#German therapist hypnosis
tickingispleasure · 3 months
BEWARE: Suggestive speaking, hypnotriggers, FLASHY SPIRAL!, moralcodes off. If under 18 or not interested in hypokink-fantasies DO NOT CONTINUE
The german therapist III
"Hello and welcome my dear. I like your new style. You look so much prettier right now with all that pink and black stuff. Your skirt is very short and you try to use the minimun of covering your beautiful titties. I love your makeup. You feel pretty my dear?"
"Yes Doktor. I feel pretty."
"Braves Mädchen. Erinnerst Du Dich an unsere letzte Sitzung?"
"Yes Doktor."
I sit down in front of my doctor and spread my legs wide open like a good girl. I love being a good girl because it makes me feel happier and prettier. Der Doktor weiß, was für mich gut ist. And I obey my doctor.
"Sehr schön, meine süße. Now touch your wet and needy pussy getting so incredibly horny while staring at doctors spiral wouldn't you?"
"Ja Doktor I will stare at the spiral."
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"Good girl"
"Good girl"
"Good girl"
"Feeling so overwhelmed by your horny feelings. Getting so incredibly horny you feeling your mind switching on and off so fast. Dropping you so much deeper into your doctors control. DROP"
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I dropped so fast I couldn't even try to think about it. As if my silly brain would every start to think again. Dropping is so much better. Being dumb and submissive is so much hotter. Makes me feel so incredibly horny uurg so hard to... "
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Unable to speak. My tongue is hanging out craving for something to suck on. My mouth is watering as I sink so deep into that beautiful spiral. I can feel how it pumps out the rest of my silly tries of resistance. My brain is shutting off and drool is leaving my mouth. So sick and sticky because I can't stop thinking about a big hard cock inside my needy mouthpussy and my actual needy pussy. I rubbed it so much but it won't stop getting more wet everytime I drop deeper.
"That's right my sweet little patient. You're so far gone now. I could implant everything I want into your silly brain isn't that right?"
He is so right...
I am too far gone now. I am doing everything. I am a puppet for my doctor.
"Silly little toy. Rub more and drool the rest of your useless brain out. That's right. Such a good girl. Now... I will guide you into a deep sleep my dear. I'm counting down from 10 to 1. You'll watch the spiral like a good girl and rub your needy cunt. You'll obey every trigger I'll implant into your mind during that deep trance. There's only "yes". Your mind will answer to every trigger, every command with "Yes". There's no other option. You'll mindlessly obeying every word I'll whisper to you in that deep trance. Isn't that right? "
"Yes. "
I instantly feel my cunt dripping from being mindlessly obedient. It feels so good.
"Good girl!"
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"Listen closely to your doctor. Der Doktor weiß, was gut für dich ist.
Gut für dich ist es, loszulassen. Just let go. Let go of everything. Words, thoughts, imaginations, morals, rules, just let go. Feeling so lightly. So tingly. So funny. Floating like a cloud. Time and room don't matter. You are floating and it feels so good. So funny. You may giggle a bit because everything seems so funny now. Nothing matters. You don't need to speak. It doesn't matter what you would say if you could speak. Giggling is the best way to feel happy. You know it's true. Because every word I say is true. I'm your doctor."
Everything he says is true. Giggling is the way to communicate if necessary. But mostly it's not. I can just stay stupid and needy. Dumb and empty. Ready to be used by men.
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"Your daddy sent you to me because you and your daddy aren't going along so well the past weeks isn't that right?"
"He is a little bit more nice to you since you changed your style into being a good girl isn't that right?"
"Maybe you should being a good girl for your daddy so he stays nice. That sounds right doesn't it?"
"Yes. I need to be a good girl for daddy."
"That's right. You know what good girls need to be and what they are doing right?"
"Yes doctor. Good girls are always pretty. Good girls are always horny for daddy. Good girls are always needy for daddy. Good girls are always pretty for daddy. Good girls are always ready for daddy. Good girls need to please daddy. Good girls are always in love with their daddy. "
I couldn't stop rubbing my wet pussy while answering and can't stop right now. I'm so incredibly horny I can't stop thinking about daddys hard cock.
"Good girl. You're doing so good my sweet patient. Falling for your daddy. Being such a good girl for your daddy now."
I feel something hard between my legs. I know it's my doctor but I can't stop thinking about daddy. It's pushing inside and I let out a loud moan.
"How do you feel?"
"I feel very good doctor! I'm so happy! I think I go shopping to have something nice to wear around daddy so he is happy too!"
"Aren't you such a good girl for your daddy?"
I giggle
I giggle a lot.
I can't stop giggling
It makes me wet
It makes me horny
I giggle a lot.
"That's right. Now. Same time next week? See you then. And stay a good girl!"
I'm waving at my therapist and leave the doctors office still giggling because I can't stop. Even at the bus I'm still giggling a little bit more silent but can't stop. And my underwear was soaked already. Wearing a short skirt and barely covered my titties. I feel so sluttly but that only makes me more giggly.....
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To be continued...
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achaiapelides · 1 year
Kit's Diary
Chapter 14
Dear Ty,
I did not write you for quite some time, but that's not my fault at all... Lies. It's totally my fault. I forgot where I put this book and spend four weeks trying to find it. Guess where it was? Under Mina's bed. Luckily Mina can't read yet, so she obviously didn't read what I wrote in here.
Apart of searching for this book, there was a lot of stuff happening this weeks.
Firstly, I had to write some exams. English and History went pretty well, Geography and Spanish, too. With German, I had some struggles, but I think it was good enough to pass. Math, though, was a different story. We were learning about something called vectors, but damn that stuff was so confusing. Why are we learning this? Do they think that before I fight a demon, I stand there and calculate, where the demon is coming from? No. I just stab. Also, I totally failed this exam. We don't have the grades yet, but I don't quite think I want to know them. Also, I had to do a test in physics. I just guessed because I didn’t understand shit, but I apparently I guessed right becauseI got an A in that test. I'm not complaining.
In addition to the exams, we also had to hand in our assignment paper from the history project. You remember the books I told you about? Yes. This project. We chose the book about Anne Boleyn. Stupidly, I started reading a bit too late and only had three days to do the whole assignment. I don't have to tell you that I was awake the whole last night, right? Yeah, not making that mistake again. We also didn't get any grade for this yet, and I honestly have no idea if I did good or not. But I think I didn't fail completely. It's still history, not maths. Lol.
Secondly, I did this hypnosis thing I told you about. Tessa was willing to cast that spell and I apparently told her and the therapist all the stuff that my mind pushed away to protect me. The thing is: I still don't remember it, only Tessa and the therapist got to know it. Originally I wanted them to tell me what happened, but after Mrs Sullivan informed me, that any details might make me remember those repressed memories, which can damage my mental health even more and I guess we all don't want that. So, I agreed that they only tell me a short summary of the events I forgot, without any major details. Tessa told me then that I apparently survived several attacks coming from faeries as a child and also several people from the Shadow Market that tried to assault me. Every time, I told them, a mysterious blonde woman saved me, but I didn't describe that woman further and had no idea who it was. Tessa suggested that it might have been my mother. She also told me that there were other violent people in my memories, but didn't want to specify who it was, only that it didn't seem to be their intention to hurt me, but to keep me safe. Maybe she ment my father because he definitely wasn't the gentlest person on earth.
Apart of that, I also got my official ADHD diagnosis. The sheets really helped Mrs Sullivan and the expert, who joined her, to diagnose me. Thank you, too, I guess. Now, I legally can have more time for exams, for example. Not that I need it. I'm usually not too slow. And if you can't math, more time ain't gonna help you either. I also talked to that expert about you a bit, and he said, that it's actually very possible that you have autism. See, I wasn't wrong! He also told me, that, if we are on speaking terms again, I should encourage you, to also get a diagnosis, even if it won't help you much among Shadowhunter, as it can also ease you mind because you realise that you're not stupid or weird at all.
