This has seen the Austrian startup pick up a portfolio of international clients such as Canon, Porsche and E.On, as well as national governments and the United Nations.
Its OCR functionality can be built into any modern website or app and is being used by businesses to scan and collect various “analogue” information, such as identity documents, serial numbers and utility meters, using any standard mobile device.
The upside of such an approach is obvious: by using proven OCR tech that actually works, businesses can make considerable savings in terms of time and resources by eliminating manual data entry, which is prone to costly mistakes.
From a customer point of view, anybody who has used OCR to add a debit card to an app or submit a meter reading knows it provides an infinitely less painful experience than having to manually type long numbers on a phone.
Anyline says the new capital will primarily be used to double its headcount, and to open a first U.S. headquarters in Boston in early 2020. This will enable Anyline to bring its mobile OCR solutions to new international markets and industries, including smart manufacturing, KYC services and fintech, says the company.
“As businesses move to an increasingly virtual world, it is vital they have access to advanced technologies that enable them to digitise previously analog mediums,” says Lukas Kinigadner, CEO and co-founder of Anyline, in a statement.
“We are proud to say European-born technology is helping businesses across the world to reduce the errors, inefficiencies and frustrations that come with manual input. By becoming the market leader in mobile OCR, Anyline plans to be the technology partner businesses need to meet these challenges on the horizon”.
Meanwhile, Anyline’s planned U.S. launch as seen the company found Anyline Inc., and hire Bryan Boatner, the former Global Sales Director of Cognex Corporation, as its new VP of Sales and Business Development.
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itmanco · 5 years ago
Anyline, the Austrian startup that provides OCR tech, picks up $12M Series A and heads to the US Anyline, the Vienna-based provider of optical character recognition (OCR) technology that developers use to build OCR functions into their websites and apps, has raised $12 million in Series A funding. The company has also unveiled plans for a U.S. expansion. Leading the round is Berlin-based VC firm Project A, with participation from Anyline’s existing investors, including Johann "Hansi" Hansmann, Senovo and the Gernot Langes-Swarovski Foundation. https://ift.tt/2QWMCi3 By Samy Morsy
from I.T MAN https://ift.tt/1cjthd7 via IFTTTBy Samy Morsy
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endenogatai · 5 years ago
Anyline, the Austrian startup that provides OCR tech, picks up $12M Series A and heads to the US
Anyline, the Vienna-based provider of optical character recognition (OCR) technology that developers use to build OCR functions into their websites and apps, has raised $12 million in Series A funding. The company has also unveiled plans for a U.S. expansion.
Leading the round is Berlin-based VC firm Project A, with participation from Anyline’s existing investors, including Johann “Hansi” Hansmann, Senovo, and the Gernot Langes-Swarovski Foundation.
Founded in 2013, Anyline offers specialised OCR solutions that it says the big tech vendors are not set up to supply. This has seen the Austrian startup pick up a portfolio of international clients such as Canon, Porsche and E.On, as well as national governments and the United Nations.
Its OCR functionality can be built into any modern website or app and is being used by businesses to scan and collect various “analogue” information, such as identity documents, serial numbers and utility meters, using any standard mobile device.
The upside of such an approach is obvious: by using proven OCR tech that actually works, businesses can make considerable savings in terms of time and resources by eliminating manual data entry, which is prone to costly mistakes.
From a customer point of view, anybody who has used OCR to add a debit card to an app or submit a meter reading knows it provides an infinitely less painful experience than having to manually type long numbers on a phone.
Anyline says the new capital will primarily be used to double its headcount, and to open a first U.S. headquarters in Boston in early 2020. This will enable Anyline to bring its mobile OCR solutions to new international markets and industries, including smart manufacturing, KYC services and fintech, says the company.
“As businesses move to an increasingly virtual world, it is vital they have access to advanced technologies that enable them to digitise previously analog mediums,” says Lukas Kinigadner, CEO and co-founder of Anyline, in a statement.
“We are proud to say European-born technology is helping businesses across the world to reduce the errors, inefficiencies and frustrations that come with manual input. By becoming the market leader in mobile OCR, Anyline plans to be the technology partner businesses need to meet these challenges on the horizon”.
Meanwhile, Anyline’s planned U.S. launch as seen the company found Anyline Inc., and hire Bryan Boatner, the former Global Sales Director of Cognex Corporation, as its new VP of Sales and Business Development.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/36SUKWk via IFTTT
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computer-basics · 5 years ago
Anyline, the Vienna-based provider of optical character recognition (OCR) technology that developers use to build OCR functions into their websites and apps, has raised $12 million in Series A funding. The company has also unveiled plans for a U.S. expansion.
Leading the round is Berlin-based VC firm Project A, with participation from Anyline’s existing investors, including Johann “Hansi” Hansmann, Senovo, and the Gernot Langes-Swarovski Foundation.