Thirdly, my friends and I had a sleepover at Cirenworth. Yes all of them. Leo, Sam, Maria, Henry, Hazel and Louise. Henry never visited me, so we showed him around. According to him, the word  "cottage" does not do Cirenworth justice. "That's not a cottage! That's a fucking castle!" Haha. Then Jem explained to us, that legally, Cirenworth is a little bit too small to be a castle, so you have to refer to it as a cottage. But that can't change my mind. From now on forward I will only refer to Cirenworth as our castle now. Anyways, we began our sleepover and watched a few movies, before Leo had the glorious idea to do a karaoke contest. Sam proved to us, that he bears exactly 0% musical talent, Hazel and Louise decided to start a girl group and Leo obviously won, because she's the only one who actually took singing lessons. I, on the other hand, got smacked by Hazel with a pillow, after I sung "Forever & Always" by Taylor Swift a bit too enthusiastically, which, according to her, was very ironic, considering that I am the one who promised to stay with you and then left. Which is fair. But also, just let me enjoy a song goddammit.
Lastly, Tessa and Jem decided that it would be good for me and Mina to see some more of this world. So, we are going to travel around Europe in the autumn holidays starting tomorrow. First we will go to Paris and then to other cities in Europe. But I don't know which. They said it's a surprise. So I'm really excited. But that's nothing against Mina's excitement. She's jumping around the whole day, screaming "Paris! Paris! Paris!" so loud that the mail man looked quite concerned when he delivered a letter.
I hope you also had a good time in the last weeks. Dru told me you visited Blackthorn Hall again with your siblings. And that you have a pet now that eats curtains. Jem also send Church to visit Emma and he came back looking quite traumatized. Now I really wonder what animal your pet is. For all I know it could be an alligator. Wouldn't expect anything less with you. (Please don't let it be an alligator!)
I'm going to end this entry now, as I have to get up early tomorrow to portal to Paris.
Good night!
Love, Kit.
Author's note:
Um... so I forgot to publish the chapter last week and the week before. Oops. And also today is Sunday, not Monday. But I might forget tomorrow again, so here you go. Early chapter!
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freedomhypnosisnyc · 2 years
A Guide to Understanding and Healing: Hypnotherapy in New York City
Hypnotherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses hypnosis to create a state of deep relaxation in a person's mind, allowing access to the subconscious. This state can be used to address a variety of issues, such as anxiety, addiction, phobias, and depression. Hypnotherapy has become increasingly popular in recent years, and if you're looking for a hypnotherapist in New York City, you're in luck.
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New York City is a bustling metropolis that offers a wide variety of resources for anyone looking to improve their mental health. Hypnotherapy is no exception, and there are plenty of qualified practitioners who can help you achieve your goals.
In this blog, we will explore the world of hypnotherapy, from its history and origins to its modern applications and benefits. We will also discuss the process of hypnotherapy, the different types of hypnosis, and what to expect in a typical session.
The History of Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy has been used for centuries as a healing tool, with its roots in ancient cultures such as the Greeks and Egyptians. However, it wasn't until the 18th century that hypnosis as we know it today was developed, with the work of Franz Mesmer, a German physician who believed that the power of suggestion could cure illnesses.
Mesmerism, as it was called, was popularized in the 19th century by James Braid, a Scottish physician who coined the term "hypnosis" and wrote extensively on the subject. From there, hypnotherapy continued to evolve and gain acceptance in the medical community as a valid form of therapy.
The Benefits of Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy can be used to address a wide range of issues, from anxiety and depression to phobias and addictions. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help people gain insight into their thoughts and behaviors, overcome negative patterns, and create positive change in their lives.
Research has shown that hypnotherapy can be effective in treating a variety of conditions, including:
Anxiety and stress
Pain management
Phobias and fears
Weight loss
Smoking cessation
Performance enhancement
The Process of Hypnotherapy
The process of hypnotherapy typically involves an initial consultation where the therapist assesses the individual's needs and determines the goals of the therapy. The individual is then guided into a relaxed state through the use of guided imagery and suggestion. The therapist may use various techniques to address specific issues such as anxiety, phobias, or addiction. Hypnotherapy sessions typically last between 60 to 90 minutes and may require several sessions to achieve the desired results. Throughout the process, the individual remains in control and aware of their surroundings.
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Overall, Hypnotherapy NYC is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and improve your mental health. It's important to do your research and find a hypnotherapist who is qualified, experienced, and has a track record of success. You should also make sure that you feel comfortable with your therapist and that they understand your unique needs and goals.
For those looking for a more holistic approach to hypnotherapy NYC, the Freedom Hypnosis is the perfect fit. Freedom Hypnosis provides live online sessions to help with a variety of issues, including smoking cessation, stress and anxiety relief, weight loss, confidence and self-esteem, overcoming fears, breaking bad habits, focus, motivation, and test preparation, sleep problems and pain relief, public speaking and shyness, memory enhancement, and improving sports performance. Other popular services include grief counseling, undesired behaviors, procrastination, business development, obsessions, and many more. We give a cutting-edge platform where we emphasize the inner self, achieving self-confidence, and having the freedom to be your best self.
Hypnotherapy New York City is a vital tool that may assist you in overcoming a wide range of mental health concerns. Anybody interested in exploring this sort of treatment will discover a multitude of resources in New York City, and with a little investigation, you may locate a hypnotherapist who can help you reach your objectives and enhance your quality of life.
Freedom Hypnosis 34–18 Northern Blvd Long Island City, NY 11101 (917) 300–1809 https://freedomhypnosisnyc.com/
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shegairowmyamo · 3 years
What i've gathered from the happy tree friends real time fandub
So there's this three part series on youtube called “happy tree friends real time fandub” and I wanted to write down my favorite parts from it.
The peta in this universe aims to protect machines.
Lumpy's great grandfather is Michael Afton, sometimes when Lumpy is stressed he quotes his great grandpa's fathers lines when he needed his son the most.
The frequency of Nutty's voice could shatter your ear drums.
Sniffles whole character arc is just him wanting to suck cock.
The reason why Lifty chose the life of crime was to try and get rid of his lung cancer while supporting his family, Shifty is just there for the ride.
Lumpy used to work for the navy.
“give me the rice”
The residents of this universe have come to terms that they will die and sometimes don't react to being hurt, stabbed, killed e.c.t.
The cursed statue is an among us sex toy.
The ant wife is Marge Simpson.
When Flippy flips he gets extremely horny.
Cuddles will scream at you to buy his bikes.
Pop's biggest bruh moment was giving birth to his son.
Cub hates white people.
Pop “let it rip” with his son attached to the beyblade.
Sniffles makse inventions specifically to “get some bitches”.
Sniffles diagnosed Nutty with erectile dysfunction and cum withdrawal.
Flaky made a gum review, and died.
Flaky was gonna beat Tricky from fnf in a fight with a metal bat.
Nutty made a car review, and died.
“oh no hentai”
Nutty is an average British resident.
Giggles busted a nut after finding out someone simped for her.
Mime retired from being a mime and can talk now.
The “These balls in your mouth” joke is common and everybody hates it, so the creator of the joke got deleted.
“Angry German Ranting”
Cuddles and Giggles ascended to heaven but were brought back.
Cro-Marmot is in constant pain.
Handy, Mime, Flippy, Petunia, Lumpy, Giggles, Lifty and Shifty all play Fortnight.
Lumpy is phone guy and frequently makes phone calls with the same opening.
Mr, Pickles is another British resident.
Sniffles at one point shoved two dildos up his ass, he personally wouldn't recommend it.
“Happy Tree Friends - Ś̶̨͖̰̍͆́p̸̦̝͉͎͝ą̵̡̨͔̥̖̑̍͊r̴̹͈̘̯̮̝̅́̆ë̶̯̋̿͝ ̸̹̺͕̫͇̋͗̆̿M̴̤̣͙͂̂̑́è̸̲”
Lumpy is the imposter from among us.
Disco Bear's only source of confidence is his cheeto puff hair.
His wig, snatched.
Disco Bear prompts dollar shave club now.
“what you know about rolling down to the deep end”
Nutty listens to money machine.
Russell is a living Foxy reference.
Russell thinks that sex is cringe.
The creator of “These balls in your mouth” was un deleted by unpopular demand.
Sniffles made anti cum to inflate his peanes.
Fliqpy likes to emotionally degrade his victims.
Lumpy read Logan Paul's apology letter and never forgave him, until like 3 seconds.
Giggles got springtrapped.
Lumpy used to work at Freddys as a night guard.
Lumpy smokes weed.
Giggles is an E-Girl.
“Shipping myself to Dwane Johnsen at 3:00 Am”.
Lumpy walked in on a fivesome, until Petunia died.
Cub got killed for saying the “These balls in your mouth” joke unironically.
Flaky is the only smart character.
Everybody screams in fear when Nutty's on screen.
Splendid has super lazer piss.
Counter to popular belief, Giggles is the one that wants feat pics.
Lumpy sometimes changes his accent depending on his job.
The cake is alive :)
Disco Bear is Nikocado avocado but backwards.
Cuddle's got a feat collection.
Fliqpy is the imposter in real life.
therapist Lumpy is sick of Flippy's shit.
Fliqpy made Nutty swallow.
“this is the third time”
Flippy has a hypnosis kink.
When Flippy looks in the mirror he sees Freddy Fasbear.
“That's for bead time and beed time only evil Flippy”
“aw shit”
Lumpy went fucking inzane.
Toothy had plastic surgery to look more like an emoji.
Toothy didn't choose Hot wheels, Hot wheels chose Toothy.
Toothy speaks in printer, whatever that means.
Thanos collected the infinity stones and killed Fliqpy.
“ding ding mutherfucker ding ding”
Lumpy gets a new job every day.
“A dick sucking emergency?”
Nutty has a f̷͔̩͐a̴͙͆ṟ̶̛̗͎̂̕t̴̩̓̂ ̴͓̓͗c̴̼̟̜̎o̷̤͖͂m̸͉̔͠p̴̭͈̀̉ḯ̶̧͎̅̕ͅl̶̦̾̈́͒ȧ̸̰͓̘t̴̫̀̆́i̵̤͂̓o̵̱̕͜͜n̷̛͓̼̓͜, his words not mine.
Nobody knows how to open doors so they just throw axes at it.
And apparently they also don't know how to close them either.
Nutty became a model citizen, until he became a twitch streamer and then resumed to being a crack addict again 24/7.
“It's like, its like Minecraft”
After having his balls demolished it was clear that Lifty would never have children.
Sniffles went to a dick sucking university.
“NO my seman”
The Mole wants to kill tricky but is having trouble finding him and instead kills other people.
Lumpy used to shove pinecones up his ass.
“i'm going to suck your dick whoo, give me them titties”
Sniffles got stepped on by a rocket.
Flaky has made severe and continuous laps in her judgement.
Nutty had a dream of suking on a candy cane, vigorously.
Binging with Lumpy… I HATE MY LIFE
Splendid can't handle the battle pass.
“ironic catchphrase hear”
Shifty wants to fuck a christmas tree.
“the true hunt has begun”
“why won't you pee in my mouth”
Disco Bears final words “oh shit it's a can”
Lumpy got drilled up his ass.
“The dick driller”
“Like these balls? they jiggle”
Cuddles has a Deviantart.
The butterfly of shame.
“i want him to do that to my ass”
Sniffles Pogd.
"̵̘̤͐̚Ả̴̛̛̛͈͙̯͎̠̈́̆̀M̷̰͎̹̳̰̪̖̆̈̀͑̉͌ͅO̴̹͌̈́͌̌̑N̸̨̜̖̫̫̜̻̤̲̓͗̕̚G̸̨̙͗̊͛͘ ̴̨̪̌̊U̸͊́ͅS̴̻͓̝̠̣̞͔̯͉̀̾͑"̶̡̥̅
Sniffles used spider seman to create anti scp 999.
Nutty was so h̷͍͈̭̩͙̾̊̎̇y̵̥̣̍͗̃̈́ͅp̶͇͚͓̯̅̌̋ẽ̵̺̬̥̒̈́͒̈́ḑ̷̊̈́͑̇̕ that he stopped existing for 7 seconds.
Flippy has a Minecraft diary.
The two most dreaded characters show up together, Sniffles and Nutty.
But then they die.
“choke me daddy”
Lumpy is a pyro main.
Gnome jokes.
“i thought that was my ass”
Cuddles is evil and is behind the whole series.
here's the links
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yourwitchmama · 4 years
Psychic Readings + My Abilities
My readings are around 5 pages per reading, tarot spreads are usually a lot longer. If you want to support me, you can get a reading here, or a tarot reading over 9 cards for 35% off. I offer past life readings, aura readings, spirit guide readings, same day readings, starseed readings, witchy readings, connecting with those who have passed over, and over 40 different tarot spreads!
35% off code: get35
I have been doing psychic readings professionally for five years and have over 400 sales (before Etsy shut me down permanently) as well as doing in person psychic readings.
About my abilities:
I am a claircentiant physical medium, which means that I can sense things through touch and can communicate with dead people and multidimensional beings. I have visions, can “hear” spirits, channel beings, and dream about the future. I have been noticing the paranormal since I can remember. I started feeling them intensely when I was very young, probably around the age of 5. I had an imaginary friend in the front yard named “Angelina”  that I would dream about. She told me she wanted a friend and that she was all alone. I would pretend to play with her in the front yard. On top of that, being a child in the middle of the Ozarks, I saw things like the "walkers”, the fae, orbs, and other unexplainable things. I even scared my parents so much that they would go down the lane with a gun to see if there were people trespassing on our property. I thought that seeing glowing lights was normal, and I enjoyed looking for them. When I grew older, I realized that my abilities were not normal. I went under psychiatric evaluation when I was 17, but I was diagnosed with anxiety and trauma, not psychosis. My evaluation was based off of 9 psychiatrists, (I don’t even know how many therapists) because I feared I was actually insane and kept doctor jumping because I wasn’t satisfied with my anxiety diagnosis. (I am doing EMDR for trauma and I have great success with that, my fear of me being crazy is from abuse) After that, I started having memories of extraterrestrial encounters from my past. Multiple hypnosis sessions unveiled mysterious events that I can only attribute to something multidimensional. I remember flying over my house, looking down at it so I knew how to get back home if I was lost in the woods. I now have constant dreams of being in space. Recently, I was given a book from 1945 in German, telling me about the nazis and how they aren’t really gone. They’re just in hiding. I also have visions, which is how I do aura readings online. I have prophetic dreams, the biggest being a prediction that a catastrophe on a global scale would change the world in 2020. More minor dreams were of my sister being hit by a motorcycle. Then, in real life, I was walking in the city with her, and she was crossing the street about ten feet ahead of me. I heard a motorcycle coming, ran, and pushed her out of the way of the motorcycle so she wouldn’t get hit, and it was a close call. If it wasn’t for that dream, I wouldn’t have done anything. But I knew. I feel as if I have connected more with spirits than with other people my entire life, and I started dowsing and automatic writing as early as age 8. I also have connected with passed loved ones and giving readings on them since I was 16. I’ve lived in extremely haunted places where priests would need to come over to bless the house. Overall, I am experienced. For my most inexpensive readings, I offer 3+ pages. Shipping time always varies since I have to do cleansing rituals and connect with spirits via meditation. I will also send you a PDF of your reading to your personal email :) I look forward to reading you!
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Visit my website!
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Split : Dissociative Identity Disorder (Movie)
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*May contain spoilers*
I’m starting off with one of my favorite movies about a disorder that is very controversial. Split, the sequel to Unbreakable and prequel to Glass, stars British actor James MacCavoy as Kevin Wendell Crumb who suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The existence of DID, formerly called Multi-personality Disorder, is controversial though it is listed in the fifth and current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM -Five).
The DSM-Five defines DID as “the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states, each with it’s own relatively enduring pattern or perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self.” Other symptoms include those similar to depression; lack of appetite, suicidal ideation, and some that resemble other dissociation disorders: being out of touch from environment, having blackouts, and selective amnesia. Some even resemble Bipolar II or Borderline Personality Disorder, such as extreme changes in mood.
In the movie, Kevin shows many of these symptoms including having two or more distinct personalities. But were the personalities portrayed accurately? And was his treatment portrayed accurately?
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Above: Kevin’s many personalities
Kevin has a total of 23 personalities (excluding the beast which appears at the end and his normal personality) but the movie only focuses on five : Hedwig, Barry, Jade, Dennis, and Patricia. Each personality is exaggerated, cartoonish, and completely different from the others. Hedwig is a nine-year-old boy who can’t pronounce his Rs, while Jade is a stereotypical teenage girl. Patricia is a posh British lady, while Barry is a levelheaded artist. Finally, Dennis is the angry man who kidnapped the girls.
Based on the definition of DID, there is no doubt that Kevin has this disorder; the symptoms would not fully match any other diagnosis. But just how realistic are his personalities portrayed?