Founded in 2013, Anyline offers specialised OCR solutions that it says the big tech vendors are not set up to supply. This has seen the Austrian startup pick up a portfolio of international clients such as Canon, Porsche and E.On, as well as national governments and the United Nations.
Its OCR functionality can be built into any modern website or app and is being used by businesses to scan and collect various “analogue” information, such as identity documents, serial numbers and utility meters, using any standard mobile device.
The upside of such an approach is obvious: by using proven OCR tech that actually works, businesses can make considerable savings in terms of time and resources by eliminating manual data entry, which is prone to costly mistakes.
From a customer point of view, anybody who has used OCR to add a debit card to an app or submit a meter reading knows it provides an infinitely less painful experience than having to manually type long numbers on a phone.
Anyline says the new capital will primarily be used to double its headcount, and to open a first U.S. headquarters in Boston in early 2020. This will enable Anyline to bring its mobile OCR solutions to new international markets and industries, including smart manufacturing, KYC services and fintech, says the company.
“As businesses move to an increasingly virtual world, it is vital they have access to advanced technologies that enable them to digitise previously analog mediums,” says Lukas Kinigadner, CEO and co-founder of Anyline, in a statement.
“We are proud to say European-born technology is helping businesses across the world to reduce the errors, inefficiencies and frustrations that come with manual input. By becoming the market leader in mobile OCR, Anyline plans to be the technology partner businesses need to meet these challenges on the horizon”.
Meanwhile, Anyline’s planned U.S. launch as seen the company found Anyline Inc., and hire Bryan Boatner, the former Global Sales Director of Cognex Corporation, as its new VP of Sales and Business Development.
from TechCrunch https://ift.tt/36SUKWk via IFTTT
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footballghana · 5 years ago
Kelvin Yeboah nets four goals as Swarovski Tirol demolish Austria Wien
Ghanaian international Kelvin Yeboah was in fine form today for his WSG Swarovski Tirol club and managed to score four goals as they beat Austria Wien 5-2 in the Austrian Cup.The two top-flight clubs locked horns at the Gernot Langes Stadium today in round two of the domestic cup competition in hopes of securing qualification to the next phase.At the end of the action-packed encounter, Kelvin Yeboah and his WSG Swarovski Tirol side emerged as 5-2 winners after impressing throughout the entire duration of the match.Yeboah who is the son of Ghanaian legend Tony Yeboah put up an outstanding performance and ended up netting four goals to inspire his side to a resounding victory.The 19-year-old opened the scoring for his club just 10 minutes into the match before Christoph Monschein pulled parity for Austria Wien 3 minutes later.Benjamin Pranter restored the lead for the home side on the 43rd minute to ensure they went into half time break on their way to victory.Kelvin Yeboah scored a sensational hat-trick in the second half which ultimately handed his side the win on a silver platter. Christoph Monschein scored a second for the losers on the 83rd... source: https://footballghana.com/
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perfettamentechic · 1 year ago
21 gennaio … ricordiamo …
21 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Louie Anderson, Louie Perry Anderson, attore e comico statunitense.  (n.1953) 2021: Gernot Langes-Swarovski, imprenditore austriaco pronipote del fondatore dell’azienda Daniel Swarovski è stato manager partner del gruppo tirolese D. Swarovski.  Era conosciuto come il “re dei cristalli“. (n. 1943) 2021: Nathalie Delon, pseudonimo di Francine Canovas, è stata un’attrice e regista francese. E’…
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patentanwalt-reinert · 6 years ago