The main thing I questioned while watching this movie, was how some of Kevin’s personalities had different abilities. I noticed that one wears glasses and one has a speech impediment, but the rest do not. Biologically, this would not make any sense, because the personalities are coming from the same body. So can people with DID really have personalities with different physical abilities? The answer is, surprisingly, yes.
In 2015, a 37 year old German women who had gone blind twenty years ago from brain damage, regained her eyesight in some of her split personalities. The case study was fascinating, and I felt chills run down my spine while researching it. Indeed, brain scans confirmed that the recovery of her vision was real; the visual cortex was inactive in her blind personalities, but active in her seeing personalities. One explanation for this phenomenon was psychogenic blindness, a conversion disorder (disorder that cannot be explained by damage) which is often developed after experiencing a traumatic event. So is it realistic for Dennis to wear glasses while the other personalities don’t? In rare cases, yes.
The same case revealed that some of her personalities spoke German while others spoke English. Other DID patients have been known to have similar experiences. Some also report foreign accent syndrome, in which they take on an accent different from their own. So if this is possible, then a personality with a speech impediment should not be that surprising. 
While researching the brain areas that are tied to speech, I came across information that could help answer this question. According to jneuro.com, there are about five different areas which control speech. These include the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and others. The theory behind foreign accent syndrome is that patients have damage in their abilities to program their sequence of movement and position of muscles in which they speak. The same concept applies to people who develop speech impediments. I could not find any information about speech impediments in DID, but based on the information about speech and foreign accent syndrome, it certainly seems possible. So that explains Hedwig’s speech impediment and Patricia’s British accent.
Another thing I was skeptical about, was weather or not a person with DID can take on a personality of a different age and actually have the cognitive abilities of that age. In a sense, do they truly regress, and how? According to healthyplace.com, this is indeed possible, however the cause is not certain. According to the National Center for Biotechnology information (NCBI), the frontal lobe is main center for planning, impulse control, and working memory in the brain. The development of this area is what causes a person to be more careless during adolescence, and more careful as the get older. Damage to the frontal lobe causes people to regress back to childhood behavior, as seen in the famous case of Phineas Gage who developed behavioral problems after getting his head impaled by a tamping rod. In people with DID, their entire brain has problems in functioning, including the frontal lobe. So it seems plausible that a person with DID could revert back to childhood behaviors. However, the changes in cognitive abilities and level of knowledge have not been explained.
Finally, I want to discuss the personality that we’ve all been waiting for: the beast. Considered the phoniest personality of them all, the “monster” is also the scariest. The other personalities are trying to protect Kevin from the “beast.” The reason he is seen as phony is because he possesses inhuman abilities, such as the ability to climb up walls. He also becomes cannibal. I could not find any evidence that this personality is actually possible. However, I did find many other blogs which addressed the same issue about the movie. The “beast” personality implies that a person with DID can change their strength and physiology to be able to defy gravity, and scientifically this is not possible.
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While climbing up wall is not possible unless you are Spider-man, some of the monster’s trait might actually be plausible. Physiological arousal happens even in healthy people, and this arousal can cause a person to become more aggressive and develop physical strength they did not have previously. In disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the physiological arousal is triggered by memories of the traumatic event. According to the NCBI, a case study showed that a woman with DID had a tendency to switch personalities when under stress. 
 DID is usually caused by traumatic events, and the personalities can be brought on by triggers, so it makes sense that the person would already be aroused, and thus, lose control. However, the beast’s behavior is extreme and more similar to possession. I found a book called “Born Evil” which tells the real-life story of a serial killer who was cannibal and had DID. While there are a handful of serial killers who are known for cannibalism, most of them were diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, or were not diagnosed at all. Jeffery Dahmer was diagnosed with Borderline Personality disorder, according to Wikipedia. So the cannibalism part of the monster’s personality is possible but not well known to happen.
The part that got me most was the fact that the “beast” was a probably a metaphor for Kevin’s harsh past. In people with DID, their personalities stem from a traumatic event to protect the person from the memory of that event. So in a sense, the “monster” should actually have been Kevin’s overbearing, Obsessive-Compulsive mother. This is clear because his other personalities were trying to protect him from it. 
Kevin’s “Dennis” personality showed some obsessive compulsive tendencies as well. While there is no evidence that people with DID can actually have a personality with OCD, studies have found a phenomenological overlap between the two. According to the NCBI, one study showed that in rare cases, people with OCD can have higher levels of dissociative experiences. These people feel that alternate personalities are responsible for their obsessions and compulsions. However, this sample size of this study was too small to determine any strong correlations or causations. I think having the “beast” turn out to be Kevin’s mom would have made a much more realistic and meaningful ending, and would have been educational about DID and how traumatic events can effect people.
Now that we’ve discussed how the disorder was portrayed, I want to discuss how the treatment was portrayed as well. According to psychcentral.com, the main treatments for DID are therapy, medication, and hospitalization. The types of therapies used include; cognitive behavioral (CBT), dialectical behavioral (DBT, a type of CBT), hypnotherapy (hypnosis), and sensorimotor psychotherapy (becoming aware of physiological signs that personality is about to change, and controlling the change). Medications include selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), other anxiety medications, and antipsychotics. Some take benzodiazepines which were originally made for people with Borderline Personality Disorder.
Therapy for DID is unique in that it comes in three stages. Stage 1 is reducing self-destructive or suicidal behaviors, learning coping skills, regulating emotion, and relaxation techniques. In stage 2, patients begin to process their traumatic memories. Finally, stage 3 includes reconnecting to themselves and others and refocusing on life goals. Patients may achieve a more solid sense of self and, thus causing their personalities to fuse back into one. The three stages are not linear, so patients may alternate between them, or they may overlap. Some patients don’t make it through all three phases.
In the movie, Kevin has a therapist, and receives talk therapy which is a type of CBT. However, he does not take any medication. Kevin does not get hospitalized. His treatment is not in the three stages, or at least the stages are not mentioned. Like many movies, “Split” focuses more on the symptoms of the disorder then the treatment, so the treatment does not go into detail. While Kevin’s treatment is not untrue to real life, the movie left out a lot of important details that would have educated the audience.
In conclusion, I believe that “Split” did have some errors in it’s portrayal of DID, but was not as far off as people think. Many other blogs are bashing it for it’s inaccuracy, but according to my research, most of the symptoms shown are not impossible. While “Split” may have left out a lot of symptoms such as depression, lack of appetite, each person experiences the disorder differently and does not necessarily show every symptom. As for treatment, the movie did portray it somewhat realistically, but left out a lot of important details, such as medication, hospitalization, and the three stages. 
I think it would be great if movie directors hired mental health consultants, the same we they hire medical consultants on TV shows like House. This way, the portrayal of both the illness and the treatment would be more accurate, and educating to the audience. The movie would also be less frustrating for people who actually have the disorder, because they would feel that people are getting more accurate ideas about the illness. I think the media plays a big role in the stigma toward mental illness, and having more accurate portrayals could potentially change it. Even movies based on real-life stories are not always accurate, as I will discuss in my future blogs.
Thank you for reading, and if you have any questions or requests for future articles, please message me or talk to me in the comments!
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scullysexual · 4 years
If you’ve ever watched Dark (the German show on Netflix) it’s very similar to that. I started watching it and this popped into my head. I can also throw it onto the never ending list of college aus I keep writing. I’ll be some time before the next chapter is posted but I just wanted to see what you made of this.
Chapter One: Goodbye.
The dreams are always the same; a bright light, my sister shouting for me. And there’s somebody standing at the door. I can’t move. I reach for the gun but I can’t shoot. I’m just frozen…like I’m paralysed or something.
The cassette player clicks, the tape pausing. Mulder stares at it. Dr Montague sighs.
“That was recorded a year ago,” the therapist says, looking down at his notes. “After your hypnosis treatment.”
Mulder silently nods, not looking away from the player.
“Are you still having those dreams?”
Mulder turns away from the player, his eyes to the carpeted floor.
Montague looks up at his lack of response.
“I need you to talk to me, Fox,” he coaxes, a slight harshness to his voice. “You need to tell me if you’re still having these dreams.”
Mulder sighs and nods quickly.
“Right.” Montague looks down at his notes again. “And it also says that you were suffering from Insomnia, is that right?”
Mulder nods again. “Guess I didn’t want to have the dreams,” he shrugs.
“And Dr Werber prescribed you with sleeping pills. Have they helped?”
Mulder shakes his head. “With the sleeping yeah, not much with the dreams.”
“Okay.” The doctor scribbles something down in his book. “Well, we’ll review what we’ve spoken about today and I’ll get back to you on how to go forward.”
Mulder nods, wanting nothing more than for this session to be over with.
“I think that about wraps up today’s session then.” Mulder reaches for this bag, quicker than what is probably polite. Dr Montague doesn’t miss it. “I will see you next week, Fox?” he asks.
Mulder nods, already heading towards the door and out.
He runs down the steps of the office buildings, the fresh air a welcome reprieve from two hours in a stuffy office. He unlocks his bike, yanking it from the bike stand, and climbs on. He rides towards the forest, away from the city and the people, and the normalcy they had been able to continue on with during his absence.
A year gone and it was like everything was the same as it was before.
But no, it wasn’t, because just like his sister, another kid was missing.
 There’s whispers all around him.
Some people gawk at him as they walk past, others mutter to their friends. He picks up words like Spooky, Freak. Catches sentences as they fly past him; I heard he said his sister was abducted by aliens, Someone told me she was kidnapped by that guy who was selling vacuums, I was told she ran away. Mulder keeps his head down, remaining quiet.
That’s what everyone told him to do; his therapist, his teachers, his parents. Keep your head down, ignore them, don’t retaliate. It’s difficult, he wants to shake them off, knock a few of them around the head. He clenches his fist instead.
They said school was going to be the hardest part of adjusting back.
The latecomers hurry through the gate. Mulder is just about to turn and follow them inside when a body jumps him from behind.
His body smacks into the grass, the window being knocked out of him. The other body quickly moves off him as Mulder raises up onto his hands and knees, coughing over and over towards the ground, feeling like he’s about to cough his guts up.
“Whoa, dude…” a familiar voice says. “You’re guard must be way down today if you let that happen.”
Mulder finishes his coughing fit, standing as Ethan, his best friend (his one and only friend, actually) looks on concerned.
“I’m fine,” he says, getting a few last coughs out.
“Sure,” says Ethan, though he’s still not looking convinced. “I’ll be more careful next time.”
 They find their seats easily: back row in the corner. Mulder hooks his bag onto the back of his chair and sits himself down.
“Have I missed much, then?”
Ethan pulls a face as if to say no. “Not really. Oh, another kid went missing, but other than that, everything’s been pretty much quiet in Dullsville.”
Mulder smiles at the town nickname. “I saw the missing posts all over town.”
Ethan shrugs, “Who cares? Kid has a weirdo anyway, sprouting all that whacky shit about aliens in the corner. Who’d believe all that?”
Mulder turns away, suddenly uninterested in the conversation anymore. Whacky shit, yeah.
Ethan notices and realises. “Dude, I’m sorry. You know I don’t think that way about you.”
Mulder shakes his head, shaking him off. “It’s fine,” he says.
It wasn’t fine, though. All those things Duane Barry would continuously say may have seemed insane at the beginning but maybe there was some truth in it after all.
Mulder looks over to the door, to where the rest of the class filters in. His stomach tingles when he catches sight of curly red hair sat beneath a black beanie. They make eye contact and she smiles- almost as if she’s as happy to see him as he is of her- he smiles back, giving her a little wave, one she returns.
He turns back to Ethan, who now has a big smile plastered across his face.
“I didn’t think Scully would still be here,” he says.
“Dana?” The smile turns into a grin as Ethan leans back against the wall. “Guess she’s got a thing or two to stick around for now.” Scully looks back over to them and Ethan blows a kiss towards her. She turns around, rolling her eyes.
It suddenly dawns on Mulder just what Ethan meant. His stomach drops as he looks towards his friend.
“You and Scul…Dana?” he asks, almost unsure.
The grin still across his face, Ethan nods. “Guess a lot of things have changed after all.”
He turns back to Scully trying not to feel so disappointed at it all.
“You know, we’ve been thinking…” Ethan says and Mulder turns his attention back to him. “We’re gonna go to the Wishing Well, see if we can find Barry’s stuff.”
Mulder stares at him like he’s supposed to know what that means.
Ethan sighs and rolls his eyes. “You know, his stuff. His drugs and that. Pretty certain his stash is at the Wishing Well.”
Mulder thinks it over and nods. “What time?”
 He sits on a log, waiting, his bike lying on the ground beside him. Above the trees, he sees the sun about to set, half the sky cast in a light purple-orange paint. Is his sister really up there? He’s starting to doubt himself.
“Ethan not here yet?”
Mulder turns around and smiles as Scully walks towards him. He shakes his head, standing.
“Typical,” Scully says, looking up to the sky and back down again. “He’d be late to his own funeral.” Mulder laughs as Scully spins around. “Charlie, keep up!”
Mulder looks behind her to see Charlie Scully walking towards them. He gives a confused look towards Scully.
“He begged to come,” she says as a way of explanation. “Not that I had much of a choice,” turning to Charlie and giving him daggers. She looks back at Mulder. “He said he’d snitch if I didn’t take him.”
“And I want a quarter of whatever you find,” Charlie adds.
“If we even find anything. For all we know this stuff could’ve been cleared out already.”
Mulder stares at her. All day he’s been wanting the chance to speak to her, since that first class when he found out she and Ethan were…something. It had been eating him up all day. He’d hoped, he’d really hoped.
Guess like most of his hopes, they’d all end in disappointment.
“Scully, I-“
“How are you-“
Mulder laughs nervously, Scully pursues her lips together.
“You start,” he says.
“How are you?”
“I’m good,” he nods. “It’s weird being back but yeah, it’s not been too bad.”
Scully nods, a slight smile across her face.
“You?” he asks.
“Okay. I’m been good.”
He nods back. A silence passes over them.
“You know, it was really strange you being gone,” she says, almost shyly.
Mulder looks to the ground, his hands in his pockets. “Couldn’t have been that strange,” he mutters but it’s quiet in the forest and so she hears it regardless.
He glances a look at her, sees her walls going up around her. Can almost imagine her tongue pressing hard against the back of her teeth, her chin lifting and her blue eyes turning to ice.
“You were gone, Mulder,” she answers, all warmth and friendliness gone from her voice. “I wasn’t gonna sit on your doorstep waiting for you.”
He lifts his head up fully, his own eyes turning to steel. “You didn’t have to get with my best friend, though.”
Yeah, that’s good. Make her hurt, too.
There’s a crack in her resolve. A break in her wall. It’s her turn to look away.
“What are you two just standing there for? Let’s go!” They hear Ethan shout just away from them. He strides up, clocking Charlie on the back of the head as he does so. “Why you bring the Shrimp?” He turns back to Charlie. “Is it not past your bedtime?”
“Fuck off,” Charlie says, swatting Ethan’s hand away when he goes to hit him again.
“I said he could come,” says Scully, turning away from the group and beginning to walk ahead.
“What’s up with her?” Ethan asks Mulder.
Mulder shrugs, not about to get into his and Dana’s conversation. The two start following her, Charlie walking behind them and rubbing his sore head.
“And I want more than a quarter of what you find!”
“Piss off,” says Ethan.
The Wishing Well had been the centrepiece of the forest. When they were younger, it had been a happy place, well looked after by the people of the town. It was a working well, once. Water in it every day, changed regularly, too. They’d throw their pennies in, making wishes, hoping they would come true.
As time went on, the well became overgrown. People stopped caring, kids stopped coming, they even stopped changing the water. Spider webs, wasps nest, ant hills became its inhabitants. The area was overgrown with grass, wildflowers, poisonous mushrooms. It became a place where teenagers would hang about. Nobody ever came here so nobody ever bothered them.
“Where is it then?” Mulder hears Charlie say.
“Bet it’s not even here anymore,” Scully says, annoyance clear in her voice.
“It’s just under the grass,” Ethan says. He walks over to a heavily grassy bit, removes a handful of moss but stops short when he realises that it isn’t there.
“Told you,” Scully says, looking away.
“Looking for this?”
They all turn as Phoebe Green appears out of nowhere, holding Ethan’s prize.
“That’s not yours,” Ethan says, stalking towards her.
Phoebe is quick and tall- taller than Ethan- and holds it above her head, out of his reach.
“It’s not yours, either,” she says. “Finders keepers.”