Nach einem sehr ruhigen Montag gestern, starten wir heute mit spannenden Neuigkeiten aus der Szene und werfen einen Blick auf die neusten VC-Deals im Lande. Alle Deals der letzten 24 Stunden gibt es auch heute wieder kompakt im aktuellen #DealMonitor. INVESTMENTS aifora +++ Capnamic Ventures investiert nach Informationen von deutsche-startups.de gemeinsam mit Mathias Rochus, Gründer von Foxydeal, in aifora. Das Düsseldorfer Startup, das von Thomas Jesewski und David Krings gegründet wurde, positioniert sich als SaaS-Lösung für den Einzelhandel. aifora hilft Händlern und Marken, ihre Preise und Bestände kanalübergreifend zu optimieren und die Prozesse zu automatisieren. Unternehmen wie NKD, Reno und Peek & Cloppenburg setzen bereits auf aifora. Hintergründe zum Deal gibt es im aktuellen ds-Podcast. #EXKLUSIV zenloop +++ Nauta Capital, Piton Capital und diverse Business Angels investieren nach Informationen von deutsche-startups.de in zenloop. Das Berliner Startup, das von den Flaconi-Gründern Paul Schwarzenholz und Björn Kolbmüller ins Leben gerufen wurde, positioniert sich als SaaS-Lösung für Feedbackmanagement. Hintergründe zum Deal gibt es im aktuellen ds-Podcast. #EXKLUSIV Flash +++ Das E-Scooter-Startup Flash, das gerade 55 Millionen Euro eingesammelt hat, hat nach Informationen von deutsche-startups.de bereits Ende des vergangenen Jahres die Jungfirma Sacoora übernommen. Dmytro Boguslavskyy und Borja Fuente Toribio, die Gründer des Startups, wirken nun bei Flash. Das Berliner Unternehmen, 2018 gegründet, versuchte sich als “Rental platform for Electric Scooters and Bikes”. Hintergründe zum Deal gibt es im aktuellen ds-Podcast. #EXKLUSIV Cannamedical +++ Der US-amerikanische VC Orkila Capital investiert 15 Millionen Euro in Cannamedical, ein Verarbeitungsbetrieb für medizinisches Cannabis. Das Kölner Unternehmen wurde 2106 von David Henn gegründet und ist nach der Legalisierung von Cannabis als medizinisches Produkt im März 2017 auf den Markt gegangen. Mit dem frischen Kapital plant das Team um Henn unter anderem die Weiterentwicklung seiner Produkte. (Quelle: Gründerszene) Anyline +++ PUSH Ventures und Neuinvestor Senovo, sowie die Altinvestoren Hansi Hansmann, Hermann Hauser, Bernhard Niesner und Gernot Langes Swarovski-Stiftung investieren 2 Millionen Euro in das Wiener Software-Unternehmen Anyline, ein Anbieter für Bilderkennungssoftware mit einer KI basierten Optical Character Recognition–Technologie (OCR). 2013 wurde das Scan-Startup von Lukas Kinigadner gegründet und konnte 2018 seinen Umsatz zum dritten Jahr in Folge verdreifachen. CrossEngage +++ CrossEngage, ein Marketing-Technologie-Unternehmen, hat sich eine Finanzierung im mittleren siebenstelligen Bereich durch die bestehenden Investorenen Vorwerk Ventures, Earlybird Venture Capital, Project A, VC-Fonds Kreativwirtschaft, Cavalry Ventures und 42CAP sowie Neuinvestor Columbia Lake Partners gesichert. Das Unternehmen wurde 2015 von Manuel Hinz und Markus Wübben in Berlin gegründet. Better@Home +++ CompuGroup Medical Research, ein strategischer Investor aus dem Gesundheitswesen und die Beteiligungsgesellschaft des Hamburger Business Angels Wolfgang Biedermann (B.I.F.) investieren 1 Millionen Euro in das Berliner Startup Better@Home. Das 2018 von Arno Elmer und Balazs Szathmary gegründete Unternehmen bietet seinen Kunden eine Komplettlösung für altersgerechtes Wohnen mit digitalen Assistenzsystemen. Tipp: Die Deals der Vortage gibt es im #DealMonitor-Archiv. Achtung! Wir freuen uns über Tipps, Infos und Hinweise, was wir in unserem #StartupTicker im Laufe des Tages alles so aufgreifen sollten. Schreibt uns eure Vorschläge entweder ganz klassisch per E-Mail oder nutzt unsere “Stille Post“, unseren Briefkasten für Insider-Infos. Startup-Jobs: Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung? In der unserer Jobbörse findet Ihr Stellenanzeigen von Startups und Unternehmen. Foto (oben): unsplash
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wineninja · 6 years ago
飲んだワイン ボデガ・ノートン/ジェルノ・ランジュ2006 9点
クリスタル装飾品で有名なスワロフスキーが所有するボデガ・ノートン。 クリスタルのように繊細な…というわけではなく、かなりどっしりとしたワイン。 どっしりですがエレガントさもある、高級ボルドー的な味わいのワイン。 マルベック好きならばアシャヴァル・フェレールと同じく一度は飲んでみるべきワイン。
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perfettamentechic · 2 years ago
21 gennaio … ricordiamo …
21 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Louie Anderson, Louie Perry Anderson, attore e comico statunitense. Molto attivo negli anni ottanta nei film e in altre apparizioni televisive, apprezzato per la sua figura da pacioccone. Dal 1994 al 1998 ha prodotto il cartone autobiografico La vita con Louie (Life with Louie), scritto quattro libri e, dal 1999 al 2002, condotto il game show televisivo Family Feud. Nel 1985 è stato sposato…
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perfettamentechic · 3 years ago
21 gennaio … ricordiamo …
21 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2021: Gernot Langes-Swarovski, imprenditore austriaco pronipote del fondatore dell’azienda Daniel Swarovski è stato manager partner del gruppo tirolese D. Swarovski.  Era conosciuto come il “re dei cristalli“. (n. 1943) 2021: Nathalie Delon, pseudonimo di Francine Canovas, è stata un’attrice e regista francese. E’ stata sposata con Alain Delon.  (n. 1941)2020: Terry Jones, nato Terence Graham…
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