“Yeah,” says Ethan. What he lacks in height, he makes up for in body mass. He pushes Phoebe, she trips and falls, her head smacking against the wall of the well, dropping the bag of weed. Ethan scoops it up, proudly. “Finders keepers.”
Mulder stands there, unsure of to do.
“You fucking dick, Ethan,” Scully scolds. She walks towards Phoebe and kneels down. “Are you okay?”
Phoebe whacks Scully’s hand out of the way. “I’m fine, I don’t need your help.” She pushes herself off the ground, wipes her hands on her jeans. “Dickhead,” she calls to Ethan.
“Bitch,” Ethan casually calls back. He’s just about to open the bag when a growl emits from around them.
Fear runs through Mulder’s body, a chill up his spine. Phoebe and Scully back away from the well.
“What the fuck was that?” Ethan asks.
“Probably a bear,” says Scully, shaking her own fear away.
The growl happens again, vibrating through the ground. Leaves shake and stones tumble about before it stops.
Charlie looks over, his face white. “I don’t think that was a bear.”
Mulder stares at the well. “I…I think it came from the well.”
Scully lets out an exasperated sigh. “I’m telling you, it was a bear!”
A loud thud sounds from behind him. Mulder jumps back, shaking and genuinely scared as he shines his flashlight upon the sound of the thud.
“I don’t think we’re alone,” Phoebe says.
“Guys, there’s something in the well…” Charlie mumbles.
There’s a sudden downpour of rain, the sky darkening. Thuds and rustles and the growling sound happens again.
Mulder’s body propels him forward, he doesn’t even remember choosing to run, his feet just move.
He can hear the others behind him but he’s solely focused upon himself; running and running and running.
Until he freezes, his body falling onto the hard ground, chin smacking against a rock in the process.
A blinding white light forces his eyes closed. In the distance, he hears shouting. A name. Over and over.
Dana! Dana! Dana!
The light goes. He can move again. He hears a shout of Charlie! as the rain continues to pour down him.
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  Introduction:  A German doctor Franze Mesmer used a practice involving talking to a person in a sleep-like state, including magnets and suggestions, making some of his patients feel better afterward. Years later there was said to be no need for the use of magnetism because this practice relied on suggestions. The term hypnosis came from the Scottish from Abbe Faria’s lucid sleep. Hypnosis is a deep concentration in the brain template that causes them to be somewhat aware of their surroundings.
Author’s vital contributions to science: Hypnosis attracted widespread scientific interest in the 1880s. Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault, an obscure French country physician who used mesmeric techniques, drew the support of Hippolyte Bernheim, a professor of medicine at Strasbourg. Independently they had written that hypnosis involved no physical forces and no physiological processes but was a combination of psychologically mediated responses to suggestions. During a visit to France at about the same time, Austrian physician Sigmund Freud was impressed by the therapeutic potential of hypnosis for neurotic disorders. On his return to Vienna, he used hypnosis to help neurotics recall disturbing events that they had apparently forgotten. As he began to develop his system of psychoanalysis, however, theoretical considerations—as well as the difficulty he encountered in hypnotizing some patients—led Freud to discard hypnosis in favor of free association. (Generally psychoanalysts have come to view hypnosis as merely an adjunct to the free-associative techniques used in psychoanalytic practice.)
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Background Information:  Hypnosis is a term which is often mystified, mis-understood, or simply over complicated. It is used to describe a trance like state, however, in reality we all go in and out of mild “trances” every day; those moments when our minds wander and we daydream, when we focus intently on something and block everything else out, or when we “zone out” either in front of the television, or with a book.The hypnotic state makes the person better able to respond to suggestions. Therefore, hypnotherapy can help some people change certain behaviors, such as stopping smoking or nail-biting.
 It can also help people change perceptions and sensations, and is particularly useful in treating pain.Some therapists use hypnosis to recover possibly repressed memories they believe are linked to the person's mental disorder.Hypnosis is not a dangerous procedure. It isn’t mind control or brainwashing. A therapist cannot make a person do something embarrassing or that the person doesn't want to do. 
The greatest risk, as discussed above, is that false memories can potentially be created and that it may be less effective than pursuing other, more established and traditional psychiatric treatments.In the early scientific study, Braid at first thought that hypnotic induction would yield a unique condition of the nervous system that was linked somehow to certain cures by suggestion. He later rejected this, and other physiological explanations of hypnosis, and emphasized "mental" factors almost exclusively. 
The clearest transition between Mesmer's animal magnetism and modern therapeutic hypnosis was represented by Manchester surgeon James Braid, who coined the term hypnosis (from previous use by French researchers) in 1843. The term refers to Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep, because most forms of mesmerism at that time involved the production of an apparently sleep-like condition.
video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnojE1R4jKw
--Why: Why was hypnosis created?
--Who: Who can be under hypnosis?
--What: What does it do specifically?
--When:  When you are in hypnosis are you sleep?
--Where: Can do it anywhere?
--How:  How do you know if you can be hypnotized?
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ask-a-cool-spaceguy · 5 years
“Alright, since you said I could infodump a little on my talent, here we go! Warning, this might be a little long.”
“Hypnosis is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. The term may also refer to an art, skill, or act of inducing hypnosis.”
“During hypnosis, a person is said to have heightened focus and concentration. Hypnotised subjects are said to show an increased response to suggestions. Hypnosis usually begins with a hypnotic induction  involving a series of preliminary instructions and suggestion. The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as "hypnotherapy”, while its use as a form of entertainment for an audience is known as “stage hypnosis”. Stage hypnosis is often performed by mentalists practicing the art form of mentalism.“
"The hypnotized individual appears to heed only the communications of the hypnotist and typically responds in an uncritical, automatic fashion while ignoring all aspects of the environment other than those pointed out by the hypnotist. In a hypnotic state an individual tends to see, feel, smell, and otherwise perceive in accordance with the hypnotist’s suggestions, even though these suggestions may be in apparent contradiction to the actual stimuli present in the environment. The effects of hypnosis are not limited to sensory change; even the subject’s memory and awareness of self may be altered by suggestion, and the effects of the suggestions may be extended (posthypnotically) into the subject’s subsequent waking activity.”
“People have been entering into hypnotic-type trances for thousands of years. In many cultures and religions, it was regarded as a form of meditation. Modern day hypnosis, however, started in the late 18th century and was made popular by Franz Mesmer, a German physician who became known as the father of ‘modern hypnotism’. In fact, hypnosis used to be known as ‘Mesmerism’ as it was named after Mesmer.”
“Mesmer held the opinion that hypnosis was a sort of mystical force that flows from the hypnotist to the person being hypnotized, but his theory was dismissed by critics who asserted that there is no magical element to hypnotism.”
“There are numerous applications for hypnosis across multiple fields of interest, including medical/psychotherapeutic uses, military uses, self-improvement, and entertainment. The American Medical Association currently has no official stance on the medical use of hypnosis. However, a study published in 1958 by the Council on Mental Health of the American Medical Association documented the efficacy of hypnosis in clinical settings.”
“Hypnosis has been used as a supplemental approach to cognitive behavioral therapy since as early as 1949. Hypnosis was defined in relation to classical conditioning; where the words of the therapist were the stimuli and the hypnosis would be the conditioned response. Some traditional cognitive behavioral therapy methods were based in classical conditioning. It would include inducing a relaxed state and introducing a feared stimuli. One way of inducing the relaxed state was through hypnosis.”
“Wooh, that was a lot! I think I need to take a quick breather, haha..
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~ @ask-a-shsl-hypnotist
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“Wow that really was a lot, but it was really interesting to read! I learned today! Thanks Sayomi!”
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katiebrazier · 2 years
Does Hypnosis for Drug Addiction Work?
Most people think of hypnosis as this gimmicky trick to help people stop bad habits like smoking. Many are surprised to learn that hypnotherapy is an evidence-based treatment that can help treat a wide range of psychological difficulties. Hypnosis for drug addiction isn’t a magic fix to substance abuse, but it can help some people.
Hypnotherapy is the combination of hypnosis with psychotherapy. You need a licensed and trained therapist to conduct this type of treatment. Most of the time, a licensed psychologist would be able to perform this treatment.
During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist works with the patient to achieve an altered state of consciousness. This occurs under hypnosis, which relaxes the unconscious mind and lets the patient be more open. Simultaneously, the patient under a hypnotic state is more susceptible to changing old habits and feelings, which could be explicitly directed towards addictive behaviours.
Trained hypnotherapists must have a master’s or doctorate in a related field and undergo a six to eight-week training course from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. It is a common method of treatment in the US.
Most people find it surprising to learn that about 15% of the world’s population is highly hypnotizable. On the contrary, about 25% of people cannot be hypnotized by another person. However, in this case, a licensed hypnosis practitioner can teach a person how to practice self-hypnosis and reap the same benefits.
When someone is under the effects of hypnosis, they’re more passive and compliant with the therapist’s suggestions. People are more open to fantasy, sometimes can access long-forgotten memories, and become more imaginative. Thanks to this, they can adopt a different perspective on their addictive behaviors. Suddenly, what seemed impossible, like quitting an addictive substance, seems achievable and desirable.
One study found that of all participants that received hypnotherapy, 90% completed treatment. After six months of completing treatment, 100% of them were still clean and sober. After the two-year mark, almost 78% of those in the study remained abstinent. These results position hypnotherapy as a useful tool for addressing long-term drug and alcohol recovery.
While this study was done on a small group, it shows the potential of hypnosis for drug addiction treatment. When incorporated with other evidence-based therapies like CBT, hypnosis can help:
Ease withdrawal symptoms: When people go through detox, withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable. Hypnosis can help manage these symptoms and reduce cravings during early recovery.
Alleviate pain: Addiction recovery can cause both physical and psychological pain that could become a barrier to making progress in recovery. Hypnosis can help people switch their perspective of pain and feel better.
Change addictive behaviors: Here’s the real strength of hypnosis. This holistic treatment taps into the unconscious mind and can alter ideas and change unhealthy behaviors linked to addiction.
Boost emotional health: Many recovering addicts also struggle with co-occurring mental health disorders. Hypnotherapy can help boost emotional health to improve your overall wellbeing.
Of course, hypnosis is not a one-time, instant fix for addiction. Though everyone responds differently to hypnosis, some people react positively to hypnotherapy. There are countless myths about the powers of hypnosis that often undermine its effectiveness or safety.
Still, when performed by a trained hypnotherapist, this can be a safe and effective practice. Some even say that self-hypnosis is considered safe as well.
In 2003 German scientists found that hypnotism was almost twice more effective than therapy alone for psychosomatic illness, test anxiety, and nicotine addiction. The success rate raised from 37 percent to 64 percent in patients that underwent hypnotherapy as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
Some studies have shown that hypnotherapy can be useful for addiction treatment. Based on the idea that hypnosis can help people through the power of suggestion to improve their willpower in overcoming addictive urges. However, others argue that since addiction isn’t about will, hypnosis is useless.
We know that when someone is under a hypnotic trance-like state, their peripheral awareness decreases, which heightens their attention and suggestibility to the point that a therapist can effectively alter the neurophysiological networks capable of rewiring specific patterns and conditioning. Based on this, someone’s feelings and behaviors can be influenced during and after they come out of their hypnotic state.
Another study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute concluded that hypnosis helped alleviate post-surgical pain and fatigue, nausea, and other discomforts.
All of this is not to say that hypnosis or hypnotherapy should be considered the only form of addiction therapy. It’s important to note that hypnosis should be part of a comprehensive addiction treatment program that incorporates other evidence-based therapies.
If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use disorders, reach out to us today.
Katie Brazier
- Professional
Hypnotherapy in Leamington Spa
. For help with anxiety, stress, depression, sleep issues, stop smoking call me today and book in for a free consultation.
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giulianaventas007 · 3 years
Darts mentaltraining ENGLISH "Head Games" + 3 Hour Audio
Darts mental training "HEAD GAMES"! english version -E-Book + 3 hour audio
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My book HEAD GAMES is an ideal addition to the “regular” darts training.
It is not a cure-all solution to improve your game from naught to sixty, so you can dart as van Gerven does... but...
It is a workbook with a lot of applicable tips and tricks,
audio data that comes in where the mental strength is developed... the subconsciousness!
I created the book HEAD GAMES the way the modern sports-mental training works, so that you are able to improve your game and also show your strength while the competition.
About me: My Name is Richard, 52 Years old/young, and I live in Bavaria (southern part of germany)
mental-hypnosis coach
relaxation therapist
team leader: progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson. Darts mental coach of many german top darts players and talents.
Lakeside BDO world championship 2018 semi-finalist Michael Unterbuchner
WDF Europe Youth Cup winner 2015
European youth champion  soft tip darts 2016 and 2017
German champion steel and soft tip darts
Bavarian darts champion 2018
first national league players
PDC participants
Why you should buy the book HEAD GAMES?
Not only experts agree that darts is a total “head game”. It is said that: “80 percent of darts is a mind thing and the rest of it is a mental”
I share this opinion and I know that hardly anyone concentrates on the one thing that is the road to success.. the mental abilities, the HEAD GAME
You want to improve your game and also enjoy it and to learn something for your private life in addition? So catch the book and work with it!
To the contents of the e-book HEAD GAMES
a written part with 138 DIN-certificated A5 format pages. Amusing, easy to read and very compact. Loosened up with pictures and art desing.
The topics are also:
concentration, flow, self-confidence
control of thinking while the game
routine while competitions
body language and the effect on the brain
positive goals and target achievement
the way the subconsciousness works
hypnotic anchor
sport hypnosis
enjoy the match
to handle the pressure and put you at ease
real life examples
and much more!
The mp3 audio files (more than 3 hours)
Introduction to the mp3 audio files
audio competition
audio hypnotic anchor
audio dartitis
audio deep relaxation
audio let go (loosen blockade)
audio improve of self-confidence/self-assurance
Finally some readers opinions... authentic, word for word (only translated). To be discreet, no names...
+++ “I visited Richi at home and I bought the e-book... buy and enjoy.”+++
+++” I also got it. I have to admit that it is a very successful device to mentally strengthen oneself. I daily listen to some parts of the e-book. Probably I was one of the first persons to listen to the book and I don´t regret even one cent I invested. People who believe in it and get in to it, like I do, will be mentally strengthened and will learn to not loose the inner point of rest while a tense situation. If time permits it, I will travel to Bavaria, to get my individualized audio hypnosis. Thank you Richard Weese”
+++”Hi! I can just recommand it! Especially the audio files are worth their weight in gold. Richard Weese is an absolute expert in mental coaching and also a well versed darts player. In this combination I do not know anyone being more professional.”
+++”I just can tell positive things, however you have to keep your self busy with it and involve the mental training in your training schedule...”
++ “It´s just super”
+++ Hey Richar, I hope you are happy about feedback! Yesterday I challenged a competition, after many weeks torment while playing darts, I had really good results, you can´t compare my game with my darts I played some weeks ago. I was easy, self-confident and absolutely relaxed. Kind regards and thank you very much”
Just play YOUR game!
0 notes
tickingispleasure · 4 months
The german therapist II
This post can get highly addictive. It uses many triggers and FLASHY LIGHTS! If you're ready for that go on
"Guten morgen mein Schatz"
"Gguten morgen Doktor..."
"You're feeling well my dear? Do you like you new style? You look so pretty in these very short pants and so silly with you new push-up-bra. I like what you did with your hair. Brown long hair makes you look natural and the little bit of all-day-nude makeup you're wearing fits you perfectly. Isn't it better to show what a good patient you are?"
"Ja Doktor..."
"And I see you're learning german as well. You make me so proud my dear. I think you deserve a reward. Maybe a little bit relaxation? Sit down and look at the bright lights of this spiral. Remember to breathe. Do you remember how you should breathe?"
"Ja Doktor... I'm breathing in counting to 4, hold my breath for 7 counts and exhale deeply for 8 counts."
"Good girl."
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"Just let this spiral suck you in. Forget about everything. Nothing else matters now. All you need is your breathing and this spiral. Nothing else is important. Let the spiral suck out all what is inside your silly little head. You don't need to be smart or strong. You need to be blank and weak. The brighter the lights the emptier you get. Watch and breathe."..
"Breathe... in.. 1.... 2...3...............4"
"That's right... now hold and count with me..
..and breathe out."
"Good patient. Feeling so empty and hot now."
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"Just get blank. Feeling your head getting emptier with every flash. No thoughts. No spirit. No person anymore. No free will. You don't know who or what you are now. Just enjoy this moment a little bit longer. Breathe and sink into these flashy lights."
"Just look at you drooling all over your tight clothes. You don't need clothes anymore. You're not a person anymore. You can be naked."
"can... naked.."
"Good patient. Now sit down with your legs spread wide and touch yourself while you're breathing and watching the spiral. Feeling pleasure increasing with every touch. Feeling melting away and getting emptier and needier the more you touch and watch. You're going to edge your brain away. You can only be happy when you're dumb and blank. You know that I'm right. Listen to your Doktor. Der Doktor weiß, was gut für dich ist.
Spread your legs, start to edge and don't forget to breathe my sweet patient.."
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dedded128 · 4 years
Darts mentaltraining ENGLISH "Head Games" + 3 Hour Audio
Darts mental training "HEAD GAMES"! english version -E-Book + 3 hour audio
My book HEAD GAMES is an ideal addition to the “regular” darts training.
It is not a cure-all solution to improve your game from naught to sixty, so you can dart as van Gerven does... but...
It is a workbook with a lot of applicable tips and tricks,
audio data that comes in where the mental strength is developed... the subconsciousness!
I created the book HEAD GAMES the way the modern sports-mental training works, so that you are able to improve your game and also show your strength while the competition.
About me: My Name is Richard, 52 Years old/young, and I live in Bavaria (southern part of germany)
mental-hypnosis coach
relaxation therapist
team leader: progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson. Darts mental coach of many german top darts players and talents.
Lakeside BDO world championship 2018 semi-finalist Michael Unterbuchner
WDF Europe Youth Cup winner 2015
European youth champion  soft tip darts 2016 and 2017
German champion steel and soft tip darts
Bavarian darts champion 2018
first national league players
PDC participants
          and more
Why you should buy the book HEAD GAMES?
Not only experts agree that darts is a total “head game”. It is said that: “80 percent of darts is a mind thing and the rest of it is a mental”
I share this opinion and I know that hardly anyone concentrates on the one thing that is the road to success.. the mental abilities, the HEAD GAME
You want to improve your game and also enjoy it and to learn something for your private life in addition? So catch the book and work with it!
To the contents of the e-book HEAD GAMES
a written part with 138 DIN-certificated A5 format pages. Amusing, easy to read and very compact. Loosened up with pictures and art desing.
The topics are also:
concentration, flow, self-confidence
control of thinking while the game
routine while competitions
body language and the effect on the brain
positive goals and target achievement
the way the subconsciousness works
hypnotic anchor
sport hypnosis
enjoy the match
to handle the pressure and put you at ease
real life examples
and much more!
The mp3 audio files (more than 3 hours)
Introduction to the mp3 audio files
audio competition
audio hypnotic anchor
audio dartitis
audio deep relaxation
audio let go (loosen blockade)
audio improve of self-confidence/self-assurance
Finally some readers opinions... authentic, word for word (only translated). To be discreet, no names...
+++ “I visited Richi at home and I bought the e-book... buy and enjoy.”+++
+++” I also got it. I have to admit that it is a very successful device to mentally strengthen oneself. I daily listen to some parts of the e-book. Probably I was one of the first persons to listen to the book and I don´t regret even one cent I invested. People who believe in it and get in to it, like I do, will be mentally strengthened and will learn to not loose the inner point of rest while a tense situation. If time permits it, I will travel to Bavaria, to get my individualized audio hypnosis. Thank you Richard Weese”
+++”Hi! I can just recommand it! Especially the audio files are worth their weight in gold. Richard Weese is an absolute expert in mental coaching and also a well versed darts player. In this combination I do not know anyone being more professional.”
+++”I just can tell positive things, however you have to keep your self busy with it and involve the mental training in your training schedule...”
++ “It´s just super”
+++ Hey Richar, I hope you are happy about feedback! Yesterday I challenged a competition, after many weeks torment while playing darts, I had really good results, you can´t compare my game with my darts I played some weeks ago. I was easy, self-confident and absolutely relaxed. Kind regards and thank you very much”
Just play YOUR game!
0 notes
tickingispleasure · 1 year
The german Therapist
"Willkommen, bitte setzen Sie sich. Wir werden gleich beginnen. Oh- Ihr Name klingt amerikanisch. Sie sprechen englisch?"
"Alright then. Welcome to the session. Today we want to try to get into your head through hypnosis right? Is there any reason why you would prefer this way?"
"It's like... I'm suffering from depression and OCD since.. I don't know maybe forever? I've tried different therapies but nothing works. Maybe you can get inside my head. I've heard german hypnotists and therapists know what they doing..."
"Of course we know that!" - smiling -
Alright then. Just lay back and relax. We'll start lightly with a little spiral flashing light. Just watch the dark and light pattern changing into another and breath deeply. You said you've had a few therapy sessions with others? Do you know the counting tactic? Like-"
"Yeah I know... Breathe in 1-2-3-4
Breathe out 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
And repeating. "
"That's right. Okay then. Watch the spiral and breathe. Try to relax a bit."
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"You're doing very god. Already so calm. So relaxed. So sleepy."
"Calm... Relaxed... Sleepy..."
"Breathe deeply and watch the light. Get deeper into the dark"
"Deeper... Into... Dark..."
"You're doing so well. It's delightful to see you sink more and more. Deeper and deeper into the dark."
"Deeper... Into.... Dark..."
"What's that? Your voice already sounds so dreamy? You have a very special talent. Relaxing so fast isn't for everyone. I think you own a reward for being such a good patient...."
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"You see I intensed the light a bit. I guess you already felt it but just for the information:
The brighter the light the emptier the brain.
And we need to empty your brain first. I need to order your thoughts so we can evaluate your problems. Are you listening? Hmmm... "
"Sehr interessant... Das scheint nicht Ihre erste Hypnose zu sein..."
"Don't forget to breathe. You need to stay with me a little longer. I think you aren't deep enough?"
"Not deep enough..."
"So beautiful to see your eyes fixed on the screen. You want to see brighter lights do you? Lights will make you more blank. More empty. Thoughtless and relaxed."
"Thoughtless and relaxed...."
"That's right... I will turn it brighter. Watch the light and sink into the dark. You're being a very good patient. Very good."
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"I am a good patient..."
"Right. You are a good patient and you love being a good patient do you?"
"I love being a good patient"
"Breathe. Breathe deep and repeat. Let your brain turn off. You don't need to think anymore. You need to turn of your mind. Turn off your thoughts. Everytime I'm showing you a new spiral it looks like the light is getting brighter.
The brighter the light the emptier the brain
Bright lights make you empty
Darkness sucks you down
Into a very
"Good patient, come back and watch the spiral."
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"It feels good to be empty"
"It feels good to be empty"
"It feels nice to be blank"
"It feels nice to be blank"
"It feels hot to give up control"
"I-it feels hot.. To give up... Control..?"
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"Come back and watch the spiral."
"It feels good to be empty"
"It feels good to be empty"
"It feels nice to be blank"
"It feels nice to be blank"
"It feels hot to give up control"
"I-itt f-feels hot to... Give up... C-control.."
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"So ein guter Patient..."
"It feels good to be empty"
"It feels good to be empty"
"It feels nice to be blank"
"It feels nice to be blank"
"It feels hot to give up control"
"It ffeels hot tto gigivee up ccontrroll"
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"You're being a very good patient. You let me inside your head so easily. It would be such a waste not to use this... Use you... You are listening to every sweet word I'm whispering to you do you?"
"Yes Doctor"
"That's right. And you feel very hot do you?"
"Yes Doctor"
"Maybe you should strip down your clothes and watch the spiral again. It will help you control the heating the right way."
"Strip and watch spiral...."
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"That's right... Ohh you're so beautiful. How your empty eyes staring at the screen. So far away. So submissive. Like good patients should be. Breathe sweetheart. Breathe deeply. We're almost there."
"Breathe deep..."
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"Alright... I know you love these lights but we need to change the spiral now. But it won't be a problem. In fact you will sink even faster into the spiral and do you know why? Because I'm giving you a fixpoint. The very middle of the spiral. Watch it and stare at it. Think about how it is even possible that it turn into itself. Think about how silly that is."
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"How silly to even think about something like this..."
"Silly to even want to think"
"... even want to... sink...."
"That's right. You're making me proud. You realized that it's over. You don't need thoughts. You don't need to think. All you need is to sink. Watching the spiral. Getting emptier and emptier until no thoughts are left. Just getting into a stupid, empty doll. "
"stupid... Emtpy... Doll?"
- to be continued -
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